Transcripts For BBCNEWS Britains City Of Culture 20170414 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Britains City Of Culture 20170414

asteroids, meteors and satellites... this is being turned into a giant musical instrument taking you on a sonicjourney musical instrument taking you on a sonic journey across the musical instrument taking you on a sonicjourney across the humber. musical instrument taking you on a sonic journey across the humber. and i have been on myjourneys, too, to explore the cultural links between this maritime city and its sister city of reykjavik. this talk of girls not boxing is old—fashioned. we will also find out how the women's boxing pioneer barbara patrick is finally being recognised in her home city. iam i am annemarie tasker and i have the a rts i am annemarie tasker and i have the arts and culture corresponded for the bbc here in hull in this is kofi smiles. i am the face of hull was about bbc to tell the world about the city of culture. we're out the humber bridge, where there is lincolnshire and behind you is the city of hull. this is one of the north‘s most famous landmarks, it has stunning views and is an amazing piece of engineering. by the way it is 156 metres tall, just under 500 feet. just a bit shorter than the blackpool tower. i don't know how i will get down from here but i guess i will cross that bridge when i come to it. i will let you into a little secret, there is a lift up to here. this was as a leader getting all of the people and kicked up to the top of the humber bridge and if you take a look over the edge you can see the very first people to experience the humber bridge as a musical instrument. musical sounds this 1's been the next backwards to seek god. in all of the magnetism of the blue space. listening through headphones there listening to a piece of work composed of music and poetry and the sounds of the wind is its ways the bridge. many of us will have driven across the bridge taking in the science of the humber river, but this unique project is hoping to inspire people to walk along its mile long length and get lost in incredible sounds. the east coast links to scandinavia go back to the vikings is a norwegian composers have been chosen to create a musical guided walk across the bridge. today in arctic temperatures these men are rocking the bridge together for the first time. it is a fantastic construction and it is a much bigger than expected. it has been interesting to walk across the bridge together and actually hear the sound of the british. and uniquely it is the noise of the bridge makes which will form the basis of the peace. field recorders des reilly friend has been given the job of catching them. i have to admiti job of catching them. i have to admit i was sceptical whenjess started testing the railings on the bridge to see which one side of the most musical. i think this one of this one. the section here. let's try this. gave sticks little contact microphones onto the railings to ca ptu re microphones onto the railings to capture the sounds. if i had them new year. . . tonal vibrating i take anything that it is com pletely i take anything that it is completely musical. it is these raw sounds that jan has completely musical. it is these raw sounds thatjan has his completely musical. it is these raw sounds that jan has his team have been transforming into an orchestral piece. today the opera —— today the guitar recording the bard. the coral pa rt guitar recording the bard. the coral part has arrived in the corners has w011 part has arrived in the corners has won day to learn and record them. you have to sing very quietly, so thatis you have to sing very quietly, so that is a challenge final enough because it is quite the opposite of what we are normally asked to do. at bute park primary school in hull auditions are taking place for the voice of the humber bridge. the child who will be the narrator on the wall. my name is katie and i'm going to keep you company on your journey to the bridge. eight—year—old katie smith has been chosen to be the voice of the humber bridge. i think it will be a bit weird hearing myself but it is going to be pretty cool. it is a long walk ahead, i hope you have strong shoes. look up! this is an extraordinary soaring piece of music and to think that it came originally from the very sounds of the bridge itself. it only really make sense when you're out here. it is fantastic. that looks amazing. we popped back down to the bridge and we will have agoat down to the bridge and we will have a go at it. is an opportunity to walk along an iconic part of hull along the humber bridge and really enjoy it with an extra experience that you wouldn't normally have the opportunity to do. is brilliant, you appreciate the environment more. you're in the zone kind of thing. it makes you think differently, having the music directing what you're thinking and then you look at. it is amazing, i enjoyed. usually i just then you look at. it is amazing, i enjoyed. usually ijust drive by. then you look at. it is amazing, i enjoyed. usually ijust drive bym has been a long time since i walked the bridge investors added to the atmosphere, it is fantastic. you only have to look across from the humber bridge to see that this is an area which has close links to the sea. hull was a major fishing port and one of its sister cities is reykjavik the capital of iceland. later this month a major music festivals planned in the city of culture to celebrate those maritime links. at is curated by an award—winning musician, john brown, an american now living in iceland he showed me around reykjavik and explain some of the similarities between the cities. welcome to iceland! home of the fjords, trolls and unexpectedly good football team. but what does that have to do with hull, the uk city of culture? for one thing reykjavik is one of the whole's city —— sister cities. they have traded with each other, often friendly and sometimes less friendly. they were both listed in the world's top ten cities to visit in the rough trade in 2016. it is said that the cobblestones and 50 mac's open report from iceland. but there are cultural links, too. north atla ntic there are cultural links, too. north atlantic flux, one of the major music festivals of the city of culture programme which celebrate hull's nordic connections. this is john grande. john grande is an american who has lived and regulate for the past five years. in fact he is such a nordic native that he cold oat iceland's 2014 entry into the eurovision song contest. i metjohn at this copy shop, his favourite place in reykjavik in the setting for his pale green ghost album art. hull is a place that has been on my radar for a long time, several of the artists in matter —— the time i have connections to hull. so there are these the very strong female voices from hull that i have been listening to that influenced by four decades. i think that is interesting because hull is known for its resilience —— resilient powerhouse women. these women who single—handedly i think it was down to four women who fronted protests after the couple crawler tragedy. can you take me through the festival you have created for 2017? you will see a good mix of what 50 mac has to offer but also things from the north atlantic. it is quite scandinavian. and then some of my favourite things from around britain. because britain has been instrumental, unintended, i guess, informing my musical dna and vocabulary through my life. it is a very important place for me. clearly this festival is no automatic place forjohn, he's genuinely invested in the story of hull and its connection to the north atlantic. he should be another favourite spot of his, this church just like holy trinity in hull is the focal point of the regular skyline. have you like both, even though there has been hardships and animosity between