Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171112 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171112

were on these two men and what they might give away about the ties between them. for his entire time in office, donald trump's been plagued with questions he just doesn't want to hear over what vladimir putin might have done to get him elected. they met only briefly here but president trump said he did raise the issue of russian interference in the us elections. "he said he didn't meddle", said mr trump. "i asked again, you can only ask so many times. "every time he sees me", trump said of putin, he says "i didn't do that". "and i really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. i think he's very insulted by it". but those words have led to an angry reaction from some back in the states, where the intelligence community has determined that russia did meddle in the election. "donald trump believes an ex—kgb agent over 17 us intelligence agencies — that's outrageous", tweeted senate democrat ben carden. "the president's denial of facts is troubling". but that type of denial is nothing new. for months, at rallies, he's been saying it to his supporters. the russia story is a totalfabrication. it's just an excuse for the greatest loss in the history of american politics. that's all it is. president putin says it is all made up by donald trump's opponents too. but if either of them think that will lay to rest the matter, they are, of course, mistaken. the usjustice department is investigating the extent to which russia did interfere and donald trump's former campaign manager, paul manafort, is currently under house arrest because of information discovered during the investigation. well, donald trump now says all this focus on russian interference in the us election is costing lives in conflicts like the one in syria because it is getting in the way of his relationship with vladimir putin and so his ability to resolve such issues. but that is not going to stop investigators back in the states determining exactly what did happen with moscow, the trump campaign and the election of 2016. aleem maqbool, bbc news, in vietnam. the husband of a british woman jailed in iran has told the bbc he will speak to the uk foreign secretary on sunday. nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe is accused of spying. her family fears her sentence could be extended after comments from borisjohnson gave the false impression that she'd been teaching journalism in iran. eleanor garnier reports. in jail in iran separated from her daughter and husband. nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe is british and iranian and facing a five—year sentence for allegedly plotting to topple the government in tehran. it's now understood the foreign secretary borisjohnson has agreed to meet her husband. i think it's important now that he tries to meet with us as soon as possible, next week, so that it's clear from a political point of view that the uk government is standing alongside nazanin and her family. this week, the foreign secretary had to apologise after he mistakenly told mps he thought mrs zaghari—ratcliffe had been in iran teaching journalists. mrjohnson later said his comments could have been clearer and the uk government has no doubt she was on holiday in iran, as her family have always insisted. but this week, iran's state tv broadcast a report claiming the foreign secretary's comments about mrs zaghari—ratcliffe amounted to an unintended admission of her guilt. the spanish prime minister will visit catalonia on sunday, two weeks after he imposed direct rule there. earlier, hundreds of thousands catalans rallied in barcelona, calling for the release of pro—independence leaders. james reynolds reports. these protesters have come out here to the centre of barcelona to call for freedom for eight imprisoned former catalan ministers and two social society activists. "sos democracy", as you can probably read, and this is written in english, "republic of catalonia", "freedom", "political prisoners". and there's a yellow ribbon, a symbol of solidarity with the imprisoned politicians and activists. to this crowd, these politicians and their names and faces are here. this is the former vice president, orioljunqueras. all these people have been remanded into custody. to these people, they are political resonance. do the authorities in madrid, it is simply a criminal case. but there is a political impact because this is an election campaign. there will be elections here in december and these protesters want to win a majority for the pro independence movement, that will give them the chance to try and break away from spain again. there is of course another half of catalan society that wants to remain inside spain. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news: iraq's prime minister has said the fight against the so—called islamic state and its occupation of parts of the country has cost more than $100 million. it comes as the army says it is making progress in what's considered the last major offensive against the militants in the town of rawa on the syrian border. the party of the lebanese prime minister, saad hariri, has issued a strong statement in favour of saudi arabia and against iran, despite widespread lebanese concern that he may be held against his will by the saudis. the future movement condemned attacks on saudi arabia and reaffirmed what it called its brotherly relations with the kingdom. united airlines has temporarily suspended flights to delhi, due to poor air quality. choking smog has been blanketing india's capital for the last five days. earlier, city officials said they were postponing an emergency traffic measure designed to tackle the problem. you can find more on all of the stories we're following here on bbc news by going to our website — you can also download the bbc news app. stay with us here on bbc news, still to come: big ben chimes. ceremonies are held across europe in memory of those who have lost their lives while serving in the armed forces. a british woman accused of drug smuggling in egypt has been referred to a criminal court for trial. laura plummer, who's 33 and from hull, took prescription painkillers into the country for her boyfriend's bad back, without realising they were illegal in egypt. 