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Among the winners. Its five oclock. Our main story is the deepening political crisis in Northern Ireland, following the decision by sinn feins Martin Mcguinness to resign as Deputy First Minister. His resignation took effect a few minutes ago. Its the latest twist in the controversy, about the mismanagement of a Green Energy Scheme, which has Cost Hundreds of millions of pounds. Sinn fein have been demanding that the democratic unionist leader Arlene Foster stand aside as First Minister, while her handling of the scheme is investigated, but shes refused. Mr mcguinness says hes demanding an assembly election, so that the people of Northern Ireland can express a view. A short while ago, mr mcguiness gave this statement. Can i say first of all, i have met with the First Minister Arlene Foster at 1. 30, and we had a conversation about what i would like to speak to you about. Over the last ten years, i have worked with dup leaders, and i have reached out to unionists on the basis of equality, respect and reconciliation, and over this period, both the British Government and the dup, in my opinion, have previously undermined the institutions and have eroded public confidence. So we in sinn fein will not tolerate the arrogance of Arlene Foster and the dup. Sinn fein wants equality and respect for everyone and thats what this process must be about. So today i have told Arlene Foster that i have tendered my resignation, effective from 5pm today. So i believe today is the right time to call a halt to the dups arrogance. And speak in a short while ago. Lets try to make sense of this complex situation. Lets speak to our Northern Ireland correspondent stephen walker, who is at stormont. We know he has resigned so where does this leave the First Minister Arlene Foster . She is still in office but powers are limited. Because the two roles are limited. Because the two roles are joined, are limited. Because the two roles arejoined, First Minister are limited. Because the two roles are joined, First Minister and Deputy First Minister, the Power Sharing cannot work now. The resignation by Martin Mcguinness which took effect five minutes ago means the Power Sharing is coming to an end and we are into a timetable seven days and things cannot be resolved within that time there will not be a replacement to Martin Mcguinness, sinn fein have made it clear we are looking at fresh elections to the assembly. Uneasy any circumstances, even when the row about this energy scheme, the row about this energy scheme, the root cause of this, can you see any circumstances which might allow some continuation of this currently assembly set up . If you listen Martin Mcguinness, an incredibly strong statement and he clearly had a meeting with Arlene Foster. The relationship has deteriorated and there is not a lot of trust between the dup and sinn fein. Martin mcguinness made it clear to Arlene Foster in that meeting what he was going to do. Because the trust does not exist and the statement was strong, and because he has tendered his resignation, it would be hard to see how they can put this back together. We have this Ticking Clock towards the end of the seven days, and it seems difficult how they can try and put this back together. I mentioned the fact that the controversy is about the Big Overspend On The Green And Recycla Ble overspend on the green and Recyclable Energy scheme. Is it all to do with that . Is that exclusively the picture . What other elements are there in this breakdown of trust . There are other elements. It is mainly to do with the handling of this renewable scheme. Sinn fein say it has been handled badly and they are it has been handled badly and they a re clearly it has been handled badly and they are clearly saying that Arlene Foster, enterprise minister at the time when the scheme went ahead, they say she should stand aside while an investigation takes place. There are Major Concerns because it is possible this could have cost the Northern Ireland executive as much as £400 million. That is at the heart of the thing, but there are other things like equality. There is theissue other things like equality. There is the issue of Irish Language, clearly a big issue. Also funding was withdrawn from one of the Irish Language groups before christmas. That has set a lot of people within the Republican Movement to be upset. There are a series of things gnawing away at their relationship between dup and sinn fein. We mentioned the sinn fein standpoint, stephen. What is the word from the office of Arlene Foster . The dup in the last hour or so, a representative said people will be puzzled by what Martin Mcguinness has done. The dup say, we were on the verge of agreeing to an enquiry and agreed to an investigation. People say, we had an election to stormont sometime ago within recent memory, so stormont sometime ago within recent memory, so why do we need this new election . He said people will be puzzled today by sinn feins reaction. Thank you for bringing us up to date in belfast. The Health Secretaryjeremy hunt has been addressing mps on the state of the nhs during the winter period of high demand. Earlier today he acknowledged there were problems in some hospitals and urged people not to go to a e unless there was an emergency. But he said he rejected the claim from the red cross that the nhs was in the midst of a humanitarian crisis because of overstretched a e departments. He told the House Of Commons that the tuesday after christmas was the busiest day in the history of the nhs and that temporary measures will be put in place to deal with the crisis. He added there are needed to be, and this is significant, a public discussion about the real purpose of a e. There is nowhere outside the uk that comets there is nowhere outside the uk that co m ets to there is nowhere outside the uk that comets to all patients that we will sort out any health need within four hours. 