Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And D

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180802 09:00:00

Get a jump on the day's news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs.
the 31-year-old man entered her bedroom and kissed her and a witness describes him touching her inappropriately. he admitted to both accusations. a spokesman says the agency works with law enforcement to quote bring the full force of the law to bear when it is warranted. this week's plane crash in mexico caught on video from inside the cabin. so how did 103 people survive all this? more from mexico city next. capital one and are giving venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. brrrr! i have the chills. because of all those miles? and because ice... is cold.
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103 passengers and crew members survived was all captured on video from inside the cabin. watch this. [ screaming ] >> i'm so scared. [ bleep ]. >> ashley garcia took that video from her seat on the plane. she spoke about the ordeal to cnn last night. >> honestly, it was something that i would have never imagined. it is always been such a big fear of mine and to have it actually happen is insane. when it was happening, i thought
this cannot be true. >> not a scratch there. the crash investigation is just getting under way. more than 100 survivors trying to explain how they made it out alive. leyla santiago has more from mexico city. >> reporter: dave and kaylee, we are learning more about the plane accident as well as the survivors. we understand more than half of the 103 people on that aeromexico flight were from the united states. u.s. citizens. many of them are already heading home connecting here in mexico city. as we have spoken to them, they told us when they got on the flight, it was raining outside. there was wind and something, some wind gust is how they described it, brought the plane down. there was a dash to get off the plane and then they saw flames and smoke. many, all, we have spoken to say this was a miracle.
now the investigation begins. the investigators have been able to recover the black boxes and say they are in good condition and they will be critical in getting a better understanding of the sequence of events and what led up to that plane coming down. even the ntsb has sent some investigators to look into it. in the meantime, many survivors are saying they are just lucky to be able to tell their stories. dave. kaylee. >> leyla, thank you. priceless royal artifacts stolen from the swedish cathedral in a daring plot. the thieves making off with the jewels belonging to former monarchs carl and katherine. they were taken from the cathedral west of stockholm. suspects escaping from across the sea in a small open top motor boat. the items stolen were part of the funeral regalia from the king and queen. the stolen artifacts pales in
comparison to the swedish culture history. >> wild story. president trump ratcheting up the pressure on china with the trade war, but it continues to worry investors. stock futures and global markets dropping. friday's jobs report could provide relief, but for now the worry is on the proposal from the trump administration. u.s. trade rep will consider raising tariffs from 10% to 25% on $200 billion of chinese goods. the u.s. and china have imposed tariffs on goods worth tens of billio billions, but sarah sanders says the mission is clear. >> the bottom line is the president will continue to hold china responsible for their unfair trade practices. this has gone on for long enough and he will do something about it. >> there will be a public comment period of time running
until september and the administration will make a final decision. health officials in ohio say more than 500 became ill after eating at chipotle in columbus. samples from a number of people will be tested. the first lawsuit has already been filed by a chipotle customer who says he ate three chicken tacos on sunday. the man is seeking $25,000 in damages. chipotle says it is working with local officials. >> a tough couple of years for that chain. ahead in sports. yankees pitcher sonny gray rocked twice. first on the mound and then on social media. coy wire has more in the bleacher report next. mi psoriatic arthritis tries to get in my way? watch me. ( ♪ ) mike: i've tried lots of things for my joint pain. now? watch me. ( ♪ )
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ohio state places football coach urban meyer on paid administrative leave as it investigates who he knew about domestic violence allegations against a former assistant coach. >> coy wire has more in the bleacher report. good morning, coy. >> top of the morning, kaylee and dave. zach smith was fired last week after a civil protection order served upon him from his wife. the assistant coach's wife talked about it. >> saying she would have to tell urban, do you think that he knows about all of this? >> i believe he does. >> did he ever directly talk to you about what was going on in your marriage or between you and
zach? >> not the abuse. he never spoke to me about the physical abuse. he had, you know, made a couple comments to me and we had a couple of conversations briefly. how are you doing. everything okay. >> the full interview is available on meyer denies knowing anything recently. he said being on leave will fa sill tate -- facilitate its completion. meantime, ohio state says quote, we are focused on supporting our players and on getting to the truth as expeditiously as possible. once smith gets his chance to tell his side, it will be corroborated by police. the offensive coordinator ryan day will be named interim head
coach. boos from the crowd at yankee stadium raining down on sonny gray during the third inning loss to the orioles. he allowed 7 runs and 8 hits. that is adding to his struggling season. afterwards, racially charged tweet emerged. he called the tweet quote an inside joke. he is now the fourth mlb player to have offensive tweets from the past emerge. kaylee, the mls all-star game set a record for the game. >> 72? >> 72,000. mls all-stars barely lost to juve juventis. >> you know what today is, coy? >> tell me. >> thursday. which means the first night we get to see football on
television. >> sort of. >> you know, a version of it. >> preseason football. chicago and baltimore? >> yeah. >> see if anybody takes a knee. that is a question as we approach the preseason. thank you, coy. the special counsel is willing to limit questions about obstruction of justice, but robert mueller has one condition. the president has to answer them in american. -- in person. i was just finishing a ride. i felt this awful pain in my chest. i had a pe blood clot in my lung. i was scared. i had a dvt blood clot. having one really puts you in danger of having another. my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®. to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner that's... proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe.
