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eastern tennessee overnight. reportedly killing two people and injuring dozens more people. the storm's tearing through parts of the great smoky mountains. the park spokesamerican telling wtae that a falling tree killed a woman and another man died when his motorcycle wrecked during the storm and rob mars an mow is going to let us know where they're going. >> good morning. >> well, the storms have weakened. around 5:00 they were rolling down the south, the western part of the smoky mountains. if you don't know east of knoxville. a lot of tourists get millions of visitors, as a matter of fact. as you would imagine in the middle of july, a lot of folks camping via tents and rv. that's the danger these storms pose. there was a storm -- there was a severe thunderstorm watch posted at the time but regardless kind of a couple cells or clusters of cells converging on this area as it drove down to the south. with all the heat that was built up, much like the deraiecho and funny things happen in the mountains when you get them down across the area of tennessee where winds can converge and accurately accelerate those, as well. now, we're looking at things driving down to the south weakening somewhat but yet another wind event with thunderstorms with all this heat that we've built up certainly not helping the situation. >> all right, rob, thanks very much. keep an eye on things. check in on you periodically. the countdown is on for the big june jobs report that comes out in less than 3 1/2 hours and has, wait, really not just in the u.s. but all over the world and fresh perspective. the big question will we see another month of weak jobs growth? may wasn't so hot. poppy harlow is on jobs duty. what do you think we'll see. >> another weak month. this is the estimate. analysts surveyed by cnn money expect this economy to have added 95,000 jobs in the month of june, not god at all. to give you perspective what we need to see 300,000, 400,000 jobs. what's interesting is that the unemployment rate hasn't been below 8% since right after the president was inaugurated. another issue we've seen a lot of jobs growth, over 200,000 created in january. this summer, we've had very anemic jobs growth. the question is we have even more economic headwinds so how are we going to see a vast improvement? europe is at a tipping point. also, the u.s. economy is at a tipping point. we don't know if and when congress will act on things like the jobs act. additionally who the next president will be. that uncertainty, what ma makes businesses do and say is that we'll stay on the surveillances and not hire as many people as we thought we might. right now let's take a look at the big picture here. all political, guys, because, of course, after this jobs report this morning, we only have four more. four more jobs reports until that electric. this all comes down to politics. if you take a look obviously at the end much the bush administration we were bleeding jobs. if you look at the beginning of the obama administration this economy lost about 4.3 million jobs but then in 2010 we started to see -- we started to see this growth and this is important. it's just the fact that last fall we saw this acceleration in jobs both. will we see that again in the fall and critical to the obama administration. we know that the president is going to be in ohio today. brooke, talking about jobs and will have to address this report. if we see that expectation of 95,000 job, that's just not nearly enough. the obama administration hoping for that to take up much higher. we want to keep an eye on the revision. are the previous months april and may going to be revised higher or lower. very important too. the trend we're seeing is not good at all in may 69,000 jobs created. that's disappointing even if we meet the expectation, that's disappointing, as well. >> you and i were talking, the unemployment rate in ohio and pence sitting at 7.3% which is pretty great. the president can say look at this vast improvement but isn't the numbers across the country. that doesn't include the numbers of people who gave up who respect looking. >> that's the big issue. when you look at it frankly calculated only by those looking are looking for work. you're well into the midteens when you talk about the actual unemployment rate and the underemployment rate, as well. i find that to be more important. people ryan the fringes and marginally counted. working but don't make enough to get by. that's very important and then long-term unemployed americans. over 12 million people out of the work. 12 million people, more than 5 million of those have been out of work pore six months or longer and we we know the statistics show us, the longer you're out of work, the harder it is to get a job. we'll go through those for you at 8:30. >> eastern time, we'll watch for it. poppy, thank you very much. also, a florida judge setting bond at $1 million for george zimmerman saying he fears he was plotting to leave the country. he could be walking out at any time but his defense team says it will be tough for his family to come up with $100,000 in cash plus the $1 million in collateral. trayvon martin's family is watching these developments closely and their attorney spoke to erin burn net just last night. >> i'm here speaking on their behalf would prefer that the killer of their unharmed son remain in jail and until the trial and respect the court's order and the judge in a very strong message in his order. vrjs remember the original bail was $150,000 was revoked last month after the judge found out he and his wife failed to disclose $150,000 from the public. people are really starting to panic now. it's been a full week since that freak series of storms knocked out power to millions of people and seven dares late ever about 500,000 people in 11 different states still have no air-conditioning. no refrigerator, not even a fan and feeding centers have provided 25,000 meals to those who haven't eaten in days. scorching heat will continue today. thousands without power facing temperatures and extreme heat warnings and heat advisories in 25 different states. highs in the 100s and higher today in chicago. indianapolis and mror. cities that aren't used to that at all. >> the secretary of state going to be talking a lot on this trip here. hillary clinton arriving in paris this morning for a conference on syria. first stop in a 13-day trip that will touch on some of the most critical issues facing the u.s. the middle east. secretary clinton will also meet with president mahmoud a abbas. she'll meet with other leaders from other nations. a lifeguard fired for leaving his post to help save a drowning man as been offered his job back. there is a catch. lopez doesn't want his job back. he says he knew he was breaking the rules on monday when he left his stand to run into the waters that were outside of his assigned zone because he saw a struggling swimmer. he told erin burn net last night he would do it all over again. >> made it clear beforehand we will lose our job if we did violate this rule but i wasn't going to let that stop me, you know. a stupid rule over somebody's life, it's a pretty obvious choice. >> well, he told erin burn net as well as his boss who was live that he is very humbled by his boss' apology and the opportunity to return but he's not interested. just wants to put this whole episode behind him. >> i say good for him. got an update this morning on what i said was my favorite story but i should, you know, star asterisk except if you were in delaying on the fortensurth july. remember this. what a show in 2 seconds. all the fireworks went off. 17-minute show. this was five minutes before the show started and took fewer than 30 seconds so the company is now saying, all right, here's the deal. they say it was a computer malfunction and have a backup plan if the display doesn't ignite but no backup plan if they ignite prematurely so offering to do next year's show for fry. after i had said it was my favorite story i got a few tweets from people in saying, say, yeah, it may be fun to watch but if you waited hours, big bummer. >> the reason we said yesterday it was a light story is because nobody was hurt. >> no, it was an amazing light show in 22 seconds. >> heck of a iffinale. a corn chur-- southern church i holding a conference. free speech or racist? pinch... and zoom... in your car. introducing the all-new cadillac xts with cue. ♪ don't worry. we haven't forgotten, you still like things to push. 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[ whirring and beeping ] it's the at&t network -- doing more with data to help business do more for customers. ♪ in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ undecided voters could decide, could help decide the upcoming presidential election and president obama seems very, very aware of this, of course, we've been reporting on his bus tour through the two key swing states. ohio where he's also going to be this morning before heading off to pittsburgh, pennsylvania. both sdpats, big manufacturing hubs and president is making his pitch out and about on how he'll battle outsourcing and bring more of those jobs back here to the u.s. dan lothian has been along for the ride in akron with more details. you know, the theme of the president's bus trip is betting on america precisely what he told americans. he's betting on them. >> reporter: that's right and his message specifically is things may not be perfect but much better because of his policies and repeating that message we've heard so many times before, when he came into office, his administration found an economy that was much worse than expected. but that because of what he did, his actions he was able to reel back the economy from a cliff of collapse like in regions where we are, ohio and pennsylvania where the president will be later today, the unemployment rate is below the national average of 8.2% and the president specifically and the campaign pointed to the fact that because of what the president has done, manufacturing is stronger, there are bigger investments especially in this region dependent so heavily on the auto industry telling voters all of that is