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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 201408

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20140811

happening now in the "newsroom." >> he turned around. he puts his hands in the earth and he started to get down but the officers still approached with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots. >> an unarmed black teen shot and killed by police in a st. louis suburb. prayers and peaceful protests giving way to looting and vandalism. >> 12 officers with riot gear end route. >> protesters asking questions. why did michael brown have to die? only iraqis can ensure the stability and security of iraq. united states can't do it for them. also, heavy bombardment from u.s. military jets over northern iraq as the president signals this is going to be a long-term project. and horror on a dirt track. an irate driver marches down the track after his car hits the wall. that's when another driver runs him down. >> at this time this is an ongoing investigation of an ontrack crash. >> the video has called tony stewart's future into question. let's talk live in the cnn "newsroom." and good morning, i'm carol costello. thunk so much for joining me. we do start this hour with breaking news out of new york city, where an american man was arrested at jfk airport accused of being a terrorist sympathizer a . our justice correspondent evan perez is tracking developments from washington. tell us more. >> reporter: the guy we're talking about is donald ray morgan. he is 44 years old. he was arrested when he arrived at jfk on august 2nd on a delta flight from frankfurt, germany. authorities say basically what he was doing when he was overseas was tweeting and doing other things on line in support of jihad and in support of isis which is a group that's now taken over parts of syria and iraq and this is obviously what has raised concern with authorities. they say there are over 100 americans have gone over to syria and join one of these militant groups. this is the big concern here. morgan is only charged with weapons possession. he's a former felon. he's facing these charge in north carolina. he might have been involved with weapons trafficking. this is obviously before he left to go over seas. so right now they are still investigating to see how far this connection to isis, if any, goes, carol. >> all right. evan perez reporting live from washington, d.c. as you know, those isis militants have sent the region around iraq and syria into chaos and religious minorities fleeing to safety. anna corpsen is in erbil iraq. 20,000 yazidis have fled. i would like to talk about what's happening with the iraqi government. we have word that newerry al maliki has been pushed out. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: things are moving extremely quickly here in iraq. the president has nominated a new prime minister. his name is alberti. he's a former aide of the prime minister. now, the united states has come out and welcomed this news, the new nomination. he has 30 days to form a government and if approved by an absolute majority, he will then be prime minister. but as i say, things are moving extremely quickly. so while he has a month, this could happen within days. but until that time, carol, nuri al-maliki is still the prime minister which puts into context what we've been seeing over the past few hours. he came out and bolstered the number of troops, special forces and tanks around government buildings in the green zone in baghdad as a form of an intimidation if you like to the president and his political opponents, and he also took to state television this morning with a fiery message saying that he intends to be prime minister for a third term. the concern here, carol, is that he will use military force. that he will carry out a military coup if you like because he is still commander in chief and the troops, you know, some of them are still loyal to him. so that, of course, is the concern in baghdad. that this could potentially disintegrate if i decides to go down that root but u.s. secretary of state has told maliki not to cause any problems or trouble, and to allow this constitutional process to carry out. >> all right. anna corrine reporting live from iraq this morning. i want to bring in the author of manhunt, peter bergen and u.s. general spider marks. i want to start with you, general. what do you make of this latest development in iraq that maliki is being pushed out? he still controls the military there. >> he does. the iraqi security forces were put in place deliberately by maliki and his administration over the course of the last few years. the result of that incompetence, we see on the battlefield today, vis-a-vis isis. there's no proexism in the ranks we've seen. those middle level leaders have gone away, they didn't see a future in the military. so maliki being in charge still of the military is something we have to contend with going forward. if you have a new government in baghdad and you have a military loyal to the prime minister who is justoused. clearly that needs to be addressed. >> peert, how do you address just such a thing? >> i don't know. there is discussion, if maliki keeps going down this package, you have the possibility of the civil war that's already end gufleg iraq actually coming into baghdad. you have a situation where the president and prime minister are taking two different tacks. maliki is the commander in chief and controls the interior and defense ministry. he hasn't shown any ability to compromise over the last several years. why would he start compromising now? >> over the week, many lawmakers spoke out how dangerous isis is to the united states and i'm talking about senator john mccain. he made a strong statement on isis and what that terrorist group could mean for us. here's what he told cnn's candy colely sh -- control d crowley. >> they are getting stronger all the time. they have attracted a thousand young men from around the world who are now fighting on their side. this isis is metastasizing throughout the region and their goal as they have stated openly time after time is the destruction of the united states of america. >> so, peter, u.s. officials arrest whad they say is an isis sympathizer at jfk, so how big of a threat is isis to us? >> it's a potential threat. i mean, i think we need to like drill down a little bit into some of these numbers. the hundreds of americans who have gone to syria haven't all joined isis or the al qaeda affiliate there. some of them have joined other groups. is so far we've seen eight or nine americans who have been indicted for joining either isis or al qaeda in syria. certainly that's a problem. but is it bigger problem? a bigger problem is 750 french man, and brits and germans who traveled to syria. they are from visa waiver country who can come to the united states without getting a visa. so far we've only seen one attack in the west by a graduate of syria which was an attack in may, carol on the jewish museum in brussels. yes, it's a threat but it's really a potential threat. i mean the obama administration's rationale for the actions for protecting our mission in erbil and stopping the genocide of the yazidis and those are much more immediate problems. >> let's talk about those problems. general marks, u.s. air strikes seem to have stopped isis at the moment. but the united states cannot eliminate the threat through air strikes alone, right? >> absolutely, carol. these are sufficient acts, but they are necessary acts. they are insufficient. let me put it to you that way. clearly what you can do is give the iraqi military some time and some space as we