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i'm ban ban. zoraida sambolin. it's 5 a.m. in the east. the accused ohio school shooter is due to appear in court today. later on in the program, you'll hear from a student grazed by a bullet in that attack as parents waited outside in desperation. more questions about warning signs. were they missed with this alleged shooter? the. >> the daytona 500 officially ended in the wee hours of morning. it was delayed ties by rain. then two hours by a horrific fire. you're looking at it there. the flaming wreck at the daytona 500 much the winner crossing the finish line a few hours ago. rick santorum is asking something weird. he's asking democrats to come on out and support him. do him a solid and help defeat mitt romney. we'll explain a little bit more about what's behind that. >> trouble at sea for the costa concordia's sister ship. it's drifting away after a fire. everyone is safe. we have a lot more details on that for you. >> it is one minute past 5:00 in the morning. we're learning more this morning about the deadly high school shooter in ohio. the high school is closed today. grief counselors will be on hand for the kids who need them. flags will be lowered across the state in ohio. people were gathering last night. look at the pictures. this was a candlelight vigil. of course, one of the young people who was shot yesterday did not survive. four others are injured. the community is certainly coming to grips with the horror that happened early on monday morning. the suspect identified by one of the victims is t.j. lane. he will be in court today. he went to a nearby school for at-risk kids. he posted a long rant on facebook that included this. "feel death. not just mocking you, not just stalking you, but inside of you." as ashleigh mentioned, one student was killed, four others wounded. all the horror unfolding on emergency dispatch. listen. >> attention charred yen rescue. we have an active gunshot at the high school. three students are down in the cafeteria at this time. we still don't know where the shooter is. also, there's a fourth one down in room 200. >> one of the students who was nearby, nate mueller was slightly wounded in the attack. if you can see closely his ear was grazed by one of the bullet. he knew t.y. lane and the other victims as well and was close friend with at least one of those victims. our colleague soledad o'brien spoke with him last night and he talked about how the shooting unfolded. >> caller: his first shot made -- his second shot hit somebody behind me and his third shot hit me as i was turning away. his face was expressionless. it was -- i can't even explain it. it looked like he was on a mission and he knew that he was about to do it and he was -- i think he was a little -- >> tell me a little bit about him. >> caller: he's a quiet kid. in the past few years. back in middle school, he was always nice and funny. he was like one of us. one of the guys. he was a normal kid. and we all liked him. >> ted rolands joins us live from ohio. we've heard that so often now. he was a normal kid. but certainly not normal behavior. i understand that the family of the shooter release a statement just last night. do you have that for us? >> yeah. actually, we're getting it from an attorney. they have taken an attorney, a local attorney in the cleveland area. he actually came out and made a statement talking about the family. saying that there was no way that they could have seen this coming. take a listen to what he said. >> this is a very scary circumstance that i don't think you could have possibly foreseen him self-in the middle it. >> how was his state of mind when you spoke to him? what is he like now? >> very upset. very scared. extremely remorseful. >> that is the attorney for t.j. lane. lane is expected in court today. he's 17 years old. it is also expected that at some point early on in the proceedings, he will likely be pumped up to adult court. right now he's a juvenile obviously at 17. whether or not prosecutors will ask for that to take place today or in the very near future. he's expected to make a first court appearance today. meanwhile, we're getting for the first time the names of the other victims who are recovering from their injuries. three of them are in critical condition. one of them is in stable condition. they are 18-year-old joy rickers, 17-year-old nick wol vac, 17-year-old russell king and 16-year-old demetrius hulin. we have been in contact with some family members of some of the victims. i talked to a family member of one of the victims who was shot in the stomach. they were very concerned about this individual's life but they say he actually is making a better recovery than first anticipated. good news there. we don't have any up to date information in terms of any overnight developments in terms of their condition at this point, zoraida. >> is the school remaining closed today? >> school closed today. in fact, the superintendent of schools here said today he asked everybody not only here but around the country to take the time and reflect on family. he said don't come to school. told his teachers, administrators, don't come here. spend time with your families and reflect on what has gone on. it is expected the school will be open tomorrow. >> could i just have one final question for you here. we know that he was at shanden high. we have here that he attended lake academy. do you have any clarity on that for us? >> yeah. apparently the students that went to lake academy, which was for at-risk student, would come to the high school here and then get a bus to go to another school. same thing for a trade school that some of the students would come to. it wasn't odd that he was in the cafeteria on the school grounds because he came here every day apparently to take a bus to lake academy. >> ted rowlands, thank you very much. it's seven minutes now past 5:00 on the east coast and every morning we like to give you an early start to your day. we like to talk about the big news for tonight. it's primary day in arizona and michigan. voting set to begin in less than two hours. most of the polls show mitt romney and rick santorum are in a virtual dead heat. on the same day of the primary, not so subtle message to voters from president obama. he'll be speaking in washington on the auto workers. he's expected to talk about his administration's role in saving the auto industry. gop candidates who opposed the auto bailout. eight minutes past 5:00. this is the bad news. are you ready? >> while you were sleeping. >> wow, we have a graphic. okay. >> and the music. sounded like from csi. >> sorry guys. gas went up another two cent a gallon. it's sitting at $3.72 per gallon. of course, i feel like a broken record. i say this almost every morning. if i don't say it, she says it. it's getting close to the $4 a gallon mark. >> crazy. >> it's nuts. here is the deal am broken record. tension with iran, problems in the middle east, all those speculators, all causing the problems here. >> the cost of gas is up more than 12% since the start of the year. alison kosik is in for christine romans. this was a hand you saw earlier. handing this piece of paper to me. here's a big question this morning. i try to decide, well i don't, i am going to tell the truth. i never choose premium gas. should we at a time like this? i'm not going to tell. at the end of the day, it says on there use premium gas. but i don't. >> okay. for your car it may be required. the thing is, if you don't have a high performance vehicle, you don't immediate to put premium in your tank. you know, there are few cars that require premium. the dodge viper is one. not to say that's what you're driving. i have a big suv. that's why i didn't want to say. >> it's really no big surprise that demand for premium is actually lower. 90% of the gas out there that's sold is regular gas. 10% sold is for mid and premium levels. the question is whether or not to use it. do i use it in my car? it depends on whether your car requires it or recommends it. if it's required, you have to use it it's for high performance car. if it's recommended, you can get by without it. we talked with phil reid from, if your car recommends premium, experiment with lower grade. it's going to be cheaper. try a tank. see if you in the any problems. you may see a small drop yf in fuel economy, performance. otherwise, you may not in the there's a difference and you can offset the price. >> i can't do it. i'm embarrassed, nowadays when you drive a gas guzzler, you feel embarrassed to drive it. >> that's why no one is driving hummers anymore. >> it's too darn expensive. but if you want ideas on other ways on how to save money, you can change the way you drive your car. >> don't be a jerk, right? >> don't be an aggressive driver. exactly. >> or a jerk. >> not only being horrible on the road to deal with, you also waste a lot of money. >> what about your gas bill? how can you still use money on that? >> don't idle your car. that's another thing. you're better off shutting the car off. check the tires. they want to be inflated properly. that will save you money as well. >> don't idle your car. is there a time period for that? >> there really isn't. this information is coming from a source that says there really is no exact time. if you're going to be sitting there a while, shut it off. you'll waste less fuel. >> i have another suggestion, don't drive like the indy car drivers. how about that? or the nascar drivers. >> so much fun. >> isn't it though? >> if you like driving on a track and watching people on a track, nearly 36 hours after people were supposed to drive on the daytona 500 track, they finally crossed the finish line. it was a problematic race. a really scary crash actually happened too. look at that. holy moly. fireball. that's more dramatic in the night sky, isn't it? that fire caused a two-hour delay. it was juan pablo montoya crashing into a track drying truck. said the car malfunctioned. >> i was moving, traveling a lot. it felt really strange and as i was talking in the radio, the car -- >> i didn't think about a