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Studios in singapore and london, this is bbc world news. Its newsday. Its 7am in singapore, Midnight In London and 1 am in the german city of hamburg, where World Leaders have arrived for a summit of major global economies. Although its not officially started, President Trump has already grabbed the spotlight. Speaking in poland just before the summit hes said Western Civilization needs to defend itself. And ahead of his meeting with President Putin, hes called on russia to stop destabilising other countries. Jon sopel reports from hamburg. The famous port of hamburg, tonights disembarkation point for anarchists, anti capitalists, anti globalisation protesters and the leaders of the worlds 20 richest nations. The protesters stones and fireworks were met by Police Teargas water cannon. No such hostility when the president ventured out in warsaw this morning. Not everywhere in europe would they chant Donald Trumps name so loudly or so approvingly. But with its populist anti immigration government, this was politically the ideal place to come. And by dint of polands history and geography, the perfect location too to deliver a message about the challenges facing the west. The fundamental question of our time is whether the west has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost . Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders . Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilisation in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it . In the 1940s, the threat was nazism. This sculpture commemorating those who died in the warsaw uprising, the backdrop on which the president delivered his speech. Today he identified the threat as islamist extremism, but he had another target in his sights too. We urge russia to cease its destabilising activities in ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes, including syria and iran, and to instead join the community of responsible nations in ourfight against common enemies and in defence of civilisation itself. Thats the most outspoken he has been about russia and it comes on the eve of his eagerly anticipated first meeting with vladimir putin. But on moscows interference in last novembers us president ial election, something his Intelligence Services say is fact, the president again equivocated. It could very well have been russia, but it could have been other countries and i would be specific. Wont. But i think a lot of people interfere. Its been happening for a long time, for many years. 0ne one other important thing that came out of this trip was a clear commitment to natos article five, that an attack on one nation is an attack against a wall, a welcome announcement for all those anxious countries on russias western border. Then onto germany and what promises to be at testing summit, with disagreements over trade, immigration and climate change. Angela merkel and donald trump met this evening and they disagree on much of this. The joint communique will be a test of the bureaucrats drafting skills. We saw President Trump speaking in poland. Ina we saw President Trump speaking in poland. In a Press Conference with the polish president he spoke about the polish president he spoke about the tensions with north korea. There have of course been celebrations in pyongyang after that successful launch of a missile, capable of reaching the us. President trump said he was considering what he called a very severe response and says there would be consequences for what he called the north koreas very, very bad behaviour. We will just take we willjust take a look at we will just take a look at what happens over the coming weeks and months with respect to north korea. It isa months with respect to north korea. It is a shame they are behaving this way but they are behaving in a very, very dangerous way but they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner way but they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner and something will have to be done about it. A 6. 5 magnitude earthquake has killed at least two people in the central philippines. More than one hundred were injured on the island of leyte. Thousands fled from their homes, and many refused to return home because of aftershocks. The Us Geological survey said the quake hit at a depth of around six kilometres. These are just some of the scenes of destruction caused in asakura, as torrential rains battered south western japan. Three people are known to have been killed and others are stranded in their homes after being cut off by floods and landslides. The rains expected to continue on friday. The Chinese Hospital treating imprisoned Nobel Peace Laureate liu xiaobo for advanced liver cancer says his condition has worsened. The dissident was diagnosed with late stage liver cancer in may, and friends say they fear he only has a few days left to live. He was imprisoned in 2009 on charges of inciting subversion against the state after he helped to write a Petition Calling for political reform in china. Theres been a huge shock at wimbledon where third seed Karolina Pliskova was knocked out after losing in three sets to world number 87 magdalena rybarikova. The czech was beaten 6 3, 5 7, 2 6 and is the highest ranked player to exit the womens draw. And heres a little animal thats started making a pretty big impression. This female baby Pygmy Hippopotamus has just been introduced to the public at chiles buin zoo. Its two weeks old and currently weighs in at iakg. When she reaches the age of eight months the baby will be separated from her mum and sent to another zoo for breeding. But for now zoo visitors are simply enjoying the fact that shes incredibly cute. More on the g20 now and the world is entering a dangerous phase, thats according to the former Prime Minister of australia, who helped to shape the g20 into the summit that it is today. I spoke to him earlier. I think there are two levels of risk. 0ne i think there are two levels of