Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Six 20170705 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Six 20170705

end takes joanna konta into the next round at wimbledon. and coming up on bbc news... we'll have all the latest from a big day for the british players at the all england club. join me for wimbledon sportsday at 6:30. good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. knife crime is now one of the greatest challenges facing police forces across the country. in fact, the knife is britain's number one murder weapon. the figures are all the more shocking because increasingly both victims and perpetrators are young — children and teenagers. last year nearly 32,500 knife crimes were committed in england and wales. that figure was up 14% on the previous year. senior police officers say there needs to be a change in attitudes and behaviour. our home affairs correspondent, june kelly, has been on police patrol in birmingham and met some of those working to end knife culture. a summer evening in birmingham and the force response teams from west midlands police are dealing with dozens of emergencies. proceed to a second stabbing... this time in kings norton. and i'm notjoking. oscar 30, that's over, heard. grandson has been stabbed. caller has had a call from her daughter stating the 15—year—old grandson has been stabbed. caller is hysterical. he's not at this location. the victim is a 15—year—old boy. he doesn't live in this road, he was found here. the teenager is helped into the ambulance by his mate. no sign of the attacker and no information from the victim. are you doing anything productive at that particular job? it's just we've got another one. single stab wound to the abdomen. bleeding a lot. and once again there is no corporation from this second victim. the pressure not to be a grass. unfortunately he didn't want to provide a statement or provide us an account or tell us where the incident had occurred. so there is very little we could actually do or investigate. but we can still record the matter as a crime. in the west midlands just like the rest of the country, knife crime is on the rise. do you understand the reasons why you're being searched 7 yes, because of weapons. lives lost, victims scarred and maimed. and more people found to be carrying blades. depzman was a rising rap star. the teenage grime artist from birmingham had fans all over the country. he was murdered weeks after his 18th birthday. a row over a girl spiralled into a fight and then his rival pulled a knife and plunged it into his heart. seven hours later, depzman, real namejoshua ribera, was dead. i sayjoshua, not depzman. not a grime mc. becausejoshua is my little boy. now his mum alison goes into schools and uses her son's name, fame and death to drive home the consequences of carrying knives. we're not showing these children's faces because they have been permanently excluded from mainstream schools. every single time his heart stopped, he fought back and fought back seven heart attacks. but on the morning of the 21st of september at 5:58am, my son gave up on life and he died. we were given unique access to this class, part of city of birmingham school which looks after excluded children. at the entrance there is a scanner to stop any weapons coming in. why do you think someone is going to carry a knife on the street as a weapon? to protect yourself from others. and today the pupils are also hearing from constable rob pedley. he's in different schools every week as part of a campaign by west midlands police to try to turn teenagers away from the knife culture. if you go to your kitchen drawer at home, take out one of the sharp knives, you are carrying the country's number one murder weapon. it is not the gun, it is the knife. staff here have enlisted rob and alison because every day they are battling to keep his children safe and out of trouble. while we cannot show their faces, we were able to record their words. they know about knives being used as initiation into gangs. usually you take a beating. when you take a beating, they only have to stab you in the arm. that is what my cousin did. nathan spent most of his teens in and out of young offender institutions. and has served jail terms for knife crime. he has tried to turn his life around and now as well as being a rapper, he is also launching a charity. he knows why people carry knives. how are you going to break that cycle? that is very hard, isn't it? people who have been through things, people who have gone to prison, real people who have been in situations are the best people to help reform people and give people, tell people about their experiences and definitely workshops and help promote more awareness about these things. and showing, you know what i mean, looking at the consequences of why these things, what can happen. and as the mother of a murdered son, alison is calling for a different approach to stop so many ruined lives. looking at them as being scum of society is not working. we need to step right back to nine—year—olds, eight—year—olds, and guide them in a better direction. it is going