Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And L

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20200109

trial, now it looks like some democrats agree. and a star in the u.k. harry and meghan are stepping back from the royal duties. the palace caught so off-guard, even the queen was surprised. cnn is live this morning in tehran, baghdad, beirut and london. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> in london they're calling it mexit on the front page of the newspapers. that's a big story. we'll get to that in a moment. 25 days until the iowa coxs, but we begin with the u.s. and iran seeming to be backing away from armed conflict. today house lawmakers will take steps to ensure they are involved next time. house speaker nancy pelosi setting a vote on a war powers resolution that will limit the president's military actions against iran. pelosi has criticized the president for not consulting congress before the drone strike that killed top iranian general cusemisoleimani. >> two key republican senators, allies of the president joined democrats joining the administration failed to prove soleimani was planning an imminent attack on u.s. interests. >> probably the worst briefing i've seen at least on a military issue in the 9 years i've served in the united states senate. to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against iran. it's un-american, unconstitutional and it's wrong. >> there was no specific information given to us of a specific attack. generality, stuff you read in the newspaper was given to us. and none of it was overwhelming that "x" was going to happen. >> one of the briefers, defense secretary mark esper, defended it. >> most members of congress do not have access to the intelligence that i think was the most compelling. that's just simply the nature of the intelligence and it's restricted to the gang of eight, if you will. >> esper and another brief now say they believe iran's missile targeting u.s. bases were intending to kill american personnel. that is a sharp contrast floated by other administration officials that the iranians missed on purpose. >> cnn has new details this morning inside the white house as the missile strikes on u.s. bases unfolded. a senator who spoke with president trump tells cnn the president seemed ready to attack iranian facilities if there been been one american casualty. fortunately, there were none. the president walked back from the brink. >> iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world. the fact we have this great military and equipment, however, does not mean we have to use it. we do not want to use it. >> the president promised punishing new sanctions against iran but said nothing about further military strikes. for the latest let's turn to cnn's fred pleitgen live in tehran. it seems as though there has been a pause button pressed on this conflict. >> yeah, i think you're absolutely right, christine. it's quite interesting because we had some new reporting today on the ground in tehran. our crew just did an interview with the government spokesman who said iran believed there was a degree of rationality as they put it in president trump's speech last night and the spokesman urging president trump as he put to come back to as they say international law and the nuclear agreement that was signed by the past administration. obviously listening to president trump speak there yesterday in his speech it didn't seem as though that was something necessarily in the cards. he of course was blasting the nuclear deal at every turn of that speech that he was giving. a little bit of different view coming from the u.n. ambassador from iran who this morning said that president trump's plea to say that the u.s. and iran should cooperate on areas of mutual agreement like for instance in the fight against isis was not believable. the u.n. ambassador for iran said, he said especially since president trump is hitting iran with those new sanctions, once again obviously that's something didn't go down very well at all with irans and iranians believe these new sanctions are at the core of the tensions between the u.s. and iran are continuing. at the same time we have some great new reporting from our colleagues in washington, d.c. who after speaking with multiple sources are saying inside the situation room as it was clear this counter attack by the iranians was happening, that there was a degree of surprise, that the iranians only fired so few missiles at those american bases. of course there are tension in the air but those tensions were somewhat eased because the officials seemed to understand the iranians were more bent on sending a message than killing americans. it really does seem as though right now, christine, this whole region has pressed the pause button, if you will. however, the main tension between the u.s. and iran still very much continuing. >> fred pleitgen for us this morning in tehran. >> during his address to the nation president trump offered up this surprise. >> i am going to ask nato to become much more involved in the middle east process. >> after railing against nato for years the president is now seeking help from the alliance. let's go live to riyadh, saudi arabia, and bring in cnn's nick robertson. the president wants help, but do they have the appetite for this? >> reporter: they certainly seem to have the appetite to keep the nato alliance going and a lot of that is dependent on keeping the president sweet. the secretary-general has gone out of its way to make sure nato bends to the will of president trump. so, you know, there is an appetite to continue an international military presence inside iraq to help train the iraqis but also to make sure that isis doesn't reemerge, so there will be some understanding and support potentially there, but we haven't heard from president trump what that really means, that nato will be inclined to help. but for the united states allies in the region like saudi arabia they will be wondering does this mean president trump intends to draw down u.s. forces significantly? will the united states allies be left depending more on europeans for their strategic strength in the region? that would be a concern. and the other thing as we stand right now, how is iran going to respond to more sanctions? have they accepted a game change has now heaped with the killing of qassem soleimani? for saudis and others in this region here will wonder what the next move from iranians will be? will it be to use their proxies again and directly or indirectly target saudis and others as they have in the past? the nato question, though, is a very big one for united states allies in this region. >> nick, thanks for that reporting in riyadh. >> investors around the world are feeling calmer about tensions between the u.s. and iran. prices actually fell once the conflict seemed to ease and president trump said this. >> america's achieved energy independence. we are now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world. we are independent, and we do not need middle east oil. >> well, the president is overstating america's energy independence. it is not that simple. yes the u.s. is the world's leading oil producer, it's one reason why the recent supply disres haven't had a more dramatic impact on oil prices, but the u.s. is still dependent on the middle east, particularly saudi arabia because oil is a globally traded commodity. that means a supply disruption somewhere like the strait of hormuz would cause a response everywhere, higher prices everywhere. it runs most efficiently with heavy oil. u.s. shale oil, that oil that makes us energy independent, the world's leading oil producer, it's light oil. that's why the u.s. imports heavy oil from overseas including the middle east. the largest refinery in the u.s., by the way, in texas is owned by saudi arabia. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and president trump met at the white house and discussed the upcoming senate impeachment trial. sources tell cnn they discussed format and other issues. mcconnell's interactions with trump are sure to fuel accusations from democrats. the senate majority leader is improperly coordinating the trial with the white house. house speaker nancy pelosi say democrats continue to wait and see what the terms are for that trial. mcconnell is also not budging, calling pelosi's refusal to turn over those articles of impeachment shameless game playing. >> there will be no haggling with the house over senate procedure. we will not accede our authority to try this impeachment. the house democrats' turn is over. >> and now in a twist, several democrats look like they're siding with mcconnell saying the articles should be handed over. many of them are concerned the stalemate could affect democratic presidential primaries. five senators would have to leave the campaign trail for trial. and, you know, iowa caucuses next month. >> that's right. his great escape made headlines around the world. how did carlos ghosn do it, and would he ever face a trial? what he told cnn next. lysol kills over 100 illness causing germs and viruses. even those that may cause runny noses. lysol, what it takes to protect. