Transcripts For CNNW Giuliani 20240705 :

Transcripts For CNNW Giuliani 20240705

- now isis the time e to take our city y back join the millions of people taking back their privacy from t the violentnt crimins on thehe streets.. - did d you go too far on some of t this? - nono, that senense has s always beeeen there. - oh.. - ththe first titime, he was mayayor rudy. now he's k king giuliaiani. - gigiuliani wasas just stararto wear on ththe public o of new y. - the cityty was readydy to m move on, was ready to turn the page from the giuliani years. [sofoft acousticic music] ♪ ♪ [dreamy pipiano music]c] ♪ ♪ - manhnhattan is l like no place e else in thehe worl. ♪ ♪ in newew york, whahat you see- first of a all, you sesee a naturaral wondr of buiuildings. you knknow, it's like e the pyramimids. ♪ ♪ the e buildings s dwarf yo. the buildidings remindnd you of how uninimportant y you ar, bebecause you'u're so tinyn. ♪ ♪ in this s big, increredible cit, whwhen you seeee it, it makeses you wantt to c come and sesee it. it m makes you c curious abob. it makes i it somethining bibigger than n life. ♪ ♪ i hahave strong g feelings about nenew york, evererything thahat mamakes up newew york. wewe're the crcrossroads of thehe world. ththis is the e center of the uniniverse. i memean, there e is no place thatat gets morere people fromom more difffferent placa. you sosort of get,t, like, a view o of the wholole world by jusust standingng there and walklking aroundnd. itit's really y my deep papa, ththe love foror the pepeople of ththis cit, and the lolove of thisis ci. ♪ ♪ when y you look baback on it, you u keep thinknking-- you kekeep thinkining, wel, maybe e it really y didn't ha. and d you keep w wishing it t a. [e[engine roararing] - - holy [bleeeep]! [bleep]! [l[loud explososion] - hoholy [bleep]p]! - ththis just inin to ourur newsroom,m, a plplane has crcrashed ino the woworld trade e center. - - we don't k know if it t s a a commercialal aircraft.. wewe don't knonow if it waws a a private aiaircraft. we have nono idea. [tenense music]] - i firsrst heard ababout it whn i was s at the peneninsula hoto. i was fifinishing a a breakfat withth my counsesel, denny y, one of m my oldest f friends. wewe got up toto leave. one of m my detectivives, papatti varronone, wentnt over to d denny, whispered d in his earar. and d denny cameme over to e anand said, "a"a twin engigine "has crarashed intoo one e of the twiwin towers.. "thehere's a preretty bad fif. theyey don't knonow hohow bad it i is yet." and i i said, "welell, denny, we've gotttta head right dodown there."." and he s said, "yeah, of f course." [sirens s wailing] - ththere's a fifire inin the buildlding right t. hugege smoke pououring out o of. - i was onon east rivever drie and i cocould actualally see , anand it lookeked to me lile it wasas a lot of f smoke for a smalall plane. - therere was addiditional ds sosort of rainining down.. - - i rushed d down there, and wewe began to get t the reportsts. it starteded to soundd worse e and worse.e. - i cacan't imaginine what the i inside of that t building l looks l. - got t there veryry quickly. wewent throughgh the windos thatat already b blown out. when i gotot in there,e, the chchief said t to me, "boss,s, it wasn't't a small p , it was a c commercial l airlir "a"and we can'n't puput the firere out. "w"we're gonnana just try y t as many people out of here as we could." and that was within the first five minutes. - i don't t have a lotot more detail o on this thahan that. - whwhen i got t to stst. vincent't's hospitala, i could sesee the doctctors ot on thehe street anand the nu, anand they alrlready had stretctchers out,, and i realalized they y must e getting g ready fofor somethining very bigi. ♪ ♪ - i'm m in the nororth tower. we f felt a vibrbration. we t thought it t was an expxpn on the upppper floors,s, but it wasasn't. [e[engine roararing] [lououd explosioion] [p[people screreaming] - oh! - oh, my g god! - - oh! something g else just t blew! - - oh, my godod, ananother planane has justst . it hit anonother buildldin. - - you saw a a plane? - yes, i i just saw w a plane go intnto the buililding. [people clclamoring] - we receceived a phphone cl from thehe police and d were notifified that a secondnd plane hadad hit. and realizized at thatat pot that, obobviously, it wasas a terroririst atta. [s[sirens waililing] - frfrom a new y york city firefifighter, "drop p what you'r're doin, report t to your comompany. "a majajor disasteter is occug inin new york k city this mornining." [peoeople clamororing] - whwhen i got t to chief ga, whwho was the e commanderr for r the rescueue effort, i said, "c"chief, can n we t a helicoptpter up therere?" anand he said d to me, "no. itit would be e too dangere. therere's too mumuch fire."" and d then, he l looked at me anand he said,d, "we can n save everyrybody bebelow the fifire." [draramatic musisic] [sirens s wailing] - - all of us s were reactc, justst trying toto make peoe asas safe as p possible. no one knenew exactlyy whatat was goingng on. no o one knew if thehere were momore plan. no o one knew if therere was anothther targ. - we p proceeded u up west st. on the w way up, i saw fafather judgege, anand i asked d him to pray fofor us, which hehe assured m me ththat he was s doing. and ththen i walkeked to 7 75 barclay y street, and d i was brouought into, , a cubicacal inner ofofficer anand told thahat we had r rd the white e house. and ththen, the desk s started to o sha. - oh, , my god, the sosouth buildiding just crurumbled fromom the to! - - oh, it's c coming downwn. it is justst coming dodown. - oh, mymy god! the buililding just t fell! - the dedebris is flflying. i'm gonna a run. - ohoh, my god.. - we undnderstand nonow ththere has bebeen a secocondary explplosion on towerer 2. - a sectction of thehe world trade cecenter has c collapse. - itit's just anan unbelievave situation n here. - we wondedered if we e hadt gone from m bad to wororse, because e when you lookeded outside,, what y you saw wasas a trtremendous c cloud, debris flylying through ththe streets,s, and peopople being i injured. [somber r music] ♪ ♪ - ththe entire b building fef. anand, uh, i p processed t t, anand we just,t, you knowow, kept walalking. anand that's w when we hoooop with the m mayor. - - i'm ready,y, mayor. - eveveryone in n this cityy shouldld remain cacalm. the veryry best thining to do o right noww would bebe to remainin home. if y you're outstside ofof southern n manhattan,, you shouldld remain where yoyou are. you u shouldn't t panic. you shouldldn't worry.y. what i w was trying g to do was to getet us on telelevis, on thehe radio, toto tell peopople what tot, to give ththem some adadvic. it's a t terrible trtragedy. the e best way we're gogonna get ththrough ts is i if we remaiain calm and d just listeten to everyr, nonot to panicic. - we w walked up a a few more blocksks to a firerehouse. - wewe got to ththe firehou, and i i was told b by tom m bundersonn ththat father r judge had d d. i knew fatather judgee for eieight years.s. i wawas very clolose to hi. ththat was thehe first pererst i knewew about thahat had di. i had to k keep sayingng to m myself, "don't t think aboutut it. puput it out o of your min, and keep f focused." - the sesecond towerer on the w world tradede center is teeeetering anand looks lilike it may ye in thehe process o of collapsis. - wewe were abouout twtwo blocks a away when the s second towewer cacame down, and we werere able too escacape that asas well. but in t the course e of i, we losost some of f the peope that i'v've worked w with, know, for mamany, many y years. - new w york's world trtrade centerer, in ef, has beenen destroyeded. the loss o of life wilill be . - there wawas a time w when, you know, , it got emomotiona. but t i never heheard him say he's's scared, y you know. - put yourur mask on.. put yourur mask on.. put yoyour mask onon. - sosome guys geget in a pososn and they s step up, anand i think k that's howow h. - what's t the situatition righght now? - ththe situatioion is thatt two airplalanes have a attack, apparentntly. - - why? - all righght, well ththen, lelet's--let's's go nortrth, . - ththey might b be afraid,, but t they overcrcome it becacause they'r're trying to help p other peopople. - i lost m my wife andnd daugh. theyey were in t the building whenen it hit. - i don't t know. i cacame do. i'm alivive. i just wanant to knoww if my y wife is alalive. - - no idea hohow many peoeoe anand cops arere dead yet.. many peoeople hurt.. - [indndistinct] i hearard you say y earlier t- that you l lost everybybod. what were e you talkining ab? - i don't t know. i can't t find any o of my me. they won't't come up o on the- on thehe radio oror the cell l phone, so i don't't know. - where e did you lalast sesee them, sisir? - they w were in froront of one worlrld trade cecenter a- it's thehe worst thihing i'i've ever seseen in my l . [radioio chatter]] - we've e got, um, o over 30300 people t that are mimisg that w we can't acaccount fo. we belelieve that t many of-- many o of them arere--are gon. you know, , still todaday, it's's, what, 2222 years, and fofor me, it's's-- a lolot of it's s hard. but it's's mostly ththe grie, the deatath. bubuildings ththat high with t that much f fire, and loadaded with pepeople, pepeople goingng to work that m morning, motherers and faththers. - - it's not j just thosee most a affected in new y york and wawashingtn thatat are stunnnned this momo. acroross the natation, alall americanans are in h hor and disbsbelief. ♪ ♪ - good afternoon.. today isis, obviouslsly, one e of the mosost difficululs in the hisistory of ththe ciy anand the coununtry. ththe tragedy y that wewe're all unundergoing r rigw is s something t that wewe've had ninightmares a at and d probably t thought wowouldn't hapappen. i really h had wrestleled a lolot with morortality, immortalality, deathth. soso in a way,y, it preparare. - do w we know thehe number f casualalties at ththis point, ? - i don'n't think wewe really t to spepeculate abobout that. the numbmber of casusualties will be momore than anany-- any y of us can n bear, ultitim. - thatat was him. . that's not. the reasonon it's so p powerfl is thahat it's-- itit is disarmrmingly direre, anand heartfelelt, and d simple, and cleaean, and clelear, anand came frorom his heara. and, y you know, t that expres, you know, , what was i in his ht and d mind at ththat time. it's all t that neededed to be e said, and d it's all t that cocould be saiaid. and itit was pitchch perfect for that m moment. - ththe night bebefore president t bush came,e, i thouought i was s having a heart t attack at t one po, 'cause m my shoulderer was in a lot ofof pain. my offffice was lilike a bibig meeting g room, with one d decision after ananother. thisis was aboutut 10:30, 1110 atat night; i i went for a a . i remembmber saying,g, "god, "i"i can't havave a heart t att. just not t time. "i"it's not gogonna happenen . "if you u want to gigive me a a heart attatack, it's gononna happen n later." anand i saw ththe river. it gavave me a treremendous sense e of stabilility. there arare a lot ofof things i don'n't know howow to do, bubut i know h how toto run emergrgencies becacause i've d done soso many of t them. and i saidid to myselflf, "this s is what i i know how t . i knowow how to dodo this." - did yoyou have anynything, yoyou know, sosome way thah, you u know-- some s sense ofof a religioious faith t tt "godod put me hehere for r this momenent"? - i i don't knowow god's wil, and d i don't knknow god's p . but i did d feel-- um-- i i did feel t that, in ththat , i was s in the plalace thatat i guess i i had to be. - this is one of those events that can turn an entire country intoto a small t town. itit was a shahared experirie. ththose horrifific imagess on thehe televisioion scren captptivated amemericans and d united thehem in shock, didisbelief, f fear, and a an. [desololate music]c] ♪ ♪ - i wawas told thahat i i would be p picked up at my y apartment t buildig the mornrning of thehe 12t. and ththe city was justst absolutelely dead stillll and quietet. ♪ ♪ i remembmber very didistincty going ovover the brorooklyn bre atat, like, 6:6:10, 6:15 in the mororning, and i ththink we werere ththe only carar on the brbe anand the cityty was just t . i i was going g to meet ththe mr at t the temporarary ememergency heheadquartersr. from the m morning of f 9/11, i bebecame the c consultant to t the city's administratin regarding communications about public mental health in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. his first statement to me was, "my number one concern "is the citizenry of new york city. "i want to do this in a way that really helps the people of the city get through this." i was really quite taken with that, you know. and i saidid to mayor r giuli i deveveloped a plplan for communications at a public health level of how individuals recover from trauma and create successful and effective coping mechanisms and begin the process of recovery. - gogood morningng. we just t completedd a long m meeting-- - it w was very clclear to me thatat he undersrstood, inintegrated, , and implememed the blueprprint ththat we had d discussedd immedidiately. - - we ask allll new yorkeks to c cooperate and to t try to helplp each ot. there are e gonna be a lot ofof people totoday whwho need helelp and d need assisistance. - therere is a nececessity and the rerequirementt for a a trusted vovoice. sosomehow, thehere is a sesenst you're t telling thehe truth, and ththat's priceless. - ththe fire is s still burnr. but t from it hahas emergedd a stroronger spiririt, a more uninified countntry, a more u unified citity, and a morere unified w world. - but don'n't assure a anythig that canan't really y be assur. - wewe also wantnt everyonee to prerepare themsmselves fofor the realality thatat we're notot going to o be to rececover sisignificant t numbers ofof p. - and d reconnectiting individs from theirir own trtrauma expererience, their r own persononal trauauma experieience, toto a wider c community.. - ththose of us s who are hee haveve to defendnd freedom by going g about our r lives unafa, lilike the peoeople of bririn didid in the 1 1940s, and d the peoplele of jerusasm dodo today. - and d it was likike, "hololy shh--. w wow." like, "yeaeah, you knonow. go r rudy." i mean, i i was reallyly blown n away by ththat. i i mean, he r really got t . ♪ ♪ - it's's hard to a articulate the e emotions in newew york cityty at that . here, yoyou have...t.this hole. ♪ ♪ this wouound, in thehe side of lowerer manhattanan. - we do o not do ourur show in new y york. we are in n los angeleles. anand though w we've all s seene horrible, , horrible i images on tv. i can't imimagine how w horre they musust be in peperson. - we w were on thehe upper wewest side, and d you could d smell it up there. it wouldld come into your r windows. eveveryone wasas so scared. - rudy, inin the midst of cha, he was stability. that was the man meeting the moment, and i thinkk he wasas really gogood at tha. - to s stand up anand be deft whenen all thosese buildingsgs e coming d down all araround yo- in amemerica, that's whahat they lovove. you know, that's-- that showed courage. and i mean, he was america's mayor then. - he stetepped forwaward to be a leader, not just here in new york city, but fofor the restst of t the countryry that was grieving, that w was in shock. - ththe showing g of suppot and the volunteers that have come here haveve been wondnderful for the spirit of ththe city. it's kinind of like e we're al embracacing each o other. amamerica is e embracing each o other. and thatat show of s suppot is enormouously importrtan. - for those of us who followed or covereded rudy giululiani inin new york,k, in s some newsrorooms, we cacal, you know, "9/10 rurudy," meananing beforere 9/11 and his trtransmogrifificatin ininto this nenew person,, america'a's mayor, that the rest of the world got to know. [applause] - hehe's the manan of the hou, a a man whose extraordininary ge under r pressure in the d days sincee this devevastating a attack has s led him toto be called america'a's mayor. ladidies and genentlemen, rudy giuiuliani. - the cityty was shrououded n a real andnd psychologogical d. anand then giuiuliani appepd on "saturdrday night l live" - we went t there reluluctant. nonone of us w were in thehe d fofor going onon "sataturday nighght live." that wasas the mayoror, agai, thinkingng big, thinking thahat, "okakay, we needed to-- we n need to statart laughihing again."