Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

spoke on a phone at the white house residents for ten minutes and jordan took to the house floor to object to the certification of president joojo bidens win. ma who could you tell bus this call? >> the communication that jim jordan had with donald trump on january 6 has long been of interest to not only the january 6 select committee but others who have been investigating the events of that day and for the first time we could learn through these white house call records that were part of the that information of documents that was part of the national archives that was then transferred to the select committee that there is entries on a call record that show that the former president asked to speak to jim jordan on the phone and that pair spoke for 10 minutes while trump was in the white house on the morning of january 6. now this is significant for a number of reasons. the first being that jordan has been completely evasive as to his communication. how many times he spoke to the president, how long they spoke for. and what they even talked about. and he is contradicted himself numerous times as to the number of times that te they spoke. for instance, this is what jim jordan said back in july about the conversations that he had with donald trump on january 6. take a listen. >> i spoke with his on january 6. i talked with president trump all of the time. >> did you speak with him before, during or after the capitol was attacked. >> i would have to go -- i spoke with him that day after -- i think after. i don't know if i spoke with him in the morning or not. i just don't know. i would have to go back -- i mean, i don't know that -- when those conversations happened. >> now, that is jordan at that same saying me may have spoke with trump in the morning saying he didn't recollect. then asked the same series of questions during a meeting of the house rules committee a few months ago and then jordan said at that time he only remembered talking to trump after the attack and said that he didn't think that he talked to him before and that he had been very clear about that. well he's been anything but. and to add to all of this, our reporter spoke with jim jordan today and informed him that we were made aware of the white house call records and asked him to respond. and jordan said that he, again, couldn't remember and he said that the only time he specific remembered talk toing to the president on that day is when he walked off the floor of the house of representatives on january 6. well keep in mind, he's never revealed that information before. so that is completely new. and a different story than he's told in previous incarnation. and he told annie today that he believed he spoke to the president a number of times on january 6. so this is the first tangible evidence that we have of communication between trump and jordan on that day. obviously the committee is very interested in the content of that call, what they spoke about, that is one of the reasons that they wan jordan to appear before their committee. zwr jordan said that he has nothing to hide and now stone call walled and now they have the option of issuing subpoenas and they're wrestling with that decision because to subpoena their own members of congress to appear before them, so finding out this information, that is something that is very important to this committee but it is clear that it will be difficult to nail everything down that they're looking for but this is a huge piece of puzzle. victor and alisyn. >> ryan nobles on capitol hill with the reporting. stick around. let's bring in legal analyst elie honig, from the southern district of new york. and gloria borger, chief political analyst. floria, let me start with you. no wonder the answer about when did you speak with the president was stammering and stuttering. ten minutes there was a conversation on that day of all days, is that something that slipped your mind? what is your reaction. >> it does. it is the president of the united states, it is the morning of january 6 and how do you forget a ten-minute phone call with the president on that day of all days. you won't forget the phone call with the president under any circumstance. so his answers have been evasive as ryan said, inconsistent and the committee has a real problem. what do they do? if they subpoena him and he still said i'm not going to peer, then they have to be willing to follow up with that and they have to be willing to say we're going to hold you in con contempt and that caused a lot of problems internally in the house of representatives. so there is discussion in the committee about that. some would like to do it, some would not. but this news that ryan and annie are breaking is very important. it is a very important piece of the puzzle. what was donald trump's state of mind the morning of that -- of the insurrection. what was he saying to jim j jordan? >> did he want him to do anything for him and what was jim jordan telling him. i mean this is crucial, crucial part of a puzzle. >> yeah, so it is crucial information as gloria just said, so why is it legally dicey? >> well, first of all, alisyn, this 10 minute conversation is so important because this is no idle chitchat. a 10 minute phone conversation is a long time. you could accomplish a lot in ten minutes. this show is five minutes old. so if you take everything going back to when we started and double it, that is how long these two taed for. it is so important. now the committee has to decide are they going to subpoena jim jordan. the only way to find out what happened and what was said in the call is from donald trump, jim jordan. they haven't even begun to go down the road of donald trump. they are unlikely to hear anything from him and they have to decide whether to subpoena jim jordan and he's likely to ignore the subpoena and then the committee has to decide if their willing or able to proceed against him on contempt and that opens up a whole can of words. this is a political calculation by the committee. >> and ryan, we watched for months, not many, considering how long it takes for some cases to go to the supreme court, but for months the trump attorneys fight the release of these documents from the national archives and this record, the records of this call, the fruit of that decision from the supreme court. >> yeah, it is such important point, victor. and we should point out that the president and his legal team were insistent that they wanted to keep the information secret. willing to go all the way to the supreme court to prevent it from getting out. and what we are learning here is just a small slice of the troves of information that is still coming into the committee as we speak. the chairman bennie thompson told us this week that their parsing through thousands and thousands of pages of documents and that the national archives had to add 20 additional staffers in order to just to piece through all of the material so that they could get it to the committee. so this is just one tiny example of what the committee learned at it point. there could be a lot of other information and then when you couple it with the information that they received from mark meadows when he initially agreed to cooperate before backing away and the committee revealed to us the other day was that they have followed up on 375 tips to their hotline. so they have gotten thousands of tips but there has been 375 tips that they felt were necessary to follow up and ask more questions about. there is just so much information that the committee has at their disposal. and one of the things that members tell me time and time again is that yeah, they're being stonewalled by people like jeffy clark, having a hard time getting mark meadows and john eastman to get in front of them and they're connecting dots andn and around these people. so if they don't get something directly from jeffrey clark, well they talk to other people at the department of justice at that time. they talk to other associates. talked to other people that could kind of close the gaps that they are not getting from these other people that have stonewalled them and it is -- this is evidence. this is, as you say, bearing fruit that the investigation is making progress. >> and just back to my legal question for a second, because i'm still confused. the reason they wouldn't want to subpoena a colleague is because they don't think that the department of justice would support that? why is that