Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Five 20170728 : comparem

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Five 20170728

and a romcom with a diference — boy meets girl, and girl falls into a coma — in the big sick. we'll get film critic james king's thoughts on this and the other releases in the film review. good evening. in the past few minutes, the government has announced that an independent review will be carried out into building regulations and fire safety, because of the grenfell tower fire. the fire in west london, which killed 80 people, raised serious questions about about the fire safety of high rise buildings and led to the widespread testing of cladding, like that used on grenfell tower, on other buildings across the country. also in the past few minutes it has been confirmed that 82 buildings have failed those new fire tests for cladding. that includes these in salford. 47 of them are in local authority control run by housing associations. all the details of the findings of those particular tests have only just been released, just in the last few minutes. so our correspondents arejust reading few minutes. so our correspondents are just reading through all of those details, but that is the first piece of information we have, that it is 82, we think, that are involved. we will talk about the broader picture and findings in next few moments let's focus first on the situation in salford. as we mentioned, the first few of those tower blocks that we know were affected were in salford in greater manchester. judith moritz is in salford. the point is the local council acted very swiftly. they want to get cladding down as soon as possible. yes, way before these results came out today, salford council tell us they pre—empted all of this very shortly after grenfell happened they conducted their own review. they started removing cladding last month and they know it is going to take a long time. they started it, we can see evidence of that, removal is really happening. if i step out of the way and we move the camera in, you can see a little of what i mean. right at the top of this building, there are nine of these affected buildings hearings salford, at the top you can see the cladding which is grey and red, it is similar to that used in grenfell. it is the cladding which is found to be at fault here. they have decided to ta ke fault here. they have decided to take it off. if you move the camera down a bit, you can see that as they have been removing the cladding it has revealed the silver instillation behind it. the council have told us it is not possible to leave that installation exposed in the way it is, but they are happy to be put on the building, it is important and can be made safe by the addition of, if we move the camera again, the addition of concrete boards, those other boards you can see with the writing across them. those are now going up across these buildings so that the whole of this area has this concrete exterior. they tell us here at salford it will only be a temporary measure, they are going to do that across all nine buildings, but in the long term they still plan to change that again and put on a permanent cladding, one may have had proven to be safe, and will do further tests to find the right kind of cladding. they won't begin those tests until next month. so we're talking many months here, and the councils say many millions of pounds before they have a permanent solution here in salford. judith, thank you. let's remind you of what we have heard in the last few moments. you can see the front page of the report released by the government of the last few minutes, following that series of fire safety tests, and also the news that has been announced by the government in the last few moments, that there is to be an independent review of building regulations and fire safety. there will be an independent review. let's talk more and find out what we know from this particular report that we are looking at. with me is our correspondent matt cole. please explain what we know, what it tells us so far. we know the tests we re tells us so far. we know the tests were more extensive than previous ones that were reported on a couple of weeks ago. you may recall some 200 or so different buildings were found to have aluminium cladding which was deemed unsafe. these tests have gone further. they have combined the aluminium cladding and the foam insulation behind them. they have not just the foam insulation behind them. they have notjust tested them in lab conditions, they have put them ona nine lab conditions, they have put them on a nine metre high wall to simulate how the war would have been built, and then they set fire to them. there are various combinations of foa m them. there are various combinations of foam and aluminium cladding. this is the first set of a series of six different tests to be run. from the findings of this report, this is a tell when you set fire that is meant to last a minimum of a0 minutes. if it lasts a0 minutes your bodies get into the territory where it is sufficiently robust against combustion that it is considered safe. rather than a0 minutes, this test was concluded after eight minutes and a5 seconds. it did not even last a quarter of the time it was meant to. therefore, this combination of aluminium and phone cladding, believed to be of the type used on grenfell, is now considered to be unsafe and 82 buildings have been reported to have this combination of which a7 are owned by local authorities, the rest by housing associations. the night we we re housing associations. the night we were hearing of an salford from judith, those are among the a7. we know of one of the building at the moment involved in this, matthew boulton college, a campus building of birmingham metropolitan college. that is included in this too. we have spoken to people at the college, they say they shouldn't be any cause for alarm. fire safety inspections have taken place. they say they have other fire safety precautions in place. for now it is considered safe. but like many of the others they will now be undergoing other checks and other safety measures to ensure what happened next. to reiterate, you make interesting point about combination, this is testing one specific common nation of materials. there are further tests to come. we are talking about age two buildings at the moment but there are further tests to come. yes, there are at least another 100, 120 buildings that failed the original basic aluminium cladding tests. so this is about aluminium cladding that has a pat plastic core. you can get others that have zinc ore mineral cores that have zinc ore mineral cores that are considered slightly better at resisting fire. in terms of the foa m at resisting fire. in terms of the foam backing used grenfell, you can have other insulation materials, for example wall —based, and therefore they will go through six variations of tests to establish which are more 01’ of tests to establish which are more or less dangerous. we will hopefully have more results in the coming weeks. and people listening to this will say when they hear you say the number of minutes that that survived, not long at all, they will say, why on earth was this combination allowed to be used in the first place? i suppose that is why the government has announced an independent enquiry. let's remember as far as grenfell is concerned there is an ongoing police and health and safety investigation and those i'm sure will be among the many questions asked. the government has now announced an independent review of fire safety and building regulations. many questions around g re nfell were to regulations. many questions around grenfell were to do with building regulations and were they sufficiently well applied. so the former chair of the eff manufacturers organisation will oversee this, it will report to the community secretary and the home secretary, and they will explore many of these aspects of regulations being sufficient, whether it is sufficiently applied in a broad, it sounds like from what we know, investigation. matt, thank you very much. if we have any further reaction to those details matt has been explaining, we will bring them to you. the chancellor, phillip hammond, has said there is broad agreement in cabinet that there should be a transition period of up to three years after britain leaves the eu — but that it should be finished before the next general election, which is scheduled for 2022. the chancellor said a failure to implement a transition deal would sow chaos for business. 