Transcripts For BBCAMERICA BBC World News 20140519 : compare

Transcripts For BBCAMERICA BBC World News 20140519

follow ago wave of antichinese rights. there's help to rescue those trapped by the worst flooding. one of the world's most famous flower shows bursts into full bloom. hello. south korea's president has announced plar announce planned plan break up the coast guard. most school children died when the sewol sank. he apologized for the sinking and said the safety agency would handle new duties. >> a tearful president park without the name of passengers and crew who died trying to sai others this in the ferry disaster that's had increasingly repercussions. this was her most formal apology in a televised address to the nation. i could not sleep for the past days in anguish thinking of the student who is have not lumed yet. the responsibility is placed on me. the boats were only able to rescue a third of those on board. 339 on board were teachers and students on board on a school trip. the captain was charged with manslaughter along with three other crew members. but amid the outpouring of grief over the tragedy, the coast guard has been in the spotlight too. the president said it had been a failure in first stages and will be broken up and transferred to a national safety agency. >> the coast guard said they embraced the president and nation's opinion and would do their best until they found the very last missing passenger. >> 18 people are still missing. relatives have expressed concern that the continuing search operation could be affected by the dispanding of the coast c; the president said today that there are other issues. >> we asked what reaction comes from the apology by the south korea president. >> the reaction has been missed. opposition asked why has it took so long for the president to apology. today on national television she stood before the cameras, gave a bow and apologized for the failure in the ferry disaster.ñr she said lives that could have been saved were lost and the ultimate responsibility for the failing to respond properly rested with herself. >> politically where is this going to leave the president do you think? >> well i think there's still an enormous level of an area. the president said the collusion between the state regulators and private sector also contributed to the ferry disaster. she said there would be other accidents unless this was eradicated. mrs. park was seen to be weeping as she read out the names of the passenger who is had died. the voice of the people will be heard next month when national elections take place. >> kevin speaking to me from seoul. two chinese passenger ships have arrived in vietnam to evacuate chinese workers after last week's riotriots. these are some passengers of the flights sunday. two were killed when factories were attacked in the wake of a territorial dispute in the south china sea. we heard what sparked the violence. >> we have serious antichinese demonstrations riots last week. beijing has responded. we have seen the violence done. what we're seeing now is a massive evacuation operation underway. yesterday one plane brought more than 100 chinese workers back to the city. today we see more left china a. today we see the arrival of two ships in vietnam. significantly they're at a port which is part of a steel mill built by thousands of chinese workers. that was the scene of some of the rioting. at least two chinese workers were killed at the mill and more than 100 injured. >> what's the underlying region for all this tension is this. >> the reason is not what's happening on land, it's what's happening at sea. you have china which deployed the oil rig to disputed waters between china and vietnam. that inflamed tensions within vietnam. there's a strong antichinese sentiment that dates back decades if not centuries. the bigger reason we're seeing this is because china is rising in the country. many countries including vietnam feels china is not take it seriously, bullying them, and carrying out territorial claims. countries like vietnam don't like this and are pushing back. >> two chinese workers at a copper mine have been kidnapped by antimining activists. the statement from the mining company said the two men were taken from a region in the north of the country sunday. vladimir putin has ordered troops stationed near russia's border with ukraine to withdraw. mr. putin is claimed to have announced the end of military training exercises. russia made similar statements in the past. tensions remain high in eastern ukraine. pro russian militia continue to enforce roadblocks. several demonstrations were held over the weekend. moscow supports their drive for independence a across kiev. a large operation underway in serbia following the flooding. at least 30 have died. it's feared that number will rise. authorities have asked for more supplies of food, clothing and bottled water. we hear more about the evacuation efforts. >> we see many people leaving their homes. there's a matter of effort, emergency services from the individual companies. there's also a lot of cooperation as well. flags from places like macedonia joining in former areas. there's planes arriving from russia, european union and united nations. there's been big words about this merger. is it going to happen? >> rejected once again. astrazeneca board rejected the bid from u.s. rival pfizer. astrazeneca says $92 a share does not reflect the company's profitability saying the bid is short of the company. pfizer says that's it. no more. it's the final offer. it's not going with a hostile bid. who knows? we'll wait and see about that one. it could be back on the table a. how about this, could be the most important trade deal in transatlantic trade industry. it could boost annual output $100 million every year. talks get underway in virginia later today. we're going to look at what all this could mean for real people and businesses and firms from both sides of the pond. we'll have more on "gmt" on that one. president putin, russian president, there we go, visiting china to strengthen ties during the deals with europe. the biggest deal on the table is to pump russian gas to china. russia's economy is heavily reliant on energy exports. we'll have a special report from our moscow core correspondent. we'll look at his own kitchen with eggs. i've got eggs too. tweet me. i'll tweet you back. >> we are ready for lunch now. thank you very much. now we move on to a huge trial that has been going on some time already. lawyers for the bosnia commander has called the witnesses. i should say we are getting f d feeds from the trial. it's on a 30 minute delay. these are the late ae eses late from the hague. he's on trial facing total of 11 charges allegedly committed during the conflict in the 1990s. the most serious charge against him is that he was involved in the massacre of 7,000 muslim boys and men in 1995. his defense was he was a soldier following orders.