such treacherous terr territory? >> right. so i think it is a little bit of what goes around what comes around. let's go with straight legal. clearly the committee could issue a subpoena to jim jordan and other members. there is the speech and debate clause but that doesn't apply to protect congressman. they could issue a subpoena. if jim jordan rejects it, then tove to decide whether they hold him in contempt. there is a couple of concerns. if we hold him in contempt, will doj charge jim jordan criminally, will they have back or will they underminus. the doj is still is figuring out whether they want to charge mark meadows and we're 50 days in and then there is the concern if we start subpoenaing other members of congress, could this come back on us if a year from now the republicans control congress. so that is a political consideration. but legally, they really can go ahead and do this, politically do they have the guts for it? i don't know. >> gloria, pick up that political consideration. >> they know in advance that jim jordan is not likely to comply with any subpoena. so why are they knocking their heads against the wall if they know that isn't going to occur an it is unclear what the justice department will do, it is unclear what other members of congress will do because maybe there are some democrats who say, wait a minute, i don't want to vote on a contempt charge because the tables might turn after the next election. so, it is very complex. and there are some members who believe that you have to do this and there are others who are saying, you know, wait, and bennie thompson has said i would sign a subpoena. but i think that the committee has to kind of all be on the same page. but all of that was said, i think before these documents came out into their possession and this is such a crucial piece of information that they may say we have no choice. we just -- we just don't know at this point. >> okay. elie honig and glory borger and ryan nobles thank you for all of this breaking news. okay. meanwhile president biden cebrating an unexpectedly good jobs report that showed significant growth despite the surging omicron variant. the u.s. economy added 467,000 new jobs last month. the unemployment rate ticked up just slightly to 4%. but that is for a positive reason. >> we'll get into that in a moment. the president said these fubs reflect historic progress but he acknowledged the struggle that many americans face as the pandemic enters its third year. >> know that after almost two years, the physical and emotional weight of the pandemic has been incredibly difficult to bear for so many people. but here is the good news. we have the tools to save lives and to keep businesses open. and keep schools open. keep workers on the job. and sustain this historic economic comeback. >> cnn business recorder matt egan and cnn senior white house correspondent phil mattingly. they're both with us now. matt, let's start with you. because the predictions, the forecast were way off, hundreds of thousands of jobs off. what is this first just the number 467 tell us about the economy? >> well happy friday, guys. and i mean it. because we were really bracing for the worst this morning and instead we got the best case scenario. 467,000 jobs added in january despite omicron. now that is remarkable because wall street -- the white house was preparing the public for a bad number here. some wall street banks were predicted a loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. thankfully just about everyone got it wrong. and it is not just about january. the jobs market did better last year than we realize. they revised both november and december sharply by 708,000 jobs. that tote aly changed the narrative. what looked like a late-year slowdown was steady growth. and after the revisions, we could now say that the economy added 6.6 million jobs during president biden's first 12 months in office. that is easily the best first year record for any president on record. >> and quickly, why did the unemployment rate go up with that good number? >> yeah, so the unemployment rate did go up to 4%. at first blush, that looked like that is not good. but because it is also the first time the rate went up since last june. but that is for good reason. it is because more people got off the sidelines and starting looking for work. so that is why the unemployment rate went up. if you put it altogether, it paints a picture of a jobs market that is not just resilient, it is on fire. >> and phil, let's go to you. the president and the white house could have used those revised numbers back in december and january. and instead of taking the p.r. hit. but now 6.6 million jobs added in the first year. a record. >> yeah, and look, i think this is something that when you talk to administration foofficials, over the last six or seven months, we've consistently seen revisions month after month. matt has covered them every month and it is underscored the difficulty of data and survey collection in the moment of a pandemic. but i think what is underscores more than anything else, i think you played the perfect sound from the president leading into this segment. in terms of what the white house view is. there are very real economic concerns that still exist for every day people, priced that atry 39-year high and inflation that hasn't shown any deceleration over the course of the next couple of months. however, with the administration is looking at right now is even though people are exhausted, even though their tired, even though their tuned out, fundaments are very well alined and better than any country in the world coming out of the pandemic and with omicron surge, not only coming to an end but dropping dramatically, that opens the door to ease the very issues that have been accelerating inflation over the course of the last several months, whether it is supply chain or the demand shocks that we've seen people aren't going out to purchase many of their items and instead are ordering them right now. so you pair those things together and i think the view has always been that everything is interconnected, pandemic and economy, they go one and one on this type of moment and the president is looking at this moment right now and saying this is a moment to turn a corner and the economy is ready to turn that corner. people just need toe believe that it is actually happening, guys? >> phil mattingly, matt egan, thank you. well the games have begun. but these olympics open with a diplomatic boycott and major global tensions. we are live from beijing. and the jury in the michael avenatti trial asked the judge for help after one juror reportedly refused to examine evidence. now what? and we gotta do it fast. 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. well minutes ago cdc advisers signed off on the approval of moderna covid vac by a vote of 13-0. the fda gave approval on monday. now moderna needs just the final nod from the cdc director to make a full approval official. >> moderna had been allowed under an emergency use authorization, a cdc official pointed out that research suggests that some people may be more willing to get vaccinated following full fda approval. >> the 2022 winter olympics are officially now underway in beijing. the two weeks of competition are taking place in a come pplicate pandemic. china is restricting athletes to an olympic bubble and limiting the number of spectators at venues. >> the u.s. and several allies are engaging in a diplomatic boycott over china's human rights abused but the russian/kline partnership is on full display. xi jinping stood shoulder to shoulder with vladimir putin at the meeting ahead of the opening ceremony. joining us now is cnn's steven jang live in beijing. steven, these are all unusual dynamics on full display. so what is happening? >> reporter: well, alisyn, it played out probably most directly in my own experience. attending the opening ceremony as a spectator, just to be eligible to go, you have to be in beijing for 14 days before the event, fully vaccinated and boosted and taking four covid tests, two before and two after the event. then on the day, it was multiple security checks, a lot of walking and waiting inside of a security bubble before you even read reached the stadium. then seated outdoors for four h hours in 15 degrees farenheit. the china was direced by one of the movie actors, a lot of pageantry and fireworks coming culture with high-tech presentations. but one thing that really struck me