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good morning. this is your a.m. wakeup call for monday, november 14th, from the time warner center in new york. i'm christine romans. carol has the morning off. here are your top stories this morning. unoccupy. cities around the country telling protesters your time is up. police in riot gear facing off protesters in portland after cops dismantled their camps. protesters in denver and other cities being told to go home. >> i will continue to fight for the american jobs act so that we can put our people back to work. talking business in paradise. president obama hosting asia-pacific leaders in hawaii saying jobs are job number one, and also getting tough with china and iran. the president saying no options are off the table as new details come out about tehran's nuclear program. jerry sandusky's neighbors now fearing for their safety after two cinder blocks were thrown through the accused pedophile's window. penn state trying to move on after an emotional saturday, but questions about how the coach could allegedly get away with these alleged crimes for so long. rob marciano is in atlanta. let's check on weather. >> good morning. we do have a threat of severe weather. one tornado warning as we speak. we'll get this one out of the way. a rural area, but nevertheless, they're under a tornado warning as the cell moves off. it's a quick mover. you see the wider shot of the radar. more moving across indiana and ohio, western pennsylvania. this will stay mostly south of chicago and should stay mostly to the west at least for the daylight hours of the i-95 corridor. look at that with the warm temperatures. 76 many memphis. 84 in dallas. get into the mid 60s in new york city. yesterday che got up to 70 with gusty winds. definitely a tale of two types of weather. we'll talk more about the cold air that's expected later in the week, and flight delays later on in you are traveling on this monday morning. >> all right. thanks, rob. heck in in 15 minutes. it's cities across the country this morning. many are asking if time is up for the occupy movement after some violent clashes over the weekend. there was another tense standoff in portland yesterday. police in riot gear trying to clear the streets after protesters were kicked out of their camp and then their tents were torn down. many ignored a midnight saturday deadline to get out. >> get back! >> that's denver where two police officers were injured and 17 protesters were arrested this weekend as officers cleared out tents and even put out a campfire near the civic center. police say the protesters were blocking side walks and were warned to leave. michael nutter says he is beefing up the police presence near the occupy philly camp after a woman record she was sexually assaulted there. the mayor saying there are now serious health and safety issues at the occupy camp there. president obama talking tough on iran as he hosted the leaders of 18 asia-pacific nations of the apec summit in hawaii satisfying no opings are off the table to keep iran from building a nuclear weapon. >> they are engaging in a series of practices that are contrary to their international obligations and their iaea only gags, and that's what the iaea report indicates, so what i did was to speak with president medvedev and all three of us entirely agree on the objective, which is making sure that iran does not weaponize nuclear power and that we don't trigger a nuclear arms race in the region. that's in the interest of all of us. >> that's the president speaking from honolulu last night. it was his first chance to address a new iaea report on iran's secret effort to develop an atomic weapon. pennsylvania's governor says the penn state child sex abuse scandal should change the way cases are handled across the united states. there's a reason ousted coach joe paterno isn't facing criminal charges right now. in 2002 he told school administrators about a report that former defensive coach jerry sandusky was seen sexually assaulting a boy in a locker room shower. that's all he was required to do under pennsylvania law. tell the people in charge and let them decide whether to contact police. governor tom corbitt told nbc that that just isn't good enough. he says by law someone in paterno's position should have to call the cops himself. >> should the lobby change? absolutely. i know that members of both parties, republican and democrat, have already introduced measures to make that change. we have to make sure -- >> he is on the penn state board of trustees, which fired paterno last week. he also began the investigation against jerry sandusky when he was state attorney general. sandusky is accused of sexually abusing eight boys over a 15-year per. as for jerry sandusky, he is out on bail, and neighbors, especially parents, say they are afraid. his home, way too close for comfort to a school. cnn's mary snow has more from state college. >> reporter: when he was charged with 40 counts of sexually abusing children, jerry sandusky was released on $100,000 bail. one condition, the former penn state defensive coordinator was told not to go near children. take a look where his house is located. >> this is the playground for lamont elementary school. right over here is jerry sandusky's house, and from his back porch he has a clear view of it. the administrators at the elementary school say local police reached out to them following sandusky's arrest. the district superintendent is quoted saying the school which runs through the