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we're here because that healing effort and those six lives, they deserve attention. we also want to tell you about what we've learned about their killer. a man motivated by hate, who officials say took inspiration from the swatstika. we do know that one of the stops was the time he spent in fort bragg north carolina. drew griffin has investigating when he was in fort bragg, what his service has entailed. what have you found about his time in the military? >> well, it was not stellar, we'll tell you that in a little bit. but we wanted to focus on fort bragg produced a lot of heros. thousands and thousands. but back in 1995, it had a mark on that fort because there was a murder of a black couple outside the base, anderson. three soldiers identified as neo nazi skin heads were caught and kwikted of that crime. they wanted to kill blacks. the army came under fire because it was very obvious that these soldiers were neonazis. that lead to a crack down by the army trying to weed out racists in the ranks. and the army found there were threads of a subculture of hate in its ranks and they've had to address that over the years. >> did that subculture involve wade michael page? >> there's been a lot of ink written about this trying to put these dots together. it was about the same time frame that he was at fort brag. but we actually tracked down the original prosecutor of the crime, of the case today. he told us at the time they searched high and low for ak polices even a bona fide hate group at the base he found neither. organizations that monitor hate groups do say the military can attract people who have hate-filled feelings, but there's no clear indication that wade michael page had anything to do with any of these ne neo nazis that were at fort bragg at that time. >> he was kicked out of the army though? >> he was kicked out. but not for hate. in 1998, he was kicked out of fort bragg, he was first demoted sergeant down to a specialist and then kicked out because he was drunk. we know he tried to make it in the hate music scene, kept picking up odd jobs after getting fired. he worked in the parts department of this north carolina motoycle shop. this is near fort bragg by the way. 2000, 2003, 2004. he worked at that shop. but his boss fired him. and i want you to listen to why. he told us this guy had no respect for woman. >> the thing i remember mostly about him was the way he dressed. he dressed, in my opinion, just like the neo nazi-type person would dress. and he was very quiet. kept to himself. was very efficient worker. but then he changed a little bit. he could not interact with females. and he had a problem with female authority. and he had such a problem that i started writing him up. and then eventually put him on probation and then we eventually terminated him because he just refused to take any orders from any female. >> and his supervisor was a female. john tew says that when page left, anderson, he actually left behind an application to join the ku klux klan. he came back for it and he had already thrown it in the trash. we also know he was fired from a truck company after he was cited for driving while impaired. anderson? >> drew, appreciate that update. joining us now is t.j. lie done and pete simi. he actually first met this man wade page in 2001 while doing a study on white power groups in southern california and spent a lot of time with him. he is a former white skinhead. pete, as part of your research into the movement, you met and spent a lot of time with this guy over the course of two years from 2001 to 2003. what did you make of him back then? do you know how he got involved in this movement and what role, if any, the military played in it? what he told me during the course of our time together was that he really started to identify with the neo naziism during his time in the mill industry. and specifically what he told me at what point was if you join the military and you're not a racist, you certainly will be by the time you leave. he felt that he learned while he was in the military that the deck was stacked against whites and he came to feel there was preferential treatment for african-americans in the military and whites were on the short end of the stick. and the more he got into the nazi ideology, the more he came to see all of society in that way and this feeling that whites were just constantly on the short end of things and that everything was set up against whites to be successful. and but he did to me pretty clearly that he knew about neo nazis and racist skinheads prior to joining the military but he started getting into it during his time in the military. >> i mean, it's strange because the military has strict rules about discrimination and about how people should be treated, was your sense that was just an excuse on his part for being a loser r not making it the way he had hoped? >> well, yeah. i mean certainly people are very creative and find lots of different ways to explain their personal short comings and personal failures. and certain when we scagoat other groups for these things, that's a common thing that folks in this movement do as well as in other extremist movements as well. >> t.j., you were involved with a white power