iceland and kofi there are still a lot of similarities as follows the people, are very much connected to the sea. what that does intensive building character and your relationship to nature i think is something that is very much have in common. the sea separates us but also gives us this shared history and natural understanding of each other‘s heritage. historically, men from both cities would troll for fish in these waters which led to overfishing and a breakdown in relations known as the cod wars. but 110w relations known as the cod wars. but now the music and art that is friendship that thrives on several levels. this is whatjohn and his friends will celebrate in hull cantlie north friends will celebrate in hull ca ntlie north atlantic friends will celebrate in hull cantlie north atlantic flux and that is why i will be there at the front of the crowd. still ahead, one of hull's most famous daughter is an inspiring the next generation of performers. that white-haired woman in spectacles can be on telly, so cani! in spectacles can be on telly, so can i! and the man who went from prog rock to classical stardom. but first he was my guide to some of the other 2017 highlights and a look ahead at what is to come. in march the 75 metre wind turbines that sparked a citywide debate about what art is was moved to a new home. it left a void in the centre of hull for about five days, quickly replaced by the famous weakling wendell poppies copter.m replaced by the famous weakling wendell poppies copter. it literally represents a piece of history that is relevant now and we just want to let it go and see what people think. files feed which launched in federally takes the conversations from the young people of hull and— out with puppets. drive—through hull to get a scarborough, don't you? an incredible collection of celebrity portraits is currently on display at the university of hull. it is a rare chance to see the entire collection of paintings from the winners of the national bp portrait award. of paintings from the winners of the national bp portrait awardm of paintings from the winners of the national bp portrait award. it is always busy, and it was never busy before so it is really nice notjust for the city of culture but also for the art collection. and flood in epic year long shall in part two. rc will be broadcast on bbc tv and there's lots more to come including richard iii starting mat fraser and a piece of cake theatre by the company middle child. —— a piece of theatre. 0ne theatre. one of the unexpected things that city of culture is it has unearthed remarkable success stories that have either been ignored orforgotten. and that is the about all sorts of cultures and notjust the obvious ones like music and theatre but sport, specifically boxing. barbara was born in kofi and was the first women's boxing champion in the 60s. we sentjohnny nelson are world champions and metre. to become the best boxer in the world takes commitment. but for one fighter the toughest battle was just trying to set foot in the ring. but barbara butterick went on to become the world's first woman boxing champion. and trained in the same gym is mohamed el—erian. under fifa told she was known as the mighty atom. —— muhammad ali. now at 87 it is more than 70 years since barbara found love with boxing. on my bedroom while i take it i had all boxers so i bought myself a hardness that you put a football in a punch bag out of it. an article inspired to make a career. your friends give you this to clean your books? that is the newspaper clipping and it tells about polly burns who travelled with the boxing booth. i thought if she can do it so can i. typist by da boxer by night, barbara headed to london to find a trainer and opponents. i think there's talk about girls not boxing is old—fashioned, girls and the delicate flowers are used to be. anyhow my boyfriend doesn't mind. soon barbara was making headlines but none of them very positive. band this girl boxer. the criticism, nicky wood said we have made the front page again and i say never, what are they saying? he said don't read it, measured it. she took to fighting any women who would travel —— talent are using fairground boxing rules. nobody would encourage it, they were so down on it i guess they put the other girls completely off. fed up with fairgrounds barbara further afield for opponents and that took to america and in 1957 came the moment dreamt of, she finally got a professional licence and beat phyllis kugler to become the world's first women's boxing champion. it is nice though you're the best the world, you know that, too. the title brought her to the centre of the boxing world, the place where angelo dundee trained muhammad ali, the fifth st gym. today the fifth straight game is the new building but inside the history lives on. i see pictures on the wall angelo dundee, mohamed el—erian, you we re angelo dundee, mohamed el—erian, you were here with these guys. yes i was, muhammad ali was just cassius clay then, he was very young and confident in himself. i'd vacuum you mention these people like it is nothing to you but these are history makers. they supported me. i was accepted them. in 1960 barbara retired, having won 35, drawn one and lost just retired, having won 35, drawn one and lostjust one but she did not say goodbye to boxing. she set up the women's international boxing federation and gave women titles to fight for. and in 2012 she came to london to watch women box for 0lympic medals for the first time in history. among them two times gold medallist nicola adams. it is because of woman like that made it possible for me to box today. it was tough for me, women's boxing was not acce pt tough for me, women's boxing was not accept that i can't imagine her high —— how hard it must have been for her to —— how hard it must have been for herto keep —— how hard it must have been for her to keep pushing and training and try to be taken seriously. i have to say a big thank you for paving the way. if i was there today i would be in my glory, pack my gym bag and block the same as anyone else is going the gym and work out. i think it is to rhetoric. barbara put on her first it is to rhetoric. barbara put on herfirst pair of boxing it is to rhetoric. barbara put on her first pair of boxing gloves it is to rhetoric. barbara put on herfirst pair of boxing gloves more than seven decades ago, she could only dream that girls would be welcomed into boxing gyms. i did could never have happened without barbara leading the way. barbara's life as inspired brand you play. when she was finally recognised in her home city at the women of the world festival. well was herod —— held in hull for the first time this year. it is now hill —— held in venues around the globe and as well as bar bride celebrated the work of kofi comedians maureen lipman and disablement. they have recorded an episode of the bbc radio 4 comedy in front of a live audience. the alan titchmarsh, please let me add palmer like me and i want to go back with her to live in amsterdam with the dutch. do you know what the women do in amsterdam? yes. what? they make cheese. maureen is one of the best exports of hull with a career in tv and radio is banning decades. do you think there are things that the audience in hull will pick up that went over the heads of radio 4 audience?” will pick up that went over the heads of radio 4 audience? i think people will realise that we're both the real mccoy. as a woman working in the performing arts to you find that you are treated differently as a woman? the arts have always been about for a level pegging for women and you would have thought that after a second wave feminism that the most popular book for that length of time would have been 50 shades of grey, which is very definitely getting us back over a man's knee. it is obscene really but women, sometimes we are