0ur correspondent, 0rla guerin, is in hurghada. she explained more about laura's arrest. she was detained on arrival at the airport, here, last month, on the 9th of october. laura plummer‘s family say she leaves for holidays in the sun. laura plummer‘s family say she lives for holidays in the sun. she has been coming to egypt since 2014, she comes about three times a year and she has a boyfriend here in egypt. and they say this was supposed to be a holiday, a relaxing time on the sun, like any of the other trips she made. instead, when she arrived at the airport, she was stopped by police. they found that she was carrying about 300 tablets of this banned drug, tramadol. it is a painkiller legal which in the uk is perfectly legal, but it is banned here, in egypt. it's widely abused here, it's treated as heroin substitute it's widely abused here, it's treated as a heroin substitute and, in fact, it is the drug of choice for most addicts in egypt. police investigating the case here have been emphasising to us that the large quantity that laura plummer was carrying is the problem. that she says had so much of this drug. now, she has said, for her part, the, first of all, she did not know it was banned here, that she was carrying it perfectly clearly in her luggage, there was no attempt to disguise it. she told us by phone this week, when we managed to speak to her, that she had in fact been given it by a colleague in the uk, who said, "oh, take this, it was good for my back and may it'll help her boyfriend." it'll help your boyfriend." so she says she did not know it was banned and that she was bringing it for her boyfriend because he has back problems. police here are saying ignorance of the law is not a defence. earlier we heard from laura plummer‘s mp, labour's karl turner. we're hopeful now that new information has come to light, 0mar, her partner, has admitted he's got these problems with his back, he's come up with medical evidence to confirm that and i think that will go some way to show that laura's version of events are absolutely right. this is a woman of 33 years of age, she's a shop worker in the princes quay in hull, she goes to work in the morning, finishes in the evening, sits on the sofa and watches her favourite tv soaps. she's a woman of good character, no previous convictions from a decent, hard—working family and they're completely shocked and terrified by what is unfolding in front of them. she's done something very silly, she's taken drugs to agarda, clearly she's doing someone a favour to try and relieve the back pain of her partner. it is a criminal offence, the drug, tramadol, is banned in egypt, it's a class c drug in this country, which means it has to be prescribed by a gp and dispensed by a pharmacist so the egyptian authorities take this very seriously indeed and we have to be respectful to their laws and customs, but we hope the court listened really carefully to the version of events which laura said from the outset was innocent in that she was just trying to help somebody. that's now been confirmed, i'm happy to say, by 0mar, who says he's got a back problem and he can prove that. millions of people have observed two minutes‘ silence for armistice day — marking the moment in 1918 when the fighting came to an end in the first world war. ceremonies have taken place across the uk, including at the national memorial arboretum in staffordshire, and at the cenotaph on whitehall in london. from there, our correspondent adina campbell reports. preparing for remembrance. to the sounds of pipes, veterans from the second world war and those from later wars on parade in whitehall. in the drizzle, before them, the cenotaph. britain's stark memorial to its war dead. keeping faith with countless lives lost in conflict. at 11:00, big ben, silent for three months because of repair work, marked the hour. big ben chimes. last post plays. shortly after the two—minute silence, thousands of people watched on as pipes and drums from the london scottish regiment marched through whitehall in a captivating display. i thought it was really emotional, because, like, so many people died, so i think it's a really good way to pay respect. i think it makes your memories more real. there's the opportunity to really reflect on what was given during those times. and this afternoon, at the residence of the french ambassador in london, british veterans who took part in the d—day landings were presented with the legion d'honneur. victor ernest stirling, who is now 91, was in the royal army service corps when he landed on the beaches of normandy. his job was to bring vehicles, ammunition and petrol to support the advancing army. as they say, it was all a bit of adventure, i suppose. but i'm very proud that they have recognised it, and it is a great honour. today's services have been a chance for many people to remember those who fought and what they fought for. adina campbell, bbc news. this is bbc news. our top stories this hour: president trump says his russian counterpart, vladimir putin, was "very insulted" by allegations that moscow interfered in last year's us election. the husband of a british woman jailed in iran has told the bbc he will speak to the foreign secretary later on sunday. let's get more now on president trump's tour of asia. joining me from boston, massachusetts, is kristi govella, she's a post—doctoral fellow at the weatherhead centre for international affairs at harvard university. thank you forjoining us on bbc news. how do you think president trump has performed on this big to? i think the expectations were pretty logo into the visit. it has been a mixed bag. we have seen a lot of the same kind of rhetoric he has given about trade deals with the us and japan and korea and china. 0n the other hand, i think people were extremely worried he would be belligerent on north korea and he has been strong on that, but he has not gone to the same length that he has in the past. i think people have been relieved his visits have gone quite well with the leaders. some would even say that his visit with xijinping went to would even say that his visit with xi jinping went to well and was too deferential. 