Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170809 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170809

1am in london and 8:30 in the morning in pyongyang where north korea's official news agency said it was considering missile strikes near guam, where us strategic bombers are based. it follows news from us intelligence officials who say north korea has produced a nuclear warhead small enough to fit onto its ballistic missiles. earlier donald trump warned north korea that any further threats would be met, as he put it, with fire, fury and power. north korea best not make any more threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. he has been very threatening beyond a normal state, and as i said they will be met with the fire and fury and, frankly, power, the likes of which this world has never seen before. our correspondent nick bryant has the analysis from washington. american presidents have often sent the strongest rhetoric at north korea. you will remember george w bush described the country as being part of the "axis of evil". this is a dramatic rhetorical escalation from donald trump. "fire and fury" — incendiary language in the most literal sense of all. a kind of linguistic shock and awe. it begs the question, how does this tough talk translate into policy, especially at a time when the us secretary of state, rex tillerson, has been in the region and been using far more conciliatory words? he has spoken of the possibility of negotiations if pyongyang ends its testing. there is an obvious danger in american presidents using such strong language, that they become captive to it, it creates unstoppable momentum, that they have to follow through on these rhetorical threats in order to preserve their credibility, in order not to look weak. but there's a different way of looking at it which is this, sanctions have failed so far to stop north korea's nuclear ambitions and that maybe this is the type of tough talk pyongyang will listen to. it was reminiscent in some way of what richard nixon called the madman theory, where you create the impression in the mind of your adversary that you are prepared to do anything, even take the nuclear option. but it's a dangerous game to play. especially as it now seems that north korea has managed to marry its missile technology and its nuclear technology and insert a miniaturised warhead into an intercontinental ballistic missile. south africa's president jacob zuma has survived his latest vote of no confidence — despite the ballot being held in secret. there were celebrations in parliament when this was announced. opposition parties had hoped the secret ballot would mean some mps from the governing anc party might side with them against the president. milton mkosi is following developments from cape town. clearly, president zuma, after surviving his eighth vote of no confidence, he is now on his nightlife. there is no way he could be compromising now. he feels victorious and never gives up. he stayed in prison for ten years with nelson mandela while fighting against white minority rule. he does not give up easily. most people see this as a loss for him, given what has happened with those who voted for the opposition, but for himself, he sees this as a victory. he is buoyant and hopes to get to december. also making new this hour — an earthquake has killed at least five people and injured more than 60 in china's south—western province of sichuan. the quake measured 6.5 in magnitude and it's not immediately clear how serious it is due to the remoteness of the region. the incumbent president of kenya, uhuru kenyatta, has taken an early lead over his long—time opponent, raila odinga, in the country's elections. with over 40% of votes counted, mr kenyatta has 55% of the national vote. but the electoral commission has urged voters to wait calmly for all the results. french president emmanuel macron is reported to be backing down over plans to create an official first lady position for his wife. the issue became politically awkward for the new president, after thousands of people signed an online petition against the move. hackers have demanded millions of dollars in ransom from the us television network, hbo, saying they'll release a huge amount of stolen data if they're not paid. their message came as they uploaded other hacked material, including the script of next week's episode of game of thrones. now this is southwest china where a man is heading through a bus station security scanner in guizhou province. but once scanned, security officials were alarmed when this showed up — a picture of an arm. the man was transporting two human arms and he was initially detained on suspicion of murder. but it turns outs the arms belonged to his brother, who'd had them amputated after an accident. a shelter for migrant workers in singapore has