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Right now, we will not be silenced, we will not give in. That discussion in just moments. But i want to begin with our breaking news tonight. Outrage in baltimore over the death of freddy grey. Cnns Miguel Marquez live on the scene for us tonight in baltimore. A volatile situation on the ground there earlier today. Whats the situation there right now, miguel . Reporter protests have broken up for tonight, but they are promising to come back tomorrow and thursday night, and as long as they have to until they can get justice for freddy grey. Up to 2,000 people here descended on the Western District of the Baltimore Police department here tonight. It was a massive crowd. The biggest we have seen yet. They have been out here almost every night, and tonight was certainly the largest. A very very emotionally charged crowd as well because for the first time we also saw mr. Greys parents here. His mother barely able to keep it together during the entire time. She came to the police station, she and her husband Holding Hands and embracing, almost the entire time. And then she looks shes a very thin woman, she looks frail, she walked down about six blocks to the place where mr. Grey was arrested by police the last time he was seen standing basically, or at least, alive. He went into a coma shortly thereafter. And at that point, she literally when she got to the point where he was arrested there was a moment of silence, people put their arms in the air, in remembrance and in solidarity with them. And then you could just hear this sobbing and this wailing. It was a very chilly and very tough moment. The family tried to leave after that and it was a very hard moment for them all around. Protesters promising to be back here tomorrow and then to go to city hall on thursday night. Obviously, very painful time for the family no doubt. Three investigations going on the department of justice, the states attorney there, and then the police investigation. Whats the latest . The most prominent one right now, the police investigation. Whats the latest on that . Reporter we had hoped to hear something with regard to the autopsy today. We know that police have a preliminary report from the coroner here because they have talked about the death of mr. Grey and that he had an injury to his spinal cord that is not forthcoming now. A lawyer for mr. Greys family saying that it may be as many as 90 days three months before we see that official report from the coroner. The Police Department says it is going to continue to investigate for another week and a half. And then they will turn it over to a panel, for them to look over their own investigation. The mayor of baltimore, coming up, increasingly strong, not quite criticizeing her own department but asking tough questions of the department wanting answer because clearly this is ramping up and the city is trying to keep things under control, and let people know that justice is coming. But i can tell you, this crowd tonight, what they want are those six officers arrested and charged with firstdegree murder. Quite a different scene today. Miguel marquez, thank you very much. I want to bring in now William Billy murphy. He is an attorney for freddie greys family. Good evening to you, mr. Murphy. How you doing . How are you doing, don. Miguel just talked about the grey family at the protest tonight. Im fine. Thank you, by the way. At one point, freddies mother collapsed in grief. Have you had the chance to speak to the family or to the mother and how are they doing . Reporter listen when we finish tonight, were going over to see the family again. Were in Constant Contact with them because we know how terrible this has been for them and how overwhelming they are with grief and how angry and disillusioned they are about what happened to their son. Whats their reaction to the protests that have been going on the anger and the feelings that they saw today . They havent spoken about that but theyre gratified at the tremendous support that they are getting from the community. I want to play something for you. This is i am sure go ahead. Go ahead. I want to i was going to say, im sure they share that same anger. Okay. This is the mayor today and i want to get your response to this. Take a listen. There cant be any assignment of blame until we know exactly what happened. But were going to get to the bottom of it. We know that while he was in our custody, when he first engaged the Police Department he was alive. He was breathing. He was responsive. When medical attention came to mr. Grey he was unresponsive and not breathing. Were going to figure out what happened. What do you think that happened . Do you think he fell on that brick wall that was near where he was taken down . Did something happen inside the police van . What do you think happened . Ive been trained not to speculate. So im not going to do that. But what we do know is that while in police custody, he was severely injured. And we also know that he was arrested for running while black. And theres no such thing as felony running. And his only mistake in running away was that he did not run