Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And D

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180803 09:00:00

Get a jump on the day's news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs.
paul manafort spent $2.2 million on home entertainment technology. including $10,000 on a karaoke system. a lot of details prosecutors packed in. we will hear more from his accountant today as they delve into his finances. dave and kaylee. >> thank you, jessica. can the u.s. economy keep up the pace of swift job creation? we get a look at the labor market this morning when the july jobs report is released. economists are expecting 190,000 new positions. the unemployment rate is expected to tick down to 3.9%. it rose in june as more than 600,000 americans got off the sidelines and entered the labor market looking for work. the big mystery has been wages. that number expected to hold steady at 2.7% annual rate. wages have been stuck in that range for the past three years.
as the labor market tightens, wages rise, but the growth has been slow since the great recession. wall street is looking at where the jobs are created. so far no signs that tariffs are slowing down the economy, but this will mark the first big economic report of the third quarter following strong economic growth in the second quarter. first daughter and presidential adviser ivanka trump is breaking from the fath father's rhetoric of the media. she does not agree with the characterization as the press is the enemy of the people. >> i received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate. so, i had some sensitivity around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i don't feel the media is
the enemy of the people. >> hours later, the president put his spin on ivanka's remarks. tweeted saying she is right. it is actually the fake news that is the enemy of the people. president trump's oldest son is comparing the democratic party philosophy to nazi, germany. don junior was interviewed at the premiere of a new movie for dsouza. listen to this. >> you see the nazi platform in the 1930s and you see it and you compare it to the dnc platform of today and you say those are similar. to the point where it is scary. >> there is something scary there. don junior's comment is false
equal. the nationazi party has not counterpart. don junior fought back against the attacks with the link tweeted to the dsouza movie. wow. that happened. iran is launching a major military exercise in the persian gulf. tehran is likely to shutdown the oil flow through the strait of hormuz. this exercise was planned, but starts intensifying rhetoric with the u.s. we have nic robertson joining us from oman at the strait of hormuz. nic. >> reporter: you see pictures of u.s. officials showing the dozens of boats in the military exercise which is coming earlier in the year than anticipated. normally around november time. it is organized by iran islamic
revolutionary guard corps. the commander of the corps in the last week and month prior has gone on the record and said clearly if iran cannot export oil products from the region through the straits of hormuz, then no one will be able to do. it has been echoed by the president of iran and supreme leader of iran. right now, no official comment from iranians. that is a concern. are they putting meat on the bones of the rhetoric we have been hearing recently. president trump has warned them of serious consequences if they follow through. in the region here, we are not hearing anything from regional players here. for example, here in the united arab emirates on the gulf of oman, they built a pipeline the past couple of decades that bypasses strait of hormuz for
that reason. it could get shutdown for military action. everyone watching closely what the iranians are doing. not clear of the intent. kaylee. >> is there any bite behind that bark. nic, thank you. tennessee could play a key rule in the senate in the fall. bredesen, a democrat and conservative republican blackburn won their primaries on thursday. they will now face-off in november which is to be a hotly contested election in the midterms. republicans did not expect a challenge in tennessee, but the cross party appeal could replace democrats in the seat held by bob corker. is this shifting? we shall see. another interesting race. ahead, "the new york times" standing by a new controversy hire despite a history of tweets
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and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. it's not just friday, but football is back. the nfl preseason kicking off last night with the hall of fame game. >> coy wire has more in the bleacher report. good morning. >> good morning, kaylee and dave. it has been seven months since the eagles have beaten the patriots in the super bowl. the hall of fame game in canton last night. ray lewis knows it is football time. he busted out his iconic pre-game stomp or what i call dave briggs on a friday. six new hall of famers will be
inducted on friday. baltimore fans have been awaiting action jackson. the first around quarterback was so-so. others were rg3 looking fresh as a pro. jackson and rg3 hope to other than the quarterback spot when the season starts. the little league team is set to make history. manny johnson little leaguer is the first black team in 31 years to represent the nation's capital in the mid-atlantic region regionals. if they win, they head to the little league world series. they heard the roar of the crowd as they were honored during the pre-game ceremonies. the match up many have wanted for some time.
