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They took it all away from me. Jeremy corbyn says labour would invest an extra £7. 5 billion a year in the Nhs In England with higher taxes on business and high earners. 16 years after a teenage girl disappeared in essex, police spend the day searching a block of garages in thurrock. And we visit the village Football Team in the cotswolds, celebrating their rise to the english football league. And coming up in Sportsday On Bbc News chelsea receive a guard of honour, as the premier League Champions take on watford at stamford bridge. Good evening. The governments Emergency Committee cobra has been in session, considering its response to the global cyber attack, which has affected parts of the Nhs In England and scotland. Some Hospital Trusts are still experiencing problems, but the National Crime agency says fears of a new wave of attacks today have not been realised. Microsoft has said the attack should be treated as a wake up call and the governments been accused of failing to invest properly in it. Our security correspondent, gordon corera, has the latest. Hospital wards still dealing with the aftermath of fridays cyber attack. The hope is that the worst has passed, but the Question Remains could this have been avoided . The Health Secretary today denied accusations from labour and the Liberal Democrats that Computer Security had been underfunded and the nhs underprepared. Weve been making huge efforts to modernise and invest, despite all the financial pressures. And thats why we were able to maintain our emergency services, why more than 95 of services were up and running within 2a hours, and i think thats an extraordinary achievement. I think the perception has been that this was a form of Malicious Software that was blasted out, and only those institutions which werent secure enough were affected by it. Well, we have a criminal investigation going on at the moment by the National Crime agency, to try and understand exactly why people chose to target who they did. But as i say, if you look internationally, this has affected more than 200,000 victims in 150 countries. But those who didnt have good enough security. Well. And that looks like it includes the nhs. The nhs is a huge network, the Worlds Largest health it network, and over 80 of the nhs was unaffected. This evening, officials gathered for the cabinet Emergency Committee, cobra, including the head of the National Cyber security centre. He says guidance was issued before this attack, but acknowledged people needed to act on such warnings. There is a lot of information out there about vulnerabilities, and there is a lot of information out there about how to defend against them. My message to all organisations is go and find out what those basic steps are you can do to raise your defences, and go and implement them. The Malicious Software was first detected on friday, and it spread rapidly around the world, affecting computers which were not updated and secured. Some of the other companies and institutions hit include fedex, renault in france, german railways, spanish telecoms and nissan. Victims were faced with this message that they were locked out of their computers and would have to pay a ransom to regain access. A race is under way to track down those responsible. One company who works with Law Enforcement say its a question of waiting for money to move this. The attackers will be sitting, waiting for as much money to collect as possible before they start working out when and how theyll move that. That will be a complicated process for them, to try and make sure they move it without being detected. In the Health Service theyre hoping that the worst of this attack is now over, but theres no guarantee that there wont be others in the future. Gordon corera, bbc news. Routine surgery and gp appointments have been cancelled in parts of the nhs, as it recovers from the cyber attack. Its thought 16 trusts, out of 47 that were hit on friday, are still facing some problems, leading to further cancellations and delays to services, as our health editor, hugh pym, reports. Its an it problem, but it has a human cost. Clare hobday is receiving intensive treatment for breast cancer. But its been put on hold since the cyber attack brought down systems on friday. Im very frustrated. I was in tears this morning. Ive only had one treatment. Supposed to have it friday. Didnt have it today. Theyve rung me saying not happening today, possibly not tomorrow. Thats five days out. If im supposed to have it every day and its very intense, what happens with missing five days . If i dont have this, am i being given, you know, the Death Sentence . Jess laughton waited months in constant pain, which she hoped would ease when her leg was amputated. She was in hospital on saturday ready for the operation, but it was cancelled. She said that was devastating. Horrible. Cried a lot. Didnt really know what to say. Because that was the last thing we expected him to come in and say was that there was a cyber attack and everything was cancelled. Nhs england told people to go to Hospital Appointments if they hadnt heard otherwise. Some took the advice and travelled in only to be disappointed they didnt happen. I thought oh, ive got to go. Ive got to go to the hospital. I wonder if this is going to affect me . I thought no, because someone would have got onto me, phoned me, so i thought i will go. Then it didnt. This gp practice has been running normally today, but on friday all systems had to be shut down. It was impossible to