got deep into the alan ruck character, and matthew's character was the wise fool, but alan ruck was troubled by this evil father. that was really moving. >> here we are. i want to congratulate you for being on time. >> excuse me, sir? i think there's been a mistake. i know it's detention, but, um, i don't think i belong in here. >> "the breakfast club" is the teenage touchstone. it's a film that's about the tension of being a teenager and kind of knowing that people in other cliques don't really want to be your friend until you're locked in a room together. >> the first 20 minutes of "the breakfast club" is perfect filmmaking, the way that it's structured, the way the characters are introduced. it still is my favorite of the john hughes films, just because i think it's so unique and nothing like that had ever been done. >> so on monday, what happens? >> are we still friends, you mean? if we're friends now, that is. >> yeah.