say through these air strikes, but this is simply an enabler. it is not a capability that could finish isis or alter their momentum. i guess it could alter their momentum but it's really not going to fundamentally change their objectives and their abilities and that's what's most important. isis has to be eliminated and clearly as the president indicated this is a problem that iraq has to solve but what the united states and its allies must do right now is as peter indicated preserve what is and let the long-term issue of isis play out through aggressive actions on our part, the use of intelligence, and other means to make sure that we don't let it get farther along. >> major general james spider marks and peter bergen thanks so much for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. a protest that was scheduled to begin next hour in the st. louis suburb of ferguson has now been postponed. that's according to one of our affiliates. that's where the deadly shooting by an unarmed teenager by police has led to violent protests and looting. this is what it looked like at a gas station last night. a st. louis alderman said 18-year-old and a friend were accused of stealing gum and cigarettes. a short time later, brown would lie dead from gunshots wounds. reports differ as to what happened when the officer confronted him. he was supposed to start his freshman year in college today. he was in the middle of the arrest last night, tell us about it, george. >> carol, we're just getting some new information from the mayor here of ferguson, james knowles telling us now that peaceful march and rally that is set to start in front of the station in the next hour, people will be able to commence and come together. however, police authorities will be keeping a very close eye on what happens. they say they will not allow the same unrest that we saw several hours ago and that is the hope of organizers of this rally, that they don't see a repeat of what happened last night. >> reporter: across the city, a night of pure chaos. >> this is your warning, leave the area, disperse! >> reporter: people pushing the limit with police. >> one black man. >> reporter: racial tensions, nerves on edge, even an officer we caught on camera gave in to his rage, calling protesters animals. listen. >> bring it! [ bleep ]. >> reporter: many here are angry about what many say was an unproceed veked attack on an unarmed teenager. michael brown. shot and killed by a ferguson police officer. some protesters who took to the streets trying to keep the peace while taking a stand against police. >> this is really a peace march. it's nothing to -- it's nothing to start to hurt up on police officers. it's all about peace. >> reporter: it's not a peace march anymore. you hear what's happening, these confrontations between people and police officers. >> it's done gone outrageous. >> reporter: police are still stationary right now but i want to show you what's happening over that jv wireless. you can see people running in and out, looting that store. cell phone video captures the frenzy of stores being lootd. some people through rocks and bottles. the shots of gunshots rang out. we took cover. all of this started out as a peace rally. >> do you know how many people black men graduate? not many! because you bring them down to this type of level where they feel like i don't got nothing to live for anyway. they are going to try to take me out anyway. >> reporter: the victims friends say they were walking together when brown was stopped by a police officer. witnesses say the teen has his hands in the air at the time he was shot and killed, but police tell a different story. that brown instigated the altercation, physically assaulting the officer while in his car and struggling to take his gun. the unanswered questions spark people to take action. >> we're down for the community, caucasian, african-american, asian, everyone, get out here and support your people. >> reporter: police may several arrests. several hours of insanity. for the moment distracting from the greater call for justice. giving you a live picture here in ferguson, missouri, where you see the first group of people coming together for what will be a peaceful march is what we're told, a peace rally that is set to happen here in front of the police station and again what we know so far, they want to get answers. there are two different accounts. we saw the outrage on the streets. there are investigations under way. people here say that what happened last night really distracted and even under mined what they are trying to do, trying to get answers about what happened to michael brown, carol. >> i would definitely agree with that. george howell reporting live from ferguson, missouri, this morning. still to come to the "newsroom," police are questioning nascar star tony stewart after the death of another driver. >> 20-year-old is dead and the entire racing community is reeling. a lot more questions than answers surrounding one of the biggest stars of the sport. right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? 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>> well, i have an opinion of what happened that night. i mean, it's obvious that kevin walk down the track. most drivers have done that in their career, if somebody bumps them and they got out of their car and shake their fist at them, makes a gesture to show their displeasure. that's what kevin was doing and that's where the mistake was made. obviously, it was an illy lit race track, wearing a black uniform and very hard to see under those conditions. >> the other driver did see him though and swerved to avoid him. stewart didn't appear to see him at all. >> well, and that's a problem with that type of car. they have that big wing on top, and so it's hard to see past another car, and when the car in front of tony swerved, all of a sudden kevin was standing there, you know. tony tried to react, to miss kevin, but obviously that wasn't what happened, and we see drivers do this all the time. it happened right in watkins glenn on saturday race and i think you've heard this before. drivers need to not do those things. you know, we're supposed to be smart guys driving these racecars, so getting out of your car, which is a safer environment, and getting out on a race track as cars are going by is not a safe environment, and hopefully nascar along with all the other sanctioning bodies around the world will stop us from doing that in some way. i'm sure they will come up with a solution to this problem. >> rachel, do you think so? >> you know, look, you certainly hope so, because it's a two pronged issue here. first of all you have the driver getting out of his car because tempers are flaring. he feels like he has to defend his place. he's been knocked out of the race. as geoff says it happens over and over again. he's standing his ground. there's a ma chis mow ethic there. i'm not going to back down. nobody else should mess with me. you got to eliminate that factor because if drivers are told they have to stay in the car and they are told that they don't, they would be penalized, their teams will be penalized, it gives them a little bit of an excuse. now they are not expected to go out there and have that reaction and defend their honor and their team's honor in that way and it will give drivers a bit more protection. >> tony stewart has a long history of hot headedness. i'm not saying he was at fault. they are still investigating that. that might have been a part in this too. >> it's part of the ethic of racing. no doubt about it, tony stewart, separate from this incident has made a career in some ways of having a hot headed