0nly sort out any health need within four hours. Only four other countries, new zealand, sweden, australia and canada, have similar national standards. These are generally less stringent than ours. This government is committed to maintaining and delivering that vital for our commitment to patients. But since it was announced in 2000, there are nearly 9 million more visits to our a es. Up to 30 of them, nhs england estimate, do not need to be there. The time is continuing to rise. If we will protect our for our standard, we need to be clear it is a promise to sort out all Urgent Health problems within four hours but not all health problems, however minor. That was part of the statement made by the Health Secretaryjeremy hunt mpsa by the Health Secretaryjeremy hunt mps a short while ago in the commons. Lets talk to doctor taj hassan, the president of the royal couege hassan, the president of the Royal College of emergency medicine, at leeds general infirmary. Thank you for talking to us today. Your initial response to the government reaction on the state of the service today, what would you say . Iam i am delighted that the Secretary Of State has recognised that our systems a re state has recognised that our systems are under a state of acute distress due to increasing demand. I would say that the state of distress has been going on for a number of months if not years and the main problems are unfortunately patients that we have seen in our department who are ill and require admission to hospital, and those patients are not able to get into hospital due to overcrowded words and due to problems in the community wards. We do fix the problem where patients who are medically Fit On Hospital Wards to get back into the community, and we need more acute ca re community, and we need more Acute Care Beds and more medical staff and nursing staff for our Emergency Departments. When he says as he did today that there needs to be an open debate about the real nature of amd, the kind of department you know so much about a e. What would you say about a e. What would you say about the debate that he is talking about the debate that he is talking about today . We have been debating this for a long time, and he was suggesting that perhaps 30 of patients are perhaps inappropriate in some way and that they could be diverted away from Emergency Departments. U nfortu nately we have from Emergency Departments. Unfortunately we have been trying to educate our public for 20 or so yea rs, educate our public for 20 or so years, and the fact is that what we need are better systems so that when they attend Emergency Departments, they attend Emergency Departments, they are screened to the right areas. The college believes that ten or 20 of patients could be seen with minor complaint elsewhere. And the location of services would be the location of services would be the best solution for that. The main problem however are not those patients but the main problems are patients but the main problems are patients who are ill and require admission to hospital, and for which resources a re admission to hospital, and for which resources are required both in the community, Acute Care Beds, and start working on our Emergency Departments, as well as other areas that are in the acute care sector. If resources stay where they are and are allocated as they are today, what are your thoughts on the next couple of months and the Pressure Points we have an existing . There was no doubt that by all independent metrics, both from the college, as well as nhs englands own data, our for college, as well as nhs englands own data, ourfor our college, as well as nhs englands own data, our for our performance as well as the number of 12 hour trolley bridges that we have, have risen significantly, and our performance is the worst in over a decade. We entered the winter in the worst possible state and our deteriorate continually, which is why the system is in an acute state of distress. We are doing the best we can we have had constructive discussions with the Secretary Of States office, as well as collea g u es states office, as well as colleagues at nhs england and nhs improvement, i would love to continue those discussions in order to get our systems back to a level of stability, as well being able to deliver the quality of care that our patients expect. Given the pressures, how would you characterise the morale and spirit of stop working with you . The staff who work with you . The nature of the people i work with is fantastic and they work hard and are is fantastic and they work hard and a re loyal to is fantastic and they work hard and are loyal to the nhs. Unfortunately they are being stretched to their limits. That is something that i think we have been trying hard in discussions with the Secretary Of State to be able to get across, because i do not believe that is sustainable if present pushers and overcrowding in our Emergency Departments is allowed to continue. A final point, you mentioned social ca re a final point, you mentioned Social Care Funding, and there have been lots of attempts in different parts of the uk, certainly in wales and scotland, to try to knit together the main health care issues, plus social care, to try to get them to work closely together, more so. What is the nature of the progress in this area, and how important is it . Most independent observers, including the Health Select committee, have identified this as being probably the number one or two item in terms of importance affecting our acute care systems at the moment. We must provide better Social Care Funding in order to allow the patients you are medically fit, that are at present occupying our acute Care Hospital beds, so that they can be back in the community where they and their families wish them to be. I will allow our systems to flow better. It will also allow us to care for our patients in our Emergency Departments better. A pleasure to talk to you. That was doctor taj hassan, president of the Royal College of emergency medicine. He was talking to us from Leeds Hospital trust. The time is 5 13pm. In her first Policy Speech of 2017, theresa may has set out a series of measures to improve the Mental Health care in england, including more training for schools and employers. Its part of what she called real reform for every layer of society, and warned that unless Hidden Injustices were addressed, people would lose trust. Mental Health Experts say whats needed is more funding to improve services. 