Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

presents blue carbon natures, hidden power premiers tomorrow night at nine eastern end pacific, only on cnn good morning and welcome to the best de of the week. >> it is saturday, april 20. good to have you with us proceed in this morning. i'm victor black wash. just pictures opinion. i love it. >> i'm amara walker. i love my sunday's. >> here's what we're working on for you this morning. we're just hours away from a rare saturday session in congress to pass a critical $95,000,000,000 .04 aid package package backed by speaker johnson, but it could cost the republican his speaker's gavel for sliding or depending on the democrats for their votes inside the deep divide in house and with the middle east already on edge after strikes in israel and iran, what we're learning about a series of deadly explosions at an iran-backed militia based in iraq. >> that's ahead in life report happening today, former president trump is set to make his first campaign appearances since a jury was selected in his historic hush money trial in new york, what had trump's shaking his head in the courtroom ahead of monday's it's opening statements and a new era for taylor swift, the records are new double album is already breaking 24 hours after its release. >> and the new video. she just dropped there are just two hours left until the house gavels in to a busy working weekend lawmakers are expected to pass a number of foreign aid bills for israel and ukraine and the indo-pacific region. and aid is not the only topic up for debate. to sweeten the deal for house a fourth bill contains a slew of sanctions for iran and china and russia, plus potential nationwide tiktok ban the aid packages worth together about $95 billion. they're expected to pass earlier this week, the house passed the rule for the aid bills by a decent margin, 165 my that's the 151 republicans. >> but this bipartisanship that we saw working across the aisle could cost speaker mike johnson his job, a third republican, hard lighter, joined the effort to oust him. arizona representative paul gosar signed onto marjorie taylor greene's measure along with paul bassy thomas massie, but greene has enforced a floor vote, yet the earliest we could see that happened is today joining us now is ten mitchell washington correspondent with the atlanta journal welcome to the studio. thanks for coming this morning so talk to us about what we're going to see this afternoon. so johnson's going to put to the floor. are these for aid packages? what's the strategy here and what makes it more likely that it will actually pass this time around? >> well the strategy is that even though they're one package, they're being separated into separate votes. and that is very important because i think all of them can pass individually. but when you package it together, there are so many different house members that dislike different portions that it might not be able to pass all together. so by separating them to separate those for example, there are some hard-right republicans who been very opposed to funding for ukraine. well, they don't have to vote for the ukraine portion, but some of those same hard right republicans might vote yes. on the money for israel but there are some far left democrats who might not vote for the money for israel. now, they don't have to vote for that part. so they're going to take get in pieces and get it over to the senate. but when it gets to the senate, it will be kind of combined back into one big package we think. >> and of course, the big question hanging over johnson's head is, well, you know, he's trying to hold onto his political survival and it's not clear what's going to happen next, but it's it's really incredible to see just how dysfunctional the house republicans are, right? because they're divided on ukraine aid, but they're also divided on speaker johnson's future. >> yeah, i think it's interesting, so i think people when you talk to regular voters, they talk about they don't want one party to control everything. they kind liked the idea of divided government to force people to work across the aisle. but at the same time, there are some americans, particularly on the right, who say don't compromise, stick with your far right ideals, even if it means shutting things down. and so we see that reflected in some of these house republicans where negotiating with democrats compromised is antithetical to what you know, what they say they stand for so they don't want to see it, which is why they are angry with speaker johnson for bringing bills to the floor that requires him to work with democrats. again, most people would say, well, isn't that how government is supposed to work? but some of these republicans don't want that. >> so what do these republicans want? it's so easy to say what you don't want and not come up with than alternative rite, but explain us what's going on here, especially for the people at home. i think looking at the dysfunction and saying, well, did the republicans demand that ukraine aid tied to tougher measures at the border? that do go shaded for months at the senate level. it just take days her to fall apart when trump said sync it. so what do they want? because again, what they want is their border security measure in anything short of that, anything that reflects compromise, they have opposed. >> so yes, there was a compromise, bipartisan border border security bill out of the senate these house republicans that are on the further right, the most conservative say, we don't want to compromise bill. we want our bill. now again, democrats said, hey, you're a bill goes too far. let's meet somewhere in the middle. these republicans don't want to hear that. they want it's their way or the highway in their minds but what speaker johnson is saying is, i can't govern that way. we've got to work with democrats and you do that by coming up with compromises. but again, these members of his party say that is why we don't want you as our leader anymore i'm curious to hear your thoughts on speaker johnson's shift and his tone. >> he spoke with our jake tapper this weekend. he really seemed to be embracing these international list principals. listen we know what the timetable is. >> we know the urgency in ukraine and in israel, and we are going to stand by. israel, our close ally and dear friend, and we're going to stand for freedom and make sure that vladimir putin doesn't march through europe sure these are important responsibilities. a strong america is good for the entire world since world war ii, really, really the responsibility for the free world has been shifted onto our shoulders and we accept that role and let's not forget speaker johnson when he wasn't speaker, he voted against ukraine we know that he's a fierce loyal follower of trump, yet he's, he's clearly not embracing trump's america first creed here. yeah, i think number one, it reflects the fact that representative johnson has now become speaker. johnson and that number one has a new level of responsibility, but number two, there's a new level of education that he has received. he's in these high level security briefings where he's heard things that maybe have shifted his outlook but again, i think part of what he's saying is i can no longer just represent myself for my district. i have to lead a body that ideally wants to get things done and he's talking about history and his role is in history at this very pivotal point internationally. and so he's broken again with kind of quite frankly where he was before when he again, i wasn't in leadership. i think it shows that perhaps some of these far-right members that want their leadership to dig in aren't always rooted in the reality of what it takes to govern. yeah. and he's in reality right now. he's he's seeing it day-to-day, six months into his speakership. we'll see how things play out to him, mitchell, good to see you. thank you so much. >> let's go now to cnn white house reporter camila to chalice in wilmington, delaware with the president is camila house passing. these bills big win for the administration. they've been trying to get this done since the fall. what are they saying this morning that's right. >> the white house has signal that president biden is willing to sign these bills immediately into law at they are past. and this would be a really big blend for the biden administration patient. they have been pushing congress and lawmakers to act for months to pass funding that would provide additional aid to israel, ukraine, and other countries i. really made this argument saying, hey, ukraine needs this aid. look at how they're losing a lot of ground in their own country. the military is to their fight against russia and that's due to the lack of funding. this would it be what biden considers a win because he's been pushing them to add these also said that he wants to make good on his commitment. the standby these countries and provide the aid this funding package would also provide at least $9.2 billion and humanitarian assistance. and that's another thing that the biden mission has been pushing so all around that they have just expressed this urgency to get something done and do it in a timely manner viktor amara, back to you, camila dechalus. four is there in wilmington. thank you. >> tensions are still rising in the middle east right now up next the latest on an early morning explosion in iraq, as lawmakers here in the are getting ready to hammer out an aid package good for israel bless donald trump. >> has the campaign trail today for the first time since a jury was seated in his new york criminal trial, where he's headed that's ahead and a double dose of taylor swift is breaking records and the internet reactants to her new 31 track album are coming up great teammates, trusting each other. we're going to do a trust falls, stand up, you close your eyes trust what we suddenly up doc i told him he was a 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against israel real attention between