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Midnight in london and either 6 30am or 7am in the morning in the Korean Peninsula depending on whether youre in the north or south. But tensions continue to rise on both sides of the demilitarized zone. Pyongyang has carried out a huge Live Firing Exercise. And the us is preparing for similar large scale manoeuvres with the south korean armed forces, which will most likely include this Nuclear Powered submarine, the michigan, which sailed into a south korean port on tuesday. South korea is going to buy two advanced Radar Systems to give warnings about incoming ballistic missiles. But the message coming from north korean state tv remains confrontational. Translation now that the us has pulled out a sword to kill us we will also pull out our grand sort of justice and fight to the end, and we will kill the us imperialists with oui will kill the us imperialists with our strong and nuclear power. Our Nuclear Forces stand at the core. Earlier i spoke with dan sneider, who is Associate Director of the Asia Pacific Research centre at Stanford University in california. I asked him what he made of President Trump telling the Un Security Council ambassadors that people had put on blindfolds for decades to the north korean problem. I think its largely empty rhetoric frankly. Maybe President Trump has had a blindfold on because he doesnt seem to have been aware of north korea as a problem until after he was elected but i think the world has been dealing with north korea for quite a while and the tools available to it are pretty limited. But professor schneider, we havent had this kind of tough rhetoric on north korea from past american president s. Do you think there could be rain meet in this rhetoric of donald trump that he could really ta ke donald trump that he could really take action rather than mere sanctions and talking to china about pyongyang . I dont think there is much meat to it and frankly i could go back and say to you many Insta Nces Go back and say to you many instances of tough talk from american president s, including bush and obama, the reality is everyone knows, and weve faced the reality for decades, to respond militarily oi for decades, to respond militarily or initiate a Military Attack on north korea is to risk a wider war in which millions of people are at risk. Thats why despite countless provocations by the north koreans, three times they tried to assassinate the president of south korea, terrorist acts, bringing down aeroplanes, sinking south korean naval vessels, shooting down american reconnaissance planes, despite all of that we have never retaliated militarily simply because the risk of war is too great. The president will be meeting with 100 us senators. What is he likely to tell them, professor sneider, and what realistically can the president do at this point . First of all i dont know the president himself is going to be there, the meeting is set up with secretary tillerson, general mattis, the chairman of the joint chiefs and so on, i honestly dont know what that meeting is about. It certainly prompted a lot of speculation, it made people think that something of a Military Action Variety is being contemplated but the president also told the ambassadors of the year Un Security Council yesterday that the response to a, for example, un nuclear dashing north Korea Nuclear test would be to go back to the Un Security Council and ask for new sanctions. I dont see there are policy tools different to the ones being used by the two previous administrations with the results we have seen. Lets take a look at some of the days other news. In thailand, a funeral has been held for an 11 month old baby girl who was killed by her father while he streamed the murder live on facebook. Wuttisan wongtalay, had previously argued with the mother of the murdered child. He filmed himself killing his daughter shortly before taking his own life in a deserted building in the seaside town of phuket. 0ur bbc thai editor Nopporn Wong Anan has the details. The incident took place monday evening thailand time. Bagai had an argument with his wife. He went away from the house with his daughter and then he disappeared from the house for several hours and his wife got worried, then he looked at his mobile phone and found out that he was doing facebook life trying to kill their daughter and himself later and she was watching in vain to inform the police and the police try to find where the incident took place but by the time they got to this deserted and incomplete hotel it was too late. They found two dead bodies hanging from the roof. Then a lot of people saw that, they got very outraged and condemned the guy and then there were calls for local media not to report this and then there were calls on facebook to withdraw it, and then they did after about 2k hours and somebody put this on youtube as well and then it was taken down after on youtube as well and then it was ta ken down after youtube on youtube as well and then it was taken down after youtube was informed. Facebook have issued a statement saying this is an appalling incident and that there is absolutely no place for content like this on facebook. They add the material has been removed. That statement coming from facebook saying it is an appalling incident and their hearts go out to the family involved. Also making news today more than 1 billion has been pledged to the un at a Donor Conference to help deliver aid to yemen, although thats only half of what the organisation was asking for. The un says an entire generation is being starved and crippled by the war. The white house says it will not comply with a request to release files relating to former National Security advisor michael flynn. Lawmakers want to see his application for Security Clearance from before he joined