second grade has taken additional administrative action to ensure our children are safe. to be clear, sandusky has never been accused of harming random children. rather, he is alleged to have molested young boys after developing close relationships with them through second mile, the charity he founded. sandusky has maintained his innocence. the road to his home is blocked off and private property signs on his lawn went up this weekend after police say a cinder block was thrown through a window. nearby neighbors question why he is out on bail. >> it baffles my mind. >> i think presumption of innocence, we all believe in that, and we do, in this country, but i think there's a level of protection that a neighborhood and a community is entitled to. >> reporter: melissa and carl anderson have two little boys. carl was such a fan of sandusky's at one time, he had an autographed limited edition copy of sandusky's book "touched." >> it alternates between anger and sadness really. it really is a loss of kind of a wholesale community innocence. >> have you seen more police here in the last week? >> yes. >> reporter: the andersons, for one, want to see a stiffer bail, and now a new revelation about the judge who set the bail. the judge's law firm listed her as a volunteer for second mile. cmn's legal analyst jeffrey tubin. >> the judge certainly should have raised the issue, disclosed her connection to second mile so that the parties m case could decide whether they wanted to ask her to recuse herself. >> with the focus on the penn state scandal and what school administrators didn't do, a south carolina military college is now coming under fire for not doing more to stop an alleged child molester. lewis, an alumnist and excounselor at the citadel's camp for young boys is charged with sexually abusing five boys. the academy says they got a report that he invited teen campers into his room to watch pornography as far back as 2007. the school couldn't corroborate the story, and so didn't pursue it. just two days after the debate in spartanburg, south carolina, republican presidential contenders are getting ready for the next one. it's this saturday in iowa. cmn's chief political krbt sandy crowley show us where things stand now. >> reporter: the thing about the primary season is there's always another debate, which is handy if you messed up a previous one. >> governor perry, you advocate the elimination of the department of energy. if you eliminate the department of energy -- >> you remembered it. [ laughter ] i've had some time to think about it, sir. >> me too. >> reporter: following wednesday's brain freeze heard around the world rick perry went into comic crisis control. if you step in it, joke about it. >> number four -- >> i had a five-hour energy drink six hours before the debate. >> oh, no. >> reporter: perry's gaff may be gingrich's gain. the former speaker's numbers are up. up enough to suggest he may be anybody but romney candidate, and if gingrich falls short of the goal, what about silver? this caught our ear. >> based on this campaign and what happens practice you have heard tonight, do you care to evaluate governor romney's ability to think outside of the box or foreign policy perspectives? >> no. >> you said so last night. >> every single one of us is better than barack obama, and that's the type -- >> so newt had the opportunity to take a swing at mitt and passed. vice president gingrich, anyone? >> all right. herman cain's wich is speaking for the first time since sexual harassment allegations surfaced against the candidate. gloria cain on fox news saying her husband would have to have asplit personality to do the things that were said. >> to hear such graphic allegations and know that that would have been something that was totally disrespectful of her as a woman, and i know that's not the person he is. he totally respects women. >> at least four women have now accused the gop frontrunner of inappropriate behavior during his days at the national restaurant association in the 1990s. two have come forward in public, but cain has denied all of the accusations. that picture there is what this next tease is about. the man accused of the deadliest attack in norway since world war ii due in court today. he will be in shackles in front of the judge, but could he be released? shrimpers still struggling after the bp oil spill, and lining up for more money from the oil company, but many of them may now be on their own. and get building. boeing books the largest plane deal in history, and it could be a multibillion dollar jolt to the american economy. it is 12 minutes after the hour. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. 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[ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. add listerine® total care for more complete oral care. ♪ it works in six different ways to restore enamel... strengthen teeth... freshen breath... help prevent cavities... and kill bad breath germs for a whole mouth clean. so go beyond the brush with listerine® total care, the most complete mouthwash. now get all the benefits... without the alcohol. new listerine® total care zero. it's 15 minutes after the hour. this is your a.m. wake-up call. here's what's all new this morning. standoffs over the weekend at a number of occupy movement locations. in portland, oregon, more than 50 arrests. police in riot gear faced off with protesters for hours. in denver at least 19 arrests as police tried to take protesters and tents and furniture from