israel and iran is sparking fears of an expanding middle east conflict. cnn's paula hancocks is following all of this for us. tell us what the latest is and what the expectation is. there in the region is this as it appears to be over resolved well, victor, that's certainly what everybody is hoping at this point and it's face value it does appear as though neither israel nor iran has the appetite for a full scale war. >> so let's look at what really happened over the past 24, 48 hours. i mean, that explosion in iraq at the iranian back military base of the pmu. that was interesting because we still don't know if that was an attack or if that what was an accident? it wasn't at an ammunitions depot, which is why we're seeing probably those dramatic images of the fire. no one was killed as you but at this point it was very quick that we saw both israel and the united states deny responsibility for that. and that really just goes to show the level of ten shouldn't in the region at this point, israel is not in the business of denying responsibility for these kinds of incidents, but it felt the necessity to do that in the early hours saturday morning, and israeli official saying they have no action in that. so that's really very telling. we also had an iraqi military officials telling us that there were no drones or planes in the air the time of the attack. but there does seem to be this feeling of a step back from the brink, if you like, what we have been seeing over the past two weeks, has been a significant escalation between israel and iran. and this certainly there's hope that, that has now dissipated at least to some degree and least for now, you mentioned the iraqi president's raisi, given a speech and the fact that he didn't mention israel's strike on iran, a tool he was loading. the fact that iran had carried out by the attack just last weekend on israeli territory. those more than 300 drones and missiles 99% of which were shot down by israel and the united states and other allies but the fact that he didn't mention it at all, the fact we haven't had israel even acknowledging that they carried out this attack on iran really goes to show this seems to be an effort to put an end to this effort to move on from what really was a significant escalation victory all hancocks force reporting their paula, thank you mistaken identity possibly leads to murder in ohio and uber driver was killed on the job. >> why police say an 81 year-old man shot her to death in his driveway? >> there's new ally in the fight against climate this is in-car business bucaram. we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> corbin plus cnn filled tomorrow at nine so which like are we operating asking the right question can greatly impact your future? >> sure. you're an orthopedist, especially when it comes to your finances? yes. certified financial planner. >> i'm a cfp professional. >> cop professionals are committed to acting in 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begin on monday. all 12 jurors and six alternates were selected & settled on friday. if former president has complained that the trial would be keeping him off the campaign trail, but that's where he has headed later today. for the first time since the start of the trial, he will be attending a fundraiser and a rally in north carolina cnn's kara scannell has more we have our full panel that announcement from judge juan wir schon after jury selection concluded, 18 manhattan nights, 12 jurors and six alternates. now seated for now, so this is going much of the week, and this will go on for another four or five weeks. >> very unfair. >> trump appeared board much of the trial day for as attorneys on both sides probe potential jurors until they filled the remaining five alternate seats moments after the full jury was picked, a bizarre and tragic moment outside court as a man set himself on fire authorities say he was previously known to the police. and while they are searching for any domestic terror connections, that is not believed to have been the motivation in court. a handful of perspective jurors became emotional. one was excused after she told the judge she had anxiety and was worried as the trial goes on, more people could know she's part of the jury saying, i might not be able to be completely fair and not emotional. so that concerns me. another was dismissed after she began crying, saying, i'm sorry, i thought i could do this. i wouldn't want someone who feels this way to judge my case either. i don't want you to feel i've wasted anyone's time. this is so much more stressful than i thought. a third way sent home after noting she was feeling anxiety and self-doubt as she listened to a line of questioning about the credibility of witnesses at the defense table. trump set flipping through papers with charts, photos, and graphics. he whispered and passed notes with his lawyers and at some points was hunched over with his elbows on the desk prosecutors susan hoffman, juror started off questioning potential jurors, telling them this is not out mr. trump being a foer president. it's not out his being a candate for the presidency. i's only out whether e evidence pres he's guilty during her presentation, trump lean bac in his cir at one point,is eyes closed trump's attorney, susan necklace focused on bias against the former president. she told those in the jury box, you all bring biases and you particularly bring biases about someone who is as publicly an outspoken as president trump. there's nobody that doesn't know him in this room in the afternoon, the court moved to a routine hearing to determine how much of trump's legal history the prosecution will be allowed to ask him about if he testifies which he said he plans to prosecutors argued they should be allowed to question trump about the findings in the e jean carroll defamation case, among others. despite trump's attorney attorneys strong objections the former president shook his head as the prosecution spoke about how he defamed carroll judgment or son said he expects to rule on monday on what prosecutors could ask donald trump if he does take the stand and testify in his own defense? prosecutors also said the expect to call their first witness on monday. trump's lawyers again, asked if they could know the identity of that witness prosecutors said they would tell them on sunday, but they said if it ends up on social media, it will be the last time amara, viktor, kara. thank you. a vote on a foreign aid package for ukraine and israel that could happen today? >> the bill's face opposition from some republicans and for the israel bill from some democrats, but could pass with support from each party. >> now some lawmakers see the outcome is critical as a tensions in the middle east rise. let's discuss now what former state department middle east negotiator, aaron david miller i'm erin good to see you let me first ask about the ukraine bill ukraine, the creating a military has had to retreat from some positions they've lost some ground. how much does money compensate for what they've, they've had to give up because of the lack of support. will they quickly? be able to regain what they've lost? >> i mean, it's the things you're hearing me, victor, this is a long war and we're talking about ukraine holding it's shown preventing additional russia advances this year and maybe assuming us military assistance continues, launch an offensive in 2025. >> so ukrainians are short of men. they're short of ammunition short of air defenses. >> and i think this bill obviously not only is it going to provide additional confidence, it will give the ukrainians the means i think to see out the year at least not lose the advantage so the will to fight viktor is really, really key. the most important thing. >> but the will, the fund under these circumstances with a country four times its size and military capacity and population & didn't weapons is critically important as well. >> let's turn now to a specific civically, israel and iran, and we woke up to reports of explosions at this iranian militia base in iraq do, you believe that this is part of the conversation about these strikes between israel and iran, or is this something independent of those us, centcom has denied any american involvement. >> the iraqis can pick up in a drone or, or air activity at the time of these explosions, i think the israelis have also declined responsibility. >> i think this is part of what these rayleigh's we described possibly as the campaign between the wars. >> and it's conceivable that there was an israeli hand here what distinguishes what happened over the last 48 hours and since april 13, 14 when the iranians launched 350 hi trajectory weapons in israel. though, is that campaign between the wars, the shadow war, so to speak, has now turned public the real concern i have open question. i can answer it is whether or not the fact that israel has struck and i named territory and the iranians in april 13, 14 struck israeli tour territory. >> has that made iran and israel more risk ready? now that it's been done without a catastrophe by each side, why has it made them more risk averse? >> that question? i think in the days, weeks, and months ahead is going to be the key question to ask and answer. >> yeah. i mean, it's difficult to answer some of these questions because iran, israel, and the us are saying so little, almost nothing on the record about this. what do you make a president raisi, not even mentioning the attacks when he spoke about the iranian attacks in israel i did some tv, cnn, saturday night and it looked as if we were going to world war three. >> and yet within 48 hours, nobody's talking about this not only the iranians, israelis uncharacteristically have said absolutely nothing administration has basically said the only comment we have is that we're not going to come i think that conspiracy of silence, whatever it is, i think it's smart. everyone seems to be in the mode of not embarrassing or crowing or attacking one another in the public