to be a big old blue light, then. around the country, police are trying to crack down on the culprits. but the problem is escalating. and it will take a change of mindset and culture to halt the knife epidemic. june is here now. as you said police believe they are dealing with the crime but also a whole culture. yes and last week the most senior police officer, the metropolitan police commissioner cressida dick said it would be about changing attitudes and behaviour and to do that they need the help of individuals and organisations. so the work of someone like alison in that piece is so vital because as a bereaved mother she can drive home the consequences of carrying knives. of course all young people are under peer pressure but some teenagers in some parts of society when they leave home will pick up a knife in the same way as they pick up their mobile phone and that is the mindset all anti—knife campaigners are trying to change and challenge. thank you very much. just days after calls for him to step down the chairman of the grenfell tower public inquiry has promised to listen to the concerns of local people. it comes as the government has sent a task forced to run key parts of the council. our special correspondent lucy manning reports. the missing posters have been here for three weeks. they flutter a painful reminder, because time has not brought any answers. now the police search through the 15 tonnes of debris on each floor, still trying to find all the grenfell victims. karim musilly was at the meeting the police and coroner called last night. his uncle is missing from the 23rd floor. he went over to comfort some young children, which for me is very heroic. i want that to stick and stay with the family. we may never know if my uncle is ever going to be found. the family is just broken, you know, and... there's no way of fixing them. this is something that can never be fixed and they want to be able to bury their loved ones, pray for their loved ones, you know, say goodbye in any way, shape or form, and it sounds like always — all we are going to have is the brief on his flat, which just isn't good enough. so... sorry, karim. the police now say they have recovered all the remains from the building that were visible, and 87 recoveries, as they put it, have been made, but they stressed because of the catastrophic damage done that doesn't mean 87 people, and they still can't say how many have died. meanwhile, survivors struggle carrying bags of donated food back to their hotels. three weeks and you will have housing, was the promise. this survivor didn't want to be identified, scared of being seen to criticise the council. i didn't take them up on the offer, they were very expensive to rent and although they have promised that they were going to pay for a whole year, i didn't have to pay for a year, but after that i said, you know, put it in writing, and they said the legal documents are not ready yet. people would prefer to stay in their emergency temporary accommodation within hotels, and make one move into permanent accommodation, so there have actually only been 14 acceptances so far. you would like to move the children away from here? yet. with the residents feeling scared and let down, the government has now sent in an external task force to run some parts of the council, including housing. the minister, overcome. hearing the harrowing account of survivors has been the most humbling and moving experience of my life. the families that i've met have been through unimaginable pain. today at the interest a six—year—old was named and sheila smith described asa was named and sheila smith described as a truly beautiful person. lucy manning, bbc news. the public sector pay cap was the subject of some fierce exchanges in the house of commons today. theresa may suggested she won't back the lifting of the current one per cent limit on wages. labour accused the prime minister of ‘recklessly exploiting the goodwill‘ of teachers, nurses and other public sector workers. we need to balance the need to be fair to public sector workers, to protect... to protectjobs in the public sector, and to be fair to those who pay for it. instead of offering platitudes, offer some real help and real support for those in work, young people, who deserves better and deserve to be given more optimism, rather than greater inequality. so the argument is over what the country can afford. well, there are some new figures out today. according to the office for national statistics uk productivity has dropped back to below what it was before the financial crash. essentially, productivity is a measure of how much wealth is created by every worker in britain. let‘s talk to our economics editor kamal ahmed. what you make of these figures and how do they feed into this argument about pay? well there are disappointing, productivity has fallen for the first three months of the year. that puts the uk again at a disadvantage to the main competitors, productivity is far better in america, germany, and france. a stark illustration of that in productivity if we look at the amount of value that workers