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You can see the podium there empty in front of the flags. We will bring the comments to you from him when they happen meanwhile, the search area is expanding to the east and west trying to unravel that mystery of what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 370 with 239 people on board. It disappeared almost seven days ago now. Here are the latest leads Reuters News Agency reporting the belief among some that the plane was being deliberately flown toward the andaman islands in the indian ocean, hundreds of mimles northwest of the last location. It is based on military radar from unnamed sources. Add to the information they got from a cnn official. There is a significant likelihood that the plane is now at the bottom of the indian ocean. That theory based on electronic signals and satellite pings that the plane kept sending after it lost contact indicating it kept flying for as long as five hours. Now, chinese researchers are saying they recorded a sea floor event, a seismic event in the waters around malaysia and vietnam after an hour and a half after the planes last definitive citing. That would put the jet back on the other side, the eastern side. The first part of the malaysian government is not confirming anything. Just hours ago, officials announced the hunt for the plane is spreading deeper, west to the indian ocean and farther east to the south, china sea. Obviously, this has now become one of the biggest mysteries in aviation. We have so many angles to explore at this hour. Joining us, mary schiavo, former Inspector General of the u. S. Department of transportation. This new information about the satellite pings an the idea this plane was being navigated via wave points in the andaman islands. What does that tell us and what does that not tell us . I think what we have to focus on is what the data is. The transponder stopped transmitting, not that anybody turned it off. The same with the messaging system, it stopped. We have five wave points, the one on the island to the west of malaysia and the four data points from the satellite. The most logical thing is to say, for whatever reason, there is no more data and the plane was continuing on that path. Can it the plane do it by itself on autopilot, yes, it can. Can it do it with pilots flying it . Yes, it can. Are they in a Straight Line from the last known position where we know we had the pilot turn. If they are in a Straight Line, it could be a Payne Stewart situation. You would have to change your heading. You dont fly in a Straight Line to land the plane. There is much you can learn from just six data points. What you cant learn is why. Was it turned off or was there a catastrophic event where it stopped submitting . I would go right straight down that line and search there. So, give us the flip side, the other side of the argument that there was intention, deliberation, somebody determined to bring that jetliner down . The flip side is that there is just no coincidences when it comes to terror. There were wave points, which means whoever was flying the plane was proficient in handling an aircraft. That requires a very highlevel of training. The other noncoincidental or obvious fact we look to like at is the fact that the actual contact with the tower had been cut off, which means that somebody physically had to have stopped or cut off that communication so it could no longer reached tower. The other red flag indicators that we would look at would specifically be based on the fact that there were wave points heading toward a middle eastern route or a middle Eastern Passage way which is used to get to europe and the middle east. We could be heading to a country of series of countries where terrorists might want to bring the plane for the purpose of being able to negotiate for hostages or the simple fact that they may have just wanted to scuttlebu scuttle the plane. The fact that the malaysian military had said one thing which the plane had turned 45 degrees to the west an then come back and then retracted that statement, means there is some kind of coverup. I believe it is because they want to avoid what the potential repercussions could be for malaysia and the economic crunch of what that could have been done. That is one side, that it could have been deliberate. Mary, make the other case. Explain to me how the wave points could have been put in in a benevolent way. If there cob a mechanical event, some catastrophic event that could have cut off all the communications . The catastrophic event that would have cut off the communications but not the planes satellite transmission would be the Communications Equipment that is right behind the cockpit area. It is kind of the Main Communications area. It is near the front of the plane. The satellite antennas, there are several different ones, slightly different. It cob a rapid decompression from an explosive event, it cob a power event. If you already experienced that, the last time you had the transmission, the lastknown human transmission was normal, you had an event and turned around, we know they went from there to west of malaysia, where they have one radar tracing and four more points. If this plane was being taken somewhere, they obviously couldnt turn off the data transmissing, because we have four more way points from the data Trans Mission to the satellite. The plane had to land somewhere. It is not a helicopter. It couldnt sit down on these islands we are looking at. If it headed to the middle east. Those of us that have worked in the defense and security areas, the satellite coverage for the middle east, we could read the licen license plate on the Osama Bin Laden vehicles. I dont think we would lose it in the middle east. Thank you. We appreciate you adding your voices to the conversation. We want to talk about some other stories. John kerry and Sergei Lavrov are meeting in london today. The secretary of state and Russian Foreign minister are working to find a solution of this on going crisis over crimea. So far, they have not reached an agreement. You can see the live picture. We are waiting to get these comments from secretary kerry. He is gog speak from london. We will bring that to you as soon as he begins