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President prutrump, if you a listening, it is almost as if you want a shutdown. They are feeling proud of themselves. Their very own Government Shutdown. And the president blaming democrats, tweeting this. This is the one Year Anniversary of my presidency and the democrats wanted to give me a nice present. Hashtag democrat shutdown. All of this as activists across the nation are participating in the womens march. Marking the anniversary of that historic turnout one year ago. Lets begin our special live coverage with these crucial meetings on capitol hill. Cnn senior Congressional Correspondent manu raju is live. So are you hearing anything about what these house lawmakers are discussing right now. They are just getting into the closed door meeting in the house conference and this House Democrats also are having a separate meeting at the same time. There is not a whole lot these lawmakers can do to break this stalemate. This is expected to be a pep rally of sorts. Each side saying that they believe that their position is correct and that the other one is to blame for the shutdown. The real decisions that will be made are between the two fous leaders of congress, Mitch Mcconnell and Chuck Schumer and paul ryan and the House Speaker and minority leader. Along with the white house. So that is where the resolution is going to come from here. The question is ultimately what length time frame they could agree on to keep the government open. Democrats last night rejected republican effort to extend that the government funding for three weeks, shortening the house bill which is up to four weeks extension. Now there is going to be a procedural vote in the senate today on that threeweek extension. That is still expected to fall short of the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster. Democrats want to make that much shorter, maybe a week or so in order to force negotiations on other issues, namely what to do about the people who are in the daca program, those d. R. E. A. M. Ers, get them the legal status that democrats have been pushing for. But there is no resolution on that issue as well. It just shows that ultimately this decision will have to be made between the leaders in the white house and uncertain whether there is a meeting at the white house to discuss any of this. Manu raju, keep us posted. So the white house blaming the democrats for the political chaos on capitol hill. President trump sending out several tweets this morning lashing out at democrats, including this tweet saying, this is the one Year Anniversary of my presidency and the democrats wanted to give me a nice present, hashtag democrat shutdown. Vice president mike pence traveling to the middle east and he made a stop over in ireland and while meeting with u. S. Troops he pointed the finger at democrats. Democrats in the senate with a few exceptions on either side chose to put politics ahead of our national defense, politics ahead of meeting the obligations of our National Government and that is just unacceptable. Cnn White House Correspondent abby philip is live at the white house. So abby, any indication that the president plans on getting involved in negotiations at this point . Reporter well good morning. Im going to echo manu raju who just said it is unclear and that is exactly what a white house official told me just this morning. That it is just not clear what is going to happen today. If they are going to be meetings, it is possible, however, at the same time it seems there is a lot of pessimism coming from this building about the prospects that this could be resolved today. The president has been tweeting as you mentioned this morning, going and blaming democrats as he has been for several days and saying the solution to this problem is actually more republicans in 2018. He also said the democrats could have come to the table and struck a deal. He wrote in one of the tweets this morning, democrats are far more concerned with Illegal Immigrants than with our great military and our safety and our dangerous southern border and could have made a deal and decided to play shutdown politics instead. We need more republicans in 18 in order to power through this mess. A senior white house official just told me moments ago that they do not believe that the votes that might occur today on the hill will get enough democratic support. And that the battle lines could very well been trunk be entrenched through sunday and that falls on the one Year Anniversary of the president s inauguration. He had planned to spend this day in florida celebrating that milestone at his resort at maralargo. But instead he will be spending it here, perhaps having metering meetings, trying to resolve this issue. Meanwhile that gala is expected to go on. Thank you so much. The democratic perspective on this Government Shutdown. Joining me is Sheila Jackson lee, democrat from texas. Congresswoman, good to see you. Let me give you a chance to respond to the president and Republican Leaders who are blaming the democrats, saying this is intentional, it is a schumer shutdown. Democrats are americans, we care and love the American People. We dont want a shutdown. The words of the president were very clear, he wanted a big fat shutdown. And back in 2013 as he spoke, but just this