Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240706 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240706

been achieved. >> crisis averted, senators stop the default clock with a late night vote to suspend the debt limit. plus donald trump tells his side. former president's first comments on cnn's report that he admitted on tape to taking secret documents and -- >> why didn't he do it his first four years? >> florida's ron desantis taking direct aim at trump just days before three more candidates are set to join the already crowded gop race. wo happy friday, everybody. we made it. and we begin with government default averted. a bipartisan vote in the senate late last night to suspend the nation's debt limit through 2024. president biden praising congress for its work in a statement adding that he looks forward to signing the bill as soon as possible. the president will deliver his oval office address to the nation tonight at 7:00 eastern. more now from melanie zanona. >> reporter: after weeks of intense negotiations and with just days to go before the default deadline, congress has averted an economic disaster. the senate thursday night passed a bill that would raise the debt ceiling until 2025 and also limit future spending. and the final vote tally was 63-36, they needed 60 republicans and democrats to come together to pass this bill. and they did. take a listen to chuck schumer . tonight's outcome is very welcome news for our economy and for american families. >> reporter: the bill now heads to president biden's desk for his signature. but it was not always an easy road to get here. they had to hammer out the deal which took weeks. usually they try to do these things in a matter of months. it was a very complicated fiscal agreement. there were blowups, points where it looked like it would go completely off the rails. and the other half of the battle is that they had to sell the deal to their members. and there was opposition from both republicans and democrats. democrats don't like the stricter work requirements for food stamp recipients, they don't like some of the energy permitting reforms. and republicans thought the bill does not go far enough to cut spending. they also don't like that it will hike the debt ceiling for two years until after the next presidential election. but ultimately a coalition of members came together in the middle to get this done and avoid what would have been the first ever default. melanie zanona, cnn, capitol hill. a bill blocking the student loan forgiveness program also passing the senate. it was approved by the house but president biden has vowed to veto it. the supreme court is expected to rule in late june or early july. and student loan payments are expected to resume by the end of the summer after years long pandemic pause. the white house says president biden is fine after tripping over a sand bag at the air force academy commencement. here is the moment he fell leaving the stage after giving the commencement address. right after he was helped up, he pointed to the sand bag he tripped over which has been used to keep a teleprompter in place. he returned to his seat unaided and he even joked about it after returning to the white house. >> i got sand bagged. >> you can see he even followed it up with a little jig. former president trump claiming that he knows nothing about a 2021 meeting federal prosecutors have on tape. cnn reports that trump acknowledged in the meeting his new jersey golf club he still has a classified pentagon document about a potential attack plan on iran. this was his denial last night on fox. >> i don't know anything about it. all i know is this, everything that i did was right. we have the presidential records act which i abided by 100%. it is a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all-time. it is a hoax. and it has to do -- it has to more than anything else with pry trying to interfere with the election. >> for more on the meeting and the federal investigation, let's turn to cnn's paula reid in washington. >> reporter: former president donald trump campaigning in iowa refusing to take questions on the bottom bombshell revelation that he was recorded discussing classified information. but continued to claim that he is a victim of federal investigators. >> i'm a victim of it, they have come after me on many things. >> reporter: this after cnn's exclusive reporting that prosecutors now have an audio recording of trump talking about a classified plan to invade iran while he was at his bedminster golf club months after he left the white house. among those attending the meeting, several trump aides and two people working on an autobiography for former white house chief he have staff mark meadows. none of them had security clearances. during this time, trump had aides record his conversation with journalists and writers. >> they become automatically declassified. >> reporter: trump under his investigation for his handling of national security secrets has previously insisted that he declassified any sensitive material in his possession. >> if you are the president of the united states, you can declassify just by saying it is declassified. even by thinking about it. >> reporter: but sources tell cnn on this recording trump claims to still be in possession of a pentagon document, suggests he would like to share it, and then acknowledges the limits of his ability to declassify it, all of this undercutting his own defense. asked if he had ever shared any information at cnn's town hall -- >> not really. i would have the right to. by the way -- >> what do you mean not really? >> not that i can think of. let me tell you, i have the right do whatever i want with them. >> reporter: the summer 2021 recording comes out of trump's new jersey golf club, now the second confirmed state where he has had classified information after the fbi walked out of his mar-a-lago state with boxes of top documents. trump continuing to say the doj's interference is shameful and the meritless investigation should cease wasting the american taxpayer's money. >> there were no classified or marked documents there. >> reporter: former trump lawyer who left the team in recent weeks says that the classification status of the document trump is heard talking about is irrelevant based on the laws cited in the search warrant that was executed in summer 2022. >> really what doj is investigating is willful retention. whether it is classified or declassified is not an element of that offense. >> reporter: former president trump lawyers have asked for a meeting with attorney general merrick garland to express their concerns about the special counsel's investigation. one of trump's attorneys tell cnn there have been some communications between doj and the trump legal team about the possibility of this meeting, but the fact that there is this recording in the hands of investigators really undercuts their key concern which is an allegation that this is just a politically motivated investigation. but if they do get this meeting with the attorney general or some other justice department official, they will clearly have much to discuss. paula reid, cnn, washington. to the war in ukraine. two people were hurt, one an 11-year-old child in an airstrike on kyiv early this morning. residents taking shelter in the subway as they have so many nights. 36 missiles and drones were launched during the attack, all destroyed, but falling debris damaged several homes. salma abdelaziz is live in london. officials say nearly all are being shot out of the sky but they keep coming. are they having an effect? >> reporter: they are having a massive effect. first of all, they are terrorizing the residents of kyiv. this is the sixth wave of attacks in just as many days. of course you have to remember yesterday a 9-year-old girl and her mother were killed waiting outside aen air raid shelter and then it also serves to really stretch the resources of kyiv. ukraine is preparing for this much anticipated counter offensive right on those front lines in the east of the country. yet it also has to defend its citizens, its families all the way in the west and in the capital. and finally, you have to remember that those drones being fired by russia, they are an extremely cheap technology. the missiles it requires to take out one of those drones costs 20 times as much as the drone itself. so you can again to see how moscow's strategy is not just terrify the residents of kyiv but also force ukraine to use up valuable resources. >> interesting. salma abdelaziz, thank you so much. a new mexico judge has approved a settlement in the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of halyna hutchins who was fatally shot on the movie "rust" when alec bald win rehearsed a shot with a prop gun that somehow fired a live round. the settlement was announced last october but approved by the court thursday. financial details have not been made public. just ahead, is it time to add more chairs to the 2024 table? and will the expanding gop field benefit trump? plus heavy rain in texas led to major flash flooding and rescues and the dramatic final moment of the national spelling bee. the winning word, next. ♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ ♪ you like to... move it ♪ we're reinventing our network. ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. everyone: woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals. enter the $10,000 nourishing moments giveaway. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. ♪ you said 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to fox thursday, he shared his opinion about the growing field of republican candidates. >> come november/december of this year, if you are not polling well, get your butt out of this race. let's narrow it down to a couple candidates. that is more fair to the process and that is the discipline not just for the candidates but the donor base. they have to tell their candidates to get out. and i think that they will. this won't be a repeat of 2016. >> as the gop field gets more crowded, it is starting to look like former president trump is gaining advantage. jeff zeleny has more. >> reporter: so far donald trump is getting most everything he wanted from the republican presidential campaign. >> there is no way i could lose iowa. let's see what happens. i don't think so. we'd have to do some really bad things to lose at this point. >> reporter: including a list of rivals that is growing by the week with the anyone but trump lane of the race becoming remarkably crowded. >> i think it is advantageous to trump. i don't like that. >> reporter: julie is a loyal republican who came to see florida governor ron desantis the other night and is sizing up several contenders. but she offered pointed words of advice. >> stay for a while, see what happens, but don't stay too long because we need to beat the democrats. >> reporter: as summer approaches, the republican field is starting to burst at the seams with former vice president mike pence and former new jersey governor chris christie set to jump in next week joining nikki haley, tim scott, asa hutchinson and others already in the race. virginia governor glenn youngkin is not ruling out a run if some contenders flame out. >> if that many candidates stay in the race, that benefits trump. trump will win by the power of division. that is why we'll see if we learned our lesson and learned our lesson well. >> reporter: an influential evangelical leader in iowa said the party should not repeat the mistakes of 2016 when trump claimed the nomination with a divided republican electorate rather than facing a head to head match with one strong opponent. >> my concern is not how many get in, but when do they get out and give america a clear choice between the former president and an alternative. >> reporter: a big field is precisely what trump is banking on and basking in as he shook hands and took questions at a series of small events in iowa while making clear he is fixated on one rival above all. >> ron, as i call him, ron desanctimonious. >> we could bring back george washington. i don't know that he would be able to get it done in just four years. >> reporter: and sought to mock the florida governor's pitch that he is eligible for two terms not simply one more like trump. >> you don't need eight years, you need six months. we can turn it around so quickly. who the hell wants to wait eight years? >> reporter: and in new hampshire desantis hitting back at trump. >> why didn't he do it his first four years. >> reporter: and signs emerging that it is far too early to presume it is a two man contest as candidates begin blanketing the state. lori hartson also believes the field is cluttered. >> president trump already made america great. now we need him back to fix it. >> reporter: she drove four hours to catch a glimpse of the former president. should others step aside and let him run or do you think a competitive republican primary is fine? >> i wish they would step aside, but they won't. and i don't know if it is ego. they won't. and more keep coming in. it is like come on, mike pence, really, mike? give it up. >> reporter: and sentiment from that trump supporter there underlines the challenging mike pence will have. but he and most of the field will be back here in iowa making their case to voters. and a majority of republicans are looking for a new direction, but the question is who. jeff zeleny, cnn, des moines. quick programming note. sunday night live from iowa, jake tapper moderate as cnn republican presidential town hall with nikki haley. that is sunday at 8:00. also live from iowa next week, dana bash will moderate item town hall, this one with mike pence. that is wednesday at 9:00 p.m. here on cnn. quick hits across america. arizona is pausing new construction in the phoenix area because of a severe water shortage. officials say water overuse and climate change driven drought is causing a shortfall in the region's available ground water. heavy rain triggers major flash 24flooding in north texas. emergency crews had to work to rescue people stranded. psamm-s-a-m-m-o-p-h-i-l-e. >> that is correct. >> a 14-year-old wins the spelling bee with that final word. the middle schooler beat some 11 million other kids taking home the $50,000 prize. coming up, forget about digging a hole to china, beijing is now digging a hole, a deep one. and a royal wedding in the middle east, why it is much more one couple's marriage. lets her pick exactly what she wants, and save on every 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. long lines and frustration at gas stations as fuel in nigeria costs nearly triple. it is sparked by a seemingly off the cuff remark from the newly elected president. he said a critical fuel subsidy would be removed because it was unsustainable. stephanie busari is joining us live from lagos. last time they tried to remove fuel subsidies, it sparked nationwide protests. what is the government doing now? >> reporter: good morning. yes, i remember those protests in 2012 so well. i covered it then. and the country was at a standstill for two weeks while people were very angry that the subsidy was being removed and gas prices were going to rise. but there is a better understanding this time in the country that this subsidy is very expensive, it is costing the government $867 million every month just to keep gas prices artificially low for nigerians. and many understand that it has to go but it is the manner in which it was announced. and this was an ad will i be mo lib moment from the president who was trying to say that he doesn't have capacity beyond the end of the month to continue to fund the subsidy because he was not left any money in the budget to do so. but it sent shockwaves through the nation. people are panic buying, long line, people waiting in their cars to stock up gas for their cars. we've been talking to people on the streets of lagos. take a listen. >> if we were given time before they fully remove the subsidy, it would have helped us in a way because i believe the government is heading towards the right direction. >> subsidy removal, it is a good thing. as long as our leaders are proactive in everything. and what i mean by proactive, setting things in place you understand that will seize t the -- ease the suffering. >> reporter: yes, there is a lot of suffering ahead unfortunately. transport fares have spiked in some cases as much as 200%. and essential commodities are going to get more expensive as a time when nigerians are grappling like the rest of the world with cost of living crisis and high inflation. so things are about to get harder and people are wondering why this could not have been done in a much more measured and more well planned out manner. the largest labor union has vowed to have a showdown with the government who it has said is bringing, quote, tears and sorrow and not hope to the people of nigeria. >> stephanie, thank you so much. and a lavish ceremony and joining of two important nations in the middle east, jordan's crown prince has married his architect broward who has links to the saudi royal family. it was a celebration of love but the union could also increase stability in the region. becky anderson has more. >> reporter: a major royal wedding, jordanian style. the crown prince hussein and his saudi bride tying the knot in a lavish ceremony. ♪ crowds of jordanians waved flags along the 10 kilometer