." - cacan we be fufunny? [a[audience lalaughs] - - why start t now? [laughteter and applplause] - ththere was ththis kind o, lilike, collecective releaea, "okay, if f he can begegin to s smile, maybybe we can t " i thoughght that wasas an impmportant momoment. - - it was likike a cucurtain going up on thihis newest p phase ofof the rudy y giuliani s st. - hihis responsese to the atats hahad elevateded him to an unprprecedented d place for any mayor. he was namamed time mamagazins man of thehe year. he wouldld walk intoto rooms d there'd d be standining ovation. - - if you donon't stop apappla, i will statart singingng. [lauaughter] - you walklk into everery rm and yoyou're the c center of attentition, anand it comeses to feel n nal and someththing that y you're . - bits of the old giuliani do crack through. he's still operating politically and trying to grab some more time in city hall, for at least as long as he feels he needs to be there. - - the offer r is there. . if e want t to accept i it, they c. - - some peoplple are wondndeg if maybe w we could justst keep mayoyor giuliani in offffice for ananother yea, to get u us through h this cri. - the e new york t times hahas indicateted they donon'tk this i is a grgreat idea f for democrar. ♪♪ new double pollo fit bowls. only at el pollo loco. in order for small businesses to thrive, new double pollo fit bowls. they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. - rudodolph giuliaiani did s a terrifific job leleading the e response t to 9, and he e earned amererica's mar and d time magazazine's man of thehe year. bubut then, hehe started t tok about extetending his s term. - he's tererm limited.d. his two-teterm tenure e will d decemberer 31st of 2 2001, so he rereally only y has three morere months inin off. - whwhat i'd likike to do is t to maintainin the unity that exixists in thehe city. - ththis was thehe first inkng that giuiuliani's thirst foror power wawasn't goingng to disapppp, eveven in thisis moment. - - a lot of n new yorkers are e convinced d now that the wholole place isis gonna fafall apart i if he leavev. anand apparentntly, giululiani thinknks so too.. - i wishsh that we c could rereelect him.m. but unfortrtunately, w we can. - one ofof three menen wiwill be the e next mayorr of newew york cityty, anand it's eitither mimichael bloooomberg, freddy fererrer, or meme. i i get a phonone call. "the mayoror would likike toto see you."." i was s asked to j just meet with thehe mayor alolone, just thehe two of usus, no sta. he saiaid, "mark, , look, it's a helell of a sitituatio. "who knowsws if there e coulde another atattack. "i'd l like to asksk someththing unusuaual: "to ststay three m months bebeyond my teterm, whicich ends jananuary 1st." - so y you create e a stable, sensibible transitition proce, bebecause thisis has to bee the bebest transitition ththis city hahas ever dono. - - in the civivil war, wewe t extendnd abraham l lincoln's . he has to o run for rereelectn for presesident in the mididdle of a c civil w. it's j just madnesess. but therere was someme publblic sentimement for th, times being what they were. - i'm sorry that he's leaving. hehe's done a a phenomenalalb of u uniting thehe-- you u know, our r community. - - god bless s you, rudy.. - god blbless you! - [inanaudible]. god blesess you, rududy! - onon the way a away from the m meeting, i gogot a phone e call from ms totop aide at t city halll saying, "mark, you don't want to fight r rudy on thihis. he is not t gonna be h happ" this is s mob talk.. ththis is "gododfather" tata. - giululiani has t taken fiererce criticicism for r his controroversial plp, but evenen opponentsts concee his s political l stature in amemerica is somomething mosost mayos only d dream aboutut. - i i got the memessage that he wowould investst his chchurchillianan populariy to a attack me.. - - rudy! rudydy! get t over here,e, rudy! - i would d head up a campmpaign to--- to reelelect him for a ththird term.. he's the m man. - basisically, my y agenda is the o only agendada discussesed in the c campai, one waway or the o other. whenen you thinknk about it, i mean,, ththat's the c core of whaht the e discussionon is all aba, the agagenda thatt we've e set to thehe city. - afteter i had sasaid okay, borough prpresident frfreddy fer madede the very y smart decin to say no.o. - we'v've done thihis for centns in this cicity, fofor centurieies in this s na, in timeses of crisisis and wa. thisis should bebe no exceptp. - ththis city isis bigger than anyny one indivividua. we havave to move e forward with thehe process.. - - it is an o outrage that he shshould demanand an extensision of his s tie anand effectivively engagegen popolitical exextortion. - - and so thahat idea died a quiuick death.. - hehe endorsed d bloomber. blbloomberg wawas down 15 5 po, i think,k, at the titime, and bloombmberg won. and thenen, you knowow, it w was over. ♪ ♪ - rudy deaealt with itit... didirectly. i remember seeeeing him pack u up his offifice, and but, you know, i think there was a sense of exhaustion, certainly. but he was looking forward to what was next. - his lalast walk out of c city hall as m mayor of nenew york. - thosose days aroround 9/1 were t the apex ofof his car, and prprobably hisis life. you have throngsgs of people cheeeering for y you, and waititing in linine toto shake youour hand and geget your aututograph and get t pictures w with y. multltiply that t times 1,00, withth respect t to 9/11. ♪ ♪ i i think thatat never leaeav. any timeme a politicician gets that t kind of adadulat, it's got t to do sometethig toto their brarain. it's jusust got to.. - let's s listen ass mayor r giuliani s swears n his succccessor, mikike bloom. - - in the citity of new y y. - - to the besest of my ababi. - to t the best ofof my abili. - soso help me g god. - so h help me godod. - [l[laughs] - hehe is at thehe top of the wororld. he's back k on top, and d he's gonnana do exextraordinarary things,, anand likely g get onto the nextxt stage thahat he wan, whicich was alwaways what h he wanted,, whicich was to b be president of t the united d states. you cocould smell l that on hm fromom day one.. - i was looking forward to leaving office and d having somome time to finish h my book, builild a busineness, straraighten outut my life.. - rudydy giuliani i is out wih a a new book o on leadershsh, a a quality ththat he persrsonid during a and after 9 9/11, anand he is gegetting a rock statar receptioion. - rurudy's now a a private citizezen again. things are on the rebound in a variety of ways. he's's healthy, , he seems to have bebeaten proststate can. he h has a womanan who lovesm back in hihis life. he h has this enormomous populararity. [cheers anand applause] - take a a lunchtimeme stroll in mididtown manhahattan and you bebegin to seeee why s unoffificially regegarded as ameririca's mayoror. - gogo yanks. - yeah, , go yanks. . absolute. - he's b been calleded the e mayor of t the world.. - wewe miss you,u, bro! - all righght. - - i actuallyly was a fann of thehe mayor before i it was fashshionable to be e a fan of t the mayor. - there's never been a mayor like him before, and ththe city wilill never se anotother mayor r like him for mamany, many y years. [cheers and applause] - he got k knighted by the q queen. i was with h him that dada. it's q quite an hohonor toto be with p people likeke . - she said to o me, "i hopope you'rere having leless stress s" and i i told her i i was. - gigiuliani is s catapulted onto t the world s stage likeke very feww amererican polititicians who arare not presesident get catapupulted ononto the wororld stage.. - he's now lionized as an american hero. - the hononorable rudolph h giuliani.. [cheheers and apapplause] - giulianini has this s enors nationonal platfororm. he's a risising star in the repepublican paparty. now, h he has this natational profofile, ininternationanal profile. - wewe need geororge bush no, more t than ever.. - grew u up dreamingng of b becoming prpresident. anand now, as s george w. . s term is s coming to o an en, he sees the openening. - i think he just thought it was the natural step. you knowow, "i've rurun new yo. i raran 9/11. i i should bee runnining the coununtry." - - i think i i can mamake a diffeference. i believe e that the c county needs leadadership. - takes s a lot of c chutzpa, though, , doesn't itit? to say, , "i'm the b best." that's whahat you're s sayin. - it does.s. and very y humbli. - i'm m not the e youngest c candidate,, but i i am the mosost experien. - i amam an americican runnnning for prpresident. - what i'm'm gonna do o is tak about who o i am, and d what i belelieve, and let ththem sort itit out frfrom there.. - gigiuliani's o overall mese isis that he's thehe guy who k knows how w to run a g governmentt ththat the libiberals have screwewed up. - - i'm runnining againstt three dedemocrats who have n never run a a ci, nevever run a ststate, nenever run a a business.. - but also that he's the guy who knows s how to take on n the terrororists. - an e enemy withohout border, hate withohout boundararie, a peopople pervertrted, a religigion betrayeyed, dedemocracy atattacked, and ososama bin laladen ststill makingng threats.. in a w world wherere the net crisisis is a momement awa, amamerica neededs a leader who'o's ready. - i i think peopople lookok for resulults. - i loveve you, rudydy! - ththe--thank y you. see, like e that guy.. he's l looking foror results. - yoyou are the e candidate. - thanank you. - thank k you for undertakaking this r race. - ththank you vevery much. - - giuliani i is charismam. he's candidid. he's c comfortablele in hisis own skin.n. hehe's an exciciting candidid, and he's g gonna bringng a t of sizzlzle to this s electi. - there e was a percrceptin that he e had a reasasonably gooood chane in 2008,8, basesed on his p performance on 9/11.1. and d there was s a belief t t the e party had d been recononfd as a a national l security p p. - ththere's no o one running that hasas had the s safety and respononsibility o of mills and mimillions of f people on theirir shouldersrs under very diffificult circucumstanc, and i'm nonot just talalking ababout septemember 11th.. - but t by 2008, t the war had starteted to go ququite ba, and a lolot of ameriricans, even a l lot of repupublica, viewed i it very negegative. bubut also, yoyou had to b be t on taxeses, abortionon, and gu. hehe was wrongng on threeee of those e things for the rerepublican b base vo. - - he was a n new yorkerr with s some progreressive idea. nonow, sometimimes he w would try t to hide the. - - it is a exextreme assest to b be the candndidate with t the most exexperience in this s race. - for r generationons, memberers of both h parties had tried d to win the presididential nomominatin byby building g momentum,, winning ththe earliestst contes in statates like i iowa, nenew hampshirire, south c car. giulianini's campaigign had d a differenent idea. - my advice for the debate prep-- i rememember i wasas in the memg where e they rolleled out the floridida strategygy. the e idea was t to skip the inititial primarary stas anand betting g it all on the republican primary in florida. - there are a lot of former new yorkers there and nono doubt, the repupublican pararty faithl will s support giuiuliani, anand that'll l change the whole e contest. giululiani was l lulled into thihinking that, because he was so well-known nationally, he was banking on this. "well, look, i'm stitill leadig in thehe polls." [groovy y music] - he's w waiting untntil jajanuary 29thth in floridia to takake on all c comers. he'll l be, in effffect, ouout of the n news cycle.. willll he be ablble to raisese ? will he e have any m momentu? it's a h high risk s strategy camping g out in flolorida on a a night likike tonight. - like, ththis is [bleleep] cr. it misreadad the statete. it m misread thehe demographp. itit misread t the voter b beh. - thisis is the ststrategy ththat we selelected prpretty closese to day ono. so m maybe otherer people wowould get nenervous in a situauation like e this. - hehe presenteded as, like, a brililliant, youou know, counteririntuitive s strateg, bubut i think k what it rereals was a kikind of tacicit admissn that he e was not vevery appeg to voters in iowa. he was not very