Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC World News America 20170316 : co

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC World News America 20170316

vice travel ban from taking effect and then came the white - budget and then came the white house budget which laid out his priorities for the year ahead and what is on the chopping block and to top it off, the senate intelligence committee said ina the senate intelligence committee said in a statement there was no indication that trump towers was the of surveillance of the subject of surveillance of the current president has claimed. our north american editor followed it all for us. saint patrick's day is 3: i celebrated, but all water does not seem to be enjoying the luck as the —— of the irish. last night, the president gave an interview in which he stood by the claim. wiretap covers a lot of things. i think you will find some interesting items to the forefront over the coming to the forefront over the next fortnight. today, the senate intelligence committee flatly contradicted him. based on the information available to us, we see no indication that trump tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the united states government, either before or after election day 2016. and last night in nashville, tennessee, with just hours to go before his second attempt at a travel ban was to come into effect, bad news. ajudge in hawaii blocked the measure again and the frustrated mrtrump let rip. the measure again and the frustrated mr trump let rip. we will fight this terrible ruling and take our case as ‘as it terrible ruling and take our case as ‘ as it needs terrible ruling and take our case as ‘as it needs to go, including all far as it needs to go, including all the way to the supreme court. we are going to win, we are going to keep oui’ going to win, we are going to keep our citizens safe. the banff on the six mainly muslim countries are strong support among the people who cheered the president to the rafters last night. the governing in america requires you to work within the checks and balances of the us constitution and then may be similar battles to come over the president's budget which was unveiled today. it proposes a big boost to spending for the armed forces and border the armed forces ernj'border but the armed farces ernd'bdrdef but major cuts to overseas security. but major cuts to overseas aid and the environment and the democrats sayrdomestic = aid and the environment and the democrats say— domestic programmes democrats say domestic programmes which help the most vulnerable. he throws billions at defence while ransacking america's throws billions at defence while ra nsacking america's investment throws billions at defence while ransacking america's investment and ransackind americalsjnvestmentand education innovation, clean joberedecetien innevetieni— clean and life—saving medical energy and life—saving medical research. it will lead - nation we research. it will lead our nation we can. no one can accuse president trump of not being tuesday's election promises. but turning an easy campaign pledge into something more concrete is f,::; out= easy campaign pledge into something more concrete is f,::; out to} easy campaign pledge into something more concrete is f,::; out to be difficult. his most extremely difficult. his most eye—catching proposals are stuck in thick, judicial and legislative mode. —— mud. ispoke earlierwith the mode. —— mud. ispoke earlierwith m associate editor... how does the associate editor... how does president trump get the travel ban which is now the block for the second time out of the mud? which is now the block for the second time out of the mud7m which is now the block for the second time out of the mud? it is a quandary for them. they hope this guander‘gfdr them. their hog . this' would guander‘gfer them. their hog . thie' would pass legal muster and we one would pass legal muster and we saw before it even took effect at midnighta saw before it even took effect at midnight a judge blocking it, so it isa midnight a judge blocking it, so it is a big blow to them and back to the drawing board to see how they fight this in the courts. if it can fight this in the courts. if it does ultimately go to the supreme court, it is interesting the judges that ruled last night and today, they were using the administration's own words against them? yes, so as even the text of the original ba but the media re-orts -- travel bag but the media reports —— the original travel ban. those judges have used all of that peripheralm explain peripheral commentary to explain their decisions. if we turn to the claim ofa their decisions. if we turn to the claim of a president that trump tower was wiretapped during the election by his predecessor, today we have the senate intelligence committee said they do not see any indications about that following from the house intelligence committee. where does the president now have to go with his claim? we saw them pushing back and saying there are multiple examples of wiretapping. the really, there's some equivocation, because it is clear the president's tweeds earlier this month accusing president obama of literally wiretapping trump tower, he has since walked away from that claim, but does not want to admit they - wrong that