ñ noç our correspondent is are there and told us what he had to say. >> reporter: he was an assistant commander inside the army. he seemed testifying about the siege of the bosnia that lasted three years. the evidence has been focussing on rifles with sites known as snipers. he is saying forces didn't have snipers. they didn't have rifles with optical sites. the defense lawyers are talking about o1-year-olone 15-year-old down in one of the neighborhoods. >> reminders of what he is accused of. >> from most victims and survivors i meet here at court, he's the one most associated with the worst after trosties which committed since the second world war. we're talking about the massacre where 7,000 muslim boys and men were slaughtered. their bodies are still found in mass graves. he was the commander at time. he was often seen in the television footage parading up and down the battlefield. he enjoyed talking to journalists. they used the footage in that case a. they were given 207 hours to present their case. the defense will have the same amount of time. we're half an hour into the defense case. we're expecting this to go on probably for around another two years at this point. he is in court. he's wearing a black suit, black tie today. he's following every step of these proceedings even now that he's 72 years old. his health is suffering. most are hoping he does make it to the end. they see this as the last point to secure some form of justice. >> anna there. stay with us on bbc world news other. much more to come. south sudan will face famine unless the conflict stops. that's the warning from the country's president. we'll have the excusive interview. whatever it is that you love to do! booking.yeah! to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ . this is bbc world news. i'm geeta guru-murthy with the top stories. the south korean national coast guard is to be disexpanded because of its failure to save more lives in the ferry disaster. some ships are sent to get victims from vietnam riots and on its way home. across syria, students have begun their state exams. thousands of schools have been destroyed by the war. millions of children are displaced. getting to school can be a challenge for students living on the edge of demascus. it means escaping a war zone. our chief correspondent reports on their journey. >> the refugee camp that's now a symbol of suffering, besieged by government forces for nearly a year and torn between the fight of rebel groups. on this day there's a moment of calm and agreement to allow students out. just for two weeks, schools across syria hold final tests. students going to take their exams may seem a simple thing. here it took weeks of negotiations, days of delay, huge security concerns. that's what life is like when you live under siege. on our last visit, we saw how desperate conditions are.$i:m  layla ten months. he tells me my happiness is so big i can spreadxd it around th world. the un agency for refugees take the students away. they call parents they left behind and try to remember the streets they haven't seen for months. when we arrive at the schools that serve as shelters, there are more tearful reunions. >> we are hoping to have a small movement of people in and out so we can feel we have the choice to leave. >> exams aren't the only thing on the minds of students who have escaped from a living held. >> translator: we have to eat food no one can eat, grass and spices. life is difficult inside. you can't understand it until you live there. >> it's straight to revision for exams. but when they're over, it's back to where their lives, their future is not in their hands. bbc news demascus. >> now the president in south sudan has told bbc his country faces one of the worst famines. it's essential humanitarian agencies are able to work freely. he asked his rival to help end the fighting. >> on the ninth of this month and on the 11th he violated it attacking our forces. >> you think he is actually instructing forces to continue their offenses? >> definitely because he did not give them orders to stop fighting. >> are you saying to me that the cease fire is effectively finished? no, it is not finished on my side. my forces are observing the cease fire according to orders. >> you can see that full interview on on 1430 and "gmt." with me now the coordinator for the charity and aid. how worried about you for your people? we have been worried since the fight started in december. we are more and more worried as the fighting has not stopped. >> numbers are huge. more than a million displaced from their homes. 4.9 million needinghl humanitarn assistan assistance. how bad is it going to get going forward? >> it's going to the get a lot worse. this is the time before the rain.zvvó we are going to give people assistance during the rain. people didn't have planting. that could multiply the people who will not receive anything. >> you're worried about 7 million at risk of food and security, not having enough to survive? >> yes, that's correct. >> what hah should the world being doing now? >> it's essential the fight stop immediately and access of people in need get sources. we can access the people so they can survive the next month. >> the president says humanitarian aid agencies should get both side, that's both sides? >> people are really in need. we cannot just access people while they're fighting. >> do you feel this gets enough international attention? >> not at all. we're trying many months to raise the national attention.y; it's not enough. >> how desperate is it? >> very desperate. we're facing a huge crisis if we don't do something quick. >> many thanks indeed. >> thank you. now to something very floral. here in london we're enjoying sunday. it's in time for the flower show. we get the latest trends in gardening. >> the show gardens here in chelsea gets a lot of attention. i'm going to introduce you to designers, the brother who is designed the night sky garden. tell us what it's about. >> it's based on the night sky theme back where we live. international sky state in the ward. in dark areas you can see stars really well. we wanted to bring that here. >> you've got all these elements around you. the meteors that have fallen. what's next? >> two black reflection pools resemble black holes. it is the boundary and planting around. >> even the color, blues, whites, like the milky way drifting through the garden. >> it's supposed to show the feeling of the garden. >> one of the things you were thinking of children who have have learning difficulties or autistic who need space to be calm and reflect? >> yeah. the first thing we're going to work with is giving the building to beachwood autistic college so they can have an outdoor learning system. we're going to work with them to create a space where they can get away in a natural and calming -- allows them to get away from the school area and relax hopefully. >> thank you very much. i should also say the brothers are among the youngest designers. they're going to get an awful lot of attention over the next few days as it has public is allowed to flood into the chelsea flower show. what they've been showing us is about calm, reflection, structure, all elements that make a great chelsea flower show garden. >> she's enjoying the sunshine. i had a fantastic time there last year. the queen and celebrities are out today in the sunshine. i'm back in a few minutes. stay with us. this is bbc world news. i'm geeta guru-murthy. ♪ ♪fame, makes a man take things over♪ ♪fame, lets him loose, hard to swallow♪ ♪fame, puts you there where things are hollow♪ the evolution of luxury continues. the next generation 2015 escalade. ♪fame what are you waiting for? 