the administration. The white house referred the request to the defence department. Conservationists in kenya have taken an unusual step by putting a white rhino on the dating app tinder. The idea is to raise money so that sudan, who is the last white northern rhino in the wild in the country, can take part in breeding programmes. Swiping right on his profile, which is available in 190 countries, will take you to a donation page. This is a ten or possibly even 15 Year Programme to recover this species. We estimate it will cost somewhere in the region of 9000000 10000000. The philippines government says it has mobilised a 40,000 strong force to ensure security at the asean summit, which starts on wednesday. Twenty one different agencies are involved in the operation for the gathering in pasay city. Now, this poster of chinas first aircraft carrier, the liaoning, has been issued by the Chinese Ministry of defence. It looks good but its causing a bit of a stir on the social media site weibo because not everything is as it should be. For example, thats not a chinese plane on the deck but a russian mig fighter. The other three jets are land based aircraft, though they could of course just be flying over. But the two vessels escorting the carrier appear to be american warships. As a weibo user pointed out, always be sure what youre doing when you start adding images to your photographs. And heres another example of something not going to plan in china where five tons of live fish were spilt onto a freeway when a truck overturned. No humans were hurt but it wasnt such good news for the fish. In the end, Traffic Police enlisted passers by to help clear the road. President trump has indicated hes willing to delay trying to secure federalfunds to build his so called great wall along part of the us border with mexico. The president has until the end of the week to agree on federal Spending Plans with congress or risk marking his 100th day in office with a government shutdown. 0ur North America editor jon sopel has more details. Reporter mr president , are you going to insist on Border Funding . Donald trump made his fortune as a builder, now the president is staking a huge amount of Political Capital on the most controversial Construction Project of his life, a 2,000 mile long wall to separate the us from its southern neighbour mexico. No one can say its come out of the blue. It was almost his Campaign Theme tune. Were going to do the wall and, by the way, whos going to pay for the wall . Mexico who is going to pay for the wall . Who . Mexico but the mexicans have been blunt in their response. Were not paying a peso towards it, something the Economy Minister spelt out today to the bbc. If they decide to do it, its in their own sovereign right. The only thing that is clear is that there is no way mexico is going to pay for it. So donald trump, initially at least, will have to rely on the us taxpayer. Busy day. And though theres growing acceptance thats not going to happen right now, hes still talking tough. The wall gets built, 100 . Thank you very much. Reporter wait, mr president. When will the wall be built . Soon. Very soon. Were already preparing. Were doing plans, were doing specifications. But the government runs out of money this friday and could face another shut down, like it did four years ago when thousands of staff were laid off and federal buildings and monuments closed. Democrats will agree to an emergency funding package, but only if the white house removes the proposed expenditure on the wall. And although republicans do have a majority in the senate, its slim, and to get this measure passed, you need whats called a supermajority, 60 votes, and they only have 52. President trump, approaching his 100th day in office, has faced a stark choice, either a government shut down or a personal climb down. Because in democratic senators, the president has come across a Rock Solid Wall which there is no way round. Its been a harsh lesson in the differences between the ease of campaigning and the struggles of governing. Its left democrats savouring another victory. Its really good news that the president seems to be taking the wall off the table in the negotiations were having on an appropriations bill this week. The white house unveiled a new website today to celebrate the president s100 days. Its been high energy and high tempo. A raft of Executive Orders and growing economic confidence, but on his three signature policies, the travel ban, Health Reform and now the border wall, donald trump hasnt succeeded in the way that hed promised. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Donald trump has always counted on family ties in business and hes carried that approach into politics. He appointed his daughter ivanka as an advisor, and on tuesday she was americas representative at the w20 summit in berlin on womens rights. She faced a tough crowd when it came to issues involving herfather, while alongside some of the worlds most powerful women, including imf head Christine Lagarde and german chancellor Angela Merkel. Earlier i spoke to one of the panellists gulden turktan. She was the president of the womens summit in 2015, and told me her thoughts on ivankas contribution. There was a lot of excitement about ivanka trump coming, ivanka trumps knowledge about womens issues and her background of presenting american womens issues and there we re american womens issues and there were demonstrations around her arrival. Inaudible. Were demonstrations around her arrival. Inaudible. We were demonstrations around her arrival. Inaudible. We talked about various issues. She made a good picture out of it i think. You say shed made a good picture out of it, when she was booed, was that justified in your opinion . |j it, when she was booed, was that justified in your opinion . I dont know