Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170123 : comparemel

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170123

begun his first full week in office. one of his first moves is to withdraw from the trans—pacific partnership — that's a trade deal with 11 other countries. samir hussein is here. do we have other hurdles to jump before america is out? did is pretty much it when it comes to the trade deal. the new president trump was not going to go forward with this trade deal and it was a signature part of the administration, there was a lot of support for that. and when you talk about the tra nspacific support for that. and when you talk about the transpacific partnership, people who did not agree with that, it was more democrats not in agreement. so we're seeing president trump, one of the first things he has done is to sign this order to get out of it. he is in fact going ahead with some of the things we talked about during his campaign. but interestingly this is something that usually people on both sides are in agreement with going forward with trade agreements. so it is a departure from what we have seen from other republicans. but in line with what donald trump said of the campaign trail, bet he feels free trade is not serving american industry? absolutely and we heard that the president has gone further still talking about the north american free trade agreement and we heard from the white house spokesperson sean spicer who said in his first full briefing that they are going to be speaking with the heads of canada and mexico to look at renegotiating the north american free trade agreement. so trade has been a topic for the president on his first full day in office. stay with us, at the start of the day the president said he had a busy week planned. with a heavy focus on jobs and national security. top executives coming in at 9:00 am. to talk manufacturing in america. here's a little from that meeting. we're going to be cutting taxes massively for both the middle—class and companies and that is massive. we're trying to get it down to 15, 20%. we are going to be cutting regulation massively. we will have regulation, just a strong and protective of the people as the regulation we have right now. but what we have right now, you cannot do anything. we can cut regulations by 75%, maybe more. a company wanting to fire all its people in the united states, and build some factory someplace else and then thinks that product is just going to flow across the border into the us, thatis flow across the border into the us, that is not going to happen. they will have to pay a substantial border tax. when donald trump speaks of regulation, was specifically is he driving at? there are a few things he is driving at. when he talks a lot regulation he is talking about things like banking regulations, that he believes are hurting the ability of the banks to be able to engage in investing activities. when he talks about other regulations, he means the tax code, that is very complicated and he wants to reduce any difficulties around that and make it easier for businesses to create more jobs in the us. it is interesting about the people he assembled, business leaders from 12 different companies including mr musk, and we thought that we had the head of lockheed martin, the number one arms supplier for the pentagon, in charge of a fighterjet for the pentagon, in charge of a fighter jet programme. the for the pentagon, in charge of a fighterjet programme. the one that backin fighterjet programme. the one that back in december donald trump criticised for cost overruns. there we re criticised for cost overruns. there were also part of this roundtable discussion. and donald trump has now said he wants to bring this group back together again for almost a month to talk about different ways that they can keep more manufacturing jobs here in us. thank you very much. white house press secretary sean spicer has just completed his latest press briefing. this follows his debut on saturday when he accused the press of false reporting and then made a number of incorrect statements. well he tried to lighten the mood at the start of this one. good afternoon and thank you for coming to ourfirst good afternoon and thank you for coming to our first official briefing. i was going to start with a recap of the inauguration but we have covered that pretty well. by the way i know thatjosh ernest was voted the most popular press secretary by the press corps and after checking my twitter feed secretary by the press corps and after checking my twitterfeed i shot him an e—mail letting him know he can rest easy that his title is secure for the next few days at least! that did not go down so well. we then got a sign of how the rules of the game have changed — first question to rupert murdoch's new york post. second to the christian broadcasting network, then two questions to fox journalists. inevitably though the issue of the size of the inauguration crowd came up. remember sean spicer said it was the biggest ever inauguration crowd — when a raft of evidence suggests that's not true. here's his response. there are times when we believe something to be true or get something to be true or get something from an agency or we act in haste