Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170424 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170424

since i've been gone? —— what has been going on. and... he's back. barack 0bama has returned to the public eye with a speech in his hometown of chicago. i'm katty kay in washington, christian fraser is in paris. if you ever wanted an election about change, try france this weekend. french voters have just upended decades of political tradition, ousting the main parties and promoting two outliers. in almost equal numbers they voted for a young, centrist man who doesn't even have a party and an older, far—right woman who captured a desire for nationalist revival. the two candidates will debate on wednesday and face each other in a second—round vote on may the 7th. the meteoric rise of emmanuel macron has been remarkable — he resigned from the socialist party a year ago and no—one thought he'd do this well. equally showstopping is marine le pen, who's transformed the front national and made it a force in this race. the bbc‘s lucy willamson has this report. two years ago, he was a new face in politics. in two weeks he could be the new president of france. last night, emmanuel macron arrived for his victory speech with his wife, brigitte. 2a years older than him, she was once his drama teacher. his youth and energy are part of the package. hard to imagine he used to be economy minister and once worked at rothschild investment bank. his style, start—up rather than stuffy, even if he his policies themselves appeal more to bankers than blue—collar france. his rival has already begun campaigning, targeting voters she calls forgotten france. saying her anti—immigration platform is designed to put them first. herfather, jean—marie, who stepped down as party leader six years ago, has called the holocaust a detail of the second world war. marine le pen has tried to rid the party of its stigma and present a softer image of herself as a mother, concerned to protect france. we could say that marine le pen is a strict mother figure. she has a motherly attitude towards macron, for instance. he is more like the rebellious child, the teenager would suit him perfectly. we want to believe that he will be great one day. the two programmes are very different. emmanuel macron is promising to cut taxes, invest heavily in industry and is very pro—eu. marine le pen says she will slash immigration, protect the 35—hour working week and pull france out of the euro. both the main established parties have now thrown their weight behind emmanuel macron. that puts him in a strong position — there is a long history here of political parties coming together in the run—off to block the front nationalfrom power. will that happen this time? in this town, more than 30% of voters chose the conservative party candidate, francois fillon, yesterday. some are not yet sure if they will follow their leader and vote for macron in may. i don't think emmanuel macron has a programme — his reforms are not fundamental enough, i do not think he has grasped the economic challenges facing france. both macron and le pen have promised change. but deep reforms will probably need a parliamentary majority, unlikely for either, a reminder that winning power and wielding power are not always the same thing. we have had a final result from the interior ministry. let's have a look at that. it is emmanuel macron in front, 21 point 01, ahead of marine le pen. the third and fourth positions were fillon and milos on, the hard left candidate. ——jean—luc melenchon. it is interesting when you look at a map how much france is divided. the blue is marine le pen. in the industrial north—east and down in the south she is very popular. 0n the left—hand side, the western side of france, it is emmanuel macron, and also in the cities. if you look at the communes that the candidates won, marine le pen took 19,000 communes, three times nearly as many as emmanuel macron, which tells you he has the support of cities like this one, paris, and she is very popular in rural areas. i'm joined now by marine le pen's colleague and a leading politician from front national, bruno gollnisch. five years ago was when we met because we were there for the leadership challenge, you were running against marine le pen. the polls suggest she has not become a cce pta ble polls suggest she has not become acceptable in the cities. although i had been her contender, i think she is doing very well. i think the most important change results from the fa ct important change results from the fact that an increasing number of french people came to understand that we were right in our analysis of the situation and a growing number of people think that we are right in our solutions, our proposals. i hope they will decide that we have the people able to implement this programme. many things have been said about demonisation and so on. a lot of people are frightened of your party. ido people are frightened of your party. i do think that demonisation was not close to what we really were but was a kind of psychological weapon in the hands of our opponents. you are being painted by the media and the establishment... racist and... that is not still in the dna of the party? a lot of people in france are worried about what you represent. party? a lot of people in france are worried about what you representm isa worried about what you representm is a psychological weapon. john marino —— jean—marie le is a psychological weapon. john marino ——jean—marie le pen said the holocaust was a detail of the second world war. you should ask winston churchill. do you think it was a detail of the second world war? he didn't say anything about it. a detail doesn't mean that it is significant, it was part of world war ii. jean—marie le pen has been a member of parliament for nearly 60 yea rs member of parliament for nearly 60 years and his positions, speeches, programmes, proposals over several tens of thousands of pages, so it is really... you cannot summarise his life to this sentence. people try to find things from marine le pen that they can use but it is the usual game. you have two weeks to convince people, what will be the strategy? will you try to paint emmanuel macron as the establishment, continuity candidate? on one side we will because he is not that much a newcomer. he was the economic adviser for francois hollande, newcomer. he was the economic adviserfor francois hollande, the minister for economic, adviserfor francois hollande, the ministerfor economic, sophie bears some responsibility for the eater mick situation now. —— so he wears some responsibility for the economic situation. then we will also appeal to voters, conservative or not, voters for exa m ple to voters, conservative or not, voters for example for francois fillon orjean—luc melenchon. many people are critical of the european union, who want to have more national independence, towards for example nato and the usa, who oppose many aspects of financial nationalism, these people would rather vote for marine le pen than mr match run. —— than emmanuel macron. emmanuel macron, the leader of en marche, which didn't exist a year ago. he is now the leading contender to be the next french president. i'm joined on the line from bordeaux by thierry fahmy, who is the election co—ordinator for en marche in that region. you put aside your company to run macron‘s campaign. what did you like about him? he said we shouldn't divide people but find out what is goodin divide people but find out what is good in the ideas coming from the left or right wing of the party ‘s —— parties and trying to make people work together to make friends better again. a lot of people who joined me on the balcony last night for the results programme who aren't really sure what mr macron does stand for. the rhetoric is fine but what are his policies? there are many things. some ideas go from the left wing, like protecting people, maintaining the social system we have in france, and he also has a liberal side, he wa nts and he also has a liberal side, he wants people to take more risks, to innovate, and this is part of his programme and this is very important. he also has some measures for ecology. he has been able to identify what are the important things that could make the country better in a few years from now. i want to ask you about the phenomenon of marine le pen winning so many small french villages and towns, the rural areas of france am aware mr macron didn't do well. we saw the same thing in the american election last november. what can mr macron do to reach out to rural voters ? macron do to reach out to rural voters? it is a good question. contrary to what the front national interviewees said, a significant pa rt interviewees said, a significant part of the voters of marine le pen are people who are desperate. their life hasn't changed at all for the last 20 years and whatever they voted, left or right, nothing changed. it is really a vote of despair. this is really a problem that macron and be en marche movement wants to address and we are going to be in the field to solve these problems. the other part of these problems. the other part of the voters are people who are deeply worried with immigration. some are racist people and this is something thatis racist people and this is something that is very hard to work on in the short term but we are confident will be solved in the long term. thank you very much for being with us. what can mr macron do to try to reach those voters who feel like the forgotten french? it is the same phrase we have heard donald trump use, the forgotten