0ur political correspondent leila nathoo is in westminster. a transition period that is quite lengthy seems to be something that is in play now. that is right. phil hammond was a key remain in the cabinet, has been a long—term proponent of this idea of an interim transitional deal, a gateway to a new relationship with the eu that we are going to be negotiating. there has been some disagreement in the cabinet about how long this transitional deal should last. too, perhaps for years, but we know he levers in the cabinet are also on board with this idea in principle. today philip hamilton acknowledged this transitional period would have to come to an end by 2022, the time of the next scheduled brent general election. he not acknowledged it would be time limited. there's a general view that any transitional period would have to be finished by the time we get to the date set for the next general election, june 2022. it might be a shorter period. it depends on the technical requirements to put in place customs and immigration arrangements and so on, and, of course, this is all subject to negotiation with the european union. but the overriding concern, as we leave the eu — and the job will be done on the 29th march, 2019 — the overriding concern is to make sure that we go through this process in a way that avoids disruptive cliff edges for business and for individual citizens. so philip hammond clear there that he does not want to see what he calls a cliff edge for business and to get all these other arrangements in place. although there seems to be a coalescing around this view of a transitional deal, what those arrangements in that interim period look like is still very much up for discussion. for example, would there bea discussion. for example, would there be a continued role for the european court of justice? would be a continued role for the european court ofjustice? would there be the ability for britain to conduct our own trade deals with other countries during that interim period? philip hammond saying on the day we leave the eu you might not notice any difference to what we have now and what we have then. he very much sees it as what we have then. he very much sees itasa what we have then. he very much sees it as a gradual slope towards this new relationship but the idea there is disagreement around the possibility of a transitional deal, and its content, is a point made by the lib dem leader, vince cable. i think there is still an amount of confusion in government about what this transitional period amounts to. the immigration minister seems to think that it involves control over freedom of movement. i think other members of the government accept that they're not going to be able to do that. i think it's very unlikely that dr fox will be able to go around signing up his trade agreements. we'll effectively be in the european union, though not participating in its decision—making. i think even among brexit here's there is some acceptance that transitional arrangements are the pragmatic way forward. to allow time for adjustment if we are to unpick all those decades of that relationship we have with the eu. but what they will not accept is using less transitional deal as a way of trying to somehow row back on wrecks it. all of those transitional deal details, remember, have to be agreed within the cabinet and then put to brussels. thank you for now. another area of difficulty with brexit is what to do about the border in ireland. the times says ireland's new taoiseach, leo varadkar, does not like the uk's plans to introduce a high—tech [and border between northern ireland and the republic after britain leaves. though an mep from the main party in ireland's ruling coalition has said the story is "entirely speculative and not helpful". to find out more i'm joined by our correspondent chris page in belfast. chris buckler in belfast. what more has the new taoiseach been saying about this? the problem here is how you deal with the irish border is a difficult one and it comes out practicalities. there are around 300 crossing points between the republic and northern ireland. very important for trade and social aspects as well, people moving across to see friends, go to work, all those things. and how you address that is one of the eu's big priorities in the negotiations that are taking place at the moment. this story in the times at suggests the irish government wanted to see checks at ports and airports, that would effectively mean ireland as an island was ta ken would effectively mean ireland as an island was taken as a unit and britain as an island was taken as another. the response to that by unionist in here was immediately angry including the dup who theresa may is of course relying upon their support at westminster. they said it was totally u na cce pta ble support at westminster. they said it was totally unacceptable to have effectively a border down the irish sea and have checks between one part of the uk and northern ireland and other parts. immediately there was a response from irish foreign minister and he made clear that was not the proposal. he also went on to say they were not convinced by the proposals that have been put forward so proposals that have been put forward so far by the uk government. basically this idea you could have cameras watching the border, so you could effectively watch traffic and try to put in place some kind of customs solution, some kind of smart solution, and he also emphasised it was up to the uk to come up with solutions as well. he has been back this afternoon by the irish prime minister, leo varadkar, and while he does not want a hard border, he said it was the uk's responsibility to sort this out and he wasn't going to design a border for the sort this out and he wasn't going to design a borderfor the brexit people. there shouldn't be an economic border. we don't want one. it's the united kingdom, it's britain that have decided to leave. if they want to put forward solutions, smart solutions, technological solutions, borders of the future and all of that, that is up to them. we're not going to be doing that work for them, because we don't think there should be an economic border at all. the last taoiseach, the last irish prime minister had presented himself asa prime minister had presented himself as a kind of fair deal in these negotiations, he wanted to be seen asa negotiations, he wanted to be seen as a middleman who would work on the eu's side, in the interests of ireland. but also try to be somebody who was encouraging and helpful to the uk. today we got flashes of frustration from the new irish prime minister, leo varadkar, giving an idea that his concerns about irish interests and also his concerns that the proposals so far are not good enough. it might give an indication that these could be choppy enough water to, as they try to deal with the difficult issue of the border. chris, thank you. this is bbc news at 5 — the headlines: the government has announced an independent review will be carried out into building regulations and fire safety in the wake of the g re nfell tower fire safety in the wake of the grenfell tower fire. the chancellor philip hammond says there should be a transitional period of up to three yea rs a transitional period of up to three years after brexit to avoid what has been called the cliff edge. in the us senate has rejected plans to repeal president 0bama's flagship health care reforms. delivering a major blow to president trump. and in sport it has been a dream debut so farfor in sport it has been a dream debut so far for england's toby roland—jones, he has taken four wickets on day two of the third test against south africa at the oval. the visitors are currently 51—5. ca rl frampton has the visitors are currently 51—5. carl frampton has apologised to his fa ns after carl frampton has apologised to his fans after failing to make the wait for his world title eliminator against gutierrez in belfast tomorrow. and former olympics 100 metre champion believes you same bolt could reconsider his decision to retire after next week ‘s world championships in london. be back with more on those stories just after half past five. let's talk more about the headline. in a major blow to president trump, the us senate has failed for a third time to repeal president obama's health care reforms. in a dramatic late night sitting, three republicans voted against the proposed legislation. well, it's been quite a week for the us president. it began with a tweet, in which president trump called the us attourney generaljeff sessions "very weak" in his position on hillary clinton and the crimes the president has alleged she committed. and then yesterday, communications director anthony scaramucci caused a storm after a foul—mouthed tirade against the white house chief of staff reince priebus , who he called "paranoid schizophrenic" in a conversation with a reporter from the new yorker magazine. and late drama last night, as senatorjohn mccain was one of three republican senators to vote against a third attempt to repeal the obama health care legislation — known as obamaca re. and then in the last few hours, russia has has retaliated to new us sanctions by telling washington to cut its diplomatic staff to a55 and barring the use of some properties. well, after the senate loss over obamaca re, president trump has tweeted "let obamacare implode." let's hear how events developed last night — richard lister reports. breaking news a massive blow to the republican plan to repeal at fordable care act... americans are waking up to the news that obamacare lives on and seems, for now, unassailable. president obama's affordable care act required nearly all americans to buy health insurance and required insurance to cover eve ryo ne . republicans condemned it. momentum is building for the repeal of the health care bill... too invasive, too expensive, they said. for seven years, they've demanded it be replaced. but they can't agree on how and with a single vote margin on last night's repeal bill, all eyes were on one man. mrmccain. the self styled maverick republican cast with a thumbs down to gasps in the chamber. and that killed the bill. cheering for obamacare supporters, this was a real victory, further repeal efforts seem unlikely for now. this is clearly a disappointing moment, from sky rocketing cost to plummeting choices and collapsing markets, our constituents have suffered through an awful lot under obamacare. this repeal bill was highly controversial. it would have abolished the legal mandate to buy insurance, but increased the number of uninsured people by 15 million