0n xi jinping went to well and was too deferential. on a lot of counts we have gotte n deferential. on a lot of counts we have gotten what we pretty much expected. on that point about his enthusiasm for president xi jinping, how do you think other countries in the region will feel about this very enthusiastic relationship, given that they have difficult relations with their neighbour was yellow i think that many countries have a sort of reserve reaction to anything president trump. he is capable of saying things that have one tone and his administration does not follow through on it. many will be relieved that it went well. 0thers through on it. many will be relieved that it went well. others would wish that it went well. others would wish that he had brought up some of the controversial issues that are going on in the south china sea or on trade. it may make him appear rather wea k trade. it may make him appear rather weak in the eyes of some. that is not necessarily a good position. picking you up on trade, we now know that a number of countries are moving forward with this trade deal. how big a motivation is china for them when they come together? how big a motivation is china for them when they come together7m how big a motivation is china for them when they come together? it is a tremendous motivation. as you mentioned, the 11 countries remaining in the trans—pacific partnership have agreed to go forward. that deal was always motivated by economic and security concerns. 0n economic front they wa nt to concerns. 0n economic front they want to maintain high standards, make sure china does not get to write the rules of free trade. 0n the security front, is essential it remains in this sort of engagement that the us used to lead and hopefully will return to. it is a pretty big deal. what about if we look at it from the other perspective, how is china left now it is not part of the club? china has another agreement in asia. the regional brands of economic partnership will continue to promote. it will probably see the ongoing negotiations moving forward with the cpp. while the us commitment is uncertain, it will continue to watch and wait and see what happens. thank you very much for joining what happens. thank you very much forjoining us on bbc news. kristi govella there from harvard university. let's get more now on the british woman, nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe, who's in prison in iran accused of spying. her husband, richard ratcliffe, says he is due to speak to the foreign secretary, boris johnson, later on sunday. meanwhile, in the observer newspaper the labour leaderjeremy corbyn is calling on the prime minister to sack mrjohnson over his comments about mrs zaghari—ratcliffe. he said the foreign secretary had been "undermining the country" and "putting citizens at risk". well, earlier my colleague alpa patel spoke to dr homa hoodfar, who was inside the same prison as nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe. the night we spent together in the same cell she was talking about her plan to come out and be with her child. she was very worried and upset and was crying as she was talking about her daughters. it had been a couple of weeks then. she told us, me and two other women who we re told us, me and two other women who were there, that the interrogator encouraged her to sign let us so they can precede her case quickly and free her to be with herfamily. i guess because of that she had signed documents that maybe later was used against her. what do you make of the foreign secretary, boris johnson, comments, he has corrected those, what impact do you think it could have on her case?” those, what impact do you think it could have on her case? i cannot believe that such a huge mistake has taken place. it plays right into the hands of the very conservative revolutionary guards who have arrested her. there are political factions. 0ften arrested her. there are political factions. often these factions are fighting each other. unfortunately, people like nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe or me many others in jail zaghari—ratcliffe or me many others injailare caught in zaghari—ratcliffe or me many others injail are caught in between the conservative and the revolutionary guards trying to embarrass the reformist government by showing they have no power within the system. even though he may apologise for the mistake he has made, in a way that is enough for the revolution regard to say, ok, this is the case, for sure she is a spy. so they attempt to increase her sentence, or at least makes it much harderfor to increase her sentence, or at least makes it much harder for her to convince others to be free. members of lewis hamilton's formula 1 team have been robbed at gunpoint in brazil. a minibus carrying the mercedes technical staff was stopped as they left the interlagos circuit in sao paulo. a spokesperson for the team says valuables were ta ken but no—one was injured. hamilton tweeted about the incident, saying formula 1 needed to do more to keep teams safe. bbc radio 5 live commentator jack nicholls told us that formula 1 could only do so much to help, because of the sheer number of staff working in the city. there's a particular set of traffic lights on the way out off the circuit where this kind of thing is prevalent. the problem last night was that the teams were leaving after dark. the brazilian authorities have put in a lot of police this year but when the teams are leaving at eight o'clock, nine o'clock, that is when things can get sketchy. we heard the stories in the build—up to the rio 0lympics last year about the security concerns last year. there are ten teams in sao paulo. there's about 300 journalists. so you're looking at 500 or 600 people make up the formula 1 paddock that travel around the world. naturally, they're all going to be staged in different places around the city so formula 1 and the circuit itself can do all they can in the perimeter of the actual venue but if you have teams staying ten miles in that direction and ten miles in that direction, there is only a certain amount that formula 1 can do short of not going to brazil any more. jack nicholls there. police are searching for a man who drove a stolen car which crashed into another vehicle, killing its 70—year—old driver. they're appealing for help in finding the driver of a black mercedes car involved in the crash near horsham in west sussex. simonjones reports. well, the woman who was killed was driving a ford fiesta along this stretch of road when she was hit by the stolen car. she was declared dead at the scene. also in the car, a passenger, a friend of hers, age 70, she suffered minor injuries. the driver of the stolen car fled. police believe he tried to flag down passing motorists. there was a huge search for the driver but he couldn't be found. the police first became aware of the stolen mercedes 11 minutes before the crash here, along with another mercedes that had been stolen from a burglary in goring on sea. 0fficers tried to stop the cars, neither stopped, the driver of the second car ended up ploughing into a hedge and an 18—year—old has been arrested on suspicion of burglary. 