truck. >> so after all that, it was a bit of an anti-climactic finish. matt kenseth taking the checkered flag, dale earnhardt junior second and greg biffle third. the race was delayed twice because it was raining in florida. it was supposed to start sunday afternoon like it always does. was rescheduled for noon yesterday but had to be pushed back to a prime time event under the lights. this is all in a nod to brian williams who is perhaps the biggest nascar fan i have ever met in my life. >> this is the biggest hurry up and wait ever, right? . we're going to switch gears. we're going to give this guy credit. what could be the biggest snowstorm of the year is heading to the midwest. rob marciano is live in atlanta. you thought they wouldn't get this race in. you were kind of right. it finished moments ago really. four hours ago. >> unbelievably cursed race. for it to be delayed, postponed, they've never done that. and then to have a car during a caution run into a jet dryer would have basically the track engulfed in jet fuel is unreal. >> rob, if you're having something spectacular, it's good no one was hurt. >> absolutely. congratulations to the number 17. good morning again, ladies. we're looking at that storm you mentioned into the rocky mountains. the northeast looks okay today. it will be breezy. this storm, which brought some winter weather across southern california is injecting into the four corners and the rockies. that will bring the threat for severe weather later on today and also we'll bring snow to minneapolis. that will slow things down. wind delays expected across the northeast. no precip left over. there will be precip from minneapolis back to denver. this will begin to fill in as this storm takes shape and it will dump beneficial snows across the rockies and the next pulse coming into the sierra nevadas. they need snow desperately. across the upper midwest, 10 to 12 inches of snow possible. mostly minneapolis northward. chicago you missed this one. on the book backside, it will have snow and wind. we have blizzard watches and warnings posted. we'll see snowing sideways and it's going to be a dangerous travel. no doubt about that with over a foot of snow possible. 68 degrees expected in memphis. 83 degrees in tampa. probably about the same, maybe cooler in daytona. no rain. beautiful racing weather today for daytona. >> that's no good. >> thank you, rob. all right, guys. still ahead, disaster averted. have you seen the pictures? look at that. a plane makes an emergency belly landing at newark. one passenger said, "i thought it was the end." . >> weave we've got good news to report, thank god. not so much for the drifting cruise liner. that's a pretty picture, isn't it? don't let the picture fool you. because the boat is getting a tow through pirate-infested waters. there's also a sister ship lying on its side off the coast of italy after running aground. what is going on with this cruise line, folks? you're watching early start. [ male announcer ] this is lawn ranger -- eden prairie, minnesota. in here, the landscaping business grows with snow. to keep big winter jobs on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time. you can't live under a dome in minnesota, that's why there's guys like me. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ check out the latest collection of snacks from lean cuisine. creamy spinach artichoke dip, crispy garlic chicken spring rolls. they're this season's must-have accessory. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪ and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. that can help lower cholesterol? you know what's exciting, graduation. when i look up into my student's faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor, i am committed to making a difference in peoples lives and i am a phoenix. it is 18 minutes past the hour. it's time to check the stories that are making news this morning. >> the fbi is search the home in ohio where accused high school shooter t.j. lane lives. in the meantime, he is expected to be in court this afternoon. police say a teacher allegedly chased him out of charden high school after he accused of killing one student and shot four others ran from the school. it is primary day in arizona and michigan. the voting begins in michigan in less than two hours, with most of the recent polls showing that two frontrunners, mitt romney and rick santorum, are in a virtual dead heat. the santorum campaign has been robo calling democratic voters. wait, yep. back it up. yes. santorum has been robo calling democrats in michigan and asking them to come out and support him. >> kooky, right? >> he wants to make it easier to get romney going down it flames. mitt romney is calling this a dirty trick. how dirty is it, though? we'll get into that later. the federal housing administration is planning to raise the insurance premium that it charges borrowers. the hike effect takes effect april 1st. the up front insurance premium increasing to 1.75% of the base loan amount. annual insurance premiums are also going up. take a look at this. amazing. a belly flop landing at newark international in new jersey. a united plane lying on a bed of foam there. that's what you're seeing. the front landing dpeer on the aircraft apparently collapsed. so the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing. 69 passengers, including an infant, actually used that emergency chute to get off of the plane. luckily here, folks, no one was hurt. scary intense moment for the folks. eight americans are on board a stranded cruise ship that's being towed by a fishing boat in the middle of the indian ocean where pirates are known to ply their trade. you've seen earlier video of the ship in bitter days. but an engine fire flashed on the italian cruise ship, the costa allegra. power out, no ac. if it sound familiar, that's because the sister ship is the costa concordia. which wrecked off the coast of italy six weeks ago. a thousand passengers and crew are still trapped on this drifting dark ship. everybody is safe at this point. but the towing is going to take some time. they're about 200 miles southwest of africa's islands. they're not expected to arrive until tomorrow. did i mention they were pirate-infested waters. they are, folks. this morning a helicopter is delivering food, radios and satellite telephones. david mckenzie is live for us with the latest. obviously, this is a bit of a pr nightmare for this ship. more importantly than that, they have a thousand people to look after. it's going to take some time for them to get to safe shores. what are they doing to protect them on the way there? >> well, there are some marines, italian marines on board, ashleigh, going through these areas. pirate-infested is the right to describe the waters. this costa allegra was going from madagascar towards the say shal. it ended up in a nightmare with the engine fire starting and everybody plunged into darkness. the ship put out a call. it was a large french fishing troller. they came to the aid and are slowly towing this some thousand passengers, eight americans, mostly europeans towards the island. they expect two tugboats to arrive there. as you say, nervous times for the passengers and a pr disaster for the costa cruise line which earlier this year ran aground where 21 people were killed ashleigh, when the costa ship ran aground there. one positive thing possibly for the passengers, where they're ending up is the small island in the south of the islands. that's a favorite hangout for royals, particularly the british royal family. perhaps the ending won't be so pad. but for the next 24 hours, it will be terrifying. >> well, david mckenzie, let's hope that is a small consolation prize if in fact they get there safe and sound. thanks very much, david mckenzie reporting live for us this morning. 23 minutes past the hour. still ahead, we're talking to a victim who survived the deadliest school shooting in u.s. history. we're going to talk about yesterday's tragedy in ohio. colin goddard is his name. he was shot four times during the virginia tech rampage. he's now working to tighten a loophole in gun laws. he's going to talk about what these students should be doing and their families in order to survive that emotional toll this is taking on them. you're watching "early start." [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check. with determination. courage. and all the points i earned with my citi thankyou card. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou card. redeem points for travel on any airline with no blackout dates. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou card. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. it is 28 minutes past the hour. welcome back to early start. i'm zoraida sambolin. i'm ashleigh banfield. a deadly shooting in ohio. t.j. lane is due in court later on today. also, the polls are open oing in about 90 minutes in michigan. today also primary day in arizona, too. rick santorum is making a pretty aggressive final push. he's backing off on the suggestion that maybe it was high gas prices that caused the great recession in 2008. suggesting they just sort of added to it. also the bodies of two u.s. soldiers are back home this morning. their flag-draped caskets arrived in delaware yesterday. both brave heroes gunned down in afghanistan during protests over the accidental quran burnings in afghanistan. >> it looks like bob kerry has had a change heart. the former senator of nebraska wants to run for his old seat after ruling it out earlier this month. he's considered the best chance to hold on to the seat that will be vacated at the end of nelson's term this year. a deadly tanker crash caught on tape on interstate 94 in wisconsin. police say the driver of this truck was hauling, coming up here, 7500 gallons of fuel when he crossed the median early yesterday morning, collided with a bridge pier. the tanker caught fire and that driver was killed. wow. the daytona 500 was delayed twice by mother nature. it was raining, but it finally got started last night under the lights as they said they would. there were ten cautions and a two-hour delay. one pablo montoya's car malfunctioned and he crashed into a track-drying truck. he's okay in a race that didn't end until nearly 1:00 in the morning. matt kenseth took the checkered flag. >> this high school is shut down this morning and flags flying at half-staff throughout the state of ohio. this after a vigil last night where students, parents, teachers and many in the community got together trying to cope with the loss after one student was shot dead and four others were hurt at a suburban cleveland school yesterday. >> we now know the identities of the four wounded. nick wal check, 17-year-old russell king, 18-year-old joy rickers and 16-year-old demetrius hewlin. the suspect is identified as t.y. lane. he's expected to be in court today. a lot of friends say he was a normal kid. he attended a nearby school for at-risk kids can. he posted a rant on his facebook. "feel death. die all of you." he opened fire on students in the cafeteria yesterday morning and that horror unfolding on emergency dispatch tapes. listen. >> charden, we have three students down in the cafeteria at this time. we don't know where the shooter is. there's a fourth one down in room 200. the suspect was apprehended outside of the school. student nate mueller slightly wounded in that attack. a bullet grazed his ear. he describes -- there he is there. he describes what unfolded just a few feet away from him. >> he took one shot. he didn't say anything the entire time. he took one shot and that's when we looked to see what was happening. it was like a -- i saw him shoot, which hit one of my other friends that was sitting at the table with us. as i was turning around, that's when he hit me. >> cnn's at the time row lands is live in chardon, ohio. i spoke with one of the students. he said this was a normal guy. he would have never expected this. he said one thing, though. he came from a troubled home. a broken home. do we know anything about that? >> yeah, we do. he came from a home that had violence and apparently drugs involved. his father has been arrested multiple times over the years and arrested for domestic violence and in one case against his mother, in another case against another woman who he fathered another child with. there was a restraining order. he stayed with his grandparents during brief periods in his life and was living with his grandparents and his mother apparently at the time of the shooting around currently. the bottom line here is that the people you talk to, who know this kid say he absolutely had a very, very difficult time at home. we talked to a young woman who knew him a little bit and said she asked him about it and he was reluctant to discuss it with her. she would never be able to get details out of him but knew she was having a tough time at home and knew his home life was troubled. >> is the family speaking out at all? the family of the shooter? >> the family of the shooter has retained an attorney and the attorney has made a statement. made a statement last night basically saying in part that this family is absolutely devastated. that they could not have seen this coming. made -- setting the table that warning signs that maybe people are looking for weren't there in terms of the family's situation. they didn't see this coming. that's what the attorney said in a statement last night. we do expect him to be in court. t.j. lane shall at 3:00 local here in the cleveland area today. >> i just wanted to clear something up. i know we talk about chardon high a lot. there were report that he attended lake academy. can you tell us about lake academy and why he was at chardon high. >> well, lake academy is a school for at-risk kids and some for kids that want an alternative school and feeds out of here. it's close by. what we understand is there's a vocational school that a lot of kids go to, in fact some of the victims went to this vocational school and they meet in the morning. we believe that there's a bus service that takes kids to both of these places. what we do know for sure is that this young man t.j. lane was known. the idea that he walked into the school and wasn't a student didn't set off red flags before he started the shooting. it would have been normal i guess talking to students for him to be there. that's why the discrepancy. he didn't go to the school but he was known at the school and was a former student. >> one last question here. i was reading that perhaps he had a relationship with one of his victims. do you know anything about that? >> there are unconfirmed reports according to some students. he had a relationship with a girl that was now seeing another boy who was one of the victim. we haven't been able to independent lip confirm that. that is one wft stories out there that would bring up the speculation that maybe this had some sort of a love interest scenario that may have put him over the edge. we haven't confirmed that. we don't know that to be fact. >> ted rowlands reporting live from chardon, ohio. thank you. we want to go live to beirut where there has been a pitched effort to try to get the bodies of those dead journalists out and also much-needed supplies into that community. our nic robertson has been on this story from the beginning. he's been in and out of syria. he's in lebanon right now next door. the violence is heating up in syria. friends of syria as they're called are trying to bring some kind of a day tant or an effort to abate the violence. nic, what is the current situation with trying to get some kind of humanitarian corridor opened up to get supplies in and bodies out andb, that journalist, marie colvin, her body out to her family in long island. >> well, there has been a development in the last hour or so. paul conroy, the photographer working with marie colvin, who was injured in the leg and in the abdomen who has been stuck in homs for the last six days since the attack took place, we now understand from an activist network, he has been brought to lebanon. he's in a safe house. the activists say they brought out 40 other wounded people also. it's not clear about the other journalist, the french journalist. it's not clear whether marie colvin or remi ochlik have been brought out either. we know that paul conroy is safe in lebanon. that is a step forward. the red cross sent a team in to try and bring people out last night. it was the syrian red crescent. they came out with three people. it's not happening at the moment, and this is incredible news for paul conroy's family. >> as you mentioned, it is a step but a baby step. keep an eye on that for us, if you would, nic and bring us other details. the family of marie colvin is awaiting any news they can get. it is 38 minutes past the hour. ahead on "early start," primary day. arizona and michigan up for grabs. how democrats are trying to swing michigan to rick santorum. it's bizarre. i think you're going to delve into that, are you? >> just a little bit. cats and dogs living together? mass hysteria, what's going on. you're watching "early start." when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. welcome back to early start. 59 big delegates up for grabs had more than. with voters getting ready to head to the polls in two states. democrats are trying to swing the outcome in rick santorum's favor. >> did she just say democrats? >> yes, i did. >> what is going on, folks? it's an open primary. here's how it can work. if you got a guy like joe desan owe, he gets up to mischief. he's a democratic strategist in michigan and deep sided to go after 50,000 democrats with e-mails and phone calls and tell them to yes, vote for a reason. for rick santorum because he thinks it would be easier to beat rick santorum up against obama than it would be against mitt romney. so here's what he had to say about that. >> we've got two republican candidates for president who i feel are both damaged goods. hopefully, my efforts and the efforts tomorrow in the state to turn this election over to -- over to santorum will throw an anvil this romney's lap and cause havoc to the republican convention in orlando. >> oh, joe, disano. what makes you think rick santorum is so easy to beat. wouldn't rick santorum be annoyed you were doing this. >> not so much. rick santorum is on board with this. in fact, he's not only on board, he's into it. he's got a robo call out there. he's asking democrats, yes, rick santorum is asking democrats to send a loud, clear message to massachusetts mitt. vote for me. rick santorum. the republican. yep. for a while there, i didn't get it either until i went through a couple election cycles then i realized happens all the time like in lady in geico says. our republican strategy, trey hardin is with us live and in atlanta, analyst ki ki taylor. is this dirty politics? >> you know, what it wouldn't have much impact at all if either candidate had a message that was attracting voters. >> are you going to answer my question? >> i don't think this is dirty politics. i think mr. disano has his own sport or game going on. the reality is, you have one candidate who looks up and boasts about the number of cars his family owns. the other candidate looks up and says if you support a college education, that makes you a snob. these guys wouldn't be vulnerable to the activities of somebody like mr. dasano that was attracting voters. >> can we read that? can you read it? i have the worst pain. it says talking points. talking points. you went to talking points. >> trey will tell you, that's the point. >> are you outraged, trey? are you angry? >> get angry, trey. >> ashleigh here you go. election manipulation rarely works. all's fair in love and politic. it sounds too me like this political consultant in michigan is looking for a job in the white house. it rarely works. voting is a powerful and honorable thing to people and to get to try to manipulate them rarely, rarely works. >> you're killing me. i thought you would show your outranl and you know what i was going to come back at you with, rush limbaugh in 2008. are you ready, everybody? are you sitting down? i am asking people to cross over and if they