appepealing to voterers in new h hampshir. - the crucucial first t votes ofof campaign n '08 madede for solidid wins fofor senator r barack obaba and d former govovernor mike huckakabee. - you u got to givive mccan a lot ofof credit. mamanaged to g get a win in newew hampshirere. - let usus start in southth carolina.a. it was v very close,e, and d it wasn't t easy, but t john mccaiain has edged out t mike huckakabe. - the rerepublicans s are now tuturning their attetention to f florid. - - rudy giuliliani has s invested e everythingg in the statate of flororida. - he's h hoping a bibig win there nextxt tuesday can n put him riright back in thehe middle ofof this rac. - you are,e, looking a around the rest o of the partrty, an a aberration.n. can n we agree o on that poio? - - [laughs] i was an a aberrationn whenen i was mayayor of new . i'm used t to that. - is youour messagee going toto continue e to be, can n you affordrd it toto continue e to be, "t"take me as s i am"? - that's's the only y message i have. . [chuckles]s] - this is rudy giuliani's 52ndnd day of campapaigning in n flori. [indistincnct shoutingng] - whenenever i comome to florir, i feelel like i'm m at home. sometitimes, i seeee more peoe from n new york inin florida ththan i do inin new york.. - - i was stilill sort off arouound for thehe ride in the lasast couple o of day. it wasas so frustrtrating to watch t them burnrn through s so much mono. rudydy's people,e, they were burnrning money y like mad m . so mucuch good wilill. so many pepeople who wanteded him to susucce. - - here is the big g story toninight. johnhn mccain, t the big winir in t the state o of florida. he captutures the rerepublin presidenential nomininatio. - thisis, of coursrse, a a very diffificult night fofor rudy giuiuliani. he had b been hopingng that he w would be the victctor here inin florid. spent momore than $30 mimillion herere. - itit wasn't jujust a hard d t but lost c campaign. it wasas an embarrrrassmen. - he t thought he e was gonnae president. a lot of p people thought he was gonna be president. and he screwed it up. - i think that was a huge disappointment to him. having been so much a figure of attention, a fascination of media coverage, i don't t think he c could ber the ththought of l losing tha. ththat that sosomehow wass part o of his idenentity. - for a politician, you want to be relevant. you wawant people e to care what you t think. yoyou want to o be able to changnge people's's lives. you wawant to be a able to led and haveve millions s of amers fofollow you.. so t to not be r relevant anan, that is heheartbreakining. - i'm proud that we chose to statay positiveve and to runun a campaigign of id. in an era a of personanal atta, negativeve ads, and d cynical s, we ranan a campaigign thatat was uplififting. - giuliaiani was thehe frontrr fofor the repupublican nomomi, anand then peoeople starteted v. - - he investeted his hearat and d soul in ththis primary, and who coconducted hihimself with all t the qualitities of t the exceptitional amamerican leaeader he trurul. - - did rudy g giuliani did? - - barack obabama will bebee the 44thth presidentnt of thehe united ststates. - - he'd come e to the end of a a politicalal career, anand when youou're not gogone elected toto anything g anymo, what do you u do? - he was i in yeyet another r wilderness where he w wasn't quitite se whether r he was a politicician anymorere or whethther he wass a full-t-time businenessman. - i thinink giulianini, in wawashington t terms, was s no. - he misseses the actition and d he wants t to be a plal. - - the vice p president wasn't v very nice y yesterda. - hehe became momore unfettetd and unencucumbered. - gigiuliani tououched off a firerestorm when h he said earlier r this week,k, "i know ththis is a horriblele thing to o sa, but t i do not b believe that ththe presidenent loves amam" - - that is dedeplorable.. that i is wrong. yoyou can almomost say it is unpapatriotic. - fafar from bacacking dow, he's's actually y tripling d n with new r remarks. - giuliaiani defendeded ththe remark s saying, "it t has nothining toto do with r race." - and whatat rudy giululiani is d doing is citining the prpresident asas other. it is a a dog whistltle to cerertain peoplple in the p , and d to certainin types of f p, whether hehe wants to o claim that racisism or not.. - peoplele create inin groups and out t groups insnstinctive. itit takes notothing toto create ththat. rudy realized that. it's a dialectic, this kind of politics. it's not a cohesive strategy. it's a cohesive attitude. - - i think hihis combativive e became morore so. i think, i in some wayays, hehe just becacame anan even morere intense v vn of who h he was. - befofore obama c came alon, wewe didn't hahave any sucuccesl radical isislamic terrrrorist attack in n the uniteded stat. - i i didn't havave a lot of contact with him during those years, but i suspect he was pretty unfulfilled. the value of the national security card for rudy had d diminisheded rather dramaticically by ththat poin. you u ended up w with this republicican constitituency that shohould have b been much more e rudy-centrtric. but american voters evolved on a couple of big things. that g guy who wororks inin brown couounty, wiscocon, and has bebeen there for 2525 years in a factory making auto parts, his son has had three goddamn tours in iraq and gotten shot once, that guy's job has been off-shored, and he's been able to find a job working in a call center for ninene bucks an n hour with no o health insnsurance, and he's's pissed. - i mean, , i'm mad. i've beeeen mad. i'm onone of the a angry, yoyou know, vovoters thatat they've b been discusug fofor the lastst year. [indisistinct chatatter] - i i am officiaially runnin. for presidident of the uniteded states, and wewe are goingng to make our countrtry great agagain. [cheers s and applauause] - well, , donald trurump is mog likeke a storm f front through h the republblican primimaries and d caucuses.. heading g towards susuper tuesdy nenext week, trump p has more d delegats than h his rivals s combine. - donaldld trump's m march to the nomomination would d be hard to betet against n now. crowd: u usa! usa! - as trumpmp started to rack k up wins, i i think giululiani saw v ve in hisis being a v voice ofof support f for trump.. - trump p is clearlyly the bestst choice. he's t the best chchoice for new yoyork. he's t the best chchoice fofor the coununtry. and he's's the one who can bebeat hillaryry clinto. - trump became this black hole in which all political attention in the country was reposed. and the celebrity lizard brain of rudy kicked off, and he needed it. he thought, "this will put me back in the spotlight." [cheers and applause] - thanank you. thanank you, newew york... crowd: y yeah! for a a new yorkerer, for onc, on t the ticket:t: donald trt. - - remember, , this is onoe of t the great i ironies of f . he knew w trump was s a third-t, fofourth-tier, real eststate bull[b[bleep] art. he knew w it. he was i in new yorkrk. rudydy used to d deal with the actualal power in n new york momoney and d real estatate. he knew w what trumpmp was. [cheerers and applplause] - i ththink, you s see hihis speecheses, he w was more raratcheted up than a anyone elsese could b. - i amam telling y you this becacause i am s sick and titd ofof the defamamation ofof donald trtrump by t the media and by t the clintonon campai! i i am sick anand tired ofof! ththis is a gogood man! - he wasas the most t angry sper of a all of themem. - anand america a should bee sick a and tired ofof their vicicious, nanasty campaiaign! [cheheers and apapplause] - what thehey don't tetell yu about fame is, it doesn't happen, usually, that you b become famomous and susuccessful,, and thenen you die.. usuaually, what t happens is, you becomeme famous and succesessful, and d then you b become less famouous and succccessfu, and ththen you dieie. - it's timime to make e ameria safe agagain. it's timime to make e america one agaiain. one amererica. what h happened toto "therere is no blalack americ, there is n no white amameric, ththere is jusust america"a? whatat happened d to it? wherere did it g go? how w has it flolown away? [cheers s and applauause] - - giuliani s sees one thth: opopportunity.y. opportrtunity for r his persol devevelopment, g growth, achihievement, r rise yet agan toto politicalal power. giuliani k knew he hadad an opppportunity toto be back in the i influence b busines. [dramatic c music] - at t the height t of the 6 elecection, i said, , "look, thehe electios goining to be ovover, and i wishsh you wouldld considider your lelegacy, because e you have an imporortant storyry to tel" - calmlmly and safafely evacue lower r manhattan.n. ifif you are s south of canal ststreet, walklk north andnd get out of sououthern manhnhattan. - one of t the thingss thatat rudy, on n 9/11, hehelped us rerealize as a a y isis that you u don't havee to be e perfect toto be a her. ♪ ♪ but if you stand up and you do the right thing when it's difficult, that's all that matters, at the end of the day. i memean, so mucuch of what t wo shouould be motitivated by caring about our legacy. and he just said to me-- he said, "i don't care about my legacy." - rudy has that fatalism about him. he thinks that it doesn't matter, and that whether it's one year from now where he's remembered, but 10,000 years from now he won't be, whwhat difference does it mae in the scheme of the universe? "i had my day in the sun and i had my place in the arena." - what i did for new york,k, dodonald trumpmp will d do for amererica! [cheerers and applplause]

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Don T , F , Eieight Years S I Wawas , Min , To K , Think Aboutut , Hi , Pererst , Fatather Judgee , Thehe Process O Of Collapsis , Teeeetering Anand , Sesecond Towerer On The W , World Tradede Center , Lilike , Second Towewer Cacame Down , Asas , Abouout Twtwo , Peope , Don T Know , W York , Mamany , World Trtrade Centerer , Beenen Destroyeded , Worked W With , Ef , Y You Know , Say He S , Guys Geget , Loss O Of Life Wilill Be , Put Yourur Mask On , Yoyour Mask Onon , Step Up , Pososn , There Wawas , Emomotiona , Ti , Attack , Righght , Howow H What S T , Well Ththen , Lelet S , Anand Apparentntly , Ththe Situatioion , Situatition Righght , Go Nortrth , Let S , Airplalanes , Two , B , Andnd Daugh , Becacause They R , My Y , Wife , Theyey Were In T The Building Whenen , It Hit , Knoww , Peoeoe , Alalive , Anand Cops Arere , Alivive , T Come Up O On The , You L , On Thehe , Phone , Cell , Peoeople , You Lalast Sesee Them , Lost Everybybod , Sisir , Indndistinct , Radio Oror , A It S Thehe , Many , Um , Mimisg , People T , My L , Trade Cecenter , Froront , Thihing I , O Over , Radioio Chatter , Acaccount Fo , Them Arere , 30300 , Lolot Of Ameriricans , It S , S Hard , Still Todaday , 2222 , York , Fire , Pepeople Goingng , Wawashingtn Thatat , Pepeople , The Deatath , Ththe Grie , Faththers , Motherers , Loadaded , Momo , Afternoon , Alall Americanans , Mosost Difficululs , Acroross The Natation , H Hor , Disbsbelief , Obviouslsly , Ththe Tragedy Y , Ninightmares A , Ththe Ciy Anand The Coununtry , Hisistory , Wowouldn T Hapappen , Unundergoing R Rigw , Don N T , Soso , Really T , Deathth , Morortality , Ththis Point , Casualalties , Spepeculate Abobout , Immortalality , Wrestleled , Y , Us , Anany , Powerfl , Numbmber Of Casusualties , Reasonon , Ultitim , Can N Bear , His Heara , Simple , Mind , Ht , Anand Heartfelelt , Disarmrmingly Direre , Cleaean , Frorom , Clelear , Apex Ofof , T Bush , Heart T Attack , Neededed , Cause M My Shoulderer , Night Bebefore , Cocould Be Saiaid , One Po , Bebecause Thisis , One D , Ananother , Gigive Me Aa , Decision , Heart Attatack , Atat Night , Gononna Happen N Later , My Offffice , Lilike A Bibig Meeting G Room , Ii Went For Aa , Gogonna Happenen , Havave A Heart T Att , 10 , 1110 , 30 , Things , Me A Treremendous Sense E , This S Is What Ii Know How T , Bubut , Stabilility , Emergrgencies Becacause , Ththe River , Know Howow , It Gavave , Myselflf , Sense , Feel , Faith T , Ofof , Yoyou Know , Momenent , Di Don T Knknow God S P , You U Know , Sosome Way Thah , Godod , Religioious , Have Anynything , Don T Knowow God S Wil , Thatat I Guess Ii , Country , Events , Shahared Experirie , Small T Town , Shock , United Thehem , Desololate Music , Ththose Horrifific Imagess , Captptivated Amemericans , Didisbelief , Thehe Televisioion Scren , F Fear , My Y Apartment T Buildig The Mornrning , Ththe City , Thehe 12t , Justst Absolutelely , 12 , Just T , Brbe Anand The Cityty , Mororning , Ovover , Bre Atat , Dead Stillll , Quietet , Brorooklyn , 15 , 6 , Communications , At T , C Consultant , Mental Health , Mr , Temporarary Ememergency Heheadquartersr , Administratin , 9 11 , Statement , Citizenry , Terrorist Attacks , Concern , Aftermath , My Number One , Individuals , Giuli , Process , Health , Recovery , Trauma , Coping Mechanisms , Level , I Deveveloped A Plplan , Blueprprint Ththat , It W , Yorkeks , Inintegrated , Gogood Morningng , Completedd A Long M Meeting , He Undersrstood , Implememed , Discussedd Immedidiately , Rerequirementt , Sesenst , E Gonna , Sosomehow , Nececessity , Need Helelp , Vovoice , Need Assisistance , Thehe Truth , U , Ththe Fire Is S , Canan T Really Y Be Assur , Anythig , Uninified Countntry , Citity , Still Burnr , It Hahas Emergedd , Morere Unified W World , Stroronger Spiririt , Numbers , Realality Thatat , Prerepare Themsmselves Fofor , Wantnt Everyonee , Reconnectiting Individs , Trtrauma Expererience , Theirir , Ofof P , Rececover Sisignificant , R , Who , Ththose , The Peoplele , Toto A Wider C Community , The Peoeople , Persononal Trauauma Experieience , Jerusasm Dodo , Bririn Didid , Haveve To Defendnd Freedom , Unafa , 1 , 1940 , Ii , Go R Rudy , Flolorida On Aa Night Likike , Emotions , Reallyly , You Knonow , Ththat Ii Mean , Hololy Shh , W Wow , Yeaeah , York Cityty , Wouound , Lowerer Manhattanan , Yoyou Have T This Hole , Thehe Side , Tv , Ourur Show , Peperson , Horrible I Images , Seene Horrible , Thehe Upper Wewest Side , Los Angeleles , Man , Stability , It Wouldld , Eveveryone Wasas , Windows , Tha , Midst Of Cha , Leader , Stand Up Anand , Thosese Buildingsgs E , Whahat , America , Araround Yo In Amemerica , Deft Whenen , He Stetepped Forwaward , They Lovove , Courage , Suppot , Fofor The Restst Of T Countryry , G , Spirit , Volunteers , Wondnderful , O Other , Al Embracacing , Rudy Giululiani , Like E , Inin , Show , Amamerica Neededs , Kinind , Enormouously Importrtan , S Suppot , We Cacal , Newsrorooms , Covereded , 9 10 , Applause , Hehe , Aa Man , Pressure , World , Rest , Trtransmogrifificatin Ininto , Hou , Nenew Person , Meananing Beforere , Extraordininary Ge , Rudy Giuiuliani , Devevastating A , Psychologogical D Anand , S Led , Shrououded Na Real Andnd , Genentlemen , Ladidies , Chchoice Fofor , Thehe D , Us W , Saturdrday Night L Live , Sataturday Nighght Live , Giuiuliani Appepd , There Reluluctant , Nonone , Applplause , Wasas The Mayoror , Cacan , Statart Laughihing Again , Agai , Thinkingng Big , Audience Lalaughs , Laughteter , Okakay , Maybybe We Can T , Kind O , Impmportant Momoment , Mayoror Would Likike , Collecective Releaea , Cucurtain , Unprprecedented D , There D , Time Mamagazins Man Of Thehe , He Wouldld , Hihis Responsese , Rudy Y Giuliani S St , Thihis Newest P Phase , Atats Hahad Elevateded , Standining Ovation , Comeses To Feel N Nal , Someththing , Walklk , C Center Of Attentition , You Donon T Stop Apappla , Statart Singingng , Everery Rm , Lauaughter , Offer , Giuliani , Maybe W , Peoplple , Wondndeg , Crack , Bits , City Hall , Idea , Mayoyor Giuliani In Offffice , Cri , Times Hahas Indicateted , Democrar , Ananother Yea , Grgreat , Double Pollo Fit Bowls , Businesses , Order , El Pollo Loco , Internet , Prepaid Card , Most , Opportunity , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Efficient , Savvy , Yup , 1000 , 000 , Business , Business Internet , Company , Head Start , Network , 2024 , Family Meal , 24 , 4 , Will He E , Amererica , Sa Terrifific , Job Leleading , 9 , Who H He , Tererm Limited D His Two Teterm Tenure E , Man Of Thehe , About Extetending His S Term , Time Magazazine , T Tok , Will D Decemberer , 2001 , 31 , To Disapppp , Whwhat , Thehe City , Foror Power Wawasn T Goingng , Unity , Likike , Thehe First Inkng , Maintainin , Exixists , Three , We C , Giululiani Thinknks , Eveven , Wholole , Isis Gonna Fafall , He Leavev , Rereelect Him M But Unfortrtunately , Alolone , Menen Wiwill Be The E , Anand It , Meme Ii , Next Mayorr , Usus , Newew , Eitither Mimichael Bloooomberg , Phonone Call , Freddy Fererrer , No Sta , Mark , To Ststay Three M , Who Knowsws , Helell , Bebeyond , Sitituatio , Another Atattack , Sensibible Transitition Proce , My Teterm , Ea Stable , He Saiaid , There E Coulde , Someththing Unusuaual , Whicich Ends Jananuary 1st , Bee , Wewe T Extendnd , Mididdle Of Ac Civil W It , Publblic Sentimement For Th , O Run , Lincoln S , Rereelectn For Presesident , City Hahas , Civivil War , Just Madnesess , Times , Uniting Thehe , Community , God Blesess You , Aa Phenomenalalb , Inanaudible , Rududy , Talk , Saying , Phone E Call , Totop , On Thihis , Aide , Ms , Gonna Be H Happ , Gododfather , Tata , City Halll , Dream Aboutut Ii , Stature , Somomething Mosost Mayos , His , Giululiani , His S Political L , Amemerica , He Wowould Investst , Chchurchillianan Populariy , Got The Memessage , Evenen Opponentsts Concee , Controroversial Plp , Fiererce Criticicism , Rudydy , Campmpaign To , C Campai , One Waway , Reelelect Him , My Y Agenda , Ththird Term , Agendada Discussesed , Basisically , Centns , Agagenda Thatt , Afteter , C Core , E Discussionon , Aba , Borough Prpresident Frfreddy , Fer Madede , Smart Decin , Sasaid Okay , Cicity , O We V , Shshould Demanand , In Timeses Of Crisisis , Ththis City , O Outrage , Fofor Centurieies , One Indivividua , Thehe Process , This S Na , Wa , No Exceptp , Engagegen Popolitical Exextortion , Death , Blbloomberg Wawas , D Bloomber , Extensision , Titime , Anand Effectivively , Quiuick , 5 , Offifice , Bloombmberg , Didirectly , Thenen , Rudy Deaealt , Car , Lalast , Exhaustion , C City Hall , Days Aroround , 9 1 , Your , Withth Respect T , Y You , Get T Pictures W With Y , Waititing , Hand , Aututograph , Prprobably Hisis Life , Shake Youour , Linine , Multltiply , 100 , Timeme , Kind , Politicician , Think Thatat , Leaeav , Adadulat , Laughs , , Got To , To T , Giuliani S Swears N , Help Me G God , Sometethig , Mikike Bloom , Me Godod , Brarain , Jusust , His Succccessor , My Ababi , Y To The Besest , Ofof My Abili , Whicich , President , Back K , Anand Likely G , States , United D , Wororld , What H , Top , Nextxt Stage Thahat , He Wanted , Gonnana , Day One , Do Exextraordinarary , Hm Fromom , He Wan , Office , Book O On Leadershsh , Aa Quality Ththat , Builild A Busineness , My Life , He Persrsonid , Gegetting A Rock Statar Receptioion , My Book , Straraighten Outut , He H , Rebound , Ways , Variety , Rurudy S Now Aa Private Citizezen , Hihis Life , He S Healthy , Lovesm , Bebeaten Proststate , Womanan , Ameririca S Mayoror , Cheers Anand Applause , Mididtown Manhahattan , Enormomous Populararity , Unoffificially Regegarded , Take Aa Lunchtimeme , Miss You , Gogo Yanks , He S B , Calleded , The World , Fann , I Actuallyly , Anotother , Ththe City Wilill , Go Yanks , Fashshionable , Absolute , Bro , Ea Fan Of T , Cheers , Leless Stress S , O Me , Queen , Dada , People Likeke , Hohonor , Her Ii , Hopope You Rere , The Q , Got K Knighted , Arare Not Presesident , Feww Amererican Polititicians , Gigiuliani , The World S Stage Likeke , Catapupulted Ononto The Wororld Stage , American Hero , Apapplause , Cheheers , Star , Giulianini , Hononorable Rudolph H Giuliani , Repepublican Paparty , Natational Profofile , Enors Nationonal Platfororm , Risising , Bush No , George W , Term , Up Dreamingng Of B Becoming Prpresident , Ininternationanal Profile , Need Geororge , O An En , Doesn T Itit , C County , Diffeference , Sayin , I M The B Best , Step , I Ve Rurun New Yo , Runnining The Coununtry , Needs Leadadership , Openening , Prpresident Asas Other , Candidate , Youngest C , Oi Am , Americican Runnnning , Mosost Experien , Ththem Sort Itit Out Frfrom , Does S , Y Humbli , Do O Is Tak , He S Thehe Guy Who K Knows How W To Run Ag Governmentt Ththat , Libiberals Have Screwewed Up , Nenever Run Aa Business , Nevever Run A Ststate , Runnining Againstt , Three Dedemocrats Who Have N Never Run Aa Ci , Guy , Threats , Dedemocracy Atattacked , Terrororists , Ososama Bin Laladen , Ststill Makingng , Peopople Pervertrted , Religigion Betrayeyed , Hate Withohout Boundararie , Enemy Withohout Border , In Aw World Wherere The Net Crisisis , Peopople Lookok , Momement Awa , Resulults , Foror Results , Race , Thank K , Skin N Hehe , Sizzlzle , Percrceptin , Exciciting Candidid , This S Electi , Charismam , You Vevery , G Gonna Bringng , C Comfortablele , Respononsibility O Of Mills , Security P Ththere , Running , Mimillions , P Performance , S Safety , Theirir Shouldersrs , Belief Tt The E Party , Reasasonably Gooood Chane , Basesed , Hasas , Diffificult Circucumstanc , 20088 , To B Be T On Taxeses , Nonot , Repupublica , T The War , Ababout Septemember 11th , Starteted To Go Ququite Ba , Abortionon , Gu , 2008 , 11 , Sometimimes He W , Progreressive , Yorkerr , Wrongng On Threeee , Rerepublican B Base Vo , Memberers , Exextreme Assest To B , Candndidate , H Parties , Exexperience , S Race , Presididential Nomominatin Byby Building G Momentum , Thinink Giulianini , Runun A Campaigign Of Id , Winning Ththe , South C , Debate Prep , Advice , Da Differenent Idea , Floridida Strategygy , Earliestst Contes , Nenew Hampshirire , Statates Like I Iowa , Florida , Stas Anand , Primary , Inititial Primarary , Republican , Stitill Leadig , Repupublican Nomomi , Doubt , Banking , Groovy Y Music , Pararty Faithl Will S Support Giuiuliani , Thehe Polls , Whole E Contest , Strategy , He S W , Ouout Of The N , Camping G , C Comers , Floridia , News Cycle , Risk , Waiting Untntil Jajanuary 29thth , Effffect , Willll He Be Ablble , Raisese , 29 , Itit Misread T , Thisis , People Wowould , The Voter B Beh , We Selelected , Prpretty Closese , Statete , Ththis Is , Cr , Thehe Demographp , Bleleep , A Brililliant , Situauation Like E , He E , Youou Know , Kikind , Presenteded , It Rereals , Get Nenervous , Counteririntuitive S Strateg , Voterers , H Hampshir , Vevery Appeg , Iowa , Tacicit Admissn , Barack Obaba , Crucucial First T , Win , Ofof Campaign N , Thehe Frontrr Fofor , Former , Credit , Mamanaged , Givive Mccan , Newew Hampshirere , Mike Huckakabee , 08 Madede For Solidid , Govovernor , 08 , Rerepublicans S , Wasn T Easy , Rudy Giuliliani , Invested E Everythingg , Attetention To F Florid , T John Mccaiain , Mike Huckakabe , Rest O , Statate , Nextxt Tuesday Can N , He S H , Bibig Win , Flororida , Rac , Aberrationn Whenen , Partrty , Mayayor , Him Riright , Poio , Youour Messagee , That S , Message , Chuckles , You Affordrd , Rudy Giuliani , 52ndnd Day Of Campapaigning , 52 , Ththan , Peoe , N Flori , To Florir , Indistincnct Shoutingng , Sometitimes , Whenenever I Comome , At Home , Him To Susucce , Burnrning Money Y , Couple O , Mad M , Mono , Wanteded , Stilill , Wilill , Off Arouound , Thehe Ride , Lasast , Inin Florid , Johnhn Mccain , Of Coursrse , Big Winir In T The State O Of Florida , He W , Big G , Night Fofor , Aa Very Diffificult , Story Toninight , Hopingng , Rerepublin Presidenential Nomininatio , Victctor , He T , Campaign , Lost C , Gonna , Momore , Mimillion Herere , Wasn T Jujust A Hard Dt , Embarrrrassmen , 0 , Attention , Ththought Of L , I Don T , Sosomehow Wass Part O , Disappointment , Media Coverage , Fascination , He C , Figure , His Idenentity , People E , Politician , Amers Fofollow You , Changnge People S , Haveve Millions , Lives , Led , Anan , Cynical S , A , Heheartbreakining , Personanal Atta , Negativeve Ads , Statay Positiveve , Campaigign Thatat , Giuliaiani , Ththis Primary , Peoeople Starteted V He Investeted , We Ranan , Uplififting , His Hearat And D Soul , All T The Qualitities Of , 44thth Presidentnt , United Ststates , Coconducted Hihimself , Aa Politicalal Career , Exceptitional Amamerican Leaeader , He Trurul , Barack Obabama , The End , 44 , Anything G Anymo , Whethther He Wass A Full T Time Businenessman , Youou , Politicician Anymorere , Yeyet Another R Wilderness Where He W Wasn T Quitite Se , S No , Vice P , Plal , Wawashington T Terms , Wasn T V , He Misseses , The Actition , Y Yesterda , Momore Unfettetd , Unencucumbered , Gigiuliani Tououched , Thing , Do Not B , O Sa , Is Dedeplorable , Unpapatriotic , Horriblele , Ththe Presidenent Loves Amam , Is D , It T , Cerertain Peoplple , Fafar , Remarks , Remark , Fp , Dog Whistltle , Defendeded , Y Tripling , Bacacking Dow , Nothining , Certainin , Out T , Create Ththat , Politics , Peoplele , O Claim , Dialectic , Groups Insnstinctive , Inin Groups , Notothing , Racisism , Obama C , Wewe Didn T Hahave , Hihis Combativive E , Attitude , Morore , Wayays , Alon , Befofore , Morere Intense V Vn , Sucuccesl , Radical Isislamic Terrrrorist Attack In N , Contact , Card , Security , Value , Uniteded Stat Ii Didn T Havave , Ththat Poin , Diminisheded , Wororks Inin Brown Couounty , Voters , Shohould Have B , Couple , Republicican Constitituency , Rudy Centrtric , That G Guy , Wiscocon , Son , Call Center , Job Working , Job , Bebeen , Tours , Factory Making Auto Parts , Off Shored , Iraq , 2525 , Onone Of The A Angry , Ninene Bucks An N , Vovoters Thatat , O Health Insnsurance , Beeeen Mad , Indisistinct Chatatter , Discusug Fofor The Lastst , Cheers S , Countrtry , Goingng , Presidident , Applauause , Uniteded States , Officiaially Runnin , Great Agagain , Delegats , Donaldld Trump S M March To The Nomomination Would D , Heading G , Trump P , Mog Likeke A Storm F , Republblican Primimaries , Caucuses , Susuper Tuesdy Nenext , Donald Trurump , Ofof Support F For Trump , Crowd , Betet Against N , Think Giululiani , Trumpmp , Choice , Bestst , Clearlyly , Rack K Up Wins , Saw V Ve In Hisis Being Av , The One , Chchoice , Yoyork , Bebeat Hillaryry Clinto , Lizard Brain , Black Hole , Trump , Spotlight , Reposed , Aa New Yorkerer , On T , Thanank You , Ticket , Donald Trt , Onc , Third T , Yorkrk , W Trump , Art , Onoe Of T The Great I Ironies F , Fofourth Tier , Real Eststate Bull , Cheerers , I Ththink , Actualal Power In N , What Trumpmp , Deal , Anyone , Real Estatate , Hihis Speecheses , Becacause , Defamamation Ofof , Titd Ofof , Clintonon Campai , Donald Trtrump , Gogood , T The Media , Sick A , Anand America A , Thehey Don T , Tired Ofof , Nanasty Campaiaign , Tetell Yu About Fame Is , Themem , Vicicious , Angry Sper , What T , Doesn T , You B , E Ameria , Susuccessful , Succesessful , Succccessfu , Usuaually , Famomous , Famouous , It S Timime , Thenen You Die , You Dieie , Safe Agagain , Ththere Is Jusust America , Blalack Americ , America One Agaiain , One Amererica , White Amameric , There Is N No , How W , It G , Whatat , Wherere , Opopportunity Y , Politicalal Power , Persol Devevelopment , Opportrtunity , G Growth , Rise , Achihievement , Height T , B Busines , C Music , Elecection , Thehe Electios Goining , Opppportunity , Thingss Thatat Rudy , Lelegacy , On N 9 , Canal Ststreet , Sououthern Manhnhattan , North Andnd , Calmlmly , Imporortant Storyry To Tel , Safafely Evacue , Wouldld Considider , Matters , Mucuch , You U Don T Havee , Rerealize , Aay Isis , Hehelped , What T Wo Shouould Be Motitivated , It Doesn T Matter , Legacy , Fatalism , I Don T Care About My Legacy , Scheme , Universe , Arena , The Sun , 10000 ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For CNNW Giuliani 20240705 :

Transcripts For CNNW Giuliani 20240705

