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In atlanta, welcome to our viewer here is in the United States and around the world. Im george howell. Oh cnn newsroom starts right now. Good day to you. We begin this hour with the investigation into the terror attacks in brussels and paris. Belgium is extending the detention of a key suspect. The lawyer for Salah Abdeslam says his extradition to france could now take a few weeks. And Belgium Police have released new surveillance images showing the only suspect to have survive affidavit the attack at the Brussels Airport. Police say he walked way from the airport. His identity and whereabouts remain unknown. Theyre asking pour the publics help. Our chief u. S. Security correspondent jim sciutto reports on the near step by step Record Police now have on that attacker. Reporter in the horrific aftermath of the brussels attacks, one of the suspected terrorists calmly turned and walked away, the beginning of a long meandering twohour escape from the carnage. Today Belgium Police released a series of surveillance videos of the suspect, tracking his every move, and appeal to the public for help finding him before he can strike again. He is the third person present on the scene during the attacks in Brussels Airport. The socalled man with the hat, as well as the vest he was wearing at the time. We especially appeal to people who might have filmed or taken a photograph of the suspect or link they can provide excellent information on this issue. Reporter at 7 58 a. M. , the suspect leaves the airport terminal, walks past a sheraton hotel, seen here, then turns right, exiting through an avis parking lot where he briefly breaks into a jog. Always on foot, the suspect takes this long route towards the city center where nearly an hour later at 8 50 a. M. He is seen again walking, sleeves rolled up, and without his light colored jacket, which he appears to have left along the way. He walks along this route for another 50 minutes. And at 9 42 a. M. , surveillance cameras catch him here as he walks in the brussels area of schaerbeek, the neighborhood where investigators believe the attackers built their bombs. He continues making his way through that neighborhood, where at 9 49 a. M. , he is seen on camera again, this time seemingly talking on his cell phone. An elbow patch is clearly visible on his shirt. As the desperate search continues, startling new information that one of the suicide bombers that struck the Brussels Airport previously had worked as a parttime cleaner at the European Parliament in the belgian capital. Work that routinely put him within close proximity of many senior european leaders. About two hours after the attacks, Belgian Police lost track of the suspect. They are releasing these videos to the public now because his trail has gone cold, and they want to try to catch him before he can strike again. Jim sciutto, cnn, washington. Now we move on to syria, where isis militants took over a Cement Factory and are now holding more than 300 workers hostage. Syrian state media report that it happened just east of the capital. The company says it has not been able to reach the workers since. Isis fighters have been ramping up their attacks near damascus in areas under government control. Across the border and in northern iraq, that countrys forces have liberated many villagers from isis control, and now we are hearing from survivors about their horrific ordeal, their physical and emotional scars, and how some were even used as human shields. They spoke to cnns arwa damon, who files this exclusive report. Reporter the initial phase of the operation to push towards mosul has come to a halt until the iraqi army says it receives reinforcements. But they have managed to wrest control back from isis in a handful of villages. When we spoke to the civilians that lived there, their stories were horrific. The latest arrivals at this refugee camp are not those who fled isis. Theyre those who say isis used them as human shields and didnt let them leave. Theyre from a handful of villages the iraqi army recently recaptured from isis. The men are kept at the camps mosque, a security precaution amid concerns isis fighters may be among them. Isis put five families into each home in the middle of the village, this man recalls. Like many here, he does not want his identity revealed. He still has loved ones at the mercy of isis, and has already witnessed and lost too much. He and his family could hear the armys advance. Hope finally that they would be saved. But in the fierce clashes, his younger brother was hit as he pulled his niece away from the window. He shouted i am shot, get me. The memory of that moment so painful, he can no longer control his emotions. He said i dont want to die, but he bled out in his arms. With us, he is able to leave the mosque grounds, and we head to see the rest of his family. He says they did not flee when iis first arrived nearly two years ago because his elderly mother could not run away. A mother who has buried her son. What is life, she now questions . At least god spared the rest. Their stories of life under isis make your skin crawl. He worked at a hospital in mosul. I was forced to keep working he said if you dont, i