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Ft se 100 closes on a record high boosted good afternoon and welcome to bbc news. By the vote to leave the eu. The russian president , vladimir putin, has said that he wont expel any us diplomats from the country, in a surprise response to President Obamas decision to order Russian Diplomats out of the us. Mr obama, whos also imposing sanctions, had accused russia of interfering in the us president ial election. Despite advice from his Foreign Minister, mr putin has decided not to retaliate for now. Mr putin also said that positive developments in relations between russia and the uk would be mutually beneficial. Steve rosenberg reports from moscow. Following accusations of Cyber Attacks on america, the us had expelled 35 Russian Diplomats. So, how would moscow respond . Well, today, russias Foreign Minister proposed tit for tat. He said he had asked President Putin to expel 35 american diplomats. But the kremlin leader said no no americans would be expelled. He would wait to see what kind of policies donald trump pursued in the white house. That doesnt change what americas top Intelligence Agencies believe to be true; that state sponsored hackers, backed by the highest levels of Russian Government, interfered in the us president ial election, with a cyber attack on the Democratic Party. The aim to embarrass hillary clinton. Was President Putin behind it . Washington suspects he was. Last week, i got a chance to ask him myself. Mr president , your country has been accused of state sponsored hacking, with the aim of influencing the result of the us president ial election. And President Obama revealed that he told you personally to cut it out. So what did you tell him in response . The kremlin leader refused to say, dismissing all the talk of hacking as sour grapes from the Democratic Party. The losing side always tries to pass the buck, he said. But President Obama had decided there was enough evidence to merit retaliation. As well as expelling diplomats, he ordered Russian Government compounds in new york and maryland to be shut down. Us officials believe they were being used for intelligence. Washington has announced sanctions against individuals too, including these men wanted by the fbi for cyber crimes. Moscow is furious. Today, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev posted this it is sad that the obama administration, which started out by restoring our ties, is ending its term in anti russia death throes. Rip. The Russian Embassy in the uk had nothing good to say either, about President Obama youre a lame duck is the message from moscow. But very soon there will be a pro moscow president in the white house, and judging by President Putins decision not to expel any americans it could be that vladimir and donald will get along just fine. It has been designed to sound like the russians were on the brink of taking action. Mr putin has been macmanus, and stayed his hand. It is a huge put down to obama administration, saying you are lame duck, we dont care what you do. Your actions are relevant, we will not respond. He has left out the possibility of responding in the future. He has passed the buck to President Elect trump. When he enters office on the 20th of january, he has a huge task ahead of him. He will have been briefed, seeing in detail the evidence that the American Security Services Claim they have. People have to decide how to set out his stall in terms of policy towards moscow. Mr putin hopes it will be a different tack. We will see once mr trump has seen the evidence. There is huge pressure from capitol hill, senators and congressmen seem to believe their own Intelligence Agencies. Conflicting pressures on mr trump, early test of his foreign policy. The results of an initial Post Mortem Examination into the cause of death of the singer George Michael have been published this afternoon. Richard lister gave me details. Yes, Thames Valley Police Issued a short statement saying the Postmortem Examination was carried out yesterday. That the cause of death is inconclusive and further tests will now be carried out. They go on to say the results of these tests are unlikely to be known for several weeks. For the moment they are preparing a file for the oxfordshire coroner. They say the death is being treated as unexplained but not suspicious. You may recall his body was found at bed in his home on oxfordshire on Christmas Morning by his partner. Everyone around him as saying he appeared to have died peacefully. His manager suggested he appeared to have died from a heart condition, but as i say, the Thames Valley force saying at the moment they are treating his death as unexplained and further tests will be done. 17 people have been injured after a coach veered off a Motorway Slip Road and overturned in heavy fog in oxfordshire. The vehicle came off the Mao Slip Road near thame. The met office has issued a Weather Warning of fog across much of Southern England and parts of wales and air Traffic Control restrictions imposed as a result are causing delays and cancellations to flights to and from heathrow, gatwick and london city airports. Our reporter helena lee is at the scene of the coach crash in oxfordshire. It was in the early hours of this morning in thick fog the coach veered off