claim, but does not want to admit they- wrong and so we will admit they were wrong and so we will see where it goes from here. but the senate and house panels agree they've seen no evidence from that and we are still waiting . see and we are still waiting to see evidence from the white house. seems like a self—inflicted wound. what is it the like a self—inflicted wound. what is it. the president's political it into the president's political capital one is transpersonal health care? the a lot of pressure on the white house for health care reform and any distraction might be good them because they're so much for them because they're so much pressure. but the wiretapping is not for them. the unveiling of the good for them. the unveiling of the budget today, what does that tell us about the administration's priorities? as we saw today, it was described as an america first budget and trying to stay close to what the president proposed throughout the campaign. it brings a lot of deep cuts to a lot of major departments. that translates into billions of dollars that they would like to see 9511551551“??? $3419 dee ge iii out eeuefe eeee eeee fieulg eiee ee eee out of his eeuefe eeee eeee eeeule eiee ee eee out of his federal eeeeeee eeee eeee eeeuee eiee ee eee out of his federal agencies. taken out of his federal agencies. at the same time, lawmakers traditionally propose their own budget and is 2:5..just traditionally propose their own budget and is 23. just serves traditionally propose their own budget and is 2:5..just serves as budget and is usuallyjust serves as a guidance for lawmakers to signal the republicans come out and say they are not going with it. thank you. as wejust, that budget proposes major cuts to the environmental protection agency. it put a spotlight on administration's controversial approach to climate change. the southern coast of florida has long been america's playground. the destination for millions of tourists each year. the waterfront home of some of the most prized real estate in the country. but the sunshine state has become a gorgeous front line in the fight against global warming. rising sea waters and recurring flooding risks turning miami beach into a modern day at atlantis, a city submerged by water. even on sunny - it can water. even on sunny days, it can get inundated because of seasonal tides bring in the oceans are people's doorsteps. so much of it now is a construction site. the city ‘s building pumping stations are raising roads. miami beach will disappear. we don't sell that all people building new houses and these people building new houses and apartments legs they do not want to hear it. they are in denial. this local resident gave us a tour of the built flood defences which newly built flood defences which scientists fear will be obsolete in just a few decades. the us on the project levels could rise at five feet by the end of this century, but america's new commander in chief is a climate change denier. our so—called thinks it is a so—called president thinks it is a chinese hoax. i can't believe it. i live right in the middle of climate change every day. we also affected here. how dare the leader of this great country say does not exist? it is impossible to get me thinking this way. and the people around him cannot be thinking this way. just up the coast to the president's luxury mansion. because of the winter white house, but it is also a climate change at ground zero. donald trump has % rejected the science has repeatedly rejected the science of climate change. even though it is estimated that over the coming decades, rising sea waters could inundate a quarter of his very own luxury estates. florida went for donald trump at the election and just 25% of those who vote him believe climate change is caused by human activity. supporters like barbara grossman agree 100% with the barba ra’grossmatragreefoo‘fif wfth’tifl president. the sea level is so minute it car“ even count. president. the sea level is so minute it la“ even count. when you minute it can't even count? to miami beach, they are being go to miami beach, they are being flooded regularly. well, maybe it's thinking with all those high risers. that is my guess, but what do i know? i do think it has anything to do with climate change. —— i do not think. miami ranks second in assets and the water level they are rising and the water level they are rising and nearly ten times the average worldwide rate. the politics of climate change in america is by no means as clear—cut as the science. florida demonstrates that you can deny its very existence and still e; j. g! '...e.!...e "" the e; j. g! '...e.e...e "" the white house. even the reach the white house. even the winter white house is at risk from rising sea levels. well, from the environment or diplomacy, us secretary of state rex tillotson is currently on a tour of asia. he declare that 20 years of diplomacy has failed to get north korea to scrap its nuclear programme. in japan, he said a new approach in tackling it is needed but has not specify what that may be. —— has not specified what that may be. these sorts of international meetings between diplomats are usually pretty between diplomats are usually qretty anything between diplomats are usually pretty anything interesting is said one of the cameras are only said one of the cameras are kicked out. but at his press conference today, rex tillotson was refreshingly blunt in his assessment of atte m pts refreshingly blunt in his assessment of attempts to stop north korea from getting nuclear weapons. is important to recognise that the diplomatic and other efforts of the past 20 years to bring north korea toa past 20 years to bring north korea to a point of denuclearisation have failed. we have 20 years of failed approach. rex tillotson is white -- right. 