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[woman] that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. and it looks like he's craving italian. there are lots of fiat cars to choose from, like the four-door 500l... which is surprisingly big. [godzilla choking] check out the whole fiat family at smells so good. umh... what's happening over there? corn oh yeah, that's the x4 platinum. the world's most "social" grill... social grill? did he just take a selfie? oh yeah. send photo. watch, he's gonna light it with an app. oh, gas... yeah kebob, one serving. get off your gas and grill with kingsford charcoal. . i'm geeta guru-murthy with bbc world news. our top stories. south korea plans to break up its coast guard as the president apologizes for the ferry disaster that left hundreds dead. >> i could not sleep properly the last few days in anguish thinking of the terrible pain of many students. the final responsibility for not dealing with this incident is placed on me. serbia and bosnia call for help to rescue people trapped by the worst flooding. evacuation in vietnam beijing brings citizens home. creating a picture of crimea, how one artist is writing in the sand to express feelings about her homeland. hello and welcome. south korea's president has announced plans to break up the country's coast guard in the wake of last month's ferry disaster. more than 300, most school children, died when the sewol sank. in a televised address, miss park apologized for the sinking and said the safety agency would now handle rescue difficulties. with me now is east asia editor charles. she's made a tearful apology. it's a month on. why has it taken so long, and has it been receive there had? >> that's a question a lot of south koreans will be asking themselves. she's apologized before personally to families. to make this national address, it appears to come late. it looks like a damage exercise. she has her party and approval rating that's already taken a huge hit. her approval rate is down from 70% to below 50%. in this address, she's tried to show she's in tune with the public move. we saw she had tears in her eyes as she made this address. she's tried to offer real changes. the breaking up of the coast guard agency but also talking about the problem that the koreans are aware of, the collusion between big business and government and bureaucrats. she's proposing some really con creates measures which would try to get to grips with what many see the root of the problem. >> this is a sad event. so many young people on board. still 18 people who's bodies are missing. the ship itself is still under water? >> yes. the toll is now approaching 300. there's a fear some bodies will never be recovered because the ship went down in very fast currents and some of the bodies were found quite a long way away. the reaction has been extraordinary show of collective grief in south korea. people are asking themselves how could this happen in such a developed country? although she's talking about the coast guard, a lot of people ;( the real cau was the shippingç company and e collusion with bureaucrats and regulator who allowed it to be overloaded, allowed modification as to the structure of the ship which seemed to destabilize it. it went down in coastal waters on a routine trip. the water wasn't particularly bad. >> we'll have to leave it there. thank you very much. at least five have been killed and dozens injured in the attack on northern nigeria. the last target add a popular restaurant strip in the christian neighborhood. the areas previously taunted by the group boko haram. the assault comes after nigeria and neighbors agreed to coordinate action against the group we hear more from abuja. >> it was a powerful car bomb. not much left of the vehicle or engine. a lot of injured people were taken off to hospitals in the area. as you say, boko haram has hit the area before. car bombs are a popular choice of use of force by the boko haram fighters, the islamist militant group. it had been quiet there over a year. there had been a fairly strong security presence there, vigilante groups and self-defense groups had set up following other attacks. at beginning of january 2012, more than 150 were killed in a series of attacks across the country. they have seen terrible bombings before, but people will be very worried now. they thought the city was once again safe. >> any update on the fate of those missing girls? generally the international response and nigerian government response? >> not a word on whether there's been any progress on locating them. only the latest information of course is the british surveillance aircraft is on its way to the region based out of the capital. over the next few days it should begin to fly over the northeast to help in the search for the missing girls believed to be held in rural areas, fairly dense bushy areas of the northeast. some people say that aircraft really would have been very useful when the militants were driving girls around the northeast in trucks. that's when it would have been easy to locate them and see the movements of these large vehicles moving the girls around the northeast. even if this aircraft manages to locate the girls and the position they're held, it will be a very, very difficult task for any military operation by the nigerian forces to go in and rescue them. some are still pinning hopes of some kind of negotiation or agreement to try and release some of these girls. now a large international aid operation is underway in bosnia and serbia following the worst flooding since record rains began. this flows through and into serbia where it burst banks after the equivalent of three months rain fell in three days. this area has bore the brunt of the flooding. 33 have died and thousands have lost their homes. helicopters sent by the european union and russia have been trying to evacuate people from the area. tell me more about the rescue efforts. >> reporter: we've seen tens of thousands having to leave their homes in serbia and bosnia. there's massive efforts, emergency services from the countri countries. you'll see flags from macedonia joining in fellow countries in rescue efforts as well as you mentioned wider efforts from the international community. planes arriving from russia, european unions and united nations. we were told about the flooding outside the capital. >> even bigger outside this area. for example, half the area is not in danger. those people suffered from huge earthquake three years ago and now suffering from a flood. first earthquake then now flood. if i had no children, i would probably give up. a man said his wife was crying three meters from him looking at furniture probably being given away of more days in the future. >> how high -- can you explain -- we have got pictures. water looks pretty high. how high are waters? what are people doing just leaving completely going elsewhere, trying to rescue belongings? >> it's a huge mess right now in this area. they're going back to their homes and trying to save what is possible to be saved. most of those people eventually are trying to take any belongings from their5>p homes. it's mostly damage to -- >> how much help are you getting from the government? >> well, it's a huge disaster. it's obviously there's a lack at the moment. they never complain. they say it would be serious to complain once they decide to help. >> we've been hearing about thousands being evacuated. where are they going to? >> they're mostly finding relatives around. there are a couple of areas around. they are getting all they need centers. drinkable water, hygiene and something like food to stay alive for a couple of days would be more than grateful. especially in areas that have no roads at all. the first defense witness has started giving evidence at the trial of the former bosnian military commander. he's on trial in the hague accused of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in the 1990s. the witness and assistant commander gave evidence. he denies soldiers had access to rifles with magnifying sites. the government has called for military action after a week of violence in the storming of the building in tripoli. two people were killed and more than 50 injured. he's calling on those responsible to be prosecuted. two chinese workers have been kidnapped by antimining activists. the company says two men working for a sub contractor were taken from north of the region sunday along with a colleague. the colleague was released. three people arrested in turkey by police investigating the soma mine disaster. there's a charge of causing multiple deaths. 16 people are questioned by the prosecutors. the explosion and fire on tuesday sent carbon monoxide gas into the mine tunnels claiminin 300 lives. stay with us on bbc. why one artist in crimea could have sand slipping through her fingers. 