can stomach it, i know it's a difficult thing to do. vote for hillary clinton. >> yep. >> but it will sustain this soap opera and it's something i think we need and it will be fun too. so both sides do this dirty stuff. goldie, what is the deal and why is the deal? >> this is business as usual. yes we engage in crossover open primary voting. >> kr do we have open primaries? >> people get to choose up until the last moment to be a democrat or republican that day. i think it's a free and open process. i don't agree with party registration. i should be able to choose which party i'm going to decide to go with. at the end of the day, this might work. turnout in michigan is expected to be so very low, if you get 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 to vote for santorum, he could really pull this out. i think he's running ahead anyway. >> go ahead. >> goldie raises the point. you can accuse me of talking points. you can go at it from a talking standpoint. somebody pulling a stunt, if you will, can have that kind of impact. but the open primary system is really for candidates who are performing well and attract voters from all different places. not just their own party. in fact, you saw a lot of new participants in 2008 participate. not just those who were egged on by rush limbaugh because they were inspired by the candidates in the race. >> let me ask you this last question, trey. >> historically, it does not impact or influence elections. >> that is the question i wanted to ask you. not necessarily whether the vote impacts it or whether people like me get angry and say you know what, i'm tired of this, i'm knot going to polls. does it hammer away and chisel away at voter turnout? >> first of all, any votes for santorum if this does happen will be canceled out by independents showing up for mitt romney. people, again, take their vote. it's a powerful thing, an emotional thing and frankly, i think they get offended whether asked to vote for somebody they don't want to. >> they don't. they come out in droves and get mad. >> it doesn't work. it doesn't influence elections. it's -- >> i'm with trey here. >> oh, my god get that on tape. ki ki is on board with trey. >> if you want to know what makes me mad. people say they're offended so they're not going to vote. it's a responsibility and it's a right. >> you know what, i voted in 2008 and itch my voter sticker sitting on my desk. >> good for you. >> we'll see you in the next hour, can you stick around? >> absolutely. >> thank you. by the way, i should tell you because it's an important day. tonight we have serious coverage on cnn. live coverage of the arizona and michigan primaries begins at 6:00 p.m. eastern with special edition john king usa. that of course, will be followed by our live coverage of the arizona and michigan primary results. the best political team on television starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern and now we'll be right back. i wouldn't do that. pay the check? 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[ brian ] there's a bright future here, and there's a chance to get on the ground floor of something big, something that will bring us back. not only this company, but this country. ♪ it's ten minutes before 6:00 in the morning. the suspect in ohio is identified as teenager t.j. lane. police say he allegedly killed one student and wounded four others after he opened fire at the chardon high school cafeteria. >> the deadliest school shooting on u.s. soil was the massacre at virginia tech back in 2007. student seung-hui cho killed 32 people before committing suicide. collin goddard was shot four times at virginia tech. he recovered, graduated, still has a bond with fellow survivors now. he advocates stronger gun laws as well. he's working with the brady campaign to prevent gun viole e violence. he joins us live from d.c. this morning. thank you so much for being with us. can you tell me where you were and how you felt when you saw this unfolding yesterday? >> good morning. i was literally getting ready for work. putting on my clothes and i saw the news break. immediately i knew that yesterday was going to be a tough day. as much as the progress i made since the shooting at virginia tech years ago, i get thrown back to day one when i see this happen to another family. i know other people are getting a phone call and not knowing the outcome of one of their loved ones. they're going through the same series of emotions and that the students don't speak out? >> that's a great question. unfortunately, i think students think that their friends are joking. they think that no one is going to take it seriously, they think nothing like this could happen here until it does. unfortunately, you know, the students need to be aware of programs like speak up. it's a hotline you can call if you think that one of your classmates is going to bring a gun to school and allows you to report it anonymously and it can be dealt with by the proper authorities. >> i'm going to read something to you. it's caught me as a parent of a 13-year-old. it was a rant that the t.j. lane posted on facebook and it says "feel death. not just mocking you or stalking you but feel smaller beneath my might. seizure in the pestilence that is my scythe. die all of you" this is posted. other students are reading it. so -- and perhaps parents as well. one of the students i spoke to yesterday said he read some of the stuff this guy posted on twitter yet he felt that perhaps it was a joke. how do you know when this is a red flag? >> you don't know. you really just need to take every incident like that and address it and look at it. sometimes it will turn out to be nothing and sometime, you know, you can avert a national tragedy. in my opinion, you have to look at this problem. what happened yesterday at the high school in two ways. from the supply side, how did someone this young get a weapon that they weren't legally allowed to own and you also have to look for the demand side. kr did this young man feel like using a gun was the way to solve his problem. the way to escape. you have to come at it from both. clearly, if we cannot send our children to school without worried about getting shot by their peers, we have a problem to address in this country. >> you mentioned a hotline number that folks can call, whether it's students or parents. can you share that with us? >> yeah. 1-00-speak up. it was started by dan gross, the bad i campaign after his brother was shot in the head in the late '90s. it's allowed thousands of students to report one of their classmates coming to school with a gun and who knows the number of other incidents like this that it has averted ziemt colin goddard, thanks for your perspective, for joining us. we appreciate it. and the hotline. >> thanks for having me. we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. will be giving away passafree copiesl? of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to coming up in the next hour, we have new details about the teen accused of a deadly high school shooting in ohio. the survivors are talking about the horror. and first skyrocketing gas prices and now could your water bill be about to triple? >> what? >> yeah baby. you're watching "early start requesting ". today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! very good morning to you. it is one minute past 6:00. that's like the top of the hour. i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. we are bringing you the news from a to z. >> accused ohio school shooter is due to appear in court later on today. later on in this hour you will hear from a student who was grazed by one of the bullets but survived. delayed twice by rain, and then two hours by fire. it was a flaming wreck at the daytona 500. but the winner crossing the finish line just a few hours ago. >> does it feel like forever ago since there was a primary or caucus? fear no more, folks. it's decision day in two states, michigan and ohio. a whole lot of delegates up for grabs. rick santorum is doing something a little different. he's reaching out to democrats. yes, democrats, asking them to do him a solid and vote for him against mitt romney. first, high gas price, now water? a shocking new report about the nation's crumbling drinking water system. just what you want to hear. your bills could actually triple to cover all of the repairs there. there will be no classes this morning at chardon high school. instead, grief counselors helping students and teachers cope with the tragedy that is incredibly difficult to accept. people gathered last night for a prayer vigil trying to make sense of the horror that unfolded early yesterday morning. we also now know the quite identities of the wounded students. 