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Condition. When we checked in with her son, he told us simply pray for her. A few hours later, things changed. We checked in with her son and heres the statement. She spoke to me this morning and said she missed carrie. Shes with carrie now. This comes a day after we reported Carrie Fishers death. She was on the way from l. A. To london went she fwhent to cardiac arrest and died Tuesday Morning which has really seen an outpouring of support from fans now and family. Debbie reynolds step daughter saying some of the magic people have left the tribe. For the moment im inconsolable. We have seen other hollywood celebrities tweeting and reaching out to the family. On the star, Debbie Reynolds star we are seeing flowers and candles of what im sure will be a growing memorial for the legend. Rosemary, cyril . Joining us for more on that is michael muster, new york columnist. A lot of major artists passed away in 2016, david bowie, george michael, leonard cohen, Debbie Reynolds was known as a tv and cinema person. What trace do you think she will leave in history . Much like her daughter Carrie Fisher who died the day before she was a movie legend. Prince and George Michaels deaths were blows to the music world and debbie and carries loss was a loss to the movie world. Debbie was oscar nominated for the unabsinkable molly brown. Did broadway, cabaret, had a casino, did everything. A singing, dancing, demon who loved to entertain and she was on tv, on golden girls for an episode. She played Debra Messings mother on will and grace and a familiar face you could rely on for entertainment value. Correct me if i am wrong, but i get the sense there are not many contemporary artists that were as multifa facetted. She was a singer, had records that came out. She was on tv, a businesswoman. Seems to me thats rare these days. Everybody wants to be a Debbie Reynolds. All the stars are trying to do tv and movies so they can branch out. None can approach february by reynolds with her versatility. She mastered every medium. And she managed to be personable and deliver to her audiences who came to rely on her as a likable person. She was pitched as a sweet girl next door but she was a complicated person, just like carrie. Carrie wasnt Princess Leia than debbie was the girl from singing in the rain. Tell us more about her personality. She was funny, the ultimate professional. Never missed an engagement and always delivered. She eventually got frachl she was 84 and had to step down from showb showbiz. Whenever she was offered a special award she would show up and glow with the attention. She lived for the spotlight. One thing that strikes me, i was reading about her career and i didnt know how she started before her break. When she was 16 years old, she was spotted at a beauty pageant in california. She was someone who wanted the light, wanted to be a hollywood star. From that moment on, its sort of this stereo typical story of people who want to make it in hollywood and it started at 16 in a beauty pageant and lasted until she was 84. She did. She wanted the stardom and she got it. She went after the brass ring. Its not just the drive and determination but the fact she had talent. She was able to sing, dance, do comedy and drama. She was able to do it all. It became competitive when her daughter became famous and got parts in shampoo and star wars but through the years they ironed out their kinks and became close. They were a unit and it was inspiring to see the rapport the two developed and im sure it was heart break that killed Debbie Reynolds. When carrie died, she was hopeless and helpless. Thats what her son said to cnn the morning before she passed away she said she missed carrie. She missed her terribly. She never thought she would have to live a life without carrie and no parent thinks they will outlive their child. It was a tragedy. I said i hope they dont tell debbie. I wish they could shield her from the reality her daughter died because it will be painful for her. Even though the entire world was rallying around her, we love you, debbie, it was devastating for her and im sure it was a factor in her physical demise. Thank you so much for your time and insights. Thank you. An entertainment journalist and pop culture contributor for access hollywood and reid is with us in the studio. We want to start with Debbie Reynolds in singing in the rain thats how people think of her and shes defined by that role. That set her career on fire. Lets have a look at that first good morning good morning we dance the whole night through in the morning in the morning its great to stay up late good morning to you the show goes on and i dont want to say good night i want to go to you because when i saw this movie when i was younger, very much younger, this just was an incredible movie an to know she was not a dancer before she did this, she was shown these steps for three months or so. The only modern equivalent would be Whitney Houston whos not an actress doing like the bodyguard and blowing it out of the water but whitney wasnt a teenager at the time. Debbie was. Shes dancing alongside arguably one of the best dancers has ever seen. Shes holding her own, she is dancing, singing, she is beautiful and gorgeous at this young age. As i said, her career starts to keep going and spanning all of these decades. Again, we lost hollywood royalty. We lost class, we lost grace and to piggyback what the last gentleman said it is ironic that a woman who gave us so much laughter, charm and warmth died of a broken heart with the passing of her daughter. Just extraordinary. It is unbelievable when you look at that piece. To know she was 19. Hand picked by gene kelly herself. No professional training. It is not a dance you pick up overnight. It is something theres an eloquence about it. It is a skill. Not