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A mass shooting on Umpqua Community college. A candlelight vigil is taking place tonight. Heres what we know about the situations. Multiple officials identified the shooter as 26yearold chris harper mercer. Investigators say they are talking to members of his family and his friends, and they also say that tactical search teams are searching his apartment in winchester, oregon. Authorities tell cnn mercer was heavily armed and may have been prepared for a long siege. Lets start with what i just mentioned at his apartment. Sarah sidener is at his apartment. Theres a lot of Police Activity on the scene. What do you see . Whats going on . Reporter we saw a Police Sheriffs deputies and also members of the fbi. Initially they were completely decked out. They had their vests on, they had dogs here, theres a vehicle coming in now, looks like a crime scene vehicle which would take, for example, potentially evidence thats inside. You hear that backing up and youll see it here, this white truck here. Basically what youre seeing is the officers continuing to do their work here. We also were able to show a picture of the suspect to a neighbor, a neighbor who lives in that building and he confirmed to us that that is the same man that hes seen Walking Around here, that hes seen on the second floor there in the building. He said he was very quiet, he kept to himself, he never saw other people other than mercer going in and out of his apartment. Didnt know of anybody living there with them, hadnt heard of any children there. He said he was very quiet and kept to himself. He said they really didnt speak. There was one time where he talked to each other where he had to have him move his car but that was pretty much it. He said this is a very small community, like everyone in this community probably knows someone who has been affected by the shooting, either a friend or Family Member of the victims or went to the school and new somebody who is affected by all this. He said its just he cannot believe that he was living next door to this person. They said very quiet our panel was reporting he had body armor, was heavily armed, that he was in it for the long haul. So they never saw any of this his neighbors or anyone who knew him there, as far as you know . No. We only talked to one of the neighbor who is lived in the same building. He said he was at home, he heard something going on, looked out his window and noticed there were officers all over the place and eventually Law Enforcement said we need you to please leave the apartment and come outside. And hes there with his wife and small child. So they did. And then lo and behold when we showed him the picture, he said thats the guy that lives just down from me. He said he never heard anything, saw anything unusual but said he was very quiet and did keep to himself, that you just never know what somebodys going through. Thank you, sara. Well get back to you if necessary. President obama angrily addressing the nation. This is his 15th such Public Statement since taking office. Listen. Theres been another mass shooting in america. This time in a Community College in oregon. That means there are more american families, moms, dads, children, whose lives have been changed forever. That means theres another community stunned with grief and communities across the country forced to relieve their own anguish and parents across the country who are scared because they know it might have been their families or their children. Ive been to roseburg, oregon. There are really good people there. I want to thank all the First Responders whose bravely likely saved some lives today. Federal Law Enforcement has been on the scene in a supporting role and we offered to stay and help as much as roseburg needs for as long as they need. In the coming days well learn about the victims. Young men and women who were studying and learning and working hard, their eyes set on the future, their dreams on what they could make of their lives and america will wrap everyone who is grieving with our prayers and with our love. But, as i said just a few months ago and i said a few months before that and i said each time we see one of these Mass Shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough. Its not enough. It does not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should feel. And it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted someplace else in america. Next week. Or a couple months from now. We dont yet know why this individual did what he did. And its fair to say that anybody who does this has a sickness in their minds. Regardless of what they think their motivations may be. But we are not the only country on earth that has people with Mental Illnesses or want to do harm to other people. We are the only advanced country on earth that sees these kinds of Mass Shootings every few months. Earlier this year i answered a question in an interview by saying the United States of america is the one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient common sense gun safety laws even in the face of repeated mass killings. And later that day there was a mass shooting at a Movie Theater in lafayette, louisiana. That day. Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine, my response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation in the aftermath of it, weve become numb to this. We talked about this after columbine and blacksburg, after tucson, newtown, after aurora, after charleston. It cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun. And whats routine of course is the response of those who oppose any kind of common sense gun legislation. Right now i can imagine the press release is being thanked ut. We need more guns, theyll argue, few gun safety laws. Does anybody really believe that . There are scores of responsible gun owners in this country. They know thats not true. We know because of the polling that says that a majority of americans understand we should be changing these laws, including the majority of responsible law abiding gun owners. There is a gun for roughly every man, woman and child in america. So how can you with a straight face make the argument that more guns will make us safer . We know that states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths. So the notion that gun its not born out by the evidence. We know that other countries in response to one mass shooting have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate Mass Shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours. Great britain. Australia. Countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it. And of course