as forward government, lashing out for the u.s. for politicizing the games, by launching that diplomatic boycott, they seem to be sending a lot of very political messages with their state tv announcers calling the self-governed taiwan china taipei implying beijing's sovereignty over the island. and then selecting a uyghur athlete to be a torch barrier at a time when the u.s. aaccusing china of committing genocide against uyghurs and then putin being xi's most important vip guest probably as a reflection of that when the russians walked out for the athlete parade, i heard a lot of chinese audience cheering but when the americans walked out it was quiet with a chinese spectator next to me just commenting out loud, the americans are always so arrogant. so it seems like it is difficult to separate politics from sports at these games. >> steve jang, thank you for all of that. with us now, we have cnn political analyst david sanger, he's a correspondent for "the new york times" and yosh rogan, a columnist for "the washington post." great to see both of you. this president xi and putin, i mean optically, them standing shoulder to shoulder and then they announced this strategic partnership and close friendship i think might have been their words and their working together on space, on climate change, on artificial intelligence. how concerning should this be? >> well, it is pretty fascinating and it tells you, alisyn, that the geopolitical gymnastics are the big opening show of the olympics. they turned out a very lengthy document that talked about a lot of areas where they could work together. it was not a full military alliance. but it was exactly what nixon and kissinger were trying to avoid when the u.s. opened its relationship with china so many decades ago. it was this nexus of a sort of anti-u.s. resistance movement. the politics of it is quite different now because china is really the superior member of this group economically, militarily, strategically. it is got some risks for putin. i'm sure he's happy right now. particularly as he's threatening ukraine to have a close friend there. but he also wanted to make sure that russia is not the junior partner in this relationship. so it is not quite the slam dunk it might look like on tv. >> josh, let's drill down specifically on this in the context of what is happening on ukraine's border. they put out this statement, xi and putin where they said friendship between the two states has no limits. if the u.s., if the west, nato, they're reading this and trying to come up with sanctions that will hurt russia, what does it mean to have china there with a no limit to their support of russia. >> well, victor, i think david is right, there are real differences between what is in this document and what is likely to happen between russia and china over the next few years for the simple reason that these two countries, while they have an interest in overlapping interest in opposing us and creating a world that is safe for their autocracy and thuggery and corruption, et cetera, in the end they're more worried about each other. and document or no document, when the russians look south, they see a problem. and when the chinese look north, they see an opportunity. and you know, we could see this as a propaganda document. this is joining the propaganda together. but they're always going to be frenemies and because of the way i think about it is two mafia families. they could together, to sort of cooperate, to combine their criminal organizations, but in the end they can't trust each other and they don't trust each other. so we shouldn't ignore it but we shouldn't hype it up too much. because that is what it is meant to do. to hype up an alliance at its core is based around two men who want to make sure they keep their own power and make sure that freedom and democracy don't spread to the people that they lord over. >> it is pretty fascinating to analyze the propaganda lately this week. david, particularly that elaborate video that the pentagon officials say that russia was going to prepare. and that is a false flag operation of some kind that where actors were hired and fake explosions were going off and it was going -- they were going to try to make it appear, if we believe the american officials and why wouldn't we, that ukraine was the instigator and that russia was only responding to ukraine's aggressions. and so obviously there is more questions to be asked about this video. so that is one level of propaganda. and then we also saw and i don't have a picture of it to show you, but we saw president putin went at the games, at the olympic games when ukraine came out, he pretended to be asleep. he was sleeping for a few minutes. which is i would say low level propaganda. but like z's may have been coming out of his mouth at that moment. and it is interesting to watch ail of this but it doesn't seem like anything is de escalating. >> it certainly doesn't. if you look at troop formations around the ukraine border, if anything they're bringing in more, including we're told some significant missile units in belarus that could strike in kyiv or other parts of the country. i think what is most interesting, alisyn, about what you mentioned about this movie which does not look like it was actually made yet, but they were making preparations for it. is that you seen a new strategy by the united states and by britain to call out each of these efforts, the movie, the other incidents they may do, you saw the british name four people would the russians they believe would try to install as sort of an acting president if they could get rid of the ukrainian president zelensky. and so what is happening is that behind the scenes, the u.s. and the british are talking among themselves about how they could take intelligence their picking up and make it public and try to use that to prevent the russians from acting. it is also raising questions about why they can't come out and show they're sources and methods which of course for understandable reasons they're very reluctant to do. we haven't seen something like this, though, in decades. >> david sanger and josh rogan, thank you. >> thank you. >> minnesota governor said search warrant changes need to be made after another no knock warrant. he was not who police were even looking for. more on that next. downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. print! come on! 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>> yeah, victor and alisyn, so the minneapolis police department said they were executing a warrant that was tied to a homicide investigation out of nearby st. paul. and the lawyers say he was not target of this investigation and police confirm saying his fame wasn't listed on any warrants. regardless, as you saw in that video, police pushed in, they appear to wake lock up, he's seen in blankets but also with a gun. that is when shots were fired. now police say the gun was aimed at the shooting police officer when those shots were fired but based on the video and pictures provided, we have not been able to independently confirm that. the parents of amir lock also saw that video and we're hearing from them for the first time today. take a listen. >> as his mother,ly make sure that as long as i'm in this world, i'm going to fight every day, throughout the day, 365 days to make sure that amir rickary lock gets justice for being executed by the mpd. >> yes. >> now, one of their attorneys ant the parents also emphasize that lock was a lawful gun owner. it is also worth noting that in minneapolis, in late 2020, the city updated its no-knock warrant policy, not completely eliminating it, but basically saying it could only be used for specific high-risk circumstances so we're trying to get clarity from the city right now on why this particular situation qualified for that because obviously we have seen that dynamic play out in so many cases acss the country from brianna taylor, which is fatal to anjanet young and had that same dynamic at play. >> let us know as soon as you have development. with us now is cnn legal analyst joey jackson. joey, explain how police in the middle of the night could key into someone's apartment before they -- without knocking, and shoot someone who was sleeping, who was a sleep. as we know, we saw this with brianna taylor, this is not the first time we've seen this. why is this happening? >> good to be you with, alisyn and vickor. i think that is something that they need to explain. so backing up, you have this