speaking. These discussions are happening as russia is shipping more troops and armor into c crimea. They are warning Vladimir Putin about possible sanctions. So far, he is showing no signs of withdrawing troops. He gets ready for a referendum to join russia on sunday. To south africa, it is the end of week two. Prosecutors are trying to prove that Oscar Pistorius murdered his girlfriend and did not mistake her for an intruder. This is the same official as he was accused of mishandling evidence. Defense lawyers pounded on his credibility. This trial was expected to last another week. An Auto Safety Group says more than 300 people have died because of a defect in gm cars part of a recall. Gm is disputing this. The company is aware of only 12 debts associated with a faulty transmission threat. The company was aware of a problem at least as early as 2004 but didnt order the recall until february of this year. A Congressional Committee is investigating ahead at this hour, back to our story, what could have happened inside the cockpit of that missing flight, 370. We are going to take you inside a Flight Simulator and work to try to piece together some of these possibilities. 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Btodd, is a Reference Point in the sky. It was the last known location in which there was an official report from the aircraft. We are just about passing over it now. Mitchell casada is the pilot of this flight. We set this all up to be identical from everything we knew from flight 370. In other words, we took off from kuala lumpur. We have been flying for over 45 minutes. Were at 35,000 feet, on automatic pilot. We, in every way we could, tried to replicate exactly the circumstances and conditions so you could see what it would feel like, weeceven with the night s because it was an overnight flight. This is the point. I asked mitchell if you thought that was an unusual statement and you said, not at all. Not at all. It is a very standard. As you are signing off from one air Traffic Control center to the next, you say thanks very much, good night, good morning, whatever sal u tatsalutation is important. A lot has been said about the transponder. It is relatively smalllooking but vitally important. This is the device that tells ground controllers who you are. Who you are, where you came from, where you are going, altitude, air speed. It is always giving that information out any time ground radar pings on it. You can turn it off. Let me show you how. It is just three clicks to the left with this small switch and now it is off. It doesnt mean the plane has gone invisible. It can still be seen. We have primary redar and secondary radar, all those things i told you earlier. If that goes off, that is a real problem. That is. That is a major problem. Thats something i have never heard of. I cant think of a single reason why you would turn that off. John, it doesnt make sense from the professional point of view as we continue the flight to beijing which was never completed by 370. One of the other things i would like you and mitchell to point out to us, if this plane were to change course, if it was taken off of autopilot, show us how that happens. Also, are there fail safes if the direction was changed of the plane . Let me show you just changing of direction. Remember, the flight plan was preprogrammed on this computer right here, much like a home gps but far more complicated. We are flying that plan. We are on that path. To turn it off, to deviate, i would hit a switch right here on the yoke. The moment i do that, you can hear the alarm thats triggered. In other words, you dont just turn it off and deviate without somebody knowing. I turn it on and reset it that way. Thats how you can deviate. Thats how you switch to manual and i would presume to change course. You would now be reverting to manual control. It would just be a matter of turning some things off and flying the airplane with your hands. You never turn the transponder off in flight. I heard mitchell say you turn it off whether you land sometimes. But to turn off enter flight, there would really be no reason. It would be like suddenly driving the wrong way on the highway. You can say you were hijacked. It was built in as a safety mechanism so the pilot doesnt have to get on the radio. The pilot would clear and enter a special code and immediately their plane is broadcasting, we are hijacked and the pilots had to say nothing. That did not happen here. Shedding some light and giving some amazing view of what was going on if that cockpit. Ahead for this hour, how are investigators using those pings to determine where the jet is now . Whats the likelihood they will ever find this plane. A form are faa investigators answers those questions next. Dd. But what makes Stouffers Mac n cheese best of all. That moment you enjoy it at home. Stouffers. Made with care for you or your family. That moment you enjoy it at home. 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He says there is a 24hour surveillance at the only spot where a 747 could land. There are no chances such a big aircraft coming towards andaman can be missed. Apart from these four airstrips, it cannot land in any other island. U. S. Authorities are telling cnn that electronic pings were coming from the jet for several hours after they made contact. That suggests the plane flew further than they thought. There is probably a significant likelihood that that aircraft is at the bottom of the indian ocean based on information malaysia has shared. Joining us is steve wallace. This is just kind of thing you are very familiar with and looking into. As a former investigators, what does all of this pinging indicate to you, the pinging that was coming from the plane hours after it went off radar . First of all, this pinging, just like the turn, the first day and the second day. The information seems to be sort of coming out incrementally. This is a poorly organized and poorly directed investigation up to this point. This amounts to a new bit of information. I would point out that this airplane was fueled for a flight to beijing. That flight, that fuel, includes very substantial margins which are required under the regulation. That airplane could fly to beijing and for