because the information available was not complete but our desire to communicate with the american people, and so we do it. but i think when you look, we're going to do our best ever done we can. i will come out and tell you the facts as we know them and if i make a mistake i will do my best to correct it. for the record sean spicer defended his statement that the inauguration was the most watched of all time. he brought in internet viewing figures, not quite the point because originally he said it was the biggest crowd for inauguration. let's go to washington. you could argue that the first questions as these press briefings are turned around, anthony zurcher, but it looked like a quite conscious message being sent to a section of the us media? i think that is the case, the people he picked early on, he was going to get slightly different questions from them and i think that he knew that and managed to avoid some of the pressing questions especially about that contentious non—press briefing episode on saturday until later on in the press conference. as you mention the questions came eventually. it is one thing for sean spicer to stand and talk about how even the administration makes m ista kes even the administration makes mistakes sometimes. i think the press issue with that briefing was the confrontational nature of it, that he was accusing all the media pairof that he was accusing all the media pair of misrepresenting the facts and doing a poorjob and being dishonest. so that set the stage for the press briefing today, where a lot of the people there, felt that they had some serious issues they need to air with sean spicer. donald trump was entitled to attack the media as a candidate, entitled to do so as media as a candidate, entitled to do so as president, but i guess this leaves some big decisions for the main us networks, for some of the pillars of usjournalism main us networks, for some of the pillars of us journalism like the new york times, how they respond to a presidency which is carrying on com pletely a presidency which is carrying on completely differently to anything we've seen before? and say what you will about the nature of that press briefing statement on saturday, but several of the major networks here in the us cut into the regular programming this afternoon to cover large chunks of the press briefing, all the major news networks covered it and there was a lot more attention to this press briefing than the past press briefings in the obama white house. part of that is it is the first one but still people we re it is the first one but still people were paying attention and want to see what sean spicer would say and do. so if you wanted to try to put the spotlight on the trump administration, that was mission accomplished. i want to ask you, in accomplished. i want to ask you, in a couple of hours we have a couple of senate committee is due to vote on some of the key nominees in the trump cabinet. first of all rex tillerson, the man nominated for secretary of state and then mike pompeo, nominated as director of the cia. if this goes through the committee then the full senate will still vote on this but we are talking, while the process goes on, sometimes yours asked me if the screen and there is proof of it! the process goes on, but really we are not in for process goes on, but really we are not inforany process goes on, but really we are not in for any shocks. i do not think so. from what i hear, when the confirmation comes through in committee, when approval comes through, they will be quickly voted on on the senate floor because in reality there is a majority of republicans in the senate and all that has to happen for these people to be confirmed, as for the republican senators to stick together. we found out earlier today marco rubio, who was a big question mark over the confirmation of rex tillerson, would be on board. mike pompeo, no real opposition for him amongst the republican party. pompeo, no real opposition for him amongst the republican partylj amongst the republican party.|j think smooth sailing for them. thank you very much. the idea of the screen, we can access everything coming through the bbc newsroom including all video and audio feeds. and if i select the wrong one as you see the feed coming in for someone else, but not for me, comes up on the screen. so i need to be very careful pressing the button. let's go to what is happening in kazakhstan. it's the first time representatives of syria's armed rebel groups have led the opposition side at the negotiating table. jihadist groups such as the islamic state group and the al nusra front are not in attendance. the talks are in astana. they're brokered by turkey, which supports the rebels, and iran and russia, which back the syrian government. the russian foreign minister said last week he hoped the new administration of president donald trump would send a middle east expert to the talks. the us state department declined to do that — but the us ambassador to kazakhstan is in attendance. lyse doucet is at the talks and sent us this. in the opening ceremony rebel commanders, syrian generals, sat together in public for the first time. nobody walked out. but here on in it gets harder so what can be achieved, at the opening ceremony