Transcripts For BBCAMERICA BBC World News 20150316 : compare

Transcripts For BBCAMERICA BBC World News 20150316

trailing in the polls. all eyes on president putin, as he's about to make his first public appearance in ten days the. and a dramatic escape in malaysia from pilots whose planes crashed practicing for an air show. hello. thank you for joining us. military planes from australia and new zealand are flying emergency supplies into vanuatu, the south pacific state devastated by a powerful cyclone. tens of thousands of people are now living in temporary shelters. a communications blackout is that little is known about conditions from the capital, but reports from the outer islands are trickling in and they paint a devastating picture. much of the housing around the capital port villa is being destroyed or severely damaged. our correspondent john donnison who was on the first commercial flight allowed into the country since the cyclone has sent this report from the village near the capital. >> this is pango village outside of vanuatu's capital port villa. about 2,000 people live in this village and you can see where the cyclone ripped through this community on friday night with massive force. if you look at some of the houses, pretty badly damaged. this one here just made of corrugated iron with a sort of bamboo wood roof and it's really been ripped apart. elsewhere, we have much more sturdy buildings, and you can see what a difference that makes. these ones made of concrete and they're still standing. they've resisted the storm much much better. one of the things we have really noticed is the huge amount of trees that have been blown over or in some cases literally ripped out of the ground. but what seems to have been avoided is a very big storm surge coming in from the sea, which in previous sort of typhoon cyclones, has proved absolutely deadly. doesn't seem like they have that here, and that's one of the reasons why it seems the loss of life around port vilaadvisory villa advisory is relatively low. when aid agencies get out there there are fears that the death toll could rise. at the moment we just don't know. what people need here is shelter. many people who are living in this village were taken to evacuation centers. what they also are saying they need soon is food. people are saying look we're okay at the moment, but in a week or two, food supplies will be running low, and that's one of the things that the aid operations is going to be focusing on. >> john donnison there, who is in a village just on the outskirts of the capital. well vanuatu's president is traveling back to port vila after being in japan at the u.n. conference on natural disasters. he says that most buildings in the capital have been flattened. >> more than 90% of the buildings have been destroyed. people are they still have wary wariness wariness, have emotional feelings. but it will take time. it will take time before they can pick up. what is happening now is that they need human help. humanitarian assistance at the moment. and i'm very pleased with the international communities that they have responds to my appeal. >> that's vanuatu's president there with that appeal. chloe morrison is from the charity, world vision australia. she is in port vila and she says that the destruction there is comprehensive. >> i've been living in vanuatu for about a year now and i've just seen my island home absolutely destroyed throughout port vila the capital city and around the island we have seen villages just absolutely destroyed. so the winds of cyclone pam were over 300 kilometers and they have just torn through these villages and absolutely decimated them. so what i've seen is houses which were once made out of iron sheets, just totally decimated and only the barest of structures standing. i'm being told that evacuation centers is entire villages and community centers which are just a rectangle of concrete building. and these structures are what the people in vanuatu largely bunkered down in during cyclone pam. >> and chloe, what about water and foods. how are they getting that? >> so i've been really surprised when i've gone around to the villages, but cyclone pam filled up all water tanks around here, so there are still some water tanks in villages standing. and what world vision has been doing is getting kitchen kits with cooking pots to these people, so they can boil the water so it's safe because obviously the water that got into these tanks was quite dirty during the cyclone. food is obviously an issue, and as i've described, there are so many people around here that are homeless. so a shelter being built is an immediate priority. >> that was chloe morrison from the charity, world vision australia. she was in the capital of vanuatu, port vila. of course, we'll continue to monitor the rescue operations there and the aid that is coming into that pacific island nation. now let's bring you up to date with some of the day's other news. it is the final day of o campaigning ahead of tuesday's elections in israel opinion polls show that benjamin netanyahu's party is trailing. mr. netanyahu has warned his supporters of what he calls the danger of a left wing victory. kevin conley reports. >> reporter: it's been a long campaign, but israel's oemgs opposition is starting to believe its push for power is peaking at just the right moment. no one ever wins an overall majority here. the key is about getting a coalition of parties to mary s toies to march in step on issues like education and housing. in the crush of a hectic campaign trail, the opposition leader told me he's doing just that. >> we're a vibrant community. it's whether we will continue change. >> reporter: winning means beating this man. benjamin netanyahu is a veteran of the campaign trail. these pictures filmed not by journalists, but his own party, are meant to show he cares about cost of living