motorcade route across the capital. the star-studded event attended by world leaders, by celebrities and by royalty. including prince and princess of wales, first lady of the united states jill biden also in attendance. the ceremony taking place at the palace where king abdullah and his queen were married in 1993. the royal couple expected to greet more than 1700 guests at their son's reception. and the bride is the daughter of a wealthy family in saudi arabia. and with her approach to the throne at a crucial time for jordan. the past two years a former crown prince, half brother of the current king, has been under house arrest accused of trying to destabilize the kingdom. and jordan is home to a huge refugee population. and its dire economic situation means it needs vital investment and aid. the wedding raising hopes that improved relations between saudi arabia and jordan could usher in more economic benefits. for now though, the wedding is a day for the country to come together and celebrate the emergence of a new middle eastern power couple. becky anderson, cnn. quick hits around the globe -- a legal battle brewing in the uk as the british government files a bid to prevent a public covid-19 inquiry from accessing former prime minister boris johnson's whatsapp messages. at least 12 people are dead and five remain missing after a deadly climbing season at mt. eve everest. a sherpa had to carry a climb other his back to safety. china is drilling a nearly 33,000 foot hole in the earth's crust, part of their latest exploration into new frontiers. just ahead, apple getting ready to reveal a new cutting edge gadget. and stunning new look at mars later today. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothining like enjoying a cold e while watching the game. who's winning? 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these are not three separate devices. this is one device. and we are calling it iphone. >> remember how earth shattering that was? joining us now onset is dan ives from web bush securities. the headset, it might not be an iphoneesque moment, but still something that lot of people are looking forward to. >> and i think reality probe about $3,000, the price point, but this is important because it is apple just further expanding their move into av/vr and not really just metaverse, we knew ai, as much as we hear about this, i believe this is apple starting the path on their ai journey. >> do you think that they will have -- we've come to rely on apple for the big ah-ha moments. will it be that kind of a moment? >> they are about to hit 3 trillion again because they have an install base that is golden. it is unparalleled. and they continue to have product just like the av/vr. we think initially about 150,000 units coming out, but ultimately i think this is just the start of more innovation. >>en a let's talk about ai. really biggest development in tech in the past 30 years. what do we expect from apple? i haven't heard apple's strategy yet. >> typical cloak and dagger for cook and cupertino. i believe that they start to lay the bread crumbs on ai. it is really about developer platform. they are basically courting developers, it is about the app store and ai and what really be an ecosystem being built on ample. you talk about when we look at iphone and worldwide today, i believe that this could really incrementally add to the sum of the parts on the apple story. >> we've been talking so much about ai, but is this really like an industrial revolution kind of moment for tech or even just the broader economy? >> covering tech stocks since the late '90s, i view it as an internet moment, iphone moment 2007. probably the biggest transformational theme that we've seen. we think this is an $800 billion market opportunity. it is not hype. and i think what is really starting to happen is that the monetization, i view it as the fourth industrial revolution playing out here. >> tech stocks have had a terrific year after last year was terrible. but this has been a remarkable year. anybody buying any dip in tech stocks this year has been rewarded. any reason that momentum should slow down? >> no, i think it will be higher second half of the year. i think institutionally still in tech and better than fear, you look at the tech earnings and that has been the narrative. areas like cloud, cybersecurity, i think big cap tech, apple, amazon, google and others continue to shine. and going into this year, new york city cab driver was bare require on tech and that narrative continues to play out. >> longest recession watch in the history of recession watches and tech keeps doing better and better. dan, thank you. nuggets cruise past the heat in game one of the nba finals. andy scholes has the "bleacher report." >> so nuggets and their fans waited 47 years to play in their first nba finals. an coach malone wanted to make sure that they were ready so he gave the team a pop quiz at shootaround. and they passed then and during game one showing no rust from nine days off. two time mvp nikola jokic dominated with 27 points, 14 assists and 10 rebounds while only taking 12 shots in the game, jamal murray also had 26 points. nuggets had a 21 point lead to start the fourth. heat made it interesting going on an 11-0 run in the final period, but they couldn't make enough shots. jimmy butler had a playoff low 13 points as the heat shot only two free throws all game which is an nba playoff record. 104-93. >> right now most important thing is to win a game. trying to win a game in an impossible way. i don't need to score, i know i don't need to score to affect the game. and i think i did a good job. everybody contributed. so it is a great win for us. >> we missed a lot tonight and we'll be better at game two at the end of the day. we'll take it, we'll learn from it, and we'll be back in two days. >> today and tomorrow are off days there in denver. g two of the finals is sunday night. adam silver speaking with the media before game one and he gave an update on the potential discipline the league will be handing down to ja morant after he apparently flashed a gun on social media for a second time. >> we've uncovered a fair amount of additional information i think since i was still asked about the situation. i would say we probably could have brought it to a head now, but we made the decision and i believe the player association agrees with us that it would be unfair to these players and these teams in the middle of the series to announce results of the investigation. >> the nba suspended morant for eight games for flashing a gun on social media first time in a night club back in march. finally, tom brady shutting down all the rumors and speculation that he might unretire again and make an nfl comeback with the raiders. the 45-year-old told sports illustrated he is moving on to tv and being a minority owner in las vegas. >> i'm certain i'm not playing again. so i've tried to make that clear. and i hate to continue to profess that because i've already told people that lots of times. but i'm looking forward to my broadcasting job at fox next year. i'm looking forward to the opportunity with the raiders. we're in the process of that an other things i'm part of professionally and in my personal life, just spending as much time with my kids as i can and support the different things that they have going on. that is a very important job. >> despite what he says, i guarantee you the first time one of those quarterbacks gets hurt this year, everyone will be like are they going to sign tom brady, will he come back and take his place. >> he says no. all right. nice to see you, thanks. next on "cnn this morning," former president trump's first response to that cnn report of a recording of him admitting to taking secret white house documents. and next here, the state where homeowner's insurance has really skyrocketed. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts and d we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. works hard at hour one and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ go betty! ♪ let's be more than our allergies! zeize the day. with zyrtec. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment ♪you said close your eyes don't look down♪ ♪fall into me and i'll catch you darling♪ ♪we'll dance in the street♪ ♪ so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only 30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at your roman's numeral this morning is 4. florida home own er's rates are four times compared to the national average. hurricanes are only part of the problem. regional and local insurers say they are struggling due to frivolous lawsuits and excess claims. looking at markets, hang seng closed up 4%, that is the biggest one day gain in three months. the rally led by news that china may unveil stimulus to boost its faltering recovery. european markets are also higher. stock index futures also moving up. investors cheered a vote to raise the debt ceiling and that and thinking that the fed will pause its interest rate hikes this month. the debt ceiling is resolved but not before the drama pushed up mortgage rates to their heist level since november. inflation watch, gas prices held steady, $3.57, but down from near record highs a year ago. coming up, may's jobs report due out in a few hours. 