Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Business Live 20170306 : compare

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Business Live 20170306

bank shares are pulling down that market. battle of the bands! we'll speak to the boss of a company bringing the likes of hozier and bastille straight to your living room. today we want to know, as more car brands consolidate, does it matter which badges on the back of your car? is there enough choice in the car? is there enough choice in the car market? let us know. just use the hashtag bbcbizlive. welcome to the programme. do get in touch with your thoughts on this story. our top story today. general motors, as was widely expected is selling opel and vauxhall general motors will sell opel to psa group — the french company that owns peugeot and citroen. the price? $2.33 billion. as we speak, both companies are hosting a press conference in paris. buying gm's loss—making european operations will make psa the continent's second—biggest car maker after volkswagen and ahead of french rival renault. and it will be a giant. last year, psa and gm europe sold a combined 4.3 million vehicles and posted revenues of $75.9 billion. but the deal has already raised fears in the uk the jobs of 4,500 workers at vauxhall‘s plants could be under threat. in germany, where two—thirds of opel‘s 38,000 staff are based the government has been seeking reassurances thejobs are safe. opel had hoped to return to profitability by 2016, but the slide in the value of sterling following the eu referendum last june contributed to its 272 million dollars annual loss. with me isjim holder, editorial director of autocar. so, is this a good dealfor psa given that gm has been losing money from this business for years? there are a lot of questions because of the $15 billion loss since 2000. most people are realising that psa seems to have a very good deal on their hands. if they can leverage their hands. if they can leverage the scale they are going to create through this deal, they could turn the business ran very quickly. it was on the cusp of making a profit last year and think they can make a proper bishop was it could turn into a very good deal very quickly. will it bea a very good deal very quickly. will it be a good dealfor workers? could be factories right across europe under this group. there have been real concerns about jobs. under this group. there have been real concerns aboutjobs. in the uk it has been stated jobs might be more safe following a post brexit world. there are around 20 factories in all europe, two in the uk. they all need to prove their competitiveness. they are all underperforming and are being underused as they will have to rationalise what they have. in a ha rd rationalise what they have. in a hard brexit situation, where there to be tariffs on goods, he could gain an advantage by having a factory here. certainly the market share of peugeot, such in and vauxhall would be around 400,000 ca i’s vauxhall would be around 400,000 cars and could keep a factory running very effectively. —— citron. would there be less choice for consumers? in all likelihood, probably not. there will be more choice of engines and body stars because they would utilise the same parts in different cars. they will have different bodies and different badges on the cards, much like the boxall group has done very successfully for many years. what has happened regarding pensions? gm has effectively agreed to carry on but burden of the pensions. those that transferred to it is agreed to put in3 that transferred to it is agreed to put in 3 billion euros as a payment to cover them. psa comes away without any real liability for the pension transfer. very briefly, why did gm want to off—load this group if psa can see a bright future for it? they are talking very clearly about agility. opel was a small part of it. it was constrained. psa sees a way of unleashing the potential, investing in and making something of asa investing in and making something of as a result. thank you a much for talking to us. it is all about the timing. the geneva motor show gets under way in earnest and so these two companies wanted to make that announcement ahead of that. we saw live riches of the ongoing press conference in paris. let's go onto other news. deutsche bank plans to raise about $8.5bn by issuing new shares. the share sale by the troubled german bank is part of a wider shake—up. the bank will partially float its asset management business and retain postbank — the retail banking business it had been expected to sell. deutsche will be reorganised around three divisions: private banking and wealth management, asset management, and corporate and investment banking. germany's biggest bank is trying to reshape itself after grappling with huge losses and nearly $16bn in legalfines imposed by regulators since 2012. the us is suspending a fast track service often used by technology companies to recruit foreign skilled workers. the h—1b visa is issued to tens of thousands of highly skilled foreign nationals each year. currently, companies can pay extra to get the visas approved