18-year-old joy rickers, 17-year-old russell king and 16-year-old demetrius hulon. >> the suspect has been identified as t.j. lane and he is expected to make an appearance later today in court. he attended a nearby school for at-risk kids. and recently he posted a rabbit on his facebook. it read like this. feel death, not just mocking you, not just stalking you, but inside of you. shooting rampage in the cafeteria left one student dead and four others hurt. here's how it unfolded on emergency dismatch. >> chardon rescue. we have an active shooter at the high school. chardon we have three students down in the cafeteria at this time. we still don't know where the shooter is. also, there is a fourth one down in room 200. >> authorities sprang into action very quickly there. this student was slightly wounded. a bullet nicked his ear. he knew t.j. lane and the other victims. soledad o'brien spoke to him last night about what he witnessed. >> his face shot, made me look. his second shot, i watched him take which hit somebody behind me. and his third shot hit me as i was turning away. his face was expressionless. it was -- i can't even explain it. it looked like he was on a mission and he knew that he was about to do it and he was -- i think he was a little of himself. >> tell me a little bit about him. >> he is a quiet kid. in the past, but back in middle school he was always really nice and funny. and he was like one of us, one of the guys. and he was just a normal kid. and we all liked him. >> we all liked him, nate mueller says. ted rowlands is live in chardon for us. ted, you and i have been through this routine a lot, responding to school where's there have been shootings, children hurt, children injured, children killed, but rarely do we hear other students describing alleged shooters as a nice guy, a good guy, someone i really liked a lot. >> yeah. you know, the one theme that we have heard is that he's been quiet and then a change in behavior which we've heard before with people. but the idea, you're right, that everybody out there talking about his behavior always throws in, nice guy, really quiet, but really nice. i mean, he seemed to have a good heart. we heard from his lawyer last night, as well, that's sort of the same thing he is giving out to the public. saying the family is absolutely shocked. take a listen to what the lawyer said last night about t.j. lane. >> any idea why this happened? >> he's -- let me say this. he's very confused young man right now. he's very confused. he's very upset. he's very distraught himself. this is a very scary circumstance that i don't think he could have possibly foreseen himself in the middle of. >> how was his state of mind when you spoke to him? what is he like now? >> very upset. very scared and extremely remorseful. >> ashleigh, what we we don't know is what triggered him to do this, to act out in this way. we do know that he has had problems at home. he's grown up in a very difficult household. his father has been in and out of jail accused of beating his mother. both of them has been charge with domestic abuse towards each other. his life has been chaotic. kids talk about that as well. it's a lot of shock because he didn't seem like a kid capable of doing that. >> not sure what that lawyer was doing and what kind of groundwork he was laying for any sort of defense for this young man. he's supposed to make a court appearance today. i am a little confused as to why this young man was at chardon high school when he actually attended lake academy. why was he at the school in the first place? >> well, we don't know specifically if he took a bus from chardon to lake. lake academy is for kids who are having trouble. it's an alternative school who feeds from chardon and other communities. we don't know how long he had been attending the school. we do know he was having problems with attendance, with truancy. that's one reason why you end up over at lake, others are emotional problems or drug problems. we don't know why he ended up there, however, we do know he was a member of this community in chardon and his presence at the school didn't raise any red flags. >> so interesting. thank you for that. let's bring in craig scott. he's a survivor of another tragic school shooting, columbine high school, april 20th, 1999. 13 people were killed there. two dozen injured. sadly, his sister rachel was among the dead. thank you so much for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. when columbine occurred, you were about the same age that the kids are right now. what were your first thoughts when you heard about this tragedy yesterday? >> my first thoughts were -- were just shocked and sad like everyone else. i -- i travel and speak in schools. and so i hear a lot of stories from students about things that they're going through today, and so it's just -- it's just another sad story. >> when you hear everybody talk about t.j. lane now, we've heard a lot of the students say this was a normal kid, just like me. we're shocked by this happening. when you go out and talk to students at other schools, what are they saying at the behavior of some kids that perhaps they're uncertain whether or not they would commit a crime? >> they could never know ahead of time when -- you know, when a student is going to act out like this and so what i'm when i'm sharing in schools i don't try to focus out on singling out on any potential shooter. rather, i focus on the culture of the school as a whole and things they can do to be a better school, be a better community, and what i do is just simply share a story that inspires more kindness and compassion within the schools. >> there were some reports yesterday that perhaps t.j. lane was a victim of bullying at the school. do you do with that when you talk to the students? >> i do deal with bullying and i believe an antidote to bullying is kindness and compassion. no student wakes up in the morning and thinks that they're a bully. no one classifies himself as a bully. and it's really getting them to think about how do they treat each other and how that plays into their character, the legacy they leave behind. and, you know, one thing that upsets me sometimes is that there's kind of a formula painted in the minds of a lot of students today, and that is if you're bullied an option is to either hurt or kill other people or kill yourself. and that's just really not acceptable. that's not being bullied is not an excuse to take someone's life. and so, you know, i feel for students when they're bullied but i don't -- i don't sympathize for them when they take violence into their hands as a solution, you know. it's not -- it's just -- >> it's not an option. >> it's sad that that's a formula that -- right. >> craig, you lost your sister. there has been one fatality so far here, one -- several victims but one fatality. how do you cope with that as a school, as a family, how do you move on? >> you know, we know that they lost daniel. i think the biggest thing they can do is be there for each other during this time, tell each other how much they care, a apprecia appreciate, love one another. it's so important that they hold on to the good memories, you know, the family, the good memories they had with daniel and, you know, i think that they -- if they focus on the right things, especially early in these days, if they focus on the right things that they will get through this. they can even come out of this situation stronger, feeling more purposed, and even a better school. >> i just have one last question for you because apparently he tweeted yesterday before this that he was going to bring a gun to the school. and you know, there are some things that have been posted on facebook, some rants and raves. in part, it reads, feel death, not just mocking you. not just talking you. but inside of you. when you read something like this, when you hear something like this, from a student's perspective, is this something that you would alert authorities to or that you recommend they go to the school and say, listen, i read this and i'm really concerned about this student? >> you know, probably the biggest people that can reach out to a person like that when they write something about death or something so dark, because there's a lot of students that will write something like that and never do anything violent, the biggest thing is that the people that know the person, to reach out to them, to not just ignore it but to respond. and to be there for that person. i remember the two -- one of the shooters at columbine -- that writing reminds me of what the shooters wrote in their journals, the shooters from columbine. i remember one of them wrote, if only you were nicer to me. i think about if people had reached out to the two shooters and really spoken to their lives with some more truth, with some more love, i do believe that if more people were to reached out, it could have changed things. and so it's -- i don't feel it's always up to authorities to always correct every problem. you know, sometimes you need friends to say something the j. when he was -- when he would write something like that and combat that with shedding a little bit of light and maybe saying something a little more -- with a little more life. >> craig scott, thank you. thanks for being an advocate. we appreciate it. it's 6:30 today eastern we'll be joined by jesse cline, author of the book "quully society," crisis of bullying in america's schools. she says guns in our schools are not the problem, it is the culture in our schools. it is 14 minutes past 6:00. still ahead, rick santorum reaching across the aisle, you might say, asking democrats, yes, in a republican primary, he is asking democrats if he can give help a leg up, give him a hand, help him betemit romney in michigan. did you see this? the daytona 500 fireball. there it is. 200 gallons of fuel spilling right on to the track. one of the most bizarre crashes in nascar history. but first, let's get a quick check of your travel forecast with rob marciano. >> that jet fuel fire coupled with the rain before, plagued a daytona 500 from the beginning. it's coming together. most of the snow will be north of chicago, maybe north of minneapol minneapolis. a strong storm coming out of california and that will create blizzard conditions across the northern tier. severe storms for today across the central plains. blizzard warnings are now posted for the dakotas. this is streeching across the northeast and into parts of wednesday with a potential for wintry mix. mostly north of new york city. 