warned of an alarming trend — a rise in the number of underage girls from myanmar coming here to work as domestic workers. some of them are as young as 15 and they are believed to have been brought here with falsified documents hiding their real age. the minimum age for domestic workers in singapore is 23 years old. i've been speaking to stephanie chok, a caseworker with the humanitarian organisation for migration economics and she told me about the scale of the problem. because myanmar and singapore has this agreement, so the myanmar calls are not protected as unlicensed agents on the myanmar side. —— girls. they can leave as tourists but when they arrive they produce the approval which identifies them as prospective workers here. this particular rule holds as well for other domestic workers in other nationalities, but regarding the issue of falsified documents, we asked for the singapore government's response and they say: what is your view to this response of the singaporean government? it would be hard for us to know exactly what the total numbers are. we see about one case a week at our shelter, of myanmar domestic workers. in terms of the response, it isn't clear to us what precise action has been taken against these nine agencies, whether they have been deregistered or whether they are barred from being allowed to recruit myanmar domestic workers. why is there a rise of myanmar domestic workers who are entering singapore and can you share with us some of their issues? i think probably there has been a rise in myanmar domestic workers coming to singapore, so we are generally seeing a trend in terms of the workers taking help from our shelters, so in 2015 we sheltered about 150 myanmar domestic workers... is that a large number? over the past few months, there have been a couple of disturbing cases involving domestic workers from myanmar. one committed suicide and one fell off a seventh floor building. yes, she fell off a building on the seventh floor. this is a very disturbing issue. being underage affects them psychologically and socially, because they can't speak english. yes. for the myanmar domestic workers, the situations tend to be worse than working conditions for other nationalities, which is what we've discovered in case work with them. like you've mentioned, when they are young and they are put these situations, it can be quite difficult for them to know how to cope with that. so some of the problems that they face when they come to our shelter would be salary related issues, unpaid salaries, large recruitment fee debts, so working without pay for up to eight months, constant verbal abuse, very long working hours. so, commonly, they work up to 16—18 hours. the american country music star glen campbell has died at the age of 81. he was known for a number of hits including that very song, rhinestone cowboy, and wichita lineman. his family said he died after a long and courageous battle with alzheimers disease. a self—taught prodigy, he rose from a poor rural childhood to release over 70 albums and sell 45 million records. here's our correspondent in la peter bowes. he was so versatile because he was a legend. he worked with a major crew, who worked with artists such as frankston notre. he was one of many gifted musicians who just blended into the background at that time. throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s, he became a star in his own right as a television performer. he was in movies, true grit withjohn wayne, and also as a solo artist. the titles are legendary. we have heard some of them already. wichita lineman, possibly his favourite song. he was a truly versatile style. we heard a bit earlier in a report on his death, he had a particularly ha rd life report on his death, he had a particularly hard life and he was drawn to the guitar because he said it was lighter to the touch than picking cotton from the cotton fields? a remarkable journey picking cotton from the cotton fields? a remarkablejourney —— star. it was a remarkable journey that included ups and downs. it was not always great for glenn campbell. he suffered some hard times, he had some brushes with the law. he emerged as a superstar, a very steady as you go personality, especially later in life. i was honoured to meet him on three occasions. i got to interview him in 2011, shortly after he and his family announced he was suffering from alzheimer's. he was self—deprecating, a true character of the mind. he was funny about the condition he was suffering from. he was a hugely accomplished guitar player. he could not remember all of the lyric, but when he got that guitar in his hand, it came back to him. we sat in a small studio together and he performed all of his hits. the family said that he was suffering from alzheimer's disease. do we know any details about when the funeral might be and when the