like regular tap. To watch her going, gosh, she really nailed that. It is baffling that she was not a professional dancer. Not only did you have to find your light, hit your marks, remember your lines in the song and learn dances you have never done before, beyond impressive. The way she expressed herself was she said she was actually too dumb to be afraid. Normally at that age you are afraid. Saw that from the beginning of her career. In 2011, it shows how she could take over an interview with her sunny personality. This is one moment with joy behar in 2011. You got in to showbiz by accident. Yes, i entered a local beauty contest. We were a poor family and they gave free glasses to enter and i won a free glass and i won. There were talent skouts and they took me to the studio and changed my name to debbie and it happened like that. What was your name. Mary francis reynolds. It sounds like a nun. Does it . Yeah, it does. You say that because you are catholic. Italian. [ speaking italian ] im a bad i tall yan. Italian. You were getting emotional when we spoke to you an hour ago, not that many stars today will look an sound that way. Shes on the view talking to joy behar and listened to italian and wont let these performers outshine her but did it with so much class and style and pan discovery and panache. They became friends later on with elizabeth taylor. That doesnt happen today. It is scandal, vitriol and who can get caught doing something crazy. Heres someone that kept it classy and even going through turmoils with carrie, weathered every storm. I miss that. Thats what i got in to this business for. Bright lights, shiny stars and we lost one. Hollywood is a little dimmer tonight. She did keep it classy, didnt she, holland . I want to talk about the relationship she had with Carrie Fisher. There were difficult times, as there always are with motherdaughter relationships but they really did reconcile at the end and they were so close and the fact that she died just one day after Carrie Fisher died is an indication of that . Everybody thinks she died of a broken heart. This is a woman, take the actress off, the talent away, she was a mother and she fought for her daughter. She fought for her daughters Mental Health. She said one of the worst times of her life is when she found out the diagnosis of her become bipolar. It broke her. I cant even imagine having to deal with that. But she was there for her daughter her entire life. They had a span of ten years where they werent close and then a time in their life they lived across the street from each other and accepting awards from each other. A mother that loved and cares and do anything for her daughter. She was an advocate for Mental Health awareness before she had her daughter. Now moving forward in her life and being that person for Carrie Fisher and dying the day after, she fought until the end and sometimes i guess a loss like that is so great as a mother. I cant imagine. The idea of burying my own son is on the scale, i think everyone if you have a child, you have your own mother can feel what that pain must remotely feel like. Absolutely. Absolutely agree. Holland, thank you for joining us. Very sad day. John kerry is dropping the niceties with israel. With less than a month left with u. S. Secretary of state his reason for calling them out just ahead. The u. S. Is preparing to punish rsh for hacking during the election. More on the passing of d Debbie Reynolds a day after her daughter Carrie Fisher died. You are watching cnn. Go, go [ rock music playing ] have fun with your replaced windows. Run away [ grunts ] leave him leave him [ music continues ] brick and mortar, what . [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and Auto Insurance with progressive, you get more than a big discount. Thats what you get for bundling home and auto jamie you get sneakygood coverage. Thanks. Were gonna live forever if you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. If other treatments havent worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works by focusing right in the gitract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. While not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. This is your tax return. Ok. Now, there are many right ways to fill out this tax return. And the irs will accept them all. One of them gets you the most money back. Isnt that the one you want . Thats the one i want. Thats the one you want. Mmm. You touched all these. Dont just get your taxes done, amy. Get your taxes won. They argued they are jeopardizing middle east peace. Cnns jim sciutto has the details. Friends need to tell each other the blunt truth. The israeli Prime Minister supports a twostate solution but his Current Coalition is the most right wing in israeli history within an agenda driven by the most extreme elements. Pushing back following washingtons decision not to veto the United Nationss vote condemning israeli settlements in jerusalem and the west bank. On this point i want to be very clear no American Administration has done more for israels security than barack obamas. Reporter kerry vehemently defended the u. S. Abstention saying the prospects of middle east peace are at stake. The vote in the United Nations was about preserving the twostate solution. Thats what we were standing up for. The twostate solution is now in serious jeopardy. Reporter kerry acknowledged the u. S. Consulted on the resolution, but denies israels claim in the u. S. Was the driving force behind it. The United States did not draft or originate this resolution, nor did we put it forward. Reporter Israels Netanyahu called kerrys speech disappointing and more. Israelis do not need to be lectured about the importance of peace by foreign leaders. Reporter Prime Minister netanyahu promised israel had the evidence to prove the u. S. Orchestrated the vote and