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failure. these are infrared images. what you're watching, those are actually people who are scrambling to save their lives on board that ship. now, right now, navy divers are using explosives to blast their way into the ship to search for others victims. perhaps survivors. you're going to want to hear what the captain said on the night of the disaster. we've got that up for you in just a few minutes. and brace yourself. gas prices going through the proof again. that's right. says some of us could be paying around $5 a gallon by the summer. prices already at record highs. according to aaa, the average price for a gallon of unleaded has jumped to $3.39. it is the highest january gas prices ever. 30 cents higher than a year ago. mitt romney's rivals are not letting up on the attacks on him. romney was the main target last night in myrtle beach, south carolina. his opponents are keeping it up again today. rick santorum stopped just short of calling romney a liar on the issue of the super pac ads. he says romney needs to stop what he calls dirty politics. we don't need someone who supports lies and promotes lies and stands behind those lies in order to get elected president. >> if you live in south carolina, there's a good chance you'll run into republican presidential candidates because the primary is this saturday and the candidates, supporters, they are all across the state, just saturated. several events happening over the next two hours. rick santorum visits the akin republican club. that happens in about 30 minutes. rick perry's wife, anita, is campaigning in charleston. and newt gingrich has a stop in columbia. so members of congress, at least those in the house, getting back to work this morning. at least that's what we're hoping. a new cnn/orc poll found just 11% of people approve of how congress is handling jobs. that is at an all-time low. the previous all-time low was at 4% in august. and republican wisconsin scott walker could become just the third u.s. governor in history to be kicked out of office. today, his opponents are expected to submit more than 500,000 signatures to force a recall election. walker came under fire last year after he signed a law that stripped most public units of bargaining rights. sounds like a horror movie, yeah, huge snakes on the loose, spreading out of control. it's real in florida. anacondas, pythons like this one taking over the everglades. officials hope a new rule is going to help. this announcement was made this morning making it efrld to import three times of large snaims snakes or take them across state lines. i want to bring you back to the lead story wab cruise ship that turned into a death trap. we are getting news about the coast guard officer yelling at the captain to get back on the ship. things go so intense as this disaster played out friday night. what you're going to hear is a translated version of the conversation between the captain and a coast guard officer who gets panicked, even more panicked and furious by the moment as this unfolds. listen to this.( [ speaking foreign language ]. >> this is captain schettino. >> listen, schettino. there are people trapped on board. now, you have to go with your life boat and go under the boat stem on the straight side. there's a ladder there. get on board the ship and tell me, you tell me how many people there are. clear? i'm recording this conversation, capital yab schettino. >> i understand. listen, there are people coming down the stem ladder. you must take that ladder in the opt sit direction. get on board the ship and you tell me how many people there are and what they have. you tell me the there are children, women, people with special needs. and you tell me how many there are in each of this category. is that clear? look, schettino, you might have been saved from the sea, but i will make sure you go through a very rough time. i will make sure you go through a lot of trouble. get on board. >> i'm going now because there is the other motor boat that has stopped now. >> you go on board. it is an order. you cannot make any other violations. you have declared abandoning ship. now i'm in charge. you get on board. is it clear? >> comandant. >> are you not listening to me? >> i'm going. >> call me immediately when you get on board. my rescue officer is there. >> where is your rescue officer? >> my rescue officer is at the stem. go. >> okay. >> there are already dead bodies. >> how many? >> i don't know. i know of one. i've heard of one. you are the one to tell me how many there are. christ. >> all right. the question, will he or woep he? that is what everyone is asking mitt romney about releasing his tax returns. here is your chance to talk back. today's question, should romney release his tax returns? carol costello is joining us from washington with more on this. carol, perhaps you can explain why it has become so significant. certainly not required. hasn't happened in every campaign. this has become a pretty big deal. >> it has. republican opponents are saying, release your tax returns already. it was rick perry's battle cry against mitt romney at last night's debate. >> mitt, we need for you to release your income tax so the people of this country can see how you made your money. and i think that's a fair thing. listen, here is the real issue for us as republicans. we cannot fire our nominee in september. we need to know now. so i hope you'll put your tax records out there this week so the people of south carolina can take a look and decide if, you know, we have a flawed candidate or not. >> "the washington post" is asking that very question. why won't romney release his tax returns? what about that information you can't find elsewhere like tax shelters and charitable deductions? not to mention all the money that romney made at bain capital? whatever romney's pones hope to illustrate, they've pushed romney into a probably, but i'm not going to release anything before the south carolina primary mantra. >> time will tell, but i anticipate that most likely i'm going to get asked to do that around the april time period and i'll keep that open. >> romney has already released a personal financial disclosure report which is required of all presidential candidates. and we all know romney is richer than most of us will ever be. according to, romney is worth between $85 and $264 million. he owns several homes, one in lahoya, california, worth about $10 million. we also know the sec lists between $250,000 to $500,000 in horses and $250,000 to $500,000 in gold. but the horses and the gold belong to the misses. do you want to know more? the republicans who want to be president do. so to top that question today, should mitt romney release his tax returns? i'll read your comments later this hour. >> all right. thank you, carol. her is a run down of some of the stories we are covering first. a live report from italy on the future of the cruise ship's captain. and what exactly did the captain do wrong? we'll talk with a seaman. and they are beguning for mitt romney with four days to go before the south carolina primary. and this is for real. people in new york city taking pictures of rats and voting on them as part of a rate my rat contest. only in new york. [ female announcer ] in the grip of arthritis, back, or back joint pain? aspercreme breaks the grip, with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme. death toll in the italian cruise ship disaster has now risen to 11. navy divers are looking for victims. an italian court says a captain is going to stay in jail. journalist barbie nedeau as in the courtroom. first, dan, on the scene, do they believe there are any survivors? are they still in recovery mode trying to find people on that ship? >> reporter: well, with officially, they are saying they are still doing a search and rescue operation. i think the reality, though, the brutal reality is it's almost inconceivable now. it's almost four days since this accident happened that anyone could have survived for so long inside. it's been freezing cold here at night and, you know, the fact that that is counting against anyone who is trapped inside, they've been listening for sounds of life. as i'm speaking to you now, more launches are heading out to the costa concordia. but so far, all they have found are bodies, sadly. five more bodies recovered today, bringing the total confirmed number of dead to 11 with a large number of people still unaccounted for, 23 people still unaccounted for. so it is a pretty grim task for these officers who are searching through the wreckage and a dangerous one, as well. >> dan, tell us a little bit about the people who we -- what do we know about those who are missing? >> reporter: well, the large party of germans who are missing, 12, according to the german foreign ministry, and then there are a number of other nationalities, including some members of crew in that makeup. but it's very confused at the moment. the figures that we have are six italians, one of whom is a member of the crew. four french, as well. and then, of course, two americans, an indian and a pa proven adding to that list. so it's a very multi national list of missing, reflecting, really, the fact that this was a global company, that people from all over the world would come on these cruises, these lavish cruises around the mediterranean. and that is complicating the coordination of all this because they're having to coordinate with so many different governments around the world. >> dan, thank you. i want to talk a little bit about where exactly this ship was going and where it's going to end up. i want to bring in chad meyers and to explain the ship's path and how it diverted. >> literally, this is only in the water for a few hours. this ship had only left its first port for a seven-day cruise. it was on its way up to marseille and it was on the water for a couple of hours, having a nice time probably getting ready, probably getting dressed for a nice night at dinner. all of a sudden, the captain, someone decided to take this boat significantly too close to a rocky shore. i've been told that this isn't all that unusual. they try to get the boat as close as they can so the passengers have a nice view off the -- it would have been off the portside of the boat. that's what it looks like right now. this is the island that it eventually bumped into. there's another rock right there that it eventually floated around. so it's rome. you would take either a taxi or something over here. and then as it moved on through, we can zoom in here. you wanted to get through this rocky area right in through there. and this rocky zone through here, and over here, where you should be coming through the shipping channel, there will be red buoys, green buoys. and unfortunately, the boat got much too close to this reef over here, knocked the bottom out of the boat at some point in time and turned the boat into -- there's a small port here and we believe that the captain was trying to get a little bit closer. keep going on with that. there we go. there's the bump, another bump through there. the ship tried to turn around. clearly you get water in the bottom of the boat. the boat begins to lift. as the boat begins to lift, it gets difficult to get life boats off. people are panicked, obviously. it