Transcripts for BBC Tees BBC Tees 20190804 160000 : comparem

Transcripts for BBC Tees BBC Tees 20190804 160000

The eat that. You at the alley . You don't foam maybe the a fall sending honestly short but very jolly overture from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels welcoming you to another Sunday with me Alex hall the B.B.C. Taze and songs from the shows we've got loads of fabulous things coming up we've got lots of memories of people who've gone before and requests and dedications we've got music for on. Fiddler On The Roof privates on parade come from a way. That was a devolved smash bombshell you name it we've got it well no don't put me to the test because whatever you name I probably won't have but if you do want to dedication at the very least text me 181 triple 3 Start your message with a word to use in the meantime let's move on yes that was Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and it was lovely wasn't it if ever a piece of music told you something about a show like a bit of Che a bit of a chase really wasn't it and you know people hiding and getting up to no good it was very telling I think anyway in the meantime here's something that well it doesn't just hint at something it really spells it out with a bang so to speak it's from the musical 6 and it's a fabulous song and it's 6 ex-wives the musical is by Toby Barlow and Marlo sorry and Lucy Moss It's the studio cast recording I think it's going on tour shortly and it's all about 6 wives of Henry the 8th So bit of history thrown into the bargain. You think you. Know all I know. About the go. To school. In this. Recent bout to get all over this goal. I. Told. You. Why. Should. We go. Just let's. Kill. Its. Income saw it devolves. To. To. Reign of God was married to. The royalty. To use to the it's a console done me. Good well my son is maybe the best example. Jane. Do you want to try. To bridge when. You stick around these. Issues. When he's so much trade. But it looks good as I did in my. Son to discuss but never. Really is a chapter in his head to head this song I promise to it's outside of. The. Big. Into the. Catherine. I want to know how I got this far *. Out we got. The. 6. Fabulous from the musical 6 which I think will be coming to a venue ni you before too long this is B.B.C. T.V. Songs from the show's hello to Holly and Harry who tuned in for a few minutes as their own roots somewhere the reason I've chosen this next track is in tiny print at the top of the CD case it says how old prince and Richard Pell brought present toppled in a new musical Fiddler on the roof as I'm sure you know how Prince legendary Broadway producer and director died yesterday at the age of 91 a fantastic Korea an amazing career with his involvement in so many productions either as producer or director or in some cases both as a producer in Fiddler he brought this memorable musical to the stage and of course introduced us to the. Mazing topo here is the song one of the well one of the early songs which kind of sets the tone of what the show's about it's one of the more apply some of it can be a bit bleak but it too is telling you a very sad story but this is a great one from Fiddler on the roof. In memory of how Prince. Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match find me a good catch me up. To make the matchmaker look through real bull and make me up big that. Matchmaker matchmaker bring. You. Stand up and bring me. Till. I see. Him will still. Make him sick. The you. Keep us in some as a. Matchmaker matchmaker make me and. Me of. Sheer . Delight in the. Father's things when you're interested in a match I thought you just had your eye on your books Yes and you have your eye on the rabbi's son why don't we only have one rabbi you only has one son why shouldn't I want the best because you're a girl from a poor family and what ever you enter brings you'll take rights cost right. Pago Pago I made I draw your He's handsome young All right 62 bodies on my mind are good had True true I promise you'll be happy and even if you are not. There's more to life and that don't cost me what. I bought in the will you be lucky if he's handsome. 5 years from side to side bad news on my blog writes Right you heard you said temp up he'll be to let me know but only when he's sober so you are all right. Did you think you get your prince Well I do. Know. Big. Matchmaker matchmaker you. Still. Please take your time. This time as Santa still. Gets stock mold good. Idea yeah. You know what it's not. Sentimental it's just. That it. Was. Maybe. Playing with. The money. Let's see his own. Mother. On the 17th and 18th the oldest some names ahead into. The. talents Mulvihill chance to be a. Great B.B.C. . Love. Love. Love love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love love. Love love. Love love. Love. Love. At all and that. Was. That I was. Allowed to tell. That. The. Narrow Sam was. Out. An. Hour out. Thanks. Stuff that was sort. Of a go the merry old land of all those that will dedicate that to