no-knock warrant issue. what does that mean. it means that the police in certain circumstances could go into a location without knocking, without warning and other wise, you know, do whatever they're there to do, whether it is to apprehend someone or search, et cetera. those no-knock warrants are very dangerous and that is why their limited and had been limited and in the wake of breonna taylor in kentucky have been evaluated by various jurisdictions have moved to ban them. and we have the question, we could look at video which is horrifying to see, someone sleeping and dead and then i think the legal analysis can't stop there, right. or can't even begin there. we have respect to the process. why were they executing the warrant, is it appropriate, should warning have been issued, could they have entered without knocking and i think answers to those questions are critical because here you have someone dead who doesn't need to be. you have to reform and identify the process and not look in just evaluate the outcome which is more likely than not in these circumstances deadly as we see here. shouldn't have happened. >> joey, let's turn to the michael avenatti fraud trial. he of course is on trial for allegedly stealing stormy daniels's book advances and the judge has been deliberating -- the jury has been dligting for several days. they sent another note to the judge and here is what is said. we have one juror who is refusing to look at evidence and it acting on a feeling. we need assistance on moving forward. she does not believe she needs to prove her side using evidence and refuses to show us how she has come to her conclusion. please help us move forward and not going on any evidence. all emotions and does not understand this job of a jury. what can a judge do? i mean i've never seen a note like this? >> yeah. judges have to be very careful, because if you isolate and single out a juror. now you have an issue in the event there is a conviction or whatever else as an appellate issue because now you're engaging in coercive conduct. what a remedy is, what a judge will do which i believe is happened here is to bring the whole jury in and remind them of their obligations. what are those? to actually deliberate and in good faith. to deliberate with consideration on the evidence, not sympathy, not with regard to what the punishment would be, not who you like and in this instance, whether you like trump or you don't like him or love avenatti, what happened limit the to the facts and the circumstances and else and i think that is what the judge did. sent them back to deliberate and in the event that it persists, the prosecutors have already asked the judge to ask the foreman to identify that juror and other wise to question the juror. s the judge said to them, we're not there yet. let's see if the juror gets the hint and is able to participate. last point and that is this. you cannot single out a juror if you're in the jury just because you don't like the fact that they don't agree with you. you have to single them out predicated upon them not deliberating in good faith and i think that is what this needs to be limited to. >> joey jackson, thanks for the insight. >> always. thanks, victor and alisyn. well the pentagon is providing new details about the kabul airport attack that killed 13 u.s. service members. what they say happened during the chaos evacuating people out of afghanistan. defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. inner voice (kombucha brewer): as a new small business owner, i find it useful to dramatically stare out of the window... that no one knows i'm secretly terrified inside. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm using hand gestures and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff and know where your business stands. new business? 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>> reporter: it's definitely cold. precipitation has stopped but the temperatures have been at or freezing levels. those temperatures are supposed to stay like that through this afternoon. my mouth freezes throughout this live shot, you'll understand why. about that big storm last year, one of the big differences this year is that this storm is not supposed to last as long and it's not supposed to be as cold. the big problem is the ice. take a look at this video. this is i-10 looking more like a parking lot at kerrville. this is northwest of san antonio. i talked to an official who says that overnight two 18 wheelers jackknifed because of the ice and trej acherous conditions on the roadway. he said there's no injuries. long lines on i-10. a lot of people wanting to go along their way and they can't. at last check, at least one lane is open but traffic is moving very, very slowly. it's not oafver yet for the sta of texas. the good news according to greg abbott is the power grid is holding. take a listen. >> tonight, it's anticipated that the entire state will be in a freezing or below freezing temperature situation. importantly, though, the power grid continues to perform well at peak demand during this winter storm. >> reporter: governor greg abbott has activated 27 state agencies deployed 4,000 texas department of transportation personnel. these are the individuals out and about de-icing, treating roads to make sure that texans can go about their way. they are recommending people to stay home. they have also activated 127 national guard members that are strategically placed around the state. alison and victor. >> great job. we are so familiar with the dreaded mouth freeze. that's a real phenomenon. you are not suffering from it right now. thank you very much for that reporting. new cnn exclusive reporting now. sources say the january 6th committee now has records that show former president trump and republican congressman jim jordan spoke at length on that morning. we're live on pitol hill, next. and all night. prilosec otc prevents excess acid production that can cause heartburn. so don't fight heartburn, block it with prilosec otc. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. download the ww app today for a 14-day free trial. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ i'm getting vaccinated with prevnar 20. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm asking about prevnar 20. because there's a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 65 or older you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20 is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. even if you've already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, ask your doctor if prevnar 20 could help provide additional protection. don't get prevnar 20 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. that's why i chose to get vaccinated with prevnar 20. because just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated with prevnar 20 today. rob did his best to manage his constipation with belly pain day after day. but after realizing it was ibs-c, he found another way. and finally said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements, and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

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spoke on a phone at the white house residents for ten minutes and jordan took to the house floor to object to the certification of president joojo bidens win. ma who could you tell bus this call? >> the communication that jim jordan had with donald trump on january 6 has long been of interest to not only the january 6 select committee but others who have been investigating the events of that day and for the first time we could learn through these white house call records that were part of the that information of documents that was part of the national archives that was then transferred to the select committee that there is entries on a call record that show that the former president asked to speak to jim jordan on the phone and that pair spoke for 10 minutes while trump was in the white house on the morning of january 6. now this is significant for a number of reasons. the first being that jordan has been completely evasive as to his communication. how many times he spoke to the president, how long they spoke for. and what they even talked about. and he is contradicted himself numerous times as to the number of times that te they spoke. for instance, this is what jim jordan said back in july about the conversations that he had with donald trump on january 6. take a listen. >> i spoke with his on january 6. i talked