was getting dark. very cold outside. the water temperature only 57. at 57 depress, dwhur not in the water very long without getting very, very chilled. there was obviously rock right there that they're trying to get to. you bring this boat back, there we go. there's the picture from the rock as it was only beginning to lift. so people were going to try to get these life jackets, these life boats off, but didn't do a very good job of it as the boats went over on its slide. >> do we know there's any danger of that ship coming off those rocks there? >> there are tides coming in every day lifting the boat back up and back down. when the boat begins to lift like this, the metal begins to twist and doors won't open. so there may be people in air pockets in completely good rooms. even though those people are missing, that doesn't mean they're dead. as the boat lifts and the metal shifts, think of your doorway. you would never be able to get that door open if the doorjamb was stuck crooked. that's why they think maybe that's where some of these people are. there are divers literally feeling their way through this boat and looking for those people that are missing. >> chad, dan was saying that the weather there at night in particular is really, really cold. i can't imagine what the temperature is if you're in one of those cabins and you're in an air pocket, just how long you might be able to survive. >> the nighttime temperatures get down into the 20s. afternoon temperatures up into the 40s, maybe around 50 degrees. they're going to get up and make a big circle around the mediterranean. it goes warmer as you get over to barcelona. if you have clothes on and you're not sitting in water, you'll be completely fine. they could last for days if they have air. that would be the biggest things. >> that would be very optimis c optimistic, very hopeful. the italian court says the captain of that vessel will be staying in area. barbie nedeau is joining us by phone. explain to us if he has been charged, what he has been charged with. >> reporter: he hasn't officially been charged yet. the captain spent a couple hours out of jail today. he's been in custody since saturday. he was interrogated by an investing magistrate. who was trying]éó to make a decision whether or not he should remain in custody. it's possible if he's charged that he won't be officially charged for up to a year. by italian law they can keep a suspect in custody for that long without making an official charge. the judge today decided that she would reserve the right to make a sdilgz final decision on that. should she's put him back in jail for the night and she's going to revisit this question in the coming days and weeks. she wants to wait until the full recovery and rescue operation is finished so she knows exactly how many people are -- died in this accident, how many people survivedó&53 it. then she can make a better decision on whether or not he should stay in jail. he's potentially facing charges of man slaughter, of ship wrest and abandoning ship. those are very serious charges. abandoning a ship carries up to 15 years in prison. it was still very much a wait and see point at this juncture. >> and barbie, if he has not been charged with anything yet, why is he being held? why is he in jail? is it like our system of justice where it might be fear of a flight region whisk of flight? >> no. it is very different. the italian system allows forea suspect to be held for one year without charge. but they have to have enough reason, enough evidence against him in order to do that. what we heard today from the lawyer defending him and from the prosecutor trying to keep him in jail was that they do believe they have enough evidence. they do believe that there's evidence that he abandon the ship. that comes from transcripts that have published and tapes and audiotapes have been heard that show left the ship before the last passengers. that is, by law, enough to keep him in jail until he is charged. but the judges reserve the right to rule definitively on this. so this is really very much a wait and see point at this point. we'll see in the next, i would say, days if not weeks we'll know a little bit more about the judicial aspect. >> and barbie, we have seen and heard that transcript. what does the captain say in his defense? >> the captain's lawyer, i just spoke to very, very briefly today by phone says that he thinks the captain was heroic and that he did what he could, as a skillful ship captain to save as many passengers as possible. he says the captain is upset, is in emotional pain and distraught over this accident. and he says that his client did not abandon the ship and should not be in jail right now. >> all right. barbie, thank you very much. we're go the going to have much more on this story after the break. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. 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[ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. there is a platform built for the purpose of driving innovation. one that's transforming how companies from every industry-- and of every size-- are doing business. a platform built for now. and for what's next. the cisco intelligent network. cisco. we don't usually talk about cruise ships stocks, but following the shipwreck in italy, fares in carnival have dropped double digits. it could cause the world's biggest cruise line operator millions of dollars. allison is joining us from the new york stock exchange. allison, it's not surprising, i suppose, when people take a look at these pictures, hear these horror stories, and all of a sudden, cruises don't look like a heck of a lot of funny more. >> again, especially if you're an investor investing in some of these cruise lines. the shares for cruise lines are falling. carnival cruise lines in particular. carnival has traited here, falling 14%. its biggest rival, royal caribbean, its shares falling 3%. and carnival is looking at a loss of up to $95 million. and that's just including the booking costs for the concordia because it's going to be out of service all year. the booking cost for it and to fix the ship. that's not even including the possible personal injury claims, the losses that may follow, the insurance deductible from the ship damage. that could reach into the tens of millions of additional dollars. >> is this a case of loss of confidence here that they're concerned that travelers are not going to want to take cruises any more? >> that is a point. i mean, there comes to be the prices of confidence in the cruise line industry as a whole when people see these images on the screen. analysts say, you know what? you can't expect that. eem aren't going to but rushing to book a cruise vacation anytime soon. it's hard to estimate what kind of cop the company could take part of that. on the flip side of that, the company could end up cutting the tickets as far as the cost goes and try to lure back and take vacation. that's always a possibility. >> airline stocks, do they also go down after crashes? >> they do. when any industry is hit like this, you see that immediate impact, that knee jerk emotional impact. you did see it after 9/11. some airlines went bankrupt. you saw it after those toyota recalls of 2010. even bp shares took a huge hit. they have yet to come back after that big oil spill. and wall street does this because they're concerned about the long-term damage financially. how much of a hit, how much of a cost do these companies have to incur after having these kinds of prices? it's a tragedy. the had it may be more profound. a lot of people seeing flying as more of a necessity. you may see the cruise line shares as they are now. > mitt romney's republican rivals are gunning for him. just four days to go until south carolina's primary. romney, he was the prime target during the debate last night. run line of attack is over romney's records, bain capital, whether or not he created or killed jobs. they piled on him. take a listen. >> so as a pattern in some companies, with a handful of them, of leaving them with enormous debt and then within a year or two or three having them go broke. i think that is something he ought to answer. >> i visited georgetown, south carolina, and that was one of those towns where there was a steel mill that bain swept in, they picked that company over and there were a lot of people that lost jobs there. >> all right. foremore on the debate, how this race is looking forward, i want to bring in cnn political director mark preston. they all piled on him last night. he seemed amazingly unscathed. he didn't make any major errors. he kept his composure. does he look like the teflon can the candidate at this point? >> well, and the real question to add on to that is is he going to be the eventual nominee? they think that perhaps he will win here on saturday and close out the race for the presidential republican nomination even before we get to florida. what we saw last night in the debate in myrtle beach is that newt gingrich, rick santorum and rick perry were making their last stab to try to take down mitt romney. they were not successful. he came out unscathed. he seemed a little unsettled on the debate stage. but the bottom line is, he didn't have a great debate but he didn't have a bad debate. in many ways, you could call them the winner last night. does it help or hurt him going into general elections, beating back his criticism now? does he take away from some of obama ace firepower? >> he's going to understand what the obama administration is going to throw at him. at the same time, though, there was a lot of clips of the laugh night's debate, there's been a lot of sound bites from these republican rival oefs the past couple of weeks that will be used in commercials by democrats, by independent expenditure groups as well as the obama campaign. and right behind me on thursday night, they're going to make their closing arguments to the south carolina voters here. so expect newt gingrich, rick santorum, rick perry all trying to make their mark just two days right behind me. as you said at the top on saturday, that's when the south carolina voters head to the polls and a lot of people think that that could be the end, suzanne. >> all right. mark, thanks very much. good to see you. i have new tapes released showing the captain of the italian ship had abandon it moments affairs hit the rocks. next, we're going to talk to an experienced seaman about what duties a captain has in a time of crisis. [ female announcer ] water was meant to be perfect. crisp, clear, untouched. that's why there's brita, to make the water we drink, taste a little more, perfect. reduce lead and other impurities with the advanced filtration system of brita. what does an experienced seaman say about the italian captain and how he handled the ship running aground? then which republican has a better chance of beating barack obama? we're going to let you in on new poll results. later, new york city subway wants retireds to do something drattic when they see rats. they've now turned this into a contact test. we're getting a shocking account of what the captain did that was in charge of the italian cruise ship that crashed. in this conversation, with he contradicted himself about whether or not he actually abandon the ship and the