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why is the dispute in the water escalated to problem on land? >> first of all in vietnam, as we all know, the relationship with the northern neighbors china a hasn't been very small. there have been clashes, the military and also a border conflict in 1979. 25 years later now we have dispute of the place where the chinese moved into the vietnamese waters to set up expensive oil rig. that costs a lot of anger in the society. even part of the government want chinese to move back, bring it out. >> do they feel this is chinese aggression in a way? >> that's the way we see it. the riots last week caused a number of deaths. at least people in vietnam and in london, they stage demonstrations in front of chinese democratic headquarters or embassies to protest what they see as chinese aggression. now chinese are fit to bring the 3,000 workers from the particular factory in central vietnam to go home. >> are there a lot of chinese people working in vietnam? >> we don't know exact figure. a lot of asian companies like investments from hong kong have factories in vietnam. they bring in the chinese workers to work for them because of they share a common language. vietnamese don't like it. >> a number of difficulties there. we'll have to leave it there unfortunately. it's very interesting. thank you very much indeed. now at the start of the year, a safe baby hatch was opened in the southern chinese city to give parents a place to put anonymously children they couldn't care for. the government had to close the site because it was overwhelmed with 262 children, all facing serious health problems. we travel to find out why parents feel abandoning their children is their only option. >> if all had gone according to plan a few weeks ago, these parents would have given away their only child. he was born with serious spine deformities. a hole in her mouth makes it hard for this family. hard for this family. ó their daughter or hand her over to the state where in theory she'd receive treatment. they decided to take her to an orphanage. >> no one wants to abandon your child. if we gave her away, at least she would have a slim chance at life. >> i wanted to look at her myself, but my husband asked what if our daughter dies because we can't care for her? fate intervened. overwhelmed with sick infants, the local charity stopped accepting babies before they arrived. the abandoned children living in this private foster home in beijing face a far different set of circumstances. local orphanages send most serious cases here. ñtransplant. these children are the lucky ones. they have access to top notch care funded by charitable donations. these kids have lost a lot too. many will never know their biological parents or what homes they were born in. most children in china are abandoned with a slip of paper listing only their birthdays. >> on beijing streets, this father is determined to keep his family intact. he's launched a rare public campaign pledging to work the rest of his life for anyone who can fund his daughter's treatment. this 9-year-old has a blood disorder. a blood marrow transplant is her only hope. a donor has been found, but her parents can't pay for the $96,000 operation. >> i've already borrowed from all my relatives. i've even thought of jumping off a bridge. if i died, my daughter could be saved becausem?bñ more people w care for us. ñ÷6;o k m families with seriously ill children, this couple is relying on luck to keep her alive. vladimir putin has ordered troops stationed near russia's border to withdraw. pew state prison announcing the end of trading exercises. russia made similar statements in the past for nato to report no major troop movements. tensions are still high in ukraine. pro russian militia continue to enforce roadblocks. several demonstrations were held over the weekend. some are calling moscow to support their drive from independence to kiev. later this week, vladimir putin is flying to beijing to try and secure an energy deal with china. russia's economy is heavily reliant on the exports of gas. its neighbor wants to use the export since the beginning of the crisis in ukraine. steve has more. >> many economists will tell you that the recipe for a strong sustainable economy is actually very simple. make sure you don't put all your eggs in one basket. in other words, diversity is the key. having an economy based on lots of different things for example, manufacturing and agriculture and farming. maybe new technologies, it and software. for some country, tourism is a very important source of income. diversity isn't something the russian economy is known for. russia has placed all its economic eggs in one basket. it's heavily reliant on one thing, exporting energy. selling its oil and gas. most has been going to europe. in fact, the gas sales to europe generates 80% of the revenue of the russian energy giant. now there's a problem. tension over ukraine means friction with russia's main customer, european governments already looking to reduce dependen dependency. if president putin can clinch a deal with beijing this week, russian gas could be heading to china. it's an agreement the two countries have been talking about for years but unable to agree on the price. if it's signed, it would be good for china. it has an appetite to feed the growing economy. it would allow russia to turn to the west and say you don't want our energy? that's fine. we found someone else to buy it. russians have been scrambling to finalize the deal with china. they know that serious cracks have emerged in moscow's relationship with the west. >> steve with the report. from eggs to sand. one artist is using her sand and a light box to make her approach to violence spreading across the country. here's her extraordinary story. >> as a person of art, i never felt weapon and war is way to to talk to each other, never. after everything happens, my message is love. this for me will be the same. ukraine, russia, jupiter or moon, really. for me it's still an amazing place. the city i will never give up. i will always be happy here whatever country it is. when i looked at the events which happened in the parts of ukraine or actually in any place, when i occasionally see the news, i get upset. first of all as a mother. i have a son, and i can see him in his future whoever he can be. not a person who is engaged in violence. i am sure all the mothers of ukraine, russia, of any place don't want to see their sons, daughters to be engaged in cruelty and be killed. i'm trying not to watch the news. i want to know what's going on. we have people not monkey, not dogs. we are given the greatest treasure of language. we always should speak. we are all brothers and sisters. for me, things like this are horrible. i create sand art on which i create to help raise russian heritage. i'm trying to show the diversity of us. we should look at each other very attentively and understand each of us is a person who carries the great heritage. >> absolutely amazing. we've been looking at that all morning. just want to let you know news coming from south korea. explosion on a subway station south of seoul which has apparently left 11 people injured. there has been some collisions there a couple of weeks ago. much more coming up on bbc news throughout the day. nothing like relaxing on the beach. that's odd. 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Transcripts For BBCAMERICA BBC World News 20140519 :

Transcripts For BBCAMERICA BBC World News 20140519