issue electronic prescriptions and to bring up patient notes. Today there has been a backlog of work dealing with messages and taking paper notes and transcribing them to put on the system. The technologys not running normally at this gp practice in nottingham. This morning, they were open but werent sure which patients were booked in. Patients know, theyre coming in. Were dealing with them when they come. When we have phone calls for emergencies or people turning up at the desk, were then improvising, you might say. This is something that we used to do in the past. Though we had a written system, we didnt know who was going to contact us on the day. Its back to how we used to work 20 years ago. Hospital managers have been working round the clock to make their Information Network safe. At colchester they say theyve fixed half of their 3,000 computers and theres still a lot of work to do. It will take a long time to get all the systems back up and running. Weve got enough to make the organisation safe. We need to make sure we get those other systems back up and running as soon as possible. Wales and Northern Ireland werent caught up in the cyber attack. Nhs leaders in england and scotland will feel the systems have performed as well as could have been hoped today. But longer term, there are Big Decisions to make about future investment and it security. Hugh pym, bbc news. Our security correspondent, gordon corera, is here. Just picking up on some of the points in your report, whats the latest assessment now on the likelihood of another attack and the kind of measures that people are putting in place . There were a lot of very nervous cyber officials this morning when people went back to work and switched their computers on. There was no second wave of attacks or victims today. Although some still re sidual impact from that attack on friday. This attack looks to be over but the fear is about what may be to come. One problem is that this attack used some code, some tools which were developed by Americas National security agency, its spy agency, which were then stolen and then lea ked o nto which were then stolen and then leaked onto the internet as part of a cache of cyber weapons. The fear is more of those weapons could be reversioned and deployed to attack infrastructure and attack companies. Soi infrastructure and attack companies. So i think the cat and mouse game between attackers and defenders is going to go on. Youre going to see defenders trying to catch those who did it, but that can be hard. But i think there is also a priority on improving our defences. That involves individuals as well as institutions doing pretty basic things, like keeping your computer up things, like keeping your computer up to date, backing up data. If people do those things, then they will at least do something to mitigate, to stop some of the Cyber Attacks that, unfortunately, were bound to see in the future. Gordon, once again, thanks very much. In the past few minutes, its been confirmed that the Moors Murderer Ian Brady has died at the age of 79. He was receiving Palliative Care in a psychiatric unit on merseyside. He was jailed for three murders, back in 1966. Daniel sandford has this report. Few murders before or since, have caused such revulsion. The discovery of childrens bodies on Saddleworth Moor left the public wondering who could commit such dreadful crimes and why. Ian brady was a petty criminal who grew newspaper glasgow, where hes remembered for his cruelty to other children and animals. He later took a job in manchester and when his company hired a new typist called mira hindley, the couple became lovers and brady let her into a world of saidism. Outwardly a normal couple they became serial killers, abducting, sexually assaulting and murdering children. When brady and hirned were arrested they said nothing, challenging detectives to prove their guilt. They remained silent even when three childrens bodies were found in swallow graves on Saddleworth Moor. Years later brady told the bbc his remorse for the crimes was painfully deep, but he could never explain his motive. Until her death in 2002, his accomplice blamed him, but if anything, she became the greater hate figure. He, in many ways, escaped some of the disgust that the public should feel for him, because he was accompanied by a woman. Im not sure that he got his full share, fairshare of not sure that he got his full share, fair share of public hate wered. Not sure that he got his full share, fair share of public hate weredm the hatred. In the 80s the two killers made full confessions and went back to the moors, separately, to help find other victims. Keith bennetts grave was never found. To help find other victims. Keith bennetts grave was never foundlj wa nted bennetts grave was never foundlj wanted one of them to come up with the truth so i could nail the two of them, nail them for the rest of their life, like theyve nailed me down. I wanted them prosecuted for keiths death. Winnie johnson died in 2012, regretting to the end that she was unable to give her son a christian burial. Brady spent the last years of his life in ashworth high security mental hospital. In 1999, he decided to die and stopped eating, so doctors force fed him using a tube. He wrote many letters to the bbc complaining about his treatment and in 2012, U Nsuccessfully Treatment and in 2012, unsuccessfully petitioned to be returned to a normal prison. He continued to vent his anger at myra hindley for trying to minimise her role in the murders. Though ian bradys crimes belong to