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Of the end of world war ii. Bagpipes skirl. Good morning. Welcome to breakfast, with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. This is the scene at the National Arboretum in staffordshire, which will host a National Service of remembrance. 0ur headlines today the scramble to beat the quarantine deadline thousands travel through the night to leave france before new restictions come into force. Good morning. In sport, brilliant bayern leave barcelona battered and bruised. After days of anxiety over exam the spanish heavyweights were dismantled 8 2 as the german grades, schools in england are told they wont have to pay to appeal champions claim the biggest ever win in the knockout stages of the Champions League. Good morning. The intense heat has against a level and gcse results. 110w good morning. The intense heat has now gone gcioss a day of commemorations today, to good morning. The intense heat has now gone across the uk, but we still keep a lot of humidity. That is mark the 75th anniversary since going to mean cloud, mist and merc victory over japan day, in some areas. And we will still see mark the 75th anniversary since victory overjapan day, remembering the forgotten army. Victory 0ver some pretty punchy showers in place japan day. As welcome as we take a look at what captain sir tom moore joins the veterans recalling the moment is coming up where you are shortly. When the fighting came to an end. To say it was unpleasant is an its saturday, august the 15th. Our top story thousands of holidaymakers have arrived back in the uk understatement. But i dont think after a last minute dash to avoid a mandatory 2 week quarantine, which came into effect anyone would make a great fuss about at 4 00am this morning. The new rules, it, because it was unpleasant, but which apply to france, we we re it, because it was unpleasant, but the netherlands and four other we were there. Countries, follow concerns brilliant bayern leave barcelona about the rising numbers battered and bruised. The spanish heavyweights of coronavirus cases there. Were dismantled 8 2 as the german champions claim the biggest ever win in the knockout stages Caroline Davies has the story. Of the Champions League. As night sat in, the finalfew good morning. The intense heat has now gone across the uk. But we still ferries to arrive before the deadline were ready to leave calais. Keep a lot of humidity, which will meana british visitors from across france keep a lot of humidity, which will mean a lot of cloud, nest and murk rushed to make them. At the in some areas, and were still going eurotunnel there were tense delays. See some pretty punchy showers in it is 2 45am. Trains are running 90 places too. Mist and murk. We minutes late. The sign say, at will take a look at what is coming up will take a look at what is coming up where you are very shortly. Passport control to get this far, its saturday, august the 15th. They told us we should be fine to our top story thousands of holidaymakers have arrived back get back to the uk for the 4am in the uk after a last minute dash deadline. Some knew it would be to avoid a mandatory two week quarantine, which came into effect at 4 00am this morning. Tight. The 11 59pm ferry from dieppe the new rules, which apply to france, the netherlands and four other countries, follow concerns was due to get into newhaven at four about the rising numbers of coronavirus cases there. A. M. The ferry is really quiet. Caroline davies has the story. Everyone has been really calm. Just like a normal crossing, really. But eve ryo ne like a normal crossing, really. But everyone around us, like a normal crossing, really. But everyone around us, obviously, with face masks on an social distancing, and large parts of the ferry are closed, so i dont think they are as night set in, the finalfew anywhere near capacity. At 3 40am ferries to arrive before the deadline were ready they were pulling into port. To leave calais. British visitors from across france rushed to make them. At the eurotunnel there apparently, legally, we have arrived were tense delays. Its 2 45am. In the uk when the rope is tied up trains are running 90 minutes late. And the ship is docked. And with minutes to spare. 3 58am in the the signs say, at passport control, to get this far, they told us we should be fine uk. Fantastic from 4am this to get back to the uk for the 4am deadline. Some knew it would be tight. The 11 59pm ferry from dieppe morning, anyone arriving in the uk was due to get into newhaven at 4 00am. From france, the netherlands, monaco, malta, turks and caicos and the ferrys really quiet. Aruba will have to quarantine for 1h days. That means you must go everyones been really calm. Directly home and are not allowed to leave your house to go to work or just like a normal crossing, really. School, to exercise or to socialise, but everyone around us, obviously, with and can only leave in the case of an face masks on and social distancing, and large parts of the ferry emergency. Anyone who breaks the are closed, so i dont think theyre quarantine rules can be fined up to £1000 or more if they flout them anywhere near capacity. At 3 40am they were pulling into port. Repeatedly. As for helen despite the apparently, legally, we have arrived in the uk queues, she made it back with an when the rope is tied up hour to spare. We are back in the uk we made it. It is three oclock and the ship is docked. In the morning, wejust uk we made it. It is three oclock in the morning, we just got off the channel tunnel. It cost us £200 extra, we have been driving for 12 theres the rope just thrown out over there. Hours from the south of france, but and with minutes to spare. Weve made it. Many thousands of 3 58am in the uk. Fantastic british tourists decided not to cut our trip short. For those that are from 4 00am this morning, anyone arriving in the uk still in the newly added pointing from france, the netherlands, monaco, malta, turks and caicos listed countries, two weeks in self and aruba will have isolation await. Quarantine to quarantine for 14 days. Listed countries. That means you must go directly lets speak now to our home and are not allowed correspondent james ingham, who joins us from dover. To leave your house to go to work james, not everyone was so lucky or school, to exercise getting back, were they . Or to socialise, and can only leave in the case of an emergency. There is a tale to tell about the anyone who breaks the quarantine rules can be fined up to £1000, 4am deadline. What is the picture that has emerged . Certainly there or more if they flout them repeatedly. As for helen, despite the queues, was a bit of a scramble for people she made it back with to get back in time before that four an hour to spare. Were back in the uk oclock deadline, just a couple of hours ago. Since the new quarantine we made it. Its three oclock in the morning, measures were announced late on weve just got off the channel thursday evening, many people in tunnel, it cost us £200 extra. France, and we reckon there are about 160,000 british holidaymakers we have been driving for 12 hours over there, decided they wanted to from the south try to get back to beat that deadline. Of course that was not of france, but weve made it. Many thousands of british particularly easy. It was difficult tourists decided not to cut to get your sailings or your flights their trip short. For those that are still changed. Some people paid over the in the newly added odds and money as well. You can see quara ntine listed countries, that behind me here in dover, this two weeks in self isolation await. Piano ferry has just arrived from Caroline Davies, bbc news. Calais. P 0. 0f lets speak now to our correspondent james ingham, who joins piano ferry has just arrived from us from dover. Calais. P 0. Of course, for anybody aboard that boat it is now james, not everyone was so lucky too late to avoid the quarantine measures which came into force a getting back, were they . Couple of hours ago. We did hear lots of people scrambling to get that one boat which arrived at 3 a0 back, and we also heard of ferries a. M. , those that one boat which arrived at 3 a0 a. M. , those people that one boat which arrived at 3 a0 a. M. , those people got here in time. Just docking literally minutes before that quarantine deadline . Of course, many people wanted to try to change their tickets in order to get back a bit earlier, so they would still have time to give yes, absolutely. There was that mad themselves a two week quarantine before getting on with our lives, dash to get back in time before four perhaps the start of school in oclock, so that than anybody arriving before that time would not september. Now, the Ferry Company have to quarantine, anybody arriving say they have increased capacity. After that word. So they would face some have put on extra sailings, others are trying to get more people 14 days being at home. You can see aboard. But isnt that lovely easy, behind me here in dover a couple of ferries have just arrived, because the social distancing measures in place mean there are behind me here in dover a couple of ferries havejust arrived, one behind me here in dover a couple of ferries have just arrived, one from calais and one from dunkirk. It will already limited numbers of passengers aboard the ferries. Be too late for anybody on board. Particularly easy. A little bit those ferries, those people will inland from here, the channel have to quarantine. But through the tunnel, the eurotunnel comes into night some people did arrive just that, they saw a huge increase into before four oclock. Ferry companies the amount traffic on their website have said they have tried to take measures to increase capacity on in the hour after those quarantine measures were introduced. So they board, they have put on extra savings and are trying to get more are expecting a busy day today as passages as well, but that is of people make changes to our travelling plans. James, thank you. Course quite difficult because there are social distancing measures in the royal family will be leading commemorations of the 75th place on board ourferries, which means a number of passengers are anniversary of vj day, the day world war i ended limited. But they do say to anybody with japans surrender. The prince of wales will observe trying to make changes to their a 2 minute silence at the National Memorial arborteum travel plans to do that in advance in staffordshire, wherejohn maguire of turning up at any port in france. Thank you very much. Is for us this morning. We just saw one of those ferry boats leaving, actually. Very good morning to you, john. It lets go to dieppe, in the north of france now and join our europe correspondent gavin lee. Isa very good morning to you, john. It is a special moment, this. A so, that four oclock deadline has commemoration, tell us a little bit about the sequence of events this come and gone, and of course there morning . Yeah, a full day of events, are many british holidaymakers still in france . Charlie. You will have seen the yeah, it is really interesting. Pipers and our headlines at six there are two parts to this, because oclock. That was the beginning of from listening to p80 ferries which the 75th anniversary of the victory are going from calais and dunkirk, overjapan the 75th anniversary of the victory over japan day. I the 75th anniversary of the victory overjapan day. I displayed notjust and also the fds from calais and here but at hms belfast in london as well, and right across the over, they sold out at 1 30pm yesterday afternoon. For p 0, they commonwealth, in australia, new had to collect 12,000 extra tickets, zealand, india and nepal, because of course all those countries were involved especially in the conflict in the far east, the war against plus eurotunnel as well, combined japan. Pipers played notjust with that. It gives you the sense of this french 0dyssey for thousands of here. 71,000 british and people trying to return as fast as commonwealth troops died, 12,000 in possible. Many people have said to captivity in japan. Us as was anxious, nerve wracking, commonwealth troops died, 12,000 in captivity injapan. Let me show you some of the memorial the National Share relief we had of those People Memorial arboretum. This year is a who managed to get back, benard, who was on that day at boat, they sailed section of track from the burma at 12 oclock, they were told, you thailand railway, the infamous may get back at about four oclock, railway that was built by prisoners but obviously minutes matter. Of warduring railway that was built by prisoners of war during the Second World War. Dieppe boat. Because afterfour oclock you have to quarantine. The 16,000 people died in the operator was doing, they were construction of this railway, known as the railway of death. Members of checking legally, doesnt mean that if you cross into the territorial the royal family will be here later waters of the uk, that 0k, on today. Prince charles, the if you cross into the territorial waters of the uk, that ok, or do you duchess of cornwall will lead the have to dock . The legal advice they got back was that they had to dock. Commemorations here. There will be a special service of remembrance, a benard arrived at 3 58am and people National Service of remembrance, we re benard arrived at 3 58am and people were cheering, after all they had including a two minute silence at 11 been through. But thousands of people were told it is sold out up oclock, and they will be subsequent events through the day. There will until at least midafternoon this bea afternoon, and these ferries have events through the day. There will not been selling out. They have been be a wreath laying at the cenotaph, at 50 capacity, because of the covid 19 situation. And this is unprecedented. So they will be and past across the uk. 0rfour thousands of people today who are trying to get back despite the fact capitals will see the red arrows they will have to quarantine, and it flying overhead today. As the battle has messed up their holiday. Gavin, thank you very much. We will be of Britain Memorial flight will fly here as well. A poignant date among catching up with a number of people 75 years since the end of throughout the programme this morning, trying to make the journey hostilities in the war against successfully back in time. Thats coming upa successfully back in time. Thats coming up a bit later on. Japan. John, thank you. And of the government will cover the cost course we will be back with you of schools in england appealing through the morning this morning, against exam grades. It comes after 280,000 a level just taking a further look at some students had their marks downgraded of the events there. Japan has marked the vj day earlier this week. A taskforce will also be set up anniversary with a ceremony in to oversee the appeals process. Tokyo. The event was scaled down due lets speak now to our political to the covid 19 pandemic. Correspondent, peter saull. We can now speak now peter, is the move being welcomed . To our asia correspondent Rupert Wingfield hayes. Good morning, peter. So, this will a very prominent stay there as well, be one move which i imagine will be rupert . Yes, it is. August 15 is welcomed, because we have heard from lots of head teachers and students who are not heavy with the results. A lwa ys rupert . Yes, it is. August 15 is always a big day of commemoration thats absolutely right. Good here injapan, it is the day of morning. Minister still surrender, but it is also remembered as the day of remembrance. So what thats absolutely right. Good morning. Ministerstill very thats absolutely right. Good morning. Minister still very much holding firm on the system itself, we and the uk have been 0ctober, despite that backlash from teachers as the day of remembrance. So what we and the uk have been october, the equivalent is today here injapan. And a level students. But this it is whenjapanese people remember concession this morning, previously, the 2. 5 Million People who died when schools appealed a grade, they during the war. Most of those were only got reimbursed if the appeal was successful. Now they will be soldiers, but also around 800,000 reimbursed whatever the case, and civilians killed and many of the these were initial fears of bombings of japanese cities, and behind me here, this is the yassir cuney shrine, and behind me in this initial fees of £10 or £25, these were initial fears of initialfees of £10 or £25, rising shrine is where the spirits of those up initialfees of £10 or £25, rising up to over £100 in some controversial cases. So it will save war dead are enshrined. Yasukuni schools lots of money and we can shrine. That is why thousands of expect more appeals as a result of it. The schools minister, nick gibb, people come here every year, you can see thousands lining up behind me, will oversee a task force with to come and pay respects to the war 0fqual and the exams board to ensure dead. This also highly that this appeals process is as controversial, because inside this quick and easy as possible. But he shrine are also honoured 1a of has got his work cut out. One of the japans wartime leaders, who are most experienced ministers in classed as class a war criminals, government, he was on radio fors tried after the war and executed. Any questions last night and was class a. Their spirits are also she told by an a level student that she believes he has ruined her life. A enshrined here, and that is why this difficult few days and weeks ahead place is so controversial. It is why for him. Remember, it is gcse the emperor does not come here and the emperor does not come here and the Prime Minister does not come results day on thursday. Here. Their ceremony is held elsewhere. But this is still the place most japanese people elsewhere. But this is still the lockdown rules will be place mostjapanese people come. Eased in england today, four seniorjapanese after being postponed from the 1st place mostjapanese people come. Four senior japanese politicians from the cabinet came here today, of august due to concerns about a slight increase and that is going to cause a great in the number of positive deal of displeasure for the chinese tests for coronavirus. Under the new changes, soft play centres, casinos, and the koreans, who see them coming ice rinks and Bowling Alleys have here is basically not apologising, all been given the green light to open. Beauty salons can offer close contact treatments, orjapan not apologising fully for indoor weddings with up to 30 guests what it did during the war. Rupert, are now permitted and socially distanced indoor theatre and music thank you. Performances can take place. But the changes dont apply and therell be coverage in the areas under local lockdowns of the commemorations in a special and the current restrictions programme broadcast live from the National Memorial in Greater Manchester, arboretum, on bbc one, west yorkshire, east lancashire and leicester have been extended. 0ur reporter Vivienne Nunis is at a Bowling Alley after breakfast. That is opening its doors today. Well, they will be very heavy today, because they finally gets the green the government will cover the cost light and things can open. I see people playing already. Thats of schools in england right. Speaking to staff here this appealing against exam grades. Morning, they are really feeling a it comes after 280,000 a level mix of emotions, both relief and students had their marks downgraded earlier this week. Excitement and just a few hours from a taskforce will also be set up now they can welcome customers, for to oversee the appeals process. The first time in nearly 150 days. Lets speak now to our political some of the staff told me they feel a little nervous, it feels like their first day back at work, correspondent, peter saull. Because it has been so long since they have been here. But in terms about relief, really, this business peter, is the move being welcomed . Has been losing Something Like £400,000 per week. This is hollywood this story, of course, we have bowl, uks largest operator. There followed it so closely over the past are 61 bowl, uks largest operator. There a re 61 alleys bowl, uks largest operator. There are 61 alleys across the country. 