issues an area where the opposition feels that he is weak. to the makers of this satirical tv show "wonderful country," mr. netanyahu is a slick showman, with a taste for living the high life at the taxpayers' expense. ♪ pistachio ice cream in his official residence have made headlines. in election debates, the prime minister's allied defendant as a statesman, a leader to be trusted with the country's security in uncertain times across the middle east. >> mr. netanyahu is experienced. and opinion polls show that if you ask who fit prime minister of israel who is more capable, that netanyahu is leading by enormous margin. >> reporter: mr. netanyahu's opponents hope that his decision to trigger this election is about to backfire. the polls suggest it's very tight. so the left had its energy to get its people out. but ultimately, that's not how you win here. victory goes who the big party who can get smaller parties into coalition after the voting. benjamin netanyahu thinks he still has the advantage there. we will soon find out. kevin connelly, bbc news, tel aviv aviv. now, crimea is marking its first anniversary since the referendum that resulted in the annexation of the territory by russia. in an exclusive interview the prime minister said that crimea will never again be part of ukraine. >> reporter: the russian wolf wears wolf's clothing. still, crimea feels relaxed today, and those who helped to grab it a year ago are now purely ornamental. in lennin square and the center of simferopol, they are getting ready. this was a scary place a year ago. no longer. according to a recent opinion poll, 93% are glad to be back with russia. it sounds positively north korean. but the poll was carried out by a ukrainian group. the russian takeover was led by this man, crimea's prime minister, who in the past has faced accusation of gangland links. in an exclusive interview, he said that crimea was now russian and there was no going back. >> crimea will never be part of ukraine. the decision is being made once and for all. >> the whole of the outside world regards this as completely illegal, for one country to look at the territory of another country and say, i like that i'm going to take it. >> i can tell you that no one took anything. that was the choice of the crimea crimeans. nothing could happen without the support of the local population. which is why this was not an active aggression but a real democratic act. >> reporter: it's generally calm here. no soldiers on the street. but crimea's illegal status causes problems. there are some noticeably empty shelves in the supermarket. international credit cards and foreign phones don't work. those who aren't happy with the changeover can face problems. this tv station broadcasting to the crimean tartar minority has often been raided and the staff here are worried it will be closed down. but they keep on reporting opposition news, even so. [ speaking foreign language ] the case of leonid kuzman for instance. he's being summons to attend in court for attending the commemoration of a ukrainian poet and wearing inging ukrainian colors. he's been sacked by the school where he taught. >> translator: we'll fight this but we'll obey the law. we don't know what the consequences will be if we break the law. >> reporter: the court gives him 40 hours' community service for liking poetry and wearing a couple of ribbons. why do the russians want crimea so much? this is one clue. it's pretty hard to think russia will ever get this up. john simpson brk bbc news crimea. >> as russia watches the events marching crimea first year as parts of his territory, questions continue over the whereabouts of its president. vladimir putin has not been seen in public since the 5th of march. the kremlin has denied rumors that he might be sick or even dead. he is due to meet the president of kurdistan in st. petersburg. right now his office has confirmed on its website that mr. putin arrived in the russian city on sunday but so far we have had no confirmation that the meeting has taken place or is even taking place. so where is mr. putin? richard gallatin joins us from moscow. richard, obviously, events this crimea, very important. this is its first year anniversary as part of the russian territory, but, in terms of where mr. putin is it's beginning to get very -- a lot of concern is building up over his whereabouts, it's been so long. >> yeah, it has. the last verifiable sighting of him was on the 5th of march. and today is potentially very important, because the kremlin announced this meeting would take place in st. petersburg that mr. putin would be there, meeting the kurdish president. we thought it was all going to get underway over an hour ago. but so far, nothing has happened, as far as we are aware. so the waiting game continues. but i would stress that mr. putin is very notorious for being late to meetings. so i don't think we control any conclusions so far. >> but there has been so much speculation as to whether it's his health even rumors of a possible charge at one point. the kremlin cutting down all of these rumors. they're being quite staunch about this. >> yep, absolutely. pretty much every theory you could imagine has been put tout there, particularly on the internet. i mean the internet has been absolutely alive with all these rumors and hashtags trending even one about whether mr. putin has died. but absolutely the kremlin has specifically denied that there is any problem whatsoever. dmitry pescov mr. putin's spokesperson, is starting to fray at the edges getting so sick answering journalists' questions about this. they have denied it said mr. putin is in great health but have not explained why he has not appeared for such a long time. that is obviously that is leading to an increase in the rumors. >> richard, thank you very much. our correspondent, richard gaspin, in moscow. as richard was saying