with president trump all of the time. >> did you speak with him before, during or after the capitol was attacked. >> i would have to go -- i spoke with him that day after -- i think after. i don't know if i spoke with him in the morning or not. i just don't know. i would have to go back -- i mean, i don't know that -- when those conversations happened. >> now, that is jordan at that same saying me may have spoke with trump in the morning saying he didn't recollect. then asked the same series of questions during a meeting of the house rules committee a few months ago and then jordan said at that time he only remembered talking to trump after the attack and said that he didn't think that he talked to him before and that he had been very clear about that. well he's been anything but. and to add to all of this, our reporter spoke with jim jordan today and informed him that we were made aware of the white house call records and asked him to respond. and jordan said that he, again, couldn't remember and he said that the only time he specific remembered talk toing to the president on that day is when he walked off the floor of the house of representatives on january 6. well keep in mind, he's never revealed that information before. so that is completely new. and a different story than he's told in previous incarnation. and he told annie today that he believed he spoke to the president a number of times on january 6. so this is the first tangible evidence that we have of communication between trump and jordan on that day. obviously the committee is very interested in the content of that call, what they spoke about, that is one of the reasons that they wan jordan to appear before their committee. zwr jordan said that he has nothing to hide and now stone call walled and now they have the option of issuing subpoenas and they're wrestling with that decision because to subpoena their own members of congress to appear before them, so finding out this information, that is something that is very important to this committee but it is clear that it will be difficult to nail everything down that they're looking for but this is a huge piece of puzzle. victor and alisyn. >> ryan nobles on capitol hill with the reporting. stick around. let's bring in legal analyst elie honig, from the southern district of new york. and gloria borger, chief political analyst. floria, let me start with you. no wonder the answer about when did you speak with the president was stammering and stuttering. ten minutes there was a conversation on that day of all days, is that something that slipped your mind? what is your reaction. >> it does. it is the president of the united states, it is the morning of january 6 and how do you forget a ten-minute phone call with the president on that day of all days. you won't forget the phone call with the president under any circumstance. so his answers have been evasive as ryan said, inconsistent and the committee has a real problem. what do they do? if they subpoena him and he still said i'm not going to peer, then they have to be willing to follow up with that and they have to be willing to say we're going to hold you in con contempt and that caused a lot of problems internally in the house of representatives. so there is discussion in the committee about that. some would like to do it, some would not. but this news that ryan and annie are breaking is very important. it is a very important piece of the puzzle. what was donald trump's state of mind the morning of that -- of the insurrection. what was he saying to jim j jordan? >> did he want him to do anything for him and what was jim jordan telling him. i mean this is crucial, crucial part of a puzzle. >> yeah, so it is crucial information as gloria just said, so why is it legally dicey? >> well, first of all, alisyn, this 10 minute conversation is so important because this is no idle chitchat. a 10 minute phone conversation is a long time. you could accomplish a lot in ten minutes. this show is five minutes old. so if you take everything going back to when we started and double it, that is how long these two taed for. it is so important. now the committee has to decide are they going to subpoena jim jordan. the only way to find out what happened and what was said in the call is from donald trump, jim jordan. they haven't even begun to go down the road of donald trump. they are unlikely to hear anything from him and they have to decide whether to subpoena jim jordan and he's likely to ignore the subpoena and then the committee has to decide if their willing or able to proceed against him on contempt and that opens up a whole can of words. this is a political calculation by the committee. >> and ryan, we watched for months, not many, considering how long it takes for some cases to go to the supreme court, but for months the trump attorneys fight the release of these documents from the national archives and this record, the records of this call, the fruit of that decision from the supreme court. >> yeah, it is such important point, victor. and we should point out that the president and his legal team were insistent that they wanted to keep the information secret. willing to go all the way to the supreme court to prevent it from getting out. and what we are learning here is just a small slice of the troves of information that is still coming into the committee as we speak. the chairman bennie thompson told us this week that their parsing through thousands and thousands of pages of documents and that the national archives had to add 20 additional staffers in order to just to piece through all of the material so that they could get it to the committee. so this is just one tiny example of what the committee learned at it point. there could be a lot of other information and then when you couple it with the information that they received from mark meadows when he initially agreed to cooperate before backing away and the committee revealed to us the other day was that they have followed up on 375 tips to their hotline. so they have gotten thousands of tips but there has been 375 tips that they felt were necessary to follow up and ask more questions about. there is just so much information that the committee has at their disposal. and one of the things that members tell me time and time again is that yeah, they're being stonewalled by people like jeffy clark, having a hard time getting mark meadows and john eastman to get in front of them and they're connecting dots andn and around these people. so if they don't get something directly from jeffrey clark, well they talk to other people at the department of justice at that time. they talk to other associates. talked to other people that could kind of close the gaps that they are not getting from these other people that have stonewalled them and it is -- this is evidence. this is, as you say, bearing fruit that the investigation is making progress. >> and just back to my legal question for a second, because i'm still confused. the reason they wouldn't want to subpoena a colleague is because they don't think that the department of justice would support that? why is that such treacherous terr territory? >> right. so i think it is a little bit of what goes around what comes around. let's go with straight legal. clearly the committee could issue a subpoena to jim jordan and other members. there is the speech and debate clause but that doesn't apply to protect congressman. they could issue a subpoena. if jim jordan rejects it, then tove to decide whether they hold him in contempt. there is a couple of concerns. if we hold him in contempt, will doj charge jim jordan criminally, will they have back or will they underminus. the doj is still is figuring out whether they want to charge mark meadows and we're 50 days in and then there is the concern if we start subpoenaing other members of congress, could this come back on us if a year from now the republicans control congress. so that is a political consideration. but legally, they really can go ahead and do this, politically do they have the guts for it? i don't know. >> gloria, pick up that political consideration. >> they know in advance that jim jordan is not likely to comply with any subpoena. so why are they knocking their heads against the wall if they know that isn't going to occur an it is unclear what the justice department will do, it is unclear what other members of congress will do because maybe there are some democrats who say, wait a minute, i don't want to vote on a contempt