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This is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. Back to school for pupils in england and wales, but a warning that some children are months behind in their learning ministers say its vital students return to the classroom. Schools are open, theyre ready for those young people, theyve put in place all the measures that ive been talking about to keep people safe. But it is important for both their educational prospects and their Mental Health that young people are back in school over the course of this week. Two if youve got children going back to school this week how are you feeling about it . vicderbyshire or email victoria bbc. Co. Uk. President Trump Defends one of his supporters whos charged with murdering two people during protests against the Police Shooting of a black man. Marcus rashfords new goal, the Manchester United striker tells the bbc why hes heading up a task force to make sure children dont go hungry. I feel like at times people think like theyre being looked down on if they ask somebody for help. And i think in this generation that we are in, thats one thing that should change. And coming up this hour. Well be in paris to see how the new rules on wearing face masks in workplaces are going down. Hello and welcome if youre watching in the uk or around the world, children across england and wales are preparing to go back to school this week but theres a warning that some children are months behind in their learning. A new study by the National Foundation for Education Research says that children in england are three months behind, with boys and pupils from poorer areas worst affected. The study warns that with coronavirus restrictions still in place, a quick catch up is unlikely. The government insists it is determined children should not lose out because of the pandemic. And on exams, the schools minister nick gibb says a decision on delaying next years gcse and a level exams and results day in england will be made very soon. Away from school, a uk travel Industry Leader has warned of chaos and hardship if portugal is reintroduced to the quarantine list. New rules on the wearing of face masks in workplaces come into force in france. And hong kong has started mass covid 19 testing but critics say the programme is insufficient and could be misused for surveillance. But lets start with schools, as pupils return to the classroom. Lets speak now to chris mason, our Political Correspondent there is a warning about this gap between those from wealthier backgrounds and disadvantaged areas in terms of attainment and a big decision on exams. Yes, good morning. There is real concern and it is recognised in government that plenty of pupils have missed one heck of a lot of schooling, and those from disadvantaged backgrounds have perhaps struggled in particular. Ministers are making the point that they have put quite a lot of money in to catch up programmes, they say ministers say that the reason they have been so passionate for so long about making today and this week and the coming weeks happen, in other words, schools getting back to normal as far as attendance is concerned, in england, is ensuring that that attainment gap doesnt get any wider. And theyre pretty confident. Before the summer when there was an attempt to get plenty of kids back in classrooms, frankly it didnt happen to anywhere near the extent that ministers hoped and plenty of critics said they had basically failed to deliver what they had promised. This time they are much more confident that head teachers and most parents are on board, and there is a recognition that the risk to children is pretty small. Where is the risk of not being at school in terms of education and social development is pretty significant. A couple of questions which arent entirely answered, one is around the whole business of what happens if a child tests positive for the virus. Does their entire bubble end up in exclusion for m days . Even if it is school year in context of a Secondary School . Not sure we have an exact answer on that from ministers. The other one is the whole business of exams next summer and whether it will be delayed, it looks likely they will be pushed back. We dont yet know when the government will make a decision. Here is nick gibb, the schools minister for here is nick gibb, the schools ministerfor england. Here is nick gibb, the schools minister for england. We have been looking at this issue since mid june, and we will come to a decision shortly. So that schools know what the position will be. We have also changed the assessment process to make sure that we can free up as much teaching time as possible so those young people can catch up. Thats why its so important that young people return to school. Thats why its so important that young people return to schoolli have discovered in this job that the word shortly can be eased by a politician and it is wonderfully elastic. They have got a lot to sort out but the wind is definitely blowing in the direction of exams being pushed back a bit next summer. And borisjohnsons top team are meeting right now, they are all turned up in person, not via zoom any more . Exactly, the cabinet is meeting physically in the Foreign Office, ina meeting physically in the Foreign Office, in a big room which is big enough to fit everyone around the table physically rather than zoom doom. Dominic cummings, the chief adviser for the doom. Dominic cummings, the chief adviserfor the prime doom. Dominic cummings, the chief adviser for the Prime Minister, turned up wearing a suit, the first timei turned up wearing a suit, the first time i have ever seen him wearing a suit, didnt wear a tie but he had a suit, didnt wear a tie but he had a suit on. This picture caught our eye, ben wallace, the defence secretary, arriving in downing street and doing something very not 2020, shaking someone by the hand. We cannot see whose hand he is shaking, unless he is shaking a lamp post or a nonhuman hand. Thats not really quite in line with government advice, shaking hands. And he goes to the Cabinet Meeting with plenty for the government to wrestle with. They are confident about schools going back but there are massive questions around how they will pay for the public spending that has gone on as far as the virus is concerned, anotherfront gone on as far as the virus is concerned, another front page this morning reporting big tax rises coming in the budget in the autumn. No Immediate Response from the government on that one. But somehow they will have to plug the gap they have spent. One final thought is brexit, that is an unresolved issue, can the government get a brexit deal by christmas . Time is tight, we would be talking about this and nothing else if it wasnt for the coronavirus at the moment, because it isa coronavirus at the moment, because it is a huge issue in and of itself as we know from the last few years. They have to wrestle with all of that as well as all of the swelling questions continuing in terms of response to the virus. Thank you very much, chris. Earlier i spoke to dr angela donkin, chief social scientist at the National Foundation for educational research. As weve been reporting, a new study there says that children in england are three months behind, with boys and pupils from poorer areas worst affected. She said that even with children going back to school, teachers say that social distancing guidelines can make quality teaching a lot harder. What we have found, was that in july, when teachers did go back as some pupils went back, three quarters of the teachers found that they were struggling to maintain the same level of quality in teaching that they would normally be able to do before the pandemic. So, for instance, with social distancing, they felt that they could not do small group work, they couldnt walk around the class. So i think that there is this kind of assumption that we will get everybody back to school, which is absolutely the right thing, and that everybody will be able to continue at the same pace may be as before the pandemic. I dont think we can assume that thats going to be the case at all. I think it will take some adjusting to teach in these new times. The head of British Airways parent company, willie walsh, has warned of chaos and hardship for travellers if portugal is put back on the uks quarantine list. The country was removed from the list only ten days ago, prompting a surge in bookings for flights and holidays. Since then the rate of infection in the country has increased. Us President Donald Trump has defended supporters for their alleged roles in recent deadly street clashes. He suggested a teen accused of killing two in wisconsin last week and trump fans involved in clashes in oregon on saturday had acted in self defence. Heres what the president had to say about the teenager, Kyle Rittenhouse. I guess he was in very big trouble. He probably would have been killed. But its under investigation. Do you think private citizens should be taking guns. Id like to see Law Enforcement take care of everything. The shootings in kenosha took place during ongoing demonstrations about policing and racial injustice. And its emerging as a key theme in the american president ial campaign. President trump said his democratic rivaljoe biden had been weak in the face of street protests. Mr biden accused mr trump of being a toxic presence in america, and of viewing the violence as a political lifeline. Our north america correspondent peter bowes reports. Nine weeks to polling day and americans are facing a stark choice. With violence and civil unrest on the streets of several cities, including outside the white house, law and order is emerging as the issue that could decide this bitterly fought election. Portland has been the epicentre of black lives matter protests ever since the Police Killing of george floyd. At the weekend, supporters of President Trump headed into the city in a huge convoy of vehicles. Sporadic fighting broke out between the two groups and a white man was shot and killed. He was a supporter of a right wing group. President trump blamed the democrats for what he called left wing political violence. The wave of violence and destruction that weve seen in recent weeks and months has occurred in cities exclusively controlled and dominated by the biden, joe biden party. It is a familiar theme from the president , now focused more than ever on framing joe biden as the leader of a party that would bring anarchy to the streets. Earlier, the former Vice President said the policies of donald trump were to blame. He cant stop the violence, because for years he has fomented it. You know, he may believe that mouthing the words law and order makes him strong, but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is. Does anyone believe therell be less violence in america if donald trump is re elected . Mr biden also lashed out at the way he says mr trump spread lies about him and he spelled out his own view of law and order. I want to make it absolutely clear, so im going to be very clear about all of this, rioting is not protesting, looting is not protesting, setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. Its lawlessness, plain and simple. A week after violent protests followed the Police Shooting ofjacob blake in wisconsin, President Trump is travelling to the city of kenosha to see himself the damage caused to property and meet Law Enforcement personnel. Hell not be speaking to the family of mr blake because they asked for a lawyer to be involved and mrtrump said that was inappropriate. The white house said it will be a unifying visit. Peter bowes, bbc news, los angeles. The english footballer Marcus Rashford has formed a task force with charities and supermarkets to try to end child food poverty in the uk. Three months ago his campaign led to the government making a u turn on providing Free School Meal vouchers in england during the Summer Holidays. The Manchester United striker has written a letter to the Prime Minister, outlining the extra help he says some families still need. Hes been speaking exclusively to sally nugent. Go on, get it. 0h for the footballer marcus rushford, this is a deeply personal project. I am a single parent. Itjust helped him so much with getting food for himself. Thank you. Its no problem. I thinkjust to see the smiles on their faces and to see how much it has helped them made me happy to see that actually with my own eyes. Its a stigma. They look at it as, well, who goes to these places, food bank . They look down on it, but with you speaking about it and saying you have been through it, it has given a family confidence. Ok, he has gone through it. It is only a situation, we can pass it and ask for help. Marcus spent the summer thinking about what he wants to do next. We pretty much knew straightaway that we had found a short Term Solution, but that wasnt going to work in the long run so we had to think about how is the best way to do it so that these families can eat long term and not have any issues. Hello, everyone. Can everybody hear me . Some of the biggest brands on the country are on this call. Most have now signed up to rashfords task force. They are supporting these proposals from the National Food strategy. Expanding Free School Meals to every child from a household on universal credit or similar benefits. Providing holiday food and activities for all children on Free School Meals. Increasing healthy start food vouchers from £3. 10 to £4. 