a camp. 39-year-old jerry is standing trial this weekend in new york. he is accused of sexually assaulting his ex-girlfriend simonea sumasar and framing her for a string of robberies last year putting her behind bars for seven months. she's expected to take the stand later this week. bp says new rules are in the works to help shrimpers rebuild their businesses after last year's gulf oil spill. that means those who filed claims now will get more money soon, but it's not good news for everyone. those who already filed claims and received cash are not eligible for this new larger settlement. a successful takeoff from kazakhstan. a russian soyu sfwl rocket carrying one american and two russian astronauts took off for the international space station during a blizzard last night. it's expected to dock on wednesday. and in sports a major upset for the atlanta falcons right on their home turf yesterday. in overtime new orleans saints john kicked a 26-yard field goal that gave the saints a 26-23 victory. it ended the falcons' three-game winning streak. let's get a check of today's weather, and the pronouncer for the kicker. did i say his name right? >> yeah. what's sad is i live in atlanta, and i turned it off when they went into overtime. i went on to something else. bigger upset might have been in seattle and the ravens there. many some spots it looked like the first day of spring training with temperatures well up and over 20 degrees above average in some spots. if you are traveling, these are the airports where we think we may see delays. good news. no red on the map. chicago, you'll see maybe delays up to an hour. probably less. morning showers. i think most of the rain will stay south of you and east. detroit will get most of the rain, and severe thunderstorms potentially in cincinnati. cleveland, denver. also seeing some wind. big-time wind yesterday in denver as the storm exited the rocky mountains. it's making its way into the ohio river valley, and that's one of the spots where we expect to see some severe weather, but ahead of that the warm air is going to really pump up temperatures out that way. here's your radar right now. that rainfall for the most part will stay west of new york and d.c. and philly area until later on tonight. there's your highlighted area for seeing severe weather today. we still have the one tornado warning that's out until -- for the next 15 minutes for coals county in east-central illinois. more weather updates, and, guess what, a lot of us e-resorts opened up this past weekend, christine, and they had fresh snow to do that. we'll run down with numbers in about 15 minutes. >> all right. thanks, rob. talk to you soon. the accused norwegian gunman back in court today. it will be anders bravik's first public court appearance since the attack. we are live in london with the latest and more international headlines. good morning, zane. >> he will be making his first televised appearance. what we're going to see -- this is the big deal. we're not actually going to see the proceedings in the court, but there is going to be a moment where the families of the victims that he killed are going to be able to watch him coming into the court in cuffs. the reason the authorities decided not to make proceedings public until now or show him is he is afraid that maybe he has colleagues or other people out there and may use the tv to signal to them many some kind of way. they also didn't want him to have a stage to glorify and just fee his abbings. he killed 77 people in a shooting rampage in norway that was on an island as well as in a bomb attack. this is going to be a really emotional moment for a lot of the families who lost their loved ones. the point of this is that the judge at the end of it, christine, is going to make a decision on whether to keep him in jail until the trial, which is supposed to start in the spring. >> certainly a tough moment certainly for all the families as this continues to play out. >> yeah. >> all right. thanks so much. talk to you soon. all right. coming up, the economy is down, the housing market is bust. yet, executives at fannie mae and freddie mac, they get paid multimillion-dollar bonuses. we'll tell you what lawmakers are doing to block those bonuses. it's that time of year. holiday shopping already underway. i'm not kidding. before you whip out the plastic, choose wisely. i'm going to tell you the best credit cards to use this season to get the most bang for your buck. 20 minutes after the hour. fantastic! [ man ] pro-gresso they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. congratulations. congratulations. today, the city of charlotte can use verizon technology to inspire businesses to conserve energy and monitor costs. making communities greener... congratulations. ... and buildings as valuable to the bottom line... whoa ! ... as the people inside them. congratulations. because when you add verizon to your company, you don't just add, you multiply. ♪ discover something new... verizon. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. a sturj in stocks at the closing bell on friday. all three sgex e inteks up after a rocky week. the dow rising 259 points friday. the market rally after italy and greece move closer to getting their financial crisis under control. both of them have new prime ministers now. aircraft giant boeing inked a record deal. emirates placed an order for 50, 50, boeing 777 jetliners at a dubai air show yesterday. that's worth a cool $18 billion, and it is the biggest sale in boeing's history. the new planes will be delivered in the year 2015. a big push to block some big bonuses. lawmakers are ramping up efforts to suspend multimillion-dollar bonuses for the heads of fannie mae and fred where i mac. they're expected to get an extra $2 million. they've lost money this year. they're already propped up on the $170 billion bailout footed by taxpayers, of course. it could be another volatile week for wall street. investors keeping a close eye on the european debt crisis. how many times have you heard us say that? there has been some political process -- progress, rather, but more wild swings are likely. let's bring in carter evans for more on this, live at the nasdaq. two new prime ministers. you have some excitement that italy is now under the leadership of someone who knows how to make tough international business decisions. maybe some of the uncertainty is behind us now, but now a lot of hard work to do. that's probably why stocks are going to swing, right, carter some. >> investors have a lot of hope, but hope is never a good component of anyone's financial plan. that shouldn't be a word that you are using. there's still a lot of uncertainty here. yes, we have some good people coming in, or at least that's the perception, but we still have a really long way to go, and don't let last week's numbers fool you. it's not all of a sudden all good over in europe. yes, we have new prime ministers many greece and italy, but we don't have a plan yet. we don't have a plan that everyone approves of and that everyone agrees with, and that's what we're waiting for right now. until we get that, i think you can expect these wild swings to continue probably for quite some time. >> all right. got to tell me this one. best credit cards for holiday shopping. i like to say the best credit card for holiday shopping is left in your pocket, if you don't have the money to pay it off. beyond that, what did cnn money find for the best cards for the rewards and paybacks for holiday shopping? >> you go to cnn, and they have a list of all these credit cards, what they offer, what the catches are, how much they cost. i mean, what it really comes down to is it depends on your situation. do you carry a balance, which you shouldn't. you should try to pay it off every month. if you do pay it off every month, you might want a rewards card. if you carry a balance, then you're probably looking for low interest rate and be sure that you're not getting a promo rate that ends in a couple of months. many cards offer huge discounts as well if you purchase within their network of retailers. for example, amex has a rewards site, and if you have an amex card and you make a purchase here at banana republic or sony or cuisine art, you can get a 20% discount. if you pay off your card every month, rewards cards are great. the capital one cash card, you get 1% back on everything, and then a 50% bonus at the end of the year, and the chase sapphire preferred card, you get 50,000 points just for signing up after you spend something like $500 or $1,000. don't just go for the promos. make sure the cards are good for you all year long. >> check out cnn money if you want to know more. thanks, carter. coming up, a tent faceoff in portland. police in riot gear clashing with protesters. some say enough is enough, and they are calling for an end to this occupy movement. another university wrapped up in a sex abuse scandal. this time at a military college. questions. did school administrators really know about this and when and why didn't they do something to stop it there? it's 27 minutes after the hour. . that's a recipe for failed investing. open an e-trade account and open doors, seize opportunities, take action with some of the most powerful yet easy-to-use trading tools on the planet all built to help you maximize the potential of every dollar you invest. successful investing isn't done by throwing ideas against the wall and hoping. it's done by lowering your costs and raising your expectations by using unbiased research and powerful screeners to build a diversified portfolio with stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and every etf sold. and we'll help you every step of the way. with 5-star research and free education covering everything from the basics to advanced investing strategies. start now and we'll give you up to $500 and let you trade free for 60 days. visit our website, call us, open an account. e-trade. investing unleashed. the taliban claiming they know exactly when and where leaders will gather. a blueprint for an attack. this is your a.m. wakeup call. good morning. this is your a.m. wakeup call for monday, november 14th. i'm christine romans. carol has the morning off. here are your top stories this morning. occupy showdowns across the u.s. cities across the country telling wall street protesters, hey, your time is up. police in riot gear facing off with protesters in portland after the cops dismantled their camp. denver, detroit, and other cities, all campers being told to go home. zirchlg the man accused in the norway bomb attack and shooting rampage, he is due in court. anneders behring brevik is charged with killing 77 people. this is his first court appearance in person. also on hand families of many of the victims. he has pleaded not guilty. another child sex scandal at a u.s. college. this time the citadel in south carolina. it allegedly happened in 2002 at a summer camp at the school. skip ravell is a citadel alum who was a camp counselor at the time. he was accused of inviting two campers up to his room to watch pornography. the charleston post and courier reported that he faces at least six more charges in other cases. let's get a check of the weather with rob marciano in atlanta. >> good morning. a list of some snow reports. not only in colorado, but utah. brighten, should be spelled with an o, but nevertheless, they have notice snow. steamboat springs, 6.2 inches. it did come with some wind. check out some of the numbers in the front range of the rockies. frisco, colorado, 115-mile-an-hour wind. that's near keystone and breckenridge. love the pass by the eisenhower tunnel. 