whether its justified or not but its President Trump that wants to build walls and wants to do this, and this is his daughter, she is a businesswoman and she mentioned the right words, needing to help women and their need to be a fund raised now between the us, canada and germany with Angela Merkel asking for it and trump agreeing and holland agreeing to be a part of it. So something good is happening out of all of this. Sorry to interrupt but it ivanka was there representing her father. His track record on womens rights isnt the best arguably. She is representing him, she is then defending what he has previously done. Was the booing justified . She was very strong to say to defend her father, it was quite a moment, but at least she is aware of the problems and aware of what w20 is and she is aware of what she should say. She has studied papers as far as i understand and she is a businesswoman. But to defend mr trump, who wants to make this decision of a wall at the border, so it is very tough for her. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme. Are all passports equal . The annual Passport Index suggests not. Well tell you which ones wield the most power. Also on the programme. The follow up to the story of the egyptian women who lost 250 kilos. Her sister says she doesnt believe her. Nothing was too big to withstand the force of the tornado. The extent of the Devastation Led to calls to build better government housing. Internationally, there have already been protests. Sweden says it received no warning of the accident. Indeed, the russians first denied anything had gone wrong. Only when Radioactivity Levels began to increase outside russia were they forced to admit the accident. The mood here is of great celebration. This is the end of a 12 year war. They have taken the capital which they have been fighting for for so long. It was 7am in the morning, the day when power began to pass from the minority to the majority. When africa, after 300 years, reclaimed its last white colony. This is newsday on the bbc. Im rico hizon in singapore. Im kasia madera in london. Our top stories north korea says it will defend itself, describing the arrival of a Us Nuclear Submarine in the region as a threat. The funeral is held in thailand of an 11 month old baby girl killed by her father who streamed her murder live on facebook. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. The japan times leads with the us and north korea flexing their military muscles, as pyongyang marks the 85th Anniversary of the founding of the korean peoples army. It notes that there was no nuclear or missile test as some had expected though the north carried out live fire drills described by the Yonhap News Agency as the largest ever. The china daily has a front page splash on beijing encouraging the us to take part in its so called belt and road initiative. Thats a Major Development and trade Programme Announced by president xi jinping in 2013. And the Philippine Star carries reassurance about this weeks asean summit in manila. It quotes the Armed Forces Of The Philippines as saying theres no specific terror threat. Now kasia theres an amazing story about weight loss all pa rents all parents are proud of their children and have a look at this. Behind every sportsperson there is a proud parent or two. We do a lot for our children. Now we will watch a really ha p py our children. Now we will watch a really happy father watching as, watching the bbc after watching this son. Watching the bbc after watching this son. Keep up. You may have mist the Great Britain ice hockey teams victory on monday night. 0ne the Great Britain ice hockey teams victory on monday night. One of the players scoring was liam stuart. This father, sir rod stewart, was particularly pleased. They won the second game 5 1. Liam stuart, the son of music legend sir rod stewart scored this First International goal. When it comes to travelling the world it seems that not all passports are equal. According to an annual Passport Index, which bases success on how easy it is to travel without needing a visa, the most powerful documents are issued by germany and singapore. Its the first Time Singapore has been ranked so highly. In second place are passports issued by sweden. And then there are Nine Countries whose papers are all roughly equal the usa, south korea and seven european nations, including the uk. But at the other end of the scale the passport least likely to ease your passage across International Frontiers comes from afghanistan with pakistan and iraq also low in the rankings. Earlier i spoke to Phillipe May The Asia Pacific Managing Director of arton capital, which puts the comparisons together about how the index is compiled. We dranka we drank a passport according to a visa free index. So we track how many countries you can travel visa free and how many have a visa on arrival. So, for singapore and germany, how many countries can these Passport Holders travel visa free . 