quite a Long Distance after that. You draw a great big arc as to where it could be. Ive heard that now officials are saying this changes the search from the area of a chest board to a football field. Thats going to make things very, very difficult. How do you pinpoint that, exactly where this plane is . You use the best information and it has just been very difficult to me. It seems to me that to get that best information before the best experts who are there in the ar area waiting to help. We seem to be getting the best information before the same experts. This may be one of the most challenging aircraft investigations of all time. I remain optimistic that it will be solved to a high degree of certainty. The track record on solving transport accidents is so good. We look to that. We know how long it took them to find that wreckage. Talk to us about timeline. You said you feel hopeful. Do you feel like we are getting closer . Instead of zeroing in on a search field, they are broadening it . You are right. That makes it terribly challenging. Of course, the aircraft recorders are in the back of the airplane. They are equipped with pinger device that is transmit a signal that can be picked up on a sonar system. They really need to refine the search area to try to locate those pings. This could just be something we havent seen before in aircraft accidents. Aircraft accidents are so rare that each is different. They do take on a different personality, a different personality. We want to say, thank you so much for joining us. Steve wallace, excellent interpretation. We need to know for, one, the families, the closure they need and so we can prevent this from happening again. Teas why they are so anxious to know what is happening. There is the possibility that one of the reasons we are so confused is because something happened to this plane that we have never seen happen before. We dont know what it may have been. Some kind of failure. We have never seen before. Ahead of this hours, officials as we know, expanding that search area as we get new information on the path of flight 370. What about the question of terrorism . Did terrorists have anything to do with this disappearance. We ask our experts to way in. [ banker ] sydney needed some Financial Guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. So we talked about her options. Her valuable assets were staying. And selling her car wouldnt fly. We helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today. And tomorrow. 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Which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. Our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. The mystery of flight 370 deepens. The belief among some that the flight was reported to the andaman islands in the indian ocean. Hundreds of miles northwest of the last location. The report is based on military radar data. There is a significant likelihood that the plane is at the bottom of the indian ocean. That based on electronic signals, satellite pings. Indicating it kept flying for as long as five more hours. Chinese researchers are saying they reported a sea floor event in the waters around malaysia and vietnam about an hour and a half after the planes last definitive citing on civilian radar. That would, if you take it for what its worth, put the jet on the other side of the malaysian peninsula. Officials say the hunt for the plane is spreading deeper, both west of the indian ocean and for they are east into the south china sea. The destroyer, the uss kid is moving into the indian ocean to search for the plane. It went from a chest board, to a football field. Much bigger now. Some believe the theories are gaining momentum. Joining us now, eric sticklebeck. He is in washington. Richard quest, we have been talking to you and commenting on all of this. I can sense your frustration too. There is a wide amount of speculation. You say we have to stick to what we know. In the frustration of anything, when i have seen these incidents before, you can usually speculate between a fairly narrow range of possibilities. The flaps wont put down. The wheel tie bursts wherever it might be. This is no ordinary investigation. When you get this and speculation of, is it hijacking on this side of the spectrum or is it mechanical failure on the other side or is it pilot suicide on the other side of the spectrum. When you end up with that, the only thing you can do, the only thing you can do is go back to the lastknown fact. The last theknown fact is where the plane was handed off from Malaysian Air space to to Vietnamese Air space. The next known shorter fact are these waypoints that we hear about as it flew electrically to the west. What do they indicate . This is it. If you take the radar pings, which is what you talked about, and you add it to the roitereut story, this is what you end up with, the way it reportedly flew. They are the junctions that exist over the entire aviation world. This plane flew igari to vampi, vampi, to gival and gival to igrex. To any person, that would be the root it was taking. I want to bring you at that route it was take. They said it would only take this route if someone were deliberately forcing it to take this route. Is that what you take from this . It is all speculation. I share the frustration. This looks like a mancaused event. Why would you divert this flight . Either pilots or it was a hijacking. When we talk about the terrorism possibility, with he dont know this was the cause. Number one, in malaysia, majority muslim country, historically, more mod moderate. There was an al qaeda presence in that country and a very interesting wrinkle is the china angle. This flight was bound for beijing. In western chi na, there is a group called the uighurs. They carried 27 people in china and have kcarried out a number f attacks in china. That is another possibility. My problem with that is the moment we start raising this flag, to sup an extent, you start to cut off possible other avenues. You start to then focus. Ill give you a good example. At the beginning of the week. Quite rightly, we were focused on a fact, two stolen passports which led to two people on board the aircraft. By midweek, no the only was that incorrect but those two