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again! well, a major shakeup in the british royal family. prince harry and meghan, the duchess of sussex say they will be stepping back from their royals as senior members of the british family. coming as a surprise to everyone even queen elizabeth. good morning, anna. so what is the latest there? quite the up roar. >> reporter: yeah, such a shocking statement from the couple. but also you could feel the shock in the statement we got from buckingham palace from the queen. it said discussions with the duke and duchess of sussex are at an early stage. we understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues to work through. i want to show you the headline because it is pretty much front and center. the queen's dismay as harry and meghan step back from daily life. in the daily mail the queen's fury. and they didn't even tell the queen. and that seems to be the big story here, it's not just the shock the couple are going to step back from senior roles. perhaps that's not such a big surprise, but the idea the royal family weren't aware, and as we understood it that statement went out without any of the royal family knowing about it. >> it's just incredible that harry and meghan were able to keep this under wraps there. thanks so much. 16 minutes past the hour. to australia now, 27 lives lost to the wildfire there. a state of disaster has been extended through saturday. there are brush fires in every state. new south whales and victoria home to city and melbourne have been hit the hardest. nearly 18 million acres have burned thus far. hundreds of dead animals lying aside of the road in new south whales. countless more struggling to survive. right now 110 army reserve helping to keep injured wildlife on kangaroo island. and also australian billionaire andrew forest and his wife have pledged an equivalent $48 million to fund relief and recovery. cor lose ghosn blasting japan's system from lebanon. ghosn spoke since pulling off a stunning escape from japan where he was out on bail for financial wrongdoing. he tells our richard quest he feels bad about those detained by turkey for aiding in his escape. he declined to comment about the various reports how he broke out of japan. "the wall street journal" and some turkish media reporting ghosn hid in a container. >> i'm just going to go for this and hope you'll give me an answer. what was it like in the packing case? >> no comment. look, freedom, freedom no matter the way it happens is always sweet. >> asked if he'll ever face trial ghosn said it would have to be in a country, quote, where the rules are right and the defense would be respected. >> he said he was a hostage. he doesn't consider himself a fugitive from justice. really shining the light on what he says are like a 99.5% conviction rate. >> this was all part of his hollywood pitch. >> absolutely. did jessie smollett fake an attack on himself or not? 12 months of google data could provide the answer. good morning! oh no, here comes the neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his xfinity customer service is. i'm mike, i'm so busy. good thing xfinity has two-hour appointment windows. they have night and weekend appointments too. he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass. i don't use some waxy cover up. i use herpecín l, it penetrates deep to treat. it soothes moisturizes and creates a spf 30 barrier to protect against flare ups caused by the sun. herpecín l. it does more for a cold sore. attorneys for harvey weinstein wants a judge in his sexual assault case to recuse himself. judge james burke threaten today jail weinstein tuesday for texting in the courtroom. lawyers claim his comments were prejudicial. the discrass producer is on trial for allegedly raping a woman and sexually assaulting another. at least 80 women have accused weinstein of sexual misconduct. in illinois a judge ordering google to hand over 12 months worth of jussie smollett's personal electronic data. that includes search history, photographs, files and geolocation information. the actor faces a civil suit from the city of chicago for reimbursement of the cost of investigating that attack. smolle smollett filed a counter suit. under a bill by two california state senators that the measure would require cell transmitters to keep working for at least 72 hours like the ones conducted by pg&e last october. the fcc says muran county lost power to more than a half of its cell sites during a shutoff and provide back up batteries to hospitals and vulnerable individuals like the disabled. some good news, bad news on the health front. a new study finds alcohol related deaths more than doubled in the u.s. over the past two decades. from nearly 36,000 in 1999 to almost 73,000 in 2017. about half of the deaths are from liver disease or an overdose of alcohol or alcohol mixed with drugs. the largest annual increase was among non-hispanic white women. on the flip side cancer deaths in the u.s. are the largest single decline ever. between 2016 and 2017 cancer deaths plunged 2.2%. and the increased survival rate mainly due to the advances in treatment the leading cause. for the second straight year the oscars will go without a traditional host. last year's ceremony was the first host free oscars since 1989. the show was a critical success and ratings jumped. the 92nd academy awards will air february 9 lgt on abc. oscar nominations will be unveiled on monday. >> the oscars always remind me i have so many movies i haven't seen. today the house votes on a measure that could limit future military action against iran. a briefing on the strike that took out a top iranian general was not well received. probably the worst briefing i've seen at least on a military issue. >> i didn't learn anything in the hearing that i hadn't seen in a newspaper already. >> a contentious briefing on the strike that took out a top iranian general. today a house vote that could handcuff the president's future moves on iran. >> we will not accede our authority to try this impeachment. the house democrats' turn is over. >> so mitch mcconnell wants to get moving on the senate impeachment trial, but now some democrats look like they agree. and a stunner in the u.k. harry and meghan are stepping back from royal duties. the palace caught so off-guard even the queen was surprised. cnn is live this morning in tehran, riyadh, baghdad, beirut and london. welcome back to "early start," everyone. i'm christine romans. >> 31 minutes past the hour here in new york. the u.s. and iran seem to be backing away from armed conflict, but today house lawmakers will take steps to ensure they're involved next time around. house speaker nancy pelosi setting a vote on a war powers resolution that will limit the president's military actions against iran. pelosi has criticized the president for not consulting congress before the drone strike that killed top iranian general qassem soleimani. >> so wednesday a contentious classified briefing on iran infuriated some lawmakers. two republican senators, allies of the president, joined democrats joining the administration failed to prove soleimani was planning an imminent attack on u.s. interests. >> probably the worst briefing i've seen at least on a military issue in the 9 years i've served in the united states senate. to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against iran. it's un-american. it's unconstitutional, and it's wrong. >> there was no specific information given to us of a specific attack. generality, stuff you read in the newspaper was given to us. i didn't learn anything in the hearing i hadn't seen in a newspaper already. and none of it was overwhelming that "x" was going to happen. >> one of the briefers, defense secretary mark esper, defended it. >> most members of congress do not have access to the intelligence that i think was the most compelling. that's just simply the nature of the intelligence and it's restricted to the gang of eight, if you will. >> esper and another briefer of the joint chiefs mark milly now say they believe the missiles targeting u.s. bases were intended to kill