Transcripts For BBCNEWS World News Today 20170409 : comparem

Transcripts For BBCNEWS World News Today 20170409

abdul fattah al sisi, has announced a state of emergency, following two bomb attacks in which at least 45 people died. the attacks on two churches were deliberately timed for a day when millions of christians in the country were attending services to mark palm sunday, one week before easter. so—called islamic state say it was responsible for the blasts — the latest in a series of attacks on egypt's christian minority. 29 people were killed in the first explosion in the nile delta city of tanta. while 16 more died in the second attack in alexandria. this report from our middle east correspondent, yolande knell. egyptian christians had gathered to celebrate one of their holiest days. but this palm sunday brought violence. the first deadly explosion was during mass at st george's church in tanta, leaving blood everywhere, wooden pews shattered. just hours later there was another attack here, in the northern city of alexandria. this time just outside the church, the dead included police officers who had stopped the suicide bomberfrom entering. the head of egypt's coptic church, pope tawadros, had already left. in rome, at palm sunday prayers, pope francis condemned the bombings. he's due to visit egypt later this month. a recent upsurge in attacks on egypt's coptic christians is causing concern. they are one of the oldest christian communities in the world and they make up one in ten of the country's mainly muslim population. in february hundreds fled the sinai region following a threat from the so—called islamic state group which also claimed the latest bombings. and in december, nearly 30 were killed in this church explosion in cairo. coptic leaders say christians feel increasingly threatened. i'm very blessed to be part of a church that has faced discrimination systematically for decades. and the response to that has always been quite gracious, non—retaliatory and non—violent. and i pray this continues, because if we get into a spiral of violence more and more people will get hurt. egypt's government says the latest attacks are another failed attempt to destroy national unity by causing religious tensions. but coptic christians, grieving once again, say much more needs to be done to make them feel safe in their own country. yolande knell, bbc news. for more on these attacks, i'm joined by doctor hisham hellyer from cairo. he's a nonresident fellow at the atlantic council and the royal united services institute in london, as well as author of a revolution undone: egypt's road beyond revolt. thank you very much forjoining us. tell us more about this state of emergency. wendy you expect it to come into force and how do you think it will work? i think it comes into force immediately. how it actually works is a question that is as yet unanswered. i am works is a question that is as yet unanswered. iam not works is a question that is as yet unanswered. i am not sure what the precise stipulations are going to be. the government is able under a state news and see to do a number of different things. it's not clear what they are going to do. —— a state of emergency. there has not been any discussion around, for example been any discussion around, for exa m ple cu rfews. been any discussion around, for example cu rfews. they been any discussion around, for example curfews. they could easily implement that but so far it hasn't been raised. there are different effects that apply to the legal code but, as yet, it doesn't seem to be entirely clear what they are going to change from what the status quo is. what do you think will need to change to protect the 9 million coptic christians in the country? there are two things. first, i think it's about protecting egyptians en masse, not just coptic it's about protecting egyptians en masse, notjust coptic christians, because the whole country is at risk of militant attacks from terrorist groups. what is specific that these attacks today is that they targeted the christian community, in particular, in tanta and alexandria, and that comes after the declaration earlier this year of an increased targeting of christians in egypt by isis, by daesh. i think that's likely to continue. they've been singled out for targets by these radical groups. having said that, i'm not sure what can be done in order to completely defend against such activities taking place. we saw in westminster that it's impossible to completely eliminate the risk of terrorism. we've seem in stockholm and other places around the world. the question that remains is, particularly when it came to tanta, there are questions relating to whether or not there was a security breach that was a result of some sort of failure within the system. the head of security in that area, where tanta is located, was dismissed by the state today. that seems to indicate that some sort of breach had taken place. with alexandria, that's very different. there was a huge security presence and seven police officers, men and women, died as a result of their effo rts women, died as a result of their efforts to try and keep the suicide bomber out of the church. they succeeded in doing that but they lost their lives in the process and other people were killed at the end of the day, there are certain things you can do security wise to minimise the risk of attacks, but very little that i think you can do to com pletely that i think you can do to completely obliterated the risk of attacks. thank you very much for your thoughts. 