passengers now seem to be more innocent victims of this flight. We have to be very careful. You bring me on to talk about a possible terrorism angle. Im just laying out possibilities. I did not say this was definitively terrorism. We cant say that. Lts all speculation at this point. If you are looking at the terror possibility, we have to it. You have to look at some of the possible perpetrators. I fully take on board what you are saying. My point is, we have to keep coming back to what do we know . What do we know is that last point of departure and what happened there after. We appreciate you being here to help us lay out what you know, what is being discussed not just here but in many circles. There are officials that suggest they havent shut the door on any possibility. Our thanks to you both. Ahead, terrorism is just one of the possible explanations for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet. We are going to speak when we come back with a former Defense Department official about some of the groups operating in southeast asia. That will be next. So that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. Without angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. From contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angies list. We found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angies list. Join today at angieslist. Com humans even when we cross our ts and dot our is, we still run into problems. Thats why Liberty Mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness with our auto policies. If you qualify, your rates wont go up due to your first accident. Because making mistakes is only human, and so are we. We also offer new car replacement, so if you total your new car, we give you the money for a new one. 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Ireland has been a strong voice in the European Council for the need to send a clear message of support for Ukrainian Democracy and selfdetermination. A strong message to russia that it should not violate the integrity and the sovereignty of its neighbor. We continue to hope there is a diplomatic solution to be found. The United States and europe stand united, no the only in its message about ukrainian sovereignty but also that there will be consequences if, in fact, that sovereignty continue tobs violated. The president speaking with the irish prime minister. We are waiting comments from john kerry, set to meet with Russian Foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov. One more push looking to stem that crisis in ukraine. That referendum vote just two days away on crimea. The fate of the area hanging in the balance. As officials look at all possible scenarios for what happened to the missing malaysian flight 370, we want to look at the idea we have talked about, one of many theories, that terrorism could have perhaps played a role. It is part of the discussion. Experts say there are plenty of other possibilities. Michael hayden says there hasnt been much chatter associated with the idea of terrorism. He thinks that if this were an act of terror, we would have heard something. Former assistant secretary of defense, peter brookes, author of the book a devils triangle. Glad to have you on the show. Good to be here. We want to couch this. We dont know. We are looking at all of the possiblies shall the theories here. If we were to take the route of terrorism being involved, give us an idea of the backing of that. What kind of terrorism groups are active in that part of southeast asia. After 9 11, there was some significant terrorist acts. Remember the baly bonding. Attacks on hotel. Terrorist attacks against hotels in jakarta as recently as 2009. A lot of these groups are actually linked to all qaeda. So there are plenty of groups active in that part of the world. It is certainly a possibility. In addition, we have seen groups like iran active in there. We had that passport situation. But, last year in, in thailand, the ties arrested some iranians who had come through kuala lumpur and were involved in a plot to target the Israeli Embassy in bangkok. They have talked about there is planning thats gone on in kuala lumpur and there is also hezbollah that has been active. With the issues with the two iranians with the stolen pass ports, everyone seems to suggest there was no connection to terrorism. What do you make of the former cia, michael hayden, telling us, had their been some terrorist activity, there would have been more chatter by now but there has been nothing. It is hard to argue with the former c. I. A. Director. I agree with him, unless this was a lone wolf operation and that person was on that aircraft it could have been the pilot or somebody else and there is nobody to talk about it. The other issue is, there has been no claims of responsibility. A group that nobody heard of, the chinese martyrs brigade, they have claimed responsibility but nothing more than that. This group had never been heard of before. The possibility of no matter, which the Intelligence Community is looking at, pushes you in a different direction. The fact that only one group has claimed responsibility plays down the possibility of this being terrorism. I think the former director is probably on to something there. Peter brookes, we thank you. In the absence of facts, we have to look at possibilities. They are searching all avenues. At this point, what we do know, 239 souls remain unaccounted for. Thats exactly right. The search does continue. Ahead at this hour, one of the theories people are discussing. Could this flight have just been stolen. Could this plane have been taken out of the sky with some plan to sell it. Well talk about that next. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on Something Better . My doctor told me about eliquis for three Important Reasons. One, in a Clinical Trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. 