would show that evidence to president elect trump when he takes office in a few weeks. We have it on absolutely uncontested evidence that the United States organized, advanced and brought this resolution to the United Nations security council. Well share that information with the Incoming Administration stay strong, israel january 20th is fast approaching. Netanyahu tweeted back president elect trump thank you for your warm friendship and clearcut support for israel. President obama decided to increase aid to israel committing 38 billion over ten years. Part of the largest pledge of military assistance in u. S. History which kerry noted was not a new stance. In the midst of our own financial crisis and budget deficits, we repeatedly increased funding to support israel. In fact, more than one half of our entire global Foreign Military financing goes to israel. Talk radio host ethan bermen is joining us from los angeles. I want to hear you out. You are concerned about the impending donald Trump Presidency that includes his policy on israel. But you are also concerned about the current u. S. Policy, letting a resolution critical of israel pass at the u. N. Security council. Tell us more. Its a little conflicting as a jewish person. As an american citizen first, i look at what is happening in the middle east and the approach of the Current Administration as something problematic, i did not appreciate or approve of the way the u. S. Handled this. I think it is damaging to our relationship with israel and said i look forward to trump being a better friend to israel. But overall, i have concerns with the Trump Presidency and i dont support it overall. We can be supportive of a president elect trump regarding israel, but i will be critical of him and cast a wary eye his way on Everything Else he does here in the United States. Let me take it in steps. Why are you so concerned that the u. S. Let the u. N. Security council pass a resolution critical of israel . Previous u. S. Administrations have done so in the past and they have done so more often than the Obama Administration. I think in this specific situation, you have to look at the timing and wording of the resolution and whats been going on the last several years here. I personally think the twostate solution is dead and i dont see how in the Trump Administration does that mean you favor a onestate solution . I think so. I think in my travels to israel and the people i have talked to, they are looking forward to a peace and stability. What i saw with hamas, it is union run in gaza and the Palestinian Authority has shown no interest in jews living in its territory. Are we looking at ethnic cleansing of the jews if we say twostate solution. Jew leave but the arabs have full rights in israel. We have Supreme Court justices in israel that are arab. What would you answer to the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry, outgoing secretary of state who said today israel cannot remain a democracy if it pursues the onestate solution . I just dont agree with that. I think he is wrong. I think the twostate solution has been attempted 50 years, plus, and nothing has changed. Every time it talks about israel must do this and that and on what basis. So when israel in the past, even in the Obama Administration did a tenmonth freeze of settlements, did the palestinians come forward . Did anything change on the other side . Nothing changed. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. I think a new approach needs to be taken. I think what the Obama Administration did undermines any kind of new approach moving forward. Im deeply concerned there isnt going to be peace found in the next four years. What do you say to the argument that if israel continues settlement building it makes a palestinian state unviable . I think thats a fallacious argument. Look, how many Palestinian Refugee camps have there been since 1948 in the surrounding countries, like lebanon, like jordan, and other places . Did the Palestinian Refugees get resettled in those countries, and if not, why not . These are the Big Questions that are never being asked. Why does the head of hamas have 2. 6 billion he is stealing from the people, the actual Palestinian People are who im concerned about and who arent talked about here and the leadership is using their people as pawns in these conversations. Thank you very much for giving us your opinion. Thank you. Thank you. Now to another story. The u. S. Is expected to announce a series of reprisals against russia for meddling in the u. S. President ial election. Officials say the new measures could be announced as early as thursday, including targeting people close to president putin. Cnn contributor and former Moscow Bureau chief Jill Dougherty says the u. S. Will likely take several actions against moscow. Well, i think there would be three. One will be sanctions, we expect. You would expect that would be one thing. Number two would be some type of diplomatic action and number three would be the covert action. Actions against russia as early as tomorrow as retaliation for meddling in the u. S. Election. Russias Foreign Ministry warns it will retaliate if the u. S. Takes any hostile steps. A legend of old hollywood dies the day after her daughter. We will be remembering Debbie Reynolds next on cnn. If youve got the time welcome to the high life. Weve got the beer miller beer like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces redney. Tape, which saves money. When they save, you save. Thats home and Auto Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. Here in the United States and around the world. You are watching cnn newsroom. Im cyril vanier. Im rosemary church. We want to update you on the breaking news. Debbie reynolds has died at the age of 84. One day after the death of Carrie Fisher. Singing in the rain started a long