you know, this perpetuation of the big lie is a big focus of the committee. the second thing i want to know is in these document and particularly in the versions of the speeches that are leading up to trump's speech at the elimits, how much of that was toned down is this there's a lot being made that he told the marchers to march peacefully. what version was that? you know, did he really have stronger language that, you know, his aides and staff were trying to revise because this goes to, aprila, you know, did they anticipate that there could be potentially, you know, riotous or slept activity that day that they were trying to stave off, and did trump know that as well? >> elie, you point out that some of these documents could shed light on trump's state of mind. was he upset? was he pleased? outside the committee work, what could learning this mean for potential charges? >> well, so, intent is a key