25 per week. Henry dimbleby is leading the review and spoke at the start of the call. It is important because the alternative to a school lunch is packed lunch, and only 1 of packed lunches have the nutritional value of a school meal, and if you look at packed lunches as children get less affluent, those packed lunches have increasingly low nutritional balance. So this is a fantastic way to get children eating well at school. Were not specialists in the area. They actually are. So i am learning so much more, they are giving me figures that have sent me a bit. Like, wow now, the footballer has written to the Prime Minister, thanking him for the u turn over Free School Meals in the Summer Holidays back in june. In a very personal letter drawing on his own experiences as a child, he outlines the extra help he feels some families still need now more than ever. His task force calls for it to be funded as soon as possible. Marcus rashford is hoping that by extending the conversation about food poverty with a bigger team of experts around him, he might be able to help even more of todays children. The headlines on bbc news. Schools in england and wales begin reopening from today with a warning that many pupils have fallen three months behind with their learning. Donald Trump Defends the teenage gunman charged with murdering two people after protests against the Police Shooting of a black man. Manchester united footballer Marcus Rashford campaigns to try to end child food poverty in the uk. From today, workers in france will be expected to wear masks in all shared, enclosed spaces, such as corridors and meeting rooms. However in regions considered to be at lower risk from coronavirus, people will be able to remove their masks if buildings have good ventilation and plastic screens between desks. Speaking from paris, our correspondent, hugh schofield, explains that the measures are being introduced because of a rise in the number of cases. Nothing that anybody is panicking about, but the sense that a grip needs to be re established on the virus at this point in the year, when people are going back to schools, and when people en masse are going back to work. The level of home working is going down, the end of the holidays means that people are going back to work so the government has long decided, since two or three weeks ago, that this day, the ist of september, would be when there is a step up in the normalisation of mask wearing in the country. And in offices, this will make a big difference to people. As you set out there in your intro, its actually quite a complicated picture, because there are all sorts of exemptions that have been negotiated with unions over the last day or so. But broadly the picture is that in the office, you have to wear a mask now. And that is going to make life uncomfortable, difficult may be, but certainly going to change things for millions of people. Lets return to our main story this hour. Children in england and wales are getting ready to go back to school this week. Our education correspondent Elaine Dunkley has been visiting a school in birmingham to see how theyre preparing to welcome back their pupils. Welcome to birmingham and it is back to school but mainly for teachers in england and wales, as they are busy preparing for all the year groups to come back. As you Wander Around the school, you see signs reminding students to stay two metres apart. On thursday, more than 500 children will be coming back to school, everyone will have their temperature checked before walking in. This head teacher has been doing a huge amount of preparation, how are you feeling about having the children back . We are absolutely thrilled, absolutely delighted. This is what were here for. Thursday will be a special day. It will be different from what we are used to, it certainly will be, with students arriving at staggered times, and entrances, and also having to sanitise and wash their hands and put ppe away. But in our trial runs with year ten and year seven, it has been flawless, the students have been very respectful and they know what is right and wrong. One of the big things has been convincing parents that it is safe for them to come back into the classroom, i have been speaking to some families. We went from the biggest people into the school to the littlest. I have been fairly nervous, knowing that im going to go to high school. Its a bit strange knowing that you have to wear a face mask to school but it will be safer. Im kind of scared on catching up because i forgot a lot of things from primary and i need to catch upa lot. Everyone else will be in the same position. Yeah. What have you been doing, mr williams, to reassure parents that it is time for the children to come back . The biggest thing that we have done that has been helpful is being in constant communication. We have our own app and website and alerts have been going out all the time. It has been updating them and they have been able to contribute. We have had open questionnaires where parents have said what some of their fears are, so we are able to respond to their needs, what theyre concerned about and do something about it. For example, in terms of cross contamination, all students will be in bubbles, class and year group bubbles, and that will range from eight students up to 25. Breaks and lunches will be staggered and students will go into designated areas and they will not mix between the year groups. A lot of work has gone on, but its been successful and we think its going to work. There are going to be a lot of children back in a school for the First Time Since march. How concerned are you about the contingency plans if one of those children becomes unwell . We have very strict plans for either a suspected case or a confirmed case. We will be involving Public Health england at every stage of the process. Our contingency plans are very robust, we have a full package of Virtual Learning meaning live lessons by teachers, we have other resources that have been sent home to them. It would be saddening, but it would not be a disaster. We have lots in the artillery to cope with that. We are so used to having corridors full of children, children interacting, moving around the school, learning and playing together. How different will things feel for those starting in the autumn . It will be different but they understand, they have just had six months of very stressful and challenging times. And they appreciate their own health and the health of others. I think they will understand the things we are doing and the reason they are doing it. If you explain things to young people and they understand and rationalise it themselves, they cope much better. It will be different but it will be necessary and it will be a success. One of the big things children say to me is, i have really missed my friends. They have missed a lot of school as well. Some children are three months behind in their learning, suggests a survey today, are you confident that you can catch the children up . We are, i have the right team full of energy and commitment to do that. We are buying into learning platforms, but also, we hold extended school between 3pm and 4pm, classes on saturday and during the holiday so we are absolutely 100 determined that we will close those gaps. You have a very busy day today, i know you have just been briefing teachers downstairs, and it will be unfamiliar for students coming back, but this is the first time they will be coming back and life will feel a little bit more normal like it did before lockdown. On the subjective lessons on a saturday, as a retired teacher, says pat, im wondering why no one has thought of extending the extremely short school day by one or two hours to ensure that children catch up with work . In many other countries the school day is longer than here, and having taught in the public and private sectors previously, i can assure that unwilling teachers that many private schools teach much later in the afternoon without any adverse effect. By extending the school day, lost time could be made up school day, lost time could be made up comparatively quickly. Send me an e mail. The chinese city of wuhan was where coronavirus first emerged late last year. High schools re opened in may, but today nearly one point four 1. 4 milllion students have gone back to kindergartens, primary and middle schools across the city. Wuhan university reopened yesterday. So how do people feel about sending their kids back to school and what are the Safety Measures in place . Tchin tchin chen is a journalist for the chinese newspaper global times, which is affiliated with the chinese state. She explained what shed seen planned for wuhan. This morning basically is the new class for about 1. 4 million children, for they are re entering the schools. As i can see, at each entrance of the school, there is a checkpoint. So before entering into the school, students can get their body temperature checked, and there are teachers and volunteers at the entrance, to help them to get all those tests. And also, its not mandatory to wear masks, but people can always bring a mask with them. And i can see that there are a lot of students, theyre still Wearing Masks. Before the school reopening, there are workers doing disinfectant work at the campus. So i think everything is ok, and everything is back to normal now. And also, some schools, some teachers told me that they have some emergency plans, for example, if their children have a fever or they have a cough, and symptoms of that, they will send them into different rooms and they will switch off line classes to online. And all this kind of preparation for some emergency situations here. Employers who are making use of the uk governments coronavirus furlough scheme will have to contribute to the cost from today. Since march, the government has paid 80 of workers wages. Thats now going down to 70 . Business groups say it makes redundancies more likely. Our Business Correspondent katy austin reports. The Music Festivals this business normally provide sound systems for havent happened this year, so 170 staff have been furloughed. But the looming end of the Job Retention scheme has meant tough decisions. The fact that our costs would be ramping up in relation to the furlough scheme as of september the 1st, that was when we decided we needed to go through our initial round of redundancies. So we entered a consultation period injuly, we spoke to everybody in the company. We wanted to make sure that we were preparing ourselves for the worst. More than 9. 5 million jobs have been furloughed under the government scheme. From today, the state will pay 70 of affected employees wages, while the employer must pay 10 plus National Insurance and pension contributions. In october, the final month, it will be 60 from government and 20 paid by firms. One Business Group said that would be a struggle for some industries in particular. 19 of small employers say they are likely to reduce headcount in the next three months, and that is connected to the fact that people are now thinking about the future. Are these jobs there for people to come to return to . So we expect there will inevitably be an increase in unemployment, looking at sectors like wholesale and retail, manufacturing and construction and arts and entertainment. A £1000 bonus is being offered where firms keep on staff who had been furloughed until the end of january, but the british chambers of commerce warns financial pressures on businesses meant unemployment was likely to surge unless the cost of employing people was cut. A treasury spokesperson said supporting so many peoples incomes cant be sustained indefinitely, but that the government would continue to support and create jobs. Katy austin, bbc news. Everyone living in hong kong can now get a free coronavirus test, under a new scheme backed by the chinese government. But a number of pro democracy leaders, and some health care workers, are calling for a boycott. Rebecca bailey reports. Early morning in hong kong. A sleepy start of the first day of mass testing. Over half a Million People have signed up in advance to take free tests, but theres opposition to the scheme, too. Boycott the coronavirus testing, chant some familiar faces. Joshua wong and lester shum, prominent pro democracy activists. The involvement of the chinese Central Government in the testing has turned whats on the surface, a Public Health scheme, into a political row. Activists have suggested peoples dna will be collected and abused under the cover of testing. The Hong Kong Government says no dna will be taken and no tests will go to mainland labs. There are different objections from medical experts. For me, the concern about mass testing is the concern about why we are spending so much money on testing lots and lots of people who are going to be negative. I think it would be a better strategy to focus on testing high risk people, maybe the staff or residents in elderly homes, every week. The head of the Hong Kong Public Doctors Association told media senior doctors had not been consulted on the plans. But in a sign ofjust how politicised this issue has become, all objections to the scheme have been tarred with the same brush. Translation there are some so called experts, doctors and individuals, who constantly discredit the universal testing programme, and find excuses to stop residents from participating in the programme. What is the motive behind their acts to prevent the hong kong people from participating in the universal Community Testing . There is only one i can think of, which is political calculations. And Beijings Hong Kong and Macau Affairs office, called testing opponents anti china radicals with a vile disregard for Public Health. The accusation the Coronavirus Crisis is being used for ulterior motives runs both ways. Translation from the beginning, the government has only had one goal using the coronavirus control to do whatever it can to please the Central Government of china. Hong kong isjust emerging from a third surge in coronavirus cases that began in earlyjuly. The stated aim of this scheme is to fully stamp out the virus and open up society again. But experts have warned that as many as five Million People might need to be tested for it to work. So the government will be hoping that the controversy around this testing wont keep people away. Rebecca bailey, bbc news. People with diabetes will be eligible for free meals in a new diet plan being launched by nhs england. Trials showed that half of those who followed the regime saw their type two diabetes go into remission after a year. Patients will also get advice from clinicians and be encouraged to increase their exercise levels. Type two diabetes has a massive impact on individuals and their lives. Its one of the commonest causes of blindness, kidney failure, amputations, increased risk of heart attack and strokes. So if we can support people to stay healthy, to put their type two diabetes into remission, i think the gains for individuals are huge. But the gains for the nhs and the taxpayer are very real as well. Hello, this is bbc news with victoria derbyshire. The headlines. Back to school for pupils in england and wales but a warning that some children are months behind in their learning. Ministers say its vital students return to the classroom. Schools are open, they are ready for those young people, they have put in place all the measures that ive been talking about to keep pupils safe, but it is important for both their educational prospects and their Mental Health that young people are back in school over the course of this week. While in france, workers are expected to wear marks from today as the number of coronavirus cases in the country continues to rise. President Trump Defends one of his supporters whos charged with murdering two people during protests against the Police Shooting of a black man. Manchester united footballer Marcus Rashford campaigns to try to end child food poverty in the uk. Wearing a mask in most workplaces has been made compulsory by the french government. The Labour Ministry said the new arrangement will apply to all shared spaces in offices and factories, high School Pupils and teachers at all levels will also have to wear masks in School Buildings and playgrounds from today. Sian giffiths is a professor at the Chinese University of hong kong and led the Hong Kong Governments inquiry into the sars pandemic. I know you happen to be in france, but i think it is just on holiday, i do not think you are working there . This is obviously due to a rise in cases in france, is Wearing Masks in shared spaces going to affect the infection rate . It should do. The french are greater proponents of Wearing Masks than in the uk, so they had already put out guidelines for Wearing Masks in schools, teachers are expected to wear masks. The