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the voting helps continue —— we will get analysis from our correspondent in washington with gary o'donoghue, who, of course, is there. i will another correspondent has been reporting for the battle of the white house in a 3d atomic weights, travelling for these key states that are deciding who will win this presidency. tonight he takes a look at the selection has done to america. ‘s warning this is now america. a land of ambient ugliness. divided. angry. frustrated. primed for trouble. there are many whose opinion we have canvassed in this dish united states of america in recent weeks. ordinary voters. i look to track my ballot and it wasn't there. now wondering, can this nation meets this moment to heal? you can'tjust find hundreds of thousands of votes. bridge the chasm between red and blue. we first came across catherine and her friend pam, stumping for president trump in phoenix and arizona just before polling day. we love tom! we love tom! they injure the heat and very public disapproval. tom! they injure the heat and very public disapprovallj tom! they injure the heat and very public disapproval. i feel sorry for you! if we lose the election we are going to lose our way of life. we won't be free. we came across chris smith at a trump valley in tucson last month. and after touching down in philadelphia on election eve, we chatted with debbie smith, a democrat who voted forjoe biden. as the election draws to a close, she says america cannot tackle its most pressing problems without unity. our people need to get back to work. we need to heal this country. so, at the end of the day, it is going to come down to, we need to recover from the coronavirus. people have lost sight of what is happening. for some republicans, the coronavirus isn't the main election issue. ask chris smith. you think it is fraud? we don't go to bed at ten, 11, 12 o'clock at night, two in the morning, leading all the keys to swing states in wake up at seven o'clock in the morning and suddenly they found hundreds of thousands of votes in they all happen to be for joe biden. votes in they all happen to be for joe biden. hello, catherine. greetings from philadelphia. the last word goes to catherine. do you think the two halves of america can unite now? perhaps in the future we can start to work on it, but right now, no. the wound is to open. sobering words, but if it is winter in america, can spring be far behind? clive miley, bbc news, in philadelphia. donald trump says that he is not going to give up on his legalfight. he says that he will pursue the process through every aspect of the law to ensure that american people have every confidence in their government and he says that he will never give up on you or government and he says that he will never give up on you or our government and he says that he will never give up on you or our nation. defiance of donald trump as he continues to pursue the legal action has been filed in a number of states, the battle strand states, of course, that we are keeping a very close i am to see when those votes will be counted. we could be some day off because we hearing this loss of the provisional ballots and mail—in ballots in a number of states are still yet to be counted. in the last hour philadelphia city officials have given a statement about the ongoing election operations there and the city mayor had a message for president trump. have a listen. i think what the president needs to do is, frankly, put his big boy hansen, acknowledged that he lost, just as clinton did, just as al gore did, and that is the feeling of the country. the mayor of philadelphia telling trump to put his big boy pants on. quite a statement from the mayor, yelled the? it was quite a statement when we heard donald quite a statement when we heard him telling donald trump to put his big boy pants on. another said that judging by the numbers of these votes does he say thatjoe biden would be the next president of the united states? all he said was yes, exclamation point, so you can see that the votes are going up allah by the hour. half an hour ago it was going up by 12,000 votes, it is now gone up by 111,000 votes, if wejust ta ke gone up by 111,000 votes, if wejust take you back to a few days ago, donald trump had a lead of about 690,000 votes here in pennsylvania and in the space of four days it has now gone injoe biden's favour. we have seen the map turn from red to blue with the two men being separated by about 111,000 votes, so a nail—biting day here as the developments have taken place. and, yalda, for our view is that may be just joining yalda, for our view is that may be justjoining us, just reminders exactly how important philadelphia, pennsylvania is for the overall picture when we look at the electoral votes, the 270 number which is that magic number, of course that's light, the magic number is 270. if he gets pennsylvania joe biden really doesn't need any other state. pennsylvania has huge electoral couege pennsylvania has huge electoral college votes to give, that is 20 that this particular state so that would put him well over the line at 273, and then it's game over for donald trump but, as i