space. and i think that's wise. >> i mean, running i think it's also they controlling information space in a way that the us does not end. >> the way that israel does not i think they're trying to trivialize, minimize the impact of what was an extraordinary probably a missile strikes launched from iraq with sparrow missiles against an s 300 iranian radar system. the israelis did this with an extraordinary degree of technical mastery showing the iranians that we can hit you you do not have serious air defenses and why you're while you're 350 missiles, most of which didn't even penetrate is really airspace. we the israelis managed to do this. so i i think again, the question is, in the end the fact that iran has now struck israel, which is a new reality, a new threshold. the fact that the israeli sub struck iran raises the question as to whether or not this could become over time some sort of new normal. and that is the case and we're headed for a very, very, very bad outcome. >> it's interesting, you say, does this make the two countries more risk ready are risk averse? i then add to that, what about those iranian proxies if they see that, if iran attacks israel, the response from israel is something that i mean, there are people posting from, from iran. no damage there in parks, having a normal day, does this embolden those iranian proxies to be more aggressive with israel you, know their relationship between his full-on, which is the key proxy pro-iranian militia the pmu, the one whose base was struck in iraq, and the houthis are all very different. >> i think the right running is exercise pretty firm control over his bulba as well as the pro-iranian iraqi militias. >> but i think given the fact that the israeli strike on april 1 occurred against iranian revolutionary guard corps commanders in damascus. meeting with his bala and/or hamas officials raises the real question to iran how, how cost-effective are these proxies and i think that's a question to the iranians are going to have to move over two as we continue this grand strategic rivalry between israel and iran, which right now the root causes of which are not going to go away, which is why over time i think it's conceivable, not predicting it that we could run into another crisis point. >> and we'll see whether at that point victor israel in finer as if restrained as they were in the last ten days. >> aaron david miller always appreciate the conversation and the insight. thanks so much thank you, victor and elderly man and ohio is facing murder charges after shooting and uber driver, but police say he and the driver but for the victims of a scam? >> we have the latest developments on their investigation great teammates crossing each other we're gonna do a trust balls, stand up, you close your eyes i'll say before trust what we suddenly up doc he said, i told you it was a dumb meet 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wait. >> so tell us about this corn festival. he got your corn pudding. you've got your corn chowder. it's always it safe for anterior sometime? >> the family of eight were to need a cold punch. where would they find it? >> then they give it in butter and bam, it goes right, really cute vampire bar like a reverend as like a blessing on the colmar doughnut shops. >> how far from oh, no eyebrows. think about light. it'll feel in the summer. we kind of run 11,000 or neighborhoods to go transfer your ira or your old 401 k to robert. >> goodbye. april 30th. & will give you 3% boost with the biggest match of any ira on the market. robinhood gold gets you the most for retirement rose sparks engineered for the spontaneous a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and long-lasting grad, the moment get started at slash sparks how would really happen sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn and 81 year-old man in ohio faces multiple murder charges after allegedly shooting an unarmed uber driver three times, killing her. >> officials say both of them are targets of a scam. the alleged shooter apparently believed the 61 year-old uber driver was in on the scan, but she was not. >> cnn's danny freeman explains how this happened, and we have to warn you that the dash cam video of this confrontation is difficult to watch& to listen to the video is stunning to watch. >> 81 year-old william brock chasing 61 year-old loletha hall around her car at gunpoint they walk off-screen and soon after a shot rings out seconds later, you can see hall walk in front of her dashcam screaming for help as brock keeps his gun on her brock then shoots are two more times, officials said hall died at the hospital. law enforcement says both were unknowing victims of a scam. according to the clark county, ohio sheriff's office, prior to the shooting on march 25th brock said he had been receiving calls from a scammer. the color told the 81 year-old a relative of his was in jail and brock needed to provide but cash to bail out the relative. none of this was true according to investigators. but when brock became hesitant and resistant to comply with a scammer, brock told detectives the color threatened him at around the same time, hall, an uber driver received communications from the same subject or an accomplice of the scammer, according to the sheriff's office through the uber app hall was told to pick up a package from brock's home when whole arrived, she made no threats or assaults and made no demands other than to ask about the package she was sent to retrieve the uber app according to investigators, but police said brock held or at gunpoint and shot her. >> but is it fair if an ambulance but quick out here, there's been a shooting, 911 recordings revealed that brock admitted he shot hall provided you do that because i was threatened that she was going to kill me. she threatened to kill, you know, is the guy on the phone? >> finally get brock has been charged with murder and he's pleaded not guilty as of last week, the clark county sheriff's office was still investigating the original scammer or scammers in a statement, an uber spokesperson wrote, this is a horrific tragedy and our hearts continue you to be with loletha's loved ones as they grieve we have been in contact with law enforcement and remain committed to supporting their investigation. danny freeman, cnn, philadelphia i think to the world with my music. now, i want to focus on what welcome to our planet i'm going to visit coastal communities that have a new ally in the fight against climate change. this is bukhara hello, carbon. we just need to plant and we need to protect nature will do the breast. >> carbon plus cnn films tomorrow at nine can the riva support your brain health, narrate? >> janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, frank, frank, bred. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge 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tooth to remove 100% more plaque for a superior clean oral-b russia like a pro some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you with all state because there's a right way speed limit definitely isn't 700 million miles per hour. >> so why would you pay a weight based on hearable boss with a terrible save? save a dr. wise and get a rate based on you you're in good hands with allstate 10,000 my next month, i don't we won't know unless we try right? how long have we waited for something like this will have to alert suppliers, coordinate shipments already alerted, already coordinated, every supplier sees changes as they happen. >> since when can we just scale up? >> mid-cycle since we brought in vdo people who know cnn saturday morning starting next on cnn taylor swift, there's already breaking records with her latest album, the tortured poets department. spotify says it broke the record for the most streamed album in a single day, the previous record holder, swift after she released her album, midnights swept also released the first music video from the album for her song fortnite, featuring singer post malone's, cnn's elizabeth wagmeister has a latest on swift's surprise double album the epic countdown ending overnight with the release of taylor swift's 11th studio album. >> and then some the tortured poets department dropping just before midnight on friday, only to be followed by a surprise. >> hi is dropped at 2am of 15 additional songs swift announcing the surprise, telling her fans she released a secret double album how does that sound? the global phenomenon that is taylor swift. >> the only solo artist in music history with four grammys for album of the year much more than a singer, swift it is a cultural icon. >> now with the tortured poets department exploding to even greater heights with the album's first single, fortnite in collaboration with post malone and songs like florida featuring florence and the machine, her dedicated fans anticipating this moment since the album was announced earlier this year at the grant pretty big fan. >> i love her. i know every lyric to every song. i'm really excited. swifties counting down to the release by decoding clues coming from taylor herself, inclung some athis pop-up installation at the grove in los angeles i can take a picture and decipher it and be like, oh, maybe it's this lyric, arguably the most famous musician on the planet, the 34 year-old superstar, is breaking through her already sky high ceiling with new songs like guilty as sin case in style vault. and but daddy, i love him daddy with this release taor is likely to smash en moreecords in 2024 after ready earnings spotify's most streamed artists of 2023, headlining her, erez torre, the first torre to ever break $1 billion and releasing a blockbuster concert film. >> she also boasts almost a half 1 billion social media followers. but the impact of the tortured poets department is expected to exceed all that and more engaging swifties with not only music, concerts, and films, but also bracelets sure even tattoos. >> i don't think i've ever felt that way in a concert just to be surrounded by so many girls giving