and increased some premiums by 20%. democrats said it was time for a new approach. every place in every corner of the world, of the country, where we go, the number one thing we are asked, and i know this because i've talked to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, is can't you guys work together? let's give it a shot. this is a test of donald trump's presidency too. let obamacare implode, he tweeted. senator mccain was cheered outside congress but he's left his party chaos and his president humiliated, unable to overturn barack obama's health care legacy. that is president trump's problems with health care. also, this man, anthony scaramucci, is the new communications chief. president trump's new communications director has become involved in an extraordinary public feud with two senior colleagues — less than a week into the job. laura bicker reports on this, the latest episode in the white house saga. president trump's west wing is at war with itself. the appointment of the flashy financier, anthony scaramucci, as the new director of communications has prompted a bitter battle to win the ear of the president. mr scaramucci has indirectly accused his colleague, the white house chief of staff reince priebus, of leaking information about the administration. he called a us network show to say that only mr trump could judge whether the tense relationship between the two was repairable. we have had differences. when i said we were brothers from the podium, that is because... but some brothers are like cain and abel. other brothers can fight with each other and get along. i don't know whether this is repairable or not, that will be up to the president. in an extraordinary phone call with a reporter from the new yorker, anthony scaramucci described reince priebus as a paranoid schizophrenic. he also took personally about mr trump's chief strategist, steve bannon. on twitter he said he would refrain from using "colourful language", but would not give up the passionate fight for donald trump's agenda. mr scaramucci has been in the west wing forjust a week, and appears to have spent more time launching personal attacks than pushing the president's policies. he may also be forcing the chief of staff, and a key republican establishment figure, out of the door. laura bicker, bbc news, washington. let's get the latest on all of that. laura joins us now. those dramas you've just described now remarkable but let's talk about policy first, let's talk about health care, it was a pledge, something he's talked about so much, three times now he has failed to get through. what on earth is going to happen? we can't underplay this. it was supposed to bea underplay this. it was supposed to be a major legislative win for the president. as you mentioned, this was a third go at it and nearly midnight last night they came up with a very skinny version of this bill. a slimmed down version in order to try to get some consensus to try to get it through. in the end senatorjohn mccain who had flown all the way back to the senate after being diagnosed with rain cancer cast the deciding vote with a dramatic thumbs down. where did it come from here, they have to pick up the pieces. they are bruised and battered. we have heard from paul ryan who is the house speaker, he has said it is time to try to get this done. he said he is disappointed and frustrated. but also we have heard from the senate democrat leader who says to republicans, change it, improve it, but don't destroy our health care system. he also urges republicans to turn a deaf ear to mr trump. when it goes from here, it will be interesting because they are up against a deadline. in september insurers have to decide what premiums they are going to church those in the marketplace. there are a number of people who are wondering what health care they are going to get and all of this adds uncertainty to the market. so that deadline is looming. in terms of what is going on inside the west wing itself, it's remarkable that a man who has been on thejob barely remarkable that a man who has been on the job barely a week has already become the story. when it comes to aaron anthony scaramucci's language, his manner, he reminds you of someone, doesn't he? the president. we are actually hearing that both anthony scaramucci and writes breathers are on the same plane on the way to donald trump giving a speech at an hour's time. oh to be a fly on the wall in that plane as the two try to perhaps come to some agreement! who will win the fight? when it comes to preakness, he has been a key republican figure, he was put in the ministration because he had experience, but scaramucci is cut from the same cloth as trump. a new yorker, a straight shooter. i think if one is to be shown the door hit you would put it your money on it not being scaramucci. donald trump is due to speak injust it not being scaramucci. donald trump is due to speak in just over an hour's time. laura, for now, thank you very much. some of the other stories making bbc news at 5. contractors working on the crossrail project have been fined more than £1 million following the death of a worker and two other incidents. three companies — bam, ferrovial and kier — pleaded guilty to offences following an investigation by the health and safety executive. rene tkacik died after being crushed by wet concrete in 201a, while two other men were injured in separate incidents in january 2015. barclays bank is setting aside a further £700 million to cover pay—outs for mis—sold payment protection insurance policies. it brings the total amount set aside by barclays to more than £9 billion. ppi policies were mis—sold to cover loan repayments if people fell ill or lost theirjob. more than £27 billion has now been repaid by the banking industry. more than 50 people have been injured, one seriously, after a commuter train crashed in barcelona. the incident happened during the morning rush hour at the francia station, in the city centre. reports said the train did not brake when entering the station, hitting the buffers at the platform. more to come on all those stories. in particular we will talk more about obama care, health care in the us and everything going on there. but right now we will pause for the weekend weather. still some sunny spells right now across scotland and northern ireland, but for much of england and wales it is cloudy. some heavy rain across wales and spreading across northern england. south eastwards across as the night goes on. still showers and wind into western scotla nd showers and wind into western scotland and northern ireland. overnight temperatures about ten to 15. windy with the rain for england and wales but the wind eases later in the night. tomorrow a lot of dry and sunny weather around, plenty of showers in north—west scotland, one of two in northern ireland, the rest of two in northern ireland, the rest of scotland, england. but many will avoid them. a band of cloud and rain pushes across southern england during the afternoon into south wales. then it feeds further northwards tomorrow evening. still some uncertainty about how north it will go, but wet weather again with many in england and wales tomorrow evening and then on sunday showers spreading from the west, some heavy country, some sunny spells around as well. good evening. in the last half hour it has been revealed that 82 buildings have failed the government fire test. the government has announced that an independent review will be carried out into building regulations and fire safety, in the wake of the grenfell tower fire. the chancellor, phillip hammond says there should be a transitional period of up to three years after brexit, to avoid a so—called "cliff edge". president trump has received another significant setback in his bid to scrap the health care laws introduced under president obama. and council workers in birmingham are stepping up their industrial action in a dispute that has left rubbish piling up in the streets. let us catch up with the latest sport. hello. good afternoon. it's been a rather amazing day for england's ben stokes and toby roland—jones on on the second day of the third test with south africa at the oval. stokes made a wonderful 112 in england's total of 353, before roland jones took a wickets on his england debut. tim hague has the story of his special day. he may not be the captain any longer but no one can deny alistair cook's innings was the stuff that captains are made of. on a different kind of sensuous celebration, another englishman reached three figures. ben stokes tried for his half century and a fine first session for england would continue after work —— after lunch as debutant tony rowland jones showed us just how comfortable yea rs. jones showed us just how comfortable years. things have changed quickly as rowland jones discovered but no matter, the man at the other end to: south africa. three sixes in quick succession even though he was nearly caught out and another to take stalks to three figures. but the thing —— the fine would have to end. it was all out for 353. england needed an early wicket. remember that name, toby roland—jones. what a start to his debut. it got far better. three names followed. perhaps it was time to shear the wickets. the captain, out and his side in big trouble. in big trouble indeed. south african # south africa in disarray. south africa not helped by the fact their bowler had to go to hospital because of a stomach complaint. to hospital because of a stomach complaint. carl frampton has failed to make the weight for his fight with mexico's andres gutierrez. which will no longer serve as a wbc featherweight eliminator for the northern irish boxer. the former two weight world champion came in one pound overweight at 9 stone 1 pound. so he won't go on to face the wbc champion gary russelljr. as a mandatory challenger, should he win in belfast. it's six months since frampton's first professional defeat to leo santa cruz in las vegas. usain bolt‘s career in athletics could go on and on according to his long time rivaljustin gatlin. the american won 100 metres gold at the athens olympics in 200a and is still going at the age of 35. he thinks bolt might reconsider his decision to quit after next week's world championships in london, should he miss competing at the top level. the special thing about him, is not just such a predominant figure who will create a void in our sport but it will be filled by such young athletes who want to make a name for themselves but he has the opportunity to come back. he can still come back, he can have when year of arrest but he could say he loved tracks so much he wants to come back. you think you might do that after a break? he has that rock star mentality, travel the world, go party and have fun and come back and say i want to have another experience. 