a slip road off the m40, before rolling into a ditch and on its side. Its mangled remains and the damage done clear when it was turned back over. 16 passengers were on board, travelling from heathrow to oxford. Remarkably, none were seriously injured but all were treated in hospital, some for broken bones, others for cuts and bruises. The bad weather made the recovery operation challenging. All three Emergency Services attended. With 17 people on board in total, very intensive for the paramedics and the Ambulance Crews that attended, assisted by fire and the police services, as well. Obviously, probably a chaotic scene to start with, and dense fog not helping that. The Oxford Bus Company said the driver was very experienced and had been doing overnight shifts for a number of years. Now the coach has been taken away, the investigation turns to how it happened. Was the thick fog to blame . And, why did the coach come off a junction earlier than it should have done . The only survivor of a boat that capsized off kent on tuesday has told how he clung on to the hull for 11 hours. One of his crewmates is feared drowned after he was swept away, while a second was rescued but later died. Bryony mackenzie reports. This is the Momentjohny Ronsijns was rescued from the waters off ramsgate. He was only spotted in first light, after clinging to the hull of his boat, that went down in a blink of an eye. Translation the ship capsized in one, two, three and that was it. One, two, three and no more it was that fast. A fisherman for 36 years, he started in the industry aged just 1a. Those years of experience and knowledge helping him to survive the freezing conditions. Translation i was on top of the boat for 11 hours. It was freezing. My legs from here to my feet, they were blue. I didnt have any feeling in them. I kept my head warm by pulling my sweater over my head and blowing into it. I moved my hands, and if my hands got too cold, i peed on them. It was absolutely freezing. He last heard his fellow fishermen while in the water. One later died in hospital, and the other is now presumed dead. Translation the worst thing is your colleagues who cant come with you, thats whats worse, for me, anyway. Its a lottery. Ive got the main prize, theyve got nothing. Despite this tragedy, he says he wont give up fishing. A nationwide ceasefire that came into effect overnight between the Syrian Government and rebel factions appears to be holding across most of the country, although some clashes have been reported. The deal was brokered by russia and turkey with the backing of iran in an attempt to end the civil war that began in 2011. The United States was not involved. Heres richard galpin. This was the moment when the tide of syrias devastating civil war turned. Buses lined up earlier this month to evacuate thousands of rebel fighters, defeated in their key stronghold in aleppo. A huge blow to the opposition movement, leaving the Syrian Regime in a commanding position. And giving the regime an opportunity to negotiate a ceasefire from a position of strength. Translation this reflects the reality that after aleppos liberation the situation is now different. There is a real opportunity to reach a political solution for the crisis in syria that ends the bloodshed and establishes the roots for the future of the country. But it is syrias key ally, russia, which is leading this push for an end to the five year civil war. A chance for President Putin to portray himself as a peacemaker, although he admits the ceasefire is fragile. And already some rebel groups are disputing the terms of the truce. Osama abu zeid of the Free Syrian Alliance insisting that the ceasefire applies to the whole country and all rebel groups, including islamist extremists, which the syrian army says it will continue to target. Two ceasefires agreed by russia and the United States earlier this year did fall apart quickly. But this time the americans and other western powers have been completely excluded, with russia working instead with turkey and iran. And so far this latest ceasefire has held in many parts of the country, although there have been some Government Air strikes. This lull a welcome respite for a country, so much of which has already been destroyed. Richard galpin, bbc news. The ftse1oo has ended the year at an all time high. The Benchmark Index closed at 71112 points, marginally beating the previous record yesterday. The shouts daily sharp fall in sterling has boosted ft se Companies Committee generate much of their revenue in dollars. Theresa may has criticised President Obamas policy on israel, after the Us Administration described the government injerusalem as the most right wing in the countrys history. Downing street said the comments were inappropriate. Our political correspondent, chris mason, said its a row that number 10 didnt need to get involved in, but felt that it should. Its criticised the pretty barbed language of the Outgoing Obama Administration not once, but twice. Firstly on that language around the description of the government in israel. Downing street said it wasnt appropriate to attack the composition of the democratically elected government of an ally. On the issue of settlements in the occupied Palestinian Territories it said yes, it believed they were illegal, but mr kerrys