out friendship bracelets, just girlhood moment oh, connection. her fans feel to one of the world's greatest living artists now, a lot of the fans that i spoke to actually predicted that taylor would drop a double album and they were right now, they have 31 songs to get through this weekend. there's a lot of decoding to do with her lyrics and of course, taylor also dropped her first music video for fortnight, featuring post malone last night, 8:00 p.m. so it will be a very busy weekend for the swifties. viktor and amara 31 side. that's a lot of time and listen to music and you gotta do like ten road trips. >> oh, well, they will be listening to it get on rotation. i am sure i appreciate my little six-year-old for getting me into the taylor swift songs. oh, won't good. good. >> was it lab maestro. thank you. wael less than two years after becoming the first hbcu with a women's gymnastics team? in fisk university in nashville, tennessee, has made history once again, last weekend, morgan price became the first hbcus student athlete to claim a national titles. you want the individual all around at the usa gymnastics collegiate championships and this week's difference makers, we look at a program filled with young black women who want to inspire the next generation. just like the ones who inspired them domestics was considered a white sport. >> if you look at this sport as a whole, there's probably about ten maybe of athletes who would classify themselves as a black athlete in this border domestics the teams are always on were very supportive, even though of course usually i was only like one of two black girls on those teams. >> i was the only black girl on many of the teams gavi was like my idol that watch her win the olympics and that inspired me to take gymnastics a little bit more seriously. get ready for competitions. everyone will do their hair together and stuff. and my hair is the way different texture from anyone else's absolutely hated my hair. you're constantly surrounded by girls that are just doing slip backs and i pick it, put their hair up in a bun easily and stuff, and it's like, okay, well i hear it do that the first thing i noticed about koch de was that she had locks. this is the first time i've ever had a black woman coach in my life if she had hair that looked like me and now i'm on a team with girls with hair like mine, and they can help me with my hair and i don't feel like i have to change anything about myself to fit sometimes they had to choose between an hbcu or domestics. and so now they don't have to choose it is the first geomatics program at an hbcu or historically black college or university in history in nyima is remembered as the first hbcu gymnast to ever compete in history. >> that was like crazy high emotions. i was crying. i was like, oh, my god every meet after that, we will be signing autographs or meeting young girls after the competition because this was huge for that. i get so many dms& so many messages and so many i get tagged and so many posts from low black gymnast all over. you're one of her favorite gymnast to watch. do you think maybe you can send her some motivation? you are truly an inspiration. this girl come via she did her black history month project on me it was like she wrote a whole thing and it's also funny because i did i did a black history month project on gabby douglas. so it is a full circle thing. >> i remember making i doing a project like this. now someone's doing one on me. we still have a long way to go well, now, as a young gymnast, you're going to see people who look like you year after year to year sport difference makers. >> he's brought to you by liberty mutual insurance liberty mutual customizes your car and home insurance, so you only pay for what you need 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have been demonstrating four days denouncing israel's war in gaza on and around the manhattan campus. >> some of them camping out overnight. >> the nypd arrested more than 100 people on friday a day after the university's president and her colleagues were grilled by house lawmakers over anti-semitism claims a historic win and tennessee for the united auto workers union workers out of volkswagen let's chattanooga plant voted overwhelmingly to join the uaw last night, a major move for the union and its efforts to organize at plants nationwide, 73% of the 3,600 workers cast ballots in favor of joining the union, organizing efforts followed did they follow last year, six-week strike against the big three automakers? that one record pay increases for members. >> north carolina lawmakers are pushing two ban the drug tiana been etienne of teen i'm sorry. also known as gas station heroin. it's found wildly in convenience stores and vape shops and marketed as energy boosting dietary supplements, but in large doses, the drug has found to mimic the effects of heroin, including it's addictive nas officials say the drug is not fda approved, but it's also not illegal. so store owners are not required to take it off shelves it's a war you probably probably have not heard about, but it's killing people& elephants every day. it's happening in sri lanka where rapid development has pushed people farther out into the wild are the elephants once lived freely. >> the iconic asian elephant is fighting back against the people encroaching on their land this week, on the whole ory th andern cooper cnn's nics to sri lanka to document this deadly battle. be sure to tu in in an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, one whole hour, one whole topic tomorrow at apm eastern pacific only on cnn, also, first of all, with victor blackwell is coming up next. >> what do you have coming up? so we of course been talking about these votes in congress, foreign aid bills to fund several countries. >> one of them is israel will speak to a member of congress at democratic member who plans to vote. no. today, she sees this as a way to prevent more for destruction and the humanitarian crisis in gaza, also which he makes the backlash to pro-palestinian protest this week. plus the crack down on orange crush, not the soda. i know everybody thinks that first the georgia beach party started as an hbcu gathering, has gotten really rowdy and i'll talk to the person who organize the event. he says, tie be island's history has him concerned about the effort to restrict this majority black crowd. now plus how does one celebrate confederate heritage? turns out april is confederate heritage

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Brain Health Challenge , Janet , Hey Eddie , Fraser , Know , Fred Fuel , Move , Battery Power , Aka He System Battery , Unselect , 50 , Stargazing , Foot , Heavy , My Name , Susie Loftus , Hate Parallel Parking , Lexus Es Didn T Begin In The Studio , Prosecutor , Data Security , Safety , Data , American Tiktok Users Safe , Billion , 2 Billion , Career , Building Safety , Company , Lead , User Data , Third Party , Tiktok Safe , Pro , Round Brush Head Add Power , Rate , Estate , Speed Limit , 700 Million , Hands , Save , Allstate 10000 My Next , Hearable Boss , 10000 , Suppliers , Shipments , Supplier , Mid Cycle , Vdo , Tortured Poets Department , Album , Earnings Spotify , 11th Studio Album , Music Video , On Swift , Midnights , Holder , Singer Post Malone S , Song Fortnite , Epic , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Countdown Ending , 11 , Surprise , Songs , Fans , Swift , Hi , 15 , 2 , Artist , Phenomenon , Album Of The Year , Music History , Icon , Singer , Grammys , Sound , Collaboration , Heights , Album S First Single , Post Malone , Florida , Lyric , Song , Florence And The Machine , Grant Pretty Big Fan , Swifties , Counting , Pop Up Installation , Picture , Clues , Grove , Los Angeles , Athis , Inclung , Superstar , Sin , Sky High , Ceiling , 34 , Daddy , Vault , Artists , Taor , Erez Torre , Torre , En Moreecords , 2023 , 2024 , 1 Billion , Followers , Blockbuster Concert Film , Girls , Friendship Bracelets , Concerts , Concert , Films , Tattoos , The World S Greatest Living Artists Now , Connection , Lyrics , Decoding , Post Malone Last Night , 8 , Road Trips , Rotation , Hbcu With A Women S Gymnastics Team , It Lab Maestro , Oh , Won T Good , Fisk University , Tennessee , Wael , In Nashville , Program , Women , Difference Makers , Individual , Price , Titles , Hbcus Student Athlete , Morgan , Usa Gymnastics Collegiate Championships , Athletes , Sport , Ones , Whole , The Next Generation , Them Domestics , Teams , Athlete , Many , Competitions , Gymnastics , Idol , Olympics , Black Girl , Teams Gavi , Stuff , Hair Up , Slip Backs , Easily , Texture , Bun , Koch De , Coach , Locks , Woman , Hbcu , Mine , University , College , Geomatics , Hbcu Gymnast , Nyima , Competition , Dms , Autographs , Emotions , God , Gymnast , Girl Come , Inspiration , Messages , Posts , Dover , Circle , Black History Month , Black History Month Project , Gabby Douglas , Project , Long Way To Go , Home Insurance , Makers , Liberty Mutual , Diabetes , Day Carroll , Parents , Karatay , Marry Me , Lives , Cleanup , Brandi , Restoration , Cancer , Hospital Window , My Marathon His First St , 17 , Kids , Jude , Specialists , Patreons Contracture , Hand Specialists Com , Idp , Idp Derails , Patients , Idp Doesn T Have To , Cid P Com , Gonna , More , Tips , P , Information , Little , Finding Hope , Xfinity , Place , Services , Internet Waiting , Scene , Generation , Honey , Self , Designer Brands , Designers , Flash Designer Sales , Prices , Heart Racing , Gilt Visit Com , Guilt Dot Com , 70 , Students , Protests , Supporters , Colleges , Columbia University , Nypd , House Lawmakers , Campus , Colleagues , Gaza On , Anti Semitism , Manhattan , Workers , Efforts , The Union , Plants , Chattanooga Plant , Last Night , United Auto Workers Union , Volkswagen Let , 73 , 3600 , Automakers , Ballots , Favor , Increases , Big Three , Drug , Supplements , Stores , Gas Station Heroin , Doses , Teen , Vape Shops , Etienne , Owners , Approved , Effects , Shelves , Heroin , Nas , Fda , Elephants , Happening , Wild , Iconic Asian Elephant , Where Rapid Development , Sri Lanka , Killing People Elephants , Story , Battle , Episode , Land , Anderson Cooper , Nics , Victor Blackwell , Apm Eastern Pacific , Crisis , Backlash , Destruction , Georgia Beach Party , Protest , Event , Soda , Crack , Orange Crush , Hbcu Gathering , Heritage , Turns , Majority , Crowd , Tie Be Island ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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presents blue carbon natures, hidden power premiers tomorrow night at nine eastern end pacific, only on cnn good morning and welcome to the best de of the week. >> it is saturday, april 20. good to have you with us proceed in this morning. i'm victor black wash. just pictures opinion. i love it. >> i'm amara walker. i love my sunday's. >> here's what we're working on for you this morning. we're just hours away from a rare saturday session in congress to pass a critical $95,000,000,000 .04 aid package package backed by speaker johnson, but it could cost the republican his speaker's gavel for sliding or depending on the democrats for their votes inside the deep divide in house and with the middle east already on edge after strikes in israel and iran, what we're learning about a series of deadly explosions at an iran-backed militia based in iraq. >> that's ahead in life report happening today, former president trump is set to make his first campaign appearances since a jury was selected in his historic hush money trial in new york, what had trump's shaking his head in the courtroom ahead of monday's it's opening statements and a new era for taylor swift, the records are new double album is already breaking 24 hours after its release. >> and the new video. she just dropped there are just two hours left until the house gavels in to a busy working weekend lawmakers are expected to pass a number of foreign aid bills for israel and ukraine and the indo-pacific region. and aid is not the only topic up for debate. to sweeten the deal for house a fourth bill contains a slew of sanctions for iran and china and russia, plus potential nationwide tiktok ban the aid packages worth together about $95 billion. they're expected to pass earlier this week, the house passed the rule for the aid bills by a decent margin, 165 my that's the 151 republicans. >> but this bipartisanship that we saw working across the aisle could cost speaker mike johnson his job, a third republican, hard lighter, joined the effort to oust him. arizona representative paul gosar signed onto marjorie taylor greene's measure along with paul bassy thomas massie, but greene has enforced a floor vote, yet the earliest we could see that happened is today joining us now is ten mitchell washington correspondent with the atlanta journal welcome to the studio. thanks for coming this morning so talk to us about what we're going to see this afternoon. so johnson's going to put to the floor. are these for aid packages? what's the strategy here and what makes it more likely that it will actually pass this time around? >> well the strategy is that even though they're one package, they're being separated into separate votes. and that is very important because i think all of them can pass individually. but when you package it together, there are so many different house members that dislike different portions that it might not be able to pass all together. so by separating them to separate those for example, there are some hard-right republicans who been very opposed to funding for ukraine. well, they don't have to vote for the ukraine portion, but some of those same hard right republicans might vote yes. on the money for israel but there are some far left democrats who might not vote for the money for israel. now, they don't have to vote for that part. so they're going to take get in pieces and get it over to the senate. but when it gets to the senate, it will be kind of combined back into one big package we think. >> and of course, the big question hanging over johnson's head is, well, you know, he's trying to hold onto his political survival and it's not clear what's going to happen next, but it's it's really incredible to see just how dysfunctional the house republicans are, right? because they're divided on ukraine aid, but they're also divided on speaker johnson's future. >> yeah, i think it's interesting, so i think people when you talk to regular voters, they talk about they don't want one party to control everything. they kind liked the idea of divided government to force people to work across the aisle. but at the same time, there are some americans, particularly on the right, who say don't compromise, stick with your far right ideals, even if it means shutting things down. and so we see that reflected in some of these house republicans where negotiating with democrats compromised is antithetical to what you know, what they say they stand for so they don't want to see it, which is why they are angry with speaker johnson for bringing bills to the floor that requires him to work with democrats. again, most people would say, well, isn't that how government is supposed to work? but some of these republicans don't want that. >> so what do these republicans want? it's so easy to say what you don't want and not come up with than alternative rite, but explain us what's going on here, especially for the people at home. i think looking at the dysfunction and saying, well, did the republicans demand that ukraine aid tied to tougher measures at the border? that do go shaded for months at the senate level. it just take days her to fall apart when trump said sync it. so what do they want? because again, what they want is their border security measure in anything short of that, anything that reflects compromise, they have opposed. >> so yes, there was a compromise, bipartisan border border security bill out of the senate these house republicans that are on the further right, the most conservative say, we don't want to compromise bill. we want our bill. now again, democrats said, hey, you're a bill goes too far. let's meet somewhere in the middle. these republicans don't want to hear that. they want it's their way or the highway in their minds but what speaker johnson is saying is, i can't govern that way. we've got to work with democrats and you do that by coming up with compromises. but again, these members of his party say that is why we don't want you as our leader anymore i'm curious to hear your thoughts on speaker johnson's shift and his tone. >> he spoke with our jake tapper this weekend. he really seemed to be embracing these international list principals. listen we know what the timetable is. >> we know the urgency in ukraine and in israel, and we are going to stand by. israel, our close ally and dear friend, and we're going to stand for freedom and make sure that vladimir putin doesn't march through europe sure these are important responsibilities. a strong america is good for the entire world since world war ii, really, really the responsibility for the free world has been shifted onto our shoulders and we accept that role and let's not forget speaker johnson when he wasn't speaker, he voted against ukraine we know that he's a fierce loyal follower of trump, yet he's, he's clearly not embracing trump's america first creed here. yeah, i think number one, it reflects the fact that representative johnson has now become speaker. johnson and that number one has a new level of responsibility, but number two, there's a new level of education that he has received. he's in these high level security briefings where he's heard things that maybe have shifted his outlook but again, i think part of what he's saying is i can no longer just represent myself for my district. i have to lead a body that ideally wants to get things done and he's talking about history and his role is in history at this very pivotal point internationally. and so he's broken again with kind of quite frankly where he was before when he again, i wasn't in leadership. i think it shows that perhaps some of these far-right members that want their leadership to dig in aren't always rooted in the reality of what it takes to govern. yeah. and he's in reality right now. he's he's seeing it day-to-day, six months into his speakership. we'll see how things play out to him, mitchell, good to see you. thank you so much. >> let's go now to cnn white house reporter camila to chalice in wilmington, delaware with the president is camila house passing. these bills big win for the administration. they've been trying to get this done since the fall. what are they saying this morning that's right. >> the white house has signal that president biden is willing to sign these bills immediately into law at they are past. and this would be a really big blend for the biden administration patient. they have been pushing congress and lawmakers to act for months to pass funding that would provide additional aid to israel, ukraine, and other countries i. really made this argument saying, hey, ukraine needs this aid. look at how they're losing a lot of ground in their own country. the military is to their fight against russia and that's due to the lack of funding. this would it be what biden considers a win because he's been pushing them to add these also said that he wants to make good on his commitment. the standby these countries and provide the aid this funding package would also provide at least $9.2 billion and humanitarian assistance. and that's another thing that the biden mission has been pushing so all around that they have just expressed this urgency to get something done and do it in a timely manner viktor amara, back to you, camila dechalus. four is there in wilmington. thank you. >> tensions are still rising in the middle east right now up next the latest on an early morning explosion in iraq, as lawmakers here in the are getting ready to hammer out an aid package good for israel bless donald trump. >> has the campaign trail today for the first