american personnel. that contrasts with the view floated by other administration officialsthality the iranians missed on purpose. >> cnn has new details from inside the white house as the iranian missile strikes on the u.s. bases unfolded. a senator who spoke to president trump tells cnn the president seemed ready to attack iranian facilities if there been been even one american casualty. fortunately there were none. the president with a show of military force standing behind him stepped back from the brink. >> iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties and a very good thing for the world. the fact that we have this great military and equipment, however, does not mean we have to use it. we do not want to use it. >> cnn has also learned iran initiated contact with the trump administration through at least three back channels. the message, no further strikes from tehran. the ball was in america's court. the president promised punishing sanctions against iran but said nothing about further military strikes. for the latest let's turn to cnn's frederick pleitgen live for us in tehran. and you have some new reporting this morning. >> reporter: i have. we do have some new reporting this morning from on the ground here in tehran. in fact our crew here in tehran did an interview with the government spokesman of the iranian government and he said the iranians were actually quite encouraged by president trump's speech last night. they're saying they had saw a degree of rationality in what president trump said and did. obviously deciding not to retaliate against the iranians after that retaliatory strike coming from the iranians themselves. however, the spokesman also saying he's calling on president trump to return to as they put it international law, return to the nuclear agreement. of course the big things the iranians are criticizing is the fact president trump has now announced yet another round of sanctions against iran and against the iranian government. that's something they've been criticizing for a long time. in fact, the u.n. ambassador for iran, he came out very early this morning, and he called president trump's call for iran and the u.s. to work together on issues of mutual interest. i think president trump was referring to the fight against isis there, not believable because of these sanctions that the trump administration keeps coming up with. the iranians of course are saying this maximum pressure campaign from the u.s. side is really what's at the heart of the tensions that keep flaring up between the u.s. and iran. meanwhile some tough talk as well. the iran's supreme leader calling that iranian strike against that base with the troops on it a slap in the face to the united states. very important for the iranians to showcase the fact they could strike u.s. interests in the region with their ballistic missile program. of course their ballistic missiles at the heart of what they're trying to say in the world. certainly they've shown that technology is very accurate and can strike at a long distance. but i want to show you one headline we found on farce news, that's one of the news outlets here. it says trump's big retreat from the threat of laumic republic of iran, and you also have some senior iranian officials, laura, now saying this by no means is over and the ultimate aim of iranians to kick the u.s. out of this region, laura. >> fred live for us in tehran. after tensions between the u.s. and iran seemed to cool two rockets landed in baghdad's green zone. jumana karadsheh live from baghdad with the latest. do we know who fired those rockets? could it be pro-iranian militia who want to send a message to it united states who say, hey, we still are opposed to your troop presence in our country? >> reporter: exactly. i mean the timing of this, christine, was absolutely interesting here. of course rocket attacks are not unusual. there have been several attacks recently in the green zone. no casualties, no claim of responsibility, and they're usually believed to be the work of these iranian backed militias here on the ground. so something right after president trump's address and the message from the iranians that they've concluded their retaliation, and it did seem like this was all headed towards deescalation for now. so wondering if this was a message from some elements here on the ground saying that for them it is not over yet. you know, these different shia paramilitary groups here on the ground, they're not really unified in their position. and of course this is the concern. we've heard some of these groups coming out with statements yesterday. one of those groups we've heard from the influential -- who's army in the past fought the u.s. military. of course he had deactivated them only last week to ask them to be on alert, to be on standby again. and yesterday coming out with a statement telling them to stand down for now and saying he wants to allow diplomacy here to take its course and asking people to be patient. but at the same time we've also heard from other more radical groups. for example, groups that say they have not yet retaliated while iran may have. for them they have not avenged the death of one of their leaders who was killed in that u.s. strike. and these groups are unified in one thing, christine. they say they want the u.s. military out. if there is no immediate withdrawal, if there's any attempts to stall when it comes to the military pulling out of iraq, they say they will fight the americans again just like they did during the years of the military occupation. >> and the president yesterday did not mention u.s. troop presence in his remarks, so that's important to note. all right jomana karadsheh, thanks so much. sources tell cnn they discussed format and other issues. mcconnell's interactions with trump are sure to fuel accusations from democrats that the majority leader's improperly coordinating the trial with the white house. the house speaker nancy pelosi says democrats continue to wait and see what the terms are for that trial. mcconnell is also not budging calling pelosi's refusal to turn over articles of impeachment shameless game playing. >> there will be no haggling with the house over senate procedure. we will not accede our authority to try this impeachment. the house democrats' turn is over. >> now several democrats look like they're siding with mcconnell saying the articles should be handed over. many of them are concerned the stalemate could affect democratic presidential primaries. five senators would have to leave the campaign trail for a trial. how much does it cost to protect the president and his family on vacation? the white house is trying to hide that information until after the 2020 election. democratic lawmakers are pushing for a bill requiring the secret service to disclose the price of safeguarding the first family when they travel. but according to "the washington post" treasury secretary steve mnuchin told the senate judiciary committee the costs should not be released until december 2020 at the earliest. the secret service has declined to comment. the president has taken more than 50 trips to trump branded properties outside of washington. and of course the issue is how much are the american taxpayers paying the secret service to stay there? >> absolutely. 40 minutes past the hour. american businesses are asking from relief from the president's wine tariffs. the wine industry is caught up in two separate trade spats. the trump administration placed a 25% tariff on most european wine in october in retaliation for european subsidies for airbus. and trump also threatened tariffs on champagne. unlike chinese made industrial materials wines are not interchangeable. sellers can't substitute a sparkling wine from california for a french champagne. the french tariff could lead to smaller profits in the wine industry triggering layoffs and higher costs for consumers. shoppers haven't seen prices increased in stores because importers have absorbed the costs of the tariffs so far just like many retailers have eaten the costs on trump tariffs on chinese goods. retailers start stocking up as they wait to see what happens with the tariffs. tariffs equals uncertainty for business period. could complications between the u.s. and iran hurt the investigation into a plane crash that killed 176 people? stay with us. good morning! oh no, here comes the neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his xfinity customer service is. i'm mike, i'm so busy. good thing xfinity has two-hour appointment windows. they have night and weekend appointments too. he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass. global