all worse enemy. we don't go for it straightforward, the number of times i have heard women say aye hate my desk, i hate my nose, i hate my breasts, i hit my legs, not to mention i have never had a woman say aye was right for that part and i deserved it. you hoping that by hugh endlessly being here has women have achieved in the arts are out there showing that woman from hull and do it or you hoping that you can either a step towards taking that?” it or you hoping that you can either a step towards taking that? i don't really have the hurricanes, i guess iam really have the hurricanes, i guess i am arrogant but i don't have that belief that i'm changing anything. i am just making people laugh. and a column —— they from hull. it is drip drip drip, isn't it with women's rights? if there's one kid out there who thinks god is that white—haired woman with spectacles can be on telly so can i. living in london have you found that people in the capital look at hull differently since we became city of culture?m has always been regarded with a bit ofa has always been regarded with a bit of a snigger, end of the line, hull, but it was always funky. itjust didn't like. now people coming in and they will see it as folksy and funky and feisty and the other effort as well. -- the other f word. the music on the humber bridge is just one of the many pieces specifically commissioned for 2017. there will be all sorts of styles and genres including a brand—new work from one of classical musical superstars sir karljenkins. here's caroline milton with more. his music is known to millions from andy must... to his most highly acclaimed and popular piece, the armed man. sir karljenkins as britain's most successful living classical composer so successful living classical composer so when hull's philharmonic were looking for someone to write a special piece of work for 2017 they knew who to turn to. with the city of culture we wanted a real celebration of this amazing construction, we'd use the organ and why don't we try and commission a composer to write a piece especially for us? and who better to go for the karljenkins? the for us? and who better to go for the karl jenkins? the other nations leading amateur symphony orchestra, and have performed in hull's city hall for over 130 years. a whole famous for its magnificent organ. they wanted a piece of music, that would celebrate that. funny composer best known for his choral music, it would be a break from the norm best known for his choral music, it would be a breakfrom the norm but an opportunity too good to miss. city of culture is an amazing thing and part of it was wonderful that i was asked, to write an organ piece for this or in a particular ticks all the boxes. experimenting with music is how his career began in fa ct music is how his career began in fact the last time he played in both the mac was performing with the 70s jazz and rock grip soft machine but ina career jazz and rock grip soft machine but in a career that spans over three decades he has never written music foran decades he has never written music for an organ like this before. in this age nowadays sends a digitised, you press a button and you get something but inside that think there's an actual based on with something hitting it when you order based on sound on a glockenspiel. it is quite incredible. 6000 pipes is in the circles words correctly at oddball, a celebration of hull's history and people and traditions. and at its heart the organ played by jonathan scott. it has an amazing power, the 95 stops altogether, for keywords and pedal board to clear your feet. the animated musical instruments. you think through time you think back, beethoven, brown, if they have been here they would play here, the composers here right these pieces in the personal budget out there and they wanted disintegrate and so we're not making it sound as best as we can make it. —— we are all making it sound as best as we can make it. the world premiere of 6000 pipes points to a sell—out or —— audience. there will be another opportunity to cure this unique piece of music in federally next year. that is it, from the top of the humber bridge and eye view of the city of culture. i hope you enjoy the show and will be back next month. we will look ahead to the radio one big weekend, an exclusive interview with a spider from mars and we meet the 2017 volunteers. that is all coming up in may but if you need a culture fix in the meantime what our website bbc .co .uk/ hold 2017. goodbye. good afternoon, it is a fairly grey cloudy sort of good friday from many of us, but there are glimpses of sunshine to be enjoyed out there, too. here is the scene in suffolk ca ptu red too. here is the scene in suffolk captured by a weather watcher couple of hours ago, nuclear spells the. as the race weekend things stay cool with such a round and some of seeing rain not everywhere. here is a satellite radar pictures showing rain that has already been coming of northern ireland in western scotland, some showers in england and wales, to industry had through the remainder of the afternoon this band of cloud and patchy rain edges slowly further south that these words. if we start off along the south coast it should be largely dry for the bulk of cornwall and devon and dorset, temperatures getting up to 14 or 15 degrees with brighter spells in the south—east it will feel pretty pleasant. thicker cloud with cooler temperatures and patchy rain as we had across bath wales northwest england, too. after the rain will clearfor northwest england, too. after the rain will clear for northern ireland to leave brighter spells and showers over scotla nd to leave brighter spells and showers over scotland blustery with further showers and he went on a flavour to the showers over the hills of scotland. it will be pretty chilly here with frequent showers and further south is whether fun as it pushes onto the afternoon and evening lobbying cloud in some patchy outbreaks of rain. 0ne evening lobbying cloud in some patchy outbreaks of rain. one to light showers passing across southern parts of england as he had to the overnight period, any rain pretty welcome in dry gardens in the south and south—east. as we start the day on saturday it will be in improving picture, cloud and showers clea n improving picture, cloud and showers clean from the south with further showers working in across scotland and northern ireland being quite windy in the north so blustery conditions but actually from much of the country not a bad day. plenty of sunshine on offer with just a few showers across northern england and northern ireland despite for scotland, too. the south—east should stay largely dry with temperatures around 14 degrees, a rather fresh fields of things. certainly compared to last weekend. heading through it is today we see another front moving in from the west, the week after the 70 the exact details but it looks like we will see some wet weather in the country, try and break to the north and south. temperatures around about 15 degrees so. most of that rain should get out the way by easter monday, one or two showers but most others looking guy with temperatures at around seven or 15 degrees. the most powerful non—nuclear bomb ever used by the united states, targets so—called islamic state in afghanistan. the us says it was the right weapon against the right target. 36 militants are thought to have been killed. we have afghan and us forces on the site and see no evidence of civilian casualties, nor have there been any reports of civilian casualties. schools in england facing their worst funding cuts in 20 years — a warning from teaching union conferences. gunfire. the mission to re—take mosulfrom so—called is. we report from the frontline. security improved at the online accommodation booking site airbnb, after a bbc investigation finds scammers burgling homes.