whats also routine is that somebody somewhere will comment and say obama politicized this issue. Well, this is something we should politicize. It is relevant to our common life together, to the body politic. I would ask news organizations because i wont put these facts forward, the number of americans killed in terrorist attacks over the last decade and the number of americans killed by gun violence and post those side by side on your news reports. This wont be information coming from me, it will be coming from you. We spent over a trillion dollars and passed countless laws and devote entire agencies to preventing terrorist attacks on our soil. And rightfully so. And yet we have a congress that explicitly blocks us from even collecting data on how we could potentially reduce gun deaths. How can that be . This is a Political Choice that we make. To allow this to happen every few months in america. We collectively are answerable to those families. Who lose when americans are killed in mine disasters, we work to keep mines safer. When americans are killed in floods and hurricanes, we make communities safer. When roads are unsafe, we fix them. To reduce auto fay fay alts. We have seat belt laws because we know it saves lives. So the notion that gun violence is somehow different david to dart. Prohibits any mod ever when there are law abiding gun owners all across the country who could hunt and protect their families and do everything they do under such regulations . Doesnt make sense. So tonight as those of us who are lucky enough to hug our kids a little closer, id ask the American People to think about how they can get our government to change these laws and to save lives. And to let young people grow up. And that will require a change of politics on this issue. And it will require that the American People individually, whether you are a democrat or a republican or an independent. Im making a determination as to whether this caused a continuing death for innocent people should be a relevant factor in your decision. If you think this is a problem, then you should expect your elected officials to reflect your views. I would particularly ask americas gun owners, who are using those guns properly, safely, to hunt, for sport, for protecting their families, to think about whether your views are properly being represented by the organization that suggests its speaking for you. And each time this happens, im going to bring it up. Each time this happens, im going to say we can actually do something about it but were going to have to change our laws. And this is not something i can do by myself. Ive got to have a congress and ive got to have state legislatures and governors who are willing to work with me on this. I hope and pray that i dont have to come out again during my tenure as president to offer my condolences to families in these circumstances. But based on my experience as president , i cant guarantee that. And thats terrible to say. And it can change. May god bless the memories of those who were killed today, may he bring comfort to their families, and courage to the injured as they fight their way back. And may he give us the strength to come together and find the courage to change. Thank you. Very powerful. So if you didnt see that today, we wanted to run it in its entirety for you. And also, we want to show you this. This is from the white house photographers Instagram Page today, pete souza. This is an exasperated president obama looking on at Media Coverage of the shooting today. This is what he wrote. He said, just a really said day this is pete souza the president reacts glancing at the tv at the mass shooting in oregon today. He was just updated on the situation. Our thoughts and prayers are not enough. It does not convey the heart ache and anger we feel. Thats a quote from president obama in his remarks from the White House Press briefing room. Pete souza posted it on his Instagram Page. Well talk to families who have lost loved ones in the same violence that we witnessed today in roseburg, oregon. Thats next. You get used to sweaty odors in your car you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this. Eliminate odors youve gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and [inhale exhale mnemonic] breathe happy. Our breaking news tonight, a terrible toll, ten dead, seven wounded. Joining me now, three people who have also suffered from gun violence. Sandy phillips lost her daughter, jessica, in araura, the theater shooting. You know, its tough for me to even talk to you. As i was reading that, sandy, i became a little misty. How long have we known each other since jessica died . Three years and three months approximately. Lets start with the president , andy. You just heard from him talking about how many families keep getting wrecked by gun violence. You saw the picture of him, an exasperated president obama as hes looking at the cable News Coverage. What are your thoughts . I thought it was a wonderful speech, and im glad that hes finally to the point that hes as irritated as so many of the rest of us and speaking up and calling out the nra, much like richard did the first day after his sons shooting. We have to stand up to them. The responsible gun owners of america dont want this happening. They use their guns for hunting and target shooting and the rest of the time theyre locked up in their homes and kept away from their children. Those are the children who have to start standing up and say enough of this, the nra does not represent me. Until that happens, theyre going to be bullies. Lonnie, you know how tough it is. The nra is a big, powerful organization and most people would not even know how to even start to go up against the nra or to go up against the people who promote gun who promote guns. You go up against them like you would any other bully, one piece at a time, one state at a time, one law at a time, just like they went after us. Theyve had over 20 years to prepare for what theyre getting now and thats a lot of Mass Shootings because there are too many guns in the hands of too many people that dont need guns. So the nra is a Big Organization thats got a lot of money but theyre coming down. Theyre going to come down. I hope im alive to see it. Im going to be here fighting till the day i die. Richard, you heard sandy say most people use their guns to hunt and fish and do it in a way theyre supposed to do it but many people dont. When you hear what sandy has to say and you hear this, what do you have to say to the viewer . I want to correct a misapprehension here. The past year and a half ive been working across the United States in state legislatures against bad gun