fast enough. If there was if there ever was a case which shows the wisdom of running from the police this is it. So youpg that there was no probable cause in this arrest for them to pick him up or to stop him, even though they said that they found a knife in his position and that was part of the arrest process . I dont think there was no probable cause. I know there was no probable cause. And the police have not stated any semblance of probable cause, even though theyve had eight days to do it. This is a ridiculous arrest. How can you do this just because somebody makes eye contact and runs away . What crime did he commit . They would have to speculate, wouldnt they . Did he commit a crime at all . Wouldnt they have to speculate about that . And so this is a baseless arrest and a baseless custodial situation, for which the police are liable just on that alone, to the injuries to this young man. And for his ultimate death. So speaking of that you heard the mayor just a while ago here when we played for you that sound bite saying something happened to him in custody and shes trying to get to the bottom of that. She also admitted that officers made a mistake in not immediately requesting medical attention. In fact it was 42 minutes between the time he was put in the van and when he was asking for an inhaler and an ambulance was called. Whats your reaction to that . Well the police have consistently withheld the truth from her. Just like theyre withholding the truth now. Have they spoken to her . Have they reached out to the family and given them all this information . The familys not interested in that right now. That would be a terrible thing to do at this point in time. And so weve advised the police not to do that and weve advised the mayor that its too early to do that. This is serious business. And everybody has to act very carefully to get at the truth. We have no confidence that the police can investigate their own. We have no confidence that the police can do this free of conflicts of interest with existing Police Culture and the blue wall of silence. And this is a part of an historical pattern, dating all the way back to slavery, when all a white officer had to do was tell a good lie and it didnt matter whether the black suspect told the truth, it would get whitewashed. And thats a 250, 350year tradition in america. You dont expect to see that change now. On the other hand if we implement Police Cameras and we do it right and we make it mandatory, unless you got a great excuse we will see a sea change in how the police treat the citizenry of baltimore and in the nation. And we will see a sea change in how the citizens treat the police. Its a winwin. And all of that will be investigated thoroughly in the weeks and months to come. Thank you very much, William Billie murphy the attorney for freddie grays family. Joining me now, delegate haynes. You represent the district where freddie gray was killed and were at the protest tonight. What are people saying to you about what they want from all of this . In a word people are saying that understandably this is a horrific tragedy. This is a local individual from the community and individuals are rightfully upset, theyre angry, and theyre searching for answers. And at the end of the day, they want justice. This young man was an individual who lived within the community. Everyone within the community knew him. He was likable, he was known in the community and people are grasping at what took place, how could these incidences or occurrences result in his death and theyre searching for answers. And the answers that they are looking for are yet to come forth, and at the end of the day, they are saying in a word they want justice for what has happened to mr. Grey. How do you respond to those out there that are saying obviously, hes no angel, why was he running from police . Do you think thats even relevant considering the extent of his injuries . Well i think people are concerned about not so much concerned about why he was running. The question really is whats the probable cause for him to be stopped . And at the end of the day, that is the question. For what has come forward with information, and we do know theres an Ongoing Investigation on several fronts but the information that is coming to the community is just not enough to rise to the level for him to have been stopped. And what followed from that are the horrific injuries which are which led to his tragic death. I want to ask you and people are frustrated by that. Im sure. And we saw that play out today. I want to ask you about what the attorney just said. You heard the attorney for the gray family, his name is William Billie murphy. He said that he has no confidence that the police can investigate themselves. And he referred to what he says is a blue wall of silence. Do you have any confidence in this investigation . Because its not just the police investigating, it is the Justice Department as well. Theres a federal investigation. Theres also one by the state as well. Yeah. I think that first of all, let me simply say that i know mr. Murphy is a great attorney here in the city of baltimore, and the family is