guidance is quite interesting because it varies on the level of coronavirus in your locality. They divide the localities into red, orange and green, rather similar to our risk levels, and if you are in a red level you are not allowed as much leeway as any green area. And they have looked a different work modes, workspaces, quite a lot of emphasis on ventilation and spacing, thatis emphasis on ventilation and spacing, that is seen as very important. If you work on your own, you do not have to wear a mask, if you work outside, you do not, even in a red area you can have a breather. This is about decreasing by always wearing a mask and a communal space, it decreases the risk of infection when people are gathered together and it will hopefully have a mitigating effect on any infection in the workplace. Hopefully . It is a fingers crossed, saint . Ithink everything with covid djokovic we have not seen mask wearing in workplaces before, this means to be monitored, the level of infection, the level of passing the disease between people in workplaces needs to be examined and we can learn the lessons. We know that in general the science shows that if two people are Wearing Masks and come into contact with each other, they are less at risk of passing on the infection thanif risk of passing on the infection than if they are not Wearing Masks. And then to apply that to different situations like schools and workplaces and shops, if you wear masks, you can hopefully diminish the spread of the disease if people are wearing them correctly. Is there any evidence to suggest that people have a false sense of security when wearing a mask and perhaps wash their hands less also get to practice social distancing . Hopefully we are getting the message of the triad of activities, wash your hands, where a mask and wash your hands, where a mask and wash your space. Wear a your hands, where a mask and wash yourspace. Weara mask your hands, where a mask and wash your space. Wear a mask and watch your space. Wear a mask and watch your space. Wear a mask and watch your space. Those things are being linked together in the public mind. Wearing masks alone will not stop the spread of disease, it is adjunct to stopping the spread. That is where the science is pretty clear. What risks can you take in the workplace . Some people do not want to serve masks and side and uncomfortable, when can you take a mask off and what are the safe procedures some people do not wa nt to procedures some people do not want to wear masks and find them uncomfortable. Children going back to school need to take a bag to place a mask in when they take it off, the same full workplaces, sloppy mask hygiene could pass on the disease as much as poor hygiene. We are hopefully an hnd which allows us we are hopefully an hnd which allows us to normalise it as much as possible with covid still around and stop any further increase in the disease. Thank you for talking to us and enjoy the rest of your holiday, sian griffiths. This week on the bbc, we re marking the fifth anniversary of the 2015 migration crisis in europe. Seeking the safety and prosperity of europe, thousands of migrants and refugees made the long treck from the mediteranean via the balkans, crossing into hungary. But to stop the flow, the government of Prime Minister victor orban built a barrier on the the border between hungary and serbia. Nick thorpe reports. Reporting from this border through the summer of 2015, i once asked a photographer what he was planning to shoot that day. Just biblical scenes, he replied, biblical scenes. The exodus that year was astonishing to witness. And of the million or more people who sought refuge in europe, some 400,000 crossed hungary and a good proportion of them entered hungary from serbia down this disused railway track. It all looks very familiar today. Only the crowds are missing. Then hungary built a fence to stop them. This man first suggested it. Laszlo toroczkai, a local mayor. It was my idea, yes. I am very happy when the government built this border fence because we need this borderfence, not only in 2015, not only today, but we need this border fence in the future. Few migrants attempt to cross the fence today. Those who do still reach western europe have found other routes. The government sees the fence as an unqualified success. The southern ramparts of fortress europe. We dont like other people coming here, especially different religions, who we know were not going to abide the rules and are not going to follow the european way of life because their culture is different. Its not a matter of racism or antiracism, its a matter of common sense. Back in 2015 the east station in budapest was another bottleneck as tens of thousands of migrants tried to transit hungary towards northern europe. Last year, though, only 500 people were allowed to seek protection here in hungary. A handful of human Rights Groups defend the right to asylum, despite bitter government hostility. It is very clear that whatever the hungarian government has done in the field of asylum since september 2015 is unlawful. Its become more difficult to stand up for refugees in europe, particularly here in hungary, but its still crucial we do so. Iranian artist Abouzar Soltani and his 12 year old son faced deportation when they lost their asylum bid. But the Helsinki Committee took their case to the Top European Court and won. Their new asylum request will be heard at this week. Translation i was in a prison but then i understood it was just politics. I realised people in hungary have big hearts and want to help us to be free, that they love refugees. I love hungary and would like to live here. Soon they hope to leave this open refugee camp and start a new life here. Asylum seekers like them, who get the support they need, still get through. Nick thorpe, bbc news, vamosszabadi. Around the world, crowded venues like nightclubs have been among the last to reopen, even as restrictions on the wider hospitality sector have relaxed. And in the uk, some believe thats led to a rise in illegal raves. Shamaan Freeman Powell has this. Her report contains flashing images. It has been a familiar scene across the country over the long weekend. Despite fines of £10,000 for organisers and fines of £100 for those attending, many are prepared to take the risk. This man has moved on from unlicensed events. Rob star now owns a chain of pubs but he says that the rave culture is more than just dancing. More than music and alcohol. More than music and alcohol. We are social creatures. We need to meet people, dance, touch each other, hug and i think the festivals, clubs, they epitomise all of those behaviours. It is a very social environment. When you take that away, yeah, i can see that really impacting on peoples Mental Health, especially if they do not have something to replace that. According to the Mental Health charity, mind, 18 24 year olds were most affected by the pandemic. With three quarters saying it got worse during lockdown. While 9 of adults said boredom had an impact on their welfare, this figure jumps to 83 for those under 25. Lottie says she missed going out over lockdown. To start with, it was really lonely, because we were in lockdown and we could not leave the house at all, and i was stuck in here. But as things are gradually opening, im starting to feel a little better, as i can start going to places again but i do worry about how many people are going to be there and if it is actually safe to be around all those people at once. These concerns are also shared by the police. They were out in manchester this weekend, reminding licensed venues of their responsibilities. These established venues are easy to regulate. It is the private gatherings that are harder to police. We have had a few, unfortunate incidents in relation to some airbnb properties, where theyve been rented out by individuals, and essentially held parties, big house parties. They are really resource intensive to deal with and quite difficult, and actually really dangerous in terms of the health and safety point of view, for the individuals but also for the officers going in, obviously a lot of people in a small space, with coronavirus, isnt the best. In response to a surge of illegal gatherings, airbnb banned house parties worldwide, limiting guest numbers to 16. Before lockdown, thousands of people would have packed out of this room but social distancing rules make Traditional Club nights here impossible. That gap in the market is being filled by private and unlicensed events which, unlike nightclubs, do not always prioritise the safety and security of their customers. Many of the public, the youth of today who are socially starved, who have not had the ability to go out and socialise, we are going to see a massive growth in unlicensed events. And comparative to a regulated, safe, professional space, which is delivered by our industry, the events sectors, festivals, nightclubs and live music, so the government needs to look at trying to balance this by considering the safer option to reopen so that people can still engage in social experience but they can do it safely. Another rave, we believe, took place over the weekend, this time in north london. Across the country, in the areas seeing the highest rises in cases, people in their 20s are now the most affected, but as some young people continue to risk their physical health to maintain their mental well being, those in the trade say the government must act now to avoid the rise of the illegal raves and, in turn, the collapse of the industry. Shamaan Freeman Powell, bbc news. Well, ive been speaking to two members of that industry nightclub owner peter marks and music promoter kodi starr. I started by asking peter if he thinks it is safe for nighclubs to reopen. I think that, having worked with some scientists, we have a way we can come back with a number of protocols to try to reduce risk. As you know, were now in the managing risk situation with covid 19 and our view is that it is crazy that pubs can open and we cant, there are not that many differences. There are slight differences, they are busy on the dance floor and social distancing is different, we are not talking about relaxing social distancing rules, but back injuly the Prime Minister said that by november there will be no social distancing. We all seem to have forgotten he said that, but i have not. My belief is that we have a way back, it will be limited in perhaps capacity and peoples normal movements, but we should be able to do something and it will certainly be safer than illegal raves and house parties. Kodi starr, do you think they can reopen safely orgy you have to wait until social distancing is a thing of the past . Or do you have to wait . I completely agree. There is a certain way you can party, you can be social distanced, we have booth seating, vip areas which are different from the dance floor. You wont have everybody on the dance floor but you can still have people in booth seats, gathered in their own little groups of people, it is way safer than having an illegal rave. We feel like we are being neglected, the post lockdown rules were not clear enough to stop any of these mass gatherings, they were not clear enough to stop the gatherings on the beaches, in the parks, i feel like that is what gave rise to the illegal raves. When theyre at the parks, with a friend, they play music, other people come along and it becomes a so called illegal rave. The rules were not clear enough in the first place and it is better to have somebody who can manage the situation in the nightclubs than have people out there just doing whatever they feel like. How would it work on a dance floor, peter . It is happening in europe, although italy have recently closed nightclubs, i think that has been based on no evidence. There is no evidence this is spread in pubs or clubs, it is just about protecting tourism. Make sure you only have one entrance to the dance floor, you have a doorman near that entrance, he would only allow so many people on, you just keep an eye, we are used to dealing with crowds, security would have to keep people apart as best you can. Nightclubs in many countries in europe are open and coping, as long as we have a lot of space above the dance floor it is unsafe is pretty much anywhere indoors. It is it is as safe as pretty much anywhere indoors. We all accept that indoors is not as safe as outdoors, of course. Kodi, can people working in your sector see any light at the end of the channel at the moment . At the end of the tunnel . A lot of them cant, because when you look at it in terms of work and jobs, it is not young people that are working, young people are partying, great, but it is not young people that are working, that are the djs or the club owners. When it comes to work, lots of people have lost their jobs, i have had owners of clubs that i know personally come out of lockdown, seen the new rules and they have reconstructed the whole venue to accommodate for this, only to end up knowing that we will not open, we still have to keep closed and get rid of some more staff, it is looking really bad. When it comes to artists, there are no bookings, djs, there are not a lot of bookings. The economy of our scene is going down. I dont think there is much light at the end of the tunnel people on my side of the fence. Peter, why do we need nightclubs . Why is it an important part of our lives . Dance halls started in around about 1920, people have been going to dance as part of the cultural enjoyment for over 100 years. We are just a modern version of that. We often say that the nightclubs are anchor tenants of the night time economy, which is hugely important to the economy, it is worth £66 billion each year, that is anything open from 6pm until 6am. That is important. In some of the smaller towns of the uk, where the clubs have closed, the pubs have, then the closed shops do not open because people are not going out as often, the nail bars, the hairdressers that the clothing shops do not open. People choose to live places with that spread of things to do. It is a key thing. When you get to 30 you probably dont want to go clubbing like you used to, but young people love it, they can let their hair down, it is like a festival but indoors. Kodi, the government says of course we will open nightclubs thank you both very much, kodi starr and peter parts of western europe have been badly affected by heavy rain and strong winds. At least four holiday makers were killed in italy including two children crushed by a falling tree. In austria there have been mudslides, power cuts and rivers bursting their banks. Tim allman reports. This is normally a football pitch, now its a lake, where these young men found themselves stranded. It was a similar story in much of western austria. A deluge of wet weather leading to rising water levels and people in danger. In the town of gschnitz there was a fronting operation to stop the local river bursting its banks. Translation it was really serious. We only had 15 to 20 minutes to react. They managed to stop the river breaking its banks and burying the houses in the upper valley. Across the border, in northern