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the judge decided before last week's hearing that in the early portion of the proceeding he would allow a camera for the initial appearance and the arraignment that should come in a couple of days. there is a sketch artist in there and full of reporters including cnn's eddie lavendara who will come down as soon as we know what is going to happen. first, he will be read the formal charges and from court documents that is 12 counts of first-degree murder and numerous attempts of first-degree murder and numerous counts around the boo booby-trapped apartment me left. and also they will decide if the notebook to the psychiatrist is privileged and the defense will argument to unseal some of the documents in the case that have been sealed. as soon as he is out here, we will be out here to report on it. suzanne? >> and also there was a charge filed about this before it happened and will this affect the defense or the prosecution? >> well, it depends what is in the notebook, and according to the court documents the d.a.'s office has not looked at it. they sealed it to see if the judge can examine it. we don't know what is in it and how long he has been seeing the psychiatrist and why he was seeing a psychiatrist and we have to be cautious about what was in the notebook and the nature of the care he received from the psychiatrist. >> okay. thank you, jim. he will bring us any information as it happens there. and now to india which is hit with one of the worst blackouts in a decade. we are talking about staggering numbers of 350 million people across the northern part of the country left in the dark essentially in sweltering summer heat which is more than the entire population of the united states. that is right. that is how many people. at least 300 trains were stranded when the power grid gave out overnight. and north korea reported that 88 people are dead and more than 60,000 left homeless after torrential rains. rains have been destroying buildings and crops. humanitarian groups are working within the country and they are saying that people are now severely mall nourish and the rain is continuing to fall today. mitt romney talking tough on iran. he pledges unwavering support for israel, and he promises to move the american embassy to jerusalem. romney has wrapped up the visit to israel, and he is now in poleland, and that is the final leg on the overseas trip he is taking there, and in a speech before he left jerusalem, romney said that iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons, and that no option is off of the table. >> we must not delude ourselves into thinking that the containment is an option. we must lead the effort to prevent iran from building and possessing nuclear weapons capability. we should employ any and all measures to dissuade the iranian regime from the nuclear course, and it is our fervent hope that diplomatic and economic measures will do so. in the final analysis, of course, no option should be excluded. we recognize israel's right to defend itself, and that it is right for america to stand with you. [ applause ] >> romney also referred to jerusalem as israel's capital and expanded on that in an interview with our own wolf blitzer, and wolf is joining us from jerusalem. good to see you, wolf. first of all it was strange because u.s. policy in jerusalem as the capital of israel intentionally vague over the years, because palestinians also claim rights to part of that independent state in the future, so why would he do such a thing? i mean, this is really does seem like it is moving beyond u.s. policy. >> it's a real sensitive issue, you are absolutely right, and it has been a sensitive issue for decades. remember in the six-day war in 1967, east jerusalem was then under the control of jordan and israel controlled west jerusalem, but in the six-day war, israel captured all of jerusalem and united it and declared to be the capital. no u.s. president since then has recognized israel's occupation of east jerusalem going back to lbj through the '80s and the '90s and not bill clinton or barack obama or either of the bush presidents or ronald reagan, and now what mitt romney is saying is that if, if he does become president of the united states, he will change all of that under the right circumstances. here's the exchange and i will play it for the viewers. >> do you consider jer ruse -- jerusalem to be the capital of israel? >> yes, the nation has a right to choose its capital and jerusalem is the capital. >> if you become president of the united states would youove the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem? it is long our policy to have the embassy in the capital of jerusalem, and the action to move it is one that i would take as president in consultation with the leadership of the government that exists at that time. now he says he would move the embassy from tel aviv to jer rus lem, and every prime minister has wanted the united states to move the embassy to jerusalem and in fact, today, i had a chance in jerusalem to speak to the president shimon peres and i said, if in fact, romney becomes president and should the u.s. move the embassy from tel aviv to jer rus lem, he said, yes, every israeli leader would want that to happen. it would be a major change for the united states if it were to a, recognize all of jer rusalems the capital and if the embassy were placed in jerusalem and that would be symbolic and presume to cause some diplomatic ramifications for the u.s. not only in the palestinian community, because they hope that jerusalem is the capital of an eventual palestinian independent state and in to a arab and the muslim world as well. >> and before leaving there, he held a brkfast raising more than $1 million. some of the comments did offend some of the palestinians making a comparison of the gross domestic product of the israeli and the palestinian areas, and you cut put it in context. culture