men and women of america. he will have to reach beyond the liberal cities. he will find it difficult because a lot of people here will believe the rhetoric from marine le pen that emmanuel macron, formerly the economy minister, is more of the same, promises by have had from the socialist party for years. unemployment in some of these areas has been stubbornly high, around 10%, and from swann and promised to bring it down for five years and didn't manage it. —— and emmanuel macron. these people are anti—globalisation, very similar to people in the rust belts of ohio and so on. he will be painted very much as part of the establishment. does he have to take a tougher, clearer position on the key issue of immigration? i think he has to take a tougher position on a lot of issues. i spoke to somebody from the economist last night who said when he was in power he had policies but now he has kept it pretty vague. in the next three orfour it pretty vague. in the next three or four weeks it pretty vague. in the next three orfour weeks he will it pretty vague. in the next three or four weeks he will have to spill it out because he has to win a majority in parliament or he will have to depend on the right or the left and he will be pulled in two directions. we called this programme 100 days to reflect a tradition for measuring a new american president. mr trump this weekend appeared to downplay the importance of that fast—approaching deadline but certainly looks like he wants to reach 100 days with a flurry of activity. tonight he'll have dinner with senatorjohn mccain, who he's been at odds with on a host of issues. on wednesday he has promised to roll out proposals for tax reform. two days later he'll be in atlanta speaking to the national rifle association and on saturday he holds an america first rally to coincide with his 100th day in office. a short time ago he called for tougher measures on north korea. the status quo in north korea is also unacceptable and the council must be prepared to propose additional and stronger sanctions on north korean nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. this is a real threat to the world. whether we want to talk about it or not, north korea is a big world problem and it's a problem we have to finally solve. people have put blindfolds on for decades and now it's time to solve the problem. and we are joined now by the bbc‘s north america editor, jon sopel. president trump has just said this in the white house about north korea. but does he want? this is more thanjust korea. but does he want? this is more than just a change in korea. but does he want? this is more thanjust a change in rhetoric from barack 0bama. there is a perception of the threat posed by north korea and you speak to any number of officials in the white house and they will say the same thing. it is advice that the mob trump has received that north korea could pose very some annex —— very soon could pose very some annex —— very soon and existential threat. —— donald trump. we are seeing more bellicose words, the american battleship in the korean peninsula, working hard to get china on board but other nations as well to accept that there needs to be a tougher stand against north korea going forward. he had a phone call with angela merkel and brought up north korea. 100 days. president trump produced a plan before he came to power for produced a plan before he came to powerfor his produced a plan before he came to power for his first hundred days and now he says the first hundred days don't matter. my theory is that the things he spoke about most are the ones where he has achieved the least and vice versa. what he spoke the most about was building the wall and mexico paying for it. look at his most mexico paying for it. look at his m ost rece nt mexico paying for it. look at his most recent tweets, mexico will pay for the war will eventually after some negotiation, possibly. health ca re some negotiation, possibly. health care reform, couldn't get that through, that is going nowhere it seems. the ban on muslims, locked in the courts. but he has his supreme court pick through, many conservatives are thrilled about that. he has made progress on the business confidence, that ephemeral feeling that people feel better things are around the corner. and the stock market. these are things he didn't speak much about but where he didn't speak much about but where he has made progress. he said he wouldn't get involved in tangled and is in syria but the entanglement of selling those —— sending those rockets has proved popular. he seems to be in a hurry to to get things out to the media and then go back to his supporters. it seems he knows what the media are going to say about her. i think that he does feel that he has to go back to his base but even were he hasn't made progress, the base is solid with him. it is winning support from anybody else that is his real problem. his core supporters are delighted with anything he does. many others who may be grave him grudging support are now may be wondering if that was right. —— maybe gave him. he doesn't know whether to hurry or to take stock, whether to hurry or to take stock, whether this is 100 metres or a marathon. only 296 of trump voters according to a new poll this weekend regret voting for him, a tiny number. well, for any politician the most painful thing about losing a campaign is the postmortem. where did things go wrong and when? the new book shattered — by two reporters who followed her campaign from start to finish — looks at how hillary clinton lost to donald trump. a brief time ago i spoke to one of the co—authors, jonathan allen. election night comes along, donald trump wins, all of the polls had predicted that hillary clinton would win but you weren't surprised that she lost. why? i was surprised because i was looking at polls and believed that they were right. we had warning flags in our reporting and we were confused coming into election day. the editor of the book told me in october that he couldn't understand what we were writing because there were so many things that looked like she would lose and in fact she was going to win. we stuck with our reporting and even though we expected her to win we didn't report and write that way. you write about the fact that clinton didn't have a rationale or didn't manage to articulate one for running and being president. didn't manage to articulate one for running and being presidentm didn't manage to articulate one for running and being president. it has been the huge flaw of hers throughout her sentence as a political player. she is somebody who likes dealing with problems and in government she has shown herself pretty competent but the ten years at least she has been running for president and never had that priority of what she would do with the power of the presidency. you look at bernie sanders, everybody knew what he was saying he would do. you look at donald trump, for all of the talk about things he said that we re the talk about things he said that were untreatable, it was pretty clear what he would do to change america. hillary clinton was 4 million policies, super well versed on them, incredibly intelligent, but a lot of voters had trouble understanding how she would ring change. —— hillary clinton had millions of policies. how bad was the infighting in the campaign?m was pretty bad but the passive aggressive. there is a scene where the campaign director was talking to somebody and they were talking about the campaign and the campaign manager says, robbie is passive aggressive, i am just aggressive. does hillary clinton realise how bad the candidate she was in retrospect? if she does it is not something she is talking about. what we have seen from her is blaming of russia and the fbi director and the media and it is all external. 0ne the fbi director and the media and it is all external. one of the benefits of that her and her campaign team is it prevents people under the hood, as we have in this book, and seeing what was wrong internally. she described it to one friend as she lost it is of the kgb, the fbi and the kkk, the last part being the voters she once described as deplorables. as opposed to herself? correct. in france francois fillon also snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and we will speak to one of his supporters in a while. now we've already talked about president trump's to—do list before he hits 100 days but if you were asked to come up with just one word to sum up these last few months what would it be? we've taken 100 of donald trump's favourites to try to sum it up. american carnage. dishonest media. an empty field. nafta. border tax. beautiful. ppp. keystone pipeline. jobs. jobs. water boarding. mexico. brexit. betting. ban. isis. hacked. supreme court. tough. tough. military. defend. dishonesty. aliens. aliens. immigrants. aliens. crime. betting. the bad ones. borders. illegally leaked. russia. quiet. quiet. quiet. american workers. florida. sweden. anti—semitic. taxpayers. fake news. fake. fake. fake. 0bamacare. great. wall. fantastic. win. cabinet meeting. 0bama. wiretapping. nato. healthcare plan. fake media. promises. law enforcement. democrats. 