charge because the tables might turn after the next election. so, it is very complex. and there are some members who believe that you have to do this and there are others who are saying, you know, wait, and bennie thompson has said i would sign a subpoena. but i think that the committee has to kind of all be on the same page. but all of that was said, i think before these documents came out into their possession and this is such a crucial piece of information that they may say we have no choice. we just -- we just don't know at this point. >> okay. elie honig and glory borger and ryan nobles thank you for all of this breaking news. okay. meanwhile president biden cebrating an unexpectedly good jobs report that showed significant growth despite the surging omicron variant. the u.s. economy added 467,000 new jobs last month. the unemployment rate ticked up just slightly to 4%. but that is for a positive reason. >> we'll get into that in a moment. the president said these fubs reflect historic progress but he acknowledged the struggle that many americans face as the pandemic enters its third year. >> know that after almost two years, the physical and emotional weight of the pandemic has been incredibly difficult to bear for so many people. but here is the good news. we have the tools to save lives and to keep businesses open. and keep schools open. keep workers on the job. and sustain this historic economic comeback. >> cnn business recorder matt egan and cnn senior white house correspondent phil mattingly. they're both with us now. matt, let's start with you. because the predictions, the forecast were way off, hundreds of thousands of jobs off. what is this first just the number 467 tell us about the economy? >> well happy friday, guys. and i mean it. because we were really bracing for the worst this morning and instead we got the best case scenario. 467,000 jobs added in january despite omicron. now that is remarkable because wall street -- the white house was preparing the public for a bad number here. some wall street banks were predicted a loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. thankfully just about everyone got it wrong. and it is not just about january. the jobs market did better last year than we realize. they revised both november and december sharply by 708,000 jobs. that tote aly changed the narrative. what looked like a late-year slowdown was steady growth. and after the revisions, we could now say that the economy added 6.6 million jobs during president biden's first 12 months in office. that is easily the best first year record for any president on record. >> and quickly, why did the unemployment rate go up with that good number? >> yeah, so the unemployment rate did go up to 4%. at first blush, that looked like that is not good. but because it is also the first time the rate went up since last june. but that is for good reason. it is because more people got off the sidelines and starting looking for work. so that is why the unemployment rate went up. if you put it altogether, it paints a picture of a jobs market that is not just resilient, it is on fire. >> and phil, let's go to you. the president and the white house could have used those revised numbers back in december and january. and instead of taking the p.r. hit. but now 6.6 million jobs added in the first year. a record. >> yeah, and look, i think this is something that when you talk to administration foofficials, over the last six or seven months, we've consistently seen revisions month after month. matt has covered them every month and it is underscored the difficulty of data and survey collection in the moment of a pandemic. but i think what is underscores more than anything else, i think you played the perfect sound from the president leading into this segment. in terms of what the white house view is. there are very real economic concerns that still exist for every day people, priced that atry 39-year high and inflation that hasn't shown any deceleration over the course of the next couple of months. however, with the administration is looking at right now is even though people are exhausted, even though their tired, even though their tuned out, fundaments are very well alined and better than any country in the world coming out of the pandemic and with omicron surge, not only coming to an end but dropping dramatically, that opens the door to ease the very issues that have been accelerating inflation over the course of the last several months, whether it is supply chain or the demand shocks that we've seen people aren't going out to purchase many of their items and instead are ordering them right now. so you pair those things together and i think the view has always been that everything is interconnected, pandemic and economy, they go one and one on this type of moment and the president is looking at this moment right now and saying this is a moment to turn a corner and the economy is ready to turn that corner. people just need toe believe that it is actually happening, guys? >> phil mattingly, matt egan, thank you. well the games have begun. but these olympics open with a diplomatic boycott and major global tensions. we are live from beijing. and the jury in the michael avenatti trial asked the judge for help after one juror reportedly refused to examine evidence. now what? and we gotta do it fast. 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. well minutes ago cdc advisers signed off on the approval of moderna covid vac by a vote of 13-0. the fda gave approval on monday. now moderna needs just the final nod from the cdc director to make a full approval official. >> moderna had been allowed under an emergency use authorization, a cdc official pointed out that research suggests that some people may be more willing to get vaccinated following full fda approval. >> the 2022 winter olympics are officially now underway in beijing. the two weeks of competition are taking place in a come pplicate pandemic. china is restricting athletes to an olympic bubble and limiting the number of spectators at venues. >> the u.s. and several allies are engaging in a diplomatic boycott over china's human rights abused but the russian/kline partnership is on full display. xi jinping stood shoulder to shoulder with vladimir putin at the meeting ahead of the opening ceremony. joining us now is cnn's steven jang live in beijing. steven, these are all unusual dynamics on full display. so what is happening? >> reporter: well, alisyn, it played out probably most directly in my own experience. attending the opening ceremony as a spectator, just to be eligible to go, you have to be in beijing for 14 days before the event, fully vaccinated and boosted and taking four covid tests, two before and two after the event. then on the day, it was multiple security checks, a lot of walking and waiting inside of a security bubble before you even read reached the stadium. then seated outdoors for four h hours in 15 degrees farenheit. the china was direced by one of the movie actors, a lot of pageantry and fireworks coming culture with high-tech presentations. but one thing that really struck me as forward government, lashing out for the u.s. for politicizing the games, by launching that diplomatic boycott, they seem to be sending a lot of very political messages with their state tv announcers calling the self-governed taiwan china taipei implying beijing's sovereignty over the island. and then selecting a uyghur athlete to be a torch barrier at a time when the u.s. aaccusing china of committing genocide against uyghurs and then putin being xi's most important vip guest probably as a reflection of that when the russians walked out for the athlete parade, i heard a lot of chinese audience cheering but when the americans walked out it was quiet with a chinese spectator next to me just commenting out loud, the americans are always so arrogant. so it seems like it is difficult to separate politics from sports at these games. >> steve jang, thank you for all of that. with us now, we have cnn political analyst david sanger, he's a correspondent for "the new york times" and yosh rogan, a columnist for "the washington post." great to see both of you. this president xi and putin, i mean optically, them standing shoulder to shoulder and then they announced this strategic partnership and close friendship i think might have been their words and their working together on space, on climate change, on artificial intelligence. how concerning should this be? >> well, it is