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- now isis the time e to take our city y back join the millions of people taking back their privacy from t the violentnt crimins on thehe streets.. - did d you go too far on some of t this? - nono, that senense has s always beeeen there. - oh.. - ththe first titime, he was mayayor rudy. now he's k king giuliaiani. - gigiuliani wasas just stararto wear on ththe public o of new y. - the cityty was readydy to m move on, was ready to turn the page from the giuliani years. [sofoft acousticic music] ♪ ♪ [dreamy pipiano music]c] ♪ ♪ - manhnhattan is l like no place e else in thehe worl. ♪ ♪ in newew york, whahat you see- first of a all, you sesee a naturaral wondr of buiuildings. you knknow, it's like e the pyramimids. ♪ ♪ the e buildings s dwarf yo. the buildidings remindnd you of how uninimportant y you ar, bebecause you'u're so tinyn. ♪ ♪ in this s big, increredible cit, whwhen you seeee it, it makeses you wantt to c come and sesee it. it m makes you c curious abob. it makes i it somethining bibigger than n life. ♪ ♪ i hahave strong g feelings about nenew york, evererything thahat mamakes up newew york. wewe're the crcrossroads of thehe world. ththis is the e center of the uniniverse. i memean, there e is no place thatat gets morere people fromom more difffferent placa. you sosort of get,t, like, a view o of the wholole world by jusust standingng there and walklking aroundnd. itit's really y my deep papa, ththe love foror the pepeople of ththis cit, and the lolove of thisis ci. ♪ ♪ when y you look baback on it, you u keep thinknking-- you kekeep thinkining, wel, maybe e it really y didn't ha. and d you keep w wishing it t a. [e[engine roararing] - - holy [bleeeep]! [bleep]! [l[loud explososion] - hoholy [bleep]p]! - ththis just inin to ourur newsroom,m, a plplane has crcrashed ino the woworld trade e center. - - we don't k know if it t s a a commercialal aircraft.. wewe don't knonow if it waws a a private aiaircraft. we have nono idea. [tenense music]] - i firsrst heard ababout it whn i was s at the peneninsula hoto. i was fifinishing a a breakfat withth my counsesel, denny y, one of m my oldest f friends. wewe got up toto leave. one of m my detectivives, papatti varronone, wentnt over to d denny, whispered d in his earar. and d denny cameme over to e anand said, "a"a twin engigine "has crarashed intoo one e of the twiwin towers.. "thehere's a preretty bad fif. theyey don't knonow hohow bad it i is yet." and i i said, "welell, denny, we've gotttta head right dodown there."." and he s said, "yeah, of f course." [sirens s wailing] - ththere's a fifire inin the buildlding right t. hugege smoke pououring out o of. - i was onon east rivever drie and i cocould actualally see , anand it lookeked to me lile it wasas a lot of f smoke for a smalall plane. - therere was addiditional ds sosort of rainining down.. - - i rushed d down there, and wewe began to get t the reportsts. it starteded to soundd worse e and worse.e. - i cacan't imaginine what the i inside of that t building l looks l. - got t there veryry quickly. wewent throughgh the windos thatat already b blown out. when i gotot in there,e, the chchief said t to me, "boss,s, it wasn't't a small p , it was a c commercial l airlir "a"and we can'n't puput the firere out. "w"we're gonnana just try y t as many people out of here as we could." and that was within the first five minutes. - i don't t have a lotot more detail o on this thahan that. - whwhen i got t to stst. vincent't's hospitala, i could sesee the doctctors ot on thehe street anand the nu, anand they alrlready had stretctchers out,, and i realalized they y must e getting g ready fofor somethining very bigi. ♪ ♪ - i'm m in the nororth tower. we f felt a vibrbration. we t thought it t was an expxpn on the upppper floors,s, but it wasasn't. [e[engine roararing] [lououd explosioion] [p[people screreaming] - oh! - oh, my g god! - - oh! something g else just t blew! - - oh, my godod, ananother planane has justst . it hit anonother buildldin. - - you saw a a plane? - yes, i i just saw w a plane go intnto the buililding. [people clclamoring] - we receceived a phphone cl from thehe police and d were notifified that a secondnd plane hadad hit. and realizized at thatat pot that, obobviously, it wasas a terroririst atta. [s[sirens waililing] - frfrom a new y york city firefifighter, "drop p what you'r're doin, report t to your comompany. "a majajor disasteter is occug inin new york k city this mornining." [peoeople clamororing] - whwhen i got t to chief ga, whwho was the e commanderr for r the rescueue effort, i said, "c"chief, can n we t a helicoptpter up therere?" anand he said d to me, "no. itit would be e too dangere. therere's too mumuch fire."" and d then, he l looked at me anand he said,d, "we can n save everyrybody bebelow the fifire." [draramatic musisic] [sirens s wailing] - - all of us s were reactc, justst trying toto make peoe asas safe as p possible. no one knenew exactlyy whatat was goingng on. no o one knew if thehere were momore plan. no o one knew if therere was anothther targ. - we p proceeded u up west st. on the w way up, i saw fafather judgege, anand i asked d him to pray fofor us, which hehe assured m me ththat he was s doing. and ththen i walkeked to 7 75 barclay y street, and d i was brouought into, , a cubicacal inner ofofficer anand told thahat we had r rd the white e house. and ththen, the desk s started to o sha. - oh, , my god, the sosouth buildiding just crurumbled fromom the to! - - oh, it's c coming downwn. it is justst coming dodown. - oh, mymy god! the buililding just t fell! - the dedebris is flflying. i'm gonna a run. - ohoh, my god.. - we undnderstand nonow ththere has bebeen a secocondary explplosion on towerer 2. - a sectction of thehe world trade cecenter has c collapse. - itit's just anan unbelievave situation n here. - we wondedered if we e hadt gone from m bad to wororse, because e when you lookeded outside,, what y you saw wasas a trtremendous c cloud, debris flylying through ththe streets,s, and peopople being i injured. [somber r music] ♪ ♪ - ththe entire b building fef. anand, uh, i p processed t t, anand we just,t, you knowow, kept walalking. anand that's w when we hoooop with the m mayor. - - i'm ready,y, mayor. - eveveryone in n this cityy shouldld remain cacalm. the veryry best thining to do o right noww would bebe to remainin home. if y you're outstside ofof southern n manhattan,, you shouldld remain where yoyou are. you u shouldn't t panic. you shouldldn't worry.y. what i w was trying g to do was to getet us on telelevis, on thehe radio, toto tell peopople what tot, to give ththem some adadvic. it's a t terrible trtragedy. the e best way we're gogonna get ththrough ts is i if we remaiain calm and d just listeten to everyr, nonot to panicic. - we w walked up a a few more blocksks to a firerehouse. - wewe got to ththe firehou, and i i was told b by tom m bundersonn ththat father r judge had d d. i knew fatather judgee for eieight years.s. i wawas very clolose to hi. ththat was thehe first pererst i knewew about thahat had di. i had to k keep sayingng to m myself, "don't t think aboutut it. puput it out o of your min, and keep f focused." - the sesecond towerer on the w world tradede center is teeeetering anand looks lilike it may ye in thehe process o of collapsis. - wewe were abouout twtwo blocks a away when the s second towewer cacame down, and we werere able too escacape that asas well. but in t the course e of i, we losost some of f the peope that i'v've worked w with, know, for mamany, many y years. - new w york's world trtrade centerer, in ef, has beenen destroyeded. the loss o of life wilill be . - there wawas a time w when, you know, , it got emomotiona. but t i never heheard him say he's's scared, y you know. - put yourur mask on.. put yourur mask on.. put yoyour mask onon. - sosome guys geget in a pososn and they s step up, anand i think k that's howow h. - what's t the situatition righght now? - ththe situatioion is thatt two airplalanes have a attack, apparentntly. - - why? - all righght, well ththen, lelet's--let's's go nortrth, . - ththey might b be afraid,, but t they overcrcome it becacause they'r're trying to help p other peopople. - i lost m my wife andnd daugh. theyey were in t the building whenen it hit. - i don't t know. i cacame do. i'm alivive. i just wanant to knoww if my y wife is alalive. - - no idea hohow many peoeoe anand cops arere dead yet.. many peoeople hurt.. - [indndistinct] i hearard you say y earlier t- that you l lost everybybod. what were e you talkining ab? - i don't t know. i can't t find any o of my me. they won't't come up o on the- on thehe radio oror the cell l phone, so i don't't know. - where e did you lalast sesee them, sisir? - they w were in froront of one worlrld trade cecenter a- it's thehe worst thihing i'i've ever seseen in my l . [radioio chatter]] - we've e got, um, o over 30300 people t that are mimisg that w we can't acaccount fo. we belelieve that t many of-- many o of them arere--are gon. you know, , still todaday, it's's, what, 2222 years, and fofor me, it's's-- a lolot of it's s hard. but it's's mostly ththe grie, the deatath. bubuildings ththat high with t that much f fire, and loadaded with pepeople, pepeople goingng to work that m morning, motherers and faththers. - - it's not j just thosee most a affected in new y york and wawashingtn thatat are stunnnned this momo. acroross the natation, alall americanans are in h hor and disbsbelief. ♪ ♪ - good afternoon.. today isis, obviouslsly, one e of the mosost difficululs in the hisistory of ththe ciy anand the coununtry. ththe tragedy y that wewe're all unundergoing r rigw is s something t that wewe've had ninightmares a at and d probably t thought wowouldn't hapappen. i really h had wrestleled a lolot with morortality, immortalality, deathth. soso in a way,y, it preparare. - do w we know thehe number f casualalties at ththis point, ? - i don'n't think wewe really t to spepeculate abobout that. the numbmber of casusualties will be momore than anany-- any y of us can n bear, ultitim. - thatat was him. . that's not. the reasonon it's so p powerfl is thahat it's-- itit is disarmrmingly direre, anand heartfelelt, and d simple, and cleaean, and clelear, anand came frorom his heara. and, y you know, t that expres, you know, , what was i in his ht and d mind at ththat time. it's all t that neededed to be e said, and d it's all t that cocould be saiaid. and itit was pitchch perfect for that m moment. - ththe night bebefore president t bush came,e, i thouought i was s having a heart t attack at t one po, 'cause m my shoulderer was in a lot ofof pain. my offffice was lilike a bibig meeting g room, with one d decision after ananother. thisis was aboutut 10:30, 1110 atat night; i i went for a a . i remembmber saying,g, "god, "i"i can't havave a heart t att. just not t time. "i"it's not gogonna happenen . "if you u want to gigive me a a heart attatack, it's gononna happen n later." anand i saw ththe river. it gavave me a treremendous sense e of stabilility. there arare a lot ofof things i don'n't know howow to do, bubut i know h how toto run emergrgencies becacause i've d done soso many of t them. and i saidid to myselflf, "this s is what i i know how t . i knowow how to dodo this." - did yoyou have anynything, yoyou know, sosome way thah, you u know-- some s sense ofof a religioious faith t tt "godod put me hehere for r this momenent"? - i i don't knowow god's wil, and d i don't knknow god's p . but i did d feel-- um-- i i did feel t that, in ththat , i was s in the plalace thatat i guess i i had to be. - this is one of those events that can turn an entire country intoto a small t town. itit was a shahared experirie. ththose horrifific imagess on thehe televisioion scren captptivated amemericans and d united thehem in shock, didisbelief, f fear, and a an. [desololate music]c] ♪ ♪ - i wawas told thahat i i would be p picked up at my y apartment t buildig the mornrning of thehe 12t. and ththe city was justst absolutelely dead stillll and quietet. ♪ ♪ i remembmber very didistincty going ovover the brorooklyn bre atat, like, 6:6:10, 6:15 in the mororning, and i ththink we werere ththe only carar on the brbe anand the cityty was just t . i i was going g to meet ththe mr at t the temporarary ememergency heheadquartersr. from the m morning of f 9/11, i bebecame the c consultant to t the city's administratin regarding communications about public mental health in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. his first statement to me was, "my number one concern "is the citizenry of new york city. "i want to do this in a way that really helps the people of the city get through this." i was really quite taken with that, you know. and i saidid to mayor r giuli i deveveloped a plplan for communications at a public health level of how individuals recover from trauma and create successful and effective coping mechanisms and begin the process of recovery. - gogood morningng. we just t completedd a long m meeting-- - it w was very clclear to me thatat he undersrstood, inintegrated, , and implememed the blueprprint ththat we had d discussedd immedidiately. - - we ask allll new yorkeks to c cooperate and to t try to helplp each ot. there are e gonna be a lot ofof people totoday whwho need helelp and d need assisistance. - therere is a nececessity and the rerequirementt for a a trusted vovoice. sosomehow, thehere is a sesenst you're t telling thehe truth, and ththat's priceless. - ththe fire is s still burnr. but t from it hahas emergedd a stroronger spiririt, a more uninified countntry, a more u unified citity, and a morere unified w world. - but don'n't assure a anythig that canan't really y be assur. - wewe also wantnt everyonee to prerepare themsmselves fofor the realality thatat we're notot going to o be to rececover sisignificant t numbers ofof p. - and d reconnectiting individs from theirir own trtrauma expererience, their r own persononal trauauma experieience, toto a wider c community.. - ththose of us s who are hee haveve to defendnd freedom by going g about our r lives unafa, lilike the peoeople of bririn didid in the 1 1940s, and d the peoplele of jerusasm dodo today. - and d it was likike, "hololy shh--. w wow." like, "yeaeah, you knonow. go r rudy." i mean, i i was reallyly blown n away by ththat. i i mean, he r really got t . ♪ ♪ - it's's hard to a articulate the e emotions in newew york cityty at that . here, yoyou have...t.this hole. ♪ ♪ this wouound, in thehe side of lowerer manhattanan. - we do o not do ourur show in new y york. we are in n los angeleles. anand though w we've all s seene horrible, , horrible i images on tv. i can't imimagine how w horre they musust be in peperson. - we w were on thehe upper wewest side, and d you could d smell it up there. it wouldld come into your r windows. eveveryone wasas so scared. - rudy, inin the midst of cha, he was stability. that was the man meeting the moment, and i thinkk he wasas really gogood at tha. - to s stand up anand be deft whenen all thosese buildingsgs e coming d down all araround yo- in amemerica, that's whahat they lovove. you know, that's-- that showed courage. and i mean, he was america's mayor then. - he stetepped forwaward to be a leader, not just here in new york city, but fofor the restst of t the countryry that was grieving, that w was in shock. - ththe showing g of suppot and the volunteers that have come here haveve been wondnderful for the spirit of ththe city. it's kinind of like e we're al embracacing each o other. amamerica is e embracing each o other. and thatat show of s suppot is enormouously importrtan. - for those of us who followed or covereded rudy giululiani inin new york,k, in s some newsrorooms, we cacal, you know, "9/10 rurudy," meananing beforere 9/11 and his trtransmogrifificatin ininto this nenew person,, america'a's mayor, that the rest of the world got to know. [applause] - hehe's the manan of the hou, a a man whose extraordininary ge under r pressure in the d days sincee this devevastating a attack has s led him toto be called america'a's mayor. ladidies and genentlemen, rudy giuiuliani. - the cityty was shrououded n a real andnd psychologogical d. anand then giuiuliani appepd on "saturdrday night l live" - we went t there reluluctant. nonone of us w were in thehe d fofor going onon "sataturday nighght live." that wasas the mayoror, agai, thinkingng big, thinking thahat, "okakay, we needed to-- we n need to statart laughihing again."