20,000 people have gathered in central stockholm for a "lovefest" vigil to remember the victims of friday's deadly lorry attack. swedish police say the uzbek suspect was facing deportation and had expressed sympathy with extremists groups. danjohnson reports from stockholm talented, compassionate and caring, chris bevington in the words of his father. he chose to marry and to call sweden home. he had young children and worked for the music company spotify. he was here, in stockholm's crowded shopping streets on friday afternoon when a hijacked truck was turned into a weapon. a belgian, and to swedish citizens we re belgian, and to swedish citizens were also killed. today, investigators revealed more about the man they think was at the wheel. we know the suspect showed sympathies for extremist organisations, says the police chief. among them, islamic state. he isa chief. among them, islamic state. he is a 39—year—old from uzbekistan, although he hasn't been officially named. he was on the security services' radar but they say he was a marginalfigure. his application to stay in sweden was turned down last summer and police were looking for him because he had avoided being deported. this is where the truck ended up, smashed against a department store window. people have been coming to write messages of hope and defiance on the boards, and they have been more tributes to the victims, too. just yards away, a vigil, a chance to share feelings and try and make sense of them. sadness, anger, fear of what might happen next. quite emotional. i'm very sad, very angry, but at the same time it's quite wonderful how people come together. we stand here in solidarity, not just with those in stockholm, but around the world, with everyone. we need to feel the love and that we are together in this and not afraid. there is pride as well in the response so there is pride as well in the response so far. spontaneous applause. home's police officers and applause. home's police officers and a challenge to those who threaten the way of life here. —— some spontaneous applause for stockholm's police officers. this is a good picture of how sweden reacted. display of multiculturalism, kindness and tolerance, things which people recognise could now face a threat. the us secretary of state, rex tillerson, has criticised russia for failing to prevent last week's poison gas attack on syrian civilians. mr tillerson did not accuse moscow of involvement in the attack but he said he would discuss russia's international obligations on chemical weapons when he visits the country on tuesday.he also clarified there is no change in the us policy towards syria. i think the president was very clear in his message to the american people. this strike was related solely to the most recent, horrific use of chemical weapons against women, children and as the president said, even small babies. the strike was a message to assad that your multiple violations of agreements at the un and under the chemical weapons charter in 2013, that those would not go without a response in the future and we are asking russia to fulfil its commitment and we are calling on assad to cease the use of these weapons. other than that, there is no change to our military. david willis is in washington for us. the us secretary of state not exactly trying to smooth a path ahead of his visit to moscow, easy? -- is ahead of his visit to moscow, easy? —— is he. harsh criticism of russia following the chemical weapons attack last week, none of it harsher than that from the united states and from the us secretary of state, rex tillerson. he went back to criticising russia today on the sunday talk shows. particularly saying that russia was complicit, if you like, although he didn't go quite that far, in this chemical weapons attack, by failing to see through the commitment it gave to the international community to lead to the ending of the chemical weapons programme in syria. as far as that was concerned, mr tillerson said that russia was either incompetent or outmanoeuvred. he is due to visit moscow in the next few days, and he said he will be pressing russia to live up to that commitment it gave to the international community, and he will also be urging russia to re—examine its current relationship with the administration of bashar al—assad in syria. the next few days, that meeting could also illuminate the sort of relationship the united states will have with russia going forward. it's almost expansionary, just a few weeks ago, when he was first taking office, it looked as though, as far as the trump administration was concerned, that syria wasn't really america's problem, that china might turn out to be the enemy of russia the friend. a few weeks later, a lot of that has changed, it seems. we also hear the winds of change from another president trump's top advisers, his national security adviser, who was on one of the sunday morning chat shows. he said with regards to syria that the restriction will try and change the assad regime and destroy isis in syria at the same time. that's a massive shift in policy. yes, although it's been tempered slightly by remarks made by tillerson. they are more or less in lockstep, these administration officials, but there is some daylight between their sta nces is some daylight between their stances on these things. the american stance as far as syria is concerned, administration officials are keen to point out that that remains unaltered, namely that american involvement in syria is chiefly aimed at rooting out and destroying so—called islamic state and, once that's achieved, then they plan to coordinate with the international community and seek to engineer the removal of bashar al—assad. but they are making the point that the cruise missile attack launched by america a couple of days ago was a one—off, and it doesn't change the basic policy, as far as the us is concerned in syria. in other news: according to us media reports, donald trump's deputy national security adviser, kt mcfarland, has been asked to step down. ms mcfarland, who previously worked for fox news, had been in the job just three months. the move comes days after mr trump removed his senior strategist steve bannon from the national security council. a car bomb attack targetting the new head of the somali army has killed at least 13 people in the capital mogadishu. a vehicle packed with explosives was driven towards a convoy carrying mohamed ahmed jimale, who was only appointed last week. the car struck a packed minibus, which was destroyed. the islamist group al—shabab said it carried out the attack. norway has raised its threat level, after the discovery of a home—made bomb in the capital 0slo late on saturday. a 17—year—old russian citizen has been detained in connection with the case. the authorities say the man was known to them, and had expressed support for islamic state militants. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: can sergio garcia seal the deal? all the highlights from the masters in augusta. years of hatred and rage, as they jump up years of hatred and rage, as they jump up on the statute. this became a massive demonstration of black power, the power to influence. today is about the promise of a bright future, a day when we hope a line can be drawn under the bloody past. i think that picasso's works were beautiful. they were intelligent and it's a sad loss to everybody who loves art. this is bbc world news. i'm samantha simmonds. the latest headlines a state of emergency has been declared in egypt after at least a0 people were killed in two separate attacks at christian churches. and swedish police say the uzbek man suspected of carrying out friday's deadly lorry attack in stockholm was wanted for deportation. commemorations have been taking place in northern france to mark the centenary of the battle of vimy ridge. the four—day battle was one of the fiercest of the first world war. thousands of canadian forces under british command died. duncan kennedy reports from vimy ridge. it was the battle that defined a nation, in a conflict whose horrors defied belief. today's commemoration at vimy ridge was a chance for canada to remember those who fell here and those who rose to the challenge of victory. the burden they bore and the country they made. because this, too, is why we're here. why we remember. more than 3500 canadians died in the four days it took to secure the ridge. an event later described as the moment canada came of age. today, beneath a world war i fly—past, prince william and prince harry laids boots and poppies, as symbols of loss and remembrance. this was a battlefield of corpses. the canadians at vimy embodied the true north, strong and free. in nearby arras, scottish losses in the wider fight were also remembered today. greater love has no more than this. that he lay down his life for his friends. the daily rate of casualties was greater than at the somme. among those to die was 26—year—old sergeant david wood from edinburgh. we would not be here without them, we would not be free to do what we want, when we want. they fought and died for us and we have got to remember them and thank them. there are no more combat veterans alive from the first world war. vimy ridge and arras are among the final great acts of commemoration, to honour their sacrifice, mourn their loss, and remember their lives. duncan kennedy, bbc news at vimy ridge. tulsen tollett has all the sport. the final round of the masters is moving ahead at pace with a clutch of players well placed to win the greenjacket at augusta national. the overnight leaders, the joint leaders, justin rose and sergio garcia, who went in on six under. justin rose remains six under through six. sergio garcia leads by two. paul casey, a fast mover, four underfor his two. paul casey, a fast mover, four under for his round today. two. paul casey, a fast mover, four underfor his round today. he has a chance. rickie fowler, also an four under. manchester united are now 21 matches unbeaten in the english premier league after they defeated bottom club sunderland 3—0 at the stadium of light. zlatan ibrahimovich opened the scoring on the half hour mark before sunderland were reduced to 10 men when sebastien larsson was sent offjust before half time. henrik makahtarian doubled united's lead less than a minute after the break before marcus rashford added a 3rd late on moving jose mourinho's side up to 5th. we wa nt we want to fight in the premier league until it is not mathematically possible, but a p pa re ntly mathematically possible, but apparently we cannot win it. in the europa league, we can. we have eight teams in competition and a quarterfinal, and it's a competition that we can win. during this match, we had lots of players that were not here today. and the most important thing was, after the three points, not have more injuries. the hardest thing when you are a manager is when you are losing all the time, and at the moment we are. that is hard. i have worked at teams which a won a lot of games, but at the moment it's tough, but it is tough for the players. they care, and at the moment we are not doing as well as we should be. everton were 4—2 winners against leicester with belgium striker romelu lu ka ku collecting two. the premier league champions leicester had been 2—1 up after ten minutes but were trailing by half—time as lukaku made it 23 in the league so far this season, while leicester lost their first match under craig shakespeare since he took over. we scored at 4—2 and then we controlled the game and had some great football. i think it's one of the most complete performances of the most complete performances of the team of the season. we have really comfortable feeling, playing at home. with the support of the fans. it's a tough stadium to come. that's what we like, to have it. and to put the pressure on every opponent, and the next one is next week. in italy's serie a, roma have maintained their chase of juventus with a 3—0 win at bologna. napoli lead at lazio. did it remains that way, it would open upa did it remains that way, it would open up a 7—point gap. to motor sport and lewis hamilton has won the chinese grand prix after dominating in shanghai. he led from pole to finish for his first win of the year. it gives him a share of the championship lead with sebastian vettel, who finished in second with red bull's max verstappen moving up from 16th on the grid to finish third as the teams now move to bahrain for next weekend's third race of the season. to two wheels, and in the motogp championship yamaha rider maverick vinales has won the grand prix