48 hours or so, those students who not all those in england will open feel like they have been put at a today. As we know, areas of local disadvantage. Government sticking by lockdown like Greater Manchester, their policy. But for the schools Bowling Alleys that will remain closed. But this company is very themselves, the appeals process, we relieved to have some revenue coming through its doors again, and is have a little more information about looking forward to customers coming some of the practicalities around through in about six hours. Vivian, that . Yes. Government has moved a thank you very much. It is now bit here, i think, because previously schools had to cough up 7 10am on saturday morning. For the cost of the appeal if that 75 years on from victory over appeal was unsuccessful. The initial japan day and the end of world war figure was around £10 or £25, going ii, learning about the conflict is perhaps done best through those up figure was around £10 or £25, going who were serving at the time. Up to £150, depending on how contentious the appeal was. Now they the well known veteran captain sir tom moore sat down will not have to pay, whatever the in conversation with another outcome of that appeal. And given centenarian, named peter heppell, the scale, the numbers you mentioned, 280,000 students who have who was a Royal Engineer and also saw service in burma. Had their grades downgraded, i think theyve been sharing we can expect quite a few appeals their memories of the war. Running into quite a large cost to they are both 100 years old, both the taxpayer. I suspect for a lot of those students, this will not be are they are both 100 years old, both a re vetera ns they are both 100 years old, both are veterans of the second world enough stop they want, labourers war. But the special bond between calling for it as well, a complete scrapping of the standardisation these men is their service in the far east. The war against japan. Process. scrapping of the standardisation process. Labour is calling. I returned based solely on teachers today, they are meeting for the first time. On vj day, where were predictions. This task force will beheaded up by schools minister nick you . As far as i remember, in gibb. He says he wants all of it bangalore. To say it was unpleasant resolved by september seven. He was is an understatement, but i dont on the radio last night and an audience member, and a level think that anyone would make a great student, said he had ruined her fuss about it, because it was life. He is one of the most unpleasant, but we were there. And experienced ministers in government both of us have come back, so maybe but i suspect this is one of the ha rd est but i suspect this is one of the hardest tasks you will ever face. Thats something in our favour. peter, thank you. Lockdown rules will be often think back and think, well, eased in england today after being postponed from the 1st of august due to concerns they were pretty heavy monsoons there but i cant remember recalling about a slight increase in the number of positive tests for coronavirus. Under the new changes, soft play centres, casinos, ice rinks and bowling i was very wet. And on second alleys have all been given the green light to open. Thought, if thought, you will always beauty salons can offer close contact treatments, indoor weddings with up to 30 wet, so why recall that . You what i guests are now permitted, soaked with sweat or butted down and socially with the monsoon rains. You were distanced indoor theatre and music either soaked with sweat or battened performances can take place. But the changes dont apply in the areas under local lockdowns and the current restrictions down. Peter heppell, a royal in Greater Manchester, west yorkshire, east lancashire and leicester have been extended. Engineer, volunteered for duty would Vivienne Nunis has been speaking ditch and its common men who were to some of the businesses dropped behind enemy lines and getting ready to reopen. Endured extremely difficult and dangerous conditions fighting in the jungle. Peter was wounded, and at one stage reported missing in action. At one as well as the heat and humidity, there was the co nsta nt heat and humidity, there was the constant threat of malaria. heat and humidity, there was the constant threat of malaria. I was final preparations before very fortu nate, constant threat of malaria. I was very fortunate, and never had playgrounds like this are once again malaria. We took mexican tablets. Overrun with excited little feet. Since the government announced soft did you take those . And that made play centres can reopen in most of you go yellow. Yes. Instead of being england, bookings here in surrey have been rolling in. It has made a a white man, you are a yellow man. Big difference, i think, and the doctor who didnt know would have been rolling in. It has made a big difference, ithink, now have been rolling in. It has made a big difference, i think, now that we have been told we can officially open and everyone can come back. We say youve got jaundice. And the doctor who didnt know would say youve gotjaundice. I went to have had people asking us all throughout this time, but it is nice one doctor who said, i know whats wrong with you, youve gotjaundice. To actually be able to say, yes, isaid, no, tomorrow. Also given the green light wrong with you, youve gotjaundice. I said, no, i today, indoor weddings with up to 30 wrong with you, youve gotjaundice. Isaid, no, i have got people. But the rule change comes as wrong with you, youve gotjaundice. I said, no, i have got methoquine, he didnt know the difference. I was a blow for silverman rasa. His venue fortu nate, he didnt know the difference. I was fortunate, all i ever got was a touch of dengue fever. fortunate, all i ever got was a touch of dengue fever. I had a dose in croydon usually caters to of malaria, but that was before we hundreds of guests, sometimes more than a thousand. He has had to adapt we nt of malaria, but that was before we went in. And i got that actually on to stay afloat. During this crisis, the ferry crossing the brahmaputra. As our business has completely closed, we decided to turn one of our smaller suites into a and i finished up in calcutta, in restau ra nt, our smaller suites into a restaurant, to have some sort of the hospital. For a week or so. But income stream coming in, and so far captain sirtom we think we made the right choice, the hospital. For a week or so. But captain sir tom remembers hospitalisation had some benefits. Because the way government is all the others, the officers, they handling this whole situation, would be stop and start and confused agreed that was a good place to go approach towards weddings, it seems because that would give them a chance to meet a lot of english like we will probably be running at this restaurant longer than we girls, the nurses. And with the 75th initially anticipated. With the stop and start. Ice ranks, casinos anniversary of victory overjapan, thoughts turn to those who never made it back. All the friends that i and Bowling Alleys are set to reopen today. Indoor arts performances start tomorrow. But it will be hard, because you are with people so sometime before this ballroom is at once again. Long, you become a team, your mates. Many servicemen fighting in the pacific ended up as prisoners of war. George boag munroe was just 20 when he sailed to fight in singapore in 1942, your friends, whatever rank you are, before he was captured by japanese you were all friends. You are all in forces. The same battle. I had a very good george spent the next three friends. I left a very good friends years in prisoner camps, so long that his family back in liverpool feared he was dead. In burma. And it is a matter of, adam mcclean has been to meet him. Um. | in burma. And it is a matter of, um. Ithink in burma. And it is a matter of, um. I think emphasising the sympathy and the feeling which the 14th army missed out on for a long surrounded by his family, 98 year time. And a certain amount of George Boag Munroe remembers his time asa George Boag Munroe remembers his time as a prisoner of war with the help of a book of his memory is made relief, to relatives, the people who to him by his son and granddaughters didnt come back, but at least they from stories of conflict, to playing football with his fellow prisoners. We re didnt come back, but at least they were doing a grand job and they were appreciated and remembered. We had teams playing, scotland were doing a grand job and they were appreciated and rememberedm were doing a grand job and they were appreciated and remembered. It is a great pleasure to meet you, because we are getting thin on the ground, versus england, and england versus the people who were there. So weve wales. Which country one . I have no got to stick together, what few of us are left. Very true. Im idea and you told us the japanese delighted to meet you, thank you very much for coming. Im certainly wouldnt play, because you had beat thankful to meet you too. I followed them. No, correct. George was your exploits. Ive watched you conscripted into the army at 18, he later sailed to singapore, where walking up and down here. I wish i fighting was breaking out. As the would be doing it myself, i admired country failed to Japanese Forces, you very much, and thank you for all he was taken to Changi Prison camp, your efforts. Thank you. Horrendous where he was held as a prisoner of times, difficult stories, but war. First of all, it wasnt too memories shared by those who served bad, as long as you did thejob, so farfrom home. John macguire, bbc when we got up further up country, news, bedfordshire. They just turned nasty and started we are going to talk tojohn maguire belting you. George had to undertake now actually because john we are going to talk tojohn maguire now actually becausejohn maguire is hosting our coverage of what is happening at the National Memorial forced labour. You work with other arboretum in staffordshire, of course. Good morning to you, john. It was so imprisoned soldiers on the notorious burma railway, more than hundred lovely, it was like we were 40,000 allied troops were captured eavesdropping on those two veterans, by Japanese Forces and after long wasnt it . And talking about their and dangerous days working, the memories, not the same memories, because they had very different chance to relax came with risks. We memories of that time and place, but went swimming after the work was in so many ways that those other done. Then we realised we were stories that bring a day like today to some kind of focus. Those are swimming in the same places there we re swimming in the same places there were crocodiles. All records were the stories. You are absolutely right. Anything about bringing two beaten getting out of the water. As a prisoner of war, george was being gentlemen, they are the epitome of moved when the japanese ship he was on was hit by American Forces. We gentlemen, they are the epitome of gentlemen, i can tell you. They had never met before, they had that had no warning. Next being, next shared common experience, and a life defining experience, really, but thing, complaints went over. We were they sat down and, yes, we just rolled the cameras and let them hit and sunk very rapidly. Chart. It was a privilege and an honour to be there as well. They fortu nately, hit and sunk very rapidly. Fortunately, i was one of the people didnt take any prompting, they all ofa didnt take any prompting, they all of a sudden struck up that immediate that came up. And after being friendship. And its that bond, rescued, george was attacked a really, that band of brothers that second time. A machinegun and unites Service People even today u nfortu nately second time. A machinegun and unfortunately it killed a couple of that are involved in various more our blokes and sank the small boat, modern conflicts. We are here at the National Memorial arboretum in and we were picked up again. Then of staffordshire. I wanted to show you this, perhaps one of the most course we finished up in manila. Poignant memorials here. This george was rescued from manila bay obviously will be visited by prince American Forces in 1945, aged 23, he charles, by the duchess of cornwall and other vips today as part of the returned home, surprising his mum commemorations, the servers that and afamily returned home, surprising his mum and a family who feared he was dead, will be the real centrepiece, the as he had been gone for so long. How focus of today. Its actually a as he had been gone for so long. How as well as writing his memories section of the Burma Thailand Railway known as the railway of down, his granddaughters have ca ptu red down, his granddaughters have captured someone video. Have you got death stop it says on the park any stories . No. I dont think so. 16,000 prisoners of war that built this railway actually died in its construction on the park, and nothing ever happens to me. The man some of the truck sleepers have been who says nothing ever happens to him brought here to make a really recovered from covid 19 in april. Poignant memorial. I am joined by george will mark his 100th birthday two current serving military next year. Adam mcclean, bbc news. Personnel, both of whom had grandfathers who fought in the George Boag Munroe, what a campaign. Firstly, captain, good fascinating story. Fascinating tale. Morning to you, and we will speak to it is 6 18am. Using is having a look Corporal Reed in a moment. We were at the weather for us today. Good morning, susan. We didnt have a talking before we came on air about tropical night last night, did we . your grandfather. He received the Victoria Cross for his bravery. Believe not, naga, but my goodness thats right. Tell us about what he what a week it has been we have had did . On the fifth of march, 1945, a a record breaking run of hot days, a record breaking run of Tropical Company from the second worker notes, for anyone who has not heard that phrase before, that is when overnight temperatures drop down no arrival attacked the position and my lower than 20 degrees. That is it, grandfather was part of that though. It is far from company. And he was actually out the lower than 20 degrees. That is it, though. It is farfrom chilly lower than 20 degrees. That is it, though. It is far from chilly at the moment, we have warm air and there front with the lead section, and isa moment, we have warm air and there is a lot of moisture in it. The they came under the effective enemy weekend in contrast to the weekjust gone will be cooler. We do have some fire that includes motor fire, hefty showers to content with through the course of the next grenades and machine gun. At the couple of days. We have seen some of the thunderstorms in recent days same time, my granddads section was result in flash flooding, these pinned down by the enemys tree coming into the south of the uk in a century sniper sentry, and my somewhat slightly formed band will drift further north across certain parts of england and wales as the grandfather, exposed to the enemy day pans out. The area we are killed this sniper sentry and watching closely as the south east, where we see some sun coming out started to advance ahead. About 20 here this afternoon, things could get very lively once again. A lot of metres from the first enemy foxhole, cloud for much of the uk today again, they came under effective because a lot of the moisture in the enemy fire and without awaiting any atmosphere, particularly along north orders, my grandfather dashed sea coasts. Elsewhere, were looking forward , orders, my grandfather dashed forward, crawled forward and pushed at the mid 20s, but as you can see his two grenades and killed two towards the south east, evening is japanese with his bayonet. Whoa. And looking like it could host some pretty punchy, thundery showers in a showers overnight push further north he double dashed towards the foxhole into england and wales. It stays fine for Northern Ireland and and cleared the bunker. Again, there scotland, Northern Ireland and scotla nd scotland, Northern Ireland and scotland in line for the driest weather through the weekend as a we re two whole because High Pressure is and cleared the bunker. Again, there were two foxholes and he pretty close by air. Low pressure to single handedly dashed forward and the south is feeding those showers cleared the rest of the two foxholes. Then, after a few seconds in. So, it is sunday, again battling quite a lot of thick and stubborn he noticed that there was another cloud again, i think murky, we will enemy bunker towards another one of see that on the coast, some heavy and thundery showers are possible the objectives and he double across england and wales on sunday forwarded, leapt onto the bunker, by depending on if we see the sun come out to push those temperatures up a little bit higher to really spike the time he got there, all of his grenades were finished and he was things off. For monday, we still have low pressure to the south of the uk, so its pretty showery number377, grenades were finished and he was number 377, used grenades were finished and he was number377, used a grenades were finished and he was number 377, used a smoke grenade to clear the bunker. He put a smoke across england and wales. For the start of the new week we will see some showers drifting further north into scotland and Northern Ireland as well. As you can see, its a real grenade onto the bunker, and because of the smoke two japanese rushed out change of tack now, we are into a much more unsettled climate, the end from the bunker. He took out his of the week and hopefully the next cookery, chopped the heads off and bulletin is well, it looks like it could be quite windy by thursday and friday. Back to you. Many will be there were two Japanese Fighting from a bunker that he crawled into and captured a late machine gun and very relieved, actually. It has been too hot for a lot of people. Killed the two enemies. Ok. Thank now, its time for the film review. You for telling us that story. A tale of remarkable bravery but remaining is also of the brutality of course of war and a particularly brutal campaign. Jonathan, good hello and welcome to the film morning to you. Your grandfather was in the royal navy and was taken review, with me, anna smith. Prisoner and imprisoned in nagasaki i am filling in for Mark Kermodes and also saw the nuclear bomb detonated. Yes, he was my review this weeks releases. Great grandfather, petty officer Tom Humphreys in the navy at the time. His ship hmas exeter was captured. First up, ba byteeth, an australian comedy drama he saw the bomb going off, didnt starring eliza scanlen, realise what it was at the time. As who appeared as beth march in Greta Gerwigs fabulous little women. A prisoner of war he kept a diary and although it was often confiscated from him, he would find ways of getting it back. There were i wanted to ask you something. Very poignant accounts of some very uhhuh. Ha rd very poignant accounts of some very hard things that happen, but also some positive stories that came from will you come to my School Formal . It. He made friends with some japanese guards and yeah, saw the atomic bomb going off. An im a bit old for it . Extraordinary story. Thank you very no. Much indeed. Even in and amongst do i have to wear a suit . Those harrowing stories, some sense i dont think so. Of camaraderie and some sense of hope. And it is one of the messages i think you will hear reflected today, not only by the veterans but id like to wear one. By the royal family and those attending this day, a very special scanlen plays miller, commemorations. John, thank you very a terminally ill teenager who falls much, we will be withjohn for an older boy called moses, throughout the morning and talking played by toby wallace. To many of those with personal links moses isnt exactly what millers as to what happened previously. Its worth saying as well, coverage of parents would consider boyfriend material the commemorations across the bbc he steals, he takes drugs today. A special programme will be and hes been kicked out of the house by his own mother. Broadcast from the National Memorial but sheltered miller is enchanted arboretum on bbc one after this by his rebellious spirit. Programme. Lets ta ke so her folks reluctantly lets take a moment, it is 7 22am. Let him into their home. Maybe you have plans. As in, what based on a stage play by rita kalnejais, babyteeth are we braced for . Certainly, is a remarkable debut from director shannon murphy, who deftly charlie, nothing as dramatic as we have had in the weekjust gone. I steers the tone from dark, character driven farce think many will say thank goodness to tragicomedy we have lost that really intense without missing a beat. Heat, it is far from chilly now, shes also assembled temperatures closer to average a note perfect cast. Values for this weekend. As it has scanlen and wallace have a palpable connection, while essie davis cooled down a lot of the moisture and Ben Mendelsohn are hilarious that has been hanging around with us that has been hanging around with us thatis that has been hanging around with us and heartbreaking as millers that is still there has manifested like this. Its misty and murky pill popping mother and her psychiatrist father. Across parts of the uk to start the day. There will be a lot of cloud this is a film about love, loss, throughout the day, i think, across compromise, sacrifice, central and eastern areas, and then we got a weather feature which and accepting the realities of life and death. Basically is a line of sale was pushing its way up from the south at its hugely entertaining and its the moment. They are not thundery, ultimately deeply moving. I suggest you keep tissues handy. This particular band of showers, but if we do see some sun breaking dont forget your mask either through the cloud across south east of england later, things get livelier here. Generally the further north you are, the better your chances of staying dry and then towards the west of scotland, north west of england and northern because babyteeth is in cinemas now. Ireland, you should stand a good chance of seeing some sunshine as well. Not a lot of low cloud on the north sea coast, temperatures mostly in the mid teens a low 20s. Temperatures myself through the south east to the evening and scattered showers drift northwards across england and wales into the small hours of sunday. Still pretty close, if you like, across parts of england and wales where you can see lows of 17 or 18 as we go into sunday, but not those tropical notes the story of the puppet pinocchio we we re sunday, but not those tropical notes has inspired many a movie version, we were talking about with close no lower than 20 and we just gone. Including the cutesy 1940 disney classic. Tropical notes in the weekjust a new live action version gone. And the odd shower could be from italian director Matteo Garrone is a very different beast. Sharper, the best chance of sunshine in the south later on but thats a relatively faithful adaptation parts of the risk of things becoming of the 1883 book the adventures thundery. Scotland and Northern Ireland could get away with a of the pinocchio by carlo collodi, largely dry weekend. Some sunny it stars Roberto Benigni spells for Northern Ireland in as geppetto, the woodcarver western scotland, in terms of the who crafts a puppet that magically comes to life. Temperatures, as promised, closer to average values. 