20 years ago they had no nuclear weapons today, it has a whole family of missiles, including one may be capable of hitting alaska. more worrying still, it has carried out five nuclear test and be on the cause of a nuclear - to on the cause of a nuclear warhead to put on those missiles. the question remains, what can be done to stop them? last month, north korea launched this, it's most advanced missile to date, capable of being fired without warning. the country's young dictator appears utterly undeterred by the threat of more undeterred by the thceatofmere= sanctions. but his ever more spectacular missile test are destabilising this region. this week, south korea began allowing the us to deploy this. it's most advanced anti—missile system. in japan, - prime minister knows his japan, the prime minister knows his country is equally vulnerable. he may soon be asking his us ally to do the same here. blood speak in their honour north korea from the new ji'fli :‘x‘ e in other news now administration. in other news now from around the world, is suspected letter bomb was exploded at the headquarters of the international monetary fund in paris, injuring one person. the police said the device was how we made and delivered through regular mail. it comes after a parcel bomb addressed to the german finance minister was intercepted by officials. i greek intercepted by officials. a greek far left group claimed it sent the german device. at least eight people have been injured in a shooting at a school in the southern french town of grasse. the attackers of report is being involved in a dispute with a headmaster. it is not being treated as a terror attack. a a headmaster. it is not being treated as a student ttack. a a headmaster. it is not being treated as a student has (. a a headmaster. it is not being treated as a student has been 17—year—old student has been arrested. but‘s prime minister theresa may has rejected a call from a second referendum on scottish independence saying now is not the time. nicola sturgeon has called for a second vote to be held between autumn 2018 and spring 2019. the prime minister said the whole of the uk should focus on its relationship with the eu. an organisation has agreed to donate more than 400,000 hectares of land to chilly. the croatian national parks in patagonia. it was a narrow escape for tourists on mount etna when it unexpectedly erupted. molten rock shot 200 feet into the ad caused a shower of debris. it is the third time in just under three weeks that etna has erupted. i was with a bbc crew filming a lava flow from a recent spate of ‘ljfj‘ activity. but the spate.of.volcanic.activity.. buttlle! 5512 spate.of.volcanic.activity.. buttlle! eiiii’ mixed ' " spate.of.volcanic.activity.. buttlle! eiiii’ mixed with " spate.of.volcanic.activity.. buttlle! eiiii’ mixed with some " spate.of.volcanic.activity.. buttlle! ! . - _ spate.of.volcanic.activity.. buttlle! 3.5715 mixed with some snow causing lava mixed with some snow causing other day small explosion... then a larger one. it pelted as with rocks, boulders and steam. everyone ran, trying to reach the and fr'vifia fa r'éjr‘h fhé efinwmnhiie ism-i ' safety. —— and to get to safety. get safety. —— and to get to safety. but some were cut, burned and bruised. and a guide so a dislocated shoulder. a vulcanologist said it was the worst incident he had experienced during his career and we we re experienced during his career and we were lucky that no one was left with serious injuries. you're watching bbc world news america. still to come. . . bbc world news america. still to come... ‘e—e‘e“ bbc world news america. still to come... "be" you ' ' when " bbc world news america. still to come... "be" you ' ' when two " come... what you get when two egziiéigzéz come... what you get when two e..-e- from come... what you get when two mug“ from opposing % come... what you get when two mnem from opposing parties congressmen from opposing parties hit. open road? thanks to a hit the open road? thanks to a snowstorm, all of america found out. susan gravano did not have an easier time following a passion of other planets. grimsby kenya, the country as few as travellers and funny telescope was almost impossible. now, having achieved the gym are becoming an astronomer, susan dedicates her life to be three youngsters to reach the stars. talks signs can be used, i believe, as a school bus ride to school for sustainable development may need to get scientists from within kenya and i was the reason why i've - it i was the reason why i've felt it $— i was the reason why i've felt it §e= important go back to school = i was the reason why i've felt it fiee= important go back to school ‘sl was important go back to school ‘s to target children as young as four yea rs to target children as young as four years and to keep them