italy, the authorities were on high alert. The adige river in verona perilously close to swamping the roads and bridges of the city. This sort of weather is not unprecedented, but experiencing it now is something new. Translation we were used to having flooding around november but it is kind of strange for it to happen at this time of year. Translation they closed the bridge because there was a big tree that got trapped. It started moving so, for safety, they closed it. More rain is expected in the coming days. Weather alerts are still in place. It seems the danger has not yet passed. Tim allman, bbc news. Three years ago, a crackdown by the military in myanmar left thousands of Rohingya Muslims dead, and forced a mass exodus across the border to bangladesh. Over a million rohingya people now live in the world s largest refugee camps in cox bazar, bangladesh. Every year 20,000 children are born in the camps, knowing nothing of life outside. Heres his story. The Venice Film Festival opens on wednesday. It will be the first Major International film event since the beginning of the Global Health emergency. Gail maclellan reports. The Venice Film Festival. Stars, glamour, paparazzi, fans. Fast forward to march 2020 and the pandemic. Italy was the first european country to be badly hit by the coronavirus. Currently the country has suffered over 35,000 covid related deaths. But life, and tourists, has returned to the city. Wearing facemasks and making an attempt at social distancing, visitors are once again in st marks square, in gondolas and on water buses. Preparing for the festival which opens this week on wednesday. Its the First International Film Festival since the pandemic closed cinemas and halted film production. There will be Safety Measures limited seating, thermal scanners and a fan free red carpet. You might build it, but will they come . Those hollywood stars will be subject to travel restrictions. There is a travel ban from the United States into europe. It wont be the same, but thats not the point, some say. Translation we know this year is not at full speed. There are fewer films. There will be fewer stars. But its still the venice festival. So the fact that there will be a festival, even under these conditions, is an Important Message and its great to have it. It may well be good for venice and did for the film industry, but with italy seeing an increase in coronavirus case numbers in the past few days, the worlds Film Festival will be navigating uncertainty and unprecedented territory. Gail maclellan, bbc news. Youre watching bbc news. In the next few minutes, Joanna Gosling will be here. Now its time for a look at the weather with carol. Hello again. Under clear skies, its been a chilly start to the day, but temperatures responding quite nicely, and for many of us it will be a little bit milder than it was yesterday. Now, High Pressures still in charge of our weather but we do have a weather front which has been progressing in from the west very slowly, moving eastwards, and as it bumps into that High Pressure its continuing to weaken. So after a lot of sunshine first thing, well see the cloud build like it did yesterday and then spread out. So therell be more cloud around this afternoon compared to this morning, but nonetheless therell still be some brighter skies. Brightening up in Northern Ireland behind the weather front. Here is the front here, with the rain increasingly turning light and patchy. Through this evening and overnight, there will still be areas of cloud, there will be some clear skies as well and there will still be a few showers dotted around western areas. Then we see the arrival of the next clutch of fronts coming our way from the west. Its not going to be as cold a start to the day tomorrow as it was this morning. So heres the clutch of fronts connected to this area of low pressure. Youve got all the isobars squeezed together, thats telling you its going to be a windier day tomorrow, particularly so with exposure in the north west where we have gusts of 40 to 45 mph. We can also see the progress the rain is making. Now, when you see greens and yellows in the charts, thats telling you therell be some heavy bursts. Not quite making it into the far north east of scotland or the south eastern corner of england until later on in the evening. So as we move from wednesday into thursday, that first weather front bringing that rain moves through, and then weve got this second cold front sinking southwards, the isobars again telling you weve got some brisk winds on the way during the course of thursday. So theres the first front, heres the second one, sinking south, taking its cloud and patchy rain with it. Behind it, sunshine and showers, the white circles indicate sustained wind speeds, so the gusts will be higher than this, particularly once again in the north west and particularly with exposure. But temperatures up, weve got 22s and 23s on the charts. Thats not going to last. On friday our weather front will be in the south, looks like it might bring some rain, pep up, in other words, to southern areas. North of that, we are looking at that mixture of sunshine and showers and temperatures starting to slip down once again. This is bbc news with Joanna Gosling, with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. Back to school for pupils in england and wales, but a warning that some children are months behind in their learning. Ministers say its vital students return to the classroom schools are open, theyre ready for those young people, theyve put in place all the measures that ive been talking about to keep people safe. But it is important for both their educational prospects and their Mental Health that young people are back in school over the course of this week. The uk Prime Minister welcomes his cabinet back to the new normal, as mps return to westminster after the summer recess. President Trump Defends one of his supporters whos charged with murdering two people during protests against the Police Shooting of a black man. Marcus rashfords new goal. The Manchester United striker tells the bbc why hes heading up a taskforce to make sure children dont go hungry. I feel like, at times, people think like theyre being looked down that theyre being looked down on if they ask somebody for help. And i think in this generation that we are in, thats one thing that should change. And coming up this hour. Well be in paris to see how the new rules on wearing face masks in workplaces are going down. Hello and welcome if you re watching in the uk or around the world, and stay with us for the latest news and analysis from here and across the globe. Children across england and wales are preparing to go back to school this week, but theres a warning that some have fallen months behind in their learning. A study by the National Foundation for Education Research says that children in england are three months behind, with boys and pupils from poorer areas worst affected. The study warns with the coronavirus restrictions in place, a quick catch up is unlikely. The government says it is determined children should not lose out because of the pandemic. And on exams, the schools minister, nick gibb says a decision on delaying next years gcse and a level exams and results day on delaying next years gcse and a level exams and results day in england will be made very soon. Away from schools, a uk travel Industry Leader has warned of chaos and hardship, if portugal is put back on the quarantine list. Elsewhere, new rules on the wearing of face masks in the workplaces come into force in france. And hong kong has started mass covid 19 testing, but critics say the programme is insufficient and could be misused for surveillance. For ourfirst report, lets return to the classroom. With me now is our Political Correspondent chris mason. Good morning. Pressure on the government as schools go back. Just give a flavour of the sentiment there in westminster this morning. We get a sense the challenges they face you were just talking about this is a really big moment for millions of families in england and wales and as schools begin to go back, a big moment for the government which has promised this moment would happen and now hopes that it well. Its pretty confident it well, it thinks the vast majority of head teachers from survey evidence are keen on opening skills fully so that all pupils and year groups can go back albeit in these bubbles where either classes are year groups remain bubbles where either classes are yeargroups remain in bubbles where either classes are year groups remain in close contact with one another effectively going about their business as normal but keeping a social distance from other age groups within the school. The hope is that parents will recognise the risks of catching and spreading the risks of catching and spreading the virus are much lower side the scientists that the educational and social risks of not going along at all. From that perspective the government are confident but they have a mountain of massive questions in their entry which weve come to any moment. The whole question of schools and education, there are still some open and Unanswered Questions about precisely what will happen ina questions about precisely what will happen in a scenario where people tests positive for the virus. Well that entire bubble, a class or a school year, be put into isolation for a fortnight or could there be something a little less draconian if you like or significant than that. Depending on the size of the year group concerned. The other question is, what happens to exams next summer . A levels, gcses, as levels, could they be pushed back . It looks likely they will be to allow the gap people have in their education to be closed we now and then. But the schools minister franklin is not putting a timeframe on when the government will make a decision on this. Weve been looking at this issue since mid june and we will come to a decision shortly, so that schools know what the position will be. Weve also changed the assessment process as well, to make sure we can free up as much teaching time as possible, so those young people can catch up and thats why its so important that young people now return to school. Notjust not just the start of a notjust the start of a new not just the start of a new term notjust the start of a new term for pupils but at westminster. As it a full house . They are returning from all over the uk so what tends to happen is if you dont get a sense of how many are here until the afternoon given that summer travelling quite some distance. There will still be social distancing protocols in Parliament Just as in social distancing protocols in parliamentjust as in lots of other workplaces so it will not be back to usual rowdy self in terms of what we see in the chamber but there is a desire to carry on pretty much as they were before the summer and allow the business of government and scrutiny to continue. Cabinet has met this morning at the start of this autumn political term. Meeting in the Foreign Office. While . Because the cabinet room is not big enough for the cabinet to assemble ina enough for the cabinet to assemble in a socially distance away so they are meeting in the Foreign Office in are meeting in the Foreign Office in a grand and spacious room that allows them to be in the same place, no zoom allows them to be in the same place, no zoom doom as far as the cabinet is concerned in autumn 2020. But there was a little bit ofjeopardy for the defence secretary. Lets show you these pictures. Ben wallace turning up in downing street where you can guarantee there are a few cameras loitering at he does something which was very un 2020. Shaking hands with someone in the street. Clearly shaking hands with anyone raises the occasional eyebrow. Im sure it is an instant they will brush off but perhaps not they will brush off but perhaps not the attention he hoped for on day one of the new parliamentary term stepping back to former significant and weighty matters, massive challenges for the government coming up challenges for the government coming up in the weeks and months ahead. A budget coming up in the autumn with huge questions about how we can repay the massive bells associated with the virus, lots of speculation about potential for tax rises and there is brexit to sort out. The transition period ending at the end of this calendar year and it is not yet a deal with the European Union. That would be a massive challenge in any year. Its a colossal challenge in the context of the uk and the European Union being distracted by the whole business of a pandemic. No one can say that isnt enough going on. There has also been movement in jobs behind the scenes for the government. Hearing that the Prime Minister as expected has confirmed that simon case is a new cabinet secretary and head of the Civil Service. These are behind the scenes people, whats the significance of this . Simon case is going to become the most important person that prior to this conversation you probably havent heard of because he will be the cabinet secretary, countrys most senior civil servant, he has been working for the Prime Minister for some time during the pandemic. He used to work as a private secretary to Prince William and has spent much of the last 15 years in the Civil Service prior to that he did a doctorate so he has been in the Civil Service in pretty senior roles for some time in gchq, the secretariat that was part of the organisation of the Olympic Games backin organisation of the Olympic Games back in 2012. Now takes on a pivotal role in the Civil Service at a time very significant change in the Civil Service. The government very keen to do sweeping reforms as far as the Civil Services concerned. Weve seen several Permanent Secretaries finding themselves no longer in the roles they were previously in. This isa sign roles they were previously in. This is a sign of that change. Its also a sign that its notjust Police Officers who seem to look younger as every year passes simon case isjust simon case is just 41 years old. Simon case isjust 41 years old. |j was just simon case isjust 41 years old. |j wasjust thinking simon case isjust 41 years old. |j was just thinking that and i wondered if its a sign that i am getting older, it does feel very young. Thank you. Im joined by Andrew Webster who is the headteacher of Park View School in tottenham. Welcome, thanks for joining welcome, thanks forjoining us. When are the kids all back . We are staggering the return throughout this weekend that but we are aiming that by next thursday, every child will have returned to school. What have you done to prepare . Its been a pretty significant programme of preparation, in terms of the general site. We had to maintain bubbles for year groups and we are trying to prevent as much crossover as we can between those year groups. So throughout the summer the team has worked very hard and we have done things like identify separate exits and entrances for year teens which staggers the start and end of the day and lunchtime and break time so logistically it has been quite a mission to get where we are now. How do you feel about the prospects