100,000 jobs expected to be added. and let's bring in chief economist at adp. good morning, nice to see you. >> good morning. nice to see you. >> so i noticed yesterday your adp national employment report was strong, it showed private sector employment up 287,000 jobs in may. it also showed pay growth for job changers might be slowing down a little bit. what does it mean big picture? >> big picture we're seeing a continuation of three patterns. one, the labor market is incredibly strong, it is fragmented. manufacturing actually shed jobs in our private sector report. leisure and hospitality again a big gainer. two, that this strength is really driven by small firms, large firms seem to be pulling back on their hiring. and, three, we're finally seeing pay growth decelerate meaningfully after moving sideways for several months over the winter. so an incredibly complex labor market right now. >> so we know that more than 250,000 jobs were added in april. your private sector number shows 287. forecast for today is 190. i mean, this is maybe cooling a little bit in terms of job creation, but still remarkably strong. >> it is remarkably strong. and i think that is reflective of a couple things. one is the shift from goods to services. and we've seen that play out in the leisure and hospitality sector, that sector took a big hit and it is growing fast. so these jobs are those low paying jobs in the service sector that we are lost still in that recovery, there are parts of the economy though that are experiencing weakness. i said manufacturing. but also i'd point to finance under the weight of higher interest rates in terms of the mortgage market, information tech. but key is pay growth because that feeds right into inflation expectations. and that is the bridge between what we're seeing in the labor market, what we're seeing in fed policy, and that isis on the decline in terms of growth rate. that might be good news for inflation. >> unemployment rate has been hovering near the lowest in a generation. it is expected to remain largely unchanged in this new report. when i look inside those numbers though, i see progress in all kinds of different demographics in terms of the jobless rate. is that expected to hold? sometimes when you have a strong economy or strong job market, it is not shared equally. this time it looks a little more equal. am i right? >> that's right, because there is a lot of labor shortages still. still pockets where firms are struggling to find qualified talent. at 3.4%, that means there is not a lot of give in the labor market, there is not a lot of people just sitting on the sidelines waiting to be scooped up. and so the hope is even as the fed continues with a pretty aggressive stance on interest rates, maybe even keeps raising them, that it won't meaningfully affect hiring. that is the definition of a soft landing in my eyes is that the labor market stays strong even with higher interest rates. >> fascinating. thank you so much. nice to see you. default averted, senators passing the debt ceiling deal overnight. who voted for it and against it, ahead. every year.their uk port don't just connectct your business. 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"cnn this morning" starts right now.

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Hospitality , Hiring , Strength , Big Gainer , Winter , Growth Decelerate , 250000 , Forecast , Job Creation , 287 , 190 , Play , Shift , Hit , Goods , Interest Rates , Service Sector , Weakness , Weight , Information Tech , Bridge , Inflation Expectations , Feeds , Policy , Isis , Unemployment Rate , Growth Rate , Numbers , Decline , Progress , Generation , Lowest , Job Market , Rate , Demographics , Kinds , Equal , Talent , Labor Shortages , Give , Sidelines , 3 4 , Stance , Hope , Definition , Landing , Fascinating , Port Don T , Enterprise Intelligence , Debt Ceiling Deal , Dock Worker , Uk , Oh Booking C Com , A Treehouse , Honestli Don T Care , Boing , Togeer , Offers , Charging , Thrills , Maintenance , Mercedes Benz , Electric Vehicles , Feeling , Yours , Vehicles , June 5th , Hurricane Season , 5 , Depression , Flooding , Storm , Derek Van Dam , Gulf Of Mexico , Rain Fall , Readssidents , Myers Beach , Rain , Ptsd , Prospects , Wind , Location , Hurricane Ian , Best , Storm System , Ft , Myers Beach Pier , Graphics , 280 , Interest , Winds , Shambles , Florida Peninsula , 35 , Potential , Shower , Another , Thunderstorm , Activity , Storms , Form , Central Montana , The View , Texas Panhandle , Storm Systems , Environment , Eye On , Madison Square Garden , Billy Joel , Pea Paiano Man , Residency , Top , Artists , 150th Show , The Garden , 150 , Number One , On The Road , Ear Ras , Spotify , Here Ar Eras Tour , Taylor Swift , Search And Rescue , Drake , Liquor , Christine Romans , Country Star Morgan Wallen ,

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Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240706 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240706

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been achieved. >> crisis averted, senators stop the default clock with a late night vote to suspend the debt limit. plus donald trump tells his side. former president's first comments on cnn's report that he admitted on tape to taking secret documents and -- >> why didn't he do it his first four years? >> florida's ron desantis taking direct aim at trump just days before three more candidates are set to join the already crowded gop race. wo happy friday, everybody. we made it. and we begin with government default averted. a bipartisan vote in the senate late last night to suspend the nation's debt limit through 2024. president biden praising congress for its work in a statement adding that he looks forward to signing the bill as soon as possible. the president will deliver his oval office address to the nation tonight at 7:00 eastern. more now from melanie zanona. >> reporter: after weeks of intense negotiations and with just days to go before the default deadline, congress has averted an economic disaster. the senate thursday night passed a bill that would raise the debt ceiling until 2025 and also limit future spending. and the final vote tally was 63-36, they needed 60 republicans and democrats to come together to pass this bill. and they did. take a listen to chuck schumer . tonight's outcome is very welcome news for our economy and for american families. >> reporter: the bill now heads to president biden's desk for his signature. but it was not always an easy road to get here. they had to hammer out the deal which took weeks. usually they try to do these things in a matter of months. it was a very complicated fiscal agreement. there were blowups, points where it looked like it would go completely off the rails. and the other half of the battle is that they had to sell the deal to their members. and there was opposition from both republicans and democrats. democrats don't like the stricter work requirements for food stamp recipients, they don't like some of the energy permitting reforms. and republicans thought the bill does not go far enough to cut spending. they also don't like that it will hike the debt ceiling for two years until after the next presidential election. but ultimately a coalition of members came together in the middle to get this done and avoid what would have been the first ever default. melanie zanona, cnn, capitol hill. a bill blocking the student loan forgiveness program also passing the senate. it was approved by the house but president biden has vowed to veto it. the supreme court is expected to rule in late june or early july. and student loan payments are expected to resume by the end of the summer after years long pandemic pause. the white house says president biden is fine after tripping over a sand bag at the air force academy commencement. here is the moment he fell leaving the stage after giving the commencement address. right after he was helped up, he pointed to the sand bag he tripped over which has been used to keep a teleprompter in place. he returned to his seat unaided and he even joked about it after returning to the