risk. One is the geopolitical risk level. Weve seen whats unfolding on the korean peninsula, with the new environment, with the testing for the first time of an icbm. In Us Russia Relations there is now an increasing incidence of russian and us Military Aircraft having near misses or near incidents, either in the baltic or across the middle east and then thirdly uncertain trajectories now again from a different source of tension in the middle east. Finally, g or economics. We now have the deep pressures which now exist on the future of free trade and if we end up future of free trade and if we end up in future of free trade and if we end upina future of free trade and if we end up in a trade war through tariff action and counter tariff action, thats bad news for growth and bad news forjobs. Thats a long list youve just given us, but we know that north korea is the most immediate threat. There appeared to be no Policy Solutions there and division of course amongst the us, the chinese at the security council, at the un. What do you suggest, as a former leader, be done about it . On north korea, much of the influence lies off course in beijing. What can china do to cause the north Korea Nuclear programme to change course . Really deraa two things that the chinese can do which will cause kim jong uns leadership to sit up and ta ke jong uns leadership to sit up and take notice there are two. One is to turn off china as a source of international convertible currency for the regime to use on global markets, to buy what they need. The second is to turn off all reduced the supply of oil because without oil the economy grinds to a hold and as does the military. Thats what china can do and i think thats where the diplomatic action between the us and china now lives. Moving onto russia, President Trump has urged the country to cease its destabilising activities, join the community of responsible nations. What do you make of those comments on the eve of that very eagerly anticipated meeting between trump and putin . Obviously President Trump is deeply affected by the high degree of domestic criticism here in the us. Where i live and where i am president of the think tank, the asia society, you dont get a day without the administration being attacked with its for its alleged close ties with the russians. I think the president is very keen to distance himself from that and to make a clear position on the ukraine. More broadly, however, he has also indicated he wants a new Constructive Partnership with President Putin on dealing with the end of isis in syria and iraq and we will see what the bilateral produces on both those questions. Kevin rudd, the former Prime Minister of australia. Lets focus on some of Donald Trumps comments on north korea. We are joined trumps comments on north korea. We arejoined by a Nuclear Policy expert, joining us from washington. They give very much for your time. Of course we heard this is very worrying for the international community. If we just focus in on this. The test itself, are you convinced that this missile can carry a Large Nuclear warhead . Well, that really does remain to be seen. Thats what the north is claiming. We havent received official confirmation from authorities, that thatis confirmation from authorities, that that is the case, but we can expect them to in due time to get to a point where they can eventually miniaturising a Nuclear Warhead and mounted on a long range list it missile, capable of reaching the american homeland. We heard donald trump, he was in poland, with the polish president. He said he will ta ke polish president. He said he will take strong action. What can we do . Again, we are dealing with President Trump, so he is the only one who has that answer. But the concern right now coming from a Statement Like that really concerns a lot of north korea watchers and experts and Policy Makers overseas because of how President Trump handled syria. So thats the kind of concern that is on the minds of most watchers. At the same time, weve heard james mattis, whose Public Comment seemed to be more reassuring, that the administration might exercise more restraint when it comes to north korea and not get itself into a conflict or potential war with north korea, at President Trump really will have to make a political decision very soon on how to deal with north korea. 0r decision very soon on how to deal with north korea. Or else he will be faced with a very tough decision going forward. So you are concerned that there is concern over the way he treated the situation with syria. But in terms of him talking to the chinese, getting them onboard, thats not really working out for him at all, is it . Its really not and we should not expect china to solve the problem, the north Korean Nuclear problem, for us. China has its own strategic interests. China knows it has economic leveraged and letters that it can pull. Leaders. Ageing is worried about potential collapse, but beijing also knows how tightly to tighten the screws, just enough so that the north does not collapse. But beijing is choosing not to go that path and choosing not to pressure the north and punish them to the extent that we would like beijing to do so. However, we can expect to see beijing punish the northjust however, we can expect to see beijing punish the north just enough so that pyongyang can endure it, but not to the extent that we would like it to. Thank you very much. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the Programme European and japanese scientists are putting the finishing touches to a Space Mission to mercury, the planet closest to the sun. Also on the programme its normally the preserve of women, but eshan hilal has become a male professional belly dancer in india. Central london has been rocked by a series of terrorist attacks. Police say they have been many casualties and theres growing speculation that al qaeda was responsible. Germany we will host the 2006 world cup. They beat south africa by a single vote. In south africa the possibility of losing hadnt even been contemplated. The Celebration Parties were cancelled. The man entered the palace through a downstairs window and made his way to the queens either the bedroom, then asked her for a cigarette. She then asked her for a cigarette. She then summoned a footman on duty who took the man away. 0ne one child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. This is newsday on the bbc. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Im kasia madera in london. Our top stories with a summit of World Leaders about to get under way in germany, President Trump has suggested that the future of western civilisation is under threat from terrorism and bureaucracy. And north korea celebrates its latest Missile Launch as mrtrump says hes considering a very severe response. And Manchester United are set to make a major signing having agreed a fee of around 97 million with everton for star striker romelu lukaku. The Belgium International scored 25 Premier League goals last season. If the deal goes through he could play a major part injose mourinhos teams bid for the title next season. That storys popular on bbc. Com lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. The china daily turns its attention to the north Korean Missile crisis. It highlights how chinas president xi is insisting on a peaceful resolution. And it points out that even south korea has praised beijings handling of the crisis. The japan times focuses on what it calls the countrys once in a decade storm. As the Rescue Operation gets under way, it says the death toll and scale of destruction is likely to rise. And the Business Times reports on how chinas Bike Sharing Wars have spread to singapore. The paper says so many cycles have been deployed in singapore that local officials are running out of ways to keep them from littering the streets. Chinas Aircraft Carrier is about to dock in hong kong in what is being seen as a Show Of Force to its rivals in the contested south china sea. This is the scene live. The Soviet Made Liaoning and its three accompanying warships have entered hong kong waters from the south. The carrier will dock in the Western Anchorage and will stay for two days. Earlier this week, 2,000 Hong Kongers Queued for hours for tickets to board and visit the ship. We arejoined by we are joined byjuliana We Arejoined Byjuliana Liu we are joined Byjuliana Liu from hong kong, and we can see it was obviously popular but theres a lot of symbolism behind the presence of this carrier . Absolutely, kasia. Good morning to you. According to Local Media The Liaoning and its free accompanying warships have already entered hong kong waters. Three. Its expected to dock a column at or so from cindy island, the carrier is too large and wide to enter Hong Kong Island, the strip of water connecting Hong Kong Island to the Kowloon Peninsula so it will be near cindy island, close to the international airport. The three warships will be nearby near stonecutters island, the location where the Peoples Liberation army base is. According to Hong Kong Media this will be the first time the general public will be able to get a close up look at the carrier. Its been in Service Since 2012. Thousands of people queued overnight forjust 2000 tickets. Those tour is expected to start tomorrow as well as sunday. Today, though, there will be to Vip Receptions for local vips those tours. Local media will be allowed access but foreign media wont two. Im told people will be visiting. They wont be allowed to ta ke be visiting. They wont be allowed to take cameras but they can take mobile phones, and its possible arrangements will be made for them to ta ke arrangements will be made for them to take selfies or other photos when theyre visiting the aircraft its. We will look at social media to see photos up close of the carrier. Hong kong hasjust celebrated the 20th Anniversary of its handover and the symbolism and Show Of Force with this chinese vessel being here, its not going to go an miss, is it . Unmissed. The visit is part of official celebrations marking the 20th Anniversary of the handover, and there is some soft power associated with allowing the public to visit but men are chinese what many china watchers saying its a Show Of Force. It comes after a few days the chinese president made remarks telling hong kong not to cross a red line challenging chinese sovereignty, a reminder of Chinese Military might, a not so subtle reminder not to challenge it. Not so su btle reminder not to challenge it. Not so subtle indeed. As always, juliana liu, thank you very much indeed. European and japanese space chiefs have unveiled their next big challenge. Its a Space Mission to the planet mercury, the planet closest to the sun. The Orbiting Craft will face temperatures as high as a50 celsius. It will take seven years for it to actually get there. 0ur science correspondent Rebecca Morelle has spent the day at the European Space agencys test centre in the netherlands. A mysterious world, mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, and the closest to the sun. Covered in craters, Towering Cliffs and ancient volcanoes, until now, it has been little explored. A major new mission is set to change that. This is the spacecraft cold bepicolombo, named after a famous italian scientist. It has taken nearly a decade to build. It is only when you get up close that you really get a sense of the size of this huge piece of kit. And this is a spacecraft built to withstand extremes. To get to mercury, it has to travel towards the sun, and that means dealing with intense radiation and heat. 0n the surface of mercury, temperatures can reach a50 celsius, and thats hot enough to melt lead. Its launch will take place next year. This is probably one of the most Challenging Missions we have ever undertaken. Its the long journey to get there and we have to deal with heat when we get close to the this on. But mercury is a tiny, enigmatic little