Transcripts For CNNW Americas Choice 2016 20161108 06:00:00

Transcripts For CNNW Americas Choice 2016 20161108 06:00:00

price in serving our country. we can answer that question tomorrow resoundingly -- yes, absolutely! think about how generations of americans throughout our history have come together to meet the tests of their time, our parents, our grandparents, our great grandparents defended democracy. they built the great american middle class. they marched for civil rights and voting rights for workers rights and women's rights. for lgbt rights an the rights of people with disabilities. and tomorrow we face the test of our time. so remember, it's not just my name or donald trump's name on the ballot, it's the kind of
in you believe we need to reform our criminal justice system so everyone is treated fairly, then you have to vote. and if you believe -- if you believe we should never write discrimination in to our laws -- [ cheers and applause ] well then, you know, you know, north carolina, you have to vote to get rid of hp-2. now, this is so energizing, we could keep going with a long
i want to thank gaga because she's always stood for that fundamental principle of respecting everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i want you to know and spread the word, i do want to be president for all americans, not just some, not just the people who support me and vote for me. i want to be president for everyone because we all have a role to play in building that better future for our country and for each of you. so if you haven't voted yet, go to you will get all the info you need an you can still sign up to volunteer, right? go to hillary or
text join jo-o-i-n and we will welcome you to help make sure everyone gets out to vote tomorrow. because none of us want to wake up wednesday morning and wish we had done more, right? years from today when your kifds and grand kids ask what you did in 2016 when everything was on the line, you'll be able to say you voted for a stronger, fairer, better america. an america where we build
bridges, not walls. and where we prove conclusively that yes love trumps hate. thank you. thank you so much, north carolina. god bless you. thank you all. [ cheers and applause ] >> there you have it, folks. if you can believe it this may be the last time that you hear from candidate trump and candidate clinton before one of them is president elect. welcome to our cnn special live coverage of this historic election. this is it, the big finale to the most brutal campaign in recent memory. i want to welcome our viewers here at home and around the world. i'm poppy harlow in new york. it is just past 1:00 in the morning and for hillary clinton and donald trump it is a late-night fight for every
single last vote. both candidates wrapping up duelling rallies. trump in michigan and north carolina. we have our reporters across the country and around the world for you as only cnn can do. as we count down the final hours until you go to the polls. start with phil mattingly in raleigh, north carolina. the final words, phil, love trump hate. >> here we are, the final words. it is interesting. that's a message that hillary clinton has had for a while. she shifted her message today, deliberately shifted her message today. take a listen to this. basically the point here is that hillary clinton for the last
couple of weeks has been trying to tear down donald trump and his candidacy. that stopped today. today it is about the future and looking forward in to an optimistic candidacy and how to most importantly govern should she win tonight. it's a big moment for the clinton campaign to make that shift, to transition away from the constant trump attack. it's one her advisers tell me is a deliberate choice. that's how good they feel about where they are in the race but also the recognition about how damaging the race has been and the healing process it's going to take over the next couple of weeks. poppy? >> phil, tell us about the crowd. obviously it is big, as is donald trump's crowd tonight. i saw a lot of young people. she talked a lot about college and making it tuition free. who was she trying to target tonight, trying to get undecided voters in a state that is so critical for her and in a state where the early data on the early voting there doesn't look
particularly strong for her. >> this is her second time in raleigh in five days and there's two good reasons for that. she is son the campus of nc state. the crowd is packed with college kids. we walked in and it was to capacity and there was a line 20 blocks around the campus. that's what the campaign wants to see. you nailed why. this is the purest of pure tossup states. you talk to clinton adviser and field staff. they have no idea how this will go. they feel okay about things. they felt they recovered in the early vote but this is a pure tossup that's why the message was dedicated to millennial voters today. these are the people clinton knows she needs to get out if the wants to win the state tomorrow. >> you heard the president pleading with the people of north carolina saying if you come out for clinton you will be what decides this election. >> that's right. you have seen surrogates all over the place make that point.