will leave your head on the hospital gate, he tells us. Once he was stopped in the street and forced to witness a public mass execution. In another instance, on the way to the market, he says we saw people hanging from the electricity pole. We asked why. They said they were trying to leave. If you try to escape, this will be your fate. The women also hide their faces, but little can hide the lingering fear, the Overwhelming Psychological trauma or the pain. This woman says the house isis held her family in as the iraqi Army Advanced was hit by a mortar. She was injured. Her 15yearold son killed. Her last image of him with blood coming out of his eyes, nose, mouth. Its all memories she says before it becomes too much and she walks away. The accounts of isis using the civilian population as human shields is one that is of utmost concern, both to the iraqis and to the United States as they advance on mosul, the countrys second largest city, there are potentially 1. 5 to 2 Million People whose lives will be at risk. Ara damon there reporting for us. Not far from the front line, engineers are waging another battle to save what is being called the most dangerous dam in the world. Next, arwa takes us inside that massive structure near mosul. She went to find out how after all the fighting around that dam, it is still standing. Reporter workers are drilling bore holes. This one will go down 150 meters or around 500 feet. Drilling that particular distance takes about a week. And the machines go up and down along the length of the dam, breaking up and then repouring cement to try to ensure the stability of the dams foundation. Arwa there taking you to the front lines in the fight against isis in iraq. That premiers friday at 11 00 p. M. In hong kong, only on cnn. Activists in bangladesh are outraged after a secular blogger was murdered in the streets, yet another murdered in the streets. A gang armed with machetes hacked Nazimuddin Samad to death. And so far no arrests have been made. Cnns ivan watson has more on this case. A group of attackers ambushed Nazimuddin Samad on his way home from University Evening classes. They hacked him with machetes and then shot him. Witnesses heard attackers shout allahu akbar as they fled. Samad appears to be the latest in a series of assassinations targeting secularist writers. Bangladesh is a majority Muslim Country with a hindu religious minority. But some writers who describe themselves as Free Thinkers have challenged religions role in society, criticizing extremism and militance it is. The countrys constitution promises to uphold the principle of secularism, but authorities there suggest some murdered critics crossed the line with their writing. Bloggers immediate to speak up. Even with student, if he does not report to the police, we could it is difficult for police to provide. A friend of samad said the writer went into hiding last year for several month, fearing for his life. But samad later wrote its better to die rather than living by keeping my head down. Samad is the sixth secularist writer or publisher to have been murdered in dhaka in 14 months. Others include nelloy, and roy, whose widow birly survived the machete attack that killed her husband. I had four stabs, machete stabs on my head. Why do you think these people attacked you . We have got to a point where criticizing islam is becoming a very big crime or a sin in bangladesh. Reporter bangladeshi students took to the streets wednesday for their murdered classmate. Translator were protesting here because one of our law students at the university was brutally killed. We want a proper investigation, and we want justice for the killing. Reporter tributes for the victim poured in on social media. One friend calls Nazimuddin Samad a courageous free thinker. Another asks for an end to this brutality. We will have more from ivan watson live in just a moment. But first, lets bring in our guest, anisol hook. He is a minister for law, justice, and Parliamentary Affairs in bangladesh, and now joins us from dhaka. It is good to have you with us this hour, sir. First, this is the sixth writer to be murdered for criticizing islam in 14 months, as you just heard in our report. What is being done to protect people, to prevent these types of takes . Am i on line . You are on cnn live. We wanted to know. So what is being done to protect people . You see, whenever these bloggers report to the police about threat that are given to them, immediately the government takes steps to protect them. As you have heard the political commissioner say, there are only a few times that they contact the police. But whenever it is done, the government sees that they should be protected, and the government extends protection. This is surely a very unfortunate, a very tragic incident. And i can tell you that proper investigation is going on to nab the real culprit. I must also say one thing that we have in the in the past nabbed the culprit. And this year one of the killers, rather one of the bloggers who were killed, their killers were sentenced to death after proper trial. So you see, the process of the Legal Process is on. The process for investigation is on. And the process to nab these killers is also on. But sir, with all