palg passengers when it hit the rocks. the port authority asks, how come so few people? are you on board? schettino responds, no, i'm not on board because the ship is keeling. we've abandon it. the port authority asked, what? you've abanded the ship? the captain says, no. what abandon? i'm here. capta captain, thank you for joining us. when you hear this exchange, first he says he's not there and he's left and then he says -- he changes his mind and says, no, i'm here. what do you make of his explanation? >> well, when i first heard this deposition that he gave on what happened, i was shocked. i was amazed that somebody who could be in demand left the ship and not had situational awareness of what was going on around him. when asked how many people were on his ship, there were well over 3,000 people. how can you not know that and only say you have 100 to 200 people? i'm in disbelieve. i can't believe the situational awareness of what was going on was that bad. this was terrible. and to leave the vessel in that situation and not know if everybody is safely off is dlint subsequent. from one captain to another, is there a vow or an oath you make to stay with the ship and make sure everybody is okay? >> well, as the daptan of the vessel, your first priority is to save the lives of the souls that are on board. whether that be a crew on a smaller ship that carries 20 or you're in on a ship that carries 4,000 people. your priority is to save those people, then the vessel and then the cargo. but always, always, always the safety of life at sea comes first. for the captain to leave like that is definitely a dereliction of his duties. a man like that should never, ever have been in command. >> captain schettino talked to the italian media about what caused the accident. >> even though we were sailing along the coast, i believe the rock was not detected as the ship was not heading forward, but sideways, as if under water there was a rock projection. >> so it sounds like he's blaming the l6obship's instrume. and you've seen the damage, you've seen this video. does that ring true to us, his explanation? >> you can't blame the equipment when you deviate from your original course line. he had a voyage plan that was laid out and set forth that he should have followed. the captain deviated from that and took the vessel in close to the beach. he even said on the news that he was within 300 meters of the beach. the ship is about 290 meters long. he doesn't even have a safe turning radium for that vessel being that close. so to start blaming equipment, no, i find that, again, dereliction. >> and italy's coast guard located the black box from the ship. what can we learn from these recorders? >> these recorders are a black box that will have voice recordings in the sailings. they'll take dij ral recordings, you'll have a date, time, the helm orders that were being given. not only in voice commands, but you'll be able to see what the helmsman was doing while steering the vessel. you'll be able to tell if there was a problem with the generation, if there was a blackout or an electrical failure. you will be able to tell from this black block the type of information that's on it that they can now use from the investigation. there's quite a bit of investigation that will be detailed into his action easy. >> finally, quickly here, captain, is there any possibility of survivors? we've been talking about that they could be in those cab yans in air pockets. is that still possible to find people alive? >> well, there's always a possibility and we only hope for that. but you're going to have to know where these people were located, who they were and where their cabins were. and that would tell you on the percentage of possibility if they're alive. so if they were probably on the portside, i'd say there's a good chance of that. but if they're on the starboard side, then your hopes diminish. but we can only hope for the best and hopefully there are more people who have survived and are still stuck in the vessel. >> captain, thank you very much for your perspective. appreciate that. rating rats, that's kind of weird. think of it as a rodent reality show. that in new york, up next. there is a weird story. surway workers in new york city, they're asking people to take pictures of the rats they see, upload them on a website and vote. as part of the rate my rat contest. cnn's jeanne moos reports. >> reporter: when you see a new yorker looking down the tracks, it's not always a train he's looking for. >> and i saw a huge one. >> next time, don't just gawk at it. >> take a picture of the rat in the subway. >> the rate my rat contest has been extended. commuters are asking to smt their nastiest rat photo to the contest website features videos shot in the subway like rat drags pizza. rat picnic even have a sound track. >> picnic time. >> in the rat gallery, vote on the photos submitted by commuters, handsome, cute, plain, ugly and the coughetted beastly. >> wow, that's ully. >> ratty is an understatement to describe this one. >> hit by a train or perhaps made contact with the third rail. >> oh, my gosh, and still moving. >> at the opposite end, it's the beer swinging party rat. l miller lite. who cares about the golden globes? this is the golden rat. >> the winning photographer gets to ride the rails free for a month. but hey, rats always get a free ride. remember the sleeping passenger who woke up to a rat crawling on him? conductor scott harris described how a train operator snacking is in the crew room was bitten by a rat. >> went to bite the foot and it actually bit him. >> the union is pushing the contest because it's negotiate, management and wants the transit authority to hire more cleaners. sometimes the subway can feel like a rat race to nowhere. >> all you people out there, there's no -- you sit on the bench, at 5:00 in the morning. >>lty least the rats provide entertainment. this visitor joked about spotter her very first rat the other night. how big was it? but who needs to exaggerate in a city where we once saw a rat about to get squished in the middle of eighth avenue when a good samaritan ran out and rescued it. who says new yorkers don't give a rat's [ bleep ]. it turns out the rescuer was from boston. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. so who do you think would win if the election were between mitt romney and president obama? we'll show you new polls that might surprise you. and not even a super committee could save congress from public opinion. but we can thank one clever colorado senator for this chart. see who polled higher than congress just after the break. it's actually worse than you think. don't have the hops for hs with your buddies? lost your appetite for romance? and your mood is on its way down. you might not just be getting older. you might have a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. millions of men, forty-five or older, may have low t. so talk to your doctor about low t. hey, michael! [ male announcer ] and step out of the shadows. hi! how are you? [ male announcer ] learn more at [ laughs ] hey! we were telling you congressional approval is at an all-time low. does it surprise you that bp, during the oil spill, paris hilton and the irs all have higher approval ratings than congress? that's right. the one person who polled lower than congress, fidel castro. we've got brand new poll numbers giving us a look at the numbers, how it is shaping up hypothetically, of course. paul steinhauser is live from the campaign trail in charlotte ton, south carolina. let's gain this out a little bit. if we had a matchup between mitt room know5çtu and president oba who would fare better? >> we asked the poll. i've got the answer, at least according to our poll. cnnorc. this was a national survey. look at this, basically dead even between president obama and mitt romney. romney at 49%, the president at 47%. that is well within the sampling error. let's go down the list. basically ron paul and president obama, basically all tied up. look, the president has a 6 point advantage over rick santorum and he has a nine point advantage, according our survey, newt gingrich. that's kind of laying it out for november. and one other thing from this poll. remember that big enthusiasm gap back in 2010? not so much. republicans and democrats, look at this, times have change. that big advantage republicans had on enthusiasm has pretty much disappeared, at least according to our new numbers. >> and we count on those numbers, paul. i understand there was some pretty tough talk from newt gingrich today. i guess it was up against romney. set the scene for us. >> yeah. florence, south carolina this morning, newt gingrich had a town hall speaking to republicans in the palmetto state. we're just four days away from the primary now. listen, it's no -- you know, we know the republicans are angry and they want to get president barack obama out of the white house. take a listen to how this came out. >> what i've been looking for in my candidate is fire in the belly. we've got to bloody obama's nose pup mentioned challenging him to seven three-hour debates. he has this armor of media surrounding him. if he doesn't agree to that, how do you plan to aggressively take the gloves off and go after him? >> well, let me say first of all i don't want to argue with you about the analogy. i don't want to bloody his nose. i want to knock him out. >> fighting words there from gingrich. jon huntsman is no longer in this race. he wasn't tough enough, i guess, didn't have that fiery language. remember last night in the debate mitt romney was questioned whether or not he would release his taxes or not. this morning, at an event, he finally did commit. he said i will release them come april, come tax time. suzanne, we have the bus here. not that shoulder, what shoulder. we have a big debate here on thursday night. >> bloody his nose or knock him out, i would love to ask president obama what he would do in response, you know snp i'd love to ask that question. >> exactly. >> that's some tough language there. >> we're looking forward to that debate, of course. the latest political news, go to today's question, should mitt romney release his tax returns? jane says, yes, if he wants to be the leader of this free country, he most definitely should. more of your responses, up ahead. 