in florida, nevada, a number of different states, in michigan most recently. it's been here where you nailed it talking about the early vote. those numbers were not where they wanted them to be. there's a number of reasons you could say that, particularly in the african-american vote and it's worth noting. there's been a recovery in the african-american vote over the last couple of days in early voting but a lot of ground to make up. mitt romney won the state in 2012. democrats need to flip this state and need millennial and hispanic and black voters to do just that. >> it did go for president obama in 2008. as you said anything can happen h. phil mattingly live in raleigh. thank you so much. we want you to listen to part of donald trump. he just wrapped up perhaps his last campaign speech tonight in michigan. let's listen. >> michigan now stands at the cross roads of history. when you step in to that voting booth today -- it's now today,
there's one core question for you to consider -- do you want america to be ruled by the corrupt political class or do you want america to be ruled by you, the people? >> donald trump in michigan, a state that he thinks he can take out of democrats' hands. we'll see if he can do that and crack in to the blue wall. we will see tomorrow when you go to the polls. in the meantime, the first in-prn election ballots cast in the town of dixville notch. who won? it is a tradition that dates back to 1960 when voters went for kennedy so, who won? >> well, poppy, the ballots were cast. the votes were tallied. clinton getting four votes.
trump getting two. johnson getting one and one of the dixville notch residents wrote in mitt romney. so there you have it here in dixville notch, clinton is beating trump but you know, poppy, i have to point out, dixville notch is not the only town that participates in the midnight voting tradition. there is millsfield and there is a quirky law in new hampshire that says if a town has less than 100 people they can close the polls once the registered voters have voted. poppy, i'll point out that collectively in these three towns that participate in midnight voting here in new hampshire trump is beating hillary clinton. trump getting 32 votes and hillary clinton having 25. >> team clinton, rachel, paying attention to tiny dixville notch tonight, one of the advisers tweeting they like the outcome.
>> yes, tweeting out they were happy about it. i'm sorry. >> writing clinton campaign feeling very good about election day results thus far. they have a few more votes that need to be cast, though. >> that's right. he sent the tweet before those votes were tallied in harts location and millsfield. it is a coveted spot to wind, dixville notch's vote here. they are right in being proud of it but as i pointed out, trump is beating hillary right now in the polls that have been tallied on election day 2016 in new hampshire right now. >> new hampshire is again a really important state for both of them this time around. it could go either way. rachel, thank you very much. it's been leading up to this. it is officially election day in america. can you believe it? we will have every race and every result. stay with cnn until the last vote is cast. all-day live coverage today. election day in america right
here on cnn. coming up, trump's campaign manager said he has six paths to victory. we will take you to the states that could prove critical. our nick valencia live tonight in florida. >> florida is perhaps the most critical of them all with 29 electoral votes in the balance. coming up after the break, we will break down the historic turnout in the state of florida. you are watching cnn's special election night coverage. as they swim out of the path ♪ ♪ and the seagulls they'll be smilin ♪ ♪ and the rocks on the sand... ♪ it's so peaceful up here. yeah. [ eagle screech ] introducing the new turbocharged volkswagen alltrack with 4motion® all-wheel drive. soon to be everywhere.
you found the perfect car foi'm a robot! yeti rawr ♪ jingle bells tents up guys. and used to find a place to service it at a fair price, too. signal, signal hey guys, how's it going? that's not even music. ♪ now when you're ready, you can sell your old car and find your new one all on you know us for shopping, and now we're there for every turn.
our progressive direct rate... we let you compare great deals for reals! ...and our competitors' rates side-by-side, so you know you're getting a great deal. saving the moolah. [ chuckles ] as you can see, sometimes progressive isn't the lowest. not always the lowest! jamie. what are you doing? -i'm being your hype man. not right now. you said i was gonna be the hype man. no, we said we wouldn't do it. i'm sorry, we were talking about savings. i liked his way. cha-ching! talking about getting that moneeeey! talking about getting that moneeeey! savings worth the hype. now that's progressive. whmy doctor.houldn't hamy dentist.veryday? definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water.
want a great way to help our children thrive? then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive. it's time to vote yes on proposition 55.