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verizon provided us a solution using smart sensors on their network that lets us collect near real time data on our power grid. (colton) this technology is helping us integrate rooftop solar, which is a very important element of getting us to our renewable energy goals. ♪ (shelee) if we can create our own energy, we can take care of this beautiful place that i grew up in. ♪ the president pushing his lawyers to let him sit down with robert mueller. the special counsel now willing to limit questions if the president meets face-to-face. terror at smaller u.s. airports is not a big concern for the tsa. the agency considering eliminating screening at 150
smaller airports nationwide. and one of the nation's top college football coaches put on leave. urban meyer is accused of ignoring domestic violence allegations. what did he know about the actions of his recently fired assistant coach? welcome back to "early start." i'm kaylee hartung. >> i'm dave briggs. the president heads to wilkes-barre, pennsylvania for a rally. the special counsel suggesting he would reduce the number of obstruction of justice questions if the president sits down with mueller. the president's lawyers offered to provide written answers to obstruction questions. trump legal team wanted the interview limited to things before he took office relating to collusion. >> "the new york times" reporting that the president is pushing his lawyers to do an interview. sources tell "the times"
he believes he can convince them this is a witch hunt. but rudy giuliani is not on board yet. >> he always has been interested in testifying. it is us. the team of lawyers that have reservations about it. >> the source tells us the two sides are talking, but taking baby steps toward each other. >> it did not take long for the president to fire up his twitter feed. he is calling on jeff sessions to put an end to the rigged russia investigation now. he has criticized sessions' decision to recuse himself from the russia probe. >> this raises questions from the president with all of the allegations. was president trump just venting or was this an order from the
top? we get more from cnn's jeff zeleny at the white house. >> reporter: dave and kaylee, president trump has made no secret about the discord for the investigation. he called on the attorney general jeff sessions to bring an end to the russia probe. the white house quickly responded this was all about the president's opinion. not a directive to end the investigation to the attorney general. we asked press secretary sarah sanders. how does she know it is opinion or presidential directive. >> when he tells you as a member of his staff, how do you know it is a directive from the president or his opinion? >> the president makes it clear. the president is not obstructing. he is fighting back. the president is stating his opinion and clearly. he is expressing the frustration. >> reporter: no question the russia investigation continuing to consume at least some of the president's bandwidth here. the president is traveling for another campaign rally this week. he is campaigning for the midterms. after that he will end up in new
jersey by late this evening. he will start summer recess vacation there. the russia investigation and all the fallout is sure to follow him. dave and kaylee. >> let's discuss this with political reporter tal kopan from washington, d.c. good to see you. any reaction from the hill on all this issue? >> dave, the reaction from the hill is not great that the president is openly asking jeff sessions to somehow stop what he calls this witch hunt and the probe. your moderate republicans and especially the ones involved on the judiciary committee are saying the attorney general recused himself. he doesn't have authority to do this. then you hear words like troubling or concerning. you still have republicans who say it will never happen. we don't actually have to discuss this seriously.