produce, for the amount of time it ta kes produce, for the amount of time it takes the uk worker to produce £1 in value from their work, a german worker produces £1.36, so the german economy is far more efficient, there is much more business investment in making their businesses operate better. productivity is important because if we have good productivity figures it tends to feed through into good wages. looking at the wages, the history uk, we know that people are struggling. if we look at wage growth from february to april this year just wage growth from february to april this yearjust1.7%, in stark contrast to that figure, 2.8%, for the past 16 years that. so wage growth being depressed by the productivity problem. and if you have poor productivity is bad for economic growth, bad for tax receipts for the government and that means the government has less income to spend on public services, those services they were arguing about today in westminster. a disabled refugee who was beaten to death and set alight by his neighbour in bristol four years ago — was repeatedly failed by avon and somerset police. that‘s the conclusion of the independent police complaints commission, who say officers ignored bijan ebrahimi‘s pleas for help. the commission said there was evidence that "racial bias" at the force affected the officers response. jon kay reports. clement four years clement on, and tonight the sisters of bijan ebrahimi have some more answers. they‘ve been told their vulnerable younger brother was repeatedly failed by police in the years before he was murdered — treated as a nuisance, not as a victim. reading that report, it was devastating. they say the list of failings has shocked them. it was so hard to see bijan all these years been suffering, and his voice never listened to. he always thought that he‘s in a country that the police is there to protect people. don't you dare take pictures of me, all right... today‘s report says bijan didn‘t just fear for his life in the days before he was murdered by this neighbour, lee james. .. get out of my house. but that he‘d called police repeatedly from a number of addresses over several years, asking for help. i‘ve got an mob outside my door. but time and time again, he was ignored. what part of be quite do you not understand? shut up! today‘s report runs to hundreds of pages, and it says this whole case has laid bare what it calls the disrespect, the prejudice and even contempt with which some officers and staff treated bijan ebrahimi in the days before he was murdered here. last year, pc kevin duffy and community support officer andrew passmore were jailed after being convicted of misconduct in a public office. pcs leanne winter and helen harris were cleared by the jury, but were later sacked by a misconduct hearing. bijan‘s family have raised questions about racism within the force. there are some hallmarks of discrimination that could be construed as race hatred. there are overwhelming elements of evidence that indicate this was discrimination against a very vulnerable man. avon and somerset police say this case has already prompted major changes. we accept that we failed bijan ebrahimi at his time of greatest need, and throughout that time he was respectful and he had confidence and trust in us, the police, and we let him down, and for that, we are sorry. in this city, known for its tolerance, tonight many questions remain, and four years after the murder of bijan ebrahimi, there is still another major report from the council yet to come. jon kay, bbc news, bristol. the time is 6:17pm. our top story this evening: the rising tide of knife crime in britain — officers say there needs to be a change in attitudes and behaviour. and still to come, wimbledon on wednesday has had the sunshine and a very successful british centre court. coming on bbc news: all the action from day three of wimbledon, and there‘s a new leader at the tour de france, a familiar face too, because the defending champion — chris froome — has taken the leader‘s yellow jersey on stage five. it was one of the key issues in the recent election — the cost of going to university and the debts students pile up. now a new study from the respected institute for fiscal studies has revealed the extent of that debt. those from the poorest backgrounds will owe up to £57,000. and three—quarters of them will never clear it. however, the government says that those from poorer backgrounds are now going to university at a record rate — up 43% since 2009. here‘s our education editor bra nwen jeffreys. a sunny afternoon on campus, but in the background, the pressure of debt. many students want tuition fees scrapped. i was the first year to experience the 9k debts. it means that many students will leave higher education with a lifetime of debt that they will never be able to pay back. people i know have struggled to work and to continue with their coursework. some of them have even been forced to drop out. we don'tjust need engineers, linguists, computer programmers and medics to run a society. we also need people who generate culture, people who think about society, imagine