white house. >> i got sand bagged. >> you can see he even followed it up with a little jig. former president trump claiming that he knows nothing about a 2021 meeting federal prosecutors have on tape. cnn reports that trump acknowledged in the meeting his new jersey golf club he still has a classified pentagon document about a potential attack plan on iran. this was his denial last night on fox. >> i don't know anything about it. all i know is this, everything that i did was right. we have the presidential records act which i abided by 100%. it is a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all-time. it is a hoax. and it has to do -- it has to more than anything else with pry trying to interfere with the election. >> for more on the meeting and the federal investigation, let's turn to cnn's paula reid in washington. >> reporter: former president donald trump campaigning in iowa refusing to take questions on the bottom bombshell revelation that he was recorded discussing classified information. but continued to claim that he is a victim of federal investigators. >> i'm a victim of it, they have come after me on many things. >> reporter: this after cnn's exclusive reporting that prosecutors now have an audio recording of trump talking about a classified plan to invade iran while he was at his bedminster golf club months after he left the white house. among those attending the meeting, several trump aides and two people working on an autobiography for former white house chief he have staff mark meadows. none of them had security clearances. during this time, trump had aides record his conversation with journalists and writers. >> they become automatically declassified. >> reporter: trump under his investigation for his handling of national security secrets has previously insisted that he declassified any sensitive material in his possession. >> if you are the president of the united states, you can declassify just by saying it is declassified. even by thinking about it. >> reporter: but sources tell cnn on this recording trump claims to still be in possession of a pentagon document, suggests he would like to share it, and then acknowledges the limits of his ability to declassify it, all of this undercutting his own defense. asked if he had ever shared any information at cnn's town hall -- >> not really. i would have the right to. by the way -- >> what do you mean not really? >> not that i can think of. let me tell you, i have the right do whatever i want with them. >> reporter: the summer 2021 recording comes out of trump's new jersey golf club, now the second confirmed state where he has had classified information after the fbi walked out of his mar-a-lago state with boxes of top documents. trump continuing to say the doj's interference is shameful and the meritless investigation should cease wasting the american taxpayer's money. >> there were no classified or marked documents there. >> reporter: former trump lawyer who left the team in recent weeks says that the classification status of the document trump is heard talking about is irrelevant based on the laws cited in the search warrant that was executed in summer 2022. >> really what doj is investigating is willful retention. whether it is classified or declassified is not an element of that offense. >> reporter: former president trump lawyers have asked for a meeting with attorney general merrick garland to express their concerns about the special counsel's investigation. one of trump's attorneys tell cnn there have been some communications between doj and the trump legal team about the possibility of this meeting, but the fact that there is this recording in the hands of investigators really undercuts their key concern which is an allegation that this is just a politically motivated investigation. but if they do get this meeting with the attorney general or some other justice department official, they will clearly have much to discuss. paula reid, cnn, washington. to the war in ukraine. two people were hurt, one an 11-year-old child in an airstrike on kyiv early this morning. residents taking shelter in the subway as they have so many nights. 36 missiles and drones were launched during the attack, all destroyed, but falling debris damaged several homes. salma abdelaziz is live in london. officials say nearly all are being shot out of the sky but they keep coming. are they having an effect? >> reporter: they are having a massive effect. first of all, they are terrorizing the residents of kyiv. this is the sixth wave of attacks in just as many days. of course you have to remember yesterday a 9-year-old girl and her mother were killed waiting outside aen air raid shelter and then it also serves to really stretch the resources of kyiv. ukraine is preparing for this much anticipated counter offensive right on those front lines in the east of the country. yet it also has to defend its citizens, its families all the way in the west and in the capital. and finally, you have to remember that those drones being fired by russia, they are an extremely cheap technology. the missiles it requires to take out one of those drones costs 20 times as much as the drone itself. so you can again to see how moscow's strategy is not just terrify the residents of kyiv but also force ukraine to use up valuable resources. >> interesting. salma abdelaziz, thank you so much. a new mexico judge has approved a settlement in the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of halyna hutchins who was fatally shot on the movie "rust" when alec bald win rehearsed a shot with a prop gun that somehow fired a live round. the settlement was announced last october but approved by the court thursday. financial details have not been made public. just ahead, is it time to add more chairs to the 2024 table? and will the expanding gop field benefit trump? plus heavy rain in texas led to major flash flooding and rescues and the dramatic final moment of the national spelling bee. the winning word, next. ♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ ♪ you like to... move it ♪ we're reinventing our network. ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. everyone: woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals. enter the $10,000 nourishing moments giveaway. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. ♪ you said 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to fox thursday, he shared his opinion about the growing field of republican candidates. >> come november/december of this year, if you are not polling well, get your butt out of this race. let's narrow it down to a couple candidates. that is more fair to the process and that is the discipline not just for the candidates but the donor base. they have to tell their candidates to get out. and i think that they will. this won't be a repeat of 2016. >> as the gop field gets more crowded, it is starting to look like former president trump is gaining advantage. jeff zeleny has more. >> reporter: so far donald trump is getting most everything he wanted from the republican presidential campaign. >> there is no way i could lose iowa. let's see what happens. i don't think so. we'd have to do some really bad things to lose at this point. >> reporter: including a list of rivals that is growing by the week with the anyone but trump lane of the race becoming remarkably crowded. >> i think it is advantageous to trump. i don't like that. >> reporter: julie is a loyal republican who came to see florida governor ron desantis the other night and is sizing up several contenders. but she offered pointed words of advice. >> stay for a while, see what happens, but don't stay too long because we need to beat the democrats. >> reporter: as summer approaches, the republican field is starting to burst at the seams with former vice president mike pence and former new jersey governor chris christie set to jump in next week joining nikki haley, tim scott, asa hutchinson and others already in the race. virginia governor glenn youngkin is not ruling out a run if some contenders flame out. >> if that many candidates stay in the race, that benefits trump. trump will win by the power of division. that is why we'll see if we learned our lesson and learned our lesson well. >> reporter: an influential evangelical leader in iowa said the party should not repeat the mistakes of 2016 when trump claimed the nomination with a divided republican electorate rather than facing a head to head match with one strong opponent. >> my concern is not how many get in, but when do they get out and give america a clear choice between the former president and an alternative. >> reporter: a big field is precisely what trump is banking on and basking in as he shook hands and took