They're probably best to give steps would have been taken. Yet be I as a term of the protocol was not followed the international development secretary has confirmed Oxfam won't bid for any new state funding until a sex scandal of the charity has been fully investigated penny Morton says her department has to be sure Oxfam can meet the high standards expected of it the charity currently receives around $32000000.00 pounds each year from the u.k. Government President Trump's repeated his assertion that his election campaign team did nothing wrong after 13 Russians were charged with interfering in America American political processes the office of the us special counsel Robert Mueller has linked the group to an Internet agency known as a troll farm which allegedly must published online posts aimed at influencing public opinion boosting Mr Trump's election prospects in 2016 a teenager has been jailed for at least 11 years for the rape and attempted murder of a woman who he attacked to mark his 17th birthday Charlie Pierce knocked out the woman with a paving slab before leaving her for dead in a park in Leicester last July Detective Chief Inspector Rob Wood a son from Leicestershire Police says the victim showed great composure as the legal process took its course every time that we thought she might be affected by this she stood up and dealt with it and advice brave and astoundingly professional way I'm incredibly proud of it today either she's quite a bit by herself or been able to do that the Government's announced it simplifying the scheme on which offenses can be released early from prison with an electronic tag in England and Wales the Ministry of Justice says it is concerned that only a 5th of prisoners eligible for home detention curfew are actually being released for the 1st time in its 1100 year history the Royal Mint has appointed a female chief executive and Jessop will oversee the launch of a new 50 pence coin marking the same 1000 Re of women's suffrage football and Chelsea have reached the quarter finals of the f. A cup thanks to a comprehensive 4 nil win against Hull at Stamford Bridge last hour also 3 they've beaten Sheffield United one nail in that 5th round tie thank you very much for ensuring we got that right at the end of the bulletin that's perfect thank you more and that brings us to your travel news for the seeding please to say the earlier issues on the roadways between reading through to the section of line where there had been broken down train earlier on a p.c. Which was causing delays so we understand that has now all been cleared everything is back to normal but just a reminder that over the weekend throughout the weekend if using Southwest and railways and that's between London Waterloo through reading to Bristol Temple Meads you will find that there is industrial action which could affect your journey so please trip before you travel although we are told that southwestern is planning to run a full service despite the industrial action so nevertheless always wise to check in advance and that apart I'm pleased to say that everything appears to be running pretty well across the West Country tonight if it should all change of course between now one we will let you know. She said. And a quick look at Somerset's weather while some clear spells overnight but the cloud will increase to bring the possibility of an odd shower during the early hours minimum temperature of 0 degrees Celsius $32.00 Fahrenheit Saturday will see some sunshine but a chance of an isolated shower during the morning maximum of 7 that's 45 Fahrenheit your outlook across Somerset was Sunday mainly cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle from the West Monday a mostly cloudy day with spots of drizzle and to stay should be drier but perhaps a little colder. Air. Travel Company for the final hour of tonight's Late Show you come and try. To make . Look. We've. Looked. The time is and it was you little trust Mike I Well thank you very much for your a import into the program tonight it's been really good having you on board and thank you to everybody you had a go at the quiz we did get a message from someone who didn't and. Then. I'm afraid that if you don't add your name to the text I don't make habit of reading them out because unless I know who we're dealing with then I tend not to to do the anonymity thing because you know who we are so let's know who you are that's the way we played this really but making the point quite fairly that Alex when he did the quiz didn't at the outset say that we were talking about you were talking about licensing laws in England but as you will have noted if you were listening further on down the road that when I repeated the questions I did say in England and emphasize that point but anyway if you do feel somewhat cheated by it the great news in all of this is where you wouldn't want anything either way so you know we we do sit corrected on this occasion and thank you for letting his. Anyway we're going to move on now if we may need to tonight's topic and this is where we pretty much the start of the program or not on Alfred about half past 10 we give you the opportunity to listen to a story from the day's news that took my eye for whatever reason and we invite you to come up with 3 musical suggestions that we could play on the program at around about 10 past midnight now they have to have a connection in either the title of their song or alternatively in the artist's name if you do come up with a in the artist's name we do like that especially this track by shows that you require a little bit more for very often unless of course it's a story. Outsiders and you pick sides for example but. Who is clear is that it is straightforward but you know what I mean we do like you to be creative is what we're saying and thank you very much because the ball was set exceptionally high and I must say we did I'm strangely enough for some reason which I don't actually know they also say we had a colossal amount of. Coal in my old syntax and also social media extremely busy tonight with some brilliant suggestions along the way so I'm very sorry that we cannot reply 3. And it may be that yours is not one of those 3 so apologies if that is the way it is but you know what we do is we just go through and we pick 3 songs which we think are a perfect fit and fit the mood tonight so have you enjoyed the 3 songs no matter what side well let's see how we got on well tonight story was about a woman who was travelling on the tube train all the subways it's cold in New York City on Valentine's Day She wanted to get reunited with a man