there, president putin due to be meeting right this moment, the president of kurdistan in st. petersburg. we'll monitor that. now moving on a millionaire real estate mogul from one of new york's wealthiest family has been arrested on murder charges, just before the finale of a tv show investigating his links to three sensational murders. robert durst was detained in new orleans at the request of los angeles police investigating the murder of a mobster's daughter 15 years ago. mr. durst has always maintained his innocence, but hbo's documentary series "the jinx" has caught him on tape apparently confessing to three killings. mr. durst has long been under suspicion for his wife's death in 1982 but has denied any involvement. in 2003 he admitted to killing and dismembering the body of his neighbor in texas, but was acquitted when the jury accepted his claim of self-defense. don't go away. lots more still to come here on bbc world news including a senior saudi royal family members tells us that deala deal on iran's nuclear program could prompt other middle east countries to develop atomic fuel. so we go cheap. you know, because we're never gonna need it. until one day, we do. now that cut-rate policy is costing us big. makes you wonder if there's something better out there . see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. introducing york minis. a bite size way to enjoy the full size sensation of peppermint and rich dark chocolate. york minis get the sensation. after people find a dentist through us, they often say "i wish i'd done this sooner." don't let that be you. you know your teeth are important. so don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ ♪ welcome to bbc world news. our main headlines for you. aid is arriving in the pacific island nations of vanuatu devastated by a cyclone. the president says most buildings in this capital has been flattened. a final day of campaigning in israel's general election with benjamin netanyahu's likud party trailing a center left line in the polls. hello, coming up in sports today with me chris mitchell in half an hour garris bale finds a way to silence the doubters. he score as twice as madrid wins 2-0. and the big name in the big apple, makes a sparkling start in his first home match for new york city. and gathering speed, as he heads towards the majors. that's the ball of jordan spieth and he wins on the pga tour. all coming up for you in 30 minutes. all of that coming up in 30 minutes. now times for the business news. allison is here for us. all eyes on greece. it's payout day. >> back in our headlines. the cash-strapped nation is due to make a large loan payment to the international monetary fund. greece has struggled to meet its recent debt obligations, as its access to emergency funding has been severely restricted by its creditors. they say that greece will not be given another lifeline until deeper economic reforms are made. now, let's have a look at the numbers. because greece still owes the imf just shy of $1 billion this month. today, the country is handing over another payment of $591 million. and this after it's already paid $355 million last friday. the final payment for this month of $355 million is then due on friday, the 20th of march. at 10:30, we'll be delving more deeply into greece's cash-strapped finances with our economics correspondent. plus german chancellor angela merkel we're looking at her today. because she says she wants closer high-tech corporation with china after she opened a major business fair in the town of hanover. she was speaking at the cbit fair. this year's theme at cebit is cybersecurity, a particularly hot topic in germany, of course given recent allegations of spying by american secret services. we'll be speaking to a cybersecurity expert on world business report in about 15 minutes' time as well. also the u.s. government has his it debt ceiling again. the temporary suspension that was granted last year expired on sunday, but does that mean a default's in sight or that public workers will not be paid? it's looking likely that it will be used as a political weapon as it was back in 2011 when a standoff between parties led to deep cuts. we'll bring you more in world business report so hope to see you then. >> we will see you then alice. as always, thank you very much. now, talks have begun in switzerland between the u.s. secretary of state john kerry, and iran's foreign minister in a further attempt to reach agreements on limiting iran's nuclear program. washington wants tehran to severely restrict its nuclear program in return for the lifting of economic sanctions. but saudi arabia iran's regional rival, has warned that a nuclear deal could prompt other regions in the area to begin developing nuclear fuel. a senior her of the saudi royal family has been speaking to our correspondent about whether a nuclear deal with iran would make the region a safer place. >> not necessarily. because the danger is not exclusively from iran's nuclear weapons ambitions. iran is already a disruptive player in various scenes in the arab world. whether in yemen, in syria, in iraq, in lebanon, in palestine, in bahrain, and so ending the fear of iran developing weapons of mass destruction is not going to be the end of the troubles that we are having with iran. >> speaking of those troubles the americans seem to be accepting iranian backing for the iraqi ground forces fighting isis. is there an alternative? >> there is. the iraqi people. there is a record of that, of course during the american occupation of iraq, it was the arab tribes the sunni tribes that managed to get through. so that's where it should be going. >> but do you think more should be done to get iran out of the picture in terms of the fight against isis? >> now it seems that iran is expanding its occupation of iraq and that is unacceptable. >> >> prince turkey al fazal speaking to