politics colliding with the pursuit of facts about the crash of the ukrainian jetliner in tehran. tensions between the united states and iran are complicating the crash investigation. overnight iranian officials said initial reports show the plane caught fire before it crashed and then tried to turn back toward the airport. in a typical investigation boeing, ge and u.s. transportation officials would be granted access to the crash site. but there's nothing typical about this disaster. richard quest live from beirut. and the black box, iran's still not turning it over, right? >> reporter: no, they're not. and the way this is supposed to happen so iran would find -- the country would find the black boxes, and if they didn't have the technology to read them out, then the boxes would be sent to the u.s., the u.k., france, australia, one of those countries that have the sophisticated equipment necessary. now, iran is clearly -- we don't know whether iran has the technology to read out the black boxesch the best opinion is that they don't have that and therefore would need to decide where to send the boxes to get the data. what would be devastating, of course, laura is if they decide to have a botched attempt at reading the data themselves and in the cases destroy it. no, the boxes would probably present knowing the geopolitics like russia that does have the technology for reading the black box. but as the investigation proceeds boeing and general electric have huge interests in knowing exactly what happens to make sure it's not and so they can make any changes necessary that's a result of this crash. >> and it's a fascinating interplay in all the politics in this. a major shakeup in the british royal family. prince harry and meghan duchess of sussex say they will be stepping back from their roles as senior members of the british royal family. the announcement coming as a surprise to everyone, even queen elizabeth. good morning, ana. the u.s. papers, calls it mexit which is clever but is it really i guess a say good-bye to buxingham palace? what is it they want? >> they cleary want a better balance to their private life. but they still they say want to honor their duty to the queen, to the commonwealth. they're planning to launch a whole new charitable foundation as well. but what they don't want i suppose is to be beholden to the british press. they released a rule book on how they want to deal with the press in the future. they don't want to be part of the traditional allowing all british media to follow them at various events. they want to pick and choose the media that they like. we've had some super royal megafans coming down to buckingham palace and many disappointed with the couple. these are fans that follow them to every event. they're very disappointed in the couple. some saying they have to choose now between supporting the sussexs or supporting the royal family. the fact that the couple isn't a surprise itself i would say given the message we've had from them, a very turbulent relationship with the press. and of course archie wasn't given a royal title when he was born last may so perhaps that again was a clue. and perhaps that cemented their decision. >> and they don't essentially want to live in the u.k. solely. all right anna stuart, thank you so much for that from buckingham palace this morning. well, rbg says she's cancer free. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsberg telling cnn she's beating the disease for the fourth time hereafter undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer in august and also battled lung cancer forcing her to lose part of a lung and miss oral arguments for the first time in 25 years on the bench. the 86-year-old justice has also beat colon cancer. all right, elon musk has reason to celebrate. tesla's market value just hit an impressive milestone. cnn business has the details next. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i 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supervisor. now i'm a director at a security software firm. wow, you've been at it a long time. the thing is, i like working. what if my retirement plan is i don't want to retire? then let's not create a retirement plan. let's create a plan for what's next. i like that. get a plan that's right for you. td ameritrade. colorado's new red flag gun seizure law has been used for the first time one day after it took effect. a denver police invoked the measure asking a judge to let them keep weapons they confiscated from a man who allegedly beat his wife and made suicidal comments to investigators. if a judge grants the petition police could keep the guns for 364 days and the man could also be barred from possessing other firearms during that period. a 2-year-old girl who was hit by a foul ball at a houston astros game more than 7 months ago has permanent brain damage. an attorney representing the girl's family says she remains subject to seizures and doctors tell us her injury is affecting her central nervous system the same way as a stroke. but she's able to function like most girls her age and the family is said to be doing relatively well. in december the mlb commissioner ordered netting in every ball mark to extend beyond the far end of the dug out before the 2020 season begins. the beleavers are eating up justin bieber's new song yummy and revealing in an instagram post has been been battling lyme disease. he'll explain more about his diagnosis in a duocu series. twin saurs have been successfully separated. the procedure to separate them took 13 hours and happened six weeks ago. hospital officials are just now releasing the details waiting to ensure there were no post' surgery complications. the twins who were born in august are now well enough to go home. the girls are the first to be separated at the government run specialist center in snigeria's capitol. oil prices are suddenly down here as investors are feeling calmer about the u.s. and iran. small moves here in brent crude, still about $65 a barrel. west texas immediate still about 60. new this morning the chinese vice premier will lead a delegation to the u.n. next week to sign that phase one trade deal. global markets, stock markets have rallied. around the world you can see gains in the stock markets on the feeling there was a pause at least in the tension between the u.s. and iran. and wall street, futures are also moving a bit higher here this morning, about 80 points. that's not even half a percent. the dow closed up 162 points, nasdaq hit a record high. and the s&p 500 finished higher as well. data shows employment grew 202,000 at the end of the year, the biggest increase since april. job growth weakened a bit as manufacturers, energy companies and smaller businesses have shed jobs. in december the official government jobs report comes out tomorrow 8:00 a.m. eastern time. i just can't get enough of this video. elon musk has reason to celebrate. tesla is now worth more than the combined market values of general motors and ford. tesla's market value was $88 billion after its stock hit an all-time high of $492. tesla still husband a way its to go before it beats toyota and worth about $200 billion. >> you always tell world leaders never to dance and never to wear hats. just saying. well, while you were sleeping harry and meghan's decision to step back from their royals in the royal family got the attention of late night comics. >> there are senior levels of royal? >> they've got levels to this. >> i thought it just went like king, queen, prince, princess, jack of spades, boy wizard, dukes of hazard, and then cartoon mouse that sews cinderella's dress. >> turns it kind of sucks. >> another big question is if harry and meghan comes from america where are they going to live? she's going to want to work again and harry can just join the cast of real house wives of beverly hills. >> that's going to be difficult. they lived in a cottage -- >> they they just re-did. >> they are paid for by the british royal family and british taxpayers. that'll be interesting if they can pull it off. >> thank tuesday our international viewers for joining us. have a great rest of your day. for our viewers here in the u.s., "early start" continues right now. probably the worst briefing i've seen at least on a military issue. >> i didn't learn anything in the hearing that i hadn't seen in a newspaper already. >> a contentious briefing on the strike that took out a top iranian general. today a house vote that could handcuff the president's future moves on iran. >> we will not accede our authority to try this