pretty fascinating and it tells you, alisyn, that the geopolitical gymnastics are the big opening show of the olympics. they turned out a very lengthy document that talked about a lot of areas where they could work together. it was not a full military alliance. but it was exactly what nixon and kissinger were trying to avoid when the u.s. opened its relationship with china so many decades ago. it was this nexus of a sort of anti-u.s. resistance movement. the politics of it is quite different now because china is really the superior member of this group economically, militarily, strategically. it is got some risks for putin. i'm sure he's happy right now. particularly as he's threatening ukraine to have a close friend there. but he also wanted to make sure that russia is not the junior partner in this relationship. so it is not quite the slam dunk it might look like on tv. >> josh, let's drill down specifically on this in the context of what is happening on ukraine's border. they put out this statement, xi and putin where they said friendship between the two states has no limits. if the u.s., if the west, nato, they're reading this and trying to come up with sanctions that will hurt russia, what does it mean to have china there with a no limit to their support of russia. >> well, victor, i think david is right, there are real differences between what is in this document and what is likely to happen between russia and china over the next few years for the simple reason that these two countries, while they have an interest in overlapping interest in opposing us and creating a world that is safe for their autocracy and thuggery and corruption, et cetera, in the end they're more worried about each other. and document or no document, when the russians look south, they see a problem. and when the chinese look north, they see an opportunity. and you know, we could see this as a propaganda document. this is joining the propaganda together. but they're always going to be frenemies and because of the way i think about it is two mafia families. they could together, to sort of cooperate, to combine their criminal organizations, but in the end they can't trust each other and they don't trust each other. so we shouldn't ignore it but we shouldn't hype it up too much. because that is what it is meant to do. to hype up an alliance at its core is based around two men who want to make sure they keep their own power and make sure that freedom and democracy don't spread to the people that they lord over. >> it is pretty fascinating to analyze the propaganda lately this week. david, particularly that elaborate video that the pentagon officials say that russia was going to prepare. and that is a false flag operation of some kind that where actors were hired and fake explosions were going off and it was going -- they were going to try to make it appear, if we believe the american officials and why wouldn't we, that ukraine was the instigator and that russia was only responding to ukraine's aggressions. and so obviously there is more questions to be asked about this video. so that is one level of propaganda. and then we also saw and i don't have a picture of it to show you, but we saw president putin went at the games, at the olympic games when ukraine came out, he pretended to be asleep. he was sleeping for a few minutes. which is i would say low level propaganda. but like z's may have been coming out of his mouth at that moment. and it is interesting to watch ail of this but it doesn't seem like anything is de escalating. >> it certainly doesn't. if you look at troop formations around the ukraine border, if anything they're bringing in more, including we're told some significant missile units in belarus that could strike in kyiv or other parts of the country. i think what is most interesting, alisyn, about what you mentioned about this movie which does not look like it was actually made yet, but they were making preparations for it. is that you seen a new strategy by the united states and by britain to call out each of these efforts, the movie, the other incidents they may do, you saw the british name four people would the russians they believe would try to install as sort of an acting president if they could get rid of the ukrainian president zelensky. and so what is happening is that behind the scenes, the u.s. and the british are talking among themselves about how they could take intelligence their picking up and make it public and try to use that to prevent the russians from acting. it is also raising questions about why they can't come out and show they're sources and methods which of course for understandable reasons they're very reluctant to do. we haven't seen something like this, though, in decades. >> david sanger and josh rogan, thank you. >> thank you. >> minnesota governor said search warrant changes need to be made after another no knock warrant. he was not who police were even looking for. more on that next. downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. print! come on! 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>> yeah, victor and alisyn, so the minneapolis police department said they were executing a warrant that was tied to a homicide investigation out of nearby st. paul. and the lawyers say he was not target of this investigation and police confirm saying his fame wasn't listed on any warrants. regardless, as you saw in that video, police pushed in, they appear to wake lock up, he's seen in blankets but also with a gun. that is when shots were fired. now police say the gun was aimed at the shooting police officer when those shots were fired but based on the video and pictures provided, we have not been able to independently confirm that. the parents of amir lock also saw that video and we're hearing from them for the first time today. take a listen. >> as his mother,ly make sure that as long as i'm in this world, i'm going to fight every day, throughout the day, 365 days to make sure that amir rickary lock gets justice for being executed by the mpd. >> yes. >> now, one of their attorneys ant the parents also emphasize that lock was a lawful gun owner. it is also worth noting that in minneapolis, in late 2020, the city updated its no-knock warrant policy, not completely eliminating it, but basically saying it could only be used for specific high-risk circumstances so we're trying to get clarity from the city right now on why this particular situation qualified for that because obviously we have seen that dynamic play out in so many cases acss the country from brianna taylor, which is fatal to anjanet young and had that same dynamic at play. >> let us know as soon as you have development. with us now is cnn legal analyst joey jackson. joey, explain how police in the middle of the night could key into someone's apartment before they -- without knocking, and shoot someone who was sleeping, who was a sleep. as we know, we saw this with brianna taylor, this is not the first time we've seen this. why is this happening? >> good to be you with, alisyn and vickor. i think that is something that they need to explain. so backing up, you have this no-knock warrant issue. what does that mean. it means that the police in certain circumstances could go into a location without knocking, without warning and other wise, you know, do whatever they're there to do, whether it is to apprehend someone or search, et cetera. those no-knock warrants are very dangerous and that is why their limited and had been limited and in the wake of breonna taylor in kentucky have been evaluated by various jurisdictions have moved to ban them. and we have the question, we could look at video which is horrifying to see, someone sleeping and dead and then i think the legal analysis can't stop there, right. or can't even begin there. we have respect to the process. why were they executing the warrant, is it appropriate, should warning have been issued, could they have entered without knocking and i think answers to those questions are critical because here you have someone dead who doesn't need to be. you have to reform and identify the process and not look in just evaluate the outcome which is more likely than not in these circumstances deadly as we see here. shouldn't have happened. >> joey, let's turn to the michael avenatti fraud trial. he of course is on trial for allegedly stealing stormy daniels's book advances and the judge has been deliberating -- the jury has been dligting for several days. they sent another note to the judge and