100-mile-an-hour wind gust, and aspen, 7. the good stuff did come with a pounding. the storm is moving off to the east, and it's kind of dragging the front from the rio grande up through the ohio river valley. that's your focus for seeing potentially severe weather today. mostly in the form of some damaging winds and maybe some hail. isolated tornadoes possible. ahead of it will continue to be toasty. got up to 70 in chicago yesterday. 76 expected in memphis today. 64, new york city, and 70 degrees in d.c. holding on to summer, i guess for another couple of days. that slow-moving front will move off to the east in the new york city area by tonight and tomorrow. we'll talk more about flight delays in about 15 minutes. >> you love to report when those ski resorts start to open. >> i do. in cities across the country this morning, many are asking if time is up for the occupy movement after some violent clashes over the weekend. >> you may be subject to the use of force including chemical agents and impact weapons. >> there was another tense standoff at portland yesterday. police if many riot gear trying to clear the streets after protesters were kicked out of their camp and their tents were torn down. many ignored a midnight saturday deadline to get out. in denver two police officers were injured and about 20 protesters were arrested over the weekend as officers cleared out tents and put out a campfire near the civic center. police say the protesters were blocking side walks and had been warned to leave. and in philadelphia mayor michael nutter said he is beefing up the police presence near the occupy philly camp after a woman reported she was sexually assaulted there. the mayor saying there are now serious health and safety issues at the camp. president obama saying china needs to act like a grown-up nation now and play by the same rules as everyone else. >> most economists estimate that the rnb is devalued by 20% to 25%. that means our exports to china are that much more expensive and their imports into the united states are that much cheaper. now, there's been slight improvement over the last year, partly because of u.s. pressure, but it hasn't been enough. it's time for them to go ahead and move wards a market-based system for their currency. >> obama met one-on-one with president hu as he hosted the leaders of 18 asia-pacific nations in hawaii. pennsylvania's governor says the penn state child sex abuse scandal should change the way cases are handled across the entire state. there's a reason ousted coach joe paterno isn't facing criminal charges right now. in 2002 he told school administrators about a report that former defensive coach jerry sandusky was seen sexually assaulting a boy in a locker room shower. that's all he was required to do under pennsylvania law. to tell the people in charge and let them take over and decide whether to contact police. governor tom corbitt said that just isn't good enough. he says someone in paterno's position should have to call the cops himself. >> should the lobby change? absolutely. i know that members of both parties, republican and democrat, have already introduced measures to make that change. >> kosh it is it on the penn state board of trustees which fired paterno last week. he also began the investigation against jae sandusky when he was state attorney general. sandusky is accused of allegedly abusing eight boys over a 15-year period. tribal elders in afghanistan will meet wednesday in kabul to talk about their country's faet, but they could be in danger. the taliban might have gotten hold of their secret security plans. cnn's nick payton walsh reports. >> reporter: well, the taliban say they've obtained confidential security information about a forthcoming meeting of tribal elders to be held in kabul here at the request of president hamid karzai later on had week. they claim it's a leak from inside the afghan government. i should point out the afghan interior ministry rubbish this claim saying the documents are fake and an example of taliban propaganda. nato don't seem too worried pointing out that the taliban have pledged to do whatever they can to disrupt it vital meeting, but it is an exceptionally important event later on this week. community leaders from across afghanistan coming together to discuss what kind of permanent presence the u.s. military could have inside afghanistan and perhaps even discuss whether a peace deal with the insurgency, elements of the insurgency here is at all possible. now, it isn't clear whether these documents are the real deal at all or not, but whatever is the case, they point to this continuing information war between the insurgency and coalition forces here. isaf say this is because the taliban can't win on the battlefield, and they're ruling to information warfare, but they say this is perhaps a sign of more sophisticated tactics, and, indeed, if these documents are real, which