focus on this one issue in a deeply complex dispute, was not the way to negotiate peace. That a reference tojohn kerrys speech, the outgoing secretary of state, just the other day. Those remarks from Downing Street have now been criticised by a senior conservative, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs select committee, crispin brunt. The State Department in washington said it is surprised. So why are they doing it . Firstly it is their view, but secondly, diplomatically its useful for theresa may to align herself relatively close to donald trump, given that in three weeks time he will be president. The headlines on bbc news President Putin says he will not expel anyone in response to President Obama ordering 35 Russian Diplomats out of the us for alleged hacking. A Post Mortem Examination into the cause of George Michaels death had proved inconclusive further tests will now be carried out. Drivers are told to take care in fog and freezing conditions, as a coach overturns on the mao in oxfordshire injuring seventeen people. Learner drivers in britain will be allowed on to motorways for the first time, if new Government Plans are approved. The lessons will not be compulsory and driving instructors will decide when their students are ready. Ministers hope the move will make roads in britain safer. Sangita myska reports. Britains road network is amongst the safest in europe and todays proposed changes to both driver and motorcyclist training aims to build on that record. Under the plans, for the first time, Learner Drivers will be able to have lessons on motorways, but there are caveats. Learners would have to be accompanied by an approved instructor. The lessons would be voluntary and the instructor would decide if learners are ready. Any proposed change to the law would be well publicised. At the moment you cant learn on the motorway until you have passed your driving test. Theres a small take up which means that people learning by Trial And Error afterwards. Much better that they get taught properly right at the outset and encouraged actually to make long journeys using the motorways rather than other roads. Novice motorcyclists would face changes too. They would have to take a theory test online and those holding a provisional licence could have their compulsory basic Training Certificate revoked if they accrue more than six penalty points. The proposals also include a trial of Target Number of hours of lessons for all Learner Drivers before they take their tests. The government stresses that there are no plans to make any target compulsory. Sangita myska, bbc news. Following todays announcement. The transport secretary Chris Grayling said the move will make britains roads safer. This is all about making our motorways safer. One of the things we do, is that we expect Young Drivers to pass let us go to the motorway whove passed their test simply to go straight on the motorway without any experience. This will mean that competent Learner Drivers can go on a motorway with an experienced instructor, in a dual controlled car, and get a sense of what motorway drivings like. These are already very safe roads, but of course, if youre a first time Motorway User they can be very scary, and giving that bit of initial experience will, i think, make our drivers better and our motorways safer. If will we have tests on the motorway, will that be included in the test . Its not about changing the nature of the test. Its making sure that young people, as theyre more experienced, as theyre ready to take their test, are ready to go on a motorway in a dual controlled car, so theyre under proper supervision of an instructor. Getting that bi of experience means when they pass their test, theyre actually going onto the motorway with some miles under their Belt Opposition Parties at the Northern Ireland assembly are renewing their call for the first minister Arlene Foster to resign because of a massive overspend on a Green Energy Scheme that she supported. The project, in which Companies Got incentives for Energy Efficient heating is expected to go four hundred and ninety Million Pounds over budget in the next twenty years. Our ireland correspondent chris page gave us the latest. The idea was it would encourage people to switch to more friendly fuels. Every pound spent, they got £1 60 back in the public purse. There was no upper limit to the amount claimed. It ran to £a9o million over the next 20 years. Arlene foster faced a vote of No Confidence in the Northern Ireland assembly, which she survived. No letup on the pressure from Opposition Parties over the holidays. A newspaper reported that Arlene Foster as enterprise minister, The Department Of Enterprise and running the scheme, she wrote to banks about the scheme. Today the department of the economy has released the correspondence. A letter from Arlene Foster to bank chiefs back in 2013, in which she says she wanted to encourage banks to look favourably on Companies Looking to install environmentally friendly technologies. It was viable, and offered good long term returns on investment. Opposition parties say this shows that mrs foster was across all facets of this policy. They have called on her to resign. The sdlp have said she should stand down pending in enquiry. Mrs foster has said she has no intention