due respect, can that same thing be said about the case, for instance of avajit roy . These threats were online. He was very much aware of them. But when he returned to bangladesh, he was murdered. So far so far i know about it, you see, when he went to the book exhibition, he had not informed the police. But it is now clear. And those who had killed him, one of them has already been caught so far, my information goes. Correct me if i am wrong. One of them has already been nabbed. And the others have been identified. And the police are after them. So you see, the investigation is on. As i said, it is very tragic, but, again, i would say that we would like more information coming from the bloggers if their life is threatened, and only then we can step in to protect them. And the government is surely willing to do so. You are saying the government willing to protect them if they step forward. I want to point something out that seems to the thing, let me just answer your question here. The thing is, until and unless we are aware of the fact that the individual is threatened, we cannot really go in and protect them. So it is the information that we are asking for. And once we get the information, we will surely extend our protection. Okay. And as i mentioned, the case of avajit roy, who is again from the metropolitan atlanta area, that information was online, the many death threat against him. I want to go and point something out, sir, that seems to the contrary. And it comes from the home minister of bangladesh, khan, who says that the government is doing its best to catch who was responsible. But he also says socalled bloggers do not have any rights to use these kinds of this kind of language against that of religion. Khan adds that no one has the right to attack religious leaders, be it profit mohamud, guru nanak or jesus. It is true that bloggers have the right to say what they say online and still can be protected . The thing is, you go for a threat when you are hurting somebody elses feelings. It is quite natural. Of course we accept expression of freedom of expression, and expression of free thought. We surely we are willing to protect it. But the thing is that it should be contained to that extent that it does not hurt somebody elses feelings. So it should be responsible enough not to hurt others feelings. That is what we are saying. We are not calling for anything else. We are not saying that they should not talk about it. But what we are saying is they should be responsible enough not to hurt somebody elses religious feelings. So to be responsible about it, you say. But again, simply publishing online, many people do seem to get Death Threats for doing so. Anisul huq the thing, that is exactly why i have said earlier that when somebody is doing that, somebody is inviting threats like that. And if that somebody gets one threat, we are only asking him to report that to the police so that proper protection can be extended. I think that is the job of a responsible government. And we are doing so. Anisul huq, we appreciate you joining us to explain the situation again. A minister for law, justice and parliantary affairs in bangladesh. Thank you so much for your time, sir. After the break we bring in cnns ivan watson, and we will discuss what we just heard. Stay with us. This is huge news its all thanks to our birds eye chefs favorites side dishes perfectly sauced or seasoned. What are you. . Shh im live tweeting. Oh, boy. Birds eye. So veggie good. Following on the story of a secular blogger murdered in bangladesh, now bringing in our Senior International correspondent ivan watson, live in hong kong. And ivan, im sure you got a chance to hear the interview that we just had with anisul huq, a minister for law, justice and Parliamentary Affairs in bangladesh. And he said that if bloggers who criticize islam, if they notify police to ask for protection, they will be protected. But that they must be responsible in how they criticize islam. From your reporting, though, does that seem to be a mixed message . It certainly right after somebody has been hacked to death with machetes on the street to then point out that that persons writings may have offended people does seem to be perhaps in poor taste, given that that person is now dead for the things that they wrote. Now a question was raised by rafita ahmed. She is the widow of avajit roy. He is the atheist blogger killed a little more than a year ago in dhaka. She barely survived that assault which left her very seriously wounded. She points out there are these semi blasphemy laws in bangladesh, and that a number of these atheist and secular writers and bloggers have been prosecuted under that law. So the question she raises, why would some of these writers then go to the police that are arresting them for insulting religion and seek protection from the very same people who are potentially prosecuting them. The fact of the matter here, george, is that the pattern of these assassinations of secular writers has continued. Now six dead in 14 months. And that is against the big backdrop of wider violence where youve had we dont know if its linked or not, attacks on religious minorities across bangladesh, be they christians or shiites or members