happening because of his actions. >> so when folks said let's go ahead and let the auto industry go bankrupt, we said, no, let's bet on american workers. let's bet on american industries and now gm is back on top and chrysler is moving and ford is going strong. >> now, the romney campaign rather telling a different story saying because of what the president has done, manufacturing is much weaker, especially in this region that the middle class is hurting and that the president, they're accusing him of covering everything up with this bus tour. >> brooke. >> tim pawlenty and bobby jindal, the shadow tour since it was president obama and obama rolling out of a town you have these two gentlemen, sort of surrogates of mitt romney rolling into town. i'm curious, this isn't something we really saw in 2008, was it, dang? >> reporter: well, you know, the president did come lou a lot of these towns in 200le when you're seeing a shift from some of the bigger events the president did and big fund-raising and high-priced fund-raising events. nis to these official planned events that the president has been conducting in the state of ohio he's taking these unplanned stops along the way where he's stopping in at a market, stopping in at a pub having a beer. >> grabbing a few beers with the former governor. >> exactly. having brew, also joking about giving relationship advice at one point someone was wanting to exchange a vote for an arm wrestling match and he said let's do a basketball game. you see the president trying to make a personal connection with voters crucial to both complain, blue color workers which will be critical in a race that's very competitive even though the president is leading here in the state of ohio, also leading in the state of pennsylvania but these are still very competitive races and, the president is trying to win both of these just like he did in 2008. >> yep, president buying cherries and strawberries along the farm. dan, we appreciate it in ohio. thank you. >> early morning train behind him. did you hear that? 5:18. full service. it is now just like i said 18 minutes past the hour so up to date on top stories. bond set at a million dollars, a million dollars for george zimmerman. florida judge saying he fears the suspected shooter in trayvon martin's death may have been plotting to leave the country. zimmerman's defense team says it will be tough for his family to come up with $100,000 cash and $1 million in collateral that's needed before he can actually be freed from jail. forced the evacuation of 35,000 people, killed 2 people and destroyed close to 400 homes and investigators have pinpointed the spot where that waldo canyon fire sparked to life. the wildfire in colorado springs is 90% contained but the most destructive fire in colorado history. warning to libya. on the eve of historic elections do not repeat the mistakes of the man they called the mad dog of the middle east. they'll go to the polls tomorrow since the overthrow and death of moammar gadhafi and they're warning the newly elected leaders to make the rule of law top priority, rain in your militias. end torture and revenge killings of detainees. the captain of a yacht on the fourth of july is blaming a wave for the tragedy, three died in the incident trapped in a cabin when it sank. he said a wave flipped his 30-foot vessel, sent most of the 27 passengers out of this boat into the water. they were initially on the boat just to watch fireworks and the boat was built to carry a maximum of 15 peopleage a woman in suburban detroit is fighting for her life after contracting a rare flesh-eating disease. crystal spencer's husband says the doctors have only given her 20% to 30% of surviving. they had to remove part of her midsection. her husband thinks she contracted it at another hospital, a detroit area hospital when she had surgery to remove an abscess from her leg. throwback to jim crow. a small alabama church holding a conference for white christians only. the organizer, founder of christian identity mission says they're the ones being treated unfairly. >> the major orders our flyers to be taken down. now, when did they start religious censorship. we've not violating any ordinances but bringing the word of god to people who want it obviously or they wouldn't be here. >> who are white. >> they're part of the chosen race. >> main event comes today when the church will set a cross on fire. they say it's not cross burning but -- i'm quoting them -- a sacred christian cross lighting. hmm. well, there's that. >> yeah. suri, can you find yourself an attorney general? 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>> isn't it funny it's almost always around the july 4th holiday. >> interesting. we look forward to getting that. i remember cape cod had an issue last summer. let's talk jobs. brand-new jobs report is coming out and could set the tone for the last couple months to decide who wins the white house. unemployment is way up in many key battleground states. florida, michigan, north carolina, all states president obama won in 2008. well above the national average. so the new report this morning could really kind of make or break his campaign. right now, as we reported with dan lothian, the president is on his bus tour waking up in ohio and heads to pittsburgh, p.a. huge manufacturing hubs. all the while team romney is shadowing following president obama with its very own bus tour and both sides obviously are bashing one another. >> when the american auto industry was on the brink of collapse, more than 1 million jobs were on the line, governor romney said we should just let detroit go bankrupt. i refuse to turn my back on communities like this one. >> reporter: he is dubbing his tour the betting on america tour. >> well, of course, we should all bet on america. but we shouldn't double down on barack obama. >> he's going to try to distract us. we the american people are smarter than that and know we are not better off than we were four years ago and can't afford another four more years of this president. >> cnn director mark preston is live in washington. mark, so we know both sides. they are anxiously awaiting the numbers. tell me once they parse through them all, we don't foe what the numbers will be but how will they ingest them and spin it back out to the country? >> well, i mean just from a strategic point for our viewers, what happened is the campaigns have appeared to send out immediately reaction to when these numbers are released and we'll get those around 89:30. president obama will address them directly during his tour of ohio. expect him to do that this morning. this is a very important pivot point of course brooke, in the campaign because it could help frame the discussion at least for the next month in the summer. a lot are on vacation. might be tuning out to the presidential race. but if the candidates, if president obama gets good news today, the numbers increase from what they were over the past couple of months he can try to carry that message over the next -- through july into august into the convention, same thing for mitt romney. he'll try to use this number right now to really try to pivot and hammer home the idea, of course, these numbers are bad, that he's the one that can turn the economy around. >> they're pivoting from what the supreme court court and health care decision being the economy, played sound from jindal and pawlenty, the surrogates following along on the bus tour, why is it mitt romney not out there and might we hear him specifically publicly later as you mentioned hearing from the president? >> there's always a possibility. he's up in new hampshire for a vacation but there is a possibility he will come out and address it head on with the cameras. did it with the ruling last week when he was here in washington, d.c. and came out and addressed it head on but the reason why he's not on the bus tour, it would be unseemly for the republican nominee in wait to be trailing the president trying to bring him down a little bottle . that's why we're seeing these surrogates out there. where does mitt romney go next? and pretty much the way that we've mapped out the while election is that it's going to come down to seven states so expect mitt romney to appear in pennsylvania, certainly ohio, florida, virginia, nevada, colorado, these are all states that will see mitt romney appearing as well as president obama over the next couple of months. >> reminder, the june jobs report is coming out at 8:30 eastern. mark preston, thanks. >> thanks, brooke. this is cnn breaking news. we are following this news for you. deadly storms are on the move right now. their violent, they are thunderstorms and they are slamming eastern tennessee. in fact, overnight two people killed. dozens of others were injured. stephanie beacon from wate is live in the great smoky mountains national park. give me an update how bad it's been and what the aftermath has been. >> reporter: ashleigh, i can. the storms were terrible around 6:00 and wanted to get into the great smoky mountains national park to give you an up-close look but all the roads are closed and actually parts of the national park are closed as you can see from this sign and right now rangers are still trying to clear debris from the roads and make sure all the visitors in the park are accounted for. they were trying to rescue people at cade's cove. we have video of some of the damage. three were injured here and one person had a cardiac incident. another person's back was injured when a tree struck them and a person in a car was hit by broken glass from air windshield after a tree fell on it. at abrams creek three were transported to the hospital and a 41-year-old woman was killed and a man riding a motorcycle on liver river road was struck by a falling tree and was killed. cleanup continues as they try to make sure everyone is accounted for. ashleigh, back to you. >> stephanie beacon reporting to us from wate. >> we've been seeing storms. are they going away? how does this look? >> we got to get through the heat and front that's going to press it away before that. the lay of the land, eastern tennessee, abrams creek, this is in the front country of the smokies. a number of campgrounds in