Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180805

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180805 22:00:00

statement, meaning at one point the president told the country the trump tower meeting was about adoptions yet today he's tweeting to the world that it was to get dirt on his opponent, and that there's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing to hide. so why the changing sortories fm trump's story? here is what that same lawyer, jay sekulow, said about it today. >> i had bad information at that time. i made a mistake in my statement. i talked about that before. that happens when you have cases like this. i think it's very important to point out that in a situation like this, you have over time facts develop. that's what investigations do. >> cnn without correspondent boris sanchez is in berkeley heights, new jersey, where the president is spending his summer break. boris, why are we again talking about this trump tower meeting? >> reporter: hey, ana. because that trump tower meeting is central to the rush
The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera.
investigation is moving forward. robert mueller is focused on securing an interview with one of the key figures in that trump meeting, emin agalarov, whose father is a russian oligarch with deep ties to vladimir putin. we understand according to sources that for over a year the special counsel has been talking to his attorneys, trying to secure an interview. it's unclear if that will actually happen. but that makes the argument, that makes the case that this investigation is moving forward whether the president and his attorneys like it or not, ana. >> an investigation that's already resulted in more than 30 people or entities being charged, five guilty pleas, another person on trial right now. boris sanchez in berkeley heights, new jersey, thank you. the denials followed by the nondenials. it's been a constant changing narrative that have led us to such a crazy place that it takes a stand-up comic to put it in perspective. this was comedian bill maher last month on hbo, which is owned by cnn, predicting what we
it. we don't know how much more was involved than that. >> we do know, "collusion," that word, does not amount to a crime. but there is conspiracy, there are other criminal statutes that would fall under i guess the broader umbrella of collusion. kim, you're a lawyer. the president today, his argument is this kind of a meeting happens all the time, he's totally in the clear, his son is totally in the clear. both saying there was nothing illegal about this meeting. could it be? >> opposition research per se, i think he's saying, is not illegal. the issue here was the influence or the participation of the russians. and you can look at the trump administration's own fec website and click on the link regarding solicitation of foreign nationals' assistance in campaigns. and that is very, very broadly prohibited. and solicitation just means trying to get something of value. here, dirt on hillary clinton certainly was of value to this campaign. it would probably cost a lot of
question. they did work very hard at the beginning to try to say this was about adoptions. if you look at the senate committee testimony, adoptions were discussed. obviously other things were discussed too. i think we should also point out that the president tweeted last july that donald trump jr. went to this meeting to get information on hillary clinton. so i'm not sure today's revelations are all that new. it strikes me that the president and his team right now are trying to manage two different silos. the legal silo, which is did anyone say anything under oath about this meeting that is now going to be deemed untruthful, and number two, is there anything about this meeting or trying to get opposition research that is illegal in and of itself. but then there is the bigger political issue, what i call the icky bucket. is it icky to try to mislead the public about the nature of a meeting? yes. is it icky when your lawyer goes on tv and said, well, i had bad information and that's why i lied or didn't tell the whole truth at the time, yes, that's also icky. then they'll have to deal with the political fallout from that. i don't know if we learned
anything new today but we did learn of course that this still is occupying a huge percentage of the president's time in terms of what he's thinking about. that's overall not great for his presidency. >> can i just add one thing, ana? opposition research is one thing. if a british person comes in and says, i found an article in a british newspaper and it's interesting about your opponent. that's, whatever, publicly available. that's not what the russians were doing in 2016. they stole e-mails. they are involved in stealing and disseminating stolen documents. if, if, if the trump campaign knowingly took advantage of stolen, illegally procured materials or helped somehow in the dissemination of those, that's a whole different level. so again, we shouldn't just say, gee, it's kind of icky that the russians showed up with some opposition research. the clinton campaign happened to procure some opposition, i don't