another era, they will be recorded as among the most infamous ever seen in britain. That was Daniel Sandford reporting. Richard lister is with me now. This news came in in the past few minutes. Yes, ive just got off the phone with Mersey Care Nhs Foundation trust, who are responsible for the care of ian brady and a spokesman said, we can confirm a 79 year old patient in Long Term Care at ashworth high secure hospital has died after becoming physically unwell. Now the bbc understands that patient is in fa ct bbc understands that patient is in fact ian brady. That is confirmed. He has been very ill for some time. Ata he has been very ill for some time. At a Court Hearing in february, lawyers said that he had been bedridden for the last couple of yea rs bedridden for the last couple of years and it was fair to say then that he was terminally ill. Richard, again, thanks very much. Lets pick up then again on some of tess election news. Labour is promising an extra £37 billion for the Nhs In England over the next five years if it wins power. The investment would be funded by Tax Increases and extra borrowing. Jeremy corbyn claimed the conservatives had driven health care into crisis, as our political editor, laura kuenssberg, reports. Cheering they gathered in yorkshire to cheer him. Like other Labour Leaders before, could Jeremy Corbyn use the nhs to rise to victory . On behalf of millions of people, thank you to everyone in the nhs that looks after us all the year round. And cope with so many other crises. Meet the man who wants to be labours Health Secretary in less than four weeks. This election is about the future of the nhs. He says labour would spend £37 billion extra over five years on the Nhs In England. Thats roughly an extra 7 each year, paid for by higher income tax at the top but can he be completely precise about how hed spend it . Pay, winter crises, reducing the waiting lists, treating a million more people in a e, Public Health budgets will be ring fenced, the reversal of Pharmacy Cuts and Capital Investment in the infrastructure. But thats still a long way off 37 billion. I know, but the nhs is. It does cost money to run the nsh. How much do you expect there to be coming from that new tax on people at the top . The lions share of the extra investment will come from new personal Taxation Levels for the top 5 of earners. So that new personal tax for people at very top, thats money for the nhs . All of it, every single penny piece. Exactly how much youll have to wait till tomorrow. Hows business generally for you at the moment . But its one of the perceptions she wants to overturn. Provided im elected on the 8th ofjune, well be up there fighting hard. That the tories somehow dont really believe in the Health Service. Voters sceptical about their handling of public services. Im sticking up for Mental Health and learning disabilities. Cathy moen in oxfordshire took the Prime Minister to task on Mental Health and welfare. Im being serious, iwant you to do something for us. I cant live on £100 a month. They took it all away from me. The fat cats keep the money and us lot get nothing. An awkward encounter. And no detailed answers for kathy or anyone else for a couple of days. The tories wont reveal their plans for the Health Service until later this week, but question labours sums. The thing about the labour partys proposals is that you have to ask the question where would the money come from . You can only fund the nhs, you can only ensure we have a first class nhs, if we have a strong economy. Behind you. Its politics, not panto, honestly. But like labour, the lib dems would raise income tax to plug the nhss gaps. If you want the best health and social care in the world, then it will cost you, but you will get it. It will cost you one penny on income tax for an additional £6 billion a year, 30 billion over a parliament. This Scottish Babi this es get kissed in elections like everywhere else, but healths devolved, like in wales and Northern Ireland too. Were committed to increasing the nhs budget by £2 billion over this scottish parliament. Thats £500 million more than inflation. A huge turnout forJeremy Corbyn tonight in leeds. But a huge turnaround is what he needs if the nhs, or anything else, is to end up in labours hands. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news. Theresa may said today that she would oversee the biggest expansion of workers rights by any conservative government if her party won the general election. The conservative manifesto will promise to keep eu laws, which protect workers, and give people the right to a years unpaid leave to care for a relative. Labour said mrs may was taking working people for fools, as our economics editor, kamal ahmed, reports. Its certainly a different life. Olga was a Marketing Executive who now cares for her 90 year old mother, earning a fraction of the amount she enjoyed when work was full time. She says todays proposals are welcome, up to a point. Ive had to give up so much of my life, in order to be that carer. I think taking a year out to try and settle the caring needs, my needs, and my mums needs, was something that would really have benefited me. What would also have benefited olga was being paid, and on that the tories were silent. Good morning pixies theresa may launched her proposals at tech pixies, an oxford firm that what were doing today is announcing the biggest ever enhancement of workers rights by a conservative government. And yes, there are various elements to this. Were, for example, committing that the National