of going anywhere. Stallman have released a statement saying you have to see this letter in context. At the time she wrote this letter to the banks, the uptake on the scheme was very slow, trying to encourage people to take it up. The flaws in the scheme were not obvious at all. Another development in the story, it has put the Power Sharing Coalition between the dup and sinn fein under strain. In the new year, we will see them plenty more on this. John mccain the senior republican senator, setting a date in january for a hearing senior republican senator, setting a Date Injanuary for a hearing to discuss Cyber Threats to the United States. Calling the National Intelligence director to attend that hearing. Amongst the Cyber Threats will be claims by the cia that russia orchestrated the packing of Democratic Party computers during the president ial Election Campaign this as we have been telling you, over the last 2a hours, President Obama has expelled a number of Russian Diplomats to the United States. Senatorjohn mccain, very Senior Member of the Republican Party setting a Date Injanuary Senior Member of the Republican Party setting a date in january for a hearing to discuss Cyber Threats to the United States. A study has found that people on zero hours contracts earn an average of 1,000 pounds a year less than other workers doing the same job. Around 900 thousand people are on zero hours contracts which demand that they be available at any time, but do not guarantee work. The think tank behind the research, the resolution foundation, says even when its taken into account many such jobs are low skilled, these workers are suffering a pay penalty of seven percent. People in india have until the end of the day to hand in High Denomination Bank Notes which are being taken out of circulation. Last month, the government surprised the country by announcing it was withdrawing the two most popular bank notes which account for more than eighty per cent of all cash. The move was designed to tackle corruption and tax evasion but it has caused widespread chaos. This workshop used to be a hive of activity. At least 20 people worked here making hundreds of leather wallets and purses every week. Now there are just four. After the government withdrew most of indias banknotes in november, work has almost come to a standstill. Translation i need cash to pay my workers and to buy raw material. No one accepts cheques. We do not have the means to make Digital Payments nor do the people who we purchase goods from. We cannot operate without cash. Most of my workers have left and i do not have any orders either. Some businesses have simply had to close down. This is another unit that used to make leather goods. Behind me is a row of factories all closed, some of which used to make things like clothes. Indias Informal Sector employs more than 80 of its workforce and it is these businesses that are most heavily dependent on cash. Job losses have been mounting. Workers who travel from indias villages to its cities to earn a living have been heading back home. Employers do not have cash to pay them but there is also less work because consumers are cutting down on purchases. The pace at which new banknotes are being introduced is slow. Atms regularly run out of cash and many banks still have queues outside them. The government says its cleaning up the economy but almost two months after the announcement, people are divided. One plans ones expenditures well. A couple of hours for nation building, if you look at a longer perspective, it does not really matter. Initially, when it started off, i thought it was a really good idea but what i feel could have been done better was the fact that it could have been planned out a little better. I feel there is a lot of chaos and you can see it everywhere. Not injust one or two classes. Everybody is affected in their own way. Among the worst affected are those at the bottom of Indias Economic ladder. Those who cannot afford to go even a day without a job. Yogita limaye, bbc news, mumbai. The billionaire philanthropist bill gates has warned that the Worlds Health systems would struggle to cope with a majorflu epidemic. Mr gates said the recent ebola and zika outbreaks showed the world was slow to respond to health emergencies. He said that complex regulations and lack of organisation meant Drug Companies took too long to produce vaccines. National parks in england have lost a quarter of their Government Funding in the past five years, according to research by the press association. Campaigners warn it could threaten the areas for future generations, but the government says their budgets are protected until 2020. Clare fallon reports. With stunning scenery and rare wildlife, 19 Million People visit them every year, but Englands National parks have had their funding cut in recent times, down by a quarter since 2010. Areas loved by many and described by the government as National Treasures simply arent getting the cash they used to. Figures show the grants given to nine out of ten National Parks million overfive years. With inflation factored in, thats a real terms cut of up to ao . In a statement, the department for environment, food and Rural Affairs says there are efforts to bring in more money by bringing in more visitors. There is a Government