personality. fans love it for him. you got to take a look at this. this is from a few years ago, an incident with matt. he and stewart getting tangled out. what does he do, he throws his helmet at kissent. how about, he didn't hit him, but if you look at the circumstances of race at saturday night, it looks awfully familiar. it's dangerous. >> geoff, it seems to me that nascar encourage this behavior. >> no, not at all. they discourage it in. in our drivers meeting, they always tell us if we're in an accident, stay in the car. you put your window down to show you are okay. when the safety workers get to your car, then you get out. they escort you to the ambulance to take you in to check you out to make sure you are okay. we're never told to get out and do any of those things. they discourage that. and they are going to have to put some penalties on if we do that, but the instinct of a driver -- >> geoff, they are not penalizing anyone. isn't that encouraging the behavior if there's no penalty involved? >> that's your opinion. no, race drivers are supposed to be smart enough to know not to get out in front of a race car. i've done it. so, you know, i guess that makes me a hot tempered driver because i've done exactly what tony has done. i never threw a helmet. they cost too much. i used to throw my gloves and other things at people and i've had things thrown at me and believe me, tony stewart ranks at the top of the list of drivers in the world, he ranks up there with mario an dret at this and a.j.foyt. he can drive anything he's gotten into and that's a special person. he knows how to handle the car and i've thrown things at tony. he never tried to hit me with his vehicle and vice averse is a. drivers don't do those things. we might run into each other racing. that's called racing. but not use your vehicle as a weapon against another driver. >> all right, geoff bodine. rachel nichols. thank to both of you. it's not unusual for the gop to criticize the president's foreign policy but you might be surprised who is calling president obama's actions in syria a failure. ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. come on, boy! 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. the president, he started this. he started this down fall in 2011 with the direct withdrawal of american troops, so as far as the weapons being turn over, that's treshl failure by maliki but the fact is we can't say maliki didn't do his job we're going to sit back and let isis attack the united states. >> this commander in chief has no strategy, no vision. this is a situation of where he knows better than everybody else. he was told you should get engaged in syria three years ago by his national security team. he said no. his military commanders said you should leave troop in iraq as an insurance policy and he got the no. >> we know republicans are not fans of president obama's foreign policy and you can now add former secretary of state hillary clinton to that list. she told the atlantic quote, great nations need organizing principles, don't do stupid stuff is not an organizing principle. we're following the story in washington. good morning, brianna? >> good morning to you. it seems this was a very sort of candid admission by secretary clinton when she was talking about don't do the stupid stuff being how president obama and many of his aides have framed recently his foreign policy. to give that more context, one of his aides described it as l.a. times as being less isolationist and being an interventionist and an internationalist, but the thing here is even though if you look at the context here she goes on to say in this atlantic article which is a very in-depth article, an interview about foreign policy, she's talking about how that's more of a political argument than a foreign policy argument, this is a slam. she is critical of president obama and she goes on to talk about syria. she says the failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against asad, there were islamists, second cue lars, everything in the middle, the failure to do that left a big vam couple which the jihadists have now filled. you see her being very candid. you have to look through the prism of 2016. she is the frontrunner by far for democrats at this point. in that regard, this is something that's necessary. she will need to distance herself from president obama. he's unpopular right now especially when it comes to foreign policy and certainly this is an area that's a safe bet. in a way, a lot of people share her sentiments, even some democrats and this is something we know there are differences on syria have existed before. the other question is what's going on between the white house and hillary clinton or president obama and hillary clinton in reaction to this, which is really the biggest, i guess, act we've seen of her distancing herself from president obama publicly. they are not jumping on her we know that when her book was coming out, there was a lot of messaging coming from the white house. they were stressing that they wanted there to not be this daylight between president obama and secretary clinton. well, here it is, and it's glaring. >> yes, it is. let's talk about this. cnn political commentator and new york times op hed charles blow here and carrie is here with me. my first to you, why is hillary clinton criticizing president obama in the middle of u.s. air strike in iraq? >> i personally think it takes place in the context of an interview. people kind of ask it particularly if it's happening right then and she is gearing up to, you know, we suspect, run for president in 2016. she's going to have to make spaces between herself and the president, particularly if there are real differences. within this administration and within any administration, on foreign policy, particularly -- >> you are saying running for office is more important than being on the same page with -- >> that's not what i'm saying. what i'm saying is these kinds of issues are prickly. the syrian conflict is a very complicated conflict and there are a lot of people, people of good intentions on all parts of the political spectrum who had different opinions about what we should have done, whether or not we should have armed the rebels, whether or not we should have had a more aggressive stance in syria. i'm not one of those people but i know there are people within the liberal camp who did have those differences and who did think that maybe we should have done something. if she's one of them, this is the time, in fact, to say something about that. >> well, president obama has come back and said, you know, he armed those syrian rebels who were actually pharmacists and doctors, it wouldn't have done any good anyway and it's a fantasy to think it would have made a difference. >> he's wrong on that. what i find stunning about this is not that we have an member of the administration slamming this administration before this administration is over. we've gotten use to that. and we all have that sent of faux outrage when that happens. this is his key foreign policy person, his secretary of state and she's in cya mode frankly where she's trying to separate her is he from it. what's amazing to me and republicans and democrats right now not because she's doing it because of 2016, she's doing this before 2014, before the mid term elections. that she would separate herself from the president, obviously scrambling now to make it look like she's very tight with netanyahu and was always on board and supports israel, she was definitely dinging him on behalf of the obama administration on the settlement in the west banks, so the fact that she's doing this now before the mid terms tells