represented well but i can tell you that the sentiment from the residents here in this community and across the district is that there needs to be an independent investigation, as well. And we understand that there are several investigations that are beginning to take place and that are that are in the process of taking place now. And so we are urging individuals to let the voices be heard, but at the same time to exercise nonviolence. And great care in the way they protest. Absolutely. So it doesnt become violent. Absolutely. Keith hanes, i want to thank you for joining us here on cnn this evening. Thank you very much. Thank you. When we come back the Justice Department is investigating, but can they make a case this is a civil rights violation . Also the latest on that tulsa volunteer deputy who shot a suspect instead of tasing him, may be surprised to hear what the judge rule today. Plus trouble for dr. Oz. He is speaking out tonight for the first time about charges against him from ten prominent physicians. [intercom] drivers to your marks. Go its chaos out there. But the mclass sees in your blind spot. Pulls you back into your lane. Even brakes all by itself. Its almost like it couldnt crash. Even if it tried. The 2015 mclass. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. The promise of the cloud is that every organization has unlimited access to information, no matter where they are. The microsoft cloud gives our team the power to instantly deliver critical information to people, whenever they need it. Here at accuweather we get up to 10 billion Data Requests every day. The cloud allows us to scale up so we can handle that volume. We can help keep people safe and to us that feels really good. I have great credit. How do you know . Duh. Try credit karma. Its free and you can see what your score is right now. 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Then questions for you. Take a look at this. [ screams ] [ bleep ] [ screams ] so when i hear that i think this man is in terrible pain. It does not sound fake to me. It sounds real to me. Police are not reacting harry, why is that . Well i cant tell you why theyre not reacting. Should they be . They should be. It does sound like hes in real main. A lot of times pretend theyre hurt or injured all the time. You pick them up and put them in the van. But here it definitely sounds like the man is injured. And when theyre taking him away he can hardly walk but when hes going in the van, it looks like hes standing. Well its pretty close when hes going into the van, that he was standing to get inside the van. So i dont know pip mean the whole thing is were all trying to figure out here where this injure occurred. Is this a it sounds like youre saying hes screaming or whatever it sounds real. Having said that yes right. Its not real. Is that what youre thats not exactly. I hear him saying thats a possibility. The answer is we dont know. Theres a lot about this story we dont know. And, of course he mentions the key issue is when did this terrible injury happen and how . And was it the result of some sort of Police Attack on him. Okay all right. Before i get to you, tom, i want to get to van, because vans not in the room. Van, what do you make of this . Im wondering if he was hurt during the takedown or if there is something happened in the back of the van. Nobody knows. Police are saying at this point, you know hey, everything went as planned. It doesnt seem to be Excessive Force to them. Whats your take . You know i think what were starting to get glimpses into now is a Police Culture that hascoarsened over time ordinary people go gee, im concerned. You dont see police in these videotape incidents, over and over again, someones been shot they dont react. Someones being choked on the ground they dont react. They say, i cant breathe, they dont react. Somebodys screaming, they dont react. There seems to be a coarsening of Police Culture and now the public say, we want a little bit more compassionate policing. There was no allegation this this guy was going to kill a Police Officer or fighting anybody. Thats what the attorney said the only thing he was doing, running or walking while black, and his only mistake was that he did not run fast enough. This is a case that he said and i quote here where you should have run from the police. Well don, thats colorful and i heard him say that and i think it underscores something. People have been complaining in the sfrimafricanamerican and latino and other communities for a long time that police treat us differently, that theres not a respect for black lives, thus black lives matter. I think the publics starting to get some insight into what the concern is. I just cant imagine another situation where you have somebody screaming in pain and nobody reacts. Almost like an animal in a slaughterhouse screaming and nobody reacts. We do see i mean i see videos and i read reports, of white guys or people who are not of color, who are is this more about Excessive Force . Im sure obviously, race has something to do with it. The suspect is black. The person with died is black. I dont know if all of the officers are white. As a