of argentina extending his lead in the world championship, having also triumphed in the season—opener in qatar. the spanish rider inherited the lead on the third lap when world champion and pole—sitter marc marquez crashed out on his honda. italian valentino rossi, racing in his 350th grand prix, took second place on his yahama ahead of britain's cal crutchlow on a honda. sergio garcia still leads by two strokes. eight under in his final round at the masters. it's always nice to be bumped up to first class on a flight, but maybe not when it's such a surprise as this. for a crew of a turkish airlines flight, it meant having to look after one more passenger after they helped a woman having a baby on board. that's one flight none of those on board will forget in a hurry. congratulations. a reminder of our top story. the egyptian president abdul fattah al sisi has announced a state of emergency, following two bomb attacks in which at least 45 people died. the attacks on two coptic churches were deliberately timed for a day when millions of christians in the country were attending services to mark palm sunday. so—called islamic state says it was responsible for the blasts. the state of emergency announced by president sisi will last for three months and will expand police powers of arrest and surveillance. it's expected to get underway immediately. stay with us here on bbc world news. . earlier, icould . earlier, i could smell barbecues. iam sure . earlier, i could smell barbecues. i am sure of you have enjoyed a blue sky and sunshine in the majority of the country. 0ut further west, and big enough for some rain into the far north—west. 25 degrees, 77 in the sun. more disappointing in the north—west and, behind the weather front, noticeably cooler. that weather front is pushing front, noticeably cooler. that weatherfront is pushing its front, noticeably cooler. that weather front is pushing its way steadily south. it's not going to produce much in the way of rain at all, but a band of ploughed through the night, but it will introduce a different feel to the weather, a fresher feel will stop one or two showers into the far north, falling as sleet or snow on the top of the hills. that fresher scenario continues. some sunny spells around, but a noticeable difference with the feel of the weather. by mid—afternoon, the winds coming from a north—westerly direction, feeding inafew a north—westerly direction, feeding in a few showers for much of scotland. highest values around eight to 10 degrees. similar in northern ireland, although showers should be few and far between. a bit offair should be few and far between. a bit of fair weather cloud, but not bad in terms of dry, sunny weather. look at the different feel of things. 11-14, the at the different feel of things. 11—14, the highest values in the south, a good 8—10 down on yesterday. more sunshine in the south—west and west coast of wales. with clearer skies, overnight, temperatures will fall away quite swiftly. in rural spots, we could see a touch of light frost first thing on tuesday morning. cloud and rain gathering in the far north—west. a bit more of a breeze, but the wind direction changing to a westerly. 0nly but the wind direction changing to a westerly. only a subtle change, but that mightjust westerly. only a subtle change, but that might just mean westerly. only a subtle change, but that mightjust mean that temperatures will be a degree or so up temperatures will be a degree or so up on tuesday, especially in the south—east, with highs of 16. more weather front toppling further south, but really no significant rain in the story this week but it means, on wednesday, with those weather fronts, we could see a fair amount of ploughed around. but a good deal of dry weather. for the easter weekend, that cold northerly wind stays with us. a good deal of dry weather, just a few showers, but the nights will be pretty chilly. now week in week out on the extent to which 0cd can take over a person's life. i've been a professional actor now for over 30 years. so performing on stage and screen is part of the course. but it is a journey i've done with a constant, unwelcome companion. i love myjob, i love being an actor, but it's a real struggle because i suffer from a condition called 0cd, obsessive compulsive disorder. for me, that means i can obsess about anything, from a stain on a page of paper to the fear i'll injure myself from simply sitting down.

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Explosion In Cairo , 30 , Response , Spiral , Government , Unity , Tensions , Needs , Attempt , Bbc News , Author , Atlantic Council , Fellow , Cairo , Doctor Hisham Hellyer , Royal United Services Institute , London , Of A Revolution Undone Egypt S Road Beyond Revolt , Us , Question , Force , Siam , Things , Discussion , State News , Stipulations , Number , Exa M Ple , Hasn T , Cu Rfews , Effects , Code , Doesn T , Status Quo , First , Egyptians En Masse , 9 Million , Community , Risk , In Tanta , Terrorist Groups , Particular , Notjust , Declaration , Groups , Place , Targets , Order , Activities , Westminster , We Saw , Central Stockholm , Terrorism , Places , Security Breach , Questions , Tanta , Security , Sort , Result , Estate , System , Failure , Area , Security Presence , Suicide Bomber , Breach , Efforts , Effo Rts Women , Seven , Lives , Process , Lorry Attack , Lovefest , Thoughts , Com Pletely , 20000 , Deportation , Swedish , Suspect , Police , Extremists , Sympathy , Talented , Uzbek , Danjohnson , Chris Bevington , Children , Sweden Home , Words , Father , Music Company Spotify , Crowded Shopping Streets , Man , Truck , Citizens , Investigators , Weapon , Wheel , Belgian , He Hasn T , Security Services , Police Chief , Extremist Organisations , He Isa Chief , Sympathies , Uzbekistan , 39 , Application , Radar , Summer , Sweden , Marginalfigure , Vigil , Messages , Department Store Window , Hope , Chance , Fear , Feelings , Danger , Sadness , Sense , Love , Everyone , Solidarity , In Stockholm , Around The World , Police Officers , Way , Applause , Pride , Life , Challenge , Display , Picture , Kindness , Tolerance , Multiculturalism , Rex Tillerson , Change , Russia , Involvement , Moscow , Poison Gas Attack , Civilians , Obligations , Weapons , Policy , Strike , Message , Bashar Al Assad In Syria , Use , Women , Violations , Babies , Agreements , Charter , Fun , 2013 , Commitment , Military , Secretary Of State , David Willis , Washington , It , 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Connection , 17 , Masters , Sergio Garcia , Hatred , Rage , Highlights , Augusta , Seal The Deal , Statute , Power , Black Power , Demonstration , Promise , Line , Bright Future , Bbc World News , Loss , Everybody , Art , Picasso , Works , Samantha Simmonds , Commemorations , Thousands , Battle , Command , Centenary , Fiercest , Canadian Forces , World War , Duncan Kennedy , Four , Nation , Canada , Horrors , Conflict , Whose , Belief , Victory , Burden , Bridge , Event , World War I , Age , 3500 , Battlefield , Prince , Remembrance , Symbols , Poppies , Corpses , Prince William , Laids Boots , Arras , True North , Fight , Vimy , Losses , Scottish , Friends , Rate , Casualties , Somme , David Wood , Edinburgh , 26 , Veterans , Combat , Sport , Facts , Sacrifice , Tulsen Tollett , Players , Ground , Clutch , Space , Greenjacket At Augusta National , Justin Rose , Six , Paul Casey , Manchester United , Fast Mover , Rickie Fowler , Underfor , Matches , 21 , Premier League , Scoring , 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS World News Today 20170409 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS World News Today 20170409

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abdul fattah al sisi, has announced a state of emergency, following two bomb attacks in which at least 45 people died. the attacks on two churches were deliberately timed for a day when millions of christians in the country were attending services to mark palm sunday, one week before easter. so—called islamic state say it was responsible for the blasts — the latest in a series of attacks on egypt's christian minority. 29 people were killed in the first explosion in the nile delta city of tanta. while 16 more died in the second attack in alexandria. this report from our middle east correspondent, yolande knell. egyptian christians had gathered to celebrate one of their holiest days. but this palm sunday brought violence. the first deadly explosion was during mass at st george's church in tanta, leaving blood everywhere, wooden pews shattered. just hours later there was another attack here, in the northern city of alexandria. this time just outside the church, the dead included police officers who had stopped the suicide bomberfrom entering. the head of egypt's coptic church, pope tawadros, had already left. in rome, at palm sunday prayers, pope francis condemned the bombings. he's due to visit egypt later this month. a recent upsurge in attacks on egypt's coptic christians is causing concern. they are one of the oldest christian communities in the world and they make up one in ten of the country's mainly muslim population. in february hundreds fled the sinai region following a threat from the so—called islamic state group which also claimed the latest bombings. and in december, nearly 30 were killed in this church explosion in cairo. coptic leaders say christians feel increasingly threatened. i'm very blessed to be part of a church that has faced discrimination systematically for decades. and the response to that has always been quite gracious, non—retaliatory and non—violent. and i pray this continues, because if we get into a spiral of violence more and more people will get hurt. egypt's government says the latest attacks are another failed attempt to destroy national unity by causing religious tensions. but coptic christians, grieving once again, say much more needs to be done to make them feel safe in their own country. yolande knell, bbc news. for more on these attacks, i'm joined by doctor hisham hellyer from cairo. he's a nonresident fellow at the atlantic council and the royal united services institute in london, as well as author of a revolution undone: egypt's road beyond revolt. thank you very much forjoining us. tell us more about this state of emergency. wendy you expect it to come into force and how do you think it will work? i think it comes into force immediately. how it actually works is a question that is as yet unanswered. i am works is a question that is as yet unanswered. iam not works is a question that is as yet unanswered. i am not sure what the precise stipulations are going to be. the government is able under a state news and see to do a number of different things. it's not clear what they are going to do. —— a state of emergency. there has not been any discussion around, for example been any discussion around, for exa m ple cu rfews. been any discussion around, for example cu rfews. they been any discussion around, for example curfews. they could easily implement that but so far it hasn't been raised. there are different effects that apply to the legal code but, as yet, it doesn't seem to be entirely clear what they are going to change from what the status quo is. what do you think will need to change to protect the 9 million coptic christians in the country? there are two things. first, i think it's about protecting egyptians en masse, not just coptic it's about protecting egyptians en masse, notjust coptic christians, because the whole country is at risk of militant attacks from terrorist groups. what is specific that these attacks today is that they targeted the christian community, in particular, in tanta and alexandria, and that comes after the declaration earlier this year of an increased targeting of christians in egypt by isis, by daesh. i think that's likely to continue. they've been singled out for targets by these radical groups. having said that, i'm not sure what can be done in order to completely defend against such activities taking place. we saw in westminster that it's impossible to completely