50 mo farah has decided he is going to end his track career at the diamond league final next month. the 3a—year—old plans to quit the track after august but instead he will race in zurich before quitting to focus on the marathon. that's all sport for now. lizzie greenwood—hughes will have more with sportsday at half past 6. thank you very much indeed. we are going to talk more about what is going to talk more about what is going on in the united states. president trump failed again to get a return on the president obama's health care policy and we have heard about the outburst made by the new communications director, anthony scaramucci after a foul—mouthed tyler reid against a journalist who works for the new mortar magazine. president trump surprised everybody by saying that he was going to ban transgender people from serving in the us military. —— new yorker magazine. let us discuss this with guests from the united states. michael scheueur is a former senior cia officer, and professor of security studies at georgetown university and we can speak to him now via webcam from virginia. jill abramson is the former editor of the new york times and a political columnist for the guardian. we can speak tojill from boston. welcome to both of you, thank you for joining welcome to both of you, thank you forjoining us. what does it say about the current state of the trump administration that he could not overturn obama care, even with a slimmed down attempt to do so?” think it is the greatest possible thing that could have happened. they we re thing that could have happened. they were trying to pull a hoax on the american people. they were removing very little and the rest was going to stay the same so the best thing to stay the same so the best thing to do, is to let it implode. let what obama foisted on the american people destroy itself and we will start over again. to a british audience, how does it implode? will their health care providers or the insurance stopped functioning? congress doesn't have the money to keep funding a losing proposition so when government subvention stops, that will happen. we're already broke, we are $20 trillion in debt so we will come together and decided we wa nt so we will come together and decided we want our national health insurance policy or if we do not. the best thing that can happen is to let the thing collapse right now. will that happen, do you think? no, i definitely think it will not collapse and the reason the president attempted to get rid of obama care and its field is because it is popular in the country. people like having their health insurance and when they started to read at first 32 americans were going to lose health insurance and then even with the so—called skinny bill which was going to remove health insurers from 16 million people, they rose up and rebelled against that. if anything, the united states has been behind in protecting its citizens and offering health care. many countries throughout the world do this. it is insurance that people wa nt this. it is insurance that people want and the like and i do not think it is going to implode. how much of what we have seen in the last week is about the policy itself, health care, and how much is telling us about whether the republican party can even govern? he could not get this through after three attempts. right, mitch mcconnell the senate reader thought that he would be able to get this slimmed down version of the repeal through and could not do that so there is a governing disarray on the republican side. i think the debate was about the policy itself and thank goodness, john mccain had the courage to stand up john mccain had the courage to stand up and vote his conscience and keep obama care as the law land. what does it say about trump's strength or otherwise at this point? what it says to me is that both parties are identical, they want to remain in power. the argument that the american people like it, the question is somewhat? i would like to be able to never work and for other people to give me food but the fa ct other people to give me food but the fact is they may like it, but we cannot pay for it. if you cannot pay for it, ultimately the economy goes belly up entirely so people like it isa belly up entirely so people like it is a good excuse. there are 8 million american men between 25 and a5 who are no one medicare because the indolence, not because they need it but because they do not want to work and the need insurance. that was all over the media this morning and yesterday. i think you mean a difference hand—out. there is a big difference. the reason it matters that the country likes obama care is that the country likes obama care is that we are at christie. —— we are out that we are at christie. —— we are our democracy. this then it was democracy in action. i have to interrupt both of you but i do wish to talk about other issues. im insisted from both of you, what you make of what is going on inside the white house? —— i am interested. last week alone we had random state m e nts last week alone we had random statements plucked from nowhere, according to some, about transgender people serving in the armed forces and also a new communications director being extremely unpleasant towards a journalist about two other senior members, what does that tell us senior members, what does that tell us about what is going on inside the administration? politics is a rough game. mrtrump is administration? politics is a rough game. mr trump is finally getting his own people into place. who deserves to be chewed out with strong language than the media which has been 100% anti—trump. what difference does it make really about chewing out a correspondence? they are not gods, they are just one—sided politicians. are not gods, they are just one-sided politicians. jill abramson? that is not what happened, he was not chewing out the media or correspondents. he was chewing out the chief of staff and stephen bannon and using gross and vulgar language to do so. it had nothing to do with the media other than the fa ct do with the media other than the fact his explosion came in a telephone call to a reporter. he was trying to find out who leaked information about an unimportant dinner he had. it had nothing to do with bashing the media. you are using a false description of even what happens. we have to leave it there, i'm sorry we could not continue, we could continue for an hour at least but thank you very much for your time. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much indeed. edging up to 5:a5pm. aid workers in greece have told the bbc they're dealing with hundreds of extremely vulnerable refugees on the island of lesbos. many have suffered torture and sexual abuse at the hands of so called islamic state in syria and iraq. the european commission has said such refugees should be moved to athens for specialist treatment — but charities say that's not happening. from lesbos, this report by our europe reporter, gavin lee. life inside moria migrant camp, lesbos. rare footage from a place journalists are banned. it shows tents have been replaced by containers, a reflection of europe's waiting room being made more long—term for the a,000 being held on the island. violence, rioting and fires are becoming routine. the camps are full and migrants, though smaller in number, are still making it here by boat. the people arriving here in lesbos are different now because of the ripple effect from the conflicts in iraq and syria. since so—called islamic state started to lose ground, many who've arrived in greece have escaped attention. men tortured by is fighters, women used as sex slaves, some are pregnant here, there's little support and it's worsening the problem on an already volatile island. we're very worried, we think we need to improve the healthcare given to these people. if they're vulnerable they need to be recognised as such and may need to move somewhere where they can get care. the reality is there isn't this care here on the island and they need to move to the mainland to receive it. scars from years of torture, osama was once a syrian policeman but was caught by rebel groups and sold to is. he said he was regularly beaten and sexually abused by his captors. i've been in captivity for three years, two years locked in one room. i lost my family, i lost my wife, i haven't heard anything about them.

