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latest britain's biggest manhunt in years. more than a year's rainfall in one day in parts of central greece — the un calls for radical change to slow global warming. the top gear presenter freddie flintoff — seen in public for the first time since being injured while filming last december. two of the favourites to lift the trophy — france and new zealand — go head to head in the opening match of the rugby world cup tonight. and after a jazz collective wins the mercury music prize — what's behind britain's resurgent jazz scene? on a bbc london — the london prison at the centre of the biggest manhunt in decades faces calls to be shut down and prisoners moved. on newsnight at 10.30 — elon musk says he stopped ukraine from using his starlink satellite system to attack the russian fleet. the americans have outsourced their space programme, is this the price? good evening, after three days of searching, a significant development tonight in the hunt for daniel khalife, the terrorism and spying suspect who escaped from wandsworth prison — with a sighting of him by a member of the publicjust a mile from the prison, crawling out from beneath the food delivery truck he'd hidden under to flee. he escaped from the prison kitchens at around 7.30 on wednesday morning. police say he used straps to cling to the underside of the truck. it was here a short time later at a roundabout in wandsworth, about a mile away, that he was spotted. a £20,000 reward is now being offered for information leading to his recapture. daniel sandford has been following the story. as daniel khalife fled wandsworth prison on wednesday morning, strapped to the underside of a catering delivery truck, this was the first big roundabout on his route, and in a major breakthrough in the manhunt this afternoon, someone has come forward to say they saw him here just a mile from the prison and minutes after he had escaped. we've had a confirmed sighting of daniel khalife coming out from underneath the lorry near wandsworth roundabout. so that's trinity road, as it goes into swandon way. daniel was spotted then walking towards wandsworth town centre, along swandon way. it is a vital moment in this investigation because now detectives have a starting point, working outwards from this roundabout they can now begin the search, trawling through cctv, but they are 2.5 days behind. this evening, close to the roundabout, plainclothes detectives could be seen going from house to house, asking for cctv and door bell footage. a former british soldier accused of trying to spy for iran, daniel khalife was being held ahead of his trial which was supposed to take place in november. this is the bidfood truck that khalife used to escape, caught on cctv that morning. this footage that we filmed of an almost identical vehicle shows that there are obvious places underneath it where he could have concealed himself. 0ne section between the front and back wheels and one section at the rear. daniel khalife is seen here in a new video obtained by the bbc. friends have told us that he went to teddington school in south london, and was a talented 100m runner. fellow soldiers said that he had a reputation as a joker who messed around in basic training. for the rest of his army career, he was based at stafford barracks, working with the high—tech royal signals regiment. it's here that he's accused of trying to spy for iran last year. wandsworth prison, where he was being held, is not a high security prison. it's category b, not category a. the government's independent adviser on terrorism legislation has suggested that that was a poor decision. when you have someone who's suspected of espionage, of a crime against the state, who may have a network with a hostile state, at that stage, how do you deal with them? i would have thought that someone who's charged with espionage ought to be held more securely. there are certainly questions about the security culture at the prison. 0ne driver who made regular trips into wandsworth has told the bbc that his vehicle was never checked underneath. tonight, detectives released these pictures of the style of prison kitchen clothes that khalife was wearing when he escaped, as they urged more members of the public to come forward and help them in their manhunt. so the race is really on. we have just got back from wandsworth where detectives were still doing door—to—door inquiries until it was too late to bother people. there will still be problems with some double footage deleting of the 2a hours but there is a lot of cctv cameras in london, some can be worked on through the night. although the piece or 2.5 days behind the escaped prisoner, if they can build a cctv travel quickly, they still have a chance of catching