within 15 days. but starting in april, this process will be stopped for six months. that is following some of the changes made by president trump. aberdeen asset management and standard life have agreed terms for a merger. it will create one of the uk's largest fund managers with assets of $810 billion. let's talk about china. china's national people's congress convened this weekend in beijing's great hall of the people. the 3,000—strong event is staged each year by the party, and is a forum to rubber stamp legislature for the year ahead. but china's economy is struggling, and in premier li's annual report he gave some clues about the year ahead. john sudworth is in beijing. he talked specifically about growth in china. that is really a key factor that many market watchers are keen to find outjust how well, or not so well, china is performing. that is right. 6.5% would be the kind of growth rate many economies elsewhere would die for. you are right. in the chinese context, it is another sign of slowing growth. we area another sign of slowing growth. we are a long way from the era of double digit economic expansion. to some extent this is all planned, all to be expected. china is supposedly going through this economic transition, weaning itself of the old, government—sponsored growth based on investment and exports to one based on a consumer economy, consumer spending. the real worrying thing is it has not yet shown any sign of being able to wean itself off the large amount of borrowing thatis off the large amount of borrowing that is still needed to grow this economy. in fact, as the economy grows by 6% to 7% year, debt is growing by double that amount. that is very troubling to some observers. in the opening address to the parliament, we heard the premier talk once again about tackling state owned enterprises, cutting overcapacity, and we have heard the finance ministry took that getting on top of local government borrowing. all of these thorny issues. they have spoken about all of these things before and they are proving very difficult promises to fulfil. thank you indeed. that news out of china was so important for markets in asia today. also what was happening when the smart kits that is the markets was —— these markets work trading where the missile tests. we had the chief of the us federal reserve, the central bank, talking late yesterday for that many we re talking late yesterday for that many were reading between the lines as to what it means regarding the fed meeting next week. most believe we are looking at a rate rise in the us next week is all that was going on in the asian trading session. let's have a look at europe right now put asi have a look at europe right now put as i speak, we are watching press conference in paris. the boss of gm and psa group, all talking to the press. the peugeot shares are up and up. deutsche bank shares are down some 6% of the back of their news. a lot for investors to die just. we will talk more about these stories ina will talk more about these stories in a moment. and michelle fleury has the details about what's ahead on wall street today. there is expected to be an interest rate hike in march. only the third since the height of the recession. the next meeting is in a week and a half. between now and then, the big economic report is non—farm payrolls. it is unlikely to change the outlook on the economy unless it is really bad. most expect the latest snapshot of the labour market to show employers added 186,000 jobs in february for the given the recent surge in business and consumer confidence, as well as a rise in inflation, the fed is accepted to raise interest rates sooner rather than later. wall street is now wondering how many more rate increases to expect this year. as for the rest of the calendar, the economic calendar this week, monday sees the release of data on factory orders while the earnings front is relatively quiet. joining us is david buik from panmure gordon. thank you for coming in. let's first of all talk about deutsche bank. it is going to try and raise billions through a new rights issue. do you think these new shares will be attractive to investors, given the trouble is that deutsche bank has been facing? you would like to think the chief executive has shaken all the chief executive has shaken all the skeletons out of the cupboard. there are plenty of them. if you go back eight years to 2007, just prior to the financial crisis, deutsche bank shares worth 120 euros each will stop them down now to 17 and a half after the fall. that is enormous. deutsche bank has always been where it required morgan grenfell, after they shared the asset management business, they were the biggest traders or investment bank in the world in terms of derivatives. not like goldman sachs. the trouble is they got too big and forgot what a bank is really four, which is to have money from deposits and to lend money. as things have unfolded since the financial crisis, they have had one catastrophic problem after another. as you alluded to, i cannot remember which one of you it was, 15 billion euros worth of fines, whether it is for