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carol costello is here with some of your responses. so, carol, how are people weighing this? >> well, listen. this is from dennis. he says, you bet if he has nothing to hide, he should do it today. if he has something to hide, he should wait as long as he can until his supporters won't turn on him until it's too late to lose the nomination. this from paul, "for a party that, in general, criticized the coup movement and accused obama for starting a class warfare sentiment, this demand seeps rather contradictory, doesn't it? why should it matter how he made his fortune as long as it's not illegal, right?" this from robert, "if you want to lead this country, lead by example. he's a millionaire and he's asking america to trust him as commander in chief. what does he have to hide? show the people your tax returns, coward." from this johnny, "who cares? are we lekking him or his accountant? let's not let our politicians get us magnifying the more important things and force a more in-depth look at his platform and the issues facing america. not his taxes, his religion, or his shoe size." please continue the conversation and i'll be back with you in about ten minutes or so. as a code of honor, a captain is supposed to go down with the ship? so what happened on board the "costa concordia." we'll have one of those passengers talk about it at the top of the hour. an accident doesn't have to slow you down... with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? president obama's job counsel meeting is today, looking for ways to make the u.s. more competitive. one of the items of discussion is reforming education to increase job creation. christine romans joining us with a look at how big that challenge really is. hey, christine. >> you know, this is still going on. the president actually speaking right now, talking to these business leaders about what can we do in this country to be more competitive? and jeff immelt, the ceo of ge told the president, look, there's no silver bullet here, but there's a multitude of things that can be done over a multitude of years that can help get the united states going in the right direction again. and basically you've got the american people, saying, suzanne, we want companies to hire. and you've got a lot of these companies saying, we need better workers for the jobs of the future. shell samberg from over at facebook says there are 3.3 million jobs that are open right now in america that can't be filled and that we're not educating enough scientists, technicians, the stem, science, technology, engineering, and math. others were talking about a math gap that has to be resolved. and another person talking about the supply chain for skilled workers in america is broken. so here you have a big discussion about what kind of worker we're going to have, how we're going to educate them, how we're going to educate them so they can innovate, and how we're going to lead in the future. and it leaves you still right now with this feeling like, we still have 14 million people out of work, and we're talking about multi-year or a generational investment to compete, but what about the right now. so it's a real tricky place right now for the president, politically, and practically. >> and also, the jobs counsel is recommending tax reform. that's a very big undertaking. president bush tried it before. now president obama's doing the same. >> you know, saying you want to reform the tax code is saying like you love your mother. everybody does, but what part of it are you going to throw out? and i'm sitting here with the annotated version of the federal standard tax report. i think we have 17 books here. it's like 72,000 pages. this is what ali velshi reads at night to go to sleep. but this is the tax code. what the business leaders want, and what the president said he's made progress towards is fewer regulations, is more sane rules, six different trade and business agencies he wants to put all together around one roof. but what business wants is they want a reformed tax code, they want to cut the corporate tax rate, get rid of loopholes, make it much more simple and understandable. but this is it, suzanne. this is it. can you believe it? >> yeah, that's unbelievable there. that could put you to the sleep, i think, all that reading there. >> and also on the screen, expand domestic drilling for oil. the president and his white house have moved forward on some of the things that this competitiveness council wants and has been moving forward, and some of them are things that frankly the republicans on the campaign trail also want, getting rid of redundancies, trying to squeeze billions out of dumb red tape in government. they're already moving along that direction, but the tax code, look at -- those are federal tax laws. that's how they've been piling up since 1913. what i have before you is the bottom line of that. 1913, i guess there was just a steno pad. >> well, that's a lot of reading there. that's a huge undertaking. don't get buried underneath all that stuff. >> but, you know, america's mortgage interest deduction is somewhere in one of these books. so when you start talking about simplifying the tax code, they say, we may have to take away your mortgage deduction, people say, wait a minute, i want to keep that book. >> it's hard to find what you're looking for in all that stuff. hope this works, they reform at least something. condense. condense, that's what we want. christine, thank you. appreciate it. >> bye-bye. top of the hour. i'm suzanne malveaux. i want to get you up to speed. off the coast of italy right now, navy divers are blasting holing into that doomed cruise ship, looking for victims. crews found the the bodies of five more people today. the death toll now stands at 11. 23 people are still missing. meanwhile, we are learning new details about what happened the night of that disaster from the captain himself. these infrared pictures -- you see that there? this is passengers, they look like ants, but these are passengers scrambling to get off the ship as it slammed into rocks and tilts over. a new audio recording revealed that a coast guard officer, furious with the captain, as horror happens and it starts to become clear. i want you to listen to what he said. >> you go on border. it is an order. you cannot make any other evaluations. you can declared abandoning ship. now i'm in charge. you get on board. is it clear? >> commandant. >> are you not listening to me? >> i'm going. >> call me immediately when you get on board. our rescue officer is there. newt gingrich plugging away on the campaign trail today after pounding away at mitt romney during last night's republican debate. now, gingrich has a campaign stop in columbia, south carolina. that's happening this hour. last night he and romney got into a pretty testy exchange over attack ads run by the so-called super pacs. >> well, this is typical of what both senator santorum and i have complained about with governor romney's super pac, over which he apparently has no influence, which makes you wonder how much influence he'd have if he were president. >> speaker gingrich, i already said at our last debate that anything that's false in pac ads, whether they're supportive of me or supportive of you, should be taken off the air and fixed. i've already said that. >> members of congress, at least those in the house, getting back to work this morning, after the winter break. a new cnn/orc international poll found that just 11% of people approve how congress is handling its job. that is an all-time low. previous all-time low is 14%. that was back in august. opposition leaders in syria say at least 28 people were killed today as part of a violent crackdown by the country's president. anti-government protesters took to the streets, shouting the martyr is beloved by god. also today, a member of the syrian parliament who defected to egypt says that money is no object for the president. he'll crush the the revolt at any cost. all right. brace yourselves. gas prices going through the roof again. says some of us could be paying around five bucks a gallon by the summer. prices already at record highs. according to aaa, average price for a gallon of unleaded now $3.39. it is the highest january gas prices ever. we're talking about 30% higher than a year ago. this looks, feels like a modern day "titanic," all right? but how did the "costa concordia" end up wrecked on the rocks off the italian coast? >> reporter: the luxury cruise liner set sail from a port near rome friday evening, carrying 3,200 tourists and 1,000 crew members. the passengers are enjoying dinner and drinks as the mammoth ship pulls closely alongside the tuscan island. but it's for a froo close for comfort. at approximately 9:30 p.m., the ship hits a patch of rocks about 1,000 feet from the island. that's when the passengers feel an eerie sensation. the huge luxury liner shudders and then the lights go out. but the passengers are told there's nothing to worry about. >> they were saying everything was under control, that there was an electrical problem with the generator. >> reporter: but below the surface, it's a different story. an enormous gash has ripped through the hull. they're taking water. an alarm sounds. the ship begins to list, leaning heavily to its side. plates and dinnerware slide off the tables and the passengers begin to panic. [ people screaming ] >> reporter: passengers begin crowding on the deck near the lifeboats. >> remain calm. the situation is under control. >> reporter: the kpapt brings the damaged ship around, bringing it into shallow water, closer to shore. >> hitting the reef, the c capsizing of the boat was manageable, but i felt like the crew was going to kill us. >> reporter: the lifeboats are lowered into the water. the coast guard sends out rescue crews. speedboats launch and helicopters take off towards the wreck. that's when some passengers begin taking matters into their own hands, jumping into the cold, dark water below. the coast guard sends out rescue crews. speedboats launch and helicopters take off towards the wreck. that's when some passengers begin taking matters into their own hands, jumping into the cold, dark water below. >> i was just swimming. there were some people that were really freaking out, grabbing hold of other people, and everyone's just trying to keep everyone calm. >> reporter: by 11:15 p.m., the first lifeboats reach the island. about 4,000 of the ship's passengers and crew make it to safety. but some 300 people are still on the ship, waiting to evacuate. by morning light, the scale of the disaster comes into horrible focus. >> now, several days after the ship went down, we are still coming to terms with what this all means. the losses, 11 confirmed dead. 23 people are still missing. the ship's captain, he was in court today. a judge ordered him to stay in jail, at least for now, while this investigation goes on. we are also hearing from the captain, in his own words. i want you to listen. this is a translation of an audio recording between him and a coast guard officer on the night of this disaster. >> you go on board. it is inorder. you cannot make any other evaluations. you have declared abandoning ship. now i am in charge. where you get on board. is it clear? >> commandant. >> are you not listening to me? >> i'm going. >> call me immediately when you get on board. our rescue officer is there. >> where is your rescue officer? >> my rescue officer is at the stem. go. >> okay. >> there are already bodies. >> how many dead bodies there? >> i don't know. i've heard of one. i've heard of one. with your the one to tell me how many they are. christ. >> my guest, he was on board that ship as that nightmare played out. joe rhino who's joining us by phone from imminence, kentucky. first of all, we have a lot to talk about, but first your gut reaction to what the captain is saying on these recordings here. >> my emotions are rung high after hearing that. it just confirms from what i already knew about the experience that i was on my own, knowing that my friends and i, we had to worry about ourselves and really battle to save our own lives and i think that just really confirmed that and it's really kind of making me emotional, and making me kind of