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Five 20170728 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Five 20170728

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and a romcom with a diference — boy meets girl, and girl falls into a coma — in the big sick. we'll get film critic james king's thoughts on this and the other releases in the film review. good evening. in the past few minutes, the government has announced that an independent review will be carried out into building regulations and fire safety, because of the grenfell tower fire. the fire in west london, which killed 80 people, raised serious questions about about the fire safety of high rise buildings and led to the widespread testing of cladding, like that used on grenfell tower, on other buildings across the country. also in the past few minutes it has been confirmed that 82 buildings have failed those new fire tests for cladding. that includes these in salford. 47 of them are in local authority control run by housing associations. all the details of the findings of those particular tests have only just been released, just in the last few minutes. so our correspondents arejust reading few minutes. so our correspondents are just reading through all of those details, but that is the first piece of information we have, that it is 82, we think, that are involved. we will talk about the broader picture and findings in next few moments let's focus first on the situation in salford. as we mentioned, the first few of those tower blocks that we know were affected were in salford in greater manchester. judith moritz is in salford. the point is the local council acted very swiftly. they want to get cladding down as soon as possible. yes, way before these results came out today, salford council tell us they pre—empted all of this very shortly after grenfell happened they conducted their own review. they started removing cladding last month and they know it is going to take a long time. they started it, we can see evidence of that, removal is really happening. if i step out of the way and we move the camera in, you can see a little of what i mean. right at the top of this building, there are nine of these affected buildings hearings salford, at the top you can see the cladding which is grey and red, it is similar to that used in grenfell. it is the cladding which is found to be at fault here. they have decided to ta ke fault here. they have decided to take it off. if you move the camera down a bit, you can see that as they have been removing the cladding it has revealed the silver instillation behind it. the council have told us it is not possible to leave that installation exposed in the way it is, but they are happy to be put on the building, it is important and can be made safe by the addition of, if we move the camera again, the addition of concrete boards, those other boards you can see with the writing across them. those are now going up across these buildings so that the whole of this area has this concrete exterior. they tell us here at salford it will only be a temporary measure, they are going to do that across all nine buildings, but in the long term they still plan to change that again and put on a permanent cladding, one may have had proven to be safe, and will do further tests to find the right kind of cladding. they won't begin those tests until next month. so we're talking many months here, and the councils say many millions of pounds before they have a permanent solution here in salford. judith, thank you. let's remind you of what we have heard in the last few moments. you can see the front page of the report released by the government of the last few minutes, following that series of fire safety tests, and also the news that has been announced by the government in the last few moments, that there is to be an independent review of building regulations and fire safety. there will be an independent review. let's talk more and find out what we know from this particular report that we are looking at. with me is our correspondent matt cole. please explain what we know, what it tells us so far. we know the tests we re tells us so far. we know the tests were more extensive than previous ones that were reported on a couple of weeks ago. you may recall some 200 or so different buildings were found to have aluminium cladding which was deemed unsafe. these tests have gone further. they have combined the aluminium cladding and the foam insulation behind them. they have not just the foam insulation behind them. they have notjust tested them in lab conditions, they have put them ona nine lab conditions, they have put them on a nine metre high wall to simulate how the war would have been built, and then they set fire to them. there are various combinations of foa m them. there are various combinations of foam and aluminium cladding. this is the first set of a series of six different tests to be run. from the findings of this report, this is a tell when you set fire that is meant to last a minimum of a0 minutes. if it lasts a0 minutes your bodies get into the territory where it is sufficiently robust against combustion that it is considered safe. rather than a0 minutes, this test was concluded after eight minutes and a5 seconds. it did not even last a quarter of the time it was meant to. therefore, this combination of aluminium and phone cladding, believed to be of the type used on grenfell, is now considered to be unsafe and 82 buildings have been reported to have this combination of which a7 are owned by local authorities, the rest by housing associations. the night we we re housing associations. the night we were hearing of an salford from judith, those are among the a7. we know of one of the building at the moment involved in this, matthew boulton college, a campus building of birmingham metropolitan college. that is included in this too. we have spoken to people at the college, they say they shouldn't be any cause for alarm. fire safety inspections have taken place. they say they have other fire safety precautions in place. for now it is considered safe. but like many of the others they will now be undergoing other checks and other safety measures to ensure what happened next. to reiterate, you make interesting point about combination, this is testing one specific common nation of materials. there are further tests to come. we are talking about age two buildings at the moment but there are further tests to come. yes, there are at least another 100, 120 buildings that failed the original basic aluminium cladding tests. so this is about aluminium cladding that has a pat plastic core. you can get others that have zinc ore mineral cores that have zinc ore mineral cores that are considered slightly better at resisting fire. in terms of the foa m at resisting fire. in terms of the foam backing used grenfell, you can have other insulation materials, for example wall —based, and therefore they will go through six variations of tests to establish which are more 01’ of tests to establish which are more or less dangerous. we will hopefully have more results in the coming weeks. and people listening to this will say when they hear you say the number of minutes that that survived, not long at all, they will say, why on earth was this combination allowed to be used in the first place? i suppose that is why the government has announced an independent enquiry. let's remember as far as grenfell is concerned there is an ongoing police and health and safety investigation and those i'm sure will be among the many questions asked. the government has now announced an independent review of fire safety and building regulations. many questions around g re nfell were to regulations. many questions around grenfell were to do with building regulations and were they sufficiently well applied. so the former chair of the eff manufacturers organisation will oversee this, it will report to the community secretary and the home secretary, and they will explore many of these aspects of regulations being sufficient, whether it is sufficiently applied in a broad, it sounds like from what we know, investigation. matt, thank you very much. if we have any further reaction to those details matt has been explaining, we will bring them to you. the chancellor, phillip hammond, has said there is broad agreement in cabinet that there should be a transition period of up to three years after britain leaves the eu — but that it should be finished before the next general election, which is scheduled for 2022. the chancellor said a failure to implement a transition deal would sow chaos for business. 