she saw on trying basically he was a mystery man who was wearing a striking pad of yellow shoes she immediately fell for him and she thought well she could tell he was interested too and they kept exchanging looks across the train while she was in conversation with a roommate she even went past her stall in the hope that this fellow would say something but he didn't he said nothing so while she didn't take any action she tried to find him on social media around her words with Valentine's Day is upon us and in the end the hotel chain seeing this story thought it would be great fun to put up a great billboard So to put this billboard up suggesting that the fella if you store it should meet underneath a billboard at 1 pm on Valentine's Day And of course they got together and on her own as friends representatives of the whole tale hotel chain with cameras that go flowers too as well I wonder whether or not you saw in full lying on the meadow who looks a bit serious to me and decided to turn and go the other why I have no idea. Down. Cheers and B.B.C.'s sunset. What we can say is the young lady called Devin is upbeat and she said it was a great experience and encouraged you if you are looking for love if it stares you in the face do something about it is what she says Well I think it's great we had some fantastic suggestions tonight and we had some old favorites in the list great suggestions like Donna Ross I'm still waiting Peter sales where do you go to my lovely. Because I staked my claim quite openly that just Lim Brown somebody else's guy which I thought was a great link because that could be the reason of course he never got back to her because he was in fact somebody else's guy but because I love that recording so much might was quite open about that I thought a better a give that one a bit of a swerve tonight because of the why's you be saying favoritism. I loved Radiohead in creep of all I was quite funny passing strangers very good standing in the road black folks so when will I see you again the 3 degrees brilliant We had so many wonderful suggestions it was hard to pick 3 but these are the 3 which I went for in the end. Oh. My. a matter of huge but when you get talking about the seventy's of those who say it was a great decade for music and there are those who say it was absolutely awful I fall into the camp of absolutely loving everything about the seventy's I suppose it was because it was the main era of music which I sort of followed but it was the way in which we had so many different styles of music across a 10 year period I mean if you look at the last 10 years for example of not I'm not 100 percent sure we've seen anything like the change in the music scene that we've seen in that period from 1970 to 79 you know with punk at one end and bubblegum pop at the other and glam rock progressive rock reggae soul we had to have 3 things thrown in there and disco course we mustn't forget just had some wonderful tracks and there you heard one of the very very best of the soul era from my favorite year in music 973 they had everything in the o.j. Case and Love Train was Song number 3 preceded by Amy Winehouse with love is a losing game and quite simply the Kinks 1st off with tired of waiting for you that was tonight's topical tune top 3 which I hope you enjoy T.V.'s on clearly need to find someone. And see. How we just put up too much we can't to wait on b.b.c. Sound it's going in for a penny for pound this is the most he will me our shouting was a vicious Meow is it it's almost like a me at. Radio stations teaching someone when they are. It's like I've got to record 6. But that's it that's it but most women are slim less with wretched lyrics Sunday morning from team on b.b.c. Some of. You know I was just thinking that in a moment we'll be getting on in around 10 minutes time to our regular feature called Remember then this is because we're in a brand new day and into the 17th of February we'll be taking a 1st look back at events on this day in history also an actually that's significant today but a couple of stories which will interest you along the way in the musical one is a gem more of that in a short while but I had that you know we do live in changing times don't we and we have to be careful about our behavior in the company of members of the opposite sex now perhaps even more so than ever before there's also the school of thought which suggests that anything which could be deemed as unwelcome attention is now totally inappropriate and I assume that this applies equally to men and women so where I'm going with this well I couldn't help but wonder today how feminists across the west country would feel about something called the Bristol sexy list this is where the local paper has listed in the Bristol Post who it thinks are the top 50 and I quote hottest men and women in the city Well actually it says hottest women and men in the city the only criteria the paper says is apparently that qualify it has to be someone who has set their pulses racing in the past year what I want to know is who are they. Who are who are the people who are making this judgement you know I've no idea if I'm right but it does sound to me like an idea born out of a chat in the office I use a good idea but well I've got to say well done on getting 50 people for a start who have got a high profile connection with the big city so. The funny thing is looking down the list of names loads of people I've never heard of and some I have I do accept that this is probably just a sign of getting older before you were send in the text or whatever to. Remind me of this you know lots of handsome athletes male and female singers comedians also the odd m.p. Thrown in as well I have to tell you but never mind the results of it all but what it led me to wonder was whether you think things like this are actually a bit of fun or is it the sort of thing which now offends you. You know different people have a different view. The only thing I can say with a great deal of wealth. And Now. Charlie Tyler here on b.b.c. Some a set from 10 in the morning and on this week's program we'll hear from Nicole Stott who spent 28 years as a NASA astronaut Autum flight engineer also on the program the lead singer of The Beautiful South Alison we love is going to be talking to Randy about the toll which takes in Yeoville and we're off to the Tesco building in St to visit an interactive Pop-Up art gallery that index joining Pons with Tim Vine to and you've been here in the morning from 10 Don't miss it. Absolutely timeless isn't it such wonderful harmonies the Beach Boys I get around to and that brings us round to exactly 1230 on The Late Show car a member the last time I was actually on the button like that with our feature remember then which we're going to bring in just a 2nd after news of this weekend's rock n roll program don't forget Saturday night after 6 is the place to be a. Rock n roll party includes an hour celebrating the do what vocal groups in the fifty's and early sixty's would be on the Belmont dime eulogium years the diamonds the skyline as the cadets the from Ingo's And of course the biggest selling doo wop head of all blue moon from the Marcels plus more recent tracks and downs and the roommates who did it and right now I'm adding them I don't want to let you know the rock n roll party with the saxophone from 60. 