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follow ago wave of antichinese rights. there's help to rescue those trapped by the worst flooding. one of the world's most famous flower shows bursts into full bloom. hello. south korea's president has announced plar announce planned plan break up the coast guard. most school children died when the sewol sank. he apologized for the sinking and said the safety agency would handle new duties. >> a tearful president park without the name of passengers and crew who died trying to sai others this in the ferry disaster that's had increasingly repercussions. this was her most formal apology in a televised address to the nation. i could not sleep for the past days in anguish thinking of the student who is have not lumed yet. the responsibility is placed on me. the boats were only able to rescue a third of those on board. 339 on board were teachers and students on board on a school trip. the captain was charged with manslaughter along with three other crew members. but amid the outpouring of grief over the tragedy, the coast guard has been in the spotlight too. the president said it had been a failure in first stages and will be broken up and transferred to a national safety agency. >> the coast guard said they embraced the president and nation's opinion and would do their best until they found the very last missing passenger. >> 18 people are still missing. relatives have expressed concern that the continuing search operation could be affected by the dispanding of the coast c; the president said today that there are other issues. >> we asked what reaction comes from the apology by the south korea president. >> the reaction has been missed. opposition asked why has it took so long for the president to apology. today on national television she stood before the cameras, gave a bow and apologized for the failure in the ferry disaster.ñr she said lives that could have been saved were lost and the ultimate responsibility for the failing to respond properly rested with herself. >> politically where is this going to leave the president do you think? >> well i think there's still an enormous level of an area. the president said the collusion between the state regulators and private sector also contributed to the ferry disaster. she said there would be other accidents unless this was eradicated. mrs. park was seen to be weeping as she read out the names of the passenger who is had died. the voice of the people will be heard next month when national elections take place. >> kevin speaking to me from seoul. two chinese passenger ships have arrived in vietnam to evacuate chinese workers after last week's riotriots. these are some passengers of the flights sunday. two were killed when factories were attacked in the wake of a territorial dispute in the south china sea. we heard what sparked the violence. >> we have serious antichinese demonstrations riots last week. beijing has responded. we have seen the violence done. what we're seeing now is a massive evacuation operation underway. yesterday one plane brought more than 100 chinese workers back to the city. today we see more left china a. today we see the arrival of two ships in vietnam. significantly they're at a port which is part of a steel mill built by thousands of chinese workers. that was the scene of some of the rioting. at least two chinese workers were killed at the mill and more than 100 injured. >> what's the underlying region for all this tension is this. >> the reason is not what's happening on land, it's what's happening at sea. you have china which deployed the oil rig to disputed waters between china and vietnam. that inflamed tensions within vietnam. there's a strong antichinese sentiment that dates back decades if not centuries. the bigger reason we're seeing this is because china is rising in the country. many countries including vietnam feels china is not take it seriously, bullying them, and carrying out territorial claims. countries like vietnam don't like this and are pushing back. >> two chinese workers at a copper mine have been kidnapped by antimining activists. the statement from the mining company said the two men were taken from a region in the north of the country sunday. vladimir putin has ordered troops stationed near russia's border with ukraine to withdraw. mr. putin is claimed to have announced the end of military training exercises. russia made similar statements in the past. tensions remain high in eastern ukraine. pro russian militia continue to enforce roadblocks. several demonstrations were held over the weekend. moscow supports their drive for independence a across kiev. a large operation underway in serbia following the flooding. at least 30 have died. it's feared that number will rise. authorities have asked for more supplies of food, clothing and bottled water. we hear more about the evacuation efforts. >> we see many people leaving their homes. there's a matter of effort, emergency services from the individual companies. there's also a lot of cooperation as well. flags from places like macedonia joining in former areas. there's planes arriving from russia, european union and united nations. there's been big words about this merger. is it going to happen? >> rejected once again. astrazeneca board rejected the bid from u.s. rival pfizer. astrazeneca says $92 a share does not reflect the company's profitability saying the bid is short of the company. pfizer says that's it. no more. it's the final offer. it's not going with a hostile bid. who knows? we'll wait and see about that one. it could be back on the table a. how about this, could be the most important trade deal in transatlantic trade industry. it could boost annual output $100 million every year. talks get underway in virginia later today. we're going to look at what all this could mean for real people and businesses and firms from both sides of the pond. we'll have more on "gmt" on that one. president putin, russian president, there we go, visiting china to strengthen ties during the deals with europe. the biggest deal on the table is to pump russian gas to china. russia's economy is heavily reliant on energy exports. we'll have a special report from our moscow core correspondent. we'll look at his own kitchen with eggs. i've got eggs too. tweet me. i'll tweet you back. >> we are ready for lunch now. thank you very much. now we move on to a huge trial that has been going on some time already. lawyers for the bosnia commander has called the witnesses. i should say we are getting f d feeds from the trial. it's on a 30 minute delay. these are the late ae eses late from the hague. he's on trial facing total of 11 charges allegedly committed during the conflict in the 1990s. the most serious charge against him is that he was involved in the massacre of 7,000 muslim boys and men in 1995. his defense was he was a soldier following orders.ñ noç our correspondent is are there and told us what he had to say. >> reporter: he was an assistant commander inside the army. he seemed testifying about the siege of the bosnia that lasted three years. the evidence has been focussing on rifles with sites known as snipers. he is saying forces didn't have snipers. they didn't have rifles with optical sites. the defense lawyers are talking about o1-year-olone 15-year-old down in one of the neighborhoods. >> reminders of what he is accused of. >> from most victims and survivors i meet here at court, he's the one most associated with the worst after trosties which committed since the second world war. we're talking about the massacre where 7,000 muslim boys and men were slaughtered. their bodies are still found in mass graves. he was the commander at time. he was often seen in the television footage parading up and down the battlefield. he enjoyed talking to journalists. they used the footage in that case a. they were given 207 hours to present their case. the defense will have the same amount of time. we're half an hour into the defense case. we're expecting this to go on probably for around another two years at this point. he is in court. he's wearing a black suit, black tie today. he's following every step of these proceedings even now that he's 72 years old. his health