movement you say while you were in the marines. explain that connection. again, i thought the military has very strict rules on how you have to treat other people. what did you see? >> when i was in the marine core, i joined basically from getting away from getting into trouble. i used to hang a swatstika flag in my locker. everybody knew it. the only time they asked me to take it down was when the commanding general would come through so they wouldn't get in trouble and afterwards i would put it back up and they were perfectly fine with it. but contrast that with my brother's unit where his commanding officer went through the barks and anything racist he made them send it home. it depends on the commanding officers and who's in charge of that base. >> what do you think is the appeal, t.j., of the military for people who may have these believes? i mean, is it to get some kind of training, to have some kind of a racial holy war? >> it is. we have the best trained military in the entire world. you will have two or three actively neo nazi organizations actively trying to recruit personnel. we've been trying to get the military to wake up to this for at least the last ten years. the military is very slow on the ball right now as far as actually getting us to come on and train the higher-ups. i wish they would, to hopefully give them a better sense of what they're dealing with. >> pete, you say, i mean, from the time you spent with this guy, that you saw he had serious problems with alcohol. >> yes. excessive drinking throughout the time i knew him to the point of he had a hard time making it to work when he was working. and passing out on a regular basis at one point he passed out at an airport on the way to a music show and wasn't able to get on the flight because he was so drunk. and this actually, towards the end of his time in southern california, this became somewhat of a problem with him and some of his peers in the movement. because it was preventing him from holding down a job and being able to pay his share of the rent and he was starting to sponge money off of people and so forth. >> pete, i mean, was he a smart guy? was he able to actually kind of discuss his viewpoints and argue his viewpoints? because i've spent some time with folks in the white power music scene in the late '90s, and one or two of them would be able to argue their positions and the others seemed just kind of like boneheads. >> he would be the one or two. in contrast to some folks who really can't really structure an argument very well or don't have much of anything to say, as far as trying to present evidence, you know, whether it's accurate or inaccurate is another issue. but you know, page was able to do that. page was able to talk about things and he actually really enjoyed talking about things. he was never hesitant about having me around knowing that i was doing research. he actually seemed to kind of enjoy it and appreciate it. and i think at times he actually thought he might be able to convert me. >> t.j., the head of the law center said he was associated with the hammer skins which he described as the most violent and scareyest out there. you were a member of the group. what is -- >> what is it? the hammer skins are the elite group. everybody wants to be a hammer skin. to get the two crossed hammers sadly to say this, is a badge of honor. and you have to earn the right to wear that. and you don't gett by just going around passing out leaflalea leaflets. you have to commit to whatever they are asking you to do. >> pete, in your time with this guy, did you see him commit any acts of violence. ? i know there was time you were playing pool with a white man and an african-american man. what happened there? >> it was, we were playing doubles pool and drinking a few beers at a local bar in southern california and everything was very cordial and polite, small talk. we were strangers with the other two guys. but we engaged in small talk throughout the game of pool and afterwards everybody shook hands and went their separate ways. i never saw him engaged in an act of violence. i do know during the time that i know him that he got into a bar fight at one point and didn't do so well. and i was around him at another point in time at a bar where another individual recently released from prison who was a neo nazi skinhead who was really kind of agitated and somewhat of a fire cracker looking to get into a fight, and page remained calm and cool and collected throughout that inning. >> pete simi, i appreciate you talking about the guy you knew back then and t.j. thank you for your protective. i want to point out that neither our guests are suggesting that these believes are rampant in the military. of course they're isolated incidents. serious but isolated. we're on facebook, let us know what you think. we're joined next by this woman who helped raise this killer. we'll be right back. all multivitamins give me the basics. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. z i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do. you do what you do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter. the downstairs neighbors described the man she briefly knew as creepy quiet. tells the local paper here, quote, he made no eye contact. that's an abnormal thing. late last week, she says he began blasting his stereo. he spent about ten minutes pacing around his truck staring into space. one of her daughters telling her, quote, that dude is acting strange. joining me now is a woman who says she knew a very different wade page, his ex-stepmother, laura page, who joins us now by phone. miss page, i can't maj what the last few days have been like for you. when you first heard your former stepson had gone on this rampage what went through your mind? >> i was appalled. i was totally -- it was unbelievable. i guess in a lot of ways it's still unbelievable. even though i keep seeing everything. >> how the long were you involved in his life? when was the last time you saw him? >> i hadn't seen wade since about 1999. but prior to that, from 1980, up to that point, i was involved in his life. >> so the last time you saw him, he was what, about 18 years old? >> no, he was a little bit older than that. he had already come back to colorado and was -- at that point, he was already out of the military and we didn't know that. >> oh, you didn't know he was out of the military? did you know why he had been kicked out of the military? >> no. didn't know he wasn't in the military. at that point, we thought he was still in the military. the last time i saw him. >> and we're now finding out about ties he had to the white supremacist movement. did at the time you know anything about that? were you aware even that he held these kind of views? >> no, absolutely not. knew nothing about it. had no indication. >> i read an interview -- >> there was never any indication that he had this -- these feelings or thoughts. >> i read an interview you did with a local station in denver in which you said that your gut feeling was his racist views may have been formed while he was in the army. can you expand on that? what makes you think that? >> because he was -- prior to that, everything i've ever known about wade was kind and gentle and loving and -- none of those things. and that went up through his teenage years. and i can't figure out where that came from. i really can't. unless it took place while he was in the military. >> so as a teenager, he didn't express any kind of hostility, to people of different races or different religious beliefs or anything like that? >> no, never. when he lived with that in texas, he had hispanic friends and he had black friends and, you know, i never, ever heard him say anything derogatory about another race or anyone. all i can keep repeating is how kind and loving and gentle he was. >> so he actually had friends who were african-american or hispanic? >> yes, yes, he did, as a teenager, yes, he did. >> when the pictures that have now been shown of him, you know, in front of a swastika and the like, when you saw that, i mean, how do you reconcile the kid you knew with those images? >> it's like i don't even know that person. it's like someone that -- it's not someone that i could possibly know or be associated with. when i saw the very first picture of him, i would not have known him. had they not said that that was wade. >> and we're told now in the military he had a drinking problem and also subsequently he drank a lot. as a teen, was that an issue at all? >> never. no, sir. never at all. no, all of these things have come up since then. >> since then. well, again laura page, i appreciate you talking. i know it's been a really difficult time for you. and tense to be -- continues to be. i appreciate you telling us what you know. thank you very much. tonight, we also most importantly want to focus on the victims. six people whose lives were lost. so many friends and family members whose lives were changed forever. next, we'll hear from their family members, including the son of the only woman killed in the shooting. >> she collapsed there. she didn't have a chance. they said she was dead on the spot. is a complete multi-vitn designed for men's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. who dreamed she could fly. like others who braved the sky before her, it took a mighty machine, and plain old ingenuity to go where no fifth grader had gone before. ♪ and she flew and she flew, into the sky and beyond. my name is annie and i'm the girl who dreamed she could fly. powered by intel core processors. ♪ ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky [ male announcer ] even the planet has an olympic dream. dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream tonight, another religious community is living in fear after their mosque burned to the ground. the only mosque in joplin, missouri. it's been the target of arson before. six people died in the shooting at the temple here in oak creek, wisconsin, six lives lost, countless friends and family member's lives changed forever. i want to focus on the victims. to tell you some of their stories. tragically, violently, in a place that was supposed to be about safety and sanctuary and prayer, but also how they lived. randi kaye reports. >> reporter: arrived at the temple with her father-in-law just before 10:00 a.m. they stopped to pray before she went to the kitchen to cook. then she said suddenly a 16-year-old boy said there was someone shooting. she look locked the kitchen doors and piled into the