arrangements are likely to be made? we don't have any details as yet. we know that when he died he was at home in nashville. when that day comes, iam home in nashville. when that day comes, i am sure he will be given a tremendous sendoff. many tributes already. i will read you a few words from dolly parton who went on twitter to say that glenn campbell was one of the greatest voices of all time. she says she will always miss him, especially because he was so miss him, especially because he was so gifted. he was one of the greatest voices that was every in the business, and one of the greatest musicians. and one of the greatest you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: the last of india's typewriters. but as computers take over, what will happen to the typists in today's digital age? also on the programme, several beaches are closed in hong kong as congealed palm oil continues to wash ashore. the question was whether we wanted to save our people, you mean, it the brutalformer dictator of uganda, has died at the age of 80. he has been buried in saudi arabia, where he lived in exile since being overthrown in 1979. 2 billion people around the world have seen the last total eclipse of the sun to take place in this millennium will stop —— 2 million. it began its journey millennium will stop —— 2 million. it began itsjourney off millennium will stop —— 2 million. it began its journey off the millennium will stop —— 2 million. it began itsjourney off the coast of canada, ending three hours later when the sunset over the of bengal. welcome back everyone. your watching newsday on the bbc. i rico hizon in singapore. and i'm babita sharma in london. good to have you with us. our top stories: —— london. good to have you with us. ourtop stories: —— i'm rico. as president trump issues another strong warning against north korea, american intelligence analysts are reported as saying pyongyang can now produce nuclear warheads capable of reaching the us. the south african president, jacob zuma, has narrowly survived a parliamentary vote of no confidence against him. let's take a look at some front pages from around the world. the japan times is focusing on growing concerns over north korea's nuclear weapons programme. the japanese defence ministry's annual white paper says pyongyang's making significant progress towards developing miniaturise nuclear warheads. —— miniaturised. the south china post highlights the pollution that's clogging up hong kong's coastline. it's believed a thousand tonnes of palm oil have been spilt after two ships collided. we will have more on that story in just a few minutes. the main picture on the new york times shows us paratroopers practicing aerial assaults in europe. but the paper also tells the secret story of the banana in the big apple. a p pa re ntly apparently 20 million of these bananas arrived in the city every week, and by any standards, that is indeed a very huge bunch! and now we go to trending stories. babita, a jogger was caught on cctv doing a terrible act in london? well, rico, this story has been getting a lot of views online — here you can see a jogger running on putney bridge in south west london. but suddenly, he pushes, or appears to push a woman into the path of an oncoming bus. this shocking footage was caught on cctv cameras. police are appealing for information to find the man. iam i am pleased to say that the woman was not seriously injured. terrible. indonesia's appears to be launching a major crackdown on drugs. president widodo's ordered police to shoot dealers who resist arrest, and at the weekend a malaysian and an indonesian were shot dead during a drug bust. earlier we spoke to the bbc‘s rebecca henschke for more. presidentjoko widodo has always had a very tough stance against drugs. you remember, he held fast against international opposition, and executed a number of international people here for drug cases. he's saying that the country is facing a drug emergency. there has been a number of raids in recent months, significant amounts of drugs found coming into indonesia. his top drug official, budi waseso, has said he thinks because of president duterte, in the philippines, very tough stance, that drug syndicates may be looking into indonesia as a much weaker and easier place to get into the market, as the philippines pushes those people out. but are there concerns right now that indonesia would follow in the footsteps of the philippines? in the philippines there have been thousands of extra —judicial killings, due to this drug war mountd by president duterte? we have heard similar rhetoric from indonesian officials but i think it is extremely unlikely that we would see those kind of widespread killings because what the officials as saying, to be very clear, is htat do not hold back and shoot. —— that don't. when you feel like you