of being able to properly connect with pupils in this environment . To make sure that everyone is getting the best that they can out of the teaching process . We have been very, very careful not to limit any curriculum offer so we have extended lessons to 90 minutes on each subject to give them a bit more time and reduce the movement around school. We are desperate to see the children back, very excited, they have been away for too long now. We dont we will do everything we can to make sure the return is safe but we did not want to limit the curriculum opportunities of the children when they came back so were trying to get it as normal as were trying to get it as normal as we possibly can. That has been stuff in media about teachers having to prepare for maybe different attitudes, difficult attitudes from peoples as they come back from so long. Thinking about the constraints in the classroom and the management of everybody in a skill, is it going to bea of everybody in a skill, is it going to be a more constrained environment that will require everyone to be on their best behaviour . We are looking at it differently. Of course behaviour will be critical to maintaining the school as a covid 19 safe site but as a school generally we ta ke safe site but as a school generally we take an approach to behaviour management so i think the first thing we will look at is recovery curriculum for children, many have been away for a very long time with perhaps a little structure within their lives so what we need to do first of all is take and that trying approach to the young people, find out how their time has been, rather than coming in hardline. Yes we have rules and may well be very clear outlines of where they should move and how they should behave that the priority for us as they returned safely, feel happy and from that we can ensure the behaviour is positive. What are your thoughts on gcses and a levels . To you want a delay and how quickly do you want the government to speak clearly about what will happen . the government to speak clearly about what will happen . I think its been really stressful for those children and students this year. I think in some ways, the students for next year have a harder time than the now personal preference would be the now personal preference would be the government looking at a model of carefully moderated Teacher Assessment because i feel the risk is the curriculum areas will be forced to strip out 30 key content, stu d e nts forced to strip out 30 key content, students might get very poor experience which can shift their feeling towards the subject so my feeling towards the subject so my feeling is moderated Teacher Assessment programme would be beneficial but yes, i do believe if they are going to carry on with the exams its very important they are delayed slightly in whatever way they can to ensure the children didnt do not miss out. Good luck with the start of the new term, thank you forjoining us. Thank you. Policing, justice and the recent violent protests in American Cities are turning into central issues in the us election campaign. On monday, President Trump defended the teenage gunman whos been charged with killing two people during protests against the Police Shooting of a black man, jacob blake in the city of kenosha in wisconsin. He said Kyle Rittenhouse appeared to have been acting in self defence. I guess he was in very big trouble. He probably would have been killed. But its under investigation. Do you think private citizens should be taking guns. Id like to see Law Enforcement take care of everything. President trump and his president ial rival, joe biden, have made bitter attacks on each other over the issue of law and order. Our north america correspondent, peter bowes reports. Nine weeks to polling day and americans are facing a stark choice. With violence and civil unrest on the streets of several cities, including outside the white house, law and order is emerging as the issue that could decide this bitterly fought election. Portland has been the epicentre of black lives matter process ever since the Police Killing of george floyd. At the weekend, supporters of President Trump headed into the city in a huge convoy of vehicles. Sporadic fighting broke out between the two groups and a white man was shot and killed. He was a supporter of a right wing group. President trump blamed the democrats for what he called left wing political violence. The wave of violence and destruction that weve seen in recent weeks and months has occurred in cities exclusively controlled and dominated by the biden, joe biden party. It is a familiar theme from the president , now focused more than ever on framing joe biden as the leader of a party that would bring anarchy to the streets. In america, we will Never Surrender to mob rule, because if the mob rules democracy is indeed dead. The reason we are continuing to see violence in left wing cities today is that liberal politicians, mayors, prosecutors, and judges are refusing to enforce the law and put the rioters in jail. Earlier, the former Vice President said the policies of donald trump were to blame. He cant stop the violence, because for years he has fomented it. You know, he may believe that mouthing the words law and order makes him strong, but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is. Does anyone believe therell be less violence in america if donald trump is re elected . Mr biden also lashed out at the way he says mr trump spreads lies about him and he spelt out his own view of law and order. I want to make it absolutely clear, so im going to be very clear about all of this, rioting is not protesting, looting is not protesting, setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. Its lawlessness, plain and simple. A week after violent protests followed the Police Shooting ofjacob blake in wisconsin, President Trump is travelling to the city of kenosha to see himself the damage caused to property and meet Law Enforcement personnel. Hell not be speaking to the family of mr blake because they asked for a lawyer to be involved and mrtrump said that was inappropriate. The white house said it will be a unifying visit. Peter bowes, bbc news, los angeles. Schools in england and wales begin reopening from today, with a warning that many pupils have fallen three months behind with their learning. Donald Trump Defends the teenage gunman charged with murdering two people after protests against the Police Shooting of a black man. Manchester united footballer Marcus Rashford campaigns to try to end child food poverty in the uk. French president emanuel macron is visiting lebanon to mark 100 years since the declaration of the state. The anniversary comes four weeks after that massive explosion in beirut port which claimed the lives of around 190 people, and destroyed parts the capital. President macron has been to beirut port this morning to see the devastation. This is his second visit in a month and he is pressing for political reform in a country on the verge of economic and political collapse. On monday, lebanons ambassador to germany, Mustapha Adib, was named the countrys new Prime Minister designate. Following his nomination, mr adib immediately paid a symbolic visit to parts of beirut worst affected by the explosion. Lets get more on this. Carmen gheha is associate professor of public administration, leadership, and Organizational Development at the American University of beirut. As university of beirut. The former colonial power, ho powerful as the former colonial power, how powerful is president macrons voice in lebanon right now . Thank you so much for caring and telling our story. His visit is extremely powerful. He has done all he can using his own Political Capital and credibility and time and money from his country to put lebanon on the map to say, look, this is what happens when you have 100 years of sectarian power sharing. When war lords get to make deals over people and get away with murder and corruption, including the blast at the port. Over the next two or three months he needs to ensure aid and relief is not used to prop up the same regime but goes towards people so we can get back on our feet and hold them accountable in the next elections. And how wellregarded i is Mustapha Adib as the person to sort this out . Its not about one man, its not about some superhero. This is something that makes me sad. My this is something that makes me sad. My parents were waiting for a superhero. Its not about that. Its whether theres a commitment from the political class, the lebanese dyess, the International Community to push for a transition of power and authority from criminal warlords restored Ammonium Nitrate using our bodies as a human shield. Whether these men step aside and let mr Mustapha Adib work, i have a lot of faith that a lot of competent people if they are given a chance to fix things like crime, schools, a report, pollution, working towards gender, we have1 million refugees, theres not a lack of competence but a lack of will and there has been maliciousness and greed so for. So i hope he helps but its not about one person, its about whether there is one transition. I hear what youre saying about him not being a superhero, thats not relevant, thats not right in this context, it requires a lot of people but it does nonetheless require the person at the head to have the right values, the head to have the right values, the right outlook to embrace what youre talking about and do you see that things are set for that . Icy on paper what the world sees, that hes somebody educated and looks ok on paper. I think its up to him to win Peoples Trust and show whether he will act independently and will be accountable to the people. So far ive heard nothing and see no initiative for that but we can only hope for the best but meanwhile, the disaster is so big a lot of efforts are needed, particularly around the delusional made. Theres a thread dilation of age. I dont believe you can have political reform if people dont have a roof over their head so that is really important for me. Thank you very much forjoining us. Thank you. The england footballer Marcus Rashford has formed a task force with charities and supermarkets to try to end child food poverty in the uk. Three months ago, his campaign led to the government making a u turn on providing Free School Meal vouchers in england during the Summer Holidays. The Manchester United striker has now written to the Prime Minister, outlining the extra help he says some families still need. The government says it will carefully consider the ideas. Marcus rashford has spoken exclusively to sally nugent. Go on, get it. 0h for the footballer marcus rushford, this is a deeply personal project. I am a single parent. Itjust helped him so much with getting food for himself. Thank you. Its no problem. I thinkjust to see the smiles on their faces and to see how much it has helped them made me happy to see that actually with my own eyes. Its a stigma. They look at it as, well, who goes to these places, food bank . They look down on it, but with you speaking about it and saying you have been through it, it has given a family confidence. Ok, he has gone through it. It is only a situation, we can pass it and ask for help. Marcus has spent the summer thinking about what he wants to do next. We pretty much knew straightaway that we had found a short Term Solution, but that wasnt going to work in the long run so we had to think about how is the best way to do it so that these families can eat long term and not have any issues. Hello, everyone. Can everybody hear me . Some of the biggest brands on the country are on this call. Some of the biggest brands in the country are on this call. Most have now signed up to rashfords task force. They are supporting these proposals from the National Food strategy. Expanding Free School Meals to every child from a household on universal credit or similar benefits, providing holiday food and activities for all children on Free School Meals, increasing healthy start food vouchers from £3. 10 to £4. 25 per week. Henry dimbleby is leading the review and spoke at the start of the call. It is important because the alternative to a school lunch is packed lunch, and only 1 of packed lunches have the nutritional value of a school meal, and if you look at packed lunches as children get less affluent, those packed lunches have increasingly low nutritional balance. So this is a fantastic way to get children eating well at school. Were not specialists in the area. They actually are. So i am learning so much more, they are giving me figures that have sent me a bit. Like, wow now, the footballer has written to the Prime Minister, thanking him for the u turn over Free School Meals in the Summer Holidays back in june. In a very personal letter drawing on his own experiences as a child, he outlines the extra help he feels some families still need now more than ever. His task force calls for it to be funded as soon as possible. Marcus rashford is hoping that by extending the conversation about food poverty with a bigger team of experts around him, he might be able to help even more of todays children. Employers who are making use of the uk governments coronavirus furlough scheme will have to contribute to the cost from today. Since march, the government has paid 80 of workers wages, thats now going down to 70 . Business groups say it makes redundancies more likely. Our Business Correspondent katy austin reports. The Music Festivals this business normally provide sound systems for havent happened this year, so 170 staff have been furloughed. But the looming end of the Job Retention scheme has meant tough decisions. The fact that our costs would be ramping up in relation to the furlough scheme as of september the 1st, that was when we decided we needed to go through our initial round of redundancies. So we entered a consultation period injuly, we spoke to everybody in the company. We wanted to make sure that we were preparing ourselves for the worst. More than 9. 5 million jobs have been furloughed under the government scheme. From today, the state will pay 70 of affected employees wages, while the employer must pay 10 plus National Insurance and pension contributions. In october, the final month, it will be 60 from government and 20 paid by firms. One Business Group said that would be a struggle for some industries in particular. 