at the same time, obviously democrats are up in arms about it. for republicans, this makes them uncomfortable and wade into territory that is not in their comfort zone they want to talk about heading into the midterms. if this were to become a specific presidential order, it would put them in a very, very position defending that move from the president. >> susan collins called it entirely inappropriate what the president is tweeting about jeff sessions. >> tal, i want to read a clip from "the wall street journal." quote, we can appreciate mr. trump's frustration which began as a probe in 2016 has stretched past two years. the damage from firing mr. mueller is predictable it is hard to believe even mr. trump would tempt such fate. your reaction to that? >> i'm not sure anyone should be in the business of predicting
where trump will and won't go. several things people thought he would never do and here we are. you can't say for concern what he will do. certainly the justice department as an institution is set up to promote as much independence. it is an incredibly important foundation part of the democracy that the criminal justice system is immune from political whim. it simply cannot be used that way and shouldn't be used that way. you have to imagine if the president were try to unilateral do this, he would meet resistance. you can imagine as the famous story that james comey was involved in, you can imagine threats of resignation and various parts of the administration trying to pull him back. at the end of the day, this president, if he has shown us, he does what he wants to do and at a certain point, if he has the authority, he may very well use it. >> and the point that you are making is the democrats would
love him to try and end this investigation. it would be a big win for democrats come midterms. let's turn toward immigration. the president wants to run on that. he reiterated alongside the italian prime minister. he tauklked about it with rush limbaugh yesterday. perhaps taking the focus off the separated children. what is the status of the hundreds of kids still separated from parents? >> dave, there are still hundreds of kids who remain separated. the government reunified 2/3 of children separated from parents at the border. the last several hundred are the most difficult of all. upwards of 500 children, their parents are no longer in the country. those deported parents, it is not clear how they will be tracked down. that court is looking at it this
week as we move into the next phase. reunify the tricky cases. how do you go about finding these parents and trying to figure out if they actually meant to leave the country without their children as the government insists they did. the attorneys say many of them did not understand the papers and choices put in front of them and ended up back in central america or wherever they came without their kids. trying to figure out what they want and in the best interest of them and children will be a monumental task. there is really no clear timeline for when all of these hundreds of children or as many as possible will be reunited and put back in contact with families. >> the last update was 429 children remain in government custody. >> tal, we heard the officials compare the detention centers as summer camps. we heard from jeff denham on fox
news last night. >> i read an account in the place you visited was clean and kids were taking field trips. most or all reunited with an dumt -- with adults they have come here with. that doesn't fit the narrative. >> we should not need any of the facilities at all. we should secure our borders and stopping the catch and release program. we should fix the broken immigration system. including an earned pathway. >> tal, what is your understanding of the truth? two versions happening inside the facilities. one from the government and the other from people released from them. >> i think in a way, kaylee, both are true. these facilities run up to a certain code. required to provide certain amenities and provide recreation time. the nuts and bolts on paper, not necessarily alarming in that
regard. the question is, you know, the nature of these children's stay in the places. that is where you start to see the more troubling accounts. first of all, there are various accounts of lack of oversight and in case abuse of children or potentially the children harming the other children. there are hundreds of these reports dating back years and years. well before this administration that various people have looked into over time. there is that concern. the simple fact and this is the thing when one of the government attorneys invited the judge who ordered families reunified invited him. the judge says that is a nice offer, but that is not the point. it is not how well these kids are treat in the facility. the fact they are separated from parents when they got here and put into the facilities. i have spoken with families once they have been reunified. they say their kids are not the same. they are terrified of simple
things. clearly it is not a good situation for these children. >> and for the president as a political issue, he has to get his own party lined up behind proposals first before taking aim at democrats. they have not found the votes in the house or senate for the plan. we shall see. tal, thanks for being here. beer sales are slumping, but one brewer thinks he found a new ingredient that may spark higher revenues. we'll explain next. how do you win at business? stay at laquinta. where we're changing with contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at
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come with a security risk. a tsa spokesman tells cnn the documents reflect debate in the agency. it is worth noting two of the september 11th attackers first flew from portland, maine. thinking that small airport would be less secure. rene marsh has the latest from washington. >> reporter: dave and kaylee, this would be a major change for travelers and a shift in how tsa uses resources. the proposal, the agency is considering, calls for elimination of the tsa screening at small and medium sized airports that operate commercial planes with 60 seats or fewer. operating theory is terrorists are not interested in the smaller airports and they are targeting larger airports. national security experts disagree. >> isis message is attack anybody big or small.