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Railings , Job , Side , Whenjess , Section , Admiti , Microphones , Contact , Ptu , Tonal , Anything , Team , Opera , Sounds Thatjan , Com Pletely , Corners , Bard , Coral Part , Guitar , Coral Pa Rt , Guitar Recording , W011 , Final , Opposite , Primary School , Challenge , Bute Park , Place , Child , Company , Auditions , Narrator , The Voice , My Name , Katie Smith , Eight , Voice , Hearing , Shoes , Long Walk , Sense , Opportunity , Go , Agoat , Experience , Thing , Environment , Kind , Zone , Drive Bym , Investors , Atmosphere , Ijust , Sea , Music Festivals , Sister Cities , Capital , Iceland , Fishing Port , Area , John Brown , Cities , Some , Similarities , Home , Football Team , Fjords , Trolls , Each Other , Friendly , Ten , North Atlantic , Flux , City Of Culture Programme , Mac , Cobblestones , Ntic , North Atla , Rough Trade , 2016 , 50 , John Grande , Connections , Fact , Nordic , Five , Native , Entry , Copy Shop , Favourite , Eurovision Song Contest , He Cold Oat , 2014 , Album Art , Several , Artists , Radar , Setting , Matter , Reykjavik , Pale Green Ghost , Voices , Four , Women , Resilience , Protests , Single , Tragedy , Crawler , Handedly , Things , Festival , Mix , Unintended , Life , Dna , Vocabulary , Connection , Forjohn , Church , Story , Spot , Holy Trinity , Kofi , Focal Point , Hardships , Skyline , Animosity , Both , Lot , Something , History , Relationship , Building Character , Nature , Understanding , Heritage , Art , Cod Wars , Relations , Friendship , Breakdown , Fish , Overfishing , Waters , 110 , Front , Friends , Levels , Crowd , Daughter , Hull Cantlie , Hull Ca Ntlie , Woman , Man , Spectacles , Telly , Performers , Guide , Generation , Prog Rock To Classical Stardom , Cani , Centre , Wind Turbines , Debate , Void , 75 , Famous Weakling , Wendell Poppies Copter , Copter M , Wendell Poppies , Files , Conversations , Federally , Puppets , Winners , Paintings , Collection , Celebrity Portraits , Chance , Display , Scarborough , Don T You , University Of Hull , Notjust , Art Collection , Flood , Bp Portrait Award , Portrait Awardm , Bp , Tv , Lots , Epic , Parc , Mat Fraser , Richard Iii , Two , Theatre , 0ne Theatre , 0 , Success Stories , Cultures , Sorts , Sport , Ones , Orforgotten , Boxer , Champions , Commitment , Fighter , Women S Boxing Champion In The 60s , Metre , We Sentjohnny Nelson , 60 , Gym , Foot , Mohamed El Erian , Ring , Battle , Barbara Butterick , The World S First Woman Boxing Champion , Mighty Atom , Fifa , It , Muhammad Ali , Boxers , Love , Bedroom , 70 , 87 , Career , Football , Hardness , Punch Bag , Article , Newspaper Clipping , Books , Polly Burns , Trainer , Opponents , Boxing Booth , London , Typist By Da Boxer Night , Nicky Wood , Headlines , Soon Barbara , Girl Boxer , Flowers , None , Criticism , Boyfriend Doesn T Mind , Talent , Fairground Boxing Rules , Page , Don T , Nobody , Fairgrounds Barbara , Fed Up , 1957 , Beat , Title , Licence , Phyllis Kugler , Building , Pictures , Game , Angelo Dundee , Fifth St Gym , Guys , Nothing , History Makers , Barbara Retired , 35 , 1960 , Goodbye , Women Titles , Medals , Women S International Boxing Federation , 2012 , Times , Nicola Adams , Thigh , Box Today , Acce Pt , Way , Big , Training , Gym Bag , Keep , Glory , Anyone , Herto , Pair , Rhetoric , Boxing Gloves , Boxing Gyms , Herfirst , Seven , Brand , Bar Bride , Women Of The World Festival , Venues , Globe , Herod , Audience , Kofi Comedians , Comedy , Bbc Radio 4 , Episode , Maureen Lipman , Disablement , Alan Titchmarsh , 4 , Palmer , Cheese , Amsterdam , Yes , Dutch , Radio , Exports , Heads , Performing Arts , The Real Mccoy , Second Wave Feminism , Book , Level , Knee , Pegging , Shades Of Grey , Number , Enemy , Breasts , Desk , Nose , Legs , Say Aye , Hugh , Step , Hurricanes , Belief , Column , Drip , Women S Rights , Kid , Isn T , Bit , Snigger , Bit Ofa , Line , End , Culture M , Itjust Didn T Like , Music , F Word , Effort , Well , Pieces 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Britains City Of Culture 20170414 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Britains City Of Culture 20170414

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asteroids, meteors and satellites... this is being turned into a giant musical instrument taking you on a sonicjourney musical instrument taking you on a sonic journey across the musical instrument taking you on a sonicjourney across the humber. musical instrument taking you on a sonic journey across the humber. and i have been on myjourneys, too, to explore the cultural links between this maritime city and its sister city of reykjavik. this talk of girls not boxing is old—fashioned. we will also find out how the women's boxing pioneer barbara patrick is finally being recognised in her home city. iam i am annemarie tasker and i have the a rts i am annemarie tasker and i have the arts and culture corresponded for the bbc here in hull in this is kofi smiles. i am the face of hull was about bbc to tell the world about the city of culture. we're out the humber bridge, where there is lincolnshire and behind you is the city of hull. this is one of the north‘s most famous landmarks, it has stunning views and is an amazing piece of engineering. by the way it is 156 metres tall, just under 500 feet. just a bit shorter than the blackpool tower. i don't know how i will get down from here but i guess i will cross that bridge when i come to it. i will let you into a little secret, there is a lift up to here. this was as a leader getting all of the people and kicked up to the top of the humber bridge and if you take a look over the edge you can see the very first people to experience the humber bridge as a musical instrument. musical sounds this 1's been the next backwards to seek god. in all of the magnetism of the blue space. listening through headphones there listening to a piece of work composed of music and poetry and the sounds of the wind is its ways the bridge. many of us will have driven across the bridge taking in the science of the humber river, but this unique project is hoping to inspire people to walk along its mile long length and get lost in incredible sounds. the east coast links to scandinavia go back to the vikings is a norwegian composers have been chosen to create a musical guided walk across the bridge. today in arctic temperatures these men are rocking the bridge together for the first time. it is a fantastic construction and it is a much bigger than expected. it has been interesting to walk across the bridge together and actually hear the sound of the british. and uniquely it is the noise of the bridge makes which will form the basis of the peace. field recorders des reilly friend has been given the job of catching them. i have to admiti job of catching them. i have to admit i was sceptical whenjess started testing the railings on the