angry thinking that no one on our ship had our back to help us get off and was really looking after us. >> there is so much anger around this story, joe. we'll have a lot more to talk with you in just a few minutes. we're going to ask you about when you actually realized what was wrong and how you managed to get off this ship safely. we'll take a quick break. . but first, will he or won't he wm that is what everyone is asking mitt romney about releasing his tax returns. so here's your chance to talk back. today's question, should romney release his tax returns? carol costello is joining fr ii from washington with more. >> release your tax returns already! it was rick perry's battle cry against mitt romney in last night's debate. >> mitt, we need for you to release your income tax so the people of this country can see how you made your money. and i think that's a fair thing. listen, here's the real issue for us. as republicans, we cannot fire our nominee in september. we need to know now. so i hope you'll put your tax records out there this week so the people of south carolina can take a look and decide if, you know, we got a flawed candidate or not. >> as in mr. romney, what might you be hiding? "the washington post" has a few ideas, tax shelters, charitable deductions, all that money that romney made at bain capital. whatever romney's fellow republicans hope to illustrate, they've pushed romney into a probably, but not before south carolina primary, mode. >> time will tell, but i anticipate that most likely i'm going to asked to do that around the april time period and i'll keep that open. >> romney has already released a personal financial disclosure report, which is required of all presidential candidates. according to, romney is worth between $85 million and $264 million. he owns several homes, one in la jolla, california, worth just about $10 million. we also know the fec lists hundreds of thousands of dollars in horses and gold, but those items belong to the mrs. do you want to know more? the republicans who want to be president do. so the talkback question for you today, should romney release his tax returns right now? i'll read your comments later this hour. >> all right. thank you, carol. here's a rundown of some of the stories that we're covering over the next hour. first, wikipedia users, no need to panic. it and other popular websites plan a blackout tomorrow. you'll want to know why. and unless you really love snow measured in feet, we're talking feet, not inches, you want to live here. this town has a pretty interesting way of getting rid of it. then we'll take a look at some memorable moments from last night's gop debate. got a little testy at times. we're also going to take you inside a high-tech simulator to see how a ship's crew is trained to be ready for a real emergency. there's technology out there that can make life faster, right? >> plus, you know about ala cart, but some restaurants are testing what they are calling e lacart. waiters using tablets to serve their customers better. all right. we want to hear more from a survivor of the tragic cruise ship accident off the coast of italy. i want to bring back joe ryan, because we were talking with him just a few minutes ago. he was on that ship and he managed to escape. he joins us by phone from kentucky and joe, i mean, we have heard the sounds of people screaming. we understand it was a chaotic scene. how were you able to make it out safely? >> well, we were in our cabins. we were missing some of our friends, so me and another friend ran to our cabin, thinking we would meet up with them there. and while at the cabins, we, like most everybody else, were kind of sitting outside the doorway and looking at the staff members and waiting for some type of signal to do something. and that's where we heard the announcements over the p.a. of the electrical and the mechanical issues and saying that the problem had been solved. it wasn't until the boat got so far on its side that we were just honestly scared to death, because we could barely walk that we just took it into our own hands to get on to a lifeboat and made sure we had enough clothes on to go do that in case we needed to swim or do whatever. so at that point, the staff -- there were still staff members on the boat, still saying -- no, not telling anyone to evacuate, so we took off from there and headed towards the lifeboats. >> what were you hearing or seeing at the time when you said you realized you had to take matters into your own hands? >> i think it was just fear and shock and people were crying. there was an older german couple beside of us, and they were both just in tears, didn't know what to do, and i think the hardest thing for me is when we took off to go to the lifeboats, there were still two families right next to us in our cabins who were still in their room, waiting for someone to tell them to go, and i don't think -- i'm replaying in my mind, that i hope someone did go and i hope that they did make it to a boat. >> did you see any children on board? can you talk a little bit about those children? >> yeah, i saw a bunch of parents with -- trying to smile and trying to make them laugh, and i did see some people that looked like they were part of the theater workers for the cruise, like trying to like play with the kids and trying to smile and be happy around them, because for a lot of the young children didn't really know what was going on, but i would say a lot of the older children, 5, 7, and around that age were just in tears and screaming and in shock and didn't really what to know to make out of it. so just in general, they were pretty upset. >> when you hear the captain's conversation that he had and realized that he could be facing charges for abandoning you and many others there who were fighting for your lives, what do you think is the appropriate thing for him? >> you know, i don't really know. i'm just so baffled and upset by that, because me and my friend lauren were probably in the last 20% of the people to get off and our lifeboat struggled to get into the the water. it just makes me think, was he off at the ship at that point? was anybody still on the ship to help out at that point? and it just -- it just scares me half to death thinking that -- who was on there organizing this or who was there doing anything? and it scares me that there may not have been anyone. they may be safely on the coast there, on the beach, and we were still trying to get into a boat and get to safety. >> joe, we certainly hope that your friends, those in the next-door cabin, are safe. that they are among the survivors. joe ryan, thank you very much. we really appreciate it. we are actually hearing some amazing survival stories from people on board that ship. some were rescued, others were forced to swim to safety, and we are talking about frigid, freezing water, just about 1,000 feet away from the shore. chad, explain this to us. set this up for us. because we all looked at these pictures and we all put ourselves in that situation, wondering, could i have made it? if i had jumped into that water, could i swim to shore? could i have been one of those survivors? >> i'll say the first thing, you have to understand the people that jumped in were terrorized. they were terrified. they had nothing left of their senses other than, i have to get in that water, because this boat is going down. you never want to jump into the water if the boat is still floating. if this boat has any of its bow, stern, anything above water, you stay on that ship. because the water was 57 degrees. the first thing that happens when you jump into the water is you ahhh take a breath, because it's so cold. what if you're under water when you take that breath, now you're choking because you've inhaled water from that initial shock and now you have 1,000 feet to swim. people actually got off the wrong side here, they slid down the side of the boat into the water and had to swim all the way around that boat. that boat's almost 1,000 feet long. and now all of a sudden, you have a good quarter-mile swim in 57-degree water. and most people cannot handle that. >> i was going to ask, was there any possibility that someone could have done that? they could have survived that kind of swim? >> sure. sure, there's no question, 57 isn't that bad. you'll keep your with its about you for about an hour, even at that point. but it's can you swim with clothes on, with shoes on. you know, typically people don't get in the water with a suit and tie on, whatever they were wearing at the time. this was dinner time, people were dressed for dinner. you're jumping in the water with your shoes on, you don't go very good, because you start to sink. it's a lot more work, you start to lose your consciousness, and as you swim, your body actually loses heat swimmer. not like you're bobbing. if you're sitting there bobbing with your life jacket on, you can probably do that for almost six hours. but as you swim and as you move, your extremities are getting blood from the heart to the extremities to make them move. that is making your body cool so much faster, you can get to that hypothermia very, very quickly. >> and what about those pictures inside? we saw people with life preservers on in the hallway. do we think there could be survivors in air pockets, in cabins now that are still alive? >> there are people in that boat right now that just can't get out. when a boat will list over like this, you have to understand, this is a steel structure. it begins to bend. the top of the boat will begin to bend a little bit, and so the door frames are no longer square. those door frames, as they become more like trapezoids, parallelograms rather than rectangles will trap people in that room. that door will not be able to open from that stateroom or whatever it might be, wherever these people were. i look at the ship and saw where this rock it. it hit almost at the waterline. this rock was probably visible, if you were standing at the bow going, what is this captain doing. i see this stone right here, we're about to hit it. it tore a whole in the side of it. the boat filled up with water in the bottom and as the captain tried to turn it, people are asking me, how can the holes on this side of the ship, but yet that's where it went up? because as the captain began to turn the boat to port, to the port, actually, the boat turned over just like it would if you were driving in a car, as you drive a car, you're forced to one side, the top of that ship listed over and that's when people got scared. >> i certainly hope they can find folk ifs they's if they're. >> and they may have gotten off on the rock. there may not be those 20 bodies still in that ship. >> chad, thank you very much. appreciate it. some of the world's most popular websites are planning a blackout tomorrow. we're going to tell you what's going on after the break. one chance to hunt down the right insurance at the right price. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. ready, aim, save! grrr! ooh, i forgot my phone! the "name your price" tool. now available on your phone. get a free quote today. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the cookie-cutter retirement advice ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you get at some places. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 they say you have to do this, have that, invest here ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you know what? ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you can't create a retirement plan based on ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 a predetermined script. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 to understand you and your goals... ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 together we can find real-life answers for your ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 real-life retirement. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 and let's write a script based on your life story. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 if you can't get on wikipedia tomorrow, don't worry, it's not your computer. wikipedia and other popular websites plan a blackout tomorrow to protest an anti-piracy bill before congress. time warner, the parent company of cnn, is among the industry supporters of that legislation. i want to bring in alison kosik from the new york stock exchange to talk a little bit about what this bill is and why folks are angry about it. >> okay, suzanne. so what it's called is the stop online piracy act or sopa, in short. essentially what it is is it's an anti-piracy bill. and its goal is to restrict access to sites that fuel copy right infringement. so, for example, for google, let's say, google could be punished if a pirated tv show is uploaded on to youtube. but tech companies, they're upset about being held liable for user's content. so what's going to be happening tomorrow? you're going to see sites like wikipedia, the blog boing boing, red it, others, other websites, they're temporarily going to go black tomorrow. gosh, what are we all going to do without wikipedia? suzanne? >> i know. everybody's always using wikipedia. i understand that there's a split, though, however, in corporate america. so hollywood and silicon valley pitted against each other. why? >> exactly. so hollywood, suzanne, is actually all in favor of this bill. abc, cbs, news corp., the recording industry association, as you said,time warner, the parent company of cnn, all in favor of it. they say that piracy leads to lower revenue and job cuts, because content creators don't get paid when their music or their movie is pirated. but you flip it around, tech companies say it's censorship and they say it could wreck the internet as we know it. two sides to this bill. >> has anything like this ever happened before? >> well, wikipedia says it's a first for its english site, as far as the blackout of these websites go, and the protests, suzanne, isn't just online. there's a rally planned for tomorrow, here in new york city, at the office of of new york senators chuck schumer and kirsten gillibrand. the bill isn't supposed to go before a full house vote until march. this is a highly controversial issue. it's almost certain that it's going to be reworked. so to be continued, suzanne. >> to be continued. all right. as a lot of pieces of legislation. thank you, alison. appreciate it. >> usually are. yeah. so one candidate spouts the golden rule, another invokes the image of bigfoot. we're going to talk about some of those memorable moments from last night's republican debate. and we also want to give a shout-out to some noble folks celebrating their birthday today. first lady michelle obama, 48 years old today. heavyweight boxer and the only man to win the title three times, muhammad ali turning 70, and actress and comedian betty white, an ageless 90 years old. congratulations and happy birthday. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? 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[ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! here's a rundown, some of the stories that we're working on next. newt gingrich calls president obama the food stamp president. and the gloves nearly came off. we're going to analyze the gop debate, the high points, as well as the low. then, when things go wrong on a cruise ship, you're going to want your crew well trained. this sophisticated simulator does just that. and later, restaurants going high-tech to help their wait staffs better serve customers. republican presidential candidates crisscrossing south carolina now, taking swings at each other, not surprising. south carolina primary just four days away. now, last night, the candidates met in a raucous debate which included boos, cheers from the audience. joining us to talk about the highlights, john avalon. he's a cnn contributor and senior political columnist for "newsweek" and the daily beast. hey, john. >> hey, suzanne. >> one of the things that caught my attention was this exchange between one of the hosts, juan williams, who challenge ed him his comments about labeling the president as a food stamp president. >> it sounds as if you are seeking to belittle people. [ audience boos ] >> well, first of all, juan, the fact is that more people have been put on food stamps by barack obama by any president in american history. >> all right. a "new york times" op-ed by charles blow says this is race baiting, and this is what he says in the article. he says that gingrich seems to understand the historical weight of the view among some southern whites, many of whom have migrated to the republican party, that blacks are lazy and addicted to hanouts. he is able to give voice to those feelings without using those words. do you agree that newt gingrich is trying to do that? >> i don't think it's a conscious blatant attempt at race baiting. certainly, we've seen that a lot historically in our politics. race has always been a fundamental fault line in american politics. but this is -- really, this attack, this newt has made many times before, is largely trying to run off people's resentment over welfare. and even though we had welfare reform back in 1995, when clinton was president and newt was running the house of representatives, that attack still has real resonance among people, especially in economic hard times, and ironically, you know, i think it does resuscitate some imagery that calls back to that welfare queener is queen er stereo type and all that. >> and watch this. >> maybe we ought to consider a golden rule in foreign policy. don't do to other nations what we donate want them have to do to us. [ audience booing ] so we endlessly bomb these countries and wonder why they get upset with us. yet it continues on and on. >> we're in south carolina. south carolina in the revolutionary war had a young 13-year-old named andrew jackson. he was sabered by a british officer and wore a scar his whole life. andrew jackson had a pretty clear-cut idea about america's enemies -- kill them. >> and speaker gingrich is right. of course you take out our enemies, wherever they are. these people have declared war on us. they've killed americans. we go anywhere they are and we kill them. >> so, john, this language here, i don't know, it's debate number 16, who's keeping count here? but do you think that they're trying this kind of hyperbole to get people's attention? are they trying to differentiate from each other? are they getting desperate? >> well, look, you definitely saw last night an uptick in the war metaphor rhetoric. i mean, rick perry himself talking about, you know, war on religion and somehow messing up a pretty basic fact about our nato ally, turkey, calling them a terrorist government, when they're a democratically elected government of a nato ally. but you saw the audience was really fired up. they were engaged, they were interactive. and ron paul's statement of nonintervention, which he's been consistent about since he ran in '08, not popular with this crowd, and his opponents took advantage of it. >> and mitt romney fighting off a lot of attacks. here's how he responded to a lot of these complaints about the super pac ads. >> if we're talking about super pac ads that are inaccurate, mr. speaker, you have a super pac ad that attacks me. now, just hold on. that attacks me. it's probably the biggest hoax since bigfoot. >> all right. that was a memorable line as well. john, are you surprised -- are you surprised by the tone of this debate? i mean, the boos, i mean, all of this, you know, really harsh, strong language here. in some ways, it kind of lacks civility. >> it did lack civility, but this is the intense stage of the january primary gauntlet we are in. you know, we'll have cnn's debate thursday night in charleston, but the candidates are getting intense. they know it's crunchtime. only a couple of folks are going to survive this primary and go on to fight in florida. so tension is high. anger is there. i think it's amazing when mitt romney complains about super pac attacks or dismisses them as ugly politics given the escalation in iowa against newt gingrich, but this is the tone we're going to see for the next several days leading up to the saturday primary in south carolina. >> and john, who do you think took the debate? >> i actually think everyone had a pretty bad debate. santorum exceeded expectations, so did newt. everyone was punching at romney. he got testy at times and had a couple of howlers of his own. >> all right. john avalon. thank you, john. great to see you. >> thank you. so what is it like to be in control of a cruise ship that has just run aground? >> okay. that's it. we're aground. let's stop engines. snow, pull the checklist for ground. >> captain, we have the grounding checklist. >> i'm going to sound the general alarm. >> so this is only a simulation, but it is crucial practice for the captains who take the helm of the world's big ships. inside their training, up next. you know, typical alarm clock. i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need. but i know that whatever i have that's what i'm going to live within. ♪ ♪ ♪ i've tried it. but nothing helped me beat my back pain. then i tried salonpas. it's powerful relief that works at the site of pain and lasts up to 12 hours. salonpas. thousands of passenger scrambling for lifeboats as the cruise ship tilts closer and closer to the water. >> proceed to your station. please remain calm. the situation is under control. >> survivors are telling us stories of the crew looking helpless. that they didn't know what they were doing. what kind of training do crews get before they go on a ship like this? our own brian todd went on one training center for some answers. >> reporter: the vessel's pitching drastically, water's coming over the bow, you can see your stress levels and your lunch rising. one of the scenarios captains and crew are put through at the american maritime officers' union training facility called the starn center. they've trained officers here along with several cruise ship captains. we go inside the 360, a high-tech simulator. >> you have to constantly keep in your mind what type of weight you're dealing, what type of momentum you're dealing, and the fact that behind you here, you've got thousands of passengers. >> reporter: every aspect of navigation is covered. steering, depth measure lt, speed, how to read maps and radar. where every potential obstacle is. they can recreate every major port in the world. >> we're coming into new york harbor now. you've got governor's island over here on the right. >> reporter: they don't have