19 of small employers say they are likely to reduce headcount in the next three months, and that is connected to the fact that people are now thinking about the future. Are these jobs there fore people to come to return to . So we expect there will inevitably be an increase in unemployment, looking at sectors like wholesale and retail, manufacturing and construction and arts and entertainment. A £1000 bonus is being offered where firms keep on staff who had been furloughed until the end of january, but the british chambers of commerce warns financial pressures on businesses meant unemployment was likely to surge unless the cost of employing people was cut. A treasury spokesperson said supporting so many peoples incomes cant be sustained indefinitely, but that the government would continue to support and create jobs. Katy austin, bbc news. The head of British Airways parent company, willie walsh, has warned of chaos and hardship for travellers if portugal is put back on the uks quarantine list. The country was removed from the list only ten days ago, prompting a surge in bookings for flights and holidays. Since then, the rate of covid 19 infection in the country has risen. The french satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has republished caricatures of the prophet muhamed, a day ahead of the trial in paris of alleged conspirators in the islamist attack on the magazines offices five years ago in which 12 people were gunned down. The cartoons, which originally appeared in a danish newspaper, were the reason the magazine was made a target in 2015. The trial of 14 people accused of playing a role in Charlie Hebdo murders starts tomorrow. The actual perpetrators of the attacks were all killed in Police Operations at the time. From today, workers in france will be expected to wear masks in all shared, enclosed spaces such as corridors and meeting rooms. However, in regions considered to be at lower risk from coronavirus, people will be able to remove their masks if buildings have good ventilation and plastic screens between desks. Our correspondent, hugh schofield, sent this update from paris. Coming back to paris after the holidays you notice a change. Its a city under mask. On the streets the only people not wearing a mask or joggers, cyclists and bizarrely people sitting at cafe terraces. Now its people sitting at cafe terraces. Now its offices and Office Workers that are getting the treatment. Here we are getting the treatment. Here we are ina are getting the treatment. Here we are in a company that deals in performance artists rights and as you can see in this open space, eve ryo ne you can see in this open space, everyone is wearing a mask. Everyone here would have had the right to ta ke here would have had the right to take their mask off yesterday but now today they have to wear the mask all day long. Thats a rule which applies particularly here in paris which is a red zone where the covid 19 virus is circulating a lot and the only way there might be an exemption is s this office was equipped with a big central ventilating system and if there were plexiglass separators between desks which there are not. So people have to stay in masks all day long now. The only other exemption is if you do this, what im going to do now which is to step into a Single Office private space. Here i can ta ke office private space. Here i can take off my mask. The camera person is outside the door. Im in my own space, i can take off my mask. Why is the government doing this . Because there is a persistent not catastrophic but worrying rise in covid 19 cases in france and because the government will do anything to prevent another general lockdown. Hello this is bbc news. Back to school for pupils in england and wales, but a warning that some children are months behind in their learning. Ministers say its vital students return to the classroom. Schools are open, theyre ready for those young people, theyve put in place all the measures that ive been talking about to keep people safe. But it is important for both their educational prospects and their Mental Health that young people are back in school over the course of this week. While in france, workers are expected to wear marks from today as the number of coronavirus cases in the country continues to rise. President Trump Defends one of his supporters whos charged with murdering two people during protests against the Police Shooting of a black man. Manchester united footballer Marcus Rashford campaigns to try to end child food poverty in the uk. Lets stay with our main story this hour, the preparations to Welcome School children back to the classrooms. In Northern Ireland some students returned last monday, but all school years are back today. Lets talk to our correspondent emma vardy who is at St Pauls School in belfast. Emma, what is the general consensus around everyone back to school today . Well, so far, it feels like a rather nice atmosphere. To walk into a school, you can hear the chattering of classrooms, teachers all along this corridor. In Northern Ireland, some of the schools started to return last week but today is the main day with the full cohort of pupils returning. Some 300,000 pupils returning. Some 300,000 pupils in Northern Ireland. Of course, there is some apprehension from parents and from teachers, but the Education Minister in Northern Ireland has said, look, today is a good day of education. He said that there will be some bumps in the road and they will have to deal with possible covert in 19 cases as they arrive which will be taken on a case by case basis. But he is echoing the sentiment of boris johnson, arguing that the greater risk to children would be to miss out on education and echoing those medical arguments that children are a vastly reduced risk of contracting covid 19. Things feel back to normal for the First Time Since march but of course, there are the obvious differences in place. One way systems, sanitisation rules. The pupils older than Primary School in Northern Ireland, they are required to wear masks in corridors and communal areas. That was a bit of a u turn in Northern Ireland. At first, the Education Minister said that they wouldnt be recommending mass for pupils. Then they decided that from today they would be worn by older pupils. This recommending masks the pupils. By older pupils. This recommending masks the pupilsm terms of Wider Society starting to get back to normal, obviously it will be welcome to some parents who have been struggling to juggle work and kids at home, is it looking like the start of more people going back to offices and workplaces . Well, inevitably, for some people, that will follow, but what you havent seenin will follow, but what you havent seen in Northern Ireland is the same sort of ramping up of encouraging people as you have seen in westminster. Throughout the pandemic, we have seen different approaches from devolved governments, there is a harder push from westminster to get people back to offices. Perhaps that will be slower for Northern Ireland, to offices. Perhaps that will be slowerfor Northern Ireland, but certainly, anecdotally, i know lots of people who have returned to offices in a bit of a trickle, in offices in a bit of a trickle, in offices where social distancing as possible. Other workplaces are saying that they have set it up for people to work from home and are waiting till there is a vaccine. Thank you, and i. Lets get more now on the england footballer, Marcus Rashfords establishment of a task force with charities and supermarkets to try to end child food poverty in the uk. Three months ago his campaign led to the government making a u turn on providing Free School Meal vouchers in england during the lockdown. The Manchester United striker has written a letter to the Prime Minister, outlining the extra help he says some families still need. Jo whitfield is the chief executive of co op food. Shejoins me now from manchester. Co op is part of that task force. Thanks forjoining us. So, what is co ops role in this new push for Marcus Rashford . Well, our role is to cooperate. Marcus knows a huge amount about teamwork, we know a lot about cooperation, so it is great to see the Food Industry unify behind such an important issue and we will all use our platforms and our voices to ensure that the issue is better understood and that we share the voices of those who are in need and the vulnerable. Really to help government understand this issue and to Power Campaign for them, getting behind the recommendations of the National Food strategy. To find a long Term Solution to child food poverty. And those three recommendations basically call on the government to expand funding for Free School Meals and also healthy start vouchers. So, its a call to the government to invest . What are the government to invest . What are the supermarkets doing any practical sense . Orare the supermarkets doing any practical sense . Or are they, the supermarkets doing any practical sense . Orare they, is the supermarkets doing any practical sense . Or are they, is it more about the voice . Well, many of us are been doing lots. Co op, we have donated 5 million meals to those in need. What we feel is that we can all do our bit but this is about a sustainable solution now and there are 13 of us in the tax course. It is nonpolitical, we hope the government will become the 14th member of the task force and use the autumn budget as an opportunity. There are 4. 2 million children living in poverty and that was before the pandemic. We expect that number to rise and as children go back to school this week, that means in every class of 30, there are nine children who are suffering and vulnerable, and we would like to see the government focus on them and help improve their long term outcomes by providing Food Solutions that enable families to cope. And so you said that coop have provided 5 million meals to those in need. Is that an ongoing commitment . We will continue to use our own voice and resources to do the right thing. We have our own Food Waste Programme which means that we can donate food to 1500 local Community Groups around the uk. That is our future commitment. We also support fareshare. But we know a lot about that issue because we have 25 Co Op Academy schools that we are close to. So we have campaigned on this issue and we ensure that they had Free School Meal cover right the way through the holidays before the government did. We were proud to get behind marcuss campaignafew we were proud to get behind marcuss campaign a few months ago because it is an issue that families do need support with, particularly as we now face tough times as an economy and asa face tough times as an economy and as a nation. We need to come together and do the right thing for afairer together and do the right thing for a fairer society. Nobody ever likes to see food waste and you mentioned the progress that co op has made on making sure that food that is wasted goes out to the Wider Community. What proportion of food now is redistributed and what proportion does end up just redistributed and what proportion does end upjust going to redistributed and what proportion does end up just going to waste . Well, there is a significant amounts that now go to those who need it and actually at co op, we take food of sale early to enable fresh food to make its way to groups that really need it and we have a Great Network of Community Groups that engage with our stores directly, so that ensures that a high proportion of our product actually goes into the hands of people who need it and can cook with it and can provide meals to people who need it and Community Groups. It is something we are passionate about. We keep making progress with it and we will keep focusing on it as we go forward. How important is this to you . Because co op, like all of the supermarkets, you are a business and sometimes, i am not sure if the liner is frozen. Can you hear me . I can. 0k. Supermarkets are sometimes criticised for squeezing the margins on the producers. How important do you see your role as part of a Wider Community where there are many who are struggling, particularly in these difficult times . Well, at co op, we are actually very different because we are owned by our members, not by shareholders, so actually the profits that we make, we use them to support local communities and our members tell us that this is an issue that is really important to them, so actually, we have continually worked to ensure that as a cooperative, we can have real, local Community Impact because we are in the heart of local communities as a store and we are owned by over 4 million members and it matters to them that we have an impactand we it matters to them that we have an impact and we do look to cooperate for a fairer world, which is why we we re for a fairer world, which is why we were so proud to join the task force and get behind an important issue such as child food poverty. If we wa nt such as child food poverty. If we want our children to be able to achieve, to do well at school and have the careers that they want to have the careers that they want to have and achieve success, then we see this as an important space for the co op to be active in. See this as an important space for the coop to be active in. Jo whitfield, chief executive of co op food. Thank you. Everyone living in hong kong can now get a free covid 19 test, under a new scheme backed by the chinese government. A number of pro democracy leaders, and some healthcare workers, are calling for a boycott, amid concerns about how data might be used. Rebecca bailey reports. Early morning in hong kong. A sleepy start of the first day of mass testing. Over half a Million People have signed up in advance to take free tests, but theres opposition to the scheme, too. Boycott the coronavirus testing, chant some familiar faces. Joshua wong and lester shum, prominent pro democracy activists. The involvement of the chinese Central Government in the testing has turned whats on the surface, a Public Health scheme, into a political row. Activists have suggested peoples dna will be collected and abused under the cover of testing. The Hong Kong Government says no dna will be taken and no tests will go to mainland labs. There are different objections from medical experts. For me, the concern about mass testing is the concern about why we are spending so much money on testing lots and lots of people who are going to be negative. I think it would be a better strategy to focus on testing high risk people, maybe the staff or residents in elderly homes, every week. The head of the Hong Kong Public Doctors Association told media senior doctors had not been consulted on the plans. But in a sign ofjust how politicised this issue has become, all objections to the scheme have been tarred with the same brush. Translation there are some so called experts, doctors and individuals, who constantly discredit the universal testing programme, and find excuses to stop residents from participating in the programme. What is the motive behind their acts to prevent the hong kong people from participating in the universal Community Testing . There is only one i can think of, which is political calculations. And Beijings Hong Kong and Macau Affairs office, called testing opponents anti china radicals with a vile disregard for Public Health. The accusation the Coronavirus Crisis is being used for ulterior motives runs both ways. Translation from the beginning, the government has only had one goal using the coronavirus control to do whatever it can to please the Central Government of china. Hong kong isjust emerging from a third surge in coronavirus cases that began in earlyjuly. The stated aim of this scheme is to fully stamp out the virus and open up society again. But experts have warned that as many as five Million People might need to be tested for it to work. So the government will be hoping that the controversy around this testing