pantry. but not her father-in-law who was still in the main part of the temple. >> i heard shooting and shooting and shooting. i don't know how many times. >> reporter: coolwan and the others stayed locked in the pantry until the shooting stopped and the suspect was dead. she soon learned her father-in-law was dead too. when you left the temple you saw your father-in-law. tell me about that. >> i come in. then my father-in-law is left over there. he's like this. face this way. his legs this way. he lay down like this. and his nose is touched on the floor. >> reporter: he was bleeding? >> yeah, he's bleeding. a lot of bleeding over there. all bleeding. then i see and right away i'm crying. "oh, my god, it's my father." suveegh singh used to walk to temple. until his health started to fail a couple of months ago. he was a very religious man. >> very. he was at our temple, guawara, every single day. if you could get there at 7:00 in the morning, that's where he would be. >> reporter: he would stay late in the night. vernlthsz yeah, until 2:00, 3:00. he would spent most of his time there with the priest and stuff. >> reporter: singh was a father in india, until he and his wife moved to wisconsin eight years ago. he used to tend this garden? >> he did, yeah. he actually used to cut the whole grass up until like a couple months ago when his health started declining. >> reporter: singh couldn't speak english but his family says he loved america. she says all her grandfather wanted was to be healthy enough to make it to her wedding just four months away. >> what will you miss about him the most? >> just him being around. even if he wouldn't say anything, his presence was always here. >> reporter: satwant singh kaleka died defending his temple. at 65, he was the temple president. and with a knife, managed to slow down the shooter, just enough, his family says, to save some lives. parkash singh, the youngest victim. moved to oak creek just eight weeks ago. friends call him a noble soul. in sort of a strange premonition, one temple member told "the milwaukee sentinel" that parkash had expressed concern about dying. he was 39 and all three of his brothers died before turning 40. ranjit singh and his younger brother both died in the shooting. the 49-year-old had been working at the temple for 16 years and sending money back to his wife and three children in india. seeta singh had moved to wisconsin just six months ago with hopes of finding a better life for his family. the only woman killed in the shooting was parmjit kaur tour. >> screaming is the ladies. i hear. then i said, oh, my gosh, somebody killed. she's screaming. ahhh. i said, oh, my gosh. >> reporter: parmjit was 41 and the mother of two sons. she was gunned down in the middle of her prayers. her boys spoke with cnn's poppy harlow. >> she collapsed there. she didn't have a chance. they said she was dead on the spot. >> reporter: parmjit's son had rushed to the temple and looked for his mom among those who survived. she wasn't there. >> i just want to know where she was laying. i want to go back and look. >> reporter: why? >> it's the last time she was there. >> reporter: she and her family came to the u.s. about eight years ago. every week, she came to the temple to pray and prepareood for the shared meal. randi kaye joins me now live. i understand two young men we just saw, they actually want to get into law enforcement. >> right, her boys. this has really cemented that for them. one of them is studying criminal justice. their mother was everything to them, anderson. she was selfless. if their wasn't enough money for food, they ate first and she waited. even for the last eight years she's been saving up every penny to take them to india and they finally all went as a family. they got to see the golden temple together. and they said that was a beautiful thing and thank goodness they had that. i did mention this other victim in my story, perkash singh. this is the man we just moved here to town, eight weeks ago with his family, just 39 years old. who lost all his brothers by the time they turned 40. and had this strange premonition something was going to happen to him. and he was killed, gunned down. >> so many lives really forever changed, in addition to those lost. randi, appreciate that reporting. as randi mentioned, the temple's president was fatally wounded when his family says he tried to take down the shooter. he fought till his last breath for the temple and the people in it. his son joins me live. it's kind of a dumb question but how are you, your mom and your family doing today? >> i mean, no, not a dumb question. the grieving process is long and hard. i think many people need to kind of see it and witness it. it almost feels like everybody's joining us. >> does it feel really? we talked yesterday about how it doesn't feel real. >> that's the first thing they tell you, it feels like a bad dream. there's a thing in our culture where we spread suffering out. instead of having one person suffer, we have everybody come to the house. so we've had -- >> your house was full yesterday when i was there. >> absolutely, it doubled today. >> you actually saw your father today. >> saw my father. anderson, how do you learn about these things? >> -- a reporter -- >> but my mom -- >> that was important for your mother. >> absolutely. she wanted -- we got to that point where we were actually laughing about what dad would do and say. she got to the point now where she was, like, i need to see him. he arrived where he needed to be. and they quickly got it ready for us and worked hard and we went and saw our father. just, it broke everybody down. >> you're actually even now able to tell happy stories about your dad. because that's -- for many people, that takes years, to be able to do that. >> you know, for us, in our culture, it's not an end or, you know, it's not the end when somebody dies. their soul and energy kind of traverses into the universe and helps influence other events. >> so you believe he will still, in a way, he's still there, he's still out there. >> absolutely. in fact, i talked to jeff tinder who his father died in a similar tragedy in california where he was shot. he told me to this day like, you know, an angel behind me helping me. and in our culture, we also say we don't use the word "death." we say -- [ speaking foreign language ] meaning his work is complete or he's complete. he is. >> one of the things we talked about yesterday was your dad, one of the first things he did when he was able to buy a house after working 18 hours a day coming to this country, working around the clock, your mom working around the clock, put an american flag right out front. and i found it sobering that he did it both as a participant in the american dream but also he said as a form of protection. what did he mean by that? >> you know, he meant that we have to take some things in as a culture. so that we can blend better. and in that form of, like, putting a flag in front, symbolism to the neighborhood, that we're willing to accept that dream and come into this nation just as equal as everybody else and move forward. >> and he had to achieve that american dream. >> i think so humbly, i think so. i think, you know, he did -- i think he's highly successful. amazing amount of people are coming to his, you know, funeral and wake. that's a good life. >> and he raised good kids. >> thank you, anderson. >> that's most important of all. >> absolutely. >> the funeral's friday. there's going to be a large funeral? >> it's going to be an amazing gathering. it's going to be an amazing gathering. because this is the first time this has ever been done. we're having six open caskets. or it's going to be the choice of the families. but of course we're setting everything up for one community, everybody to come together. we're going to even have a media area so you're more than invited. we want the whole world to go through one of our meditations or sections so they understand, okay, this is the music they were playing. this is what happened. this is what's been going on. this is what sikhs stand for. >> the other thing we talked about yesterday, i think it's important to reiterate, is you've experienced incidents in your own life where people -- you never reported to police but where people gave you the finger driving or said things to you when you were living in georgia a couple years ago about, get out of my country, go back to your country, things like that, that never get reported. i don't want to say what do you hope comes out of it but what do you hope changes? >> i mean, in terms of that, and i call them soft attacks, there's like a hard attack like this or -- somebody last year, actually 18 months ago, one of my aunts was working in a gas station and she was shot point blank and she was pregnant. like six months pregnant. that's a hard attack. but that wasn't a hate crime bought it could have been a robbery, even though they didn't grab anything. but soft attacks. i want other people to talk about their soft attacks. because essentially that will give us the pulse of the nation, that will give us what's going on. agencies can't do its job. education can't do its job. if we're not speaking up and saying, okay, for example, the guy who whipped the finger at me, he hit me with his truck, pulled it around, then whipped the finger at me. it's like one of those things. do i take up the time and then end up, you know, calling the cops and wasting an hour of my life -- >> but you hope that people just come to appreciate differences and the diversity of this country more. >> i think that's the simplest solution out there. i think the other way of reporting everything is unbelievably hard. i just hope americans can genuinely understand other cultures and get the hate bug out of them. i mean, i played football. how many times did my coach tell me, oh, go kill that guy. i was thinking to myself, the way i grew up, i would use the -- i wouldn't use that terminology. i would use the terminology of like tackle that guy. we just need to rip that out of our nation. >> appreciate you talking to us again. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. >> my best to your family. within hours of the shootings at the sikh temple here in oak creek, wisconsin, a fire destroyed the only mosque income joplin, missouri. investigators are not calling it arson yet but the monk has been a target of arson before, just over a month ago, in fact. muslims in joplin say they are scared. you're going to hear from them ahead. we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why, at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? 