need to shoot a drug trafficker if they are running away, if they are resisting arrest. but this is not, as we have seen in the philippines, a killing of drug addicts. the focus here is still very much on rehabilitation for drug addicts and we're not seeing those kind of widespread killings that are taking place in the philippines. also indonesia has a number of very strong human rights institutions who have come out very strongly and, because of the concern and the background of the indonesian police here, in terms of corruption, their own involvement with drugs — recently a huge case of drug trafficking was actually traced back to someone who is in jail already, and there's suspicion that he was able to do that with the support of the authorities. so these kind of concerns make it very unlikely that you would see sanctions for the kind of killings that we have seen in the philippines. rebecca henschke reporting there. we were talking earlier about hong kong's palm oil spill, and authorities have now closed a total of 13 beaches as the substance continues to wash ashore. the oil appeared following a collision between two ships near the pearl river estuary in southern china. official cleaning teams have been sent to clear the substance from the beaches, but criticism of the government's response is mounting. nichola carroll reports. it is the time of year when hong kong residents normally head for the beach but many are now off—limits after this latest incident spilt a huge amount of palm oil into the sea. you could easily mistake these snow—like balls as fossils from the ocean, but this is the palm oil that has hardened, following last week's accident. groups of volunteers have been arriving to help with the cleanup. they are worried about the length of time it may take to clear. this is the third time this beach has been cleaned and i come back in the morning, before it is a really sunny, and it looks like it has snowed here. every morning it looks like it snowed in hong kong, and every afternoon it has all melted back down under the sand. a number of the city's most popular swimming spots have been closed. a team of local volunteers from lamma island, in the south of hong kong, have braved the sweltering heat, filling tons of rubbish bags at a time. it is hard, it's hot, and it's disgusting. really, it's like, just look at that. these people, we are all volunteers. where are you, government? one of the vessels is said to be carrying 9,000 tons of palm oil. the hong kong government says that just 50 of those have been cleared so far. they say the chinese authorities informed of the collision two days after it happened. this could have been prevented before it got to the beach. the government could have or should have had policies and procedures in place. once it has hit the beach it is too late, it is already a disaster. officials say the oil is non—toxic and harmless and that the beaches are closed as a precaution. but the spill, at the height of summer, has lefta stench over the area and it could be months or even years before the real damage is known. nicola carroll, bbc news. india is one of the few countries where typewriters are still being used for legal and official documents. but, unsurprisingly, they are on the way out. this month, the indian state of maharashtra will stop running typewriting exams in order to promote the use of computers in government offices. so, what will happen to trained typists in today's digital age? love the typewriter. three people fishing off canada's is coast have had a huge fright. we will let there be told a story. a look. —— we will let the video telemetry story. this well about the water, it taken them by surprise. —— tell the story. i can't tell you they had any lack of a fishing line, but they had a great luck with the camera nevertheless. close call, babita sharma. i am rico hizon in singapore. stay with us for our latest instalment of business of both series, and a unique form of banking: stem cell banking in india. and before we go, a nationalist action film in china that's become the country's biggest box office success of all time. the film — wolf warriors 2 — is about a soldier who ventures into a warzone and saves people from western baddies. it isa it is a ready made over 500 million us dollars in its first two weeks. thank you forjoining us. see you soon. thank you forjoining us. see you soon. let me start with a very dramatic picture from tuesday. that is some rough weather. there is a big storms arejust off rough weather. there is a big storms are just off the coast of essex, and two waterspouts. the marine equivalent of a tornado. incredible. a thunderstorm picture here from the south end. some rough weather over the last 12 or 18 hours or so. this low pressure system is spinning around the uk. london mist the bad weather. scotland and