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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20200109 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20200109

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trial, now it looks like some democrats agree. and a star in the u.k. harry and meghan are stepping back from the royal duties. the palace caught so off-guard, even the queen was surprised. cnn is live this morning in tehran, baghdad, beirut and london. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> in london they're calling it mexit on the front page of the newspapers. that's a big story. we'll get to that in a moment. 25 days until the iowa coxs, but we begin with the u.s. and iran seeming to be backing away from armed conflict. today house lawmakers will take steps to ensure they are involved next time. house speaker nancy pelosi setting a vote on a war powers resolution that will limit the president's military actions against iran. pelosi has criticized the president for not consulting congress before the drone strike that killed top iranian general cusemisoleimani. >> two key republican senators, allies of the president joined democrats joining the administration failed to prove soleimani was planning an imminent attack on u.s. interests. >> probably the worst briefing i've seen at least on a military issue in the 9 years i've served in the united states senate. to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against iran. it's un-american, unconstitutional and it's wrong. >> there was no specific information given to us of a specific attack. generality, stuff you read in the newspaper was given to us. and none of it was overwhelming that "x" was going to happen. >> one of the briefers, defense secretary mark esper, defended it. >> most members of congress do not have access to the intelligence that i think was the most compelling. that's just simply the nature of the intelligence and it's restricted to the gang of eight, if you will. >> esper and another brief now say they believe iran's missile targeting u.s. bases were intending to kill american personnel. that is a sharp contrast floated by other administration officials that the iranians missed on purpose. >> cnn has new details this morning inside the white house as the missile strikes on u.s. bases unfolded. a senator who spoke with president trump tells cnn the president seemed ready to attack iranian facilities if there been been one american casualty. fortunately, there were none. the president walked back from the brink. >> iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world. the fact we have this great military and equipment, however, does not mean we have to use it. we do not want to use it. >> the president promised punishing new sanctions against iran but said nothing about further military strikes. for the latest let's turn to cnn's fred pleitgen live in tehran. it seems as though there has been a pause button pressed on this conflict. >> yeah, i think you're absolutely right, christine. it's quite interesting because we had some new reporting today on the ground in tehran. our crew just did an interview with the government spokesman who said iran believed there was a degree of rationality as they put it in president trump's speech last night and the spokesman urging president trump as he put to come back to as they say international law and the nuclear agreement that was signed by the past administration. obviously listening to president trump speak there yesterday in his speech it didn't seem as though that was something necessarily in the cards. he of course was blasting the nuclear deal at every turn of that speech that he was giving. a little bit of different view coming from the u.n. ambassador from iran who this morning said that president trump's plea to say that the u.s. and iran should cooperate on areas of mutual agreement like for instance in the fight against isis was not believable. the u.n. ambassador for iran said, he said especially since president trump is hitting iran with those new sanctions, once again obviously that's something didn't go down very well at all with irans and iranians believe these new sanctions are at the core of the tensions between the u.s. and iran are continuing. at the same time we have some great new reporting from our colleagues in washington, d.c. who after speaking with multiple sources are saying inside the situation room as it was clear this counter attack by the iranians was happening, that there was a degree of surprise, that the iranians only fired so few missiles at those american bases. of course there are tension in the air but those tensions were somewhat eased because the officials seemed to understand the iranians were more bent on sending a message than killing americans. it really does seem as though right now, christine, this whole region has pressed the pause button, if you will. however, the main tension between the u.s. and iran still very much continuing. >> fred pleitgen for us this morning in tehran. >> during his address to the nation president trump offered up this surprise. >> i am going to ask nato to become much more involved in the middle east process. >> after railing against nato for years the president is now seeking help from the alliance. let's go live to riyadh, saudi arabia, and bring in cnn's nick robertson. the president wants help, but do they have the appetite for this? >> reporter: they certainly seem to have the appetite to keep the nato alliance going and a lot of that is dependent on keeping the president sweet. the secretary-general has gone out of its way to make sure nato bends to the will of president trump. so, you know, there is an appetite to continue an international military presence inside iraq to help train the iraqis but also to make sure that isis doesn't reemerge, so there will be some understanding and support potentially there, but we haven't heard from president trump what that really means, that nato will be inclined to help. but for the united states allies in the region like saudi arabia they will be wondering does this mean president trump intends to draw down u.s. forces significantly? will the united states allies be left depending more on europeans for their strategic strength in the region? that would be a concern. and the other thing as we stand right now, how is iran going to respond to more sanctions? have they accepted a game change has now heaped with the killing of qassem soleimani? for saudis and others in this region here will wonder what the next move from iranians will be? will it be to use their proxies again and directly or indirectly target saudis and others as they have in the past? the nato question, though, is a very big one for united states allies in this region. >> nick, thanks for that reporting in riyadh. >> investors around the world are feeling calmer about tensions between the u.s. and iran. prices actually fell once the conflict seemed to ease and president trump said this. >> america's achieved energy independence. we are now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world. we are independent, and we do not need middle east oil. >> well, the president is overstating america's energy independence. it is not that simple. yes the u.s. is the world's leading oil producer, it's one reason why the recent supply disres haven't had a more dramatic impact on oil prices, but the u.s. is still dependent on the middle east, particularly saudi arabia because oil is a globally traded commodity. that means a supply disruption somewhere like the strait of hormuz would cause a response everywhere, higher prices everywhere. it runs most efficiently with heavy oil. u.s. shale oil, that oil that makes us energy independent, the world's leading oil producer, it's light oil. that's why the u.s. imports heavy oil from overseas including the middle east. the largest refinery in the u.s., by the way, in texas is owned by saudi arabia. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and president trump met at the white house and discussed the upcoming senate impeachment trial. sources tell cnn they discussed format and other issues. mcconnell's interactions with trump are sure to fuel accusations from democrats. the senate majority leader is improperly coordinating the trial with the white house. house speaker nancy pelosi say democrats continue to wait and see what the terms are for that trial. mcconnell is also not budging, calling pelosi's refusal to turn over those articles of impeachment shameless game playing. >> there will be no haggling with the house over senate procedure. we will not accede our authority to try this impeachment. the house democrats' turn is over. >> and now in a twist, several democrats look like they're siding with mcconnell saying the articles should be handed over. many of them are concerned the stalemate could affect democratic presidential primaries. five senators would have to leave the campaign trail for trial. and, you know, iowa caucuses next month. >> that's right. his great escape made headlines around the world. how did carlos ghosn do it, and would he ever face a trial? what he told cnn next. lysol kills over 100 illness causing germs and viruses. even those that may cause runny noses. lysol, what it takes to protect. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again! well, a major shakeup in the british royal family. prince harry and meghan, the duchess of sussex say they will be stepping back from their royals as senior members of the british family. coming as a surprise to everyone even queen elizabeth. good morning, anna. so what is the latest there? quite the up roar. >> reporter: yeah, such a shocking statement from the couple. but also you could feel the shock in the statement we got from buckingham palace from the queen. it said discussions with the duke and duchess of sussex are at an early stage. we understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues to work through. i want to show you the headline because it is pretty much front and center. the queen's dismay as harry and meghan step back from daily life. in the daily mail the queen's fury. and they didn't even tell the queen. and that seems to be the big story here, it's not just the shock the couple are going to step back from senior roles. perhaps that's not such a big surprise, but the idea the royal family weren't aware, and as we understood it that statement went out without any of the royal family knowing about it. >> it's just incredible that harry and meghan were able to keep this under wraps there. thanks so much. 16 minutes past the hour. to australia now, 27 lives lost to the wildfire there. a state of disaster has been extended through saturday. there are brush fires in every state. new south whales and victoria home to city and melbourne have been hit the hardest. nearly 18 million acres have burned thus far. hundreds of dead animals lying aside of the road in new south whales. countless more struggling to survive. right now 110 army reserve helping to keep injured wildlife on kangaroo island. and also australian billionaire andrew forest and his wife have pledged an equivalent $48 million to fund relief and recovery. cor lose ghosn blasting japan's system from lebanon. ghosn spoke since pulling off a stunning escape from japan where he was out on bail for financial wrongdoing. he tells our richard quest he feels bad about those detained by turkey for aiding in his escape. he declined to comment about the various reports how he broke out of japan. "the wall street journal" and some turkish media reporting ghosn hid in a container. >> i'm just going to go for this and hope you'll give me an answer. what was it like in the packing case? >> no comment. look, freedom, freedom no matter the way it happens is always sweet. >> asked if he'll ever face trial ghosn said it would have to be in a country, quote, where the rules are right and the defense would be respected. >> he said he was a hostage. he doesn't consider himself a fugitive from justice. really shining the light on what he says are like a 99.5% conviction rate. >> this was all part of his hollywood pitch. >> absolutely. did jessie smollett fake an attack on himself or not? 12 months of google data could provide the answer. good morning! oh no, here comes the neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his xfinity customer service is. i'm mike, i'm so busy. good thing xfinity has two-hour appointment windows. they have night and weekend appointments too. he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass. i don't use some waxy cover up. i use herpecín l, it penetrates deep to treat. it soothes moisturizes and creates a spf 30 barrier to protect against flare ups caused by the sun. herpecín l. it does more for a cold sore. attorneys for harvey weinstein wants a judge in his sexual assault case to recuse himself. judge james burke threaten today jail weinstein tuesday for texting in the courtroom. lawyers claim his comments were prejudicial. the discrass producer is on trial for allegedly raping a woman and sexually assaulting another. at least 80 women have accused weinstein of sexual misconduct. in illinois a judge ordering google to hand over 12 months worth of jussie smollett's personal electronic data. that includes search history, photographs, files and geolocation information. the actor faces a civil suit from the city of chicago for reimbursement of the cost of investigating that attack. smolle smollett filed a counter suit. under a bill by two california state senators that the measure would require cell transmitters to keep working for at least 72 hours like the ones conducted by pg&e last october. the fcc says muran county lost power to more than a half of its cell sites during a shutoff and provide back up batteries to hospitals and vulnerable individuals like the disabled. some good news, bad news on the health front. a new study finds alcohol related deaths more than doubled in the u.s. over the past two decades. from nearly 36,000 in 1999 to almost 73,000 in 2017. about half of the deaths are from liver disease or an overdose of alcohol or alcohol mixed with drugs. the largest annual increase was among non-hispanic white women. on the flip side cancer deaths in the u.s. are the largest single decline ever. between 2016 and 2017 cancer deaths plunged 2.2%. and the increased survival rate mainly due to the advances in treatment the leading cause. for the second straight year the oscars will go without a traditional host. last year's ceremony was the first host free oscars since 1989. the show was a critical success and ratings jumped. the 92nd academy awards will air february 9 lgt on abc. oscar nominations will be unveiled on monday. >> the oscars always remind me i have so many movies i haven't seen. today the house votes on a measure that could limit future military action against iran. a briefing on the strike that took out a top iranian general was not well received. probably the worst briefing i've seen at least on a military issue. >> i didn't learn anything in the hearing that i hadn't seen in a newspaper already. >> a contentious briefing on the strike that took out a top iranian general. today a house vote that could handcuff the president's future moves on iran. >> we will not accede our authority to try this impeachment. the house democrats' turn is over. >> so mitch mcconnell wants to get moving on the senate impeachment trial, but now some democrats look like they agree. and a stunner in the u.k. harry and meghan are stepping back from royal duties. the palace caught so off-guard even the queen was surprised. cnn is live this morning in tehran, riyadh, baghdad, beirut and london. welcome back to "early start," everyone. i'm christine romans. >> 31 minutes past the hour here in new york. the u.s. and iran seem to be backing away from armed conflict, but today house lawmakers will take steps to ensure they're involved next time around. house speaker nancy pelosi setting a vote on a war powers resolution that will limit the president's military actions against iran. pelosi has criticized the president for not consulting congress before the drone strike that killed top iranian general qassem soleimani. >> so wednesday a contentious classified briefing on iran infuriated some lawmakers. two republican senators, allies of the president, joined democrats joining the administration failed to prove soleimani was planning an imminent attack on u.s. interests. >> probably the worst briefing i've seen at least on a military issue in the 9 years i've served in the united states senate. to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against iran. it's un-american. it's unconstitutional, and it's wrong. >> there was no specific information given to us of a specific attack. generality, stuff you read in the newspaper was given to us. i didn't learn anything in the hearing i hadn't seen in a newspaper already. and none of it was overwhelming that "x" was going to happen. >> one of the briefers, defense secretary mark esper, defended it. >> most members of congress do not have access to the intelligence that i think was the most compelling. that's just simply the nature of the intelligence and it's restricted to the gang of eight, if you will. >> esper and another briefer of the joint chiefs mark milly now say they believe the missiles targeting u.s. bases