around you have to testify under oath about things, everybody's in jeopardy. if you testify under oath and later on facts come out that contradict your testimony, you're in jeopardy of possibly being accused of obstruction or perjury or anything else. so yeah, i mean, everybody here that's engaged in this should be worried. i'm hopeful that everybody here has gone in and told the truth to their level best. that would be a very good development. and at the end of the day, i'm also hopeful that what we find out is that the russians penetrated the election and tried to meddle in the election but did so without the collusion of the trump campaign. i've always been skeptical of the collusion narrative but i've never been skeptical that the russians were meddling in our election, of course they were. look at everything we know and all the people that have been indicted. i hope we find out nobody on our side of the ball was involved in it. >> jay sekulow previously said the president was not involved in the trump tower statement. he said he had bad information. what does that mean? >> i think he's backpedaling on
a new sort of pitch that is being made from the president's office around this whole issue, that is, okay, maybe we did it, but what's the big deal. as i said before, that's really the question for every american right now. are we going to sit back and let this kind of thing happen? and, you know, just to be clear, the election laws ban -- the fec has said if someone from a foreign country wants to volunteer on a presidential campaign, they can't toss in ten bucks for pizza. i used to work for the federal government. these kinds of ethics, laws, and these limitations on colluding, for lack of a better word, are really important, because we don't want foreigners dictating the outcomes of presidential elections. voters want their votes to count. and here we had, as was mentioned, voter information stolen and our elections affected. and congress cares about that. and every american should care about it. sekulow i think is kind of stuck
in a really difficult situation, because the president, as was mentioned, is himself potentially liable for obstruction of justice in a broader sense. i'm not saying there's the evidence publicly for that, but we also have the mueller two indictments charging conspiracy against a number of russian nationals with ties to the kremlin and their intelligence agency, and participating in that conspiracy could add to additional indictments of individuals, hopefully, as was mentioned, not americans. >> it strikes me sekulow says i had bad information at the time, i had a mistake. i look at my transcript, it says "things happen in cases like this." >> facts don't change, that's the funny thing. maybe what you were told develops because the president misled sekulow, let's give sekulow the benefit of the doubt about that, but what does that tell you? who else could have misled him? sekulow says in the original
interview with steph aon the part of -- george stephgeorge, e had to have been the president to tell him that. algae kills fish, sea turtles, and see birds. we'll show you what's causing it. and later -- >> you guys are -- >> so you don't believe in the first amendment? >> i totally believe in the first amendment. >> you guys are totally weaponized by the cia. >> i don't know anybody in the cia except a couple of people i've interviewed over the years. weaponized, what does it even mean? you say something that doesn't even mean anything. do you think i'm weaponized by the cia? >> maybe not to your knowledge. that's unfortunate. >> supporters of a fringe right
wing conspiracy group now a frequent sight at trump rallies. cnn toqualks to qanon, live in cnn newsroom. amd, i wanted to fight back. my doctor and i came up with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. that's why i fight. because it's my vision. preservision. also, in a great-tasting chewable.
11 children have been rescued after living in what police say looked like a third world country. authorities in new mexico stumbled upon this makeshift campground, compound, you name it, while looking for a missing toddler. the beaten-up trailer had no running water. officials say the only food nearby were some potatoes and a box of rice. the men who may have been responsible were armed with ar-15 rifles. >> many more questions than answers as we see those truly shocking photos. the father of the missing 3-year-old was arrested. the other man, lucas martin, you mentioned both were armed with ar-15s. when police got to the seen,
they had amassed something of an arsenal, they had 30 loaded magazines, four loaded pistols and many rounds of ammunition. a small travel trailer they had buried in the ground and covered with plastic. no running water or electricity. also in the compound, three women who have also been held by authorities, although it didn't seem like they were answering many questions. none of the five adults could give any answers to what happened or where this 3-year-old could be. those women have since been released, while the two men are still in it custody. morton was charged with harboring a fugitive. wahaj is being booked with no bond because of the georgia warrant out for his arrest for the abduction of his 3-year-old. the other children are in the care of child protective services. it's believed the three women are mothers to those children. again, those children being held. it's one thing when you see
those disturbing photos. another when you hear the firsthand account from authorities who were there. the county sheriff, ana, saying it was the worst living conditions and poverty he had ever seen. >> and this 3-year-old still missing. thanks for that report. meanwhile, las vegas police have released the final investigative report on want country's deadliest shooting in modern times. it seems we may never know why. 500 people were ruthlessly shot on the strip. here is the sheriff. >> we've been able to answer who, what, when, where, and how. what we have not been able to definitively answer is why stephen paddock committed this act. >> the las vegas massacre happened last october, nearly one year ago. the gunman opened fire on a crowded music concert from his