makes all of the difference. and as i come here and i look out over this city and the consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, i recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things. and shawkat is calling this racist, and romney campaign is saying that this is taken out of context. can you put it in context what he was frying to say at the fund-raiser? >> well, i know that the romney campaign is very upset that it looks like he's making this kind of what the palestinians call racist kind of statements and the romney campaign as you saw, andrea, the spokesman for the romney campaign is pushing back on that. prime minister shawkat is the main peace negotiator and he has been upset now for the last 24 hours since romney came out and declared that jerusalem is israel's capital and subsequent when ll ll ll lly he told me th move the embassy, so to no love loss here between palestine and romney. it is going to take some walking back if you will. he did meet mitt romney with sullen fayed who is the prime minister of the palestinian authority while in jerusalem and he met with him who is highly respect respected not only by the u.s., but by the israelis as well. >> wolf blitzer, thank you. good to see you. and leon panetta is also in the region and visiting four countries in five days. tomorrow, he will be in israel addressing concerns about iran's clear and missile programs and syria's chemical weapons. he says that the largest attacks on the largest city of aleppo will hasten the end of assad. >> i think that if they continue this kind of tragic attack on their own people in aleppo, i think that it ultimately will be a nail in assad's coffin. that he's just assuring that the assad regime will come to an end by virtue of the kind of violence that they are committing against their own people. [ sirens ] >> the u.n. says that 200,000 people have fled the fighting in and around aleppo over the last two days. this amateur video shows families rushing out of harm's way and trying to get out of the way of the fighting. it was just outside of the city. our ivan watson was less than a couple of miles from where this took place. i want you to take a look at this. >> reporter: we can see a battle, a rebel offensive against a syrian army base located north of aleppo. it started around sunset and began with artillery and rockets being fired from several directions by the syrian rebels, and now we are told that the brigade that is carrying out this attack on the army checkpoint is the unity or the talweedb brigade, and the town e visited is deserted of inhabitants and bears the scars of many artillery strikes. you can see the syrian artillery troops firing out from the base and sometimes in three different directions simultaneously which suggests they are truly surrounded by the rebels. judging by the tracer fire we see, and the direction of it, it looks like the syrian army has outgunned the rebels, but they are surrounded, and i imagine it is a terrifying night to be inside of that army base. we have also witnessed what appears to be heavy artillery called in from the direction of aleppo, itself, lobbing miles, kilometers and hitting, and that is just an artillery launch -- d hitting the town of anadad, and one final observation in the towns around and outside of the field of fire, there is electricity, and the families are out, and you can hear the screams of children playing and it is a surprising juxtaposition against the fierce battle that is raging just a few miles away. >> ivan is joining us by phone by northern syria, and ivan, if you can hear us, tell us that you have visited the military base on the outskirts of aleppo, and just tell us who at this point is actually controlling that area? >> the rebels definitely captured this. i saw them showing off four captured tanks and armored personnel carriers and a whole armory of ammunitions for tank rounds. the base, itself, i with wwhich protected by earth works was completely taken by rebels. i walked around and there were several destroyed military trucks as well as destroyed armored personnel carrier and at least three armored veeckles that the government troops left behind. this was not only a moral victory for the rebels, but a strategic wone, because they hae removed the last government outpost on the highway that runs from the gates of aleppo north to the turkish border. >> this is a place where it is a commercial hub and 3 million people who live in that area, and in your peace however, you talk about the fact that you could hear kids playing while this fierce firefight is going on here. what do we make of that? >> i think it is saying something about accustomed syrians have gotten to the horrible conflict. i mean it has been going on for 17 months now. it has displaced huge segments of the population, and the people are on the move constantly. you will see people fleeing here and there, and some have just g gotten used to living next to a raging gun battle involving heavy artillery. it's incredible and also very sad. >> it is sad indeed, and we are looking at some of the pictures there. ivan, if you can paint a picture of what you saw and what you heard when you were in that area, it is really extraordinary to see just the abandoned town and also just the firefighting that continues. >> that is right. this was a major battle and what surprised me, two things, the rels have flooded fighters into the city of aleppo, thousands of them, and they are engaged in the fierce battles against the government there, and the fact that they still have the manpower and the weapons to attack a base outside of aleppo shows a little bit of their strength. then i saw the weakness of the government troops and no reinforcements came to help this outpost which had more than 100 soldiers and a dozen tanks and armored personnel carriers and no support in the three-hour battle with the exception of the artillery lobbed in and after three hours we heard a helicopter lobbed overhead, but basically the rest of the syrian military left their guys at this outpost to fight to the end. some of them we believe escaped in the end, but the rebels did take some captives. >> ivan, thank you very much. we are seeing pictures of assad's portrait being destroyed and some of the artifacts in that area, and the question of course is who is going to rule syria if assad's government l e loses this war, and why u.s. officials are warning about a power vacuum. we will have the latest on the plin winnolympic winners an. a saudi arabian olympian has a tough choice take off the hijab or don't compete. and what about a snake massage? 