bridge to see which one side of the most musical. i think this one of this one. the section here. let's try this. gave sticks little contact microphones onto the railings to ca ptu re microphones onto the railings to capture the sounds. if i had them new year. . . tonal vibrating i take anything that it is com pletely i take anything that it is completely musical. it is these raw sounds that jan has completely musical. it is these raw sounds thatjan has his completely musical. it is these raw sounds that jan has his team have been transforming into an orchestral piece. today the opera —— today the guitar recording the bard. the coral pa rt guitar recording the bard. the coral part has arrived in the corners has w011 part has arrived in the corners has won day to learn and record them. you have to sing very quietly, so thatis you have to sing very quietly, so that is a challenge final enough because it is quite the opposite of what we are normally asked to do. at bute park primary school in hull auditions are taking place for the voice of the humber bridge. the child who will be the narrator on the wall. my name is katie and i'm going to keep you company on your journey to the bridge. eight—year—old katie smith has been chosen to be the voice of the humber bridge. i think it will be a bit weird hearing myself but it is going to be pretty cool. it is a long walk ahead, i hope you have strong shoes. look up! this is an extraordinary soaring piece of music and to think that it came originally from the very sounds of the bridge itself. it only really make sense when you're out here. it is fantastic. that looks amazing. we popped back down to the bridge and we will have agoat down to the bridge and we will have a go at it. is an opportunity to walk along an iconic part of hull along the humber bridge and really enjoy it with an extra experience that you wouldn't normally have the opportunity to do. is brilliant, you appreciate the environment more. you're in the zone kind of thing. it makes you think differently, having the music directing what you're thinking and then you look at. it is amazing, i enjoyed. usually i just then you look at. it is amazing, i enjoyed. usually ijust drive by. then you look at. it is amazing, i enjoyed. usually ijust drive bym has been a long time since i walked the bridge investors added to the atmosphere, it is fantastic. you only have to look across from the humber bridge to see that this is an area which has close links to the sea. hull was a major fishing port and one of its sister cities is reykjavik the capital of iceland. later this month a major music festivals planned in the city of culture to celebrate those maritime links. at is curated by an award—winning musician, john brown, an american now living in iceland he showed me around reykjavik and explain some of the similarities between the cities. welcome to iceland! home of the fjords, trolls and unexpectedly good football team. but what does that have to do with hull, the uk city of culture? for one thing reykjavik is one of the whole's city —— sister cities. they have traded with each other, often friendly and sometimes less friendly. they were both listed in the world's top ten cities to visit in the rough trade in 2016. it is said that the cobblestones and 50 mac's open report from iceland. but there are cultural links, too. north atla ntic there are cultural links, too. north atlantic flux, one of the major music festivals of the city of culture programme which celebrate hull's nordic connections. this is john grande. john grande is an american who has lived and regulate for the past five years. in fact he is such a nordic native that he cold oat iceland's 2014 entry into the eurovision song contest. i metjohn at this copy shop, his favourite place in reykjavik in the setting for his pale green ghost album art. hull is a place that has been on my radar for a long time, several of the artists in matter —— the time i have connections to hull. so there are these the very strong female voices from hull that i have been listening to that influenced by four decades. i think that is interesting because hull is known for its resilience —— resilient powerhouse women. these women who single—handedly i think it was down to four women who fronted protests after the couple crawler tragedy. can you take me through the festival you have created for 2017? you will see a good mix of what 50 mac has to offer but also things from the north atlantic. it is quite scandinavian. and then some of my favourite things from around britain. because britain has been instrumental, unintended, i guess, informing my musical dna and vocabulary through my life. it is a very important place for me. clearly this festival is no automatic place forjohn, he's genuinely invested in the story of hull and its connection to the north atlantic. he should be another favourite spot of his, this church just like holy trinity in hull is the focal point of the regular skyline. have you like both, even though there has been hardships and animosity between iceland and kofi there are still a lot of similarities as follows the people, are very much connected to the sea. what that does intensive building character and your relationship to nature i think is something that is very much have in common. the sea separates us but also gives us this shared history and natural understanding of each other‘s heritage. historically, men from both cities would troll for fish in these waters which led to overfishing and a breakdown in relations known as the cod wars. but 110w relations known as the cod wars. but now the music and art that is friendship that thrives on several levels. this is whatjohn and his friends will celebrate in hull cantlie north friends will celebrate in hull ca ntlie north atlantic friends will celebrate in hull cantlie north atlantic flux and that is why i will be there at the front of the crowd. still ahead, one of hull's most famous daughter is an inspiring the next generation of performers. that white-haired woman in spectacles can be on telly, so cani! in spectacles can be on telly, so can i! and the man who went from prog rock to classical stardom. but first he was my guide to some of the other 2017 highlights and a look ahead at what is to come. in march the 75 metre wind turbines that sparked a citywide debate about what art is was moved to a new home. it left a void in the centre of hull for about five days, quickly replaced by the famous weakling wendell poppies copter.m replaced by the famous weakling wendell poppies copter. it literally represents a piece of history that is relevant now and we just want to let it go and see what people think. files feed which launched in federally takes the conversations from the young people of hull and— out with puppets. drive—through hull to get a scarborough, don't you? an incredible collection of celebrity portraits is currently on display at the university of hull. it is a rare chance to see the entire collection of paintings from the winners of the national bp portrait award. of paintings from the winners of the national bp portrait awardm of paintings from the winners of the national bp portrait award. it is always busy, and it was never busy before so it is really nice notjust for the city of culture but also for the art collection. and flood in epic year long shall in part two. rc will be broadcast on bbc tv and there's lots more to come including richard iii starting mat fraser and a piece of cake theatre by the company middle child. —— a piece of theatre. 