the first to speak was the hosts of these proceedings, the kazakhstan minister. we must admit that the bloodshed that continues to persist in syria for approximately six yea rs, in syria for approximately six years, has brought nothing but misery and hardship to the whole region, regarded as an intersection of different civilisations and cultures. so an effort at a peaceful settle m e nt cultures. so an effort at a peaceful settlement of the situation in syria but how will they go about it, while the government delegation here are saying the same thing as the opposition when it comes to the main item on the agenda. that is consolidating a fragile ceasefire. the opposition says the government forces are violating the truce. that will be their main item and from then on they had different issues they want to begin to put on the table. and if you want updates on those talks, you can get more from oui’ those talks, you can get more from our international correspondent on twitter. we learnt today that theresa may was told about a recent problem with the uk's nuclear deterrent, trident when she became prime minister. more of that in a moment. it's been announced that michelle o'neill will take over from martin mcguiness as the new leader of sinn fein in northern ireland. she's the party's current health minister. mrs o'neill will have just five weeks to prepare for an election after stormont‘s power—sharing coalition fell apart over a botched energy scheme scandal. martin mcguiness is standing down because of ill health. mrs o'neill's appointment comes just weeks before a snap assembly election in march. in a statement today she spoke of the scale of the challenges she faces. for me to be selected to lead our party in the north is truly the biggest honour and privilege of my life. i feel enormous responsibility on my shoulders and while i do not underestimate my task, given the changing political world locally, nationally and internationally, i will not let you down. this is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. our lead story. on his first weekday in the white house, president trump has signed an executive order to withdraw the us from a major international trade deal with pacific countries including china. in the us, tornadoes and thunderstorms have left at least 19 people dead in georgia and mississippi. more severe weather warnings have been issued as the weather system moves up the east coast. bbc hindi has been reporting on protests in chennai over a traditional form of bullfighting. police have now moved in on demonstrators who've been camped on the beach for several days. the protesters have threatened to disrupt india's republic day celebrations on thursday if their demands are not met. we learnt today that theresa may was told about a recent problem with the uk's nuclear deterrent, trident when she became prime minister. it's reported that an unarmed missile went off course when being tested last year. this incident occurred only a month before the uk parliament voted to renew trident. the opposition labour party said today — "people on both sides of the argument on trident would have expected that to be reported to parliament, and the fact that theresa may didn't is extremely worrying." let's speak to jonathan beale, let's speak tojonathan beale, our defence correspondent. the story has been running over the weekend. what has shifted today? to be honest not a lot. theresa may had been told there was a problem, we have not even have that confirmed from downing street. we know that she was told about this test, they have not said that there is has been a problem with this tripe missile test that occurred last june. problem with this tripe missile test that occurred lastjune. essentially both theresa may and the defence secretary michael fallon are sticking to their script, refusing to confirm that there was a problem oi’ to confirm that there was a problem or refusing, or not it even admitting that there was a problem. and michael fallon in the commons in front of mps refused to be drawn on a number of questions, citing operational national security reasons. the problem with that is that in the past the ministry of defence when have been successful launches, has publicised them, has released video. why it did not this time, was it because of that vote a few weeks later in the about renewing the trident weapons system andi renewing the trident weapons system and i think the other problem tonight for michael fallon, won the ministry of defence is refusing to confirm that there was a problem, over on the other side of the atlantic, an unnamed us defence official has told the pentagon reporter that there was a problem and that the missile had to be aborted and destroyed during mid—flight. not saying that it was going of course, i should say. so you have this bizarre situation where on the one hand the british government is saying it will not comment further on what is the independent british nuclear deterrent but at the same time an unnamed official, someone we are told that direct knowledge of these tests, who said that something went wrong. we do not know if anything went wrong but if it had, would be proud for the prime minister to brief parliament? -- would it be protocol. not necessarily, i