legislation, ive been working for common sense gun legislation. And the vast majority of times weve been winning. In Virginia State last november, there was a Ballot Initiative that had been put to the voters of the state. That passed almost 60 to 40 . So i dont accept the notion that the gun lobby is invincible in this country because weve been beating them in state legislatures across the country. The second thing is before you go to the second thing, let me ask you, richard, if youve been beating them, why the frustration and the anger from the president of the United States who seems to feel that not much is happening when it comes to this issue . Well, im talking about legislative battles in about 18 states out of the 50 where weve worked. And the problem is that we need universal background checks on all gun sales in this country because what can happen is if you have jurisdictions that have good gun laws and have a neighboring state that has bad gun laws, then people get the guns in the other state and then they bring them to the what we know from the evidence, as the president stated, its correct that the states that have the toughest gun laws have less gun violence. Now, theres this idea that universal background checks dont work. Its true, they dont work 100 of the time, but neither do seat belts in car work 100 of the time. Even people who wear seat belts die in car accidents. But theyre still required. The fact is that seat belts save a significant number of lives. The fact that is single solution is not 100 is not a good argument against it. We know from the evidence from states that have background checks that the stronger a states background checks, the less gun violence. It shouldnt be harder to get a drivers license in this country than to buy a gun. Sandy, what do you think about the progress or lack thereof . I think the president s frustration is we seem to not be able to get congress to take the steps that we need to have a safe country. Do you agree with the president that it should be a single issue for voters . Its a single issue for me. I wont vote for anyone who doesnt have common sense gun sense. So, yeah, its a oneissue vote for me. And i think it should be right up at the top two or three issues for all americans. Were using americans at the rate of 88 a day, and that should be unacceptable. If it was a virus, wed be taking care it havof it. For us to turn our heads and assume its going to go away, its not. Its going to get worse. We dont have the checks and balances in this country to keep us and the public safe. This is the number one Public Health safety issue in this country. 60,000 people have died over 60,000 people have died since congress missed the background check vote by four votes. By four votes they cost the lives of many, many americans. Its time for us to wake up and take these people out of congress that are doing this. This is ridiculous for them to continue to stay there. Sandy, lonnie, richard, i hope the next time we speak were covering something more positive. So thank you all. I appreciate you joining us. So do i. When we come back, inside the mind of mass killsers. What motivates them and what can we do to stop them . Thats why at t is giving you 50 more data. 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You said you heard a lot bang. Tell us what happened. Yeah, i did. So i was in the class about 10 20ish and i hear a loud bang thinking it was maybe a textbook or something or a table ramming into a wall but it was kind of loud for that. So i looked out the window and there was a couple girls sprinting away from the building and that immediately gave me the clue that was a gunshot, you need to get out. So i let the teacher know we need to get out of here right now, that was a gunshot. We all heard the second and third shots happen. And by that time the door was open and we were all running out of there. I ran straight across the campus over to the Student Center and thats where i stayed during the lockdown. We spoke to someone else who was in a classroom there and they said that people were running, some people were giving each other rides and basically just trying to do whatever you could do to get out of the way. I heard that some people actually swam across the river to get away from it, too. My goodness. This was just your fourth day of college your freshman year. Yes. How are you going to feel going back to school . Are you going to go back next week . I really dont know at this point. Its still its very scary and i dont think ill be able to go back for a little while, until everything has calmed down and i get over this. Well, again, sara cobb, thank you for joining us. Thank you. So what motivates a mass murderer . Can we do anything to stop them . And with me now is a forensic psychologist. Also sunny hostin and arthur roddick, former assistant at the u. S. Marshals office. Here we are again, we are sort of stuck in the middle of this. It appears to be a pattern here. Can anything be done, doctor, to stop this . I think a lot can be done and a lot is being done, but to answer your first question, what makes this american, in my professional experience, and that includes not only working on mass killing cases but i was part of the team that examined the holmes case and that didnt originate because of guns. There is a cultural incentive in a celebritydriven society to do the outrageous. There is somewhere along the line and not in my youth but in this generations youth, masculinity has been closely associated with the capacity to destroy. Weve created and reinforced icons based on their capacity to destroy and people are saturated with that idea. So people who struggle with their masculinity and feel like they are social failures, and he spelled it out for us in his social media. How have we created those masculine icons and who are they . Whether its entertainment medium or whether its how we deconstruct of the act of killing. So much attention in and news and entertainment and gaming and the kinds of stimuli that people can be exposed and influenced by deconstructs it in such a way its a sensual experience, a larger than Life Experience . I ask you what it feels like to save a live, to bring somebody into this world, the miracle of life. But everybody of his generation, as watched something. How does it feel to kill . Whats it like to take a life . I understand what youre saying. Worse yet, its humanized. Let me get in here, doctor. He shot what he got. I only have a limited amount of time. I dont disagree with you but only few people fall victim to what youre saying. It doesnt happen to everyone. You only have a handful of people who go in and they do