eliminate the risk of terrorism. we've seem in stockholm and other places around the world. the question that remains is, particularly when it came to tanta, there are questions relating to whether or not there was a security breach that was a result of some sort of failure within the system. the head of security in that area, where tanta is located, was dismissed by the state today. that seems to indicate that some sort of breach had taken place. with alexandria, that's very different. there was a huge security presence and seven police officers, men and women, died as a result of their effo rts women, died as a result of their efforts to try and keep the suicide bomber out of the church. they succeeded in doing that but they lost their lives in the process and other people were killed at the end of the day, there are certain things you can do security wise to minimise the risk of attacks, but very little that i think you can do to com pletely that i think you can do to completely obliterated the risk of attacks. thank you very much for your thoughts. 20,000 people have gathered in central stockholm for a "lovefest" vigil to remember the victims of friday's deadly lorry attack. swedish police say the uzbek suspect was facing deportation and had expressed sympathy with extremists groups. danjohnson reports from stockholm talented, compassionate and caring, chris bevington in the words of his father. he chose to marry and to call sweden home. he had young children and worked for the music company spotify. he was here, in stockholm's crowded shopping streets on friday afternoon when a hijacked truck was turned into a weapon. a belgian, and to swedish citizens we re belgian, and to swedish citizens were also killed. today, investigators revealed more about the man they think was at the wheel. we know the suspect showed sympathies for extremist organisations, says the police chief. among them, islamic state. he isa chief. among them, islamic state. he is a 39—year—old from uzbekistan, although he hasn't been officially named. he was on the security services' radar but they say he was a marginalfigure. his application to stay in sweden was turned down last summer and police were looking for him because he had avoided being deported. this is where the truck ended up, smashed against a department store window. people have been coming to write messages of hope and defiance on the boards, and they have been more tributes to the victims, too. just yards away, a vigil, a chance to share feelings and try and make sense of them. sadness, anger, fear of what might happen next. quite emotional. i'm very sad, very angry, but at the same time it's quite wonderful how people come together. we stand here in solidarity, not just with those in stockholm, but around the world, with everyone. we need to feel the love and that we are together in this and not afraid. there is pride as well in the response so there is pride as well in the response so far. spontaneous applause. home's police officers and applause. home's police officers and a challenge to those who threaten the way of life here. —— some spontaneous applause for stockholm's police officers. this is a good picture of how sweden reacted. display of multiculturalism, kindness and tolerance, things which people recognise could now face a threat. the us secretary of state, rex tillerson, has criticised russia for failing to prevent last week's poison gas attack on syrian civilians. mr tillerson did not accuse moscow of involvement in the attack but he said he would discuss russia's international obligations on chemical weapons when he visits the country on tuesday.he also clarified there is no change in the us policy towards syria. i think the president was very clear in his message to the american people. this strike was related solely to the most recent, horrific use of chemical weapons against women, children and as the president said, even small babies. the strike was a message to assad that your multiple violations of agreements at the un and under the chemical weapons charter in 2013, that those would not go without a response in the future and we are asking russia to fulfil its commitment and we are calling on assad to cease the use of these weapons. other than that, there is no change to our military. david willis is in washington for us. the us secretary of state not exactly trying to smooth a path ahead of his visit to moscow, easy? -- is ahead of his visit to moscow, easy? —— is he. harsh criticism of russia following the chemical weapons attack last week, none of it harsher than that from the united states and from the us secretary of state, rex tillerson. he went back to criticising russia today on the sunday talk shows. particularly saying that russia was complicit, if you like, although he didn't go quite that far, in this chemical weapons attack, by failing to see through the commitment it gave to the international community to lead to the ending of the chemical weapons programme in syria. as far as that was concerned, mr tillerson said that russia was either incompetent or outmanoeuvred. he is due to visit moscow in the next few days, and he said he will be pressing russia to live up to that commitment it gave to the international community, and he will also be urging russia to re—examine its current relationship with the administration of bashar al—assad in syria. the next few days, that meeting could also illuminate the sort of relationship the united states will have with russia going forward. it's almost expansionary, just a few weeks ago, when he was first taking office, it looked as though, as far as the trump administration was concerned, that syria wasn't really america's problem, that china might turn out to be the enemy of russia the friend. a few weeks later, a lot of that has changed, it seems. we also hear the winds of change from another president trump's top advisers, his national security adviser, who was on one of the sunday morning chat shows. he said with regards to syria that the restriction will try and change the