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[ whirring and beeping ] it's the at&t network -- doing more with data to help business do more for customers. ♪ just hours after shootings at the sikh temple, another religious community two states away was reeling from what they fear is an act of hate. in joplin, missouri, the city's only mosque went up in flames and burned to the ground. the investigation is still under way. but the mosque has been a target of arson before. here's gary tuchman. >> reporter: a heart broken and frightened father and daughter. looking at what remains of their mosque. >> that's the prayer hall. dining room. classrooms. >> it's so sad. >> reporter: it still smolders. almost two days after this mosque burned down. it happened in the middle of the night. less than 24 hours after the shooting attack in the sikh temple in wisconsin. as you might expect, the fire that destroyed the only mosque in the community is viewed as suspicious by investigators. although authorities don't yet have proof this was an arson, there was another blaze here just over a month o. and investigators have the ultimate proof that blaze was an arson. what's that ultimate proof? video of the guy doing it. this is surveillance video of a man whose face you can see clearly setting the roof of the mosque ablaze on july 4th. despite the relatively clear video, nobody has been arrested for that attack. in a separate incident in 2008, the mosque sign was torched. that incident remained unsolved as well. people in the 150-member mosque pledged to rebuild but admit they're scared. >> incidents like this, they're tragic and they put fear in people's heart and that's what they're meant to do. >> i was really sad. we couldn't believe that it was happening. i mean, to us. >> to put it bluntly, it's a shock. >> reporter: joplin, missouri, is the town where catastrophic tornadoes killed 158 people last spring. the city was devastated in every way. but for the most part, has come back. now this. laela zaite is 16 years old. >> it's completely unlike the joplin spirit. we hear all the time about how, you know, people have come together to help rebuild this town and it's unfortunate that we have to do that because somebody else didn't want this building here. >> reporter: just one night before the attack, this mosque was the site of an interdenominational ramadan break the fast dinner. christians and jews were inside this building with their muslim brothers and sisters. while we were at the site of the mosque, a member of the mormon church came over offering any help the mosque might need. >> thank you so much. god bless you. >> reporter: navid zaidi says he has gotten similar offers from other people of faith. >> we have got lovely neighbors. the area churches, the synagogue. has been just a beautiful town for us. >> reporter: reality is now sinking in. somebody is after them. definitely from the july 4th incident and very likely now too. does it make you scared, laila? >> i think in a sense yes, it scared me that there are people out there who are so ignorant and uneducated and something as simple as understanding a group of people that they would go out to harm them. for all we know, that person could have felt there was someone here or what if there was someone here or what if somebody had done something as tragic as what happened in wisconsin simply out of their ignorance and that's what scares me. >> reporter: the muslims of joplin pledge to rebuild and keep the faith. >> gary tuchman now joins us live from joplin. you saw that video surveillance. from the july 4th attack. is there video from this one as well? looking at the surveillance, you can see this guy's face. i'm amazed they have not been able to catch the suspect. >> yeah, it's really amazing, anderson. they say they have leads, the police, but they still have not been able to nail it down. they have a $25,000 reward for anyone who gives information that leads to an arrest and conviction. they know there's somebody out there who knows who this man is. this man did not live in a hole. they have not gotten that information yet. inside this mosque, there was 16 surveillance cameras. most of them destroyed during the fire. but were all of them? we don't know the answer because police are not telling us. they say it will hinder the investigation. but they either have video of a perpetrator or they want a perpetrator to think they have video. this was a devastating blaze. you can still see, 40 hours later, this blaze is still smoldering as we speak. and people in this community are just very grateful nobody was inside this mosque when the fire started. anderson. >> gary tuchman, appreciate that, thanks very much. we have a rare look inside the fight for syria. our ben wedeman spent the last few days in aleppo where the battle is raging. the city is still under siege. ben and his crew got out of the city a short time ago. we'll tell you what he saw next. junior mints movie phone evil prince bollywood 3d shark attack ned the head 5% cashback signup for 5% cashback on movies through september. it pays to discover. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. those little things for you, life's about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. male spirit present.trong it's the priceline negotiator. >>what? 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>> what we saw was lots of bombing by syrian air force jets over areas that are clearly still heavily populated by civilians. we saw one plane just making sort of run after run. first dropping very large bombs. then strafing the area. and that is the tactic throughout aleppo. either using these air force jets or firing heavy artillery into the city. in fact, we got very little sleep last night because of the constant explosion all around the areas of the city that are controlled by the free syrian army. and even though according to humanitarian officials more than 200,000 people have left areas of aleppo, there are still hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of civilians still in those areas. unable to get out. the humanitarian situation is very difficult. food is running low. many people cannot afford to buy much more food because they cannot work under these circumstances. one man i spoke to said he and his family of six are sleeping in the stairwell of their apartment building simply to hide from the possibility of a shell hitting their house. the situation is difficult. and made even more tense by the fact that many people feel and fear that the syrian government forces, which are gathering outside of aleppo, are about to launch an offensive to try and stop the rebellion in this city. >> a city with a large civilian population. are they hitting specific targets or even aiming at specific targets or is this just random shelling, indiscriminate shelling? >> well, as far as when the air raids happen, they do seem to be targeting specific areas, specific targets. however, the artillery seems pretty random. it seems to be focused on sort of the neighborhoods that are near the front line. i don't think the syrian army has much in the way of precision weaponry and they certainly aren't using it, if they do, in aleppo. >> is there any sense on which side has the upper hand? i think some have been surprised of the ability of the rebels to fight back. but you say the government forces may be massing for an actual ground assault. >> i think the government forces themselves were surprised by the voracity of the uprising in aleppo. for months and months, aleppo was relatively quiet compared to other cities like homs and hamma. they were taken aback and initially on the defensive. i think at this point the free syrian army and the other rebel forces have really taken as much as they can. and now they're coming up against fresh reinforcements coming from the west on the mediterranean coast and coming from the south and damascus. but at the end of the day, the rebels have very little in the way of heavy weaponry. in fact, they don't have any heavy weaponry. for the most part, they have assault rifles and some heavy machine guns but that's about it. you compare that with the government tanks, its artillery and its aircraft, they're just -- it's far from an equal fight. >> well, ben wedeman, it's an extremely dangerous situation, as you know, please stay safe. thank you, ben. isha's here with a "360" news and business bulletin. >> accused shooting jared lee loughner pled guilty. to gunning down former congresswoman gabrielle giffords and others in a parking lot. six people died. under the plea deal, the government agreed to not pursue the death penalty. loughner has been forcibly medicated for months to treat his schizophrenia. he was ruled competent to stand trial. shortly before entering his plea. the contractor once known as black water has agreed to pay a $7.5 million fine to settle u.s. charges of arm sales and training violations. the agreement covers the sales of satellite phones in sudan and military training to foreign governments two 2005 to 2008 which didn't have approval from the state department or u.s. treasury. the milton hershey school in pennsylvania has changed course and is now offering to admit a teenager who was denied entry last year because he's hiv positive. the boy's lawyer said his client is considering the offer while a lawsuit filed on his behalf is going forward. nasa released the first color images of the surface of mars from its new rover curiosity. they showed the rim of the crater where the rover touched down. pretty amazing stuff. >> isha, thanks very much. we'll be right back. not in this economy. we also have zero free time, and my dad moving in. so we went to fidelity. we looked at our family's goals and some ways to help us get there. they helped me fix my economy, the one in my house. now they're managing my investments for me. and with fidelity, getting back on track was easier than i thought. call or come in today to take control of your personal ecomy. get one-on-one help from america's retirement leader. who dreamed she could fly. like others who braved the sky before her, it took a mighty machine, and plain old ingenuity to go where no fifth grader had gone before. ♪ and she flew and she flew, into the sky and beyond. my name is annie and i'm the girl who dreamed she could fly. powered by intel core processors. ♪

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