recently the president indicated about a big fat shutdown. This is chaos. And i think it is important to note that the president unfortunately has refrained blaming the democrats over and over again. But he has to truth to his statements. Leader schumer went over to the white house and i think it is important for the American People to understand that we have a whole framework to try and prove their lines and what he wants to emphasize was something called raising the cap and gives the American People the funding for the needs from education to the environment to the Childrens Health insurance program, making it permanent, federally qualified Health Clinics and providing for the enlisted men and women, but also their families. Some of those soldiers families are on food stamps. So schumer was going there to not only look at immigration issues, including Border Security where he offered the wall, which im sure shocked many democrats, but he was serious about negotiation. And as the president said about president obama, as you remember during the 2013, it is all about the president. So mr. Trump, it is not the democrats, this is a trump shutdown. And ill finish on this point. We saw almost two weeks ago a lovefest. The lovefest was members of congress sitting, talking about immigration and d. R. E. A. M. Ers. Who by the way, as everyone knows, are more american theyve served in the United States military, they are doctors or lawyers and teachers, and the charge to those members was to go back and get a bill and ill sign it. Just last week they came with that bill and the president offered epithets and vulgarities. He blew up, which what could have been bipartisan, this is a trump shutdown. So what happened . What is it that democrats want . If schumer is proposing, lets meet with the president along with house and Senate Leaders and the president is known to in his reputation to be the great closer, the great negotiator, what will be that issue that dems and republicans could potentially come together on, they can acquiesce on something, give, take something so they could leave the white house and say weve struck a deal. Theyre in meetings right now which ill be attending where members will have the chance to voice their concerns a and theyre thoughts about a resolution. The framework is this. The four leaders have been discussing this since the beginning of trumps administration. He has not been engaged. Hes omb director has a different perspective about government, mulvaney. He want as a skinny narrow government. And the democrats want to ensure that the domestic spending and the defense spending are equal. So might today be that opportunity for the president to become more engaged. Absolutely. And what will it mean if he doesnt. Let me say this. I am hoping for the americans peoples sake, for the Hurricane Harvey victims and irma and mary victims and we dont know if fema is still functioning and in addition, we dont even have Hurricane Harvey funding moving forward. And weve been fighting for this day after day which is why ill stay here to the ninth hour or to the end so my constituents in puerto rico and Virgin Islands and florida could be helped and we will stay here to get a fix and there was an offer of a shorter c. R. Maybe that will raise the interest of leadership if they have a promise to look at making sure that the spending for schools and Childrens Health insurance and qualified Health Clinics and seniors are in there. This is about the American People. Immigration and d. R. E. A. M. Ers daca is the linchpin here. If the democrats, when they meet with the president , if they are to meet with the president today and say, okay, we will delay that action, will the two sides come closer to together on some sort of spending bill . I think first of all, d. R. E. A. M. Ers are americans. Theyve been here longer than in their own country. When i spoke to them last night, i spoke about Childrens Health insurance federally qualified clinics and other things americans need. What would have to happen, because weve been pushed around about d. R. E. A. M. Ers for so long and so many of them are in jeopardy, some of them are facing devastating thoughts about taking their life. We know that. I would say that the resolution could come if the leadership felt there was a true commitment, that d. R. E. A. M. Ers were going to be protected and dealt with over this period of time. But it would only be on the sincerity of the republicans and the white house. We have not had that kind of commitment. Weve not been able to trust the white house. You cant trust the one that said a bill of love on one day and office vulgarities and rejects the bipartisan response to d. R. E. A. M. Ers and as well the continued negotiation about spending caps being raised to make sure domestic spending, the needs of our soldiers families, children, seniors are taken care of, social security, medicare and medicaid and if the president could come and speak to the American People and said im ready to negotiate as we thought he would do with schumer yesterday and then maybe there would be a door open. Congress woman Sheila Jackson lee. Thank you. Stay with me. We have a lot to talk about. With my panel coming up. Theyll be weighing in on trumps first year in office and why the president is self declared great negotiator could not strike a deal before this Government Shutdown. You can switch and save time. It pays to switch things up. [cars honking] [car accelerating] you can switch and save worry. You can switch and save hassle. [vacuuming sound] and when you switch to esurance, you can save time, worry, hassle and yup, money. 