questioning. my years and to keep them questioning. my is susan, i years and to keep them questioning. my- is susan, i am an astronomer my name is susan, i am an astronomer andi my name is susan, i am an astronomer and i doa my name is susan, i am an astronomer and i do a story meow reach. i was never really interested in astronomical but i always loved science and maths. but when i was doing this ijoined a group of us on us doing this ijoined a group of us on us and we went to schools and we taught basic sciences. i was taken to my days in school and i wish back to my days in school and i wish that someone had,, or a group, and talked me about science. i want to give kids the opportunity i mist. —— that i mist. —— that i missed. but in timei that i mist. —— that i missed. but in time i got to learn a lot and to x1 ijii'e. “e "ii different people and to study meet different people and to study strongly —— astra from sailors to socialite. whether you are a fine or not, that it was left a n you are a fine or not, that it was left an indelible mark on many cultures. our arts editor when to ta ke a tattoo cultures. our arts editor when to take q;- tattoo was all the rage take a look. tattoo was all therage ? there is take a look. tattoo was all therage "eee: there is more choice than backin back in the late 1970s, this tattoo is made his living that doing punk rockers. now he's taking part in a museum exhibition celebrating his artform. the perception as change, because there is so much fantastic artwork out there. there is every genre and subjects covered now, there's so much beautiful stuff. there is not the stigma like they used to be attached to it. it is this shift in the perception that the exhibition charts as well as taking what the curators feel our common misconceptions. we start with the spelling the myth that captain cook brought tattoo ink back to britain. it is people have been having tattoo was for hundreds of yea rs, having tattoo was for hundreds of yea rs , we having tattoo was for hundreds of yea rs, we see having tattoo was for hundreds of years, we see evidence of that in the pilgrim tattoo was that people we re the pilgrim tattoo was that people were going to have in the middle east were going to have in the middle east whenever going on pilgrimages in the 16 ‘s. this is one of my favourite parts of the exhibition. we are trying to challenge the idea that that it is gender or class specific. it must‘ve been hard to tattoo and it was predominantly a man's world evenin it was predominantly a man's world even in the 20s and 30s. but her art is so beautiful and has a feminine quality to it. the exhibition finishes with 100 hands. it is a snapshot of what is happening in britain andi snapshot of what is happening in britain and i think it shows the diversity, but also the true beauty and artistic quality of tattoo art nowadays. not everybody would agree with that, tattoo is still contentious. some see them as a symbol of moral decline, which this isa symbol of moral decline, which this is a division seeks to altar by presenting them as an exhibition of artistic sensibility. mine was not a real tattoo, of course, and he said l fur “£115; “ifr: e e ee e; le; e eeee e'e;e e e“ come. . . e e ee e; le; e eeee e'e;e e e“ come... now to the e e ee e; ee; e eeee e'e;e e e“ come... now to the road trip which reached across the political divide. when tee—macro congressman from texas, a republican and democrat had their travel plans ruined by this week's blizzard, they jumped their travel plans ruined by this week's blizzard, theyjumped in a car together and drove 16 and miles to the nation's capital. it was streamed live and gained quite a following. fresh from their trip, they spoke to our reporter. just days ago, these men were mere days ago these men were mere! political rivals. days ago these men were mere! road - political rivals. days ago these men were mere! road tripi political rivals. days ago these men were mere! road trip as folitical rivals. days ago these men were mere! road trip as a .itical rivals. days ago these men were mere! road trip as a result‘ivals. days ago these men were mere! road trip as a result ofils. this road trip as a result of the bipartisan relationship. part of the drama of this was will we get there in time, we only have 36 hours and two, will we get along with each other? they drove through the night, atteatiea of catching the attention of a divided nation. i need to sleep, but i can't turn this off. they live stream that their debate. taking questions on their debate, taking questions on health care, border control, the threat of terrorism, a town hall there were singalongs... and wheels. there were singalongs... and donors. a whole lot of doughnuts. they also took the deeds, including to the gates graceland. when you see there isp congressman to the gates graceland. when you see there is p congressman and to the gates graceland. when you see there isp congressman and has to the gates graceland. when you see there is p congressman and has a to the gates graceland. when you see there isp congressman and has a lot there is a congressman and has a lot of interesting things about music or someone who likes to eat doughnuts. eefieefie wee! lieee it? eee fieidgefifiith; not a big doughnut eater really, i'm not a big