0ur political correspondent leila nathoo is in westminster. a transition period that is quite lengthy seems to be something that is in play now. that is right. phil hammond was a key remain in the cabinet, has been a long—term proponent of this idea of an interim transitional deal, a gateway to a new relationship with the eu that we are going to be negotiating. there has been some disagreement in the cabinet about how long this transitional deal should last. too, perhaps for years, but we know he levers in the cabinet are also on board with this idea in principle. today philip hamilton acknowledged this transitional period would have to come to an end by 2022, the time of the next scheduled brent general election. he not acknowledged it would be time limited. there's a general view that any transitional period would have to be finished by the time we get to the date set for the next general election, june 2022. it might be a shorter period. it depends on the technical requirements to put in place customs and immigration arrangements and so on, and, of course, this is all subject to negotiation with the european union. but the overriding concern, as we leave the eu — and the job will be done on the 29th march, 2019 — the overriding concern is to make sure that we go through this process in a way that avoids disruptive cliff edges for business and for individual citizens. so philip hammond clear there that he does not want to see what he calls a cliff edge for business and to get all these other arrangements in place. although there seems to be a coalescing around this view of a transitional deal, what those arrangements in that interim period look like is still very much up for discussion. for example, would there bea discussion. for example, would there be a continued role for the european court of justice? would be a continued role for the european court ofjustice? would there be the ability for britain to conduct our own trade deals with other countries during that interim period? philip hammond saying on the day we leave the eu you might not notice any difference to what we have now and what we have then. he very much sees it as what we have then. he very much sees itasa what we have then. he very much sees it as a gradual slope towards this new relationship but the idea there is disagreement around the possibility of a transitional deal, and its content, is a point made by the lib dem leader, vince cable. i think there is still an amount of confusion in government about what this transitional period amounts to. the immigration minister seems to think that it involves control over freedom of movement. i think other members of the government accept that they're not going to be able to do that. i think it's very unlikely that dr fox will be able to go around signing up his trade agreements. we'll effectively be in the european union, though not participating in its decision—making. i think even among brexit here's there is some acceptance that transitional arrangements are the pragmatic way forward. to allow time for adjustment if we are to unpick all those decades of that relationship we have with the eu. but what they will not accept is using less transitional deal as a way of trying to somehow row back on wrecks it. all of those transitional deal details, remember, have to be agreed within the cabinet and then put to brussels. thank you for now. another area of difficulty with brexit is what to do about the border in ireland. the times says ireland's new taoiseach, leo varadkar, does not like the uk's plans to introduce a high—tech [and border between northern ireland and the republic after britain leaves. though an mep from the main party in ireland's ruling coalition has said the story is "entirely speculative and not helpful". to find out more i'm joined by our correspondent chris page in belfast. chris buckler in belfast. what more has the new taoiseach been saying about this? the problem here is how you deal with the irish border is a difficult one and it comes out practicalities. there are around 300 crossing points between the republic and northern ireland. very important for trade and social aspects as well, people moving across to see friends, go to work, all those things. and how you address that is one of the eu's big priorities in the negotiations that are taking place at the moment. this story in the times at suggests the irish government wanted to see checks at ports and airports, that would effectively mean ireland as an island was ta ken would effectively mean ireland as an island was taken as a unit and britain as an island was taken as another. the response to that by unionist in here was immediately angry including the dup who theresa may is of course relying upon their support at westminster. they said it was totally u na cce pta ble support at westminster. they said it was totally unacceptable to have effectively a border down the irish sea and have checks between one part of the uk and northern ireland and other parts. immediately there was a response from irish foreign minister and he made clear that was not the proposal. he also went on to say they were not convinced by the proposals that have been put forward so proposals that have been put forward so far by the uk government. basically this idea you could have cameras watching the border, so you could effectively watch traffic and try to put in place some kind of customs solution, some kind of smart solution, and he also emphasised it was up to the uk to come up with solutions as well. he has been back this afternoon by the irish prime minister, leo varadkar, and while he does not want a hard border, he said it was the uk's responsibility to sort this out and he wasn't going to design a border for the sort this out and he wasn't going to design a borderfor the brexit people. there shouldn't be an economic border. we don't want one. it's the united kingdom, it's britain that have decided to leave. if they want to put forward solutions, smart solutions, technological solutions, borders of the future and all of that, that is up to them. we're not going to be doing that work for them, because we don't think there should be an economic border at all. the last taoiseach, the last irish prime minister had presented himself asa prime minister had presented himself as a kind of fair deal in these negotiations, he wanted to be seen asa negotiations, he wanted to be seen as a middleman who would work on the eu's side, in the interests of ireland. but also try to be somebody who was encouraging and helpful to the uk. today we got flashes of frustration from the new irish prime minister, leo varadkar, giving an idea that his concerns about irish interests and also his concerns that the proposals so far are not good enough. it might give an indication that these could be choppy enough water to, as they try to deal with the difficult issue of the border. chris, thank you. this is bbc news at 5 — the headlines: the government has announced an independent review will be carried out into building regulations and fire safety in the wake of the g re nfell tower fire safety in the wake of the grenfell tower fire. the chancellor philip hammond says there should be a transitional period of up to three yea rs a transitional period of up to three years after brexit to avoid what has been called the cliff edge. in the us senate has rejected plans to repeal president 0bama's flagship health care reforms. delivering a major blow to president trump. and in sport it has been a dream debut so farfor in sport it has been a dream debut so far for england's toby roland—jones, he has taken four wickets on day two of the third test against south africa at the oval. the visitors are currently 51—5. ca rl frampton has the visitors are currently 51—5. carl frampton has apologised to his fa ns after carl frampton has apologised to his fans after failing to make the wait for his world title eliminator against gutierrez in belfast tomorrow. and former olympics 100 metre champion believes you same bolt could reconsider his decision to retire after next week ‘s world championships in london. be back with more on those stories just after half past five. let's talk more about the headline. in a major blow to president trump, the us senate has failed for a third time to repeal president obama's health care reforms. in a dramatic late night sitting, three republicans voted against the proposed legislation. well, it's been quite a week for the us president. it began with a tweet, in which president trump called the us attourney generaljeff sessions "very weak" in his position on hillary clinton and the crimes the president has alleged she committed. and then yesterday, communications director anthony scaramucci caused a storm after a foul—mouthed tirade against the white house chief of staff reince priebus , who he called "paranoid schizophrenic" in a conversation with a reporter from the new yorker magazine. and late drama last night, as senatorjohn mccain was one of three republican senators to vote against a third attempt to repeal the obama health care legislation — known as obamaca re. and then in the last few hours, russia has has retaliated to new us sanctions by telling washington to cut its diplomatic staff to a55 and barring the use of some properties. well, after the senate loss over obamaca re, president trump has tweeted "let obamacare implode." let's hear how events developed last night — richard lister reports. breaking news a massive blow to the republican plan to repeal at fordable care act... americans are waking up to the news that obamacare lives on and seems, for now, unassailable. president obama's affordable care act required nearly all americans to buy health insurance and required insurance to cover eve ryo ne . republicans condemned it. momentum is building for the repeal of the health care bill... too invasive, too expensive, they said. for seven years, they've demanded it be replaced. but they can't agree on how and with a single vote margin on last night's repeal bill, all eyes were on one man. mrmccain. the self styled maverick republican cast with a thumbs down to gasps in the chamber. and that killed the bill. cheering for obamacare supporters, this was a real victory, further repeal efforts seem unlikely for now. this is clearly a disappointing moment, from sky rocketing cost to plummeting choices and collapsing markets, our constituents have suffered through an awful lot under obamacare. this repeal bill was highly controversial. it would have abolished the legal mandate to buy insurance, but increased the number of uninsured people by 15 million and