7. Online and on the plane from the b.b.c. In the West. B.b.c. . So as promised our daily trip through this day in history moving into the 17th of February want to if we go out on this day in history well I can tell you it was on this day 17 February 1979 when the world was looking on in disbelief as China made the 1st move after weeks of tension with its neighbors and sent hundreds of troops into Vietnam where the vietnam. Foreign Minister said the troops it occupied almost all border positions and were advancing into their country it was unclear at this stage whether or not he was going to call upon the neighboring Soviet Union for help China said it was willing to negotiate peace after counter-attacking the Vietnamese aggressors as they deserved in truth nobody was really sure what was going on or indeed for that matter what exactly it was all about now on this day in 1992 the serial killer Jeremy sorry Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering and dismembering 15 young boys and men he tried to commit the jury that is atrocious acts were due to madness but he was given 15 consecutive life sentences and was told he would never be released Dhamma only a scape the death penalty is the state of Wisconsin was one of a few American States not to offer it the time. 31 years ago today a group of Tamils from Sri Lanka were seeking asylum in Britain they protested at their imminent deportation by removing their clothes at Heathrow Airport a dozen men all stripped off on the tarmac in freezing conditions and got involved in a scuffle before being forcibly placed onto the aircraft to take them home however within minutes they were taken off the plane again after the pilot refused to fly because their loud protests were upsetting other passengers on the plane. And finally for tonight the 17th of February 2001 a story this is the famous white piano once owned and played by John Lennon on the song Imagine went on display in Liverpool the Beatles Story museum before being sold by its current owner who was a private collector it was expected to fetch around a 1000000 pounds at auction Now the interesting twist to this story is that it eventually it was eventually bought for 1670000 pounds by George Michael who then gave it back to the people the singer said he felt the Steinway grand would be permanently handed over to the Beatles Museum and had made the very generous gesture because he couldn't bear to see such an important part of music history being taken to Japan or America he said he felt it belonged in the hall so that was where it was going to go George Michael added that he hoped that having spent so much money on the piano that he May 1 day be able to play something on it and feature it on his next record whether it actually happened or not I actually genuinely don't know but what I do know is it was this one. You know the one thing that I haven't done yet and I know many people who've done it and this seems when you know what a big Beatles fan I am this is going to come as a major surprise when I tell you that I have never been to the Beatles Story museum in Liverpool and I've not done all the Beatles tourism thing as a result the only times I've ever been to live a polarizer to commentate on a football game or to watch one and I sort of went in and came out I rather think I'm going to put that right before long because I'm told it's just a great place to be anyway there we are so the white piano the famous white piano as featured in that incredible video as well for all film as it was back in those days imagine from 1971 and that was John Lennon of course not actually a big hit single until much later in 1975 and then again of course later on when John Lennon passed away in 1980 Ok well it's 22 minutes to one year with The Late Show and just been reading a report that informs says there's been another earthquake in Mexico tonight we gather it's been a strong earthquake which they've had on $7.00 on the Richter scale. Is what we're led to believe from the earlier reports which are coming in from agencies across the globe we're told have been scenes of panic with thousands of people in the streets some people shouting crying or hugging each other with the others looking lost I'm walking without direction there are various reports we don't at this stage know about how. How many buildings may have been affected or subject to damage or collapse we don't know about any potential injuries there either at the moment but we do know that this has happened in the last hour or so in Mexico and the reports are still a little bit sketchy I doubt we'll get very much news between now and 1 o'clock of course if I get it I will pass it on but we will have more for you later on this very frequency if you're sticking with us through the night so depending on where you are and what you're listening to after 1 o'clock here we will certainly bring you more as soon as we have it Talking of which on the subject of news tonight I can tell you that if you were hoping that you won the Euro Millions like I had 133000000 the jackpot tonight and absolutely no chance tonight nobody has got it again the winning numbers for what it's worth although you know there is a bit of good news along the way but I'll share that with the in a moment the winning numbers were 233-250-1210 with Lucky Stars number 10 and for now the reason I say there is some good news in all of that because whilst nobody has won the outright Jack Pot tonight I can tell you there are 5 people in the u.k. Who have got 5 correct numbers in the draw and one lucky star which will lead them to a very nice tidy sum I have to tell you pretty close to 2 $125000.00 pounds which frankly is not to be sniffed at that be all right for many people that would not only pay off the mortgage if they have it it would probably bind us as well. Possibly very small but you know you c