wont keep people away. Rebecca bailey, bbc news. Its five years since the migration crisis in europe, as tens of thousands of migrants and refugees began crossing into hungary in search of safety and prosperity. To stop the flow, the government of Prime Minister victor orban built a barrier of barbed wire and electric fences between hungary and serbia. It now stretches for more than 170 kilometers and mr orban made a name for himself as the most anti migrant leader in europe. Nick thorpe reports from budapest. Reporting from this border through the summer of 2015, i once asked a photographer what he was planning to shoot that day. Just biblical scenes, he replied, biblical scenes. The exodus that year was astonishing to witness. And of the million or more people who sought refuge in europe, some 400,000 crossed hungary and a good proportion of them entered hungary from serbia down this disused railway track. It all looks very familiar today. Only the crowds are missing. Then hungary built a fence to stop them. This man first suggested it. Laszlo toroczkai, a local mayor. It was my idea, yes. I am very happy when the government built this borderfence because we need this border fence, not only in 2015, not only today, but we need this border fence in the future. Few migrants attempt to cross the fence today. Those who do still reach western europe have found other routes. The government sees the fence as an unqualified success. The southern ramparts of fortress europe. We dont like other people coming here, especially different religions, who we know were not going to abide the rules and are not going to follow the european way of life because their culture is different. Its not a matter of racism or antiracism, its a matter of common sense. Back in 2015 the east station in budapest was another bottleneck as tens of thousands of migrants tried to transit hungary towards northern europe. Last year, though, only 500 people were allowed to seek protection here in hungary. A handful of human Rights Groups defend the right to asylum, despite bitter government hostility. It is very clear that whatever the hungarian government has done in the field of asylum since september 2015 is unlawful. Its become more difficult to stand up for refugees in europe, particularly here in hungary, but its still crucial we do so. Iranian artist Abouzar Soltani and his 12 year old son faced deportation when they lost their asylum bid. But the Helsinki Committee took their case to the Top European Court and won. Their new asylum request will be heard at this week. Translation i was in a prison but then i understood it wasjust politics. I realised people in hungary have big hearts and want to help us to be free, that they love refugees. I love hungary and would like to live here. Soon they hope to leave this open refugee camp and start a new life here. Asylum seekers like them, who get the support they need, still get through. Nick thorpe, bbc news, vamosszabadi. Parts of western europe have been badly affected by heavy rain and strong winds. At least four holiday makers were killed in italy, including two children crushed by a falling tree. In austria there have been mudslides, power cuts and rivers bursting their banks. Tim allman reports. This is normally a football pitch, now its a lake, where these young men found themselves stranded. It was a similar story in much of western austria. A deluge of wet weather leading to rising water levels and people in danger. In the town of gschnitz there was a fronting operation to stop the local river bursting its banks. Translation it was really serious. We only had 15 to 20 minutes to react. They managed to stop the river breaking its banks and burying the houses in the upper valley. Across the border, in northern italy, the authorities were on high alert. The adige river in verona perilously close to swamping the roads and bridges of the city. This sort of weather is not unprecedented, but experiencing it now is something new. Translation we were used to having flooding around november but it is kind of strange for it to happen at this time of year. Translation they closed the bridge because there was a big tree that got trapped. It started moving so, for safety, they closed it. More rain is expected in the coming days. Weather alerts are still in place. It seems the danger has not yet passed. Tim allman, bbc news. Around the world, crowded venues like nightclubs have been among the hardest to reopen, even as restrictions on the wider hospitality sector have relaxed. And in the uk, some believe not allowing nightclubs to reopen yet has led to a rise in illegal raves. Shamaan Freeman Powell has this. Her report contains flashing images. It has been a familiar scene across the country over the long weekend. Despite fines of £10,000 for organisers and fines of £1,000 for those attending, many are prepared to take the risk. £100 £100 for those attending. Roster now owns a chain of pubs but he says that the rave culture is more than just dancing. We need to meet people, dance, touch each other, hug and i think the festivals, clubs, they epitomise all of those behaviours. It is a very social environment. When you take that away, yeah, i can see that really impacting on peoples Mental Health, especially if they do not have something to replace that. According to the Mental Health charity, mind, 18 24 year olds were most affected by the pandemic. With three quarters saying it got worse during lockdown. While 9 of adults said boredom had an impact on their welfare, this figure jumps to 83 for those under 25. Lottie says she missed going out over lockdown. To start with, it was really lonely, because we were in lockdown and we could not leave the house at all, and i was stuck in here. But as things are gradually opening, im starting to feel a little better, as i can start going to places again but i do worry about how many people are going to be there and if it is actually safe to be around all those people at once. These concerns are also shared by the police. They were out in manchester this weekend, reminding licensed venues of their responsibilities. These established venues are easy to regulate. It is the private gatherings that are harder to police. We have had a few, unfortunately, incidents in relation to some airbnb properties, where theyve been rented out by individuals, and essentially held parties, big house parties. They are really resource intensive to deal with and quite difficult, and actually really dangerous in terms of the health and safety point of view, for the individuals but also for the officers going in, obviously a lot of people in a small space, with coronavirus, isnt the best. In response to a surge of illegal gatherings, airbnb banned house parties worldwide, limiting guest numbers to 16. Before lockdown, thousands of people would have packed out of this room but social distancing rules make traditional clip nights here impossible. That gap in the market is being filled by private and unlicensed events which, unlike nightclubs, do not always prioritise the safety and security of their customers. Many of the public, the youth of today who are socially starved, who have not had the ability to go out and socialise, we are going to see a massive growth in unlicensed events. And comparative to a regulated, safe professional space, which is delivered by our industry, the events sectors festivals, nightclubs and live music, so the government needs to look at trying to balance this by considering the safer option to reopen so that people can still engage in social experience but they can do it safely. Another raid, we believe, to place over the weekend, this time in north london. Across the country, in the areas seeing the highest rises in cases, people in their 20s of the most affected, but as some young people continue to risk their physical health to maintain their mental well being, those in the trade say the government must act now to avoid the rise of the illegal raves and, in turn, the collapse of the industry. Shamaan Freeman Powell, bbc news. The Venice Film Festival is due to open on the second of september. It will be the First Physical Major International film event since the beginning of the Global Health emergency, and the pandemic is likely to have a Significant Impact on the festival, now in its 77th year. Gail maclellan reports. The Venice Film Festival stars, glamour, paparazzi, fans. But that was a lifetime ago, in 2019. Fast forward to march 2020, and the pandemic. Italy was the first european country to be badly hit by the coronavirus. Currently, the country has suffered over 35,000 covid related deaths. But life and tourists have returned to the city. Wearing face masks and making an attempt at social distancing, visitors are once again in st marks square, in gondolas and on water buses. Preparing for the festival, which opens this week on wednesday. Its the First International Film Festival since the pandemic closed cinemas and halted film production. There will be Safety Measures limited seating, thermal scanners, and a fan free red carpet. You might build it, but will they come . Those hollywood stars will be subject to travel restrictions. Theres a travel ban from the United States into europe. It wont be the same, but thats not the point, some say. Translation we know this year is not at full speed. There are fewer films, there will be fewer stars, but it is still the Venice Film Festival. So the fact that there is still a festival even under these conditions is an Important Message and it is great to have it. It may well be good for good for venice and the film industry, but with italy seeing an increase in coronavirus case numbers in the past few days, the worlds oldest Film Festival will be navigating uncertainty, and unprecedented territory. A man who set off to swim the English Channel unaccompanied has been rescued after an eight hour search. He was eventually found just 500 metres off the coast of dover, cold and tired, but otherwise well. A dog has had to be rescued by an rnli crew afterfinding itself far out from the shore after chasing seagulls into the sea off rhyl in north wales. Youre not supposed to be this far out. Come here. What are you doing . Come here. Come here. Have you got . Come here. Come here. Have you got . Come on. Hello we now have the dog on board. Do you know where the owners are . Well the dog and its grateful owner had a happy reunion back on the beach. Berlin zoos baby pandas have turned one. Twins pit and paule celebrated with a cake made from frozen beetroot and sweet potato. The twins were born last year to meng meng. They will spend the next four years in berlin with their mother before being returned to china. Now its time for a look at the weather with carol. Hello again. Under clear skies, its been a chilly start to the day, but temperatures responding quite nicely, and for many of us it will be a little bit milder than it was yesterday. Now, High Pressures still in charge of our weather but we do have a weather front which has been progressing in from the west very slowly, moving eastwards, and as it bumps into that High Pressure its continuing to weaken. So after a lot of sunshine first thing, well see the cloud build like it did yesterday and then spread out. So therell be more cloud around this afternoon compared to this morning, but nonetheless therell still be some brighter skies. Brightening up in Northern Ireland behind the weather front. Here is the front here, with the rain increasingly turning light and patchy. Through this evening and overnight, there will still be areas of cloud, there will be some clear skies as well and there will still be a few showers dotted around western areas. Then we see the arrival of the next clutch of fronts coming our way from the west. Its not going to be as cold a start to the day tomorrow as it was this morning. So heres the clutch of fronts connected to this area of low pressure. Youve got all the isobars squeezed together, thats telling you its going to be a windier day tomorrow, particularly so with exposure in the north west where we have gusts of 40 to 45 mph. We can also see the progress the rain is making. Now, when you see greens and yellows in the charts, thats telling you therell be some heavy bursts. Not quite making it into the far north east of scotland or the south eastern corner of england until later on in the evening. So as we move from wednesday into thursday, that first weather front bringing that rain moves through, and then weve got this second cold front sinking southwards, the isobars again telling you weve got some brisk winds on the way during the course of thursday. So theres the first front, heres the second one, sinking south, taking its cloud and patchy rain with it. Behind it, sunshine and showers, the white circles indicate sustained wind speeds, so the gusts will be higher than this, particularly once again in the north west and particularly with exposure. But temperatures up, weve got 22s and 23s on the charts. Thats not going to last. On friday our weather front will be in the south, looks like it might bring some rain, pep up, in other words, to southern areas. North of that, we are looking at that mixture of sunshine and showers and temperatures starting to slip down once again. This is bbc news. The headlines. Back to school for pupils in england and wales, but a warning that some children are months behind in their learning. Ministers say its vital students return to the classroom. Schools are open, theyre ready for those young people, theyve put in place all the measures that ive been talking about to keep people safe. But it is important for both their educational prospects and their Mental Health that young people are back in school over the course of this week. Marcus rashfords new goal. The Manchester United striker tells the bbc why hes heading up a task force to make sure children dont go hungry. Ifeel like, at times, people think that theyre being looked down on if they ask somebody for help. And i think in this generation that we are in, thats one thing that should change. President Trump Defends one of his supporters whos charged with murdering two people during protests against the Police Shooting of a black man. In france, workers are told to wear marks from today, as the number of coronavirus cases in the country continues to rise. And coming up this hour, well look at the impact the pandemic has had on the nightlife economy, and speak to some of those affected. Children across england and wales are preparing to go back to school this week, but theres a warning that some have fallen months behind in their learning. A study by the National Foundation for Education Research says that children in england are three months behind, with boys and pupils from poorer areas worst affected. The study warns with the coronavirus restrictions in place, a quick catch up is unlikely. The government says it is determined children should not lose out because of the pandemic. And on exams, the schools minister, nick gibb says a decision on delaying next years gcse and a level exams and results day in england will be made very soon. With more on that, and the first