how Ray who I know is a big fan of there was a divorce well used to be when he was little now he's a bit older and a bit cooler maybe not quite so much Nevertheless if you want to get in touch with me I can't promise that I've got the exact truck that you want if you text me while I'm on because I play from say days and if I haven't got it here then I haven't got it here so I'm sorry for the person who said please can you play a dream to Dream from Les May's for my lovely neighbor Frank Allen calmed because I haven't got it with me I'm so sorry however I hope you'll enjoy this one from John Barrowman In the mean time. Like. Oh. We don't want. No single. Am. Beautiful voice of John Barrowman good thing going of coast from Merrily We Roll Along lovely song that one this is B.B.C. T songs from the shows and what have we got coming up goat picnic from. Pool Pillman Bay Bolsa got something from the last ship we've got some sound I'm cold and we've got a few requests. Well coming up and will tell you a bit more about Hardwick life as well that's to come in the meantime this is a special dedication for a wonderful man who sadly passed away I think it's 4 weeks ago now a lovely man a Middlesbrough man called Tony McBride He was an actor a professional actor and his name professionally was Jack McBride being in lots of things Cookson the Catherine Cookson when they were dramatize know all sorts of other things it was a wonderful intelligent gorgeous actor who used to be a steelworker but thanks to an amazing man called Bert Wiley was inspired to follow his dream in later life left beautiful wife Jan a very talented writer myself and 2 gorgeous and talented daughters Scarlett and Gina I was his funeral the other day and Tony although I have no recollection of being in any kind of musical or seeing him in any musical but I did have one little musical memory that I thought I'd share and it's very short I'll be frantically queuing up my next track while I play this but many years ago at Middlesboro theatre good 40 years ago. My ex-husband directed a production of what the butler saw I was in it I played Geraldine if you know that and Tony was also in it he played a rather eccentric character as he so often DAVID And this was the opening music to it this was the current music and just hearing it just brings back memories of that jolly hard work but it was my 1st introduction to Joel and his marvelous work and my 1st introduction to the fabulous Tony McBride So it's short but it's from the original London cast recording by the R.S.C. Of privates on parade. Now and the amount. Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks my word that was a tight squeeze but we did it there we go the over to go to private some parades music by Dennis King lyrics by Peter Nichols the if you didn't hear and he but that was the music that yes had a standing in the wings quaking and me wearing very nice underwear because my dress had to come off at some point purely purely for a very serious and legitimate reasons was nothing no nothing untoward in that but was a very happy memory of meeting the wonderful Tony McBride sadly no longer with us so as we move on now to well this being this time of year and the kind of the time of your way when you consider how your garden club was. If it's not raining anywhere I had the pleasure of being at my friend Alan Collins annual summer party last night amongst many many friends it was wonderful and kind of amazing really because we started last week at the wedding of 2 of my friends and many of the same people were there and then we ended that week on Saturday sitting next to said friends after a week of celebrations I think they've had to celebrate their nuptials the being together 19 years don't get me wrong but nevertheless very special and precious and a wonderful party last night to celebrate Allen and Collins birthday and just happy times gorgeous food wonderful garden the most beautiful garden you've ever seen and the weather was so beautiful as well so we could still be sitting there now it was a wonderful evening so thank you to Alan and Colleen and just happy memories that's what it's all about isn't it just enjoying every moment making the most of it. That's a 2nd funeral I've been to in a fortnight and so sad and you know a constant reminder that we must live every moment I'm a great believer in that So one of the things you might be doing at this time of year is going on a picnic I love they say this is Paul plumb day who are a couple known as Sarah Louise Young and Michael and that's their real names and their cabaret performers and this song is all about the picnic it just makes me laugh every time I hear it I hope you enjoy it who is B.B.C. Tees. And then angles with own and. Manage show Libi guy. Making good on the 1st. Team to remain in love 6 very least so they do not get. To the snow long without. Leaving behind love me so I tried to. Show the nice it was no nonsense. No way to learn halo and the goal their own dogs are going to be a. Child