40% democratic and 38% of republicans. there was a huge surge in early voting but it also appears tore historic surge for hispanic voters, doesn't it? >> this is huge news, poppy, for the latino community. we have long expected the sleeping giant to make a difference. historic vote you are turnout not just in florida but across the country. here in florida specifically they could prove to be the most crucial -- the most critical swing state in the country. the break down here, you have older cubans who are more establishment republicans at odds with the younger cubans who could vote republican, adding to the complexities, you have thousands of newly arrived puerto ricans to the middle of the state. the i-4 corridor which is the most purple part of the state. you mentioned it has eclipsed
the number tw in 2000. putting in to context in the last 16 years, you have 3 million newly arrived residents. that has to do with historic voter turnout. they know the significance of the state and have spent a lot of time here in florida rally. hillary clinton here with joe biden and attacking this character of donald trump. both expect to went this critical state. >> they both expect and want it and need those 29 electoral votes. nick, thank you so much. let's go to pennsylvania. they are getting a lot of love in the keystone state in the final day of the 2016 election. both hillary clinton and donald trump stumping there on election eve in full get out the vote mode. there's no early voting in pennsylvania. so locking in the 20 electoral votes there comes down to today. that's why they were both there
today hillary clinton bringing with her president obama, first lady, former president clinton, her husband to the stage. and bon jovi and the boss. ♪ thunder road ♪ thunder road ♪ sara sidner is with us in philadelphia. where do i begin with those big name surrogates? who do you think made the most impact on the stage stumping for clinton? >> it's hard to say but every time michelle obama speaks she
gets this loudest cheers although her husband did as well. what you are hearing her is introducing herself to the crowd, as if they needed it and then sounds like she is trying to hand the baton over to hillary clinton hoping that hillary clinton will walk in her husband's footsteps. >> so i'm honored to be here on the stage on the eve of this historic moment. i'm also emotional because in many ways speaking here tonight is perhaps the last and most important thing that i can do for my country as first lady. let me take a moment to thank you, to thank the people of this country for giving our family the extraordinary honor of serving as your first family. >> huge cheers from the crowd but of course the clinton
campaign bringing out all of the guns, trying to make sure that people get to the polls, but trump not far behind them. he was in scranton and he's been going and burning this midnight oil to try to make sure his message gets out, even as we get in to the last few hours before the election. >> you are right five states for trump today alone and three for clinton. she is back on the plain to new york. trump heading back there, as well. tomorrow it is in the voters' hands. sar sara sidner in philadelphia. thank you for being here. let me begin with you. good morning. five states, trump's final
blitz. florida, north carolina, new hampshire, pennsylvania, many eume -- michigan, not ohio. >> he could be there right now. >> i think he ran out of daylight. he pushed it about as hard as he could. i am shocked by the schedule they both kept. i think i'm in good shape and i'm not sure i could have kept the schedule they have kept the last year. >> sally, hillary clinton did a radio interview and here's what she said whether or not she plans to speak to trump tonight. listen. >> i will certainly expect to speak with him. i hope that he will, if i am successful, play a constructive role in doing just what i said,
coming together, bringing people who supported him to the table sally you want clinton to win. regardless of who wins tonight, to be a fly on the wall, to listen to that conversation, what do you hope it is like? >> i have to tell you, i spent the last couple of days around philadelphia with my family and my daughter. we did some door knocking to get her involved in democracy and teach her what is at stake. she is a way bigger hillary clinton supporter than i ever was and it was a tremendous, wonderful experience for the most part. i have to tell you the last day we were there, we were in a purple area of the philadelphia suburbs and, you know, not because we were just going about knocking on the doors we were told to knock but we had about five or six trump supporters approach us, approach our group with eight kids, six adults and,
you know, yell at us. yell at us about how can we support pro-abortion candidate. she's a sinner. how can we support this crook. she's crooked. in front of our kids. i have to tell you having done this before in previous elections, i've never seen that level of animosity, hostility, anger, vitriol. >> you hope the candidates won't be like that. >> i hope that if trump loses, by the way, if not i'm popping xanax. if it comes to that, if he is conceding i hope he is doing it in a gracious way that says, look some of the anger, hostility, i contributed to, i'm going to now heal. i'm going to take an actual leadership responsibility for once in this election and i'm going to put an end to that kind of anger.