doughnut eater really, ijust i'm not a big doughnut eater really, i just like... i'm not a big doughnut eater really, ijust like... this is the high—tech mapi ijust like... this is the high—tech map i worked last night. i'm supposed to be the cyber security quy supposed to be the cyber security guy we could not work the camera 01’ or the speaker. i think properly or the speaker. i think that kind of humanised the entire institution. as they raced to washington, dc, thousands tuned and phoned every travel advice to help them make it in time for. vote in them make it in time for the vote in congress. i'm still disappointed you thought we wouldn't get here on time. everybody, we made it! we have plenty of time. no, we did not. but can this burgeoning partnership work can this burgeoning partnershipwodc washington? don't be afraid to in washington? don't be afraid to reach and go beyond what you've a lwa ys reach and go beyond what you've always talked about and what we think about is eight democrat or a republican and america will reward you for that. the bipartisan relationship there. made it be able to change the culture here in washington. thank you for watching. you will have seen all that snow across the north—east of the united states which pushed its way into eastern canada. that was storm eeeiee iteeee .. eastern canada. that was storm eeeil it is'” .. eastern canada. that was storm eeeeee it is now ' eastern canada. that was storm ejfi it is now heading across the stella. it is now heading across the atla ntic stella. it is now heading across the atlantic and m stella. it is now heading across the atlantic and heading our! stella. it is now heading across the atlantic and heading our way but will not be like it was in north 4'22 ;- -; - e; ;- — america. it will mostly be rain. as it moves into the uk, it will be a speu it moves into the uk, it will be a spell of wind and rain. there will be snow, but only over higher ground in scotland. further south you are, after a bright start, it will cloud overin after a bright start, it will cloud over in the afternoon but staying over in the afternoon butsta'f'mgel dry. tall— 13 in london, 7—9 across scotland. friday evening, plenty of the north west. not too heavy. rain the north west. not too heavy. some rain on the les. toward dawn on saturday, it is 8—9d quite widely. saturday, it is 8—9d quite widely. saturday is self, this flow coming out of the atlantic and stole a fair number of isobars and it will be a breezy weekend for many. - will breezy weekend for many. that will bea breezy weekend for many. that will be a key feature across pretty much all parts and there will. rain as all parts and there will be rain as well. most of the rain on saturday looks like it could be in the north and west of the uk. some across the pennines, but not a - deal. 16 pennines, but not a great deal. 16 degrees in the south—east. saturday evening into sunday, weatherfronts coming in from the atlantic. this broad sector should keep temperatures up a little but it will still be windy. lots of isobars on the charts. on sunday, windy. rain also. but again, mainly on the western side of the uk. the heaviest rain will be there. further east, the rain is light and patchy. some places will stay dry. the monday, a wea k places will stay dry. the monday, a weak weather fronts drapes across southernmost counties of england. it will be a cloudy affair here with a bit of a breeze and outbreaks of rain. further north, showers and styles of sunshine, too. more persistent rain creeping into the far north—west later in the day. into tuesday, another week weather front drifting in from the atlantic. isobars on the chart keeping things breezy. those temperatures come down a little bit into single figures for many. looking even further, thejet strea m many. looking even further, thejet stream was flat coming across the atlantic, but toward the end of next week, it will be moving south and back door. high pressure may heading backdoor. high pressure may develop across the uk which well develop across the uk which does settle - down. another does settle things down. another thing about the jet stream is it is thing abodtthejetstream isite'rs by temperature contrast driven by temperature contrast between different air masses, the colder to the north on the warmer tropical lead to the south. a hint that the saudis may be on the one side of this, whereas the bulk of side of this. whereas the hup'ny uk littermates we may be on the the uk littermates we may be on the cold side. but i looks the uk littermates we may be on the cold side. but. looks drier. and first minister on the question of a second referendum on scottish independence. theresa may tells nicola sturgeon now is not the time — dealfor all the uk. the reason i say that is because all our energies should be being put into the negotiations with the european union. but the first minister says the democratic mandate at holyrood is not being respected by westminster. we have a conservative government with one mpeinescotland saymge= that they will. stand in. the way e; of the choice of the scottish people. i mean, this is like winding the clock back to the bad old days of margaret thatcher. we'll have the latest as nicola sturgeon warns the fate of the union may have been sealed. also tonight...