18 across northern using elaborate prosthetics and cgi, the child actor Federico Ielapi scotland, loads a mid 20s for the is transferred very credibly south of england and wales. Charlie into the wooden puppet who just and naga. Susan, thank you very wants to be a real boy. Much. Time is now officially up the bond between geppetto for holidaymakers in france, and his son is tangible, so its nerve racking and five other countries, when the gullible pinocchio wanders off and gets hoping to make it back onto british lost in the countryside, soil before the introduction encountering robbers and conmen. Of a strict two week mandatory quarantine. Pinocchio is a gorgeous looking film that occasionally tugs on the heartstrings. In order to make that 4 00am deadline this morning, thousands of people raced but its much more satisfying against the clock, boarding in the subtitled version, ferries, planes and trains. Which is showing in independent some, however, werent so lucky. Cinemas, than it is in the dubbed lets speak now to Adele Armstrong one that is showing who made it back to london in the multiplexes. Yesterday. The cloying english voices make it seem creepy. What storage you have to tell . Where i know a certain place. Called the we re what storage you have to tell . Where were you and what happen . what storage you have to tell . Where were you and what happen . I was with my mum in brittany and i wasnt expecting this. I was checking my field of miracles. Phone all the time but it was 11 either way, pinocchio feels unusually dark and disturbing for a pg film, oclock local time, so i thought it so while fans of garrones twisted wouldnt happen on thursday night, fairy tale film tale of tales suddenly my phone went wild. News will find plenty to feast on, the parents with younger children alerts, people sending messages, so might want to wait for the upcoming within a few minutes we had to disney live action film from robert decide whether to try to get back or zemeckis. Not. I thought lets try and change the tickets, i managed to change to the tickets, i managed to change to the flight tickets but we had surveyed two brand new tickets to come back yesterday, im a bit lost at the time for the moment, but yes, 0nto a small screen horror that it was expensive and stressful. And takes itself much more seriously. Sputnik is a russian sci fi about an astronaut who comes back from space with an unexpected passenger in tow. Adele armstrong, what was the set in 1983 and coloured in muted problem in terms of quarantine . Why werent you willing to quarantine . Grey and brown hues, it stars 0ksana akinshina well, i coparent my daughter with as a psychologist, tatyana, who is surprised when she is asked to treat a famous cosmonaut her father and well, i coparent my daughter with herfather and she well, i coparent my daughter with her father and she is well, i coparent my daughter with herfather and she is meant to well, i coparent my daughter with her father and she is meant to spend in a secret soviet facility. The last two weeks of the summer it turns out hes suffering with him and he planned to take her from more than ptsd. Hes harbouring away, also going next week to the uk a parasite inside of him. To see some other family i have not 0penly influenced by the alien seen to see some other family i have not seen all year, then i am going to films, this delivers mild scares and a smattering of gore. Jnc my grandmother the week after. It is all family related, its not having the creature in captivity somewhat limits the potential, 100 holiday related. And i am going to see my grandmother. Being really, but egor abramenkos film is very efficient at building stuck in a flat with a five year old tension, atmosphere and characters. All in all, its for two weeks is not ideal, although a serviceable horror thats on digital platforms now. It is an inconvenience. I wanted her to see her dad and meet the other family. Was your impression, i dont know, out where you were, presumably if youre a fan of quirky eve ryo ne know, out where you were, presumably everyone is having the same sort of documentaries with eccentric discussion, do we try and get back, characters, check out my rembrandt, which is in cinemas do we stay, do we carry on in quarantine when we get back . And on demand now. Presumably a lot of people having to make those decisions . Yeah, i was staying with my mum, so i wasnt in a hotel or anything, it wasnt exactly tourism chaos, but i guess, prior to 2003, it had never occurred yeah, other people would have had to to me that one could buy have made those decisions. As it a painting by rembrandt. Happened at 11pm in france, a lot of people were in bed and woke up you mean that one friday morning and it was probably a bit late. So im lucky i saw that in could actually buy . Dropping in on buyers, the evening because the next day auctioneers and art experts, there was no way i would have been the film follows people able to buy a fight. I guess people with a passion for the dutch painter, revealing the price theyll also did expected, i mean, we were pay for what may or may not be his work. Checking phones all the time, it was trust me. A massive surprise. I was looking at the france numbers every day. Im glad youre back and all is well. Billing itself as an epic art thriller might be yes let thank you so much for slightly overstating it, chatting to us today. Much of when but its still a fascinating offbeat watch with a playful sense of humour. Hi, im michelle payne. You get so discombobulated and you im available for track work. Are trying trying to figure stuff out. We can speak tojonathan smith from the travel association. Illjust be outside if anybody needs me. Abta, new to dvd this week who can talk us through is ride like a girl, what the rule changes mean the true story of michelle payne, for travellers rights, and for the travel industry. Who in 2015 became the first woman so, lots of people we have spoken to to win the melbourne cup. Had to spend extra money on tickets. If they had wanted to change the standby for the race that stops the bookings, whether they have been nation entitled to, if the bookings were directed by the actor Rachel Griffiths from six feet under fame, it stars Teresa Palmer available . Its unlikely. Ithink if as the determined young writer who trains up people had chosen to come back early with the help of her father, from the holidays and they have to played by the great sam neill, and her brother stevie, make their own arrangements if they whos actually played by himself. Have booked independently. For its told in a simple style for a broad audience, but its got a positive spirit customers who booked through a and enough dramatic events to keep the attention. Travel Agency Package holiday, the what are you doing after the race . Celebrating. Advice of them would be to speak to griffiths pitched this the organiser of the holiday about as a pg feminist sports movie to make men cry, and i reckon shes got it about right. Other arrangements. But the people who were all on holiday had been ride like a girl is on dvd now. Advised to carry on with their trips and to continue to have a good time and to continue to have a good time bill, weve spent our whole life and come back at the end of their trying to unite the world. Holiday, the only thing is than they and im tired, dude. Ted, we have a destiny to fulfil would have to quarantine. So the people coming back early were keen not to. As adele said, the whoa greetings, my excellent friends now, if, like me, youre looking announcement came at 10pm at night forward to the future release bill here in the uk and people were given and ted face the music, then why not go back in time a deadline of 4am on saturday first in 1989 to bill morning, so they were given very long to make those arrangements. Obviously you have been reporting on and teds excellent adventure . The people that have been trying to come back. Jonathan obviously this starring keanu reeves and alex winter as time travelling school kids who scoop up famous has given individual travellers cause for concern. They have had to people from history, this release comes with an intriguing make decisions. Take it to the wider new message at the start please note that this film reflects historical attitudes which audiences perspective for the travel industry, so perspective for the travel industry, so many people go to france, some may find outdated or offensive. Those are historical babes. Clearly will still choose to go. But now, much as i really enjoyed bill what do you think the impact of and ted as a teenager, these new restrictions will mean . Ive got to say that re watching it now, i have to see the point of this warning. Well, the quarantine measures that have been brought into place have theres the ogling of over bills stepmum missy had a huge impact. The travel and the crude caricatures of some industry had effectively ground to a of the historical figures. Halt when lockdown started and that i winced a bit watching joan of arc was to control the pandemic. Just as do that fitness class in the mall. No way the industry has got restarted again, for the peak summer season, yes, way still, while this may not have stood incredibly important for businesses, the test of time as well as, some of the really important say, back to the future, countries have come off the list. A its still a fun, retro couple of weeks ago, spain, which ride with great leads and a few catchphrases we can all use right now. Be excellent to each other. Was last year visited by 18 million bill and teds excellent adventure is out on blu ray now. Britons, now france, the number to thanks for watching the film review with me, anna smith. Ill be back next week. Destination for uk travellers. Businesses are under a huge amount meantime, be excellent to each other. I hate that part. Of pressure and the loss ofjobs bill, strange things being well publicised. The concern is will continue and we very much need support from the government are afoot at the circle k. Like it is helping other sectors in the uk economy. Because futures are at stake. In terms of that, we hello, this is breakfast already know that Many Companies with Charlie Stayt and naga within the travel industry were munchetty. Right on the brink. Do you think the good morning. Heres a summary of todays main decision over france will be the thing that pushes them over the stories from bbc news. Edge . Are we going to be seeing this a 2 week mandatory quarantine has come into effect for travellers arriving into the uk week and next week announcements as from france, the netherlands and four other countries. A direct result of one more thing at this mornings 4 00am deadline forced thousands of holidaymakers to return early. A direct result of one more thing at a very difficult time . I dont think lets speak now to our correspondent Caroline Davies, whojoins us from st pancras station in london, it would be unlikely. I think it has where many eurostar train passengers have been disembarking this morning. Made august, its the peak of the season, we have a few weeks ago that good morning. We have been hearing season. I think people are nervous stories of many frantic scrambles there may be more countries taken home . Yes, naga. They have been off the list, and that is inhibiting people to make decisions about travel. At the same time there are astonishing stories overnight. I have been speaking to those trying obviously lots of people who is desperately to get back into the uk. Looking to travel, are on holidays at the moment and are having 0ne desperately to get back into the uk. One woman, who decided to drive 12 fantastic experiences. There are a hours, it cost £200 to change your lot of countries that are open for ticket and they went from the south of france back up to get across, business. So while there are these announcements about spain and france, there are locations that are across the eurotunnel, and when they arrived they found out that was going to be a 90 minute delay, but still open like turkey and greece, they were told they should be able people are visiting there and having to get through. I was waiting on great holidays, too. So think its a tenterhooks, they got the message they had arrived with three hours to mixed picture but its undoubtably these measures will be affecting spare. 0f they had arrived with three hours to spare. Of course, there has also companies now. Thank you very much been a focus on the ferry that was due to arrive in new haven at four jonathan smith, speaking from the oclock in the morning. They got in in good time and in fact the Person Association of it is travel about i spoke to managed to get off at that 4am deadline that has come and 3 58am, with minutes to go. Of course, anybody who has decided to gone. Of british travel. Stay in france or any of the other countries that have now been listed will have to return to the uk and will have to return to the uk and will have to quarantine for 14 days. Caroline, thanks very much. That was caroline, thanks very much. That was Caroline Davies for us at st pancras. Schools in england will be able to appeal against a level and gcse grades free of charge. Its hoped the move, which will cost between £8 15 million, will ensure head teachers are not deterred from making appeals, especially for ha rder to prove cases. It comes as nearly 40 of a level grades given out on thursday were lower than hello, this is breakfast with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Teachers predictions. Good morning. Heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. Casinos, theatres and Bowling Alleys a two week mandatory quarantine has come into effect for travellers in england are among the businesses arriving into the uk that are reopening their doors after lockdown, two weeks later from france, the netherlands than originally scheduled. And four other countries. Despite measures being relaxed across the country, they wont take effect in Greater Manchester, this mornings 4 00am deadline west yorkshire, east lancashire forced thousands of holidaymakers and leicester, where local to return early. Lets speak now to our correspondent Caroline Davies, whojoins us from st pancras station in london. Lockdowns have been extended. Caroline, good to see you. We have had some really interesting stories the royal family and the armed about people literally scrambling to get back home. Some astonishingly forces will lead the country in a series of events today to mark close shaves, naga. But some of the the 75th anniversary of victory over japan day, and the end people i was speaking to overnight, of the Second World War. 71,000 british and commonwealth there was one woman who drove for 12 soldiers died during the war against japan. Hours with her family, veterans will attend there was one woman who drove for 12 hours with herfamily, and spent a service of remembrance £200 changing their ticket. When at the National Memorial arboretum they got to the eurotunnel they were in staffordshire where the prince told there was a 90 minute delay, at of wales, duchess of cornwall 2 30 a. M. , so really getting quite tight for time. They were told they and the Prime Minister will lead should be able to get through, i got a message from her around three oclock saying they had just got to a two minute silence at 11 00. The uk with one hour to spare. There was also quite a focus on a ferry due to arrive into new haven at bagpipes skirl. 4 00am exactly. Due to arrive into new haven at 4 00am exactly. I due to arrive into new haven at 4 00am exactly. I spoke to one gentleman aboard, he said he was watching the ship as it came into port, and they saw it docking at around 3 40am. He actually managed in the last hour, a military to get off in his car, touching uk piper has been performing at the National Memorial ground at 3 58am, so with a couple of minutes to spare. Now of course, arboretum in staffordshire. We know they have been tens of thousands of people who have been trying to get back to the uk, but bagpipes skirl. There are still people who have made there are still people who have made the decision to stay in france, or those other listed countries, from which you will now have to quarantine. Anybody who has, will have to spend the next two weeks, when they get back to the uk, in isolation. Caroline davies, thank and we can now cross to the wreath laying ceremony at the cenotaph you. In london which is happening casinos, theatres and Bowling Alleys in england are among the businesses there live this morning. That are reopening their doors after lockdown, two weeks later than originally scheduled. There will be a series of people to despite measures being relaxed across the country, they wont take mark the 75th anniversary of the effect in Greater Manchester, west yorkshire, east lancashire and leicester, where local victory overjapan, which signalled lockdowns have been extended. The end of the Second World War in the end of the Second World War in the far east. 0ur camera isjust lets speak to dr amir khan, who works as a gp in bradford. Lingering there on some of the good to see you, amir khan, dr khan. M essa g es lingering there on some of the messages that have been placed on the cenotaph itself. Across the day, as one of those areas where this a series of events, as you know, which started at six oclock windows lockdown has been extended, do you wa nt to lockdown has been extended, do you want to tell me how you think your pipers at the arboretum. With patients might be feeling about this . Because you have been involved quite a lot with the community, trying to reassure them. those pipers. For the moment, were quite a lot with the community, trying to reassure them. I have, yes. Good morning, naga. My patients going to concentrate here at the cenotaph in london, of course, over are disappointed, you know, that is probably the best word for it. We yea rs cenotaph in london, of course, over years the centre for so many people we re probably the best word for it. We were hoping that the numbers in of commemorations, of those who have bradford, where i work, would come down. And my patients certainly have lost their lives. We are expecting ben wallace, who is the secretary of been adhering to the new restrictions, or the extension of the restrictions. So it is difficult state for defence, who will be the for them to see the rest of the country easing while they are still first to lay a wreath at the put in restrictions. I have got cenotaph. Wejust first to lay a wreath at the cenotaph. We just awaiting those patients who have not seen their ceremonial and alongside him will be family members since march, like, physically seen them, and this current and serving members of the military. Lets remind you of extension of the restrictions has prolonged that for them. At that has victory over japan day, military. Lets remind you of victory overjapan day, why it was been really difficult for their so low rated on the 15th of august Mental Health. And. 1945. It marked the end of world war been really difficult for their Mental Health. And. What are you advising people who are feeling the ii, and was the moment that the strain . I mean, it has been a very allies marked a victory overjapan. Interesting week anyway. We have in there had been rumours of it talking about a level results, we we re talking about a level results, we were talking yesterday to a doctor happening at the time. Us president harry truman broke the news at a about how students, how to talk to young people who are going through press co nfe re nce harry truman broke the news at a press conference at the white house these issues. You must be getting at 7pm on august 14, and later quite a few referrals, or at least, being able to look at little bit britains new Prime Minister, clement attlee, confirmed it by more closely to see evidence of mental strain among your patients . Saying the last of our enemies is laid low, and it was the following yes, no doubt. People with existing day that Japanese Emperor Hirohito Mental Health conditions have was heard on the radio for the first deteriorated during the lockdown. Time ever when he announced the they have been ringing me and speaking to me about that. People surrender. That was on august 15, who have never suffered anything 1945, 75 yea rs surrender. That was on august 15, with regards to Mental Health are 1945, 75 years ago. We will come to now suffering stress, anxiety, even those events at the cenotaph as they depression. And i am talking to them ta ke those events at the cenotaph as they take place this morning. About it. And even before the the 14th army was one of the largest and most successful british pandemic, the Mental Health services and Commonwealth Forces we re of the Second World War. Pandemic, the Mental Health services were stretched, and now that we are despite driving the previously referring into it at a higher level, undefeated Japanese Army from the Indian Border and out it is making it more difficult. And of burma, the men who fought in it are often referred to also, there are not any face to face as the forgotten army. Robert hall reminds consultations. Talking in therapy is all done either online or on the phone, and some people find that us of their efforts. Really difficult as well. But it is still important to talk about how it had started with a series of you are feeling, discuss it with a defeats. Japanese forces had swept healthcare professional, you are feeling, discuss it with a healthca re professional, family, friends, that kind of thing. Even if you cant see them, you can speak to them about it. The samaritans is through the far east, driving a lwa ys them about it. The samaritans is always a good place to start if you britain and her allies back to the are struggling to speak to anybody at