Living wage will continue to rise in line with median earnings. Yes, that people will be able to request time off to care for a relative, and we want to support here are the workers rights the conservatives are offering. A right to unpaid leave to care for a Family Member or after the death of a child. A guarantee that all rights under eu law would be secure, such as Maternity Rights and equal pay. And protections for gig economy workers and those on zero hours contracts, although there was little detail. But surely this is the party of the workers, the labour party, which is proposing to enter zero hours contracts and repeal trade union law. Critics lined up to call foul on the tories. Lets judge the tory party and theresa may on her record. Zero hours contracts, Employment Tribunal fees and the Trade Union Ct The Most Pernicious Anti Worker legislation of the last century. Leopards dont change their spots. At best this is vacuous, at worst it is more tory lies. These are the firms that are going to be doing the heavy lifting. A manufacturer in reading yes, backing good worker conditions, but worried about what they see as plenty of anti business noise and the cost. If one of our members of staff came to us and said they needed time off because say a parent or a partner was dying and they needed time off to care for them, of course wed look at that. I think the disappointing thing perhaps always is that the government arent actually offering any help to companies to do that. There is a stark truth underlying every political partys offer to people in work. The economy has been pretty good at creating jobs, employment is at a record, but it is the quality of those jobs that is the issue. Particularly in a world where average incomes are not rising theyre falling. This company literally punches holes in metal. Cutting through the vexed issue of the quality of work will be the test set for the party which wins the general election. Kamal ahmed, bbc news. Labours Campaign Manifesto will be officially unveiled tomorrow. A draft document, leaked last week, included plans to nationalise the railways, the National Grid and royal mail. But the finalised document is also expected to include plans to nationalise englands nine Regional Water companies. Our political correspondent, ben wright, is at westminster. Is what more details do we have . This is further proof Labour Government would fundamentally change the way the Key Industries are run. Labour says since water was privatised in 1989 higher bills have meant a poorer service and they point out that in the last decade Water Companies have paid their shareholders £18 billion in dividends. Labour says if it was to be taken back into Public Ownership that money could be redirected into a Better Service and lower bills for households. They say they could come down about 25 . The key question is how much this will cost. When labours manifesto is published in full tomorrow it will be scoured for proof that their sons had a panic and be paid write thank you. Essex police have spent the day searching a block of garages in thurrock for the body of a schoolgirl who went missing 16 years ago. Danielle jones was 15 when she was abducted and murdered by her uncle. Detectives were told about the garages at the time, but only decided to search them after a new tip off earlier this year. Our correspondent robert hall is there tonight. The Specialist Team moved on to this suburban parking area at around nine oclock this morning. One of the first things they did with a wrecked the Security Fence you can see behind me. They spent much of the day concentrating their efforts on one particular garage amongst the group they had sealed off. The workers finish that night but it is an Unexpected Development in the hunt for Danielle Jones, whose disappearance sparked one of the Biggest Police operations in the uk has ever seen. Could this Nondescript Group of garages, surrounded by a housing estate, answer the question which has haunted and essex family for so long . Have investigators finally discovered the spot where the body of 15 year old Danielle Jones was hidden 16 years ago . The story began at eight oclock on a june morning, when danielle left her home here in east tilbury to catch the school bus. Some witnesses said she turned back before reaching the bus stop, others that shed got into a blue transit van. In those few minutes, danielle appeared and was never seen again. Disappeared and was never seen again. First tonight, Danielle Jones. In the weeks following danielles disappearance, the search for her became a focus of national interest. Hundreds of Police Officers searched over a thousand locations. In august the same year, mobile phone evidence contributed to the arrest and eventual conviction of her uncle, stuart campbell. Campbell was sentenced to life for her murder, but he refused to say where he had hidden his victims body. Today, danielles parents, tony and linda, came to see the operation which was launched following Fresh Information from the public. Senior officers say it echoes nonspecific information received back in 2001, but that these garages were never searched. There was some similar information, not identical to that that weve received earlier this year, but clearly we will work to understand why. My priority this week, though, is to make sure we do everything that we can to reunite danielle with her family. The search continued into the evening, it will resume tomorrow, when police say they expect to make a further statement. Robert hall, bbc news, essex. On