0bamacare. ivanka. ivanka. natural gas. 0il. coal. drugs epidemic. manufacturing. dream. syria. chemical gas. military strike. north korea. china. china. fake media. vetera ns. iran. the american dream. extraordinary. the bad dude is nowhere to be seen. you're watching 100 days from bbc news. more on the french election... plus, still to come... some of us felt today like we jumped back into —— into the middle of winter. in aberdeenshire low lying snow. in the afternoon cold air is coming in after this cloud. the cold airwill coming in after this cloud. the cold air will continue to follow. you can trace those isobars along way north, coming all the way from the arctic and bringing further snow showers. the cold air filters through, leaving a cold night and the widespread frost. further wintry showers in the mix as well. most of them will be across more northern and eastern areas, a few out west as well. for many the skies will be clear and with the arctic air in place to bridges will be dipping away, two or three in the towns and cities and lower in rural areas so a widespread frost to start the day. in scotland, the wintry showers will still be going into the morning. most will be at high grounds but some will get into lower areas, and in the north—east of england as well. actually a lot of sunshine to many places but cold, three or 4 degrees at 8am, and quite windy. at least there is some sunshine. eastern and western coasts have a few early showers which could turn wintry over higher ground. a cold and wintry day for most buyers. showers will develop quite widely, some with hail and thunder, quite heavy. temperatures from six to 12 or 13 degrees, feeling cold, particularly in eastern areas, in the wind. if you are caught in a hail shower, strong gusty downdraughts, and it could feel around freezing. this evening, still quite a lot of showers, confined to more eastern areas overnight. you get a frost developing as well again, wednesday will have some sunshine for western areas, a good chance of seeing some showers, which could be wintry over higher ground in the south and east. towards the end of the week we will see the temperatures rise a bit as the westerly winds coming. —— come in. welcome back to 100 days. imean i mean washington and christian fraser is lucky enough to be in paris. —— i'm in washington. as france looks now to the run—off vote for the french presidential elections — we ask what has gone wrong for the political establishment. and it wasn't all fierce competition — the moment that has captured the imagination at the london marathon. for the first time in almost 60 years, neither of the two big parties will be in the final run—off for the french presidential election next month. it's a remarkable outcome which leaves the political establishment questioning where they went wrong. until recently, the front runner to win the election was republican candidate francois fillon — but he's now out of the race. jean francois cope is mayor of the city meaux, just north of paris. you have just come from headquarters and there must be a lot of soul—searching. you have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. yes, we were expecting victory and todayis yes, we were expecting victory and today is a disaster for all of us and the great disappointment. do you point me finger at francois fillon? he was under the weight of a lot of allegations. he took a big risk a man as he was the winner of the primaries we had to follow him. it was very difficult for all of us to say to francois fillon to get out. he had to make his own decision about that and as he decided to stay and run again, we did not have any other choice to follow him. unfortunately we have been very strongly defeated. what happened a few weeks ago? alainjuppe was waiting in the wings. we thought francois fillon was going to stand down. it did not happen. did you say he had to go in the background? as usual in politics we were very divided, but at that time i was considering and many of my friends we re considering and many of my friends were considering as well that there was a real opportunity for alain juppe was a real opportunity for alain juppe to take the place of francois fillon, by say, because of the judicial situation, you have got to resign. the real decision—making was francois fillon and he said he will be the winner. and we had to follow him. and you know the end of the story. you get to headquarters today, you have six weeks until the regional elections but your focus must now be to support emmanuel macron? yes, because we do not have any other choice, and that was a terrible pity for a man like me. any other choice, and that was a terrible pity fora man like me. i'm on the right wing, advocating for economic reform, to implement these reforms for the country and to be very firm on questions of security, but i consider it isjust impossible to let marine le pen be the winner, because she will want to bring our country out of europe. you know what it means... you lie you don't believe in the programme of emmanuel macron, though? —— you don't believe. we are european citizens in about the history this country and we know what means extremist and what means far right and it is impossible to bring any support, any kind of support to the far right, and that is why we have been considering that the only solution that we can bring is to say, we are voting for emmanuel macron as president, but then we are supporting our candidates for the next legislative election. you don't have a leader and he may well be president and he might say you have got to give me enough people in the national assembly to force my plans through and that will undermine your party. that will be his argument, but our argument is to say that we have got to waco —— regather ourselves and we have got to influences policy as much as we can, especially with structural economic reforms, the pension situation the tax system, we have many reforms that are a necessity for the country and we all know that. maybe we will be able to help the new president to do it because he will have no other majority to do it. this is the challenge we have to face now.|j wish we had more time. thanks for joining us. isn't it extraordinary? i would have put my house on francois fillon winning this election in january. francois fillon winning this election injanuary. you had emmanuel macron without the party, earlier movement. —— a party. i thought francois fillon was a guarantee, but after the allegations and the backbiting we thought he would stand down. but he wouldn't go and he was stubborn and till the end. would another conservative candidate have done better against emmanuel macron? that seems like a pretty loose indoor smoke from the mayor, if they are going to get their supporters out to support emmanuel macron, they are going to have to do a betterjob —— that seems like a pretty loose endorsement from the mayor. if this is going to be about turnout, the second round, they will need more enthusiasm. we had a socialist senator and another support of runs while philon and they said the same thing. —— another supporter of francois fillon. they are saying that emmanuel macron is aborting like he has already won, but there are many people who do not support him -- are many people who do not support him —— is celebrating like he has already won. you will be watching it closely, of course. in other news: and a short time ago, the united states imposed sanctions on syrian government officials in response to the suspected chemical weapon attack earlier this month. the treasury in washington has frozen all assets in the us belonging to more than 270 employees of an organisation called the syrian scientific studies and research centre. american citizens will be forbidden from having any dealings with them. the us defence secretary, jim mattis, is in afghanistan on an unannounced visit to meet us troops and the country's president ashraf ghani. he's arrived at a somewhat chaotic time — the afghan defence minister and army chief have just resigned following the deadliest taliban attack on armed forces in more than a decade. and the us astronaut peggy whitson has broken the record for the most days spent in space by an american. commander whitson already holds the record for the most spacewalks carried out by a female astronaut and is the first woman to command the international space station twice. president trump telephoned her on board the iss to congratulate her on surpassing the previous record of 534 days in space. now to the man hillary clinton hoped to follow into office. after lying low for the past few months president 0bama was back in the public eye today holding an event in chicago, not about politics, but instead aimed at getting the next generation involved in causes they care about. although he couldn't help having a little fun. so... what's been going on at while i've been gone? it is wonderful to be home. it is wonderful to be at the university of chicago and it is wonderful to be on the south side of chicago. cheering it is wonderful to be with these young people here. he has said on twitter a few times, but that is the first time he has spokenin but that is the first time he has spoken in public and he gave a teaser about what was going to be important to him in his nextjob. he said preparing the next generation was what he really wanted to do, the next generation of leadership. though speculation about the state of the democratic party which he left in some disarray when he stopped being president —— no speculation. and no comments about donald trump? no, he ignored him and hillary clinton and politics in general. speaking instead about leadership and community service. that was president 0bama, back from the polynesian islands, i think, three weeks in the sun. he looks good. he has lost about ten years, i think. now christian — we know you have been enduring a marathon of your own covering the french election but in london yesterday more than 40,000 people hit the streets to