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[romney singing]: oh beautiful, for spacious skies, i'm barack obama and i approve this message. for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood... but what about your wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. its retinol formula visibly reduces wrinkles in one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®. like the elephant on my chest... he thought he was having a heart attack. she said, "take an aspirin, we need to go to the hospital." i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm very gratefu to be alive. aspirin really made a difference. [ male announcer ] when diarrhea hits, kaopectate stops it fast. powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. fast. [ male announcer ] stop the uh-oh fast with kaopectate. syria's largest city is now being wrecked by the widening civil war. >> [ speaking foreign language ] >> rebels captured the military base today on the outskirts of aleppo and 3 million people live in that city, and bashar al assad's forces are struggling like never before to try to retain control of it. i want to bring in hala gorani who has been speaking to the activists via skype for days, and what are they telling you? >> yeah. it is giving me a bird's-eye view, because if you are on the ground, you are in one section and ivan watson's terrific reporting there on the northern outskirt outskirts of aleppo that the rebels have captured a key military base, and this is a huge, huge achievement and accomplishment for them. but in other parts of the city, other neighborhoods where there has been constant shelling, residents are telling me that over secure communication or as secure as we can make it, it is too dangerous for help in some cases to go there to deliver food and medicine. then you have other more central neighborhoods who have not seen the fighting yet. and as we were hearing from ivan's reporting, in some cases you can hear the fighting and then the children laughing not too far away. it is because it has become this sort of schizophrenic patchwork where in one area, you will have fierce fighting and then in another sort of this uneasy calm where fighting hasn't spread to yet. >> and how do they maintain the sense of chaos really, because you say calm in one area and fighting in another, and eventually, does it turn into something where it falls? >> well, this is not a sustainable scenario, because even neighborhoods that are not seeing the fighting are suffering from terrible shortages of food, fuel, and they are hunkered down essentially hoping that it won't reach them. those who don't want to be a part of the fight, and those who have children and those civilians who are not combatants, so no, it is not sustainable. the big question is, are these rebels going to have enough firepower and sort of wind in the sails to defeat the mighty assad army? nothing is certain. >> and fast forward here and say that assad's regime is beaten and the rebels are in charge -- >> which is not impossible, but it might take longer than some people predicted. >> but it is going to be unorganize and the rebel groups say to get the act together, because it could be a power vacuum and whatp has in that scenario? >> well, what happened with the united states in 2003 of iraq, that is the biggest mistake of the war is dismantling the security apparatus, and the army led so many of the soldiers iraqi army to join the insurge en si in iraq. in syria, you have hundredings of rank and file soldiers and members of the baath party and a lot of times not out of conviction, bubecause you have to be. it is something that every single syrian who wants to work for a government agency in any shape or form has to be a member of the baath party. and one of the mistakes the u.s. is warning is not to replicate that mistake in syria. a u.s. swimmer sets a world record in the olympics and it is not michael phelps. dana vo lshllmer set a world re swimming. and kate rhode won a gold in skeet shooting. and big disappointment for american gymnast jordyn webber who did not advance to the women's all around final. and today, some events going on are the men's gymnastics, and also the indoor volleyball, and the men's 200-meter free final, and ryan lochte is the current world champ. for the first time saudi arabia sends two women athletes to the olympics, and now one may be forced to withdraw from the games, because one of them wears a hijab, which is a head scarf, and one judo judge says she cannot wear it, because it is not safe, but saudi officials say she must. talk about this, nick, because they are meeting late into the night to come up with some way to resolve this. is there some sort of resolution? >> well, we are told by the saudi national olympic committee that they still think that it is possible that something can be worked out and they are not ruling it out at the moment. they are saying that the athlete is still there in britain and want her to compete, but there is clearly a huge hurdle and a gulf between the positions here, and these three organizations, the saudi olympic committee and the international olympic committee and the judo international olympic committee met late into the night and they could not come up with a