foreign exchange, gold, cross frontier bond dealing, this is the problem. he has shaken the trees and is selling the asset management business. i think that is a mistake. he is going to do what he should do, which is take the emphasis away from investment banking and more to domestic. the same is happening with ba rclays on domestic. the same is happening with barclays on a much smaller scale. another story which has been out there over the weekend and confirmed today, standard life aberdeen asset management teaming up. quite a bit of money coming together. your thoughts? it makes a lot of sense. i should think nicola sturgeon is smiling like a cheshire cat. that is the head of the scottish national party just the head of the scottish national partyjust in the head of the scottish national party just in case the head of the scottish national partyjust in case people are not familiar. the chief executives, a top man and another who is at the forefront of the media. putting the two of them together, and their basic emphasis on where they are strong makes a lot of sense. both shows are at between 8% and 10% this morning for the eid think the market likes the idea of the merger. a busy day. a lot of news going on. we will see you again in about five minutes. he will return. still to come... battle of the bands! we'll speak to the boss of a company bringing the likes of hozier and bastille straight to your living room. it is relieved to discourage people from using their smartphones and not giving the respect to bands are used to do. we will have that discussion ina to do. we will have that discussion in a moment. it's national apprenticeship week and a new report out today says 1.5 million degree level apprenticeships are needed to boost the number of women managers. the chartered management institute are calling them the "missing middle" and are calling employers to use higher level apprenticeships to improve gender diversity petra wilton is from the cmi. how should this be done? how do we encourage more women to achieve those positions? it is a wonderful coincidence that we have got national apprenticeship week and international women's day. apprenticeships go up to the highest levels. there is masters being developed and at degree level we see a chartered management degree ablend tisship which out of the 250 early sta rts tisship which out of the 250 early starts half of those are women which is really encouraging progress. as you led, we need 1.5 million female managers at that middle by 2025 if we're going to get a better balanced workforce and have gender parity. what needs to be done? companies need to invest better in promoting women through the ranks in their organisations. we see a classic pyramid. women enter the workforce equal to men, so they're 50/50 so but thee peter out. and single digits when we look at the number of female chief executives at those top companies. but that's to do with the pregnant pause, isn't it? that's to do with women having children? that can have an impact, but for many women they are not taking much time out and apprenticeships which are all age means it can give women the confidence and the route back into the workforce. why should women not have a career after having children and coming back in? apprenticeships can be used used an all—age programme to upskill the women and give them the confidence to rejoin their organisations and take their careers forward. petra, thank you very much. no doubt there will be more information about that national apprenticeship week. we're covering that deal, psa to buy gm's opal business. there is a lot of reaction on the business live site. lots of speculation about what is going to be happening to jobs. speculation about what is going to be happening tojobs. thousands of jobs at stake. we will be following that story. you're watching business live. you're watching business live. our top story, general motors will sell opel and vauxhall to psa group, the french company that owns peugeot and citroen. the deal is worth $2.3 billion and will make psa the continent's second biggest car—maker after volkswagen and ahead of french rival renault. interesting. now let's get the inside track on a business which is hoping to return music back to its most stripped down form. in the age of streaming and social media, it's easy to become disillusioned with the commercial music industry. one company hoping to change this is sofar sounds. it provides small—scale gigs in secret locations such as converted warehouses and even people's living rooms. they're in over 300 cities around the world with a growing fan base. the company's co—founder rafe offer joins us in the studio now. hello there. thank you for coming in to talk about this. the whole concept of this was started because you got fed—up with the way people we re you got fed—up with the way people were disrespecting bands at concerts that you went to. tell me what sparked the idea? the co-founder and i were sparked the idea? the co-founder and iwere in sparked the idea? the co-founder and i were in a bar in london and trying to listen to music, a band called