0ur chief Political Correspondent vicki young is in westminster. She has more details. Theresa may and her government and her advisers are concerned that brexit will dominate everything. She was keen to use her first speech of the new year to talk about other domestic issues. She even talked about what she told a new philosophy, the philosophy of a shared society. David cameron give us shared society. David cameron give us the big society, so what does she mean with this one . She is saying her analysis about the brexit boat is that society, the institutions, they are not working for everybody and people are frustrated. The resentment is building up, and it is that that she wants to deal with. She sees a role for an active government and says it is time for the government to step up and make things better for people, the government to step up and make things betterfor people, and the government to step up and make things better for people, and as our reporter says, nowhere more so than in the case of Mental Health. There are no words for what it does to a family. Shock is not the word, it isjust your whole reality is blown to pieces. In 2014, dr sangeeta mahajans son took his own life. He was just 20 years old and had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Ten weeks later he was dead. They dont discharge patients with adequate information. The doors were closed for us. We were told to either go to a e or your gp and it is the only way we can come back. We had no direct access back to the specialist services. That is wrong. The Prime Minister, theresa may, has described Mental Health care as a burning injustice and today a promise of a major overhaul. Left unaddressed it destroys lives, separates people from each other and deepens the divisions within our society. Changing this goes right to the heart of our humanity, to the heart of the kind of country we are, the attitudes we hold and the values we share. The plans include Mental Health First Aid Training for secondary schools, employers and organisations will also be given Additional Guidance in supporting staff who need to take time off. And there will be greater emphasis on community care. The Prime Minister says this is an historical opportunity to right a wrong but for those on the front line of Mental Health services, funding is a major concern. Mental health is still very underfunded compared to other areas of medicine. It generates probably 20 to 25 of the total Disease Burden of all diseases and yet the funding is ten to i2 in this country. So Little People are talking about it. Four years ago, jake mills tried to end his life and he now runs a Mental Health charity to help others and he says in order for there to be to change there needs to be greater awareness and understanding. Education needs to happen. And without being facetious about it, if there was a disease that existed that was killing more men in this country under the age of 49 and it was preventable and treatable, we would all be experts on it, we would know exactly what to look out for, exactly what to do if we had symptoms. Jake says he is living proof that with the right intervention there is hope but many feel in order for Mental Health to get the same recognition as physical health, additional funding is crucial. Elaine dunkley, bbc news. In the case of Mental Health and some of the policy areas that theresa may talked about today, opposition parties have said these arejust warm opposition parties have said these are just warm words and there is nothing to say she is going to deliver on this. We will be waiting to see what she does when it comes to see what she does when it comes to Foreign Policy announcements later in the year. As you were underlining earlier, this is part of the attempt to show there is an agenda for government which is beyond brexit. However, we have the chancellor of germany Angela Merkel again reminding theresa may that if they do not accept all of the main pillars of the Single Market, there will be some prices to pay. What was that about . Everyone is thinking really about what kind of brexit we are heading towards. If you look at the public utterances. Angela merkel on one side is saying that britain has to accept those four pillars, including freedom of movement, if it wants to be part of the Single Market. On the other side, theresa may has made it very clear that she believes that the brexit vote was about immigration mainly, and about controlling borders and reducing the number of people coming here. How do you square that circle . Many are saying that you cant and it must mean inevitably that we are going to leave the Single Market. Theresa may has hinted that that but not said a openly yet. People are reading into everything she says. That is the way we are heading. Then you get the idea of soft brexit and hard brexit, and some feel that leaving the Single Market means hard brexit. In the last hour, the official spokesman for theresa may was asked, and she says it is not a 0 sum game and she says it is not a 0 sum game and we should not look at it like that, but should approach it with how can we get the maximum freedom for uk business to operate and trade within the Single Market . There are countries around the world which have strong Trading Arrangements with the european union. She was also asking over whether there was frustration over the way she is depicted as heading for a hard brexit, and they said, no, she does not recognise these terms. Theresa may said earlier herself that they we re may said earlier herself that they were getting it wrong that they were describing her as heading towards a ha rd describing her as heading towards a hard brexit. This will all continue. All of this trying to read between the lines before we have more detail from theresa may, which may come in a speech in the next few weeks. Thank you. The taxpayer is no longer the largest shareholder in Lloyds Banking group, after the government reduced its stake. The government spent £20 billion on a 43 stake in lloyds at the height of the financial crisis. It now owns less than 6 of shares. The government has already said it wants to return the bank to full private ownership during the course of 2017. Millions of commuters have had a difficult start to the week after a strike on the London Underground shut down most of the network. One of the capitals busiest Train Stations Clapham Junction had to be evacuated for a time as large numbers of people tried to use Overground Services instead. The strike which is due to end at 6pm is over staff numbers and safety on the tube, as Daniel Boettcher reports. This is what commuters on the London Underground faced this morning, a third of all stations closed and a limited service on most of the lines that were operating. Around 4 Million People use the network, the strike has left travellers frustrated with journeys taking far longer than usual as passengers had to find other ways of getting to work. I gave myself two hours and it looks like im going to be late. I almost missed quite a few exams because of all this Industrial Action going on. Its quite irritating. Ijust think it is unfair because it puts all others in a situation where we are all late for work. The