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[announcer:] conocophillips. it is 30 minutes past the hour. welcome back to "early start." i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. i'm happy you are with us this morning. time to check the stories this morning. people gathering and praying for the victim os of a deadly high school shooting in ohio. the suspect teenager t.j. lane, 17 years old, there's a picture of him there, he is due in court today. polls are opening up in about 30 minutes in michigan. today also primary day in arizona. santorum was making an aggressive final push yesterday. he is now backing off a bit on his suggestion that high gas prices caused the great recession of 2008. stranded italian cruise liner carrying 1,000 people, including 8 americans, is now being towed to land by a french fishing boat. the costa allegra got stuck in pirate infested waters offer the indian ocean after the engine caught fire yesterday. everyone is okay. it is now 31 minutes past 6:00. what seems to be a familiar pattern. we hear this a lot on the news, there is a school shooting and the alleged perpetrator may have been bullied. in the latest case in ohio one of t.j. lane's friends describe his life at school. he is the suspect in this latest shooting. the friend said that kids would make fun of him all the time if class, the halls, jessie klein is a professor at university and author of "school shootings and the crisis of bullying in america's schools." jessie, thanks for being with us. right off the bat i'm getting a conflicting i'm marge of this alleged shooter, one that this young man was bullied and another that this young man was a good kid who everybody liked. how am i supposed to accommodate for these two descriptions? >> well, things can be going on. i mean, students who are bullied aren't necessarily unliked. in fact, when i talk to kids across the country, almost every student had been bullied at some point. so many are very well liked but they still get harassed. this is what i talk about in the book, that there's a culture of bullying in our schools that we need to address. >> can i read you something on his facebook page. it really is resonating with a lot of people, for two reasons. i'll get to that in a moment. but first, back in december, t.j. on his facebook page. feel death, not just mocking you. not just talking you, but inside of you. writingle and wright. feel smaller beneath my might. seizure in the pestilenece that is my scythe. die, all of you. this is mhis poem. i bet if you would were to look at facebook you would see hundred of things like that. is anything like that different from the dark poetry and dark comments that kids just make at this age? >> no, i don't think so. that's part of what i try to communicate in the book, also. schools is just one symptom of a culture of despair in our schools. many students are depressed, many students are anxious, many are truant, a lot turn to substance abuse, a lot cut themselves, a lot of suicides. when you talk to students adroz country about what bothers them, they say pretty much the same things as many of the kids that commit school shootings. they talk about being called gay, girls talk about going called slut, they talk about being harassed. there's just a culture of hostility in their schools and different students react to it in different ways. >> jessie, this is so prevalent. we hear about this all the time. it's almost a part of passage that there's going to be mean girls and nasty talk and various degrees of pullbullying and the dark postings on facebook. i think if you're a parent out there it's all extraordinarily purr plexing. what are we supposed to think and when are we supposed to suggest this one is the red flag, now i need to take action? >> well, i think it's very important to move from this idea of a student being a red flag and instead look at a school that's a red flag, that very often schools are cultures where people treat each other badly. students feel that they can't tell each other secrets because they assume people will spread their secrets across the school. people feel they can't trust their school faculty. >> don't they feel like the toothpaste is spreading the tube? these are cultures. these are societies that have grown and become what they are. isn't it a bit much to sort of suggest the only way to fix this or to be on the lookout as a parent is to start overhauling every school that's out there? >> i'm afraid i'm losing you. i couldn't hear what you said. >> i'm so sorry. we have a problem with your ear piece there. can you hear me now? can you hear me okay now, jessie? >> yes. >> okay. short of overhauling the entire school system and every single school that's out there that has become his own unique culture, this is pervasive, the way young people behave, what can i do as a parent, what can i do to watch out for my little ones and offset for what might be coming their way? >> you know, i think parents, school faculty, even students have a role to play in trying to transform schools. what i talk about in the book is that we need to move from what has become a bully society into creating various different forms of compassionate communities. parents can be leaders, students can be leaders, school faculty can. but we need to create environments where students do not tolerate anyone being hurt in their midst, where a school believes very strongly that they want to teach one another to be compassionate and to be caring towards each other. >> it is anal truistic ideal, but without question, it is an enormous ideal and i hope we can get somewhere towards that end. thank you so much for being here. sorry about the ear piece problem. >> that's okay. thank you very much. >> you know, the young man who lost his sister said the same thing, you have to accept that responsibility for change. >> yeah. >> so i hope it does work. 6:36 here on the east coast. ahead on "early start," arizona and michigan primaries are today. santorum is asking michigan democrats to vote for him. romney calls it a new low. is it? history making daytona 500. supposed to start on sunday, you know, but it ended in the wee hours of this morning. fiery highlights and the big finish ahead. nobody was hurt there. you're watching "early start." are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. [ male announcer ] we didn't have to make safety features like active head restraints, brake assist, and an enhanced accident-response system standard in every chrysler 200. no one would know if we didn't. but we would have. and for us, the things you do when no one is looking are the things that define you. ♪ good morning to you, detroit. we're waking you up with '59 sound "the gaslight anthem." there's a reason why we wake you up with that. beautiful in the morning. 59 is the magic number today, it's the number of delegates up for grabs in michigan and arizona as they go to polls. >> one hour after that, arizona voters will begin casting their ballots as well with the four remaining. candidates battling for 59 delegates between the two states. all registered voters are allowed to cast ballots in the michigan primary and santorum is asking michigan democrats to back him today in a robo call. >> huh? >> let's talk about this. live from washington, kiki mcclain, republican strategist, tray harding, and in atlanta, independent political analyst, goldie taylor. kiki, i'm going to start with you. as we said, michigan is an open primary. santorum has a robocall playing in the state. >> on tuesday, join democrats who are going to send a loud message to massachusetts mitt romney by voting for rick santorum for president. this call is supported by hardworking democratic men and women and paid for by rick santorum for president. >> kiki, rick santorum is appealing to your people. odd? >> well, he's trying to. i don't know that he really did. i'm not sure that i found that a compelling voice message on that call. it was a little creepy, wasn't it? >> it was a little odd. >> i have to say, there may be some people who go out for sort of the sport of it. but i don't know that this makes a huge difference. i think the challenge that both mid romney and rick santorum have are their own campaign. i don't know that this is going to have a real big impact and probably more stunt than active. >> tray, i want you to weigh in on that because mitt romney is calling it deceptive and a dirty trick. what do you think? >> well, first of all, i don't think it serves any of these candidates well to cry wolf. i mean, all is fair in love and politics. this certainly has been a tough race. so i think mitt romney should just focus on the task at hand. but, listen, i don't think it says much about rick santorum's campaign. he has enough trouble getting votes in the republican party and among independents. so i'm not sure why he thinks he can -- he's going to be able to get democrats. at the end of the day, election manipulation really does not work. it doesn't ultimately influence these elections. it is, i agree with kiki, it's more sport or stunt because the people's right to vote is a powerful thing. >> i hate the robocall so it would just make me hang up. >> exactly. i think most people would have done that. >> we're going to switch gears here. religion is a big factor today. arizona has the seventh largest population of mormons in the country. michigan has a split between evangelicals and catholics. half and half there. how much of a factor will that be in both of those states? >> in michigan, you know, oddly enough, the evangelical community is not as large as it is passionate and they will turn out today. in arizona, we've got a different story. we've got a very, very large evangelical and faith community. oddly enough, mitt romney is lead ing there by quite a bit. but i think it isn't so much what mitt romney has done but what rick santorum has been able to do, you know, over the last several days, which is really give this race back. you know, over probably seven to ten days ago if you told me that rick santorum would win arizona and michigan, i would say absolute lu but he really did give most of those votes back by various things he's saying on the campaign trail. thus, i think we're going to see mitt romney win it in arizona and get close in michigan. >> i want you all to weigh in on this next question because arizona in particular, another factor in that area is race. the 2008 general election, 16% of the electorate was latino and, you know, we're talking about the latino influence but it's very different from what it was in florida where it was predominantly cuban and puerto rican. here it's predominantly mexican. we have a lot of border issues in that state. what influence do you think that will have on the outcome? trey, i want to begin with you there. >> it's a crucial voting bloc for republicans and in general election. but today in this primary, i'm not sure how much that vote will impact the outcome today. there's no question that both candidates have been appealing to that group in arizona. i