the friendly fires. there was a moment when we realised that half the room were talking or texting and you could hear the beer bottles clanging in the background from the bar. we thought there must be a better way to enjoy music. we said, " let's get better way to enjoy music. we said, "let's get out of here." rocky start is the name of your partner. that's ironic when you're trying to start a new business. was it a rocky start? how did it begin? the two of you we re how did it begin? the two of you were there. you thought this is not great. we think it is disrespectful. how does it become a company? we connected with a third person at the beginning who is no longer involved, but helped us get started called dave alexander. rocky and i can't play or sing, you wouldn't want to listen to us! but dave is a good musician and we went to his front room and we asked people to just come and listen as you said, shut their phones off and just focus on their phones off and just focus on the music. eight people, you could hear, his grandfather clock in the background ticking and we had never beenin background ticking and we had never been in an environment that was so quiet and that was the first one and it has grown since then. you tapped into a real need for music lovers to go somewhere that they really think they have no other distractions, but to listen to the music. how have you managed to grow it so fast because it is big now, what you're offering. doesn't that scale present difficulties? yes, it kept us up many sleepless nights. how could we scale and keep it small? we went from london to paris and new york and melbourne, mumbai, but each place we had the same rules in place which was be quiet, keep it under 100 people in some sort of intimate space 100 people in some sort of intimate space or 100 people in some sort of intimate space or most often a living room and just ask people to respect the music and that was a way we grew. the second way was through social media and youtube and ampifying it that way. you're in over 60 cities. in seven of those you have got paid staff. there are so many gigs you need staff. richard branson has invested in your company. how do you ta ke invested in your company. how do you take this forward ? invested in your company. how do you take this forward? in many of those cities it is voluntary people and people approach you to say, "i want to be the musician on offer in the front room." when rocky and i started, it was just one event a month, hobby, easy to do, in cities like new york and los angeles and oslo, we said could we do more than one a month? could we do one a day? that was the divide. that was where we went from paying someone a full—time salary and getting enough money to support the artists and pay the people a full—time salary. all the people a full—time salary. all the other cities are that light touch with the hope if they're interested , touch with the hope if they're interested, in converting from being basically a volunteer hobby to a full—timejob. we've run out of time which is a real shame. there is so much more to say. well, you must come, both of you. thank you very much. you're not going to be in my living room. i've got a dog and three boys under the age of 11. it would not go down well! in a moment we'll take a look through the business pages but first here's a quick reminder of how to get in touch with us. the business live page is where you can stay ahead of all the day's breaking business use. breaking business news. we will keep you up—to—date with all the latest details, with insight and analysis from the bbc‘s team of editors right around the world. and we want to hear from you, too. get involved on the bbc business live web page,, on twitter @bbcbusiness and you can find us on facebook at bbc business news. business live on tv and online, whenever you need to know. david buik is from panmure gordon. we have been talking about the deal and wondering whether it will lead toa and wondering whether it will lead to a contraction in the number of brands on offer. do you really care what badge is on the back of your car, david? i'm not really a petrolhead i have to be honest with you. if it has got four wheels and an engine and i can get into it without crippling myself, i'm happy. i think it will do. this is becoming a highly competitive business. you've got so much variances with foreign exchange, the euro value and the drop in the value of sterling and dollars and managing to equate this means the margins will be greater and therefore, volumes and making the public accept a smaller number of ranges seems very sensible. i think that might it is appoint a viewer, he says, "of course, it does matter what badge is on your car. how else can one show off in front of their neighbours?" 