here, prime time for camp so you can imagine what the smallest tree falling in some of these wind conditions can do. so numerous injuries and the thunderstorms that came through yesterday came through around 5:00 and pretty much converged to the east of knoxville. driving down to the south, 400 reports of wind damage, not only with this complex but a series of other storms and this series of complex of thunderstorms really gained energy late in the day and obviously the heat we've had built up and humidity across the southeast only fed this storm. it has diminished as they typically do at night. later on along the front that will eventually cool things off over the weekend along that we expect severe weather in the cross great lakes. >> thank you. construction workers and college students will be the backdrop on hand as the president signs student loans and the road building bill today. a new law that will prevent interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students. that bill is also going to allow 100 billion to be spent on mass transit and other projects over the nix two years. both said it is critical to creating jobs. the california senate we're not arizona passed legislation that would shield illegal immigrants from showing docum t documents. it's called the trust act and supporters say it protects them from the racial profiling going on in arizona's crackdown is going on. they upheld the show me the papers of the arizona law. >> a new report out from the house of representatives that sayscountrywide issued hundreds of so-called vip loans to members of congress and other people on capitol hill. it was a three-year investigation. the house oversight committee finding countrywide was getting a whole lot of perks in exchange with help on business on capitol hill. it was discovered several high-profile members with getting prefer renn shall loans during the subcrisis mortgage, in which they were heavily involved. the captain of the wrecked "costa concordiast is no longer house arest. he said "define hand guided him on the doomed cruise ship. doomed happened. at least 30 were killed when it capsized with four dodd from dozens of countries on board. assigning women to front line combat positions may not be such a good idea after all this according to a female officer and a combat veteran. katie petronio, i beg your pardon, is an iraq and afghanistan war vet written an article in the latest issue of "marine corps gazette" creating quite a but. she and her physicist territories cannot take the punishment of the property line. they're causing a clogs sol episode in crippling medical conditions for the shoulders who m -- or soldiers who took part. a virus, meant to steal personal and information to the fbi. they were turn off the servers monday but cause all to lose internet service without monday. go to see if your computer will be affected. go to that's >> that's such a bummer if you did not get your story and you're like -- >> my facebook, right. 42 half the hour. great white sharks invading cape cod. pictures like this put swimmers on high alert. it should. why the sharks are there and what you need to know about as we head into the weekend. everyg with gillette fusion proglide. get your great start... with gillette fusion proglide. ♪ as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! 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[ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? 45 minutes past the hour. happy friday to you. less than three hours now the labor department is releasing this critical june jobs report. the numbers and could play a key role in the race for the white house. economists surveyed by cnn money are predicting 95,000 new jobs were added to the economy last month and expecting the unemployment rate to hold steady at 8.2% mark. a gay virginia couple with a 2-year-old toddler is suing a roanoke athletic club for discrimination. they had their membership yanked months after joining because of the -- his word, composition of his family. >> it actually was like somebody punched news the stomach. from a place we couldn't imagine that there would be this kind of discrimination and attack, but, yeah, we have come a long way that shows us we still have a way to go. >> the club's website denines a family as a husband, wife and children under the age of 25 living at home. trunkle and his partner are suing for breach of contract. police in portland wrestling, here you go, it's blurred because the guy is naked. >> wrestling him to the ground after he led them down the street. a second scuffle they had with him in as many days and ha-year-old charles freeman bit an officer. bit an officer when they tried to throw handcuffs on him and likely high on meth. slamming full speed into this, the right side. keep your eyes on it, boom, yikes. video showing this dallas area rapid transit van smashing into a line of stopped cars at an exit ramp. frightening. two people were hospitalized. no passengers were in that van. transit officials say he is on paid administrative leave while the crash is being investigated. >> i used to drive that tollway a whole bunch of times. really frighten. 47 minutes past 5:00. swimmers in cape cod on high alert this week after a pair of great white sharks seen swimming just off of the shore. all of this coming just a week after lee here sharks were spotted in the same area. marking the first official shark sightings of the summer. no beaches closed but the local harbor master issued a warning saying stay away from the area sees. i'm not sure how often we go after them. you know, everybody knows seals is one of those favorite snacks. with me is the senior fishery scientist. greg, thanks so much for getting up early to talk to me about it. it feels as though almost every year we start getting the reports of the first shark sightings. is there such a thing as shark season, any truth to the fact this does seem to happen at this time of year? >> yes, ashleigh, first of all, it's nice to be here. beautiful day in new england. we have a shark season in new england as are waters warm during the summer months, the sharks show up, as they migrate into our warmer waters so do expect them every year. this is not an unusual part for them. >> the harbor master put this out. he wrote "at this time the town of chatham is not closing our east facing beaches to swimming in entirety but suggest that they all pay close attention to their surroundings while in the water and not to venture too far from shore. i don't know how you swim carefully when you there could be a great white. can you explain that to me. >> we know the white sharks are staying at a fairly small area. and they're in this area because of the robust gray seal population in that the same area. we're telling tourists to be recognizing them. we encourage people not to get too close to seals, certainly not swim close to them because their predators are close by. >> is there any chance, maybe not should there be a chance but what would it take in order for the harbor master to suggest it closed and no swimming. >> of course, it's the decision of the town. i imagine if they're approaching shore and consistently approaching shore and in particularly in areas where we have high densities of swimmers i imagine they'll close those beaches. >> i know there's tagging and many of them have been tagged in the past. have we got repeat offenders? are they returning and making repeat appearances? >> yeah, we live in an age where we have newer technologies that allow us to track individuals. we're seeing them show up against this year which we kind of expect in other parts of the world. nice to see it happen here. they learn the cafe is open and want to come back every year. >> when "jaws" came out in '75, what would happen if you find yourself in a precarious situation? is there a fending way by hitting the nose. is that what you do? >> i imagine the person will lash back and certainly that's what i would recommend. i think the best thing is try to avoid attacks so use common sense when you get into the open ocean. that's the bottom line and eastward facing beaches of cape cod is the open atlanta. not only want to be concerned about that but i would think about kip rurntss and currents, sunburn. just common sense. >> don't get into the situation where you have to fight the shark, try to be prevent tiff. greg, thanks so much. really appreciate the info. brooke, over to you. >> ashleigh, thank you. new details about katie holmes' break from scientology and tom cruise. maybe you're heading out to the gym. good for you are if you are. watch us any time. real easy, go to also, get a free flight. you know that comes with a private island? 