all. It is interesting, isnt it, borders of india. Thousands of soldiers were marched into captivity. Many of them would be because equally, even though you are worked to death or fall victim to in an area lockdown restrictions have been extended, across england starvation and disease. In india, we are seeing a change in, for rajinda singdat was among the young example, soft play areas, casinos, men who volunteered for the fightback. In my mind it was not indoor performances, and of course Bowling Alleys. So there is going to only that we were fighting for bea Bowling Alleys. So there is going to be a difference, in terms of attitudes, but also more risk, because more people are out. Yes, india, but we were fighting for the definitely. And we will have to globe, for peace and democracy. Watch that closely. The vast majority of people, the most important thing is to get the level india, but we were fighting for the globe, for peace and democracym 1944, the japanese attacked again, of coronavirus down in the community, at such a point where schools can open safely in a couple of weeks when they do open. So this and at kahina 1500 commonwealth troops held back ten times that easing of is restrictions really important to watch, and professor number. Eventually, the newlyformed chris whitty has set himself, he thought we had reached the limit of 14th army would begin its advance what we could open society up to, through the jungles of burma. And that was before this easing. So 14th army would begin its advance through the jungles of burmam 14th army would begin its advance through the jungles of burma. It was difficult, getting through jungle, it is really vital we see what happens over the next couple of very often. You know, because more weeks with these new easing measures. Another thing we have been often than not you didnt stick to, talking about, of course, are these restrictions in terms of you know, well beaten tracks or quarantining. There restrictions in terms of quara ntining. There have restrictions in terms of quarantining. There have been extra anything like that. That was asking countries put on the holiday list of for trouble. Royal marines jim healy no go areas, if you do not want to quarantine. What are you saying to was aboard a Landing Craft during one seaborne assault. your patients . Because i think a lot of people will be thinking, how do i know . How do i know if i can go on was aboard a Landing Craft during one seaborne assault. I had a sandbank and of course it stopped holiday, how do i know if this me. I gave instructions, the gurkhas country will not be put on the list went out, we came off the sandbank while i am there . Yeah, it is really andi went out, we came off the sandbank and i could have gone over them and killed them all. Fortunately, my hard. You have got to do your homework before you go, if you decide not to go. My advice is very lad, stoker, behind me, he put it in clear. Really think hard before you reverse and stopped me. The battles go abroad. Look at a number of cases in that country. Look at the number in burma were still being fought of cases per hundred thousand. Does when news came of the japanese it exceed at 20 per 100,000 surrender. Lord louis mountbatten, benchmark that appears to have been set . But i would suggest to people, supreme surrender. Lord louis mountbatten, supreme allied commander in southeast asia, took the salute. The andi set . But i would suggest to people, and i have said this to my friends, 14th army had helped to turn allied my family, and i have said this to my friends, family, my and i have said this to my friends, my family, my sister wanted to go on holiday and i told her very clearly, fortunes, and yet they claimed they we re just go somewhere in the uk. It is fortunes, and yet they claimed they were forgotten back home. You look beautiful. The weather is variable, at the british nation, the war it but it is still gorgeous. Well, i had fought was the one that was on dont think you need to go on its doorstep. So it was looking to holiday i have commented on your europe. And once that conflict comes garden before. I now see that you to an end, the far east is very far have added bunting. It seems as if away, it perhaps didnt come with a sense of relief that was delivered even more plants have come up. have added bunting. It seems as if on ve day. On this anniversary, a even more plants have come up. I am just showing off now, naga. That is all that is. Well, if i had a garden virus has muted commemorations, but like that, i wouldnt blame you. Dr the forgotten army will be amir khan, always lovely to talk to you. Thank you. But did look nice. Remembered. Lovely. Really impressive. Holly has the time now is 6 39am stop we will the sport for us this morning. We have more on those events for you arejust the sport for us this morning. We are just starting to get used to the throughout the morning, at the idea of Live Football happening. No National Arboretum, and also those crowds, obviously. Buta events at the cenotaph. Right now, idea of Live Football happening. No crowds, obviously. But a big it is time to look at the sport, and scoreline, but can still be a bit of a surprise. Every time in the Champions League holly is there for us this morning. Good morning. Ijust imagine any in particular. The game, a team like barcelona fans watching the Champions League quarter final last barcelona, they are giants of night, watching like this, behind european football. There is only one their hands. It is not really how way to describe what happened last night. Champions League Quarter final was it was quite simply supposed to go. A humilation for barcelona. Barcelona, a giant in european the barcelona fans were probably football, utterly humiliated by Bayern Munich last night. Quite glad they were not present 8 2 the scoreline, in what was a pretty one sided game there. That left lionel messi and co we know what Bayern Munich are capable of, but barca with their biggest ever defeat are a giant in european football, in the tournament. Bayern scored four times featuring the likes of lionel messi in the opening 31 minutes, and luis suarez. The opener here from Thomas Muller, you dont expect them to be beaten 8 2 by anyone at this stage with barcelona conceding four goals in the first half of a game of the Champions League. For the first time in 26 years. But the german champions it went from bad to worse were on a mission. In the second half, with former liverpool man phillipe coutinho, simply rampant from the off, who is on loan from barca, theyd made history in the first 31 scoring twice to add insult to injury and inflict a worst ever minutes, with four goals Thomas Muller scoring twice, european defeat on the spanish giants. Breaking a pretty unwanted humiliating, painful, record for barca. Unacceptable. Theyre just some of the words the first time in 26 years theyve conceded four times in the first half. And it went from bad barcelonas gerard pique used to worse after the break, to describe their 8 2 thrashing with barcas defensive errors piling up. Against Bayern Munich last night. And just to add insult to injury, phillipe coutinho, who is actually its the spanish clubs a barca player on loan to bayern at the moment, he came off the bench to set up the sixth, then went on to score worst ever defeat in europe, the seventh and the eighth. Couldnt even bring himself to celebrate. Barcelonas manager had one word to sum it up painful. Translation of course this was a painful defeat. The way it happened was extremely painful. And i cant just worry about my future, because translation of course this this is thejob was a painful defeat. Just worry about my future, because this is the job that i chose. But it the way it happened was extremely painful. Is especially painful because of what a defeat like this means for and i cantjust worry about my future, because this is the job that i chose. The supporters and the club. But it is especially painful because of what a defeat like this welcome as if there wasnt enough means for the supporters drama on the pitch, there was plenty more in sheffield, would last and the club. Nights semifinals at the World Snooker championship. Well, as if there wasnt enough drama on the pitch, who else but ronnie 0sullivan came there was plenty more in sheffield back from the brink of defeat with last nights semi finals to beat mark selby 17 16 at the World Snooker championship. At the crucible in what was a thrilling match. Who else but Ronnie Osullivan came back from the brink of defeat 0sullivan is playing for his sixth to beat mark selby 17 16 world title to draw level alongside steve davis haul. At the crucible in what was a thrilling match. Hell face kyren wilson next, who also came through a rather tense semifinal against anthony mcgill. There an extraordinary finish to the deciding frame which lasted osullivan is playing for his sixth over an hour. World title to draw level alongside steve davis haul. Selby was not too happy afterwards. It was described by seven time World Champion Stephen Hendry as the most during the match i felt like he was incredible frame hed ever seen. A little bit disrespectful, every it ended 17 16, leaving wilson time he played. Every time i got him emotional as he reached his first ever world final. Ina time he played. Every time i got him in a snooker he just got down and hit the ball at 100 miles an hour and it could have gone anywhere. I dont know if he was just on a frame of mind, but ijust thought it was a bit disrespectful to me at the table. But the last three flames played great, ive got no complaints. Frames. I thought anthony was absolutely phenomenal, you know. I put him osullivan will face kyren wilson next, who also came through a rather straight under pressure to go three tense semifinal against anthony mcgill. Frames ahead with a 90, and he there, an extraordinary finish to the deciding frame which lasted over an hour. Just. He stuck it up me, it was described by 7 time world basically. Just every frame, every champion Stephen Hendry as the most shot, he was just perfect. And basically. Just every frame, every shot, he wasjust perfect. And he was having little bad rubs. It is a incredible frame hed ever seen. It ended 17 16, leaving wilson emotional as he reached his first cruel game. You know, i have dreamt ever world final. Of this moment. I am looking forward i thought anthony was absolutely to the final, which starts this afternoon. You can watch it on bbc phenomenal, you know. 0ne afternoon. You can watch it on bbc one from one oclock. After a five month absence, rugby union in england returned last night. Harlequins beat sale sharks 16 10 i put him straight under pressure in the first match back to go three frames ahead with a 90, at the stoop, Scott Baldwin and hejust. With the only try for the quins he stuck it up me, basically. Just every frame, every shot, while marcus smith kicked 11 points. He was just perfect. They move up to sixth and he was having little bad rubs. While sale stay second, four points behind leaders exeter, its a cruel game. Who play leicester tigers later you know, ive dreamt of this moment. In one of four matches. After a 5 month absence, rugby union in england returned last night. Harlequins beat sale sharks 16 10 in the first match back englands cricketers will be hoping at the stoop, Scott Baldwin for sunshine in southampton this morning on day three of their second with the only try for the quins, test against pakistan. While marcus smith kicked 11 points. Just 86 overs have been played in the match so far due to bad weather. Pakistan were struggling with the bat, and even helped england on their way. Keep an eye on the bottom they move up to sixth, of the screen as a mix up while sale stay second, four points behind leaders exeter, between the batsman led who play leicester tigers later in one of four matches. To Shaheen Afridi being run out. Pakistan at that stage were on 176 8. Stuart broad then struck to get englands cricketers will be hoping Mohammad Abbas lbw before for sunshine in southampton this the weather intervened. Morning on day three of their second meaning the tourists test against pakistan. Just 86 overs have been played in the match so far due to bad weather. Will resume later on 223 9. Pakistan were struggling with the bat, and even helped england on their way. It has been frustrating for us. I keep an eye on the bottom of the screen as a mix up feel like we have been in the field a long time. But also, after losing between the batsmen led to Shaheen Afridi being run out. Pakistan at that stage were on 176 8 the toss, getting pakistan 200 odd stuart broad then struck to get Mohammad Abbas lbw before for nine, we are in a decent the weather intervened, position, because we know here at meaning the tourists the aegis bowl that the first innings score can be outscored by the team batting next. So when we get that next week it is just will resume later on 223 9. Important refocus and try to go past pakistans score and put ourselves ina good, pakistans score and put ourselves in a good, winning position. It has been frustrating for us. The records just kept falling by the way side at Athletics Diamond League meeting in monaco. UgandanJoshua Cheptegei smashed the world record in the 5,000 metres, while in the womens 1,000 i feel like weve been metres, britains laura muir broke in the field a long time. The british record but also, after losing the toss, one that was held by getting pakistan 200 odd for nine, Dame Kelly Holmes for 21 years. Were in a decent position, because we know here at the ageas bowl that the first innings score can be outscored by the team batting next. She finished second, so when we get that next week, behind kenyan, faith kipyegon, its just important to refocus who ran the second and try to go past pakistans quickest time ever. Score and put ourselves and there was an irish record too in a good, winning position. For Ciara Mageean in third, the records just kept falling edging out britainsjemma reekie. By the way side at Athletics Diamond League meeting in monaco. UgandanJoshua Cheptegei smashed the world record in the five thousand metres, while in all in all, it really was not a the womens 1000 metres, britains laura muir broke the british record brilliant night it was really not one that was held by Dame Kelly Holmes for 21 years she finished second, an great night for the british behind kenyan faith kipyegon who ran the second quickest time ever. Athletes, but a great night a muir, and there was an irish record too smashing that record. I am sure dame for Ciara Mageean in third, kelly holmes wont mind one bit. Edging out britainsjemma reekie. Absolutely, that record has stood for a very long time. Thanks, holly. See you later. It is just coming up to 6 45am. Susan is looking at the weather for us this morning. To 6 45am. Susan is looking at the weatherfor us this morning. Look, this morning, i was shocked, i had and it was an unwanted record to ta ke of sorts for Serena Williams, this morning, i was shocked, i had to take a light coat into work with as she lost to a player ranked me. I havent used one for the past outside the worlds top 100 few days. For the first time in eight years. The 23 time grand slam champion, i have to go looking for the raincoat, very misty, murky date at the top of your screen, conditions out there. And after the was beaten by world number 116 tropical notes we have had in the Shelby Rogers in the quarterfinal week just tropical notes we have had in the weekjust gone, i know for some they of the top seed open, a warm up event for the us open, are unpleasant, some enjoy them, which starts at the end of the month. Thatis are unpleasant, some enjoy them, that is an overnight temperature that is an overnight temperature that does not go below 20 celsius. Yes, that is supposed to start on last night in many places we got to august 31. You would hope Serena Williams has a chance there, so many the mid teens. So yes, some relief, big names have washed out. What but we still have relatively warm number one ashleigh barty, bianca airand that warm but we still have relatively warm andreescu, she got out earlier this air and that warm air is holding a lot of water. And this is what that looks like first thing today. Misty week. It does make it a bit more and murky for many parts of the uk exciting, though, charlie and naga. On the snooker thing, i was watching to get the day under way. Some of a bit, im loving steve davis as a this will lift as the day goes on, pundit. Hes an joy. Places will brighten, some of it will burn back entirely, but a bit, im loving steve davis as a pundit. Hes anjoy. You never know what is going to happen. There seems actually quite great conditions to bea today, particularly across central what is going to happen. There seems to be a running gag about him not and eastern areas and to the south getting vts in for the team . Of the uk at the moment is a more something is going on there. I was organised line of showers if you new to it and there seems to be a like my hands why i was grabbing my running joke about how often he has code. And through the day those showers will drift their way got the tees end. Him not getting northwards, they are looking the tees in for the team. Some of particularly thundery at the moment, but if the sun pops out across the these pundits have an incredible amount of experience but i dont southeast this afternoon, sticks a bit more energy into the atmosphere, they could get things going once again. To the north, its pretty think they get the teas in. When did charlie make you a cup of tea . Milk quiet, actually. We could see sunny spells of along with western and sugar, thanks. Its very hard to scotland, low cloud and fog on those north sea coasts, 16 17 as highs. Leave this so far during the you can see the showers are a bit programme, logistically. Thats all im saying this sofa. Puncture through the evening and they slowly drift for the north across the remainder of england and wales overnight and becomes a betrayers of the south for a while. Programme, logistically. Thats all im saying this sofa. Susan, i and our overnight lows are still hope somebody has got you a cup of pretty soupy in cardiff and london, tea. Its all had a real nosedive thanks to lockdown. When you are 16 17 and 18 degrees, but cooler than it has been. For sunday, low cups, now there is only two of us pressure to the south, a risk across here and you can go near each other. England and wales of scattered showers, they are always very that was charlies excuse, social distancing doesnt allow him to make difficult to pin down precisely but it looks like perhaps northern anyone a cup of tea. When here england, north wales, parts of the realised that to be an excuse you midlands are more favoured on the can use for who knows how long, here morning and then showers coming into was delighted. Shame on you, the south, we will see a bit of charlie. Its going well, isnt it . Sunshine for the afternoon. Scotland and Northern Ireland in for a largely dry weekend and some decent anyway, what is happening today, spells of sunshine on the way here as well. For monday, still low well, a cup of tea is perhaps more pleasa nt well, a cup of tea is perhaps more pleasant than today after a pressure to the south so still that simmering hot week. It was cold all risk of some showers across england round, but temperatures have come down now and we have lost the and wales, they will drift further north through the course of the day. Tropical nades, we got down into the monday, pretty much like the days we will see through this weekend, a mid10,008 chance of some showers getting into Northern Ireland and southern scotla nd Northern Ireland and southern scotland as we move further on in tropical nades, we got down into the mid 10,008 tropical nights, but a lot of the moisture has come down to monday. By the end of the week we be foggy as we got into the could be facing a positively autumnal forecast, looking like could be facing a positively autumnalforecast, looking like at the moment there could be a low mid teens. Hanging around in the barrelling from the atlantic, strong central and eastern part as we get winds our next problem. So also play to ride day, some showery rain for in the days ahead, plenty of moving into the south. Always a chance of catching a shower across changes in the uk weather, there is a glimpse of a bigger blow. Back to england and wales today, not thundery at the moment, but if we do see a bit of sunshine breaking the you. Thank you, susan, we will see cloud across the south east of later on. It is time to look at the england later, some of the showers could get pretty lively. Slightly if you ever again for the cricket in southampton, driest and brightest travel show, filmed before the for the northern half of the uk, the coronavirus pandemic it. Staff of the sunshine, western scotland, Northern England and Northern Ireland, cooler along the north sea coast. The cloud is going to be pretty stubborn there was the temperatures average for this time hit. This is the mighty river sava, of year, the 20s to the south, the flowing for nearly 1,000 kilometres 20s further north. The showers make from the alps in slovenia, their way and further north as we right across to belgrade, in serbia. Had an overnight from savage ones its the longest river across the south east through the evening, they should clear by the within the balkans. End of the night but it is still a vital artery thats borne pretty to the south, ready muggy. Witness to so much history, stretching all the way back to ancient and Medieval Times and of course low pressure here, High Pressure the turmoil of recent decades. Closer to the north means were scotla nd closer to the north means were scotland and Northern Ireland i think we will escape with a dry today, the sava connects four countries