0ne theatre. one of the unexpected things that city of culture is it has unearthed remarkable success stories that have either been ignored orforgotten. and that is the about all sorts of cultures and notjust the obvious ones like music and theatre but sport, specifically boxing. barbara was born in kofi and was the first women's boxing champion in the 60s. we sentjohnny nelson are world champions and metre. to become the best boxer in the world takes commitment. but for one fighter the toughest battle was just trying to set foot in the ring. but barbara butterick went on to become the world's first woman boxing champion. and trained in the same gym is mohamed el—erian. under fifa told she was known as the mighty atom. —— muhammad ali. now at 87 it is more than 70 years since barbara found love with boxing. on my bedroom while i take it i had all boxers so i bought myself a hardness that you put a football in a punch bag out of it. an article inspired to make a career. your friends give you this to clean your books? that is the newspaper clipping and it tells about polly burns who travelled with the boxing booth. i thought if she can do it so can i. typist by da boxer by night, barbara headed to london to find a trainer and opponents. i think there's talk about girls not boxing is old—fashioned, girls and the delicate flowers are used to be. anyhow my boyfriend doesn't mind. soon barbara was making headlines but none of them very positive. band this girl boxer. the criticism, nicky wood said we have made the front page again and i say never, what are they saying? he said don't read it, measured it. she took to fighting any women who would travel —— talent are using fairground boxing rules. nobody would encourage it, they were so down on it i guess they put the other girls completely off. fed up with fairgrounds barbara further afield for opponents and that took to america and in 1957 came the moment dreamt of, she finally got a professional licence and beat phyllis kugler to become the world's first women's boxing champion. it is nice though you're the best the world, you know that, too. the title brought her to the centre of the boxing world, the place where angelo dundee trained muhammad ali, the fifth st gym. today the fifth straight game is the new building but inside the history lives on. i see pictures on the wall angelo dundee, mohamed el—erian, you we re angelo dundee, mohamed el—erian, you were here with these guys. yes i was, muhammad ali was just cassius clay then, he was very young and confident in himself. i'd vacuum you mention these people like it is nothing to you but these are history makers. they supported me. i was accepted them. in 1960 barbara retired, having won 35, drawn one and lost just retired, having won 35, drawn one and lostjust one but she did not say goodbye to boxing. she set up the women's international boxing federation and gave women titles to fight for. and in 2012 she came to london to watch women box for 0lympic medals for the first time in history. among them two times gold medallist nicola adams. it is because of woman like that made it possible for me to box today. it was tough for me, women's boxing was not acce pt tough for me, women's boxing was not accept that i can't imagine her high —— how hard it must have been for her to —— how hard it must have been for herto keep —— how hard it must have been for her to keep pushing and training and try to be taken seriously. i have to say a big thank you for paving the way. if i was there today i would be in my glory, pack my gym bag and block the same as anyone else is going the gym and work out. i think it is to rhetoric. barbara put on her first it is to rhetoric. barbara put on herfirst pair of boxing it is to rhetoric. barbara put on her first pair of boxing gloves it is to rhetoric. barbara put on herfirst pair of boxing gloves more than seven decades ago, she could only dream that girls would be welcomed into boxing gyms. i did could never have happened without barbara leading the way. barbara's life as inspired brand you play. when she was finally recognised in her home city at the women of the world festival. well was herod —— held in hull for the first time this year. it is now hill —— held in venues around the globe and as well as bar bride celebrated the work of kofi comedians maureen lipman and disablement. they have recorded an episode of the bbc radio 4 comedy in front of a live audience. the alan titchmarsh, please let me add palmer like me and i want to go back with her to live in amsterdam with the dutch. do you know what the women do in amsterdam? yes. what? they make cheese. maureen is one of the best exports of hull with a career in tv and radio is banning decades. do you think there are things that the audience in hull will pick up that went over the heads of radio 4 audience?” will pick up that went over the heads of radio 4 audience? i think people will realise that we're both the real mccoy. as a woman working in the performing arts to you find that you are treated differently as a woman? the arts have always been about for a level pegging for women and you would have thought that after a second wave feminism that the most popular book for that length of time would have been 50 shades of grey, which is very definitely getting us back over a man's knee. it is obscene really but women, sometimes we are all worse enemy. we don't go for it straightforward, the number of times i have heard women say aye hate my desk, i hate my nose, i hate my breasts, i hit my legs, not to mention i have never had a woman say aye was right for that part and i deserved it. you hoping that by hugh endlessly being here has women have achieved in the arts are out there showing that woman from hull and do it or you hoping that you can either a step towards taking that?” it or you hoping that you can either a step towards taking that? i don't really have the hurricanes, i guess iam really have the hurricanes, i guess i am arrogant but i don't have that belief that i'm changing anything. i am just making people laugh. and a column —— they from hull. it is drip drip drip, isn't it with women's rights? if there's one kid out there who thinks god is that white—haired woman with spectacles can be on telly so can i. living in london