up. thank you, daniel sandford reporting. in its first—ever reckoning of global progress on cutting carbon emissions, the united nations is warning that the world is way off track. the un's �*global stocktake�* says tackling climate change needs a rapid transformation — of the way we work, travel, eat and use energy. but we have made some advances, as our climate editor, justin rowlatt reports. wildfires raged through southern europe this summer, made more intense by heatwaves that would have been virtually impossible without climate change, according to scientists. but today's un report says it is not all bad news on global warming. virtually all the nations of the world agree on the urgent need to tackle the problem, says the un, and they are already taking some action. the problem is, itjust isn't anywhere near enough. i'm in a place of hope and despair. despair because we have warmed the planet already well beyond 1 degrees, we are on track for 1.5 and two. these are worrying places to be in. i also have hope, because we see how countries are putting together real plans to change their entire economies. but progress is being made, just look at this global thermometer. back in 2010, the un reckoned the world was on track for a temperature increase of 4.8 celsius. it warned that would be catastrophic. by 2015, countries had promised cuts that brought that down to 3.2 celsius. by the end of the climate conference in glasgow in 2021, it was down to 2.7 celsius and the un now reckons we are headed towards a temperature rise of around 2.6 celsius. but that is still way over the 1.5 celsius target the world has agreed. this is about pace and it's about recognising that we need to speed things up, whether that's in the uk or indeed, across the world. and that's why it comes back down to the appetite of world leaders to recognise the urgency of the situation and be willing to act. but is the appetite there? a rapid switch over to renewable energy will be indispensable, says the un. the uk has made world leading progress on that transition, but today it appeared to falter. there were no bids for new offshore wind projects because, said energy companies, the cash on offer from the governmentjust didn't make it worthwhile — raising questions about the uk's commitment to climate action. justin rowlatt, bbc news. and a bit later in the programme, we'll be reporting from greece and from hong kong — which have seen devastating flooding in recent days. for more than nine months, the condition of freddie flintoff has been unknown, after the presenter and former cricketer was in a car crash whilst filming an episode of top gear. today he was seen in public for the first time since the accident, asjoe inwood reports. very little was ever revealed about what happened to andrew flintoff, the cricketer they call freddie. this is the first glimpse we have had of the injuries that he suffered in a high speed crash last december. some of those injuries today still evident. he was with the coaching staff to watch the england cricket team play new zealand. and this was his post cricket career. his charisma, game, attitude and chemistry with co—hosts paddy mcguinness and chris harris had helped to revive the fortunes of one of the bbc�*s biggest shows. then the crash at the don's fold park aerodrome that brought it all to a shuddering halt. freddie flintoff was airlifted to hospital. his injuries are unknown. series 3a of top gear was ended. the bbc apologised and held an investigation. nothing more was heard or seen of freddie flintoff until today. fans of the sportsman and tv presenter will be pleased to see him looking alive, well and back where he belongs at the cricket. joe inwood, bbc news. rishi sunak is in delhi this evening for the g20 summit, the meeting of leaders of the world's largest economies, including the european union. the war in ukraine is likely to dominate the talks, but the uk will be hoping for progress on a trade deal with india. here's chris mason. delhi this morning, drenched in a sweaty humidity, laden with history. a british prime minister of indian heritage, alongside his wife who was born here, visiting this former british colony, as india host the world — or, at least, a vast economic chunk of it. it's personally really special for me to be here in thisjob. india's a country that's near and dear to me. it's obviously where akshata's from. but look, i'm here as a british prime minister and my story is not that dissimilar from millions of british people — that living bridge that exists between india and the uk. security is always tight when world leaders descend anywhere, but rarely like this. we're now heading into the centre of delhi. the streets are deserted, hardly anyone around, given the scale of security. schools