>> let's listen to the president. we heard from the first lady. let's listen to president obama in philadelphia. >> i'm betting that men across this country will have no problem voting for the more qualified candidate who happens to be a woman. i'm betting that african-americans will vote in big numbers because this journey we have been on was never about the color of the president but the content of his or her character. i'm betting that america will reject politics and resentment, the politics of blame and choose the politics that says we are stronger together. >> taking from martin luther king jr. 56% approval right now for him. michelle obama very well liked. how much do you think, if she wins, if clinton wins the obamas in this final push have moved the needle? >> very important.
obviously the final days as the polls have gotten narrower in many of the battleground states has turned to the issue of turnout. hillary clinton has had trouble with younger voters and african-american voters. whereas i think president obama brings a kind of fire power. >> 17 times he has campaigned for her. that is unheard of for a sitting president. >> closest was reagan and bush in '88 but even that was more tepid. usually incumbent presidents are saddled with either some scandal baggage or unpopular like president bush was in 2008. so they are away from the campaign trail. that's not been the case. almost as if he is running. >> aside from stumping until 1:00 in the morning, the candidates are making their message heard in the final hours. clinton and trump released these ads two minutes long but very different. here's a clip of both of them.
>> look, we all know. we have come through some hard economic times and seen some big changes, but i believe in our people. i love this country. i'm convinced our best days are still ahead of us if we reach for them together. >> the political establishment as brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to mexico, china and other countries all around the world. the only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you. >> so overall clinton had a more positive tone. donald trump saw a little at though end there but more positive and focused on progress. what do you make of the strategies in the final hour. >> clinton has had so many negative ads. most using trump's own words against him. by releasing this two-minute, much more positive ad tonight, a couple of hours ago, clinton trying to create a more positive
energy and a reck sill toir energy, as well. donald trump said his last ad is positive. it's a bleak message about the political establishment, the global power structure. he's promising to take pow per back on behalf of the american people. he is taking his own speech and running it in these commercials. listening to your panel talk about the experience, the fear around this election, though, this is exposed some uncomfortable truths about america. donald trump and hillary clinton did not create this hyper polarization we live in. they can choose to make it worse or better later today. >> people want more time. they will get more time. i have to get a break in here. coming up for us, the entire world waiting for the outcome of america's election. many people, especially in mexico. that is wherelav
l . >> we are here at the angel of independence square. this is where historically mexicans have come to gather and witness the most significant moments in the country's history and there's talk of many people flooding the streets tomorrow night if hillary clinton wins. we will have more on this coming up after the break. ♪ i got the discounts dothat you need ♪l ♪ ♪ safe driver ♪ accident-free ♪ everybody put your flaps in the air for me ♪ ♪ go paperless, don't stress, girl ♪ ♪ i got the discounts that you need ♪ ♪ safe driver ♪ accident-free ♪ everybody put your flaps in the air for me ♪ i can't lip-synch in these conditions.