barbara. let's turn to malaysia where two planes have crashed during a practice air show on sunday. one of the planes burst into flames after the stunt, which happened on northern langkawi milds. elaine young reports. >> reporter: captured on camera a spectator films the moment where two aircraft from an indonesia acrobatic air team clip wings and plummet to the ground. moments after the collision, relief for onlookers, as pilots from two planes make their escape. all out, four pilots make a safe landing with their parachute and are taken to hospital where they've been placed underobservation. back on the ground, these burnt out homes and vehicles bear the marks of falling debris, now laying scattered across a small community. in surveying the aftermath, no reports of death or injury point to a lucky escape for residents. >> translator: i was repairing a bicycle when the accident happened. i didn't see the planes but i heard the sound. after the accident i knew it was the air show's planes that crashed. >> goodness, yes, that was a very, very lucky escape there. lots more as always on our website. and you can get in touch with me on twitter. as always thank you very much for watching bbc world news. lots more on our website, so do check out that if you need some more details. we love... love... love... chocolaty, creamy... with a little something extra. mmm deliciousness. cookies or almonds. yumminess. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. vo: 85 percent of people who travel will go someplace they've already been. where's the fun in that? it's time to find someplace new. book the hotel you want with the flight you want and we'll find the savings to get you there. huge debt payments from greece are due, but with its funding situation so dire is there any room for maneuver? well german chancellor angela merkel urges closer ties with china, as she issues the world's largest techno trade fair. a very warm welcome to you. this is world business report with me alice baxter. in just a moment we'll be talking to an expert on cybersecurity. but first this hour all eyes will be on greece today. the cash-strapped nation is due to make a large loan payment to the international monetary fund. greece has struggled to meet its recent debt obligations, as its access to emergency funding has been severely restricted by its creditors. they say that greece will not be given another lifeline until deeper economic reforms are made. greece still owns the imf just shy of $1 billion this month. today, the country's handing over another payment of $591 million. this after it paid $55 million last friday. the final payment for this month of $5355 million is then due on friday, the 20th of march. with me in the studio is our world business correspondent nigel castro. it's easy to get lost in the numbers. let's look at the more macro picture here. would you say there's actually been a slight change in the mood music surrounding greece particularly that key dynamic between germany and greece? >> i'm actually not sure that there has been. i think there was for a little while, because, notwithstanding his hard math kind of persona. >> the german finance minister. >> indeed, i mean he kept things going, but some of the more less intended in greece have had strong things to say about greece. there was this unnecessary reference to the need for war preparations. this has had the unfortunate effect of rather than changing public opinion within greece by and large -- within germany, i should say. by in large, germans have reluctantly kind of agreed to it. but whenever they do polls and talk to people there is a real weariness. people in taxpayers in germany see very reluctant to want to pay out anymore. obviously, this is an issue. greece has always played this kind of game of brinkmanship knowing, as it does that if greece were to fall out of the euro the effects for europe would be untold. the concern is they might actually run out of cash while they do it. >> april still this key deadline. what's the situation like inside greece. what's the ability of the greek government to do things like pay pensions? >> well, pretty limited. they're going to issue about another $1 billion in treasury bills. this is an exercise with the banks, obviously the freed up cash for salaries to be paid but it's said that they're going to need 6 billion euros this month. and some people have warned that civil servants and others working in greece should expect a pay cut. expect, meanwhile, that's what the imf are wanting them to do in any case to press ahead with these structural reforms, which will be sort of essentially the terms of any further bailouts and certainly the extension. they don't seem to want to do that. they're still playing this game of brinkmanship. it's a question of who blinks first. and the other issue is people stop taking their money out of the banks in greece. if the snashlt continues to fall, that could bring on a kind of accidental crisis. >> nigel many thanks. nigel cassidy there. now, hundreds of thousands of brazilians have taken to the streets in a series of anti-government demonstrations. many calling for the impeachment of president the president. corruption is brazil's oil giant petrobras and problems in the economy have been stirring resentment in just three months. china's investigating the chairman of one of its biggest stake-owned auto makers. an announcement on the party's discipline inspection website says that it was being looked into four serious violations. this is the latest in a series of high-profile figures targeted in the government's crackdown on corruption. now, media reports that kattan is planning to sell a 20% stake in one of its most promising north sea gas fields. the french company is one of the biggest operations in the north sea. the british finance minister is expected to ease taxes on oil production in the budget