and offices closed, it feels like a lockdown. the star attraction for many here isn't the prime minister, but his wife, as they both joined indian school children to play football. remember, i'm not from delhi, i'm from south india. _ akshata murthy�*s parents are well known here. her dad is a self—made billionaire. rishi sunak even suggested to reporters he's been called "india's son—in—law". i saw your shirts, i thought they looked really cool! the prime minister, like his predecessors since brexit, wants a uk—india free trade agreement, as this country grows, and grows fast. hang on, though, says mr sunak. we can't rush it and i won't rush it. i've always said i want to take the time to get trade deals right, so that they work for the british people, they work for the uk. lots of progress has been made on this one, but we're not there yet. tonight, leaders are arriving here from all over the world. president biden greeted by the summit host, the indian prime minister, narendra modi. president putin of russia isn't here — he sent his foreign minister sergei lavrov instead. and president xi of china isn't here either. this is a diplomaticjamboree so broad that the paths to consensus are narrow or in some cases non—existent. the disagreements over russia's invasion of ukraine are everywhere to see. there are other topics, though, on the agenda — climate change, technology and food security amongst them. and many of the leaders here accept that, yes, the conversations are awkward, but that is why they are necessary. the big man sits here and i'll sit here. for those that are — leaders and their spouses — the diplomacy here isjust beginning. it makes you think a lot. the heavy slog of negotiation starts tomorrow. chris mason, bbc news, in delhi. well, we can speask to yogita lamaye who's in delhi for us. we've seen pictures there of delhi eerily deserted. what does this summit mean for india and for its prime minister? i think what india has done is take an annualsummitand i think what india has done is take an annual summit and the present he it has got because of rotation and turned it into a mega event where it is trying to showcase its strength to the world. it is trying to show to the world. it is trying to show to the world we can be... we advocate very strongly for the african union to be included... this can be truly representative and fair. as far as the domestic audience is concerned, we are going... i audience is concerned, we are anoin... . , ., audience is concerned, we are anoin... . ., ., going... i am sorry, we are having some problems — going... i am sorry, we are having some problems with _ going... i am sorry, we are having some problems with the _ going... i am sorry, we are having some problems with the line, - going... i am sorry, we are having| some problems with the line, let's move on. shares in apple have fallen for the second day in a row — after reports that chinese government workers have been banned from using iphones. in that time, nearly £160 billion has been wiped from the company's market value. china is apple's third—largest market, accounting for 18% of its total revenue last year. it comes as apple prepares to launch a brand new iphone model in the coming days. let's go live to our technology headquarters in glasgow — zoe kleinman is there. apple now finding itself at the centre of this ecomomic struggle betweeen the us and china. what we are seeing here is the latest round in an ongoing boxing match between two huge companies who do not trust each other at all. that is the us and china. what china has reportedly done is restrict the iphonein reportedly done is restrict the iphone in state buildings and it is not dissimilar to what the us has been doing for a while now. you may remember that it blocked the bland far away from lots of buildings on the grounds it says it is not secure. apple has maintained it doesn't want anything to do with this and china has denied that is the case. most people in china use android phones, but those who choose the most expensive, top of the range devices, the apple iphone is the top seller. there is another reason why china is so important to apple, because it still manufactures a lot of its products there. it is trying hard to move away from that, so the current iphone, the iphone14 is assembled in india. and speaking of the iphone, we are expecting to see the iphone, we are expecting to see the iphone, we are expecting to see the iphone 15, the iphone, we are expecting to see the iphone15, the latest version unveiled on tuesday. it will be interesting to see if and when it hits the shelves in china. indeed, thank ou hits the shelves in china. indeed, thank you very — hits the shelves in china. indeed, thank you very much. _ these are the scenes in