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[ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before. ♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. okay, time to take a look at what's trending on the web. 54 minutes past the hour. inside katie holmes' escape from scientology. >> inside? >> we're going inside. former church insiders are talking to "the hollywood reporter" saying she is scientology's worst nightmare talking about how amazing it was she was to blindside tom cruise and the church with divorce papers. she was likely tailed and had to use disposable cell phones and lap tops to throw them off the trail. reports says she wanted the split because she didn't want suri raised as a scientologist. the church has credibility of those insiders in the past. we have had update. we brought it to you. the talking -- >> urinal hockey puck. >> they talk to you or something. >> we did show it to you as part of a campaign to prevent drunk driving? pretty good idea a lot said. turns out there is a slight twist. we found -- >> listen. >> i'm talking to you. >> that was the voice in terms of these urinals. >>'s hear it talking back to them. they exist but don't say the things -- >> necessarily. >> profane, yep. here's what they really sound like. have a listen. >> hey, listen, up that's right. i'm talking to you. had a few drinks? maybe a few too many. do yourself and everyone else a favor, call a sober friend or cab and don't forget, wash your hands. >> that's a cleaner voice. >> the other in that hoax -- >> not without a sense of humor. >> you were like, this one is cleaner. >> still to come, crucial jobs report coming up. june jobs report. we'll talk about what it means for your wallet and upcoming presidential angle and break it down with poppy harlow. stick around. is... oh you too! ooh, hey america's favorite cereal is... honey nut cheerios ok then off to iceland! honey nut cheerios this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at breaking news, two people are dead and several people injured this morning. it is severe weather again and happening overnight. we're tracking the storms this morning. a crucial jobs report is out today. we'll find out what it means for the economy and race for the white house. and that life guard who was fired for going out of his assigned area all to save a man who was drowning, gets his job offered back to him but he's saying, not so fast, everyone. good morning to you and welcome to "early start." great to have you with us on this friday morning. brooke baldwin in the house. >> hello, the news from a to b. >> very thin newscast this morning. zoraida has the day off. it is 6:00 a.m. in the east. we're going to begin with breaking news this morning talking about deadly storms on the move right knew. the violent storms slamming eastern tennessee overnight reportedly here killing two people and injuring dozens of others, rob marciano is watching this. rob, good morning and what happened? >> this was -- >> you got me? >> our camera went down so let me do this from the weather center if we can take camera five and we'll try to go through this stuff. the complex went through eastern tennessee at 5:00, 6:00 last night and into the smokey mountains national park. this is the -- this is the thunderstorm complex that drove down to the south, winds estimated 60 to 70 miles per hour and with that trees came toppling down into the campground. you can imagine with rvs and tents and that type of thing, there's not a lot of place to run. two people dead, many more than that injured and the roadways to get in and out of there difficult as well. so that's what happened last night. and this storm complex has weakened since obviously. but we may very well see another explosion of storms, not in this area but maybe across the western great lakes. obviously the heat and humidity that we've seen built up over the past several days adds fuel to this fire and the result was deadly last night across eastern tennessee. we'll have more of this and the heat later in the half hour. >> there you are, rob. thank you, we'll be watching. >> two minutes past 6:00 a.m. today on the campaign trail in washington, d.c. and on wall street, got it all covered. it is all about the big june jobs report. that's expected in about two and a half hours or so from now. we're going to find out how many jobs were added to the economy and we're waiting with baited breath. are we going to see another summer slump? poppy harlow joins us live. this is the first friday of the month to find out are we getting any better? are we looking to get any better? there are predictions. >> marginally so, a little bit but not where we need to be. we'll get the numbers at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. cnn money talked to a number of analysts and they are predicting it added $95,000 in the month of june but that's not nearly enough, only about a quarter of the jobs we need every month for a few consecutive months to get this unemployment rate down. 8.2% unemployment, that's the consensus estimate from cnn money and the fact is that we have not been below 8% unemployment since right after president obama was inaugurated. the issue is the aneemic jobs growth that we've seen this summer. in may only saw 69,000 created. let me take you back to last summer. you remember we were talking so much about the possibility of a double dip recession. that was last summer and we saw the same trend. then we saw the acceleration, 200,000 jobs created in january. the issue is if we don't see a big pickup in the jobs report and only have four more jobs reports to come out before that november election, what does that say about this recovery? you're going to hear the president address that in ohio a little bit later today. we don't know if mitt romney is going to address the jobs in numbers, he's on vacation in new hampshire. let's look at the bigger trend. this is very political. we saw about 4.5 million jobs lost during the bush administration. you see the end of the bush administration. looking at the beginning of the obama administration, 4.3 million jobs lost, but then we started to see this recovery and that's what the president emphasizes is this recovery. at the same time, the recovery many people will say is not fast enough and we have seen this downward trend, frankly over the past few months. what we're also going to look at, how many americans are long term unemployed, very important? how many have been out of work six months or longer? the latest reading is over 5 million, will that get better? frankly it hasn't been getting better. another thing we want to look at in all of this, if we see a trend that continues to pick up, can we go from may to june getting a little bit better? >> i always find it amazing when the predictions are way off, i'm thinking it's so squirrely these days even the predictors can't predict accurately? >> it can be way off or come above. last month the report came in worst than expected and at 8:30, we're going to look at minority, very important, african-americans have almost 14% unemployment. whites have about 7.5%. it's certainly there's a big disparty there. >> thank you, poppy harlow. >> $1 million bond and another $1 million for collateral, that is what it takes for george zimmerman to get out of jail. he's concerned the man shot and killed trayvon martin may have been plotting to flee the current. the defense team says it will be tough to have them come up with the $1 million cash plus collateral. trayvon martin's family is watching these developments closely and their attorney spoke to cnn's erin burnett just last night. >> trayvon's parents and i'm hear speaking on their behalf, would rather he remain in jail until the trial. they respect the court's orders and the fact that the judge sent a very strong message in his order. >> that original bail of $150,000 for zimer nan, that was revoked after a judge learned he and his wife, shellie failed to disclose the donations they got from the public. the food is spoiled and shelves are empty and people are really starting to get into a panic. it's been a full week now since a freak system of storms knocked out power to millions. seven days later, still without power. no ac and no refrigeration and searing temperatures. they had to open up feeding centers. the red cross has been extraordinarily busy across west virginia. 25,000 meals, that was the plan in one day and that's going to be the plan for several days because people are struggling. grabbing the canned goods, the pantries are empty. scorching heat wave will continue for thousands of people who still don't have power. so bad that extreme heat warnings and heat advisories are up in 25 states. the highs expected in the 100s and even higher today if you can believe it. cities like chicago and indianapolis and baltimore, yes, they've had hundreds before, but not like this. >> it is a trip that's going to tackle a lot of issues here globally. secretary of state hillary clinton arriving in paris this morning for the conference on syria. this is the first stop of a 13-day trip that touches on critical issues. they'll be discussing egypt, the middle east, the war in afghanistan and china and north korea. secretary clinton will also meet with palestinian president mahmoud abass and off to asia for a conference in afghanistan and tokyo, cambodia for meetings with officials from southeast nations. >> no summer vags vacation for her. now the florida kid has been offered his job back. here's the catch. lopez doesn't want it. he's a lifeguard and knew he was breaking the rules when you left his stand and ran into an area that was not -- officially his area but he saw a struggling swimmer. he saw a guy drowning and saw it and he had he had to respond. he told erin burnett he would do it over again. >> we were told we would lose our job if we violate this law. i was wasn't going to stop, a stupid rule over somebody's life. it's an obvious choice. >> he told erin burnett and his boss that he is humbled for the offer to return to the lifeguard post but no thanks. he wants to put this whole episode behind him and move onto the next phase of his life. >> fireworks, why are we talking about this a couple days after the fourth? we told you about this massive spectacular in the skies over san diego from wednesday, remember this is the fireworks show that went bust because it was supposed to be this 17-minute show in the sky here but the whole thing went off prematurely and lasted 22 seconds. we've now found out for knows of you sitting there in san diego and thinking what the world, the company is explaining the mishappen, saying it was a computer malfunction, they are offering to do next year's show for free and also if they could keep traffic away. >> how are they going to make a finale like this one. >> most amazing i've seen. >> we can smile about it because nobody was hurt and that's the kind of thing that has the potential to be a disaster. so you guys are lucky in the bay that it's only really fast light show. >> make it bigger and better next year. >> there you go. it's all happening in the race for the white house. some people who are buddies of mitt romney and president obama out on the stump. we're going to take you live on the campaign trail and quick lesson on what bracketing means. . like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life. purina one discovered that by blending enhanced botanical oils into our food, we can help brighten an old dog's mind so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. vibrant maturity. from purina one smartblend. i'm barack obama, and i approved pioneeinbthis jobs this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. welcome back, the stakes