on wednesday. now, german chancellor angela merkel says she wants closer high-tech cooperation with china, as she opened a major i.t. business fair in the german town of hanover. miss merkel was speaking at the ce bit fair show casing the country's rise as an i.t. power. cebit is cybersecurity, a particularly hot topic in germany. with me here in the studio is a professor, mark fillton, cybersecurity expert and a professor at the university of warrick. many thanks for joining us in the studio professor. is this a first time that we're seeing representations orrive ss representatives of the chinese tech industry taking a high profile alongside angela merkel. >> this is one of the shifts to the east with the internet growing and the economy of china growing significantly. it's the largest global market for, for example mobile phones. what we're seeing with a keynote from jack meyer, the ceo of ali baba at the event, with merkel as well with the vice premiere in china keynoting at the same event. we're seeing a much more significant rise in china in the economic additional economy. >> the main theme is cybersecurity, and interestingly, on wednesday, via remote link we understand that snowden is going to be making a speech. interesting, isn't it? >> it is i think it's the highlight or the opportunity for commerce versus cyberprivacy. so obviously, with snowden and the nsa and ghq, with revelations of data being spying on citizens and other things. counter that we have the famous chinese firewall. >> i like that face. >> it's a kind of opportunity for governments to maybe set the record straight in terms of building commerce, because that's what this event this hanover is all about. but also there's also this backplot of cyberprivacy issues and how governments play a role. >> it's about personal privacy as well as government privacy. i know in your industry you talk about on this very specific issue of cybersecurity, zero tax versus smash and grab. these sorts of issues to be discussed at this conference. explain what that they are. >> smash and grab would be the famous song that north korean had taken. and the anthem attacks, where 80 million attacks in america were stolen. that's very high profile. but we hear about the attack by stealth through malware. so we're seeing a different rise of a type of 21st century cyberwarfare going on in terms of how criminals may be acquiring financial gain but equally, we're seeing sophisticated governments in espionage. >> and president obama's net neutrality law coming into the fore. is that going to be on the agenda? >> i think so. it's all about opening the markets. very briefly, it's about having an open verdict versus a two or three-speed internet. it's all about commercial interests that play between europe, between china, between america, and things like that. we're going to see that playing out in the future. >> professor mark stillton many thoughts for your thoughts. let's have a quick look to see how europe's markets are gettinging on this morning. here in london currently up over 32 points. for me and the team that's all the business for this hour. thanks for watching. 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(announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. hello, there. i'm chris mitchell. this is sport today. coming up, fail finds a way to silence the critics at madrid. he scores twice as israel win 2-0. big name at the big apple. a startling start in his first home match for new york. and jordan's ball gathers no moss. spieth wins his second pga tour event with victory in a three-way player. motivated and hungry. garrett bail scored two goals and silenced the doubters. hello. this is sport today. the rio madrid scored as they beat. bail's been subjected to whistles and whistles and boos from fans in the recent weeks but he put his hands to his ears as to say, i'm not listen. the second goal defected off bail from arenaldo strike. meanwhile, almeria's game remained goalless. well, there's one rule for them and another for us. chelsea's manager says that southhampton's penalty would never have been awarded to his side. southampton drew 1-1 with the leaders on sunday chelsea, after matching the city's defeat had the chance to go eight points clear at the top, but had to settle with one point and a six-point advantage. and that advantage is something they're happy about. >> chelsea at home not winning is not a good result and losing points, but also objective that before the game we have five points lead and after the game, we have a six points lead. >> manchester united in fourth just two points behind second place. manchester city now. and a point behind third place arsenal after their 3-0 win. wayne rooney and caric the scorers. new york city have won their first league match in major league soccer at the iconic yank icic yankee stadium. they won 2-0, scoring one and creating the other, rock heath reports. >> reporter: this was billed as being all about one team. one player might have been bearing the biggest burden. if the fans are expecting to be dazzled, they weren't disappointed. 