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New images just in now, we know that Kevin Mccarthy along with other members of the house and senate are back on the hill today trying to go back to business, trying to Work Together to come up with some sort of compromise after the Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer visited the white house yesterday for lunch in the president s private dining room. It looked like there might be a deal. After all, the president has said over and over again that the thing that he is best at is making deals. Im going to make a great deal. Im going to make great deals for our country. Ic i built an extraordinary business on relationships and deals that benefit all parties involved. Always. I make deals. I negotiate. Everybody wants me to negotiate. That is what im known as, as negotiator. Im so anxious to negotiate. Nobody could outnegotiate these deals. Ill make great deals for the American People. We dont make great deals any more. But we will once i become president. But schumer left the white house empty handed after meeting with the president yesterday and right now House Democrats and republicans are meeting separately and in about two hours senators from both parties are expected to get together and go back to the drawing board. Lets bring in my political panel. Analyst april ryan. Commentator and ray bower and Maria Cardona and cnn military and analyst john kirby. Good to see all of you at the table. Thank you so much. To april, you first. The white house said the dems, schumer in particular, are to blame. But during the shutdown in 2013 it was the president or it was it was the president hopeful donald trump who said it squarely comes to the president s doorstep as to whether a shun happens or not. So what is different here. Those words are haunting him this morning on a critical day, the anniversary. 12 01, january 20th, 2017, he was named president of the United States. So t so the own us is on him. Schumer and the president met yesterday and had lunch and then it took john kelly, general john kelly to say it is too liberal. So why not come back and say these are the points i wan to talk about. These are the points i have problems with and keep the negotiation going. It seems like it is us versus them and if he is the greet unifier and negotiator it would be perceived as im working with you. This is not a time at the one Year Anniversary and the state of the union days down the road, are you going to say the state of our union is great when you had a Government Shutdown on your anniversary. This does not bode well for this president who is only one legislative win. He did not exude the presence of a negotiator at this moment. One year to the day that hes here. And the prelude to this, andre, was the president meeting, having this bipartisan meeting, not long ago saying work on it, bring me something and i will sign it and i will take the heat. But that is not what has transpired here. What happened, what changed. In the infamous words of kenny rogers, you have to know when to hold them and know when to fold them. And evidently he felt that he didnt get what he felt was a necessity to compromise on the deal. I dont know what the particulars are. I tried to read a little while ago and i couldnt find the lag between the two. But i dont like the fact, number one. That were tieing it together. What do you mean. Putting the daca bill with funding the document. I dont like this governmenting funding process where we continue to push it forward. Whether it is republicans or democrats, both are at fault quite frankly. This way to govern or budget the largest economy is the world it not the way we should do it. And the president needs to show and exert leadership by saying saying yes to a meeting with the house and Senate Leaders today and saying, okay, lets come together and lets work it out. Because ultimately it is a reflection on the presidency, the white house it is a reflection on everybody that serves in the United States congress and the president. And they do need to come together and quite possibly i saw Mick Mulvaney said the president will stay in town and that is probably why hes staying in town and hopefully cooler heads will prevail. But these two items should not be tied together. We need to have a discussion on budget and not continue a resolution to push it a few weeks or a few months. We need to have a real budget and ironed out between all parties in that congress and first and foremost as leaders they should immediately say were not going to take our paychecks as a lupt governor as a state when the state had government cutbacks i took a paycheck you mean pay cut. I didnt take the pay at aum for several months when i was the number two guy of a state because i thought it looked bad to ask other Government Employee not to take a paycheck. And five democrats put that on the floor and it was rejected. That was that is the mentality of where republicans are and especially this president. You