that just weekend, perhaps themselves were Northern Ireland a little on sunday. A generation ago were at war. Some of these again as england and 0n myjourney ill be exploring how today this river is healing wounds wales have them on the heavier side, by boosting trade and tourism some brighter bells, too, but our and creating a new identity for the region. Phase temperatures, 24 to 25, down and finding out why locals call this from that intense heat our highest temperatures 24 25, down 10 the vital heart of the balkans. Degrees and last week. And we could have some frequent so as to the south of the uk. No sign of the heat returning in the week ahead, our temperatures will sit at around average values. We could possibly be a nation ofjust 2 Million People, looking at something more autumnal by the end of the week. Over to you slovenia prides itself on its close relationship with nature. Its one of the most densely skies. Susan, thank you very much. Forested countries in europe and nearly two thirds time now for this weeks click. Of its landscape is green space. This river, the sava, has been a crucial trading route for centuries, dating back to 400 bc, when the celts named it after their river god savus, protector of merchants and travellers. And this is the rivers source, the magnificent savica waterfall, hey, welcome. This week were going bursting from two separate points on the cliff face there. And my intention is to follow to bring you up to date with one of the river from here, at its very beginning, the most important parts of until it meets the technology world. Its a place that danube, in belgrade. Isa technology world. Its a place that is a long way away from silicon valley, both geographically and culturally. And its a place that is now challenging the wests tax dominance. Iam its a near 1,000 kilometre course, flowing through four countries that just over 25 years ago were joined now challenging the wests tax dominance. I am of course referring to china. This is Tiananmen Square in beijing. When i first went to as part of yugoslavia. China, nearly 15 years ago, it was the emerald waters snake already clear that the mighty dragon through the cliffs and then widen was awakening and the next into one of the savas main tributaries, which has now become Technology Superpower was rearing famous for watersports. Its head. Now Technology Companies and im getting a face first perspective. This is bellyaking. Have broken away, probably the best known of these are tiktok and and, yep, theres a hint in the name. Huawei, and they have both drawn it looks like a kayak, but you lay on top of it criticism, to say the least. But tiktok is now under from and use your hands to peddle. Criticism, to say the least. But like many slovenian kids, tiktok is now underfrom us regulators and may be banned by the luka grew up in the countryside white house. A set a date of around and the sava was a huge part of his childhood. September 15, at which point it would be out of business in the united states. But over in china, i spent my whole life in the same house about 50 metres away from the river, social media has been evolving in a so when i wake up, different way. Earlier this year, if i had my window open, before the pandemic took hold, Stephen Beckett went to beijing to i can already hear it. Meet some of the Major Players in the chinese social media landscape. Further down the valley, two tributaries merge and the sava starts its journey proper. And at the fork in the rivers lies this majestic castle, lake bled, and its historic castle of the same name. China, with its Huge Population of over 1. 3 billion people has plenty of room for social ideas. This is slovenias oldest castle, and the competition is intense. These are the head offices of kuaishou, theyre one of the Biggest Social Networks first built in Medieval Times. Here, theyve got over 200 million active users, but unless youre in china, its got a kind of fairytale you probably havent ambience to it and, heard of it. Because of its location, kuaishou has made a name for itself by targetting chinas relatively untapped rural population, and thats its been a strategic a lot of people around 40 dont live in cities. And that has led to a platform lookout for 1,000 years. Where the stars arent and standing here, necessarily what youd expect. I can kind of get why. You can see for miles kuaishous secret sauce is the options it gives streamers to make their streams pay. Translation im a professional musician. I also give lectures this place is legendary via kuaishou in my spare time, which teach people how to play the chinese sorna. In slovenian history. I try to popularise chinese traditional music and knowledge. 0n the banks of the lake still sits the former holiday home of the father of post world war ii yugoslavia, president josip broz tito. Between sales of recorded lessons, and purchases of virtual tito took the helm of the newly gifts during livestreams, he says he makes around £15,000 formed federal republic and more a month, and thats after kuaishou takes their 25 commission. Or less kept the country together until his death, in 1980, but kuaishous 200 million when yugoslavia began to fall apart. Users isnt quite so impressive slovenia became the first to break away, with a short lived war that when you compare it to chinas social titan tencent, lasted just ten days. And their so called its been a sovereign nation state since 1991, and my next stop down the river sava mega app wechat. Is slovenias capital, ljubljana. The city centre is made up of vast and now wechat is becoming an even greater part of daily life, squares, lined with baroque thanks to something called mini programs. Translation wechat mini programs are an app that doesnt require you to download and install, buildings and the streets are packed they are sub applications with tourists ambling around. Within the wechat ecosystem, and a new tool but it wasnt always like this. Just over a decade ago ljubljana was clogged with traffic developed by wechat. And the citys main piazza mini programs allow third was a car park. Parties to add new features to wechat on demand. But in 2006, the citys mayor its a bit like having the entire app store already made the decision to ban cars from the centre. On your phone. The idea is that you can pretty much do everything you could ever want on your phone, now the only vehicles allowed are these so called cavaliers, without ever closing wechat. Electric cabs that give free lifts to those with luggage or who need these vending machines extra help getting around. Are set up to use wechats new facial pay feature. The idea is you opt into it if you had to compare how this city in the app and once youve done looked ten years ago to now, that, you can use your face to buy anything can you tell me the difference . From these machines. It basically links your face to your face to your wechat account and your government id. But, is the convenience worth the possible cost to privacy . In 2016, Amnesty International awarded the Parent Company of wechat, tencent, zero out of 100 for their privacy practices. I think theres a common ten yea rs ten years ago we didnt have the perception that people in china dont care about their privacy, chairs or the cars, it was just and that perception is completely false. The government over the last parking. Few years has been trying to rollout its own cybersecurity regulations and trying to educate consumers about the dangers of data being lost a leaked. Wechats Privacy Policy says it will provide the Chinese Government access to much of what you do in the app when legally required, including the things you type and data like your location. Its hard to deny that social apps in china have taken on a life of their own, if not outpacing, then and the children are still following you. Going in new directions to competitors in the west. And its notjust the kids that the big question is whether are using the car free streets as a playground. More chinese apps can follow tiktok in going global, despite the concerns around privacy and censorship. That was Stephen Becketts filip and blaz are view of china. Ambassadors for the city. And since the explosion of tiktok in the west, they met when one was other apps have been springing a juggler and the other a gymnast, and together up to try and compete. Became a social media sensation and chris fox has been looking at some of the alternatives that are available. With their urban acrobatic antics. We tried to put ljubljana if you cant get enough on the map in our videos. Of short, hyper edited videos, so you can imagine running in a circle or something, luckily there are plenty we would run off a building. Of apps that have cottoned on to the format. And youve done that . Yeah. This is triller, which i think is fair to say, has taken a bit of inspiration from tiktok. Filip and blaz have good reason you can record clips to keep the city centre, with special effects and share which doubles as their performance them onto an endless scrolling feed of content. Space, spick and span and theyve been part triller seems to have done quite well out of all this of the efforts to keep uncertainty, at the start it that way. Of august, it topped the app store charts on both i0s and android and has managed cheering wow thank you to attract some big name tiktok once a year we have action. Stars and celebrities over the whole of slovenia onto its platform, including mike tyson and magician dynamo. Is cleaned up and the river, another app offering a similar experience is byte, they have divers and clean up which has also been popping in and out of the App Store Top download charts. All the bicycles out. Like tiktok, it offers and youve played a big you creative effects part in those campaigns . For your videos, although it is yeah. We try to help. Trailing behind triller, we are strong, so we lift its been downloaded over1 all of the heavy stuff, million times on google play, help them to keep it clean and keep whereas triller has had it on the next level. More than ten million. Citywide cleanups and specialist Waste Disposal points helped tiktoks biggest competition the capital win the accolade may come from instagram reels, of being europes greenest city in 2016, and filip and blaz are keen instagrams newly launched rival. To encourage other locals and tourists to see the potential it has Incorporated Many of tiktoks core features, in ljubljanas spruced up streets. Including that endlessly scrolling feed of short videos. Wow just in the past few weeks, Mark Zuckerberg has appeared at a congressional hearing about Big Tech Companies and the gymnasts are firm using their power to neutralise the competition. Believers that anyone can isnt ripping off tiktok be taught to do this. Essentially doing that . Just change the arms. There is innovation everywhere and people are constantly inspired by what they see. Oh, sorry. Yeah, like this. And three, two, one, go its no longer a surprise see . I told you its simple. You can move one arm as well. Push ups to see a feed in a mobile three, two three. Social product, that wasnt i dont know how i managed that. Necessarily the case until facebook brought that to scale. We brought stories to instagram in 2016. And give full credit to snap for inventing that format, its kind of superhuman strength. But then evolved it from there. So what is instagram bringing to the table with this format, that makes it different to tiktok . I think the ability to be discovered is unique to reels. I think on instagram, time to leave this urban oasis historically, if you had a Large Follower base and head downstream again to radece. It was easier to kind this region, like most of slovenia, of get bigger. This is now a product is densely forested and has specifically designed to help a thriving timber industry. Creators find an audience. Hi. Nice to meet you. Welcome. Now, to be fair to tiktok, hundreds of years ago, i think the idea that you never the sava was the only way to get the huge logs to major cities know what video is going to go across the balkans. Viral or who get discovered and im here tojoin other tourist to get a taste of those is exactly what draws centuries old rafting journeys. People to tiktok. Its certainly not unique to instagram reels, but i think companies are seeing tiktok has refined a winning formula and they want a piece we managed to revive this tradition, of the action. Because otherwise we would forget all that and it was important because it was alive more than 500 years ago. President trumps focus on banning tiktok has stolen most of the headlines, but its his targeting of and duska sees the sava playing a much larger role in the region in the nearfuture. Wechat that could have an even bigger and more profound impact on now there is a perception us china relations. Thats because of sava as a connector. Connecting with who . Wechat, that came onto the scene in 2011 has morphed into a colossus. Its less of an nap and more like an with other communities operating system, here is chris, a along the river and, most important, connecting also across border regions. Croatia, bosnia, serbia. Chinese student studying in london expanding what it is. You can find and we already started to connect. Baby steps, they are still, but, out where our hospitals, where a yes, we are connecting now restau ra nt, out where our hospitals, where a restaurant, anything on it. Here you along the sava river. Can buy movie tickets, i have an account of a business. Im selling things on it. Wechat has become so but before i head across to my next big, so much a part of everyday country on the sava, life, its become totally essential duska tells me i need to be fully initiated into life on the river to its more than1 billion users. With this time honoured tradition. Are you going to behead me . This is winning, originally from malaysia, who has lived in london for ten years. How would you describe it to you, how important is no, we dont do that any more it . Its part of my life. But if you want to be a member, laughter old people like my mum only know how you have to show us if you are able to send a message like whats but to sharpen that wooden stick. Ah, you show me. Wechat is easier for them. Whatsapp was that if i dont have this, i feel lonely. If whatsapp was that if i dont have this, ifeel lonely. Ifi whatsapp was that if i dont have this, ifeel lonely. If i didnt have it, i would cry. 10 cents, the and just when i thought the wood owner of wechat that wont say chopping was bad enough. Here you go on your knees. Tencent wont say how many users it you have to leave the head down. Like this. Has, the owner of wechat, but the uses runs into the hundreds of whoa 00 59 01,852 2147483052 06 15,641 baptised by the water 2147483052 06 15,641 4294966103 13 29,430 of the river sava. Millions. Tiktok is a very different beast to wechat, wechat says it doesnt hold any of its data inside china and it would never give that data to the Chinese Government tiktok that it doesnt hold any of its data inside china, many Security Experts believe wechat holds a greater security risk. This is a former chief Security Officer for yahoo and facebook, alex stammers. Wechat is one of the most popular messaging ups in the world, it is used by the entire chinese the aspirator and people entire chinese deus moura and people do in credibly sensitive things on wechat. I would probably focus on that before an application of dancing genes. Wechat has long been criticised for censoring users in china, then a canadian analytic company, citizen lab look into how wechat moderated its users outside of china. We find routinely that topics related to perennial taboo issues like Tiananmen Square, hong kong, falun gong, and anything to do with to bat or the dalai lama, those are with to bat or the dalai lama, those a re pretty with to bat or the dalai lama, those are pretty routinely censored. Data security is not the only reason trump has decided to ban wechat, its far more political than that. And to be honest, its hard to look past the fact these Tech Companies have been sucked into a wider geopolitical battle between two superpowers. And that is it for the shortcut of click this week. So much more in the full length programme waiting for you right now on i player. Next week we will look at another hugely important topic, the technology being used to fight climate change. Until then, you can catch up with us any time on social media. Thank you for watching and we will see you soon. Good morning. Welcome to breakfast with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Our headlines today the scramble to beat the quarantine deadline thousands travel through the night to leave france before new restrictions come into force. Its 3 00 in the morning. Weve just got off the channel tunnel. It cost us £200 extra. Weve been driving for 12 hours. After days of anxiety over exam grades schools in england are told they wont have to pay to appeal against a level and gcse results. The prince of wales will lead National Commemoration is here at the National Memorial arboretum in staffordshi re to the National Memorial arboretum in staffordshire to mark 75 years since victory over japan staffordshire to mark 75 years since victory overjapan in the Second World War. In sport brilliant bayern leave barcelona battered and bruised. The spanish heavyweights were dismantled 8 2 as the german champions claim the biggest ever win in the knockout stages of the Champions League. Good morning. The intense heat has now gone across the uk but we still keep a lot of humidity, thats going to mean a lot of cloud, mist and murk in some areas and were still going to see some petty punchy showers in some places too. Well be taking a look at whats coming up where you are very shortly. Good morning. Its saturday, august the 15th. Our top story thousands of holiday makers have arrived back in the uk after a last minute dash to avoid a mandatory two week quarantine, which came into effect at 4am this morning. The new rules, which apply to france, the netherlands and four other countries, follow concerns about the rising numbers of coronavirus cases there. Caroline davies has the story. As night set in, the finalfew ferries to arrive before the deadline were ready to leave calais. British visitors from across france rushed to make them. At the eurotunnel there were tense delays. Its 2 45am. Trains are running 90 minutes late. The signs say, at passport control, to get this far, they told us we should be fine to get back to the uk for the 4am deadline. Some knew it would be tight. The 11 59pm ferry from dieppe was due to get into newhaven at 4 00am. The ferrys really quiet. Everyones been really calm. Just like a normal crossing, really. But everyone around us, obviously, with face masks on and social distancing, and large parts of the ferry are closed, so i dont think theyre anywhere near capacity. At 3 40am they were pulling into port. Apparently, legally, well have arrived in the uk when the rope is tied up and the ship is docked. Theres the rope just thrown out over there. And with minutes to spare. 