greece, where hundreds of people are still stranded without food or water, three days after a devastating storm killed at least 10 people and caused enormous damage. storm daniel was the worst to hit the country for more than a century. it's left a trail of devastation across the central region of thessaly. sofia bettiza reports from larissa. a trail of devastation across central greece. this region was hit by the heaviest rainfall the country has seen since records began. entire villages have been engulfed by water. and a massive rescue operation is underway to evacuate hundreds of people trapped for days. many without food or drinking water. this woman has lived in her house for more than 30 years. and is that the one in the yellow tent? yes. it's completely submerged in water. yes. translation: my home is completely destroyed. j i have nothing left. all i have is my work, this house and my children. and now our home is gone. climate change is causing more extreme weather. recently, greece faced the worst summer of wildfires on record. translation: it's a tragedy. we will suffer for a very long time. the damage to our homes is irreparable. a lifetime's work gone in a couple of hours. the damage to infrastructure is enormous. many roads are impassable and bridges destroyed, adding to the problems faced by emergency workers. many people here are furious at the greek government. they accused ministers of using climate change as an excuse for poor building projects. take this bridge, for example. it collapsed three years ago because of a cyclone, so it was rebuilt, and now it's completely destroyed again. for many greeks, this is a symbol of government failure. the army has been brought in to distribute food. this storm has destroyed crops on some of greece's richest land. nearly a quarter of this year's agricultural production has been lost. tourism will suffer, too. another blow to greece's already fragile economy. dog barks tonight, the search goes on for those still missing. the long term damage caused by storm daniel will take many years to overcome. sofia bettiza, bbc news, larissa. meanwhile, hong kong has been deluged by the heaviest rainfall since records began there 140 years ago. there's been major damage to homes and infrastructure, after more than 15 centimeters of rain fell injust an hour. danny vincent is there tonight. danny, how is the city coping? this city has seen almost a record level of rain over the last this city has seen almost a record level of rain, almost a quarter of the annual rainfall of hong kong, we have seen roads turn to rivers and cars swallowed up in holes in the road and pedestrian swept away by very strong currents along the roads. we know at least two people have died since the rain began and we know more than hundred people have gone to hospital and have been treated with injuries. many people in hong kong are frustrated with the authorities and they say they did not get enough warning before the flash flooding began, before the heavy rain began. the authorities say there is nothing they could do about that but it has been a very intense few days for many people here in hong kong. some of the images are still circulating on social media show really extreme conditions for many people. a number of villages have been evacuated and we have also seen railway subway stations flooded and it has been a difficult time for many people here. thanks forjoining us. health officials say a recently detected variant of covid is now spreading within the community in the uk, and is responsible for an outbreak at a care home in norfolk. our health editor hugh pym is here. how many uk cases? with this variant, there is said to be 36 cases in the uk, up from three reported last week, and of those 30 62 are in scotland and the rest in england by 28 were in one single care home in norfolk affecting some staff but mostly residents. officials say all of those who got the virus got the variant but have recovered. what the uk have security agency say is they now believe there community transmission, it is spreading in local areas in some parts of the uk. how fast does it spread? officials are simply saying they need to do more work and more monitoring to see whether it is spreading faster oral not then previous strains of covid —— or. they say there is no evidence either way to make that kind ofjudgment at the moment. h0??? way to make that kind of 'udgment at the moment.