agreement. this young 16-year-old athlete was forced to sign an agreement with the saudi national olympic committee before she came to britain to compete that she would go and abide by islamic dress codes which is dressing with modesty, and that is what she is being held to account to, and what her father is still holding her to account to. so it is hard to see at the moment, and the judo federation is saying to wear this garment would be a safety issue, and it would be dangerous for her to compete this way. it is hard to see how they would bridge it at this stage. >> nic, why did they not work this out ahead of time? why is this happening now? >> well, that is not clear, because this is a train wreck that you can see coming, and there has been a lot of attention paid to the fact that at the olympics this year for the first time ever all countries have contributed. some female athletes, and that has never happened before so saudi arabia finding two athletes out of the team of 19 that could compete, and meet the international standards required. one of them a middle distance runner who grew up for many of the years in the united states and lived in california, but for this girl, she grew up in mecca, and her father is her trainer. this is a period of particularly for muslims right now during ramadan, a time when they would more likely adhere to the traditions, and so why didn't people see this coming and bridge this gap before? it is not clear. perhaps it was just too much pressure and too much desire to kind of get women on the team if you will. >> sure. >> but right now, i asked the spokesman for the saudi committee if she does not compete on friday and this is how much time they have to make the decision, her game is friday, if her match is friday and she does not compete, will the whole team pull out or just her, and they said it is not clear yet. >> all right. nic, let us know when it is all sorted out. appreciate it. if you are watching any of the games, you have probably seen them, empty seats, at some of the most popular events like swimming and gymnastics, and the olympic organizers say that the british troops and schoolteachers and others have been given free tickets. the british government has been trying to figure out why the attendance is so sparse. the seats have been sold to corporate sponsors who have not showed up. and it is one of the world's most feared diseases and popped up again. an outbreak of the ebola disease in uganda has health officials scrambling to keep it contained. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. it's hard to see opportunity in today's challenging environment. unless you have the right perspective. bny mellon wealth management has the vision and experience to look beyond the obvious. we'll uncover opportunities, find hidden risk, and make success a reality. bny mellon wealth management james holmes charged in the aurora massacre, and i want the go to ed lavandara in centennial, colorado, and i know he has had his second court appearance and facing numerous charges. what do we know, ed? >> well, it is a hearing that lasted 45 minutes and we can tell you that james holmes now faces 142 criminal charges and 24 counts of murder in the first degree and i will explain and try to explain that number and why it is 24 in a moment, but 24 counts of murder in the first degree, and 116 counts of attempted murder, and one count of possession of explosive devices which is a felony, and one count of a sentence enhancer, because of the violence in this case, and one of the things that we are trying to clarify at this moment is that there are 12 victims who have died in the shooting, and there are twice as many murder in the first -degree murder charges so trying to get to the bottom of the legal understandings and i'm not a lawyer, so i am trying to get a understand i understanding of this. but there are 142 criminal counts filed against james holmes because of the theater shooting. >> do we know if he was charged with anything related to the apartment, and the boob try tra and all of the firepower found inside of the home. >> well, the explosive device and one felony count has clearly to do with what was found at the fire department, and some question as to whether or not he could face more in the future, because this is the beginning, and we raced out to the try to pass along the information and we will try to gather as best we can. remember, there is a gag order in the case and how much they clarify and give us guidance of what to expect down the road, but i think that they would hold out the possibility of more charges to be filed in the case in addition to the one, because of the felony possession of explosive devices which clearly seems to be stemming from what we found from his apartment not too far away from the shooting scene and not too far away from the campus where he was in the neuroscience ph.d. program. >> therer with no cameras sign toifd courtroom, ed, but do you have a sense of whether outside of the courtroom or inside of the courtroom, there were r relatives of the victims here or any emotional response or reaction to the news that we are getting? >> well, the courtroom we were in had a room for about roughly between 110 and 120 seats in the courtroom, and half of it was news media, and the other half was victims. there was one woman who had a bandage around her elbow and lower leg and those are also families of the victims there. was and of flow room next to the courtroom where we were that had many people in it that were here to watch this proceeding, and many people turned out. i spoke with one survivor who was in the theater and said they wanted to be able to show james holmes how strong they all were and why it was important to be there, but when he walked into the courtroom, all eyes glued on james holmes and a great deal of talk about the way he appeared last time, and i can tell you that this time he seemed more lucid and