is not clear if they are, better intelligence by the insurgency who in this case could perhaps have obtained what should be some of the afghan government's deepest secrets. nick payton walsh, cnn, kabul. just nine days now until the deadline. still no deal. you're looking at a live picture at capitol hill as the so-called super committee remains deadlocked on a deal to cut at least $1.2 trillion from the nation's deficit. another downgrade of the u.s. credit rating looms if they can't reach a deal by the 23rd. partisan politics is still in the way. committee members saying they are still hung up on basic issues like tax increases and entitlement reform. just two days after the debate in spartanburg, south carolina, republican presidential contenders are getting ready for the next one. it's this saturday in iowa. political correspondent candy crowley tells us where things stand now. >> reporter: the thing about the primary season is there's always another debate, which is handy if you messed up a previous one. >> governor perry, you advocate the elum nation of the department of energy. if you eliminate the department of energy -- >> you remembered it. [ laughter ] >> i've had some time to think about it, sir. >> me too. >> reporter: following wednesday's brain freeze heard around the world, rick perry went into comic crisis control. if you step many it, joke about it. >> number four. >> i had a five-hour energy drink six hours before the debate. >> oh, no. >> reporter: perry's gaff may be gingrich's gain. the former speaker's numbers are up. up enough to suggest he may be the next anybody but romney candidate. and if beginning richl falls short of the gold, what about silver? this kind of caught our ear. >> based on the ark of this campaign and perhaps what you have heard tonight, do you care to evil weight governor romney's ability to think outside the box and change united states snashl security or foreign policy perspectives? >> no, no. >> you said so last night. >> we're here tonight talking to the american people about why every single one of us is better than barack obama, and that's -- >> so newt had the opportunity to take a swing at mitt and passed. vice president gingrich, anyone? >> be sure to tune in to state of the union with candy crowley every sunday beginning at 9:00 a.m. eastern. the ron paul camp accusing cbs news of arrogance and thinking it could choose the next president. the campaign is tourus over the fact that congressman paul was running third in the polls got less than 90 seconds of air time in a 90 minute debate. michelle bachmann's campaign accusing the inet of bias saying it accidentally received an e-mail proving they were boxing her out of the debate. debate moderator and cbs evening news host scott kelli said they tried to be fair with all of the candidates. it's 40 minutes past the hour rsh let's get a check of what's coming up at the top of the hour in "american morning." alena cho joins me now. >> good morning to you. coming up in about 20 minutes on "american morning" we will talk to a penn state grad who is a member of jerry sandusky's foundation, second mile. he says there's a message for an entire generation in this sex abuse scandal. something he says in society that allowed this to happen and he says that has to change. we'll also speak with congressman bobby rush who serves on committees that oversee the ncaa. he called the ncaa ruthless and compared it to al capone and the mafia. we'll ask him about last saturday's game in the college p.a. and the effort to prevent another penn state. and a memorial service will be held today in new york for evelyn lauder. she made it okay for women to talk about breast cancer. she's the co-creator of the pink ribbon campaign. we're going to be talking to the president of este lauder about her legacy, and as you know, at 8:40 a.m. eastern time, i'm going to try to break the world record live on the air. >> we will see you at the top of the hour. >> it's not skipping rope. that's the only hint i will give. you have to come back at 8:40 to see what she's going to do to try to get in the record books. thanks. syria getting a warning from its neighbors. stop the bloody crackdown on your citizens. shrimpers still struggling after the bp oil spill saying their lives were ruined. why some are getting new help from the oil company, and some are out of luck. remember the marine who asked j.t. to the marine ball? well, guess what, the dance happened. did he keep his date? 42 minutes after the hour. good morning, everyone. 45 minutes past the hour. this is your a.m. wakeup call, and here's what's all new this morning for you. standoffs over the weekend at a number of occupy movement locations. in portland, oregon, more than 50 arrests. police in riot gear faced off with protesters for hours. in denver at least 19 arrests as police tried to clear furniture, tents, and protesters from a camp near the civic center. bp says new rules are in the works to help shrimpers rebuild their businesses after last year's gulf oil spill. that means those that file claims now will get more money soon, but it's not good news for everyone. those who already filed, they already received their claim, they got their cash, they are not eligible for this new larger settlement. aircraft giant boeing inked a record deal. emirates placesed an order for 50 boeing 777 airliners -- jet looirners at the dubai air show yesterday. that's worth about $18 billion. it's the biggest sale of boeing's history. the new planes will be delivered