said, and that preference or press conference, they said thatjoe biden is on his way to getting the state of pennsylvania and, really, i wasjust in wisconsin and this area, the midwest and pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania were part of the so—called blue well. that is what hillary clinton called it in 2016, and donald trump managed to smash that's blue well and we are now seeing that blue wall of blue wave return here. in pennsylvania if joe biden does in fact when the state of the commonwealth. i do also wa nt to state of the commonwealth. i do also want to point out to our viewers how significant philadelphia is. it is the birthplace of american democracy. this is where the declaration of independence happened in 1776. this is also where the constitutional convention happened in 1787. so, the fact that democracy is being played out here in pennsylvania is incredibly significant. that was yalda hakim live in pennsylvania in the latest reports we are getting a saying that joe biden is ahead there. you're watching bbc news. just an update on where we are at the moment. counting is still continuing the key battleground states in this us election and we understand that a recount has been confirmed to be taking place in georgia and, as yalda just laying there, in pennsylvania it has been very close indeed but every single vote does indeed but every single vote does indeed count. now, donald trump has released a statement in the last few minutes or so, saying that he is going to continue, vowing to continue, with his legalfight. we have got plenty more analysis coming with our correspondence on the ground across the us for you and of course here on bbc world news. stay with us. hello, there. it's been a week of autumn frost and fog for many of us, but once that lifted away, we had some beautiful sunshine. today was no exception — you can see from the satellite picture. as we head into the weekend, however, we going to see some subtle changes. the potential for however, we going to see some subtle changes. the potentialfor it however, we going to see some subtle changes. the potential for it to however, we going to see some subtle changes. the potentialfor it to be a little bit milder in one of the reasons is more cloud around and there will be a little bit more on there will be a little bit more on the way showery rain potentially on sunday. more than that in just a moment. the here and now that we will continue to hear some clearing skies fog forming torso in scotland, particularly across the vale of york where it could be quite dense and parts of wales as well. chilly is well under those clear skies, low single figures for some. bit more of a breeze, not quite as cold across the far south—western as we go through the morning so that fog could lift show or slowly into low cloud and sit there for much of the day, particularly across central and southern england. we'll need to watch that. some of the spells of sunshine, though, through scotland, northern ireland, southern england and along the channel coast. we should see temperatures speaking at around 15 or 16 celsius. as we move out of saturday into sunday we're going to start to see the signs of that change. they show is on to the south—west, it is a weather front is approaching from the south—west, i survive the further west you are, the breeze picking up but from a southerly direction, that is going to be driving him out there with it but on sunday they will be more than the way of cloud around, it will be showery bits of pieces sweeping up from the west lifting away steadily north so not all of us will see rain, it will be a cloudy day, ten to 16 degrees. it does look as though this trend is set to continue into our week ahead so the second week of november looks likely to be dominated by high pressure, blocking these lows that are trying to push on from the atlantic so all the time they will be starting to moving from they will be starting to moving from the west and brings some rain but not particularly significant. so it means that the further east you go, as you go through the week, it will be dry with some sunny spells, some showery outbreaks of rain in the west. this is bbc news, with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk this is bbc news live from washington and london. the us presidential election reaches a climax, joe biden builds momentum in key battleground states. the margins are razor thin, but the trend of the ballot count, favours the democrats. a recount is announced in georgia, wherejoe biden has a lead ofjust over 1,000. and i'm live from the battleground state of pennsylvania, wherejoe biden now leads by about 30,000 votes. as for the candidates themselves, mr biden calls for calm and patience. he says the process is working properly and is confident

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Arizona , United States , Georgia , United Kingdom , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Wisconsin , Michigan , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Scotland , American , Statesof America , Clive Miley , Debbie Smith , Hillary Clinton , Joe Biden ,

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