is suffering. most are hoping he does make it to the end. they see this as the last point to secure some form of justice. >> anna there. stay with us on bbc world news other. much more to come. south sudan will face famine unless the conflict stops. that's the warning from the country's president. we'll have the excusive interview. whatever it is that you love to do! booking.yeah! to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ . this is bbc world news. i'm geeta guru-murthy with the top stories. the south korean national coast guard is to be disexpanded because of its failure to save more lives in the ferry disaster. some ships are sent to get victims from vietnam riots and on its way home. across syria, students have begun their state exams. thousands of schools have been destroyed by the war. millions of children are displaced. getting to school can be a challenge for students living on the edge of demascus. it means escaping a war zone. our chief correspondent reports on their journey. >> the refugee camp that's now a symbol of suffering, besieged by government forces for nearly a year and torn between the fight of rebel groups. on this day there's a moment of calm and agreement to allow students out. just for two weeks, schools across syria hold final tests. students going to take their exams may seem a simple thing. here it took weeks of negotiations, days of delay, huge security concerns. that's what life is like when you live under siege. on our last visit, we saw how desperate conditions are.$i:m  layla ten months. he tells me my happiness is so big i can spreadxd it around th world. the un agency for refugees take the students away. they call parents they left behind and try to remember the streets they haven't seen for months. when we arrive at the schools that serve as shelters, there are more tearful reunions. >> we are hoping to have a small movement of people in and out so we can feel we have the choice to leave. >> exams aren't the only thing on the minds of students who have escaped from a living held. >> translator: we have to eat food no one can eat, grass and spices. life is difficult inside. you can't understand it until you live there. >> it's straight to revision for exams. but when they're over, it's back to where their lives, their future is not in their hands. bbc news demascus. >> now the president in south sudan has told bbc his country faces one of the worst famines. it's essential humanitarian agencies are able to work freely. he asked his rival to help end the fighting. >> on the ninth of this month and on the 11th he violated it attacking our forces. >> you think he is actually instructing forces to continue their offenses? >> definitely because he did not give them orders to stop fighting. >> are you saying to me that the cease fire is effectively finished? no, it is not finished on my side. my forces are observing the cease fire according to orders. >> you can see that full interview on on 1430 and "gmt." with me now the coordinator for the charity and aid. how worried about you for your people? we have been worried since the fight started in december. we are more and more worried as the fighting has not stopped. >> numbers are huge. more than a million displaced from their homes. 4.9 million needinghl humanitarn assistan assistance. how bad is it going to get going forward? >> it's going to the get a lot worse. this is the time before the rain.zvvó we are going to give people assistance during the rain. people didn't have planting. that could multiply the people who will not receive anything. >> you're worried about 7 million at risk of food and security, not having enough to survive? >> yes, that's correct. >> what hah should the world being doing now? >> it's essential the fight stop immediately and access of people in need get sources. we can access the people so they can survive the next month. >> the president says humanitarian aid agencies should get both side, that's both sides? >> people are really in need. we cannot just access people while they're fighting. >> do you feel this gets enough international attention? >> not at all. we're trying many months to raise the national attention.y; it's not enough. >> how desperate is it? >> very desperate. we're facing a huge crisis if we don't do something quick. >> many thanks indeed. >> thank you. now to something very floral. here in london we're enjoying sunday. it's in time for the flower show. we get the latest trends in gardening. >> the show gardens here in chelsea gets a lot of attention. i'm going to introduce you to designers, the brother who is designed the night sky garden. tell us what it's about. >> it's based on the night sky theme back where we live. international sky state in the ward. in dark areas you can see stars really well. we wanted to bring that here. >> you've got all these elements around you. the meteors that have fallen. what's next? >> two black reflection pools resemble black holes. it is the boundary and planting around. >> even the color, blues, whites, like the milky way drifting through the garden. >> it's supposed to show the feeling of the garden. >> one of the things you were thinking of children who have have learning difficulties or autistic who need space to be calm and reflect? >> yeah. the first thing we're going to work with is giving the building to beachwood autistic college so they can have an outdoor learning system. we're going to work with them to create a space where they can get away in a natural and calming -- allows them to get away from the school area and relax hopefully. >> thank you very much. i should also say the brothers are among the youngest designers. they're going to get an awful lot of attention over the next few days as it has public is allowed to flood into the chelsea flower show. what they've been showing us is about calm, reflection, structure, all elements that make a great chelsea flower show garden. >> she's enjoying the sunshine. i had a fantastic time there last year. the queen and celebrities are out today in the sunshine. i'm back in a few minutes. stay with us. this is bbc world news. i'm geeta guru-murthy. ♪ ♪fame, makes a man take things over♪ ♪fame, lets him loose, hard to swallow♪ ♪fame, puts you there where things are hollow♪ the evolution of luxury continues. the next generation 2015 escalade. ♪fame what are you waiting for? 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[woman] that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. and it looks like he's craving italian. there are lots of fiat cars to choose from, like the four-door 500l... which is surprisingly big. [godzilla choking] check out the whole fiat family at smells so good. umh... what's happening over there? corn oh yeah, that's the x4 platinum. the world's most "social" grill... social grill? did he just take a selfie? oh yeah. send photo. watch, he's gonna light it with an app. oh, gas... yeah kebob, one serving. get off your gas and grill with kingsford charcoal. . i'm geeta guru-murthy with bbc world news. our top stories. south korea plans to break up its coast guard as the president apologizes for the ferry disaster that left hundreds dead. >> i could not sleep properly the last few days in anguish thinking of the terrible pain of many students. the final responsibility for not dealing with this incident is placed on me. serbia and bosnia call for help to rescue people trapped by the worst flooding. evacuation in vietnam beijing brings citizens home. creating a picture of crimea, how one artist is writing in the sand to express feelings about her homeland. hello and welcome. south korea's president has announced plans to break up the country's coast guard in the wake of last month's ferry disaster. more than 300, most school children, died when the sewol sank. in a televised address, miss park apologized for