me perhaps she really, really wants to run against a republican senate, when she runs for president in 2016 because -- >> but you make that sound like 2016 has actually been pushed off because of '14. it has not. we all know that all of the -- all of the candidates who want to run for president in 2016 are already gearing up, when we see books being publed now. i'm not not sure that joe biden is running. i'm much more certain that hillary clinton is probably in the race than i think joe biden is in the race. so i think whether or not joe biden is would it is very different. he's still an active part of the administration, where hillary clinton is not. you did not make that distinction. what i'm saying is that everybody who is thinking about 2016 has cast 2014 to the side. they are not worried about that. >> they should be. >> that's a different point. whether they should be or not. >> it's a big deal she's doing it before the mid term because this does affect the congressional races and she's with republicans on this and it's an invitation for democrats running for re-election to separate themselves from this president and his policy. so it's a very big deal. >> hillary clinton has always been much of a hawk. you act like this is a new thing for hillary clinton. she's always been much more of a hawk. you understand hillary clinton. you know her history. she's always, always been much more of a hawk than barack obama. >> no. the fact that she was -- >> please explain that. >> as his secretary of state, she had to support his policy or help him change it. >> she no longer is secretary of state. >> let me finish. it shows she was either ineffective as secretary of state in terms of effecting his policy, or she's running from him for purely political purposes and she doesn't care about the mid terms. >> all right. we'll have to leave it there. thanks so much. i'll be right back. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? 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>> it's a very difficult task and it's in a very sensitive situation in the north of iraq. our first priority right now is to work with the united states in sustaining the air drops that are keeping people alive on top of the mountain and then the second priority is to make sure that the security situation on the ground permits the u.n. to move in and start getting people out of the mountain. we fear that many people have died from dehydration and malnutrition. >> all right. our connection is terrible, and we're really sorry because it was fascinating, but as you heard the united nations are making these corps dors for some of the people to escape the mountain side. many people are still dying and aid is still needed. the shooting of an unarmed teenager by police near st. louis is sparking not only outrage and protest but a new #if they gunned me down. we'll talk about that next. ifyou may be muddlingble withrough allergies.nger... try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™. we're trying our best annto be role models.rmodels. we don't jump at the sound of the opening bell, because we're trying to make the school bell. corner booth beats corner office any day. we make the most out of our time... and our money. the chevrolet malibu. the highest ranked midsize car in initial quality. the car for the richest guys on earth. hey, razor. check this out. it's time to get a hotel. we can save big with priceline express deals. hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. the mayor of ferguson, missouri, outside of st. louis appealing for calm as protesters gather for another rally over the shooting of an unarmed african-american teenager by police. this is what it looked like last night in that st. louis suburb. hundreds of people turned out demanding justice in the killing of 18-year-old michael brown. the outrage over brown's death has prompted a new hash tag on twitter called if they gunled me down. we have to talk about that hash tag are our commentators. before we get into our conversation, i have a little bit of new information out of ferguson, we understand 32 people have now been arrested for looting and burning down stores and police also confirmed that they were shot at at certain points of the night so this is an explosive situation. and there's supposed to be this peaceful protest there today, mark, and the people, the organizers say they are going to try to keep it peaceful but who knows. >> well, whenever you have a string of violence, like you've seen here, here in new york and in missouri and really around the country, black men and women being killed oftentimes unarmed, there's a great deal of anger in the street. there's a great deal of anger in the community and often times you will see something like that. i think rioting is the wrong approach. it's the wrong way to get justice. it only creates only internal confusion. organizing is the way 0 respond. i do understand the anger. i hope that instead of going to looting and violence, which destroys the community isn't going on. we do no michael brown was 18 years old. he was unarmed and ended up shot multiple times by this police officer who said that this young man was assaulting him. again, we don't know all of the details surrounding this incident, but, of course, everybody is going to have their opinion, right and that's why this hash tag was boch. if they gunned me down. tell me about this. >> one of the photos we just showed on screen, it's one where he's holding his fingers in a certain way and some people on line perceive that to be a gang sign. there's no evidence that actually was. it was because of this photo that this hash tag started. the #if they gunned me down, what photo would the media show, if they gunned me down. it goes back to framing. how are these stories framed? is this about an unarmed teenager, a child who was gunned down or is it about something else? media framing is so important here because if it's done wrong, people feel they are not being represented. >> and when you look at some of these tweets, mark, some of them are pretty powerful. >> oh, absolutely. because i think part of it is because human beings are complex. human beings have different identities. if you were to take a photo of me or you or brian on vacation or at a wild party when we're 18 years old, it may frame us in a certain way that may make the public think we're less deserving the justice and protection. when it comes to black male bodies they are even more vulnerable to that, there's also a public narrative that black male bodies are dangerous. how they take our picture, and frame us and present us in this case, help determine how people respond to this. it's very different someone throwing up a gang sign or having someone in a cap or gown. but my point is even if he is a gang member, even if he was stealing, even if he was committing a crime, that doesn't make you worthy of lethal force and if you are unarmed and not posing a threat. we don't need victims to be perfect, to be deserving of justice, to be treated by human beings. we have to move away from that. it doesn't matter. he still doesn't deserve to be murdered or killed by that. >> because we live in national media climate where any local story can become a national story it seems to me it creates an narrative of an epidemic of police brutality. we can take these local incidents and they become a bigger story because of social media and because even local media stories become national. >> and that's what's so important. and i think you both illustrated the importance of talking about this story responsibly in the media, and i know i'll strive to do that. thanks to both of you. i'll be right back. identity theft protection? 