seconds you would see it. after that you would realize he's a total psychopath, but a lot of people are susceptible to his charisma. don junior and ivanka don't have any of that. they don't survive politically without him. they don't survive in business without him. no, i don't see that, them running. hopefully they'll all end up in jail. >> i'm pulling my punches again. >> i wanted to give you a chance to explain what you meant by all that. >> one of the reasons donald got as far as he got is, besides the fact that there's always somebody around to enable him who has more power and more intelligence than he does, he does have charisma. he is charismatic. it's a charisma that doesn't appeal to me, but it clearly appeals to tens of millions of people in this country. i don't see anybody else at the top of the republican party who has the same kind of sway with other -- with their voters. and it's certainly not my