cover 26.2 miles. today there is one unforgettable moment everyone is still talking about and that is when an exhausted runner was helped across the finish line by a fellow competitor. the bbc‘s dan johnson has gone to meet them. after 26 miles this was a helping hand which summed up the spirit of the marathon, shared by so many. how are you feeling? with sore legs and swirling social media, the it manager from manchester and the banker from swansea spoke about those last few tough and tired steps. i was just trying to get to the line. my body went and i went to the ground. so, yeah, it was really desperate. his legs were completelyjelly and he said he was determined to finish. i helped him up and his legs went again. i realised i was going to have to stay with him to make sure he did it. when someone's in need you want to help them out. i couldn't let him lie on the ground there. what did you say to him? i was shouting in his ear, saying, "come on, you can do this, it's 200 metres, we will finish — i'll stay with you". maybe i was a bit overzealous with my support. it was wonderful. it was needed! it was needed to kind of hit home. matthew was clear in knowing that if he leaves me there's a chance they will whisk me off and not let me get to the finish. and that's so nice. such a gentleman for doing that. if roles were reversed, would you have done the same thing? oh my goodness. you are the first person to ask me that and that's such a good question. i have not given that any thought. i would love to think i would. i'm sure you would have. yeah, but it was special, what he did. it's a question could all consider. these are two competitive runners putting in good times, both under three hours. what the general public see there is the spirit of the running community and this happens all over the place. itjust happened there were quite a few cameras trained on that. at that point, capturing that moment. a new friendship forged and david's clu b a new friendship forged and david's club has offered to pay matthew's entry next year, in recognition of the sacrifice, because it was officially be wobbly legs which got over the line first. but taking part is more important than winning, right? they have already shown that. dan johnson, bbc news. that is quite uncanny. by the end of the broadcast yesterday, my legs had gone a bit like that, and it was only you who said to me, you can make it. you trying compare standing in front of where you are now in paris, compared to running the london marathon? yes, this pot, they we re london marathon? yes, this pot, they were eating pizza, they were saying, keep going. —— this lot. were eating pizza, they were saying, keep going. -- this lot. if you go to paris, you don't get on, that is what i would say to you. —— you don't get to complain. that is 100 days for now — if you'd like to get in touch with us, you can, using the hashtag: these are the headlines: france's president, francois hollande, has called has called on voters to reject the far—right candidate marine le pen, and back emmanuel macron, in the final round of voting, to find his successor. a 21—year—old man is being questioned by police, investigating the death of a former royal navy officer, apparently run over by his own car, while it was being stolen in manchester. the labour leaderjeremy corbyn, has told trade unionists in scotland about his plans to strengthen workers' right, if he wins the general election. and this is the latest from the markets. good news, all the markets are up. reflecting the good news on the presidential elections in france. the dowjones and the nasdaq are also up two. the ukip donor, aaron banks has said he won't stand as an mp in the general election. he had previously suggested he would contest the seat of clacton after the mp, douglas carswell, left ukip to sit as an independent. earlier i spoke to look east's political editor, andrew sinclair. i asked him whether he was surprised by the change of heart. in one sense, no, because he said he knew nothing about clapton. aaron banks steamed into clacton, a massive media presence following him around, he posed for photographs and had ice cream and he said he would make a very good candidate if he was picked. but he also met local members of ukip and they told him that yes, they appreciated his support and in particular his offer to bring finance into the campaign, but they said they did have a local candidate already chosen, someone lined up, who was quite well—known in the area, and this seems to have influenced aaron banks decision. he has said in a statement that he has no intention of standing in the way of hard—working no intention of standing in the way of ha rd—working activists no intention of standing in the way of hard—working activists who are the soul of the party. so himself and nigel farage will be campaigning ha rd and nigel farage will be campaigning hard in clacton and he has agreed to give the local party financial assistance to fight the election. aaron banks will not be standing in this election, but he will have a presence in the background, in the cla cton presence in the background, in the clacton election campaign. to be clear, the local party did not want him. when i spoke to them a few hours ago, when i was in clacton, they were very tall

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Hello , President , Campaign , Book , Couldn T Match Donald Trump , Clinton , Loser , Scoop , 100 , North Korea , Measures , Spin , Barack 0bama , Paris , Speech , Washington , Hometown , Chicago , The Public Eye , Katty Kay , Christian Fraser , 0 , The Party , Voters , Parties , Election , Change , Candidates , Doesn T , Centrist Man , Tradition , French , Woman , Numbers , Older , Outliers , Young , Revival , Desire , Two , Emmanuel Macron , Thought , Ground , Mother , Well , Socialist Party , Meteoric , Rise , Showstopping , 7th , One , May The 7th , 7 , Marine Le Pen , Politics , Bbc , Race , National , Force , Report , Face , Lucy Willamson , Part , Brigitte , Victory Speech , Drama Teacher , Energy , Package , Youth , Last Night , 2 , Economy Minister , Style , Stuffy , Start Up , Investment Bank , Policies , Herfather , Jean Marie Le , Campaigning , Bankers , Platform , Rival , Party Leader , Holocaust A Detail Of The Second World War , Image , Stigma , Six , Macron , Figure , Instance , Attitude , Child , Programmes , Taxes , Teenager , Industry , Immigration , Weight , Euro , Working Week , 35 , Position , Nationalfrom Power , History , Town , Francois Fillon , Some , Reforms , Leader , Conservative Party , Macron In May , 30 , Majority , Pen , Enough , Challenges , Thing , Power , Result , Either , Reminder , Milos On , Point 01 , Positions , Look , Interior Ministry , 01 , 21 , Map , Jean Luc Melenchon , Blue Is , Side , Western Side , South , Times , Cities , Communes , Won , Three , 19000 , Support , Areas , Politician , Front National , Colleague , Bruno Gollnisch , Five , Polls , Contender , Leadership Challenge , Cce , Pta Ble , People , Number , Fact , Results , Analysis , Fa Ct Important Change Results , Situation , Proposals , Solutions , Things , Lot , Party , Programme , Demonisation , Kind , Weapon , Opponents , Hands , Ido , Media , Establishment , Dna , Racist , Winston Churchill , John Marino , Holocaust , Representm Isa , Anything , Member Of Parliament , Speeches , World War Ii , Yea Rs , 60 , Sentence , Tens Of Thousands , Life , Pages , Game , Continuity Candidate , Newcomer , Strategy , Francois Hollande , Responsibility , Adviser , Adviserfor , Ministerfor , Eater Mick Situation , Sophie , Exa M Ple , European Union , Francois Fillon Orjean , Nationalism , Independence , Aspects , Nato , Susa , Match Run , Line , Didn T , Election Co Ordinator , Region , En Marche , Bordeaux , Thierry Fahmy , Company , Left , Ideas , Wing , S , Rhetoric , Friends , Aren T , Balcony , Last Night For The Results Programme , He Wa Nts , Social System , Risks , Innovate , Ecology , Country , Phenomenon , Clinton Didn T , Towns , Mr , Villages , The American Election Last November , Question , Interviewees , Art , Front National Interviewees , Pa , Problem , Wall , Nothing , Vote , Hasn T , Despair , 20 , Problems , Field , En Marche Movement , Something , Term , Phrase , Use , Men And Women Of America , Unemployment , Same , Swann , 10 , Anti Globalisation , Rust Belts , Ohio , Issue , Somebody , Issues , The Economist , It , Directions , Parliament , Orfour , Four , Trump , Senatorjohn Mccain , Weekend , Activity , Flurry , Dinner , Importance , Tax Reform , Host , Odds , Atlanta , America First Rally , National Rifle Association , Council , Status Quo , Threat , World Problem , Sanctions , World , Missile , Blindfolds , North America Editor , Jon Sopel , Thanjust A Change , Perception , White House , Annex , Officials , Mob Trump , Words , The American Battleship , Nations , Stand , Phone Call , Korean Peninsula , Angela Merkel , Plan , Hundred Days , Hundred Days Don T Matter , Mexico , Ones , About , Theory , Least , Vice Versa , Couldn T , Health Care Reform , Negotiation , War , Tweets , Health Ca , Ban On Muslims , Progress , Courts , Conservatives , Business Confidence , Supreme Court , Feeling , Stock Market , Entanglement , Corner , Syria , Hurry , Rockets , Popular , Supporters , Base , Feel , Hasn T Made Progress , Others , Anybody Else , Core , Stock , Marathon , He Doesn T , Whether , 296 , Hillary Clinton , Reporters , Poll , Postmortem , Regret Voting , Election Night , Wins , Co Authors , Jonathan Allen , Weren T , Editor , Election Day , Flags , Warning , Reporting , Writing , Way , Rationale , Government , Presidentm Didn T , Flaw , Player , Presidency , Priority , Everybody , Bernie Sanders , Ten , Talk , 4 Million , Trouble , Campaign Director , Scene , Millions , Infighting , Campaign Manager , Robbie , Candidate , Retrospect , Director , Fbi , Benefits , Russia , 0ne , Campaign Team , Friend , Hood , Seeing , Kgb , Kkk , Deplorables , Correct , Victory , Jaws , Defeat , List , Word , Favourites , Border Tax , American Carnage , Nafta , Beautiful , Jobs , Water Boarding , Ban , Military , Tough , Dishonesty , Betting , Defend , Ppp , Keystone Pipeline , Brexit , Isis , Hacked , Workers , Aliens , Immigrants , Crime , Taxpayers , Quiet , Borders , Florida , Sweden , News , Fake , 0bamacare , Cabinet Meeting , Wiretapping , Promises , Healthcare Plan , Win , Law Enforcement , Manufacturing , Ivanka , Democrats , Natural Gas , Dream , Chemical Gas , 0il , Coal , Drugs Epidemic , Military Strike , Dude , Nowhere , China , The American Dream , Vetera Ns , Iran , Bbc News , More , Plus , Cloud , Snow , Felt , Middle , Winter , Cold Air , Cold Airwill , Hair , Snow Showers , Way North , Isobars , Air Filters , Showers , Most , Frost , Night , Skies , Mix , Place , Bridges , Scotland , Sunshine , Places , Cold , North East Of England , 4 , 8 , Buyers , Coasts , Temperatures , Feeling Cold , Hail , Wind , Thunder , 13 , 12 , Hail Shower , Evening , Gusty Downdraughts , Chance , End , Western Areas , Bit , Winds , Elections , Wasn T All Fierce Competition , Imean I Mean Washington , London Marathon , Time , Imagination , Runner , Questioning , Outcome , Run Off , Mayor , Headquarters , The , City , Jean Francois Cope , Republican , Meaux , Yes , Disaster , Great Disappointment , Soul Searching , Todayis Yes , Winner , Man , Allegations , Risk , Primaries , Choice , Decision , Waiting In The Wings , Alain Juppe , Many , Background , Opportunity , Decision Making , Say , Focus , Story , Pity , Fora , Advocating , Reform , Questions , Security , Europe , Citizens , Extremist , Solution , Voting , Argument , Plans , Assembly , Waco , Policy , Pension Situation , Tax System , Influences , Challenge , Thanks , Wish , Necessity , Isn T , House , Movement , Election Injanuary , The End , Backbiting , Guarantee , He Wouldn T Go , Smoke , Betterjob , Endorsement , Turnout , Socialist , Supporter , Runs , Enthusiasm , Philon , Aborting , Chemical Weapon , Course , Response , Assets , Treasury , Defence Secretary , Defence Minister , Dealings , Organisation , Employees , Studies , Troops , Visit , Jim Mattis , Research Centre , Afghanistan , Ashraf Ghani , 270 , Record , Commander Whitson , Space , Spacewalks , Attack , Chief , Army , Armed Forces , Taliban , Space Station , Kiss , 534 , Event , Office , Generation , He Couldn T , Causes , Fun , Home , South Side , University Of Chicago , Public , Teaser , Nextjob , Twitter , Speculation , Leadership , Comments , Estate , Disarray , General , Community Service , The Sun , Polynesian Islands , Everyone , Competitor , Covering , Streets , London , Finish Line , 26 2 , 40000 , Helping Hand , Dan Johnson , Spirit Of The Marathon , 26 , Legs , Banker , Body , It Manager , Social Media , Steps , Swansea , Manchester , Completelyjelly , Saying , Someone , Ear , Matthew , Hit , Stay With You , 200 , Finish , Gentleman , Roles , Oh My Goodness , Special , Person , Community , Spirit , Runners , And David S Clu Ba New Friendship , David S Club , Cameras , Itjust , Recognition , Entry , Sacrifice , Winning , Standing , Front , Spot , Eating Pizza , You Don T Get On , Headlines , Hashtag , Touch , Police , Successor , Back , Death , Car , Officer , Right , Trade Unionists , Labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn , Royal Navy , Aaron Banks Has , Ukip , Latest , Markets , Donor , Nasdaq , Dowjones , Mp , Clacton , Seat , Douglas Carswell , Andrew Sinclair , Independent , Change Of Heart , Sense , Aaron Banks Steamed , Media Presence , Photographs , Ice Cream , Clapton , Members , Offer , Finance , Intention , Statement , Area , Aaron Banks Decision , Hard Working Activists , Soul , Campaigning Ha Rd , Assistance , Nigel Farage , Upset , Outsiders , Presence , Centrist , Hillary Clinton Go , Election Campaign , Cla Cton ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170424 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170424

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since i've been gone? —— what has been going on. and... he's back. barack 0bama has returned to the public eye with a speech in his hometown of chicago. i'm katty kay in washington, christian fraser is in paris. if you ever wanted an election about change, try france this weekend. french voters have just upended decades of political tradition, ousting the main parties and promoting two outliers. in almost equal numbers they voted for a young, centrist man who doesn't even have a party and an older, far—right woman who captured a desire for nationalist revival. the two candidates will debate on wednesday and face each other in a second—round vote on may the 7th. the meteoric rise of emmanuel macron has been remarkable — he resigned from the socialist party a year ago and no—one thought he'd do this well. equally showstopping is marine le pen, who's transformed the front national and made it a force in this race. the bbc‘s lucy willamson has this report. two years ago, he was a new face in politics. in two weeks he could be the new president of france. last night, emmanuel macron arrived for his victory speech with his wife, brigitte. 2a years older than him, she was once his drama teacher. his youth and energy are part of the package. hard to imagine he used to be economy minister and once worked at rothschild investment bank. his style, start—up rather than stuffy, even if he his policies themselves appeal more to bankers than blue—collar france. his rival has already begun campaigning, targeting voters she calls forgotten france. saying her anti—immigration platform is designed to put them first. herfather, jean—marie, who stepped down as party leader six years ago, has called the holocaust a detail of the second world war. marine le pen has tried to rid the party of its stigma and present a softer image of herself as a mother, concerned to protect france. we could say that marine le pen is a strict mother figure. she has a motherly attitude towards macron, for instance. he is more like the rebellious child, the teenager would suit him perfectly. we want to believe that he will be great one day. the two programmes are very different. emmanuel macron is promising to cut taxes, invest heavily in industry and is very pro—eu. marine le pen says she will slash immigration, protect the 35—hour working week and pull france out of the euro. both the main established parties have now thrown their weight behind emmanuel macron. that puts him in a strong position — there is a long history here of political parties coming together in the run—off to block the front nationalfrom power. will that happen this time? in this town, more than 30% of voters chose the conservative party candidate, francois fillon, yesterday. some are not yet sure if they will follow their leader and vote for macron in may. i don't think emmanuel macron has a programme — his reforms are not fundamental enough, i do not think he has grasped the economic challenges facing france. both macron and le pen have promised change. but deep reforms will probably need a parliamentary majority, unlikely for either, a reminder that winning power and wielding power are not always the same thing. we have had a final result from the interior ministry. let's have a look at that. it is emmanuel macron in front, 21 point 01, ahead of marine le pen. the third and fourth positions were fillon and milos on, the hard left candidate. ——jean—luc melenchon. it is interesting when you look at a map how much france is divided. the blue is marine le pen. in the industrial north—east and down in the south she is very popular. 0n the left—hand side, the western side of france, it is emmanuel macron, and also in the cities. if you look at the communes that the candidates won, marine le pen took 19,000 communes, three times nearly as many as emmanuel macron, which tells you he has the support of cities like this one, paris, and she is very popular in rural areas. i'm joined now by marine le pen's colleague and a leading politician from front national, bruno gollnisch. five years ago was when we met because we were there for the leadership challenge, you were running against marine le pen. the polls suggest she has not become a cce pta ble polls suggest she has not become acceptable in the cities. although i had been her contender, i think she is doing very well. i think the most important change results from the fa ct important change results from the fact that an increasing number of french people came to understand that we were right in our analysis of the situation and a growing number of people think that we are right in our solutions, our proposals. i hope they will decide that we have the people able to implement this programme. many things have been said about demonisation and so on. a lot of people are frightened of your party. ido people are frightened of your party. i do think that demonisation was not close to what we really were but was a kind of psychological weapon in the hands of our opponents. you are being painted by the media and the establishment... racist and... that is not still in the dna of the party? a lot of people in france are worried about what you represent. party? a lot of people in france are worried about what