Plan for encouraging school trips and overseas tourists. Campaigners, though, point to information centres closing, bus services being axed and staff cuts in some National Parks. They say there will need to be more cash so the beauty of the parks can be enjoyed by generations to come. This newly released Government Files reveal that guards at the Faslane Naval base were ordered to shoot suspected intruders on site, after three people broke into a nuclear submarine. The Prime Minister at the time, Margaret Thatcher said she was horrified that the intruders had succeeded. Nick higham reports. He was the biggest political misjudgement of her career, the poll tax causing violence, even riots. The files show her normally self confident government on the defensive. These are loyal files dealing with the poll tax over 18 months. Hundreds of pages of documents. An indication of how much time mrs thatcher spent worrying about the problem, how complex it was, how difficult it was to find a way out of the mess. Many of the documents are covered in her characteristically spidery handwriting. At one point she floated the idea of letting councils put an extra penny on a gallon of petrol to raise extra cash. The poll tax was meant to forced Labour Councils to spend less. Instead the government got the blame when millions found they were pay more. Mrs thatcher realised it was fitting her natural supporters, the conscientious middle. This letter came from a voter in norfolk, he and his wife were paying twice as much under the poll tax. He accused mrs thatcher of acting like a dictator. Michael portillo was the governments that are who had the job of trying to make the poll tax work. He says there are lessons to learn to date. There are lessons to be learned, of course. I dont think they are learned. The conservative governments commitment in the 1980s to introducing a poll tax without thinking it through is quite strong parallels by David Camerons commitment to hold a referendum without thinking through what the consequences might be. As for mrs thatcher, the poll tax ended her career, not before the files reveal Westminster Council threatened her with a fine if she did not complete Rain Poll Tax registration time. Lets get right up to date with the weather. Favre has been a hazard in recent days. Remaining a hazard overnight tonight. Really thickening up overnight tonight. Really thickening up at the moment. Poor visibility over south Eastern Parts of england in particular. At its worst across the midlands, the southeast, really quite dense, quite slow on some of the roads. Bbc local radio will keep you up to date with travel plans. Over the southeast and midlands, further west morfa breeze. Also coming in from the south west, keeping temperatures up, nine, 10 degrees over glasgow, filed in the east anglia and the southeast. Touch of frost and rural spots. Cold and Grey Committee during her fault, of frost and rural spots. Cold and Grey Committee during herfault, you will have clout. Maybe brighter for a time in Northern England and wales. He fronts moving slowly south in the afternoon. A few of us will get to double figures for the afternoon of new years eve. In the evening, the Weather Front clears away over scotland and Northern Ireland. South and eastern areas, relatively mild around midnight. Much colder in northern scotland, with wintry showers. This is bbc news, the headlines at 5 30pm President Putin says he will resist calls to retaliate against americas expulsion of 35 Russian Diplomats. The us has accused the kremlin of hacking and publishing the emails of senior democrats during the us president ial campaign. Mr putin also said that positive developments in relations between russia and the uk would be mutually beneficial. A Postmortem Examination into the cause of George Michaels death has proved inconclusive. The singer was found dead by his partner at home on christmas day. The only survivor of a boat that capsized off kent on tuesday has told how he clung on to the hull for 11 hours. One of his crewmates is feared drowned after he was swept away, while a second was rescued but later died. A nationwide ceasefire appears to be largely holding in syria, although some clashes have been reported. Islamic state fighters and militants linked to alqaeda are not part of the deal. Time for a look at the sport now. Tim hague has the latest. Good evening, lets begin with the tennis. Andy murray has lost his last match of 2016 and it was in straight sets to david goffin at an Exhibition Tournament in abu dhabi. Goffin will play rafa nadal in the final after he beat milos raonic. Nadal won his first match since returning from injury yesterday and carried on that form in the first set, which he took 6 1. Raonic, the wimbledon finallist, came back strong in the second, breaking midway through and took the match into a decider. But nadal won the third to earn a place in the final as he hopes to put an injury ravaged few months behind him. George north will be back northampton in their premiership match at gloucester on sunday. Its the welshmans first game since suffering a head injury against leicester on december third. That was norths fifth concussion in two years including two in the match you can see now between england and wales in february 2015. A review board said