of other smaller sects in that country, disturbing signs indeed. The Bangladeshi Government insists this is the work of homegrown terrorists, and that al qaeda or isis are not getting into bangladesh and influencing this pattern of deadly violence. George . You raise the case of avijit roy as i also raised with mr. Huq. The point he said police cannot protect people if they dont know that theyre in danger. But in the case of avajit roy, the writing was literally on the wall, online. These Death Threats were out there clear as day. So the question is dont they already know that many of these people are in danger . Its a good point. There was a hit list published more than a year ago listing 84 of these people. And in a very direct threat against them. Avajit roy was one of them. And having spoken again with his wife, with his widow, they she concedes that they travelled to dhaka a little bit more than a year ago, and they did not take adequate precautions. They did not imagine that this heinous attack could take place. And that they should have taken a different approach to this. But, again, if it comes down to that question, is freedom of suppression under threat in bangladesh . And without question, weve seen a pattern of intellectuals, writers, who are seeking to flee the country. And this latest victim, Nazimuddin Samad, had gone into hiding for several months last year, his friends say. And despite those precautions, he was still killed on a street in dhaka just two nights ago. Ivan watson live for us in hong kong. Ivan, thank you so much. Ivan live in hong kong where it is 3 26 p. M. This hour. Still ahead on newsroom, the race for the white house is next. Ted cruz refusing to apologize for his criticism of new york values. But he is trying to explain it. 3 29 in the United States. This is cnn newsroom and im george howell. Belgian police have released new images showing a surviving suspect of the attack at the Brussels Airport. Police say he walked from the airport to central brussels right after the explosions. His identity and whereabouts remain unknown. Investigators are asking for the publics help to find him. Just east of the syrian capital, isis had reportedly overrun this large cement plant and taken more than 300 workers captive. Syrian forces have been battling an isis offensive in the area, and reports say dozens of people there have been killed. The british Prime Minister says he has nothing to hide after admitting he made money off of an offshore fund set up by his late father. David cameron says he sold his shares in 2010 and paid all the proper taxes. Camerons father was named in that huge leak of documents from a panamanian law firm, the panama papers. Americas choice 2016. The race for the white house and the new york tabloids are taking shots at republican ted cruz. Just have a look at the cover of the new york daily news. Its a reaction to an attack line that ted cruz used on donald trump in january, accusing the billionaire businessman of having, quote, new york values. It says take the fu train ted slow. Everyone in new york and outside of new york knows exactly what i meant by that and it is the liberal values of democratic politicians who have been hammering the people of new york for decades. They suffered under these liberal values. Its been politicians like governor andrew cuomo, like Hillary Clinton, like mayor bill de blasio. A tough shot from the tabloids. Cruz isnt the only one being railroaded by the new york media. Several candidates have had their dubious honor of grazing the tabloids front pages. Voters go to the polls in new york on april 19th. John kasich is joining the other republicans campaigning in new york. And he is also going after ted cruz instead of donald trump. His campaign released new ads focusing on ted cruzs criticism of new york values. And kasich says he thinks he can ultimately win the republican nomination at the convention. Were now getting to the place where we feel we have the best chance of being able to accumulate delegates. But i have been saying for weeks that we were going to go to a convention, and everybody is like well, how is that going to work . And im not sure thats going to happen. And guess what . Everybody now knows were going to a convention. The former new york mayor Rudy Giuliani says that he will vote for donald trump in the upcoming primary. But he doesnt want to call it an endorsement. Giuliani tells the new times that trump is his friend. And among the candidates running, he is the best choice. And on the democratic side, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are crisscrossing the state. Clinton needs to win a majority of the 248 pledge delegates to bolster her hopes of putting the democratic nomination out of reach from Bernie Sanders. And their race for the white house switched gears this way in a big way. This week, i should say. Jeff zeleny has this report for us. I will take Bernie Sanders over ted cruz or donald trump any time. Reporter Hillary Clinton taking the high road as the democratic race evolves into a war of words. Lets keep our eye on whats really at stake in this election. Reporter at stake is the new york primary, which Bernie Sanders is fighting hard to win. Firing off