matter of fact, i dont know the ethnicity of all the officers. But this is a culture of policing not necessarily what the, you know, the ethnicity of the Police Officer is. But do you think that this would be different, thats the question that everybodys saying if the suspect were a white guy, this would not happen . I mean were also waiting to hear too, why he initially ran. This is a young person 25 years of age, he had been arrested i think, a couple dozen times. Why is that important . Because it leads us to believe that either he was up to something the officers needed at least reasonable lets talk about this. But why felt that he was in the commission of something or about to commit something. They said well id heard one report where they thought they saw a knife or something. So they stopped him for some reason. I understand that i understand that. Thats a job of a Police Officer. The Police Officers have to deal with people who are guilty and people who are innocent. So even lets say this guy is guilty as sin, and im just saying hypothetically here does he deserve a spinal cord injury in a takedown . Of course not. And i dont think youll find but how can you interpret that in the statements that were making, that we agree with the injury . That he should be injured like that . Im not. Im saying if theres no cause for the arrest. If he is simply running and thats yet another part of the story, that is very mysterious. What was he arrested for . Exactly. What did the Police Officer see that prompted this chase . That is unclear to me. And i think that adds a level of suspicion to this whole story. Because it was one thing if he had been you know, if he had attacked someone or if he had stolen something. Here, theres all these sort of vague statements about, well maybe he was carrying a knife, maybe he was running from the police. But why . Why did they follow him . Good. Again, thats a question we need to know the answer to. I want to add, there seems to be this new capital offense called no angel. He was no angel. Therefore, whatever happened to him, even if he died well he died but he was no angel. When did being no angel who said that. Im not talking about anybody tonight. But im hearing over and over again, this refrain. He may have died but look at his Police Record he was no angel. Being no angel is not a capital offense in america. Im tired of hearing that as an excuse for why things happen to people that are completely unacceptable including dying in custody for no reason. Its often raised after the fact that someone had a criminal record. It is not at all clear that these individuals knew he had any sort of criminal record. So it is really irrelevant that he was, that he may have been arrested previously. I think you need to sort of go to the moment and see what the officers knew at that time. Because thats the only thing thats relevant. My question was, if there was no cause for arrest no probable cause, and he ran, lets just say he ran and hit the wall himself or he hurt himself, had they not been chasing him, he would not have hit the wall probably. And thats where im saying. Yet another unknown. Were going to continue with you guys stand by. Were going to talk about training Training Records are missing in the case of the tulsa deputy who claims that he intended to use his taser on a suspect, but shot and killed him instead. Well talk about that as well, coming up right after this. I care deeply about the gulf. I grew up in louisiana. 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I run on quickbooks. Thats how i own it. Only floridas natural brings you that straight from the grove taste from us, the orange juice growers. To you morin maam. The orange juice lovers. Enjoy. Floridas natural. Back with our breaking news. Outrage in baltimore after the death of a young man in police custody. Back with me my panel. Lets talk about this the Justice Department is opening a civil rights investigation into the death of freddie gray. Why do you think that they decided to do that . And what do you think theyre typically going to look for as they start this civil rights case . Well remember this is now the third investigation that is going to be going on because the police are doing their own investigation, and they say theyre going to report next week to the prosecuting attorney if they identify any crimes. The mayor has said there is going to be an independent investigation, that she is going to order. And now the Justice Department is stepping in. Usually, what they do what happened in ferguson is they wait until the initial investigation is over by the local authorities, and then they go in with fbi agents and start asking their own questions. I think all three are very good ideas, because, obviously, theres a great deal of suspicion in the community about what happened here and an outside investigator and the Justice Department are generally considered the Gold Standard of fairness in these sorts of investigations. How high of a bar is it for civil rights charges . Very tough. As we learned in ferguson there was no case against officer wilson. The brooklyn investigation is going on to the death of