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Bringing us tomorrow. With me are caroline frost, Entertainment Editor of the Huffington Post and parliamentary reporter tony grew. Tomorrows front pages. The metro leads with the Home Secretary putting pressure on Internet Companies over access to encrypted messages in the wake of the westminster attack. The guardian quotes opposition politicians, who say that amber rudds demand is unrealistic and disproportionate. The telegraphs also covering that story and says amber rudd is furious that the attackers whatsapp messages are being kept secret. One of the main stories in the ft is the Police Clampdown on Anti Corruption protests in russia. The express says that millions of families are facing Major Council tax increases from next month. The times says britain risks signing worthless trade deals because ministers are failing to recognise the complexity of brexit. The mirrors lead features the missing girl Madeline Mccann as a former detective claims someone is shielding her abductor. And uber is the mails top story. The paper says David Camerons Downing Street was part of a cover up to help the online taxi company. Well look at some of the different coverage of this issue over whatsapp and why you can or shouldnt be able to access and why you can or shouldnt be able to a ccess m essa 9 es and why you can or shouldnt be able to access messages sent on that platform after what amber rudd said today. Rudd unrealistic says the guardian to allow access to whatsapp, the Home Secretary refuses to rule out an Encryption Law after the attack but she wants to appeal to the companies to do the right thing and inshore messages can be accessed. Yes, which as you can imagine is her preferred option because if they can that means you dont need all that legislation. The problem is one of their unique brands is their privacy, they are boastful about the fact users around the world can send these very private messages, and in this day and age when we can look into all corners of the internet, and theres all this chat and spin about state intrusion, its a big dealfor them. Obviously this need for security has come along and many people would think it beats it in this day and age when our personal safety is at risk. She is hoping very much that they will do the right thing and the problem is, as we touched on earlier, is whether they can. One of the things is they say it is encrypted at either end and the chances are, even their own In House Technicians cant access those messages, so its technicians cant access those messages, so its case of people being prepared to access bones and what you. Critics have said is there a need for this and the practicalities of imposing it on a global scale. The concern is if you provide a backdoor way to access these messages, anybody could do it if you have the know how, whether your intentions are good or bad. Absolutely. In the uk if the government said in the uk you cant use end to end encryption or it has to be designed with a back door so Security Services can access it, theres the problem that other actors may want to do that and theres the problem of what that says internationally. Its the British Government you can trust us, we are a good government, were not a bad government. I have some sympathy with why whatsapp sticks to its opinions but theres a stronger argument for some of the issues around and publication than this one, whatsapp are reducing to hand over these messages around google. I would argue why we have become so attached to an app that didnt exist over three or four years ago and people are thinking they need industrial level encryption to their mates about where they are meeting for the pub. Im not sure that is necessary. Whether you gain these extra privacies by accident or design, once youve got then, many people will say you shouldnt have to give them up. Winning them back over becomes a big deal. Maybe thats the case and maybe 30 years ago we will look at the wild west we allow the internet to become, and we have allowed it to become an open market with little regulation and control. Perhaps people will look at the start of the social media age and look at the way we didnt regulate it as absurd. We know many politicians have said the market will dictate everything. It could be in this day and age post trauma, people feel strongly enough to be hunting down an equivalent whatsapp mechanism that doesnt have this encryption. If theres a boy boycott them whatsapp will have to do something. Markets dont make decisions about this. Companies are making announcements about their Business Model and our government is saying can you talk to us, instead of saying we are going to legislate and close down your business and fine you. The sun is campaigning on this. That is the suns view, the headline implies it is, it may not be, it may be paraphrasing what the Security Services have been saying. They cant decode encrypted messages, though, going back to the initial point. Maybe i have misunderstood the technology, maybe whatsapp are lying saying their technicians cant access these messages or see other peoples messages. They havent done this to create a hiding place. Theyve developed something and said its nothing to do with us what it is used for, if people send messages as terrorists. I understand that but as time goes on it becomes more intolerable. You hear two things from these companies, one is it has nothing to do with us, we just provide the platform, that is unacceptable. Then they say we believe in the First Amendment, and my response is youre in the uk, not the us. The issue with whatsapp, they are not a publisher like youtube or google. They are device, they are an app, they are thing, we use it merrily because we can do gioup messages use it merrily because we can do Group Messages and phone calls and send snaps. It has made life easy. It makes you wonder, a wise friend a lwa ys it makes you wonder, a wise friend always says to me, if you cant work out what the product is, you are the product and i have been happily using whatsapp for a long time and it makes you wonder, who am i helping . It is very new to me, you just pick up the phone on the sun, Defiant Daughter revealed, daughter revealed, the daughter of khalid masood, whose name is tegan, who defied his orders it says. Masood, whose name is tegan, who defied his orders it sayslj masood, whose name is tegan, who defied his orders it says. I dont wa nt defied his orders it says. I dont want to break Anyjournalistic Competences but when it says something has emerged that means it was something has emerged that means it was in the sunday times yesterday. If you want to know about it it is all there. Looking in the times, ices uses Terror Attack to sign up youtube recruits, google fails to stop deluge of Propaganda Videos isis. What is the evidence that recruitment has taken place despite just the videos and notjust the videos . The hundreds of foreign fighters in syria is the evidence. The government in terms of legislation is on a stronger footing here. These Tech Companies will say they believe in freedom of speech, very nice, but in