." - cacan we be fufunny? [a[audience lalaughs] - - why start t now? [laughteter and applplause] - ththere was ththis kind o, lilike, collecective releaea, "okay, if f he can begegin to s smile, maybybe we can t " i thoughght that wasas an impmportant momoment. - - it was likike a cucurtain going up on thihis newest p phase ofof the rudy y giuliani s st. - hihis responsese to the atats hahad elevateded him to an unprprecedented d place for any mayor. he was namamed time mamagazins man of thehe year. he wouldld walk intoto rooms d there'd d be standining ovation. - - if you donon't stop apappla, i will statart singingng. [lauaughter] - you walklk into everery rm and yoyou're the c center of attentition, anand it comeses to feel n nal and someththing that y you're . - bits of the old giuliani do crack through. he's still operating politically and trying to grab some more time in city hall, for at least as long as he feels he needs to be there. - - the offer r is there. . if e want t to accept i it, they c. - - some peoplple are wondndeg if maybe w we could justst keep mayoyor giuliani in offffice for ananother yea, to get u us through h this cri. - the e new york t times hahas indicateted they donon'tk this i is a grgreat idea f for democrar. ♪♪ new double pollo fit bowls. only at el pollo loco. in order for small businesses to thrive, new double pollo fit bowls. they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. - rudodolph giuliaiani did s a terrifific job leleading the e response t to 9, and he e earned amererica's mar and d time magazazine's man of thehe year. bubut then, hehe started t tok about extetending his s term. - he's tererm limited.d. his two-teterm tenure e will d decemberer 31st of 2 2001, so he rereally only y has three morere months inin off. - whwhat i'd likike to do is t to maintainin the unity that exixists in thehe city. - ththis was thehe first inkng that giuiuliani's thirst foror power wawasn't goingng to disapppp, eveven in thisis moment. - - a lot of n new yorkers are e convinced d now that the wholole place isis gonna fafall apart i if he leavev. anand apparentntly, giululiani thinknks so too.. - i wishsh that we c could rereelect him.m. but unfortrtunately, w we can. - one ofof three menen wiwill be the e next mayorr of newew york cityty, anand it's eitither mimichael bloooomberg, freddy fererrer, or meme. i i get a phonone call. "the mayoror would likike toto see you."." i was s asked to j just meet with thehe mayor alolone, just thehe two of usus, no sta. he saiaid, "mark, , look, it's a helell of a sitituatio. "who knowsws if there e coulde another atattack. "i'd l like to asksk someththing unusuaual: "to ststay three m months bebeyond my teterm, whicich ends jananuary 1st." - so y you create e a stable, sensibible transitition proce, bebecause thisis has to bee the bebest transitition ththis city hahas ever dono. - - in the civivil war, wewe t extendnd abraham l lincoln's . he has to o run for rereelectn for presesident in the mididdle of a c civil w. it's j just madnesess. but therere was someme publblic sentimement for th, times being what they were. - i'm sorry that he's leaving. hehe's done a a phenomenalalb of u uniting thehe-- you u know, our r community. - - god bless s you, rudy.. - god blbless you! - [inanaudible]. god blesess you, rududy! - onon the way a away from the m meeting, i gogot a phone e call from ms totop aide at t city halll saying, "mark, you don't want to fight r rudy on thihis. he is not t gonna be h happ" this is s mob talk.. ththis is "gododfather" tata. - giululiani has t taken fiererce criticicism for r his controroversial plp, but evenen opponentsts concee his s political l stature in amemerica is somomething mosost mayos only d dream aboutut. - i i got the memessage that he wowould investst his chchurchillianan populariy to a attack me.. - - rudy! rudydy! get t over here,e, rudy! - i would d head up a campmpaign to--- to reelelect him for a ththird term.. he's the m man. - basisically, my y agenda is the o only agendada discussesed in the c campai, one waway or the o other. whenen you thinknk about it, i mean,, ththat's the c core of whaht the e discussionon is all aba, the agagenda thatt we've e set to thehe city. - afteter i had sasaid okay, borough prpresident frfreddy fer madede the very y smart decin to say no.o. - we'v've done thihis for centns in this cicity, fofor centurieies in this s na, in timeses of crisisis and wa. thisis should bebe no exceptp. - ththis city isis bigger than anyny one indivividua. we havave to move e forward with thehe process.. - - it is an o outrage that he shshould demanand an extensision of his s tie anand effectivively engagegen popolitical exextortion. - - and so thahat idea died a quiuick death.. - hehe endorsed d bloomber. blbloomberg wawas down 15 5 po, i think,k, at the titime, and bloombmberg won. and thenen, you knowow, it w was over. ♪ ♪ - rudy deaealt with itit... didirectly. i remember seeeeing him pack u up his offifice, and but, you know, i think there was a sense of exhaustion, certainly. but he was looking forward to what was next. - his lalast walk out of c city hall as m mayor of nenew york. - thosose days aroround 9/1 were t the apex ofof his car, and prprobably hisis life. you have throngsgs of people cheeeering for y you, and waititing in linine toto shake youour hand and geget your aututograph and get t pictures w with y. multltiply that t times 1,00, withth respect t to 9/11. ♪ ♪ i i think thatat never leaeav. any timeme a politicician gets that t kind of adadulat, it's got t to do sometethig toto their brarain. it's jusust got to.. - let's s listen ass mayor r giuliani s swears n his succccessor, mikike bloom. - - in the citity of new y y. - - to the besest of my ababi. - to t the best ofof my abili. - soso help me g god. - so h help me godod. - [l[laughs] - hehe is at thehe top of the wororld. he's back k on top, and d he's gonnana do exextraordinarary things,, anand likely g get onto the nextxt stage thahat he wan, whicich was alwaways what h he wanted,, whicich was to b be president of t the united d states. you cocould smell l that on hm fromom day one.. - i was looking forward to leaving office and d having somome time to finish h my book, builild a busineness, straraighten outut my life.. - rudydy giuliani i is out wih a a new book o on leadershsh, a a quality ththat he persrsonid during a and after 9 9/11, anand he is gegetting a rock statar receptioion. - rurudy's now a a private citizezen again. things are on the rebound in a variety of ways. he's's healthy, , he seems to have bebeaten proststate can. he h has a womanan who lovesm back in hihis life. he h has this enormomous populararity. [cheers anand applause] - take a a lunchtimeme stroll in mididtown manhahattan and you bebegin to seeee why s unoffificially regegarded as ameririca's mayoror. - gogo yanks. - yeah, , go yanks. . absolute. - he's b been calleded the e mayor of t the world.. - wewe miss you,u, bro! - all righght. - - i actuallyly was a fann of thehe mayor before i it was fashshionable to be e a fan of t the mayor. - there's never been a mayor like him before, and ththe city wilill never se anotother mayor r like him for mamany, many y years. [cheers and applause] - he got k knighted by the q queen. i was with h him that dada. it's q quite an hohonor toto be with p people likeke . - she said to o me, "i hopope you'rere having leless stress s" and i i told her i i was. - gigiuliani is s catapulted onto t the world s stage likeke very feww amererican polititicians who arare not presesident get catapupulted ononto the wororld stage.. - he's now lionized as an american hero. - the hononorable rudolph h giuliani.. [cheheers and apapplause] - giulianini has this s enors nationonal platfororm. he's a risising star in the repepublican paparty. now, h he has this natational profofile, ininternationanal profile. - wewe need geororge bush no, more t than ever.. - grew u up dreamingng of b becoming prpresident. anand now, as s george w. . s term is s coming to o an en, he sees the openening. - i think he just thought it was the natural step. you knowow, "i've rurun new yo. i raran 9/11. i i should bee runnining the coununtry." - - i think i i can mamake a diffeference. i believe e that the c county needs leadadership. - takes s a lot of c chutzpa, though, , doesn't itit? to say, , "i'm the b best." that's whahat you're s sayin. - it does.s. and very y humbli. - i'm m not the e youngest c candidate,, but i i am the mosost experien. - i amam an americican runnnning for prpresident. - what i'm'm gonna do o is tak about who o i am, and d what i belelieve, and let ththem sort itit out frfrom there.. - gigiuliani's o overall mese isis that he's thehe guy who k knows how w to run a g governmentt ththat the libiberals have screwewed up. - - i'm runnining againstt three dedemocrats who have n never run a a ci, nevever run a ststate, nenever run a a business.. - but also that he's the guy who knows s how to take on n the terrororists. - an e enemy withohout border, hate withohout boundararie, a peopople pervertrted, a religigion betrayeyed, dedemocracy atattacked, and ososama bin laladen ststill makingng threats.. in a w world wherere the net crisisis is a momement awa, amamerica neededs a leader who'o's ready. - i i think peopople lookok for resulults. - i loveve you, rudydy! - ththe--thank y you. see, like e that guy.. he's l looking foror results. - yoyou are the e candidate. - thanank you. - thank k you for undertakaking this r race. - ththank you vevery much. - - giuliani i is charismam. he's candidid. he's c comfortablele in hisis own skin.n. hehe's an exciciting candidid, and he's g gonna bringng a t of sizzlzle to this s electi. - there e was a percrceptin that he e had a reasasonably gooood chane in 2008,8, basesed on his p performance on 9/11.1. and d there was s a belief t t the e party had d been recononfd as a a national l security p p. - ththere's no o one running that hasas had the s safety and respononsibility o of mills and mimillions of f people on theirir shouldersrs under very diffificult circucumstanc, and i'm nonot just talalking ababout septemember 11th.. - but t by 2008, t the war had starteted to go ququite ba, and a lolot of ameriricans, even a l lot of repupublica, viewed i it very negegative. bubut also, yoyou had to b be t on taxeses, abortionon, and gu. hehe was wrongng on threeee of those e things for the rerepublican b base vo. - - he was a n new yorkerr with s some progreressive idea. nonow, sometimimes he w would try t to hide the. - - it is a exextreme assest to b be the candndidate with t the most exexperience in this s race. - for r generationons, memberers of both h parties had tried d to win the presididential nomominatin byby building g momentum,, winning ththe earliestst contes in statates like i iowa, nenew hampshirire, south c car. giulianini's campaigign had d a differenent idea. - my advice for the debate prep-- i rememember i wasas in the memg where e they rolleled out the floridida strategygy. the e idea was t to skip the inititial primarary stas anand betting g it all on the republican primary in florida. - there are a lot of former new yorkers there and nono doubt, the repupublican pararty faithl will s support giuiuliani, anand that'll l change the whole e contest. giululiani was l lulled into thihinking that, because he was so well-known nationally, he was banking on this. "well, look, i'm stitill leadig in thehe polls." [groovy y music] - he's w waiting untntil jajanuary 29thth in floridia to takake on all c comers. he'll l be, in effffect, ouout of the n news cycle.. willll he be ablble to raisese ? will he e have any m momentu? it's a h high risk s strategy camping g out in flolorida on a a night likike tonight. - like, ththis is [bleleep] cr. it misreadad the statete. it m misread thehe demographp. itit misread t the voter b beh. - thisis is the ststrategy ththat we selelected prpretty closese to day ono. so m maybe otherer people wowould get nenervous in a situauation like e this. - hehe presenteded as, like, a brililliant, youou know, counteririntuitive s strateg, bubut i think k what it rereals was a kikind of tacicit admissn that he e was not vevery appeg to voters in iowa. he was not very appepealing to voterers in new h hampshir. - the crucucial first t votes ofof campaign n '08 madede for solidid wins fofor senator r barack obaba and d former govovernor mike huckakabee. - you u got to givive mccan a lot ofof credit. mamanaged to g get a win in newew hampshirere. - let usus start in southth carolina.a. it was v very close,e, and d it wasn't t easy, but t john mccaiain has edged out t mike huckakabe. - the rerepublicans s are now tuturning their attetention to f florid. - - rudy giuliliani has s invested e everythingg in the statate of flororida. - he's h hoping a bibig win there nextxt tuesday can n put him riright back in thehe middle ofof this rac. - you are,e, looking a around the rest o of the partrty, an a aberration.n. can n we agree o on that poio? - - [laughs] i was an a aberrationn whenen i was mayayor of new . i'm used t to that. - is youour messagee going toto continue e to be, can n you affordrd it toto continue e to be, "t"take me as s i