phil mickelson and tiger woods agreed to play head-to-head for $10 million. yesterday, mickelson said the two will square-off at the thanksgiving holiday. making more than $43 million. phil ranked 22nd on the list. if they play par on this course, think about it. it would be $138,000 per stroke. wow. if you want a good laugh to start off friday. watch the best thing you will see all day. phil mickelson dancing. ♪ ♪ >> that was it. >> the kick. how is that? that has to be a stunt double. >> you say he is not an athlete. this is more like the dave
briggs on a friday dance. i was at a super bowl party with dave after we worked hard all day and he moved like this. >> just give the stage to dave. >> i have all of those dad moves, coy. i cannot do that kick thing. i'll pull a groin. i'm old. >> coy is not even giving a chair dance. >> i'll put my leg up in the air. my jeans are way too tight to pull off that move like phil mickelson. >> phil and tiger. who do you have in the match? >> tiger. absolutely. he doesn't dance like that. >> his groin will be pulled after that high kick. >> awesome. nice moves, coy. we appreciate that. >> happy friday. not quite sure how you make this transition. election meddling. a hoax or ongoing threat? the president and top security
officials are not on the same page. we will have more next. d, e egna, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. alice loves the smell of gain so much, she wished it came in a fabric softener too. [throat clears] say hello to your fairy godmother, alice. oh and look they got gain scent beads and dryer sheets too!
our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. >> we acknowledge the threat. it is real. >> we are being hindered by the russian hoax. it's a hoax. >> the president dismissing the russia investigation even after his own top officials warned that russia is still meddling in u.s. elections. the july jobs report is due out this morning. why unemployment is expected to tick down but wage growth remains stalled. welcome back to "early start." i'm kaylee hartung. i'll say one last time it is friday. >> 5:31 eastern time. i'm dave briggs. papa don't preach. on how ivanka trump is speaking out against things she cares about. we start with the russia
meddling our election systems. if you listen to the president talk about it and his top intel officials, there is a disconnect about it. the president ranting hours after the officials called out the kremlin for interfering in the 2018 midterms. at the rally in pennsylvania, the president touted the helsinki summit with putin and ignoring the russian attacks on american democracy. >> we got along really well. by the way, that's a good thing not a bad thing. now we're being hindered by the russian hoax. everybody said, wow, that was great. a couple hours later, i started hearing reports that they wanted me to walk up. they wanted me to walk up and go like this. son of a --
>> shadow boxing. a hobby we didn't know the president has. hours earlier, key members of the national security team appeared in the white house briefing room to warn the country the russian election interference is ongoing. >> in regards to the russian involvement in the mid-term elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the united states. >> russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage and malign influence operations to this day. >> our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. it is clear they are the target of our adversaries to sow discord and undermine our life. >> director of national intelligence dan coats told reporters he still doesn't fully understand what took place in the one-on-one meeting with trump and vladimir putin in helsinki.
joining us to talk about it is editor harry enton. it is a key point that they are addressing it. it is a security issue, but is this an issue in the upcoming midterms? >> obviously, if russia were to hack our election system, that would be a big deal. voters don't think it is a big deal. if you look at the important issues, what you see is russia hacking is down right at the very bottom of the list. economy, health care, gun policy. you name it. this is from the cnn poll in may. we have seen throughout the russia investigation is very steady numbers where people do not like what president trump is doing, but at the same time, they don't think it is important. you have this back and forth and hear the bad news from russia, but voters are dismissing it and putting it in another corner. >> we expect president trump to inject himself in the midterm
races. in the i honterview with sean hanni hannity, he said six or seven days a week, he will would be on the road stumping for folks. karl rove has an opinion about the impact it will have. listen. >> it will be smart in many contests for the president to absent himself from the scene and let candidates shine through. if i like trump, i'll vote for the person who stands with trump. if i'm not hot on trump, let me make a decision with the two people on the ballot. >> harry, your reaction. >> the president was last night in pennsylvania with lou. the president's approval rating is below the disapproval rating in pennsylvania. i agree with karl rove in that particular race. a lot of house races where his rating is below the approval rating, it is smart. there will be senate races in north dakota and west virginia and indiana with the president
on the campaign trail is helpful. trump is still popular in those states. >> lou barletta is a guest on "new day." ohio is a good indication of where we are headed. the president attempted to tweet about the 12th congressional race, but mixed up candidates deleted the tweet. let's under score how crucial the race is on tuesday. set the stage. >> this is a congressional district represented by republicans since the '80s. john kasich represented it before. this is a district that donald trump won by double digits. we have seen this in the special elections where you have the deeply republican districts and they seem to be going democrats. historically speaking, when you see the shift we have been seeing in the special elections, it tends to forecast good news for the democratic party in this particular year. >> is that similar to tennessee?