career in the limelight. Reynolds never stopped entertaining. She told larry king that it gave her the fun of life. She said even when marriages failed entertainment stood by her. We have more on the life and career of Debbie Reynolds. Singer, dancer, actress, Debbie Reynolds was a hollywood triple threat and americas sweet heart. Her film career began at the age of 16 after being spotted in a beauty pageant. Im laughing at clouds she had a spirited performance in 1952s singing in the rain. They just locked me in a big old studio and for three months i had five teachers, one for tap, ballet, jazz, modern and work, work, working until i just fall apart. Reporter other notable roles followed including 1957 tammy and the bachelor that resulted in her number one hit song tammy. She played opposite gregory peck in how the west was won and she earned an oscar nomination. Im going to learn to read and write reporter beloved on screen. She had two children with her first husband eddie fisher. Producer todd fisher and Carrie Fisher. The marriage ended in divorce when fisher left reynolds to marry her close friend, elizabeth taylor, a painful betrayal. Reynolds was able to joke about the scandal years earlier. I was a girl scout. I was a simple little girl and thats what i was. And he fell madly in love with elizabeth. Now i understand, some years later. Its in the past. Reporter her second and third marriages also ended in divorce, each time causing reynolds financial pain. However, she had been quietly collecting hollywood memorabilia over the years that would prove a wise investment. In 2011, reynolds sold Marilyn Monroes dress at auction for 4. 5 million. She also never quit performing. Though she stepped away from film for much of her career, reynolds continued to entertain on broadway and stages and lauk clubs. She had several tv roles, notably playing liberaces mother in behind the candelabra. Her wide array of work was recognized with the Lifetime Achievement award. She loved every minute she spent in show business and her 2013 autobiography unsinkable. She credited the love of friends and family for her professional and personal resiliency. I paid 20,000 for this. It is that spark and sense of humor and talentle that reynolds will be remembered for. I love you. Good night, everybody. Thank you. Welcome back, everyone. Donald trump says the transition between his team and the Obama Administration is going very smoothly. Thats very different from his tone on twitter earlier on wednesday when he lashed out again against the current president. Then a phone call from hawaii from the commander in chief himself. He called me. We had a very, very good talk about, generally about things. He was in hawaii. Very nice call and i actually thought we covered a lot of gooder to toir. Donald trump and mr. Obama have had a rocky relationship for years. And things could change again before trumps inauguration next month. Sun laner is f. Donald trump clearly attempting to lower the temperature after earlier in the day he escalated his public spat with the president. Tweeting today doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory president o statements and road blocks. Thought it was going to be a smooth transition, not. This after president obama used his highprofile speech to take a failed jab at his successor. Even when hatred burns hottest, even when the tug of tribalism is at its most primal, we must resist the urge to turn inward. We must resist the urge to demonize those who are different. Reporter the escalating war of words between the outgoing and incoming in president , a sharp departure from the immediate postelection vow to work together. We are going to want to help you succeed. I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. Reporter their relationship showing strains publicly. Obama quipping he thinks he would have won the election if he could have run again. I am confident in this vision because im confident that if i had if i had run again and articulated it, i think i could have mobilized a majority of the people to rally behind it. Trump counter punched, the voters wanted to make America Great again. And taking another swipe at the president altering the thanks frank to thanks, donald. Tweeting the u. S. Consumer Confidence Index for december surged nearly four points to 113. 7, the highest level in more than 15 years, thanks, donald. At maralago today, trump trying to focus on his transition, receiving an intelligence briefing, meeting with his National Security team and according to officials resuming meetings with existing administration. The white house has confirmed it was president obama who called trump from hawaii to have a discuss. The white house said it was a positive call. One that is focused on continuing a smooth and effective transition Going Forward an the white house says both sides recommitted to making sure they stay in communication in the next weeks ahead. Cnn, palm beach, florida. We will have a discussion of our own now with the vice chair hoff the California Democratic party and republican strategist luis alvarado. Many issues brought up daily in the transition process, economy, foreign relations. Lets start with the economy. Listen to what donald trump said when it was announced sprint would be bringing back 5,000 jobs to the u. S. We had good news. Because of what is happening and the spirit and hope, i was just called by the head people at sprint. They are going to be bringing 5,000 jobs back to the United States. They are taking them in other countries. They are bringing them back to the United States. Luis alvarado, republican strategist, seriously, do you think that donald trump can take credit for thousands of jobs in the u. S. Before he is even in office . Lets be specific. Donald trumps claim is he received a phone call from sprint, not that he initiated the