here is what is said. we have one juror who is refusing to look at evidence and it acting on a feeling. we need assistance on moving forward. she does not believe she needs to prove her side using evidence and refuses to show us how she has come to her conclusion. please help us move forward and not going on any evidence. all emotions and does not understand this job of a jury. what can a judge do? i mean i've never seen a note like this? >> yeah. judges have to be very careful, because if you isolate and single out a juror. now you have an issue in the event there is a conviction or whatever else as an appellate issue because now you're engaging in coercive conduct. what a remedy is, what a judge will do which i believe is happened here is to bring the whole jury in and remind them of their obligations. what are those? to actually deliberate and in good faith. to deliberate with consideration on the evidence, not sympathy, not with regard to what the punishment would be, not who you like and in this instance, whether you like trump or you don't like him or love avenatti, what happened limit the to the facts and the circumstances and else and i think that is what the judge did. sent them back to deliberate and in the event that it persists, the prosecutors have already asked the judge to ask the foreman to identify that juror and other wise to question the juror. s the judge said to them, we're not there yet. let's see if the juror gets the hint and is able to participate. last point and that is this. you cannot single out a juror if you're in the jury just because you don't like the fact that they don't agree with you. you have to single them out predicated upon them not deliberating in good faith and i think that is what this needs to be limited to. >> joey jackson, thanks for the insight. >> always. thanks, victor and alisyn. well the pentagon is providing new details about the kabul airport attack that killed 13 u.s. service members. what they say happened during the chaos evacuating people out of afghanistan. defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. inner voice (kombucha brewer): as a new small business owner, i find it useful to dramatically stare out of the window... that no one knows i'm secretly terrified inside. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm using hand gestures and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff and know where your business stands. new business? 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>> reporter: it's definitely cold. precipitation has stopped but the temperatures have been at or freezing levels. those temperatures are supposed to stay like that through this afternoon. my mouth freezes throughout this live shot, you'll understand why. about that big storm last year, one of the big differences this year is that this storm is not supposed to last as long and it's not supposed to be as cold. the big problem is the ice. take a look at this video. this is i-10 looking more like a parking lot at kerrville. this is northwest of san antonio. i talked to an official who says that overnight two 18 wheelers jackknifed because of the ice and trej acherous conditions on the roadway. he said there's no injuries. long lines on i-10. a lot of people wanting to go along their way and they can't. at last check, at least one lane is open but traffic is moving very, very slowly. it's not oafver yet for the sta of texas. the good news according to greg abbott is the power grid is holding. take a listen. >> tonight, it's anticipated that the entire state will be in a freezing or below freezing temperature situation. importantly, though, the power grid continues to perform well at peak demand during this winter storm. >> reporter: governor greg abbott has activated 27 state agencies deployed 4,000 texas department of transportation personnel. these are the individuals out and about de-icing, treating roads to make sure that texans can go about their way. they are recommending people to stay home. they have also activated 127 national guard members that are strategically placed around the state. alison and victor. >> great job. we are so familiar with the dreaded mouth freeze. that's a real phenomenon. you are not suffering from it right now. thank you very much for that reporting. new cnn exclusive reporting now. sources say the january 6th committee now has records that show former president trump and republican congressman jim jordan spoke at length on that morning. we're live on pitol hill, next. and all night. prilosec otc prevents excess acid production that can cause heartburn. so don't fight heartburn, block it with prilosec otc. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. download the ww app today for a 14-day free trial. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ i'm getting vaccinated with prevnar 20. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm asking about prevnar 20. because there's a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 65 or older you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20 is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. even if you've already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, ask your doctor if prevnar 20 could help provide additional protection. don't get prevnar 20 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. that's why i chose to get vaccinated with prevnar 20. because just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated with prevnar 20 today. rob did his best to manage his constipation with belly pain day after day. but after realizing it was ibs-c, he found another way. and finally said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements, and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? 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Command , Service Members , Aftermath , Afghans , Warning Shots , Led , Wounds , Gunshots , Isis K Gunman , Identity , Truth , Impegs , Background , Prison , Fbi , Abdul Alegry , Prisoners , Prisons , Nun , 25 , Parking Lot , Coalition Forces , Marines , Texas , Oren Lieren Lieberman , I 10 , Grid , Accidents , Easy Roads , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Eczema , Dupixent , Hitting Eczema , Under Control , It Counts , Step , Atopic Dermatitis , Relief , Itch , Pain , Vision , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Joint Aches , Asthma , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Eczema Specialist , Feels , Hands , Nerve Care Company , Feet , Discomfort , Nervive , Priorities , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Lexus , Music , Traffic , Car Sfx , Grind , Lexus Nx , Beep , Where , Safety System , Park , Strokes , Johnson , Well , Isn T One , Musician , Definition , Millions , My Name , Austin James , A1c , Glucose Numbers , System , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , 6 7 , 8 2 , Mystery , Winter Weather Warnings , 85 Million , Winter Storm , Advisories , Northeast , Sites , Flights , Flight , Weather , 8000 , Power Grid , Winter Storm System , Cancellations , Super Storm Sandy , Alabama , New Mexico , Freeze , Precipitation , 250 , Temperatures , Shot , Levels , Big Storm Last Year , Storm , Ice , Cold , Kerrville , San Antonio , 18 , Roadway , Conditions , Injuries , Lines , Trej Acherous , Greg Abbott , Estate , Holding , Sta Of Texas , Temperature Situation , Peak Demand , Individuals , Texans , Personnel , Roads , State Agencies , De Icing , Texas Department Of Transportation , 4000 , 27 , National Guard , Mouth Freeze , Alison , 127 , Phenomenon , President Trump , Cnn Exclusive Reporting , January 6th , Prilosec Otc , Heartburn , So Don T Fight Heartburn , Excess Acid Production , Pitol Hill , Enamel , Repair Toothpaste , Toothpaste , Basis , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Ww , Personalpoints Program , Foods , Goals , Ww Personalpoints Plan , 26 , Staffing , Master , Size , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Prevnar 20 , Chance Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Dose , Strains , Hospital , Bacteria , 65 , Vaccine , Immune Systems , Pneumonia Vaccine , Response , Protection , Ingredients , Swelling , Muscle Pain , Plans , Headache , Injection Site , Fatigue , Pharmacist , Linzess , Rob , Yess , Belly Pain , Best , Constipation , Laxative , Ibs C , Symptoms Belly Pain , Stomach Pain , Children , Bloating , Bowel Movements , Bowel Blockage , Side Effect , Stools , Gas , Abbvie , Ironwood ,

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