♪ savings ♪ oh, yeah whmy doctor.houldn't hamy dentist.veryday? definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water. pcountries thatk mewe traveled,t what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna
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and find your new one all on you know us for shopping, and now we're there for every turn.
no puppet. >> that wall is getting taller with every interview. getting taller, taller. it's getting up there, i'll tell you what. >> with me live tonight in mexico city ed is ed. in mexico you have to look no further than the currency, the peso to see how anxious people are about the election. >> from rich to poor this this country people are paying attention for that reason. there's been a great deal of fluctuation with the value of the mexico peso compared to the u.s. dollar. that has been very much connected in many ways to the fate of donald trump and this election. back on sunday, when the announcement by the fbi that it
would not pursue charges against hillary clinton and the case was closed the value of the peso jumped up 2% in the aftermath of all of that. despite all of that, the economic concerns of what it means when you talk to people on the streets of the city over and over, to a person, everyone says they have been severely insulted by what they view as racist and xenophobic speech coming from donald trump. in many ways they view he catapulted himself to the top of the republican field by maligning and insulting mexican immigrants an the mexican country. a lot of anger toward donald trump. >> walk i through the sentiment of the russian people on the eve of this election. especially given the tension in in the past few weeks, really increasing between the white house and the kremlin.
the white house pointing the finger at the kremlin and putin saying you have meddled in this election. >> extraordinary the extent to which russia has become a campaign issue in this presidential race over hacking and various issues, as well, the links with donald trump and russia allegedly. the kremlin officially, position is they don't have any skin in the game. for the the american people to decide. if you watch state media controlled by the kremlin you get a message that there is one candidate they prefer over the other and it is quite clearly donald trump and they see him as somebody who shairs a russian world view on various issues, nato for instance, syria and support for assad there. and the kremlin-controlled media has taken a one-sided approach to covering this u.s. election. of course that is ordinary people, as well.
their favorite candidate, as a result of that, is donald trump. >> we will watch the reaction there, as well after the votes are tallied here. matthew chance, live in moscow, thank you so much. u.s. security teams are watching for signs that russia or any other foreign actor or hackers may try to interfere with election day through cyberattacks. sources say right now there are no known cyberthreats that would likely effect voting or the vote count. >> thank you for joining me. >> good to be with you. >> you told my colleague jake tapper this week that russia is capable of "doing damage" in this election. in the last 24 hours, have you heard of any credible cybcybe cyber threats, voter registration, location news, anything that could affect the outcome of this election?
>> you know, i haven't heard anything in the last 24 hours, but we the reality we have seen russian meddling in the election for months now. it takes no leap of faith they can continue and likely will continue to interfere. it may not be on election day, although they have potential to cause mischief on election day but i think we can expect whoever wins the election they will continue to hack and dump information if they think they can weaken the u.s. president. unless we establish a strong deterrent we are likely to see more of this from russia. we appear to have dodged a bullet. that's one of the things that concerned me up to this point is that russia was going to start to do what they have been doing in europe and that is not only hacking and dumping documents but massively forging information. that would have been difficult to prove a forgery in the last few days of the campaign. we may have dodged that bullet,
but i think we are likely to see continued -- >> there is a rigged system, folks. >> totally rigged. >> absolutely rigged a crooked system. >> issue of voter fraud. >> do you believe that russia and putin have already scored a victory in this election before a seingle vote has been counted some early votes in but by making americans less confident in the system as a whole? >> i think they have in part achieved that objective by giving americans less confidence in the result by sowing dischord. so yes they have accomplished some of their objectives.