think this is just an protocol. not necessarily, i think this isjust an issue because in the past when they have been successful launches, the ministry of defence has released details of those successful launches. over the past four occasions. so we do not know if they have been any other problems and it is true to say that the trident missile system has been tried and tested 161 successful tests, we understand only six have had problems. so not necessarily, but i think there are questions as to why this was covered up so close to why this was covered up so close to the parliamentary vote. thank you. the uk government has unveiled plans for a new industrial strategy ahead of brexit. it says science, technology and infrastructure will be at the core of the uk economy. here's the bbc‘s business editor simonjack. growing an economy for the 21st—century. this biotech firm is trying to increase crop yields, reduce fertiliser use and provide high—paying jobs. most conservative governments have preferred a hands—off approach to business. not this government. what this is about is creating the right conditions for the future economy for the uk. as we leave the european union i'm ambitious for the opportunities available to us, building a truly global britain. but we need to ensure that our economy is working for everyone, working in every part of the country. the government's ten point plan includes investment in research and development in high—growth sectors. £170 million for technical colleges to improve skills. and infrastructure investment targeted to fit regional needs. i think it's absolutely essential and it's been too long in coming. and it's all about coordination, and directed and focused input to meet the needs of the economy of this country. and why wouldn't we be doing it if it's going to bring us the skills we need in a coordinated way, with the key industry sectors that have the most potential for growth based on our scientific ability? the government wants businesses of the future, like biotechnology or life science, to grow. but with limited amounts of new money available, the fear is that while some sectors will be cultivated, others may wither, leaving behind the workers in those industries. i don't think we can afford to leave any sector behind in an industrial strategy, particularly given so many millions of workers are employed in areas like retail, food, care, where wages are often too low and investment too scarce. so it has to be a holistic industrial policy for the whole country. archive voiceover: after the government stepped in leyland decided... previous attempts to get involved in industrial strategy have met with abject failure. millions were afforded to british leyland for example, to no avail. the strategy that somewhat ironically became known as picking winners. modern industry leaders say this is different. picking winners is much more about picking the company or the final product. what i think you are seeing here is much earlier in the cascade of economic growth. this is all about building skills, building capabilities, building base technologies. these are just proposals at this stage but ones the government hopes will inject new life to a post brexit economy. simonjack, bbc news, nottingham. remember this from a few months ago? there were multiple cases of the samsung galaxy note 7 mobile phone overheating and bursting into flames. it led to the phone being banned on planes and pulled from the shops. now the investigation into what caused the overheating has concluded — and found that it was a fault in the design and manufacturing of the batteries. rory cellan—jones has been writing about this on the bbc website. he explained what was found in this investigation. they poured enormous resources into the investigation and knew how important it was. they had three outside bodies and many top scientists to investigate. and they concluded that it was the batteries. tell me something new! but there was something fascinating in there, a line from the man in charge of the smartphone division saying what we've done is ask more and more and more of the battery in this high—performance smartphone, we ask too much of it. there's a general truth, everyone is trying to put more and more capability into these extraordinary devices which of course are very powerful computers. people are using them more and more intensively there's one more pressure to fit batteries into the same space oi’ pressure to fit batteries into the same space or into a constricted space and in some cases they are failing. was this mobile phone trying to do more than other high—end mobile phones? trying to do more than other high-end mobile phones? the competition is so intense that yes, every new phone, and this was a very high end phones, meant to be competing against the iphone seven, samsung very confident in its great technology, it is much admired but it always wants to go a step further. and in the design of this particular handset, there was too much, not enough space ready for this battery. and not enough insulation material around it. and you can find that report on the bbc news app. i will be back in a couple of minutes. goodbye. it is that time of day one we take a look at some interesting weather