room in the mandalay bay hotel. police say the shooter used something called a bump stock to make them fire like an automatic weapon. since the shooting, still no changes to federal gun laws involving the legality of bump stocks. don't wait. that is the message from hawaiian officials as a dangerous hurricane targets the island chain, this as a volcano is still pouring lava into neighborhoods. how this potential collision course could exhibit people living there, next. first, cnn's alison kosik. >> trade tensions could rattle the stock market this week. investors have bracing for another round of u.s. tariffs on $16 billion worth of chinese goods. that action could come in the days ahead. the chinese have vowed to retaliate. last week they ramped up the threat, announcing plans to impose tariffs on $60 billion of u.s. imports. on the economic front, investors
are also watching for signs of inflation. both the producer price index and the consumer price index are out this week. in june, wholesale inflation jumped to its six-year high. it wasn't tariff-related yet, but it will be interesting to see if tariffs add any inflationary pressure this time around. in new york, i'm alison kosik. let's begin. yes or no? do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet? do you want $4.95 commissions for stocks, $0.50 options contracts? $1.50 futures contracts? what about a dedicated service team of trading specialists? did you say yes? good, then it's time for power e*trade. the platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. looks like we have a couple seconds left. let's do some card twirling twirling cards
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two of mother nature's most destructive forces appear to be on a collision course in the pacific basin. after dodging rocks spewing from the kilauea volcano, hurricane hector is turning towards hawaii. let's get to meteorologist tom seder in the weather center. >> believe it or not, it happens more often than we think. the ring of fire, thousands of volcanos around the pacific, 1991 in the philippines, a typhoon moved over while a volcano was erupting. we're not going to have to worry about that, thank goodness, but hector is a category 4
hurricane. tropical storm-force winds are going to move near the big island on tuesday. right now it looks as if it should stay 100 miles south of the islands. there could be a problem with toxins blowing across. we know the waves will get kind of high with this. we're talking 20, 25-foot waves. really a good storm for surfers but it does make you wonder, if it gets closer, could the wind blow embers, could there be ash flows? i think i'm be safe with this, thank goodness. we've had 14 storms come near the hawaiian islands, only four of them have hit, two hurricanes and two tropical storms. it does bear watching as it gets closer. we'll have that in the forecast the days ahead. >> i hear wednesday is the big day at this point that it could impact hawaii. we also have word about a deadly
earthquake in indonesia. >> the second major quake in a week. the first one, here's a picture of it, a 6.4 magnitude quake, it took 17 lives. this one is a little different, much stronger, 6.9 but it happened at night. at 7:46 p.m., when families were at home, in their homes together. the death toll now is at 82 and most likely the problem is some of those structures couldn't handle the fractures on the stress cracks that they received. so with the secondary quake, that's why most of the fatalities were from falling debris. these are from bali, the quiet sister island. in 2012 they put a runway in in and their tourism exploded. last week they had to rescue 600 hikers from the volcano at the top. both of these occurred right next to each other, and massive aftershocks continue, ana. death toll at 82. power is out in some of these areas. this is a larger one so this is considered the big quake, the
one a week ago is considered a fo foreshot, not that it matters much. they didn't take into account how fractured those homes were. >> thank you for the update, tom sater. a strange but natural phenomenon in florida is killing marine life along a 100-mile stretch of coastline. this is called red tide, which kills sea leaf en masse and turns the water red. this year it's so bad that florida governor rick scott has issued an emergency order to combat it. our rosa flores has details. >> reporter: a toxic algae bloom is encroaching on the beaches and marine life of southwestern florida, described as the longest running outbreak since
2006. it's harmful algae bloom that happens when algae grows rapidly in the sea and in fresh water. >> we're on the inland side of boca grande. you've got probably a thousand miles of sea life decomposing. >> reporter: the number of dead marine life continues to increase. it's killing sharks and other marine life. the toxins onshore line can cause itchy eyes, causing and respiratory problems in people who come in contact with the algae and make some shellfish unsafe to eat. the smell is so strong, locals say, it's unbearable. >> the stench is awful, awful. you can't breathe, need a mask. >> reporter: on wednesday, governor rick scott directed the state's environmental agency to give the county $700,000 to kill the algae and remove it from various areas in southwestern florida. the money is part of an executive order issued last month.