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happening now in the "newsroom." >> he turned around. he puts his hands in the earth and he started to get down but the officers still approached with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots. >> an unarmed black teen shot and killed by police in a st. louis suburb. prayers and peaceful protests giving way to looting and vandalism. >> 12 officers with riot gear end route. >> protesters asking questions. why did michael brown have to die? only iraqis can ensure the stability and security of iraq. united states can't do it for them. also, heavy bombardment from u.s. military jets over northern iraq as the president signals this is going to be a long-term project. and horror on a dirt track. an irate driver marches down the track after his car hits the wall. that's when another driver runs him down. >> at this time this is an ongoing investigation of an ontrack crash. >> the video has called tony stewart's future into question. let's talk live in the cnn "newsroom." and good morning, i'm carol costello. thunk so much for joining me. we do start this hour with breaking news out of new york city, where an american man was arrested at jfk airport accused of being a terrorist sympathizer a . our justice correspondent evan perez is tracking developments from washington. tell us more. >> reporter: the guy we're talking about is donald ray morgan. he is 44 years old. he was arrested when he arrived at jfk on august 2nd on a delta flight from frankfurt, germany. authorities say basically what he was doing when he was overseas was tweeting and doing other things on line in support of jihad and in support of isis which is a group that's now taken over parts of syria and iraq and this is obviously what has raised concern with authorities. they say there are over 100 americans have gone over to syria and join one of these militant groups. this is the big concern here. morgan is only charged with weapons possession. he's a former felon. he's facing these charge in north carolina. he might have been involved with weapons trafficking. this is obviously before he left to go over seas. so right now they are still investigating to see how far this connection to isis, if any, goes, carol. >> all right. evan perez reporting live from washington, d.c. as you know, those isis militants have sent the region around iraq and syria into chaos and religious minorities fleeing to safety. anna corpsen is in erbil iraq. 20,000 yazidis have fled. i would like to talk about what's happening with the iraqi government. we have word that newerry al maliki has been pushed out. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: things are moving extremely quickly here in iraq. the president has nominated a new prime minister. his name is alberti. he's a former aide of the prime minister. now, the united states has come out and welcomed this news, the new nomination. he has 30 days to form a government and if approved by an absolute majority, he will then be prime minister. but as i say, things are moving extremely quickly. so while he has a month, this could happen within days. but until that time, carol, nuri al-maliki is still the prime minister which puts into context what we've been seeing over the past few hours. he came out and bolstered the number of troops, special forces and tanks around government buildings in the green zone in baghdad as a form of an intimidation if you like to the president and his political opponents, and he also took to state television this morning with a fiery message saying that he intends to be prime minister for a third term. the concern here, carol, is that he will use military force. that he will carry out a military coup if you like because he is still commander in chief and the troops, you know, some of them are still loyal to him. so that, of course, is the concern in baghdad. that this could potentially disintegrate if i decides to go down that root but u.s. secretary of state has told maliki not to cause any problems or trouble, and to allow this constitutional process to carry out. >> all right. anna corrine reporting live from iraq this morning. i want to bring in the author of manhunt, peter bergen and u.s. general spider marks. i want to start with you, general. what do you make of this latest development in iraq that maliki is being pushed out? he still controls the military there. >> he does. the iraqi security forces were put in place deliberately by maliki and his administration over the course of the last few years. the result of that incompetence, we see on the battlefield today, vis-a-vis isis. there's no proexism in the ranks we've seen. those middle level leaders have gone away, they didn't see a future in the military. so maliki being in charge still of the military is something we have to contend with going forward. if you have a new government in baghdad and you have a military loyal to the prime minister who is justoused. clearly that needs to be addressed. >> peert, how do you address just such a thing? >> i don't know. there is discussion, if maliki keeps going down this package, you have the possibility of the civil war that's already end gufleg iraq actually coming into baghdad. you have a situation where the president and prime minister are taking two different tacks. maliki is the commander in chief and controls the interior and defense ministry. he hasn't shown any ability to compromise over the last several years. why would he start compromising now? >> over the week, many lawmakers spoke out how dangerous isis is to the united states and i'm talking about senator john mccain. he made a strong statement on isis and what that terrorist group could mean for us. here's what he told cnn's candy colely sh -- control d crowley. >> they are getting stronger all the time. they have attracted a thousand young men from around the world who are now fighting on their side. this isis is metastasizing throughout the region and their goal as they have stated openly time after time is the destruction of the united states of america. >> so, peter, u.s. officials arrest whad they say is an isis sympathizer at jfk, so how big of a threat is isis to us? >> it's a potential threat. i mean, i think we need to like drill down a little bit into some of these numbers. the hundreds of americans who have gone to syria haven't all joined isis or the al qaeda affiliate there. some of them have joined other groups. is so far we've seen eight or nine americans who have been indicted for joining either isis or al qaeda in syria. certainly that's a problem. but is it bigger problem? a bigger problem is 750 french man, and brits and germans who traveled to syria. they are from visa waiver country who can come to the united states without getting a visa. so far we've only seen one attack in the west by a graduate of syria which was an attack in may, carol on the jewish museum in brussels. yes, it's a threat but it's really a potential threat. i mean the obama administration's rationale for the actions for protecting our mission in erbil and stopping the genocide of the yazidis and those are much more immediate problems. >> let's talk about those problems. general marks, u.s. air strikes seem to have stopped isis at the moment. but the united states cannot eliminate the threat through air strikes alone, right? >> absolutely, carol. these are sufficient acts, but they are necessary acts. they are insufficient. let me put it to you that way. clearly what you can do is give the iraqi military some time and some space as we say through these air strikes, but this is simply an enabler. it is not a capability that