increased some premiums by 20%. democrats said it was time for a new approach. every place in every corner of the world, of the country, where we go, the number one thing we are asked, and i know this because i've talked to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, is can't you guys work together? let's give it a shot. this is a test of donald trump's presidency too. let obamacare implode, he tweeted. senator mccain was cheered outside congress but he's left his party chaos and his president humiliated, unable to overturn barack obama's health care legacy. that is president trump's problems with health care. also, this man, anthony scaramucci, is the new communications chief. president trump's new communications director has become involved in an extraordinary public feud with two senior colleagues — less than a week into the job. laura bicker reports on this, the latest episode in the white house saga. president trump's west wing is at war with itself. the appointment of the flashy financier, anthony scaramucci, as the new director of communications has prompted a bitter battle to win the ear of the president. mr scaramucci has indirectly accused his colleague, the white house chief of staff reince priebus, of leaking information about the administration. he called a us network show to say that only mr trump could judge whether the tense relationship between the two was repairable. we have had differences. when i said we were brothers from the podium, that is because... but some brothers are like cain and abel. other brothers can fight with each other and get along. i don't know whether this is repairable or not, that will be up to the president. in an extraordinary phone call with a reporter from the new yorker, anthony scaramucci described reince priebus as a paranoid schizophrenic. he also took personally about mr trump's chief strategist, steve bannon. on twitter he said he would refrain from using "colourful language", but would not give up the passionate fight for donald trump's agenda. mr scaramucci has been in the west wing forjust a week, and appears to have spent more time launching personal attacks than pushing the president's policies. he may also be forcing the chief of staff, and a key republican establishment figure, out of the door. laura bicker, bbc news, washington. let's get the latest on all of that. laura joins us now. those dramas you've just described now remarkable but let's talk about policy first, let's talk about health care, it was a pledge, something he's talked about so much, three times now he has failed to get through. what on earth is going to happen? we can't underplay this. it was supposed to bea underplay this. it was supposed to be a major legislative win for the president. as you mentioned, this was a third go at it and nearly midnight last night they came up with a very skinny version of this bill. a slimmed down version in order to try to get some consensus to try to get it through. in the end senatorjohn mccain who had flown all the way back to the senate after being diagnosed with rain cancer cast the deciding vote with a dramatic thumbs down. where did it come from here, they have to pick up the pieces. they are bruised and battered. we have heard from paul ryan who is the house speaker, he has said it is time to try to get this done. he said he is disappointed and frustrated. but also we have heard from the senate democrat leader who says to republicans, change it, improve it, but don't destroy our health care system. he also urges republicans to turn a deaf ear to mr trump. when it goes from here, it will be interesting because they are up against a deadline. in september insurers have to decide what premiums they are going to church those in the marketplace. there are a number of people who are wondering what health care they are going to get and all of this adds uncertainty to the market. so that deadline is looming. in terms of what is going on inside the west wing itself, it's remarkable that a man who has been on thejob barely remarkable that a man who has been on the job barely a week has already become the story. when it comes to aaron anthony scaramucci's language, his manner, he reminds you of someone, doesn't he? the president. we are actually hearing that both anthony scaramucci and writes breathers are on the same plane on the way to donald trump giving a speech at an hour's time. oh to be a fly on the wall in that plane as the two try to perhaps come to some agreement! who will win the fight? when it comes to preakness, he has been a key republican figure, he was put in the ministration because he had experience, but scaramucci is cut from the same cloth as trump. a new yorker, a straight shooter. i think if one is to be shown the door hit you would put it your money on it not being scaramucci. donald trump is due to speak injust it not being scaramucci. donald trump is due to speak in just over an hour's time. laura, for now, thank you very much. some of the other stories making bbc news at 5. contractors working on the crossrail project have been fined more than £1 million following the death of a worker and two other incidents. three companies — bam, ferrovial and kier — pleaded guilty to offences following an investigation by the health and safety executive. rene tkacik died after being crushed by wet concrete in 201a, while two other men were injured in separate incidents in january 2015. barclays bank is setting aside a further £700 million to cover pay—outs for mis—sold payment protection insurance policies. it brings the total amount set aside by barclays to more than £9 billion. ppi policies were mis—sold to cover loan repayments if people fell ill or lost theirjob. more than £27 billion has now been repaid by the banking industry. more than 50 people have been injured, one seriously, after a commuter train crashed in barcelona. the incident happened during the morning rush hour at the francia station, in the city centre. reports said the train did not brake when entering the station, hitting the buffers at the platform. more to come on all those stories. in particular we will talk more about obama care, health care in the us and everything going on there. but right now we will pause for the weekend weather. still some sunny spells right now across scotland and northern ireland, but for much of england and wales it is cloudy. some heavy rain across wales and spreading across northern england. south eastwards across as the night goes on. still showers and wind into western scotla nd showers and wind into western scotland and northern ireland. overnight temperatures about ten to 15. windy with the rain for england and wales but the wind eases later in the night. tomorrow a lot of dry and sunny weather around, plenty of showers in north—west scotland, one of two in northern ireland, the rest of two in northern ireland, the rest of scotland, england. but many will avoid them. a band of cloud and rain pushes across southern england during the afternoon into south wales. then it feeds further northwards tomorrow evening. still some uncertainty about how north it will go, but wet weather again with many in england and wales tomorrow evening and then on sunday showers spreading from the west, some heavy country, some sunny spells around as well. good evening. in the last half hour it has been revealed that 82 buildings have failed the government fire test. the government has announced that an independent review will be carried out into building regulations and fire safety, in the wake of the grenfell tower fire. the chancellor, phillip hammond says there should be a transitional period of up to three years after brexit, to avoid a so—called "cliff edge". president trump has received another significant setback in his bid to scrap the health care laws introduced under president obama. and council workers in birmingham are stepping up their industrial action in a dispute that has left rubbish piling up in the streets. let us catch up with the latest sport. hello. good afternoon. it's been a rather amazing day for england's ben stokes and toby roland—jones on on the second day of the third test with south africa at the oval. stokes made a wonderful 112 in england's total of 353, before roland jones took a wickets on his england debut. tim hague has the story of his special day. he may not be the captain any longer but no one can deny alistair cook's innings was the stuff that captains are made of. on a different kind of sensuous celebration, another englishman reached three figures. ben stokes tried for his half century and a fine first session for england would continue after work —— after lunch as debutant tony rowland jones showed us just how comfortable yea rs. jones showed us just how comfortable years. things have changed quickly as rowland jones discovered but no matter, the man at the other end to: south africa. three sixes in quick succession even though he was nearly caught out and another to take stalks to three figures. but the thing —— the fine would have to end. it was all out for 353. england needed an early wicket. remember that name, toby roland—jones. what a start to his debut. it got far better. three names followed. perhaps it was time to shear the wickets. the captain, out and his side in big trouble. in big trouble indeed. south african # south africa in disarray. south africa not helped by the fact their bowler had to go to hospital because of a stomach complaint. to hospital because of a stomach complaint. carl frampton has failed to make the weight for his fight with mexico's andres gutierrez. which will no longer serve as a wbc featherweight eliminator for the northern irish boxer. the former two weight world champion came in one pound overweight at 9 stone 1 pound. so he won't go on to face the wbc champion gary russelljr. as a mandatory challenger, should he win in belfast. it's six months since frampton's first professional defeat to leo santa cruz in las vegas. usain bolt‘s career in athletics could go on and on according to his long time rivaljustin gatlin. the american won 100 metres gold at the athens olympics in 200a and is still going at the age of 35. he thinks bolt might reconsider his decision to quit after next week's world championships in london, should he miss competing at the top level. the special thing about him, is not just such a predominant figure who will create a void in our sport but it will be filled by such young athletes who want to make a name for themselves but he has the opportunity to come back. he can still come back, he can have when year of arrest but he could say he loved tracks so much he wants to come back. you think you might do that after a break? he has that rock star mentality, travel the world, go party and have fun and come back and say i want to have another experience. 