you representm isa worried about what you representm is a psychological weapon. john marino —— jean—marie le is a psychological weapon. john marino ——jean—marie le pen said the holocaust was a detail of the second world war. you should ask winston churchill. do you think it was a detail of the second world war? he didn't say anything about it. a detail doesn't mean that it is significant, it was part of world war ii. jean—marie le pen has been a member of parliament for nearly 60 yea rs member of parliament for nearly 60 years and his positions, speeches, programmes, proposals over several tens of thousands of pages, so it is really... you cannot summarise his life to this sentence. people try to find things from marine le pen that they can use but it is the usual game. you have two weeks to convince people, what will be the strategy? will you try to paint emmanuel macron as the establishment, continuity candidate? on one side we will because he is not that much a newcomer. he was the economic adviser for francois hollande, newcomer. he was the economic adviserfor francois hollande, the minister for economic, adviserfor francois hollande, the ministerfor economic, sophie bears some responsibility for the eater mick situation now. —— so he wears some responsibility for the economic situation. then we will also appeal to voters, conservative or not, voters for exa m ple to voters, conservative or not, voters for example for francois fillon orjean—luc melenchon. many people are critical of the european union, who want to have more national independence, towards for example nato and the usa, who oppose many aspects of financial nationalism, these people would rather vote for marine le pen than mr match run. —— than emmanuel macron. emmanuel macron, the leader of en marche, which didn't exist a year ago. he is now the leading contender to be the next french president. i'm joined on the line from bordeaux by thierry fahmy, who is the election co—ordinator for en marche in that region. you put aside your company to run macron‘s campaign. what did you like about him? he said we shouldn't divide people but find out what is goodin divide people but find out what is good in the ideas coming from the left or right wing of the party ‘s —— parties and trying to make people work together to make friends better again. a lot of people who joined me on the balcony last night for the results programme who aren't really sure what mr macron does stand for. the rhetoric is fine but what are his policies? there are many things. some ideas go from the left wing, like protecting people, maintaining the social system we have in france, and he also has a liberal side, he wa nts and he also has a liberal side, he wants people to take more risks, to innovate, and this is part of his programme and this is very important. he also has some measures for ecology. he has been able to identify what are the important things that could make the country better in a few years from now. i want to ask you about the phenomenon of marine le pen winning so many small french villages and towns, the rural areas of france am aware mr macron didn't do well. we saw the same thing in the american election last november. what can mr macron do to reach out to rural voters ? macron do to reach out to rural voters? it is a good question. contrary to what the front national interviewees said, a significant pa rt interviewees said, a significant part of the voters of marine le pen are people who are desperate. their life hasn't changed at all for the last 20 years and whatever they voted, left or right, nothing changed. it is really a vote of despair. this is really a problem that macron and be en marche movement wants to address and we are going to be in the field to solve these problems. the other part of these problems. the other part of the voters are people who are deeply worried with immigration. some are racist people and this is something thatis racist people and this is something that is very hard to work on in the short term but we are confident will be solved in the long term. thank you very much for being with us. what can mr macron do to try to reach those voters who feel like the forgotten french? it is the same phrase we have heard donald trump use, the forgotten men and women of america. he will have to reach beyond the liberal cities. he will find it difficult because a lot of people here will believe the rhetoric from marine le pen that emmanuel macron, formerly the economy minister, is more of the same, promises by have had from the socialist party for years. unemployment in some of these areas has been stubbornly high, around 10%, and from swann and promised to bring it down for five years and didn't manage it. —— and emmanuel macron. these people are anti—globalisation, very similar to people in the rust belts of ohio and so on. he will be painted very much as part of the establishment. does he have to take a tougher, clearer position on the key issue of immigration? i think he has to take a tougher position on a lot of issues. i spoke to somebody from the economist last night who said when he was in power he had policies but now he has kept it pretty vague. in the next three orfour it pretty vague. in the next three or four weeks it pretty vague. in the next three orfour weeks he will it pretty vague. in the next three or four weeks he will have to spill it out because he has to win a majority in parliament or he will have to depend on the right or the left and he will be pulled in two directions. we called this programme 100 days to reflect a tradition for measuring a new american president. mr trump this weekend appeared to downplay the importance of that fast—approaching deadline but certainly looks like he wants to reach 100 days with a flurry of activity. tonight he'll have dinner with senatorjohn mccain, who he's been at odds with on a host of issues. on wednesday he has promised to roll out proposals for tax reform. two days later he'll be in atlanta speaking to the national rifle association and on saturday he holds an america first rally to coincide with his 100th day in office. a short time ago he called for tougher measures on north korea. the status quo in north korea is also unacceptable and the council must be prepared to propose additional and stronger sanctions on north korean nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. this is a real threat to the world. whether we want to talk about it or not, north korea is a big world problem and it's a problem we have to finally solve. people have put blindfolds on for decades and now it's time to solve the problem. and we are joined now by the bbc‘s north america editor, jon sopel. president trump has just said this in the white house about north korea. but does he want? this is more thanjust korea. but does he want? this is more than just a change in korea. but does he want? this is more thanjust a change in rhetoric from barack 0bama. there is a perception of the threat posed by north korea and you speak to any number of officials in the white house and they will say the same thing. it is advice that the mob trump has received that north korea could pose very some annex —— very soon could pose very some annex —— very soon and existential threat. —— donald trump. we are seeing more bellicose words, the american battleship in the korean peninsula, working hard to get china on board but other nations as well to accept that there needs to be a tougher stand against north korea going forward. he had a phone call with angela merkel and brought up north korea. 100 days. president trump produced a plan before he came to power for produced a plan before he came to powerfor his produced a plan before he came to power for his first hundred days and now he says the first hundred days don't matter. my theory is that the things he spoke about most are the ones where he has achieved the least and vice versa. what he spoke the most about was building the wall and mexico paying for it. look at his most mexico paying for it. look at his m ost rece nt mexico paying for it. look at his most recent tweets, mexico will pay for the war will eventually after some negotiation, possibly. health ca re some negotiation, possibly. health care reform, couldn't get that through, that is going nowhere it seems. the ban on muslims, locked in the courts. but he has his supreme court pick through, many conservatives are thrilled about that. he has made progress on the business confidence, that ephemeral feeling that people feel better things are around the corner. and the stock market. these are things he didn't speak much about but where he didn't speak much about but where he has made progress. he said he wouldn't get involved in tangled and is in syria but the entanglement of selling those —— sending those rockets has proved popular. he seems to be in a hurry to to get things out to the media and then go back to his supporters. it seems he knows what the media are going to say about her. i think that he does feel that he has to go back to his base but even were he hasn't made progress, the base is solid with him. it is winning support from anybody else that is his real problem. his core supporters are delighted with anything he does. many others who may be grave him grudging support are now may be wondering if that was right. —— maybe gave him. he doesn't know whether to hurry or to take stock, whether to hurry or to take stock, whether this is 100 metres or a marathon. only 296 of trump voters according to a new poll this weekend regret voting for him, a tiny number. well, for any politician the most