northern ireland also have some sunshine. throughout wednesday morning, further rain, particularly across lincolnshire and parts in the midlands and into eastern wales and down into the south—west, as well. also the possibility of some thunder and lightning in some areas as well. note how differently the weather showers in northern england and scotland. a fine start for the day there. lots of sunshine. starts on a positive note. right from the word 90, positive note. right from the word go, belfast, glasgow, aberdeen, and bright, virgin or a0 degrees in the morning rush. bigger cloud across the north of england and wales. this is where heavy rain will be, say from birmingham to northampton. maybe nudging into the home counties and squeezing into the south—west, as well. at this stage, bournemouth, brighton, kemptown sussex will stay dry. heavy rain or showers will get going through the course of the latter pa rt going through the course of the latter part of the morning into the afternoon. a little late yesterday. downpours will be slow—moving as well, raining for a while in many locations. this south—eastern portion of the country and the south—east will see some downpours. this is where the worst of the weather will be. look further north will be fine. how are we doing compared to the rest of europe? a heatwave across some central and southern and eastern parts of europe, 37 celsius over there. a bit too hot to me. i would rather the 80 degrees in london. high pressure sta rts degrees in london. high pressure starts to build on thursday. we still have the tail end of that wet weather across east anglia. it may start of grey and wait for a time. a slow moving air of weather. that pushes away. high pressure builds and a window of fine weather develops on thursday. thursday the best day, then friday and saturday the weather will be hit and miss once again. i'm babita shama with bbc news. our top story: president trump has warned any threats by north korea will be "met with fire" following reports pyongyang has successfully miniaturised a nuclear warhead to fit it onto a missile. if true, it marks a significant step by pyongyang towards becoming a full—fledged nuclear power. north korea had earlier said that what it called the nuclear threat from the us had to be removed. presidentjacob zuma has narrowly survived a no—confidence vote. it's the eighth such motion he's faced, but the first to have been held by secret ballot. and this story is trending on music star glen campbell has died at the age of eighty—one. he was best known for hits including rhinestone cowboy lineman. he also played on some of the biggest records of the 1960s

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Palm Oil , Music Star Glen Campbell , Beaches , Age , Life , Hong Kong , Singapore , Career , American Country Music , Eighty One , 8 , North Korea , Us , Pyongyang , News Agency , Officials , News , Intelligence , Bombers , Missile Strikes , 1am In London , Guam , 30 , 1 , Warhead , Threats , Donald Trump , Missiles , Met With Fire , World , Fury , Power , Nick Bryant , State , Presidents , Country , Rhetoric , Part , Analysis , George W Bush , Washington , Axis Of Evil , Question , Rex Tillerson , All , Kind , Language , Policy , Escalation , Talk , Sense , Fire And Fury , Shock And Awe , It , Possibility , Region , Words , Danger , Negotiations , Testing , Momentum , Way , Order , Sanctions , Type , Credibility , Ambitions , Talk Pyongyang , Madman Theory , Richard Nixon , Mind , Anything , Option , Game , Impression , Adversary , President Zuma , Vote , Missile , Miniaturised , South Africa , Technology , Missile Technology , Insert , Confidence , Celebrations , Ballot , Secret , Parliament , Secret Ballot , Opposition Parties , Developments , Mps , Eighth , Governing Anc Party , Milton Mkosi , Cape Town , Nightlife , Prison , Fighting , Nelson Mandela , Ten , People , Opposition , Minority Rule , Loss , Southwest China , Victory , Earthquake , Western Province , Sichuan , Five , 60 , Uhuru Kenyatta , Quake , Votes , Opponent , Remoteness , Magnitude , Lead , Elections , Kenya , Raila Odinga , 40 , 6 5 , 55 , Emmanuel Macron , Voters , Backing , Electoral Commission , Results , French , President , Issue , Hackers , Millions , Thousands , Plans , First Lady Position , Wife , Petition , Move , Ransom , Amount , Message , Data , Material , Television Network , Hbo , Man , Security , Script , Episode , Bus Station Security Scanner , Game Of Thrones , Guizhou Province , Suspicion , Accident , Shelter , Picture , Arms , Brother , Migrant Workers , Human Arms , Arm , Murder , , Two , Number , Workers , Myanmar , Girls , Rise , Some , 15 , Documents , Stephanie Chok , Caseworker , 23 , Problem , Calls , Organisation , Scale , Agreement , Migration Economics , Agents , Myanmar Side , Tourists , Approval , Nationalities , Rule , Government , Response , View , Singapore Government , Singaporean , Case , Numbers , One , Domestic Workers , Agencies , Terms , Action , Isn T , Nine , Deregistered , Issues , Trend , Cases , Shelters , Help , Couple , 2015 , 150 , Suicide , Seventh Floor Building , Building , Floor , Yes , Conditions , Affects , Situations , English , Problems , Salaries , Pay , Recruitment Fee Debts , Verbal Abuse , Eight , Hits , The American Country Music , 81 , 16 , 18 , Rhinestone Cowboy , Wichita Lineman , Family , Childhood , Albums , Prodigy , Courageous Battle With Alzheimers Disease , 70 , Records , Correspondent , La Peter Bowes , 45 Million , Artists , Legend , Crew , Frankston Notre , Background , Star , Musicians , Right , Movies , Television Performer , 70s And 80s , Withjohn Wayne , True Grit , 80 , 1960 , Artist , Titles , Bit , Death , Report , Style , Glenn Campbell , Guitar , Journey , Cotton , Journey Picking Cotton , Downs , Remarkablejourney , Ups , Cotton Fields , Times , Brushes , Law , Personality , Superstar , Three , Suffering , Self Deprecating , Condition , Occasions , Alzheimer S , 2011 , Guitar Player , Hand , Lyric , Studio , Details , Funeral , Tributes , Arrangements , Sendoff , Iam Home In Nashville , Dolly Parton , Voices , Programme , India , Typewriters , Newsday , Last , Business , Bbc , Computers , Typists , Dover , Brutalformer , Saudi Arabia , Dictator , Exile , Uganda , 1979 , 2 Billion , Place , Total Eclipse Of The Sun , 2 Million , Coast , Millennium , Sunset , Canada S , Bengal , Journey Millennium , Itsjourney Off Millennium Will , Rico Hizon , In Singapore , Babita Sharma In London , Stories , Everyone , Watching Newsday , Warning , South West London , Warheads , South African President , Analysts , Ourtop , Look , Concerns , Japan Times , Pages , Nuclear Weapons Programme , Around The World , Defence Ministry , Japanese , White Paper , Pyongyang S Making Significant Progress Towards Developing Miniaturise , Pollution , South China Post , Story , Coastline , Clogging Up Hong Kong , A Thousand , City , Standards , Banana , Bananas , Europe , Paper , Pa , Paratroopers Practicing Aerial Assaults , New York Times , Big Apple , Ap , 20 Million , Doing A Terrible Act , Trending Stories , Bunch , Views , Lot , Jogger Running On Putney Bridge , Police , Woman , Footage , Bus , Cctv Cameras , Path , Information , Presidentjoko Widodo , Drugs , Arrest , Indonesia , Crackdown , Iam , Malaysian , Were , Drug Bust , Dealers , Terrible , Stance , Rebecca Henschke , Drug , Drug Emergency , Raids , Budi Waseso , Philippines , Duterte , Amounts , Drug Syndicates , Weaker , Footsteps , Market , Killings , Drug War Mountd , Drug Trafficker , Saying , Htat , Don T , Drug Addicts , Killing , Corruption , Concern , Focus , Human Rights Institutions , Rehabilitation , Involvement , Authorities , Someone , Drug Trafficking , Support , Jail , Substance , Reporting , Total , Palm Oil Spill , 13 , Oil , Collision , Cleaning Teams , Southern China , Pearl River Estuary , Criticism , Nichola Carroll , Beach , Many , Balls , Sea , Incident , Fossils , Ocean , Morning , Volunteers , Length , Groups , Cleanup , South , Team , Heat , Swimming Spots , Have , Lamma Island , Sand , Filling Tons , Vessels , 9000 , Hong Kong Government , Chinese , 50 , Policies , Disaster , Procedures , Lefta Stench , Spill , Area , Precaution , Summer , Damage , Height , Countries , Use , Exams , Bbc News , Nicola Carroll , Maharashtra , Government Offices , Typewriter , Fright , Video Telemetry Story , Water , Lack , Surprise , Fishing Line , Camera , Call , Series , Instalment , Luck , Stay , Form , Babita Sharma , Soldier , Banking , Action Film , Box Office Success , Warzone , Film Wolf Warriors 2 , Stem Cell Banking In India , 2 , It Isa , Western Baddies , 500 Million Us Dollars , 500 Million , Weather , Storms , Waterspouts , Equivalent , Tornado , Storms Arejust , Essex , Incredible , Thunderstorm Picture , Low Pressure System , Mist , South End , Scotland , Uk , Northern Ireland , 12 , Sunshine , Parts , Rain , Thunder , Midlands , South West , Eastern Wales , Lincolnshire , Note , Fine , There , Word , Weather Showers , Areas , Lightning , Lots , Northern England , 90 , North , Heavy Rain , Northampton , Virgin , Morning Rush , A0 , Wales , Belfast , Glasgow , The Word Go , Aberdeen , Birmingham , Course , Showers , Nudging , Stage , Home Counties , Brighton , Bournemouth , Kemptown , Sussex , Downpours , Well , Afternoon , Art , Locations , Worst , Rest , South East , Portion , High Pressure , Heatwave , Degrees , Tail End , Celsius , Sta Rts , 37 , Window , Air , East Anglia , Miss , Hit , Babita Shama , Reports Pyongyang , Nuclear Power , Motion , No Confidence Vote , Threat , First , Presidentjacob Zuma , Lineman , Headlines , Anc Party ,

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