way i see it, it is what it is. They have got their cause so, yeah, you work around it. Because there are so few tube trains running, commuter traffic on the road has been even heavier than usual and despite an extra 150 buses being laid on, the bus network has been packed with long queues. The strike, involving two unions, the rmt and the tssa, is aboutjobs and Staffing Levels and the unions say cuts are jeopardising safety. They need to put back in a Task Force Response almost two put this safe. Of course we have sympathy for the public and we regret this strike. Were been in weeks of talks between were up against a brick wall. Londons mayor, sadiq khan, said he condemned the action and that talks to resolve the issues should be resumed. I know this strike could have been avoided and it is unnecessary and im imploring the trade unions to come back and talk to the Management Team about resolving this so there are not further days of Industrial Action. London underground says there is no need for a strike. We will continue our process of recruiting additional people and we also want to work with the trade unions over the next couple of months to identify where we may need to strengthen that. This dispute could only be resolved by the trade unions working with us collaboratively and talking around the table, not through strike action. Some commuters face further disruption this week in an unrelated strike on southern Rail Services. Passengers are being told to travel only if essential on tuesday, wednesday and friday, when Train Drivers belonging to a aslef are expected to be on strike over a long running dispute over the role of guards. The company said there will be no services on strike days with only a limited number of bus links instead. Todays Industrial Action today has not involved overg round Rail Services but there has been no interchange to be tube network at key stations and in places the numbers of passengers trying to use Rail Services instead has caused problems. Clapham junction was temporarily evacuated because of overcrowding. There were no trains stopping and passengers had to wait outside before the station reopened. Daniel boettcher reporting there. And lets get the latest now from our correspondent at Shepherds Bush in west london. This situation is still going on for about 40 minutes more. Bring us up to date on the position now. It has been a day of massive inconvenience for commuters across the capital here today. No more so than people who have usually used Shepherds Bush tube station, walking past frustrated, seeing the closed shutters, closed since 6pm last night. They have had to content with miserable conditions, battling through the weather. I have spoken with many commuters through the day who told me stories about their journeys taking them twice as long. I have also spoken to a bus driver who told me that he was absolutely shattered because the route that he was on was taking an hour and a half, when usually it would only ta ke half, when usually it would only take half an hour. All you have to do is look on the expressions of many commuters Basis Walking past me, and it says it all as to how frustrating a day they have had. The look on their faces. Let me take you through the numbers of what has been affected. At 11am, a total of 114 stations were closed. Transport for london said that nine out of the 11 tube lines were running, a limited service. But by midday, 69 of stations were open, but central Tube Stations were closed. Just behind big, round the corner, you cannot see it, but queues are starting to build for the buses tonight. Many people are wondering how long it is going to take them to get home. They had a miserable journey and they are not sure how long it is going to take them to get home tonight. Many will be hoping they will not have to endure a similar day today to the one they have had to go through. Thank you very much for the update. That was at the station in Shepherds Bush. 17 people have been arrested in connection with the robbery of the reality tv star Kim Kardashian in paris last year. A gang of masked men burst into her apartment in october and held her at gunpoint before making off with millions of pounds worth of jewellery. Police say dna left by the robbers at the scene led to the arrests. The hollywood musical la la land looks like the film to beat at this years 0scars after it swept the board at the Golden Globes, winning a record seven awards. It was also a good night for the brits. But the evening was also filled with Political Drama as meryl streep took to the stage and criticised the president elect donald trump for mocking a disabled reporter. This morning mr trump hit back calling her one of the most over rated actress in hollywood. James cook reports from los angeles. Los angeles, california, where stories are spun and stars are born. A place of glitz and glamour, of gowns and gossip. A place they call. La la land. Yeah. La la land. There were a record seven Golden Globes for the Musical Including Acting Awards for its stars ryan gosling and emma stone. This is a film for dreamers. And i think that hope and creativity are two of the most important things in the world and thats what this movie is about. The Television Categories included wins for atlanta, The People Versus oj simpson, and for claire foy who played Britains Queen elizabeth in the crown. I really, really, really wouldnt be here if it wasnt for some extraordinary women, im going to thank them. One of them is Queen Elizabeth ii. She has been at the centre of the world for the past 63 years. And i think the world could do with a few more women at the centre of it, if you ask me. There were Three Acting Awards for bbc Co Production the Night Manager. Its star Tom Hiddlestone used his speech to highlight conflict in africa. Its a terrible situation happening for children. The Night Manager is about arms dealing and there are far too many arms going to south sudan. Co star hugh lauries remarks were also political, with a dig at donald trump. I suppose made more amazing by the fact ill be able to say that i won this at the last ever Golden Globes. I dont mean to be gloomy, itsjust that it has the words hollywood, foreign and press in the title. Ijust dont know what. Receiving a Lifetime Achievement award, meryl streep also lambasted the president elect. Disrespect invites disrespect, Violence Incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose. So hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners and if we kick them all out youll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts. Elsewhere, britains Aaron Taylor Johnson won for his supporting role in the dark crime thriller nocturnal animals. What a tremendous honour. Thank you for acknowledging me in this role. Thank you, tom ford. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Creating this role and collaborating on this journey was an immense joy. Hollywood can be fun and frivolous but it prides itself on tackling serious subject and many starts on the red carpet are predicting a surge in political films the red carpet are predicting a surge in politicalfilms this the red carpet are predicting a surge in political films this year following the divisive election. The time isjust the time is just about 5 30pm on bbc news. We will have the headlines in a moment. Now the weather. There has been a lot of wind and rain around today. A Weather Front moving its way steadily southwards and eastwards, they were screwing the south east soon. Behind it stays blustery overnight with quite a lot of showers. It was moving into the south east. Pretty much across the south east. Pretty much across the board, three to six or seven celsius to start the day on tuesday. A breezy day. There will be some bright spells, across the eastern side of england. Particularly through the morning, actually. A bit of cloud in the afternoon and patchy rain on its way from the west to the east. After a chilly start, most places staying in single figures, in the range of seven or 1011 celsius. Two words wednesday, a windy day for all places on wednesday. Some showers dotted around. When three of Higher Ground and the north and west of the uk. The wind is getting strongerfor of the uk. The wind is getting stronger for the of the uk. The wind is getting strongerfor the north of the uk. The wind is getting stronger for the north west on thursday and it will be a cold day for all and we could well see some wintry showers getting to low levels. In this morning has been issued. A met Office Warning issued. A met Office Warning issued. You this is bbc news at five the headlines sinn feins Martin Mcguinness has resigned as Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland in protest at First Minister, the dups Arlene Fosters, refusal to step aside in a row about hundreds of millions of Pounds Overspent on an energy scheme. You and we have been dealing with the double. I have had to call a halt to dup arrogance. The Health Secretary says the Nhs In England is facing unprecedented demand, but denies theres a humanitarian crisis in hospitals. In her first Policy Speech of 2017, theresa may says shell improve Mental Health services in england with the focus on the Hidden Injustice faced by many children and young people. Millions of commuters face long Journeys Home as many London Underground staff continue their strike. The mayor of london, sadiq khan, has condemned the strike. And british success at the Golden Globes in los angeles with the stars of the Night Manager among the winners. Time for a full round up of The Sports News now lets join will perry at the bbc sports centre. England forward Chris Robshaw will the miss the entire six nations after having surgery on a shoulder injury. The harlequins flanker is set for three months on the sidelines in what will be a blow to england head coach eddiejones plans as he looks to mastermind a successful English Defence of the trophy. 0ur rugby Union Reporter chrisjones says robshaws will be big boots to fill. Robshaw has been a stalwart of the england side going back many years, but also since losing the captaincy, he has been outstanding for england in his new role as a blindside flanker. He played an all but one of englands miraculous, magnificent 13 straight wins in 2016. But he is now out for three months. When you look at the current team, the captain is struggling. There are Question Marks of others. The vunipola brothers have been ruled out, so englands forward pack have been heavily hit by injuries, with the six nations just a few weeks away. Saracens have confirmed the signing of wales back Liam Williams from scarlets. Williams has won 38 caps since his International Debut in 2012. The move could limit his appearances for his country, with the Selection Policy allowing only three non wales based players to be picked. Saracens director of rugby mark mccall says williams is arguably one of the most talented backs in europe. To cricket and joe root should be available for the start of englands one day series against india. Root didnt travel with the rest of the squad on thursday, staying behind with his partner for the birth of their first child, who arrived on saturday. Hes expected to fly out in two days time, ahead of the first 0di this coming sunday. Eoin morgan returns to captain england in three one dayers. He says his family were affected by the criticism he received for missing last 0ctobers tour of bangladesh over security fears. Morgan and fellow batsman alex hales opted out of the tour after a siege at a cafe in dhaka injuly. When things have been announced like that, you plan how to deal with them and my way of dealing with that was actually getting away from things, which i did. I didnt see a great deal of it. I think my family have seen a bit and were very offended, but that is part and parcel of being in the limelight sometimes. But certainly standing here, i dont regret my decision. And Diego Maradona believes it would be a good idea to increase the number of nations playing in the world cup from 32 to 48. He was playing in a fifa legends match in zurich ahead Ofan Fifa Legends Match In Zurich ahead of an Award Ceremony tonight. The expansion has been put forward by the fifa president gianni infantino, one of his boldest decisions since taking on the role. Translation i am delighted by his initiative, because it gives chances to teams that otherwise would start the qualifiers knowing they had no chance of getting to the world cup. It gives each country the dream and it renews the passion for football. As far as it renews the passion for football. As faras im it renews the passion for football. As far as im concerned, its fantastic idea. Thats all the sport for now. You can keep up to date with all those stories on the bbc sport website. Thats bbc. Co. Uk sport and ill have more in sportsday at 6. 