said you dont know where the lag is. I will tell you where the lag is. After the president talked the bipartisan folks that were in his office along with cameras when he said, as you said fredricka, bring me a bipartisan deal, i will sign. It i will sign it and take the heat. Exactly. Here is the lag that happened. His antiimmigrant basin side of the white house, steven miller, john kelly, outside of the white house people like ann coulter and steven king. And when he realized and when he was told you cant do this, oh, my goodness, your base will go crazy, that is when he pulled back. That is not the essence of a negotiator. That is not the essence on the flip side did democrats overplay their hand when the president said that, give me anything and i will sign. It i will take the heat. Was that the green light for democrats to say im going with immigration and not going to wiggle. But here is the thing. If it was just democrats, maybe. But you have lindsey graham, you have jeff flake who were also told by this administration. Those are not die hard republicans any way. Oh, okay. It is not about that but they are republicans and they are trying to fix this thats ridiculous. The reason why were having this very discussion right now about what was said when, who did what, is because the president is indecisive. His indecision created this issue. No, this issue was here way before the president came to town. No, lets talk about the love bill. Lets go back to the love bill last week. Uhhuh. The bill of love, bring me everything and ill take the heat. We saw the transparency. He did something there is a veil at the white house. We were able to move the veil open and peek in to see the negotiations. It looked like it was going well. Then all of a sudden something this was a shift. His mind changed. It was not about the original piece that he that they were talking about a possible pathway to citizenship, it was on the merit. And then you had this issue of and i will go into the shole thing. It is norway it is white countries versus black countries. So there is a lot going on. That is the turning point. Yes. So now you have hundreds of thousands of government workers who are not going to receive a paycheck until the government starts functioning again. Military largely is still functioning. But what does this do overall to National Security. It was part of this spending plan but, john, when the government shuts down, military still functioning but there are vulnerabilities now for this country. Absolutely. It is important for americans to understand the troops are still out. Operations still isis still and in the east and South China Sea still happens. But over Time Military readiness will be degraded if it goes longer. For instance if it goes past february 1st, the troops wont be paid. Theyve been paid for the month, on the 15th. But on the first they wouldnt get contracts for maintenance cant be let. Many civilian employees at the Defense Department will be furloughed. And these people are important to keeping the gears of the department running and keeping things going. Not to mention the negative affect this will have on moral in the Defense Department. To be told you are not essential and not to come into work. That is the last thing you want to hear, youre a nonessential worker. They are critical to keeping it operating on a day to day basis. So now this happening while the vp is overseas. Rex tillerson going to and the president of the United States going to davos. So what is the message being sent to the world that while we have this countrys leaders abroad, government is shutdown back at home. I think it shows not only is our Foreign Policy chaotic and it has been over the last year but now domestic policy is just as chaotic and it re enforced in my view what foreign leaders are it willing us, they cant rely on the United States as a dependable partner in the International Sphere and this reinforces that. Can we ponder that. Foreign leaders are telling us they can no longer spend on the United States of america. And we even saw a poll where we are down at 30 . Who is beating it. Germany and china. Thank you, President Trump. Were making them pay their fair share. Come on. Yes, come on. They are now having to pay what they agreed to pay. Yes. You talk about the u. N. Were not talking about let me go back it has nothing to do with it. You agreed to their part of the bargain. Im talking about the world. When you talk about last week was so important. It is beyond race. When you look at the continent of africa, okay, and you talk about i want the white country versus the black country, first of all, africa is mineral rich and resource rich. We depend on them as well as other countries. They dont talk about that. Every country is not a democratic country. Democratic rule country and you do have some places or spots that are terrorist hotbeds and we have to be engaged with the africa union to work this out. Now you have the African Union against us. If you are pushing countries away that we are partners of, it causes confusion if something happens and i had someone that week who came crying to me saying do we need to take everybody and crying and i said i will give you a for instance. I said if there is another 9 11 and intelligence officials said it is not about if, but when. If there is another 9 11 in this country and weve told people we dont want them, who is going to come to our aid . Who will stand in. We need friends. Well leave it there for now. April ryan, maria, john kirby, thank to all of you. I appreciate it. From mexico to china to haiti, the president s insults knew no bound. And womens marches unfolding across the country. Stay with us. Yes i just wanted to show ayou something ive been wos . 