aware of the vouhis surroundings, but having said that, he seemed nonchalant and relaxed and just staring off to below where the judge's seat was there in the courtroom. he still kind of had at times weird mannerisms with the eyes opening wide back and forth several times, and he only spoke one word. he was asked his attorneys were trying to ask for more time to prepare for the preliminary hearing which is one of the next legal steps in the process, and the judge asked him to confer with his attorneys to make sure that was okay, and that is supposed to be done within 35 days of him being arrested, and his attorneys wanted more time, and the judge asked him to talk to his attorneys and make sure that was okay and after 20 seconds of talking with the attorney, the judge asked him if he thought that was okay? and james holmes simply said yes in a soft voice. his hair was much the same color, that same weird reddish and orange dye job and matted down, but he seemed much more aware of the surroundings, but having said that, still kind of slightly spaced out in my opinion as he kind of sat there like he was listening ing ting this very calmly. >> thank you, ed. i want to bring in our legal analyst paul callan, and can you explain to us how he has 24 first-degree murder counts when there are only 12 people dead? does that make sense? >> well, it does make sense. i have not seen a copy of the charges, but colorado like most states you have first-degree murder which could consist of intentional murder and you point a gun at somebody with the intent of killing them, and you premeditate that isirst-degree murder, but a second type of first-degree murder and that is called depraved an indifference murder and he went in allegedly to the theater and just randomly sprayed shots around the theater maybe not intending to kill a particular individual, and that is a form of what we call depraved indifference murder and it is functionally the same thing. so you would have two counts for each victim therefore. >> okay. his attorneys asked for more time, and what do you make of that? what do you think that is about? >> well, it does not surprise me at all. under normal circumstances, they would be looking at a preliminary hearing in 30 days, and defense attorneys use preliminary hearings as a mechanism to cross-examination witnesses, and to probe for weaknesses in the case, and it is a very very important step in the case, and here with the huge number of charges and huge number of victims, it's a big process to get ready. so i think that they just need more time so that they can handle handle themselves properly in court. >> paul, final question here. the fact that there were not cameras in the courtroom, how do you think that plays out today and makes it different today than when we first saw him? >> well, first of all i want to say that i'm very upset that the judge has done this, ordered the cameras out of the courtroom. this is a case with enormous public interest and huge numbers of victims and it would seem to me that they should be allowed to see what happens in the courtroom to be reassured that the court system is working properly. a jury trial is a long way in the future and i don't believe that covering the arraignment today would have made a difference. i don't know how it affected him. i would imagine probably not very much. remember that cameras in the courtroom are not particularly intrusive, because it is pretty much the same courtroom without cameras so that the performance of the defendant would be the same. so i am a little surprised at the judge's decision here. >> paul callan, thank you very much and we will have more on the story after a quick break. evil prince bollywood 3d shark attack ned the head 5% cashback signup for 5% cashback on movies through september. it pays to discover. [romney singing]: oh beautiful, for spacious skies, i'm barack obama and i approve this message. for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood... ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] there is nothing short of spectacular, and we are talking about solar powered super trees built in singapore's garden by the bay, and it is a site that is open now, and expected to be a huge draw for the tourists. richard quest spoke to the guy behind all of this. >> reporter: this garden is basically a botanic garden masquerading as a theme park. it is built to be a people's garden. it is always meant for the people of singapore. why do you need to build fake trees when we are in the tropics and you can grow them? but it is going to take me a few million years to get trees this size on a piece of reclaimed land. and look at my neighbor. that's the tallest building for miles around and i'm trying to build a garden here that has some impact, and it needs to have the suitful mass. critical mass and size and balance. these do it all. trees trap energy from the sun. our super trees do the same with the cells on the top. and moreover, these trees are necessary for us to cool the glass houses. already, since we have planted so many flowering trees on this property, the bird life has increased amazingly. >> reporter: but it is very singaporean, isn't it? >> yes. >> reporter: clean? >> yes. >> reporter: artificial? >> yes. >> reporter: is that fair? >> i think it is a compliment. what's wrong with that? >> richard quest is joining us live from london. what is wrong with that, rich d richard? he takes ate as compliment. did you mean it as a compliment? >> i did and didn't. and we are all familiar with the criticisms of made in singapore with the gardens by the bay. is one of the attractions i was sent off to cover while i was in singapore and i was dreadidrea dreading it saying another botanical gardens, because they already have one, but the artificial trees are massive and the way they have the fauna growing up them, and what i particularly liked about the whole place, suzanne, is that you have the two giant