could finish isis or alter their momentum. i guess it could alter their momentum but it's really not going to fundamentally change their objectives and their abilities and that's what's most important. isis has to be eliminated and clearly as the president indicated this is a problem that iraq has to solve but what the united states and its allies must do right now is as peter indicated preserve what is and let the long-term issue of isis play out through aggressive actions on our part, the use of intelligence, and other means to make sure that we don't let it get farther along. >> major general james spider marks and peter bergen thanks so much for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. a protest that was scheduled to begin next hour in the st. louis suburb of ferguson has now been postponed. that's according to one of our affiliates. that's where the deadly shooting by an unarmed teenager by police has led to violent protests and looting. this is what it looked like at a gas station last night. a st. louis alderman said 18-year-old and a friend were accused of stealing gum and cigarettes. a short time later, brown would lie dead from gunshots wounds. reports differ as to what happened when the officer confronted him. he was supposed to start his freshman year in college today. he was in the middle of the arrest last night, tell us about it, george. >> carol, we're just getting some new information from the mayor here of ferguson, james knowles telling us now that peaceful march and rally that is set to start in front of the station in the next hour, people will be able to commence and come together. however, police authorities will be keeping a very close eye on what happens. they say they will not allow the same unrest that we saw several hours ago and that is the hope of organizers of this rally, that they don't see a repeat of what happened last night. >> reporter: across the city, a night of pure chaos. >> this is your warning, leave the area, disperse! >> reporter: people pushing the limit with police. >> one black man. >> reporter: racial tensions, nerves on edge, even an officer we caught on camera gave in to his rage, calling protesters animals. listen. >> bring it! [ bleep ]. >> reporter: many here are angry about what many say was an unproceed veked attack on an unarmed teenager. michael brown. shot and killed by a ferguson police officer. some protesters who took to the streets trying to keep the peace while taking a stand against police. >> this is really a peace march. it's nothing to -- it's nothing to start to hurt up on police officers. it's all about peace. >> reporter: it's not a peace march anymore. you hear what's happening, these confrontations between people and police officers. >> it's done gone outrageous. >> reporter: police are still stationary right now but i want to show you what's happening over that jv wireless. you can see people running in and out, looting that store. cell phone video captures the frenzy of stores being lootd. some people through rocks and bottles. the shots of gunshots rang out. we took cover. all of this started out as a peace rally. >> do you know how many people black men graduate? not many! because you bring them down to this type of level where they feel like i don't got nothing to live for anyway. they are going to try to take me out anyway. >> reporter: the victims friends say they were walking together when brown was stopped by a police officer. witnesses say the teen has his hands in the air at the time he was shot and killed, but police tell a different story. that brown instigated the altercation, physically assaulting the officer while in his car and struggling to take his gun. the unanswered questions spark people to take action. >> we're down for the community, caucasian, african-american, asian, everyone, get out here and support your people. >> reporter: police may several arrests. several hours of insanity. for the moment distracting from the greater call for justice. giving you a live picture here in ferguson, missouri, where you see the first group of people coming together for what will be a peaceful march is what we're told, a peace rally that is set to happen here in front of the police station and again what we know so far, they want to get answers. there are two different accounts. we saw the outrage on the streets. there are investigations under way. people here say that what happened last night really distracted and even under mined what they are trying to do, trying to get answers about what happened to michael brown, carol. >> i would definitely agree with that. george howell reporting live from ferguson, missouri, this morning. still to come to the "newsroom," police are questioning nascar star tony stewart after the death of another driver. >> 20-year-old is dead and the entire racing community is reeling. a lot more questions than answers surrounding one of the biggest stars of the sport. right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? 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>> well, i have an opinion of what happened that night. i mean, it's obvious that kevin walk down the track. most drivers have done that in their career, if somebody bumps them and they got out of their car and shake their fist at them, makes a gesture to show their displeasure. that's what kevin was doing and that's where the mistake was made. obviously, it was an illy lit race track, wearing a black uniform and very hard to see under those conditions. >> the other driver did see him though and swerved to avoid him. stewart didn't appear to see him at all. >> well, and that's a problem with that type of car. they have that big wing on top, and so it's hard to see past another car, and when the car in front of tony swerved, all of a sudden kevin was standing there, you know. tony tried to react, to miss kevin, but obviously that wasn't what happened, and we see drivers do this all the time. it happened right in watkins glenn on saturday race and i think you've heard this before. drivers need to not do those things. you know, we're supposed to be smart guys driving these racecars, so getting out of your car, which is a safer environment, and getting out on a race track as cars are going by is not a safe environment, and hopefully nascar along with all the other sanctioning bodies around the world will stop us from doing that in some way. i'm sure they will come up with a solution to this problem. >> rachel, do you think so? >> you know, look, you certainly hope so, because it's a two pronged issue here. first of all you have the driver getting out of his car because tempers are flaring. he feels like he has to defend his place. he's been knocked out of the race. as geoff says it happens over and over again. he's standing his ground. there's a ma chis mow ethic there. i'm not going to back down. nobody else should mess with me. you got to eliminate that factor because if drivers are told they have to stay in the car and they are told that they don't, they would be penalized, their teams will be penalized, it gives them a little bit of an excuse. now they are not expected to go out there and have that reaction and defend their honor and their team's honor in that way and it will give drivers a bit more protection. >> tony stewart has a long history of hot headedness. i'm not saying he was at fault. they are still investigating that. that might have been a part in this too. >> it's part of the ethic of racing. no doubt about it, tony stewart, separate from this incident has made a career in some ways of having a hot headed personality. fans love it for him. you got to take a look at this. this is from a few years ago, an