and. Someone had to produce be. A big doll to make me sit in a deck chair. Oh I know you have phrases. There don't look at. A new leaf for the lottery you know feel. Love and Love Me. To the mug of the. Jags and stand with you that I know you just wanna know dun dun Blanc can be done I could send the night I tell her to take the. Weight Of The Sun Did you really like. To go to make me good God Come on. My dreams I am young love me else. Again. Like the MY LOVE WITH NO NO NO during. The night goggles we need. All was so I'd like to gaze. These are. Some strangers and me to. My sorrow. I had. Done my deeds Well C. It's funny isn't it when you see a kind of very British tradition through the prism of someone else of another nationality and clearly the French think that Lupica Nick is a very weird and wonderful thing well not so wonderful just we had this is B.B.C. T.V. Song from the show's funny Tell tell me has been in touch and the 2nd I mentioned . Fiddler On The Roof he emailed me saying I love Fiddler On The Roof Verny seen the film but if you have the song matchmaker that would be great well there you go tell me and seconds later I played much Make-A and then he said what's the chance of that happening fantastic it was amazing great minds think alike indeed they do tell me and he said it was to Joe and Tony his case kiss so I hope that makes sense to everybody no 6 emails later to tell me you're not getting on my nerves I just don't always get the chance to look at them immediately so sometimes I'm a bit behind when I eventually get them but even so I'm glad that you enjoyed that show we have some new Lee Now I was happy to hear him I'm all I need is this one and it's from that show with a very long title can he run I'm a smoker can ever forget most he hump and find true happiness Well it's to be hoped that he can. Just. Long. Lead. I did our dicks next was. A long. Long long. Night to. Look long term. Target. Good old dame I hate to. See. LOL oh a good sign. Go. Time was. Our lives don't. Come up through. Every day. And they do. Say. Oh you live life. Goal. To love. Lovely day. Chevelle McCarthy that as parents Mr Mistry mistress from the original and cast recording of. Another show that was produced by Harold Prince and directed 2 so very prolific in his lifetime right back now here on B.B.C. Tees will not back now we haven't been there yet but to come from a way which as I'm sure you know by now is running in the West End at the moment it's been incredibly successful how I'd love to see it's not going to happen but there you go this is the original Broadway cast recording and come from always the musical set in Gander Newfoundland on the day of September the 11th when the Twin Towers were. Well just decimated. Well reduced to nothing really and planes were redirected and several 100 planes arrived in Gander and doubled the population in an instant and everybody pulled together as people do it times of crisis and this wonderful show is all about the spirit that enabled people to welcome total strangers into their very very small place and homes and welcome them stayed friends with them as well before we get to that thank you Maggie Maggie said thank you for that Frank enjoyed that and that was John Berryman thank you very much Mikey I'm glad that he did so remember if you text me 81 triple 3 Start your message with the word tease Conto was guaranteed I've got what you would like if you email me give me a bit of notice and I can do well very best but if you text me while I'm on I I'll try and find something that you do like in the meantime let's have this one from come from away anyway I get lunch set up labeling anything about the date and time on a pencil from one of the I've been enjoying our. Brian Todd and that I am living messages from anyone she can mean I. I am here I want to. Belong to me again and the song is with. Any news. On there and I'm far away from here I'm. Going to find I hold again. There in my. Head and I am. Going to. Find him telling me listen to my son he takes risks he's not with me these are the men my money all get out of. Thought yes there's the not. To be you. Want to see the tolerance or. I should be my son but instead I am. She leaves message after message for her son so there's no more room on us answering machine. You. I. Am. Told. That. On the. Plane and. Take a. Long . Way in the. Take. Take. I. I. That was you Chad dancing song for today and I must say I'm in a much better frame of mind for Chad dancing I've got about back at the moment of how the 1st couple of months ages before I get to see anybody about it. But anyway so I just finally succumbed and took some painkillers so I was in China dancing mode and I'm sure you're thrilled to hear that this is B.B.C. Teasings from the shows to come we've got something from Phantom we've got something for all so many things Legally Blonde Blood Brothers lots and lots of things but 1st one of my favorites you can't take this one away from me the last ship and this lovely song the night