the new societies that we're going to build. student debt in england is rising. here‘s why. .. £9,000 a year tuition fees, 6.1% interest from september; a threshold frozen at £21,000 in earnings to start to repay, with up to £57,000 in total debt for poorer students. they now have loans for living costs, not grants. the money from tuition fees has allowed universities to expand. and despite the tuition fee increases, growing numbers of young people are applying to study for a degree. so what‘s changed ? well, today‘s report shows just how much the burden of debt has increased for the poorest students, and for the first time in many years, there‘s a different kind of political debate about tuition fees. still, ministers say this is about sharing the cost fairly. between the individual student, who goes on in most circumstances to have much higher lifetime earnings, and the general taxpayer, who in many cases won‘t have had a chance to go to university and have those higher earnings. close to the university, the leafy regent‘s park estate, people are working hard, paying taxes. people who get good jobs, solicitors, barristers and all that, yeah, they can afford to pay it back. but a lot of people leave college with good grades and find it very difficult to get a job. the 3000 level was affordable to normal human beings, ie not the rich, but 9000 is a little bit too much for education. if they get the rewards at the end of it, then obviously it's worth it, isn't it? it's worth, i suppose, getting into debt. i suppose there's two ways of looking at it. there are indeed, and with more poor students dropping out, we haven‘t heard the end of it. branwen jeffreys, bbc news. the italian government has made the latest offer to help the terminally ill baby charlie gard. but the foreign secretary, boris johnson, says that for legal reasons it is impossible for him to be transferred to the vatican‘s children‘s hospital for treatment. charlie gard‘s parents have already lost their legal battle, both here and in the european court, to keep him alive against the advice of doctors at the great 0rmond street hospital. a man has been found guilty of killing two former girlfriends, five years apart. 52—year—old robert trigg was convicted of the murder of susan nicholson in 2011, and the manslaughter of caroline devlin in 2006. he had denied the charges, claiming they had died in their sleep. volvo will become the first major car manufacturer to ensure that all models will be powered by either electric or hybrid engines from 2019. so—called ‘alternative fuel vehicles‘ are currently the fasting growing sector in the car market, although they still only make up a small proportion of the total. here‘s our transport correspondent richard westcott. the shapes have changed a bit over the years, but thank goodness when it comes to the brown allegro, but all these things have one thing in common, an internal combustion engine, burning petrol or diesel. we‘ve relied on it for 100 years, but is that about a change? volvo ca i’s but is that about a change? volvo cars is taking a bold step forward, heralding the end of an era for the pure internal combustion engine. volvo says all its new models will be partly electric. ambitious plans, but experts say it won‘t be quick. diesel and petrol will have a long life, yet a lot of people will choose to adopt hybrids before they go all electric and during that time back trees will improve, which will increase the range of miles you can do, and prices will drop, which will make them more tenable for people to buy. it will be quite a while before we see all electric cars as all cars on the road. in fact, sales of alternative engines remain small. in june last year, more than 8300 electric and hybrid vehicles were registered in the uk. that increased to nearly 11,000 this year, but it is still dwarfed by the quarter of a million petrol and diesel cars people bought. this street sums up one of the big reasons that plug—in ca i’s one of the big reasons that plug—in cars haven‘t sold in any great numbers. many of us live in houses like this, we don‘t have garages, we live in flats, you often can‘t even park near your house, so how are you supposed to charge your electric car? then there‘s the problem of topping up then there‘s the problem of topping up mid—journey. certainly some of the country is better than others. newcastle in the north—east, there‘s quite a lot of charging infrastructure. wales is very poor. to get to where we are, where we need to be, lots of different parties will have do come together and put in charging points. workplaces, businesses will need to put it in for their staff, supermarkets, anyone with a public car park available. electric cars are getting cheaper with a better range. it will be still some years yet before the internal combustion engine drives off for good. richard westcott, bbc news. after injury retirements left the centre court crowd shortchanged yesterday, wimbledon promised a vintage day today. sunshine, and the number1 seed in the men‘s draw and the number 6 in the women‘s both on centre court. both of them british. joe wilson is watching the action. quick tour, take in the band, hydrate with a friend... a healthy snack. 