50 mo farah has decided he is going to end his track career at the diamond league final next month. the 3a—year—old plans to quit the track after august but instead he will race in zurich before quitting to focus on the marathon. that's all sport for now. lizzie greenwood—hughes will have more with sportsday at half past 6. thank you very much indeed. we are going to talk more about what is going to talk more about what is going on in the united states. president trump failed again to get a return on the president obama's health care policy and we have heard about the outburst made by the new communications director, anthony scaramucci after a foul—mouthed tyler reid against a journalist who works for the new mortar magazine. president trump surprised everybody by saying that he was going to ban transgender people from serving in the us military. —— new yorker magazine. let us discuss this with guests from the united states. michael scheueur is a former senior cia officer, and professor of security studies at georgetown university and we can speak to him now via webcam from virginia. jill abramson is the former editor of the new york times and a political columnist for the guardian. we can speak tojill from boston. welcome to both of you, thank you for joining welcome to both of you, thank you forjoining us. what does it say about the current state of the trump administration that he could not overturn obama care, even with a slimmed down attempt to do so?” think it is the greatest possible thing that could have happened. they we re thing that could have happened. they were trying to pull a hoax on the american people. they were removing very little and the rest was going to stay the same so the best thing to stay the same so the best thing to do, is to let it implode. let what obama foisted on the american people destroy itself and we will start over again. to a british audience, how does it implode? will their health care providers or the insurance stopped functioning? congress doesn't have the money to keep funding a losing proposition so when government subvention stops, that will happen. we're already broke, we are $20 trillion in debt so we will come together and decided we wa nt so we will come together and decided we want our national health insurance policy or if we do not. the best thing that can happen is to let the thing collapse right now. will that happen, do you think? no, i definitely think it will not collapse and the reason the president attempted to get rid of obama care and its field is because it is popular in the country. people like having their health insurance and when they started to read at first 32 americans were going to lose health insurance and then even with the so—called skinny bill which was going to remove health insurers from 16 million people, they rose up and rebelled against that. if anything, the united states has been behind in protecting its citizens and offering health care. many countries throughout the world do this. it is insurance that people wa nt this. it is insurance that people want and the like and i do not think it is going to implode. how much of what we have seen in the last week is about the policy itself, health care, and how much is telling us about whether the republican party can even govern? he could not get this through after three attempts. right, mitch mcconnell the senate reader thought that he would be able to get this slimmed down version of the repeal through and could not do that so there is a governing disarray on the republican side. i think the debate was about the policy itself and thank goodness, john mccain had the courage to stand up john mccain had the courage to stand up and vote his conscience and keep obama care as the law land. what does it say about trump's strength or otherwise at this point? what it says to me is that both parties are identical, they want to remain in power. the argument that the american people like it, the question is somewhat? i would like to be able to never work and for other people to give me food but the fa ct other people to give me food but the fact is they may like it, but we cannot pay for it. if you cannot pay for it, ultimately the economy goes belly up entirely so people like it isa belly up entirely so people like it is a good excuse. there are 8 million american men between 25 and a5 who are no one medicare because the indolence, not because they need it but because they do not want to work and the need insurance. that was all over the media this morning and yesterday. i think you mean a difference hand—out. there is a big difference. the reason it matters that the country likes obama care is that the country likes obama care is that we are at christie. —— we are out that we are at christie. —— we are our democracy. this then it was democracy in action. i have to interrupt both of you but i do wish to talk about other issues. im insisted from both of you, what you make of what is going on inside the white house? —— i am interested. last week alone we had random state m e nts last week alone we had random statements plucked from nowhere, according to some, about transgender people serving in the armed forces and also a new communications director being extremely unpleasant towards a journalist about two other senior members, what does that tell us senior members, what does that tell us about what is going on inside the administration? politics is a rough game. mrtrump is administration? politics is a rough game. mr trump is finally getting his own people into place. who deserves to be chewed out with strong language than the media which has been 100% anti—trump. what difference does it make really about chewing out a correspondence? they are not gods, they are just one—sided politicians. are not gods, they are just one-sided politicians. jill abramson? that is not what happened, he was not chewing out the media or correspondents. he was chewing out the chief of staff and stephen bannon and using gross and vulgar language to do so. it had nothing to do with the media other than the fa ct do with the media other than the fact his explosion came in a telephone call to a reporter. he was trying to find out who leaked information about an unimportant dinner he had. it had nothing to do with bashing the media. you are using a false description of even what happens. we have to leave it there, i'm sorry we could not continue, we could continue for an hour at least but thank you very much for your time. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much indeed. edging up to 5:a5pm. aid workers in greece have told the bbc they're dealing with hundreds of extremely vulnerable refugees on the island of lesbos. many have suffered torture and sexual abuse at the hands of so called islamic state in syria and iraq. the european commission has said such refugees should be moved to athens for specialist treatment — but charities say that's not happening. from lesbos, this report by our europe reporter, gavin lee. life inside moria migrant camp, lesbos. rare footage from a place journalists are banned. it shows tents have been replaced by containers, a reflection of europe's waiting room being made more long—term for the a,000 being held on the island. violence, rioting and fires are becoming routine. the camps are full and migrants, though smaller in number, are still making it here by boat. the people arriving here in lesbos are different now because of the ripple effect from the conflicts in iraq and syria. since so—called islamic state started to lose ground, many who've arrived in greece have escaped attention. men tortured by is fighters, women used as sex slaves, some are pregnant here, there's little support and it's worsening the problem on an already volatile island. we're very worried, we think we need to improve the healthcare given to these people. if they're vulnerable they need to be recognised as such and may need to move somewhere where they can get care. the reality is there isn't this care here on the island and they need to move to the mainland to receive it. scars from years of torture, osama was once a syrian policeman but was caught by rebel groups and sold to is. he said he was regularly beaten and sexually abused by his captors. i've been in captivity for three years, two years locked in one room. i lost my family, i lost my wife, i haven't heard anything about them.

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