anybody you can go after. so the opportunity to go after a 50-person passenger jet is very attractive. >> reporter: the concern is the lack of imagination for how bad actors could exploit security weaknesses at smaller airports. after our story broke, tsa sent talking points communicating how to respond at airports nationwide. a final decision has not been made. dave, kaylee. >> rene marsh reporting. let's get a check on cnn money. wall street looking at lower open. stock futures are down following mixed results yet. strong corporate earnings are still up in the air. tesla suffer the the biggest -- suffered the biggest quarterly loss this morning, but investors feared worse. the company burned through $400 million in cash reserves last
quarter to ramp up production of the model 3. tesla still has more than $2 billion in cash leftover. investors see more of a sustainable path forward. that is pushing stock up 10% in the pre-market trading. investors take the gain. the stock is down for the year. elon musk is apologizing for the earnings call he hosted this year when he called analyst questions boring and refused to answer others. a joint venture, if you will, between coors and marijuana company called hydropothicary to canada. the marijuana drink will hit store shelves next year. coors expects to start selling it next year. part of the effort to boost sales after revenues have been slowing. other companies are including
marijuana drinks as well. >> who stopped drinking beer? >> young kids. 21 to 27. a good piece about it this morning in "the wall street journal." they like the hard stuff. tequila. it is never too late to make things right. i call those guys -- 20 years after stealing from her job, a woman repays her debt with cash and an apology. et t bash ba fithey make you sign up for bonus cash back and it's only on a few categories. and when those categories change, you gotta sign up again. when does it end?! with the capital one quicksilver® card, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. it's like a cash back oasis. what's in your wallet?
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he endorsed 81 people up and down the ballot. gavin newsom in california and jackie collins in new york. alexandria ocasio-cortez's win has some concerned that they are shifting the party too far left. obama is expected to endorse more people ahead of the midterms. police in missouri investigating a possible sighting of mollie tibbetts. officials say there was an unconfirmed sighting at a truck stop in missouri. police responded with a search of the area. the location is more than 230 miles away from where tibbetts was last seen in july. ohio state university placing head football coach urban meyer on paid administrative leave while investigations if he knew the domestic violence allegations
over fired coach zach smith. allegations against smith were made by his ex-wife courtney. meyer says he was aware of the incident with the smiths in 2009, but did not know a 2015 allegation. >> courtney smith told meyer's wife about it and she believes the head coach also knew. here is what she told the sports stadium network about the alleged 2015 abuse. >> came to my home. he wasn't happy. we got into an argument. when i stood up to him, he didn't like it and took me and shoved his hands up against me up against the wall. with his hands around my neck. something he did often. my daughter was clinging to my leg. he obviously -- it registered with him what he was doing. he took my son and left. >> you can watch the full interview at urban meyer says he and the athletic director agree being on leave during the investigation will facilitate the completion.