i think it is important for me american people to realize part of the reason they have been able to do this is because they have had a willing party in donald trump. if we had a typical election where the republican standard bearer shared the views about concern of the nature of the russian government, and spoke out against russian hacking rather than inviting further hacking it would be more difficult for the russians if you didn't have someone saying the election is rigged and all of this thing. that has so played in to russian hands. it is has amplified the mischief the russians wanted to create. >> as you know the way that pump puts it in response to what you are arguing he said wouldn't it be a good thing if the united states got along with russia. if there was a stronger relationship between the white house and the kremlin. he said that would be more productive than what he points to as a failed russian reset on
the part of hillary clinton when she was secretary of state. your response to that? >> my response is would it be nice, sure it would be nice but that is fantasy land. this is someone who invaded his neighbor, seized crimea. he does expect if he says something nice to putin he will leave ukraine, 0 or stop bombing civilians in aleppo, yi don't think that will happen. stop bombing nato aircraft, i don't think that will happen. so we have tried to establish a productive relationship with russia. they are not interested. part of what putin believes is in order to drive up his popularity domestically he needs a bad guy to be against and the united states is that bad guy. frankly, i think trump is naive to think that a few kind words on his part will change that. i don't think that any commander in chief of the united states should be prepared to, as trump
suggested, recognize russia's illegal annexation of crimea. >> as you point out, russia and putin have plenty of problems domestically, especially when it comes to russia's economy and what it means for their citizens. before i let you go, the white house has vowed the u.s. will respond to russian hacks but haven't made clear of how or when. you said unless russia pays a high price they will continue to meddle in u.s. affairs. i wonder from your perspective and where you sit, on the intelligence review, what should that retaliation look like, sanctions, counter hack, what would be most effective? what would putin listen to? >> i think what would get the kremlin's attention is if we work with countries in europe that have been the subject of similar meddling by russia and we impose additional sanctions on russia. their economy is their weakest point. a discussion of sanctions sets
putin off. so plainly they are sensitive to additional economic pain and i would couple that with a cyberresponse so putin understands and it doesn't have to be something made public but putin understands he is vulnerable, too. this is no free lunch for the kremlin and if they are going to meddle this way they could be exposed in ways that could be bad for putin. i think in a overt and covert way we should respond. >> thank you for being with me tonight. >> pleasure. thank you. it's election day. 1:40 in the morning on election day. you are excited. you can't sleep. we're not sleeping. why bother trying to sleep? stay right here. coming up in our live special election coverage next. >> i'm going to be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. >> there's only one of us on
this stage that has shipped jobs to mexico because that's donald. >> jobs, health care, your money, your vote, the economy, issue number one among voters saying economist ben stein staying up late with us. he joins us. at planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. do you like nuts?
whmy doctor.houldn't hamy dentist.veryday? definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water. we can't go back to the years of devastating cuts to public education. so vote yes on prop 55. prop 55 prevents $4 billion in new education cuts, without raising taxes on anyone, and with strict accountability. budget forecasts show
if we don't pass prop 55 big cuts that hurt our kids are coming, and california will suffer budget deficits all over again. so vote yes on 55. because it helps our children thrive. it's the economy, stumd. seriously, it is the economy
this election. the phrase made famous during bill clinton's run for the white house still holds true today. from jobs, wages stock market -- speaking to the stock market, the dow scored 371 points, the biggest gain after james comey cleared hillary clinton in the e-mail investigation. the markets read that as fafrlible for clinton's run. stocks jumped on the news, why? no, the markets aren't in love withic hillary clinton but they hate uncertainty. and trump is more of an unknown and comes with unpredictable on big issues like trade. meanwhile, the s&p 500 could fall 3 to 500 if trump wins. and deutsche bank stocks could also fall if trump wins. joining us, ben stein, lonnie chan, a republican who is not supporting trump.