are incredibly high as we await the latest jobs numbers. the experts say this jobs report could be the most important jobs report of the past three years. president obama seems pretty darn aware of this as well because this bus tour that he's on through the key swing states, ohio and pennsylvania, they are both states big in manufacturing hubs and the president is making his pitch on how to battle outsourcing of jobs, bring those jobs back home here to america, calling it the betting on america thing. dan lothian is live in ohio with the details. you're doing the overnight then heading to pa tomorrow. the message all about the jobs. that's a tough message because it seems to be the one message the republicans have been hammering away at president obama. how is he trying to come back from that? >> reporter: that's right, the president does have a couple of events here in ohio and then we head later today to pittsburgh wrapping up day two of the president's bus tour. how the president is countering that attack from republicans, saying, look, things are not perfect but they are better than when he took office. he has been repeating that message that we've heard for the past three years or so. the president telling voters here in ohio that you know, when he came into office, that the situation was much worse than anyone expected, but because of his policies, he was able to reel back the economy from that economic collapse from that cliff. and he points to areas like here in ohio and pennsylvania where the unemployment rate is much lower than the national average. here in ohio, 7.3%, in pennsylvania, 7.4%, the national average is 8.2%. again, the president saying because of his policies, you see the turnaround in manufacturing and specifically to this region, which is heavily dependent on the auto industry, he touted his actions in saving and creating jobs. >> so let's talk also about the new term that's come into our lexicon. bracketing is much more important when it comes to bus touring. tell us about it. >> reporter: that's right, tim pawlenty, the former presidential candidate and governor jindal of louisiana who are surrogates for the romney campaign, they are on the ground following the president on his bus tour with their own tour. they are essentially trying to get romney's voice out here and knocking down what the president is trying to build up here saying that while the president is talking about improvements in manufacturing, that a lot more people are suffering in manufacturing and middle class is hurting as well. they are accusing the president of essentially covering up his failures with this bus tour. the president is making the hard pitch here but so are republicans. they realize these are areas and certainly these two states that the president won in 2008. he's picking to win in this area in 2012 but republicans are trying to snatch away the key battle ground states from him. >> let's talk inside the campaign trail. i always have wondered if the president of the united states and all presidents before him carries money or credit cards on him. what need would he possibly ever have to carry cash? i think some presidents never have carried cash. this president not only carries cash but bougt himself something on the road. give me the lowdown on the behind the scenes that happened yesterday. >> reporter: you'll see him stop at the burger joint or deli or diner and always pulls out some cash. we have the official events, those events that are announced and he always takes these side trips on these bus tours and other tours as well. he stopped in at a farmer's market. he stopped in at a diner and stopped in at a local pub along the way having a beer, giving marriage advice, talking about, you know, getting a vote over a basketball game. this is the president trying to connect in a personal way. many of his events up to this point have been larger. he's been attending a lot of fundraisers in hollywood and new york with the rich and famous but wants to make a personal connection with the working class voters and that's what you're seeing on this bus tour. >> that's the pub night you want to be at, unless you didn't tell your wife you were at the pub and go home and can't tell your wife i just met the president of the united states because you were in the bar. dan lothian, nice to see you this morning. thanks so much. >> reporter: good to see you too. >> sorry honey, i was working late, i promise. 19 minutes past the hour on friday. let's get you up to date. bond set at $1 million for george zimmerman. a florida judge saying he fears the suspected shooter may have been plotting to fear the country. zimmerman's defense team says it's going to be tough for his family to come up with the $1 million in cash and $1 million in collateral neededed to free him. it killed two people and destroyed close to 400 homes. now fire investigators have pinpointed the exact spot where that waldo canyon fire sparked to life. they still don't know what caused it to spark. wildfire in colorado springs is 90% contained but it was the most destructive fire in that state's history. a warning to libya on the eve of historic elections there. do not repeat the mistakes of moammar gadhafi, the nation is going to the polls for first time since they overthrew the dictator. remember he died while he was shot and killed. amnesty international urging to make the law a priority. the captain of a yacht that capsized in long island sound on the fourth of july claims it was a wave that caused the capsize and the tragedy that killed three children who died in that accident. three children including the captain's own nephew. they were trappeded in a cabin when the boat sank. 27 people were on board the yacht. however, the boat was only meant to carry a maximum of 15 people. the nfl players association is suing the league for the bounty scandal. the suit alleges roger goodell is incurably biased and violated the agreement by suspending players, suing the nfl separately. would you let a stranger borrow your car? not talking about a carjacking stranger. what if they paid you to borrow your car. we'll tell you how much money you can actually make by loaning out your car. and by the way, gas prices are up two cents overnight. you may want to stay tuned. energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy development comes with some risk, north america's natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing generations of cleaner-burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self-contained well systems. and, using state-of-the-art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment. we're america's natural gas. use the points we earn with our citi thankyou card for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. take a look at this, it will be the largest single array of solar panels. it is being built in london on the roof of the black friar's rail system. when it's done, it's going to generate 50% of the power needed to operate the facility. >> that's cool. >> awesome. in london. a whale breaching the surface of the ocean in mexico, a photographer right there. he was on a boat, happened to be there, lucky enough to pull out the camera and take these amazing images. looks like an eel. it leaps through the water source through the air. >> that is so rare. that actual breed of whale doesn't breach as a norm has been bit. >> look at you whale expert. >> put your car to work when you're not using it. car owners can make hundreds a month by renting their idle ride to other people through a pier to pier market sharing place, one called relay rides, driver safety records are thoroughly vetted and has a big insurance to cover damages. some people leave cookies for the next guy. i'm sure other things are left behind too. but it would be nice to leave a cookie for the -- >> i like me some whales, quote of the morning. >> i went whale watching -- that cameraman who shot that incredible breach is from british columbia, canada, also near hawaii watching whales breach and you feel that close to god. >> i've never seen is it, only seen dolphins. >> brands new jobs numbers are coming up two hours from now. this is one of the final ones before the election. what the numbers could mean on the trail and if you are out and about, keep watching us, go to according to ford, the works fuel saver package could terally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? 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>> no, i have not. >> but someone might have just sent me a link again yesterday. >> i do not read fiction. i don't read fiction but because of this juggernaut -- >> you need to be in the know. >> i'm a journalist, i need to know. >> i downloaded the first book and read the first book and i read the second one too. then i shut her off at this point, that's enough. stop. >> details in the commercial break, we'll talk. >> welcome back to "early start." >> just girls doing our thing. i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm brooke baldwin. let's switch gears and talk jobs. june jobs report coming out in a few hours and could set the tone for the presidential race the next couple of months before november and decide who wins the white house, unemployment way up in key battle ground states. you can see florida, michigan, nevada, north carolina, these are all states that president obama won in 2008, all states with jobless rates well above the national average. the new report really could make or break his campaign. right now the president is on a bus tour and waking up in ohio. next headed to pennsylvania, both states are big manufacturing hubs. you have team romney, he is following the president. he himself is not, two of his surrogates on their own bus tour, going back and forth at one another. >> when the american auto industry was on the brink of collapse, more than 1 million jobs were on the line, governor romney said we should just let detroit go bankrupt. i refused to turn night back on communities like this one. >> he is dubbing his tour the betting on america tour. well, of course we should all bet on america. but we shouldn't double down on barack obama. >> he's going to try to distract us. we the american people