conservatories and here is the real catch of it. in one of them, they have the sort of plouns that you and i would have in the everyday gardens in the northern hemisphere. they have roses, peonys and pansies and all of the normal things and when i said, that is not very exciting, is it? fr frankly, a few rose bushes or new rose bushes. and he said, you forget people in the tropics have never smelled a real rose while it is still growing and not being cut. this whole place was fascinating and as for the trees, call them bizarre or eccentric, by somehow in that part of the world, it works. >> yeah, i guess so, in that part of the world, it works. it is kind of weird, but f fascinating. i would at least take a look at them, but i would not try to grow them in my backyard. richard, good to see you as always. >> well, you have a green thumb. >> not really. not really. >> me, neither. my cactus just died. >> geez, you don't have a green thumb. >> and i'm still, still trying to regrow the flowers of an orchid. @richardquest, if you have the tip, and i nknow this is not gardening tips, but if you have a technique to regrow that flower on the orchid, i will tell you. >> i want to see the photo and the next time i want to know how you are coming along with that, okay? >> all right. you got it. it is a deal. >> okay. thank you, richard. they are used to drawing big crowds during concerts, but today, a russian punk protest group is drawing a crowd in a moscow courtroom. ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky [ male announcer ] even the planet has an olympic dream. dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream but what about your wrinkles. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it has the fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to visibly reduce wrinkles in just one week. 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[ male announcer ] start asking real owners. ask me how to make your first move. ♪ [ male announcer ] find out more about the tempur advanced ergo system. ♪ tempurpedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. welcome back to newsroom international and we will take you around the room in 60 minutes. these women are firing rifles and they are kurds in northern iraq and claim to be fighting on the front lines. you probably remember the kurds from the '80s when saddam hussein's forces killed thousands with chemical weapons. they are an ethic group living in iraq and iran and syria and rkey. these women say they are fighting for the rights of muslim women. >> translator: it is a military force, because the women in east kurdistan are being stoned. women are being killed. women are being hanged, and we are an armed force for those women. we cannot say that the persecution of women is only happening in iran, in eastern kurdistan. this is a mental persecution. throughout history and until today. this is about the right to democracy, freedom, equality, and education. why there is more struggle in east kurdistan is an important question. it is because it is a religion system, a system that is not open. it is a regime. we are living in the 21st century. they are living in the middle ages. by the name of islam, they execute the women. they use shariah and islam for their own purposes. this is not true islam. >> i want to bring in a reporter from vice and online news and cultural magazine who brought us the story. thomas morton, and thomas, first of all you went to northern iraq and you were told to be interviewing kurdish female guerrilla fighters on the front lines fighting side by side with men, and we see the video and see them shooting the rifles and when you got there, what did you find out? >> well, suzanne, we spent a couple of days kind of meeting the leadership and making pl pleasantries and the whole division was to be put in a division of women soldiers and you see them since the kurdish liberation of the '70s and the '80s after the liberation from saddam, they have a role of being fierce fighters and very weird middle east part of the region, and we were slightly alone there by the show of force they presented us. >> why do you suppose they did this for you guys? sheer propaganda? >> well, all of the groups up there and there is a total alphabet soup of competing political parties and the ppk and we were at the ppkj, and all keen and savvy and playing up the role of liberators, but also the role of underdogs against the superpowers of iran and turkey and trying to garner support from the outside world so we were not sure if what we were seeing is a slip-up on their part that we were stuck with the bad news bears division or intentionally trying to like, we need help kind of look-out from the fighters here. >> it is look like an aerobics class there, but in all seriousne seriousness, what is the aim of what they are trying to do, because it seems they are trying to win international support for their cause. >> well, they are trying to create a better kurdistan and better homeland, but the problem is that the homeland is smack in the middle of syria, and turkey and iran and iraq, so that basically, every sur power borders their region. and when you think of a nice massage you think of dim lights, but probably not snakes. we will explain how the two now go together. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. -- captions by vitac -- welcome back to newsroom international where we take you around the world in 60 minutes. it is not the typical relaxing spa treatment, no. look at this. a spa in moscow is offering a slithery new service. that is right, the therapists enlist the help of snakes when giving massages. ew! the spa says that the snakes help to improve blood circulation and relaxation while the big ones ease muscle and joint pain. no thanks. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪ i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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