eric garner in staten island. Those cases are tough to bring, but at least you might learn what happened. And that is important in and of itself. In fact van jones, the New York Times reported today that the Justice Department has opened 20 civil rights investigations into police abuse and each time one made the supreme court, they sided with the police. Is that surprising to you . You know its not surprising because its a very very tough thing to do to get Law Enforcement criminally prosecuted. Listen when a Police Officer goes above and beyond the law, you want a couple things. You either want the officer disciplined, demoted, or fired, or you want the officer criminally prosecuted. If you look at the backlog on justice trying to get officers disciplined, demoted, or fired, that has nothing to do with going to prison. You can go get a job the next day doing something else. Even that is broken down in so many of our Law Enforcement communities. Thats why youre seeing so much outrage, because people who live in these communities, we could pretend to be shocked, you know every night. People who have been living in these communities, before there were cell phones with video everywhere have been complaining about these for decades. A long time yeah. I want to ask you, you saw what happened in ferguson right . When there was a rush to judgment by some it is believed there was a rush to judgment. Are either of you concerned about a rush to judgment here before all the facts come out . Oh, yeah, were always concerned about a rush to judgment. Because Public Perception is 9 10 of the law. Everyone has a video and as soon as we see the video, theyve already signed, sealed and convicted the cop in the actions he or she has taken before any facts come out. So its important that like jeff had mentioned with the Baltimore Police department is a great Police Department. They do great work down there. Baltimores a tough city. Theres a lot of complaints about the Police Department. However, i was just going to say that that there have been a number of complaints and or actual fact cases that have occurred in the past with corruption in baltimore, just like any other large city, including new york. So baltimore is going to do their investigation, and it is good that its going to be corroborated by other agencies on the state and federal level. This way, it is more transparent, the facts do come out, and we can base our judgments and or discipline based on the fact. I want to get to harry. This is for you. His name is robert bates, right, the reserve deputy who shot eric harris instead of tasing him. He pleaded not guilty today to manslaughter and the judge gave him permission to go on a vacation to the bahamas. A lot of people think that is outrageous. What kind of message does that send . Well its for the same opportunity everyone else is when they commit a crime, okay . So if hes got bail and the judge will let him go on vacation this mans not a flight risk. Hes going to come back. He doesnt have to sit in jail. I think this was an honest this was a mistake that he made all right, and i think his age had something, definitely to do with it here. I dont think this man intentionally wanted to kill this man. Are you being ageist . I am. New york city Police Officers have to leave the job at 62. Hes too old, youre saying . Hes 73 years old. He should not have ever been on a scene where Something Like that was occurring. Van, i have to go overtime go ahead. Listen i just say for everybody else in america, it is absolutely outrageous that this guy, having done Something Like this is going to be on a plane hanging out in the bahamas. Its completely this is the kind of stuff that nobody understands outside of a very small culture of Law Enforcement. Its horrible what happened. Im sure he did not mean to do it but he should not be in the bahamas. He should not be in the bahamas. Its not better to be in the bahamas. If you want to take a vacation take a vacation in oklahoma. I would like to be in the bahamas. I just got back. Thank you, guys. Coming up why ben affleck was so embarrassed by what a Tv Documentary said about his family and he tried to get producers to take it out. Plus dr. Oz takes on his critics. Hear what he has to say, tonight. I vow to you right here right now, we will not be silenced, we will not give in. Ship all kinds of things. But what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. That need to be kept at 41 degrees. While being shipped to a country where its 90 degrees. In the shade. Sound hard . Yeah. Does that mean people in laos shouldnt get their vaccine . We didnt think so. From figuring it out to getting it done, were here to help. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. Theres some facts about seaworld wed like you to know. We dont collect killer whales from the wild. And havent for 35 years. With the hightest standard of animal care in the world our whales are healthy. Theyre thriving. I wouldnt work here if they werent. And government Research Shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. Caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. And we take it very seriously. Because we love them. And we know you love them too. Dr. Mehmet oz says he wont be silenced. He is calling out critics who want him to resign from Columbia University. Ten doctors are accusing oz the star of the dr. Oz tv show of promoting what they call quack treatments as a way to make money. They also criticize him for his stand that genetically mod if i had foods should be labeled. So some of those doctors themselves may have ties to the food industry. But this is not the first time dr. Oz has been criticized for statements hes made on television. Joining me now, dr. Jorge rodriguez, an internist, a professor at nyu school of medicine and Arthur Kaplan the head of the division of medical ethics at nyu langone medical center. All easy names, except for doctor deb. He is firing back at critics, and i want to show this clip that was just released. Here it is. This month, we celebrate my 1,000th show. And i know ive irritated some potential allies in our quest to make america healthy. No matter our disagreements freedom of speech is the most fundamental right we have as americans. And these ten doctors are trying to silence that right. So i vow to you right here right now, we will not be silenced we will not give in. Dr. Kaplan, trying to be silenced. Doctors at Columbia University trying to silence him. Are you buying it . Im not buying it . It seems to me that the free speech issue is important, but no one is ever going to fire him because of what these ten doctors wrote. That was never going to happen anyway. Why are they so angry at him . Because they think he is pushing the neti pot a little hard and not sticking with the evidence. In other words, youve got to be evidencedriven, when you were the most prominent spokesperson for medicine in america. Is there a little bit of jealous or a lot of jealousy here . I think the anger is a little bit more dont push the fringe dont push the hype. Youre out there too much on the fairy dust. But dont you think people understand the difference between going to a doctor and getting medical advice from a doctor than watching a doctor on television. These are not kids watching television these are adults who should know better . Ill let my colleges jump in but i think they love watching doctors on television so they dont have to go to the doctor and i think they love figuring out theres a magic pill they can take so they dont have to go on a diet. I absolutely agree on that. Thats where there is some responsibility. But at the end of the day, and i do Television Like this, it is entertainment. So what do they say, the person who treats himself, has an idiot for a doctor and a fool more a patient. Dr. Oz what he does is a little bit fringier than the rest of us sort of prescribe, but hes not practicing medicine. Hes bringing novel ideas, hes bringing titillating things to his audience. Its a Television Show. Now, listen its a Television Show. Hes a doctor. He does have some responsibility. Some have questioned and i have as well if youre a doctor why do you want to be on television . Thats a whole ego thing. But i think he is doing a Television Show. And if you do a show on television about standard medical practices every day, your show will be on for about negative two minutes. This show could be on for three days you could say, lose weight exercise thats basically everything every time he does something on carbs, im watching. But i have sense enough to know i should check with a physician. Dr. Debby, youve been on his show. I want you the take a look at some of the topics. Dr. Oz psychic experiment. Did you live a past life . The Science Behind regression therapy. The new natural appetite suppressant. How you can use angels to heal. How to get your fat to eat itself. Miracle plan for metabolism. Stop stop okay so those are all i can hear the producers saying lets do this lets do that. Is he a charlatan, as people are saying he is as doctors well i dont think hes a charlatan. He has experts on his show. Ive been on his show so have a lot of other people from academic medical centers, but i think youre right, that we have to be careful, you know all of us as physicians or as journalist we have to be careful what we address or what we endorse on tv. The other thing is theyre calling for his resignation at columbia but his job is completely different at columbia. Hes a heart surgeon over there. He can walk and chew gum at the same time. He can have a Television Show where he does things like this and be a doctor. I know its a tv show but you come on in your scrubs and say, im from columbia and say, im going to talk to the angels. Some of the American Public out there say, maybe theres more to this than whats wrong with talking about angels . You talk about angels all the time, we talk about the bible, talk about god you can do all of that but dont rely on that to cure your cancer. These are some of the moments that landed him in trouble and then well talk. Today is all about miracles revolutionary items, big and small, that could change your life. There are antioxidants in green coffee bean extract that melt your fat away. And now ive got the number one miracle in a bottle