am"? - that's's the only y message i have. . [chuckles]s] - this is rudy giuliani's 52ndnd day of campapaigning in n flori. [indistincnct shoutingng] - whenenever i comome to florir, i feelel like i'm m at home. sometitimes, i seeee more peoe from n new york inin florida ththan i do inin new york.. - - i was stilill sort off arouound for thehe ride in the lasast couple o of day. it wasas so frustrtrating to watch t them burnrn through s so much mono. rudydy's people,e, they were burnrning money y like mad m . so mucuch good wilill. so many pepeople who wanteded him to susucce. - - here is the big g story toninight. johnhn mccain, t the big winir in t the state o of florida. he captutures the rerepublin presidenential nomininatio. - thisis, of coursrse, a a very diffificult night fofor rudy giuiuliani. he had b been hopingng that he w would be the victctor here inin florid. spent momore than $30 mimillion herere. - itit wasn't jujust a hard d t but lost c campaign. it wasas an embarrrrassmen. - he t thought he e was gonnae president. a lot of p people thought he was gonna be president. and he screwed it up. - i think that was a huge disappointment to him. having been so much a figure of attention, a fascination of media coverage, i don't t think he c could ber the ththought of l losing tha. ththat that sosomehow wass part o of his idenentity. - for a politician, you want to be relevant. you wawant people e to care what you t think. yoyou want to o be able to changnge people's's lives. you wawant to be a able to led and haveve millions s of amers fofollow you.. so t to not be r relevant anan, that is heheartbreakining. - i'm proud that we chose to statay positiveve and to runun a campaigign of id. in an era a of personanal atta, negativeve ads, and d cynical s, we ranan a campaigign thatat was uplififting. - giuliaiani was thehe frontrr fofor the repupublican nomomi, anand then peoeople starteted v. - - he investeted his hearat and d soul in ththis primary, and who coconducted hihimself with all t the qualitities of t the exceptitional amamerican leaeader he trurul. - - did rudy g giuliani did? - - barack obabama will bebee the 44thth presidentnt of thehe united ststates. - - he'd come e to the end of a a politicalal career, anand when youou're not gogone elected toto anything g anymo, what do you u do? - he was i in yeyet another r wilderness where he w wasn't quitite se whether r he was a politicician anymorere or whethther he wass a full-t-time businenessman. - i thinink giulianini, in wawashington t terms, was s no. - he misseses the actition and d he wants t to be a plal. - - the vice p president wasn't v very nice y yesterda. - hehe became momore unfettetd and unencucumbered. - gigiuliani tououched off a firerestorm when h he said earlier r this week,k, "i know ththis is a horriblele thing to o sa, but t i do not b believe that ththe presidenent loves amam" - - that is dedeplorable.. that i is wrong. yoyou can almomost say it is unpapatriotic. - fafar from bacacking dow, he's's actually y tripling d n with new r remarks. - giuliaiani defendeded ththe remark s saying, "it t has nothining toto do with r race." - and whatat rudy giululiani is d doing is citining the prpresident asas other. it is a a dog whistltle to cerertain peoplple in the p , and d to certainin types of f p, whether hehe wants to o claim that racisism or not.. - peoplele create inin groups and out t groups insnstinctive. itit takes notothing toto create ththat. rudy realized that. it's a dialectic, this kind of politics. it's not a cohesive strategy. it's a cohesive attitude. - - i think hihis combativive e became morore so. i think, i in some wayays, hehe just becacame anan even morere intense v vn of who h he was. - befofore obama c came alon, wewe didn't hahave any sucuccesl radical isislamic terrrrorist attack in n the uniteded stat. - i i didn't havave a lot of contact with him during those years, but i suspect he was pretty unfulfilled. the value of the national security card for rudy had d diminisheded rather dramaticically by ththat poin. you u ended up w with this republicican constitituency that shohould have b been much more e rudy-centrtric. but american voters evolved on a couple of big things. that g guy who wororks inin brown couounty, wiscocon, and has bebeen there for 2525 years in a factory making auto parts, his son has had three goddamn tours in iraq and gotten shot once, that guy's job has been off-shored, and he's been able to find a job working in a call center for ninene bucks an n hour with no o health insnsurance, and he's's pissed. - i mean, , i'm mad. i've beeeen mad. i'm onone of the a angry, yoyou know, vovoters thatat they've b been discusug fofor the lastst year. [indisistinct chatatter] - i i am officiaially runnin. for presidident of the uniteded states, and wewe are goingng to make our countrtry great agagain. [cheers s and applauause] - well, , donald trurump is mog likeke a storm f front through h the republblican primimaries and d caucuses.. heading g towards susuper tuesdy nenext week, trump p has more d delegats than h his rivals s combine. - donaldld trump's m march to the nomomination would d be hard to betet against n now. crowd: u usa! usa! - as trumpmp started to rack k up wins, i i think giululiani saw v ve in hisis being a v voice ofof support f for trump.. - trump p is clearlyly the bestst choice. he's t the best chchoice for new yoyork. he's t the best chchoice fofor the coununtry. and he's's the one who can bebeat hillaryry clinto. - trump became this black hole in which all political attention in the country was reposed. and the celebrity lizard brain of rudy kicked off, and he needed it. he thought, "this will put me back in the spotlight." [cheers and applause] - thanank you. thanank you, newew york... crowd: y yeah! for a a new yorkerer, for onc, on t the ticket:t: donald trt. - - remember, , this is onoe of t the great i ironies of f . he knew w trump was s a third-t, fofourth-tier, real eststate bull[b[bleep] art. he knew w it. he was i in new yorkrk. rudydy used to d deal with the actualal power in n new york momoney and d real estatate. he knew w what trumpmp was. [cheerers and applplause] - i ththink, you s see hihis speecheses, he w was more raratcheted up than a anyone elsese could b. - i amam telling y you this becacause i am s sick and titd ofof the defamamation ofof donald trtrump by t the media and by t the clintonon campai! i i am sick anand tired ofof! ththis is a gogood man! - he wasas the most t angry sper of a all of themem. - anand america a should bee sick a and tired ofof their vicicious, nanasty campaiaign! [cheheers and apapplause] - what thehey don't tetell yu about fame is, it doesn't happen, usually, that you b become famomous and susuccessful,, and thenen you die.. usuaually, what t happens is, you becomeme famous and succesessful, and d then you b become less famouous and succccessfu, and ththen you dieie. - it's timime to make e ameria safe agagain. it's timime to make e america one agaiain. one amererica. what h happened toto "therere is no blalack americ, there is n no white amameric, ththere is jusust america"a? whatat happened d to it? wherere did it g go? how w has it flolown away? [cheers s and applauause] - - giuliani s sees one thth: opopportunity.y. opportrtunity for r his persol devevelopment, g growth, achihievement, r rise yet agan toto politicalal power. giuliani k knew he hadad an opppportunity toto be back in the i influence b busines. [dramatic c music] - at t the height t of the 6 elecection, i said, , "look, thehe electios goining to be ovover, and i wishsh you wouldld considider your lelegacy, because e you have an imporortant storyry to tel" - calmlmly and safafely evacue lower r manhattan.n. ifif you are s south of canal ststreet, walklk north andnd get out of sououthern manhnhattan. - one of t the thingss thatat rudy, on n 9/11, hehelped us rerealize as a a y isis that you u don't havee to be e perfect toto be a her. ♪ ♪ but if you stand up and you do the right thing when it's difficult, that's all that matters, at the end of the day. i memean, so mucuch of what t wo shouould be motitivated by caring about our legacy. and he just said to me-- he said, "i don't care about my legacy." - rudy has that fatalism about him. he thinks that it doesn't matter, and that whether it's one year from now where he's remembered, but 10,000 years from now he won't be, whwhat difference does it mae in the scheme of the universe? "i had my day in the sun and i had my place in the arena." - what i did for new york,k, dodonald trumpmp will d do for amererica! [cheerers and applplause]

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Ananother Planane , We Receceived , Saw Wa Plane Go Intnto , People Clclamoring , Phphone Cl , Drop P , Plane Hadad Hit , Secondnd , Notifified , York City , Occug Inin , Doin , Comompany , Terroririst Atta , Firefifighter , Majajor Disasteter , Realizized , Frfrom , Sirens Waililing , Thatat Pot , Obobviously , The City , New York , Totoday Whwho , C , Chief , This Mornining , E Commanderr , Up Therere , We Ta Helicoptpter , Chief Ga , Rescueue Effort , Peoeople Clamororing , We Can N Save Everyrybody Bebelow The Fifire , Sirens , Wailing , He L , Therere S Too Mumuch Fire , Draramatic Musisic , He Said , Too Dangere , Toto , O One , Exactlyy Whatat , Safe , Goingng On , Momore Plan , Peoe Asas , All Of Us S , Reactc , Knenew , Anothther Targ , Ththen , Me Ththat , Him , D I , Cubicacal Inner Ofofficer Anand , Doing , We P , Fofor Us , Barclay Y Street , Brouought Into , Fafather Judgege , U Up West St , 7 , 75 , Thinking Thahat , Sosouth Buildiding , Desk , O Sha , Coming Downwn , Coming Dodown , Crurumbled Fromom , White E House , Dedebris , Gonna A Run , Flflying , Nonow Ththere , Anan Unbelievave Situation N , Itit S , Collapse , On Towerer 2 , We Wondedered , Secocondary Explplosion , Sectction Of Thehe World Trade Cecenter , You Lookeded Outside , M Bad , We Undnderstand , We E Hadt , 2 , Peopople , Music , What Y You , Somber R , Saw Wasas , Ththe Streets , Trtremendous C Cloud , Debris Flylying , Mayor , Processed Tt , You Knowow , Anand That , Cityy Shouldld Remain Cacalm , Eveveryone In N , Ththe Entire B Building Fef , Uh , Walalking , Yoyou , Outstside Ofof Southern N Manhattan , Tell Peopople , Best Thining , Shouldldn T Worry Y , Iw , On Thehe Radio , Veryry , Remainin Home , You U Shouldn T Panic , On Telelevis , Do O Right Noww , What Tot , Getet , Adadvic , It Preparare , Tom M Bundersonn , We W , Firerehouse , Ththe Firehou , Blocksks , Everyr , Terrible Trtragedy , Nonot To Panicic , Ththrough Ts , Ststrategy Ththat , O , Bubuildings Ththat , Don T , F , Eieight Years S I Wawas , Min , To K , Think Aboutut , Hi , Pererst , Fatather Judgee , Thehe Process O Of Collapsis , Teeeetering Anand , Sesecond Towerer On The W , World Tradede Center , Lilike , Second Towewer Cacame Down , Asas , Abouout Twtwo , Peope , Don T Know , W York , Mamany , World Trtrade Centerer , Beenen Destroyeded , Worked W With , Ef , Y You Know , Say He S , Guys Geget , Loss O Of Life Wilill Be , Put Yourur Mask On , Yoyour Mask Onon , Step Up , Pososn , There Wawas , Emomotiona , Ti , Attack , Righght , Howow H What S T , Well Ththen , Lelet S , Anand Apparentntly , Ththe Situatioion , Situatition Righght , Go Nortrth , Let S , Airplalanes , Two , B , Andnd Daugh , Becacause They R , My Y , Wife , Theyey Were In T The Building Whenen , It Hit , Knoww , Peoeoe , Alalive , Anand Cops Arere , Alivive , T Come Up O On The , You L , On Thehe , Phone , Cell , Peoeople , You Lalast Sesee Them , Lost Everybybod , Sisir , Indndistinct , Radio Oror , A It S Thehe , Many , Um , Mimisg , People T , My L , Trade Cecenter , Froront , Thihing I , O Over , Radioio Chatter , Acaccount Fo , Them Arere , 30300 , Lolot Of Ameriricans , It S , S Hard , Still Todaday , 2222 , York , Fire , Pepeople Goingng , Wawashingtn Thatat , Pepeople , The Deatath , Ththe Grie , Faththers , Motherers , Loadaded , Momo , Afternoon , Alall Americanans , Mosost Difficululs , Acroross The Natation , H Hor , Disbsbelief , Obviouslsly , Ththe Tragedy Y , Ninightmares A , Ththe Ciy Anand The Coununtry , Hisistory , Wowouldn T Hapappen , Unundergoing R Rigw , Don N T , Soso , Really T , Deathth , Morortality , Ththis Point , Casualalties , Spepeculate Abobout , Immortalality , Wrestleled , Y , Us , Anany , Powerfl , Numbmber Of Casusualties , Reasonon , Ultitim , Can N Bear , His Heara , Simple , Mind , Ht , Anand Heartfelelt , Disarmrmingly Direre , Cleaean , Frorom , Clelear , Apex Ofof , T Bush , Heart T Attack , Neededed , Cause M My Shoulderer , Night Bebefore , Cocould Be Saiaid , One Po , Bebecause Thisis , One D , Ananother , Gigive Me Aa , Decision , Heart Attatack , Atat Night , Gononna Happen N Later , My Offffice , Lilike A Bibig Meeting G Room , Ii Went For Aa , Gogonna Happenen , Havave A Heart T Att , 10 , 1110 , 30 , Things , Me A Treremendous Sense E , This S Is What Ii Know How T , Bubut , Stabilility , Emergrgencies Becacause , Ththe River , Know Howow , It Gavave , Myselflf , Sense , Feel , Faith T , Ofof , Yoyou Know , Momenent , Di Don T Knknow God S P , You U Know , Sosome Way Thah , Godod , Religioious , Have Anynything , Don T Knowow God S Wil , Thatat I Guess Ii , Country , Events , Shahared Experirie , Small T Town , Shock , United Thehem , Desololate Music , Ththose Horrifific Imagess , Captptivated Amemericans , Didisbelief , Thehe Televisioion Scren , F Fear , My Y Apartment T Buildig The Mornrning , Ththe City , Thehe 12t , Justst Absolutelely , 12 , Just T , Brbe Anand The Cityty , Mororning , Ovover , Bre Atat , Dead Stillll , Quietet , Brorooklyn , 15 , 6 , Communications , At T , C Consultant , Mental Health , Mr , Temporarary Ememergency Heheadquartersr , Administratin , 9 11 , Statement , Citizenry , Terrorist Attacks , Concern , Aftermath , My Number One , Individuals , Giuli , Process , Health , Recovery , Trauma , Coping Mechanisms , Level , I Deveveloped A Plplan , Blueprprint Ththat , It W , Yorkeks , Inintegrated , Gogood Morningng , Completedd A Long M Meeting , He Undersrstood , Implememed , Discussedd Immedidiately , Rerequirementt , Sesenst , E Gonna , Sosomehow , Nececessity , Need Helelp , Vovoice , Need Assisistance , Thehe Truth , U , Ththe Fire Is S , Canan T Really Y Be Assur , Anythig , Uninified Countntry , Citity , Still Burnr , It Hahas Emergedd , Morere Unified W World , Stroronger Spiririt , Numbers , Realality Thatat , Prerepare Themsmselves Fofor , Wantnt Everyonee , Reconnectiting Individs , Trtrauma Expererience , Theirir , Ofof P , Rececover Sisignificant , R , Who , Ththose , The Peoplele , Toto A Wider C Community , The Peoeople , Persononal Trauauma Experieience , Jerusasm Dodo , Bririn Didid , Haveve To Defendnd Freedom , Unafa , 1 , 1940 , Ii , Go R Rudy , Flolorida On Aa Night Likike , Emotions , Reallyly , You Knonow , Ththat Ii Mean , Hololy Shh , W Wow , Yeaeah , York Cityty , Wouound , Lowerer Manhattanan , Yoyou Have T This Hole , Thehe Side , Tv , Ourur Show , Peperson , Horrible I Images , Seene Horrible , Thehe Upper Wewest Side , Los Angeleles , Man , Stability , It Wouldld , Eveveryone Wasas , Windows , Tha , Midst Of Cha , Leader , Stand Up Anand , Thosese Buildingsgs E , Whahat , America , Araround Yo In Amemerica , Deft Whenen , He Stetepped Forwaward , They Lovove , Courage , Suppot , Fofor The Restst Of T Countryry , G , Spirit , Volunteers , Wondnderful , O Other , Al Embracacing , Rudy Giululiani , Like E , Inin , Show , Amamerica Neededs , Kinind , Enormouously Importrtan , S Suppot , We Cacal , Newsrorooms , Covereded , 9 10 , Applause , Hehe , Aa Man , Pressure , World , Rest , Trtransmogrifificatin Ininto , Hou , Nenew Person , Meananing Beforere , Extraordininary Ge , Rudy Giuiuliani , Devevastating A , Psychologogical D Anand , S Led , Shrououded Na Real Andnd , Genentlemen , Ladidies , Chchoice Fofor , Thehe D , Us W , Saturdrday Night L Live , Sataturday Nighght Live , Giuiuliani Appepd , There Reluluctant , Nonone , Applplause , Wasas The Mayoror , Cacan , Statart Laughihing Again , Agai , Thinkingng Big , Audience Lalaughs , Laughteter , Okakay , Maybybe We Can T , Kind O , Impmportant Momoment , Mayoror Would Likike , Collecective Releaea , Cucurtain , Unprprecedented D , There D , Time Mamagazins Man Of Thehe , He Wouldld , Hihis Responsese , Rudy Y Giuliani S St , Thihis Newest P Phase , Atats Hahad Elevateded , Standining Ovation , Comeses To Feel N Nal , Someththing , Walklk , C Center Of Attentition , You Donon T Stop Apappla , Statart Singingng , Everery Rm , Lauaughter , Offer , Giuliani , Maybe W , Peoplple , Wondndeg , Crack , Bits , City Hall , Idea , Mayoyor Giuliani In Offffice , Cri , Times Hahas Indicateted , Democrar , Ananother Yea , Grgreat , Double Pollo Fit Bowls , Businesses , Order , El Pollo Loco , Internet , Prepaid Card , Most , Opportunity , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Efficient , Savvy , Yup , 1000 , 000 , Business , Business Internet , Company , Head Start , Network , 2024 , Family Meal , 24 , 4 , Will He E , Amererica , Sa Terrifific , Job Leleading , 9 , Who H He , Tererm Limited D His Two Teterm Tenure E , Man Of Thehe , About Extetending His S Term , Time Magazazine , T Tok , Will D Decemberer , 2001 , 31 , To Disapppp , Whwhat , Thehe City , Foror Power Wawasn T Goingng , Unity , Likike , Thehe First Inkng , Maintainin , Exixists , Three , We C , Giululiani Thinknks , Eveven , Wholole , Isis Gonna Fafall , He Leavev , Rereelect Him M But Unfortrtunately , Alolone , Menen Wiwill Be The E , Anand It , Meme Ii , Next Mayorr , Usus , Newew , Eitither Mimichael Bloooomberg , Phonone Call , Freddy Fererrer , No Sta , Mark , To Ststay Three M , Who Knowsws , Helell , Bebeyond , Sitituatio , Another Atattack , Sensibible Transitition Proce , My Teterm , Ea Stable , He Saiaid , There E Coulde , Someththing Unusuaual , Whicich Ends Jananuary 1st , Bee , Wewe T Extendnd , Mididdle Of Ac Civil W It , Publblic Sentimement For Th , O Run , Lincoln S , Rereelectn For Presesident , City Hahas , Civivil War , Just Madnesess , Times , Uniting Thehe , Community , God Blesess You , Aa Phenomenalalb , Inanaudible , Rududy , Talk , Saying , Phone E Call , Totop , On Thihis , Aide , Ms , Gonna Be H Happ , Gododfather , Tata , City Halll , Dream Aboutut Ii , Stature , Somomething Mosost Mayos , His , Giululiani , His S Political L , Amemerica , He Wowould Investst , Chchurchillianan Populariy , Got The Memessage , Evenen Opponentsts Concee , Controroversial Plp , Fiererce Criticicism , Rudydy , Campmpaign To , C Campai , One Waway , Reelelect Him , My Y Agenda , Ththird Term , Agendada Discussesed , Basisically , Centns , Agagenda Thatt , Afteter , C Core , E Discussionon , Aba , Borough Prpresident Frfreddy , Fer Madede , Smart Decin , Sasaid Okay , Cicity , O We V , Shshould Demanand , In Timeses Of Crisisis , Ththis City , O Outrage , Fofor Centurieies , One Indivividua , Thehe Process , This S Na , Wa , No Exceptp , Engagegen Popolitical Exextortion , Death , Blbloomberg Wawas , D Bloomber , Extensision , Titime , Anand Effectivively , Quiuick , 5 , Offifice , Bloombmberg , Didirectly , Thenen , Rudy Deaealt , Car , Lalast , Exhaustion , C City Hall , Days Aroround , 9 1 , Your , Withth Respect T , Y You , Get T Pictures W With Y , Waititing , Hand , Aututograph , Prprobably Hisis Life , Shake Youour , Linine , Multltiply , 100 , Timeme , Kind , Politicician , Think Thatat , Leaeav , Adadulat , Laughs , , Got To , To T , Giuliani S Swears N , Help Me G God , Sometethig , Mikike Bloom , Me Godod , Brarain , Jusust , His Succccessor , My Ababi , Y To The Besest , Ofof My Abili , Whicich , President , Back K , Anand Likely G , States , United D , Wororld , What H , Top , Nextxt Stage Thahat , He Wanted , Gonnana , Day One , Do Exextraordinarary , Hm Fromom , He Wan , Office , Book O On Leadershsh , Aa Quality Ththat , Builild A Busineness , My Life , He Persrsonid , Gegetting A Rock Statar Receptioion , My Book , Straraighten Outut , He H , Rebound , Ways , Variety , Rurudy S Now Aa Private Citizezen , Hihis Life , He S Healthy , Lovesm , Bebeaten Proststate , Womanan , Ameririca S Mayoror , Cheers Anand Applause , Mididtown Manhahattan , Enormomous Populararity , Unoffificially Regegarded , Take Aa Lunchtimeme , Miss You , Gogo Yanks , He S B , Calleded , The World , Fann , I Actuallyly , Anotother , Ththe City Wilill , Go Yanks , Fashshionable , Absolute , Bro , Ea Fan Of T , Cheers , Leless Stress S , O Me , Queen , Dada , People Likeke , Hohonor , Her Ii , Hopope You Rere , The Q , Got K Knighted , Arare Not Presesident , Feww Amererican Polititicians , Gigiuliani , The World S Stage Likeke , Catapupulted Ononto The Wororld Stage , American Hero , Apapplause , Cheheers , Star , Giulianini , Hononorable Rudolph H Giuliani , Repepublican Paparty , Natational Profofile , Enors Nationonal Platfororm , Risising , Bush No , George W , Term , Up Dreamingng Of B Becoming Prpresident , Ininternationanal Profile , Need Geororge , O An En , Doesn T Itit , C County , Diffeference , Sayin , I M The B Best , Step , I Ve Rurun New Yo , Runnining The Coununtry , Needs Leadadership , Openening , Prpresident Asas Other , Candidate , Youngest C , Oi Am , Americican Runnnning , Mosost Experien , Ththem Sort Itit Out Frfrom , Does S , Y Humbli , Do O Is Tak , He S Thehe Guy Who K Knows How W To Run Ag Governmentt Ththat , Libiberals Have Screwewed Up , Nenever Run Aa Business , Nevever Run A Ststate , Runnining Againstt , Three Dedemocrats Who Have N Never Run Aa Ci , Guy , Threats , Dedemocracy Atattacked , Terrororists , Ososama Bin Laladen , Ststill Makingng , Peopople Pervertrted , Religigion Betrayeyed , Hate Withohout Boundararie , Enemy Withohout Border , In Aw World Wherere The Net Crisisis , Peopople Lookok , Momement Awa , Resulults , Foror Results , Race , Thank K , Skin N Hehe , Sizzlzle , Percrceptin , Exciciting Candidid , This S Electi , Charismam , You Vevery , G Gonna Bringng , C Comfortablele , Respononsibility O Of Mills , Security P Ththere , Running , Mimillions , P Performance , S Safety , Theirir Shouldersrs , Belief Tt The E Party , Reasasonably Gooood Chane , Basesed , Hasas , Diffificult Circucumstanc , 20088 , To B Be T On Taxeses , Nonot , Repupublica , T The War , Ababout Septemember 11th , Starteted To Go Ququite Ba , Abortionon , Gu , 2008 , 11 , Sometimimes He W , Progreressive , Yorkerr , Wrongng On Threeee , Rerepublican B Base Vo , Memberers , Exextreme Assest To B , Candndidate , H Parties , Exexperience , S Race , Presididential Nomominatin Byby Building G Momentum , Thinink Giulianini , Runun A Campaigign Of Id , Winning Ththe , South C , Debate Prep , Advice , Da Differenent Idea , Floridida Strategygy , Earliestst Contes , Nenew Hampshirire , Statates Like I Iowa , Florida , Stas Anand , Primary , Inititial Primarary , Republican , Stitill Leadig , Repupublican Nomomi , Doubt , Banking , Groovy Y Music , Pararty Faithl Will S Support Giuiuliani , Thehe Polls , Whole E Contest , Strategy , He S W , Ouout Of The N , Camping G , C Comers , Floridia , News Cycle , Risk , Waiting Untntil Jajanuary 29thth , Effffect , Willll He Be Ablble , Raisese , 29 , Itit Misread T , Thisis , People Wowould , The Voter B Beh , We Selelected , Prpretty Closese , Statete , Ththis Is , Cr , Thehe Demographp , Bleleep , A Brililliant , Situauation Like E , He E , Youou Know , Kikind , Presenteded , It Rereals , Get Nenervous , Counteririntuitive S Strateg , Voterers , H Hampshir , Vevery Appeg , Iowa , Tacicit Admissn , Barack Obaba , Crucucial First T , Win , Ofof Campaign N , Thehe Frontrr Fofor , Former , Credit , Mamanaged , Givive Mccan , Newew Hampshirere , Mike Huckakabee , 08 Madede For Solidid , Govovernor , 08 , Rerepublicans S , Wasn T Easy , Rudy Giuliliani , Invested E Everythingg , Attetention To F Florid , T John Mccaiain , Mike Huckakabe , Rest O , Statate , Nextxt Tuesday Can N , He S H , Bibig Win , Flororida , Rac , Aberrationn Whenen , Partrty , Mayayor , Him Riright , Poio , Youour Messagee , That S , Message , Chuckles , You Affordrd , Rudy Giuliani , 52ndnd Day Of Campapaigning , 52 , Ththan , Peoe , N Flori , To Florir , Indistincnct Shoutingng , Sometitimes , Whenenever I Comome , At Home , Him To Susucce , Burnrning Money Y , Couple O , Mad M , Mono , Wanteded , Stilill , Wilill , Off Arouound , Thehe Ride , Lasast , Inin Florid , Johnhn Mccain , Of Coursrse , Big Winir In T The State O Of Florida , He W , Big G , Night Fofor , Aa Very Diffificult , Story Toninight , Hopingng , Rerepublin Presidenential Nomininatio , Victctor , He T , Campaign , Lost C , Gonna , Momore , Mimillion Herere , Wasn T Jujust A Hard Dt , Embarrrrassmen , 0 , Attention , Ththought Of L , I Don T , Sosomehow Wass Part O , Disappointment , Media Coverage , Fascination , He C , Figure , His Idenentity , People E , Politician , Amers Fofollow You , Changnge People S , Haveve Millions , Lives , Led , Anan , Cynical S , A , Heheartbreakining , Personanal Atta , Negativeve Ads , Statay Positiveve , Campaigign Thatat , Giuliaiani , Ththis Primary , Peoeople Starteted V He Investeted , We Ranan , Uplififting , His Hearat And D Soul , All T The Qualitities Of , 44thth Presidentnt , United Ststates , Coconducted Hihimself , Aa Politicalal Career , Exceptitional Amamerican Leaeader , He Trurul , Barack Obabama , The End , 44 , Anything G Anymo , Whethther He Wass A Full T Time Businenessman , Youou , Politicician Anymorere , Yeyet Another R Wilderness Where He W Wasn T Quitite Se , S No , Vice P , Plal , Wawashington T Terms , Wasn T V , He Misseses , The Actition , Y Yesterda , Momore Unfettetd , Unencucumbered , Gigiuliani Tououched , Thing , Do Not B , O Sa , Is Dedeplorable , Unpapatriotic , Horriblele , Ththe Presidenent Loves Amam , Is D , It T , Cerertain Peoplple , Fafar , Remarks , Remark , Fp , Dog Whistltle , Defendeded , Y Tripling , Bacacking Dow , Nothining , Certainin , Out T , Create Ththat , Politics , Peoplele , O Claim , Dialectic , Groups Insnstinctive , Inin Groups , Notothing , Racisism , Obama C , Wewe Didn T Hahave , Hihis Combativive E , Attitude , Morore , Wayays , Alon , Befofore , Morere Intense V Vn , Sucuccesl , Radical Isislamic Terrrrorist Attack In N , Contact , Card , Security , Value , Uniteded Stat Ii Didn T Havave , Ththat Poin , Diminisheded , Wororks Inin Brown Couounty , Voters , Shohould Have B , Couple , Republicican Constitituency , Rudy Centrtric , That G Guy , Wiscocon , Son , Call Center , Job Working , Job , Bebeen , Tours , Factory Making Auto Parts , Off Shored , Iraq , 2525 , Onone Of The A Angry , Ninene Bucks An N , Vovoters Thatat , O Health Insnsurance , Beeeen Mad , Indisistinct Chatatter , Discusug Fofor The Lastst , Cheers S , Countrtry , Goingng , Presidident , Applauause , Uniteded States , Officiaially Runnin , Great Agagain , Delegats , Donaldld Trump S M March To The Nomomination Would D , Heading G , Trump P , Mog Likeke A Storm F , Republblican Primimaries , Caucuses , Susuper Tuesdy Nenext , Donald Trurump , Ofof Support F For Trump , Crowd , Betet Against N , Think Giululiani , Trumpmp , Choice , Bestst , Clearlyly , Rack K Up Wins , Saw V Ve In Hisis Being Av , The One , Chchoice , Yoyork , Bebeat Hillaryry Clinto , Lizard Brain , Black Hole , Trump , Spotlight , Reposed , Aa New Yorkerer , On T , Thanank You , Ticket , Donald Trt , Onc , Third T , Yorkrk , W Trump , Art , Onoe Of T The Great I Ironies F , Fofourth Tier , Real Eststate Bull , Cheerers , I Ththink , Actualal Power In N , What Trumpmp , Deal , Anyone , Real Estatate , Hihis Speecheses , Becacause , Defamamation Ofof , Titd Ofof , Clintonon Campai , Donald Trtrump , Gogood , T The Media , Sick A , Anand America A , Thehey Don T , Tired Ofof , Nanasty Campaiaign , Tetell Yu About Fame Is , Themem , Vicicious , Angry Sper , What T , Doesn T , You B , E Ameria , Susuccessful , Succesessful , Succccessfu , Usuaually , Famomous , Famouous , It S Timime , Thenen You Die , You Dieie , Safe Agagain , Ththere Is Jusust America , Blalack Americ , America One Agaiain , One Amererica , White Amameric , There Is N No , How W , It G , Whatat , Wherere , Opopportunity Y , Politicalal Power , Persol Devevelopment , Opportrtunity , G Growth , Rise , Achihievement , Height T , B Busines , C Music , Elecection , Thehe Electios Goining , Opppportunity , Thingss Thatat Rudy , Lelegacy , On N 9 , Canal Ststreet , Sououthern Manhnhattan , North Andnd , Calmlmly , Imporortant Storyry To Tel , Safafely Evacue , Wouldld Considider , Matters , Mucuch , You U Don T Havee , Rerealize , Aay Isis , Hehelped , What T Wo Shouould Be Motitivated , It Doesn T Matter , Legacy , Fatalism , I Don T Care About My Legacy , Scheme , Universe , Arena , The Sun , 10000 ,

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