>> i still get frustrated with the federal government, that they have not been a great partner. if they had funded all the projects they should have been funding, some of these things wouldn't be happening. >> reporter: authorities say in a case like this, which has already lasted more than nine months, it could go a year or more, making it very difficult to control. rosa flores, cnn, miami. to call it a wild ride may be an understatement. after all the costumes, chrome, and hum of harleys. but what's on the minds of bikers at this year's sturgess motorcycle rally, president trump. cnn's bill weir is there. hey, bill. >> reporter: hey, ana. this is a fascinating glimpse into trump's america in the age of all these wars with economic partners overseas, what do bikers for trump feel about it? do they pledge their allegiance to the president or harley-davidson? we'll get into that and more when we come back from sturgess.
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dakota, he's hanging out with bikers, asking for their views, including politics, the president and more. what have you found? >> reporter: it's a fascinating glimpse at trump's america. there are some dissenting voices but they're drowned out by the rumble of these bikes and the passion for the president. take a look. they rumble in from all points on the compass. from all week each summer, this little town of 7,000 explodes to half a million. but this is one city that looks nothing like the rest of america. you can go hours without seeing a person of enclose are. and sturgess, a minority is a white guy on a foreign bike. there are no debates over gun control here or the ethics of the "me too" movement. and there is no doubt who is the leader of this pack. are you a fan of the president? >> of course, he's doing a lot better than obama did. >> reporter: this ghost rider
reveals himself as john sands, a postal worker who rides up from kentucky each year. he sees proof of trump's brilliance in the booming economy. >> what they'll tell you is, you know, it's the trump bump, the economy is so good, people are feeling so good. >> reporter: rod woodruff is the owner of the buffalo chip, a disneyland for bikers. he says his bike verrs have an average engine of $95,000 a year. >> lots of people own multiple motorcycles. >> we have food, pizza, anything you want at the free access. >> reporter: do you have your own jail? >> no. we don't need one. >> reporter: violence and arrests are incredibly rare for a crowd of this size. one reason is that most folks share the same values. and those that don't keep it to themselves. i see here a microcosm for the whole country. >> and i get the feeling sometimes that people that don't
believe in what's going on is right have become very quiet. >> i think there's a lot of hypocrisy going on in the country because i just feel like everybody wants freedom and they want rights but god forbid somebody disagree with you, you'll get your head bitten off. >> reporter: is this the ultimate loyalty test for his base? do these folks pledge allegiance to the president or harley-davidson? >> i'm going to have go with what's going to make america better. if harley wants to choose to go somewhere else, i'll choose a different bike. >> i love the man, he's doing a wonderful job. >> reporter: despite the president's disdain for my profession, they couldn't have been nicer. do i strike you as an enemy of
the people? >> not at all, we're glad to have you here. >> reporter: but it's obvious no amount of earnest reporting will change their minds. >> if you look at mueller and the russia investigation, there's a lot of red flags and dark clouds. >> i wonder if they pick on him because he was on the outside. how come the clintons could do things and no one else can? i'm old enough to remember when the base loved harley-davidson and hated russia and it seems like it's flipped a little bit. >> i don't think there's any reason for him to call them out or try to be friendly with everyone. if they don't want to be friends, it's a whole nother story. >> even vladimir putin, a dictator, a murderer? >> he met with kim jong-un as well. >> reporter: back downtown, our presence sparks a debate from fox news fans from texas and bonnie from nebraska. >> they don't know what they're
talking about. i watch both. i go either way. >> reporter: which proves we now live in a media age where people can choose their own facts. >> i have a friend who is very much fox, and i go, hmm, yep, i agree with you, no problem. everybody has their own opinion. it's like assholes, everybody has one. >> reporter: as long as we don't start shooting at each other, right? >> that's right. >> reporter: then the heckling is interrupted by a hero falling from the sky. sergeant dana bowman who lost both legs in a midair collision. he lands with old glory and just for a moment, it feels like we are all in this together. >> hey, bill, at least you're sparking conversation. you're creating an opportunity for different opinions to get out there. i mean, i couldn't help but notice the cnn facts first shirt
you were wearing when you're amongst all these people. was that supposed to be like an icebreaker? or did you have people saying, hey, can i get one of those shirts? >> reporter: i did. we had some of that. but no, a biker rally is really about flying your colors. whether you ride an indian or a harley. i was proud to represent the mothership, as it were, especially in this age. and yes, i did want to kind of test the perceptions. and the first guy who rented me my harley came up and said, are you from cnn? he said, tell don lemon and anderson cooper i think they're national hero. but i caught it from the other side too. it's part of the polarized nature of what's going on here. these folks love every tweet that come from the president, the ones that send his fact checkers into a froth. they eat it up. when you see the fervent supporters in the presidential approval rating, a lot of them are riding around here.