ben, are these predictions too dire? i mean, the u.s. economy has been through a lot. dare i say the fundamentals of the economy are strong? can i say that, harkening back to john mccain? but are these predictions too dire? >> way too dire. if the economy is extremely strong. and by the way, citi group doesn't have a crystal ball of predicting the future of stocks, neither dois deutsche bank. mr. trump's claim he is going to be the greatest creator of jobs god has ever created is non-sense. there is nothing in his proposal he has set forth that would lead anybody to believe that. nobody believes that, but god bless him any way: but the main thing is the economy is rather strong. people have dropped out of the
labor force, and neither of the candidates has a good idea on how to get people back into the ligament force. >> there are good numbers out there. but ben makes the exact important point that those numbers don't for the people most this need, those are people who have been out of work so long they have given up looked. they are not even counted. when you look at the reality of this situation how helpful is a report like this for clinton? >> only to the extent it's been covered in a way to suggest that the economy and labor markets in particular are doing well. i think obviously the bigger concern sufficient got people as you have note who had dropped out of the labor force. you have got people in part-time work but want full-time work. so the measure of how the labor market is doing jenlely is not as rosie. big issue going forward is two candidates, both who put out
policies that could be problematic. on the trump end you have got policies that would restrict immigration and restrict trade. on the clinton side it's unclear whether she would address the debt and the debt load going forward causes problems as well. >> when you look at the tax plans, they say ben stein that hillary clinton's plan, when it comes to taxes would reduce the national debt by $5.4 trillion in 20 years. trumps would add $20 trillion over 20 years. look, your concern is -- do you like anything about trump's tax plan more than clinton's even if you are not a fan of the candidate? >> yes, i do. i like the idea of reducing the corporate tax. there shouldn't be corporate tax at you will. it should be taxed to the owner of the corporation not taxed a
the corporate level. and i like repealing the estate tax because i'd like my son and graun daughter to get as much as possible. but i don't think there is anything going on in trump's tax plan that's going to lead to a growth in jobs. i i'm sure he want a big growth in jobs. there is nothing going on that's going to lead to that. and nothing in mrs. clinton's tax plan that is going to lead to a growth in jobs. we have a fall in freight movement. that's a worrisome sign. corporate profits have been falling steadily for the last several quarters. i would like to have somebody address what we are going to do if there is a recession. >> it is a important point. this has been a bull run for the markets. over seven years. if history is a indicator, then ben stein may be right that we are on the cusp of another recession? >> yeah, and i don't think either candidate really has come
out to address that particular issue. i mean it keeps clear that hillary clinton would pursue fiscal stimulus similar to what he we saw in the first year of president obama's term. donald trump, it's unclear exactly what he would do because a lot of his policy has been fuzzy. but obviously, the economy, i think, is -- while it has done better over these last several quarters i think it's still in a fragile state going forward. this is something unquestionably the next president is going to have to deal with. >> ben stein, do you believe that this election, regardless who wins is the death knell for the big global trade greechlts, trump says he would rip up nafta, hillary clinton liked tpp until it wasn't the gold standard until she was pushed a lot by the left. she said it was when she read the final draft, is the the end of the global agreements now in

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Phrase , Dow , 371 , Stocks , Markets , Markets Aren T , E Mail Investigation , Gain , Clintons Run , James Comey , Fafrlible , Trade , Uncertainty , Unknown , Sp 500 , Withic , 500 , 3 , Lonnie Chan , Deutsche Bank , Predictions , Fundamentals , Dare , John Mccain , Harkening , Crystal Ball , Citi Group Doesn T , Nothing , Mr , Forth , Proposal , Claim , Non Sense , Creator , Anybody , Nobody , Labor Force , Ligament Force , Neither , Work , Report , Need , Situation , Labor Markets , Particular , Note , Labor Market , Jenlely , Measure , Policies , Debt , Side , Debt Load , Immigration , Plan , Tax Plans , 15 4 Trillion , 4 Trillion , Tax Plan , Fan , 0 Trillion , 20 Trillion , Tax , Corporation , Owner , Growth , Estate Tax , Graun , Mrs , Freight Movement , Recession , Quarters , Sign , Profits , Somebody Address , Indicator , Cusp , Bull Run , Seven , Policy , Term , Stimulus , Death Knell , Tpp , Big Global Trade Greechlts , Nafta , Wasnt The Gold Standard , Draft , Agreements , The Left ,

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