painful thing about losing a campaign is the postmortem. where did things go wrong and when? the new book shattered — by two reporters who followed her campaign from start to finish — looks at how hillary clinton lost to donald trump. a brief time ago i spoke to one of the co—authors, jonathan allen. election night comes along, donald trump wins, all of the polls had predicted that hillary clinton would win but you weren't surprised that she lost. why? i was surprised because i was looking at polls and believed that they were right. we had warning flags in our reporting and we were confused coming into election day. the editor of the book told me in october that he couldn't understand what we were writing because there were so many things that looked like she would lose and in fact she was going to win. we stuck with our reporting and even though we expected her to win we didn't report and write that way. you write about the fact that clinton didn't have a rationale or didn't manage to articulate one for running and being president. didn't manage to articulate one for running and being presidentm didn't manage to articulate one for running and being president. it has been the huge flaw of hers throughout her sentence as a political player. she is somebody who likes dealing with problems and in government she has shown herself pretty competent but the ten years at least she has been running for president and never had that priority of what she would do with the power of the presidency. you look at bernie sanders, everybody knew what he was saying he would do. you look at donald trump, for all of the talk about things he said that we re the talk about things he said that were untreatable, it was pretty clear what he would do to change america. hillary clinton was 4 million policies, super well versed on them, incredibly intelligent, but a lot of voters had trouble understanding how she would ring change. —— hillary clinton had millions of policies. how bad was the infighting in the campaign?m was pretty bad but the passive aggressive. there is a scene where the campaign director was talking to somebody and they were talking about the campaign and the campaign manager says, robbie is passive aggressive, i am just aggressive. does hillary clinton realise how bad the candidate she was in retrospect? if she does it is not something she is talking about. what we have seen from her is blaming of russia and the fbi director and the media and it is all external. 0ne the fbi director and the media and it is all external. one of the benefits of that her and her campaign team is it prevents people under the hood, as we have in this book, and seeing what was wrong internally. she described it to one friend as she lost it is of the kgb, the fbi and the kkk, the last part being the voters she once described as deplorables. as opposed to herself? correct. in france francois fillon also snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and we will speak to one of his supporters in a while. now we've already talked about president trump's to—do list before he hits 100 days but if you were asked to come up with just one word to sum up these last few months what would it be? we've taken 100 of donald trump's favourites to try to sum it up. american carnage. dishonest media. an empty field. nafta. border tax. beautiful. ppp. keystone pipeline. jobs. jobs. water boarding. mexico. brexit. betting. ban. isis. hacked. supreme court. tough. tough. military. defend. dishonesty. aliens. aliens. immigrants. aliens. crime. betting. the bad ones. borders. illegally leaked. russia. quiet. quiet. quiet. american workers. florida. sweden. anti—semitic. taxpayers. fake news. fake. fake. fake. 0bamacare. great. wall. fantastic. win. cabinet meeting. 0bama. wiretapping. nato. healthcare plan. fake media. promises. law enforcement. democrats. 0bamacare. ivanka. ivanka. natural gas. 0il. coal. drugs epidemic. manufacturing. dream. syria. chemical gas. military strike. north korea. china. china. fake media. vetera ns. iran. the american dream. extraordinary. the bad dude is nowhere to be seen. you're watching 100 days from bbc news. more on the french election... plus, still to come... some of us felt today like we jumped back into —— into the middle of winter. in aberdeenshire low lying snow. in the afternoon cold air is coming in after this cloud. the cold airwill coming in after this cloud. the cold air will continue to follow. you can trace those isobars along way north, coming all the way from the arctic and bringing further snow showers. the cold air filters through, leaving a cold night and the widespread frost. further wintry showers in the mix as well. most of them will be across more northern and eastern areas, a few out west as well. for many the skies will be clear and with the arctic air in place to bridges will be dipping away, two or three in the towns and cities and lower in rural areas so a widespread frost to start the day. in scotland, the wintry showers will still be going into the morning. most will be at high grounds but some will get into lower areas, and in the north—east of england as well. actually a lot of sunshine to many places but cold, three or 4 degrees at 8am, and quite windy. at least there is some sunshine. eastern and western coasts have a few early showers which could turn wintry over higher ground. a cold and wintry day for most buyers. showers will develop quite widely, some with hail and thunder, quite heavy. temperatures from six to 12 or 13 degrees, feeling cold, particularly in eastern areas, in the wind. if you are caught in a hail shower, strong gusty downdraughts, and it could feel around freezing. this evening, still quite a lot of showers, confined to more eastern areas overnight. you get a frost developing as well again, wednesday will have some sunshine for western areas, a good chance of seeing some showers, which could be wintry over higher ground in the south and east. towards the end of the week we will see the temperatures rise a bit as the westerly winds coming. —— come in. welcome back to 100 days. imean i mean washington and christian fraser is lucky enough to be in paris. —— i'm in washington. as france looks now to the run—off vote for the french presidential elections — we ask what has gone wrong for the political establishment. and it wasn't all fierce competition — the moment that has captured the imagination at the london marathon. for the first time in almost 60 years, neither of the two big parties will be in the final run—off for the french presidential election next month. it's a remarkable outcome which leaves the political establishment questioning where they went wrong. until recently, the front runner to win the election was republican candidate francois fillon — but he's now out of the race. jean francois cope is mayor of the city meaux, just north of paris. you have just come from headquarters and there must be a lot of soul—searching. you have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. yes, we were expecting victory and todayis yes, we were expecting victory and today is a disaster for all of us and the great disappointment. do you point me finger at francois fillon? he was under the weight of a lot of allegations. he took a big risk a man as he was the winner of the primaries we had to follow him. it was very difficult for all of us to say to francois fillon to get out. he had to make his own decision about that and as he decided to stay and run again, we did not have any other choice to follow him. unfortunately we have been very strongly defeated. what happened a few weeks ago? alainjuppe was waiting in the wings. we thought francois fillon was going to stand down. it did not happen. did you say he had to go in the background? as usual in politics we were very divided, but at that time i was considering and many of my friends we re considering and many of my friends were considering as well that there was a real opportunity for alain juppe was a real opportunity for alain juppe to take the place of francois fillon, by say, because of the judicial situation, you have got to resign. the real decision—making was francois fillon and he said he will be the winner. and we had to follow him. and you know the end of the story. you get to headquarters today, you have six weeks until the regional elections but your focus must now be to support emmanuel macron? yes, because we do not have any other choice, and that was a terrible pity for a man like me. any other choice, and that was a terrible pity fora man like me. i'm on the right wing, advocating for economic reform, to implement these reforms for the country and to be very firm on questions of security, but i consider it isjust impossible to let marine le pen be the winner, because she will want to bring our country out of europe. you know what it means... you lie you don't believe in the programme of emmanuel macron, though? —— you don't believe. we are european citizens in about the history this country and we know what means extremist and what means far right and it is impossible to bring any support, any kind of support to the far right, and that is why we have been considering that the only solution that we can bring is to say, we are voting for emmanuel macron as president, but then we are supporting our candidates for the next legislative election. you don't have a leader and he may well be president and he might say you have got to give me enough people in the national assembly to force my plans through and that will undermine your party. that will be his argument, but our argument is to say that we have got to waco —— regather ourselves and we have got to influences policy as much as we can, especially with structural economic reforms, the pension situation the tax system, we have many reforms that are a necessity for the country and we all know that. maybe we will be able to help the new president to do it because he will have no other majority to do it. this is the challenge we have to face now.