time since a jury was seated in his new york criminal trial, where he's headed that's ahead and a double dose of taylor swift is breaking records and the internet reactants to her new 31 track album are coming up great teammates, trusting each other. we're going to do a trust falls, stand up, you close your eyes trust what we suddenly up doc i told him he was a 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against israel real attention between israel and iran is sparking fears of an expanding middle east conflict. cnn's paula hancocks is following all of this for us. tell us what the latest is and what the expectation is. there in the region is this as it appears to be over resolved well, victor, that's certainly what everybody is hoping at this point and it's face value it does appear as though neither israel nor iran has the appetite for a full scale war. >> so let's look at what really happened over the past 24, 48 hours. i mean, that explosion in iraq at the iranian back military base of the pmu. that was interesting because we still don't know if that was an attack or if that what was an accident? it wasn't at an ammunitions depot, which is why we're seeing probably those dramatic images of the fire. no one was killed as you but at this point it was very quick that we saw both israel and the united states deny responsibility for that. and that really just goes to show the level of ten shouldn't in the region at this point, israel is not in the business of denying responsibility for these kinds of incidents, but it felt the necessity to do that in the early hours saturday morning, and israeli official saying they have no action in that. so that's really very telling. we also had an iraqi military officials telling us that there were no drones or planes in the air the time of the attack. but there does seem to be this feeling of a step back from the brink, if you like, what we have been seeing over the past two weeks, has been a significant escalation between israel and iran. and this certainly there's hope that, that has now dissipated at least to some degree and least for now, you mentioned the iraqi president's raisi, given a speech and the fact that he didn't mention israel's strike on iran, a tool he was loading. the fact that iran had carried out by the attack just last weekend on israeli territory. those more than 300 drones and missiles 99% of which were shot down by israel and the united states and other allies but the fact that he didn't mention it at all, the fact we haven't had israel even acknowledging that they carried out this attack on iran really goes to show this seems to be an effort to put an end to this effort to move on from what really was a significant escalation victory all hancocks force reporting their paula, thank you mistaken identity possibly leads to murder in ohio and uber driver was killed on the job. >> why police say an 81 year-old man shot her to death in his driveway? >> there's new ally in the fight against climate this is in-car business bucaram. we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> corbin plus cnn filled tomorrow at nine so which like are we operating asking the right question can greatly impact your future? >> sure. you're an orthopedist, especially when it comes to your finances? yes. certified financial planner. >> i'm a cfp professional. >> cop professionals are committed to acting in 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begin on monday. all 12 jurors and six alternates were selected & settled on friday. if former president has complained that the trial would be keeping him off the campaign trail, but that's where he has headed later today. for the first time since the start of the trial, he will be attending a fundraiser and a rally in north carolina cnn's kara scannell has more we have our full panel that announcement from judge juan wir schon after jury selection concluded, 18 manhattan nights, 12 jurors and six alternates. now seated for now, so this is going much of the week, and this will go on for another four or five weeks. >> very unfair. >> trump appeared board much of the trial day for as attorneys on both sides probe potential jurors until they filled the remaining five alternate seats moments after the full jury was picked, a bizarre and tragic moment outside court as a man set himself on fire authorities say he was previously known to the police. and while they are searching for any domestic terror connections, that is not believed to have been the motivation in court. a handful of perspective jurors became emotional. one was excused after she told the judge she had anxiety and was worried as the trial goes on, more people could know she's part of the jury saying, i might not be able to be completely fair and not emotional. so that concerns me. another was dismissed after she began crying, saying, i'm sorry, i thought i could do this. i wouldn't want someone who feels this way to judge my case either. i don't want you to feel i've wasted anyone's time. this is so much more stressful than i thought. a third way sent home after noting she was feeling anxiety and self-doubt as she listened to a line of questioning about the credibility of witnesses at the defense table. trump set flipping through papers with charts, photos, and graphics. he whispered and passed notes with his lawyers and at some points was hunched over with his elbows on the desk prosecutors susan hoffman, juror started off questioning potential jurors, telling them this is not out mr. trump being a foer president. it's not out his being a candate for the presidency. i's only out whether e evidence pres he's guilty during her presentation, trump lean bac in his cir at one point,is eyes closed trump's attorney, susan necklace focused on bias against the former president. she told those in the jury box, you all bring biases and you particularly bring biases about someone who is as publicly an outspoken as president trump. there's nobody that doesn't know him in this room in the afternoon, the court moved to a routine hearing to determine how much of trump's legal history the prosecution will be allowed to ask him about if he testifies which he said he plans to prosecutors argued they should be allowed to question trump about the findings in the e jean carroll defamation case, among others. despite trump's attorney attorneys strong objections the former president shook his head as the prosecution spoke about how he defamed carroll judgment or son said he expects to rule on monday on what prosecutors could ask donald trump if he does take the stand and testify in his own defense? prosecutors also said the expect to call their first witness on monday. trump's lawyers again, asked if they could know the identity of that witness prosecutors said they would tell them on sunday, but they said if it ends up on social media, it will be the last time amara, viktor, kara. thank you. a vote on a foreign aid package for ukraine and israel that could happen today? >> the bill's face opposition from some republicans and for the israel bill from some democrats, but could pass with support from each party. >> now some lawmakers see the outcome is critical as a tensions in the middle east rise. let's discuss now what former state department middle east negotiator, aaron david miller i'm erin good to see you let me first ask about the ukraine bill ukraine, the creating a military has had to retreat from some positions they've lost some ground. how much does money compensate for what they've, they've had to give up because of the lack of support. will they quickly? be able to regain what they've lost? >> i mean, it's the things you're hearing me, victor, this is a long war and we're talking about ukraine holding it's shown preventing additional russia advances this year and maybe assuming us military assistance continues, launch an offensive in 2025. >> so ukrainians are short of men. they're short of ammunition short of air defenses. >> and i think this bill obviously not only is it going to provide additional confidence, it will give the ukrainians the means i think to see out the year at least not lose the advantage so the will to fight viktor is really, really key. the most important thing. >> but the will, the fund under these circumstances with a country four times its size and military capacity and population & didn't weapons is critically important as well. >> let's turn now to a specific civically, israel and iran, and we woke up to reports of explosions at this iranian militia base in iraq do, you believe that this is part of the conversation about these strikes between israel and iran, or is this something independent of those us, centcom has denied any american involvement. >> the iraqis can pick up in a drone or, or air activity at the time of these explosions, i think the israelis have also declined responsibility. >> i think this is part of what these rayleigh's we described possibly as the campaign between the wars. >> and it's conceivable that there was an israeli hand here what distinguishes what happened over the last 48 hours and since april 13, 14 when the iranians launched 350 hi trajectory weapons in israel. though, is that campaign between the wars, the shadow war, so to speak, has now turned public the real concern i have open question. i can answer it is whether or not the fact that israel has struck and i named territory and the iranians in april 13, 14 struck israeli tour territory. >> has that made iran and israel more risk ready? now that it's been done without a catastrophe by each side, why has it made them more risk averse? >> that question? i think in the days, weeks, and months ahead is going to be the key question to ask and answer. >> yeah. i mean, it's difficult to answer some of these questions because iran, israel, and the us are saying so little, almost nothing on the record about this. what do you make a president raisi, not even mentioning the attacks when he spoke about the iranian attacks in israel i did some tv, cnn, saturday night and it