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Science journalist jeff wise is here once again. We had you here yesterday. We were thinking that at that point it was just sort of a fringe possibility. Today you feel like it might be more real. You know, its really difficult. The one bedrock principle of this story is its so difficult to come to any definitive conclusion. Were surrounded by the fog of uncertainty. But as these threads of information gradually emerge, some seem to bolster one another, some seem to fade away. When it first happened, all the reporting on this subject was its a crash, it went down somewhere in the vicinity of malaysia. Its becoming increasingly likely that this was not an accident. If these recent reuters reports are accurate, this plane was flown on a deliberate heading to the west on a zigzag course towards the andaman is lands. Give me a sign post to you which point to theft. Very soon after the incident happened, there were reports of supposedly coming from malaysian military that they had tracks on their radar of a flight descending and turning to the west. And at the time, it was hard to lend much credence to that. But this reuters report makes me go back and think maybe that was accurate in the first place. Theres been some speculation on airline forums that if the pilot took his plane to 29,500 feet, headed over a well traveled airline theres essentially highways in the sky that passenger planes regularly fly along. Air Traffic Controllers know them. Military radar operators know them. Somebody would have seen it. Like hiding in plain sight. If you leave that track, all of a sudden youre a blip in the middle of nowhere, youd stand out. But the question that then is begged to be asked is why on earth go to those lengths to steal an aircraft . Arent there simpler ways if you want to steal a jet liner than take it with 239 people on board. Yeah, where do you land it . The last thing anyone would want to speculate on is motive. What we can try to do here is look at the data and say what kind of behavior is this consistent with. I dont know why someone would want to steal a plane with over 200 people aboard it. But if someone were to turn off their electronic data at the point where they were last in contact with air Traffic Control, descend to a certain altitude, head on the the highway in the sky that they are not supposed to be on, but that other planes are so you wouldnt stand out, then follow a zigzag course which potentially could distract people maybe if you were going to anticipate that people are later going to go back and look at your track and try to deduce what youre doing, theyd be confused by your zigzag pattern. Its not clear where this plane was heading. As soon as this person left if indeed any of this happened, but they left the area of radar coverage out over the indian ocean, then they could go directly to where they wanted to go. Now, weve all seen the 2200nautical miles circle thats been drawn from the last point of contact. It sort of encompasses india and does not include pakistan, iran, yemen, some of these places, but if more fuel was added, we dont know. The possibilities expand. Just the great mystery of flight 370. Thank you so much for being with us. Really appreciate it. Were going to change gears now. The internet sex economy is a big, big business in the United States. 290 million a year and in atlanta alone, thats according to a new study. But the human cost is harder to calculate and many involved are trapped by addiction, theyre trapped by abuse. Thats where this weeks cnn hero Benita Carter steps in. She now helps other women break free. When i was 14 years old, i ran away from home and within 48 hours i was recruited by a trafficker. Sold my soul, the less i felt like a human being. I saw no way out. You were labeled a ho and whats what you were. You were a prostitute. She thought i was worth saving. Prostitution has been known as the oldest profession. I know that its the oldest oppression. I was able to get out, but the majority of women, theyre trapped. Thats why i do this work. A lot of the ladies are really needing housing right now. Were a survivorled program. Many of the women that work here have been there. My last trick was turned behind a storefront. How are you doing, my sister . Are you safe . Yeah. You need some condoms or anything . All right, baby. You know where were at. When they are ready, they can come here. So you were referred by a friend . Yes. We have many different services. Housing, education, another core piece of our support groups. We have to learn how to live with it and forgive ourselves. It is healing for them. Working full time now. Their lives start to change. And were educating women who have be men who have been arrested. Thats somebodys daughter. Just imagine the hurt thats going on. Were really raising an irony here, and thats its not okay to buy and sell us. Were not for sale. Way to go. If you know someone amazing who deserves the recognition tell us about them. Cnn heroes. Com. Thats it for us at this hour. Legal view with Ashleigh Banfield starts right after this. Save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. D Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You have. Oh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. A man who doesnt stand still. 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Do not stop taking xarelto, rivaroxaban, without talking to the doctor who prescribes it as this may increase the risk of having a stroke. Get help right away if you develop any symptoms like bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. You may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto with aspirin products, nsaids, or blood thinners. Talk to your doctor before taking xarelto if you have abnormal bleeding. Xarelto can cause bleeding, which can be serious and rarely may lead to death. You are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Tell your doctors you are taking xarelto before any planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto is not for patients with artificial heart valves. Jim changed his routine. Ask your doctor about xarelto. Onceaday xarelto means no regular blood monitoring no known dietary restrictions. For more information and savings options, call 1888xarelto or visit goxarelto. Com. Hello, everyone. Im Ashleigh Banfield. Its friday, march 14th. Welcome to legal view. Which way did it go . How long did it fly . Did it crash or did someone land with no one noticing . How and why and who . Ve

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