9 to 5 by Emily Ann Roberts james r. And associates. Anna speaking. James r. And associates. Anna. phone ringing baker architects. This is anna baker. This is what our version of Financial Planning looks like. Tomorrow is important, but youre ready to bet on yourself today. Spend your life living. Find an advisor at northwesternmutual. Com. We are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. We also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Cigna. Together, all the way. Welcome back. Around the globe people are waking up to the news of a u. S. Government shutdown. The headlines tell the tale. President trump and the senate failed to reach a deal. Republicans and democrats trading blame as the world watches. Trumps campaign and first year in office were marked by a barrage of in sults at many nations and in just the last few weeks the president s vulgar language taking aim at haiti and africa. It is all part of the president s pattern. Major portions of the world are in conflict and some, in fact, are going to hell. Rocket man is on a Suicide Mission for himself and for his regime. The United States has great strength and patience. But if it is forced to defend itself for its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. We also face rival powers, russia and china, that seek to challenge american influence, values and wealth. Right now the world is a mess. But i think by the time we finish, i think it will be a lot better place to live and i can tell you that speaking for myself, by the time im finished it will be a lot better place to live in. Im back with my panel now and Cnn International diplomatic editor Nic Robertson in riyadh, saudi arabia. Nick, you first. What was the most notable impact of President Trumps critical comments globally . If you look at the mass of the United States, traditional strong allies, they lie in europe and President Trump put distance between himself and our political distance and it has become toxic for the politics. A think tank in the u. K. Issued a policy paper on the u. S. And european relationship and they hed european leaders need to think beyond President Trump. Im here in saudi arabia, just come back from a week across the border in yemen where there is a big civil war. Saudi arabia and the Yemen Government are thrilled to have a strong alley and love the fact that President Trump came here on the first visit and brought his family and thought that sent a strong message of understanding. In this region they like the fact that he is strong and outspoke ep against iran. They have serious concerns about iran. But out on the streets, you talk to people and yes, they like all of those things about trump, the fact that he is supporting and fighting al qaeda and isis with saudis and said look at the way he handled the issue of jerusalem announcing it as the capital of israel. In this region that is a negative. And people here are still waiting to see what the followon steps might be that could bring about peace. The leaderships here also have to listen to the people to a degree and there is a good degree of unhes ov unease. In vietnam when President Trump was at a summit there, the japanese Prime Minister hosted him just a few days earlier announced the forming of a scale down tpp. The Transpacific Partnership and the trade partnership that the president decided to reject at the beginning of his presidency. This was very much a slap in the face for President Trump in a very public way. The day before President Trump had announced the United States America First and vision of a trade policy which is fair and balanced and good trade for everyone. So the president has made some strong friends in this region and kept them. They like them better than president obama. But in other areas around the world, his pushing of old allies away and that is uncomfortable when you want to make Big Decisions that affect the globe because you need big partners for that. So jon, i want to draw on your state department experience. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has bumped heads, if you will, with the president on a number of matters and then youve seep tillerson kind of try to explain it, et cetera. But how has that relationship, perhaps even changed the role of a secretary of state . I think under this administration, the role of the secretary of state is much diminished and i think that is bad for the United States. And our credibility abroad. I do believe that secretary tillerson and mattis are working well together. Extraordinary well together on trying to move forward on basic sound principles like against north korea and they meet and talk frequently. They are of one mind on most Foreign Policy issues. Mattis wants to take a backseat and let diplomacy lead and they are both undercut by the president s rash and impulsive tweeting and said dont bother negotiating or west your