looked as if we were going to world war three. >> and yet within 48 hours, nobody's talking about this not only the iranians, israelis uncharacteristically have said absolutely nothing administration has basically said the only comment we have is that we're not going to come i think that conspiracy of silence, whatever it is, i think it's smart. everyone seems to be in the mode of not embarrassing or crowing or attacking one another in the public space. and i think that's wise. >> i mean, running i think it's also they controlling information space in a way that the us does not end. >> the way that israel does not i think they're trying to trivialize, minimize the impact of what was an extraordinary probably a missile strikes launched from iraq with sparrow missiles against an s 300 iranian radar system. the israelis did this with an extraordinary degree of technical mastery showing the iranians that we can hit you you do not have serious air defenses and why you're while you're 350 missiles, most of which didn't even penetrate is really airspace. we the israelis managed to do this. so i i think again, the question is, in the end the fact that iran has now struck israel, which is a new reality, a new threshold. the fact that the israeli sub struck iran raises the question as to whether or not this could become over time some sort of new normal. and that is the case and we're headed for a very, very, very bad outcome. >> it's interesting, you say, does this make the two countries more risk ready are risk averse? i then add to that, what about those iranian proxies if they see that, if iran attacks israel, the response from israel is something that i mean, there are people posting from, from iran. no damage there in parks, having a normal day, does this embolden those iranian proxies to be more aggressive with israel you, know their relationship between his full-on, which is the key proxy pro-iranian militia the pmu, the one whose base was struck in iraq, and the houthis are all very different. >> i think the right running is exercise pretty firm control over his bulba as well as the pro-iranian iraqi militias. >> but i think given the fact that the israeli strike on april 1 occurred against iranian revolutionary guard corps commanders in damascus. meeting with his bala and/or hamas officials raises the real question to iran how, how cost-effective are these proxies and i think that's a question to the iranians are going to have to move over two as we continue this grand strategic rivalry between israel and iran, which right now the root causes of which are not going to go away, which is why over time i think it's conceivable, not predicting it that we could run into another crisis point. >> and we'll see whether at that point victor israel in finer as if restrained as they were in the last ten days. >> aaron david miller always appreciate the conversation and the insight. thanks so much thank you, victor and elderly man and ohio is facing murder charges after shooting and uber driver, but police say he and the driver but for the victims of a scam? >> we have the latest developments on their investigation great teammates crossing each other we're gonna do a trust balls, stand up, you close your eyes i'll say before trust what we suddenly up doc he said, i told you it was a dumb meet 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shooting an unarmed uber driver three times, killing her. >> officials say both of them are targets of a scam. the alleged shooter apparently believed the 61 year-old uber driver was in on the scan, but she was not. >> cnn's danny freeman explains how this happened, and we have to warn you that the dash cam video of this confrontation is difficult to watch& to listen to the video is stunning to watch. >> 81 year-old william brock chasing 61 year-old loletha hall around her car at gunpoint they walk off-screen and soon after a shot rings out seconds later, you can see hall walk in front of her dashcam screaming for help as brock keeps his gun on her brock then shoots are two more times, officials said hall died at the hospital. law enforcement says both were unknowing victims of a scam. according to the clark county, ohio sheriff's office, prior to the shooting on march 25th brock said he had been receiving calls from a scammer. the color told the 81 year-old a relative of his was in jail and brock needed to provide but cash to bail out the relative. none of this was true according to investigators. but when brock became hesitant and resistant to comply with a scammer, brock told detectives the color threatened him at around the same time, hall, an uber driver received communications from the same subject or an accomplice of the scammer, according to the sheriff's office through the uber app hall was told to pick up a package from brock's home when whole arrived, she made no threats or assaults and made no demands other than to ask about the package she was sent to retrieve the uber app according to investigators, but police said brock held or at gunpoint and shot her. >> but is it fair if an ambulance but quick out here, there's been a shooting, 911 recordings revealed that brock admitted he shot hall provided you do that because i was threatened that she was going to kill me. she threatened to kill, you know, is the guy on the phone? >> finally get brock has been charged with murder and he's pleaded not guilty as of last week, the clark county sheriff's office was still investigating the original scammer or scammers in a statement, an uber spokesperson wrote, this is a horrific tragedy and our hearts continue you to be with loletha's loved ones as they grieve we have been in contact with law enforcement and remain committed to supporting their investigation. danny freeman, cnn, philadelphia i think to the world with my music. now, i want to focus on what welcome to our planet i'm going to visit coastal communities that have a new ally in the fight against climate change. this is bukhara hello, carbon. we just need to plant and we need to protect nature will do the breast. >> carbon plus cnn films tomorrow at nine can the riva support your brain health, narrate? >> janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, frank, frank, bred. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge 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after she released her album, midnights swept also released the first music video from the album for her song fortnite, featuring singer post malone's, cnn's elizabeth wagmeister has a latest on swift's surprise double album the epic countdown ending overnight with the release of taylor swift's 11th studio album. >> and then some the tortured poets department dropping just before midnight on friday, only to be followed by a surprise. >> hi is dropped at 2am of 15 additional songs swift announcing the surprise, telling her fans she released a secret double album how does that sound? the global phenomenon that is taylor swift. >> the only solo artist in music history with four grammys for album of the year much more than a singer, swift it is a cultural icon. >> now with the tortured poets department exploding to even greater heights with the album's first single, fortnite in collaboration with post malone and songs like florida featuring florence and the machine, her dedicated fans anticipating this moment since the album was announced earlier this year at the grant pretty big fan. >> i love her. i know every lyric to every song. i'm really excited. swifties counting down to the release by decoding clues coming from taylor herself, inclung some athis pop-up installation at the grove in los angeles i can take a picture and decipher it and be like, oh, maybe it's this lyric, arguably the most famous musician on the planet, the 34 year-old superstar, is breaking through her already sky high ceiling with new songs like guilty as sin case in style vault. and but daddy, i love him daddy with this release taor is likely to smash en moreecords in 2024 after ready earnings spotify's most streamed artists of 2023, headlining her, erez torre, the first torre to ever break $1 billion and releasing a blockbuster concert film. >> she also boasts almost a half 1 billion social media followers. but the impact of the tortured poets department is expected to exceed all that and more engaging swifties with not only music, concerts, and films, but also bracelets sure even tattoos. >> i don't think i've ever felt that way in a concert just to be surrounded by so many girls giving out friendship bracelets, just girlhood moment oh, connection. her fans feel to one of the world's greatest living artists now, a lot of the fans that i spoke to actually predicted that taylor would drop a double album and they were right now, they have 31 songs to get through this weekend. there's a lot of decoding to do with her lyrics and of course, taylor also dropped her first music video for fortnight, featuring post malone last night, 8:00 p.m. so it will be a very busy weekend for the swifties. viktor and amara 31 side. that's a lot of time and listen to music and you gotta do like ten road trips. >> oh, well, they will be listening to it get on rotation. i am sure i appreciate my little six-year-old for getting me into the taylor swift songs. oh, won't good. good. >> was it lab maestro. thank you. wael less than two years after becoming the first hbcu with a women's gymnastics team? in fisk university in nashville, tennessee, has made history once again, last weekend, morgan price became the first hbcus student athlete to claim a national titles. you want the individual all around at the usa gymnastics collegiate championships and this week's difference makers, we look at a program filled with young black women who want to inspire the next generation. just like the ones who inspired them domestics was considered a white sport. >> if you look at this sport as a whole, there's probably about ten maybe of athletes who would classify themselves as a black athlete in this border domestics the teams