0h off in front of their neighbours?" oh dear. some people it is all about brand! let's look at the stories in the papers. in the uk here, sir philip green making it into the weekend papers. no big surprise. it was a big week last week. this is for our international viewers, this is the retail tycoon who did own bhs, sold it for £1, it then colla pse bhs, sold it for £1, it then collapse add year after it was sold. there is a pension deficit issue and all sorts. it has been a very emotive story. in fairness to sir philip, this was never a legal issue, it was a moral issue and he stepped up to the plate with the £350 million towards the black hole in bhs which affected 19,000 people. we've got another thing. arcadia, he owns companies like topshop and dorothy perkins, there is supposedly a black hole in that of about £180,000 and there is a general speculation that rather than being asked he realises his responsibility and he will actually have 20 to did it. sales were down over christmas by 6.5% which i think nos not the order of the day at that period of time. a pensions deficit is across—the—board, isn't time. a pensions deficit is across—the—boa rd, isn't it? time. a pensions deficit is across—the—board, isn't it? the deal between general motors and psa group, psa group is not taking on the pensions deficit? it is across the pensions deficit? it is across the spectrum. the problem that hasn't helped we have had zero interest rates for a long period of time which means bond yields are hopeless. we are living a lot longer, but there is an area of people sticking their head in the sands like ostriches, it isn't going away. even somebody like bt, a well run company, £5 billion black hole. incredible. david buik, thank you. thank you for all your information as usual on the markets. we will see you again tomorrow. bye—bye. it is looking unsettled this week. we will see spells of wet and windy weather pushing in off the atlantic. today, it is looking like it will be an improving picture into the afternoon. increasing amounts of sunshine, but there will be scattered showers. the wet start across the south—west is because of this area of low pressure. it is an improving picture across the british isles. so that wet start across the south—west clearing to sunshine and showers. and some rain across northern areas will clear to leave a scattering of showers too. most of the showers will be across cornwall and devon. further inland it should be dry. man areas remaining dry and not catching any showers. it looks like eastern parts of england may see the lion's share of the showers. for northern ireland, increasing amounts of showers here because of a weather front moving in. amounts of showers here because of a weatherfront moving in. it amounts of showers here because of a weather front moving in. it will turn breezy and maybe wint ariness over the higher ground. for scotland, there will be a mixture of sunshine and showers. again some wintry falls over the higher ground, but remaining windy or the northern isles. this evening and for the first part of the night. it stays showery. the winds begin to ease done and the showers begin to die off. with clear skies, light winds, it will turn cold with a touch of frost in one or two places and maybe mist and fog patches too. but it won't last long. this weather system will move in from the south—west to bring milder air, but will move in from the south—west to bring milderair, but wet will move in from the south—west to bring milder air, but wet and windy conditions through the course of tuesday, but we start tuesday off on a lovely note. quite chilly, but there will be plenty of sunshine and showers across northern and north—west scotland. through the day thickening cloud across northern ireland, wales and the south—west of england and in towards western parts of western scotland with outbreaks of western scotland with outbreaks of rain and strengthening winds. eastern scotland, central and eastern scotland, central and eastern england will hold on to the dry and the bright weather until the end of the day. the wet weather will sweep eastwards during tuesday night. mist and sweep eastwards during tuesday night. mistand murk sweep eastwards during tuesday night. mist and murk for england and wales and the air will become milder from the south—west. it will become windy for scotland on wednesday. here blustery showers. a wet, damp start across england and wales, but the ran should clear to sunshine and showers, very mild in the south with temperatures 13 or 14 celsius. further blustery showers across scotla nd further blustery showers across scotland and wet weather into the south—west. hello. it's monday, it's 9 o'clock, i'm victoria derbyshire, welcome to the programme. this morning, this programme can reveal that almost 80% of pupils who resit their gcse in english and maths fail it. i have had to do my english gcse five times, coming up to the sixth. i failed my maths gcse four times. it is horrible. you feel like you are stupid, you feel like there is something wrong with you. since 2013, students who don't get a grade c or above in those core subjects have to keep taking it till they pass — or turn 18. but there are calls to change that policy, because it's stressful for teenagers and costly for schools and colleges the full story in 15 minutes. also on the programme... there are calls for a cumbrian zoo, where nearly 500 animals have died in four years, to be shut down.