a rekraex of the coastline off italy, but they can come close. the trainers here have also created a place called generica. it is a generic country or city that you come into that has just about every type of characteristic to challenge you for maritime navigation. over here, you've got kind of a tight coastline with a village. we've got to go underneath this bridge here to get to a channel to get to the port city over here to the right. you can tell we're underway over here. you've also got to navigate past some rocky coastline over here. so as we do all of that, i'm going to take the con, as they say. i'm going to take the controls and captain rhiner here is going to take me through the process. the slightest turn can cause a top-heavy ship to pitch dangerously. >> okay. not too much, because she'll steady right up on you here. >> reporter: i eventually run the ship aground. >> okay. that's it, we're aground. let's stop engines. snow, pull the checklist for grounding. >> captain, we have the grounding checklist. >> i'm going to ring the general alarm. >> reporter: they run checks to see if the ship is taking on water. and never, ever is the captain to leave the bridge of a vessel until everyone is off the ship. >> what happens with stress is you get what they call tunnel vision. and you lose the whole picture of what's going on, okay? the only way to deal with that, take that stress off you, to open your awareness of what's going on is to take some of the stress off you and to give it to other members of the team. >> reporter: rimer says the most common mistake captains make, trying to do everything themselves. outside, we're shown somehow they train crew members to evacuate everyone on to lifeboats. >> we would pull that. that lowers the boat. >> reporter: snow causeland, who teaches crisis and crowd management, says all crew members, from cooks to housekeepers to entertainers each have a task in an emergency, to muster passengers at specific places, get them organized. >> you have a whole lot of people on board that are not mariners and have absolutely no training in safety matters, and those are the passengers. the regulations say, we need to find some way to, you know, inform the passengers of what an emergency signal is, how to wruz a life jacket, and also what to do when they hear an emergency signal. >> reporter: the trainers here say despite the "costa concordia" accident and the perceptions emanating from that, the cruise ship industry is still incredibly say. they have hundreds of thousands of people are on the high seas on these cruise ships every day. accidents are extremely rare and the vast majority of captains and crew are very well trained. brian todd, cnn, deiania beach, florida. so think restaurants are the future. are they actually going to have waiters? not if this gadget takes off. more after the break. [ monica ] i'm away on a movie shoot and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. okay... is this where we're at now, we just eat whatever tastes good? like these sweet honey clusters... actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. hey, i love your cereal there-- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way. lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. a mouthwatering combination of ingredients...e for you! i know you're gonna love. [ barks ] yes, it's beneful healthy fiesta. made with wholesome grains, real chicken, even accents of tomato and avocado. yeah! come on! [ barking ] gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] beneful healthy fiesta. another healthful, flavorful beneful. of ever been frustrated by bad service at a restaurant? of course all of us have. a new company wants to change that. they want you to be able to browse the menu, order your food, pay the bill all without human contact. dan simon has more. >> reporter: 26-year-old raj suri is not in the restaurant business, but he might be responsible for how we all dine in the future. and you can thank him or blame him, depending on your point of view. the m.i.t. dropout has invented a tablet for restaurants that allows people to browse an electronic menu, order meals, and pay without ever having to wait for the waiter. >> it improves the guest experience, right? because guests now have control of their experience. they don't have to wait for anyone. they can go at their own pace. you never are caught, you know, if you want an extra drink, you can put in the order straight away. >> how do you want it? >> medium well. >> reporter: it's already happening in the heart of silicon valley. each table has its own tablet, which also includes games for children, pictures of the food to give you a better idea of what you're ordering, and a built-in credit card swirp, so you don't have to wait for the bill. >> why wait when there's technology out there that can make life faster. >> reporter: presto from start to finish. in fact, pressto is what they call this system. it's been introduced in about 300 restaurants nationwide. suri's company called e la carte leases the system for a fee ranging from $100 to $300 a month. >> from that, may make thousands of dollars in revenues from extra sales, speeding up table turns. >> reporter: in each of these restaurants, the tablet is optional. meaning you can still order the old-fashioned way from a human being. but it does have the potential to be a job killer. >> if a restaurant wanted to, they could replace their waiting staff and just have food servers take the weight -- >> i think that's definitely a possibility, but i think the more likely possibility is that there are less waiters, maybe like 20% less, like maybe the worst waiters are not there anymore, but the best waiters still are. and so those existing waiters make higher tips because they have more tables. >> the orders go right up to the screen on the line. >> reporter: charlie aers, the owner of this cafe, became a believer when he was visited restaurants that were using tablets in europe and asia. >> many people say this is not hospitable whatsoever. this is the greatest example of hospitality, when a staff member can't get to you on time, i've now empowered you, the guest, to be able to order and get in and out on your time now. >> reporter: as for customers, the ones we talked to liked it. >> i think it's really convenient. i like having it. i can get in and out whatever i want, especially in a quick lunchtime when i'm working. >> as any device like this, you know, it makes people lose a little touch with reality and our surroundings and be less social, but i think other than that, it's a great tool. >> so dan, talk a little bit about whether or not the inventor, the owner of this idea -- are they worried at all that they're going to be eliminating jobs? these waiters and these waitresses that normally do this? >> well, as you heard him say, he thinks maybe you could have 20% waiting staff at a restaurant. we are in cafe califia, but they think this works best in concert with waiters. if you're sitting at a table and you want to order an extra or an appetizer, instead of waiting for that waiter to come back, you can pull up the tablet and put in your order, and boom, it will come to you in a few minutes. they see this very much in line with atms or pay at the pump, technologies that made our life easier. >> yeah, easier, but we've all waited tables at one point in our lives. it's one of those experiences, you know. it's kind of like cutting off that human interaction, right, that one of those customers talked about? >> reporter: well, you know what, they actually thought about that. and one of the things that is in this system are games. so you have games for children, games for adults. now, we're going to let the people at home decide on this issue, but they believe that they actually encourage human interaction at the table, all the guests can kind of get together, play some games. they can even talk about the food that's on the menu. there are some interactive pictures of the food on the electronic tablet. again, we'll let the people at home decide. >> all right. i'm living in different world. wrr going to have to drag me along with this modern technology. thank you, dan. i want to go to chad myers. i understand we've got severe storm weather passing through the region. >> yeah, some pictures just out of louisville right now. louisville, kentucky, we have live shots and a little bit of what we call tape turn, the tape just came in. we turned the best stuff and then show it to you. this is out of wave, just in from kentucky. had some tornado warnings earlier. can't confirm whether this was just a wind event or was it actually a tornado? it would have been a small tornado if we see something here. we had a couple pictures of a roof off here. this is minor. you could see that with just a 70-mile-per-hour straight line wind. but what you need to know, as it's already moved through louisville, getting close to lexington right now, there's a potential for small tornadoes today, small wind damage, small hail, all the way from central kentucky down to central alabama. >> keep a close eye on that. thank you, chad. today's talk back question, should mitt romney release his tax returns? john says, "it's none of our business as to what is on them. we as a country ask way too much personal private information from our presidents." more of your responses up ahead. but first, here's some free advice from our cnn help desk team. today's questions deal with your credit report and when to cash out on your 401(k). here's poppy harlow. >> time for the help desk where we get answers to your financial questions. joining me, donna rosato, jack otter is the executive editor of thank you both for being here. donna, your question comes from susan in oxford, ohio. susan says, i've heard items on your credit report older than seven years are dropped. is that true ? >> there's a lot of confusion about that. it's true that late payments or debts that go unpaid do stay on your credit history for about seven years. but it really depends on what that negative item is. if it is an unpaid tax lien, uncle sam gets really upset about that. it can be on your credit report for at least 15 years. if it's a bankruptcy, you're going to look at it for about ten years. if you have those kind of negative things on your credit record, the older those are, the less it's going to affect your score. you want to keep up good credit habits. the things in the near term will help you a lot more. pay your bills on time, don't rack up a a lot of debt, and the keep the amount of debt available to you at a large amount. if you do those things, those things should diminish over time. >> diminish, not go away. jack, your question comes from kathy in columbus, ohio. she says, i'm 30 years old, have a 401(k) worth about $30,000, i'm thinking about cashing in the 401(k) and using the funds to purchase a home or pay off student loans that have an interstate at over 9%. am i crazy for considering this? >> she's not crazy, but i would recommend strongly against it. she'll pay a 10% penalty for taking it out early and a back tax on it. and i know it sounds so far away at age 30, but retirement is very expensive and she needs all this time to compound that $30,000 so that it's something real and can help her. pensions are going away. i don't believe the scare mongerers who say social security won't be there, but the benefits will shrink. try to refinance those student loans. 