time. And if there is a good cop and bad cop thing, i dont get that impression. April would know better. But i think the president is waking up and deciding to put things out and hes hurting, i think, a very well functioning National Security team. And so, april, undercutting, that is a powerful word. Were talking about for the secretary of state at the same time listening to nic, while there is new relationships strengthened with this president , so many old allies, those relationships are very fragile now. It is about so many different things. One piece is when you have the president of the United States who really depends on his man of peace, i think about the eagle in the white house and the ceiling, it is leaning to the olive branch, the peace. Because were not at a time of war. And that man of peace you have your olive branch and your arrows, for defense and your olive branch because we always want to look towards peace if we can. And the last resort is warfare. And if you are undermining peace talking to world leaders, they dont believe what hes saying when the president goes out and tweeted something negative and makes them look like a child. It doesnt bode well. And at a time such as this when we could possibly well we are right now having diplomacy with north korea. But we have other things going on. We have iran, weve got issues of Nuclear Weapons or possible Nuclear Weapons. The president takes credit and said that bluster and tough talk is what is containing north korea. But for the moment he won that battle. For the moment. But who knows. Kim jongun is not known to be rational. Rational. Thanks for that word. I was going to use something else. And sometimes the president could be very irrational in his words. And what happens when both of them come together at a time when they are not feeling peaceful. What happens . Whose button is bigger then. I think despite the president s tweeting, the National Security team has done a commendable job with north korea. Think about the pressure applying even on china. And they are doing much more than theyve ever done before. They could do more. But there is some success on the pressure initiative that theyve been pursuing internationally. It is again undermined by the president s rash behavior. But think about what nick just said, because it struck me. That leaders in europe are thinking beyond trump. For 70 years, fred, the United States was the leader in establishing multilateral systems and organizations to keep the peace in europe. And it would be inconceivable before a year ago that a european leader so say lets think beyond the United States and not consult the United States and not worry about the United States. So they are thinking and hoping and saying nearly out loud that this is temporary. And i think that is stunning. It is absolutely stunning. Thank you so much. To both of you. To mark trumps first year in office, tens of thousands have pouring into the streets to protest his presidency now. Well take you live to the womens marches that are unfolding coast to coast right now. Remember our special night . Abdominal pain. And diarrhea. But its my anniversary. Aw. Sorry. Weve got other plans. Your recurring, unpredictable abdominal pain and diarrhea. May be Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea, or ibsd. Youve tried overthecounter treatments and lifestyle changes, but ibsd can be really frustrating. Talk to your doctor about viberzi,. A different way to treat ibsd. Viberzi is a Prescription Medication you take every day that helps proactively manage. Both abdominal pain and diarrhea at the same time. So you stay ahead of your symptoms. Viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. 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Now this actually jives with some of the president s own comments from in the past and in previous years, he had said that the president the party the president whose party is in control would be blamed for it. And he said that about president obama and clearly saying that about his own administration today. We also know from some sources this morning that the white house does believe that when the house votes the senate votes on a bill to keep the government funded for three weeks that democrats will not support it and they think this shutdown could go on for longer than today. A senior official telling me this morning that battle lines appear to be very much entrenched through the weekend. Abby phillips. Thank you so much for the update from the white house. Tens of thousands are marching through the streets to potest trumps presidency. Stay with us. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain these feet. Liked to style my dog as a kid. 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Ask your doctor about lyrica. There are 7 continents. 