to burn your fat. Its raspberry ketones. You want to be younger, live longer and be stronger these shrubs produce a tiny fruit thats called sea buckthorn. It is the new miracle berry. Should he be more responsible . Yes, there needs to be what i think is upsetting these guys unless they have some sort of conflict which will reveal itself is the fact that hes not saying, you know what theres no proof to this but perhaps this is something that could work. Well i think there may be something here and ive been on the show too, and i think hes a fine man. If there is some sort of financial sort of tiein with these products then i think it definitely is up to him to disclose that. Thats the only thing here that i have a question with. And even if there is i dont even have a problem with that. As long as he discloses that his people are aware of it. Oh, hes selling miracles in a bottle and profiting from it. Why do you disagree . Hes not profiting from that part. He doesnt hes not. Hes profiting on the ratings from the show. You go out there and tell people that he has a magic berry, youll have a lot of eyeballs saying i want the magic berry. I think hes got to be more responsible. But if you say, buy the magic berry, and guess what i own the magic berry, people are going to be pretty he doesnt have to own it. Hes also changing the way we view things. Normally the Scientific Community do disagree but its always closed and when people agree, it comes out at that point. Where has hes taking the information directly to the public. I think theres a little bit of professional jealousy there. Im just saying. Everybody knows who dr. Oz is and no one knows who the other doctors are. Coming up ben afflecks apology, theres something in his familys past that he is embarrassed about. That story is next. Europe has big buildings like ours. Only famous. And older. And gorgeous. And not like ours at all. Hey mom, you want to live by the lake, right . Yeah. Theres here. Did you just share a listing with me . Look at this one. Its got a great view of the lake. Its really nice mom. Your dad wouldve loved this place. Youre not just looking for a house. Youre looking for a place for your life to happen. Zillow lots to get to. Hot topics tonight. When ben affleck was interviewed for pbs, the program, finding your roots, he got an unwelcome surprise. Turns out he had an ancestor who owned slaves. Joining me denise white, ceo of eag Sports Management and mike mchill commentator. Ben, is this you . Ben ferguson ben affleck. Pbs announced tonight you guys do look alike. They are investigating reports that ben affleck asked to have his slaveowning ancestors edited out of his finding his roots episode. His producers obliged. What is your reaction to this . I think it was an understandable move at the beginning from his perspective, which is hey, do you want to put something out there thats embarrassing to your family . And he probably being in hollywood is in that mode to protect his family from paparazzi, to protect them from history. At the same time it was a big mistake. If youre going to go into this theres a very good chance there are going to be people that are related to you and in your family tree that are going to have done things in history, that you would personally disagree with now and you never even met them. I agree with you on that. I wish he would have said hey, here it is lets have a conversation about it. And it was a bad move and hes now had to apologize. He wasnt embarrassed about this. Look. Your sixth greatgrandfather volunteered to serve in the patriot army. Wow. He fought ben, in the american revolution. Wow, that is incredible. You are descendent from a patriot. I knew i felt a special affinity for the football team. That is really really something. I love it. Im developing this movie about revolutionary war and now i see why i was drawn to it. You have a personal connection. That is amazing. That is a little cringeworthy, now, as were watching it. So he issued an apology on his Facebook Page you guys with put that apology up and he said i regret my initial thoughts. You know he said it was cringeworthy and on and on. You can read the apology. But to ben fergusons point, shouldnt you go into this being transparent and knowing that there may be something embarrassing especially if youre a white person in america, youre having your roots done that theres a possibility that there may be some slave owners in your family. Yeah i think he should have known and been aware that obviously, somethings going to come out or could potentially. But i do back him up in the sense of this wasnt a news program. This is something that he let these producers come into his home and drudge up a lot of you know ancestry and past that you know obviously, he found something that he felt was disparaging to his family and quite embarrassing but i would say, this is a news program, mark lamont hill. Well it has a news feel to it. And certainly, the show has a level of integrity that gets compromised if we start to believe that guests are editing out the very things we want to know about them. And i dont think he should see this as something thats