0k, not so healthy. you are here for the traditional, but also the unusual. two british players, woman and man, contenderand defender, both on centre. here was a match of true intensity. johanna konta at the top of the screen, the croatian donna vekic at the other end and the ball flying. konte took the first set and took the tie—break. the trouble was, in the second set konte could not hold her serve does that she was broken again here and the set went to vekic 6—3. the match had altered course, alarmingly. flying ants on course, vekic dealt with that opponent, but the tennis was relentless. this match stretched on past three hours. look at this point, in the 17th game of the third set. someone had to win, and quantum broke decisively. —— konte broke decisively. 10—8 in the final set, how it feels to give everything and women, and to give everything and women, and to give everything and women, and to give everything and lose. well, compose yourself and prepare for more. now it was andy murray. he knew his second—round opponent well, good friends with dustin brown and new to expect the unexpected. that can mean really good tennis. but all the players took towels filled with ice to deal with high temperatures on court, a diet of iced barbs is helping murray get the tournament and he had the greater consistency in the first set, taking it 6-3. consistency in the first set, taking it 6—3. back and forth it went in the second set, the difference between the two players was that often dustin brown made the mistakes. the set went to murray, 6-2, mistakes. the set went to murray, 6—2, moving pretty well. moving better and better. i can tell you andy murray raced through the third set and won 6—2 to complete victory in the match. he was on court for one hour and 36 minutes. he can really enjoy his ice bath. all rows in a comfortable win for andy murray against dustin brown. also victories for aljaz bedene and heather watson, both through to round three. barely a cloud on the british horizon tonight, and rafa nadaljust coming onto centre court. thank you very much. time for a look at the weather... here‘s louise lear. ba rely barely a cloud barely a cloud he barely a cloud he said. barely a cloud he said. yes, barely a cloud he said. yes, some barely a cloud he said. yes, some had some sunscreen has been as important as stories and green today. it has been a scorcher. we peaked at around 29, tomorrow a similar story and those temperatures set fairfor the remainder similar story and those temperatures set fair for the remainder of this week‘s play. today, just under 30 degrees in the south—east corner. look where we saw some cloud, disappointing, cold and grey for the far north—east. through the night like, those temperatures we have had through the day and not falling very far at all. mid—to high teens quite widely. it will be an uncomfortable night if you‘re trying to get a decent night‘s sleep and some sharp showers rolling through northern ireland, western scotland and moving up ireland, western scotland and moving up through the channel coast as well. some of them possibly heavy thundery and still lingering through the early morning rush hour, close to the m4 corridor. a warm start for many. there will be some sunshine in east anglia, and into wales. clouding over a little into the north of england. for northern ireland, already though showers easing away. they will be sitting across much of western scotland. so yes, some showers first thing in the morning but it is important to emphasise that tomorrow is going to largely be dry, hot and sunny for many of us. but as those temperatures start to climb into the afternoon, there is a chance of one or two home—grown but isolated showers. these really could be quite heavy if you catch one or two of them. hopefully they will stay fairly isolated. look at the highs, 30 in the south—east. mid—to high 20s across england and wales, even 21 degrees, not bad, for scotland, in comparison to what you have had so far this week. a great story continues into friday, clouding over into the far north—west with signs of rain to come for the weekend. thank you. that‘s all from the bbc news at six, so it‘s goodbye from me, and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbc‘s news teams where you are. whichjust which just the police whichjust the police now which just the police now say they have recovered all the remains from the building that were visible and recoveries, as they put it, have been made. but they stress because of the catastrophic damage, that doesn‘t mean 87 people how, carrying bags of donated food back to their hotels. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines at 18:30 — a taskforce is to take over parts of kensington and chelsea council after criticism of the way it handled the grenfell tower disaster. the housing minister has admitted the initial response to the tragedy from the council "wasn‘t good enough". hearing the harrowing accounts of survivors has been the most humbling experience of my life.