30. Lets return now to the news that in the last half hour, sinn feins Martin Mcguinness has resigned as Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland following a row about the dups handling of a Renewable Energy scheme. Joining me now from westminster is dup mp ian paisley. He asked Arlene Foster to step aside and she hasnt, so he has resigned. It now opens up the entire question whether there will be a need for a new set of elections. Joining me now from westminster is dup mp ian paisley. Your response to mr mcguinnesss strongly worded Statement Today . Well, i think at one level, we have to recognise that if there is going to recognise that if there is going to be an election, and it looks almost certain that there will be one, this is not because of some atrocity or because of the troubles, but because normal politics. That is the one positive glimmer you can ta ke the one positive glimmer you can take out of this, that we having an election over bread and butter issues and because there has been a fallout in a coalition government. That is happens all over the world where you have coalition governments. The normalisation of Northern Ireland politics, in the depth of this crisis, is summed up in that, that there will be an election because of an economic and social issues crisis, not an atrocity crisis, which is one positive. However, in the middle of winter, do people really want to go to the polls . I hope it will solve things if that is the case, but i have a strong message for sinn fein. They may not like our First Minister. They may not like who unionists choose to be their leader, but if the unionist People Choose these people as their leaders, they have to respect that, just as we cant choose who their leader is or who they put up as Deputy First Minister. They have to work with us, otherwise the whole infrastructure, which they claim to support, will fall around their ears, not ours. Are you critical of the way Arlene Foster has handled this Green Energy Business . I echo the regret of the First Minister. Of course, this could have been handled differently and indeed, the First Minister has indicated that she wants and inquiry into this. She has nothing to hide. I welcome a full inquiry into this. But it is appears that there are other games at play and it would be nice to see what those are. People think this is a weakness of the democratic unionist at it, so lets Ta Ke Democratic Unionist at it, so lets take it to the people. I trust the people to make the right decision. If we have to go back to the country and a winter election, so be it. Arlene Foster had stepped aside just for the inquiry, this wouldnt have happened. Is that a fair point . Possibly, but we have no certainty of that. One has to look at other circumstances that are at play. Sinn fein are under considerable pressure. It is no secret that we run rings around sinn fein and they clearly dont like that. I have the impression that this is about much wider issues, which are about possibly a new sinn fein tactic and how they handled themselves in Northern Ireland, perhaps installing a new leaderfrom the Northern Ireland, perhaps installing a new leader from the south of ireland as opposed to one from the north. That is what this is more about, and about internal republican politics and how they stand within the nationalist community. That is what we are seeing playing out under the main headline of the energy scandal. But that is politics. The big question is, is this a return to the big crisis . Thank god, its not. We have to recognise that. Lets try and work out these issues and sort them out after an election. You have made your point about vigorous politics clearly. I am just wondering whether the other point you made about people being not too enthusiastic about another set of elections is one that they will be irritated about, given that you can argue that it was entirely avoidable, certainly from the dups point of view, had you played it differently. Yes, but we did notts seek this election. We will fight it, but the decision by the Deputy First Minister to resign unless he reinstate himself provokes an election under the good friday agreement. Maybe we are getting into agreement. Maybe we are getting into a new phase of negotiations, who knows . But they have decided to call the election. I am happy for my party to go to the public and seek a fresh mandate. It may not be the most ideal circumstances, but i believe as unionists, we have a good case to make. And importantly, the one issue we are happy to have a Public Inquiry over, we are happy to have all of our ministers and papers scrutinised, it is not as running away from that, it is the other side. We have nothing to hide with this. Stay with us for a second. We have a clip from the Secretary Of State james brokenshire, who has just made this announcement. The uk government has a primary role to provide political stability in Northern Ireland and we will be doing all we can over the coming days to work with the parties to find a solution to the current situation. The position is clear. If sinn fein does not nominate a replacement to the role of Deputy First Minister, then i am obliged to call an election of the assembly within a reasonable period. I would urge the Political Parties, the leaders of the Political Parties, to come together, to Work Together and find a solution to the current position. We will be doing all we can with the Political Parties and the Irish Government to that end. Thank you very much. Mr paisley, i hope you could hear that. It was basically an appeal for all parties to come together. How likely is that . I welcome the words of the Secretary Of State. He is a very safe pair of hands, and those are the words we would expect. They are probably the words we will be hearing from the country tonight come together and sort this out. But it is not my party causing this election, if there is one. Other parties have walked away from the responsibilities of governing Northern Ireland and of sorting what looks like intractable problems out. That is ourjob as politicians. If there is a problem, lets sort it out. I have had to do it in my political career. Others should be doing it now, and ijust hope they have the skill and the mindset to wa nt to have the skill and the mindset to want to do it. But if they wanted to the public and seek an election, so be it. And the Secretary Of State will be obliged to then make sure an election takes place in a reasonable period of time. We can only take that back to the country. Good of you tojoin us. In paisley, of the dup. President obama will deliver his Farewell Address in the city of chicago tomorrow the city where he claimed victory eight years ago in the historic election which put the first African American in the white house. But