the sinking and said the safety agency would now handle rescue difficulties. with me now is east asia editor charles. she's made a tearful apology. it's a month on. why has it taken so long, and has it been receive there had? >> that's a question a lot of south koreans will be asking themselves. she's apologized before personally to families. to make this national address, it appears to come late. it looks like a damage exercise. she has her party and approval rating that's already taken a huge hit. her approval rate is down from 70% to below 50%. in this address, she's tried to show she's in tune with the public move. we saw she had tears in her eyes as she made this address. she's tried to offer real changes. the breaking up of the coast guard agency but also talking about the problem that the koreans are aware of, the collusion between big business and government and bureaucrats. she's proposing some really con creates measures which would try to get to grips with what many see the root of the problem. >> this is a sad event. so many young people on board. still 18 people who's bodies are missing. the ship itself is still under water? >> yes. the toll is now approaching 300. there's a fear some bodies will never be recovered because the ship went down in very fast currents and some of the bodies were found quite a long way away. the reaction has been extraordinary show of collective grief in south korea. people are asking themselves how could this happen in such a developed country? although she's talking about the coast guard, a lot of people ;( the real cau was the shippingç company and e collusion with bureaucrats and regulator who allowed it to be overloaded, allowed modification as to the structure of the ship which seemed to destabilize it. it went down in coastal waters on a routine trip. the water wasn't particularly bad. >> we'll have to leave it there. thank you very much. at least five have been killed and dozens injured in the attack on northern nigeria. the last target add a popular restaurant strip in the christian neighborhood. the areas previously taunted by the group boko haram. the assault comes after nigeria and neighbors agreed to coordinate action against the group we hear more from abuja. >> it was a powerful car bomb. not much left of the vehicle or engine. a lot of injured people were taken off to hospitals in the area. as you say, boko haram has hit the area before. car bombs are a popular choice of use of force by the boko haram fighters, the islamist militant group. it had been quiet there over a year. there had been a fairly strong security presence there, vigilante groups and self-defense groups had set up following other attacks. at beginning of january 2012, more than 150 were killed in a series of attacks across the country. they have seen terrible bombings before, but people will be very worried now. they thought the city was once again safe. >> any update on the fate of those missing girls? generally the international response and nigerian government response? >> not a word on whether there's been any progress on locating them. only the latest information of course is the british surveillance aircraft is on its way to the region based out of the capital. over the next few days it should begin to fly over the northeast to help in the search for the missing girls believed to be held in rural areas, fairly dense bushy areas of the northeast. some people say that aircraft really would have been very useful when the militants were driving girls around the northeast in trucks. that's when it would have been easy to locate them and see the movements of these large vehicles moving the girls around the northeast. even if this aircraft manages to locate the girls and the position they're held, it will be a very, very difficult task for any military operation by the nigerian forces to go in and rescue them. some are still pinning hopes of some kind of negotiation or agreement to try and release some of these girls. now a large international aid operation is underway in bosnia and serbia following the worst flooding since record rains began. this flows through and into serbia where it burst banks after the equivalent of three months rain fell in three days. this area has bore the brunt of the flooding. 33 have died and thousands have lost their homes. helicopters sent by the european union and russia have been trying to evacuate people from the area. tell me more about the rescue efforts. >> reporter: we've seen tens of thousands having to leave their homes in serbia and bosnia. there's massive efforts, emergency services from the countri countries. you'll see flags from macedonia joining in fellow countries in rescue efforts as well as you mentioned wider efforts from the international community. planes arriving from russia, european unions and united nations. we were told about the flooding outside the capital. >> even bigger outside this area. for example, half the area is not in danger. those people suffered from huge earthquake three years ago and now suffering from a flood. first earthquake then now flood. if i had no children, i would probably give up. a man said his wife was crying three meters from him looking at furniture probably being given away of more days in the future. >> how high -- can you explain -- we have got pictures. water looks pretty high. how high are waters? what are people doing just leaving completely going elsewhere, trying to rescue belongings? >> it's a huge mess right now in this area. they're going back to their homes and trying to save what is possible to be saved. most of those people eventually are trying to take any belongings from their5>p homes. it's mostly damage to -- >> how much help are you getting from the government? >> well, it's a huge disaster. it's obviously there's a lack at the moment. they never complain. they say it would be serious to complain once they decide to help. >> we've been hearing about thousands being evacuated. where are they going to? >> they're mostly finding relatives around. there are a couple of areas around. they are getting all they need centers. drinkable water, hygiene and something like food to stay alive for a couple of days would be more than grateful. especially in areas that have no roads at all. the first defense witness has started giving evidence at the trial of the former bosnian military commander. he's on trial in the hague accused of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in the 1990s. the witness and assistant commander gave evidence. he denies soldiers had access to rifles with magnifying sites. the government has called for military action after a week of violence in the storming of the building in tripoli. two people were killed and more than 50 injured. he's calling on those responsible to be prosecuted. two chinese workers have been kidnapped by antimining activists. the company says two men working for a sub contractor were taken from north of the region sunday along with a colleague. the colleague was released. three people arrested in turkey by police investigating the soma mine disaster. there's a charge of causing multiple deaths. 16 people are questioned by the prosecutors. the explosion and fire on tuesday sent carbon monoxide gas into the mine tunnels claiminin 300 lives. stay with us on bbc. why one artist in crimea could have sand slipping through her fingers. 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why is the dispute in the water escalated to problem on land? >> first of all in vietnam, as we all know, the relationship with the northern neighbors china a hasn't been very small. there have been clashes, the military and also a border conflict in 1979. 