have you found that people in the capital look at hull differently since we became city of culture?m has always been regarded with a bit ofa has always been regarded with a bit of a snigger, end of the line, hull, but it was always funky. itjust didn't like. now people coming in and they will see it as folksy and funky and feisty and the other effort as well. -- the other f word. the music on the humber bridge is just one of the many pieces specifically commissioned for 2017. there will be all sorts of styles and genres including a brand—new work from one of classical musical superstars sir karljenkins. here's caroline milton with more. his music is known to millions from andy must... to his most highly acclaimed and popular piece, the armed man. sir karljenkins as britain's most successful living classical composer so successful living classical composer so when hull's philharmonic were looking for someone to write a special piece of work for 2017 they knew who to turn to. with the city of culture we wanted a real celebration of this amazing construction, we'd use the organ and why don't we try and commission a composer to write a piece especially for us? and who better to go for the karljenkins? the for us? and who better to go for the karl jenkins? the other nations leading amateur symphony orchestra, and have performed in hull's city hall for over 130 years. a whole famous for its magnificent organ. they wanted a piece of music, that would celebrate that. funny composer best known for his choral music, it would be a break from the norm best known for his choral music, it would be a breakfrom the norm but an opportunity too good to miss. city of culture is an amazing thing and part of it was wonderful that i was asked, to write an organ piece for this or in a particular ticks all the boxes. experimenting with music is how his career began in fa ct music is how his career began in fact the last time he played in both the mac was performing with the 70s jazz and rock grip soft machine but ina career jazz and rock grip soft machine but in a career that spans over three decades he has never written music foran decades he has never written music for an organ like this before. in this age nowadays sends a digitised, you press a button and you get something but inside that think there's an actual based on with something hitting it when you order based on sound on a glockenspiel. it is quite incredible. 6000 pipes is in the circles words correctly at oddball, a celebration of hull's history and people and traditions. and at its heart the organ played by jonathan scott. it has an amazing power, the 95 stops altogether, for keywords and pedal board to clear your feet. the animated musical instruments. you think through time you think back, beethoven, brown, if they have been here they would play here, the composers here right these pieces in the personal budget out there and they wanted disintegrate and so we're not making it sound as best as we can make it. —— we are all making it sound as best as we can make it. the world premiere of 6000 pipes points to a sell—out or —— audience. there will be another opportunity to cure this unique piece of music in federally next year. that is it, from the top of the humber bridge and eye view of the city of culture. i hope you enjoy the show and will be back next month. we will look ahead to the radio one big weekend, an exclusive interview with a spider from mars and we meet the 2017 volunteers. that is all coming up in may but if you need a culture fix in the meantime what our website bbc .co .uk/ hold 2017. goodbye. good afternoon, it is a fairly grey cloudy sort of good friday from many of us, but there are glimpses of sunshine to be enjoyed out there, too. here is the scene in suffolk ca ptu red too. here is the scene in suffolk captured by a weather watcher couple of hours ago, nuclear spells the. as the race weekend things stay cool with such a round and some of seeing rain not everywhere. here is a satellite radar pictures showing rain that has already been coming of northern ireland in western scotland, some showers in england and wales, to industry had through the remainder of the afternoon this band of cloud and patchy rain edges slowly further south that these words. if we start off along the south coast it should be largely dry for the bulk of cornwall and devon and dorset, temperatures getting up to 14 or 15 degrees with brighter spells in the south—east it will feel pretty pleasant. thicker cloud with cooler temperatures and patchy rain as we had across bath wales northwest england, too. after the rain will clearfor northwest england, too. after the rain will clear for northern ireland to leave brighter spells and showers over scotla nd to leave brighter spells and showers over scotland blustery with further showers and he went on a flavour to the showers over the hills of scotland. it will be pretty chilly here with frequent showers and further south is whether fun as it pushes onto the afternoon and evening lobbying cloud in some patchy outbreaks of rain. 0ne evening lobbying cloud in some patchy outbreaks of rain. one to light showers passing across southern parts of england as he had to the overnight period, any rain pretty welcome in dry gardens in the south and south—east. as we start the day on saturday it will be in improving picture, cloud and showers clea n improving picture, cloud and showers clean from the south with further showers working in across scotland and northern ireland being quite windy in the north so blustery conditions but actually from much of the country not a bad day. plenty of sunshine on offer with just a few showers across northern england and northern ireland despite for scotland, too. the south—east should stay largely dry with temperatures around 14 degrees, a rather fresh fields of things. certainly compared to last weekend. heading through it is today we see another front moving in from the west, the week after the 70 the exact details but it looks like we will see some wet weather in the country, try and break to the north and south. temperatures around about 15 degrees so. most of that rain should get out the way by easter monday, one or two showers but most others looking guy with temperatures at around seven or 15 degrees. the most powerful non—nuclear bomb ever used by the united states, targets so—called islamic state in afghanistan. the us says it was the right weapon against the right target. 36 militants are thought to have been killed. we have afghan and us forces on the site and see no evidence of civilian casualties, nor have there been any reports of civilian casualties. schools in england facing their worst funding cuts in 20 years — a warning from teaching union conferences. gunfire. the mission to re—take mosulfrom so—called is. we report from the frontline. security improved at the online accommodation booking site airbnb, after a bbc investigation finds scammers burgling homes.