north shouldnt have continued to play against leicester but didnt sanction northampton. England wing Anthony Watson will also be back for his first appearance in three months after being named on the bench ahead of baths match with exeter tomorrow. Watson broke his jaw in englands Training Camp in october, but now is on course to return for the six nations. That happens in 2017, not far away the hull city manager mike phelan says 2016 has lived up to expectations, being turbulent and difficult. Hull are bottom of the premier league, going into tonights match against everton. We are we a re pretty we are pretty open as staff, honest with the players at this football club. We understand that we all need to do better, when it comes to winning a football match. To do better, when it comes to winning a Football Matchlj to do better, when it comes to winning a football match. I think what they have shown is great appetite and passion for their playing in the premier league. It is difficult for them but i do not think for one instance that theyve dropped away from the challenge but i think they are already willing to ta ke i think they are already willing to take a torn in the new year. Its a Difficult One take it on. They lost to west ham away 1 0. But who was the better team . Several times on the post, it means do not focus on the post, it means do not focus on your position on the table. It is tough and difficult, we need to be at our best to get a good result. Swansea citys search for a new manager continues today. And with ryan giggs and Chris Coleman already ruled out, two new favourites have emerged. The first is gary rowett, whos been out of the game since he was sacked by birmingham this month. Much to the anger of many fans, and after leading them to the verge of the play offs, rowett was fired to make way for gianfranco zola. And the second man is former derby county boss paul clement whos currently Assistant Manager at bayern munich. Hes believed to have impressed the swansea hierarchy when interviewed for the job in the autumn, before bob bradley took over. Swansea are currently second from bottom in the premier league. The arrows have been flying at alexandra palace. Im of course talking about the Pdc World Darts Championship in north london. Peter sna kebite wright has booked his place in the semi finals. He saw off the challenge of james the machine wade, winning their quarterfinal by five sets to three. Wright averaged almost 105 from each visit to the board. And wright will play gary The Flying Scotsman anderson in the semis tomorrow. Anderson beat Dave Chizzy Chisnall by five sets to three in their quarterfinal. Thats all sport for now. You can keep up to date with all those stories on the bbc sport website. Ill have more in sportsday at half past six. Lizzie Greenwood Hughes will be back in the next hour. I wonder what your Darts Nickname would be, anita . |j need Darts Nickname would be, anita . need to give that some thought youve put me on the spot thank you. The Polish Government has bought a huge private Art Collection for a fraction of its estimated market value of around two billion dollars. It includes a portrait by leonardo da vinci. The sale though, has proved highly controversial, as Catriona Renton now reports. Leonardo da vincis lady with an ermine, painted in1a90. Leonardo da vincis lady with an ermine, painted in 1a90. Its one of only four portraits of women by the italian master and it alone is insured for 331 Million Euros. Its one of the pieces in this foundation s collection. The Treasure Trove consists of around 86,000 objects, and also includes every amount rembrandt. It has been hosted in the museum in krakow, currently being refurbished. Now the Polish Government has amended their budget to raise 1oo Million Euros to buy it although it is thought to be worth 2 billion. The president of the foundation said that he felt like making a donation. It seems the government has got a good deal. Translation this collection, in the polish hearts, is now the property of the polish nation. The entire foundations collection, housed in krakow, and future art claims belong to the polish nation. But, the sale, at a fraction of its worth, has not gone down so well with the foundations board. It has resigned over the bargain price, saying it was not consulted, but others see the purchase as a precious legacy for the polish future. People in the uk are expected to have used around 300,000 tonnes of card during the Festive Season including packaging and christmas cards. The government funded charity wrap says this causes all kinds of recycling problems, and people are confused about what can and cant be recycled. Sean farrington, has been to a Recycling Plant in the West Midlands to investigate. Im near walsall in the West Midlands. At biffas recycling factory. Theyve still got all that to go through and more. It hasnt gone down at all, because its the busiest time of year. Youve got all this kind of stuff, the cards, gift wrap, the glitter doesnt help either that everybodys to do. Thats why these pickers are sorting through everything. The waste that comes here is all in one. Its peoples recycling all in one basket. The plastics, the tins, the paper gets split here, not at home. People might be more familiar with that. What makes it