3 58am in the uk. Fantastic from 4 00am this morning, anyone arriving in the uk from france, the netherlands, monaco, malta, turks and caicos and aruba will have to quarantine for 14 days. That means you must go directly home and are not allowed to leave your house to go to work or school, to exercise or to socialise, but only leave in the case of an emergency. Anyone who breaks the quarantine rules can be fined up to £1000, or more if they flout them repeatedly. As for helen, despite the queues, she made it back with an hour to spare. Were back in the uk we made it. Its three oclock in the morning, weve just got off the channel tunnel, it cost us £200 extra. We have been driving for 12 hours from the south of france, but weve made it. Many thousands of british tourists decided not to cut their trip short. For those that are still in the newly added quarantine listed countries, two weeks in self isolation await. Caroline davies, bbc news. Lets speak now to our correspondent james ingham, who joins us from dover. We heard from some of those people trying to get back in time, i can see the port behind you there, what is the picture that is emerging . Anybody who arrived to before four oclock will have been able to escape that need to quarantine when they got home. There are a number of ships in the port today, i have watch boats coming in from calais and dunkirk and anyone arriving on these after four oclock will have to spend 14 days at home once they are here, back in the uk. There has been a bit of a scramble by people trying to get back in time. We reckon the government thinks there are 160,000 holiday makers in france at the moment and many of them will have wa nted at the moment and many of them will have wanted to avoid this. They were desperately trying to rearrange either flights desperately trying to rearrange eitherflights or their desperately trying to rearrange either flights or their 30s or channel tunnel crossings. The Ferry Companies here say they have made great efforts to increase capacity, putting on extra savings, trying to get extra people on board. That is easier said than done because there are social distancing measures in place on the ferries say they are carrying a limited number of passengers anyway. Even though people have missed the deadline, others are still making changes to their travel plans as they want to get back in time to do the quarantine before life goes on, perhaps the start of school in september. Ferry companies are saying please change your plans before you get to the port, do not just show up. James, thank you. The government will cover the cost of schools in england appealing against exam grades. It comes after 280,000 a level students had their marks downgraded earlier this week. A task force will also be set up to oversee the appeals process. Lets speak now to our political correspondent, peter saull. Good morning, a lot of banks this week . A huge amount of outcry, lots of calls for the government to scrap the standardised system altogether and go with the grades that students had been predicted by their teachers, no sign of that year. Schools will not have the pay the bill for the appeals was not previously they had to pay if the appeals were successful. U nsuccessful appeals were successful. Unsuccessful i should say. Nick gibb will oversee the task. He will have his work cut out. He wants the issues to be ironed out by the 7th of september, there are many questions still to be answered about how the appeals process will work, what constitutes a valid mock exam result, for example. He is one of the most experienced ministers and government but we hello have to all that explains in the coming weeks. He was on radio fours any questions last night. As student told him she believed he had ruined her life. Thank you, peter. The royal family and the armed forces will lead the country in a series of events today to mark the 75th anniversary of victory overjapan day, and the end of the Second World War. Earlier this morning the defence secretary ben wallace laid a wreath at the cenotaph in london in a private Early Morning ceremony in memory of all those who served. And japan has also marked the 75th anniversary of vj day with a sombre ceremony in tokyo. Emperor naruhito expressed deep remorse over the wartime past, while Prime Minister shinzo abe pledged never to repeat the tragedy of war. Officials all wore face masks at a scaled down ceremony due to the coronavirus outbreak. Casinos, theatres and Bowling Alleys in england are among the businesses that are reopening their doors after lockdown two weeks later than originally scheduled. Despite measures being relaxed across the country, they wont take effect in Greater Manchester, west yorkshire, east lancashire and leicester, where local lockdowns have been extended. The government is promising to reimburse schools in england for the cost of exam result appeals after nearly 40 of a levels awarded this week were lower than teachers predictions. The new grades meant many students missed out on university places. Were joined by headteacher of Holyrood Academy in somerset, dave maccormick. Thank you for your time this morning with us. Tell us the situation where you are. Good morning. We really feel that we have fallen victim quite heavily to how grades have been allocated this year. We have seen been allocated this year. We have seen just been allocated this year. We have seenjust under 40 been allocated this year. We have seen just under 40 of our grades downgraded through this process. It is that human cost on the coalface, on results day morning where there are so many young on results day morning where there are so many young people who have been unable to take on university places that they have earned as a result of something that has happened at the other end of the computer. It is absolutely appalling. You say the human cost. Students who had grades that have been downgraded, and they can set about university places or other placements, what have they been sent to you . I had never seen such an outpouring of emotion on results day. There we re of emotion on results day. There were so of emotion on results day. There were so much of emotion on results day. There were so much anger, so of emotion on results day. There were so much anger, so much resentment, so much relief from those who had been successful and we have a fantastic six fontina toss go who were able to be on the phone supporting students in conversations with universities we have a fantastic six form team. There was resentment and anger from those who did not feel they were able to determine their own destiny. Tell me at Holyrood Academy, nationally, it was around 40 of grades were downgraded, i think there was 2 which were letter a and a , what was the picture in your academy . The greatest prevalence of downgrading in our school was from capa to downgrading in our school was from capato b downgrading in our school was from cap a to b and it was from past to u grade nr btec subjects. We saw stu d e nts grade nr btec subjects. We saw students who work tirelessly for two yea rs, students who work tirelessly for two years, aspiring to pass that level three course and it was an aspirational course for them to begin with who came up with nothing and that in itself is unforgivable. We have now heard that the company has said the cost of appealing will be scrapped might we have heard from the government. What is the appeals person evil see it your academy . That is a couple of key points on that. It is a token gesture. Appeals are free anyway if they are successful, so that is an important piece of information for people to know. This will help a little bit for the most disadvantaged students, but, to be honest with you, if a student comes to us and say i want to appeal but my family cannot afford to pay for that commerce we would cover that. Schools will cover that. It is too little too late, stu d e nts that. It is too little too late, students have only lost university places, base have already gone and, in my opinion, the only way, the only fair way for this to be resolved quickly is for the government to make that u turn and give students the Centre Assessment grades. How many appeals do you foresee being made at your academy line . At least half of our entries. At least half . At least half. How does that compare to previous years . M is astronomical. You have them every year, there are mistakes in marking unreal shocks that come on exam results day, but we were tactically do ten or 20 as a proportion of our entries, that is probably 1 , 2 . You are not looking at a lot of appeals generally speaking. When this appeal process begins, how do you foresee it in terms of time . I think it is the 7th of september at the universities that you have, do you see that being able to be done . We will make it happen because it is what important for young peoples features. It means exam staff, the staff of the six form and gcse teachers as well will lose that last pa rt teachers as well will lose that last part of the holiday, but i dont foresee that being an issue for people. Teachers want their students to do well and they want what especially in people they look after. We will make it happen because it is the right thing. Do you think it should have reverted back to the Teacher Assessment grade absolutely. Without a doubt. There was a rigorous process set out by 0fqual, so as i i had to sign off on each set of grades that were submitted to the exam board as a head teacher i had to sign off. If we had not done that, i would be putting my name again something that was false. We really took that process very seriously, teachers worked really ha rd process very seriously, teachers worked really hard and with great honesty and integrity in order to give students the grade that they deserve. We are very confident that the grades we gave all the right ones, hence the reason for the high volume of appeals. But to hit the sector of state for education say that he is concerned that many schools had submitted whole sweeps of letter a and a grades, it is nonsensical. To hear the secretary of state for education. Its been interesting to your faults. Thank you very much interesting to hear your thoughts. Greater manchester mayor andy burnham says hes considering a legal challenge against englands exams regulator over the a level results process. You are considering legal action, can you explain to me what that legal action might consist of . Good morning. I met College Principals across Greater Manchester yesterday andi across Greater Manchester yesterday and i had exactly what you havejust heard from the head teacher at the Holyrood Academy. In one case, one college, 62 markdown. One of our most successful in the city sixth form colleges had 1654 results downgraded and then we had some private schools have had no downgrades at all. The system is stra ig htforwa rdly downgrades at all. The system is straightforwardly discriminatory against larger institutions, stu d e nts against larger institutions, students who go to the six form colleges or fet colleges. The waiting has been applied against those institutions are not some of the smaller institutions. For that reason, i think this cannot go unchallenged and i am considering taking legal action and looking at all options as to how we might do that. Have you taken legal advice already . Yes, from my own legal team, im consulting people outside. They cannot be allowed to stand. The governments remedy of saying the appeals can be free, that does not help young people who have lost a university place. This is not a few young people, thousands of young people in Greater Manchester. We have a tradition of young people going to sixth form colleges, so this is hit us very, very hard indeed and i cannot stand by and see thousands of lives ruined across grantare thousands of lives ruined across grant are manchester Greater Manchester. That is why it needs an urgent intervention and that is why iam urgent intervention and that is why i am considering a legal route. You have said you have consulted with the lawyers for manchester greater authority, on what ground . What legal grounds are the because a lot of people are reporting injustice on an individual basis, but what are they telling you the legal grounds could be some sort of appeal . I would be looking to legal grounds under the equality act because that enterprise in law the fair treatment across all groups of people. What has happened here is 0fqual have used a weighting that discriminates against larger institutions and those institutions tend to be kids from a working class backgrounds, kids from black and asian communities, inner city areas and i think because of that it is discriminatory on those grounds against those young people. They did not apply the same weighting to Smaller School sixth form colleges. I believe this system that has been usedis i believe this system that has been used is inherently discriminatory against young people who go to those larger colleges and they tend to be a more inner city, working class areas and that is why i im considering taking this legal action and im looking at the moment to the grounds of which we would do that. Ok. Grounds of which we would do that. 0k. Take us through this process. Its what you are saying this morning to us, is that an a for a touch to this . Are you saying that u nless touch to this . Are you saying that unless the government u turns and ta kes unless the government u turns and takes the estimate grades, you will ta ke takes the estimate grades, you will take legal action . Are you at that point . Not quite at that point. Im not saying i will but im asking for the work to be done to considering the work to be done to considering the case upon which i could take the legal action. Im not dodging your question, i am fully prepared to ta ke question, i am fully prepared to take this legal action. I cannot let young people in Greater Manchester be discriminated against in their lives ruined as a result. Im not prepared to let that happen. I will consider any way of challenging the system that has been used by 0fqual, including the legal u turn that is the work that is actually being done at this moment in time. We are gathering evidence from our colleges. I am gathering evidence from our colleges. Iam in gathering evidence from our colleges. I am in no doubt at all, i wa nt to colleges. I am in no doubt at all, i want to know whether 0fqual carried out an equality Impact Assessment on this system and whether they considered the impacts of this might have on young people from different backgrounds. I want them produce that evidence because i cannot see how they possibly could justify this on equalities ground. We have asked for a response, we have yet to hear anything. There is a time between these number of subjects, there is talk of reta kes, these number of subjects, there is talk of retakes, exams taking place in october, for example, your authority, of course, is subject to authority, of course, is subject to a local lockdown right now which has implications when schools reopening in september, what is the position in manchester right now in terms of the timeframe around these local restrictions . In terms of the college situation, you mean . Number one, generally, seven day extension, but clearly people will be thinking we are getting close to schools reopening and other issues that then follow. Sure, that further complicates things. We are looking at the restrictions on a daily basis, i am in discussion with the government about that and that is complicated enough before you add the scandal into the whole mix. I want to stick up into the whole mix. I want to stick upfor into the whole mix. I want to stick up for these young people, i will not be diverted from this. This is com pletely not be diverted from this. This is completely outrageous what has been done. I am serious about it furious about it. What can you say about someone in Greater Manchester getting different treatment to someone getting different treatment to someone going to a private school in oxfordshire . How can you treat these two people differently where you downgrade one but not another . That has been a terrible year for young people, it has been dreadful in the way it has derailed their lives. And then they get this kick in the teeth at the end of it. Come on. You make an impassioned case and then we spoke to grant shapps yesterday on this issue, we know the Prime Minister has talked about it, the message from government has been consistently clear that they still believe the system is robust. I would say back to them but this is the single biggest act of levelling down that this country has ever seen and if they think it is fair, i am afraid they are only demonstrating how out of touch they are with young people and some of our more deprived communities who have had their features ta ken communities who have had their features taken away from them futures. If they do not listen to what the young people saying and the couege what the young people saying and the College Principals, i think they are good to show they do not understand the communities that they say they wa nt to the communities that they say they want to level up. They simply cannot be allowed to stand. Notice why i say to you this morning, i am fully prepared to take legal action because it discriminates against young people on the basis of the institution that they want to, rather than their ability. Mindful of two things though, the statistics show that more students from deprived backgrounds have got places at university, which is one of the things the government are saying, the other thing is the option of taking exams in october remains. Im afraid i do not accept that. You have got a place at university, so what are you complaining about . That is the implication of that. What happens to be the not the first choice that they wanted to go to, why should i accept that second best for young people in Greater Manchester . Why should i allow them to be downgraded in that way and say, well, you can appeal or you can ta ke say, well, you can appeal or you can take a research. I am afraid it is fundamentally unfair and sometimes if things arent there, you have to ta ke if things arent there, you have to take a stand against them and am taking a stand against this. I am serving notice today to the government and 0fqual that i am fully prepared to take legal action against it because as far as i can see, it cannot be justified on equalities ground. Andy burnham, we appreciate your time this morning. The education secretary Gavin Williamson did so yesterday i know there are some difficult cases, we have pets somebody in place to help those students including an enhanced process in addition, the triple lock process in addition, the triple lock process m ea ns process in addition, the triple lock process means they will be able to accept the calculated grade, appeal ona accept the calculated grade, appeal on a mock exam or sit an exam in october. Lisa has been in touch and nkthank youth for covering this, my daughter was downgraded to the, c, e. Rethere University Choices rejected. It knocks the self confidence as well. The impact being felt largely and widely. Next week is gcse results and we will watch with interest to see how that unfolds as well. The time is 8 25pm. 8 25am. Todays commemorations today are centred on the National Memorial arboretum in staffordshire, where john maguire is for us this morning. Commemorations are happening this morning to mark the 75th anniversary of vj day the day World War Two ended with victory overjapan. There is a very different feeling here at the National Memorial arboretum, different to the centre of, think of Remembrance Day and think of Armistice Day and the type of commemorations that take place there. There is a different feeling that because of the trees and the landscaping but also the type of memorials as well, various memorials representing all aspects of the armed forces and uniformed service. Armed forces and uniformed service. A section of the railway, the sleepers on the actual lines there brought across from the far east, these are the railways that would have been built under the command of the Japanese Army by prisoners of warduring the Japanese Army by prisoners of war during the time and were so many people would have lost their lives, so people would have lost their lives, so many prisoners of war lost their lives and are very poignant symbol of exactly what it was like to have fought in that conflict. Let us talk to bob gamble, when you start planning a day like today and all the events taking place across today, what is in your mind . What you want to get across . Three things. To make sure that vj day is met appropriately to compare with ve. Secondly, all of the veterans that are still with us are well into their 90s and therefore rightfully they should be at the very centre of everything that we do. There is a wider message, and more progressive message around the fact that the 14th army, more than 80 was made up across the commonwealth and the multiculturalism of 40 languages and every religion has a really useful crossover to today. When we want to engage with younger generations about what remembrance means, it is important to say the lessons of the coherence and the effectiveness of the 14th army proves that a wide group of people can work effectively together, and i think that is a useful lesson. Still lessons to be learned 75 years on. Absolutely. The general who still lessons to be learned 75 years on. Absolutely. The generalwho led the 14th army was pained to say at the 14th army was pained to say at the day of victory that it was the fa ct the day of victory that it was the fact that everybody brought a different skill set under different ability and they will work together. How is that not a contemporary lesson today . Bob gamble, thank you. All the best for the rest of todays member nations. Great to see the grandson, i think you have a picture of your grandfather there. He is looking to be smart in his uniform. Tell us what things he told you about his service. My grandfather started at the age of 16 in 1943 my grandfather started at the age of 16 in1943 and my grandfather started at the age of 16 in 1943 and he wanted tojoin the navy always, young age. His father thought he would never come back again. He himself knew he may not come back but he went out and learned the language, the english language, so many other commonwealth members whether, by 1944 he was on the hmis cheetah and then he was awarded with the service medals. So often we hear stories that factions arent prepared to tell their stories, perhaps they have not come to terms with them, but he a lwa ys come to terms with them, but he always told you about his life. He did. He passed away at 83 but he told us so much about it stop during the war, one of the most daunting times and at the vj time he was out in singapore, they thought it was never going to end but one that theyve announcement came through, it was a sigh of relief of freedom and that is what it meant for him and that is what it meant for him and all his colleagues around with him and he was able to go back home. Freedom is so important. Thank you so freedom is so important. Thank you so much. Wonderful to share your experiences and to hear your grandfathers stories. I wanted to leave you with this one thing, looking around, all sort of individual small plaques placed in memory of relatives, grandparents, whatever. One thing Charles Richard boyton, loved by his family and he talked about the help he had been given and he wanted to pay tribute to the medics who made the unbearable parable. As weve been all morning, an idea i suppose that how to such adversity there is a lwa ys how to such adversity there is always hope. Thank you very much. And therell be coverage of the commemorations in a special programme broadcast live from the National Memorial arboretum, on bbc one, after breakfast. Well see you shortly. Hello, this is breakfast with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Coming up before 9am, we have the weather and sport. But first a summary of this mornings main news. A two week mandatory quarantine has come into effect for travellers arriving into the uk from france, the netherlands and four other countries. This mornings 4am deadline forced thousands of holiday makers to return early. Lets speak now to our correspondent Caroline Davies, whojoins us from st pancras station in london. Caroline, its been a hectic scramble for many passengers, hasnt it . The deadline has come and gone. We know a lot of people try to make it back within that time. What is the picture that has been emerging . very close shave for many people. One woman and her family drove 12 hours from the south of france to try to get across on the eurotunnel, spending £200 to change their ticket. When they arrived at 2 30am in the morning, they were told there was a 90 minute wait. However, they arrived in the uk at 3am. A ferry was due to arrive into new haven at thorium exactly. In the end, it docked 15 minutes early. One gentleman i spoke to, managed to touch uk soil at 3 58am. Tens of thousands of brits have been coming back to the uk, to make sure they dont have to go through that quarantine, however, others have decided to stay out in france or the other listed countries. Any of those who have come up when they get back to the uk will have to self isolate for 14 days. To the uk will have to self isolate for14 days. Caroline, to the uk will have to self isolate for 14 days. Caroline, thank you very much. Lets hear now from one family who made the desperate dash back to beat quarantine. So, were just leaving a flat, there it is. And were already in the car. The boys are tucked up. And were off on our mission to roscoff. We had a lovely week in france, a lovely time. We were supposed to have another week, but, 7am this morning, we decided we were going to stay and then by the time it got to about 8am, we decided that it wasnt going to be such a good plan. Pretty quiet on the roads. Not many brits so far. We havent seen any brits so far. But im sure will see a few more as we head to the port. How many more miles do we have to go . 