the pugilist learned how to dance music and lyrics by Sting it's about the death of ship building in the northeast but brilliant songs the original Broadway cast recoding. Then the streets around her. There was no. Me. I was quickly fists fast with me. As you. Plainly see. In town where you could hold sway that. Was. Well of course she didn't know me and her friends would also be stripping. College. For. Instance you know room to. Are you going to. Call. Me Is not God just as just one of the many beautiful songs might squeeze in another one from the last ship in a little while here on B.B.C. Tees in the meantime we're giving away tickets for Hardwick live all next week if you want to chance to get your hands on a pair of tickets to see out his like James Manic Street Preachers Lisa Stansfield lovely systems we believe dragon so much more Perth so many more performing at Hardwick country park later this month call us 108-085-9595 when the lines open at 1110 all this coming week with Anthony don't don't do it now because there's nobody to answers but 1110 with Anthony Collins now calls a free from landslides and mobiles you'll hear us open the lines at 1110 they'll be open for 15 minutes will close the lines at 1125 clever that that will call one caller at random answer the phone and a pair of tickets could be holes you must be over 18 to enter you'll find the full times and conditions and privacy notice on our website bbc don't kowtow U.K. Forward slash B.B.C. And good luck shall we say in a dancing mood OK. I could come out of my extra was. The 2nd. Sleep I could. Come up with. I could have. Told I would miss. The love. Love. Love needed slowly. slowly 7. Began to. Love. Was she talked to me. Would have. Loved. Loved. Loved. Loved loved loved. Loved. Loved loved loved. Loved loved. Now it's. Not. That. The element. Of Cosi amazing wonderful woman only Julie Andrews and from the album musicality but of course from the show My Fair Lady which was a request for sculpts really because Scott got in touch with me and he said he's listening all the time to the show from Birmingham he said maybe when I'm out running via my phone with B.B.C. Sounds jolly good the up tempo songs definitely keep me moving quicker I don't know what I could have done still knightly duty it was set me up tempo but it might get you waltzing instead of jogging anyway said I don't know if you knew but the John Wilson orchestra is performance at the B.B.C. Problems is this Friday and it's on B.B.C. 4 at 80. PM that night I did know it's got a big circle around it and it's not so much musicals but seems to be music from Warner Brothers films from over the decades yes from the Golden Age of Hollywood and he describes it as one of those films will be My Fair Lady if there's a song from that show you could play that'll get us ready for their promise performance while they have it there was he thought Yes. You song scoffed I Could Have Danced All Night and here we look forward to seeing John Wilson at the Proms always a treat always a treat so if you've never seen John Wilson then B.B.C. 4 at 8 pm on Friday night definitely worth watching I'll tell you what's worth a watch if you haven't seen it Fasi in Verdun about Bob Fossey and his tempestuous relationship with the fantastic one Verdun There is also a wonderful documentary that was on T.V. Last night again on B.B.C. 4 and it was about Gwen Verdon herself it was called Millie marvelous and it really was what a character she was as well as being one of the most amazingly talented people who've ever graced the Broadway stage she clearly also was one of the loveliest people who have a left what shifts and then tell me what you thought right shall we move on to a song from rent a jolly song from rent there aren't many. Of the Atlantic. Was. Me I. Am. The hour on the The room was the word the word. Was with. Us. It's. Still. Some 6. Miles. To. The I was. Ill or lunch. Or less. Polluted law. Please. I was told about. The Seasons of Love of coal so from the musical Rent from the album of my brother or my favorite Broadway the love songs and that particular version was sung by Adam Pascal with the Broadway inspirational voices lovely version as well 3 like Ace and now 2 James who said to me email the other day Listen to show on a Sunday night is one of the most relaxing parts of my week I agree it is mind to and what better way to kicked off with an underrated sometime masterpiece that was last week's I live in New Castle but tune into B.B.C. Tees online just for the show I'm emailing today because I've just finished watching both seasons of smash on D.V.D. For the 1st time it was so good that I just can't let it go yet please can you play Don't forget me from bombshell bombshell is the musical within the show Smash smash was made for T.V. Series about the making of a musical about the life of Marilyn Monroe and the show within smash was called bombshell Are there any way said in my opinion this song from the en

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