the president won by 26 points there and it looks like phil bredesen has a legit shot there statewide. is that just a different race all together? bredesen can appeal in a lot of those moderate districts? >> you know, phil bredesen is a character. a twice elected governor in that state. make most mistake, this is partially about phil bred seese being a good politician, but the environment where president trump is unpopular. >> first daughter and presidential adviser ivanka trump is breaking from her father's rhetoric against the media. ivanka said she does not agree with the characterization of the press as the enemy of the peo e people. >> i certainly received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate.
so i had some sensitivity around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i do not feel the media is the enemy of the people. >> oliver darcy joining us now. do you think we're the enemy of the people. her reaction was, sorry, as if she didn't hear the question. then once he repeated, she gave that answer. what did you make of that exchange? >> remarkable. almost like suggesting the assertion that the press is the enemy of the people she has never heard of it or looked at her father's twitter account or watched the press briefing where jim acosta asked her if the president is the enemy of the people. she refused.
ivanka trump's reaction was baffling in that regard. she effectively suggested that the question was ridiculous. in fact, her family seems to believe the press is the enemy of the people. >> ivanka also told michake all that they are not responsible for the separation of the families at the border. why isn't ivanka trump applauded for breaking with her father? she wasn't applauded for it at home. should she be applauded for showing break here and showing she is willing to stand up and have her own voice? >> i think a lot of people may be with you on that. she did break with her father. that is difficult of itself. the other end of the spectrum will say how is she doing when she asked about breaking with her father. what is she doing to help shift policies? i think that is one of the big criticisms of her with the family separation thing.
she has been opposed to it. did she do -- what did she do to help shift her father? that is what people are saying. speaking is one thing. >> i understand that. what we have seen from the presidency is there is no one who can really tell him what to do. he is a man who is trusting his gut right now. going with his every decision. look, she is not the department of homeland security. this is not her responsibility. it is a debate we continue to have. >> no matter what she says, people will still criticize her. >> true. >> we saw president trump put his spin on ivanka trump's remarks saying she is not wrong. it is the fake news who is the enemy of the people. was that necessary? do you think he took such an affront to call her out?
>> it is ridiculous what he tweeted. suggesting that is there a difference for him between the quote fake news and real journalists. it is clear from his tweets and engaged with the press that he views the fake news media as any outlet which is critical of him. so, you know, i would not ever put cnn or "the new york times" or "washington post" in that category. the president has. he thinks those outlets are fake news. >> like the national anthem fight, this is one he likes. bill shine, a former television news executive, loves it as well. it ramped up under his watch. here is what president trump said in pennsylvania last night about the media. >> whatever happened to fair press? whatever happened to honest repo report? they don't -- reporting? they don't report it. they make up stories. they can make anything bad
because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news. >> it appears it will ramp up. why do you figure he is ramping up this rhetoric? >> this is playing well with his base. if you watch fox news at any given time in primetime, you hear them refer to the fake media. destroy trump media. this plays well to his base and he is trying to rally the base to the immediate terms. it dallas sta-- to the midterms. there is no clearly person leading the party. they look at the media as the enemy or opposition. >> if there is an added bonus, undermining the russia investigation. if there is something that comes out, don't believe what you hear or see. don't believe what you read. oliver, thank you. i went to a gop unity rally in georgia for the governor's
race. they were handing out yard signs. fake news media. all of the signs were gone by the time that rally was over. >> wonderful. apple is now worth $1 trillion. we'll put that number in perspective and show you how it got there when we get a check on cnn money next. i use the color that protects as it colors. excellence haircolor by l'oréal. with pro-keratine complex rich, radiant color and it cares for my hair. no color protects better. or covers gray better. so much care in one little box. excellence crème from l'oréal paris.
call or go online today. call or go on line today. 47 minutes after the hour. iran launching a major military exercise in the persian gulf. likely to shutdown the strait of hormuz to oil production movement. we have nic robertson live in the strait of hormuz. nic, what is the broader implication? >> reporter: that is cutting off the 20% of the oil supply for the world. that is what iran's major
military exercise is under way right now play be the ability to signal that. we are told they have dozens of smaller vessels involved in this at the beginning of the military exercise. it is watched closely in the region. nothing officially from the iranians about the military exercise. nothing officially from let's say the emirates here who is close to the straits of hormuz. they have assets in place. the port facility can pump oil to bypass the straits of hormuz. that is how critical the oil route is to the world. there is spare capacity to get oil flowing through to the international markets. what are the iranians trying to do at the moment? signal displeasure with washington over the sanctions. what the iranians have said coming from the supreme leader and commander of the military forces. if they cannot export oil, then no one can. kaylee. >> nic robertson, thank you.