|j wish we had more time. thanks for joining us. isn't it extraordinary? i would have put my house on francois fillon winning this election in january. francois fillon winning this election injanuary. you had emmanuel macron without the party, earlier movement. —— a party. i thought francois fillon was a guarantee, but after the allegations and the backbiting we thought he would stand down. but he wouldn't go and he was stubborn and till the end. would another conservative candidate have done better against emmanuel macron? that seems like a pretty loose indoor smoke from the mayor, if they are going to get their supporters out to support emmanuel macron, they are going to have to do a betterjob —— that seems like a pretty loose endorsement from the mayor. if this is going to be about turnout, the second round, they will need more enthusiasm. we had a socialist senator and another support of runs while philon and they said the same thing. —— another supporter of francois fillon. they are saying that emmanuel macron is aborting like he has already won, but there are many people who do not support him -- are many people who do not support him —— is celebrating like he has already won. you will be watching it closely, of course. in other news: and a short time ago, the united states imposed sanctions on syrian government officials in response to the suspected chemical weapon attack earlier this month. the treasury in washington has frozen all assets in the us belonging to more than 270 employees of an organisation called the syrian scientific studies and research centre. american citizens will be forbidden from having any dealings with them. the us defence secretary, jim mattis, is in afghanistan on an unannounced visit to meet us troops and the country's president ashraf ghani. he's arrived at a somewhat chaotic time — the afghan defence minister and army chief have just resigned following the deadliest taliban attack on armed forces in more than a decade. and the us astronaut peggy whitson has broken the record for the most days spent in space by an american. commander whitson already holds the record for the most spacewalks carried out by a female astronaut and is the first woman to command the international space station twice. president trump telephoned her on board the iss to congratulate her on surpassing the previous record of 534 days in space. now to the man hillary clinton hoped to follow into office. after lying low for the past few months president 0bama was back in the public eye today holding an event in chicago, not about politics, but instead aimed at getting the next generation involved in causes they care about. although he couldn't help having a little fun. so... what's been going on at while i've been gone? it is wonderful to be home. it is wonderful to be at the university of chicago and it is wonderful to be on the south side of chicago. cheering it is wonderful to be with these young people here. he has said on twitter a few times, but that is the first time he has spokenin but that is the first time he has spoken in public and he gave a teaser about what was going to be important to him in his nextjob. he said preparing the next generation was what he really wanted to do, the next generation of leadership. though speculation about the state of the democratic party which he left in some disarray when he stopped being president —— no speculation. and no comments about donald trump? no, he ignored him and hillary clinton and politics in general. speaking instead about leadership and community service. that was president 0bama, back from the polynesian islands, i think, three weeks in the sun. he looks good. he has lost about ten years, i think. now christian — we know you have been enduring a marathon of your own covering the french election but in london yesterday more than 40,000 people hit the streets to cover 26.2 miles. today there is one unforgettable moment everyone is still talking about and that is when an exhausted runner was helped across the finish line by a fellow competitor. the bbc‘s dan johnson has gone to meet them. after 26 miles this was a helping hand which summed up the spirit of the marathon, shared by so many. how are you feeling? with sore legs and swirling social media, the it manager from manchester and the banker from swansea spoke about those last few tough and tired steps. i was just trying to get to the line. my body went and i went to the ground. so, yeah, it was really desperate. his legs were completelyjelly and he said he was determined to finish. i helped him up and his legs went again. i realised i was going to have to stay with him to make sure he did it. when someone's in need you want to help them out. i couldn't let him lie on the ground there. what did you say to him? i was shouting in his ear, saying, "come on, you can do this, it's 200 metres, we will finish — i'll stay with you". maybe i was a bit overzealous with my support. it was wonderful. it was needed! it was needed to kind of hit home. matthew was clear in knowing that if he leaves me there's a chance they will whisk me off and not let me get to the finish. and that's so nice. such a gentleman for doing that. if roles were reversed, would you have done the same thing? oh my goodness. you are the first person to ask me that and that's such a good question. i have not given that any thought. i would love to think i would. i'm sure you would have. yeah, but it was special, what he did. it's a question could all consider. these are two competitive runners putting in good times, both under three hours. what the general public see there is the spirit of the running community and this happens all over the place. itjust happened there were quite a few cameras trained on that. at that point, capturing that moment. a new friendship forged and david's clu b a new friendship forged and david's club has offered to pay matthew's entry next year, in recognition of the sacrifice, because it was officially be wobbly legs which got over the line first. but taking part is more important than winning, right? they have already shown that. dan johnson, bbc news. that is quite uncanny. by the end of the broadcast yesterday, my legs had gone a bit like that, and it was only you who said to me, you can make it. you trying compare standing in front of where you are now in paris, compared to running the london marathon? yes, this pot, they we re london marathon? yes, this pot, they were eating pizza, they were saying, keep going. —— this lot. were eating pizza, they were saying, keep going. -- this lot. if you go to paris, you don't get on, that is what i would say to you. —— you don't get to complain. that is 100 days for now — if you'd like to get in touch with us, you can, using the hashtag: these are the headlines: france's president, francois hollande, has called has called on voters to reject the far—right candidate marine le pen, and back emmanuel macron, in the final round of voting, to find his successor. a 21—year—old man is being questioned by police, investigating the death of a former royal navy officer, apparently run over by his own car, while it was being stolen in manchester. the labour leaderjeremy corbyn, has told trade unionists in scotland about his plans to strengthen workers' right, if he wins the general election. and this is the latest from the markets. good news, all the markets are up. reflecting the good news on the presidential elections in france. the dowjones and the nasdaq are also up two. the ukip donor, aaron banks has said he won't stand as an mp in the general election. he had previously suggested he would contest the seat of clacton after the mp, douglas carswell, left ukip to sit as an independent. earlier i spoke to look east's political editor, andrew sinclair. i asked him whether he was surprised by the change of heart. in one sense, no, because he said he knew nothing about clapton. aaron banks steamed into clacton, a massive media presence following him around, he posed for photographs and had ice cream and he said he would make a very good candidate if he was picked. but he also met local members of ukip and they told him that yes, they appreciated his support and in particular his offer to bring finance into the campaign, but they said they did have a local candidate already chosen, someone lined up, who was quite well—known in the area, and this seems to have influenced aaron banks decision. he has said in a statement that he has no intention of standing in the way of hard—working no intention of standing in the way of ha rd—working activists no intention of standing in the way of hard—working activists who are the soul of the party. so himself and nigel farage will be campaigning ha rd and nigel farage will be campaigning hard in clacton and he has agreed to give the local party financial assistance to fight the election. aaron banks will not be standing in this election, but he will have a presence in the background, in the cla cton presence in the background, in the clacton election campaign. to be clear, the local party did not want him. when i spoke to them a few hours ago, when i was in clacton, they were very tall

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