4. 5 nearly there. I think were doing the right thing by coming home, for the family, really. Were doing the right thing for the boys. I mean, we could have stayed here for another week and we could have had to have dealt with two weeks at home and not going out, i just dont think that would have been fair on my two young lads, really. That wouldnt have been a nice way to end the summer holidays. So theres the queue. And it is absolutely rammed full of people. But just so pleased that weve managed to escape quarantine. So, everyone say, bye bye bye bye bye bye. That was kate mooney, who rushed back from france with herfamily in order to beat the new quarantine deadline imposed by the government. You made it home . Yes, we got home at about one oclock in the morning. We are on english soil, which is great. I can imagine the rest of the family will be tucked up in bed when you first heard the quarantine restrictions, your Immediate Reaction was weve just got to go because you didnt want your boys to have to quarantine . We found out at 7am yesterday morning and our Immediate Response was, letsjust stay and finish our holiday. And then over the course of an hour, we started to really consider what quarantine meant. We looked online and quarantine measures are really quite stringent. There was going to be no way we could leave the house, we would have to get people to get as our Grocery Shopping and the thought of being in the house for two weeks with my two boys, they are eight and five, ijust two weeks with my two boys, they are eight and five, i just thought, i cant handle that because they will go bonkers. So that was when we decided we were going to come back. Good morning. Ijust wonder what otherfamilies good morning. Ijust wonder what other families would have good morning. Ijust wonder what otherfamilies would have been having the same discussions, remaining on holiday and doing the quarantine or going back home. Did you have much contact with other british families who were making that decision . To be honest, no. Once we got to the port and eventually got onto the ferry, eve ryo ne eventually got onto the ferry, everyone was contained within their own seats or their own cabins because of social distancing measures, so we because of social distancing measures, so we werent able to talk to anybody else. So it was very much our own decision although, as you say, many other people would have been faced with exactly the same decision. On a slightly more trivial note, who is the most annoying in the car . That was a long car journey. Theres always someone. Rubin is the most annoying, bless him, because hejust talks incessa ntly. Him, because hejust talks incessantly. Wilfrid is great because he just chills out. And giles is great because he has to drive i love hearing stories about bickering in the car. It happens. Its all part and parcel of the holiday. Absolutely. I mean, we were lucky this time because it was only a90 lucky this time because it was only a 90 minute drive from where we were staying to roscoff. Thank you for chatting to us. You have to get some sleep im so tired. Thank you. At least people have gadgets and phones in long carjourneys, we used to play red cars, blue cars. Whoever spotted the most cars would win. remember doing the one were the winner was the person who spotted the vehicle with the most wheels. I know that most vehicles have four, im familiar with that, but trucks have a lot more. One inside the other. Care of, you understand what im talking about. Kevin. He is talking to the floor manager. You got a little insight there of what happens and who charlie speaks to penny needs some back up. There is a lot of nodding going on. There are 20 people on here. There are two people in here. Dont believe a word he says hes just looking for some back up. We used to play punch yellow card. Back up. We used to play punch yellow ca rd. Every back up. We used to play punch yellow card. Every time you saw a yellow card. Every time you saw a yellow card. Every time you saw a yellow car you had to punch your brother or sister. We dont condone violence on this programme now the sport. Spare a thought for Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola is thinking this morning. His side play lyon later, knowing a win will put them in their second ever Champions League semifinal. However, theyll then face Bayern Munich. And we all know what theyre capable of after simply humiliating barcelona. The likes of lionel messi and luis suarez were helpless to stop the german champions as they won 8 2. Simply rampant from the off, theyd made history in the first 31 minutes, with four goals, Thomas Muller scoring twice, breaking a pretty unwanted record for barca the first time in 26 years theyve conceded four times in the first half. And it went from bad to worse after the break, with barcas defensive errors piling up and just to add insult to injury, phillipe coutinho, who is actually a barca player, hes on loan to bayern at the moment. At the moment, he came off the bench to set up the sixth, then went on to score the seventh and the eighth, couldnt even bring himself to celebrate. Barcelonas manager had one word to sum it up, painful. Translation of course this was a painful defeat. The way it happened was extremely painful. And i cantjust worry about my future, because this is the job that i chose. But it is especially painful because of what a defeat like this means for the supporters and the club. Obviously no fans could be in attendance to watch that dismantling in lisbon, but back here there will be 300 snooker fans at the crucible later for the World Snooker championship final later as pilot events resume this weekend. And they could be in for a treat if the semifinals are anything to go by. Both matches ended in dramatic fashion. The second saw Ronnie Osullivan come back from the brink of defeat to beat mark selby 17 16. To beat mark selby 17 16. Osullivan is playing for his sixth world title to draw level alongside steve davis haul. Although typically hes playing down his chances. Im not buying into these stories and world titles. Im into cue actions. You know, i bought thejoe davis book and started reading it. If you want to go and read it for yourself, it will tell you its all about the cue action. And hes the father of snooker. As far as im concerned, he talks the same language as me and i need to get a cue action from somewhere well, hell face kyren wilson next, who also came through a rather tense semi final against anthony mcgill. There was an extraordinary finish to the deciding frame which lasted over an hour. It was described by seven time World Champion Stephen Hendry as the most incredible frame hed ever seen. It ended 17 16, leaving wilson emotional as he reached his first ever world final. I thought anthony was absolutely phenomenal, you know. I put him straight under pressure to go three frames ahead with a 90, and hejust. He stuck it up me, basically. Just every frame, every shot, he was just perfect. And he was having little bad rubs. Its a cruel game. You know, ive dreamt of this moment. After a five month absence, rugby union in england is back. Premiership leaders exeter face the leicester tigers in one of four games later, but it all got back under way again last night as harlequins beat sale sharks 16 10 in at the stoop, Scott Baldwin with the only try sale sharks 16 10 at the stoop, Scott Baldwin with the only try for the quins while marcus smith kicked 11 points. They move up to sixth while sale stay second, four points behind exeter. Englands cricketers will be hoping for sunshine in southampton this morning on day three of their second test against pakistan. Just 86 overs have been played in the match so far due to bad weather. Pakistan were struggling with the bat, and even helped england on their way. Keep an eye on the bottom of the screen as a mix up between the batsman led to Shaheen Afridi being run out. Pakistan at that stage were on 176 for eight. Stuart broad then struck to get Mohammad Abbas lbw before the weather intervened, meaning the tourists will resume later on 223 for nine. The records just kept falling by the way side at Athletics Diamond League meeting in monaco. Ugandan Joshua Cheptegei smashed the world record in the 5,000 metres, while in the womens1000 metres britains laura muir broke the british record, one that was held by Dame Kelly Holmes for 21 years. She finished second, behind kenyan faith kipyegon who ran the second quickest time ever. And there was an irish record too for Ciara Mageean in third, edging out britainsjemma reekie. And an unwanted record of sorts for Serena Williams as she lost to a player ranked outside the worlds top 100 for the first time in eight years. The 23 time grand slam champion, at the top of your screen, was beaten by world number 116 Shelby Rogers in the quarter final of the top seed open, a warm up event for the us open which starts at the end of the month. The 31st of august, to be exact. So another huge day with another Champions League quarterfinal to look forward and of course the final of the snooker World Championship. That starts at 1 15pm with coverage starting on bbc one. I will get the cup of tea is ready. Thank you. There will be a two minute silence at 11 oclock. Many servicemen fighting in the pacific ended up as prisoners of war. George boag munroe was just 20 when he sailed to fight in singapore in 1942, before he was captured by Japanese Forces. George spent the next three years in prisoner camps, so long that his family back in liverpool feared he was dead. Adam mcclean has been to meet him. Surrounded by his family, 98 year old George Boag Munroe remembers his time as a prisoner of war with the help of a book of his memories made for him by his son and granddaughters. From stories of conflict, to playing football with his fellow prisoners. We made a pitch ourselves. And we had teams playing, its scotland versus england, and england versus wales. Which country won . Ive no idea and you said you told us the japanese wouldnt play, because you beat them. No, correct. George was conscripted into the army at 18, he later sailed to singapore, where fighting was breaking out. As the country fell to Japanese Forces, he was taken to Changi Prison camp, where he was held as a prisoner of war. First of all, it wasnt too bad, as long as you did thejob, but when we got up further up country, theyjust turned nasty and set out belting you. George had to undertake forced labour. He worked with other imprisoned soldiers on the notorious burma railway, more than 140,000 allied troops were captured by Japanese Forces and after long and dangerous days working, the chance to relax came with risks. We went swimming after the work was done. And then we realised we were swimming in the same places there were crocodiles. All records were beaten getting out of the water. As a prisoner of war, george was being moved when the japanese ship he was on was hit by American Forces. We had no warning. And next thing, american planes went over. And we were hit and sunk very rapidly. Fortunately, i was one of the people that came up. And after being rescued, george was attacked a second time. A machine gun and unfortunately it killed a couple of our blokes, sank the small boat, and we were picked up again. Then of course we finished up in manila. George was rescued from manila by American Forces in 1945. Aged 23, he returned home, surprising his mum and a family who feared he was dead, as hed been gone for so long. Now, as well as writing his memories down, his granddaughters have captured some on video. Have you got any stories . No, i dont think so. Nothing ever happens to me. The man who says nothing ever happens to him recovered from covid 19 in april. George will mark his 100th birthday next year. Adam mcclean, bbc news. Well, our thanks to george and family. So many wonderful things about that. By way of commemoration, its such an important day, but i loved that moment, do you have any stories, i dont think so. Thats typical of so many veterans. They dont talk about it. But thats why days like today are so important to remember this. Heres susan with a look at this mornings weather. If it was too hot for you in the week just if it was too hot for you in the weekjust gone, its gone now and no sign of it returning in the near future. What were left with a lot of humidity. Its taking the form of low cloud, mist and fog for many this morning. There is a band of showery rain putting in from the south which will slowly work its way further north over england and wales through the course of this morning. Not thundery, the showers, however there could be some sunshine for the south east later on injecting some energy into the atmosphere. It will bea dry energy into the atmosphere. It will be a dry day. 23 or 24 is the high in the south, so 10 degrees down on the week just in the south, so 10 degrees down on the weekjust gone. Punchy showers looking to clear early on sunday morning. Scotland and Northern Ireland stay fine, murky over the north sea. Elsewhere, the cloud and mist will come down once again. For sunday, quite a dull start for many. More showers for england and wales. Always a risk that some of those showers will be potent enough for localised flooding. Scotland and Northern Ireland are going to get away with an essentially dry weekend. Temperatures along the north sea continuing to struggle. Elsewhere, much closer to average values. Monday, low pressure creeps further northwards, so some rain on monday. A few showers for Northern Ireland. England and wales still with a chance of seeing significant and heavy downpours from time to time. Temperature wise, were looking at average values. No sign of the heatwave returning, but by the end of the week we could be facing something distinctly autumnal with a big fall in temperatures. We could be talking about widespread gales. It all happens in the weather see you later. The brakes have been eased on lockdown restrictions today, meaning more beauty treatments, small wedding receptions and live indoor performances can restart in most of england. However, they wont apply in some parts of the north of england and leicester, where lockdown measures have been extended. Our reporter Vivienne Nunis is at a Bowling Alley that is opening its doors today. Vivian, youve been watching people playing with masks and social distancing . Thats right. Kate is washing and cleaning the balls between every game. Thats a new measure. Bowling will be going on in every second lane to make sure safe distances are kept between people, but im joined now by the chief marketing officer for hollywood bowl. They have 61 centres around the country. How does it feel, knowing you can open injust the country. How does it feel, knowing you can open in just a few hours time . We are super excited. We have been closed for 150 days. Its been an emotional and financial roller coaster for us. We are delighted to open the doors and let the customers back in. Tell us about the customers back in. Tell us about the hit your business has taken. Youve been closed with no revenue but a lot of costs going out . We closed our centres on the 28th of march. We were grateful for Government Support for the furlough scheme, but we still had quite a lot of outgoings, probably in excess of £400,000 per week. So thats quite significant for that period of time being close. And tells about your customers. Im told you have some regulars who are here to three times a week for 25 years. It mustve been a week for 25 years. It mustve been a huge part of their lives taken away and they must be excited to be back. A lot of them were genuinely devastated. Is a very popular leisure activity for regular bowlers and families. We had messages of support when weve been closed and lots of messages of excitement in the past few hours about coming back today. Our right, before we go, we must see if one of these bowlers can get a strike for us today. No pressure, but this is live tv well done, mate one left standing. Is that called a spare . Live tv, to do that, thats good. Some businesses that are on the list say theyve not had enough notice and wont be reopening this morning, including the soft play centre run by sam greby, whojoins us now. Tell us more about why you dont think you are prepared to open yet . Well, weve only had 48 hours notice. And weve been given a guidance report which is 23 pages. We need to work towards that to make sure we are covid secure for customers and staff. What do you think going to be the biggest changes for your centre . We need to clea n changes for your centre . We need to clean every morning, Everyone Needs to pre book. There will be three sessions per day. Thats predominantly it. Less children in at one time, so we will start with a maximum of 20 per session. Tell me, how have you been able to communicate this to your staff . Have they been furloughed . Communicate this to your staff . Have they been furloughed . All staff have been furloughed. They are a little bit nervous. We had a meeting yesterday between us and the manager, just brainstorming through the report, seeing what we could do, the report, seeing what we could do, the timeframes of what we can do. A little bit nervous to come back into the centre, but i think everyone is rearing to go, its just we have some staff on holiday next week. So the timing hasnt been great. Have you been able to pay everyone effectively . At 8096, yes. Weve had to ta ke effectively . At 8096, yes. Weve had to take out a bank loan. You had to ta ke to take out a bank loan. You had to take a to take out a bank loan. You had to takea bank loan to take out a bank loan. You had to take a bank loan to cover that . Yes. Obviously you rent the property you are in, how has that been in terms of your relationship with your landlord, for example . How sympathetic have they been . The landlord has been really good and has said dont worry about paying the rent until you are back open. So thats brilliant, that peace of mind for us. Itjust thats brilliant, that peace of mind for us. It just means thats brilliant, that peace of mind for us. Itjust means that we open being further in debt, really. Sam, good to talk to you. Good luck when you do open up. Good luck to you and your staff. Thank you. Weve been talking a lot about quarantine this morning. Ona talking a lot about quarantine this morning. On a lighter note, we know a lot of families coming back to the uk have been involved in epic journeys. We heard about kate. Someone was doing a 12 hourjourney. We started talking about the games you used to play to pass the time on long journeys, not so relevant now with technology. I used to play a game where you had to count red cars and blue cars. Then theres another game where if you see a yellow car youre allowed to punch your brother or sister. Not so good. They used to be very rare. Now there are very popular. We played cricket on non motorway journeys popular. We played cricket on non motorwayjourneys because you count the number of legs on the pub sign and thats the number of runs you get, no legs and you are losing, so you get, no legs and you are losing, so you wanted a pub that was called a caterpillar or an octopus. If you got the morning sun, no legs, but jonathan our editor said that if you pass Something Like the cricketers because there are lots of them, you got a century. Do you see what i mean . But on the same for the cricketers, there might have only been 11. Were getting bogged down in technicalities thank you for getting in touch. The headlines are coming up. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Our headlines today the scramble to beat the quarantine deadline thousands travel through the night to leave france before new restrictions come into force. After days of anxiety over exam grades schools in england are told they wont have to pay to appeal against a level and gcse results. A National Service of remembrance including a two minute silence will be the centrepiece of a day of commemorations to mark the end of the war injapan 75 years ago. Captain sir tom moore joins the far east veterans recalling the final stages of the war. To say it was unpleasant is an understatement, but i dont think that any of us make a great fuss about it because it was unpleasant but we were there. Good morning. The intense heat has now gone across the uk but we still keep a lot of humidity, thats going to mean a lot of cloud, mist and murk in some areas and were still going to see some petty punchy showers in some places too. Well be taking a look at whats coming up where you are very shortly. Its saturday, august the 15th. Our top story thousands of holiday makers have arrived back in the uk after a last minute dash to avoid a mandatory two week quarantine, which came into effect at 4am this morning. The new rules, which apply to france, the netherlands and four other countries, follow concerns about the rising numbers of coronavirus cases there. Caroline davies has the story. As night set in, the finalfew ferries to arrive before the deadline were ready to leave calais. British visitors from across france rushed to make them. At the eurotunnel there were tense delays. Its 2 45am. Trains are running 90 minutes late. The signs say, at passport control, to get this far, they told us we should be fine to get back to the uk for the 4am deadline. Some knew it would be tight. The 11 59pm ferry from dieppe was due to get into newhaven at 4 00am. The ferrys really quiet. Everyones been really calm. Just like a normal crossing, really. But everyone around us, obviously, with face masks on and social distancing, and large parts of the ferry are closed, so i dont think theyre anywhere near capacity. At 3 40am they were pulling into port. Apparently, legally, well have arrived in the uk when the rope is tied up and the ship is docked. Theres the rope just thrown out over there. And with minutes to spare. 3 58am in the uk. Fantastic from 4 00am this morning, anyone arriving in the uk from france, the netherlands, monaco, malta, turks and caicos and aruba will have to quarantine for 14 days. That means you must go directly home and are not allowed to leave your house to go to work or school, to exercise or to socialise, but only leave in the case of an emergency. Anyone who breaks the quarantine rules can be fined up to £1000, or more if they flout them repeatedly. As for helen, despite the queues, she made it back with an hour to spare. Were back in the uk we made it. Its three oclock in the morning, weve just got off the channel tunnel, it cost us £200 extra. We have been driving for 12 hours from the south of france, but weve made it. Many thousands of british tourists decided not to cut their trip short. For those that are still in the newly added quarantine listed countries, two weeks in self isolation await. Caroline davies, bbc news. Lets speak now to our correspondent james ingham, who joins us from dover. Good morning, james. Yes, good morning. A boat isjust arriving, this ferry from dunkirk into dover. Anybody on board the ferry and subsequent sailings will now have to quarantine for 14 days. There was a mad dash to get here before 4am when those measures came into force. That meant people travelling across france yesterday, hastily trying to rearrange their travel plans. Ferry companies into dover and other pots on the English Channel are saying they are busy today, they have been trying to increase their savings for anyone who gets back to the uk and quicker so they can get the quarantine over and done with and get on with their lives, maybe with School Starting in september, sums choosing to cut the holiday shows. It is difficult for the Ferry Companies to bid on sailings at such short notice and difficult for them to get more people on board because they need to practice social distancing measures to ensure everybody is safe. There is restrictive numbers of people allowed on ferries anyway. They are urging anyone on the front side to. Chains, apologies, we are losing your sound quality there. A bit of problems with the lines. James reporting from dover where people are still coming back, there is Still Movement a between here and france. The time is six minutes past nine. The government will cover the cost of schools in england appealing against exam grades. It comes after thousands of a level students had their marks downgraded earlier this week. A task force will also be set up to oversee the appeals process. Lets speak now to our political correspondent, peter saull. Take us through this one. We have seen take us through this one. We have seen traumatised students who believe there has been injustice, becoming backing their own system, slight change in terms around the bill system, we have had from andy burnham about the form of some legal action. We know some 280,000 results have been downgraded so there are no a lot of angry students, teachers, pa rents a lot of angry students, teachers, parents out there. Ministers are under real pressure now to scrap the standardised system entirely and just go with predicted grades. Known sign of them doing this quite yet but this concession today which means schools will not have to pay a penny towards the cost of the appeals, whether they are successful or not. For many, that is not nearly enough, including the labour mayor andy burnham who is considering legal action, he says, andy burnham who is considering legalaction, he says, underthe equalities act. He told breakfast early on that the system discriminates unfairly against larger sixth form colleges. This is the single biggest act of levelling down that this country has ever seen and if they think it is fair, i am afraid they are only demonstrating how out of touch they are with young people in some of our most deprived committees who have had their futures ta ken committees who have had their futures taken away from them. they do not listen to what the young people are saying but also what couege people are saying but also what College Principals are saying, i think they are going to show that they simply do not understand the community is that they say they want to level up. They simply cannot be allowed to stand. Passions are running high but the government is continuing to defend the system, it says the appeal process will be fair and robust and to ensure that is the case, the schools minister nick has been appointed head of the task. Ensure the challenges i can a level grades will be as easy and quick as it possibly can be. The schools minister nick gibb. Thank you very much. Lockdown rules will be eased in england today, after being postponed from the 1st of august due to concerns about a slight increase in the number of positive tests for coronavirus. Under the new changes, soft play centres, casinos, ice rinks and Bowling Alleys have all been given the green light to open. Beauty salons can offer close contact treatments, indoor weddings with up to 30 guests are now permitted and socially distanced indoor theatre and music performances can take place. But the changes dont apply in the areas under local lockdowns and the current restrictions in Greater Manchester, west yorkshire, east lancashire and leicester have been extended. Princess anne has been awarded two military promotions in honour of her 70th birthday today. Three new pictures of the Princess Royal have also been released to mark the occasion. She is now a general in the british army and an air chief marshal in the raf. The ministry of defence says the titles recognise her commitment to the military. It is nine minutes past nine on saturday morning, that is the time for you. Commemorations are happening this morning to mark the 75th anniversary of vj day the day World War Two ended with victory over japan. There will be a two minute silence at 11am led by members of the royal family, but already pipers have been marking the anniversary, like this one earlier this morning at the National Memorial arboretum in staffordshire. Piper plays earlier this morning the defence secretary ben wallace laid a wreath at the cenotaph in london in a private Early Morning ceremony to remember those who fought and never returned home. Some of the events that have already happened this morning, a number of events a re happened this morning, a number of events are happening throughout the day. Learning about the conflict is perhaps best done through those who were serving at the time. The well known veteran captain sir tom moore sat down in conversation with another centenarian, named peter heppell, who was a Royal Engineer and also saw service in burma. Theyve been sharing their memories of the war. They are both 100 years old, both are veterans of the Second World War. But the special bond between these men is their service in the far east, the war against japan. Today, theyre meeting for the first time. On vj day, where were you . As far as i remember, in bangalore. To say it was unpleasant is an understatement, but i dont think that any of us would make a great fuss about it. Because it was unpleasant, but we were there, and both of us have come back, so maybe thats something in ourfavour. I often think back and think, well, they were pretty heavy monsoons there, but i cant remember recalling i was ever very wet. And on second thoughts, i thought, well, you were always wet, so why recall it . You were either soaked with sweat or battered down with the monsoon rains. Captain sir tom moore served in a tank regiment. Peter heppell, a Royal Engineer, volunteered for duty with the chindits, men who were dropped behind enemy lines and endured extremely difficult and dangerous conditions fighting in thejungle. Peter was wounded, and at one stage reported missing in action. As well as the heat and humidity, there was the constant threat of malaria. I was very fortunate, i never had malaria. We took methaqualone tablets. Did you take those . Oh, my goodness, yes. And that made you go yellow. Yes. And instead of being a white man, you were a yellow man. And a doctor who didnt know would say youve gotjaundice. I went to one doctor who said, i know whats wrong with you, youve gotjaundice. Isaid, oh, no, ive got methaqualone. It didnt make all the difference. But i was fortunate, all i ever got was a touch of dengue fever. I had a dose of malaria, but that was before we went in. And i got that actually on the ferry crossing the brahmaputra. And i finished up in calcutta, in the hospital, for a week or so. But captain sir tom remembers hospitalisation had some benefits. All the other officers agreed that was a good place, because that would give them a chance to meet a lot of english girls as nurses. And with the 75th anniversary of victory overjapan, thoughts turn to those who never made it back. All the friends that i had, because youre with people so long, you become a team, and youre mates. I mean, you really are. Youre friends, whatever rank you are, youre all friends. You were all in the same battle. I had very good friends. I lost i left very good friends in burma. And its a matter of, um. I think emphasising the sympathy and the feeling which the 14th army missed out on for a long time. And a certain amount of relief, to relatives, that people who didnt come back, that at least they were doing a grand job and they were appreciated and remembered. Its a great pleasure to meet you, because we are getting a little thin on the ground, the people who were there. So weve got to stick together, what few of us are left. Very true. Im delighted to meet you, thank you very much for coming. Im certainly thankful to meet you too. I followed your exploits. Ive recognised the garden now, ive watched you walking up and down here. I wish id been doing it myself, i admired you very much, and thank you for all your efforts. Thank you. Horrendous times, difficult stories, but memories shared by those who served so far from home. John maguire, bbc news, bedfordshire. Iam i am pleased to say we can speak to john now, he is at the National Memorial arboretum in staffordshire. Talk us through that encountered because it was charming to watch, as you said at the end there, they covered so much territory. The times they enjoyed and went through and they enjoyed and went through and the camaraderie, did not know each other before, they are people he knew about the time and a place. Yeah, we do not use tape or film knew about the time and a place. Yeah, we do not use tape orfilm any more but i think if we had better tape and a camera it could have run out, we could have left those two chatting there all day, amazing to think they had never met each other. 100 years on the planet, 200 years combined, never met before. As soon as they sat down, there was the immediate link. They started chatting, so much in common, they had not met in the far east when they were seven, but they that invisible link, that expression the band of brothers, they got on like a house on fire. It was wonderful to witness how much they had in common and to be able to ease strap on that chart. We are here at the National Memorial arboretum, the ceremony here taking place over the next couple of hours, the centre of todays migrations. Two minute silence, the service being led by the prince of wales. I am delighted to say we have ben wallace and a veteran. I think part of it was about putting right the fact that many people felt they were forgotten in the far east, that the vj day is actually the end of ve day. We always seem to celebrate ve day and vj day came a few months later, there were thousands of people from all over the conaway fighting for britain and our values to defeat the japanese in the far east and they were still fighting. Lama fighting. I am a lancashire mp, the blackpool regiment was virtually wiped out. If they were not killed by the japanese, they died in the camps as prisoners of war. I was determined as secretary of state that when we remember this day, we did not only marked the last big ending of the Second World War, the 73rd anniversary, but we reminded the world of what people like said another state on the far east to deliver that freedom. Why do we talk about the 14th army being the forgotten army . Is it because of the time delay with ve day that saturn is on our doorsteps . They the threat that was on doorstep. The crowds were in london on ve day, lots of celebrations, sit himself from his own history took time to get home, people came back in dribs and drabs and people do not come back to britain. Huge amounts of them, millions of them went back to india or africa where they had come from and i do not think there without central gathering. But i also think the world had chosen to suddenly talk about independence and move on and all the other things going on in the world, the Nuclear Explosions and i think it was a tendency for people not to want to dwell on that. A casualty of that we re dwell on that. A casualty of that were the people who fought, and million men mainly fighting in burma from 30 countries and we lost thousands of people from everywhere from kenya to india to britain, fighting the japanese and the Amazing Campaign and we should never forget what they did. The leadership that was shown there, laid the foundations for the modern british army today. What messages should we take from today when we are watching the coverage on bbc later today, what should people be thinking . I think the first thing was we were stronger when we all together. When we fought alongside, much and indian troops, 80 of the 14th army was commonwealth and indian troops, they we re commonwealth and indian troops, they were not british troops from britain. We were formidable at being able to push back totalitarianism and fascism and formidable in establishing our values. Many of those countries, such as canyon for example, we still have close ties today, kenya. I think that is the greatest tribute to the men both living and the dead who fought to defeat the japanese war effort. Sid, wonderful to see you said today. I am sure you will enjoy your day to day. You were former shin bet chindit. We did a lot of flying and we used to go over the rivers and we used to go over the rivers and just follow the columns and supplied them. That went on and all sorts of things happened during the flights. We flew with the royal l. To canadians, new zealands and mainly american we flew with the royal air force. One of the things that puzzled with us as kickers was that we were supplied with a money belt and there was silverstone in but no parachute. You could maybe buy your way out of trouble . I often feel we were something to put their money on for the others to buy their way out. As a young lad from london, you signed up a couple of years earlier than you should have done . We went in for a motorbike and we we re we went in for a motorbike and we were sent to aldershot where everyone was shouting at us and somebody there said if it is moving, saluted. If it is stationary, whitewash it. We got the message, we we re whitewash it. We got the message, we were there a couple of days and we came out of there and went up to southport to lancashire were regiment, the Royal Army Service corps territorial outfit, and within a couple of weeks we were in france. He served in france and also of course in the far east. What was the big differences between those two areas of conflict, as far as you we re areas of conflict, as far as you were concerned . One was more civilised, that was the one in europe, and the far east. You just got on with that, whatever came along. I did, and most of them dead. And most of them did. I have not seen anyone since i came out that belong to the outfit. What will you be thinking about during the commemoration is . what will you be thinking about during the commemoration is . I will be thinking about my brother, he was on the royal air force, he got killed. What was the other thing he was in . What was your brothers name . Bob. You will be thinking about bob. He got married and went back to Northern Ireland and i was in india at the time. The letters used to take about six weeks, seven weeks to get to you and i was told that he had been killed in a crash with the rest of the crew. He was a navigator. Yeah, nine weeks for a letter to get there. When yeah, nine weeks for a letter to get there. When i came home, it must have been about seven or eight months later, nobody wanted to talk about it. Amongst your family . Yeah, they didnt want to talk about it. But i see the sun my brother never saw, i see him in a weaks time. He we nt saw, i see him in a weaks time. He went on to become a ships captain, he then went into business, he got two magazines in london and an institution for different high grade Office People and he has done very well. I did legacy to your brothers memory. A good legacy. Sid, thank you for your time. Secretary of state as well. You will have a memorable day i am sure. Just hearing from sid there, a co nsta nt sure. Just hearing from sid there, a constant reminder that behind a lot of the numbers, we talk about 71 thousand, 12,000 people dying captivity, 60,000 died building the railway of death, behind all of those numbers there are those personal stories, the family he sent two boys off to war, one of them came back and im glad to say one of them still with us today. Back to you. John, thank you so much. I think everyone watching that, we are doing the same thing, we are listening to sids story and it is lovely to have time to listen to to his reminiscence and so perfectly talks about the legacy. His brother bob and the son he has done so well. There will be coverage of the commemoration in a special programme, broadcast live from the National Memorial arboretum on bbc one, after this programme at 9 30am. Heres susan with a look at this mornings weather. Looking carefully at the weather for those events and across the weekend. We certainly are, the weather kind of fall perhaps the majority of people. We have lost the intense heat. The temperatures were getting a bit much. Left with a legacy of a lot of cloud, a lot of moisture in the atmosphere. Some of us will get sunshine. It will be the of uk that is favoured for the sunshine today. Further south and east more cloud run, misty and murky. A band of showers looking its way up from the south across southern england into south across southern england into south wales, parts of the midlands, east anglia through the afternoon. Northern ireland, much of scotland away from the east coast, the north west of england, perhaps the north midlands and north wales should get some sunshine. You can see the effect on the temperatures, amber colour, into the low 20s. If we see sumter in the south east, a different story, sparking off some intense thundery showers which may persist into the evening. Showers drifting north across england and wales as we go into the small hours. Close and muggy to the south, 17, 18 overnight. Not the tropical nights that we have had in the weekjust gone. Low pressure on sunday to the south, showers, across england and wales, scotland and Northern Ireland are going to escape with a dry weekend. Misty and murky for many spots again first thing on sunday, best of the sunshine showing itself in the afternoon. Northern scotland, southern england as well but the sunshine could feel some punchier, thundery showers. Temperatures similarto thundery showers. Temperatures similar to today, close to 20 to the north, 23, 24 further south. In the week ahead, we will see some showers on monday getting into scotland and Northern Ireland. Thank you very much. This is where we leave viewers on bbc one for the morning. But coming up next, Sophie Raworth presents coverage of the vj day commemorations, broadcast live from the National Memorial arboretum. Goodbye. Amanda and harry quarantine has come into effect for travellers coming into effect for travellers coming into the uk mandatory. The deadline for thousands of holiday makers to return early. Our correspondent isnt over. Throughout the programme, weve been talking about travellers who had a really quite hectic scramble to get back to beat that quarantine for various

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