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Hull , Hello , Humber Bridge , Culture , Part , Celebration , City Of Culture , Pa Rt Bridge , Whole , Stars , Pool , Uk , Oui , 2017 , 365 , A Sonicjourney Musical Instrument , Journey , Humber , Satellites , Sonicjourney , Asteroids , Meteors , Myjourneys , Women S Boxing , City , Links , Girls , Women S Boxing Pioneer Barbara Patrick , Talk , Of Reykjavik , Sister City , Home City , Parts , Bbc , Rts , Anne Marie Tasker , Siam , World , Smiles , Face , Lincolnshire , One , A Piece Of Cake Theatre , North , Feet , Views , Landmarks , Engineering , 500 , 156 , Wall , Bridge , Lift , Secret , Leader , Blackpool Tower , People , Top , Look , Sounds , Edge , Magnetism , God , 1 , Fa Ct Music , Work , Us , Headphones , Ways , Many , Wind , Listening , Poetry , Blue Space , Project , Length , Science , Composers , Musical , Walk , Vikings , Incredible Sounds , Scandinavia Go , East Coast , Time , Men , Construction , Sound , Peace , Basis , Noise , Field Recorders Des Reilly Friend , Railings , Job , Side , Whenjess , Section , Admiti , Microphones , Contact , Ptu , Tonal , Anything , Team , Opera , Sounds Thatjan , Com Pletely , Corners , Bard , Coral Part , Guitar , Coral Pa Rt , Guitar Recording , W011 , Final , Opposite , Primary School , Challenge , Bute Park , Place , Child , Company , Auditions , Narrator , The Voice , My Name , Katie Smith , Eight , Voice , Hearing , Shoes , Long Walk , Sense , Opportunity , Go , Agoat , Experience , Thing , Environment , Kind , Zone , Drive Bym , Investors , Atmosphere , Ijust , Sea , Music Festivals , Sister Cities , Capital , Iceland , Fishing Port , Area , John Brown , Cities , Some , Similarities , Home , Football Team , Fjords , Trolls , Each Other , Friendly , Ten , North Atlantic , Flux , City Of Culture Programme , Mac , Cobblestones , Ntic , North Atla , Rough Trade , 2016 , 50 , John Grande , Connections , Fact , Nordic , Five , Native , Entry , Copy Shop , Favourite , Eurovision Song Contest , He Cold Oat , 2014 , Album Art , Several , Artists , Radar , Setting , Matter , Reykjavik , Pale Green Ghost , Voices , Four , Women , Resilience , Protests , Single , Tragedy , Crawler , Handedly , Things , Festival , Mix , Unintended , Life , Dna , Vocabulary , Connection , Forjohn , Church , Story , Spot , Holy Trinity , Kofi , Focal Point , Hardships , Skyline , Animosity , Both , Lot , Something , History , Relationship , Building Character , Nature , Understanding , Heritage , Art , Cod Wars , Relations , Friendship , Breakdown , Fish , Overfishing , Waters , 110 , Front , Friends , Levels , Crowd , Daughter , Hull Cantlie , Hull Ca Ntlie , Woman , Man , Spectacles , Telly , Performers , Guide , Generation , Prog Rock To Classical Stardom , Cani , Centre , Wind Turbines , Debate , Void , 75 , Famous Weakling , Wendell Poppies Copter , Copter M , Wendell Poppies , Files , Conversations , Federally , Puppets , Winners , Paintings , Collection , Celebrity Portraits , Chance , Display , Scarborough , Don T You , University Of Hull , Notjust , Art Collection , Flood , Bp Portrait Award , Portrait Awardm , Bp , Tv , Lots , Epic , Parc , Mat Fraser , Richard Iii , Two , Theatre , 0ne Theatre , 0 , Success Stories , Cultures , Sorts , Sport , Ones , Orforgotten , Boxer , Champions , Commitment , Fighter , Women S Boxing Champion In The 60s , Metre , We Sentjohnny Nelson , 60 , Gym , Foot , Mohamed El Erian , Ring , Battle , Barbara Butterick , The World S First Woman Boxing Champion , Mighty Atom , Fifa , It , Muhammad Ali , Boxers , Love , Bedroom , 70 , 87 , Career , Football , Hardness , Punch Bag , Article , Newspaper Clipping , Books , Polly Burns , Trainer , Opponents , Boxing Booth , London , Typist By Da Boxer Night , Nicky Wood , Headlines , Soon Barbara , Girl Boxer , Flowers , None , Criticism , Boyfriend Doesn T Mind , Talent , Fairground Boxing Rules , Page , Don T , Nobody , Fairgrounds Barbara , Fed Up , 1957 , Beat , Title , Licence , Phyllis Kugler , Building , Pictures , Game , Angelo Dundee , Fifth St Gym , Guys , Nothing , History Makers , Barbara Retired , 35 , 1960 , Goodbye , Women Titles , Medals , Women S International Boxing Federation , 2012 , Times , Nicola Adams , Thigh , Box Today , Acce Pt , Way , Big , Training , Gym Bag , Keep , Glory , Anyone , Herto , Pair , Rhetoric , Boxing Gloves , Boxing Gyms , Herfirst , Seven , Brand , Bar Bride , Women Of The World Festival , Venues , Globe , Herod , Audience , Kofi Comedians , Comedy , Bbc Radio 4 , Episode , Maureen Lipman , Disablement , Alan Titchmarsh , 4 , Palmer , Cheese , Amsterdam , Yes , Dutch , Radio , Exports , Heads , Performing Arts , The Real Mccoy , Second Wave Feminism , Book , Level , Knee , Pegging , Shades Of Grey , Number , Enemy , Breasts , Desk , Nose , Legs , Say Aye , Hugh , Step , Hurricanes , Belief , Column , Drip , Women S Rights , Kid , Isn T , Bit , Snigger , Bit Ofa , Line , End , Culture M , Itjust Didn T Like , Music , F Word , Effort , Well , Pieces , Karljenkins , Sir , More , Superstars , Genres , Styles , Caroline Milton , The Armed Man , Millions , Candy , Composer , Someone , Philharmonic , Organ , Nations , City Hall , Amateur Symphony Orchestra , 130 , Breakfrom , Break , Miss , Organ Piece , Boxes , Ticks , Spans , Soft Machine , Ina Career Jazz And Rock Grip , The 70s Jazz And Rock Grip , Three , Pipes , Button , Age , Digitised , Glockenspiel , 6000 , Words , Circles , Oddball , Traditions , Heart , Power , Keywords , Jonathan Scott , 95 , Beethoven , Instruments , Budget , World Premiere , Points , Show , Eye View , Spider , Volunteers , Interview , May , Website , Culture Fix , Radio One Big Weekend , Mars , Co Uk , 2017 Goodbye , Glimpses , Rain , Spells , Weather , Sunshine , Scene , Everywhere , Ground , Race , Suffolk , Ca Ptu Red Too , Showers , South , Clearfor Northwest England , Cloud , Northern Ireland , Satellite Radar Pictures , Band , Remainder , Industry , Western Scotland , Wales , Temperatures , Coast , Bulk , Cornwall , Dorset , Devon , 15 , 14 , After The Rain , Scotland , Chills , Flavour , Bath Wales , Evening Lobbying Cloud , Outbreaks , Fun , Gardens , South East , Picture , Much , Conditions , Clea N , Country , Fields , Offer , West , Details , North And South , Most , Others , Guy , Bomb , Easter Monday , Estate , Weapon , Afghanistan , Islamic , Schools , Civilian Casualties , Reports , Site , Evidence , Forces , Militants , 36 , Security , Frontline , Funding , Mission , Warning , Gunfire , Teaching Union Conferences , Mosulfrom , Is , 20 , Site Airbnb , Operation , Towns , Scammers , Highlights , Syria , Funding Cuts , Teaching Unions , Conferences , Accounts , Festival Of Arts And Culture , Burgle Homes , Bbc News , Scammers Burgling Homes , Accommodation Booking , Investigation , Thirty Thousand ,

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