are always on were very supportive, even though of course usually i was only like one of two black girls on those teams. >> i was the only black girl on many of the teams gavi was like my idol that watch her win the olympics and that inspired me to take gymnastics a little bit more seriously. get ready for competitions. everyone will do their hair together and stuff. and my hair is the way different texture from anyone else's absolutely hated my hair. you're constantly surrounded by girls that are just doing slip backs and i pick it, put their hair up in a bun easily and stuff, and it's like, okay, well i hear it do that the first thing i noticed about koch de was that she had locks. this is the first time i've ever had a black woman coach in my life if she had hair that looked like me and now i'm on a team with girls with hair like mine, and they can help me with my hair and i don't feel like i have to change anything about myself to fit sometimes they had to choose between an hbcu or domestics. and so now they don't have to choose it is the first geomatics program at an hbcu or historically black college or university in history in nyima is remembered as the first hbcu gymnast to ever compete in history. >> that was like crazy high emotions. i was crying. i was like, oh, my god every meet after that, we will be signing autographs or meeting young girls after the competition because this was huge for that. i get so many dms& so many messages and so many i get tagged and so many posts from low black gymnast all over. you're one of her favorite gymnast to watch. do you think maybe you can send her some motivation? you are truly an inspiration. this girl come via she did her black history month project on me it was like she wrote a whole thing and it's also funny because i did i did a black history month project on gabby douglas. so it is a full circle thing. >> i remember making i doing a project like this. now someone's doing one on me. we still have a long way to go well, now, as a young gymnast, you're going to see people who look like you year after year to year sport difference makers. >> he's brought to you by liberty mutual insurance liberty mutual customizes your car and home insurance, so you only pay for what you need 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have been demonstrating four days denouncing israel's war in gaza on and around the manhattan campus. >> some of them camping out overnight. >> the nypd arrested more than 100 people on friday a day after the university's president and her colleagues were grilled by house lawmakers over anti-semitism claims a historic win and tennessee for the united auto workers union workers out of volkswagen let's chattanooga plant voted overwhelmingly to join the uaw last night, a major move for the union and its efforts to organize at plants nationwide, 73% of the 3,600 workers cast ballots in favor of joining the union, organizing efforts followed did they follow last year, six-week strike against the big three automakers? that one record pay increases for members. >> north carolina lawmakers are pushing two ban the drug tiana been etienne of teen i'm sorry. also known as gas station heroin. it's found wildly in convenience stores and vape shops and marketed as energy boosting dietary supplements, but in large doses, the drug has found to mimic the effects of heroin, including it's addictive nas officials say the drug is not fda approved, but it's also not illegal. so store owners are not required to take it off shelves it's a war you probably probably have not heard about, but it's killing people& elephants every day. it's happening in sri lanka where rapid development has pushed people farther out into the wild are the elephants once lived freely. >> the iconic asian elephant is fighting back against the people encroaching on their land this week, on the whole ory th andern cooper cnn's nics to sri lanka to document this deadly battle. be sure to tu in in an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, one whole hour, one whole topic tomorrow at apm eastern pacific only on cnn, also, first of all, with victor blackwell is coming up next. >> what do you have coming up? so we of course been talking about these votes in congress, foreign aid bills to fund several countries. >> one of them is israel will speak to a member of congress at democratic member who plans to vote. no. today, she sees this as a way to prevent more for destruction and the humanitarian crisis in gaza, also which he makes the backlash to pro-palestinian protest this week. plus the crack down on orange crush, not the soda. i know everybody thinks that first the georgia beach party started as an hbcu gathering, has gotten really rowdy and i'll talk to the person who organize the event. he says, tie be island's history has him concerned about the effort to restrict this majority black crowd. now plus how does one celebrate confederate heritage? turns out april is confederate heritage

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, Saturday Night , Conspiracy Of Silence , Crowing , Mode , Information Space , Public Space , Wise , Missiles , Impact , Missile , Sparrow , Radar System , Trivialize , Most , Didn T , Airspace , Mastery , In The End , Threshold , Sort , Proxies , Response , Relationship , Damage , Parks , Israel You , The One , Base , Running , Exercise , Bulba , Houthis , Meeting , Commanders , Iraqi Militias , Bala , Damascus , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Hamas , April 1 , 1 , Causes , Rivalry , Crisis Point , Insight , Scam , Victims , Investigation , Developments , Man , Murder Charges , Trust , Trust Balls , Masterpiece , Peacemaker , Pitbull , Breed , Barkley , Bissell Revolution Hydro Steam , Stain Remover , Look , Design Expert Help , Colors , Bladder Cabinets , Love , Products , Kitchen , Warranty , Music , Design , In , Cabinets , Consultation , Cpr , Go Com , Wow , Protein , Energy , Sugar , Minerals , Prebiotic , Vitamins , Fiber , Prim , 30 , 25 , Sleep , Raw Egg Tests , Gel Flex 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Brain Health Challenge , Janet , Hey Eddie , Fraser , Know , Fred Fuel , Move , Battery Power , Aka He System Battery , Unselect , 50 , Stargazing , Foot , Heavy , My Name , Susie Loftus , Hate Parallel Parking , Lexus Es Didn T Begin In The Studio , Prosecutor , Data Security , Safety , Data , American Tiktok Users Safe , Billion , 2 Billion , Career , Building Safety , Company , Lead , User Data , Third Party , Tiktok Safe , Pro , Round Brush Head Add Power , Rate , Estate , Speed Limit , 700 Million , Hands , Save , Allstate 10000 My Next , Hearable Boss , 10000 , Suppliers , Shipments , Supplier , Mid Cycle , Vdo , Tortured Poets Department , Album , Earnings Spotify , 11th Studio Album , Music Video , On Swift , Midnights , Holder , Singer Post Malone S , Song Fortnite , Epic , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Countdown Ending , 11 , Surprise , Songs , Fans , Swift , Hi , 15 , 2 , Artist , Phenomenon , Album Of The Year , Music History , Icon , Singer , Grammys , Sound , Collaboration , Heights , Album S First Single , Post Malone , Florida , Lyric , Song , Florence And The Machine , Grant Pretty Big Fan , Swifties , Counting , Pop Up Installation , Picture , Clues , Grove , Los Angeles , Athis , Inclung , Superstar , Sin , Sky High , Ceiling , 34 , Daddy , Vault , Artists , Taor , Erez Torre , Torre , En Moreecords , 2023 , 2024 , 1 Billion , Followers , Blockbuster Concert Film , Girls , Friendship Bracelets , Concerts , Concert , Films , Tattoos , The World S Greatest Living Artists Now , Connection , Lyrics , Decoding , Post Malone Last Night , 8 , Road Trips , Rotation , Hbcu With A Women S Gymnastics Team , It Lab Maestro , Oh , Won T Good , Fisk University , Tennessee , Wael , In Nashville , Program , Women , Difference Makers , Individual , Price , Titles , Hbcus Student Athlete , Morgan , Usa Gymnastics Collegiate Championships , Athletes , Sport , Ones , Whole , The Next Generation , Them Domestics , Teams , Athlete , Many , Competitions , Gymnastics , Idol , Olympics , Black Girl , Teams Gavi , Stuff , Hair Up , Slip Backs , Easily , Texture , Bun , Koch De , Coach , Locks , Woman , Hbcu , Mine , University , College , Geomatics , Hbcu Gymnast , Nyima , Competition , Dms , Autographs , Emotions , God , Gymnast , Girl Come , Inspiration , Messages , Posts , Dover , Circle , Black History Month , Black History Month Project , Gabby Douglas , Project , Long Way To Go , Home Insurance , Makers , Liberty Mutual , Diabetes , Day Carroll , Parents , Karatay , Marry Me , Lives , Cleanup , Brandi , Restoration , Cancer , Hospital Window , My Marathon His First St , 17 , Kids , Jude , Specialists , Patreons Contracture , Hand Specialists Com , Idp , Idp Derails , Patients , Idp Doesn T Have To , Cid P Com , Gonna , More , Tips , P , Information , Little , Finding Hope , Xfinity , Place , Services , Internet Waiting , Scene , Generation , Honey , Self , Designer Brands , Designers , Flash Designer Sales , Prices , Heart Racing , Gilt Visit Com , Guilt Dot Com , 70 , Students , Protests , Supporters , Colleges , Columbia University , Nypd , House Lawmakers , Campus , Colleagues , Gaza On , Anti Semitism , Manhattan , Workers , Efforts , The Union , Plants , Chattanooga Plant , Last Night , United Auto Workers Union , Volkswagen Let , 73 , 3600 , Automakers , Ballots , Favor , Increases , Big Three , Drug , Supplements , Stores , Gas Station Heroin , Doses , Teen , Vape Shops , Etienne , Owners , Approved , Effects , Shelves , Heroin , Nas , Fda , Elephants , Happening , Wild , Iconic Asian Elephant , Where Rapid Development , Sri Lanka , Killing People Elephants , Story , Battle , Episode , Land , Anderson Cooper , Nics , Victor Blackwell , Apm Eastern Pacific , Crisis , Backlash , Destruction , Georgia Beach Party , Protest , Event , Soda , Crack , Orange Crush , Hbcu Gathering , Heritage , Turns , Majority , Crowd , Tie Be Island ,

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