zach smith's attorney says once he get a chance to tell his side, it will be corroborated by police. houston police believe a 20-year-old grudge is the reason for the murder of the cardiologist. the man whose mother who died on the operating table. joseph pappas is suspected of killing the doctor. pappas has not been seen in two weeks. evidence in his home links him to the killing. >> he is very dangerous and we need to get him into custody. we think he is suicidasuicidal. we should assume he is armed. we need to find this man. this man is dangerous. this man is capable. this man has skills. >> cnn called a phone number for his real estate company on wednesday, but it went to voice mail. that same number linked to
listings on web sites for guns and tactical vests. fire officials in northern california hope they turned a corner battling the deadly carr fire. crews are expected to face high temperatures at or near 100 degrees today. the carr fire burned more than 121,000 acres and 35% contained. it is the sixth most destructive fire in state's history. >> more than 1,000 homes have been burned. everyone reported missing in the carr fire has been accounted for, but six people died. the redding police chief says many arrests have been made in connection with looting. officials in ohio say more than 500 people became ill after eating in columbus chipotle location. samples from people will be tested for microbes. a customer ate three chicken
tacos on sunday and suing for $25,000 in damages. chipotle has not commented on the suit, but working with officials. a former waitress trying to make amends 20 years after stealing from her employer. the owner of the el charro restaurant in tucson received $1,000 in cash and hand written apology. the woman worked for the restaurant. >> she wrote it has been 20 years, but i carry great remorse. accept my apologize and this money as repayment. plus 20 years of interest. may god forever bless you and your family. the owner was floored. >> were you a first-time employer for a young person going away from home to school. they are learning about life as well. it is one of the life lessons that our family tries to instill in our employees. it is a good feeling to know she
felt that she needed to take care of this and i really respect her for it. >> the woman who sent the heard added she was a terrible waitress and glad she was fired before she could pocket more than a few hundred dollars. >> great stuff. two new jersey brothers knocked it out of the park looking at old baseball cards. five topps cards featuring mickey mantle. $1 million was the value of one card. the brothers turned down an offer of $8,000. the cards are part of the auction that runs through august 19th. it is time to go through the old cards. i think nothing from 1952. great stuff. >> i don't have any. sorry. >> love my cards. of. thanks for joining us. i'm kaylee hartung. >> i'm dave briggs.

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Brain Boost , Information Processing , Minds , Urban Meyer , Ohio State , Allegations , Leave , Assistant Coach , Domestic Violence , Zach Smith , Top , Morning , Order , Wife , Protection , Marriage , Abuse , Everything , Zach , Comments , Conversations , Interview , Watchstadium Com , Anything , Fa Sill , Completion , Truth , Quote , Players , Tate , Police , Chance , Side , Head Coach , Ryan Day , Loss , Boos , Crowd , Orioles , Hits , Runs , Yankee Stadium , 7 , 8 , Tweet , Player , Season , Tweet Quote An Inside Joke , Mlb , Record , Tweets , Mls All Star Game Set , 72 , All Stars , Night , Football On Television , Mls , Juve Juventis , Thursday , 72000 , Question , Anybody , Knee , Version , Preseason Football , Chicago , Baltimore , Special Counsel , Coy , Questions , Robert Mueller , Preseason , Person , Obstruction Of Justice , Dvt , Pe Blood Clot , Blood Clot , Another , Ride , Chest , Lung , Danger , Stop Taking Xarelto , Pe , Blood Clots , Blood Thinner , Studies , Patients , 98 , Blood Clotting Factors , Factor , Body , Warfarin , Is Selective , 6 , Bleeding , Cases , Fatal Bleeding , Medicines , Bruise , Bruising , Artificial Heart Valve , Can , Harmonica , Liver Problems , Procedures , Kidney , Harmonica Interrupts , Geico , 15 , Car Insurance , Chuckles , Protein , Sugar , 1 , 30 , Network , Energy , Verizon , Technology , Element , Sensors , Economy , Data , Power Grid , Solution , Rooftop Solar , Colton , Care , Place , Goals , Shelee , Lawyers , Airports , Agency , Screening , Concern , Tsa , Terror , Face To , Coaches , Nation , Actions , College Football , 150 , Wilkes Barre , Pennsylvania , Team , Justice , Obstruction Questions , Obstruction , Answers , Rally , Collusion , Office , The New York Times , Reporting , Sources , The Times , Witch Hunt , Rudy Giuliani , Reservations , Source , Baby Steps , Each Other , Sides , Feed , Talking , Twitter , Sessions , Russia Investigation , Jeff Zeleny , Cnn , Midterms , Campaigning , Fallout , New Jersey , Kaylee , Reaction , Washington Dc , Issue , Tal Kopan , The Hill , Republicans , Probe , Judiciary Committee , Ones , Authority , Words , Democrats , Territory , Arms , Comfort Zone , Move , Tweeting , Susan Collins , Otal , Mr , Clip , Wall Street Journal , 2016 , Business , Firing Mr , Anyone , Fate , Predicting , Wont Go , Institution , Department , Democracy , Criminal Justice , System , Independence , Whim , Foundation , Shouldn T , Do , Parts , Resistance , Resignation , This , Threats , James Comey , Point , Making , Win , Immigration , Let , Children , Kids , Hundreds , Status , Focus , Prime Minister , Italian , Rush Limbaugh , Parents , Government , Border , 2 3 , Country , Court , Difficult , Attorneys , Phase , Reunify , Interest , Choices , Papers , Front , Families , Timeline , Contact , Update , Task , Summer Camps , Government Custody , Detention Centers , Jeff Denham , 429 , Most , Account , Field Trips , Fox News , Facilities , Program , Borders , Immigration System , Adults , Narrative , Doesn T , Dumt , The Catch And Release , Other , Pathway , Versions , Paper , Both , Code , Bolts , Amenities , Places , Lack , Accounts , Oversight , Case , Regard , Nature , Judge , Offer , Fact , Families Reunified , Facility , Same , Reunified , Party , Proposals , Situation , Aim , Cone Brewer , Ingredient , House , Beer Sales , Senate , Votes , Slumping , Hand , Revenues , Hander , Power Handshake , Palm Grab , Contemporary Make Overs , Comcast Business , Speed , Others , Business Internet Provider Promise , Everyone Else , 4 , Calls , Internet , Business Number , Devices , Anywhere , Add , Tv , Voice , Eye , 4 90 , 34 90 , Documents , Passenger Screening , 115 Million , 15 Million , Security Risk , Debate , September 11th Attackers , Portland , 11 , September 11th , Airport , Resources , Change , Shift , Travelers , Rene Marsh , Maine , Terrorists , Operating Theory , Seats , Elimination , The Agency , Planes , 60 , Message , Security Experts , Attack , Isis , Passenger Jet , Imagination , Security Weaknesses , Story Broke , Actors , 50 , Points , Rene Marsh Reporting , Results , Cnn Money , Wall Street , Flower Open , Cash , Company , Earnings , Tesla , Air , Biggest , 00 Million , 400 Million , Stock , Model , Path , Production , Cash Leftover , Billion , 3 , 2 Billion , Elon Musk , Trading , Apologizing , Gain , Analyst , Marijuana , Coors , Marijuana Drink , Hydropothicary To Canada , Joint Venture , Effort , Companies , Store Shelves , Sales , Slowing , Drinking Beer , Piece , Hard Stuff , 21 , 27 , Tequila , Debt , Job , Bonus Cash , Categories , Apology , Capital One Quicksilver , Bash Ba Fithey , Fget T , Card , Everywhere , Purchase , Cash Back Oasis , 1 5 , Small Business , Plans , Employees , Answer , Zip File , Files , Tours , Efforts , Big Dreams , E File , Gig , Comcast , Businesses , Building America , Dream Faster , Dream More , Obama , Ballot , Gavin Newson , In California , 81 , Ocasio Cortez , New York , Alexandria , Left , Jackie Collins , Sighting , Location , Truck Stop , Search , Area , Mollie Tibbetts , Missouri , Investigations , Head Football Coach , Ohio State University , 230 , Courtney Smith , Allegation , Incident , The Smiths , 2009 , 2015 , He Wasn T , Sports Stadium , Wall , Hands , Daughter , Argument , Neck , Leg , Clinging , Athletic Director , Son , Attorney , Reason , Grudge , Murder , Houston , Joseph Pappas , Mother , Cardiologist , Operating Table , Custody , Killing , Evidence , Suicidasuicidal , Phone Number , Skills , Mail , Real Estate , Fire Officials , Northern California , Crews , Listings , Web Sites , Vests , Guns , Temperatures , Carr Fire , Corner , State , Fire , Homes , History , Sixth , 1000 , 35 , 121000 , Arrests , Connection , Looting , Redding , Police Chief , Six , Customer , Microbes , Chipotle Location , Waitress , Employer , Owner , Amends , Suit , Restaurant , Written Apology , El Charro Restaurant In Tucson , 000 , Family , God , Apologize , Money , Remorse , Repayment , Plus 20 , Life Lessons , Feeling , Learning , Heard , Great Stuff , Brothers , Baseball Cards , Five , Cards , Auction , Value , Mickey Mantle , 1 Million , 8000 , Million , Thanks , Nothing , 19 , 1952 , August 19th ,

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