disparaging to his family slavery was an awful thing, but slavery is a quintessentially american thing and its what undergirds america itself. If youre a white person in america, you have to assume youre directly connected to slavery, just like black people are directly connected to slavery. Its not something we should be embarrassed about or run from its something we should be honest and transparent about and embrace. If you look at hollywood, they love stories based on what . True stories. They love to produce them. Ive got to go to the next topic. All right, we agree. Should have done it. By theink on this thing, he did the right thing. I want you to listen now to part of Cincinnati Reds manager brian prices rant dropped the fbomb 77 times 5 minutes, 34 seconds. Here it is. [ bleep ] talk to you guys like men, i tell you what the [ bleep ]s going on with the team i tell you about how im feeling about it as candidly as i can, and this [ bleep ], youve got to watch it [ bleep ], ive got a tweet [ bleep ], from our own people in here that we dont have a [ bleep ] player . How does that [ bleep ] the reds . It doesnt benefit us one bit . Ive got to [ bleep ] come in here and you guys blow it all over the [ bleep ] place. I dont think hewe did so well on some of those bleeps. You said you would like to play for brian rice . Finally a manager whos telling the truth. He says, ive got guys that im literally about to let them know that theyre not going to be playing in the majors and theyre finding out about it on twitter. If youve ever known anyone whos tried to make it as an athlete, finding out through the media that youve been traded or are not going to dress tonight has got to be a terrible feeling. And from this perspective of this manager, if im on a player i would want to play for a guy like this. This guy is incredible. Denise do you understand why he was so mad . Absolutely. First of all, this isnt going to be the first or last time we see a manager going off on the body. But secondly more importantly, in sports, especially the media, and more importantly, the players and the coaches, understand that you dont want to give the other team a hedge up. You want to keep those things as private as possible. Theyre going to set up themselves to, if youre missing a star catcher or a star tight end or if missing a star forward, whatever it might be. So i understand his frustration and the fact that he wants to keep some of that you know, private. You know especially the fact that hes also theres seven they just lost seven of their past eight games. So hes frustrated. Now, do i condone 77 fbombs . Probably not. But i understand his frustration. He did apologize for the words that he used but not for the content of his message. I want to get to this before we go. This is according to the daily news. These photos are from the daily news, and they reportedly show this is bruce jenner for the first time in a dress, outside of his theyre reportedly outside of his malibu home. There are several pictures according to the daily news, and there are several pictures of him. What does this mean mark . Can we talk about this when it comes to i mean bruce is a sports icon. Hes an American Hero an american icon. Do you think what does this mean for the Trance Community and for america. I think its appropriate. At this point, im using the pronoun her. I understand why youre not, until bruce comes clear about what hes doing, pronouns become tricky. But i dont want to mispronounce bruce either. I think its exciting to see such a public figure see do you think he should be doing this on television . Some people say its a spectacle . I think all of its a spectacle. At some point, since bruce is a public figure we should be able to do this publicly and embrace this publicly. Theres a lesson in this. Congrats to bruce for being who you want to be. Not the last time well talk about this im sure. Thanks to everyone. Well be right back. Only floridas natural brings you that straight from the grove taste from us, the orange juice growers. To you morin maam. The orange juice lovers. Enjoy. Floridas natural. Two weeks later. Look, credit karma are you talking to websites again . This website says free credit scores. Oh, credit karma yeah its actually free. Look, you dont have to put in your credit card information. Whew credit karma. Really. Free. That is it for us. Thank you for watching. Im don lemon. Ill see you back here tomorrow night. A. C. 360 starts right now. Good evening. Thanks for joining us. Take a look. The sun going down in baltimore. Police and protesters out in force. The breaking news tonight, less than a day after the citys mayor and police chief tried to get out in front of it contain it tamp it down protest over a mans death in police custody, appears instead tonight have grown. Marchers who had been driven way last evening we Rainy Weather came out today in force, demanding answers to how freddie gray ended up with fatal spinal cord injuries after being arrested on the morning of the 12th. Mr. Grays mother overcome with emotion, collapsed during the march, could not go on

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