as his second term comes to a close, what will his legacy be . Our North America Editorjon Sopel looks at the domestic issues which have defined the obama presidency. It wasnt just the hope when barack obama came to office, it was the wild expectation too. That the countrys Expectation Problems would be solved at a stroke, that the first African American president would usher in a post racial era. No more black america or white america, just the United States of america. But the lingering vestiges of that dream disappeared in the summer of 2014, in clouds of tear gas in a nondescript suburb of st louis, missouri, called ferguson. An unarmed black man had been shot by a white Police Officer. It was a pattern that would become all too familiar. In charleston, south carolina, walter scott had been pulled over for a minor motoring offence. Footage captures the white Police Officer who stopped him, shooting him in the back several times before he dies. The policeman claimed self defence. At his trial, which ended last month, thejury was unable to reach a verdict. The court must therefore declare a mistrial. Another symbol for the black community that things havent changed. I think his legacy to him is more important right now, to paint a picture that he did a real good job in america. But most black folks are very disappointed, because we feel he could have done more. The issue of race and another of americas great intractable social problems, gun violence, came together to horrific effect inside this famous African American church in charleston. A White Supremacist who, with his string of Drug Convictions should never have been able to purchase a gun, walked inside a Bible Study Group and killed eight worshippers and the pastor in cold blood. Barack obama had always seemed reluctant to define himself as a Black President , preoccupied by racial issues. But after these shootings, that changed as he came to charleston and showed how he felt the communitys pain. Amazing grace how sweet the sound. Obamas two terms in office were punctuated by the crack of gunshots. 911, whats the location . And then a series of random mass killings that started with the slaying of 20 children and six of their teachers at sandy hook elementary school. The president s famously cool demeanour was gone after this. Every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago everyday. I refuse to act as if this is the new normal. This is not something i can do by myself. Such violence, such evil, is senseless. Again and again, he wanted tougher legislation on gun control. But he failed, to his evident consternation, when we sat down and spoke. If you ask me where has been the one area where i feel that ive been most frustrated and most stymied, it is the fact that the United States of america is the one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient common sense gun safety laws. But there have been some legislative successes. Millions more americans now have Health Insurance than was previously the case, although obamacare has created many losers too. And the economy, which was flat on its back eight years ago, is starting to bloom. And people are spending their money again. We have notjust come back stronger from the great recession, we have actually built an economy thats the envy of the world. And that is an important part of president obamas legacy. But it proved to be a Voterless Recovery where it mattered. There will be no democrat succeeding him in the white house, and so one of his final acts was to make a journey to capitol hill to urge his partys lawmakers to fight off republican attempts to dismantle obamacare and the rest of his domestic legacy. Look out for the american people. Now, a quick update on the crisis in Northern Ireland. We havejust had a statement in from the First Minister Arlene Foster, who has responded to the resignation of Martin Mcguinness as Deputy First Minister. Im disappointed that Martin Mcguinness has chosen to take this position today. His actions have meant that at precisely the time we need our government to be active, we have no government to be active, we have no government and no way to resolve the rhi problems referring to that Green Energy Scheme which is at the root of all this controversy. It is clear that sinn feins actions are not principled, they are political. Let me make it clear that the dup will always defend unionism and stand up for what is best for Northern Ireland. It appears from the Deputy First Ministers resignation and his letter that this is what annoys sinn fein the most. Soa is what annoys sinn fein the most. So a pretty combative response from Arlene Foster as the First Minister to the resignation of Martin Mcguinness. And of course, the view among some of Arlene Fosters collea g u es among some of Arlene Fosters colleagues including ian paisley, who we spoke to a few minutes ago, is that unless something unexpected happens, we will be in a position where the Secretary Of State in Northern Ireland, james brokenshire, will have to call a new set of elections in around eight weeks time, they say in reasonable period of time within the letter of the agreement. So it doesnt seem at the moment that this deadlock is going to be broken. Martin mcguinness has now resigned as Deputy First Minister. It means that Arlene Foster, the First Minister, cant do herjob properly either because those two jobs are closely linked. And it could be the case now that mr mcguinnesss move today has forced Arlene Foster to be in a position where she will have to go along with plans for new elections. That hasnt been confirmed yet. All we have is a convert a statement from her, saying that she thinks Martin Mcguinness has acted partly for political reasons, and not principled reasons. Just over 18 months ago, a Gunman Opened Fire on a beach in sousse, tunisia, killing 38 people 30 of them british. It was the worst act of terror directed at britons since the london Attacks Ofjuly 2005. Next week, the inquests into the deaths get under way amid claims that Tour Operators misled customers about the security risk. Jane corbin of bbc panorama has been back to tunisia and sent this report. The Imperial Hotel is now closed. The Imperial Hotel is now closed. The beach deserted. But 18 months ago, it was packed with british tourists. When a Gunman Opened Fire, killing 30 of them. They had come despite a Terrorist Attack at the bardo museum in the capital, tunis, three month earlier. Some said they we re three month earlier. Some said they were misled about the risks. Nikki and