questions at a series of small events in iowa while making clear he is fixated on one rival above all. >> ron, as i call him, ron desanctimonious. >> we could bring back george washington. i don't know that he would be able to get it done in just four years. >> reporter: and sought to mock the florida governor's pitch that he is eligible for two terms not simply one more like trump. >> you don't need eight years, you need six months. we can turn it around so quickly. who the hell wants to wait eight years? >> reporter: and in new hampshire desantis hitting back at trump. >> why didn't he do it his first four years. >> reporter: and signs emerging that it is far too early to presume it is a two man contest as candidates begin blanketing the state. lori hartson also believes the field is cluttered. >> president trump already made america great. now we need him back to fix it. >> reporter: she drove four hours to catch a glimpse of the former president. should others step aside and let him run or do you think a competitive republican primary is fine? >> i wish they would step aside, but they won't. and i don't know if it is ego. they won't. and more keep coming in. it is like come on, mike pence, really, mike? give it up. >> reporter: and sentiment from that trump supporter there underlines the challenging mike pence will have. but he and most of the field will be back here in iowa making their case to voters. and a majority of republicans are looking for a new direction, but the question is who. jeff zeleny, cnn, des moines. quick programming note. sunday night live from iowa, jake tapper moderate as cnn republican presidential town hall with nikki haley. that is sunday at 8:00. also live from iowa next week, dana bash will moderate item town hall, this one with mike pence. that is wednesday at 9:00 p.m. here on cnn. quick hits across america. arizona is pausing new construction in the phoenix area because of a severe water shortage. officials say water overuse and climate change driven drought is causing a shortfall in the region's available ground water. heavy rain triggers major flash 24flooding in north texas. emergency crews had to work to rescue people stranded. psamm-s-a-m-m-o-p-h-i-l-e. >> that is correct. >> a 14-year-old wins the spelling bee with that final word. the middle schooler beat some 11 million other kids taking home the $50,000 prize. coming up, forget about digging a hole to china, beijing is now digging a hole, a deep one. and a royal wedding in the middle east, why it is much more one couple's marriage. lets her pick exactly what she wants, and save on every 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(bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion. patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before getting tepezza, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar even if you don't have diabetes and may worsen ibd such as crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. now, i'm ready to be seen again. visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. long lines and frustration at gas stations as fuel in nigeria costs nearly triple. it is sparked by a seemingly off the cuff remark from the newly elected president. he said a critical fuel subsidy would be removed because it was unsustainable. stephanie busari is joining us live from lagos. last time they tried to remove fuel subsidies, it sparked nationwide protests. what is the government doing now? >> reporter: good morning. yes, i remember those protests in 2012 so well. i covered it then. and the country was at a standstill for two weeks while people were very angry that the subsidy was being removed and gas prices were going to rise. but there is a better understanding this time in the country that this subsidy is very expensive, it is costing the government $867 million every month just to keep gas prices artificially low for nigerians. and many understand that it has to go but it is the manner in which it was announced. and this was an ad will i be mo lib moment from the president who was trying to say that he doesn't have capacity beyond the end of the month to continue to fund the subsidy because he was not left any money in the budget to do so. but it sent shockwaves through the nation. people are panic buying, long line, people waiting in their cars to stock up gas for their cars. we've been talking to people on the streets of lagos. take a listen. >> if we were given time before they fully remove the subsidy, it would have helped us in a way because i believe the government is heading towards the right direction. >> subsidy removal, it is a good thing. as long as our leaders are proactive in everything. and what i mean by proactive, setting things in place you understand that will seize t the -- ease the suffering. >> reporter: yes, there is a lot of suffering ahead unfortunately. transport fares have spiked in some cases as much as 200%. and essential commodities are going to get more expensive as a time when nigerians are grappling like the rest of the world with cost of living crisis and high inflation. so things are about to get harder and people are wondering why this could not have been done in a much more measured and more well planned out manner. the largest labor union has vowed to have a showdown with the government who it has said is bringing, quote, tears and sorrow and not hope to the people of nigeria. >> stephanie, thank you so much. and a lavish ceremony and joining of two important nations in the middle east, jordan's crown prince has married his architect broward who has links to the saudi royal family. it was a celebration of love but the union could also increase stability in the region. becky anderson has more. >> reporter: a major royal wedding, jordanian style. the crown prince hussein and his saudi bride tying the knot in a lavish ceremony. ♪ crowds of jordanians waved flags along the 10 kilometer motorcade route across the capital. the star-studded event attended by world leaders, by celebrities and by royalty. including prince and princess of wales, first lady of the united states jill biden also in attendance. the ceremony taking place at the palace where king abdullah and his queen were married in 1993. the royal couple expected to greet more than 1700 guests at their son's reception. and the bride is the daughter of a wealthy family in saudi arabia. and with her approach to the throne at a crucial time for jordan. the past two years a former crown prince, half brother of the current king, has been under house arrest accused of trying to destabilize the kingdom. and jordan is home to a huge refugee population. and its dire economic situation means it needs vital investment and aid. the wedding raising hopes that improved relations between saudi arabia and jordan could usher in more economic benefits. for now though, the wedding is a day for the country to come together and celebrate the emergence of a new middle eastern power couple. becky anderson, cnn. quick hits around the globe -- a legal battle brewing in the uk as the british government files a bid to prevent a public covid-19 inquiry from accessing former prime minister boris johnson's whatsapp messages. at least 12 people are dead and five remain missing after a deadly climbing season at mt. eve everest. a sherpa had to carry a climb other his back to safety. china is drilling a nearly 33,000 foot hole in the earth's crust, part of their latest exploration into new frontiers. just ahead, apple getting ready to reveal a new cutting edge gadget. and stunning new look at mars later today. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothining like enjoying a cold e while watching the game. who's winning? 