— the moment. how much concern is there about _ the moment. how much concern is there about the _ the moment. how much concern is there about the variant? _ the moment. how much concern is there about the variant? it - the moment. how much concern is there about the variant? it is - the moment. how much concern is there about the variant? it is not i there about the variant? it is not known officially _ there about the variant? it is not known officially as _ there about the variant? it is not known officially as a _ there about the variant? it is not known officially as a variant - there about the variant? it is not known officially as a variant of i known officially as a variant of concern say officials but they are watching it extremely closely and remember the covid booster programme has been brought forward to mid september starting in england and wales on monday and already under way in scotland and a week later in northern ireland. it was brought forward because of the possibility that this variant might prove rather troublesome. the advice is from the uk hsa that anyone who becomes eligible for a covid boosterjab should take it up as quickly as they can. ., should take it up as quickly as they can, ., ", ., should take it up as quickly as they can. ., ., ., , a 31—year old british man who went to fight for the international legion in ukraine has been found dead in a body of water with his hands bound behind his back. jordan chadwick, from burnley in lancashire, served as a scots guard in the british army from 2011 to 2015. an inquest into mr chadwick's death will be held next year. the impressionist and comedian mike yarwood has died. he was 82. this the impressionist and comedian mike yarwood has died. he was 82.- yarwood has died. he was 82. this is m first yarwood has died. he was 82. this is my first christmas _ yarwood has died. he was 82. this is my first christmas message - yarwood has died. he was 82. this is my first christmas message to - yarwood has died. he was 82. this is my first christmas message to the i my first christmas message to the nation and my mother's husband and i wish you were very happy. he nation and my mother's husband and i wish you were very happy.— wish you were very happy. he became a household — wish you were very happy. he became a household name _ wish you were very happy. he became a household name in _ wish you were very happy. he became a household name in the _ wish you were very happy. he became a household name in the 1970s - wish you were very happy. he became a household name in the 1970s with l a household name in the 1970s with his shows on both the bbc and itv and he was also one of the first impressionists lampoon politicians, in particular the labour prime minister harold wilson. host nation france stunned new zealand in the opening match of the rugby world cup, winning 29—13. dan roan reports from paris. chanting for this rugby loving nation, a moment to truly savour. here in paris, a blockbuster start to france's world cup. the latest instalment in what has become one of this tournament's fiercest and most classic rivalries. the opening ceremony at a packed and sweltering stade de france, a spectacular celebration of french heritage and culture. the country's passion for the sport and the 200th anniversary of the game. the 80,000 present, treated to an hour—long show of flair, flyovers. .. ..and fireworks. along with the country's most famous landmark before the traditional speeches. booing not all of them received well. the stage was set for the introduction of two of the favourites to win this competition, beaten finalists on three occasions but having developed a golden generation of talent, france were dreaming of a first ever title. but standing in their way, the toughest of opening games, traditionally the sports's most feared force, three times winners, new zealand. france started as if mesmerised by the haka. new zealand exploding from the blocks. mark telea stunning the hosts within two minutes. but france gradually regained their composure. three penalty kicks from the boot of ramos edging them in front to lead by a point at half—time. new zealand had started in the unfamiliar position as underdogs, but they soon regained the advantage. telea, starts the second half how he started the first! but having been beaten twice by these opponents in world cup finals, france were in no mood to have their party spoiled. damian penaud sending the decibels levels even higher. new zealand had no reply. france then securing a famous win. now that then securing a famous win. now that the start of the action is under way, attention will turn to the weekend's games, the current number one side in the world, ireland, and england, both getting their campaigns under way tomorrow, and scotland and wales both play on sunday in what looks set to be one of the most competitive world cups to date. dan roan, bbc news, paris. last night on this programme — we brought you the winner of the mercury music prize — this act — the ezra collective. it's the first time a jazz act has won the award since it began over 30 years ago. so