159. And afghanistan . Only 25 for afghanistan and you need to deduct the countries that Afghani S Cannot Access directly. Where they may need a transit visa. So you are telling us that singapore, which is now, for the first time in the top ranking, will overtake germany eventually . How so . We believe that singapore will continue to have a top rank and possibly overtake germany, simply because singapore has a very good diplomacy, Singapore Isa has a very good diplomacy, singapore is a neutral country, friends with everybody, is not caught up in power games, it does not have a visa issue with the us. We think sooner or later they will be number one. How easyis later they will be number one. How easy is it to get a singaporean or german passport . Not easy. In both countries you have residency requirements. However, for those people who do not have a chance to get either of these two passports there are programmes in Different Countries in the caribbean and europe so it is possible to upgrade your passport if you come from a low ranking countries such as afghanistan. I have a Philippine Passport. What will it take for the philippines to get to the top ten . If you want to improve the Philippine Passport you should opt for a citizenship in a programme in a country like cyprus. You invest in a country like cyprus. You invest in a property and within a few months, given other conditions are fulfilled as well you can become a citizen there and rank in the top ten. Lets update you on the story of eman abd el aty, the egyptian woman whos thought to have been the heaviest woman in the world. She went for treatment in india, and doctors there said she had lost 250 kilograms, thats half of her bodyweight. We come because you promised me she will be ok. She is not ok. We do everything, they gain fame and muggy and the world knows about it and we . We get nothing. She is 75 better than what she was. She is 75 better than what she was. She will never walk because she has deformed legs and otherwise her parameters are fine, her liver is fine, her Heart Failure is fine. She has lost a tremendous amount of weight. You have been watching newsday. Stay with us. As south koreas election inches closer, well be looking at what the vote means for the country and whether it will bring change. And before we go, lets take a look at these pictures. Nothing too unusual, you might think just some tourists posing with some police officers. But these are Italian Police officers working on the great wall of china. Theyre on temporary patrol as part of a deal between rome and beijing which will see chinese officials stationed in italy, to offer more protection to Chinese Tourists there. Thats all for now stay with bbc world news. It felt pretty chilly times yesterday, didnt it . It was even cold enough for snow on the ground in the highlands of scotland. Not too bad the late april. You can see the snow cover here in the highlands. We even had a dusting of snow further south, as far south as Staffordshi Re Snow further south, as far south as staffordshire in the north west midlands. Though showers have been feeding in on a brisk northerly wind but over more recent hours we have seen but over more recent hours we have seen the showers becoming confined more towards coastal districts around the eastern side of england, Western Wales in cornwall as well. As we go through the day today we will see a mixture of sunshine and heavy showers, plenty of these thunderclouds will be developing as the day goes on, particularly across eastern stretches of england and there will be a chilly start to the morning. There should be plenty of sunshine around. Yes, she was from the word go near to the east coast of england, moving inland quickly as the day goes by. Pockets of frost is well across parts of the midlands, many South West England and wales but it will soon melt away with blue sky and sunshine. The wind continues to feed in the showers to the east coast of england. A couple for Northern Ireland and showers continue across scotland. Snow on the hills in scotland around one 200 metres elevation in the morning so some perhaps is around as well. It isa some perhaps is around as well. It is a bit of sleet and some heavy showers during the morning across the eastern counties of england and a dusting of snow for the moors. Aside from that it will be Heavy Rain Showers with the developed through the afternoon. Spilling inland across the midlands, covering much of east anglia with the showers are particularly heavy, helen sunda mixed in. Another cool feeling day, temperatures are nine to 12 degrees colder as those showers move through and the temperatures will drop away. Looking on wednesday night, things will begin to turn a little less cold across northern Western Areas of cloudy weather spills in bringing some spots of rain that separates further south with any lengthy clear spells we could well see a frost developing. That would be quite damaging. The lowest in britain perhaps dropping to around minus three degrees also. So it will be a cool start to thursday morning. As strea k of cool start to thursday morning. As streak of cloud comes in bringing some less cold air with it, it probably will not feel whole lot different across southern counties because although the air is less cold, we do lose the sun shines cloudy weather not feeling too great underneath those guys. Temperatures 11 12 underneath those guys. Temperatures 11 12 degrees. Brighter conditions the north and west. By friday, where was all have a few showers knocking around, most of them will be new to this coast of england with sunny spells elsewhere and temperatures recovering. Highs of 15 degrees in london. Im kasia madera with the headlines on bbc world news. Tensions continue to rise on the Korean Peninsula. The Nuclear Powered submarine, the michigan, has arrived in south korea to take part in manoeuvres with the south korean armed forces. Meanwhile in the north, pyongyang has carried out a huge Live Firing Exercise to mark the anniversary of the military. The funeral is held in thailand of an 11 month old baby girl, killed by her father who streamed her murder live on facebook. He filmed himself killing his daughter shortly before taking his own life. And this video is catching a lot of attention online. Five tons of live fish were spilt onto a motorway in china when a truck overturned. No humans were hurt but it wasnt such good news for the fish. Traffic police enlisted passers by to help clear the road. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc world news. Now on bbc news its time for hardtalk. Welcome to hardtalk. Im stephen sackur

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