9% is very. look for a government loan. go to direct loan to reduce that number. everyone wants a house, but i don't think it's quite as high a priority as americans often put on it. >> yeah, i'd love one. >> there's no shame in renting. put aside what she can for that down payment. i don't see the markets skyrocketing anytime soon. but, really, leave that retirement savings alone. >> all right, great. thanks for your advice. and if you've got a question you want answered, send us an e-mail to hello, how can i deliver world-class service for you today ? we gave people right off the street a script and had them read it. no, sorry, i can't help you with that. i'm not authorized to access that transaction. that's not in our policy. i will transfer you now. my supervisor is currently not available. would you like to hold ? that department is currently closed. have i helped you with everything you needed ? if your bank doesn't give you knowledgeable customer service 24/7, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. ♪ home was an airport lounge and an ipad ♪ ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪ ♪ if you're a mobile type on the go ♪ ♪ i suggest you take a tip from my bro ♪ ♪ and download the app that lets you know ♪ ♪ at free-credit-score-dot-com now let's go. ♪ vo: offer applies with enrollment in™. you've been sounding off on the talkback question. should mitt romney release his tax returns? carols to te s tcostello is herr responses. is that big deal with folks? >> it is. bill says, "running for president or not, financial information is private. if romney chooses to release them, fine. if not, let it go. how he made his living has no bearing on his leadership potentials." this from jose, "if we apply for a job and the job requires bringing specific information to the table, we have to if we want the job, right? so his being asked for information, bring it on and let's move on otherwise, face the music that's about to start." from this jake, "what does this solve? i could care less about what he makes. i'm a soldier, i want to know how the man in office is looking out for our whole country. i wouldn't want someone in my business and neither would anyone else." this from timmy, "he should. when that is, i don't really care. one of mids issues with him not releasing it is this -- if his tax returns are a true reflection of his wealth and he has never experienced true hardship, how can he relate to me, one of the 99%?" keep the answers slowing, we'll be right back. # çtoooowl checking some of the stories from across the country. all right, let's face it. this is just too much snow. even for alaska. valdez is on a record-breaking pace. 322 inches. that's more than 29 feet of snow buried the town

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Millionaire , Demand Seeps , Fortune , Robert , Johnny , Politicians , Commander In Chief , Accountant , Magnifying , Who Cares , Coward , Issues , Religion , Shoe Size , Conversation Facebook Com Carecnn , Top , Code Of Honor , Ten , Accident Doesn T , Car , Car Replacement , Auto Insurance Product , Liberty Mutual Insurance , 15000 , Policy , Offices , Coverage , Call , Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance , Discussion , Items , Challenge , Job Counsel Meeting , Job Creation , Education , Christine Romans , Business Leaders , Jeff Immelt , Christine , Silver Bullet , Age , Direction , Workers , Multitude , Technology , Technicians , Engineering , Science , Shell Samberg , 3 Million , Math Gap , Worker , Math , Supply Chain , Work , Place , Investment , Feeling , 14 Million , Undertaking , Bush , Jobs Counsel , Same , Tax Reform , Tax Code , Books , Stax Report , Mother , Pages , 72000 , 17 , Regulations , Rules , Trade , Progress , Business Agencies , Ali Velshi , Tax Rate , Roof , This Is It , Loopholes , Understandable , Reading , There , Soil , Sleep , Drilling , Government , Republicans , Competitiveness Council , Billions , Red Tape , Redundancies , Steno Pad , Tax Laws , 1913 , Stuff , Mortgage Interest Deduction , Mortgage Deduction , Somewhere , Works , Book , Bye , Speed , Blasting Holing , Crews , Disaster , Infrared Pictures , Ants , Tilts , Audio Recording , The Captain , Horror , Border , Evaluations , Commandant , Campaign Stop , Attack Ads , Super Pac , Super Pacs , Influence , Dover , Hair , Winter Break , Orc International , Streets , Protesters , Crackdown , Syria , Opposition Leaders , Beloved , Object , Revolt , Martyr , Parliament , God , Egypt , Gasbuddy Com , Five Bucks , On The Rocks , Looks , Titanic , Crew Members , Tourists , Drinks , Cruise Liner Set Sail From A Port Near Rome , 1000 , 3200 , Feet , Sensation , Froo , Comfort , Patch , Tuscan Island , 9 , Everything , Control , Liner , Generator , Flights , Shudders , Tables , Alarm Sounds , Plates , Surface , Dinnerware Slide , Gash , Hull , Lifeboats , Deck , People Screaming , Shallow Water , C Capsizing , Closer To Shore , Kpapt , Hands , Wreck , Helicopters , Speedboats Launch , Rescue Crews , Hold , Scale , Morning Light , Terms , Focus , Means , Words , Translation , Nightmare , Guest , Central Kentucky , Joe Rhino , Recordings , Imminence , Gut Reaction , Emotions , Experience , Friends , On My Own , Thinking , He Wm , Fr Ii From Washington , Last Night , Mr , Ideas , Hiding , Mode , Personal Financial Disclosure Report , Worth , La Jolla , 85 Million , Talkback Question , Mrs , Lists Hundreds Of Thousands , Fec , Carol , Wikipedia , Rundown , Users , Snow , Websites , Town , Blackout Tomorrow , New York Times , Emergency , Testy , Restaurants , Waiters , Tablets , Testing , Ala Cart , Calling E Lacart , Joe Ryan , Survivor , Friend , Staff , Cabin , Announcements , Signal , We , Everybody Else , P A , Death , Whatever , Lifeboat , Shock , Tears , Didn T Know , Families , Replaying , Parents , Cruise , Theater Workers , Play , Bunch , Kids , 7 , On The Beach , Safe , Survival , Put , Senses , Bow , Stern , Breath , Of A Sudden , Swim , Son , Shoes , Shoes On , Suit , Tie , Life Jacket , Body , Heat Swimmer , Consciousness , Extremities , Heart , Life Preservers , Blood , Hypothermia , Pictures Inside , Structure , Hallway , Door , Frames , Trapezoids , Rectangles , Parallelograms , Waterline , Rock It , Stateroom , Captain Doing , Stone , Holes , Whole , Driving , Ifs , The Rock , What S Going On , Tool , Ready , Progressive , Aim , Ooh , Advice , Places , Ttd , Quote Today , Cookie Cutter Retirement , 1 , 345 , 800 , 2550 , 1 800 345 2550 , Script , Retirement Plan , Goals , Chuck Ttd , Real Life Retirement , 2550 Ttd , Life Story , Bill , Legislation , Time Warner , Computer , Don T Worry , Folks , Suzanne , Stop Online Piracy Act , Alison Kosik , Sites , Google , Goal , Tv Show , Infringement , Access , Let , Tech Companies , Boing , Content , Red It , User , Youtube , Each Other , Silicon Valley , So Hollywood , Split , Favor , Parent Company , Piracy , News Corp , Cbs , Recording Industry Association , Abc , Movie , Internet , Revenue , Content Creators , Music , Job Cuts , Censorship , Site , Sides , Protests , Websites Go , English , Bill Isn T , Full House , Chuck Schumer , Kirsten Gillibrand , Alison , Golden Rule , Image , Pieces , Bigfoot , Michelle Obama , Birthday , Shout Out , Heavyweight Boxer , Title , 48 , Team , Muscle , Betty White , Congratulations , Fight Muscle Loss , Okay , Actress , Muhammad Ali , 90 , 8 , 70 , 10 , Muscle Health , Got Revigor , Preserve , Strength , Hmb , Amino Acid Metabolite , Exercise , Nutrition , Food Stamp , Points , Simulator , Staffs , Swings , Audience , John Avalon , Boos , Attention , Contributor , Highlights , Newsweek , Columnist , Beast , Cheers , Hosts , Juan Williams , Who Challenge Ed Him , Food Stamps , Audience Boos , Juan , American History , Op Ed , Race Baiting , Blacks , Whites , Hanouts , Article , Charles Blow , Attempt , Feelings , Voice , Welfare Reform , Fault Line , Welfare , American Politics , Resentment , 1995 , Imagery , Hard Times , Resonance , House Of Representatives , Welfare Queener , Clinton , Foreign Policy , Stereo Type , Her , Nations , Countries , Audience Booing , Andrew Jackson , Officer , Scar , Revolutionary War , British , Sabered , 13 , Speaker , Idea , Enemies , War , Debate Number , Keeping , Hyperbole , Uptick , 16 , War Metaphor Rhetoric , Nato , War On Religion , Turkey , Nonintervention , Statement , Crowd , 08 , Sad , Complaints , Tone , Hold On , Hoax , Civility , Stage , Debate Thursday Night In Charleston , Gauntlet , Tension , Crunchtime , Escalation , Expectations , Iowa , Punching , Howlers , Captains , Checklist , Grounding Checklist , Alarm , Stop Engines , Simulation , Helm , Ground , Practice , Training , Ships , Accomplishment , Alarm Clock , Relief , Back Pain , Salonpas , Station , Thousands , Passenger Scrambling , Cruise Ship Tilts , Looking Helpless , Brian Todd , Training Center , Answers , Scenarios , American Maritime Officers , Lunch , Stress Levels , Pitching , Cruise Ship Captains , Starn Center , Union Training Facility , 360 , Navigation , Momentum , Maps , Steering , Depth Measure Lt , Coastline , Right , Trainers , Obstacle , Radar , Rekraex , New York Harbor , Governor S Island , Characteristic , Called Generica , Village , Bridge , Channel , Port City , The Con , Turn , Controls , Process , Slightest , Captain Rhiner , Grounding , Checks , Stress , Tunnel Vision , Outside , Mistake , Rimer , Housekeepers , Cooks , Entertainers , Crowd Management , Snow Causeland , Safety Matters , Mariners , Emergency Signal , Cruise Ship Industry , Accident , Accidents , Perceptions , Hundreds , High Seas , Gadget , Majority , Deiania Beach , Monica , Fee , Cut , Payment , Location , Citi Simplicity Card , Penalty Rate , Home , Simplicity Card , Bigger , Worries , Fees , Cereal , Fiber , Recognition , Honey Clusters , Half , Fudge , Pork Chops , Sweetie , Yea , Have A Nice Day , Lady , Truck , Combination , Ingredients E , Sweet Honey Taste , 80 , Barking , Muscles , Accents , Tomato , Chicken , Grains , Avocado , Beneful Healthy Fiesta , Barks , Gonna Love , Hoo , Fiesta , Coat , Woman , Beneful , Flavorful Beneful , Healthful , Food , Restaurant , Menu , Human Contact , Have , Restaurant Business , Dan Simon , 26 , Tablet , Mit Dropout , Order Meals , Dine , Waiter , Guests , Pay , Guest Experience , Space , Drink , Games , Pressto , Ordering , Credit Card , Swirp , Revenues , Suri , E La Carte , Potential , Waiting Staff , Food Servers , Table Turns , Human Being , Sales , Job Killer , Wanted , Charlie Aers , Borders , Cafe , Believer , Europe , Asia , Staff Member , Ones , Whatsoever , Hospitality , Lunchtime , Surroundings , Device , Inventor , Social , Owner , Waitresses , Cafe Califia , Waiting , Concert , Appetizer , Boom , Technologies , Experiences , Pump , Atms , Human Interaction , Get , Adults , Wrr , Louisville , Storm , Tape Turn , Wave , Shots , Tornado , Wind Event , Tornado Warnings , Tornadoes , Wind Damage , Straight Line Wind , Hail , Lexington , Presidents , None , Central Alabama , More , Help Desk Team , 401 , 30000 , 0000 , 99 , Update , Susan Malveaux , January 17th , 322 , 29 , Tuesday January 17th ,

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