phone call. There is something to say about wall street, its all about giving the sense of prosperity versus negativetivety. Donald trump has an effect. Up to this point, no one can argue the effect that was expected to be one of calamity has turned in to an effect of prosperity. That sense of prosperity still sticks with donald trump. The reality is that the Democratic Party only has one spokesperson that still has the credibility throughout the Democratic Party. Thats barack obama. The question is the void thats going to exist for the entire party. He is president. But soon will be silenced. The question is how will he continue to represent the issue or ideology of the Democratic Party . Will he have a platform, or will there be somebody else who steps up to the plate. Regardless if you like him or not, he has a very loud voice and its been heard throughout the world. Eric . Im not sure i understand the last point. Barack obama will continue to be the immediate past president and command attention and be able to speak out and certainly speak out on issues across the board, just as bill clinton has done. I will point out that bill Clinton Left Office with a high Approval Rating and the best economy we have seen in years and barack obama is leaving office with a remarkedly improved economy, 60 Approval Rating. To diminish that and say he wont have a platform anymore, of course he will. The fact of the matter is that donald trump cannot take credit for any of this. This is the net result of years and years of digging out of the economic hole we were in 2008. Rebuilding slowly and the problem is that there are places across america where recovery never touched and never got there. I dont think the 5,000 purported jobs that they are bringing back is the solution to the problem. I think we have a lot of work to go. Heres the bottom line. There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of problems that dont have skills for hightech, academybased professional careers and theres not enough work for them in america and we have to figure that problem out. I want to shift to foreign policy, if we can, it is very much front and center right now. Particularly the relationship between the United States and russia and separately the separate between the United States and israel. Observers are concerned about where it 1257bds rig where it stands right now and where it will go once donald Trump Takes Office january 20th. It will be quite a shift. Very different. We have seeing the olive branch very much being offered from donald trump to russia, and that has many people very nervous. Amazingly, it has not just democrats nervous but it has republicans in leadership very, very nervous. People have not forgotten the cold war. People understand that putin is not a guy to have as a friend. Hes a guy who is not an honest broker. Hes a very dangerous man. That is the reason why trumps approach and his secretary of state designate are so dangerous for our nation because they are playing in to putins hand and making him look stronger on the world stage rather than keeping him contained. Luis, your reaction there . So far donald trump has been for over a year said he would not be capable of doing x, y and z. Reality is we have to give the president elect the opportunity to demonstrate to those who supported and voted for him that he will be effective and his plan will work. When he has that loud voice and a little bit of a sense of not understanding how the effect will be measured, i think that gives him an advantage to think out of the box, act out of the box and do it on the behalf of the American People and we are all hoping, democrats and republicans, that he is successful and that is one thing we can get behind the president. We will be watching. Of course. Thank you. We will have to end it there. Thank you. A short break. When we come back, could amazons popular echo device help to solve a murder case . One prosecutor thinks it can. Find out why amazon is not ready to turn over all of the data. Back in a moment. Justice is spelled box. Hero, say hello to a powerful tool that gives you options to fit your budget. Oh, im tied to this chair dundundaaaa i dont know that an insurancethemed comic book is what were looking for. Did i mention he can save people nearly 600 . You havent even heard my catchphrase. Im all done with this guy. Box him up. Thats terrible. A popular piece of technology is at the center of a Murder Investigation in the United States. A prosecutor in arkansas once accessed recordings from an amazon echo device that was in a house where a man was killed. But amazon is purning back, refusing to turn over some of the data connected to the murderment iss account. And the case is renewing the debate about technology and privacy. People are concerned because its something that actively listened 24 hours a day. But there are a lot of things, you know, technology and data has been convicting people for a long time. The information in your computer can be subject to a search warrant. And all kinds of crimes exist on computers. Whether its that, your phone, anything else. The thing that makes this a new sort of era is that nobody turns on the echo. Its always listening. And when you activate it, it sends that voice information to be translated out in the cloud to data, returns back to your home, and then it acts on those commands. Thats what has people concerned. Now, the defendants attorney is applauding amazon. She says there is nothing useful on that device. So attorney Areeva Martin joins us from los angeles with her take on the case. I just want to start for a lot of us who have this in our homes it is a little disconcerting to know and to learn that it is listening all the time that is like a recording ongoing in our homes. Thats disconcerting. But how how is this any different to when there is an