25 years later now we have dispute of the place where the chinese moved into the vietnamese waters to set up expensive oil rig. that costs a lot of anger in the society. even part of the government want chinese to move back, bring it out. >> do they feel this is chinese aggression in a way? >> that's the way we see it. the riots last week caused a number of deaths. at least people in vietnam and in london, they stage demonstrations in front of chinese democratic headquarters or embassies to protest what they see as chinese aggression. now chinese are fit to bring the 3,000 workers from the particular factory in central vietnam to go home. >> are there a lot of chinese people working in vietnam? >> we don't know exact figure. a lot of asian companies like investments from hong kong have factories in vietnam. they bring in the chinese workers to work for them because of they share a common language. vietnamese don't like it. >> a number of difficulties there. we'll have to leave it there unfortunately. it's very interesting. thank you very much indeed. now at the start of the year, a safe baby hatch was opened in the southern chinese city to give parents a place to put anonymously children they couldn't care for. the government had to close the site because it was overwhelmed with 262 children, all facing serious health problems. we travel to find out why parents feel abandoning their children is their only option. >> if all had gone according to plan a few weeks ago, these parents would have given away their only child. he was born with serious spine deformities. a hole in her mouth makes it hard for this family. hard for this family. ó their daughter or hand her over to the state where in theory she'd receive treatment. they decided to take her to an orphanage. >> no one wants to abandon your child. if we gave her away, at least she would have a slim chance at life. >> i wanted to look at her myself, but my husband asked what if our daughter dies because we can't care for her? fate intervened. overwhelmed with sick infants, the local charity stopped accepting babies before they arrived. the abandoned children living in this private foster home in beijing face a far different set of circumstances. local orphanages send most serious cases here. ñtransplant. these children are the lucky ones. they have access to top notch care funded by charitable donations. these kids have lost a lot too. many will never know their biological parents or what homes they were born in. most children in china are abandoned with a slip of paper listing only their birthdays. >> on beijing streets, this father is determined to keep his family intact. he's launched a rare public campaign pledging to work the rest of his life for anyone who can fund his daughter's treatment. this 9-year-old has a blood disorder. a blood marrow transplant is her only hope. a donor has been found, but her parents can't pay for the $96,000 operation. >> i've already borrowed from all my relatives. i've even thought of jumping off a bridge. if i died, my daughter could be saved becausem?bñ more people w care for us. ñ÷6;o k m families with seriously ill children, this couple is relying on luck to keep her alive. vladimir putin has ordered troops stationed near russia's border to withdraw. pew state prison announcing the end of trading exercises. russia made similar statements in the past for nato to report no major troop movements. tensions are still high in ukraine. pro russian militia continue to enforce roadblocks. several demonstrations were held over the weekend. some are calling moscow to support their drive from independence to kiev. later this week, vladimir putin is flying to beijing to try and secure an energy deal with china. russia's economy is heavily reliant on the exports of gas. its neighbor wants to use the export since the beginning of the crisis in ukraine. steve has more. >> many economists will tell you that the recipe for a strong sustainable economy is actually very simple. make sure you don't put all your eggs in one basket. in other words, diversity is the key. having an economy based on lots of different things for example, manufacturing and agriculture and farming. maybe new technologies, it and software. for some country, tourism is a very important source of income. diversity isn't something the russian economy is known for. russia has placed all its economic eggs in one basket. it's heavily reliant on one thing, exporting energy. selling its oil and gas. most has been going to europe. in fact, the gas sales to europe generates 80% of the revenue of the russian energy giant. now there's a problem. tension over ukraine means friction with russia's main customer, european governments already looking to reduce dependen dependency. if president putin can clinch a deal with beijing this week, russian gas could be heading to china. it's an agreement the two countries have been talking about for years but unable to agree on the price. if it's signed, it would be good for china. it has an appetite to feed the growing economy. it would allow russia to turn to the west and say you don't want our energy? that's fine. we found someone else to buy it. russians have been scrambling to finalize the deal with china. they know that serious cracks have emerged in moscow's relationship with the west. >> steve with the report. from eggs to sand. one artist is using her sand and a light box to make her approach to violence spreading across the country. here's her extraordinary story. >> as a person of art, i never felt weapon and war is way to to talk to each other, never. after everything happens, my message is love. this for me will be the same. ukraine, russia, jupiter or moon, really. for me it's still an amazing place. the city i will never give up. i will always be happy here whatever country it is. when i looked at the events which happened in the parts of ukraine or actually in any place, when i occasionally see the news, i get upset. first of all as a mother. i have a son, and i can see him in his future whoever he can be. not a person who is engaged in violence. i am sure all the mothers of ukraine, russia, of any place don't want to see their sons, daughters to be engaged in cruelty and be killed. i'm trying not to watch the news. i want to know what's going on. we have people not monkey, not dogs. we are given the greatest treasure of language. we always should speak. we are all brothers and sisters. for me, things like this are horrible. i create sand art on which i create to help raise russian heritage. i'm trying to show the diversity of us. we should look at each other very attentively and understand each of us is a person who carries the great heritage. >> absolutely amazing. we've been looking at that all morning. just want to let you know news coming from south korea. explosion on a subway station south of seoul which has apparently left 11 people injured. there has been some collisions there a couple of weeks ago. much more coming up on bbc news throughout the day. nothing like relaxing on the beach. that's odd. (vo) celebrate this memorial day with up to 40% off hotels at travelocity. plus, enter promo code memorial50 for an additional $50 off. (gnome) go and smell the roses. ♪ now printing is so affordable and convenient, you can print all you want. hp instant ink. save on ink and never run out again. plans start at just $2.99 a month. welcome to the future of printing. and it looks like he's craving italian. there are lots of fiat cars to choose from, like the four-door 500l... which is surprisingly big. [godzilla choking] check out the whole fiat family at hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. our top stories. a race against time. authorities in serbia scramble to build more defense systems for did deadly floods. only their way home. thousands of nationals from vietnam after the deadly attack in the territorial dispute. we face one of the worst famines in the history unless the

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