were intended to kill american personnel. that contrasts with the view floated by other administration officialsthality the iranians missed on purpose. >> cnn has new details from inside the white house as the iranian missile strikes on the u.s. bases unfolded. a senator who spoke to president trump tells cnn the president seemed ready to attack iranian facilities if there been been even one american casualty. fortunately there were none. the president with a show of military force standing behind him stepped back from the brink. >> iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties and a very good thing for the world. the fact that we have this great military and equipment, however, does not mean we have to use it. we do not want to use it. >> cnn has also learned iran initiated contact with the trump administration through at least three back channels. the message, no further strikes from tehran. the ball was in america's court. the president promised punishing sanctions against iran but said nothing about further military strikes. for the latest let's turn to cnn's frederick pleitgen live for us in tehran. and you have some new reporting this morning. >> reporter: i have. we do have some new reporting this morning from on the ground here in tehran. in fact our crew here in tehran did an interview with the government spokesman of the iranian government and he said the iranians were actually quite encouraged by president trump's speech last night. they're saying they had saw a degree of rationality in what president trump said and did. obviously deciding not to retaliate against the iranians after that retaliatory strike coming from the iranians themselves. however, the spokesman also saying he's calling on president trump to return to as they put it international law, return to the nuclear agreement. of course the big things the iranians are criticizing is the fact president trump has now announced yet another round of sanctions against iran and against the iranian government. that's something they've been criticizing for a long time. in fact, the u.n. ambassador for iran, he came out very early this morning, and he called president trump's call for iran and the u.s. to work together on issues of mutual interest. i think president trump was referring to the fight against isis there, not believable because of these sanctions that the trump administration keeps coming up with. the iranians of course are saying this maximum pressure campaign from the u.s. side is really what's at the heart of the tensions that keep flaring up between the u.s. and iran. meanwhile some tough talk as well. the iran's supreme leader calling that iranian strike against that base with the troops on it a slap in the face to the united states. very important for the iranians to showcase the fact they could strike u.s. interests in the region with their ballistic missile program. of course their ballistic missiles at the heart of what they're trying to say in the world. certainly they've shown that technology is very accurate and can strike at a long distance. but i want to show you one headline we found on farce news, that's one of the news outlets here. it says trump's big retreat from the threat of laumic republic of iran, and you also have some senior iranian officials, laura, now saying this by no means is over and the ultimate aim of iranians to kick the u.s. out of this region, laura. >> fred live for us in tehran. after tensions between the u.s. and iran seemed to cool two rockets landed in baghdad's green zone. jumana karadsheh live from baghdad with the latest. do we know who fired those rockets? could it be pro-iranian militia who want to send a message to it united states who say, hey, we still are opposed to your troop presence in our country? >> reporter: exactly. i mean the timing of this, christine, was absolutely interesting here. of course rocket attacks are not unusual. there have been several attacks recently in the green zone. no casualties, no claim of responsibility, and they're usually believed to be the work of these iranian backed militias here on the ground. so something right after president trump's address and the message from the iranians that they've concluded their retaliation, and it did seem like this was all headed towards deescalation for now. so wondering if this was a message from some elements here on the ground saying that for them it is not over yet. you know, these different shia paramilitary groups here on the ground, they're not really unified in their position. and of course this is the concern. we've heard some of these groups coming out with statements yesterday. one of those groups we've heard from the influential -- who's army in the past fought the u.s. military. of course he had deactivated them only last week to ask them to be on alert, to be on standby again. and yesterday coming out with a statement telling them to stand down for now and saying he wants to allow diplomacy here to take its course and asking people to be patient. but at the same time we've also heard from other more radical groups. for example, groups that say they have not yet retaliated while iran may have. for them they have not avenged the death of one of their leaders who was killed in that u.s. strike. and these groups are unified in one thing, christine. they say they want the u.s. military out. if there is no immediate withdrawal, if there's any attempts to stall when it comes to the military pulling out of iraq, they say they will fight the americans again just like they did during the years of the military occupation. >> and the president yesterday did not mention u.s. troop presence in his remarks, so that's important to note. all right jomana karadsheh, thanks so much. sources tell cnn they discussed format and other issues. mcconnell's interactions with trump are sure to fuel accusations from democrats that the majority leader's improperly coordinating the trial with the white house. the house speaker nancy pelosi says democrats continue to wait and see what the terms are for that trial. mcconnell is also not budging calling pelosi's refusal to turn over articles of impeachment shameless game playing. >> there will be no haggling with the house over senate procedure. we will not accede our authority to try this impeachment. the house democrats' turn is over. >> now several democrats look like they're siding with mcconnell saying the articles should be handed over. many of them are concerned the stalemate could affect democratic presidential primaries. five senators would have to leave the campaign trail for a trial. how much does it cost to protect the president and his family on vacation? the white house is trying to hide that information until after the 2020 election. democratic lawmakers are pushing for a bill requiring the secret service to disclose the price of safeguarding the first family when they travel. but according to "the washington post" treasury secretary steve mnuchin told the senate judiciary committee the costs should not be released until december 2020 at the earliest. the secret service has declined to comment. the president has taken more than 50 trips to trump branded properties outside of washington. and of course the issue is how much are the american taxpayers paying the secret service to stay there? >> absolutely. 40 minutes past the hour. american businesses are asking from relief from the president's wine tariffs. the wine industry is caught up in two separate trade spats. the trump administration placed a 25% tariff on most european wine in october in retaliation for european subsidies for airbus. and trump also threatened tariffs on champagne. unlike chinese made industrial materials wines are not interchangeable. sellers can't substitute a sparkling wine from california for a french champagne. the french tariff could lead to smaller profits in the wine industry triggering layoffs and higher costs for consumers. shoppers haven't seen prices increased in stores because importers have absorbed the costs of the tariffs so far just like many retailers have eaten the costs on trump tariffs on chinese goods. retailers start stocking up as they wait to see what happens with the tariffs. tariffs equals uncertainty for business period. could complications between the u.s. and iran hurt the investigation into a plane crash that killed 176 people? stay with us. good morning! oh no, here comes the neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his xfinity customer service is. i'm mike, i'm so busy. good thing xfinity has two-hour appointment windows. they have night and weekend appointments too. he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass. global