some of the most personal attacks yet of the campaign over who is qualified to be president. The American People might wonder about your qualifications, madam secretary, when you voted for the war in iraq. The most disastrous Foreign Policy blunder in the history of modern america. Reporter in philadelphia today, sanders unleashed a long list of grievances. Are you qualified to be president of the United States when youre raising millions of dollars from wall street, antity whose greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior helped destroy our economy . Reporter sanders said clinton started it by diminishing his qualifications. She said he did. One thing is certain. Suddenly democrats have their own freeforall on their hands. But if secretary clinton thinks just because im from a small state in vermont and were going to come here to new york and pennsylvania and theyre going to beat us up and theyre going to go after us in some kind of really uncool way, fight back. They can guess again. Reporter its a rough and tumble new york primary. Clinton turned a subway ride into a photo op with a purpose. I think its kanged when i was senator. I think it was my first term. Reporter a clear shot at sanders. Born and raised in brooklyn but moved away a half century going. He was mocked for not being up to speed for the subway. How do you get on the subway today . Reporter raising questions about unifying the party. I read a very contested campaign against then senator obama. And it went all the way to the end. We worked really hard. He got more delegates. And so i endorsed him. We are going to have to unified democrats. Reporter at Clinton Campaign headquarters in brooklyn today, aides told cnn they registered the website unity 2016 in what could be seen as a proactive or premature step. This map on the wall is a daily reminder for clinton aides. Sanders is vowing to take the fight to the convention, a move that doesnt sit well with Clinton Campaign manager robbie mook, who says democrats must come together after the primaries end in june. Would it be a mistake pour the party to keep litigating this into july into philadelphia . Well, i think at the point thats it obvious that a candidate has a majority of delegates and will win the nomination at the convention, i do think it will be time to come together. But were not there yet. That was senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny reporting there for us from the campaign trail in new york. A Feisty Exchange in philadelphia between bill clinton and protesters from the black lives matter group. They heckled the former u. S. President over his 1994 crime bill. Listen. I heard it. Can i answer . No, you see, here is the thing. I like protesters, but the ones that wont let you answer are afraid of the truth. Thats a simple rule. Be afraid, very, very afraid. I talked to a lot of African American groups. They thought black lives mattered. They said take this bill because our kids are being shot in the street by gangs. Because of that bill, we had a 25year low in crime, a 33 low year murder rate. And listen to this. Because of that and the background check law, we had a 46year low in the deaths of people by gun violence. And who do you think those lives were that mattered . Whose lives were saved that mattered . Hillary clinton has admitted that the crime bill created problems. She now says she wants to end what she calls the era of mass incarcerations, many of whom were African American. This is cnn newsroom. Still ahead, the medical community confirms what many have long suspected. New findings on the dangers of the zika virus. That story straight ahead. Is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all . Neutrogena® cosmetics. Powders, concealers and foundations in new shades for more skin tones. With vitamins and antioxidants. Your skin will look beautiful when you wear it and even after you take it off. Neutrogena® cosmetics see whats possible. Wwell you dont want to live with mom and dad forever, do you . She says. Bazang ok, good one. Uh, how do i check my credit score . Credit karma, its free. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. The World Health Organization says it has determined that the zika virus causes the birth defect microcephaly, as well as guillainbarre syndrome. Until now there had only been a strong correlation. This disease is spread by mosquitos and can also be sexually transmitted. According to the cdc, active transmission of the virus has been identified now in more than 40 countries. Vietnam now the newest on the list with two cases reported this week. Joining us now is dr. Sujatha redding. She is an obstetrician and gynecologist. Thank you for being with us. What took them so long to make this declaration now that we know that zika is the cause of microcephaly . Most Health Care Providers have speculated this to be the cause. But until there was concrete proof, everyone kept saying it was a link. And there seemed to be a causation. It just took some Scientific Evidence to really say for sure. There is no question when you look at the number of cases of microcephaly which is actually very, very rare prior to it being a virus. And guillainbarre syndrome is also very rare there