Andy Duffield booked with Tour Operator thomson. I was constantly asking the question, are we going to be safe . Can you guarantee we will be safe . Can you guarantee we will be safe . Can you guarantee we will be safe . What did they say . That we would. We were told there would be increased security. But british Holiday Makers say security wasnt increased. Alyson kennedy her husband also booked to go to the imperial with thompson. We called them on the 23rd Of March after the bardo museum them on the 23rd Of March after the ba rdo Museum Attack them on the 23rd Of March after the bardo Museum Attack to make sure it was still 50 travel. What did they say . Everything was fine, it was safe to travel. They were not doing any refunds or transfers. So again, we we re any refunds or transfers. So again, we were reassured. So any refunds or transfers. So again, we were reassured. So if you had tried to cancel, you wouldnt have got your money back. No. The travel company tui, which owns thomson, told us it is cooperating to make sure the matter is investigated, the fa cts sure the matter is investigated, the facts determined and the lessons learned, but they said it would be inappropriate to comment further before the inquests. The so called Islamic State recruited the gunmen, who opened fire on the beach. He was killed at the scene, but he didnt plan the attack alone. Panorama has discovered he worked closely with the isl that planned the bardo Museum Attack which killed 22 people. We have obtained confessions from suspects involved in both attacks, which Show Red Scheme met with the bardo gang in cafes and mosques. He even claimed with one of the gunmen in libya. The confessions also named the man who allegedly masterminded by the tax. The suspects say he recruited them, paid for them to go to libya for Military Training and gave them their orders. If the confessions are accurate, then he is responsible for the deaths of 60 people from around the world, including 31 british tourists at sousse and bardo. And he is still on the run. I told the lawyer representing many of the families about him. He was unaware of his role. I have not seen that. If that is right and the families see that, they will be shocked to see the face of the man who caused them such terrible sadness. Those who lost loved ones on the beach and those who survived can only hope the inquests will answer some of the many questions they still have. A fund for the family of the polish lorry driver killed in the berlin Christmas Market attack has reached nearly £200,000. Fellow lorry driver david duncan was so shocked by what happened that he set up the online campaign. Today mr duncan was personally thanked by the polish ambassador to london, as kasia madera reports. When dave duncan heard about lukasz urbans killing in the attack on the Christmas Market in berlin, he felt compelled to help the deceased mans family in some way. So he set up an Online Fundraising campaign to raise money. It was just something id seen on the tv or something and thought why not . Why not me . Actions speak louder than words, so they say. Thats why i did it. Are you surprised by the response . Obviously, yeah. Its been incredible, amazing that people responded to it, yeah. Its been brilliant. The campaign has been welcomed by mr urbans family and the wider polish community. Please accept my gratitude for your remarkable work. Today, the polish ambassador arkady, rzegocki, met up with mr duncan to express his thanks. Here are some polish products, just for you. The money raised by mr duncan will go to lucasz urbans widow and teenage son, and he hopes to visit them in poland in the not too distant future. George will be here with the bbc news at six with the latest on the days events. Time for a look at the weather now. Jay wynne has the forecast. It has been a wet day for large swathes of the united kingdom. The worst of the rain will be clearing away from the south east soon. Showers follow, and maybe some persistent rain in scotland over the next few hours. It is a blustery night out there, particularly in scotland. The wind will help move those showers through. By the end of the night, we will see temperatures well into single figures. A chilly start to the day, which will be accentuated by the wind, which is easing off a bit in scotland. There is still a fair amount of cloud and rain coming into the north and west of scotland. Northern ireland is likely to see a debit of cloud and some rain in the morning. There will also be rain in parts of northern england. But there is drier and brighter weather to be had for the eastern side of england. Further west, a lot more cloud, bringing some rain with it. But it is mostly patchy rain and it will try and drift from west to east. There are bright spells across the eastern side of the uk. Some patchy rain working from west to east. After a fresh start today, we are in single figures for most places, just getting into doubles in the south and west. In the evening, rain heads towards the south east of england. Another batch of rain goes towards the south west of the uk. A key feature of this Weather Front will be the change in the Wind Direction and the strength of the wind. It will be a very windy day midweek on wednesday. Some dry spells towards the south and east of the uk. Further north, we have a rash of showers coming in on that wind and some of those showers could be quite wintry, particularly over Higher Ground. We have heard about the cold weather across much of central and southern europe. It stays cold in the south of europe, but for germany and poland, it will be less cold in the next few days. The winds will be coming towards us from greenland or iceland, so it is going to be that bit colder later this week. And that cold air will come from snow showers. Northern and eastern areas are at risk of seeing some snow showers. Met Office Weather warnings have been issued. Political turmoil in Northern Ireland, it is heading for a Snap Election after Martin Mcguinness quits. Hes gone in protest, accusing his Power Sharing partner, unionist Arlene Foster, of refusing to resign over an energy scandal. We in sinn fein will not tolerate the arrogance of Arlene Foster and the dup. A crisis triggered by the so called cash for Ash Scheme Hundreds of millions of taxpayers money wasted. Well be asking if there is any way out of the current crisis. Also tonight it is clear we need to have an honest discussion with the public about the purpose of a e departments

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