7 seas. But at Celebrity Cruises wed argue, more than 7 wonders. For a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. During the Celebrity Cruises sail beyond event. Welcome back. As youre looking at live pictures right now of a variety of things taking place from washington, d. C. To denver and even chicago and new york. You have people who are gathering as part of womens march movement. Who are galvanizing and they are organizing in the number of thousands there. Hoping to potentially repeat a record turnout from last year. Meantime, on capitol hill you have republicans and Democrats Senate and house meeting today trying to still work out something to perhaps potentially get the Government Back open. And were also hearing from the white house that the president , according to the source, said while he is blaming the democrats for this Government Shutdown, he believes he will be taking the blame. Meantime, the director of White House Legislative Affairs mark short had this to say. We were there. I dont believe they were uninvited. The invitation came from Kevin Mccarthy and they said they were invited. [ inaudible ]. The reality is that to reopen the government they need to get support from some Senate Democrats so when does the president really start to try to make a deal and yesterday things completely fell apart after he and schumer met. So what is the president s response. I question Senate Democrats are united. There were five Senate Democrats that voted to keep the government open. We commend them and we think there are more today and hopefully theyll continue to see it is not wise to hope our troops hostage. Will the president reach out to those who didnt vote for the c. R. The president has spoken to plenty of members in the party and met with schumer and continued to be and will he speak to members of the own party that didnt voe the c. R. The president has had conversations with those members too. Ill have to run, guys. Thanks a lot. Mark short there, the dire director of White House Legislative Affairs saying hes not sure there is a unified effort on the part of democrat or republicans on capitol hill trying to work something out and also reminding people there were five democrats who voted for the senate plan that failed. And of course there were five republicans also who voted against it. Lets go back to the scene outside where across the country from coast to coast thousands, hundreds of thousands of people are gathering for todays womens march. Youre looking at the nations capitol there and susan malvo is there. They are just at the steps of the lincoln memorial. So is there one objective that brings so many people out coast to coast here . Reporter good morning, fred. Well yes, there is an objective. There are many different objectives. But what many people are telling me this morning, they want to seize the momentum from last year. This is not going to be the kind of anticipated crowd that you saw from last year. Maybe ten thousand or so. I was here at the march one year ago when it was so jam packed. You could barely move madonna and scarlet johansen and celebrity power but it is strategic that those folks will be in l. A. And in las vegas. And nevada is important for midterm elections ab that is the folks of many of the women here. So they say what they are trying to do is simply remind this administration, this president they are very clear message that they are fanning across the country to those local and state races that are critical at this time. So fred, the kinds of people who are going to be speaking, you just heard behind me the d. C. Group that does brazilian drumming is it excited the crowd here. But what you will see later today is people like senator gillibrand of new york who was very instrumental in bringing forward the issue of sexual harassment, in the context of the Metoo Movement and people peel feeling like theyve been besieged and the goal is to remind people to come out and register to vote and get involved in the plift political process and it is very personal for folks. They are immigrants, they are health care workers, they are mothers and grandmothers and they say that even during this day of a Government Shutdown, it really underscores the fact there is change that needs to happen here, fred. Suzanne malveaux, thank you on the steps just below the steps of the lincoln memorial. Well be dotting the map this afternoon. Thank you so much. Our special coverage of the Government Shutdown and President Trumps first year in office continues right after this. We can go down this what do you think . Never been in love by cobra starship feat. 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It soothes, moisturizes, and creates an spf 30 barrier, to protect against flareups caused by the sun. Herpecin l. Welcome back. Live pictures of marches taking place across the country. Being billed as the womens marches on this one Year Anniversary of the trump presidency. Also today on this oneyear marker, a u. S. Government shutdown. Hello, im Fredricka Whitfield in the nations capitol. After working until almost 2 00 a. M. To try to avoid the scene of a u. S. Government shutdown, senators are reconvening now. Next hour to negotiate how to end the government. Last hour House Republicans and democrats met separately behind closed doors, meanwhile Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer is asking the president to meet with him along with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell, House Speaker paul ryan and minority leader nancy pelosi. No word yet from the white house on whether that will happen. The president meantime is blaming democrats this morning, tweeting this, this is the one Year Anniversary of my presidency and the democrats wanted to give me a n

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