have been a few hundred cases reported which is up, a skyrocketing number. Clearly its from the zika virus. They can confirm that. How does that change, if at all, the fight to stop zika . I dont think it does change. Even though now theyre saying for sure there is a direct link, we pretty much knew that there would be. And really isnt going to change anything, i dont think. A poll found that one in three americans believe that zika is spread by coughing, which it is not. So the question, are we concerned . Are Public Health officials doing a proper job of informing people about this virus . Ive seen more coverage about the zika virus and outbreak than i can remember in recent pasts over any other medical concerns. We talked about it and we last summer. It is disappointing that there is still so much misinformation out there. But i think the reason we keep talking about it, like you and i are tonight is to educate the public. Weve seen initiatives from every corner. I know here in atlanta, the airport is now, you know, encouraging people to buy insecticides like with deet in the travel shops before they get on an airport. Were seeing Public Information and education at every avenue possible. But we clearly have a long way to go. Okay. And vietnam, of course, has been added now to the list of countries where zika is circulating. Should people be alamped at the spread of this virus . We need to take it very seriously. I think we should kind of be concerned and alarmed. This is spreading very quickly. The world is a much smaller place now than it was when zika was first discovered in the mid40s. Now its very easy to hop on a plane. People travel all the time. So it is kind of concerning to see how it has spread so rapidly through the americas. Women with pregnancy is the main concern here, correct . Youre absolutely correct. For the majority of people, if youre not pregnant, you may not even ever know you were infected with the virus. You have a very mild constellation of symptoms. Things like a cough or runny nose and mild rash. You may not even realize you were infected. It really is just pregnant women, and also we have to be concerned about men who are planning to have a child with their partner. Because they can transmit the virus as well through sexual contact. So its really for people that are pregnant or thinking of starting a family or conceiving that we need to be careful with. But the consequences are so devastating. Microcephaly is so devastating. And some cases have been maybe fatal for infantasy. Should it be taken very seriously. Dr. Sujatha reddy, thank you for being was. A second batch of migrants being sent back to turkey as part of a controversial eumigrant deal. These migrants are coming from lesbos, greece. Well continue to monitor the images. A fashion advertisement is banned over a model who appears too skinny. Coming up, well speak to a former act a says hollywood anchor Shaun Robinson about the message sent by the move. Listerine® kills 99 of bad breath germs. This is 100 useful for a 100 fresh mouth. Whats it like to not feel 100 fresh . We dont know. We swish listerine®. As do listerine® users. The very people we studied in the study of bold. People who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. Do a yoga handstand. And be in a magicians act. Listerine® kills 99 of bad breath germs so you can feel 100 in life. Bring out the bold™. The uks Advertising Standards Agency has banned a gucci advertisement for featuring what it says was an unhealthfully thin model. This campaign ran last december and features various models dancing at a party. This is the still image from that advertisement. Thats part of what the asa had an issue with. The asa said the model appeared gaunt and that her torso and arms appear to be out of proportion with her head and body. Gucci has now removed that image from the online video, though it says it doesnt agree that the models were depicted in an unhealthily thin way. Lets talk more about this issue with Shaun Robinson. She is a former access hollywood anchor, and also you wrote a book, the author of book exactly as i am. Shaun, its good to have you with us. Thank you so much. Thank you. Its good to be here. When i see that ad, it just gives me chills. One of the things that gucci said was that that ad was for an older, more mature audience. But you know and i know that all these young girls are looking at these images and thinking thats what im supposed to look like. And that was the problem with that ad. But the images, these are not realistic images. Theyre not. Theyre not realistic images. It would even be one thing if they would have a diversity of models, of all different sizes and shapes. But its not. The trend seems to be going towards thinner and thinner models in some campaigns. And you and i are going to talk about the exact opposite of that. But here is the thing. The problem is that there are so many young girls, and i work with girls every single day. I sit on the board of two girls empowerment organizations, girls inc. And girl up. Theyre about building girls up and giving girls selfesteem and helping them reach out to over girls to help them with the issues that theyre dealing with. Soy hear issues every single