today, we sent david sillito out to find out whether the uk is seeing something of a resurgence injazz music. the winner of the mercury prize... it would be fair to say that the esri collective enjoyed the moment and it was also a chance to say thank you. and it was also a chance to say thank you-— and it was also a chance to say thank you. and it was also a chance to say thank ou. , , , ., thank you. this is testimony to good s-ecial thank you. this is testimony to good special people _ thank you. this is testimony to good special people putting _ thank you. this is testimony to good special people putting time - thank you. this is testimony to good special people putting time and - special people putting time and effort into young people to play music, do you here what i am saying? this is what he was talking about, tomorrow's warriors. jazz this is what he was talking about, tomorrow's warriors.— this is what he was talking about, | tomorrow's warriors._ a tomorrow's warriors. jazz is cool. a worksho . tomorrow's warriors. jazz is cool. a workshop that— tomorrow's warriors. jazz is cool. a workshop that nurtured _ tomorrow's warriors. jazz is cool. a workshop that nurtured the - tomorrow's warriors. jazz is cool. a i workshop that nurtured the musicians of ezra is free and packed. jazz steaks of ezra is free and packed. jazz speaks to _ of ezra is free and packed. jazz speaks to my _ of ezra is free and packed. jazz speaks to my soul— of ezra is free and packed. ii—jz speaks to my soul and as a of ezra is free and packed. ii—jz speaks to my soul and as a way for me to express myself and it allows you to play through your different experiences, if you are going through something, i can speak to the trumpet in a way that words can't. �* ., the trumpet in a way that words can't. . ., ., . ., ., can't. and for the man in charge of the last 30 — can't. and for the man in charge of the last 30 years, _ can't. and for the man in charge of the last 30 years, jazz _ can't. and for the man in charge of the last 30 years, jazz bassist - can't. and for the man in charge of the last 30 years, jazz bassist gary crosby, this is a moment to savour. at first it was, oh my god, it is a benefit for all of us who are interested in playing this wonderful music we call jazz. interested in playing this wonderful music we calljazz. but interested in playing this wonderful music we calljazz.— music we call “an. but the music that is music we call jazz. but the music that is emerging _ music we call jazz. but the music that is emerging in _ music we call jazz. but the music that is emerging in and _ music we call jazz. but the music that is emerging in and around i music we call jazz. but the music - that is emerging in and around bands like is not looking to the 40s and 50s heyday ofjazz. this grew out of a club night in deptford in south—east london, founded by this man here, and for him, the music represented by ezra is jazz but also something more. this represented by ezra is “an but also something moreh represented by ezra is “an but also something more. this is something different, music _ something more. this is something different, music you _ something more. this is something different, music you can _ something more. this is something different, music you can dance - something more. this is something different, music you can dance to i different, music you can dance to and music you can socialise to in a world where most of us don't go to jazz clubs and don't go to sit down and listen to music. fiend jazz clubs and don't go to sit down and listen to music.— jazz clubs and don't go to sit down and listen to music. and very much born out of— and listen to music. and very much born out of 21st-century _ and listen to music. and very much born out of 21st-century uk? - born out of 21st—century uk? completely. this could only happen in the uk, in britain. i don't think it could happen anywhere else. it is a combination of all of my friends that come from these different places. that come from these different laces. �* , that come from these different laces, �* , ., ,., that come from these different laces. �* , ., ., places. and it is also a reminder that music _ places. and it is also a reminder that music education _ places. and it is also a reminder that music education like - places. and it is also a reminder that music education like this i places. and it is also a reminder that music education like this is| that music education like this is only possible because of a music charity. to only possible because of a music chari . ., , .., , only possible because of a music chari . , _ charity. to see them recognised by the industry _ charity. to see them recognised by the industry and _ charity. to see them recognised by the industry and by _ charity. to see them recognised by the industry and by their— charity. to see them recognised by the industry and by their peers - charity. to see them recognised by the industry and by their peers and j the industry and by their peers and to see _ the industry and by their peers and to see them elevate this music that is happening that they have been part of— is happening that they have been part of wasjust is happening that they have been part of was just such a great moment _ part of was 'ust such a great moment._ part of was 'ust such a great moment. ., ., ., , ., , moment. for ezra and the people followint moment. for ezra and the people following their _ moment. for ezra and the people following their footsteps, - moment. for ezra and the people following their footsteps, this - following their footsteps, this really is a moment to enjoy. now we have the weather forecast. good evening. heatwave is continuing into the weekend for many especially across england and wales, temperatures will be coming down slowly in the north and west, though, is cooler air moves in but when that happens, we are likely to see some thunderstorms especially on sunday. as we head through tonight, maybe clusters of showers pushing into south—west england and maybe the midlands. maybe some mist and murk around. but elsewhere, apart from mist and murk in eastern scotland it will be another dry and clear night and a very warm and muqqy clear night and a very warm and muggy night with temperatures no lower than 18 or 19 in parts of the south. plenty of sunshine tomorrow morning, if few showers in western areas, but the showers will get going in scotland and northern ireland, this will bring cooler weather in the highlands and islands but england and wales have a very hot and humid day. we are likely did see some well scattered but intense thunderstorms developing. there could be some localised flooding. tomorrow might be the hottest day of the heatwave, up to 33 in the south—east, but high 20s generally in england and wales. temperatures will be coming down for the great north run in north—east england for the weekend but there will still be so much showers and thunderstorms around, but also sunny spells. this is the picture on sunday. clusters of rain in eastern areas. —— western areas. the thunderstorms could be

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House To , Trawling Through Cctv , Starting Point , Working Outwards , 2 5 , Footage , Place , Trial , Soldier , Iran , Door Bell , Khalife , Places , Vehicle , Escape , On Cctv , Bidfood , Friends , 0ne Section , Section , Wheels , Rear , Video , South London , Teddington School , 0 , Joker , Rest , Army Career , Training , Soldiers , Runner , Reputation , Barracks , Talented 100m , 100m , Government , Terrorism Legislation , Adviser , Royal Signals Regiment , Category B , Category A , Estate , Espionage , Stage , Decision , Crime , Network , More , 0ne Driver , Questions , Security Culture , Trips , Pictures , Members , Prison Kitchen , Style , People , Problems , Race , Inquiries , Lot , Some , Prisoner , Deleting , Cctv Cameras , Cctv Travel Quickly , 2 , World , Chance , Progress , Track , Warning , Reckoning , Carbon Emissions , Global Stocktake , Way , Wildfires , Heatwaves , Energy , Transformation , Travel , Use , Climate Editor , Advances , Justin Rowlatt Reports , Southern Europe , Problem , Nations , Report , News , Scientists , Need , Anywhere , Action , Hope , Despair , Isn T , Planet , Itjust , Countries , Economies , Plans , 1 5 , 1 , Back , Temperature Increase , Global Thermometer , 2010 , 2015 , 4 8 , Celsius , Cuts , Climate Conference , Temperature Rise , Glasgow , The End , 2021 , 2 6 , 2 7 , 3 2 , Celsius Target The World , Things , Space , World Leaders , A Jazz Act , Appetite , Situation , Urgency , Energy Companies , Transition , Bids , Wind , Renewable Energy , Bbc News , Programme , Commitment , Climate Action , Governmentjust Didn T , Offer , Cash , Bit , Justin Rowlatt , Greece , Flooding , Hong Kong , Reporting , Cricketer , Condition , Unknown , Nine , Car Crash , Episode , Accident , Asjoe Inwood Reports , Injuries , Glimpse , Coaching Staff , High Speed Crash Last , England Cricket Team , Game , Paddy Mcguinness , Charisma , Shows , Cricket Career , Chemistry , Attitude , Fortunes , Biggest , Chris Harris , Hospital , Crash , Series 3a , Shuddering Halt , Apologised , The Don S Fold Park Aerodrome , 3 , Nothing , Tv Presenter , Cricket , Sportsman , Fans , Joe Inwood , Leaders , Rishi Sunak , Delhi , Ukraine , War , Meeting , Talks , G20 Summit , European Union , Prime Minister , India , Wife , Trade Deal , History , Humidity , Chris Mason , Indian Heritage , Country , Chunk , Dear , British Colony , Thisjob , Security , Bridge , Millions , Akshata