assad regime and destroy isis in syria at the same time. that's a massive shift in policy. yes, although it's been tempered slightly by remarks made by tillerson. they are more or less in lockstep, these administration officials, but there is some daylight between their sta nces is some daylight between their stances on these things. the american stance as far as syria is concerned, administration officials are keen to point out that that remains unaltered, namely that american involvement in syria is chiefly aimed at rooting out and destroying so—called islamic state and, once that's achieved, then they plan to coordinate with the international community and seek to engineer the removal of bashar al—assad. but they are making the point that the cruise missile attack launched by america a couple of days ago was a one—off, and it doesn't change the basic policy, as far as the us is concerned in syria. in other news: according to us media reports, donald trump's deputy national security adviser, kt mcfarland, has been asked to step down. ms mcfarland, who previously worked for fox news, had been in the job just three months. the move comes days after mr trump removed his senior strategist steve bannon from the national security council. a car bomb attack targetting the new head of the somali army has killed at least 13 people in the capital mogadishu. a vehicle packed with explosives was driven towards a convoy carrying mohamed ahmed jimale, who was only appointed last week. the car struck a packed minibus, which was destroyed. the islamist group al—shabab said it carried out the attack. norway has raised its threat level, after the discovery of a home—made bomb in the capital 0slo late on saturday. a 17—year—old russian citizen has been detained in connection with the case. the authorities say the man was known to them, and had expressed support for islamic state militants. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: can sergio garcia seal the deal? all the highlights from the masters in augusta. years of hatred and rage, as they jump up years of hatred and rage, as they jump up on the statute. this became a massive demonstration of black power, the power to influence. today is about the promise of a bright future, a day when we hope a line can be drawn under the bloody past. i think that picasso's works were beautiful. they were intelligent and it's a sad loss to everybody who loves art. this is bbc world news. i'm samantha simmonds. the latest headlines a state of emergency has been declared in egypt after at least a0 people were killed in two separate attacks at christian churches. and swedish police say the uzbek man suspected of carrying out friday's deadly lorry attack in stockholm was wanted for deportation. commemorations have been taking place in northern france to mark the centenary of the battle of vimy ridge. the four—day battle was one of the fiercest of the first world war. thousands of canadian forces under british command died. duncan kennedy reports from vimy ridge. it was the battle that defined a nation, in a conflict whose horrors defied belief. today's commemoration at vimy ridge was a chance for canada to remember those who fell here and those who rose to the challenge of victory. the burden they bore and the country they made. because this, too, is why we're here. why we remember. more than 3500 canadians died in the four days it took to secure the ridge. an event later described as the moment canada came of age. today, beneath a world war i fly—past, prince william and prince harry laids boots and poppies, as symbols of loss and remembrance. this was a battlefield of corpses. the canadians at vimy embodied the true north, strong and free. in nearby arras, scottish losses in the wider fight were also remembered today. greater love has no more than this. that he lay down his life for his friends. the daily rate of casualties was greater than at the somme. among those to die was 26—year—old sergeant david wood from edinburgh. we would not be here without them, we would not be free to do what we want, when we want. they fought and died for us and we have got to remember them and thank them. there are no more combat veterans alive from the first world war. vimy ridge and arras are among the final great acts of commemoration, to honour their sacrifice, mourn their loss, and remember their lives. duncan kennedy, bbc news at vimy ridge. tulsen tollett has all the sport. the final round of the masters is moving ahead at pace with a clutch of players well placed to win the greenjacket at augusta national. the overnight leaders, the joint leaders, justin rose and sergio garcia, who went in on six under. justin rose remains six under through six. sergio garcia leads by two. paul casey, a fast mover, four underfor his two. paul casey, a fast mover, four under for his round today. two. paul casey, a fast mover, four underfor his round today. he has a chance. rickie fowler, also an four under. manchester united are now 21 matches unbeaten in the english premier league after they defeated bottom club sunderland 3—0 at the stadium of light. zlatan ibrahimovich opened the scoring on the half hour mark before sunderland were reduced to 10 men when sebastien larsson was sent offjust before half time. henrik makahtarian doubled united's lead less than a minute after the break before marcus rashford added a 3rd late on moving jose mourinho's side up to 5th. we wa nt we want to fight in the premier league until it is not mathematically possible, but a p pa re ntly mathematically possible, but apparently we cannot win it. in the europa league, we can. we have eight teams in competition and a quarterfinal, and it's a competition that we can win. during this match, we had lots of players that were not here today. and the most important thing was, after the three points, not have more injuries. the hardest thing when you are a manager is when you are losing all the time, and at the moment we are. that is hard. i have worked at teams which a won a lot of games, but at the moment it's