"new day" is ten minutes away. alisyn camerota joining us this morning. good morning, ali. big show including lou running in pennsylvania. the president stumping for him last night. see if he gets a bump from that. >> at the moment, he is down in the polls. down considerably in the polls. when the president endorses somebody, it carries a lot of weight. maybe he will get a bump from that. we will get into how the president, once again, repeated his disbelief in the russian interference investigation. at the same time his intel chiefs are trying to sound the alarm for the country so everybody is on the lookout for all of the russian interference on social media pages. we will talk about that disconnect. the good news is that it is 5:49 in the east and david gregory is now awake. i'm sure that people were concerned about that. it was touch and go. >> was it?
>> yes. for a few hours there. he is now awake and he is here, present, in the building. >> did he hit the snooze button? >> you know how hard it is when you are not used to doing this full-time. >> preach. >> i'm used to doing it and it is difficult when the 1:50 alarm goes off. what time does your go off? >> mine goes off at 3:15. >> you get to sleep in. >> david gregory's went off at 5:35. something like that. >> david gregory. get that man some coffee. see you in ten minutes. thank you. let's get a check on cnn money at 5:50. stock futures ticking lower. the market finished mostly higher yesterday. tech stocks carrying the gains. stock markets in europe and asia are mixed. investors awaiting the july jobs report due an hour before the opening bell. the forecast for 190,000 new jobs. unemployment rate expected to tick down. wages forecast to hold steady.
apple is the darling of wall street this morning. stock popped 3% yesterday. it capped off a historic mind boggling run. apple is the most valuable company in u.s. history. worth more than $1 trillion in market value. stock up 22% this year and more than 200% over the past five years. the start of the span the market cap was below $500 billion. some perspective on the new number, only 16 countries in the world have a gdp of more than $1 trillion. or this, the market cap for the four biggest banks in the united states, add all four together, and you get over $1 trillion in value. the latest company to drop plastic straws is shake shack. it plans to get rid of all in the first quarter of next year. the burger joint ceo mentioned it on the earnings call. it follows other companies like
starbucks and disney and american airlines. mcdonald's is samplinsampling. shake shack stock is up 48% this year. set to drop this morning as investors don't like the company outlook following the earnings report yesterday. still, kaylee, the $1 trillion number. look at it. >> all of the zeros. >> 12 zeros. if you invested in apple a few years back, sit back and enjoy. >> with your iphone and ipad and apple tv. >> steve jobs not around to see that number. the new york times standing by a new hire despite a history of tweets criticized as racist. more when "early start" returns. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop with 24/7 tech support.
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the trump administration believes the responsibility for finding hundreds of parents deported after separated from their children should rest with immigrant advocates. not the federal government. justice department lawyers saying the government would turnover whatever information it could on the parents deported, but say the aclu should quote use the considerable resources to establish contact. aclu lawyers argue the trump administration is trying to shirk its responsibility. the trump administration calling for a freeze on emissions standards through 2026. it would revoke california's ability to set tougher standards which are followed by a dozen states. this marks a sharp reversal from the obama administration which worked with california and auto industry to set standards. the new york times standing by its new hire.