20 minutes in, villa opened the game with scoring. new england revolution were run up in last year's leg championship and had plenty of chances to ruin the party. in the end, they ruined things for themselves. a professional foul halfway through the succeed half. so there was to be no revolution. any lingering hopes of them salvaging a point were dashed by that man, villa, this time turning provider for revolution striker, patrick mullen. but villa was the star. >> this is an extremely physical league in which the defenders don't give you any time or space on the ball and there are a lot of physical confrontations because of that. but i know he's an incredibly talented player and incredibly smart player and he's not shy of working hard. >> always nice to have a key player who can get those goals. but people have to pass it to him as well. i think like everybody put in a solid performance today. >> the last time soccer was played at the yankee stadium, it was back in 1976. now, that is some billing to live up to. villa hasn't made a bad start. rob heath, bbc news. >> meanwhile, in oregon, portland timbers faced l.a. galaxy and with a score at 1-1, he thought he'd won it for the home side but for the second goal of the game at close range, because his joy was short lived, less than two minutes later, that header into the corner to grab a last-minute point for l.a. galaxy. crazy celebrations for the players and coaching staff. he celebrated it with real passion, and you'll see in a moment, how much he enjoyed the win. jordan spieth came through a three-man playoff to win the pga value spahr championship in florida. it's the young golfer's second title on a day when challenger came and went, spieth came out on top. >> reporter: scoring hadn't been easy but overnight leader made light of some tricky conditions early on. this approach at the sixth, extending his lead. but six bogeys would end his challenge and another name henrick stenson. the swede tied for four at last week's wgc event and threatened again theory and had to settle for another fourth place. 21-year-old jordan spieth was in immaculate form from tee to green. but he was joined by his teammate patrick reid. this putt on the 189th putting him ten under. and the pair were joined by world number 401 sean o'hare, on the comeback trail after four years without a win. so o'hare spieth and reid into a playoff. and that playoff went into a third hole until this 28-foot putt from spieth gave him victory. his second success on the pga tour and one which puts him on the favorites for the masters next month. >> this is huge momentum forming. it will jump he closer in the world ranking, which is the number one goal long-term, but what a great start to the year boost in the fedex cup points back to maui. all the things are going through my head real quickly right now, but most of all, big positive momentum for us going into major camperships. >> so plenty to smile about for the world's number six. >> serena williams is through to the fourth round of the wta event following victory over serena diaz of kazakhstan. the number one seed is appearing at indian wells for the first time in 14 years. she'll face patrick sloan stevens in the next round. in the men's masters event, raphael nidal and former champion roger federer cruised into the third round. federer had a win over the world's number two, which hardly troubles as he wins 6-4, 6-2. it's easy if you're federer. that's all the sports for you for now. hey, how you doin'? it hurts. this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful blistering rash. if you had chicken pox the shingles virus is already inside you. as you get older your immune system weakens and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. i just can't stand seeing him like this. he's in pain. one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. i wish that there was something i could do to help. some people with shingles will have long 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difficult, easy, difficult, easy, and so forth. and if you had a device happy sewing in at any angle, you've removed one component of complexity for that. >> reporter: but this is more than the story of one device this is a modern tale of a start-up. it was a crowd funded project, which was made possible by the ability to 3-d print prototypes. because without that the cost of getting to this stage would have been prohibittive. >> without being able to the print, the amount of money in traditional manufacturing and molding and tooling would have cost us millions. to go through all of the design processes that we went through. we've had about 17 different versions of the device which has cost us in 3-d printing about 30,000 pounds, instead of several million. >> whilst this could be suitable for all sorts of stitches include g including dental and veterinary its inventors are working on a version for key heil. >> now, this is a model fair bit bigger than the real life-sized version, but it go into the body shape like this and once its reaches its position the lever is pulled and it can then move the end back. the real life-sized version will be this size though a little bit bigger than my numb nail. >> i see this as a very useful tool, because potentially you can go back to doing some of the traditional things like doing a running stitch inside someone, which may not be possible using key keyhole instruments. >> even though alex has found 3-d printed materials that once approved could be sterilized the final product won't be 3-d printed. >> we're now getting to the stage where all of the design development is nearly complete. we've got to go on to material development and how we can change the materials so they're biocompatible, can be used for trials with humans and can also be disposable. and that's a different material choice as opposed to a design choice. at a certain point you have to move away from 3-d printing when you're looking at mass manufacturing and other different plastics and molding. but you can take a development with 3-d printing very much nearly to the end before you have to look at other techniques. >> whilst the success of the sutrue is yet to be seen the support theof the 3-d printer has certainly given it a fighting chance. hello. aid is arriving in fact island nation of vanuatu, devastated by a cyclone. the president says most buildings in the capital are flattened. >> after all the development that has taken place, all of this development has been wiped out. out. it means we'll have to start anew again. a final day of campaigning in israel with benjamin

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