this case you are a publisher, we are alljournalists, if we published hard core pornography in a newspaper the police would come looking. There are regulations around standards and the government needs to assert itself fiow. Government needs to assert itself now. They had to cajole and persuade these companies to take trial sex abuse images off their platforms, they had to be convinced of that. I think the government needs to be a lot harsher with facebook. Think the government needs to be a lot harsher with facebook. Sorry, with google over youtube and say if you dont start shutting this down, we will start shutting you down and theissue we will start shutting you down and the issue is these companies have vast revenues, they dont want to pay to regulate their own content. It would be time consuming and a difficult thing to do. They dont wa nt difficult thing to do. They dont want to do it so they say First Amendment rights, nothing to do with us. Mark zuckerberg has used the same argument because of the delay in regulation in the facebook world. Brexit negotiators and risk rushing into harmful trade deals in the times. Steve wilcock from the school of economics, the lse, helping civil serva nts of economics, the lse, helping Civil Servants get ready for these investigations. He is really saying that this idea of no deal is better than a bad deal, a great soundbite but theresa may is taking issue with that. He is taking issue with that. Its interesting what he is saying about trade deals, what the government is saying, as soon as we leave the eu we will be able to do quick trade deals with the us, china, australia and the. He is warning against the political expediency saying we can get this Donein Expediency saying we can get this done in two years or 18 months will produce bad trade deals and new zealand. Trade deals take as long as they take. The government is keen to give off the impression that as soon as we leave trade deals will be done across the piece and he is warning it could be more complex and you need to be more wary and ring into a Trade Negotiation with the Trump White House and the big factor is time entering into. White house and the big factor is time entering into. When you look at the trade deals the wto has been involved in, they go for years. At the trade deals the wto has been involved in, they go for yearslj think they are not looking at the size of the eu. We have talked about how it has been fractured by the uk removing itself, but it remains an enormous trading mechanism. People will say we will be fine, and it just seems to me as though the message is brexit will work at any cost and we will make anything. It cant be seen to fail. If were going to leave the eu we have to make brexit work one way or another. Saying a bad deal is better than no deal, i understand why she says it and she says it because her predecessor David Cameron went into european negotiations saying it would be tough, and he came back with nothing, thats why we had a referendum and he lost because he came at it from a position of weakness and not having the vision to say we will leave if we dont get what we want. We should be willing them to get good deals quickly. What we want. We should be willing them to get good deals quicklym course we should. He is warning that you should do trade deals within a set period because it is politically expedient for you, you should recognise they are more complex than that and if it takes three years rather than two years, it will be better. I think he is saying country above party again. Looking at The Telegraph, gps failing women, say mps. According to this article nearly half of women need to visit theirgp nearly half of women need to visit their gp ten times before being diagnosed with common gynaecological complaints. This is slightly odd because we get invitations at various ages to go for all sorts of checks and tests. I also think that a lot of these conditions that have been referred to are outsourced to different screening centres. Im not sure if that has somehow been lost in the small print but actually a lot of women are catered for elsewhere. But these big is alone are elsewhere. But these big is alone a re pretty elsewhere. But these big is alone are pretty shocking. Anecdotally, im not sure if any of my friends would stand for ten visits before they get told its maybe not in your head. These figures. Some women reported feeling they were going mad after being told there was nothing wrong despite years of painful symptoms. As i would say, if it was a man it would be slightly fewer visits. Although, sometimes it has been argued services for mens health has not been as well advertised and funded as those for women. Men are much less likely to see a doctor, women seek reassurance from doctors more than men and that can lead to Serious Health problems. Asa man, can lead to Serious Health problems. As a man, i am can lead to Serious Health problems. As a man, lam really can lead to Serious Health problems. As a man, i am really shocked by this and its another reminder to me of the million ways in which women are treated differently in our society, the million ways they can be discriminated against and its really good the appg on womens health, a Parliamentary Group that has produced the best, the sort of group 20 years ago tory mps would have laughed at as people like Harriet Harman pushed forward these agendas, its now so prominent they can be on the front page of The Telegraph and the work they are doing is taken seriously because it is serious. And it is crossparty . It is. A surprise because so many women are gps. Its not like its an old mens club in the centre of london. So little time when you get in to see a gp, the clock is ticking i dont know whether i have anything to say about this next story. Not that i need to the daily mail, harry, prince harry, and his American Actress girlfriend, meghan, are setting up home together. Discuss. Thats interesting is it . They are going to be moving into kensington palace, reports claim, which is reasonably significant in terms of whether they will actually get together. I would have been surprised if the royal family would have thought a divorced American Actress would have been an appropriate consort for someone already quite close to the throne in terms of in line for the throne but change and the queen has changed with them. Prince harry is not going to be king, is he crazy i have been watching the series about the royal house of windsor. If he sets up home with his girlfriend, we know that william and kate set up house, it was very lovely in the welsh privacy of anglesey. We know that edward did. Anything but another royal divorce, anything. We will wait and see, we wish them well whatever they choose. Thats the papers for tonight. Caroline and tony, lovely tonight. Caroline and tony, lovely to see you. As always, thank you very much. Coming up next, the film review. Hello, and welcome to the film review on bbc news. To take us through this weeks Cinema Releases is mark kermode, of course. Mark, what have you been watching this week

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