he runs his trucks like you'd expect of someone with that background. >> roy choi: within our food media landscape, we've romanticized certain compositions of what a great chef and a, and, and a great kitchen are supposed to look and smell and feel like. but just because those are beautiful doesn't mean that this is not beautiful. for me, i don't see mustard plants and sheep grazing. i see barbed wire and telephone poles, and i see puddles. and, you know, all of that stuff contribute to the flavor of the food. so, it's truly what i call a terroir, you know, uh, a regional food. okay, gracias. buena suerte! and they're off. >> anthony: every lunch shift and every evening, the trucks' locations are sent out over twitter. the locations change every day. and people flock quickly to find them, as the lines can get long. very long.