incident with matt. he and stewart getting tangled out. what does he do, he throws his helmet at kissent. how about, he didn't hit him, but if you look at the circumstances of race at saturday night, it looks awfully familiar. it's dangerous. >> geoff, it seems to me that nascar encourage this behavior. >> no, not at all. they discourage it in. in our drivers meeting, they always tell us if we're in an accident, stay in the car. you put your window down to show you are okay. when the safety workers get to your car, then you get out. they escort you to the ambulance to take you in to check you out to make sure you are okay. we're never told to get out and do any of those things. they discourage that. and they are going to have to put some penalties on if we do that, but the instinct of a driver -- >> geoff, they are not penalizing anyone. isn't that encouraging the behavior if there's no penalty involved? >> that's your opinion. no, race drivers are supposed to be smart enough to know not to get out in front of a race car. i've done it. so, you know, i guess that makes me a hot tempered driver because i've done exactly what tony has done. i never threw a helmet. they cost too much. i used to throw my gloves and other things at people and i've had things thrown at me and believe me, tony stewart ranks at the top of the list of drivers in the world, he ranks up there with mario an dret at this and a.j.foyt. he can drive anything he's gotten into and that's a special person. he knows how to handle the car and i've thrown things at tony. he never tried to hit me with his vehicle and vice averse is a. drivers don't do those things. we might run into each other racing. that's called racing. but not use your vehicle as a weapon against another driver. >> all right, geoff bodine. rachel nichols. thank to both of you. it's not unusual for the gop to criticize the president's foreign policy but you might be surprised who is calling president obama's actions in syria a failure. ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. come on, boy! 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. the president, he started this. he started this down fall in 2011 with the direct withdrawal of american troops, so as far as the weapons being turn over, that's treshl failure by maliki but the fact is we can't say maliki didn't do his job we're going to sit back and let isis attack the united states. >> this commander in chief has no strategy, no vision. this is a situation of where he knows better than everybody else. he was told you should get engaged in syria three years ago by his national security team. he said no. his military commanders said you should leave troop in iraq as an insurance policy and he got the no. >> we know republicans are not fans of president obama's foreign policy and you can now add former secretary of state hillary clinton to that list. she told the atlantic quote, great nations need organizing principles, don't do stupid stuff is not an organizing principle. we're following the story in washington. good morning, brianna? >> good morning to you. it seems this was a very sort of candid admission by secretary clinton when she was talking about don't do the stupid stuff being how president obama and many of his aides have framed recently his foreign policy. to give that more context, one of his aides described it as l.a. times as being less isolationist and being an interventionist and an internationalist, but the thing here is even though if you look at the context here she goes on to say in this atlantic article which is a very in-depth article, an interview about foreign policy, she's talking about how that's more of a political argument than a foreign policy argument, this is a slam. she is critical of president obama and she goes on to talk about syria. she says the failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against asad, there were islamists, second cue lars, everything in the middle, the failure to do that left a big vam couple which the jihadists have now filled. you see her being very candid. you have to look through the prism of 2016. she is the frontrunner by far for democrats at this point. in that regard, this is something that's necessary. she will need to distance herself from president obama. he's unpopular right now especially when it comes to foreign policy and certainly this is an area that's a safe bet. in a way, a lot of people share her sentiments, even some democrats and this is something we know there are differences on syria have existed before. the other question is what's going on between the white house and hillary clinton or president obama and hillary clinton in reaction to this, which is really the biggest, i guess, act we've seen of her distancing herself from president obama publicly. they are not jumping on her we know that when her book was coming out, there was a lot of messaging coming from the white house. they were stressing that they wanted there to not be this daylight between president obama and secretary clinton. well, here it is, and it's glaring. >> yes, it is. let's talk about this. cnn political commentator and new york times op hed charles blow here and carrie is here with me. my first to you, why is hillary clinton criticizing president obama in the middle of u.s. air strike in iraq? >> i personally think it takes place in the context of an interview. people kind of ask it particularly if it's happening right then and she is gearing up to, you know, we suspect, run for president in 2016. she's going to have to make spaces between herself and the president, particularly if there are real differences. within this administration and within any administration, on foreign policy, particularly -- >> you are saying running for office is more important than being on the same page with -- >> that's not what i'm saying. what i'm saying is these kinds of issues are prickly. the syrian conflict is a very complicated conflict and there are a lot of people, people of good intentions on all parts of the political spectrum who had different opinions about what we should have done, whether or not we should have armed the rebels, whether or not we should have had a more aggressive stance in syria. i'm not one of those people but i know there are people within the liberal camp who did have those differences and who did think that maybe we should have done something. if she's one of them, this is the time, in fact, to say something about that. >> well, president obama has come back and said, you know, he armed those syrian rebels who were actually pharmacists and doctors, it wouldn't have done any good anyway and it's a fantasy to think it would have made a difference. >> he's wrong on that. what i find stunning about this is not that we have an member of the administration slamming this administration before this administration is over. we've gotten use to that. and we all have that sent of faux outrage when that happens. this is his key foreign policy person, his secretary of state and she's in cya mode frankly where she's trying to separate her is he from it. what's amazing to me and republicans and democrats right now not because she's doing it because of 2016, she's doing this before 2014, before the mid term elections. that she would separate herself from the president, obviously scrambling now to make it look like she's very tight with netanyahu and was always on board and supports israel, she was definitely dinging him on behalf of the obama administration on the settlement in the west banks, so the fact that she's doing this now before the mid terms tells me perhaps she really, really wants to run against a republican senate, when she runs