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Referendum On Scottish Independence , Nicola Sturgeon , Theresa May , Call , Student Ttack , 17 , The Uk , Relationship , Whole , Organisation , Eu , 2018 , 2019 , Land , Escape , Chilly , Croatian National Parks , Patagonia , 400000 , Molten Rock , Feet , Ad , Mount Etna , 200 , Bbc , Shower , Crew , Debris , Filming A Lava Flow , Three , Snow , Spate Of Volcanic Activity , Buttlle , Activity , Spate , Explosion , Lava , Eiiii , Ljfj , 3 5715 , 5512 , Rocks , Boulders , Steam , Everyone Ran , Safety , Fr Vifia Fa R à Jr H Fhà Efinwmnhiie Ism I , Vulcanologist , Cut , Shoulder , Guide , Career , Incident , Injuries , Parties , Thanks , Congressmen , Snowstorm , Egziià Igzà Z , Open Road , Mug , Mnem , Hit , Income , Susan Gravano , Travellers , Planets , Telescope , Passion , Grimsby Kenya , Astronomer , Life , Youngsters , Gym , Reason , Children , Back To School , Stars , Talks Signs , Sl , It Fiee Important Go Back To School , Sustainable Development , School Bus Ride , My Name , Questioning , Story Meow Reach , My Is Susan , Four , Schools , Maths , A Group , Ijoined , Someone , I Mist , Sciences , Kids , Timei , X1 Ijii E , Sailors , Fine , Socialite , Arts Editor , Cultures , Mark , Pilgrim Tattoo , Rage , Look , Therage , Q , Take A Look , Ta Ke A Tattoo Cultures , Part , Choice , Artform , Punk Rockers , Living , Museum Exhibition , 1970 , Perception , Change , Artwork , Genre , Stigma , Subjects , Stuff , Exhibition Charts , Misconceptions , Curators , Shift , Spelling , Myth , Captain Cook , Hundreds , Pilgrimages , Tattoo Ink , Pilgrim , Middle East , Yea Rs , S This , 16 , Exhibition , Parts , Specific , Gender , Idea , Class , Quality , Man , World , Art , Man S World Evenin , The 20s And 30s , 30 , Snapshot , Tattoo Art , Exhibition Finishes , Beauty , Diversity , Everybody , Isa Symbol , Decline , Tattoo , Division , Altar , Artistic Sensibility , Road Trip , Ale , Course , Come Ee E , Ee E , Fee , E Eeee , Ifr Ee E ,  115 , 115 , Congressman , Republican , Travel , Divide , Blizzard , Nation S Capital , Theyjumped , Texas , Trip , Reporter , Following , Men , Rivals , Drama , Result , Itical Rivals , Result Ivals , Result Ofils , Road Tripi , Folitical , Each Other , Attention , Atteatiea , 36 , Questions , Debate , Terrorism , Sleep , Border Control , Town Hall , Doughnuts , Wheels , Donors , Deeds , Singalongs , Gates Graceland , Music , Isp , Big Doughnut Eater , Ijust Like , Doughnut Eater , Ijust , Eefieefie Wee , Lieee , Eee Fieidgefifiith , Speaker , Map , Cyber Security , Guy , Quy , Kind , Camera 01 , 01 , Thousands , Congress , Institution , Partnership Work , Partnershipwodc Washington , Don T , Lwa Ys Reach , Culture , North , Storm Eeeeee , Atlantic , Eastern Canada , Atla , Ntic Stella , M Stella , Storm Eeeiee Iteeee , 4 , 22 , Rain , South , Start , Ground , Wind , Spell , It Moves , Scotland , Speu , Cloud Overin , North West , Afternoon Butsta F Mgel Dry , In London , 13 , 9 , 7 , Flow , Toward Dawn On Saturday , Saturday , Les , 8 , Many , Isobars , Weekend , Feature , Will Bea Breezy Weekend , Number , South East , Weatherfronts , Pennines , Deal 16 Pennines , Side , Sector , Charts , Little , Lots , On Sunday , Windy , East , Counties , Weather Fronts , Places , Wea K Places , Monday , England , Breeze , Bit , Sunshine , Showers , Affair , Outbreaks , Styles , Rain Creeping , Temperatures , Front , Chart , Figures , High Pressure , Back Door , Thejet Strea M , Thejet Stream , The End , Thing , Temperature Contrast , Another , Jet Stream , Air Masses , Settle Down , Abodtthejetstream , First Minister , Littermates , Hup Ny Uk , Hint , Bulk , Saudis , Question , Energies , Negotiations , Mandate , Westminster , Holyrood , Government , Clock , Mpeinescotland Saymge , West Congressman , Explosion Amount , Adventure , Jumps , Wayfto The Supreme , Camera Crew , Carfor , Fate , Margaret Thatcher ,

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