0fficers describe this as a tragedy and are appealing forward misses. —— witnesses. let's tell you about an extraordinary story from argentina. it involves two young men, both seriously ill, who made a remarkable discovery at a clinic where they were being treated. it is a discovery that has changed their lives. the bbc‘s tim allman takes up the story. a manual and froome cisco both suffer from huntington's disease. a manual and froome cisco both sufferfrom huntington's disease. —— francisco. it is a rare condition typically inherited from a parent or pa rents typically inherited from a parent or parents that typically inherited from a parent or pa rents that destroys typically inherited from a parent or parents that destroys brain cells and can lead to mental or physical impairment. both of them were being treated at the same rehabilitation centre when they started asking questions. translation: i told my mother, i said, "mum, there is a boy who has the same illness as me and he has a clip -- the same illness as me and he has a clip —— left lip." she said he must be my brother. and then she found his dad and that is when our stories came together. the 2-man, adopted as babies by different now reunited as adults completely by chance. it is not all brotherly love. they support different football teams. but the ups are much better than the downs. translation: my father told me. i was very happy because they have a brother and he lives here and i see him every day. translation: for us it was weird. living in the same city they never met on the street or anything. and then they meet here, both with a rare genetic disease. if they were not brothers they had to be relatives. now they want to find their other siblings, all 17 of them. and there will also have to deal with the challenge of their medical condition. a challenge they will face together as brothers. tim allman, bbc news. that is just about it. and you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter, i'm @duncangolestani. now let us have a look at the weather. this is how we start remembrance sunday, cloudy with some outbreaks of rain down to the south. not quite as cold here but clearer skies and a few wintry showers to the far north, with temperatures just a couple of degrees above freezing. that cold air is going to continue to push its way steadily south across the whole of england and wales as we go through remembrance sunday. so it's worth bearing in mind, if you're up and off early, we could see a scattering of showers, some of those running down through the cheshire gap to the midlands and maybe into the south—east but hopefully they will ease away in time for remembrance sunday services at the cenotaph. but it's worth bearing in mind there could be an isolated rogue shower still floating around. elsewhere, if you are heading for remembrance sunday services, most likely chance of seeing some showers at 11 o'clock in the morning is through wales and maybe one or two into south—west england, and elsewhere should be dry. cold, yes, you will need to wrap up warm. nevertheless there should be good spells of sunshine. a few isolated showers across the east coast of northern ireland. and one or two filtering in through the northern isles and the far north of scotland. some of these will still have a wintry flavour mixed in there. and it is going be accompanied by a brisk north north—westerly wind, driving in the potential of a few showers along the north sea coast and one or two continuing in wales and south—west england through the day. sandwiched in between the two, it's dry, it's settled, it's sunny but it's crisp. top temperatures of around 6—10 degrees. as we move out of remembrance sunday into monday, it's going to turn colder still with winds falling light and high—pressure just quietening things down and killing off the showers. so we're going to see another frost — another hard frost — yet again, for monday morning with temperatures in rural parts of scotland down to lows of minus five. that is important because we are expecting more cloud and rain to push in to the north—western. 0n the leading edge of it, we could see some snow, maybe some significant snow for a time. we need to keep an eye on that. things a little more straightforward further south. it's going to cloud over a little, it's going to be largely dried but not particularly warm, with highs of 5—10 degrees. that weather front continues to push its way south and east, out of monday, into tuesday. introducing milder weather but also the potentialfor a little bit of light rain. so we start our new week cold and frosty, but it will turn milder with some more rain to come. take care. this is bbc news, the headlines: donald trump says vladimir putin felt insulted by allegations that russia interfered in last year's us presidential election. speaking after the pair met at a summit in vietnam, president trump said the russian leader had again stated that his country had not interfered and mr trump believed him. the husband of a british woman jailed in iran has told the bbc he will speak to the foreign secretary on sunday. nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe is accused of spying. her family fears her sentence could be extended after comments from borisjohnson gave the false impression she'd been teaching journalism. hundreds of thousands of catalans have protested in barcelona, calling for the release of pro—independence politicians and activists who've been detained by the spanish courts. the spanish prime minister mariano rajoy will visit catalonia on sunday to start campaigning for upcoming elections. the owners of a wildlife park said they are devastated after links which escaped was shot dead on the

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