for president in 2016 because -- >> but you make that sound like 2016 has actually been pushed off because of '14. it has not. we all know that all of the -- all of the candidates who want to run for president in 2016 are already gearing up, when we see books being publed now. i'm not not sure that joe biden is running. i'm much more certain that hillary clinton is probably in the race than i think joe biden is in the race. so i think whether or not joe biden is would it is very different. he's still an active part of the administration, where hillary clinton is not. you did not make that distinction. what i'm saying is that everybody who is thinking about 2016 has cast 2014 to the side. they are not worried about that. >> they should be. >> that's a different point. whether they should be or not. >> it's a big deal she's doing it before the mid term because this does affect the congressional races and she's with republicans on this and it's an invitation for democrats running for re-election to separate themselves from this president and his policy. so it's a very big deal. >> hillary clinton has always been much of a hawk. you act like this is a new thing for hillary clinton. she's always been much more of a hawk. you understand hillary clinton. you know her history. she's always, always been much more of a hawk than barack obama. >> no. the fact that she was -- >> please explain that. >> as his secretary of state, she had to support his policy or help him change it. >> she no longer is secretary of state. >> let me finish. it shows she was either ineffective as secretary of state in terms of effecting his policy, or she's running from him for purely political purposes and she doesn't care about the mid terms. >> all right. we'll have to leave it there. thanks so much. i'll be right back. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? 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>> it's a very difficult task and it's in a very sensitive situation in the north of iraq. our first priority right now is to work with the united states in sustaining the air drops that are keeping people alive on top of the mountain and then the second priority is to make sure that the security situation on the ground permits the u.n. to move in and start getting people out of the mountain. we fear that many people have died from dehydration and malnutrition. >> all right. our connection is terrible, and we're really sorry because it was fascinating, but as you heard the united nations are making these corps dors for some of the people to escape the mountain side. many people are still dying and aid is still needed. the shooting of an unarmed teenager by police near st. louis is sparking not only outrage and protest but a new #if they gunned me down. we'll talk about that next. ifyou may be muddlingble withrough allergies.nger... try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™. we're trying our best annto be role models.rmodels. we don't jump at the sound of the opening bell, because we're trying to make the school bell. corner booth beats corner office any day. we make the most out of our time... and our money. the chevrolet malibu. the highest ranked midsize car in initial quality. the car for the richest guys on earth. hey, razor. check this out. it's time to get a hotel. we can save big with priceline express deals. hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. the mayor of ferguson, missouri, outside of st. louis appealing for calm as protesters gather for another rally over the shooting of an unarmed african-american teenager by police. this is what it looked like last night in that st. louis suburb. hundreds of people turned out demanding justice in the killing of 18-year-old michael brown. the outrage over brown's death has prompted a new hash tag on twitter called if they gunled me down. we have to talk about that hash tag are our commentators. before we get into our conversation, i have a little bit of new information out of ferguson, we understand 32 people have now been arrested for looting and burning down stores and police also confirmed that they were shot at at certain points of the night so this is an explosive situation. and there's supposed to be this peaceful protest there today, mark, and the people, the organizers say they are going to try to keep it peaceful but who knows. >> well, whenever you have a string of violence, like you've seen here, here in new york and in missouri and really around the country, black men and women being killed oftentimes unarmed, there's a great deal of anger in the street. there's a great deal of anger in the community and often times you will see something like that. i think rioting is the wrong approach. it's the wrong way to get justice. it only creates only internal confusion. organizing is the way 0 respond. i do understand the anger. i hope that instead of going to looting and violence, which destroys the community isn't going on. we do no michael brown was 18 years old. he was unarmed and ended up shot multiple times by this police officer who said that this young man was assaulting him. again, we don't know all of the details surrounding this incident, but, of course, everybody is going to have their opinion, right and that's why this hash tag was boch. if they gunned me down. tell me about this. >> one of the photos we just showed on screen, it's one where he's holding his fingers in a certain way and some people on line perceive that to be a gang sign. there's no evidence that actually was. it was because of this photo that this hash tag started. the #if they gunned me down, what photo would the media show, if they gunned me down. it goes back to framing. how are these stories framed? is this about an unarmed teenager, a child who was gunned down or is it about something else? media framing is so important here because if it's done wrong, people feel they are not being represented. >> and when you look at some of these tweets, mark, some of them are pretty powerful. >> oh, absolutely. because i think part of it is because human beings are complex. human beings have different identities. if you were to take a photo of me or you or brian on vacation or at a wild party when we're 18 years old, it may frame us in a certain way that may make the public think we're less deserving the justice and protection. when it comes to black male bodies they are even more vulnerable to that, there's also a public narrative that black male bodies are dangerous. how they take our picture, and frame us and present us in this case, help determine how people respond to this. it's very different someone throwing up a gang sign or having someone in a cap or gown. but my point is even if he is a gang member, even if he was stealing, even if he was committing a crime, that doesn't make you worthy of lethal force and if you are unarmed and not posing a threat. we don't need victims to be perfect, to be deserving of justice, to be treated by human beings. we have to move away from that. it doesn't matter. he still doesn't deserve to be murdered or killed by that. >> because we live in national media climate where any local story can become a national story it seems to me it creates an narrative of an epidemic of police brutality. we can take these local incidents and they become a bigger story because of social media and because even local media stories become national. >> and that's what's so important. and i think you both illustrated the importance of talking about this story responsibly in the media, and i know i'll strive to do that. thanks to both of you. i'll be right back. identity theft protection? 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