Related Keywords

Knife Crime , Attitudes , Report , Accommodation , Households , Refugee , Grenfell Victims , Tower Disaster , 1 , Three , Match , Part , Petrol , Volvo , Car Maker , Bias , Cars , Vision Of The Future , Two , Bbc News , Players , End , Britain , Wimbledon , Ground , Latest , Joanna Konta , Big Day , All England Club , Evening , Wimbledon Sportsday , 30 , 6 , Challenges , Bbc News At Six , One , Six , Country , Knife , Children , Teenagers , Figures , England , Murder Weapon , Fact , Victims , Knife Crimes , Police Forces , Because , Wales , Perpetrators , 32500 , Change , Some , Behaviour , Figure , June Kelly , Birmingham , West Midlands Police , Police Officers , 14 , Force , Response , Summer Evening , Teams , Emergencies , Stabbing , Knife Culture , Dozens , Caller , Grandson , Call , Daughter , Oscar 30 , Kings Norton , Heard , Notjoking , Victim , Teenager , Boy , Road , Sign , Attacker , Location , Ambulance , Mate , Information , 15 , Job , Anything , Lot , Us , Account , Pressure , Corporation , Incident , Stab Wound , Abdomen , Grass , Statement , Crime , Weapons , Yes , Reasons , Rise , Rest , Matter , West Midlands , 7 , People , Artist , Lives , Rap Star , Depzman , Fans , Victims Scarred , Maimed , Carrying Blades , Heart , Birthday , Fight , Rival , Row , Girl Spiralled , 18 , Seven , Schools , Grime Mc , Becausejoshua , Real Namejoshua Ribera , Son , Consequences , Carrying Knives , Death , Mainstream Schools , Faces , Name , Fame , Life , City , 58am , Heart Attacks , Access , Class , Birmingham School , 21st Of September At 5 58am , 58 , 21 , 5 , Someone , Weapon , Street , Others , Scanner , Entrance , Pupils , Knives , Home , Campaign , Kitchen Drawer , Constable Rob Pedley , Anyone , Trouble , Enlisted Rob , Gun , Words , Beating , Nathan , Teens , Initiation , Gangs , Arm , Cousin , Charity , Offender Institutions , Jail Terms , Rapper , It , Things , Isn T , Experiences , Cycle , Situations , Prison , Mother , Help , Showing , Awareness , Approach , Alison , Workshops , Direction , Society , Old Blue Light , Scum , Nine , Eight , Problem , Culture , Mindset , Culprits , Knife Epidemic , Cressida Dick , Police , Work , Organisations , Individuals , Piece , Metropolitan Police Commissioner , Way , Course , Parts , Peer Pressure , Mobile Phone , Government , Calls , Campaigners , Challenge , Concerns , Chairman , Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry , Council , Special Correspondent , Task , Posters , Lucy Manning Reports , Answers , Floor , Reminder , Debris , Karim Musilly , Uncle , Meeting , Coroner , Last Night , 23 , Family , All , Loved Ones , Something , Shape , Form , Brief , Flat , Which Just Isn T Good Enough , Karim , Recoveries , Building , 87 , Survivors , Many , Bags , Hotels , Damage , Food , Doesn T , Housing , Offer , Promise , Survivor Didn T Want , Writing , Documents , Move , Acceptances , Humbling , Experience , Task Force , Minister , Families , Residents , Pain , Interest , Gold , Sheila Smith , Wages , Theresa May , Person , Subject , Exchanges , Lifting , House Of Commons , Lucy Manning , Nasa , Public Sector Pay Cap , Workers , Protectjobs , Goodwill , Sector , Prime Minister , Teachers , Nurses , Public Sector , Labour , Argument , Support , Offering Platitudes , Optimism , Inequality , Productivity Has , Office For National Statistics Uk , Productivity , Worker , Kamal Ahmed , Measure , Crash , Wealth , Let S Talk , Pay , Amount , Value , Illustration , Competitors , Disadvantage , France , Germany , Kes Produce , Data , Â 1 36 , 1 36 , Â 1 , Businesses , Economy , Business Investment , Growth , Contrast , History Uk , Wage Growth , 2 8 , 16 , Services , Productivity Problem , Income , Tax Receipts , Bijan Ebrahimi , Officers , Neighbour , Conclusion , Westminster , Avon And Somerset Police , Police Complaints Commission , Four , Sisters , Evidence , Brother , Commission , Jon Kay , List , Nuisance , Failings , Reading , Suffering , Voice , Don T You Dare , Bijan Didn T , House , Lee James , Number , Case , Addresses , Door , Pages , Mob , Prejudice , Andrew Passmore , Contempt , Disrespect , Pc , Kevin Duffy , Office , Misconduct Hearing , Misconduct , Jury , Pcs , Leanne Winter , Harris , Discrimination , Hallmarks , Questions , Elements , Racism , Race Hatred , Man , Changes , Need , Murder , Trust , Confidence , Tolerance , Rising Tide , 17pm , Bristol , 17 , Action , Sunshine , Leader , Centre Court , Has , Face , Tour De France , Chris Froome , Yellow Jersey , Students , Debts , University , Cost , Study , Issues , Election , Five , Debt , Backgrounds , Institute For Fiscal Studies , Quarters , Extent , Â 57000 , 57000 , Bra Nwen Jeffreys , Background , Campus , Record Rate , 2009 , 43 , Education , Tuition Fees , Lifetime , 9k , Coursework , Computer Programmers , Medics , We Don Tjust Need Engineers , Linguists , Societies , Student Debt , Threshold , 6 1 , 9000 , Â 21000 , 21000 , Â 9000 , Earnings , Migrants , Living Costs , Money , Loans , Numbers , Universities , Degree , Tuition Fee Increases , Burden , Student , Kind , Debate , Ministers , Chance , Taxpayer , Cases , Lifetime Earnings , Circumstances , College , Jobs , Taxes , Barristers , Solicitors , Grades , Regent S Park Estate , Bit , Rewards , Human Beings , Level , The End , Ie , Worth , 3000 , Charlie Gard , Ways , We Haven T , Italian , Parents , Boris Johnson , European Court , Treatment , Advice , Battle , Doctors , Children S Hospital , Vatican , Girlfriends , Manslaughter , 0rmond Street Hospital , Robert Trigg , Caroline Devlin , Susan Nicholson , 2011 , 52 , 0 , Models , Engines , Sleep , Charges , Car Manufacturer , Alternative Fuel Vehicles , 2006 , 2019 , 2019 So Called , Richard Westcott , Total , Car Market , Fasting , Shapes , Proportion , Thing , Allegro , Internal Combustion Engine , Diesel , Common , Step Forward , Volvo Ca , 100 , Experts , Plans , On The Road , Orange , Prices , Miles , Hybrids , Trees , Sales , Vehicles , 8300 , 11000 , Houses , Cars Haven T , Garages , A Million , Car , Flats , Newcastle , Workplaces , Parties , Charging Points , Charging Infrastructure , Lots , Good , Supermarkets , Car Park , Women , Both , Tour , Left , Number1 Seed , Draw , Men , Them British , Crowd Shortchanged , Joe Wilson , Friend , Band , Hydrate , Snack , Traditional , 0k , Intensity , Top , Defender , Woman , Screen , Donna Vekic , On Centre , Contenderand , Croatian , Set , Set Konte , Serve , Tie Break , Ball Flying , Opponent , Tennis , Point , 17th Game , 3 , Everything , Quantum Broke Decisively , 10 , 8 , Andy Murray , More , Friends , Dustin Brown , Temperatures , Court , Diet , Towels , Ice , Unexpected , Barbs , Consistency , Mistakes , Tournament , Difference , Victory , 36 , 2 , Victories , Rows , Win , Ice Bath , Cloud On The British , Horizon Tonight , Aljaz Bedene , Heather Watson , Cloud , Sunscreen , Look , Weather , Nba , Rafa Nadaljust , Louise Lear , Stories , Play , Remainder , Corner , Scorcher , 29 , Like , Cold , Showers , Western Scotland , Night , Coast , Northern Ireland , Rush Hour , Clouding , North , Little , M4 Corridor , East Anglia , Afternoon , Highs , South East , Mid To High 20s , 20 , Weekend , Comparison , Signs , Rain , News Teams , Goodbye , Bbc One , Whichjust , Taskforce , Accounts , Housing Minister , Criticism , Headlines , Tragedy , Grenfell Tower Disaster , Wasn T Good Enough , Kensington And Chelsea , Paula , Back , Olds , All Over The Uk , Patrol , Tide , Efforts ,

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