despite rhetoric on twitter that is blasted as racism. sarah jeong has old tweets resurfaced. one said she gets joy out of being cruel to old white men. another is dumb ass blanking white people. the times backed jeong who will join the paper next month. some of the tweets were in response to harassment. she engaged in what she thought at the time was counter trolling. i deeply regret i mimicked the language of harassers. ea sports apologizing for editing colin kaepernick out of the game. in the video posted on twitter, the verse that mentioned kaepernick has been removed. the ea sports edits vulgar content, but the company admits it made a mistake. members of the team misunderstood that they don't have the rights to include colin kaepernick in the game, but

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, Chair Dance , Jeans , Tiger , Move , Hoax , Security , Threat , Election Meddling , Moves , High Kick , Transition , Bit , Water , World , Usaa , Idea , Page , Damage , Amount , E Egna , In Laws , D , Life , Insurance , Quote Today , Baker , Sergeant Baker , Privilege , Alice , Gain , Smell , Fabric Softener , Throat , Dryer Sheets , Scent Beads , Democracy , Crosshairs , Things , Eastern Time , Papa Dont Preach , 5 , Intel , Disconnect , Election Systems , Pennsylvania , Rally , Helsinki Summit With Putin , American Democracy , Kremlin , 2018 , Way , Everybody , Hearing Reports , Interference , Country , Regards , Briefing Room , Involvement , A , White House , Shadow Boxing , Hobby , Campaign , Messaging , Operations , Influence , Adversaries , Cornerstone , Target , Trump , Place , Reporters , Intelligence , Sow Discord , Meeting , Director , Dan Coats , President Putin , In Helsinki , Issue , Security Issue , Key Point , Harry Enton , Deal , Voters , Election System , Issues , Health Care , Bottom , Russia Hacking , Numbers , Cnn , Doing , Poll , Gun Policy , May , It , Corner , Bad News , Sean Hanni Hannity , Races , Opinion , Folks , Impact , Karl Rove , On The Road , Person , Candidates , Contests , Scene , Lou Barletta , Approval Rating , Decision , Reaction , Disapproval Rating , Ballot , Rating , House Races , Indiana , North Dakota , West Virginia , States , Indication , Ohio , Guest , Campaign Trail , District , Tweet , Score , 12 , Donald Trump , John Kasich , Double Digits , 80 , Shift , Districts , Historically Speaking , Shot , Points , 26 , State , Mistake , Governor , Character , Politician , Seese , Environment , Peo E , Oliver Darcy , Answer , Question , Assertion , Exchange , Remarkable , Twitter , Press Briefing , Account , Jim Acosta , Family , Regard , Fact , Baffling , Families , Separation , Isn T , Border , Michake , Home , Voice , Break , Spectrum , End , Family Separation Thing , Shift Policies , Criticisms , Presidency , Speaking , Man , Responsibility , Department Of Homeland Security , Gut , Debate , True , Affront , News Media , Difference , Quote Fake News , Journalists , Outlet , Outlets , Category , Washington Post , Anthem , Bill Shine , Fight , Watch , Whatever , Repo , Stories , Disgusting News , Fox News , Base , Primetime , Trump Media , Terms , Party , Opposition , It Dallas Sta , Russia Investigation , Unity Rally In Georgia , Bonus , Perspective , Apple , Signs , Yard Signs , Wonderful , Trillion , 1 Trillion , Color , Excellence , On Cnn Money Next , Hit Colors , Haircolor , Hair , Care , Radiant Color , L Orà Al , Pro Keratine Complex Rich , Box , Crà Me , Line Today , Oil Production Movement , 47 , Oil Supply , Implication , 20 , Ability , Nothing , Vessels , Sport Facility , Markets , Capacity , Displeasure , Oil Route , Washington , Sanctions , Forces , Bump , Running , President Stumping , Big Show , Ali , Alisyn Camerota , Ten , Somebody , Polls , Weight , Alarm , Lookout , Disbelief , Chiefs , Social Media , Pages , David Gregory , Touch And Go , 49 , There , Building , Snooze Button , Yes , Go Off , 3 , 1 , 50 , Stock , Tech , Coffee , Market , Cnn Money , 35 , Investors , Stock Markets , Gains , Forecast , Asia , Europe , Bell , Boggling Run , Darling , Us History , Market Value , Market Cap , 500 Billion , Five , 00 Billion , Banks , Countries , Gdp , 16 , Four , Straws , Earnings , Companies , Shake Shack , Value , Burger Joint , Ceo , Starbucks , Outlook , Samplinsampling , Mcdonald S , Disney , American Airlines , 48 , Zeros , Iphone , Hire , Start , Headphones , New York Times Standing , Tv , Returns , Steve Jobs , Chair , Strength , Protein , Sugar , Energy , 2 , 4 , Immigrant , Finding Hundreds , Lawyers , Quote , Turnover , Justice Department , Calling , Contact , Freeze On Emissions Standards , Reversal , Auto Industry , Obama , Sarah Jeong , Racism , Another , Times , Backed Jeong , Response , Harassment , Joy , Ass Blanking , Paper , Counter Trolling , Some , Men , Language , Verse , Out Of The Game , Harassers , Video , Colin Kaepernick , Ea Sports Apologizing , Vulgar Content , Rights , The Game , Ea Sports ,

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