>> when you talk about the tweet, i can't help but think about lebron james and that tweet this weekend and the racial divide and the way the president has played to his base on these culture war issues. did that come up in discussion? >> reporter: not really. and i want to make it clear that, you know, this place is -- south dakota is 85% caucasian. most of the riders come from states where the diversity is about the same there as well. and it may not be by design. i would like to think that all these bikers would be as warm and gracious to a reporter of color. i firmly believe that. but we are separated, both geographically, so easily. and when you don't rub up against those ethnic groups that the president likes to demonize, and find the humanity in them and connect with them and say, wait a minute, that's not right when it comes to african-americans or mexicans, it makes it that much easier for the country to go tribal. >> bill weir, thank you.
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program ended in 2007. they are seasoned veterans of space. they will fly in capsules developed by spacex and boeing. nasa ended the shuttle program seven years ago after 135 missions. since it ended, nasa has paid russia about $70 million per set to carry astronauts to and from the international space station. if president trump gets his way, another mandate put forth by his predecessor will come to a screeching halt. he's taking him at fuel standards and a push by the previous administration to make cars and trucks more efficient. cnn's tom foreman breaks it down for us. >> reporter: ana, the obama administration and u.s. automakers are driving toward a target. by 2025, they wanted the average for light trucks and cars to be around 55 miles per gallon.
the trump administration says let's stop at the 2021 average. this fulfills a trump promise to cut back on government regulation which many businesses consider expensive and onerous. but it's more than this. the trump administration wants to keep states from enacting their own auto emissions. the automakers want one standard for the whole country. some lawsuits will be filed around the country. there's a lot of pressure in some of those states from citizens and certainly from conservation and environmental
groups who say that's progress in cleaning up the air in this country, even as population grows. as these measures are put into place, it will be a step backward, ana. >> tom foreman, thank you. tonight on cnn, when a comedian passes away, the impact is personal. why? find out what creates that connection and why it's always too soon to lose the laughter. "history of comedy: gone too soon" tonight at 10:00 only on cnn. ieve ♪ but it's all coming back me. ♪ baby, baby, baby. all you can eat is back, baby. applebee's. the new united explorer card makes things easy. traveling lighter. taking a shortcut. (woooo) taking a breather. rewarded! learn more at

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Development , Everything , Collusion Narrative , Meddling , Nobody , Side , Ball , Backpedaling , Sort , Office , Pitch , Big Deal , Someone , Election Laws , Ten Bucks , Ten , Government , Pizza , Foreigners , Kinds , Ethics , Laws , Colluding , Lack , Limitations , Outcomes , Elections , Voters , Votes , Voter , Stuck , Congress , Evidence , Sense , Obstruction Of Justice , Indictments , Individuals , Intelligence Agency , Kremlin , Transcript , Facts Dont Change , Me Sekulow , Benefit , Doubt , Misled Sekulow , Let , Who , Part , George Stephgeorge , E , Algae , Sea Turtles , Birds , Fish , Amendment , Guys , Couple , Anybody , Cia , Supporters , Right Wing Conspiracy Group , Knowledge , Fringe , Weaponized , Cnn Newsroom , Rallies , Sight , Amd , Toqualks , To Qanon , Risk , Help , Doctor , Preservision , Plan , Progression , Moderate , Vision , Formula , National Eye Institute , Preservision Areds 2 , Nutrient , 2 , Great Tasting Chewable , Children , Living , 11 , Compound , Police , Authorities , Running Water , Campground , Third World Country , Toddler , Beaten Up Trailer , New Mexico , Men , Food , Officials , Rice , Potatoes , Box , Rifles , Ar 15 , 15 , Lucas Martin , Both , Questions , Photos , 3 , Ground , Rounds , Travel Trailer , Pistols , Arsenal , Magazines , Ammunition , Four , Women , Electricity , None , Answers , Plastic , Adults , Three , Wahaj , Sit Custody , Fugitive , Morton , Care , Child , Services , Arrest , Mothers , Bond , Abduction , Georgia , County Sheriff , Account , Conditions , Poverty , Shooting , Report , Final Investigative Report On Want Country , Thanks , Las Vegas , Stephen Paddock , Sheriff , Strip , 500 , Massacre , Fire , Music Concert , Act , Gunman , Room , Changes , Hotel , Bump Stock , Shooter , Gun Laws , Bump Stocks , Automatic Weapon , Legality , Mandalay Bay , Volcano , Hurricane , Collision Course , Neighborhoods , Message , Lava , Dont Wait , Island Chain , Investors , First , Round , Stock Market , Trade Tensions , Alison Kosik , Chinese , 6 Billion , 16 Billion , Plans , Tariffs , Goods , Action , Threat , Imports , Front , 60 Billion , 0 Billion , Inflation , High , It Wasnt Tariff , Producer Price Index , Consumer Price Index , Signs , Six , Pressure , New York , Commissions , Stocks , Options Contracts , Tools , Experience , Tablet , Web , Futures Contracts , 0 50 , 4 95 , 95 , 50 , 1 50 , Price , Card , Good , Service , Platform , Trading Specialists , Edge , Looks , E Trade , Eating , Tenders , Love , Keep It Comin , It Comin , Car , Prices , Area , Deal , Truecar , Zip , Range , Neighborhood , Applebee S , Eatin , Car Buying , Businesses , Gig , All , Answer , Places , Zip File , Files , Dream More , Dream Faster , Comcast , Hurricane Hector Is Turning Towards Hawaii , Forces , Dodging , Kilauea Volcano , Pacific Basin , Meteorologist Tom Seder , Weather Center , Thousands , Ring Of Fire , Volcanos , Hector , Erupting , Typhoon , Pacific , Philippines , 1991 , 4 , Problem , Winds , Islands , Tropical Storm , Big Island On Tuesday , 100 , Storm , Waves , Toxins , Wind Blow Embers , Closer , 25 , 20 , Storms , Hurricanes , Cash Flows , Hit , Hawaiian Islands , Thank Goodness , 14 , Point , Forecast , Big Day , Quake , Lives , Earthquake , Picture , Indonesia , 17 , 6 4 , 6 9 , Some , Death Toll , Structures Couldn T , Homes , Families , Home , Stress , Fractures , 46 , 7 , 82 , Debris , Fatalities , Runway , Tourism , Sister Island , Most , Bali , 600 , 2012 , Areas , Aftershocks , Power , Each Other , Hikers , Top , Fo Foreshot , Life , Southwestern Florida , Phenomenon , Update , Coastline , Tom Sater , Red Tide , Rick Scott , En Masse , Emergency Order , Water Red , Algae Bloom , Details , Running Outbreak , Beaches , Rosa Flores , Sea Life , Fresh Water , Sea , Boca Grande , 2006 , A Thousand , Line , Sharks , Eyes , Problems , Smell , Contact , Stench , Mask , Shellfish , T Breathe , Locals , Money , County , Governor , Executive Order , Directed The States Environmental Agency , 00000 , 700000 , Partner , Wouldn T , Happening , Projects , Funding , More , Ride , Understatement , Costumes , Miami , Chrome , Nine , Bikers , Bill , Bill Weir , Trump , Glimpse , Sturgess Motorcycle Rally , Hum Of Harleys , President , Age , Allegiance , Harley Davidson , Partners , Feel , Wars , Sturgess , Planet , Population , Impact , Economy , Environment , Technology , Energy , Network , Verizon , Element , Sensors , Data , Power Grid , Goals , Solution , Rooftop Solar , Colton , Shelee , Ho , Many , Gasps , Car Insurance , Wow , Mom , Computer , Coverage , Rates , Ending , Better , Visit Cancercenter Com Breast Jimmy , Care Team , Doctors , Focus , Surgeon , Scent Power , Febreze Unstopables , Noseblind , Fabric , Irresistible Freshness , Indulge , Dont Worry , Forever , Smoothies , Credit , Credit Score , Credit Karma , Mom And Dad , Forscendingn For The World , 500000 , Colleague , South Dakota , Motorcycle Event , Politics , Views , Fascinating Glimpse At Trumps America , Voices , Bikes , Compass , Points , Rumble , Passion , Summer , Takea Look , Bike , Guy , City , Minority , Town , Brest , 7000 , A Million , No Doubt , Obama , Gun Control , Leader , Movement , Pack , Debates , Fan , Me Too , Ghost Rider , John Sands , Trump Bump , Proof , Brilliance , Kentucky , Engine , Owner , Bike Verrs , Rod Woodruff , Buffalo Chip , Disneyland , 5000 , 95000 , Lots , Motorcycles , Crowd , Violence , Arrests , Access , Size , Jail , Folks , Reason , Feeling , Values , Microcosm , Don T , Rights , Whats Going On , Freedom , Hypocrisy , God , Somebody , Head , Base , Loyalty Test , America Better , Job , Somewhere , Enemy , S Disdain For My Profession , Amount , Minds , Obvious , Flags , Bit , Clintons , Outside , Else , Dark Clouds , Everyone , Friends , Whole Nother Story , Fans , Presence , Fox News , Debate , Texas , Back Downtown , Nebraska , Way , Friend , Media Age , Yep , Hmm , No Problem , Other , Opinion , Lassholes , Sergeant Dana Bowman , Hero , Midair Collision , Sky , Heckling , Legs , Old Glory , Opinions , Opportunity , Shirt , Conversation , Biker Rally , Shirts , Icebreaker , Nharley , Test , Mothership , Colors , Perceptions , Amy Harley , Indian , Nature , Don Lemon , Anderson Cooper , Ones , Fact , Froth , Approval Rating , Riding , Fervent , Culture War Issues , Divide , Discussion , Lebron James , Riders , Diversity , Design , 85 , Groups , Color , Humanity , Say , Connect , African Americans , Mexicans , Real , Electronic Dance Music , Gums , Bacteria , Gum Line , Plaque Bacteria , Gum Damage , Crest Gum Detoxify , Enamel , Crest , Check Up , Crest Gum , Gum , Repair , Smiles , Neulasta , Dose , Reactions , Lung Problems , Chemotherapy , Infection Risk , Spleen , Kidney Injuries , Neupogen , Capillary Leak Syndrome , Patients , Trouble Breathing , Bone , Crises , Side Effect , Shoulder , Tip , Spain , Sickle Cell Disorders , Muscle Ache , 5 , Nasa , Program , Shuttle Program , Spacex , Space , Capsules , Missions , Veterans , Boeing , 135 , 2007 , Seven , Astronauts , Space Station , Mandate , 70 Million , 0 Million , Cars , Tom Foreman , Predecessor , Trucks , Screeching Halt , Push , Fuel Standards , Automakers , Average , Target , Light Trucks , 2025 , 55 , Stop , Government Regulation , Promise , 2021 , States , Auto Emissions , Conservation , Lawsuits , Citizens , Progress , Step , Air , Measures , Comedy , Connection , Laughter , History , Gone Too Soon , Manieve , 10 , 00 , Baby , Back , Explorer Card , Lighter , United , Breather , Shortcut , Woooo ,

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