his first full day in office, president macron of france has visited berlin for talks with Chancellor Merkel On Building closer cooperation between their two countries. President macron said he wanted to reinvigorate links with germany, at what he called an historic moment for europe. And he talked of setting out plans to reform the eurozone. Our europe editor katya Adlerjoins Us live from berlin. Lets talk about the significance of this meeting today and the relationship between these two leaders. This is a significant moment for europe, embodied in what you can see is moment for europe, embodied in what ou can see is ours moment for europe, embodied in what you can see is yours answer to the odd couple, perhaps. He is very young, never before elected to office before becoming president. She is a bit less young and looks likely to be re elected this german chancellor for the fourth time this autumn. What they do have in common isa autumn. What they do have in common is a true belief in the european union. We have talked so often in the last couple of years of eu woes, the last couple of years of eu woes, the migration crisis, the eurozone crisis. Now you have macron and angela merkel, dubbed by the german press as mercron who want to power the motor forward to a press as mercron who want to power the motorforward to a rosier future. Possible bumps on the road. They dont always share the same vision for europe, especially when it comes to eurozone governments. Other eu countries dont like the idea is being bossed around by the new king and queen of europe, like poland and hungary. This new invigorated europe would have to survive intact what looks like a bruising Brexit Process as well. Thank you. How europe editor in berlin. Some more on the election campaign. Old patterns of loyalty in british politics have been reshaped in recent years, and last years vote to leave the eu has done even more to expose the gulf between Political Parties and their traditional supporters. In the second of our series on the new shape of politics, our special correspondent allan little has been to South Yorkshire, to see the changing face of labours heartlands. For a century, the heart of the British Labour movement beat to the rhythm of heavy industry. A generation ago, that britain slid into dereliction. Hatfield colliery, in the South Yorkshire coalfield, closed two years ago it was one of the last. If a northern soul dj hasnt got this record, then he aint no northern soul dj. Johnny wood is an ex miner. His twin passions are northern soul music and mining heritage. Hes always voted labour, but while most labour mps voted to stay in europe, he and most of his neighbours voted to leave. Why the hell did they vote that way . And its simple. Because theres people from other countries getting these jobs, and theres people from other countries being better treated than british people, and thats the anger, and its not me being prejudice. I play black american music, so theres no way that im prejudice, id be a hypocrite. Mps are not grasping that. Theyre out of touch, and they should come back to their grassroots. Johnny worked here at grimethorpe colliery. Theres a giant Retail Distribution Centre on that site now. High tech firms have also moved into the region, bringing new types of employment. Does an industrial Working Class heart still beat in this new Working Environment . The culture of work which dominated the old industries, the shared experience, the social and political solidarity, generation after generation of sons following their fathers into the same jobs. The centrality of organised labour, notjust in the workplace but in all of life none of this is true of the new economy, where the workforce is more mobile, more fluid, more changeable and less solid in its behaviour and its allegiances. What the hells going to happen to us . If he gets made to redundant, where are we going to be in 12 months time . 12 years, 20 years. 25 years ago brendan nixon, then a miners wife, kept a video diary for bbc two. Back then, with her friend trina, she was still fighting to keep the pits open. Since then, shes seen the securities of the old industry replaced by low wages, zero hours contracts, chronic insecurity. Just watching the bit that i have there, itsjust so naive. Didnt actually realise the full implication of what was going to be happening. We knew it was going to be bad, but god. Never could we ever imagined this. No, absolutely not. Ive no faith in any parliamentary system. I believe theyre puppets of the ruling class, and basically they just work for them. Theyre only interested in their own pockets, nobody is interested in us. I mean, im a single woman on my own, and at the moment im unemployed. But theres people out there that are working threejobs, just to make a living, as a single woman. You know, its punishment and punishment and punishment. There is no hope any more. Theres just nothing. South yorkshire is still loyal labour territory, but the Working Class Brexit Vote has exposed the widening gulf between lives lived here and on the green benches of westminster. And everywhere, the communities that once voted labour, as an ingrained cultural commitment, have been disbursed, with the industries that sustained them. Forest green rovers is hardly the average Football Team its environmentally responsible approach includes using Solar Panelling in the stadium and vegan diets. And now theyve made club history by being promoted to the english football league

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