events around the world. there is plenty going on. first we had to south—east asia and the north—east monsoon is going through an active phase. so we've seen some heavy rain over recent days and weeks across parts of indonesia, malaysia, the southern philippines. more in the way of heavy rain over the next few days especially along the malay peninsula, vietnam and sumatra. further north some snow showers in japan especially around the west coast. on the other side of the pacific, areas of low pressure, both drifting in allegedly north—east. snow showers moving out of california for instance towards the midwest. and also this low pressure bringing freezing rain and snow as it moves to the north of new york, combined with a strong destructive win. for the likes of montreal seeing destructive weather through tuesday but to the south of that, things looking much quieter. the satellite image of africa shows becky ayres about buildings from central africa, we had heavy rain and flooding across rwanda for instance. those heavy showers will drift slowly affecting congo and gabon over the next few days and also heavy downpours for south africa and gusty wind along the north coast of africa. further north for europe, temperatures on tuesday morning widely below freezing, and ongoing problems with widespread winter fog and passed ongoing problems with widespread winterfog and passed round. that could be slowed to clear where we have high pressure across central and northern parts but further south low pressure still lingering in the mediterranean. looking pretty u nsettled mediterranean. looking pretty unsettled on tuesday for italy, greece and turkey. here we expect further heavy rain showers, snow over the hills and blustery wind but further north, high—pressure holding on and quite a lot of settled weather on the cards. for the uk, looking still quite cold and murky but with high—pressure sticking around, relatively dry over the next few days. we could see some dense fog on tuesday across much of england and wales, so reduced visibility during the morning. further north west last fog but some drizzly rain for northern ireland and scotland. across england and wales the fog gradually lifts and clears away by the afternoon allowing some sunnier spells to break through. around 10 degrees in belfast. and through the middle part of the week, the dry thing continues, things brighter with less in the way fog by thursday. more details on the weather for the week ahead right here in half an hour. is an ros atkins with outside source, these are some of the main news stories in the bbc newsroom, president trump has marked his first monday in office by signing an executive order to pull the us out ofa giant executive order to pull the us out of a giant free—trade deal with pacific rim countries including china, is also reinstated a ban on providing us federal groups that discuss abortion as a family planning option, we will be talking about that in a moment. the second appearance of sean spicer the white house press secretary, this time he took questions and promises good relations with journalists after what was perhaps a rocky start. we are going to do our best every time, i will come out and tell you the fa cts i will come out and tell you the facts as we know

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Facts , Number , Statements , Mistake , Donald Trump , Kazakhstan , Iran , Best , Peace Talks , Latest , Row , Plusjonathan Beale , Turkey , Russia , Lyse Doucet , Uk S Nuclear Deterrent , Office , Trade Deal , One , Countries , Trans Pacific Partnership , Moves , Samir Hussein , 11 , Us , President , Part , Hurdles , People , Lot , Things , Administration , Agreement , Support , Partnership , Order , Democrats , Tra Nspacific , Something , Some , Fact , Sides , Campaign , Trade , Line , Republicans , Industry , Departure , Trade Agreements , Campaign Trail , Bet , Briefing , White House , Sean Spicer , North American Free Trade Agreement , Renegotiating The North American Free Trade Agreement , Topic , The Heads Of Canada , Mexico , Jobs , Stay , Focus , Taxes , Manufacturing , Security , Executives , Little , Meeting , 9 , 00 , Regulation , Companies , Middle Class , 15 , 20 , Anything , Regulations , More , Company , Strong , Protective , 75 , Product , Border , Thatis Flow , Factory Someplace Else , Border Tax , Banking Regulations , Ability , Banks , Activities , Tax Code , Business Leaders , Businesses , Difficulties , 12 , Charge , Pentagon , Lockheed Martin , Head , Musk , Group , Cost Overruns , Fighter Jet Programme , Fighterjet , The One , Back , Discussion , Fighterjet Programme , Backin Fighterjet Programme , Ways , White House Press Secretary , Press , Press Briefing , Reporting , Mood , Debut , Afternoon , Inauguration , Way , Feed Secretary , Popular Press Secretary , Twitterfeed , Recap , E Mail , Twitter , The Press Corps , Thatjosh , Question , Title , Game , Rules , Sign , New York Post , Rupert Murdoch , Questions , Issue , Inauguration Crowd , Size , Christian Broadcasting Network , Fox Journalists , Two , Raft , Times , Response , Evidence , Desire , Agency , Haste , Information , Statement , Most , Record , Crowd , Point , Internet Viewing Figures , Let S Go To Washington , Message , Media , Press Briefings , Section , Anthony Zurcher , Case , Episode , Thing , Press Conference , Mistakes , It , Stage , Nature , Poorjob , Press Briefing Today , Media Pairof , Issues , Candidate , Presidency , Carrying On Com Pletely A Presidency , Networks , Pillars , Decisions , Journalism , New York Times , Usjournalism , Several , Press Briefing Statement , Programming , Cut , Chunks , Attention , News Networks , Obama , Couple , Trump , Spotlight , Committee , Senate , Mike Pompeo , Rex Tillerson , Secretary Of State , Nominees , Cabinet , Director , Cia , Talking , Confirmation , Screen , Process , Approval , Proof , Shocks , Process Goes On , Majority , All , Senators , Floor , Reality , Republican , Opposition , Marco Rubio , Question Mark , Newsroom , Party , Bbc , Partylj , Video , Everything , Audio Feeds , Sailing , Idea , Feed , Button , Someone Else , Syria , Groups , Time , State , Opposition Side , Negotiating Table , Representatives , Islamic , Jihadist , Government , Talks , Attendance , Rebels , Al Nusra Front , Astana , Foreign Minister , Middle East , Opening Ceremony Rebel Commanders , Ambassador , Us State Department , Generals , Nobody , Sat Together In Public For The First Time , First , Bloodshed , Minister , Proceedings , Opening Ceremony , Hosts , Six , Cultures , Effort , Intersection , Nothing , Region , Misery , Hardship , Civilisations , Situation , Item , Settlement , Agenda , Ceasefire , Delegation , Table , Forces , Truce , Updates , Problem , Theresa May , Correspondent , Oui , Prime Minister , Trident , Michelle O Neill , Health Minister , Leader , Election , Power Sharing Coalition , Energy Scheme Scandal , Stormont , Martin Mcguiness , Northern Ireland , Sinn Fein , Five , O Neill S , Health , Snap Assembly Election , Scale , North , Life , Honour , Responsibility , Privilege , Shoulders , Source , World , Task , Executive Order , Story , Weekday , Lead , China , Weather , Deal , International Trade , Thunderstorms , Warnings , Tornadoes , Mississippi , Georgia , 19 , Demonstrators , Weather System , Protests , Police , Hindi , Form , Bullfighting , East Coast , Chennai , Protesters , On The Beach , Demands , Republic Day Celebrations , India , Course , Missile , Incident , Parliament , Opposition Labour Party , Argument , Theresa May Didn T , Uk Parliament , Jonathan Beale , Tojonathan Beale , Weekend , Tripe Missile Test , Test , Downing Street , Michael Fallon , Problem Oi , Script , Lastjune , Ministry Of Defence , Commons , Front , Mps , Reasons , Launches , Vote , Weapons System , Official , Side , Defence , Reporter , Atlantic , Hand , British , Tests , Nuclear Deterrent , Knowledge , Protocol , Problems , Details , Occasions , Four , Trident Missile System , 161 , Plans , New Industrial Strategy , Brexit , Economy , Technology , Infrastructure , Science , Core , Biotech Firm , Business Editor Simonjack , 21 , Governments , Business , Fertiliser Use , Crop Yields , Conditions , Country , Everyone , Opportunities , European Union , Point Plan , Building A Truly Global Britain , Ten , Investment , Skills , Regional Needs , Development , Research , Colleges , 170 Million , Â 170 Million , Wouldn T , Industry Sectors , Needs , Input , Coordination , Growth , Life Science , Biotechnology , Amounts , Money , Potential , Strategy , Workers , Millions , Sector , Fear , Industries , Sectors , Others , Areas , Retail , Care , Food , Wages , Archive Voiceover , Holistic Industrial Policy , In Industrial Strategy , Attempts , Example , Avail , Leyland , British Leyland , Abject Failure , Winners , Picking Winners , Cascade , Industry Leaders , Building Skills , Building Capabilities , Bbc News , Hopes , Building Base Technologies , Proposals , Simonjack , Nottingham , Investigation , Phone , Cases , Mobile Phone Overheating , Planes , Flames , Bursting , Shops , It Led , Samsung Galaxy Note , 7 , Batteries , Design , Rory Cellan Jones , Overheating , Fault , Writing , Website , Resources , Scientists , Bodies , Three , Battery , Smartphone , Capability , Is , Smartphone Division , Truth , Pressure , Space , Devices , Computers , Oi , Mobile Phones , Competition , Mobile Phone , Phones , Yes , Iphone Seven , Seven , Samsung , Handset , Step , Report , Insulation Material , App , Goodbye , Look , Weather Events , Rain , Monsoon , Phase , South East Asia , Snow Showers , Parts , Heavy Rain , Southern Philippines , Indonesia , Malaysia , Sumatra , Malay Peninsula , Vietnam , Instance , Pacific , West Coast , Japan , California , Snow , Freezing Rain , South , Win , Montreal , New York , Midwest , Buildings , Showers , Flooding , Satellite Image , Africa , Central Africa , Rwanda , Congo , Wind , Coast , Freezing , Downpours , Temperatures , South Africa , Europe , Gabon , Mediterranean , Winter Fog , Round , Winterfog , Holding , Hills , Cards , Nsettled Mediterranean , Heavy Rain Showers , Greece , Italy , Fog , England , Wales , Visibility , Drizzly Rain For Northern Ireland , Scotland , Spells , Belfast , 10 , Ros Atkins , News Stories , Half , Out Ofa Giant , First Monday , Pacific Rim , Abortion , Ban , Family Planning Option , Appearance , Journalists , Relations , Rocky Start , Incentive , International Trade Deal , Cts ,

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