awkward, you still end up with dvd players, broadband, hair dryers are getting in hair. Are getting in here. Thats where the machinery cant do it all on its own. Now, lets talk to a couple of people who know a little bit of why this is happening here. You represent the Packaging Industry. How much of this here is because the amount of packaging that your members when customers buy certain products . That your members use when customers buy certain products . The packaging you see here is because consumers have brought products that have to have packaging around them in order for the product to arrive fit for purpose and that it it was intended. In that sense, you can say our members are responsible for, but they actually save waste by avoiding the product waste. Margaret, youre a professor in sustainable waste management. Do you think the Packaging Industry could do more . I think the Packaging Industry does a lot, but i think if maybe people changed their behaviours, they would be incentivised to do more. There are lots of schemes we have talked about, people have talked about extended producer responsibility, where the producers of Waste Materials might fund their collection and then be incentivised to produce less. Is that a bit of an issue . Where do the incentives come . For people at home to put The Right Stuff in the right bins, to get customers buying the right products with maybe not as much packaging as they might want to . Remember that the products that are put on the shelves are done so because consumers buy them, therefore manufacturers will always produce the product that a consumer wants. But the majority of packaging, certainly Food Packaging these days, has got information on it so that consumers can see how to responsibly dispose of it for recycling. And certainly, the proportion of recycled material that is in packaging has increased and will continue to increase. Margaret, just quickly. Do Consumers Want to use less packaging, or are they all about christmas . I think people want to do the right thing, but theyre not always clear what the right thing is. So we get really high recycling rates considering that actually for most householders there is no benefit. Margaret, neill, thank you much. Still, loads of shiny Wrapping Paper going through here. These guys working pretty hard this morning. I hope that makes things more clear, it can be difficult at times from brexit to trump, ali to bowie, 2016 has been a year of shocks and surprises. So where to get the banter and a review of the big events . Radio 1s newsbeat decided a wolverhampton barbershop and a birmingham salon would be good places. So heres 2016, cut and dried. I think it is a tale of time to be honest. Its the best International Foot ball honest. Its the best International Football team ive ever watched. Honest. Its the best International Football team ive ever watchedm i was Football Team ive ever Watchedm Iwas in Football Team ive ever watchedm i was in america right now and police pulled me over, im staying stiff. We can now say that the decision taken in 1975 by this Country Tojoin Decision taken in 1975 by this country to join the Common Market has been reversed. This will be a victory for real people, a victory for merry people. A victory for decent people. When you see Everybody Voting to leave. thought no, im going to have to pay for a visa to visit spain a lot of people did not vote because they thought, we werent going to leave, everybody thought it was certain. Including you, stefan we thought it was in the bag, we thought no, england is not that dumb. was in the bag, we thought no, england is not that dumb. I think that immigration is one of the main points. They never thought it would happen. If you vote to leave, with the simpsons movie, with the dime . I thought the dome would come over. And before we leave. Then it would change. I voted, and before we leave. Then it would change. Ivoted, i hadjust and before we leave. Then it would change. Ivoted, i had just turned 18. I have never voted before so i thought it was exciting to be voting. The majority of people voting. The majority of people voting voted to leave, and they were middle aged and elderly, trying to make britain how it was. But we Great Britain anyway, so. Regardless of whether we leave or not, we are still one of the biggest nations in the world. We will still get trade and still do well. The british people have made it very clear decision to take a different path. As such, i think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction. I think he put his hands up, he was like, you guys already go on to do this . Now hes chilling on the beach with his wife, hes like, you lot are going to down the Grain Agriculture going to run this country down the drain, man Funky Music Mac i felt sorry for him, he looked like he wanted to cry when he delivered that speech. I respected it, i rated it because he didnt want to be the Prime Minister and its important and it was something he did not believe in, which was honest. At the same time, it is kind of sneaky. The headlines at eight oclock. A final farewell to one of the greatest Sporting Icons of all time. Ali there were times where i got beat up a little bit i am the greatest muhammad ali. That hit me

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