politics colliding with the pursuit of facts about the crash of the ukrainian jetliner in tehran. tensions between the united states and iran are complicating the crash investigation. overnight iranian officials said initial reports show the plane caught fire before it crashed and then tried to turn back toward the airport. in a typical investigation boeing, ge and u.s. transportation officials would be granted access to the crash site. but there's nothing typical about this disaster. richard quest live from beirut. and the black box, iran's still not turning it over, right? >> reporter: no, they're not. and the way this is supposed to happen so iran would find -- the country would find the black boxes, and if they didn't have the technology to read them out, then the boxes would be sent to the u.s., the u.k., france, australia, one of those countries that have the sophisticated equipment necessary. now, iran is clearly -- we don't know whether iran has the technology to read out the black boxesch the best opinion is that they don't have that and therefore would need to decide where to send the boxes to get the data. what would be devastating, of course, laura is if they decide to have a botched attempt at reading the data themselves and in the cases destroy it. no, the boxes would probably present knowing the geopolitics like russia that does have the technology for reading the black box. but as the investigation proceeds boeing and general electric have huge interests in knowing exactly what happens to make sure it's not and so they can make any changes necessary that's a result of this crash. >> and it's a fascinating interplay in all the politics in this. a major shakeup in the british royal family. prince harry and meghan duchess of sussex say they will be stepping back from their roles as senior members of the british royal family. the announcement coming as a surprise to everyone, even queen elizabeth. good morning, ana. the u.s. papers, calls it mexit which is clever but is it really i guess a say good-bye to buxingham palace? what is it they want? >> they cleary want a better balance to their private life. but they still they say want to honor their duty to the queen, to the commonwealth. they're planning to launch a whole new charitable foundation as well. but what they don't want i suppose is to be beholden to the british press. they released a rule book on how they want to deal with the press in the future. they don't want to be part of the traditional allowing all british media to follow them at various events. they want to pick and choose the media that they like. we've had some super royal megafans coming down to buckingham palace and many disappointed with the couple. these are fans that follow them to every event. they're very disappointed in the couple. some saying they have to choose now between supporting the sussexs or supporting the royal family. the fact that the couple isn't a surprise itself i would say given the message we've had from them, a very turbulent relationship with the press. and of course archie wasn't given a royal title when he was born last may so perhaps that again was a clue. and perhaps that cemented their decision. >> and they don't essentially want to live in the u.k. solely. all right anna stuart, thank you so much for that from buckingham palace this morning. well, rbg says she's cancer free. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsberg telling cnn she's beating the disease for the fourth time hereafter undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer in august and also battled lung cancer forcing her to lose part of a lung and miss oral arguments for the first time in 25 years on the bench. the 86-year-old justice has also beat colon cancer. all right, elon musk has reason to celebrate. tesla's market value just hit an impressive milestone. cnn business has the details next. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i 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supervisor. now i'm a director at a security software firm. wow, you've been at it a long time. the thing is, i like working. what if my retirement plan is i don't want to retire? then let's not create a retirement plan. let's create a plan for what's next. i like that. get a plan that's right for you. td ameritrade. colorado's new red flag gun seizure law has been used for the first time one day after it took effect. a denver police invoked the measure asking a judge to let them keep weapons they confiscated from a man who allegedly beat his wife and made suicidal comments to investigators. if a judge grants the petition police could keep the guns for 364 days and the man could also be barred from possessing other firearms during that period. a 2-year-old girl who was hit by a foul ball at a houston astros game more than 7 months ago has permanent brain damage. an attorney representing the girl's family says she remains subject to seizures and doctors tell us her injury is affecting her central nervous system the same way as a stroke. but she's able to function like most girls her age and the family is said to be doing relatively well. in december the mlb commissioner ordered netting in every ball mark to extend beyond the far end of the dug out before the 2020 season begins. the beleavers are eating up justin bieber's new song yummy and revealing in an instagram post has been been battling lyme disease. he'll explain more about his diagnosis in a duocu series. twin saurs have been successfully separated. the procedure to separate them took 13 hours and happened six weeks ago. hospital officials are just now releasing the details waiting to ensure there were no post' surgery complications. the twins who were born in august are now well enough to go home. the girls are the first to be separated at the government run specialist center in snigeria's capitol. oil prices are suddenly down here as investors are feeling calmer about the u.s. and iran. small moves here in brent crude, still about $65 a barrel. west texas immediate still about 60. new this morning the chinese vice premier will lead a delegation to the u.n. next week to sign that phase one trade deal. global markets, stock markets have rallied. around the world you can see gains in the stock markets on the feeling there was a pause at least in the tension between the u.s. and iran. and wall street, futures are also moving a bit higher here this morning, about 80 points. that's not even half a percent. the dow closed up 162 points, nasdaq hit a record high. and the s&p 500 finished higher as well. data shows employment grew 202,000 at the end of the year, the biggest increase since april. job growth weakened a bit as manufacturers, energy companies and smaller businesses have shed jobs. in december the official government jobs report comes out tomorrow 8:00 a.m. eastern time. i just can't get enough of this video. elon musk has reason to celebrate. tesla is now worth more than the combined market values of general motors and ford. tesla's market value was $88 billion after its stock hit an all-time high of $492. tesla still husband a way its to go before it beats toyota and worth about $200 billion. >> you always tell world leaders never to dance and never to wear hats. just saying. well, while you were sleeping harry and meghan's decision to step back from their royals in the royal family got the attention of late night comics. >> there are senior levels of royal? >> they've got levels to this. >> i thought it just went like king, queen, prince, princess, jack of spades, boy wizard, dukes of hazard, and then cartoon mouse that sews cinderella's dress. >> turns it kind of sucks. >> another big question is if harry and meghan comes from america where are they going to live? she's going to want to work again and harry can just join the cast of real house wives of beverly hills. >> that's going to be difficult. they lived in a cottage -- >> they they just re-did. >> they are paid for by the british royal family and british taxpayers. that'll be interesting if they can pull it off. >> thank tuesday our international viewers for joining us. have a great rest of your day. for our viewers here in the u.s., "early start" continues right now. probably the worst briefing i've seen at least on a military issue. >> i didn't learn anything in the hearing that i hadn't seen in a newspaper already. >> a contentious briefing on the strike that took out a top iranian general. today a house vote that could handcuff the president's future moves on iran. >> we will not accede our authority to try this

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