these things. Its a convergence but along the way the necessary ingredient is the person who identifies with it. The solution involves a Crisis Mental Health solution, but i want to give our attorney i want to get to arthur first and then ill get to sonny. The United States is 5 of the worlds population, 31 of Mass Shootings between 1966 and 2012. How do you have explain that . It hard to explain. I know from a lefthand perspective, unfortunately we are very experienced in how to respond to these particular issues. I mean, our training has movered over the past 10, 15 years from columbine up to this current day shooting and you can see how the transition has occurred. Now, the wild card in this, i know over the past two three years, the duj and also Mental Health experts to try to come up with a preventive measure. We know how to respond. The first two conferences that we had multiple mass casualty response. But the wild card in this is the Mental Health issue. And i think as we all all know, you can put three, four, five psychologists together and they can come up with two or three different progress knows. I think thats really where the problem lies. As a former federal prosecutor, what is it . Is it guns . It is guns. Thats are the elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about. We want to talk about Mental Health issues and Mass Shootings but the bottom line is we are 4. 4 of the general operations yet we own 42 , they have more homicide. It is directly related. To do other place the world no, of course not. It really is about gun control. We were covering the last shooting and i said it then and i got all these tweets about its too soon to talk about gun control. Its too late to talk about gun controlling tho. Solutions. We talk about that right after the break with this group. Well be right back. When youre not confident your companys data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. At at t we monitor our Network Traffic so we can see things others cant. Mitigating risks across your business. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. Of fixodent plus adhesives. 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Dr. Weller in . I think its an oversimplification by the president. Im sure that there are gun regulation laws that can prove that we have a cultural phenomenon where we have a celebrity driven society, status th that. Nobody would emulate jerry jrz, this kim was demonized. He should be saying what kind of people are we, that respond to the killing. Those are the messages he was posting thats what people grg to wake up to reading about tomorrow, not what guns he purchased. Now concretely, whether a person make this an election issue. I contributed to the legislation. I can tell you that resofring Crisis Mental Health will engage people when theyre at a time when theyre in flash hemtence. Werent they voting . Pass the murphy bill now youre absolutely right but i think it is a combination of factors. I dont think theres one single solution. I think we have to address Mental Health issues,le there but aboutim not convinced because after sandy hulk, when you have the fird of 20 first readers, you would she people be outraged. But rather than talk about gun control, we heard people saying we needed more guns. I think thats a result rahal thing, groupings. What kind of go are we raising . Thank you, doctor. Thank you, arthur. A mass shooting on the campus of Umpqua Community college. Well be right back. I believe thats a kraken, bruce. It looks like hes going to go with a nine iron. That may not be enough club. Well hes definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. If youre a golf commentator, you whisper. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. This golf course is electric. When youre not confident your companys data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. 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The gentleman was systematically he came in and there were gun fire immediately, scattered the room, got everyones attention. From what i understand, one shot, killed him. Took him right out of it. And others had been injured and then he this man had enough time i dont know how much time elanced. He was able to stand there and start asking one by one what their religion was. Are you a christian, he would ask them. And if youre a christian, stand up. Because pause youre a christian, heuer going to see god in just about a if you downt downthe. This was a single hand gun that he had enough ammunition and enough time to drop the magazine out of it, put another one in and con continue his thing. How does he have that much time as a facility . Dak, youre up. I dont understand that. How he could have that much time to kill that many people. Stacy boylan, the father of anna boylan, she was able to survive because she played dead on the floor, that the gunman went up to her and said blond woman, stand up. She didnt stand up. She was pretending to be dead. They dont know why the gunman was going around asking people one by one if they are a christian. Her father and brother say she has son very serious injuries. They are hoping she will be able to have sen saying in her legs, be able to walk. Its going to be a tough road ahead here. Nonlife threatening and they keeping all hope, hope against hope. At this point they say, yes, it is not live near the bottom of her spine. There is a neurosurgeon. They are trying to make sure shes going to have as much fung as possible. Her father said even if her college shes back after she was shot, he called him on. We hope shes okay. This is just awful. We appreciate your reporting. Its just terrible. Well be right back. More data means more freedom to do. Whatever. Thats why at t is giving you 50 more data. Thats 15 gigs of data for the price of 10. Because the more data you have, the better. And right now at at t get 300 credit for every line you switch when you trade in a smartphone and buy any smartphone on at t next. I will take beauty into my own hands, where it belongs. Olay regenerist, it regenerates surface cells. New skin is revealed in only 5 days without drastic measures. Stunningly youthful Award Winning skin. Never settle for anything less. The regenerist collection, from the worlds 1. Olay, your best beautiful. That is it for us tonight. Our live coverage continues now with john vause. Hes in oregon and isha sesay in cnn los angeles. Hello and welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im isha sesay in cnn los angeles. And im john vause in roseburg, oregon, where were having our breaking News Coverage here on cnn

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