Cabinet Meeting after the summer break, heres our Political Correspondent chris mason. This is a really big moment for millions of families in england and wales and as schools begin to go back, a big moment for the government which has promised this moment would happen and now hopes that it well. Its pretty confident it well, it thinks the vast majority of head teachers from survey evidence are keen on opening skills fully so that all pupils and year groups can go back albeit in these bubbles where either classes or year groups remain in close contact with one another, effectively going about their business as normal but keeping a social distance from other age groups within the school. The hope is that parents will recognise the risks of catching and spreading the virus are much lower side the scientists that the educational and social risks of not going along at all. From that perspective the government are confident but they have a mountain of massive questions in their in tray which we can come to in a moment. The whole question of schools and education, there are still some open and Unanswered Questions about precisely what will happen in a scenario where a pupil tests positive for the virus. Will that entire bubble, a class or a school year, be put into isolation for a fortnight or could there be something a little less draconian if you like or significant than that, depending on the size of the year group concerned . The other question is, what happens to exams next summer . A levels, gcses, as levels, could they be pushed back . It looks likely they will be to allow the gap people have in their education to be closed we now and then. But the schools minister is not putting a timeframe on when the government will make a decision on this. Weve been looking at this issue since mid june and we will come to a decision shortly, so that schools know what the position will be. Weve also changed the assessment process as well, to make sure we can free up as much teaching time as possible, so those young people can catch up and thats why its so important that young people now return to school. Not just the start of a new term for pupils but at westminster. Is it a full house . They are returning from all over the uk so what tends to happen is you dont get a sense of how many are here until the afternoon given that some are travelling quite some distance. There will still be social distancing protocols in parliamentjust as in lots of other workplaces so it will not be back to its usual rowdy self in terms of what we see in the chamber but there is a desire to carry on pretty much as they were before the summer and allow the business of government and scrutiny to continue. Cabinet has met this morning at the start of this autumn political term. Meeting in the Foreign Office. Why . Because the cabinet room is not big enough for the cabinet to assemble in a socially distanced way so they are meeting in the Foreign Office in a grand and spacious room that allows them to be in the same place, no zoom doom as far as the cabinet is concerned in autumn 2020. But there was a little bit ofjeopardy for the defence secretary ben wallace. Lets show you these pictures. Ben wallace turning up in downing street where you can guarantee there are a few cameras loitering and he does something which was very un 2020. Ben wallace shaking hands with someone in the street. Clearly shaking hands with anyone raises the occasional eyebrow. Im sure it is an incident they will brush off but perhaps not the attention he hoped for on day one of the new parliamentary term stepping back to far more significant and weighty matters, massive challenges for the government coming up in the weeks and months ahead. A budget coming up in the autumn with huge questions about how we can repay the massive bills associated with the virus, lots of speculation about potential for tax rises and there is brexit to sort out. The transition period ending at the end of this calendar year and there is not yet a deal with the European Union. That would be a massive challenge in any year. Its a colossal challenge in the context of the uk and the European Union being distracted by the whole business of a pandemic. The Prime Minister has appointed simon case as cabinet secretary and head of the Civil Service, the Cabinet Office has confirmed. The 41 year old will succeed sir mark sedwill, who announced in june that he would be standing down. Mr case, a former private secretary to the duke of cambridge, takes on the job as the countrys top civil servant. He will be responsible for overseeing the day to day running of the government and joining it up with the Prime Ministers policy priorities. The england footballer Marcus Rashford has formed a taskforce with charities and supermarkets to try to end child food poverty in the uk. Three months ago, his campaign led to the government making a u turn on providing Free School Meal vouchers in england during the Summer Holidays. The Manchester United striker has now written to the Prime Minister, outlining the extra help he says some families still need. The government says it will carefully consider the ideas. Marcus rashford has spoken exclusively to sally nugent. Go on, get it. 0h for the footballer marcus rushford, this is a deeply personal project. I am a single parent. Itjust helped him so much with getting food for himself. Thank you. Its no problem. I thinkjust to see the smiles on their faces and to see how much it has helped them made me happy to see that actually with my own eyes. Its a stigma. They look at it as, well, who goes to these places, food bank . They look down on it, but with you speaking about it and saying you have been through it, it has given a family confidence. Ok, he has gone through it. It is only a situation, we can pass it and ask for help. Marcus has spent the summer thinking about what he wants to do next. We pretty much knew straightaway that we had found a short Term Solution, but that wasnt going to work in the long run so we had to think about how is the best way to do it so that these families can eat long term and not have any issues. Hello, everyone. Can everybody hear me . Some of the biggest brands on the country are on this call. In the country are on this call. Most have now signed up to rashfords task force. They are supporting these proposals from the National Food strategy. Expanding Free School Meals to every child from a household on universal credit or similar benefits, providing holiday food and activities for all children on Free School Meals, increasing healthy start food vouchers from £3. 10 to £4. 25 per week. Henry dimbleby is leading the review and spoke at the start of the call. It is important because the alternative to a school lunch is packed lunch, and only 1 of packed lunches have the nutritional value of a school meal, and if you look at packed lunches as children get less affluent, those packed lunches have increasingly low nutritional balance. So this is a fantastic way to get children eating well at school. Were not specialists in the area. They actually are. So i am learning so much more, they are giving me figures that have sent me a bit. Like, wow now, the footballer has written to the Prime Minister, thanking him for the u turn over Free School Meals in the Summer Holidays back in june. In a very personal letter drawing on his own experiences as a child, he outlines the extra help he feels some families still need now more than ever. His task force calls for it to be funded as soon as possible. Marcus rashford is hoping that by extending the conversation about food poverty with a bigger team of experts around him, he might be able to help even more of todays children. Employers who are making use of the governments coronavirus furlough scheme will have to contribute to the cost from today. Since march, the government has paid 80 of workers wages, thats now going down to 70 . Business groups say it makes redundancies more likely. Our Business Correspondent katy austin reports. The Music Festivals this business normally provide sound systems for havent happened this year, so 170 staff have been furloughed. But the looming end of the Job Retention scheme has meant tough decisions. The fact that our costs would be ramping up in relation to the furlough scheme as of september the 1st, that was when we decided we needed to go through our initial round of redundancies. So we entered a consultation period injuly, we spoke to everybody in the company. We wanted to make sure that we were preparing ourselves for the worst. More than 9. 5 million jobs have been furloughed under the government scheme. From today, the state will pay 70 of affected employees wages, while the employer must pay 10 plus National Insurance and pension contributions. In october, the final month, it will be 60 from government and 20 paid by firms. One Business Group said that would be a struggle for some industries in particular. 19 of small employers say they are likely to reduce headcount in the next three months, and that is connected to the fact that people are now thinking about the future. Are these jobs there fore people to come to return to . So we expect there will inevitably be an increase in unemployment, looking at sectors like wholesale and retail, manufacturing and construction and arts and entertainment. A £1000 bonus is being offered where firms keep on staff who had been furloughed until the end of january, but the british chambers of commerce warns financial pressures on businesses meant unemployment was likely to surge unless the cost of employing people was cut. A treasury spokesperson said supporting so many peoples incomes cant be sustained indefinitely, but that the government would continue to support and create jobs. Katy austin, bbc news. People with diabetes will be eligible for free meals in a new diet plan being launched by nhs england. Trials showed that half of those who followed the regime saw their type 2 diabetes go into remission after a year. Patients will also get advice from clinicians and be encouraged to increase their exercise levels. Type two diabetes has a massive impact on individuals and their lives. Its one of the commonest causes of blindness, kidney failure, amputations, increased risk of heart attack and strokes. So if we can support people to stay healthy, to put their type two diabetes into remission, i think the gains for individuals are huge. But the gains for the nhs and the taxpayer are very real as well. The french satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has republished caricatures of the prophet muhamed, a day ahead of the trial in paris of alleged conspirators in the islamist attack on the magazines offices five years ago in which 12 people were killed. The cartoons were the reason the magazine was made a target in 2015. The trial of 14 people accused of playing a role in Charlie Hebdo murders starts tomorrow. The actual perpetrators were all killed in police the headlines on bbc news. Schools in england and wales begin reopening from today, with a warning that many pupils have fallen three months behind with their learning. Manchester united footballer Marcus Rashford campaigns to try to end child food poverty in the uk. Donald Trump Defends the teenage gunman charged with murdering two people after protests against the Police Shooting of a black man. Sport and for a full round up, from the bbc good afternoon. Were going to start in new york where Britains Cameron Norrie admits he was lucky to make it past the opening day after fighting back to win in five sets behind closed doors at flushing meadows. Norrie, whos ranked 76th, was taking on the ninth seed diego schwartzman, and it didnt look good when he went two sets down, but he raised his game to win the next two. In the final set, he had to save two match points, but he eventually completed the biggest win of his career winning in a match that took almost four hours. I could have easily snapped at missing that many returns, especially against a guy with not a huge serve, so i think my attitude won it for me today and my legs got me through it and im obviously happy with how i played and to get the win, but yes, sometimes you have got to win ugly i think. Kyle edmund also had to come from behind, to beat Alexander Bublik in four sets but its going to be much tougher in the next round as he plays the world number one novak djokovic. Womens top seed Karolina Pliskova and naomi osaka are through, but the american teenager coco gauff has been knocked out in round one of a grand slam for the first time in her short career so far, as she lost to anastasija sevastova. Its another big day for the brits today, withjo konta and Heather Watson meeting in the opening round. Andy murray also begins his first grand slam since last years Australian Open and the hip operation that saved his career. He takes onjapans Yoshihito Nishioka but he says hes still struggling to get used to playing without a crowd. Usually this place is filled with energy and atmosphere before the tournament starts and now its tennis players and their teams Walking Around with masks on. Its alljust very different Walking Around with masks on. Its all just very different and Walking Around with masks on. Its alljust very different and a little bit sad, because like i said, the fa ns bit sad, because like i said, the fans are what. I dont know, they give life to the tournaments and everything. And therell be commentary on that match on bbc radio and the bbc sport website later. Murray is due on court at about five oclock. Commentary too on dan evans first match and the all british encounter betweenjo konta and Heather Watson. The former fifa president sepp blatter is being questioned by swiss prosecutors, investigating a payment of over £1. 5 million to Michel Platini in 2011, when he was president of uefa. Platini faced the panel yesterday. The controversy led to both men being banned from football five years ago. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Policing, justice, and the recent violent protests in American Cities are turning into central issues in the us election campaign. On monday President Trump defended the teenage gunman whos been charged with killing two people during protests against the Police Shooting of a black man, jacob blake, city of kenosha in wisconsin. He said Kyle Rittenhouse appeared to have been acting in self defence. I guess he was in very big trouble. He would have been, he probably would have been killed. But its under investigation. Do you think private citizens should be taking guns. Id like to see Law Enforcement take care of everything. President trump and his president ial rival, joe biden, have made bitter attacks on each other over the issue of law and order. Our north america correspondent, peter bowes reports. Nine weeks to polling day and americans are facing a stark choice. With violence and civil unrest on the streets of several cities, including outside the white house, law and order is emerging as the issue that could decide this bitterly fought election. Portland has been the epicentre of black lives matter process ever

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