do think mitt romney has the upper hand on that front, but you're exactly right. it's two different voting segments from florida to arizona. >> kiki? >> yeah, you know, i'm from south texas so border issues and, yoor right, with mexican-americans and n. that constituency are important. border issue isn't just for the mexican-american voting constituency. it's for the community as a whole. i think trey raises a good point. when you crunch numbers, how many latino voters are going to participate in the primary today. i think that's questionable. but i think where the candidates have stood on this issue and the things they've said in this primary could have an impact in the general election. i think that's where you see more impact from this. >> goldie, do you grow with that? >> i absolutely agree with that. i think that republicans have really cast their lot with this latino community come this fall by the very, very rigid stances that they've taken on the boarder issues rather than comp preensive reform. they've been on a build a higher fence and electrify it as herman cain used to say. i think it's going to be very touch ftough for them to win bak the latino voters. >> kiki, trey, goldie, thanks for joining us this morning. appreciate your time. >> absolutely. >> thanks. >> thanks for having us. surprise, surprise, apparently a bunch of democrats turned out in 2008 for mitt romney and he won that state. he shouldn't be so outraged today. all right. it's 46 minutes past the hour. time to get your top stories in and the suspect in the deadly high school shooting in ohio is due to appear in court today. he's identified as teenager t.j. lane. police say he killed one student, wounded four others after opening fire in the chardon high school cafeteria. the classes there are canceled today. counselors are on hand for the kids. more than 40 deaths have been reported in syria this morning as red cross workers say they have been forbidden from helping the wounded civilians. injured british journalist recently was able to escape syria and get into lebanon after he said the aide workers were blocked from helping him. red cross says it has also been badr from recovering the body of marie colvin, american journalist who was killed in a shelling attack. and all cars will be required to have rearview cameras by 2014 so that drivers can see what's behind them. federal regulator are expected to send the new rules to congress tomorrow. every year in this country, over 200 people of all ages die from being hit by vehicles that are backing up. it is now 47 minutes past 6:00 in the morning. i like to think that i'm a very hardworking person. i think my colleague is a very hardworking person. but there is no one, ladies and gentlemen, who works harder than this girl. did you just sleep here? i saw you on anderson cooper. >> yes, right under my desk. it seems to be so easy now. no. >> it's crazy. >> i kind of got in bed at the same time. last time i had a chance to fill in for anderson who is out sick or out partying, i don't know. they asked me to fill in for him. i was happy to help out and i know one day he will come in early to help me out as well. here's what's coming up this morning on "starting point," we're going to have the authors of the book "jesus discovery." they claim they have earliest evidence of jesus' resurrection and story bed hind their latest exploration is amazing. but what they found is more amazing. plus, felicia rashad is going to join us as well, claire mu huxtable, she won a tony award. she's in tyler perry's new film "good deeds." she's going to talk to us about race, class, politics and everything else as well. "early start" is back right after this commercial break. welcome back to "early start," i'm shzoraida sambolin d ashleigh banfield. >> we've been telling you all morning long that one young man was killed in the deadly shooting in ohio yesterday. we're sad to report a second young man has now succumbed to his injuries. russell king, 17 years old. he joins daniel parmertor, 16 years order yesterday. very sad news to report. these four people had been in the hospital, these young people, battling their injuries. one of them had been in critical condition. another had been stabilized. it's unclear as to the condition russell king jr. had been in before he died, but -- a second death confirmed in the scohool shooting. >> allegedly some of the students were saying that that young man was dating the former girlfriend of the shooter in this. so we don't know the details of this. nothing has been confirmed. >> somewhere along the line there had been a report that came out suggesting that it may not have been what led to this but it is awful curious. >> no, but that was some information that some of the students were sharing. >> so sorry to bring that news to you. russell king, 17-year-old, succumbed to his injuries and now the second to die in that deadly school shooting yesterday in ohio. 53 minutes past 6:00. lord of th. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i deserve this. 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Attorney , U S , Statement , Cleveland , Coming , Area , It , Circumstance , State Of Mind , T J , 17 , Point , Place , Adult Court , Proceedings , Juvenile , Prosecutors , Whether , Court , Condition , Time , Injuries , Appearance , Joy Rickers , Names , 18 , Some , Russell King , Family Members , Contact , Demetrius Hulin , Vac , 16 , News , Life , Individual , Recovery , Family Member , Stomach , Everybody , Fact , Schools , Terms , Information , Superintendent , Zoraida Sambolin , Developments , School Closed , Country , Don T , Families , Teachers , Administrators , Don T Come To School , Lake Academy , Question , Clarity , Shanden High , Thing , Bus , Trade School , It Wasn T Odd , Ted Rowlands , East Coast , School Grounds , Seven , Michigan , Polls , Arizona , Most , Voting Set , Two , Primary , Voters , Message , Administration , Heat , Obama , Role , Auto Workers , Washington , Candidates , While You Were Sleeping , Auto Bailout , Auto Industry , Music , Graphic , Gop , Wow , Eight , Gas , Record , Gallon , Csi , 3 72 , 72 , Problems , Deal , Speculators , Nuts , Tension , Middle East , Gallon Mark , Crazy , Iran , 4 , , Cost , Well I Don T , Piece , Paper , Alison Kosik , Christine Romans , Hand You Saw , 12 , Car , Premium Gas , The Truth , Premium , Cars , Tank , Surprise , Performance Vehicle , Suv , Big , Dodge Viper , Demand , Levels , 10 , 90 , Performance , Grade , Fuel Economy , Yf , Drop , Phil Reid , Edmonds Com , No One , Difference , Price , Gas Guzzler , Way , Money , Driver , Ways , Don T Be A Jerk , Ideas , Hummers , Jerk , Lot , On The Road , Gas Bill , School Didn T , Source , Tires , Suggestion , Isn T , Drivers , Fuel , Drive , Nascar , Indy Car Drivers , Track , Race , Crash , Driving , 36 , Juan Pablo Montoya , Delay , Fireball , Holy Moly , Night Sky , Truck , Track Drying Truck , Radio , Checkered Flag , Matt Kenseth , Finish , Dale Earnhardt Junior Second , Greg Biffle , Flights , Prime Time , Fan , Event , Nod , Florida , Brian Williams , In My Life , Gears , Snowstorm , Atlanta , Midwest , Rob Marciano , Guy Credit , Right , Caution , Jet Dryer , Jet Fuel , Storm , Number , Northeast , Winter Weather , Rockies , Congratulations , Corners , Ladies , Rocky Mountains , Southern California , Things , Snow , Wind , Weather , Minneapolis , Precip , Left , Threat , Denver , Snows , Shape , Pulse , Upper Midwest , Sierra Nevadas , Warnings , Book Backside , Watches , Dangerous Travel , Chicago , Rain , Same , Daytona , Good , Doubt , Foot , Snow Possible , Tampa , 68 , 83 , Rob , Plane , Disaster , Passenger , Emergency Belly Landing , Newark , Report , Picture , Boat , Cruise Liner , God , Tow , Announcer , Folks , Waters , Cruise Line , Coast , Side , Minnesota , Italy , Lawn Ranger , Eden Prairie , Solution , Field Workers , At T , Accounting , Winter Jobs , Bill , Landscaping Business , Network , Possibilities , Dome , Crispy Garlic Chicken , Collection , Cuisine , Accessory , Snacks , Spring Rolls , Dip , Spinach , Season , Culinary Chic , Lean Cuisine , Baby , Cash , Bed , Doesn T , Huh , Bonus , Ri , Ugh , Phhht , Baby Bear , 50 , Card , Wallet , Rewards Card , Ha , Oman , Goats , Woman , Grain , Cholesterol , Taste , Wrong Didn T , Cereal , Graduation , Yummy , Honey Nut Cheerios , 2 , Pride , Faces , Doctorate , University Of Phoenix , Peoples , Jocelyn Taylor , Phoenix , Stories , Home , Fbi , Teacher , Charden , Police , Crossover Open Primary , Campaign , Frontrunners , Yes , Calling Democrats , Yep , Robo , Wait , Insurance , Trick , Planning , Housing , It Flames , Kooky , Premiums , Borrowers , Hike Effect , Base Loan Amount , April 1st , 1 , 1 75 , Belly Flop Landing , Foam , Look , Aircraft , Amazing , New Jersey , Landing Dpeer , Passengers , Pilot , Emergency , Emergency Chute , Infant , 69 , Cruise Ship , Pirates , Fishing Boat , Middle , Indian Ocean , Costa Allegra , Ship , Engine Fire , Trade , Video , Italian , Power Out , No Ac , Crew , Six , A Thousand , Islands , Helicopter , Towing , Africa , Latest , Pr Nightmare , Satellite Telephones , Radios , David Mckenzie , Food , Marines , Shores , Ashleigh , Areas , Pirate Infested , Marines On Board , French , Call , Nightmare , Darkness , Fishing Troller , Say Shal , Madagascar , Times , Island , Tugboats , Aid , Europeans , Ship Ran , Pr Disaster , 21 , Royal Family , South , Royals , Hangout , British , Won T Be So Pad , Thanks , Let , Consolation Prize , Hope , David Mckenzie Reporting , Safe And Sound , 24 , 23 , Victim , Tragedy , School Shooting , Colin Goddard , Name , U S History , Virginia Tech Rampage , Ingredient , Order , Gun Laws , Loophole , Toll , Whole Grain Isn T The First , Breakfast Cereal , Check , Courage , Box , Determination , Big G Cereal , General Mills , Points , Airline , Thankyou , Blackout Dates , Citi , Schedule , Kind , Technology , Answers , Siemens , Mom And Dad , 28 , Gas Prices , Recession , Backing , Final Push , Making A , 2008 , Morning , Bodies , Soldiers , Protests , Delaware Yesterday , Heroes , Caskets , Afghanistan , Seat , Senator , Heart , Quran Burnings In Afghanistan , Bob Kerry , Nebraska , Chance , Tape , Term , Tanker Crash , The End , Nelson , Interstate 94 , Wisconsin , 94 , Hauling , Bridge Pier , 7500 , Cautions , Tanker , Mother Nature , Ten , Didn T End , Parents , Vigil , Many , Half Staff , Identities , Cleveland School , Loss , Nick Wal Check , Friends , Demetrius Hewlin , All Of You , Risk , Emergency Dispatch Tapes , Feet , Anything , One Shot , Hit One , Chardon , Table , Row , Cnn , Guy , Gun Viole E , Mother , Father , Case , Domestic Violence , Drugs , Grandparents , Bottom Line , Child , Restraining Order , All Of Us , Part , Made , Situation , Weren T , Warning , 3 , Chardon High , Alternative School , Vocational School , Both , Places , Bus Service , Idea , Wasn T A Student Didn Set Off Red Flags , Relationship , Discrepancy , Boy , Girl , Reports , Sort , We Haven T , Speculation , Love Interest Scenario , Over The Edge , Lip , Supplies , Effort , Reporting , Journalists , Story , Nic Robertson , Beginning , Friends Of Syria , Syria , Lebanon , Day Tant , Journalist , Nic , Marie Colvin , Body , Corridor , Andb , Paul Conroy , Development , Leg , Abdomen , Long Island , Activist Network , Homs , Safe House , Activists , Remi Ochlik , 40 , Step , Team , Red Cross , Red Crescent , Baby Step , Eye , 38 , Grabs , Just A Little Bit , Cats And Dogs , Hunger , Diabetes , Shakes , Weight , What S Going On , Doctor , Weight Loss Plans , Glucerna , Mass Hysteria , Protein , Carbs , Sugars , Carb , Blood Sugar Spikes , 15 , 6 , Hunger Smart , Delegates , States , Outcome , 59 , Favor , Mischief , Joe Desan , Vote , Reason , Phone Calls , Strategist , E Mails , Deep Sided , 50000 , Efforts , Goods , Disano , Election , Anvil , Flap , Convention , Havoc , Orlando , Wouldn T , Robo Call , Massachusetts , Cloud , Ki Taylor , Trey Hardin , Strategy , Lady , Geico , Candidate , Politics , Impact , Sport , Mr , Reality , College Education , Game , Boasts , Somebody , Guys Wouldn T , Activities , Snob , Dasano , Talking Points , Spain , Get Angry , Love , Politic , Consultant , Election Manipulation , Job , White House , Outranl , Soap Opera , Rush Limbaugh , Hillary Clinton , Stuff , Fun , Business As Usual , Sides , Goldie , Primaries , Democrat , Process , Party Registration , Turnout , 20000 , 30000 , 10000 , Talking Standpoint , The Point , Stunt , System , Party , Elections , Influence , Participants , Historically , Voter Turnout , Chisel , Votes , Independents , It Doesn T Work , It Doesn T Influence Elections , Droves , Responsibility , Voter , Sticker , Ki , Coverage , Desk , Television Starting , Results , John King Usa , Eastern With Special Edition , 7 , Venture Card , Purchase , Credit Card , Today S Special , Miles , Capital One , Chalk , Medium , Aren T You , Shhh , Half , Cover , Audition , Line , Refrigerator , Heartbeat , Michael , Dad , Grandfather , Door , Forefront , Careers , Manufacturing , Work , Construction Workers , Plant , Everywhere , Age , Ilona , 33 , Company , Something Big , Ground Floor , Bright Future , Chardon High School , Massacre , Suicide , Soil , Virginia Tech , Seung Hui Cho , 2007 , 32 , Survivors , Bond , Brady Campaign , D C , News Break , Clothes , Shooting , Phone Call , Progress , Series , Loved Ones , Emotions , Nothing , Joking , Parent , Authorities , Gun , Hotline , Classmates , Programs , Might , Seizure , Pestilence , 13 , Scythe , Red Flag , Incident , Joke , Twitter , Problem , Someone , Young , Supply Side , Weapon , Opinion , Children , Feel , Demand Side , Hotline Number , Peers , Yeah , Dan Gross , Brother , Thousands , Head , Bad , Perspective , Break , Incidents , Ziemt , Alcoholism , Passafree Copiesl , Addiction Cure , Ssagesmalibubook Com , High School Shooting , Teen , Water Bill , Brother S Keeper , Attention , Let S Go , Site , Cities , Decatherms , World , Gas Turbines , Bout Ya , Nine , Muscle Health , Muscle , Fight Muscle Loss , Exercise , 8 , Strength , Hmb , Got Revigor , Preserve , Amino Acid Metabolite , Charge , Nutrition , Top , A To Z , School Shooter , Accused Ohio , Bullets , More , Caucus , Bills , Repairs , Classes , Drinking Water System , Gas Price , Nation , First , Prayer , Sense , King , Demetrius Hulon , Rabbit , Death , Shooting Rampage , Emergency Dismatch , Chardon Rescue , Action , Shootings , Routine , Children Injured , Ted , Children Hurt , Shooters , Change , The One , Theme , Lawyer , Well , Public , Household , Jail , Each Other , Abuse , Chaotic , Shock , School , Groundwork , Defense , Chardon To Lake , Communities , Lake , Attendance , Truancy , Craig Scott , Presence , Drug Problems , Member , Rachel , Survivor , April 20th , Sadly , 1999 , April 20th 1999 , 20 , Thoughts , Columbine , Sad , Everyone Else , Happening , Crime , Culture , Whole , Bullying , Kindness , Compassion , Antidote , Bully , Formula , Character , Minds , Legacy , Option , Excuse , Hands , Fatality , Sister , Daniel Parmertor , Apprecia , Love One Another , Memories , Purposed , Migrants , Raves , Say , Person , Writing , Journals , Lives , Truth , Book , Jesse Cline , Advocate , Quully Society , 30 , Crisis , Guns , 14 , Aisle , Betemit Romney , Leg Up , Him , Crashes , Travel Forecast , Fuel Spilling , Jet Fuel Fire , Storms , Blizzard Warnings , Blizzard Conditions , Plains , Minneapol Minneapolis , Northern Tier , California , The Dakotas , Early Start , Volunteer Firefighter , Parts , Streeching , Restaurant , Mix , Potential , New York City , Houses , Novel , Road Trip , Growing , Aarp , Travel Bag , He Wasn T , Advice , Forty , Future , Veterans , Retirement Planning , Military , Usaa , Somebody Else , Values , Retirement Guide , 877 , 877 242 Usaa In , 242 , Tire Rotation , Filter , Suspension Checks , Works Package , These , Vehicle , Pressures , Dealership , Inspection , Brakes , Air Filter , Belts , Hoses , Battery , Fluids , Exhaust System , Ford , Transmission , Dealer , Car Doctor , Works , Oil Change , 29 95 , 9 95 , Fiber , Brands , Secretary , Education , Arne Duncan , Polling , News Today , Hero , Support , Row Boat , Tie , Emergencied Landing , Newark International , Shower , Crew Members , Landing Gear , Emergency Chutes , Water Bill Tripling , Tv , Shipping , Flat Rate , Service , It Ships , Presses , Priority , Hassle , Filters , Espresso Tampers , Coffee , Tons , Boxes , Decaf , Sort Of Amped , Excited , 15 , 5 15 , Dreams , Futures , Buy Homes , Generations , Bailout , Clients , Ameriprise Financial , 1894 , College , Advisors , Insurance Company , Policy , Millions , Whisper , Scream , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Amen , Women , Business , Drinking Gasoline , Water , Guess Who , Ryes , Projects , Portion , Pipes , Ground , Teeth , Faucet , Costs , Meaning , 2035 , 80 , 2011 , 3300 , 300 , Population , 550 , Issue , Breaks , Infrastructure , Water Quality , 300000 , Lead , Bacteria , West , Investment , 700 , 700 Dollars , School Suspect , Gas Problems , News Stories , Keeping Aen Eye , Classrooms , Bullying Expert , Guess What , Win , Grains , Least , Sweetness , Touch , Quaker Oatmeal Squares , 46 , Sample , Belt , Accessories , Girl Wouldn T , Mind , Nylons , Shoes , Diamond , The Rock , Everything , Energy , Imports , 100 , Jobs , Answer , Natural Gas , Economy , Cleaner , Emissions , Conocophillips , Victim Os , Suspect Teenager , Final , Push , 1000 , Pirate Infested Waters , Engine , Ohio One , Pattern , Perpetrator , 31 , Class , Jessie Klein , Professor , Life At School , University , Halls , School Shootings , Bat , Another , Aren T , Descriptions , Page , Reasons , Pestilenece , Writingle , Wright , Comments , Poetry , Mhis Poem , Hundred , Eddie , Symptom , Despair , Suicides , Truant , Substance Abuse , Girls , Slut , Gay , Hostility , Talk , Passage , Degrees , Postings , Pullbullying , Purr Plexing , Cultures , Secrets , Badly , School Faculty , Societies , Toothpaste , Tube , There , Lookout , Ear Piece , School System , Single , Ones , Leaders , Eforms , Bully Society , Midst , Truistic Ideal , Environments , Anyone , Caring , Somewhere , Ear Piece Problem , Ideal , History , Highlights , Nobody , Low , Big Finish , 500 Supposed , Head Restraints , Brake Assist , Safety Features , Chrysler 200 , Magic Number , Sound , Detroit , Gaslight Anthem , Ballots , Remaining , Kiki Mcclain , Political Analyst , Independent , Goldie Taylor , Tray Harding , Robocall Playing , On Tuesday , President , Odd , Men , Voice Message , Creepy , Tray , Mid Romney , Challenge , Cry Wolf , Task , It Doesn T , Manipulation , Factor , Religion , Mormons , Evangelicals , Split , Catholics , Faith , Particular , Campaign Trail , Flu , General Election , Electorate , Issues , Trey , Border , Voting Bloc , Puerto Rican , Cuban , Mexican , Group , Front , Voting Segments , Border Issues , Yoor Right , South Texas , Numbers , Constituency , Mexican Americans , Border Issue Isn T , Mexican American Voting Constituency , Questionable , Stances , Boarder , Fence , Preensive Reform , Herman Cain , Ftough , Win Bak , He Shouldn T , Counselors , Workers , Deaths , Civilians , Injured British , Aide Workers , Shelling Attack , Badr , Regulator , Rules , Wages , Rearview Cameras , 2014 , Vehicles , Ladies And Gentlemen , 47 , Anderson Cooper , Authors , Jesus Discovery , Partying , I Don T Know , Starting Point , Claire Mu Huxtable , Exploration , Resurrection , Story Bed Hind , Evidence , Plus , Felicia Rashad , Film , Deeds , Tony Award , Tyler Perry , Sambolin D , Shzoraida , Jr , Hospital , Scohool Shooting , Girlfriend , Sharing , Led , Of Th , Security Line , Second , Lord , 53 , Upgrade , Size , Pro , Ring , Go National , Business Pro , Prep School , 3d , Plaid Tie , Sharon , Larry , Hair , Naturals Wheat Formulas , Weak , Aveeno Nourish , Uh Huh , Gonna , Breakage , Washes , Strong , Office Devices , Notices , Dream , Reliability , Whispering , Shut Up , Sprint , Campfire , Crackle , Away Is A , Orion S Belt , A Million , Away , Rv , Gorving Com , Lane On Tuesday , Mess , Sunday , 2012 , 9 Million , 19 Million , Questions , Program , Desperation , Warning Signs , Ties , Ban ,

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