investigation and they want data from a phone that would help at least find out what happened in this case . Why is there resistance from amazon in this . The District Attorney said it is no different. They said its no different than having a legal search warrant for your phone or computer records. And amazons position, according to this District Attorney s not supported by the law or the legal precedent. And now the District Attorney has to make a decision. The warrant has been issued. Amazon has been willing to release account information, but not the recordings on the echo. So the District Attorney in this case will have to decide if its going to go into court and challenge amazon and ask the court to intervene and to force amazon to release the data. And how likely is that that that would happen. Obviously from a pure business point ofview amazon has to take a stand and say no, we wont be handing this over. But if this does proceed, legally they would be forced to, right . We saw this happen in the San Bernardino case n the terrorist case of 2015 when the iphone was involved and Law Enforcement in that case wanted to force apple to unlock that iphone and they resisted. Ultimately a third party unlocked the data in that case. These cases present some challenges for Big Tech Companies like amazon and aem. They want to protect their clients, they want their clients to feel there is sense of privacy with respect to the data thats stored on the cloud. And that comes up against Law Enforcement that says we may need this information to solve a crime like in this murder case in arkansas. And the courts are going to have to decide is it individuals rights to privacy versus the governments right to have access to otherwise what could be very Vital Information for a crime such as murder . Given your background, of course, where do you think this is going . How do you think this will end up . Ultimately i think the courts are going to intervene and amazon and apple and Big Tech Companies are going to be forced to turn over this information because this information is really no different than that information which is stored on a computer, telephone records, and other information custom the government upon a showing of probable cause, has the right to access. So whether its your home, your car, your computer, or in this case your electronic personal assistant, i think ultimately the government is going to have access to that information. Of course what were seeing play out here is that technology is moving way past what we have there in the law. So something has to be done. Are there moves afoot to do something to create laws and restrictions and regulations so that it is easier for courts to sort through this . Rosemary, what you said is 100 accurate. The tech nothing is moving so quickly the law is having a hard timekeeping pace with it. But ultimately i think the solution is easy. The information will be subject to the same subpoena disclosure requirements, as i said that computer information, telephone information, and similar information. As consumers, we have to eid decide when we bring a device like this in our home we should be aware that information is being stored on cloud. Its not just the subpoena from Law Enforcement. But also potential hacking that can happen with this information. So our convenience has to be weighed against our desire to keep certain information private. And i happen toby one of those lucky people who received one of these devices for a christmas gift. Millions of people across the kpun and across the world will have to decide what do we want to say to our personal assistant . In saying it, what are we subjecting ourselves to in doing so . A good point. I have one as well. This has been an education to me and im sure many other people across the world who have access to these. We have to work out what were doing. All right, a pleasure to talk with you, Areeva Martin, thank you, joining us from los angeles, where it is nearly 11 00 at night. We want to take a short break. First we want to update you on the breaking news. The death of actress Debbie Reynolds. The 84yearold was rushed to a los angeles hospital on wednesday when it turned out she was having trouble breathing. A day earlier, reynolds lost her daughter Carrie Fisher. The starrs actress died after suffering a cardiac event. Reynol you are watching cnn newsroom in atlanta. Well be back with more news right after this. If you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. If other treatments havent worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and aped just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works by focusing right in the gitract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. While not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Like their photo claims tool. It helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. And when they save, you save. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. Esurance does insurance a smarter way, which saves money. Like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces red tape, which saves money. And when they save, you save. Thats home and Auto Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. This is your tax return. Ok. Now, there are many right ways to fill out this tax return. And the irs will accept them all. One of them gets you the most money back. Isnt that the one you want . Thats the one i want. Thats the one you want. Mmm. You touched all these. Dont just get your taxes done, amy. Get your taxes won. Breaking news. You are looking at Debbie Reynoldss star on the hollywood walk of fame. This symbol of entertainment excellence is now the proof of love fans have this a tinseltown legend. Mourners have been leaving tributes of flowers and more since learning the

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