are smarter than that. we know we are not better off than we were four years ago. we know we can't afford another four more years of this president. >> here you have two different parties and two different messages on the trail. mark preston is live in washington. first let's talk -- two hours away from the jobs report, mark. i know both groups are ready for results for reaction when the numbers come out. how will they be interpreting these results? >> well, i mean, if you're mitt romney, you want the numbers to not be very strong because he is selling this message now, brooke, that's he's the one who can turn the economy around. at the same time you have president obama in ohio, ready to go into pennsylvania and he is going to be on the campaign trail. we do expect him to address the jobs numbers, base beingally when they come out around 8:30, perhaps a little later than that. it's an important data point right now because it will help frame the discussion for the next 30 days, the next 60 days about where the economy is going. another important point is the polls right now and it is who do americans think is best able to handle the economy. let's look at this cnn/orc poll, it shows from this poll that the country is split. they think that neither one has a clear advantage over who could turn it around. but let's drill down a little bit more when we talked about independent voters, these are the voters who very well could decide the election. when we asked that same question, let's look at those numbers right there, it shows that mitt romney has an 11 point advantage. perhaps he has stayed on message the last 30 to 60 days talking about the economy and that has been very, very helpful to him. >> what does the president need to say to change the minds of those independent voters and at the same time why is it mitt romney out and about in these states? >> one is you'll hear the president talk about how he inherited a terrible economy and trying to rebuild it. we saw him talking about the auto industry in ohio. very, very important for whoever wins the president, they have to win ohio. but barack obama talking about the auto industry, a lot of submakers that help supply the auto industry and how he saved them. barack obama will say, i need another four years to try to turn this around, the four years i've had is basically level teenager off. mitt romney will be in these important states. there's about seven states we're focusing on. we've seen the surrogates out there following the obama bus. >> bracketing they call it. >> thanks, brooke. >> we are continuing to follow breaking news this morning, deadly storms on the move right now. violent thunderstorms have been slapping into eastern tennessee overnight. two people killed, dozens others injured. stephanie beacon is live from wate, in the great smokey mountains national park. we spoke not too long ago and you spoke of people trapped and rescuers were trying to get to them. do we have an update on they are and how things are looking right now? >> reporter: well the command center reopens again in 30 minutes. we'll have an update then. as we were discussing last time, the cleanup does continue after those deadly storms rolled through around 6:00. as you can see behind me, the sign, portions of the park are still closed and cade's cove is still closed. rangers will continue toe clean up the area and make sure that all of the visitors, the park visitors are accounted for and as of just a few hours ago, they were still trying to rescue people trapped at cade's cove. we do have video of the damage. three people were injured and park rangers say one person had a cardiac incident, another person injured third back after being hit by a fallen tree and person in a car was hit by broken glass in the windshield after a tree fell on their car at abe ram's creek, four people hit by falling trees and three people transported to the hospital. one 41-year-old woman was killed, a man riding a motorcycle on little river road was also struck by a falling tree and killed. as we were saying, cleanup continues and they will continue working hard and making sure all of the visitors are accounted for this morning. back to you ashleigh. >> stephanie beecken from wate, thanks so much. i was looking at that map behind you and looks like ashville and huntsville may get the effects from that storm. >> it's weakened thankfully now but there will be another flareup later on today. you sh you saw how intense it was. it was a pretty large complex, not as big as the derecho that knocked out power from illinois to delaware. there's where the smokey national park is. you can imagine, rvs and tents, not a lot of places to hide when you have winds barreling through toppling tall old growth trees. much more tranquil this morning. the complex drove down to the south. the heat and humidity has built up. you get the ball rolling and things explode in this environment with temperatures at and over 100 degrees in many spots. we expect thunderstorms across this front which will eventually be on the move and drive down to the south and east slowly over the weekend, ushering in more tranquil air, until that, more heat. temperatures will be hot enough to have heat advisories and warnings again today. well over two dozen states from south of minneapolis to the delmarva, dangerous heat expected. where the thunderstorms do pop up, they could be explosive because of the heat and humidity. >> two dozen states, unbelievable. rob, thank you. >> the california senate saying, we're not arizona, they passed legislation that would shield undocumented immigrants from showing documents from local law enforcement, being named the anti-arizona bill. called the trust acts. supporters say it protects from racial profiling. last week the supreme court upheld the so-called show me your papers, that was one section of that arizona sb-1070. reports that countrywide financial issued hundreds of so-called v.i.p. loans to members of congress and other people on capitol hill. this according to a new report out from the house of representatives. after a three-year investigation, the house oversight committee found that countrywide was offering cheaper loans and other perks in exchange for help with its business on capitol hill. this investigation started back in 2009 after it was discovered that several high profile members of congress were getting pretty good loans. all of this during the subprime mortgage crisis, mind you. and you might remember, countrywide was heavily involved in that crisis. >> everyone's favorite mommy porn has been credited for reviving marriages and a culture expert is suggesting that it could spark a baby boom, saying not a difficult equation, more sex equals more pregnancies, equals more babies. we're going to hear more about that. from that too, sharks, great white sharks baiting cape cod. swimmers on high alert. why the sharks are there this time of year. cue the jaws music and what to do if you spot one. swim! get away. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. what ? 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>> first of all, it's nice to be here, good morning, it's a beautiful taday in new england. we have a shark season in new england, the sharks show up as they my great into our warmer waters. we do expect them every year, not an unusual behavior on their part. >> the harbor master has put up the warning and i'll read exactly what the harbor master said. at the time the town of chatham is not closing our east facing beaches to swimming in its entirety but suggesting that beachgoers and mariners and swimmers pay close attention to their surroundings while in the water and not to venture too far from shore. can you explain that one to me? >> well, we know that the white sharks are pretty much staying in a fairly small area. and they are in this area because of the robust gracial population. we know the sharks are there to feed on the seals and we really encourage people not to get too close to the seals because their predators are close by. >> is there any chance that -- i guess the question should be not is there a chance should the beach be closed but what would it take to suggest that the beaches should be closed and there will be no swimming? >> you know, of course it's the decision of the town but i would imagine that if the sharks are approaching shore and consistently approaching shore and particularly in areas where we have high densities of swimmers, i imagine the town will close those particular beaches. >> i know there's tagging and that many of the sharks have been tagged in the past. have we got repeat offenders, are they migrating and returning and making repeat appearances? >> we live in an age with newer technologies that allow us to track individuals. indeed we're seeing those from last year show up again this year. which we kind of expect but it is nice to see it happen here. these particular sharks learn that the cafe is open and decide they want to come back each year. >> this is the crazy question, when "jaws" came out in '75, we talked about what would you do if you found yourself in a precarious situation. is there a way to fend off the shark attack. i remember hit the nose of the shark. that truly what you try to do? >> i imagine if i shark does attack a person, the person will react by lashing back. that's what i would recommend. best thing to do is try to avoid attacks. use common sense in the open ocean, the eastward facing beaches of cape cod is the open atlant atlantic, i would think about rip tides and currents and when you get out of the water, sun burns. just common sense when you go to the beach. >> i'm with you on that. don't get into the situation where you have to fight the shark. try to be preventative to start with. great to see you, thanks so much. we appreciate the info. >> my pleasure. >> let's check in with soledad o'brien, live from the big easy, one of her favorite cities for a look ahead at what's coming up on "starting point." good morning. >> good morning to you. this morning we're live from the ruby slipper cafe in downtown new orleans, for the essence music festival. last night was about recognizing young talent, young rising stars in the music scene. the rest of the weekend will focus on the veterans that we will have a chance to hear, aretha franklin, mary j. blige. we have an all-star lineup, comedian jay thomas sitting there next to me. singer an actress vanessa williams, the new orleans mayor mitch lancasterrieu and bill cassidy. we're going to talk about the health of the economy, a crucial jobs report is coming out today. we'll break down the numbers for you as president obama and mitt romney's camps are standing by ready to respond. you can follow us on your computer or mobile phone while at work, go to and we will see you at the top of the hour as "starting point" takes place in new orleans. if you haven't gone to bed yet, swing on by. >> thank you. >> the computer virus you've been hearing about that could actually take you down if you're an internet surfer, how do you make sure this does not happen to you? rest assured, it's coming. you can do something about it. we'll give you the tips in a moment. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. 53 minutes past the hour. in less than two hours, we've got critical numbers coming up. the labor department releasing the june jobs report. it's july. the economists surveyed by cnn predict 95,000 new jobs were added to the roster last month and expecting that the unemployment rate, however, despite those increases could actually stay at 8.2%. construction workers and college students will be on hand as president obama signs the student loan and road building bill today. it will prevent interest rate increases, a lot of people waiting for that, just about hit the deadline there. the bill also allows $100 billion to be spend on highway, mass transit and other transportation projects over the next two years, both sides agreeing it is critical to create jobs in the country. hillary clinton in paris right now meeting with diplomats from 60 different nations at the official friends of syria meeting. the nations are expected to call for the syrian regime to suffer consequences for the bloody crackdown that claimed the lives of thousands. the opposition says nine more people were killed today alone. all internet service could be wiped out on monday. seems like a nasty virus has found its way on computers worldwide. that happened late last year. it's supposed to steal your personal and financial information, the fbi will be turning off the hacker's servers monday but will cause all victims to lose internet service without warning. a big head's up to all of us to see if your computer is infected. check out >> do that with all computers, one at work, check things out. the best advice coming up, where we give you best advice from big famous people. and this coming from amy winehouse's father, you won't believe what his advice is. it's very odd. uhuh yep uch let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. because we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice no. laugh... awe uch ooh, yeah hmm nice huh book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer. in your car. now count the number of buttons on your tablet. isn't it time the automobile advanced? introducing cue in the all-new cadillac xts. the simplicity of a tablet has come to your car. ♪ the all-new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. jucht about a minute away from soledad. live from new orleans on "starting point." we wrap up with good advice. >> the best you can find. best advice today comes from mitch winehouse, a taxi driver and father of the late amy winehouse. we asked him what his advice would be, what's the best advice he ever got. take a look. >> always drive on the right-hand side when in the usa. >> short and sweet. >> there's a reason he might have been short and sweet. he really has come up with quite a book about his daughter. >> the book has a lot in it, perhaps that's why he's keeping it short. >> keeping it light. >> read the book instead. it's been great having you. >> thanks for having me in new york. >> back on my normal schedule at 2:00 eastern. we're saying the news from a to b, joking, but it was great to have her for the week. >> you're wonderful to work next to. "starting point" with soledad o'brien live in new orleans starts right now. >> have a great weekend! and welcome, everyone, we're coming to you live from the ruby slipper cafe in downtown new orleans. nice to have you, if you haven't gone to bed yet, you're welcome to come by and hang out with us. we're re

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Power Facing Temperatures , 25000 , Secretary Of State , Trip , Cities , Highs , Aren T , Indianapolis , Chicago , Mror , 100 , 25 , Some , Stop , Issues , Hillary Clinton , Paris , On Syria , 13 , The Middle East , Mahmoud A Abbas , Life Guard , Post , Nations , Leaders , Lopez Doesn T , Waters , Swimmer , Rules , Catch , Stand , Zone , It , Rule , Erin Burn Net Last Night , Life , Somebody , Boss , Choice , Apology , Story , Update , Episode , Opportunity , Light Show , Fortensurth July , Star Asterisk , 2 , Insurance Company , Fireworks , Computer Malfunction , Deal , Five , 17 , Backup Plan , Doesn T Ignite , Show , Saying , Big Bummer , Reason , Fun , Tweets , Nobody , Iffinale , Southern Church , Corn Chur , 22 , Car , Conference , Cadillac Xts , Free Speech , Racist , Zoom , Cue , Pinch , We Haven T , Forward , Engine Revs , Don T Worry , Announcer , Carpets , Odors , Febreze , Little , Beached Whale , Mattress , Honey , Sausage Link , Lawn Clippings , Driftwood , Mermaid , Gotta , Business , Data , Actions , Beeping , Points , Living , Network , Teaching , Whirring , Results , Customers , At T , Ideas , Ones , Idea , Ambition , Achievement , 200 , Bus Tour , Voters , Reporting , Election , Pennsylvania , Swing States , Pittsburgh , Pitch , Big Manufacturing Hubs , Sdpats , Details , Dan Lothian , Bride , Bus Trip , Outsourcing , Theme , Ashleigh , Post Office , Times , Policies , That S Right , Collapse , Regions , Cliff , Campaign , Average , Manufacturing , 8 2 , Region , Auto Industry , Auto Industry Go Bankrupt , Let S Go , Investments , Workers , Bet On American , Gm , Ford , Let S Bet On American Industries , Let , Chrysler , Mitt Romney , Class , Bobby Jindal , Mitt Romney Rolling Into Town , Everything , Tim Pawlenty , Tour , The Shadow , Gentlemen , Surrogates , Something , Towns , 2008 , Events , Fund Raising , Shift , Way , Stops , Pub , Market , Beer , Governor , Beers , Brew , Someone , Relationship Advice , Vote , Basketball Game , Arm Wrestling , Match , One , Race , Both , Blue Color Workers , Races , Connection , Strawberries , Buying Cherries , Yep , The Farm , Stories , Service , Bond Set , A Million Dollars , 18 , Death , Shooter , Spot , Homes , Investigators , Waldo Canyon Fire , Evacuation , 400 , 35000 , Warning , Fire , Colorado Springs , Elections , Wildfire , Eve , Mistakes , Libya , 90 , Polls , Overthrow , Middle East , Mad Dog , Moammar Gadhafi , Captain , Yacht , Detainees , Priority , Killings , Revenge , Militias , Rain , Torture , Rule Of Law , Fourth Of July , Boat , Incident , Wave , Passengers , Most , Cabin , Tragedy , Vessel , 27 , Three , Water , Maximum , Detroit , Contracting , 15 , Husband , Doctors , Flesh Eating Disease , Surviving , Midsection , Crystal Spencer , 20 , Hospital , Christians , Leg , Abscess , Surgery , Throwback , Small Alabama Church , Jim Crow , Organizer , Borders , Flyers , Christian Identity Mission , Wouldn T , Censorship , Ordinances , Word Of God , Event , The Church Will Set A Cross On Fire , Sacred Christian Cross Lighting , Voice , Apple , Suri , Attorney General , Siri , Iphone , Everyone , Bonus , Baby , Anything , 50 , Wallet , Card , Rewards Card , Fine , Ha , Wood Splintering , Phhht , Identity , Charge Card Account , Thieves , Upside Down , Your , Hi , Money , Credit , Information , Lifelock , Accounts , Piece , Mind , Leader , Reputation , Identity Theft Protection , Identity Theft , Home , Bank Accounts , Social Security Number , Equity , Crooks , Tracks , System , Threat , Lifelock I D , 60 , Victim , Problem , Criminals , Service Guarantee , Norisk , Document Shredder , Documents , Hands , Protection , Dollar Value , 29 , 9 Dollar , Residents , News , Plan , Mom , Daughter , Basketball Coach , Headlines , Didn T Work , Texas , Land , Dirt , Sneaky Texas , Camera , Wendy Long , Mug Shot , Denton Record Chronicle , High School , Prison Sentence , Middle School Principal , Police , Coach , Players , School , Evidence , Locker Room , Principal , Laws , Wiretapping , Won T , Resume , L A Times , Pat Tent , Assistant Service , Technology , The Voice , Chinese , Case , Litigation , Patent , Violation , China , 2006 , County Clerk , Rosa Parks , Protest , Marriage License , Books , Open Atlanta , Same Sex Marriage , Autograph , Got Revigor , Muscle Health , Hmb , Fight Muscle Loss , Exercise , Amino Acid Metabolite , 10 , Preserve , Protein , Nutrition , Strength , Muscle , Charge , Bars , Nature Valley Trail , Ingredients , Nuts , Fruit , Nature Valley Trail Mix , Chewy Granola , Beautyrest , Recharge Sleep System , Sleeping Posture , Coils , Memory Foam , Beautyrest Pocketed , Comfort , Coffee Mate , Cost , Coffee House , Lines , Flavors , Flavor , Hassle , Fraction , Nestle , Buses , Sharks , Great White Sharks , Cape Cod , Job Numbers , Miami , Ashleigh Banfield , Welcome Back , July 4th , 4 , Jobs Report , Tone , Let S Talk Jobs , Brand , Unemployment , White House , Battleground States , Michigan , North Carolina , Report , Make , Sides , Team , Another , American Auto Industry , Shadowing , Manufacturing Hubs , Back , Communities , Line , Brink , America Tour , Bet , Shouldn T Double Down , Mark Preston , Washington D C , Point , We Don T Foe , Viewers , Campaigns , Reaction , 89 , Vacation , Pivot Point , Discussion , Candidates , Course Brooke , America Thing , Prime Time , Next , Convention , Decision , Hammer , Sound , Health Care , Possibility , Hearing , Cameras , New Hampshire , Nominee , Bottle , Republican , Reminder , Gay Virginia , Thanks , Move , Others , Stephanie Beacon , Wate , Great Smoky Mountains National Park , Aftermath , 6 , Roads , Rangers , Sign , National Park , Debris , Person , Video , Damage , Cade S Cove , Hit , Glass , Air Windshield , At Abrams Creek Three , 41 , Cleanup , Falling Tree , Back To You , Man Riding A Motorcycle On Liver River Road , Front , Stephanie Beacon Reporting , The Lay Of Land , Campgrounds , Smokies , Abrams Creek , Wind Conditions , Injuries , Knoxville , Complex , Energy , Wind Damage , Humidity , Weekend , Weather , Hand , College Students , Construction Workers , Road Building Bill , Student Loans , Backdrop , Signs , Great Lakes , Law , Bill , Loans , Interest Rate , Transit , Projects , 100 Billion , Legislation , Immigrants , Arizona , California , Docum T , Supporters , Profiling , Crackdown , Trust Act , Members , Hundreds , Vip Loans , Papers , House Of Representatives , Arizona Law , Capitol Hill , Sayscountrywide , Help , House Oversight Committee Finding Countrywide , Investigation , Perks , Exchange , Business On Capitol Hill , Renn , Subcrisis Mortgage , House Arest , Costa Concordiast , Countries , Front Line , Women , Cruise Ship , Officer , Katie Petronio , Combat Veteran , Combat , Positions , Article , Pardon , Physicist , Iraq , Marine Corps Gazette , Afghanistan War Vet , Property Line , Conditions , Shoulders , Punishment , Territories , Sol , Virus , Soldiers , Servers , Fbi , Internet Service , Computer , Bummer , Dcwg Org , Swimmers , Facebook , Pictures , Right , 42 , Start , Everyg With Gillette Fusion Proglide , Gym , Heart Healthy Diet , Small Business , Rewards , Purchase , Credit Card , Spark Card , The One And Only , Pizza , Pizza Palace , Cheerios Olaf , Olaf , Garth , Business Card , Settle , Capital One , Doin , 45 , Economists , Critical June Jobs Report , Labor Department , Role , Roanoke Athletic Club , Discrimination , Toddler , Mark , Membership , Place , Kind , Attack , Composition , We Couldn T , Word , Stomach , Age , Children , Trunkle , Denines , Breach , Partner , Way To Go , Contract , Portland Wrestling , The Club , Guy , Ground , Charles Freeman , Wrestling , Scuffle , The Street , Boom , Side , Handcuffs , Speed , Meth , Eyes , Van , Exit Ramp , Cars , Dallas Area Rapid Transit , Frightening , Bunch , Leave , Tollway , Crash , Transit Officials , 47 , Shore , Swimming , Wall , Pair , On High , Beaches , Shark Sightings , Harbor Master , Stay , Seals , Everybody , Greg , Fishery Scientist , Snacks , Shark Season , Reports , Yes , Truth , New England , Chatham , Pay , Surroundings , Attention , Entirety , Great White , Seal , Predators , Population , Chance , Many , Areas , Tagging , Densities , Technologies , Repeat Offenders , Repeat , Appearances , World , Cafe , Individuals , Jaws , 75 , Thing , Sense , Attacks , Nose , Open Ocean , Currents , Bottom Line , Kip Rurntss , Shark , Info , Sunburn , Tiff , Common Sense , Katie Holmes , Break , Scientology , Go To Cnn Com Tv , Tom Cruise , Venture Card , Credit Cards , Capital , Flight , Island , Hat , Seats , Miles , Frustrating , Flights , Airline , At Capitalone Com , Uh , Pilot , Friend , Pop Goes The World , Stains , Pop In , Cleans , Pop , Fights , Pacs , Stand Out , Three In One Detergent , Brightens , Tide Pods , Pricing , Brakes , Trending , 54 , Nightmare , Church Insiders , The Hollywood Reporter , Inside , Escape From Scientology , Trail , Church , Cell Phones , Divorce Papers , Flap , Split , Credibility , Scientologist , Insiders , Turns , Drunk Driving , Hockey Puck , Terms , Twist , Urinals , Listen , Profane , Mother , Few , Cleaner Voice , Drinks , Cab , Favor , Hoax , Humor , Angle , Cereal , Honey Nut Cheerios , Ooh , Iceland , New York State , Railway , West , Empires , First Trade Route , Determination , Edge , Innovation , Well Today , Thenewny Com , Drowning , In The House , To B , Hello , Newscast , Zoraida , Rob Marciano , Weather Center , Smokey Mountains National Park , Stuff , Trees , Thunderstorm Complex , Campground , Toppling , 70 , Roadways , Last Night , Type , Storm Complex , Injured , Explosion , Campaign Trail , Result , Wall Street , Breath , Bit , Better , Predictions , Eastern Time , Quarter , 5000 , Consensus , Aneemic , May , Double Dip Recession , Recovery , Say , Pickup , Address , Ohio A Little Bit , 4 5 Million , Jobs Lost , The End , Reading , Frankly , Can T , Whites , Big Disparty There , African Americans , Minority , 7 5 , 14 , Bond , Shot , Current , Parents , Erin Burnett , Food , Donations , Zimer Nan , Freak System , Shelves , Panic , Temperatures , Red Cross , Refrigeration , Mac , West Virginia , Heat Advisories , Heat Wave , Goods , Pantries , Still Don T Have Power , Baltimore , Syria , War In Afghanistan , Egypt , Mahmoud Abass , Meetings , Afghanistan , North Korea , Cambodia , Off To Asia , Palestinian , Tokyo , Officials , Iran , The Catch , Guy Drowning , Wasn T Going To Stop , Offer , Lifeguard , Fourth , Phase , Spectacular , San Diego , Sky , Thinking , Offering , Mishappen , Amazing , Traffic , Finale , Happening , Potential , Disaster , Bay , Buddies , Soil , Bracketing , Stump , Lesson , Goodness , Dog , Oils , Tricks , Purina One , Pet , Maturity , Purina One Smartblend , Pioneeinbthis Message E Ss Jobs , Miles Aren T , Pursuit , Epa , Perfection , Lexus Ct Hybrid , Jobs Numbers , Experts , Stakes , Big , Betting , Couple , Hammering , Anyone , Turnaround , 7 4 , Term , Saving , Louisiana , Bus Touring , Lexicon , Romney Campaign , Improvements , Suffering , Failures , Presidents , Let S Talk , Battle Ground , 2012 , On The Road , Bougt , Scenes , Diner , Burger Joint , Lowdown , Bus Tours , Side Trips , Tours , Farmer S Market , Marriage Advice , Fundraisers , Hollywood , Wife , Pub Night , Working Class , Nice , Bar , Sorry Honey , 19 , Estate , What , History , Wildfire In , Spark , Nation , Dictator , Amnesty International , Long Island Sound , Capsize , Accident , Nephew , Trappeded , The Captain , League , Sank , Nfl Players Association , Bounty Scandal , Agreement , Suit , Roger Goodell , Stranger , Carjacking Stranger , Separately , Nfl , Loaning , Gas Prices , Lives , Risk , North America , Producers , Energy Development , Natural Gas , Well Systems , State Of The Art Monitoring Technologies , Drilling Thousands , Generations , Sources , Feet , Environment , Operations , Rigorous , Sightseeing , Friends , We Go For A Ride In The Park , Fresh Air , Thank Youpoints , London , Citi Thankyou , Step , Restrictions , Rewarding You , Array , Solar Panels , Whale Breaching , Surface , Roof , Cool , Rail System , Black Friar , Facility , Looks , In Mexico , Photographer , Images , Eel , Hair , Water Source , Norm , Breed Of Whale Doesn T Breach , Car Owners , Whale Expert , Aarp Medicare Supplement , Driver Safety Records , Relay Rides , Pier , Pier Market Sharing Place , Damages , Whales , Cookies , Cookie , Whale Watching , Quote , Cameraman , Dolphins , Hawaii , British Columbia , Canada , Brands , Gas , Grades , Mike , Tire Inflation , Bad , Works Fuel Saver Package , Jim Twitchel , Care , Works , Sum Up , Dealer , Rebate , 29 95 , 9 95 , Fees , Chuck Tdd , Atm Fees , Charles Schwab , 2550 , 800 , 1 800 345 2550 , 345 , 1 , Fee , Service Fees , Atm Fee , Bedroom , Reigniting Passion , Fifty Shades Of Grey , Fifty , Couples , Fiction , Link , I Don T Read Fiction , Nine , Book , Know , Juggernaut , Journalist , Girls , Battle Ground States , June , Gears , Rates , Nevada , Go Bankrupt , Messages , Parties , Groups , First Let S Talk , Ready To Go , Poll , Advantage , Drill , Point Advantage , Minds , Submakers , Bus , Teenager , Great Smokey Mountains National Park , Slapping , Command Center , Rescuers , The Sign , Portions , Cove , Toe , Cade , Park Rangers , Falling Trees , Windshield , Creek , Man Riding A Motorcycle , River Road , Abe Ram , Map , Stephanie Beecken , Nashville , Effects , Flareup , Huntsville , Derecho , Smokey National Park , Illinois To Delaware , Rvs , Places , Spots , Ball , South Of Minneapolis , Warnings , Pop Up , Senate , Delmarva , Unbelievable , Law Enforcement , Trust Acts , Section , Sb 1070 , 1070 , Countrywide , House Oversight Committee , Profile , Subprime Mortgage Crisis , 2009 , Culture Expert , Marriages , Crisis , Mommy Porn , Sex , Baby Boom , Equation , Pregnancies , Babies , Jaws Music , Great White Sharks Baiting , Sun Burns , Gulf , Records , Kinds , Season , Blooms , Suntans , Alabama , Mississippi , Fishing , Come On Down , Relaxing , Beatches , Call The Gulf Home , Bp , Banks , Bank , Nonsense , Rally , Ally Bank , 24 7 , Moderate , Crohn S Disease , Nno , Humira , Remission , Symptoms , Circles , Gastroenterologist , Adults , Studies , Significant , Medications , Majority , Saw , Symptom Relief , Patients , Infections , Heart Failure , Have , Reactions , Nervous System Problems , Types , Blood , Ability , Tuberculosis , Cancer , Lymphoma , Liver , Doctor , Hepatitis B , Tb , Fatigue , Fever , Sores , Cough , Infection , Direction , Area Seals , Massachusetts Division Of Marine Fisheries , Beautiful Taday , Behavior , Town , Beachgoers , Mariners , Staying , Gracial Population , Beach , Shark Attack , Lashing Back , Facing , Rip Tides , Preventative , Atlant Atlantic , Soledad O Brien , Starting Point , Pleasure , The Big Easy , Stars , Downtown New Orleans , Ruby Slipper Cafe , Talent , Essence Music Festival , Aretha Franklin , All Star Lineup , Rest , Veterans , The Music Scene , Mary J Blige , Vanessa Williams , Mitch Lancasterrieu , Jay Thomas , Bill Cassidy , Camps , Health , Mobile Phone , You Haven T , Bed , Top , Swing , Computer Virus , Internet Surfer , Tips , Making , Unitedhealthcare , Go Long , 53 , Money Com , Increases , Roster , Interest Rate Increases , Student Loan , Road , Building , Highway , Transportation Projects , Mass Transit , 00 Billion , Regime , Consequences , Diplomats , Friends Of Syria Meeting , Computers , Opposition , Victims , Hacker , Big Head , Dcdw Org , Advice , Father , Coming Up , Big Famous People , Amy Winehouse , Hotel , Room , Hotels , No , Laugh , Hotels Com , Uhuh Yep , Awe Uch Ooh , Giving You Up , Huh Book , House , Offices , Reasons , Medicine , Packages , Losses , Mail , Layoff , Agency , Bears , Burden , Answer , Revenue , 5 Billion , 6 Billion , 2309 , Tablet , Number , Automobile Advanced , Buttons , Simplicity , Best , Soledad , Jucht , Mitch Winehouse , Sweet , It Light , Schedule , Joking , A To B , Live In New Orleans , Early Start ,

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