day and hear conversations with these young girls saying look, we look at that, and we cant compare there is no way were comparing ourselves. And girls are killing themselves, trying to attain something that is unattainable. Lets talk about another issue. This is with Kerry Washington. Appeared on the cover of ad week. She posted the cover on her Instagram Page and wrote a lengthy note about it on photo shopping. She says, quote, i felt string to look at a picture of myself that is so different from what i look like when i look in the mirror. It is an unfortunate feeling. Ad week says it only made minimal adjustments. But for comparison, this is what Kerry Washington looked like at the emmy awards in september. Shaun, what are your thoughts about that . Well, ive interviewed Kerry Washington many times. I find her to be a very thoughtful and considerate person, and very one who takes her role model status, especially to young girls very seriously. Right. And there was an issue before with the Kerry Washington cover with another magazine when they seemed to have lightened Kerry Washingtons skin. And we know that Kerry Washington is a very beautiful, beautiful woman. And there is no need to make her different than what she actually looks like. Now with the ad week magazine cover, you know there is different and then there is different. A lot of people didnt even recognize her. Kerry said when she looked at that image, she was thinking that is something very different than the person i look at when im look manage the mirror. What is happening is the photo shopping has gone out of control. This is a situation which magazine covers. She dont even recognize herself. She didnt even recognize herself. And were talking about not only thinning and, you know, making womens breasts larger, but making their thighs much shorter. But now were completely changing their face so theyre unrecognizable. And once again, its this image that is being put out that you have to be different than what you are to be considered beautiful. And thats the problem. Lets talk about another issue. Amy schumer, and she was upset to find herself on the cover of Glamour Magazine as a plussized issue. Yeah. Thats a whole another issue. I know. Amy is what, a size 6, 8 . That doesnt make any sense. But i got to tell you, if there are two words that i wish we could get rid of in our vocabulary, its skinny and plus size. I hate the fact that we categorize women. We tell them if you dont face this, were going to have a very special category for you. And that is being plus size. Youre a little bit extra than the norm. Right. I dont think thats right at all. And beauty becomes a problem when its about comparison. And women all different sizes, colors, shapes, whatever, they need to feel that they are not in competition with somebody else. If i dont measure up to this particular standard, then im not good enough, and im not worthy. And that is the problem that were having with so many of our young girls out there. Theyre reading things like this. Theyre seeing pictures. And theyre literally saying i cant compete with this. And it makes them feel it destroys their selfesteem. Just to add, the magazine did say that they only included her because they considered her inspirational and they did not classify her as plus size. But still. Well, i think the article was about, what is beauty of all sizes, shapes and sizes or Something Like that. And amy was seeing herself beside other women who were considerably larger than she was. But you know, whatever the thing is, here is the thing. We also have to stop categorizing ourselves by size too. These are very important issues. Shaun, thank you so much. Youre welcome. Youre welcome. Great to be here. For fans of art, design, fashion, and luxury we have some exciting news to share with you here at cnn. This saturday, cnn style is headed to your tv screen. The monthly show gets exclusive access to the biggest names and events in the world in the world of art, fashion and more. Catch the debut this saturday at 1 30 p. M. In london that is 2 30 p. M. Central european time. And in the United States, you can go to cnn. Com style. We leave you today with this. Someone just paid 394,000 for an old wooden chair. But look, its not just any chair. This is where j. K. Rowling wrote the first two harry potter books. The chair was sold at auction in new york. Rowling wrote a letter to the new owner saying she was sad to see 2 chair go, but her back was not. We thank you your joining cnn. Im george howell. My colleagues are standing by for early start. And for viewers around the world, cnn newsroom continues with hannah von jones live in london. Youre watching cnn, the worlds news leader. A bitter battle for votes in new york. Late last night, Bernie Sanders doubling down on his belief that Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president. And donald trump with a new strategy to win the white house. Is he preparing for a contested convention . Breaking this morning, secretary of state john kerry landing in baghdad. We are live. Good morning. Welcome to early start. Im christine romans. Im miguel marquez. Happy friday. April 4th. Not april 4

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