world, which has so much to tell us about the formation of our solar system. Bepicolombos journey will take seven years, arriving at mercury in 2025. Once its there, the engine will be jettisoned, and two spacecraft will separate. They will Work Together to give us our best ever view. Well see its features in incredible detail, and peer inside to solve the mystery of what lies at mercurys core. This is the instrument we built at the university of leicester. British scientists have developed X Ray Cameras for this mission. Were going to be the first people on the planet to see this data coming back from mercury. Well be the first people to see x ray images of mercurys surface, which is going to tell us about what the surface is made of, and its going to revolutionise our understanding. The spacecraft will soon be packed up, ready for its long journey. And while it will be sometime before we get the first results back, Scientists Say the will be worth it. Rebecca morelle, bbc news. Now, kasia, i dont know if youve ever tried Belly Dancing, it isnt really the thing here in singapore. I havent, shara njt, but i do know you dont have to be a woman to do it. I dont believe youre a terrible dancer, i bet youre fantastic Belly Dancing may be a predominantly female art form, but that hasnt stopped one man in india from pursuing his passion. Eshan hilal has been talking to us about the sacrifices hes had to make to become a professional dancer. Belly dancing is something that is as good as any other beautiful indian dance form. When it comes to your gender roles, when it comes to your gender roles, when it comes to your individuality, people talk about being a man, enough when im doing dance, icy this. Icy this. My my siblings are kind of ashamed of me. Theres a word i always heard throughout my childhood, why do you wa nt to throughout my childhood, why do you want to be a girl . I love dance, why do you think i want to be girl . When you see the belly part, when you see that thing, you see the grace of the dance form. I feel it is a exhilarated when i do the dancing. If you cant appreciate it then dont do mean it. Eshan hilal talking to us about his love of Belly Dancing. From sharanjit from shara njit leyl, from Sharanjit Leyl, who im sure is a fantastic dancer, from me, who im sure isnt so good, thanks for watching newsday. A very warm day on thursday across england and wales, in particular southern and south eastern areas, with a top temperature in london of 32. In fact a number of stations in the Greater London area saw 32 and pretty hot as well further north, but the heat across Northern England broke down in spectacular style with some severe thunderstorms and reports of Flash Flooding and lightning damage across yorkshire and into lincolnshire. Those thunderstorms will continue to rattle away off into the north sea and then for most places it should bea dry and then for most places it should be a dry end to the night, thicker cloud and outbreaks of rain pushing into Northern Ireland and western scotland, a very warm and muggy start to the day once again across the south, particularly the south east. 0nly the south, particularly the south east. Only a bit of cloud around for the south west of england, into western wales, but a good deal sunshine the Midlands Eastwards and those temperatures to start the day around 20. Further north and there will be thicker cloud. For north west england into scotla nd cloud. For north west england into scotland and Northern Ireland, like i mentioned, sunlight and patchy rain around so a dismal morning with temperatures here at 8am around 18. Through the day it looks like that cloud across Western Areas will tend to move in eastwards and any clear skies tend to infill from cloud, so a cloudy afternoon that what we saw on thursday, so that means not quite as hot. Still very warm, though, In The South East with 27 or 28. A rather low 2a the north and why teams in scotland and Northern Ireland. It means for the tennis at wimbledon on friday that it will be more comfortable for the spectators and for the players with highs around 26 or 27 celsius and Sunshine Coming and going. A fine end to the day on friday but we look to the west to this area of rain pushing in towards wales, like ann patchett and will affect mainly Western Areas. This Weather Front is responsible for it. As we head towards saturday eight cloudy, damp day to all 0rds central areas, Northern Ireland, Northern Wales and western england, the rain not amounting to that much. To the west of it some sunshine in southern areas but generally speaking a cloudy day and a cooler one across the border, top temperature is 24. Temperatures rising again as we head on into sunday and thats because we pick up some thundery air again off the near continent, this area of low pressure could introduce heavy showers to southern parts of the country, maybe the odd thunderstorm and this Weather Front could bring the odd thunderstorm and this weatherfront could bring outbreaks to Northern Ireland. But quite warm In The South East. This is bbc news. Our top story World Leaders have arrived for a summit of major global economies in the german city of hamburg. Climate change and global terrorism will be the major issues on the agenda. In a speech on his arrival in europe, the us President Donald Trump called on Western Civilization to stand united against what he called the menace of radical islamic extremism. North korea has been celebrating its latest Missile Launch. But mr President Trump says hes considering a very severe response against the regime in pyongyang. And this video story is trending on bbc. Com. Its a little animal thats started making a pretty big impression. This female baby Pygmy Hippopotamus has just been introduced to the public at chiles buin zoo. Its two weeks old and very cute. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc world news. Now on bbc news, its time for hardtalk

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