in 2015. in sports a big win for the new england patriots. quarterback tom brady throwing three touchdown passes silencing the new york jets with a 37-16 win last night. this was the first home loss for the jets. let's get a check of today's weather. rob marciano is in atlanta. good night for tom brady. >> must have been a heck of a second half. i went to bed after the first half, which was boring. good morning. a little action on the radar this morning. we had a tornado warning earlier out for central parts of illinois. that's been allowed to expire. there may be more on the way. especially across central illinois heading into indiana. that's where you see the cluster that's most intense right now. more in the way of a gentle light to moderate rain in parts of ohio heading into western p.a., and this will reach its way towards the northeast. mostly staying south of chicago, but a couple of showers there may instigate a delay this morning. detroit, the heavier rain delays. cleveland wind. the winds from denver moved off over the weekend. the front itself extends down to the rio goned where we expect to see a threat for severe weather as well rsh ahead of the front it will be toasty again. summer-like across the northeast. 64 in boston. 64 in new york, and up to 70 degrees in d.c. a lot of folks were starting to scratch they are head thinking is this november over the weekend? chicago got up to 70 as well, but as we all know, it's almost christmas. those numbers will come down soon. >> talk to you soon. unrest in syria. tens of thousands of protesters poured into the streets yesterday waving syrian flags and holding pictures of the country's president. it was a rally to protest an arab league vote to suspend syria's membership. live in london on this story and other international headlines. good morning, zain. >> good morning to you, christine. i was just monitoring a press conference just a short while ago from syria's foreign minister, and he basically said that libya's scenario would not be repeated in syria. he also said that the fact is that russia and china back syria, or they would not vote for any kind of military action to be taken on syria and the u.n. security council. also, you'll remember because the arab league suspended them from thatless group, there are all these major protests and some foreign embassies that were attacked, and the syrian foreign minister said he was sorry. the reason that syria has been kicked out temporarily from the arab league is because they promised they would stop the crackdowns, and they didn't. the crackdowns just continued in places like homs and hama. the situation on the ground hasn't changed. they haven't pulled the troops or tanks out. they said they would, and they didn't. also, 18 syrian officials have been targeted with new sanctions, and through the international communities hoping that that will at least put the squeeze on the top people that really matter a bit harder. we'll see. christine. all right. also today, more hearings involving that u.k. hacking scandal. bring us up to speed on that. >> yeah. this is a big one. there was so much public outrage when journalists were accused essentially of illegally hacking into phones of individuals, of celebrities, and eavesdropping on them just to get a good story. at the heart of all of this is the accusation that james murdock, rupert murdock's son, was running this mafia style operation and that he knew what was going on. now, he says he didn't know the extent of what was happening, but the question is there going to be a smoking gun e-mail or something that will tie him to the fact that he move what was going on and the -- how widespread it was at the time? you've also got celebrities that will be testifying. hugh grant, j.k. rowling of the "harry potter" series who also said that they have been targeted. the police, too, are in the firing line here because they're accused of taking bribes from journalists to give them the story and then of bungling up the investigation. >> thanks, zain. still to come, he is sticking -- she is sticking by his side. we'll hear from gloria cain speaking out for the first time about the sexual harassment scandal surrounding her husband. and he is a man of his word. justin timberlake keeping his promise to a marine. he escorted her to the marine ball. why he says he was almost brought to tears. for a limited time, passages malibu will be giving away free copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to all right. 53 minutes after the hour. welcome back to "a.m. wakeup call." you knew comedians were going to have a field day with rick perry's hiccup during last week's debate. take a look at how "saturday night live" handled it. >> all three now, ready? commerce -- oh, god. i only know one now. >> maybe you have it written down in your notes. >> good idea. i'm such a messy marvin. >> make it stop. somebody make it stop. >> really trying here, guys. i don't know what -- >> all his cards are blank. >> no peeking. >> look, can we just move on? i mean, i want to be president, but not like this. >> oprah wins a special oscar. plus, we have a tale of two justins this morning. dave levine at the economictive producer of ""showbiz tonight"" on hln. he is on the show. dave, first, let's talk about justin timberlake making good on his word to a marine. >> absolutely, christine. you can definitely say that this justin is a man of his word. let's take a look back many july. that's when a number of marines went on youtube and started posting videos