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these are not three separate devices. this is one device. and we are calling it iphone. >> remember how earth shattering that was? joining us now onset is dan ives from web bush securities. the headset, it might not be an iphoneesque moment, but still something that lot of people are looking forward to. >> and i think reality probe about $3,000, the price point, but this is important because it is apple just further expanding their move into av/vr and not really just metaverse, we knew ai, as much as we hear about this, i believe this is apple starting the path on their ai journey. >> do you think that they will have -- we've come to rely on apple for the big ah-ha moments. will it be that kind of a moment? >> they are about to hit 3 trillion again because they have an install base that is golden. it is unparalleled. and they continue to have product just like the av/vr. we think initially about 150,000 units coming out, but ultimately i think this is just the start of more innovation. >>en a let's talk about ai. really biggest development in tech in the past 30 years. what do we expect from apple? i haven't heard apple's strategy yet. >> typical cloak and dagger for cook and cupertino. i believe that they start to lay the bread crumbs on ai. it is really about developer platform. they are basically courting developers, it is about the app store and ai and what really be an ecosystem being built on ample. you talk about when we look at iphone and worldwide today, i believe that this could really incrementally add to the sum of the parts on the apple story. >> we've been talking so much about ai, but is this really like an industrial revolution kind of moment for tech or even just the broader economy? >> covering tech stocks since the late '90s, i view it as an internet moment, iphone moment 2007. probably the biggest transformational theme that we've seen. we think this is an $800 billion market opportunity. it is not hype. and i think what is really starting to happen is that the monetization, i view it as the fourth industrial revolution playing out here. >> tech stocks have had a terrific year after last year was terrible. but this has been a remarkable year. anybody buying any dip in tech stocks this year has been rewarded. any reason that momentum should slow down? >> no, i think it will be higher second half of the year. i think institutionally still in tech and better than fear, you look at the tech earnings and that has been the narrative. areas like cloud, cybersecurity, i think big cap tech, apple, amazon, google and others continue to shine. and going into this year, new york city cab driver was bare require on tech and that narrative continues to play out. >> longest recession watch in the history of recession watches and tech keeps doing better and better. dan, thank you. nuggets cruise past the heat in game one of the nba finals. andy scholes has the "bleacher report." >> so nuggets and their fans waited 47 years to play in their first nba finals. an coach malone wanted to make sure that they were ready so he gave the team a pop quiz at shootaround. and they passed then and during game one showing no rust from nine days off. two time mvp nikola jokic dominated with 27 points, 14 assists and 10 rebounds while only taking 12 shots in the game, jamal murray also had 26 points. nuggets had a 21 point lead to start the fourth. heat made it interesting going on an 11-0 run in the final period, but they couldn't make enough shots. jimmy butler had a playoff low 13 points as the heat shot only two free throws all game which is an nba playoff record. 104-93. >> right now most important thing is to win a game. trying to win a game in an impossible way. i don't need to score, i know i don't need to score to affect the game. and i think i did a good job. everybody contributed. so it is a great win for us. >> we missed a lot tonight and we'll be better at game two at the end of the day. we'll take it, we'll learn from it, and we'll be back in two days. >> today and tomorrow are off days there in denver. g two of the finals is sunday night. adam silver speaking with the media before game one and he gave an update on the potential discipline the league will be handing down to ja morant after he apparently flashed a gun on social media for a second time. >> we've uncovered a fair amount of additional information i think since i was still asked about the situation. i would say we probably could have brought it to a head now, but we made the decision and i believe the player association agrees with us that it would be unfair to these players and these teams in the middle of the series to announce results of the investigation. >> the nba suspended morant for eight games for flashing a gun on social media first time in a night club back in march. finally, tom brady shutting down all the rumors and speculation that he might unretire again and make an nfl comeback with the raiders. the 45-year-old told sports illustrated he is moving on to tv and being a minority owner in las vegas. >> i'm certain i'm not playing again. so i've tried to make that clear. and i hate to continue to profess that because i've already told people that lots of times. but i'm looking forward to my broadcasting job at fox next year. i'm looking forward to the opportunity with the raiders. we're in the process of that an other things i'm part of professionally and in my personal life, just spending as much time with my kids as i can and support the different things that they have going on. that is a very important job. >> despite what he says, i guarantee you the first time one of those quarterbacks gets hurt this year, everyone will be like are they going to sign tom brady, will he come back and take his place. >> he says no. all right. nice to see you, thanks. next on "cnn this morning," former president trump's first response to that cnn report of a recording of him admitting to taking secret white house documents. and next here, the state where homeowner's insurance has really skyrocketed. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts and d we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. works hard at hour one and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ go betty! ♪ let's be more than our allergies! zeize the day. with zyrtec. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment ♪you said close your eyes don't look down♪ ♪fall into me and i'll catch you darling♪ ♪we'll dance in the street♪ ♪ so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only 30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at your roman's numeral this morning is 4. florida home own er's rates are four times compared to the national average. hurricanes are only part of the problem. regional and local insurers say they are struggling due to frivolous lawsuits and excess claims. looking at markets, hang seng closed up 4%, that is the biggest one day gain in three months. the rally led by news that china may unveil stimulus to boost its faltering recovery. european markets are also higher. stock index futures also moving up. investors cheered a vote to raise the debt ceiling and that and thinking that the fed will pause its interest rate hikes this month. the debt ceiling is resolved but not before the drama pushed up mortgage rates to their heist level since november. inflation watch, gas prices held steady, $3.57, but down from near record highs a year ago. coming up, may's jobs report due out in a few hours. 100,000 jobs expected to be added. and let's bring in chief economist at adp. good morning, nice to see you. >> good morning. nice to see you. >> so i noticed yesterday your adp national employment report was strong, it showed private sector employment up 287,000 jobs in may. it also showed pay growth for job changers might be slowing down a little bit. what does it mean big picture? >> big picture we're seeing a continuation of three patterns. one, the labor market is incredibly strong, it is fragmented. manufacturing actually shed jobs in our private sector report. leisure and hospitality again a big gainer. two, that this strength is really driven by small firms, large firms seem to be pulling back on their hiring. and, three, we're finally seeing pay growth decelerate meaningfully after moving sideways for several months over the winter. so an incredibly complex labor market right now. >> so we know that more than 250,000 jobs were added in april. your private sector number shows 287. forecast for today is 190. i mean, this is maybe cooling a little bit in terms of job creation, but still remarkably strong. >> it is remarkably strong. and i think that is reflective of a couple things. one is the shift from goods to services. and we've seen that play out in the leisure and hospitality sector, that sector took a big hit and it is growing fast. so these jobs are those low paying jobs in the service sector that we are lost still in that recovery, there are parts of the economy though that are experiencing weakness. i said manufacturing. but also i'd point to finance under the weight of higher interest rates in terms of the mortgage market, information tech. but key is pay growth because that feeds right into inflation expectations. and that is the bridge between what we're seeing in the labor market, what we're seeing in fed policy, and that isis on the decline in terms of growth rate. that might be good news for inflation. >> unemployment rate has been hovering near the lowest in a generation. it is expected to remain largely unchanged in this new report. when i look inside those numbers though, i see progress in all kinds of different demographics in terms of the jobless rate. is that expected to hold? sometimes when you have a strong economy or strong job market, it is not shared equally. this time it looks a little more equal. am i right? >> that's right, because there is a lot of labor shortages still. still pockets where firms are struggling to find qualified talent. at 3.4%, that means there is not a lot of give in the labor market, there is not a lot of people just sitting on the sidelines waiting to be scooped up. and so the hope is even as the fed continues with a pretty aggressive stance on interest rates, maybe even keeps raising them, that it won't meaningfully affect hiring. that is the definition of a soft landing in my eyes is that the labor market stays strong even with higher interest rates. >> fascinating. thank you so much. nice to see you. default averted, senators passing the debt ceiling deal overnight. who voted for it and against it, ahead. every year.their uk port don't just connectct your business. (dock worker)) right on time. (vo) make it even smarter. we call this enterprise intelligence. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestli don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, boing. yeah. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. togeer we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. everyone: woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals. enter the $10,000 nourishing moments giveaway. ♪ you said close your eyes ♪ ♪ don't look down ♪ ♪ fall into me and i'll catch you, darlin ♪ ♪ we'll dance in the street like nobody's watching ♪ ♪ it's just you and me ♪ celebrate every kiss. get zero down special financing with the kay jewelers credit card. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion. patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before getting tepezza, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar even if you don't have diabetes and may worsen ibd such as crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. now, i'm ready to be seen again. visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. electric dream days are here. come in now and experience the intense thrills and incredible offers on any of five mercedes-benz electric vehicles. including two years complimentary charging and pre-paid maintenance. the vehicles are all electric. the feeling is all mercedes. the choice is all yours. but hurry, these dream days are only here until june 5th. hurricane season off to an early start, only two days in and officials say a tropical depression has formed in the gulf of mexico. that storm expected to remain offshore but it means flooding in florida. derek van dam has the forecast. when does the rain fall in florida? >> yeah, it has been on and off again. where i'm located in ft. myers beach, you know, talking to some of the readssidents here, they the wind and rain is almost ptsd because you remember hurricane ian devastated this very area. and that is why we came on location because yesterday was the start of hurricane season and now we're facing the prospects of what could potentially be another tropical storm. but that is looking very unlikely. the graphics you will see the storm system just to my best, about 280 miles to my best with the gulf of mexico directly behind me. you can see what was left of the ft. myers beach pier completely left in shambles from hurricane ian. so that is why there is so much interest behind this particular storm. 35-mile-per-hour winds, still a tropical depression. good news is that this system is expected to dive south and stay away from the florida peninsula. but what it will do is it will help enhance some of the shower and thunderstorm activity across florida once again today. so the potential for localized flooding is real. we have a marginal risk of flash flooding across the region. another 1 to 3 inches especially in some of the stalled out storms that form. but let's broaden the view, show you kind of what is going on across the rest of the country. because there are other areas of flash flooding that we're concerned about y namely across texas panhandle and central montana. two different storm systems, but bottom line, we have the potential there for flash flooding. moderate risk there that we're keeping a close eye on. 2 to 4 inches of rain possible in an already saturated environment means more flooding. so active and busy start to the hurricane season. >> all right. derek, thank you for that. billy joel is moving out of madison square garden. ♪ ♪ if that's moving up, then i'm moving out ♪ >> pea paiano man is ending his residency at the garden. it will finish with his 150th show there next july. top of the morning, top artists streaming this week on spotify. ♪ just want to say hey ♪ >> taylor swift number one, she is out on the road with her ear ras here ar eras tour. number two. ♪ >> drake's latest search and rescue. and number three. ♪ i know last night we lit the liquor ♪ but we said it all ♪ >> that's country star morgan wallen. i'm christine romans. "cnn this morning" starts right now.

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Celebration , Love , Stability , Style , Becky Anderson , Saudi Royal Family , Bride , Hussein , Crowds , Knot , Flags , Saudi , Event , World Leaders , Celebrities , The Star , Royalty , Kilometer Motorcade Route , Abdullah , Prince , Princess , Attendance , First Lady , Queen , Palace , Wales , 1993 , Guests , Reception , Son , 1700 , King , Throne , Approach , Brother , Situation , Investment , Kingdom , Refugee Population , House Arrest , Benefits , Aid , Relations , Emergence , Boris Johnson , Bid , Inquiry , Messages , Globe , Covid , Battle Brewing In The Uk , Whatsapp , 12 , 19 , Sherpa , Season , Climb , Eve Everest , Five , Safety , Back , Foot Hole In The Earth S Crust , 33000 , Part , Exploration , Frontiers , Gadget , Mars , Cutting Edge , Delicious Too , Game , Cold E , Friend , Nothining , My Old Friend , Kevin , System , Glucose Level , Libre 2 , 2 , Confidence , Fingersticks , Protein , 30g , 30 , Sugar , Chance , Ahhh , Icy Hot Pro , Uh , Pain , Pro , Pain Relievers , 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Covering Tech Stocks , Story , Parts , Sum , Industrial Revolution , Market Opportunity , Monetization , Theme , 800 Billion , 00 Billion , 2007 , Tech Stocks , Anybody , Dip , Momentum , Reason , Fear , Tech Earnings , Areas , Narrative , Cybersecurity , Cap Tech , Tech , Cab Driver , New York City , Amazon , Google , Finals , Game One , Heat , Recession , Nba , Bleacher Report , Watches , Nuggets , History , Andy Scholes , Coach Malone , At Shootaround , Fans , 47 , Points , Shots , Mvp , Rebounds , Assists , Nikola Jokic , 27 , Nine , Lead , Fourth , Jamal Murray , 21 , 0 , 26 , Playoff , Playoff Low , Throws , Jimmy Butler , 13 , 93 , 104 , Job , Score , Win , Denver , Adam Silver , Gun On Social Media , League , Update , Ja Morant , Amount , Player Association Agrees , Results , Players , Middle , Teams , Tom Brady , Raiders , Games , Gun On Social Media First Time , Speculation , Rumors , Night Club , Comeback , March , Nfl , Sports Illustrated , Minority , Tv , Lots , Las Vegas 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Hospitality , Hiring , Strength , Big Gainer , Winter , Growth Decelerate , 250000 , Forecast , Job Creation , 287 , 190 , Play , Shift , Hit , Goods , Interest Rates , Service Sector , Weakness , Weight , Information Tech , Bridge , Inflation Expectations , Feeds , Policy , Isis , Unemployment Rate , Growth Rate , Numbers , Decline , Progress , Generation , Lowest , Job Market , Rate , Demographics , Kinds , Equal , Talent , Labor Shortages , Give , Sidelines , 3 4 , Stance , Hope , Definition , Landing , Fascinating , Port Don T , Enterprise Intelligence , Debt Ceiling Deal , Dock Worker , Uk , Oh Booking C Com , A Treehouse , Honestli Don T Care , Boing , Togeer , Offers , Charging , Thrills , Maintenance , Mercedes Benz , Electric Vehicles , Feeling , Yours , Vehicles , June 5th , Hurricane Season , 5 , Depression , Flooding , Storm , Derek Van Dam , Gulf Of Mexico , Rain Fall , Readssidents , Myers Beach , Rain , Ptsd , Prospects , Wind , Location , Hurricane Ian , Best , Storm System , Ft , Myers Beach Pier , Graphics , 280 , Interest , Winds , Shambles , Florida Peninsula , 35 , Potential , Shower , Another , Thunderstorm , Activity , Storms , Form , Central Montana , The View , Texas Panhandle , Storm Systems , Environment , Eye On , Madison Square Garden , Billy Joel , Pea Paiano Man , Residency , Top , Artists , 150th Show , The Garden , 150 , Number One , On The Road , Ear Ras , Spotify , Here Ar Eras Tour , Taylor Swift , Search And Rescue , Drake , Liquor , Christine Romans , Country Star Morgan Wallen ,

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