tough, but it is tough for the players. they care, and at the moment we are not doing as well as we should be. everton were 4—2 winners against leicester with belgium striker romelu lu ka ku collecting two. the premier league champions leicester had been 2—1 up after ten minutes but were trailing by half—time as lukaku made it 23 in the league so far this season, while leicester lost their first match under craig shakespeare since he took over. we scored at 4—2 and then we controlled the game and had some great football. i think it's one of the most complete performances of the most complete performances of the team of the season. we have really comfortable feeling, playing at home. with the support of the fans. it's a tough stadium to come. that's what we like, to have it. and to put the pressure on every opponent, and the next one is next week. in italy's serie a, roma have maintained their chase of juventus with a 3—0 win at bologna. napoli lead at lazio. did it remains that way, it would open upa did it remains that way, it would open up a 7—point gap. to motor sport and lewis hamilton has won the chinese grand prix after dominating in shanghai. he led from pole to finish for his first win of the year. it gives him a share of the championship lead with sebastian vettel, who finished in second with red bull's max verstappen moving up from 16th on the grid to finish third as the teams now move to bahrain for next weekend's third race of the season. to two wheels, and in the motogp championship yamaha rider maverick vinales has won the grand prix of argentina extending his lead in the world championship, having also triumphed in the season—opener in qatar. the spanish rider inherited the lead on the third lap when world champion and pole—sitter marc marquez crashed out on his honda. italian valentino rossi, racing in his 350th grand prix, took second place on his yahama ahead of britain's cal crutchlow on a honda. sergio garcia still leads by two strokes. eight under in his final round at the masters. it's always nice to be bumped up to first class on a flight, but maybe not when it's such a surprise as this. for a crew of a turkish airlines flight, it meant having to look after one more passenger after they helped a woman having a baby on board. that's one flight none of those on board will forget in a hurry. congratulations. a reminder of our top story. the egyptian president abdul fattah al sisi has announced a state of emergency, following two bomb attacks in which at least 45 people died. the attacks on two coptic churches were deliberately timed for a day when millions of christians in the country were attending services to mark palm sunday. so—called islamic state says it was responsible for the blasts. the state of emergency announced by president sisi will last for three months and will expand police powers of arrest and surveillance. it's expected to get underway immediately. stay with us here on bbc world news. . earlier, icould . earlier, i could smell barbecues. iam sure . earlier, i could smell barbecues. i am sure of you have enjoyed a blue sky and sunshine in the majority of the country. 0ut further west, and big enough for some rain into the far north—west. 25 degrees, 77 in the sun. more disappointing in the north—west and, behind the weather front, noticeably cooler. that weather front is pushing front, noticeably cooler. that weatherfront is pushing its front, noticeably cooler. that weather front is pushing its way steadily south. it's not going to produce much in the way of rain at all, but a band of ploughed through the night, but it will introduce a different feel to the weather, a fresher feel will stop one or two showers into the far north, falling as sleet or snow on the top of the hills. that fresher scenario continues. some sunny spells around, but a noticeable difference with the feel of the weather. by mid—afternoon, the winds coming from a north—westerly direction, feeding inafew a north—westerly direction, feeding in a few showers for much of scotland. highest values around eight to 10 degrees. similar in northern ireland, although showers should be few and far between. a bit offair should be few and far between. a bit of fair weather cloud, but not bad in terms of dry, sunny weather. look at the different feel of things. 11-14, the at the different feel of things. 11—14, the highest values in the south, a good 8—10 down on yesterday. more sunshine in the south—west and west coast of wales. with clearer skies, overnight, temperatures will fall away quite swiftly. in rural spots, we could see a touch of light frost first thing on tuesday morning. cloud and rain gathering in the far north—west. a bit more of a breeze, but the wind direction changing to a westerly. 0nly but the wind direction changing to a westerly. only a subtle change, but that mightjust westerly. only a subtle change, but that might just mean westerly. only a subtle change, but that mightjust mean that temperatures will be a degree or so up temperatures will be a degree or so up on tuesday, especially in the south—east, with highs of 16. more weather front toppling further south, but really no significant rain in the story this week but it means, on wednesday, with those weather fronts, we could see a fair amount of ploughed around. but a good deal of dry weather. for the easter weekend, that cold northerly wind stays with us. a good deal of dry weather, just a few showers, but the nights will be pretty chilly. now week in week out on the extent to which 0cd can take over a person's life. i've been a professional actor now for over 30 years. so performing on stage and screen is part of the course. but it is a journey i've done with a constant, unwelcome companion. i love myjob, i love being an actor, but it's a real struggle because i suffer from a condition called 0cd, obsessive compulsive disorder. for me, that means i can obsess about anything, from a stain on a page of paper to the fear i'll injure myself from simply sitting down.

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