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Business , Questions , 2000 , 5 Billion , 15 Billion , People , Hands , Scale , Profit , Cusp , Group , Factories , Dealfor Workers , Bishop , It Bea A , Aboutjobs , Concerns , Brexit , 20 , Need , Competitiveness , Underperforming , Goods , Situation , Tariffs , Advantage , Hard Brexit , Rd Rationalise , Cars , Market Share , Factory , Citron , Factory Running , 400000 , Engines , Parts , Consumers , Likelihood , Body , Pensions , Boxall Group , Badges , Cards , Bodies , Burden , Payment , 3 Billion , 3 Billion Euros , It , Part , Pension Transfer , Liability , Agility , Bright Future , Way , Something , Investing , Asa Investing , Much , Result , Potential , Geneva Motor Show , Timing , Announcement , Bank , News , Plans , Share Sale , Riches , Bn , Let S Go , Wider Shake Up , 5bn , 8 5bn , Asset Management Business , Retail Banking Business , Banking , Wealth Management , Divisions , Three , Track , Investment Banking , Technology Companies , Asset Management , Losses , Regulators , Service , Legalfines , 6bn , 16bn , 2012 , Nationals , Process , Visas , H 1b Visa , Tens Of Thousands , 1 , Six , 15 , Aberdeen Asset Management , Trump , Some , President , One , Talk , Merger , Terms , Fund Managers , Assets , Life , Let , National People S Congress , 10 Billion , 810 Billion , Event , Party , Struggling , Report , Forum , Clues , Beijing , Great Hall Of The People , Rubber Stamp Legislature , Ali , 3000 , John Sudworth , Economies , Outjust , Factor , Growth Rate , Market Watchers , Kind , 6 5 , Sign , All , We Area , Context , Elsewhere , Planned , Digit , Expansion , Extent , Investment , Consumer Economy , Transition , Old , Exports , Thing , Amount , Borrowing , Fact , Consumer Spending , Borrowing Thatis , Debt , 7 , 6 , State , Observers , Opening , Parliament , Enterprises , Address , Things , Top , Issues , Overcapacity , Promises , Finance Ministry , Kits , Missile Tests , Asia Today , Many , Central Bank , Lines , Reading , Chief , Fed Meeting , Federal 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Living Rooms , Locations , Warehouses , Sofar Sounds , Music Industry , 300 , Studio , Fan Base , Co Founder Rafe Offer , Co Founder , Concept , Fed Up , Disrespecting Bands , Room , Bar , London , Band , Iwere , Beer Bottles , Texting , Friendly Fires , Partner , Background , Name , Rocky Start , Dave Alexander , Person , Sing , You Wouldn T , Rocky , Musician , Phones , Grandfather Clock , Background Ticking , Environment , Doesn T , Somewhere , Difficulties , Distractions , Yes , Place , Rules , New York , Melbourne , Mumbai , Space , Youtube , 60 , 100 , Forward , Seven , Richard Branson , Offer , Hobby , Los Angeles , Salary , Someone , Divide , Artists , Oslo , Hope , Shame , Volunteer Hobby , Full Timejob , Both , Pages , Boys , Dog , Reminder , 11 , Bbc News , Breaking Business News , Touch , Editors , Business Use , Insight , Team , Analysis , The Business Live Page , Tv , Facebook , Bcbusiness , Twitter , Badge , Brands , Contraction , Petrolhead , Toa , Wheels , Euro Value , Engine , Drop , Variances , Viewer , Margins , Dollars , Volumes , Public , Ranges , Philip Green , Neighbours , Course , Show , Brand , Matter , Papers , Oh Dear , 0 , Pse Bhs , Retail Tycoon , Viewers , Weekend Papers , Big Week , Surprise , Â 1 , Issue , Pension Deficit Issue , Sorts , Sir , Plate , Black Hole , Arcadia , Bhs , Dorothy Perkins , Topshop , Â 350 Million , 19000 , 350 Million , Responsibility , Sales , Â 180000 , 180000 , Pensions Deficit , The Board , Order , Isn T Time , Time , Boa , Deficit , Spectrum , Hasn T , Bond Yields , Zero , Area , Somebody , It Isn T , Well Run Company , Ostriches , Sands , Incredible , Nbt , Â 5 Billion , Bye , Showers , Weather , Sunshine , Amounts , Picture , Spells , Afternoon , The Atlantic , Rain , South West , Pressure , Northern Areas , British Isles , South West Clearing , Eastern England , Scattering , Man Areas , Cornwall , Devon , Ground , Weather Front , North West Scotland , Lion S Share , Mixture , Northern Ireland , 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