asking various stars to come with them to the marine corps ball. you may remember mila kunis was invited, and then corporal kelsey desantas did the same thing. let's take a look at how she invited justin. >> so, justin, you want to call out my girl, mila. well, i'm going to call you out and ask you to come to the marine corps ball with me on november 12th in washington d.c., and if you can't go, all i have to say is cry me a river. >> well, obviously, she got to justin because saturday neat justin timberlake was a man of his word. he attended the marine corps ball many richmond, virginia, and looks leak they had a really, really fwood time. what was really striking, christine, was how moved justin was by this because on sunday he wrote a lengthy, lengthy letter on his website. i just want to read you one of these quotes because it really is amazing. he says to all of you that serve every day for us insuring our freedom, i say my deepest gratitude to you. i met so many of my heroes from michael jordan to michael jackson, and nothing makes me feel more honor and pride than when i get to meet one of you. he said last night changed my life, and i will never forget it. how about that guy, christine? give it up for justin. >> wow. that's amazing. all right. sounds like he was really moved and a man of his words. thanks, dave. talk to you soon. >> okay. >> remember, that's it for this monday edition of "a.m. wakeup call." 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Rockies , Breckenridge , Frisco , Keystone , Eisenhower Tunnel , 115 , 115 Mile An Hour , Form , Stuff , Pounding , Rio Grande , 7 , Tornadoes , Hail , Holding On , Toasty , Memphis , Got Up To , 64 , Couple , Ski Resorts , Use , Force , Weapons , Agents , Subject , Impact , Philadelphia , Economists , Nation , Everyone Else , Play , Rnb , Exports , 25 , Hasn T , Pressure , Improvement , Imports , Move , System , Currency , President Hu , Estate , Jae Sandusky , Elders , Faet , Afghanistan Will Meet Wednesday In Kabul , Meeting , Security Plans , Security Information , Hold , Nick Payton Walsh , Claim , Government , Documents , Hamid Karzai , Request , Leak , Afghan Interior Ministry , Taliban Propaganda , Afghan , Pointing , Community Leaders , Event , Nato , Whatever , Insurgency , Presence , Peace Deal , Military , Elements , Forces , Isaf , Information , War , Coalition , Battlefield , Information Warfare , Sign , Intelligence , Secrets , Tactics , Super Committee , Kabul , Capitol Hill , Nine , Politics , Committee Members , Deficit , Downgrade , Credit Rating , 23rd , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , Candy Crowley , Tax Increases , Entitlement Reform , Elum , Gold , Park , Beginning Richl , Snashl , Congressman Paul , Eastern , State Of The Union With Candy Crowley , 9 , Fact , Cbs News , Arrogance , Polls , 90 , Michelle Bachmann , Scott Kelli , Candidates , E Mail , Inet , Bias , Boxing , Debate Moderator , Evening News , Top , American Morning , Member , Grad , Alena Cho , Bobby Rush , Committees , Generation , Message , Foundation , Society , Second Mile , Game , Memorial Service , Mafia , Ncaa , College P A , Al Capone , Breast Cancer , Ribbon , Co Creator , Evelyn Lauder , Este Lauder , Record , Eastern Time , Legacy , Skipping Rope , Hint , 8 , Syria , Citizens , Warning , Books , Crackdown , Lives , Ball , Marine , Luck , J T , 42 , 45 , File , Emirates Placesed , Win , Airliners , Jet Looirners , Tom Brady , Jets , Touchdown , New York Jets , New England Patriots , 37 , 16 , Bed , Half , Parts , Cluster , Northeast , Flight , Western P A , Showers , Delay , Rain Delays , Rio Goned , Folks , Head Thinking , Well Rsh , Know , Well , Unrest , Tens Of Thousands , Story , Arab League , Membership , Holding , Pictures , Rally , Flags , Live In London , Zain , Foreign Minister , Press Conference , Scenario , Libya , Embassies , Protests , Military Action , U N Security Council , Russia , Thatless Group , Crackdowns , Places , Homs , Hama , Troops , Communities , Officials , Ground , They Haven T , Tanks , Squeeze , Sanctions , Journalists , Big One , Hacking Scandal , Hearings , Bit , Outrage , U K , Heart , James Murdock , Celebrities , Accusation , Individuals , Phones , Eavesdropping , Rupert Murdock , Question , Smoking Gun E Mail , Extent , Happening , Mafia Style Operation , Hugh Grant , J K , Rowling , Harry Potter , Firing Line , Bribes , Promise , Justin Timberlake , Tears , Passages Malibu , Alcoholism , Copies , Addiction Cure , Ssagesmalibubook Com , Look , Comedians , Hiccup , Field Day , Saturday Night Live , 53 , Idea , Commerce , Notes , It Stop , God , Messy Marvin , What , Somebody Make It Stop , Peeking , Guys , Dave Levine , Justins , Show , Oscar , Producer , Economictive , Oprah , On Hln , Moved Justin , Marines , July , Making Good , First , Let S Talk , Stars , Videos , Posting , Marine Corps Ball , Youtube , Corporal Kelsey Desantas , Mila Kunis , Corps , Mila , Washington D C , My Girl , November 12th , Looks , Richmond , Cry Me A River , Virginia , Letter , Quotes , Freedom , Honor , Gratitude , Pride , Nothing , Heroes , Michael Jordan , Michael Jackson , Life , Words , Guy , Eedition , Breck , Skin , Don T Just Moisturize , Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion , Oatmeal Formula , Moisture , Moisturizer , 24 , 2 , Sex Scandal , Child Abuse , Wife , Camera , Slum , Drug Traffickers , Military Assault Vehicles , Him Bail , Link , Brazilian , Try Nourish Plus Haircare , Aveeno ,

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