Murthy , Schools , Streets , Scale , Lockdown , Children , School , Attraction , Parents , The Star , Football , Reporters , Billionaire , Dad , Shirts , Predecessors , India S Son In Law , Free Trade Agreement , Brexit , Trade Deals , Hang On , Biden , Lots , Russia Isn T , All Over The World , The Summit Host , Narendra Modi , President Putin , Sergei Lavrov , China Isn T , Diplomaticjamboree , President Xi , Consensus , Paths , Cases , Food Security , Technology , Everywhere , Invasion , Disagreements , Topics , Russia , Yes , Many , Conversations , Slog , Diplomacy , Spouses , Negotiation , Big Man , Summit , Us , In Delhi , Yogita Lamaye Who , Event , Annualsummitand , Rotation , African Union , Strength , Apple , Audience , Line , Shares , Let S Move On , Anoin , China , Iphones , Workers , Company , Market , Market Value , Revenue , Accounting , Brand New , Iphone Model , Chinese , 18 , 160 Billion , 60 Billion , Let S Go , Technology Headquarters , Ecomomic Struggle Betweeen The Us , Zoe Kleinman , Wall , Ground , Companies , Boxing Match , Mother , Iphone 15 , It , Is , State Buildings , Buildings , Iphonein , Bland , Case , Expensive , Anything , Phones , Android , Apple Iphone , Seller , Reason , Products , Devices , Iphone15 , Iphone , Tuesday , 15 , Damage , Water , Food , Storm , Shelves , Hundreds , Scenes , Storm Daniel , Worst , Thank Ou , 10 , Region , Trail , Devastation , Larissa , Sofia Bettiza , Thessaly , Records , Villages , Rescue Operation , Hit , House , Woman , Drinking Water , Tent , 30 , Work , Translation , Home , Ji Have Nothing Left , Weather , Homes , Summer , Record , Tragedy , Lifetime , Roads , Infrastructure , Couple , Emergency Workers , Ministers , Building Projects , Excuse , Example , Greek , Symbol , Cyclone , Government Failure , Greeks , Tourism , Army , Land , Production , Crops , Blow , Economy , Term , The Search , Dog Barks , 140 , Heavy Rain , City , Coping , Danny Vincent , Level , Last , Pedestrian , Road , Currents , Cars , Rivers , Holes , Authorities , Flash Flooding , Number , Railway Subway Stations , Images , Conditions , Social Media , Variant , Covid , Community , Thanks Forjoining , Health Officials , Hugh Pym , Care Home , Outbreak , Norfolk , 36 , South West England , Eastern Scotland , Officials , Staff , Residents , 28 , 62 , Areas , Security Agency , Community Transmission , Virus , Strains , Monitoring , Concern , There , The Moment , Evidence , H0 , Udgment , Kind , Kind Ofjudgment , Northern Ireland , Covid Booster Programme , Mid September Starting , Wales , Possibility , Advice , Anyone , Hsa , Covid Boosterjab , Oman , Jordan Chadwick , Legion , Body , Hands , British Army , Burnley , Scots Guard , Lancashire , 31 , Mike Yarwood , Inquest , Impressionist , Death , 2011 , 82 , Household Name , Nation , Message , Wish , Husband , 82 Yarwood Has , Message Yarwood Has , To Yarwood Has , La , 1970 , Host Nation , Impressionists Lampoon Politicians , Itv , Labour , Harold Wilson , Paris , Dan Roan , Chanting , Rugby , Blockbuster , Savour , 13 , 29 , Tournament , Rivalries , Instalment , Opening Ceremony , Show , Sport , Anniversary , Passion , Flair , Flyovers , Fireworks , Spectacular Celebration Of French Heritage And Culture , 200 , 80000 , Competition , Landmark , Speeches , Finalists , Introduction , Occasions , Games , Sports , Winners , Generation , Title , Talent , Force , Toughest , Standing , Hosts , Composure , Blocks , Point , Penalty Kicks , Boot , Ramos Edging , Front , Mark Telea , Mesmerised By The Haka , Opponents , Underdogs , Advantage , Half , Finals , Position , Mood , Win , Party , Reply , Damian Penaud , Weekend , Start , Attention , Side , Campaigns , Play , Winner , Award , Ezra Collective , Music , Something , Resurgence , David Sillito , Testimony , Esri , Effort , S Ecial , Jazz , My Soul Of Ezra , Workshop , Warriors , Musicians , Worksho , Ai Workshop , Jazz Steaks , Soul , Trumpet , Words , Experiences , Packed Ii Jz , Charge , Can T , Bassist Can T , Gary Crosby , Jazz Bassist , Oh My God , Music , Benefit , Bands , 40s And 50s Heyday Ofjazz , We Calljazz , 50 , 40 , Club Night , Deptford , Moreh , Most , Don T Go To Jazz Clubs , Clubs , Jazz Clubs , Don T Go , In Britain , 21 , Reminder , Music Education , Laces , Combination , Part , Industry , Charity , Peers , Music Charity , Music Chari , Happening , Ust Such A Great Moment , Wasjust , Footsteps , Heatwave , Weather Forecast , Thunderstorms , Temperatures , West , Showers , Mist , Murk , Clusters , Elsewhere , Midlands , South , Sunshine , Western Areas , Muqqy , 19 , Highlands And Islands , Up To 33 In The South East , North East England , Great North Run , 33 , 20 , Picture , Spells , Clusters Of Rain In Eastern Areas ,

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